Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 1 [Chao Phraya Will (Not) Burn]

November 15, 2023 03:22:04
Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 1 [Chao Phraya Will (Not) Burn]
One Shots and Other Mischief
Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 1 [Chao Phraya Will (Not) Burn]

Nov 15 2023 | 03:22:04


Show Notes

In the secure heartland of the Viangchan Sector, four unsuspecting pilots find themselves thrust into a battle for survival when their passenger starliner falls prey to a malevolent force from the dark beyond the stars. As they launch their custom war machines into the skies above Chao Phraya, the pilots must confront not only monsters, but the sinking horror of a prophecy revealed. If the Con Ma have returned, the entire Mekong Empire is at risk.

MEKONG is an epic mecha space opera set powered by Beam Saber, set in an original universe by Jerry La. Join an adventure that follows in the footsteps of Herbert's Dune, Lucas' Star Wars, Tomino's Mobile Suit Gundam, and del Toro's Pacific Rim, told by an all-Asian cast in an original universe inspired by Southeast Asian history and folklore.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Anxiety, Blood/Gore, Body Horror, Dismemberment, Drug/Alcohol Use, Gang Violence Police Violence, Politically Motivated Violence, Sexual Themes, Teen Angst, and Generational Trauma.

Callax'an Bulaklak - Ryan Omega (
Oradee Vuong - Clara Allison (
Roman Maxilom - Andrew J. Alandy (
Rupi'a Tayeng - Pooja Sharma (
The Director - Jerry La (

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Sabadi, everybody, welcome to. You're tuned into Mekong, the greatest southeast asian inspired mecca epic space opera adventure this side of the seven sectors brought to you by the folks here at Queen's court games. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. So first thing you're probably thinking is, what is Mekong? Is this a game about major river systems in Southeast Asia? Not exactly. However, this setting does share its name with a real world river that throws flying flows through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Our goal with crafting this story was to tell tales and myths inspired by that nation, by the nations that that river flows through and in that general region of the world. So this story will be about the will be seen through the eyes of warriors called Tandong. The case of neck pilots who operate uniquely powerful mechanized chassis called pc. We have an exciting program for you in store this evening. My name is Jerry Law. I'll be directing this here picture with the help of this lovely cast here. Let's go down and say hello to everybody. We'll be suiting up and taking our first steps into the Mekong constellation in just a moment. But first up, let's everybody say hello. Playing the charming dog loving mech racer and envoy. Joining us today as Kallax and Bulaklack, we have Ryan. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Hello, everyone. [00:01:24] Speaker C: My name is Ryan Omega. I will be playing Claxen Bulak lock. So imagine if Lightning McQueen had an obsession with dogs. That is the whole concept. And I'm ready to face some intergenerational trauma via a political family that has expectations of you to support the family. But I really like racing and dogs and those things don't really match. [00:01:55] Speaker A: Hey. Hey. It's like he fits right into the Orange county street drag racing seat, right? Yeah. Yo, you gotta put a spoiler on that corgi dude. Like, now I am. I wasn't even thinking about this before. [00:02:09] Speaker C: But, yes, we're gonna put a spoiler on our. I'll wait. I'll wait until the actual game to show off our dog. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Second, she's hardened, she's cynical, and maybe a little bit angsty. Ex smuggler, ace pilot playing rupiah Taehyung. We got Pooja. Say hello, Pooja. Hello. [00:02:27] Speaker D: I am Pooja. Playing rupiah Tayyang comes from a family of smugglers. Expects me to follow in the family footsteps. And just because I'm really good at piloting doesn't mean I want to waste all of this talent running. Honey, I'm just saying, I have my own dreams. I would like to follow them just a little bit of trust in the fact that I could make my own decisions would be appreciated. Especially when your decisions mean bad things for the family as a whole. [00:03:05] Speaker A: Good shit, good shit, good shit. Very exciting. All right, next up, he's the retired tandong warhorse that will be inevitably dragged into doing one last job we have playing Roman Maxlong. Andrew, say hello. [00:03:18] Speaker E: What is up, everyone? Andrew J. Landy checking in here. Playing the role of Roman Maxillon, I'm what you call an ice cold can of WHOOP ass, invariably. I guess, I thought I could be a family man, but I guess duty calls. So we're gonna see what happens. [00:03:36] Speaker A: And finally, playing the reluctantly unofficially exiled princess of Chow Freya or di Vong, my dear friend and our producer, Clara. [00:03:47] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Clara. And yeah, I was like, what's a big theme amongst all of us? Family expectation? What if I made that the worst thing that I. What if I made it worse? [00:04:00] Speaker A: What if I made it worse? Wouldn't that be crazy? [00:04:03] Speaker B: Wouldn't it be crazy? [00:04:05] Speaker A: It's like, so real, dude. That's. [00:04:07] Speaker B: Why isn't everyone? Listen, listen. We were royalty, and now we're here. And that's what's happening. [00:04:15] Speaker A: We started from the top, now we're here. That's not how the song goes. Anyways. Sorry. Sorry, Drake, who is. [00:04:23] Speaker B: Apologies to friend of the show. [00:04:25] Speaker A: Apologies to Aubrey, star of Degrassi, friend of the show. Anyways, we'll be playing Mekong using the beam saber rpg, a forged in the dark system written by Austin Ramsey with additional supply drop playbooks written by J. Lo philohazard and Alfe Demille. You can find links to the cast assorted social media accounts by sending exclamation point cast to the chat. And if you'd like to purchase Beam Saver for yourself and or your grading group, go ahead and type exclamation point system, and I'll send you to that direction. All right, so this adventure was written by yours truly, and it will contain some themes that some viewers may find disturbing. There will be depictions of blood, gore, body horror, drug and alcohol use, violence, warfare, sexual themes, excessive use of english and non english profanity, and large swarms of birds. If that's something that. Yeah. The cast and I have discussed our lines and veils and confirmed that everybody, that everyone is comfortable playing, but we want those of you at home to stay safe as well. So just one more note about my game mastering style. I've always treated playing tabletop rpg's as me and four friends watching a movie in our heads together, so with them as the movie stars. So for the sake of Hollywood, kayfabe, for you, my players, I want you to get into the zone. I want you to imagine a projector rolling. I want you to hear the sound of cameras speeding and makeup artists and costumers all dashing off set after finishing putting all those mocap dots on you and the chip. It's all good, right? And for those of you watching at home, I want you to settle into your seats, get you a big bucket of popcorn, grab a drink, and prepare yourself for the familiar worm hum of the movie projector starting because. Gin tuo qui vicin roy teufim mikong. Long ago, in a time when the light of the stars flowed like a river across the heavens, the Mekong constellation fell under the attack by the Khmer, shadowy creatures made of pure dark matter, the kunmai arrived from the cold depths of deep space and fed voraciously across the peoples of the seven sectors. Mekong's only hope of survival fell on the Ki sea. Great mechanical beasts, once humble automatons of labor, now piloted by daring martial artists called than Nong. Through the shared struggle of the tangong, the mekongese people successfully fought back the khenmaa, and from the dust erected an empire like no other. A tandong pilot rose to become the first Huangde emperor, and the Tandong themselves became a venerable warrior caste, parallel to the imperial hierarchy. And for a thousand years, the Mekong empire stood a bulwark against the ever present gunma threat. But just because an empire stands does not mean it is at peace. Decadence, corruption, greed, and turmoil tear at the constellation from within. Battles and wars are waged over titles, territory, sovereignty, and honor. This is a story of one of those very battles, a story about daughters and fathers, a story about queens and kingdoms, about racers and dogs and about stages and battlefields. The river of history flows effervescent. The wheel of Samsara turns without end, and Hardy Tanong take their places in an infernal orchestra to play the instruments of war and warfare. This is the story of the symphony for the devil. Black screen and then a loud pinging noise, like shrill in your roman. You awake to the sound of that pinging in your ears, and your vision is still very blurry, but you can hear, echoing in the distance, machine gun fire rattling and dirt pitter pattering on the outer frame of your pc mech as an explosion sends another hill scattering into the wind. You must have blacked out for a second, and as you regain consciousness, you're in the cockpit. Your DC. The conquered archangel. It's muffled, but someone's yelling at you over the cops. Come in. [00:10:25] Speaker F: Do you hear me? [00:10:26] Speaker A: We cut to the outside and the archangel is wedged in the mud, its angelic wings all covered in dirt and dust and soot and its hips, its humanoid form, basically stuck in this kind of foxhole, right? And just several meters away from you to the friend, the front, a group of several dozen pc mechs of all different makes and models and colors, holds a line against a sea of black shadowy tendrils. Seraph. [00:10:54] Speaker E: Seraph. [00:10:55] Speaker A: Do you recommend. [00:11:01] Speaker E: Seraph? Seraph here, Seraph? [00:11:03] Speaker F: Or you're breaking up. [00:11:08] Speaker A: And you kind of like, wipe your face and, like, clear this, like the sweat and vapor from your visor. And you like, activate your primary. Your primary view screens. And you see from the line rolling, you see one of your compatriots, mechs. Just ahead, a orange and black tiger striped bipedal frontline brawler with the word apalachi ablaze. It on its heraldry Tagalog for great Lord. A Gr tendril smashes into its gut and sends it flying off the front line and onto its back. And you hear the voice of your wingmate, Francis. Maximum Julia. Roll it out. It now clicks to you hear him screaming for his life over the radio and it. And it clicks to you. He has a baby waiting at home. Francis. [00:11:59] Speaker E: Francis, come in, Francis. [00:12:01] Speaker A: They're all over me. I can't. Get off me. Jesus. Jesus. Come on. And so you start, like, you start, like, bashing at all the cost, like, flicking all your auxiliary switches, trying to, like, get some sort of motion. And we cut to the outside and your. Your mech, like, it tries to lurch out of this pit that it's in, right? And go ahead and make me. Let's. Let's. Let's do a check. Let's just get straight into it. It. Yeah. All right, so, um, well, give me a maneuver check. Right now you're in a pretty desperate position. Your friend is, um, uh, getting more or less, like, in a very compromised position just a few meters away from you, but your. All of your servos are kind of like, gunked up with mud. So, um, how many. [00:12:46] Speaker F: How many. [00:12:47] Speaker A: How much dice do you have in maneuver right now? [00:12:49] Speaker E: In maneuver? I have zero dice in. [00:12:52] Speaker A: Okay, so if you have a zero rank in beam saber, you roll two d six and take the lowest. And right now your position is desperate, so if you fail this roll, you might. It could be really bad for Francis. [00:13:06] Speaker E: Okay, so the two dice were a five and a three. So it's a three. [00:13:10] Speaker A: A three is a. Okay, so you, the archangel, you put everything you got into the throttle, and her arms kind of like pop out of the mud and grasp on a. [00:13:23] Speaker F: Solid land and, like, you're pulling yourself. [00:13:25] Speaker A: Like the whole mech is trying to pull itself out of, like, this quicksand, right? And by the time you crawl out, like, the mech is on its belly, but it's out, right? But from there on some, you feel a shadow cast over you as another mech rushes past you, right? It's a frightening, forearmed looking mech with a skull painted on its domed face. The mahakala is the unit of your commanding officer, call sign, Maestro. His face appears on the comm screen just like. [00:13:57] Speaker F: Leave him, Seraph. We've almost won this. Push forward. [00:14:03] Speaker A: The makula activates its boosters and goes flying into the fray. And its beam cannons firing on all barrels. An impressive display of fiery plasma. But from the opening, you see a space demon take advantage of this charge and it slides right past him and pounces right on top of Francis's mech. You roll the three. You didn't get out fast enough to get to it, but you still can close some distance at this rate. [00:14:28] Speaker F: It pounces right on top of the. [00:14:29] Speaker A: Apalachi, and it's the size of a two story duplex lot. Its body is shaped like a puma with a tail of a scorpion, and the face is made of nothing but a circular moth of concentric rings of teeth. And it is on the Appalachia like a lion on an antelope. What do you want to do? [00:14:52] Speaker E: Okay, what's my distance to Apolloqi and the gongba? [00:14:57] Speaker A: You have about. I want to say, like, you can probably fire your boosters and see if that'll, like, speed, like, get you closer. Because right now there's a good amount of distance, but you're the only mech that can help in between. It looks like your commanding officer is too busy with the greater formation towards the front. And you're the only one there. I want to say about like 2000 meters. [00:15:22] Speaker E: I get it, commander. I get it. Francis's family. You don't turn your back on family. So 100% power the thrusters. [00:15:30] Speaker A: Come on. [00:15:30] Speaker E: Come on, baby. Come on. [00:15:32] Speaker A: Go ahead. Roll maneuver for me. Okay, one more. So that's two. D six. [00:15:40] Speaker E: That's a five. [00:15:41] Speaker A: All right, so you, the archangel's wings, finally, like, flap out and send a bunch of, like, mud flying out. And it radiates out. And the familiar white angelic glow appears, and the mech feels your. Like the mech itself and your connection with it, it feels your resolve. And a halo appears over the head of the archangel as you go flying towards the grim rap. And that's a five. So that's a partial success. So let's say you get a hit on the ground. Like, you kind of just charge it straight on. What do you want to do? [00:16:28] Speaker E: Let's see. While I was charging, I was actually hoping to fire my. Let's see, it has a. I was going to fire the machine gun as I'm traveling towards the gama. [00:16:38] Speaker A: Okay. The spray might hit the Appalachian. I just want to make that clear. So, yeah, I'm good. I'm gonna take away a dive from. From a battle check if you want to fire your gun here, because there's a. There's a risk that you could hit or not. [00:16:54] Speaker F: I'm not gonna take it away, but. [00:16:54] Speaker A: Like, the consequences are if you. If you don't get a. Like, a complete success, some of those bullets are gonna hit Appalachian. [00:17:01] Speaker E: Okay, I have two marks. In battle, how many dice will I be rolling? [00:17:06] Speaker A: That's two D six. [00:17:07] Speaker E: Okay, two d six. [00:17:08] Speaker A: But like I said, this is desperate consequences. So that means disparate position. So the consequences are gonna be very severe for you if you do not get past. Get a six, more or less. [00:17:17] Speaker E: Okay, so since I had two dice in there, I rolled two d six. It's a three and a six. [00:17:22] Speaker A: You take this. You take the six. Yes. Get in there. Like what? Like, tell me, Roman, how do you want to show this good map to your stuff? [00:17:32] Speaker E: Okay, so you've seen the wings of the archangel finally extend to full height, and you hear Roman yell, 80% the thrusters go. [00:17:42] Speaker A: He. [00:17:43] Speaker E: He devotes 80% of his power to the thrusters to get as much boost as he can while still keeping 20% on shields. And as he's flying in, he's aiming with the machine, with the machine gun. And the machine gun is still shaky because he's shaky after still waking up. But luckily, you hear the word. He hears the word family ring in his head. And finally, his eyes on the mark as he's firing the machine gun, being careful with the recoil. He's trained with this recoil to know what's pattern and just steer the machine gun bullets so that he's dead on the gun ma. And avoiding hitting Appalachia. [00:18:20] Speaker A: I'll do you one better, because you're flying. You kind of dive bomb this. This gun ral like, you fly up and you eclipse the sun, and you see the silhouette of the angel. Silhouette of the archangel, and it just sweeps down several, like, lines of rings into the back of the scrub, and it screeches out and it turns up to look at you, and you finally get into melee range, and you start, like, bashing it with the butt of the machine gun and kicking it off the Appalachian. The kama rolls off, and the rest of the company, like, you know, attacks it as it makes it way to the back line, leaving you to tend to the fallen. Your fallen comrade, Apu Lockhee, is in a very pathetic state. It's, like, basically in the middle of this crater, splayed out, you can see several of its wires and servos. It's, like, all its coolant is, like, leaking. It's, like, bleeding out. And when you. And you try to hail. Francis. [00:19:25] Speaker E: Francis. Francis. Francis. Status report check in now. [00:19:41] Speaker A: You hear him crying in there. [00:19:43] Speaker E: Francis, talk to Francis. [00:19:45] Speaker A: It's. [00:19:45] Speaker E: It's roman. [00:19:47] Speaker A: Talk to me. Please don't talk to me on radios. Francis, I can't hear you. Come, come open. Let me see your face, brother. [00:20:03] Speaker E: Is there any imminent threat near us? [00:20:05] Speaker A: There's no. It seems like the. The rest of the army has pushed the line forward like they're pushing them back. So you're mostly in the clear as long as maestro and the other pilots are fighting the main mass of creatures. [00:20:18] Speaker E: I'm going to move Archangel directly in the way between where Appalachia is versus the, versus the rest of the fray. Yeah, I'm going to open hatch and drop down to Appalachia. [00:20:35] Speaker A: You get down to Appalachia, and it lies still and lifeless. The battle rages around you. The archangel. You. You race out of the cockpit, down to Francis's cockpit, and you, like, you, like, like, frantically, like, scooping the mud and the dirt off the front like, hash. And you take both hands onto the hand crank, and you, like, turn it, and it burns. It's really hot. And so, like, you're, like, searing your hands through your gloves as you're turning this crank until the manual seal. And there's Francis's crumpled body in his pilot suit, once a pristine off white. Yeah, his pilot suit used to be a pristine off white with, like, a. With streaks of, like, red accents. And his sabai is, like, all crumpled and, like, torn and tattered. And you, like, take off his helmet, like, just. And you see, like, blood, like, kind of, like, dribble down his lips. Hey, hey, hey. [00:21:39] Speaker E: Hang in there, buddy. Come on. Come on. [00:21:41] Speaker A: Reaches. He reaches up at you, kuya. And he, like, digs into the back of his sabai and pulls out a feather shaped locket from his neck. And he, like, breaks the chain and, like, flicks it open, and it's a. It's a picture of his baby daughter, hope. And he, like. Like, sorry, it's just a locket. And attached to it is a feather, so. And the locket opens and it's his infant daughter. She's wearing a little pretty, pretty dress. And she's, like, standing. She's, like. She's, like, on a carousel with him and the mother. And he, like, hands it to you. [00:22:20] Speaker E: Why are you handing me this? Francis, what are you doing? [00:22:23] Speaker A: Keep her safe. And he, like, clasp your hand around the harabit. [00:22:30] Speaker E: You can't do this to me. You can't do this to me. Hang on. [00:22:33] Speaker F: You're a soldier. [00:22:34] Speaker A: You hang on. [00:22:35] Speaker E: And I'm going to. This is Seraph. [00:22:39] Speaker A: This is Seraph. [00:22:40] Speaker F: Medic needed. [00:22:41] Speaker E: Medic needed. Pronto, stat. [00:22:42] Speaker A: Get whoever out here. I need a medic now. I need a medic now. I need a medic now. Echoes and the camera goes wide as you see this whole battlefield all into perspective with you and your fallen friend in the center. And we fade to black 15 years later. You see the ship slowly descending into the atmosphere of the planet Chow Phraya. And from the outside of the ship, or, like, from here, we hear this is your captain speaking. Once again, thank you for choosing for all your sectoral travel needs. We are just now entering the outer mesosphere of Chow Phraya. We anticipate our arrival in Fa Feng spaceport at 0730 local time. We're looking at partly cloudy skies with a small chance of showers with a high temperature of 22 degrees celsius. Once again, we'd like to thank you for choosing Frye starways for all your sector travel needs. Thank you so much. And click and we. Can we zoom in on the ship to one of its windows on the interior. [00:23:52] Speaker F: The ship's built. [00:23:54] Speaker A: It's a short hauler, so it's not meant for intersect. High speed travel. It's more just so for ferrying people between different space colonies and different planets. But this particular ship, the front passenger area, very much resembles a passenger airliner. Columns of seats, middle aisle. But then towards this triangular back area is a converted cargo hold turned into a hangar that fits four kisi. But we cut to the first class cabin and we. It's one of those first class. The word I'm looking for is amenities, where it's like, the seat is also like, you can close it and there's like a bed and there's like a tv and, like, they serve you champagne and. Yeah, the pod style, right? And we meet a Kolaxen. You and Miss Misfit are traveling to chow Freya in first class. Your business on this planet is Rubina. Your sister, Lady Rubina, has called you to chow Friar because there's some sort of financial noble family issue that she needs, like you and basically the whole family enterprise present for some sort of dealings. You know, your parents had a couple of business enterprises on this planet, and I think Rubina said something in an email to you about like, yeah, we just need to liquidate these, get some more cash flow in, and that'll help with the racing enterprises and all that sort of thing. [00:25:25] Speaker F: So, you know, another, just another, like. [00:25:27] Speaker A: Business venture for you. But you brought your beloved dog, Miss Misfit. So, Klaxon, can you describe yourself to me? [00:25:36] Speaker C: So Klaxon Bulak lock is in his early thirties. A little bit scruffy, always has shades on because his eyes are always bloodshot from having partied the night before. Or if he hasn't partied, he is looking at the business side of his new venture, Klaxon Bulak lock racing Enterprises. He just hired three new drivers to get onto the racing circuit. But he also does all of this because he needs to feed his championship triple champion, Miss Misfits, who just secured another. Another award against their common rival, Armin law. That. That wannabe who wanted to be the champion dog. [00:26:30] Speaker A: Beer. [00:26:30] Speaker C: But no, no, that title belongs to Miss Misfit, all important champion dog. And he's just in his jacket kind of relaxing and looking at Miss Misfit and going, all right, Miss Misfit, you're going to be good. You're going to be good. [00:26:48] Speaker A: Now. [00:26:48] Speaker C: I know, I know, I know. [00:26:52] Speaker A: Starts whimpering for some reason. [00:26:56] Speaker C: Do you have the shits? [00:26:58] Speaker B: Check the check. [00:26:59] Speaker C: Like, no, no, no. [00:27:00] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:01] Speaker A: A flight attendant walks by and she's. And she's like, a hot towel, sir. [00:27:06] Speaker C: Ah, yes. Thank you. Thank you so much. Takes a hot towel and just pats it on. Miss Misfit. There we go. Nothing to worry about. I know we haven't been to this planet before, but, you know, we gotta visit my older sister Rubina, because everything is not okay. And then we'll get doggy treats and I'll take you to this amazing doggy spa that I just heard about from this review site. It's got to be top, top notch. And if it's gonna be great, it's gonna be great. And I think we might be able to get a sponsorship with that spa. Yeah, and you'll have more doggy spa time. [00:27:43] Speaker A: There we go. She clearly has no idea what you're talking about, but based on the sound of your voice, it all sounds very enticing to her. So she's like. We follow the flight attendant as we move back and to the next seat over. We meet already in the next seat over. You're kind of, like, looking out the window, and you're familiar with this descent, right? You've left the planet before, you've come back a bunch of times, but the circumstances for this one are quite different, because the thing is, you know, when you land, they're going to drive you straight to the palace, and you're going to have to give a speech as the new heir apparent, and you haven't written anything, and the speech writers haven't gotten in touch with you. And so you're kind of just like. Like, you got the fold out, the fold down table there, and you have, like, an empty notepad, and you're like. You're like. You're, like, anxiety picking at your, like, the charms of your sabai, and you're like, okay, princess, but tell us about yourself. Ordi. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Oridi is a young sort of 20, mid 20 something. She's, like you said, she's picking at the charms on her. So'by she's at the embroidery on that. She's picking at her cuticles. Like, Miss Misfit has better cuticles than already ever will. Just shredded cuticle. Every nervous habit you see in every fan fiction, lip biting, nail picking, some of the gross ones too. Like, she does chew on them as well. Uh, just full swing. She knows that it's not supposed to be, like, the most, like, graceful thing, but it is, um, what she's doing because, um, this is where we're at. And, uh, there's a yellow legal pad in front of her, and it's got, um, uh, it has, like, some practiced signatures of, like, her full title. So it's actually completely covered with a lot of that full title shit. [00:29:55] Speaker A: The most serene highness, Anga Makutamoto. Like, a whole shit ton of titles that comes with being royal. But while you're doing this already, you kind of, like, peek over at the seat in front of you, and you see there's this other. Looks to be like, a merchant noble couple. And they're, like, reading. They're reading, like, a newspaper and, like, the front page says, like, is already vun the right fit to be queen of Chow Fria. And there's, like, a, there's, like, a ton of editorials and, like, opinion pieces and, like, and all of them picked, like, the least photogenic photos you have from, like, your upbringing, you know? So, like, there's one where, like, you, like, where you got sent to summer camp and you, like, fell in the lake and you like, and it's just. [00:30:39] Speaker B: Really bad, the half falling. [00:30:41] Speaker A: Like, or, like, or you went to a gala and you did a Jason Derulo up the stairs, and it's like, is this the right person to rule our planet? [00:30:51] Speaker B: There's definitely, like, it's my, like, preteen photo, like, my 13th birthday or whatever. So full braces and, like, the thick glasses. [00:31:00] Speaker A: Like, I'll do you one better. You got, like, the whole fucking, like, the headgear. [00:31:03] Speaker B: Yeah, the headgear. Like, both. Both ora Dee and her twin brother have the headgear on, but somehow her twin brother's, like, rock in it. [00:31:10] Speaker A: And she's like, and then you see next to you, your elder sister Anousha is, like, standing, like, very, like, regal, very, like, practiced. Like, she knows this life. [00:31:19] Speaker B: But you're like, yeah, listen, we don't, not everyone blooms at the same time. Okay? [00:31:27] Speaker A: Well, yeah. You see this family as they read the newspaper and they're like, they're, like, pointing and they're like, you see them, like, make very disapprovingly, like, you ever. [00:31:37] Speaker B: See those straws that, like, stretch in and out? [00:31:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:40] Speaker B: Like, if Ordie can, like, turn into one of those straws and just keep crinkling in, she would again. She knows that she's supposed to be, like, a politician and a cool, stately person. She's like, what if I was a rock? What if I was just, like, the best rock I could be here with no one looking? [00:32:03] Speaker A: Flight attendant. Hot tile, ma'am. [00:32:06] Speaker B: Uh, yes. And she immediately takes it. It's too hot. And she puts it on her notebook and her legal pad. And the legal pad is now sent. [00:32:16] Speaker A: All the pen ink here is, like, smudges. And so now you can't even read it. [00:32:20] Speaker B: Yeah, and it's, like, on her and it, like, it tries to return the towel. Okay, well, this is fine. Everything's fine. I'm gonna be fine. [00:32:30] Speaker A: This is fine. [00:32:30] Speaker B: I really want what's airplane mode but for, like, space travel? [00:32:34] Speaker A: I mean, like, the Internet is a thing in, like, in space. Like, there's other civilized planets. So, yeah, there's, like, there's, like, a sector wide. [00:32:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Internet. So they're not getting back to me on purpose. [00:32:49] Speaker A: Yeah. They don't know what to do because anousha abdicated so recently, and I think, and it seems like the family's in crisis mode right now and just trying to figure the situation out because it's just, it's. It's bad vibes are off. The flight attendant returns to the front of the ship to, like, restock our hot towels. And rupiah, you come out of the laboratory and you, like, open the door to the cockpit of the ship, and you. And you step in and you know those little, like, seats on the wall that, like, they have for, like, like, backed up, like, piles of whatever. So you get that seat because you're sitting shotgun as hired protection for this vessel as a pen on. Right. Like, now that you've left your life of crime syndicate family drama stuff, I could have ordered that a lot more eloquently, but, yeah, now that you're no longer in the center hunting business, your line of work now has just been serving as, like, hired guards aboard, like, different space sharing vessels. Like, the pay is paltry. It's, like, enough to, like. And, like, it's also, like, your way of getting around. Like, you don't have a ship of your own, so, like, the pay is paltry, but the travel is free. And it's usually enough to, like, get you, like, a room and, like, a hot meal in, like, the next planet or colony and then onto the next job. Right. [00:34:10] Speaker F: So, yeah, you kind of, like, just. [00:34:11] Speaker A: Sit down and in the back there. Tell us about yourself, Lupia. [00:34:18] Speaker D: Well, rupiah is, like, a 27 year old, very sharply dressed. Like, all the lines are very specific on her suit. She is in, like, oh, did you. How do you even iron to get. To get your creases? That sharp kind of situation. But her clothes are also, like, in neutral colors, so if she walked into, like, most cities, she could somehow blend in, even though you'd think, like, looking at her, she wouldn't be able to. But then it's like, oh, where did you go? [00:35:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:06] Speaker D: So it's that perfected art of, like, looking really good, but also being in the background that bodyguards have to, like, like, high end bodyguards have to perfect. [00:35:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:22] Speaker D: And when she goes to sit down, it's like, a cursory eye. Most of these jobs that I'm taking are for, like, yeah, they're a way to get around. They're super easy. I'm a little bit trying not to fall asleep. And the way that I do that is by mentally reciting monologues. [00:35:44] Speaker A: I ate the divorce papers. [00:35:47] Speaker D: From, like, the most popular classic movies of Mekong. [00:35:57] Speaker A: You're playing over that, like, scenes from, like. Yeah, you're playing through those scenes and, like, in your date, in your daydreams, they look like a Wong kar wai film where you're, like, standing in an alley and there's, like, a smoky thing, and you're like. You're looking at, like, you know, this, you know, very classically dressed other woman, and you're like, you know, in another life, I would have chosen the pilot. Like, you know, it's. It's all very, like, if. [00:36:22] Speaker D: If things had been different, if things have been different, I would have chosen you. [00:36:27] Speaker A: It's a shame that this is the way. And your fantasy cuts out as, like, the navigator on the ship kind of, like, turns back at you. He's this elder. He's not an elderly. He's more, like, in his late sixties. A kin man named Kin. He's just like. He looks like he's just making small talk with. He's like, so what's next for you? Fenn gonna stick around these parts when we land? Or what's next? [00:36:51] Speaker D: We'll see where the solar winds take me, I guess. [00:36:53] Speaker A: Hmm. Solar winds don't look too good right now. It's the, like, I don't know. I went to go. I went to go see a soothsayer the other day, and they said that, like, I don't know, they threw some rocks on a table, and they said that we're. There's bad things on the horizon. Do you believe that? Do you, like. Do you. How are you with, like, superstitions, though? And that's what's your sign? What year were you born? Rabbit? Tiger? What do we think? What we got here? [00:37:24] Speaker D: You know, year of the goat. [00:37:26] Speaker A: Okay, okay. My son's a goat. Yeah, but, like, he wasn't born the year ago. I think that's just like. I think the kids say these days. He was like, yeah, dad, I'm the goat. I'm like, why would you want to be a goat? We eat those things. But I guess he told me he's like, greatest of all time or something like that. Yes, yes, yes. The co pilot, also, like, the cockpit door opens as co pilot is junior navigator, a younger chinese co named gum. He walks in, and he has a gaggle, an entourage of young women, teenage girls with wearing jackets saying, me, lang salatin. They look to be like, you know, like, they have, like, the builds of gymnasts, but, like, they're. They're no older than, like, 16. And they're all like, oh, my God, we've never seen a cockpit before. I'd love to see the approach. And he was like, yeah, check it out. And he's like, hey, captain, is it cool if I bring my friends up here? And they're like, yeah, that's fine. And so now it's very crowded, cock, but it's you, these two pilots. And now there's, like, these, like, four or five, like, teenage girls in, like, athletic jackets all kind of, like, crowding up in your space. And they're all talking about shit that you don't care about. You know? Like, they're talking about, like, check out this space Buzzfeed quiz I just took. What. What historical princess are you? And that's. But one of them. I'm a rather bold. It's a. It's. She. She's, like, on her phone and she, like, looks at you and she notices you're Sabai and she's like, my dad has one of those. Are you a ten non? [00:39:16] Speaker D: I am a ten non. [00:39:17] Speaker A: Hi, I'm hope. [00:39:19] Speaker D: Hello, Hope. [00:39:20] Speaker A: I'm Ruthie. Hi, Ruthie. Okay, so, thanks. I just gotta ask you a question. Okay. So I was, like, making this tier list about, like, which sector has, like, the most toxic boys. I got. Like, I think it's like a straight tie between Angkor and kin. What do you think? [00:39:39] Speaker D: Angkor for sure. [00:39:40] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. No, seriously, I feel like. I feel like Angkor is like, you know, like, they'll, like, call you and they'll be like. They'll be like, hey, I really like seeing you and stuff like that. And then we'll just, like, never contact you again, you know, and then you'll see them. [00:39:53] Speaker D: I mean, it's like, historical fact because the. The whole theory of negging originated in Anglicore. [00:40:02] Speaker A: No way. I thought that was like. I thought that would totes. I trust you. You're the Ted nog. You've been around the universe. So, like, you've seen it. All, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then another girl, Molly, she, like, pipes up from, like, first she's looking at the copy that. She sees her phone and she's like, Paul. Yeah. What? What? She chose her phone. Like, what the fuck? Did you like Kevin Nguyen's post? You know, I. You know. You know, like, I'm like. It was a good photo, Molly. What? It's like. No, I thought I said now there's, like, this whole, there's a whole argument going on, and the pilot's just trying to, like, do their job, and you're just. These two teenage girls are just yelling over your lap and. [00:40:55] Speaker D: Hey, have you ever seen the, the epic, um, jabotian saga? [00:41:07] Speaker A: The what? [00:41:08] Speaker D: The jabotian saga. It's a total classic. [00:41:13] Speaker A: Are there mechs in it? [00:41:16] Speaker D: Of course. Would I be telling you? Am I a tennant? [00:41:20] Speaker B: Am I? [00:41:21] Speaker A: Can we see your robot? [00:41:24] Speaker D: I, uh, maybe when we land, you'll. [00:41:27] Speaker A: See the, like he didn't, like, turns back. Like, you, you can laugh. You can go if you like. [00:41:33] Speaker D: You sure you don't? [00:41:36] Speaker A: We will alert you if something comes up. [00:41:38] Speaker D: Okay, um, sure. Since the, uh, since our pilot g said it was okay, then we can go in the back. [00:41:51] Speaker A: We'll stay up here. Hope you can go. She's like. And she, like, does this to Molly. And then, and then the two of you, like, get up, open the cockpit door, and you start making your way down the aisle back to the hangar. As the camera follows you, um, uh, we pass by Roman, who's, like, who's much older than we saw him in the intro. Or, Roman, could you describe yourself as you're sleeping with your head slumped on the, the side of the cabin? [00:42:17] Speaker E: So in his past, Roman did have shoulder length black hair that, thanks to, you know, whatever helmet he was wearing, would have been, like, slicked back. 15 years has passed, and so, so has the, the thought of male pattern baldness. So he decided to just, you know, obviously bick it all off. So he's a bald man, age 37, stands about six foot two, and for a 37 year old, he does keep in, in good enough shape for himself. He's wearing the same, the same jumpsuit or the same tracksuits that the salat team that the Salah team is wearing, obviously fit for him. [00:42:56] Speaker A: Of course, it's got coach Roman embroidered on the label, right? [00:43:01] Speaker E: And as you see, he's in. He's in. He's trying to sleep a little bit. So he's in that, like, kind of huddled position, like, crumpled, as in trying not to take up too much space, but clearly, like, he's sleeping, but it's not very good sleep. And, you know, as he, you know, his body sort of twitches as people, like, walk by, because that's, that's just his reflex. But he's trying not to, not to give into that reflex. And just. [00:43:38] Speaker A: You feel like, you know, being a dad, you feel hopes like, aura kind of, like, pass by you, like, as she walks back to the hangar, and you're, like, stirred up. Like. [00:43:49] Speaker E: Wait, did I. Did I actively. Even though she passed, did I see her pass or. [00:43:54] Speaker A: No, you just feel like you think you, like. You're like, oh. Like. And you, like, look around and you see that, like, the entire section, that where the slot team was in the economy class. Seems like a good chunk of them are gone except for, like, one girl, and she's just, like, on her phone, like, reading a book. [00:44:12] Speaker F: Kid, you're gonna be the death of me. [00:44:13] Speaker E: One day, Roman's gonna get up and actually approach the. The rest of the team and take a head that. You said there were five of them, right? [00:44:22] Speaker A: There's. Okay, so there's one in your section right now. There's three in the cockpit. And then Hope went with Ruthie to the hanging. [00:44:27] Speaker E: Okay, so I. [00:44:28] Speaker A: There's just one. [00:44:28] Speaker E: And she's just like, hey, where's the rest of the team at? [00:44:33] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, Molly and, like, two of them. They went to go see, like. Cause we're about to land soon, so they wanted to see, like, the captain, like, invited them up to, like, see the descent. Hope, she went with some woman back to the back of the hangar. To the back. [00:44:51] Speaker E: Uh, I'm sorry. Some woman. [00:44:53] Speaker A: I don't know. She looked cute, I guess. I don't know. Like, you know, hope, she, like, makes friends everywhere she goes, right? [00:45:02] Speaker E: Yes, I'm aware she makes friends everywhere she goes. [00:45:04] Speaker A: She's, like, annoyingly extroverted. I, like. I kind of hate that about her. But at the same time, like, I. [00:45:10] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Just which direction? [00:45:14] Speaker A: Towards. Towards the back. Okay. [00:45:17] Speaker E: Thanks, coach. Yeah. By the way, good job. Good job. [00:45:22] Speaker F: You guys are actually on the way. [00:45:23] Speaker A: To the tournament, right? [00:45:24] Speaker E: Oh, we're on the way, yeah. [00:45:25] Speaker A: Well, so, basically, let me tell you what. So, Roman, you, like, you're being here on this plane. You are accompanying your adopted daughter salat team to attorney being hosted on Chow friar as their coach in chaperone. And you, there's a half a dozen other parents and coaches available at your dojo that could have went, but you volunteered one because you want to see hope win it all on the mat. Right? But there's actually a secret reason that you're also here that you haven't disclosed to her yet. So. Yeah, the archangel's parked in the hangar right now because you intend to. You came with the intentions to part with it, to pass it along to the next worthy ta nonga to take up the vows, because, like, you've been out of the cockpit for 15 years, right, being a parent, but you never actually formally retired, like, announced your retirement to your liege lord. So you, like, while after, like, somewhere in, like, the schedule of this tourney, you were going to take your mech to the king of Chow Fria and formally, you know, relinquish it and be it, and, you know, live the life, finally be just a dad for once. [00:46:41] Speaker E: All right? [00:46:41] Speaker A: No. And none of this warfare and violence haunting over your soul anymore. [00:46:50] Speaker E: The girl that I'm talking to right now, what's her name? [00:46:54] Speaker A: Rhea. Let's call her Rhea. [00:46:56] Speaker E: Hey, Rhea. [00:46:58] Speaker F: Yeah, coach? [00:46:59] Speaker E: Don't forget to stretch, all right? And I'll be back. [00:47:02] Speaker A: You got a coach? And she just keeps doing buzzfeed quizzes. [00:47:09] Speaker E: Stretch. Yeah, stretch. And Roman is going to head towards the back and see if he can get to where he's going to head in the direction that hope went. [00:47:18] Speaker A: As you kind of get up and you move the camera, like, rax, focus over to Kallaxin and misfit, because you see Kallaxin as misfit suddenly pauses in your lap. And she, like, overs to the window. [00:47:34] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, what's there, girl? What's there? And I look outside to see whatever she's looking at. [00:47:44] Speaker A: The first thing you see, there's a black bird flying, like, parallel to the ship as you guys descend into the atmosphere, right? Like, it's just a bit ways away. It's just flapping its wings. And. [00:48:05] Speaker C: Is that common in this area? [00:48:06] Speaker A: Or you think about it and you're like, no way. There's not birds this high up. We're still in, like, the troposphere. But you see the bird kind of, like, it, like, pitches towards the ship, and then it lands on the wing, almost completely unaffected by the wind resistance. And it's just sitting there. [00:48:26] Speaker C: Is it just like, a small bird on a wing or is it significantly. [00:48:30] Speaker A: You can't. Like. Because, like, you're not. Because you're in first class, you're not on the window seat, right? So it just looked it. But the proportions of this bird are unlike any other avian you've seen before. Right? It looks crow like, right? But it's facing away from you at first. And miss misfits still barking at it like. Like a guard dog. Like, very angry, very, like, trying to get this bird to go away. But a flight attendant comes by and says, sir, I need you to calm your animal. You're kindly disturbed. [00:49:15] Speaker C: Okay, first of all, she is not an animal. She is a championship breed dog. So just please do not call her an animal. Well, also, can you identify what is out there? Because, um, what is that? What's gonna come? And I point at the blackbird. Figure, I don't even know what that is. [00:49:33] Speaker F: You look at as she looks out. [00:49:35] Speaker A: And you look out, it's gone. Oh, what is it, sir? I. It's just, it's a blackbird. [00:49:42] Speaker C: And he tries to look up his. He tries to look through his cell phone, tries to search for what it could look like, and he's going to give the closest approximation. It's not going to be anywhere close because he doesn't really know birds. So it's going to look like the equivalent of. I'm trying to think like, he's going to. It's going to look like a black duck or. And he says this, and he probably doesn't realize that it's probably a pokemon or the equivalent of that. It's not even a real animal. This cannot be real. [00:50:18] Speaker A: These I know it is. Those are mammals that beaks and lay eggs. But, like, platypus is real, sir, and also plantified. Don't exist this far. We're like a hundred thousand feet above. Above the surface here. [00:50:33] Speaker C: Okay, listen, like, my, my miss misfit obviously reacted to something and. Yes, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Like, you're not wrong. Whatever you saw was legitimate and you are valid. You are valid. [00:50:47] Speaker A: I just have to request you. We're making our descent. If you could please just call your companion, your emotional support dog, your champion, whatever you want to call. [00:51:01] Speaker C: Thank you. Thank you for acknowledging her title, and. [00:51:05] Speaker A: That would be greatly appreciated. [00:51:07] Speaker C: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And then I see Miss misfit kind of like looking in the direction because she is a little bit antsy and kind of just starts running somewhere. [00:51:18] Speaker F: I'm like, oh, well, she doesn't. [00:51:22] Speaker A: If it's all right. Like, she doesn't run away. Like, she runs back the window the second the flight attendant goes away and she starts barking again. Right? And you're like. And when you look out, the bird is now closer. Like, it's like, it's like closer down the wing towards. And at first it's facing away from you, but when it turns its head, you see it's not just one head, but there's four, all kind of, like, all jutted out like this. And it's covered in eyes. [00:51:56] Speaker C: So immediately I take my cell phone and take a picture of it because. [00:52:00] Speaker A: It doesn't appear on the picture. And then when you. And when you lower. And when you lower the camera, it's gone again. [00:52:08] Speaker C: I must be stressed. This must be, this is probably because of my sister. And we really need the doggy spa. We really need the doggy spa. Isn't that right, Miss Misfit? Yeah, yeah, it's fine. [00:52:26] Speaker B: It's fine. [00:52:27] Speaker A: She's, like, trying to, like, she's like, like walking around in circles now. Like, pacing in circles, like, trying to. [00:52:33] Speaker C: Like, oh, Miss Misfit is mad. Miss Misfit is mad. Okay, okay. Um, all right, I gotta, I gotta, gotta sing a song. All right, May. Hey, miss, miss Fed. How do you do? [00:52:49] Speaker A: We use that to, like, j cut. [00:52:51] Speaker F: Back to the hangar. [00:52:52] Speaker A: So, like, we still hear calexis singing as we see rupiah walk hope over to the hangar bay. So this hangar bay, it's much more like it's retrofitted. So obviously it wasn't meant to store mechs in the first place, but it's functional. There's four mechs back here, and they're all basically squeezing their docks, like, shoulder to shoulder. Right? But, rupiah, yours, is the first one closest to the main hangar bay, because you are the guardsman. If something happens, you're the first one out. Right? Could you just hope looks up at your mech, the copper pot. What does she see? [00:53:33] Speaker D: She sees a humanoid mech form, but with six arms and a grimacing, kind of rictus smile on its face, leading to, like, large, like, intense eyes. Sorry. Leading to large, intense eyes. And a kind of, in the center of its forehead, concentric rings forming a large circle that takes up the entire center of its forehead. It's incredibly powerful looking in terms of its physicality. Yeah, my mech is thick is what I'm saying. [00:54:26] Speaker A: Wow. So, like, what's that do? [00:54:38] Speaker D: That's a surprise. Hopefully, you'll never find out. [00:54:49] Speaker A: She walks around the different catwalks and looks up and down. She's absorbing every inch of the engineering and the craftsmanship on the machine. [00:54:58] Speaker D: She's like, ruby is definitely preening a little bit at this attention. [00:55:04] Speaker A: What's her name? [00:55:06] Speaker D: Copperpod. [00:55:08] Speaker A: I love that. [00:55:11] Speaker D: And you said your dad has one as well. [00:55:13] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, that's what, that's his. And directly across from, from, from you, from, from the copper pot is a Roman. Could you describe to us what the archangel looks like 15 years later? [00:55:26] Speaker E: The archangel, it still retains its humanoid shape. It's a, it's a giant white mech with, where the joints seem to be black. And the arm, the armor on it is a mix of both white and white and gold. It looks like a knight, in a sense, with you know, it's just. It's stately nature. It does carry, if I have the sheet here correctly on it, a fine, heavy cannon, a machine gun, and access to a melee weapon, which is in the shape of a sword. Now, the. The reason why it's called archangel is on its back. Its thrusters seem to go. There seem to be six thrusters now in the shape of. Well, let me put it this way. The six thrusters, when they. When they actually launch, give off the effect of wings, as in the six wings of an archangel. Hence. Hence the. The name of the mech itself. And now only two of them stand out as the. The mech is currently in resting, but upon launch, the other four thrusters will shoot into place and give the effect of its wings. But right now, two of them are up as is. [00:56:45] Speaker A: She says, yeah, that's my dad's. Her name's Archangel. She's just sleeping right now. Do you think your mech has dreams when they sleep? [00:56:57] Speaker D: Like, Rubia gets just a momentary kind of thousand yard stare and then comes back to it and it's like, well, you know, there was a classic. A classic film that asked, do kisi dream of electric bees? [00:57:22] Speaker A: Do they? [00:57:24] Speaker D: And honestly, my connection to Copperpod is so strong, I can only say, yes, they must. [00:57:34] Speaker A: Roman. You enter stage right. The door opens from the main cabin, and there you are in your. With your. With your. With your jacket and your dad pose. And you're wearing socks. You're wearing socks and sandals because it's a long flight and you want to be comfy. [00:57:49] Speaker E: Totally would. [00:57:50] Speaker A: By the way, like, you got those adidas striped slides with, like. With, like, white socks. [00:57:58] Speaker E: Hope. Hope, are you. And do. Do I notice hope immediately? [00:58:03] Speaker A: Yeah, you see hope immediately, like, talking to Rupiah, like, just having a pleasant conversation. And she's like, oh, my God. Hi, dad. This. This is my friend Rupiah. We just met. Rupiah, this is my dad. Sorry I didn't tell you where I was. I just wanted to see the. See the mechs, because Rufia said she has hers, and I don't know, it's really cool. Her name's copper pad. [00:58:28] Speaker E: Okay, cop. Cop. [00:58:29] Speaker A: That's good. [00:58:30] Speaker E: That's good. And I'm sorry. [00:58:35] Speaker D: I'm Rupiah. It's very nice to meet you. I am currently acting as the security on this ship. I hope you've been having a pleasant and uneventful journey. The pilot did give your daughter permission to come back to the hangar and take a look at the kisi that are stored here today. [00:58:59] Speaker E: Oh, that's. That's very. [00:59:02] Speaker A: That's. Do you ever see that movie? Do kisi dream of electric bees? [00:59:10] Speaker E: I don't think I've seen. I don't think I've seen that, hope. [00:59:15] Speaker A: I think you fell asleep during it, because, like, we saw it. Like, it was on. It was on the flicks that one time, and then, like, we put it on, and then, like, we got, like, to, like, the three way mark. Like, the third, the first third. And you were like. Because you always do that, you know, you should. You should really watch more movies, dad. Like, I think there's a lot more that you can take out of there. [00:59:36] Speaker E: I will hope we'll talk about this later. [00:59:39] Speaker A: Ruby knows a lot about movies. Yeah. Yeah. [00:59:44] Speaker E: And Roman's gonna. I'm gonna turn to Rubia. Been remiss. Hi, Roman. I, uh. Um. This little one's, uh, parental figure, if you, uh, for lack of a better term. And, uh, Roman extends a hand to Rubia. [00:59:58] Speaker D: I shake it. [00:59:58] Speaker B: Yeah, like, parental figure. [01:00:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:00:01] Speaker A: Um. Very, very specific choice of words, you notice. [01:00:05] Speaker E: Yeah, uh, to. To, uh. What you were saying earlier. Yeah. The, uh. The fight's been pretty uneventful. Thank you for that. Um. So you're running security here, is that right? [01:00:16] Speaker A: Let me just cut back to the front cabin real quick here. Misfits barking. Still, it hasn't let up by any means to the point where already you notice you're also starting to, like, what is going on with this dog? But the couple in front of you that was reading the newspaper, they start to get visibly miffed. And the husband looks over at Klaxon, and he's like, hey, buddy, if you don't shut that mud up, I will. All right. [01:00:48] Speaker C: With what? With what? [01:00:51] Speaker A: He, like, reaches his hand into a bat, into the bag, and, like, with this shape. And he's like. Like. Because TSA doesn't exist in space. And. [01:00:58] Speaker F: And you can tell, like, there's like, a. [01:01:00] Speaker A: There's some. There's supposed to be some sort of weapon, like, silhouette in his bag as he reaches out. And it's like, you don't want to ask me that question. You just shut that dog up right the fuck now. [01:01:09] Speaker B: Okay. [01:01:10] Speaker A: I'll do something about it. [01:01:11] Speaker B: Okay, hold. Okay. [01:01:13] Speaker A: You see the wife being like, honey, honey, you don't have to be this dramatic. No, no, I fucking hate those dogs. [01:01:20] Speaker B: You just. And I try to do the tag. Excuse me. To the guy. [01:01:27] Speaker A: Can I help you? [01:01:29] Speaker B: I'm so sorry. I understand. That dog is very, very annoying. I just. We're almost landed. I'm sure that there's no need to. And I indicate, like, his bag. There's no need to make this complicated. [01:01:46] Speaker A: Stand out. [01:01:49] Speaker B: Because I know they've been reading the fucking tabloid. They don't recognize my face. I'm not. [01:01:53] Speaker A: Well, in this case. Are you in. Are you in disguise? [01:01:57] Speaker B: No, I actually think I'm not. I think because we're landing for is. [01:02:01] Speaker A: I mean, you're coming like, basic. So the situation right now is, like, usually in these cases, they would send a ship for you, but it's an emergency, and so the kind of just stuffed you on a commercial flight. And. [01:02:13] Speaker B: I think, actually, I'm gonna not travel. I think I'm still gonna travel sort of openly for this, just because, like, we are landing in chow friar. Right? But, like, I look at him, and I kind of look at the tabloid, and I look back at him. [01:02:30] Speaker A: Go ahead. Let's make a check here real quick. [01:02:33] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:02:34] Speaker E: Here we go. [01:02:36] Speaker A: Could you roll me? What skill are you trying to command? Are you trying to consort? Are you trying to sway? I feel like this is a sway. Check. [01:02:46] Speaker B: This feels like a sway. [01:02:47] Speaker A: Yeah. You're trying to get him to back down. [01:02:49] Speaker B: Oh, no, I got to look at my. [01:02:52] Speaker A: You have. [01:02:52] Speaker B: My character sheet has zero points. That's. That sounds right. So it's just two d, six. [01:02:59] Speaker A: Yeah, two d, six. Take lower. [01:03:01] Speaker B: All right. [01:03:04] Speaker A: You are currently okay? [01:03:07] Speaker B: I tried. [01:03:08] Speaker A: I would say these are risky. You're in a risky position, too, so the consequences are going to be pretty bad. [01:03:12] Speaker B: I'm going to get punched. Cool. I love this for me. [01:03:16] Speaker C: Klaxon at this point, because he's addressing his dog, and someone at least try to placate the situation and says, look, we are about to land, and there is no need for everyone to get so defensive. I am sorry that my dog is reacting to something that was out there, and it was legitimately out there, but we are about to land. [01:03:42] Speaker A: What's out. What's out there? What? [01:03:44] Speaker F: What. [01:03:44] Speaker A: What fucking clouds your dog? Scared of some. Some weather? [01:03:47] Speaker C: For now, I need you to be quiet, and I'm going to use my sway along with regents brilliance. [01:03:54] Speaker A: Okay, let's. Can you tell the audience what regents brilliance does real quick here? [01:03:59] Speaker C: Regents brilliance is you and your entourage. So it's going to be me and miss misfit have increased effect when consorting and swaying. So as long as you take advantage of how truly impressive you are. And at this point, I'm with my championship dog. I am very defensive, and I have to deal with a political situation with my family at home, and I am pretty sure I recognize the princess. [01:04:28] Speaker A: Okay, so, yeah, you do get increased effect if you succeed, but the effect only kicks in when you succeed. Right? I will say originally this role was going to make in a risky position, but because you kind of like, antagonized him back, this is going to be a desperate position. So the consequences are still are going to be pretty severe. All right, so go ahead, roll sway. [01:04:47] Speaker B: We're gonna get punched now? [01:04:48] Speaker A: Yes. [01:04:49] Speaker C: And I have two points in sway. So how many dice am I rolling? [01:04:54] Speaker F: It's two d. Six. [01:04:54] Speaker A: Take the higher. [01:04:55] Speaker C: Great. [01:04:57] Speaker A: If. Yeah, yeah, you go ahead, roll. Unless you wanted to do something that would add to your pool. You can push yourself. You can do. You can. You can argue with me for collateral die. I can say I can change some sort of circumstances to add a die, but it would perhaps make your situation worse or better. Up to you. [01:05:16] Speaker C: I think that. You know what, let's make this interesting. I am on the defense for my dog and I realize that there's a princess on board. And if this guy gets violent, this is gonna be no good for anyone on this plane because we're now gonna be dealing within intersection incident and this guy probably doesn't understand or care what's going on. So I think it's an older. I'm assuming it's an older gentleman who just cannot be reasoned with. [01:05:48] Speaker A: Yeah, but like 55 years old, square jaw, looking for. Look. Looking for any excuse to start something. [01:05:55] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, short fuse. [01:05:58] Speaker A: Yes. [01:05:58] Speaker C: Got it, got it. So the fact that I'm also trying to get into his space, basically I have to be the bigger dog here, right? Like that is going to make this desperate. So I'm going to roll this at a d, then. What's the. [01:06:17] Speaker A: You can add a collateral die, but you could. I guess. I guess the collateral here being that, yes. If this does escalate, it could get ugly on an intersectional level. Level. [01:06:30] Speaker C: Is this a or just a two? [01:06:32] Speaker A: It's a. If you add the collateral die. If you want the collateral die, I. [01:06:36] Speaker C: Think it's going to be worth that risk. [01:06:37] Speaker A: Okay, I think you go ahead, add two stress points and then you can go ahead and start the roll. [01:06:44] Speaker C: Okay, I will add two stress points to Laxan. Definitely, definitely worth that. Let's roll that. Three and five. Oh, my God. I'm kind of. Okay. [01:06:59] Speaker A: Okay, so how. How did you ds. How. What are you. What. What are you saying? To de escalate right now. [01:07:06] Speaker C: So after asked. After telling him to back down, instead of saying more, sometimes you just stand there and just let him think about it. It helps that. That Ms. Misfit isn't barking right now. Miss Misfit has, like, has calmed down because Klaxon is using his firm tone of voice that you only reserve for when you are displeased. So at this point, even Miss Misfit isn't say, is not barking. [01:07:40] Speaker A: I mean, she still is. Like, I want you to imagine this. There's a barking continuously happening in the background of the scene while you guys are talking. [01:07:47] Speaker C: All right, so the barking is happening, but at this point, Klaxon is just not having it. He just looks at him. He takes off his glasses and goes, no, please, no, no. And almost talks to him like a dog at first. [01:08:07] Speaker A: So this. This both applies for actual southeast asian culture and Mekong here, because I think that my father told me is that talking to somebody or doing this gesture or doing anything that refers to someone as a dog in Vietnam is super insulting. It's like insulting an Italian's mother. Right? It's that level of, like, whoa, you went there, so you roll the five. Yep. [01:08:35] Speaker F: You de escalated in that he's not. [01:08:36] Speaker A: Drawing his weapon, but he is standing up. Like, he slowly rises to his feet until both of you are at eye level with each other. He raises his chin, puffs his chest. He's like, what gives you the right to talk to him like that, huh? He takes one step out into the aisle. He, like, throws it. Like, he throws his scarf back behind him and, like, pats his wife in the face. [01:09:06] Speaker B: I think. I think I'm gonna try to step in one more time if I can. [01:09:12] Speaker A: How are you stepping in? [01:09:13] Speaker B: Literally, I'm gonna get between them. [01:09:15] Speaker F: You try to get between them. [01:09:16] Speaker A: But, like, he. This guy, he's, like, pushing real hard. He's like. [01:09:19] Speaker F: It's real, like, to the point where, like, his. [01:09:22] Speaker A: Like, his chest is, like, inches away from kallaxins. Like. Like, trying to, like. You ever see two kids in the schoolyard? Yeah, it's one of those. [01:09:31] Speaker B: It's like, because he's traveling with me. Are you going to physically assault someone who's in a royal retinue? [01:09:50] Speaker A: That is a lie. [01:09:51] Speaker B: It isn't a boldface lie. I don't know who this guy is. [01:09:54] Speaker A: That is a boldface lie. [01:09:56] Speaker B: That is such a lie. [01:09:58] Speaker A: So already. [01:10:00] Speaker B: That'S. That's a fucking lie. We're starting this off well. [01:10:05] Speaker A: Yeah, there's no deception. Skill in beam saber. So this could be, like, a command role or a consort role. However, I will take away a die just because already I have a point of command. What? [01:10:22] Speaker B: I have a point in command. So I'm. Okay, you can do. [01:10:25] Speaker A: You can. You could roll command. You're in a desperate position, and you're lying, and, you know, and you're a politician, so, like, sure, that's something that people do all the time, right? [01:10:39] Speaker F: But the thing about being a royal. [01:10:41] Speaker A: Is, you know, you at least have to have an honest nature. So this could look really bad for you in the long term if this guy sees through you. So do you want to roll this command? [01:10:53] Speaker B: I. Oh, God. I do. And if it's not true, now, it's about to be true because I'm about to hire this man for some. I don't know what. Kallaxin. I don't know who this guy is, I don't know what he does, but I'm gonna hire him. [01:11:09] Speaker A: Just so it looks. He's on the payroll. [01:11:12] Speaker B: He's technically on the payroll now. [01:11:14] Speaker A: Okay, right now, you are lying. And you don't know if this guy can see through you or not because. [01:11:21] Speaker F: Yeah, he might have a short fuse. [01:11:23] Speaker A: But whether his insight is up to. Up to par, you don't know. [01:11:29] Speaker B: I'm going to get punched. And also, we're going to destroy this kingdom before I've landed on terra firma. That's fine. [01:11:35] Speaker A: All right, so do you want to roll? [01:11:37] Speaker B: I do. I think. I don't. I can't take it back now. [01:11:41] Speaker A: Roll one. D six. [01:11:42] Speaker B: Oh, God. Okay, hold on, hold on. Let me see. That's a four. Let me see. Is there anything I can do to make that better? [01:11:51] Speaker A: Well, I can tell you the consequences, and you can resist them. [01:11:53] Speaker B: Okay. [01:11:54] Speaker A: That would cost you stress. Yeah. [01:11:56] Speaker B: Okay. [01:11:57] Speaker A: Okay. So for a four, that's a partial success. But he backs down at first. He's like, only cause you ask nicely. And he, like, backs away. But then poor Miss Misfit, right, she runs up to the guy and bites him real hard on the ankle. [01:12:22] Speaker B: Aw, fuck. [01:12:27] Speaker F: Oh, no. [01:12:29] Speaker A: A fist goes flying at Kallax's face. Do you want to. You can resist that consequence by, like, you know, trying to go in and bore him, right? And that sort of thing, but, yeah. Klaxa, if this goes through, and if Ordi doesn't resist this, you're gonna take a one. Like, you're gonna take a rank one damage black eye. [01:12:51] Speaker B: Oh, no, I'm gonna. I was gonna say I'm gonna resist it. I think it'd be very funny to get into go dick make my speech with a black. [01:12:59] Speaker A: All right, that. [01:13:00] Speaker C: And go, wait, is Klaxon getting a black guy or. [01:13:04] Speaker A: Yeah, Klaxon getting a black guy, like your dog. Just spit it. [01:13:07] Speaker C: I will take the black eye. [01:13:08] Speaker A: You'll take the black eye? [01:13:09] Speaker C: You don't even take the black eye. [01:13:11] Speaker A: Just. [01:13:12] Speaker B: Okay, I just let you take that then. [01:13:13] Speaker A: Okay, cool. [01:13:15] Speaker C: I will take that. And I go. [01:13:20] Speaker A: We see this in slow motion. A little bit of spittle, like, comes flying out, and then real time kicks back in. You make it to you collection. [01:13:38] Speaker C: And I kind of look at him, and I said, and I just nod because at that point, there's no saving the fact that he just got bit. And I said, I deserve that. Let me know what the medical bill is. [01:13:56] Speaker A: And I, like, the flight attendant peak around the corner, and she, like, takes out a phone. And then we cut to the hanger, and rupiah, you get, like, a pinging on your device, and she's like, can we get security to the front, please? We just. We just have a situation here. [01:14:11] Speaker D: And I looked at my phone and just super nonchalantly. Well, it was very nice meeting you. As we descend, they're probably about to make the announcement that we should get back to our seats. [01:14:22] Speaker A: Right. [01:14:23] Speaker D: You have a very. A very interesting QC, and. [01:14:29] Speaker E: Right, likewise. It's a bit. It's been a pleasure and apologies. Thanks for keeping an eye on my. On the little one here. [01:14:39] Speaker D: Hope is wonderful. [01:14:41] Speaker A: I appreciate it. [01:14:42] Speaker D: You know, I always appreciate someone who loves classic movies as much as I do. Yeah, I like, make my exit. [01:14:50] Speaker B: Like. [01:14:52] Speaker E: Roman is watching as rupiah exits, and he's. He's got. He legitimate has the hand behind his head. [01:14:59] Speaker A: He's scratching. It's like, oh, God. Hope looks up at you. She's like. She like, you know, you know, young. [01:15:11] Speaker E: Lady, young lady, we're gonna talk about this later, all right? [01:15:14] Speaker A: Okay, okay. All right, all right, all right. Just looking out for your pups. Just looking out for you. Look, look, you've had a 15 year long dress, Bell. I'm just doing my duty as your loving daughter back to your deserve happiness. Okay, all right, all right, all right. I'll stop talking. I'll stop talking. I'll stop talking. Rupiah, you open the door to the main cabin, and you see this whole scene. Guy fist up Kallaxin, black eye, like. [01:15:42] Speaker F: Flight attendant looking around the corner. [01:15:44] Speaker A: Cockpit door opens. All the girls are also watching this entire thing go down. And, like, even the co pilot's like, don't make me turn this plane around. Rupiah what are you doing in this situation? There's a dog just bit this dude in the ankle. You see, like, there's bite marks in his skin, like, he's wearing cargo shorts. Of course. [01:16:12] Speaker D: Yeah. You realize that's winter out there, right? [01:16:16] Speaker A: Okay, well, hey, your security, right? This guy, can you, like, do something about this guy's fucking butt just bit me. Sir, can we, like. [01:16:28] Speaker D: Sir, let's take it down a notch. I'm here now. I will handle this situation and. [01:16:39] Speaker A: Like. [01:16:39] Speaker D: Motion the flight attendant over. And in the meantime, let's offer you a complimentary better seat so you can get off this plane and away from that dog faster and a free. [01:16:59] Speaker A: What's this guy? Do we have specialties? Can you, like, pull up the passenger manifest? I need to know who this guy is. I got lawyers I gotta call whenever we land. [01:17:07] Speaker D: Sir, I am handling this situation, and then all relevant parties will be informed when we land. As part of my purview, and I'm sure that you will be asked to give a statement at that time, as will he, and then all parties will receive a copy of that statement. As government regulations dictate at this time, I cannot divulge confidential passenger information. I'm sure you understand. [01:17:40] Speaker A: While this whole conversation is going down, there's like, a metallic tapping noise just in the background. Just a. But no one's noticing because everyone's got their eyes on this fucking. This world star karen x lake situation going on in the front, right? And Roman. And Roman. And hope you're, like, off to the side also watching. It's like, what? Yeah. Continue. [01:18:13] Speaker D: Pooja, if you and your esteemed companion can take your seats so that we can land and the authorities can be notified that I'm sure everything will be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. [01:18:26] Speaker A: He, like, picks his stuff up, grabs his wife by the wrist, is like, would you show us to our new seats? Honorable ten dong. [01:18:35] Speaker D: Our esteemed flight attendant will be happy to do so while I secure this area for your safety. [01:18:43] Speaker A: Very well. He, like, brushes, Kallax and shoulder on the way back, on the way to another, to a different part of the plane. [01:18:54] Speaker D: Like, shoulder, chest. Like. Like, very, like, the briefest of. Just like. Oh, fucking lord. Eye rolls. It's like, I see that your dog. [01:19:14] Speaker A: There'S a little blood coming out from the, like, it's starting to, like, swell up and, like, classic. You can, like, barely see out of this eye. [01:19:22] Speaker D: Like, do you need medical attention for that? [01:19:31] Speaker A: You're muted. [01:19:32] Speaker C: Thank you. Yes, but I get that my dog did that. I offered to pay for any medical costs for this, because that was unexpected. I never saw her do that before. So anything in order to make this trip easier for what you need to. [01:19:57] Speaker D: Do, honestly, like, I'm going to tell that guy the we called the authorities and they'll be in contact. [01:20:04] Speaker C: All right. [01:20:05] Speaker D: And then we're all going to just miss misfit. [01:20:11] Speaker A: Runs through your legs, collects it, and runs down to where rupiah. Sorry. Where roman and hope are standing. And she, like, starts running circles around hope and hopes, like, puppy. [01:20:21] Speaker C: And I see that she's going off. But then I also can't neglect the fact that I'm in front of a princess, and I basically turn to the princess and I say, your highness, first of all, thank you for attempting to. Thank you for interfering with that. You didn't have to. I don't want to cause a scene, an international incident. So question for the, for the director. [01:20:51] Speaker A: Sure. [01:20:51] Speaker C: How aware am I bout of Oradee's. [01:20:56] Speaker A: You've seen, like, a couple of headlines, right? Like, yeah. You know, that several few weeks ago, Anush princess Anousha, her older sister abdicated and fled, and nobody knows where she is. So it. There's. And you've seen a couple of, you've seen a very, like, you know, you're a noble, you kid bulk of the times. You've seen a couple hit pieces. You've seen a couple like, well, no, no, no. Give her a chance like that, sort of. Otherwise you can tell she's in a, you know, she's in a precarious situation. You haven't seen her in this level of planes clothes before. All the pictures, you always see her in, like, big, elegant robes or very regal court wear or in a pilot suit because you've seen photos of her from, like, fighting in the front and that sort of thing. So she know, you know, who she is? She doesn't know who you are. [01:21:42] Speaker C: Mm hmm. All right, again, your highness, I take full responsibility for all of this. I just do not want to aggravate anything that you're currently going, going through. You're going through a lot, and, and, but thank you. Thank you for trying to handle that situation. And again, I am so sorry. And I'm trying to look at her and look at the tanning guard and trying to also look at your dog. So I'm trying to pay attention to. [01:22:16] Speaker A: All things between three different points, all talking, like, just making sure everything is in order, right. [01:22:23] Speaker B: Um, it's it's totally fine. I, uh, I just, I felt bad and I mean, it's. That guy's a bully and you can tell? You can just tell. [01:22:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:22:37] Speaker C: I will say that he did threaten to try to pull a weapon on us, and that is. I'm also concerned about that. And I also mentioned that to the tanong because that is also a huge offense. [01:22:53] Speaker A: Well, you didn't see the weapon. He just put his hand in his bag. He could have been bluffing for all you know, right? [01:22:57] Speaker C: He is still going to see. [01:22:59] Speaker A: He's pretty. Probably could have pulled out one of those, right? Yep. [01:23:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I saw him threaten you. [01:23:10] Speaker D: Honestly, we're so far into it. If he is carrying a weapon. [01:23:17] Speaker A: It. [01:23:17] Speaker D: Wouldn'T be the first time, honestly, especially in first class. It would surprise me if, you know, her highness wasn't also carrying a weapon. It surprises me that you're not carrying a weapon. [01:23:31] Speaker B: If I was, I wouldn't draw it. [01:23:35] Speaker D: Sounds like he didn't either. I mean, he's an asshole, don't get me wrong. But truthfully, I love dogs. Your dog is very cute. [01:23:46] Speaker A: Hope's, like, running her hands through Miss Bisfit's first, like, yeah, who's a good girl? Yeah, you are. That's right, you are. [01:23:55] Speaker D: Do you have any idea what got her so agitated in the first place? [01:23:58] Speaker C: Yeah, there was. We saw there was something outside, so I went to look at it and it looked like, at first, a bird. And then when I looked at it again, it looked like a bird with foreheads. And I don't even know what that is. And I tried to get the flight attendants attention to it, but when I saw it again, it was gone. And. And that's what caused my, my dog to react. [01:24:25] Speaker A: Rupiah. When the second kallaxon says, four headed bird, you're from Jabba Dieu and you're. And you watch a lot of movies and you're pretty in tune with a lot of the folktales there. You remember there being a story of an entity, a creature, a ghost, even called kuntula nak. She has two forms. One is a humanoid form that tends to prey on young women and virgins. But she also is known to transform into a black, blood sucking bird with four heads. And so that clicks for you right away. You're like, what's the look on your face when you, like, think of that old wives tale? [01:25:21] Speaker D: It's like kind of like half disbelief and half, like, abject terror. Because I think I saw movie with a very realistic depiction of Kunta Lanak. Very young. [01:25:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Like one of those movies where, like, you, like, you can't fall asleep for a week, because every time you look in the dark, you think you see that bird looking back at you with all those eyes on its head and everything. [01:25:44] Speaker D: So many eyes. [01:25:46] Speaker A: Because of. Those are the eyes of the people that she eats. Yeah, it's a whole. Yeah, it's just. It's a bad time. Not. Not the most friendly looking monster to have ingrained into your conscience. [01:26:00] Speaker D: Okay, well, I. You said a four headed bird with. [01:26:04] Speaker B: A lot of eyes. [01:26:05] Speaker A: Yep. [01:26:06] Speaker C: Four headed bird, lot of eyes. I tried to take a picture of it, and it just didn't take. [01:26:11] Speaker A: Like, you show the phone, and it's just. It's just the wing, but that's where. [01:26:16] Speaker C: It was located already. [01:26:18] Speaker A: You're also hearing this, too, and seeing that you're coming back from the front line, from frontier space, where you're actively trying. Where you and other ten are actively trying to fight off these creatures. It's really strange that one would be this far deep in the empire's territory. You also kind of don't believe this. You're like, no, this guy's crazy. He's probably seeing shit, right? [01:26:43] Speaker B: I was on your side for the first part already. Doesn't say this all that, probably, but she's thinking, like, I was with you until four headed back bird, and now I'm kind of like, ah, fuck, I backed the wrong horse. And we're fine. And that's fine. I'm, like, trying to mentally figure out if I can persuade someone to put this guy on the payroll. And he's talking about, you know, ghosts there. We haven't seen. We haven't seen those entities in. We haven't seen entities this far into the empire in centuries, at least. [01:27:30] Speaker A: This is chow Fria. [01:27:33] Speaker B: This is. Ciao, Freya. [01:27:37] Speaker C: If I admit, if it was just me, I could have just been stressed, but Miss Misfit reacted, and that's what caused me to look at things, and I look at where Miss Misfit is, and I see her playing with hope. [01:27:53] Speaker A: And hope looks up when you guys are talking about it, and she's, like, still playing with Miss Misfit. She looks up and she hears you guys conferences. Are you guys talking about gnar? And then thunder and the flash of lightning across all the windows, and, like, miss Misfit, like, jumps and, like. And runs under Roman's chair, and she's, like, shaking. Everyone's looking out the window, and they see this massive. And we cut to the outside of the ship, and there's this massive gray cloud front about to take the entire, like, just huge cumulonimbus clouds, gray and ominous, shadowing like just the blue of the sky slowly going away as this bizarre weather pattern suddenly takes you all. And the tapping becomes the pitter patter of raindrops. And you hear an announcement from the cockpit and it's like, hey, folks, we're coming into some unexpected weather phenomena here. Captain's going to turn on the facet seatbelt sign, if you please. [01:28:56] Speaker F: Sit tight. [01:28:57] Speaker A: The descent is going to be a little bit bumpy. Thank you so much for understanding. Thank you again for flying fast our ways. [01:29:05] Speaker C: Klaxon immediately runs over to where Miss Misfit is under Roman. [01:29:09] Speaker A: Like, you get down on all fours, like, and you try to, like, yeah. And she, like, backs away, and thunder continues to, like, go for, like, in intervals of, like, 1020 seconds. It's. [01:29:22] Speaker C: It's all right. It's all right. I am. Looks at Roman. I am so sorry. I. She has just been quite a mess right now. [01:29:31] Speaker E: It's okay. It's fine. Do what you needed to do, and then I'm gonna look over it to hope. Hope, listen, once we're all clear, just make sure. Strap in, make sure you're set. Gather the rest of your teammates, by the way. Make sure they're all okay, by the way. [01:29:47] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me go get. Let me go get everybody. And hopefully it goes rupiah. A flight attendant, like, walks up back and she says, captain wants you in the cockpit. There's something you need to look at. [01:30:00] Speaker D: Okay, well. And you fall after hope, folks, as you get settled. Good luck with that dog, and we'll be through this in no time. I'm sure. [01:30:15] Speaker A: You walk down the aisle as everybody, like, fasts their seatbelts. Like, some people put on headphones or, like, their. Their hoodies over and just, like, look out the window. Very, like, could have. And some people, you hear people commenting, these guys, like, I could have swear it wasn't rain on the forecast today. What's. What's going on? You get to the cockpit, you open the door, and you see the two pilots, they're, like, staring ahead of them at, like, the visibility is very low. And you see the younger navigator come, he tells the other, the other salat team members. She's like, hey, guys, you gotta go back to your seats. We're gonna handle this. All right? And they're like, okay. All right, thank you. And they all slowly filed back. And some of them, like, wave hi to you on the way in and rupee. And they, like, you know, talk with hope, and they return to their seats. And you close the cockpit door. Oh, no. So the capacitance. You close that cockpit door and rupee, how you do that? And it's just the three of you up here. And gum says, like, do you see that directly? Like, he's, like, squinting out directly ahead of the ship, right? And with each flash of lightning, you see what looks to be like a square blip in the distance. It only appears when the lightning strikes, right? And then it's gone. Lightning strikes again. He gets closer. Lightning strikes again. As it's closer, he's like, not that the captain looks like, angle the scanners double front, and he's like, I'm trying, captain, but I'm not picking up anything. Have you seen anything like this before? Rupiah? [01:31:59] Speaker D: No, this is. This is really strange. You know, somebody said they saw a kunta lanak earlier. [01:32:11] Speaker A: What the fuck is a kundalini look? [01:32:17] Speaker D: I mean, entered to the elder. [01:32:20] Speaker A: Yeah, captain. [01:32:21] Speaker D: I'm like, you know. [01:32:24] Speaker A: I do know. I don't want to entertain the possibility. Like, you can. You can hear the super in his. [01:32:31] Speaker D: Voice, like, and I understand, but there is something getting closer that you can't identify. [01:32:39] Speaker A: And then the biggest thunder wave just rocks the entire cockpit. The entire cabin also, like, shakes, and everyone's like. And then you hear on the. [01:33:03] Speaker F: On the console and cam looks down, and we cut to the outside of. [01:33:06] Speaker A: The ship, and lightning has struck one of the engine nacelles of the ship, and it's on fire, like, and you see, like, the graphics and see, like, different diagrams, like, slowly leaking, like, different bars, like, suddenly droppings, like, did lightning hit the engine? We're losing altitude, captain. And the captain's, like, emergency protocols now in the cabin, all the lights go red, oxygen mass dropped, and all the flight attendants start going in and doing the whole safety routine. I was like, all right, everybody, pull. [01:33:44] Speaker F: Your life vest out from under. [01:33:46] Speaker A: I want everybody to stay secure. Watch the. The emergency exits and in the cockpit, like, both of them have, like, their grips on tight. But then captain here, and he looks forward, and now that the thing is much closer, it's visible. He can see the silhouette, right? It looks like in the clouds, someone riding a chariot and pulling. The chariot is a bird like creature flapping its wings, foreheads, multiple eyes, and a rider covered in a hood. He unsees it first. He makes eye contact with it, and his eyes start to bleed, and he's just. And he starts bashing his head against the forward console. Co pilot's like, captain, captain, captain, no. And he's trying to stop him and everything's firing off. The plane starts dropping quickly and all of you in the cabin lurch back as a field, sudden drop, your stomachs are in your throat and looks back at you. Rupio is like hangar now. [01:35:09] Speaker D: Like I am already like slamming opening the door and Ta Nang, now is our time. [01:35:18] Speaker A: All ta nong aboard this vessel, this is navigator Kang. All Tangnan reports your battle stations imminent. Watch all KC, this is a code bed we have. And everyone starts looking at each other and Klaxon. You stand up already. You also stand. You know what's going on here, you know what you have to do. But that leaves one word. But Roman, Hope's like looking at you and dad. Dad, what's going on? [01:35:55] Speaker E: Hope, I need you to listen to me really carefully right now. We're in danger and I need you to stay put. And I'm gonna take home's face real quick and just cut the side of. [01:36:10] Speaker A: Her face with man. [01:36:11] Speaker E: Listen, love you lots, kid. Listen to whatever they're saying right now. Stay put. [01:36:19] Speaker A: I'll be right back. I'll keep the girls safe. We'll stick together. [01:36:23] Speaker E: That's my girl. All right, be brave for them. I need you to be brave for me too, okay? But I gotta handle something, all right? And Roman breathes one deep sigh and stands up because he goes, all right, you've been called back, and okay, it's been 15 years. [01:36:51] Speaker A: I think I can still do this. [01:36:52] Speaker F: I think I can still do this. [01:36:54] Speaker A: You see her hope hand you something like you feel hope poking at your back, and you turn around and she pulls out a sash from your bag, and she's like, you might need this. [01:37:09] Speaker E: Roman chuckles. You're right, you're right. I'm gonna need this. [01:37:14] Speaker A: We love you, coach. [01:37:16] Speaker B: You. [01:37:19] Speaker E: I love you all too. Don't worry, it's nothing. We're going to be able to handle this. Everyone stay put. Listen to what they're saying. Follow instructions just like you're told. We're going to get out of this, but be brave for each other. [01:37:33] Speaker A: Right? [01:37:34] Speaker E: Right. And Roman takes the sack and stands up to go head to the hangar. [01:37:40] Speaker A: As the four of you march in a single file to the hangar, the door opens and you look down at your columns of mechs, two on the right, two on the left, all facing each other. The hangar bay slowly opens, revealing the pit like torrents of rain splashing on the inside, and you feel the coal air rushing at you. This is the squad. Four of you look at each other. Let's do your jobs. Yeah. And that's our break, everybody. I'll see you back here for more Mekong in just a moment with after a message from our friends at Queensport Games. [01:38:45] Speaker F: Welcome back to Mekong, everybody. Hello, pilots. You are at the precipice of something terrifying and awful, but the four of you are the only ones that stand in the way of these attacking grun ma creatures. So, with that being said, I believe we are getting into the mission proper. So before we start any mission in beam Saber, it requires us to make an engagement role. What that does is it's just a simple role that takes into account the circumstances of. Of what the players are getting themselves into. So, like, unlike other rpg's, beam saber, there's no sneaking up, there's no checking for traps. You just make one roll to determine how deep in the shit you are at the start of the mission. So, depending on how that roll turns up, it'll determine whether you start in controlled circumstances, risky circumstances, or desperate circumstances. [01:39:49] Speaker A: Those. [01:39:50] Speaker F: All three of those sound more intimidating the other because the consequences get worse with each position that you are in. So we're going to make the engagement roll. Who wants to do the honors? And I'll tell you what your pool is. We'll determine the pool together. Okay. Oh, that's Ryan. Ryan, you lost the. [01:40:08] Speaker B: Sorry, Ryan. I can't. I can't have this on my conscience. [01:40:12] Speaker A: Nope. [01:40:13] Speaker B: Okay. That's what you get for checking your character sheet. [01:40:17] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like, let's see what we got. [01:40:19] Speaker A: No. [01:40:22] Speaker F: All right, Adam, so how the engagement rule starts. The pool starts at one die for plain old luck. So we're going to ask a series of questions to help determine the pool. [01:40:32] Speaker A: Right. [01:40:32] Speaker F: Is the mission bold? Yeah, this is pretty bold. It's four of you. Two of you haven't actually. One of you haven't fought gun man in 15 years. The other one collects it. I don't think you fought a good math ever. Like, you're just. You've just been on the track. [01:40:46] Speaker C: Not at all. [01:40:47] Speaker F: This is your first actual combat sortie against the kunma. [01:40:51] Speaker B: Oh, my God. We'll be gentle. [01:40:53] Speaker F: So this is. So. So I think all of us can agree this is a pretty bold mission. [01:40:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:40:58] Speaker F: Based on the team will set up. So that's to die. Is the mission especially complex? You're fighting off a multi headed kuntilanax, but there are also, you know, the ship is heavily damaged and it's careening towards the surface of Chow Phraya. So it seems like there's two objectives here. Land the plane safely and repel the grim. [01:41:28] Speaker D: I mean, it seems pretty straightforward. Well, protect the ship from itself. Protect the ship from. [01:41:35] Speaker A: Right. [01:41:36] Speaker F: The other thing you got to think about, though, is the enemy trying to break into the insides of this ship and eat all of your delicious friends and family, so. [01:41:44] Speaker C: But we don't know that. [01:41:45] Speaker A: No, no, you do know that. [01:41:47] Speaker F: I mean. [01:41:51] Speaker B: Protect the ship, fight the enemies. If hope dies, I'll walk into the sea. Got it. [01:41:57] Speaker F: Protect the ship, land it safe. [01:42:00] Speaker B: That's landed safe. [01:42:01] Speaker F: Like, um, so not complex. That's a pretty straightforward sit rep here. [01:42:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:42:09] Speaker F: Is the squad receiving any external support? No, it's just the four of you. Unless somehow you can talk the co navigator gum into readying the tower. Or somehow I think he's got a lot on his plate at the moment, so that might not be in the works for you. [01:42:27] Speaker A: Who knows? [01:42:28] Speaker F: We'll see how the situation goes. But right now, you don't have any support right now, so they'll die from there. Is anyone interfering with the mission other than target there? It's bad weather conditions. You are fighting in like 40 mph winds and really hard rain and thunder and lightning all over you. So I take a die away from that. So we're back down to one die pool. [01:42:49] Speaker B: Does anybody first miss? [01:42:51] Speaker F: I know, I know, I know. You still have one dive pool. You still have one die in your pool. Other factors. No, that's it. You're rolling one dice. Ryan, would you do the honors? [01:43:04] Speaker C: Okay, rolling one d six. Here we go. [01:43:10] Speaker B: This is fine. [01:43:11] Speaker C: Four. [01:43:11] Speaker E: We got a four. [01:43:12] Speaker B: That's one average. [01:43:13] Speaker F: Okay, so you're in risky. You're in a risky position right now. It's not desperate just yet. You know already. And rupiah, you're pretty seasoned. And pilots thus far, it seems like you guys know what to do. We cut to the hangar bay, where the four of you once again staring at your mechs. And it's. It's kind of a hurried suit up process. Like, you, all of you are like, are quickly donning your pilot suits and you pull the helmets off of the racks and everything. Like, you zip up the plug suits all, like. Rupiah, you in an imperial cockpit, so you have to wear a much more tight fitting plug suit. So it's loose and you, like, click it, and it, like, tightens around your form. Pilots to your cockpits. Please describe to us in the audience. You're beautiful. Gisi, you're wonderful, incredible, fantastic machines. [01:44:15] Speaker C: All right, I'll go first since I had to roll the die. So. So my kisi sparky is a beautifully read, very humanoid. Looks like someone who would be sprinting itself, but just happens to look like a robot. So it's very long and lean and literally built for speed. The signature thing about this pc is the number of sponsorship decals that are all over it in strategic places for camera and sponsorships. And about a fourth of them are dog related because he has to pay for the dog grooming, the competitions, everything to make Miss misfit and all of the other competitive dogs that he owns, like competition ready for him to load in. He stands a little bit beneath, between the legs, and a platform lowers. He gets onto the platform. [01:45:17] Speaker F: He interrupt you right there. [01:45:19] Speaker C: Yes. [01:45:20] Speaker F: You hear a barking from the. From the bulkhead and here. [01:45:24] Speaker A: Wait, wait. [01:45:25] Speaker B: Misfit. [01:45:26] Speaker F: And Hope runs, chases after misfit, runs up to you and like, and like. And you like, take a knee, and she licks your face. And like, hope picks her up. Sorry, lord. Sorry, Mister Kolexen. [01:45:43] Speaker A: I. She got it. [01:45:46] Speaker C: First of all, it's okay. I would love to take Miss Misfit with me because I know she likes hanging her head and being at my side, but this is not the place for that. And you. You are meant to take care of her, if that. If that is okay. Like, I think I would feel a lot more secure if you took care of her while we're handling this mission, because you seem very, very capable. [01:46:14] Speaker F: I protect her with my life, sir. [01:46:16] Speaker C: We. Let's protect her until we come back to you. [01:46:23] Speaker A: Okay? Okay. [01:46:24] Speaker C: All right. [01:46:25] Speaker F: And then take one step back onto the. On the platform, and you, like, slowly, like. [01:46:32] Speaker C: So when he ascends through the. To up his kisi, it doesn't look as elegant because it looks like he's going up his butt, but. But it is the most efficient way to keep the whole thing streamlined. So when he actually is positioned in his KC, it's almost like he's in a huge mechs, which is like a big extension of him. So that is how he loads into sparky. [01:47:13] Speaker F: Eyes start glowing as you. As you turn, as you activate Sparky. Is she a push to start or she got keys? What's the deal, Kallaxin? Like. [01:47:27] Speaker C: Fingerprint. [01:47:28] Speaker F: Fingerprint right there. [01:47:29] Speaker C: Yep. Fingerprint. [01:47:31] Speaker F: Welcome, mister Block lock. The AI gives you a little greeting. [01:47:38] Speaker C: The AI looks like a dog. [01:47:42] Speaker F: It's like it's just a little. Little dalmatian head. Just like. [01:47:46] Speaker A: Yep. Shall we activate combat self routines, mister block lock lock? [01:47:52] Speaker C: Yes. Activate them, please. [01:47:54] Speaker A: Weapons hot. All systems green. Check, check. Performing diagnostic checks. [01:48:03] Speaker F: Camera pans over who's next? [01:48:06] Speaker B: Already gets into the hangar, and her mech is called the Krasue, and it is this big, hulking, medium sized, hulking humanoid shape, but when it's in its dormant mode, it sits like a gargoyle, so knees hunched up and has big solar wings wrapped around her. I guess they're not so much solar wings right now because we're gonna do some flight. But in this position, she looks kind of like she's cocooned in, like, a gold shroud. And her. Sorry. And the face of the Krasue is like, sort of a sleeping, smiling, porcelain face of like a dancer or like a traditional thai dancer, except you can kind of see it. There's a long seam that runs from, like, ear to mouth to ear, implying that maybe that's articulated. She's crowned with the big gold crown, kind of flashy, like the big maku. [01:49:24] Speaker F: Crown with a point. [01:49:25] Speaker B: Yeah, and like, her, as she starts to boot up remote, like, kind of remotely to get her started. [01:49:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:49:34] Speaker F: Like, you tap. You tap some buttons on your. On your wrist, and you see her, like, slowly start to, like. [01:49:40] Speaker B: Yeah, she kind of shifts, shifts, shifts. There's something a little more creature like about her than, like, say, sparky, which is clear. A mech or the archangel, who's also clearly a mecha. She's got sort of a. I would. [01:49:57] Speaker F: Say skeletal, the way, like a biometric, biological kind of. [01:50:03] Speaker B: She's. She's far, I was gonna say she's far more of a gundam than a. [01:50:09] Speaker A: She's more. She's got. [01:50:10] Speaker F: She's got some evangelion. [01:50:11] Speaker B: Yeah, she's more of an evangelion than a Gundam wing. [01:50:14] Speaker F: Yeah, rather than, like, hard geometric shapes, like the way that her muscle. Like, there's a muscle structure to her almost. [01:50:23] Speaker B: She starts to shift around too, as things start to heat up. And the seam where her mouth is, the eyes stay closed. They're decorative, but the seam starts to start to glow as it slightly opens. And you can see her superheated mandible structure. [01:50:46] Speaker F: You can feel the heat through your pilot suit. [01:50:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:50:49] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:50:50] Speaker B: You can tell that whatever powers this QC is probably radioactive. It is hot. And she sort of shifts and moves her arms aside and her wings aside, and the chest opens for a cockpit to open the cockpit for Ordie as she climbs in. But, yeah, she stays kind of hunched and is going from a hunched gargoyle to a runner getting ready to jump, a sprinter. [01:51:22] Speaker F: Or as you kind of seat yourself back in the cockpit and the doors close in front of you. What starts as a black maw suddenly lights up as several lcd screens all start firing off inside the cockpit, showing system diagnostics and various weapons and system, all slowly booting up. And when the front view screen, as it boots up, you see, like the royal seal of chow fria appear and dissipate. And different graphics appear on the heads up display. Cross is ready for deployment. [01:52:10] Speaker B: I think also as a little thing, she never got the name changed as far as who it belongs to. [01:52:18] Speaker F: Oh, so it says. It says, welcome, Prince Kanawha. [01:52:25] Speaker B: It's like, ah, fuck, I'll fix that eventually. [01:52:30] Speaker F: Or, you don't have to fix it. [01:52:31] Speaker A: Like the AI, like, wait, sorry. I was in my old registry, let me ship. It. [01:52:36] Speaker F: Like, recalculates. It knows who's in the cockpit. [01:52:40] Speaker A: Apologies, your highness. Work in progress. Slow day. [01:52:47] Speaker B: I like, as I say, already wants to pick her nails or something in the frustration, but it's a mech now. [01:52:56] Speaker F: So she's like, you're about to pick your nails, but as you sit down, you feel a bunch of acupuncture needles, like, stab into your back. Oh, okay, we're synced in. [01:53:04] Speaker A: We're good, we're good, we're good. Let's do this. [01:53:09] Speaker F: All right, rupiah. [01:53:14] Speaker D: As rupiah fits into this skin tight suit with all of these plug in jacks around her, you see copper pod, kind of like, start to. I want to say undulate, but angelate is the wrong word, but, like, wake up. Like, where all the her limbs start to loosen and she kind of bounces a little bit on her toes and leans down, scoops rupiah up in one of her hands and lifts her to the airlock at the base of her. [01:53:54] Speaker A: Throat. [01:53:57] Speaker D: To enter the cockpit. And as the hand comes down, Rubia climbs into the palm and caresses the inside of one of the fingers. It's like, hey, baby, it's time to go to work. [01:54:15] Speaker F: You climb into this area right here, and you, like, close the hatch behind you and several wires all. You start manually plugging in different neurology wires into your suit, and they all link up. And then the floor starts moving and it syncs up with your leg movements. And you see, like, copper pod, like, lifting up their knees to, like, just, you know, make sure every. All the synchronization's working. Arms, each of the fingers up and down, up and down. They do a whole stretch, even cracks its head. [01:54:58] Speaker B: It's like a little bit like a boxer. [01:55:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:55:01] Speaker D: But then the arms start reaching back towards the back of the mechanical and pulling out weapons. [01:55:10] Speaker F: Just like a clown car. [01:55:12] Speaker D: That's like a. Yeah, all six arms have some. They're like, we're good to go. [01:55:17] Speaker F: I mean, I feel like it saves on storage, because I imagine these weapons aren't, like, full metal. They're like. They're like beams, right? Like, you have a projector, and it, like, all kind of, like, ignites into the shapes of these. Of these familiar mythological weapons. You see the gods and goddesses of cosmology wields in their depictions, right? So, yeah, so, cool. [01:55:40] Speaker D: So what we see first is the trident, and then an axe, a bow and arrow, and then a set of swords. [01:55:57] Speaker F: You have enough equipment that you can charge your contractors a kit fee just for bringing your own armaments. [01:56:06] Speaker D: It's like, you know, I gotta pad out that. [01:56:08] Speaker A: That fee somehow, because otherwise I would never. [01:56:12] Speaker F: There's a clause in your contract for the amount of guns and swords you're bringing to this fight. Like, you. Even radio comes, like, I hope there's hazard paying for it. And finally, Roman, as you approach Archangel, for the first time in a very long time, hope stands next to you and also looks up and you see Archangel. You know, it's a conquered it. Like, it's, you know, in synch with you. So it, like, takes a knee and, like. Like, lenses a handout for to let you get into the cockpit. Right? Right. And you, like, hope looks up at the head of the machine and looked at. And you see there's, like, a little. [01:57:12] Speaker A: I don't know if it's like a. [01:57:13] Speaker F: Drop of oil coming down from, like, the photoreceptor. Like, it's like. Like she's like. Archangel's really happy that one last ride, right? [01:57:23] Speaker E: You're really. [01:57:24] Speaker A: Look, she's crying. [01:57:27] Speaker E: I know. And right as we stand right next to the archangel, I'm gonna pat the hand that's there waiting to take me up. [01:57:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:57:36] Speaker E: I ain't gonna lie. I missed you too, kid. [01:57:39] Speaker A: I missed you too. [01:57:39] Speaker E: And then I'm gonna look at Hope, and I wasn't gonna give this to you yet, but out from his. Out from around his neck, he's gonna take the necklace, which only has the feather on it. I'm gonna place the necklace around Hope's neck. You weren't supposed to have this yet, but now is as good a time as any. And ironically enough, the photo of hope is not there. The little locker that had the photo is not in there. I'll explain that in a second. [01:58:16] Speaker A: Hope. [01:58:17] Speaker F: Dad. [01:58:19] Speaker E: Be brave for everyone and protect especially that little one in your arms right there. She's still holding the dog, right? Yeah, but your job's to protect everyone. All right? I'll see you on. I'll see you when we get back, okay? [01:58:33] Speaker F: She, like, puts. Puts the dog down, gives you the tightest hug you've ever had. Like, just, like, head pressed against your chest, like. [01:58:44] Speaker A: I love you too, kid. [01:58:45] Speaker E: I love you too. [01:58:46] Speaker A: And listen, all right? [01:58:49] Speaker E: Dad's got to go to work. All right? Dad's got to go to work. And it's ironic, because this is really one of the first times he's ever called himself dad in front of her. So breaks the embrace, and he steps onto the hand of the archangel as it lifts him up and brings him to the chest of the. Of Archangel, where the entry hatches. And as he gets in and enters the hatch and takes a seat inside, inside the cockpit, he's got the key to Archangel to activate all of its. All of its systems. And as a. A keychain charm on the key is the locket with Hope's photo in it. So he puts the key, takes a look at the key, closes his eyes as he's in the cockpit. [01:59:40] Speaker A: Talk to me, Francis. [01:59:41] Speaker E: Am I doing the right thing? [01:59:45] Speaker F: You swear you could hear an echo somewhere in the archangels massive of carbon and steel? Francis voice just somewhere, just like. All right, you can't make out what he's saying, but you know that, right? [02:00:15] Speaker E: Thanks. Keys in the key is in the slot. Key. Lack of a better term. And immediately, the systems all fire up as if nothing has changed. As if archangels seem to be waiting for this moment. So while there's not enough time to go through all the full. [02:00:33] Speaker F: We'll find out on the battlefield. Yeah, but you, like, lean back and put your hands on the controls. The hand feels good. [02:00:42] Speaker E: Yep. [02:00:42] Speaker F: Everything's moving. We're running out of time, so we gotta drop now. All four of you. This is the. [02:00:53] Speaker A: This has come. [02:00:55] Speaker F: All units ready to deploy. We have an all wings report in. [02:01:00] Speaker C: Call signs all the way down doghouse, ready to deploy. [02:01:05] Speaker B: Kasi is ready to deploy. [02:01:08] Speaker D: Dave is ready to deploy. [02:01:10] Speaker E: Serif, ready to deploy. [02:01:11] Speaker F: I'm really glad I met. I got to meet you guys. Get us home safe. The hatches beneath all of you. [02:01:24] Speaker A: And all of you drop all at once. [02:01:28] Speaker F: And all you fall out into, like, a four in into the four formation. And you are now all boosters active flying. And you see the situation at hand. Let me also just draw your attention to the virtual tabletop real quick. There's three clocks right now that are active. There's Kuntulanak. So if we fill that clock, perhaps you would repel it. You see, there's a four tick clock called crows pecking the ship, because whoever is, whoever's closest to the ship, you see that there's several blocks of crows, all, like, on the mountain. Basically, they've latched onto the sides of the hull and they're ripping out electronics and they're ripping out different systems and panels and just trying to get inside the plane by any means possible. If that clock fills or if that clock empties out there, it. I've already reduced it down to two because you guys were talking, talking inside while they were pecking. That was that noise during the dog scene, so. And then I will explain what those two clocks at the top are. If something happens, I don't know what you'll find out. [02:02:41] Speaker A: You get there. [02:02:42] Speaker F: Okay, so that's the situation. But, yeah, safe landing. It's a twelve tick clock. If you fill that clock, the plane lands safely. But that's a lot of points you have to fill. So any tactics you can to, like, stabilize the plane's flight, flight trajectory or, like, get it onto a safe course, because right now, gum gets on the radio and he says, uh, he says, I tried shunting the power, but nothing's working. [02:03:10] Speaker A: They tore off the flaps and my. [02:03:11] Speaker F: Central control unit just shot. [02:03:13] Speaker A: A landing gear is a deploying here. I can't slow her down. [02:03:15] Speaker F: So not only is this plane careening, but it's through going to crash and it's going to be very violent if, if somebody doesn't interfere. [02:03:24] Speaker B: Uh, Rupiah. Rupiah said that you have the highest in, um, you have a high scan, I think, getting us in the direction Kallax and a Roman. Um, if either of you have crowd control, I don't. I am made for one thing and one thing only, and that is killing Gohma. [02:03:50] Speaker E: That makes two of us. Roman's goal is his first and foremost priority is protecting hope. And protecting hope means protecting the ship. So immediately, Roman is going to try to scour the ship and find the closest crow that's on the ship and just start trying to clean off the ship from crows. [02:04:14] Speaker F: Okay, what skill trick would you like to use to do that? Like, and tell me how you want to do it? [02:04:20] Speaker E: Would I be able to just do I, do I need. Are they visible right now? [02:04:24] Speaker F: They are visible. It's very poor visibility and there's a lot of rain and wind. In your way. So if you try to, like, maneuver at it, Archangel's wings will help you a little bit, but it occurs also hamper you just because of how strong the wind conditions are. [02:04:43] Speaker E: I think what I want to do is I want to at least go along, along the hull of the ship. I'm not using the machine gun. I'm taking my melee weapon, which would be a giant sword of sorts, because fitting, maybe. Would it be a beam saber? [02:04:58] Speaker F: It can be a beam saber. It's really up to you. [02:05:01] Speaker E: I will make it a beam saber then, because I'm going. I'm gonna go and go along the hall and try to clear as many crows as possible using the beam saber. Can I do that using battle? [02:05:18] Speaker F: Yeah, you can do that using battle, yeah. Or if. Yeah, battle. Battle works. Okay, I have two. [02:05:26] Speaker E: I have two marks in battle, so that is two d six. [02:05:30] Speaker F: But before you roll, let me just tell you where. So you're in a risky position right now. [02:05:34] Speaker A: Okay? [02:05:34] Speaker F: So the consequences, not super as severe as they were inside the ship, but if you fail, I will make you roll again with desperate consequences. [02:05:46] Speaker E: Roger that. Okay, effort, we're going to roll. Let's go. Let's close off. [02:05:51] Speaker A: Rolling. [02:05:51] Speaker E: Two d six. [02:05:54] Speaker F: That's a six. [02:05:55] Speaker A: Yes. [02:05:56] Speaker F: Okay, so, um, like, how. [02:05:58] Speaker A: How. [02:05:59] Speaker F: So archange, archangel, like. Like, jumps up in a really magnificent flap of its wings, and, like, lant, like, superhero lands on the top of the ship, and you pull your beam saber out from it, from its holster. You start waving around like a torch to, like, to, like, get these crows off, right and right, and they do start, like. Like, backing up a little bit. Like, they stopped. They sees, like, pecking at. There's two. There's two flocks of crows, as you can see on the tabletop. So I'm gonna move you right here, and you're first flock right there, and you're like, okay, you're waving them off, and you're. [02:06:36] Speaker A: And. [02:06:37] Speaker F: And it. And they start backing up, and they're trying to, like, look you up and down, size you up, assess your threat, because you haven't hit any of them yet, but you've done enough for them to get them to stop pecking on the top side. [02:06:51] Speaker E: Right? [02:06:53] Speaker F: Do you want to keep doing actions? Do you want to burn stress to keep doing actions, or do you want to hand it off to someone else? [02:06:58] Speaker E: I'm going to hand it off to someone else. Right now is not the time for. [02:07:01] Speaker A: Him to be stressed. [02:07:02] Speaker F: Okay? [02:07:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:07:03] Speaker F: Right now, you have control of the situation. It's best you keep it as best as you can. So. All right, anybody else want to chip in? [02:07:11] Speaker D: So I'm gonna scan the area and try to find the writer, especially since I know that already will, you know. [02:07:25] Speaker F: Knows how to deal with it. [02:07:26] Speaker B: Knows how to deal with it more than. I'm not suited to much else right now. [02:07:30] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead. [02:07:31] Speaker F: Roll a scan check. It's a risky position still. So. [02:07:38] Speaker A: Same thing. [02:07:38] Speaker F: As I said to. To roman earlier, if you fail this one, I reserve the right to bump it up to desperate. [02:07:45] Speaker D: Makes sense, but my question is, can I activate my aggressive targeters? [02:07:50] Speaker F: You may. You want to burn that quirk, and you can add a die to that scam pool. [02:07:54] Speaker A: Great. [02:07:56] Speaker B: There we go. [02:07:58] Speaker F: I like to imagine the aggressive targeters fires off a bunch of little nanites to help triangulate the skin much better. You know, it's like. [02:08:07] Speaker D: So what happens is you see, like, those wide, like, kind of almost bulging eyes start to glow with this golden, like, hot light. Yeah, like the heat of the sun. And that light, like. And out of that, you've got, like, this rolling cloud of nanites that comes out, because I'm never gonna say no to neonites. [02:08:39] Speaker F: Yes, it looks like. But it looks like golden sparks of dust all kind of scattered around, and it shines through, like, the bad. The poor visibility of the rainstorm. [02:08:52] Speaker D: Are you kidding me? [02:08:53] Speaker A: What's up? What's wrong? [02:08:55] Speaker F: Oh, that's all snake eyes. It works in the opposite. Okay, so it actually, like, reflects back. [02:09:03] Speaker D: Like, when you turn on your high. [02:09:04] Speaker F: Beams in the fog, you are swarmed by crows, all of the ones on the bottom of the ship. Like, the second you fire off your. Your little gold, all of them just, you know, I remember I said, don't fuck with Hitchcock. You're getting Hitchcock the shit right now. As hundreds and hundreds of multi eyed crows all just swarm, and they land, and they just start. And you hear, like, that. It's just like they said in the movie, in the fairy tales, because everywhere Kunta Nawak goes is, you hear that, it's all in your ears. It's all in your cockpit, and, like, you see all your visuals entirely engulfed in black feathers, and. And it end. I'm. You're going to take a rank two damage to your mech. We're gonna say horn to shreds. Like, your armor, your outer armor is gonna get torn shreds. Unless you want to resist this somehow. [02:10:08] Speaker D: I would like to resist. [02:10:10] Speaker F: Okay, go ahead. So this is gonna be a expertise resist. You have. You have two ranks in expertise. So you're going to roll two, die. Whatever you roll, I'll tell you what happens. So go ahead, roll two. D six. Okay, those are both sixes. What, you're left timing right or the other? [02:10:32] Speaker C: Roll 20, please. [02:10:35] Speaker F: Okay, so you don't take any stress from resisting. You can. We can bump that down to level one. Tore off outer chassis plates. Yeah. [02:10:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:10:48] Speaker F: So your innards are still exposed, but, like, not as much as they would for rank two, damage. [02:10:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:10:53] Speaker F: So you just say, like, yeah. Outer carapace or armor shredded. So how damage works, guys? For those of you watching at home in beam saber, rather than tracking hp, it's all narrative based. And so let's say next time rupiah gets attacked and she has rank one outer chassis plate shredded, that's. I'm gonna say that's less effect for her for any roles that involve resisting an attacker. That's why she has more exposed parts. And if more damage is done to that part, we can bump that up to two, we can bump it up to three, and then rank four, damage is your mech is destroyed entirely. Or it could, or it's incapacitated. And it takes a breakdown trait which will affect future encounters. So now you know. Great rupiah. So it's. [02:11:44] Speaker A: It. You're. [02:11:45] Speaker F: You were, like, already right, you're right. You're right behind the copper pot. And you just see her. She, like, fires off all this entire dust cloud and, like, fucking. But it's like those birds responded. Like, she threw out a cloud of breadcrumbs and now is just getting, like. And you see all six arms just, like, wait, like, trying to, like, wave off these fucking birds. [02:12:06] Speaker B: They're crows. They're attracted to shiny things. What are you doing? [02:12:09] Speaker F: You hear that on the comps? [02:12:11] Speaker E: Yeah, very good point. [02:12:14] Speaker D: It's like, I don't actually see you doing anything yet, so. [02:12:19] Speaker B: God. Fuck. Yeah, you're right. God damn it. [02:12:23] Speaker A: Wow. [02:12:25] Speaker F: So while that swarms pecking you and seeing that you couldn't repel these, I'm gonna take a clock off crows pecking. I'm gonna take a rank off this. [02:12:32] Speaker A: This. [02:12:32] Speaker F: This clock here, like, remember, when it gets to zero, you get real bad. [02:12:38] Speaker B: Can I make a munchkinny argument that the crows attacking copper pot would keep them off the ship? [02:12:44] Speaker C: Well, I kind of feel the same. [02:12:46] Speaker F: I kind of thought, look at the triple ones, dude. [02:12:48] Speaker E: I do agree with that. [02:12:51] Speaker B: That was an aggressive failure. [02:12:53] Speaker F: That was an aggressive failure. I doled out the consequence. That's what it is. You lost a tick on the clock. [02:13:00] Speaker B: All right, all right. [02:13:01] Speaker F: Play your next move safely or play your next moves smart. [02:13:06] Speaker C: I have a move. [02:13:08] Speaker F: Yes, Kallaxin, please. [02:13:09] Speaker C: So, Kallaxin, now, seeing that all the crews have unfortunately descended upon copper podcast is going to take this opportunity to go towards the broken area where the fuel cell was broken. Kind of use his. Ideally, I want to use my engineering and manipulate to try to repair the plane. [02:13:32] Speaker F: Gotcha. [02:13:33] Speaker E: All right. [02:13:33] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a great idea. Let's do that, then. So go ahead and make an engineer check, like, as you like. So you get sparky over to the damage in the cell, and you, like, like, hang yourself off the side. [02:13:50] Speaker B: Hang. [02:13:51] Speaker F: Spark out. Like, just hanging on one of the handles on the side of the ship, and you see, like, the plume, and you're being, like, pummeled by, like, plumes of smoke. But you need to get to that damaged part together. So it is going to be a bit difficult because. Yeah, this engine, it's like. It's spraying fumes, and it's spraying, like, you know, different flu, oil and fluids out at you. It's. So you'd be doing surgery on an engine, more or less that. That's bleeding out. [02:14:17] Speaker C: Can I take more stress in order to gain another die? [02:14:22] Speaker F: Collateral die? [02:14:23] Speaker A: Yep. Sure. Yeah. [02:14:25] Speaker F: What's the collateral? What do you want to put up as collateral for this die? [02:14:30] Speaker C: So what are examples that I could use as collateral? Because I'm not quite sure yet. [02:14:34] Speaker F: You could. I can add another consequence on top of your failures. I could decrease the effect possibly if you roll below, like, a five, that sort of thing. Just like, it can be as specific or as broad as you want, as long as something is put on the line for it. [02:14:57] Speaker A: Right. [02:14:58] Speaker F: There's another thing. [02:14:59] Speaker A: Right. [02:14:59] Speaker F: You also have a thing called sparkle. Everybody has a spark point that's a free, like. Like a. [02:15:05] Speaker A: You can't. [02:15:06] Speaker F: You don't get it back till the next session, so. But everyone has. It's like, inspiration in five e. I. [02:15:12] Speaker C: Think, in this case, because I am performing surgery, but fixing this plane is going to help the pilots and everyone else calm down. There's added pressure for Klaxon to do well, and right now, he's the only surgeon who can make this work. [02:15:31] Speaker F: Yeah. You've repaired. You've repaired plenty of, like, racing engines, so this. This shouldn't be too much of a big difference, right? [02:15:39] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Okay. [02:15:40] Speaker C: All right, so I'm gonna. So is this a or a. [02:15:45] Speaker F: You can have a great. [02:15:47] Speaker C: I'm going to roll. [02:15:47] Speaker F: It's gonna be a risky, risky position. If you fail, I'll upload. You can roll again on desperate. [02:15:53] Speaker C: Okay, it's rolling to d six now. [02:15:56] Speaker E: That's a six. [02:15:57] Speaker C: Six. [02:15:58] Speaker A: Okay. [02:16:00] Speaker F: All right, so. [02:16:04] Speaker C: It'S six and a one. [02:16:05] Speaker B: What's going on with roll 20? Oh, my goodness. Like, they just, like, we want drama. [02:16:10] Speaker C: They're trying to add to the drama of me Kong. So there we go. [02:16:17] Speaker F: God is good. Okay, so because this is a pilot skill check, you have to get out of the cockpit to do it. Unless you have, like, little human sized manipulators as gear on your. On your mech. Is that on your sheet? [02:16:31] Speaker C: Yes. I do have a rank of manipulate. [02:16:34] Speaker F: On not manipulate. I'm talking about, like, you know how there's big arms for fighting, right? Some mechs also have little arms for interacting with, like, human sized things like engines and that sort of. And consoles and that sort of. Of thing. [02:16:46] Speaker C: Oh, I see. [02:16:47] Speaker F: So you can declare that for stress. [02:16:50] Speaker C: Like, I will declare that for stress. [02:16:52] Speaker F: Okay, so go ahead and move one of your equipment points to manipulate. Go ahead. Put it to, like, grapple ankle anchor tool. We'll just move that there. [02:17:02] Speaker A: And. [02:17:02] Speaker F: Yeah, you can declare up to three things because you have a light load. [02:17:05] Speaker C: Okay, great. So grapple anchor. [02:17:08] Speaker F: It should be in tools. [02:17:10] Speaker C: Tools. Look. Oh, there we go. [02:17:14] Speaker A: Yeah, there. [02:17:15] Speaker F: Yeah, copy that. [02:17:16] Speaker A: Cool. [02:17:16] Speaker F: So you can then just take the point off away from one of the other gears that you have at any point. So the cool thing about beam saber, for those of you watching at home, is that you don't have to pick any of your mech's equipment or pilot gear ahead of time. You can declare things as they go, or you can declare a flashback to say why you have this or why you prepared for this thing. So that's what Ryan's doing right now. He's declaring I've installed manipulators onto my mech so I can interface with this engine without having to get out. [02:17:48] Speaker B: You gotta have someone, like, listen, Sparky has a way to shake hands with his adoring public. You got big hands and little hands. [02:17:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:17:57] Speaker F: Yep. [02:17:58] Speaker C: So using little hands to. To fix the plane and the fuel cell. [02:18:04] Speaker F: Okay, cool. So you get it. You see, you reach out Sparky's hands, like, you put your lance back, and you see little hands pop out from the human sized hands pop out from the wrists that correspond. And you start basically, like, weaving different wires and different cablings and basically jerry rigging this engine so it stops getting blown to shreds in the rain. But, like, you look in, it's like, wow, this is really waterlogged. And so now it gets to the point where you start, like, hand scooping rainwater out of the engine compartment. [02:18:37] Speaker C: Damn. [02:18:39] Speaker F: And you hear the pilot on the radio, like, doghouse, this is 1138. Come in, dog house. [02:18:47] Speaker C: Dog house here. [02:18:48] Speaker F: How's it looking back there? [02:18:50] Speaker C: It is very waterlogged right now because of our current situation. Situation. But I'm Jerry rigging this into effect. You should feel the effects soon. [02:19:03] Speaker A: Can I fire? Go. Fire. Fire. [02:19:06] Speaker F: Now, can you see this massive glow begin to come out from, from the back of this engine? At first it splits. [02:19:17] Speaker A: I got control. [02:19:18] Speaker F: I got getting altitude again. And it begins to like. And let's say, since that's a six, I'll give you four points on that on the safe landing clock. [02:19:29] Speaker C: Yes. [02:19:33] Speaker F: Dubs, dubs, dubs. [02:19:35] Speaker B: Thank God, dubs. It's like, okay, what can we do? I was like, oh, no, we're gonna, we're just gonna die the first dub. [02:19:41] Speaker F: All right. Is that everybody? Did everybody go this round? Are we back at the top? [02:19:46] Speaker B: I think I actually held. I haven't. [02:19:47] Speaker A: You held. [02:19:48] Speaker F: Okay, if you want to do something or do you? [02:19:50] Speaker B: Because I was waiting for rupiah to give us a scan, and then, and then that happened. [02:19:55] Speaker F: And then she got tippy hedren. [02:19:57] Speaker B: Do I. She got tippy hedren. [02:20:01] Speaker C: Wow. [02:20:02] Speaker B: Do I feel the ship riding itself? Like, is that something I still need to. [02:20:06] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [02:20:06] Speaker F: Like, you see, like, the downward trajectory. Like, even out, like, it's still struggling against the wind resistance. And, like, all the, and all the pummeling of the rain. But you do see in your opticals, like, like the other engines firing, it's like he can't steer yet, but he can maintain a better speed now. [02:20:27] Speaker B: Okay, dog house, talk to me. Is everything sounds okay? You don't need help? [02:20:36] Speaker C: We could always use help making sure that this plane doesn't continue to get attacked, because I just got them back online. They're maintaining their speed right now, but I'm also going to double check to see if there's anything else that needs to be fixed, but that means that we need to keep this liner just not attacked anymore. [02:20:59] Speaker B: Sounds good. Um, I have bad idea. Uh, cool, cool, cool. Um, I'm gonna do a stupid thing because that's how I play games. [02:21:11] Speaker F: We love stupid things. Ideas. [02:21:13] Speaker B: Well, if we can't find, if you can't find it and let it find us. And the crafts has been sort of, like, coasting next to the plane, and she's going to push off of it kind of use it to push off. [02:21:30] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:21:30] Speaker B: And can I use my finicky wings quirk to kind of do a kind of coasting arc to try to, like, catch everything's eye and just draw some aggro? [02:21:43] Speaker F: Yeah, go ahead and make a. [02:21:47] Speaker A: See. [02:21:47] Speaker F: What check would you feel would be appropriate for that? Or a d. Is that a maneuver? [02:21:52] Speaker A: Manipulate. [02:21:54] Speaker B: Let me look at what I can do and see if I can. [02:21:56] Speaker F: I'm looking at your. You got a point and manipulate. You got a point and maneuver. So either or could. [02:22:00] Speaker B: I'll take a maneuver because it's more. More of a flight thing. [02:22:03] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:22:06] Speaker A: Risky. [02:22:06] Speaker F: Risky position. Has already. Ever fought in rainy conditions in flight. [02:22:14] Speaker B: I think she's like. Since we're usually in space. [02:22:17] Speaker F: In space. But that's different. There's no wings here. You're already fighting gravity, and you're already fighting, like, 50 miles per hour winds, and you're also fighting a thunderstorm. [02:22:27] Speaker B: I was gonna say, I don't think she's done it. I think she's. This is. This will have been the hardest fight she's ever done. [02:22:32] Speaker A: It's the hardest fight, and it's also. [02:22:34] Speaker F: The one they didn't train her on. [02:22:36] Speaker B: Like, she can. She. Because, like, she can fly. Like, she doesn't know how to use the wings. She just. It's not a common thing she does. [02:22:44] Speaker F: Yeah, they're. [02:22:46] Speaker B: They are anti. They are like, solar power pieces rather than, like, flat. [02:22:50] Speaker F: I will say, if you do fail, I feel like the consequences would be you might lose control of the flight system. [02:22:57] Speaker B: Coco. Cool. I'm gonna die. That's fine. [02:23:00] Speaker F: So you try to draw aggro from the crows on the plane. [02:23:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm gonna. Yeah, I'm gonna. Well, just what I'm looking for is I'm looking for the leader. [02:23:06] Speaker A: For. [02:23:07] Speaker F: Yeah, for the chariot, for the. For the rider. [02:23:08] Speaker B: Yes, I'm looking for the rider. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take an arc kind of around the plane and. Is it too much? Can you be like. I'm gonna see if I can hover above it so that if I fall, at least I hit it? [02:23:21] Speaker F: You can try. [02:23:22] Speaker B: Okay, that's. It's fine. It's fine. No risk, no reward. Let's go. [02:23:26] Speaker F: Go ahead and roll maneuver. [02:23:29] Speaker B: Is it two d six? [02:23:30] Speaker F: It's one d six. Unless you want to spend your spark or you want to. I mean, you're burning a quirk, right? [02:23:37] Speaker B: I'm burning a quirk. [02:23:39] Speaker F: That could be two d six. Yeah. Yeah, you're burning a quirk for it. You can, you can have two. [02:23:42] Speaker A: D six. [02:23:43] Speaker B: Come on. Rule 20. I know you want drama. That's a four. [02:23:46] Speaker F: That's a four. You can roll again at desperate position if you want to, but the effects will be much worse or the consequences will be much worse if you, if you. [02:23:58] Speaker B: I've already burned. I'll take the four. [02:24:01] Speaker A: You'll take the four? [02:24:03] Speaker B: Yeah. It's a partial success. Yes. [02:24:06] Speaker F: Yes. [02:24:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Partial's good. Partial's fine. Still says that success. [02:24:10] Speaker F: Okay, so describe to me how you weave around one more time and I'll bounce off. [02:24:15] Speaker B: Yeah. So already who'd have been coasting next to it? Literally uses the plane to kind of push off and does sort of a glide around in like a parabola over towards the top of it. She's got the big, like, she knows the cross suit has these big gold wings. She knows she's a big shiny object. And also, I think as she does it, because we're just trying to draw agro, as she starts to fly and like to catch everything's eye, it opens its mouth entirely and you can start seeing the plasma dripping off of her teeth. [02:24:51] Speaker F: So as you do that, right, and you whip around at the top, it looks really cool. It looks great on camera. It's fantastic. Just when you're about to, like, greet out, like, have this kind of like, hero moment, right, the you do find what you're looking for. [02:25:11] Speaker B: Oh, great. [02:25:12] Speaker F: Hold on, let me just move her to the token layer real quick here. She's right in front of you. [02:25:20] Speaker B: Hey, buddy. [02:25:21] Speaker F: And she's charging it, and basically she jousts you more or less. You see this big ass Lance come out from the side and impales the Krasue into the, the guts. [02:25:34] Speaker B: Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool. That's fine, that's fine. [02:25:37] Speaker F: So go ahead, burn your quirk. For that, I'll just take away. You can either burn the quirk to resist that, or I can give you damage. What do you want to do? [02:25:44] Speaker B: I'm going to burn that quirk. I'm just going to go through all my quirks. Let's go. Yeah. So I'm going to burn my guts quirk. My flexible structure, as I guess what we'd call it. [02:25:56] Speaker F: Yes. [02:25:57] Speaker B: Um, but, uh, I use too many moves. If I, uh, if I can not respond, but at least burn it in the way that you burn. [02:26:05] Speaker F: You burn it and then, um, you take. So it was going to be level two damage. I can bring it down to level one. [02:26:12] Speaker B: Cool, cool, cool. [02:26:13] Speaker F: Yeah. Um, so you're. You can just put level one. Impaled, uh, by the sha. By, like a. By a charioteer's lance, right? You see that? A much larger crow, the multi headed quintilanak, is pulling this chariot. It now only has two heads. It looks like the other two heads dispersed into the flocks that are attacking the plane. After you're impaled, one of its heads dematerializes into another flock and goes straight for the one of the emergency exits on the plane and rips it off. Cabin pressure goes off. The clock goes to zero. Let me just. [02:27:02] Speaker A: Sorry. [02:27:05] Speaker F: The clock goes to zero. Emergency exit flies off. Cabin pressure is lost. And here's the new clock that I like to call splat as several passengers come flying out into free fall. And roman, you hear, because you're a dad, and you're very well tuned dad. Her and several other passengers are all. About. Eight of them are all on the way down. [02:27:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:27:42] Speaker E: Abandoning the crows. [02:27:43] Speaker F: We're going after them. [02:27:45] Speaker B: You. [02:27:46] Speaker A: You asshole. [02:27:47] Speaker F: God mother. And you see that flock of crows that just ripped off the emergency exit all dive down to chase after their prey. Okay, cool. So you have eight passengers to save in free fall. So you have eight ticks on the clock. But if this eight, this other eight tick clock called split flat goes, that's each one of them hitting the ground, so. [02:28:09] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [02:28:11] Speaker A: You okay? [02:28:13] Speaker E: We're going after the passengers then. [02:28:18] Speaker F: All right. [02:28:20] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:28:21] Speaker B: I was gonna say I think it may be safest, like, at this moment, to abandon the ship. Get the ship somewhere where it's gonna land and not hurt people, and get as many people off the ship as we can. [02:28:33] Speaker A: Okay. [02:28:35] Speaker F: Hey, before we make your next step, your scanners did work. It got a layout of the ground that's beneath you guys, as you've been moving along, you're gonna hate this news, but it's on a collision course for fa Fang. For the city. It's gonna crash for the city if you guys do not fill that twelve 1212 clock. Twelve tick clock. So either you get this plane. So you gotta get this plane off that course, or else there's gonna be a lot of damage below when this plane makes ground. I know you guys are thinking. I know there's a lot going on, but if you don't make an action now, I'm kinda going to. They're going to hit the ground. [02:29:26] Speaker B: I'm busy. [02:29:28] Speaker A: Okay, well, what do you want to do? Or. [02:29:30] Speaker D: I think, like, speak up. What I would like to do is, like, use my boosted reactor. [02:29:39] Speaker F: Okay, so. But you can, you can, you can burn a boosted reactor if you want to do a second action for free. So you can still do your first action and then, and then also burn your. [02:29:51] Speaker D: Surrounded by these crows. [02:29:53] Speaker B: But I want to. [02:29:56] Speaker D: Basically end my flight boosters, shut them all off so that I end up going into free fall, which would obviously be faster. [02:30:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:30:11] Speaker D: Than the people. [02:30:12] Speaker F: All right, I'm not going to make you roll the turn off system. So you go ahead and just, you just shunt you just like, you, like in your rapid thought, you, you find the control panel for your booster systems and you just like, take all the levers and click them close and copper pot freezes. [02:30:35] Speaker D: And it's like, it's almost like a swan dive. [02:30:38] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like, it's like back. [02:30:40] Speaker F: And so then the crows follow after you making like this big cone as they spiral after you as you're. [02:30:51] Speaker D: And I want to. The hope is that I can get into a position where I'm between the people and the two flocks of crows now that are coming after us. [02:31:00] Speaker F: Yes. Yeah, there's. Let me make another copy. So there's three flocks now because there's only one head left on the, the big guy. [02:31:10] Speaker A: And. [02:31:11] Speaker F: Yeah, they are all heading down this direction. Yeah, yeah. [02:31:17] Speaker A: Okay, cool. [02:31:17] Speaker F: Yeah, that's. Do you want to use that reactor now? [02:31:22] Speaker B: Yes. [02:31:23] Speaker F: Okay. [02:31:24] Speaker D: I'm gonna use that reactor to, like, make a sudden stop and do a. [02:31:36] Speaker B: Like a. [02:31:39] Speaker D: I don't know if this is possible. Tell me if I'm doing too much. [02:31:43] Speaker F: It's a space opera. Physics don't matter here. Just do. Just make it cool. [02:31:47] Speaker D: Then I'm pulling out my bow and arrow and, and as Lord Rama did when faced with the 40 heads, Ravana, I am going to start shooting as fast as possible and I can activate my reflex adjustment and guidance engine to help that. [02:32:12] Speaker F: Okay. All right. [02:32:14] Speaker D: Have like an increased position and effect. [02:32:17] Speaker F: Yes. Okay, so you are at, you are at risky. You are now in control because even though you're free falling, you have invoked the gods in your, and in your, in your action and you know the choir as you, like, draw the bow, string it up, you string up like this bolt this, like, like the bow. Like the arrows here are not so much like arrows in the traditional sense, but more like beams of light that you can basically hold that turn into plasma as it hits the target. So, yeah, let's see here. Let me just look at your sheet real fast. [02:32:53] Speaker A: Okay. [02:32:53] Speaker F: So rage. [02:32:58] Speaker A: Okay. [02:32:59] Speaker F: Yeah. So you can roll from controlled position now and you're in but there's a possibility of hallucinations or a death wish, so be mindful truth. [02:33:13] Speaker D: And then that's battle. [02:33:17] Speaker B: So two, d six, five. I got a five. [02:33:25] Speaker F: Do you want to roll again at risky or do you want to after? [02:33:30] Speaker D: I just got three ones. Yeah, I don't think so. [02:33:33] Speaker F: You don't think so? Fair enough. [02:33:34] Speaker B: I feel like. [02:33:37] Speaker D: D 20 has burned me and now I'm rolling scared. [02:33:45] Speaker F: With a five. You roll 21. Yeah. With a five. Yeah. You fire off, like, on the way down, and these arrows explode and fiery red bolts of plasma as they. And they scatter several of these crows. And you see, like, rains of feathers, like, start to, like, come down on you as you're. As you're falling and you're just shooting up at these murders of crows. So let's say that's one point on the Kuntalan of the damage to Kuntalanak clock here. And then, however, it's a five. So I still get to dole out a little wee bit of consequence here. Just a little bit. But it's not as bad as because you were in a controlled position, you rupiah, in the true ten bong fashion. You kept your cool and you did your shit. So with that being said, the consequence is, you see, like, after you fire off, like, basically, until your quiver overheats, more or less. [02:34:56] Speaker A: Right? [02:34:57] Speaker F: Like, copper pots. Head turns and you see hope and the others in freefall, like, right next to you, and they're, like, reaching out to you trying to, like, grab onto one of. One of your six hands, right. But they're struggling and they're scared. [02:35:21] Speaker A: Yeah, that's both. [02:35:22] Speaker F: That's both your actions already, right? [02:35:23] Speaker A: You already did. [02:35:23] Speaker F: You already burned your reactor and everything. [02:35:25] Speaker D: Because I turned it off to get into free fall, to get into position. [02:35:29] Speaker F: And then I fired. [02:35:30] Speaker D: So that would have been my two actions, right? [02:35:31] Speaker F: No, that was your one action because I let you do the turn off for free, so. [02:35:35] Speaker A: Oh, okay, great. [02:35:36] Speaker F: What do you want to do? You just fired off. Your bow is overheated now for now. And you see that there's a bunch. [02:35:42] Speaker A: Of people falling next to you. [02:35:43] Speaker D: Well, then it's time to try to gather up the flock. I mean my flock. [02:35:51] Speaker B: Not. [02:35:52] Speaker F: Yeah, your flock. Yeah. So you kick your reactor to overdrive and, like, a hot red light basks the inside of your cockpit as heat courses through the entirety of your mech. And your boosters start up all at once and you start to, like. You want to make a maneuver, check and see if you. [02:36:16] Speaker A: How. [02:36:16] Speaker F: If you want to grab these people? [02:36:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:36:18] Speaker F: How are you grabbing these people? [02:36:19] Speaker D: Sure. [02:36:20] Speaker F: I'm gonna say, now you're back in risky position just because, you know, there's people in freefall right now. [02:36:28] Speaker D: Okay. And because I know that it'll be on my head if anything happens to. [02:36:33] Speaker A: Hope at this point. [02:36:34] Speaker D: And I can't handle that pressure. I'm gonna say the. Can I burn auxiliary airlock as a like. So what happens is that where the primary airlock is, like, on the base of copper pods throat. What actually happens is, as I turn and pick up where they are, there is, like, a panel at the base of her back that starts to open, and it's kind of like cargo doors. [02:37:04] Speaker A: Yeah, but the idea is we're going. [02:37:07] Speaker D: To scoop these people up into it. [02:37:09] Speaker A: Okay. [02:37:10] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:37:11] Speaker A: All right. [02:37:11] Speaker F: Fuck yeah. [02:37:12] Speaker E: All right. [02:37:12] Speaker A: Go ahead. [02:37:12] Speaker F: Add that die to your pool, and then let's see how it goes. Because it could go either way. [02:37:17] Speaker D: I mean, obviously could go very. [02:37:20] Speaker F: Two sixes. [02:37:22] Speaker A: Yes. [02:37:25] Speaker B: Roll 20. What are you doing to me? [02:37:27] Speaker D: Roll 20 also loves hope, is what I guess. [02:37:30] Speaker B: Roll 20. Also loves hope. [02:37:33] Speaker F: Both metaphorically, and. [02:37:38] Speaker A: That'S. [02:37:39] Speaker F: I feel like, a critical role in this game. Yeah, you've burned off all your good luck for the rest of the campaign. It's nothing but suffering and torture for rupiah for the next several sessions of the arc. Okay, cool. You reach out and people, like, grab onto the copper pots fingers. You tell them to climb up your arm, like, back opens. One pops in, the next pops in. And, like, you cut. You, like, switch your camera to the side of, like, to, like, the back camera right where your airlock is. And you see that hope. Sweet, sweet hope. She's, like, ushering people in. She's like, what? And. [02:38:28] Speaker A: And she even. [02:38:28] Speaker F: She even, like, climbs up to where copper pots ear is in free fall. She's very brave, and she says, thank. [02:38:35] Speaker A: You. [02:38:39] Speaker F: But there's still three people out there. [02:38:42] Speaker A: We got. [02:38:43] Speaker F: We have to do this. [02:38:45] Speaker D: Seraph. I've got some precious cargo on board, but there are three still out there. [02:38:53] Speaker E: Three targets. I'm on it. I'm on it. So I'm. I am going to push. And can I use. Can I use manipulate to try to get to those three? [02:39:05] Speaker F: You may. Okay, you go ahead and. Yeah, go ahead, make your manipulate. Check with whatever points you have. I will say, though, Roman, it's been a while. It's been 15 years. Archangel flies. She's good at flying, but you yourself are not good at flying in rainstorms. [02:39:26] Speaker E: Okay, so at one point in manipulate, how many how many dice is that? [02:39:33] Speaker F: That's one. That's one. D six. Okay, but I'm saying that, like, you know, because you haven't been in severe weather conditions like this since your early days as a pilot. [02:39:43] Speaker A: Gotcha. [02:39:44] Speaker F: The consequences may be dire. [02:39:48] Speaker E: Whatever. We gotta save three. [02:39:50] Speaker F: You got three to save. Go ahead, roll. [02:39:52] Speaker E: It's a four. [02:39:53] Speaker F: Okay, you grab one person, and you, like, you scoop them up, and you see him freaking out in your arm, and you broadcast your voice on the loudspeaker to calm him down. What do you say? [02:40:10] Speaker A: It's all right. [02:40:11] Speaker E: We've got you. We've got you. We've got you. [02:40:17] Speaker F: Like, holding on for dear life. [02:40:18] Speaker E: I'm gonna say right now, Roman's not very good at calming people down when he's rushing. So all I could say is, I've got you. I've got you. [02:40:25] Speaker F: And you reach out your other arm to grab another person just, like, a few feet away, and, like, you. And they almost get it, but, like, just like, the angle at which you approach and the way that they try to grab instead, it brushes them past. It, sends them tumbling further. Now they're spinning and freaking out, right? And because you roll the floor, you see three crows kind of close in on them just quick. [02:40:50] Speaker A: Okay. [02:40:51] Speaker E: I mean, can I still try to push to grab the other two then? Do I? [02:40:54] Speaker F: You could. Do you want to spend a collateral die or your spark or anything to keep going? [02:40:59] Speaker E: I'm taking the spark. We're going. All right, so how many more dice have to roll? One more. One more D six. [02:41:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:41:06] Speaker F: One d six. That's a six. [02:41:08] Speaker A: All right. [02:41:10] Speaker F: You come up with a. You come up with a really smart idea. [02:41:13] Speaker A: You said. [02:41:14] Speaker F: You say to the plant, to the last two falling to grab on to each other, and then they grab onto the mech, and you would all would be together as one position, right? So in spite of Roman's poor skill at calming down, Roman still carries through and executes a plan. And so you reach out, the other passenger is like, okay, I'm gonna trust you. [02:41:41] Speaker A: I'm gonna trust you. [02:41:43] Speaker F: Connect. And then he reaches out to the other passenger. Connect. That's three points on the. You got everybody. You guys pull. [02:41:53] Speaker A: You. [02:41:53] Speaker F: You pull them into your arms, like, kind of hugging them close to the chest, and that's. The clock filled. You got everybody. And I didn't even have to fill the splat clock. [02:42:05] Speaker B: I don't know how I would have handled it. [02:42:07] Speaker D: I would not. [02:42:08] Speaker B: I would not have. I would not. [02:42:12] Speaker C: So the emergency exit portal is still open. [02:42:17] Speaker F: Yes. [02:42:18] Speaker C: So Klaxon is going to maneuver Sparky to have Sparky's body plug that hole. [02:42:29] Speaker F: Okay, go ahead. Roll maneuver for that. [02:42:33] Speaker A: Okay. [02:42:34] Speaker C: Got two dice in maneuver. And because I just, I kind of need this to happen. [02:42:40] Speaker F: Okay. [02:42:41] Speaker C: So I will burn a quirk because of the, because you're dealing with a whole gravity situation and intense g forces of the body. Like having the mech body having to deal with that. He's going to be dealing with that because it's also easier. He's, he's basically going to plug it with his backside. [02:43:07] Speaker A: Okay. [02:43:08] Speaker C: Because this way, his arms and legs can still manipulate things. But they will see a huge advertisement in the back for doggy treats. [02:43:19] Speaker F: It's just, it's just miss misfits face. Like, super huge with like, a big pedigree logo on it. [02:43:27] Speaker C: Just miss misfits. That allows me also the walking advertisement. [02:43:31] Speaker A: So. [02:43:33] Speaker C: Like, I realize it's overkill, but you know what? I think this overkill will be funny and it's worth it. So I'm gonna burn two quirks. [02:43:40] Speaker F: It's like a cut to the inside of the plane. We cut to the inside of the plane. The guy that you got in a fight with, like, he's pressed up against the walls. Like, great, I'm gonna die. Getting advertised dog treats. This is fantastic. [02:43:51] Speaker C: With the dog's face that bit him with this. [02:43:58] Speaker F: So I can't save me. [02:44:03] Speaker C: So rolling. So I'm rolling a, because I want this to work. [02:44:09] Speaker A: Okay, here we go. Oh, my God. Please work. [02:44:14] Speaker B: It's so good. One success, you get one. [02:44:26] Speaker D: Why? [02:44:29] Speaker B: He loves drama. Roll 20. Loves the drama. [02:44:32] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [02:44:33] Speaker B: I just imagining sparky, like in like, cartoons when someone gets stuck to a chair, it's just like, hmm. [02:44:40] Speaker A: Yep. [02:44:41] Speaker C: So sparky looks like this. [02:44:46] Speaker B: Oh, no. What is happening? [02:44:52] Speaker C: I love you guys. [02:44:56] Speaker D: The advertisement is Miss Mismith's face on your butt. [02:44:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:45:00] Speaker B: It's like a cutie mark. Oh, my God. [02:45:06] Speaker F: Talk about backing that ass up. [02:45:10] Speaker B: Sorry, just backing it up. [02:45:13] Speaker F: Speaking of backing that ass up, already your Krasue's back is against the chassis of the ship as this lance, as this lance has impaled you and pinned you to with this charioteer. Like, oh, yeah. [02:45:25] Speaker B: Oh, no. I know exactly what I'm gonna fucking do. [02:45:29] Speaker F: Before you do anything, though, you see that the charioteer has materialized fully and you see her kind of like humanoid form. She's a tall, wiry, long haired woman in, like, I know on the BTT it's black robes, but her robes are like white and like, ghostly ones. Right. And her legs seem to fade into nothing. Like, you know, and her arms are, like, gangly and long and a little bit bony. Right. She, like, tilts her head while she's got her lance stabbed into you. And you hear her and she's talking to you. Like, it's. You hear, like, it's like a telepathic kind of thing, right? Like, and you see her mouth moving, but, like, you. But it's not sound. It reverberates in your skull. [02:46:21] Speaker A: Right. [02:46:21] Speaker F: It's like. [02:46:40] Speaker B: I think in this moment where, like, already usually very anxious. [02:46:45] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:46:46] Speaker B: This is like, the thing she knows how to do is fight. [02:46:49] Speaker F: Yeah. You know. You know the mind games that they play and so you steal. You steel yourself a little. [02:46:54] Speaker A: Right? [02:46:55] Speaker B: Yeah. She. The Krasue grabs the lance that's through her and goes and looks at. Looks at the rider and just says. And says, yeah. I'm like, this is the Krasue. And only one of us can be demon bitches here. And grabs the lance and pulls it herself through it to get closer to the rider. And I'm gonna grapple her. This is what I do. [02:47:28] Speaker F: This is what you do. [02:47:30] Speaker B: I think that as and as she does that, you can kind of see it starts to. The Karasu does what it does best, and she goes full mono nungal. For those who don't know, wings come. [02:47:44] Speaker F: Out in full, like Chernobog in Fantasia. [02:47:48] Speaker B: Yeah. If they're little crows, they get flung off on the wing. I'll even burn the. I'll burn the ominous appearance for that. This is what she does to, like, just give this thing a death hug and, like, a little nibble. [02:48:06] Speaker F: She makes that. That intimidate noise again. She says, um, I see why they hate you. [02:48:14] Speaker B: Good. [02:48:15] Speaker A: You are the monster that you found yourselves in. The monster you swore to kill. [02:48:21] Speaker B: Uh, I think that that super gives orange pause, but then is like, I can't. I got. I gotta. I gotta eat a demon. [02:48:28] Speaker A: I got. [02:48:29] Speaker B: She's like, she, like, it's one of those things that, like, you stop. Like you're about to eat a sandwich. You stop. You're like, can't think about that right now. And so, like, the Krasue's mouth completely opens up with the plasma teeth and her nails and toe. She's got hands for feet for lack of. Like, if you look at it. Yeah. If you've ever looked at Thai and Lao dancers, they have these really. They do really long nails. And so she's just got four sets of hands with the same really long claws that flex backwards and then dig into the rider. The rider. [02:49:07] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. [02:49:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:49:07] Speaker F: Well, go ahead, roll battle for me real quick. [02:49:09] Speaker B: I'm gonna fuck this up so hard. [02:49:11] Speaker F: You have two d six. You're in a desperate. I mean. Yeah, you're in a desperate position. You got a lance in you, dude. [02:49:18] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a little roomy down there, but. [02:49:21] Speaker F: Yeah, a little roomy down there, but, you know, it doesn't help the fact that you're pinned like this. [02:49:25] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. Come on. [02:49:27] Speaker F: You'd have at least wanted this. [02:49:28] Speaker A: Good. [02:49:28] Speaker F: Mad about you. Dinner first before getting here, right? [02:49:31] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [02:49:33] Speaker D: But you burned your ominous appearance. [02:49:35] Speaker B: I did? [02:49:36] Speaker A: Yeah, you could add. [02:49:36] Speaker F: Yeah. Roll one more d six. Because you burned your ominous appearance. [02:49:39] Speaker B: Come on. Don't fuck me. Roll 20. I'll take the damage. I will take a four if I can. [02:49:48] Speaker F: So it's desperate. Your position was desperate. So the. [02:49:51] Speaker B: Listen, it wasn't great. [02:49:53] Speaker F: And also because you have that. You have that one rank in level one damage, it's less effect, too. So even if it's a partial success, I think that then I think that bumps it down to not a success, because. [02:50:03] Speaker B: Okay, so here's my last question. Can I burn my spark? [02:50:06] Speaker A: Will you may. [02:50:07] Speaker F: Yeah, burn your spark and roll more. [02:50:09] Speaker A: One d six. [02:50:10] Speaker B: I'm. I'm gonna say burn your spark. Oh, my God. I'm gonna say the f word. I can't. All right, well, roll 20 wants me to fail, so I'm failing. Okay. The highest I got is a four. Oh, my God. [02:50:28] Speaker A: All right, well, okay, so you. [02:50:29] Speaker F: So one more time. So you bring your claws around. You try to, like, grasp onto the rider, right? [02:50:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:50:35] Speaker F: As you do. So as the. As the claws, like, are about to make contact, the writer disperses into crows and then rematerializes behind you, and she grabs the crossing by the. By the neck and, like, pulls her back. And so now that you're, like. So her head's, like, right next to Krauss's head like this, you know, with her hand around your neck. [02:50:57] Speaker B: Dang it. [02:50:59] Speaker F: It's a little hot. [02:51:00] Speaker B: It's a little hot. Like, olive is like. We don't want to say it, but it's a little. [02:51:04] Speaker F: We don't want to say it, but I'm a be real here. It's a little hot. [02:51:08] Speaker B: It would be a little less hot if we weren't just. We're both giant demon monster looking things. [02:51:12] Speaker F: You're also in the rain, and you're on a falling ship. [02:51:17] Speaker A: Like. Like. [02:51:19] Speaker B: All right, I'll take it. [02:51:20] Speaker A: I'll take it. [02:51:24] Speaker F: He continues to barrel your mind with, uh, her statements. [02:51:29] Speaker A: She says, I, servant of the high. [02:51:34] Speaker F: Shalilis, herald of the shadow, sting. [02:51:36] Speaker A: Listen, and listen close, princess. Mark my words. You and your people will soon be the audience of a great orchestra brought to you by the grace of the one and only queen of Alcharila bar. Captain. It is a symphony composed and conducted by one of your own. And by the end of the final. [02:52:04] Speaker F: Movement, she, like, brings, like, gets really close to the audio receptors on the side across his head. Your kingdom will be burnt to ash. [02:52:15] Speaker A: And she kicks you off the ship. [02:52:17] Speaker F: And you in free fall. So, yeah, Krasue, you are now tumbling in a spiral on your way to the ground. [02:52:24] Speaker B: Let me die. [02:52:26] Speaker A: No. [02:52:27] Speaker B: Never is. God, do I get another move, or have I burned through both of mine? I think I did. [02:52:34] Speaker F: No, you only rolled the one roll. I mean, yeah, technically, you only made the one roll. If you want to burn stress and. [02:52:41] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, listen, I'm stressed. I'll go. I. At least, I need to write myself and, like, reorient. [02:52:49] Speaker F: Go ahead and give yourself, like. [02:52:53] Speaker A: I'm. [02:52:53] Speaker F: Gonna say you just dealt with a lot, right? I'm just gonna circumvent the rules here. I'm just gonna, like, max out your stress bar. [02:53:00] Speaker C: That's fine. [02:53:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:53:01] Speaker F: So go ahead and max out your stress bar. We're having a good put, like, one point below the max of stress bar. If you take one more point of stress, you're going to take a scar from this, and it's going to affect you already for the rest of the game, more or less. [02:53:13] Speaker B: Listen, this was a lot. We had a bad day. Yeah, this is a bad day. [02:53:17] Speaker A: Great. [02:53:18] Speaker F: You may now act again, but right now, I just want to let you know you're probably panicking because you're free falling, and, like, even copperpod and archangel, like, from your guys cockpit, you, like, turn, and you see, like, just struggling to, like, regain its, uh, its, uh, orientation in the sky. [02:53:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Um, I think I'm just going to take the chance to, like, reorient. So I'm. I have control over my sense of gravity right now. [02:53:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:53:51] Speaker B: God, I don't want to roll anymore. [02:53:55] Speaker F: What do you want to do? Right, so if you want. You want to get your center of gravity back, right? [02:53:59] Speaker B: I want to get my center of gravity back. [02:54:00] Speaker D: I. [02:54:01] Speaker B: No. What? [02:54:03] Speaker F: That's a maneuver. [02:54:04] Speaker B: I'll roll my maneuver for that. Oh, my gosh. Roll 20. I'm. I'm gonna be. I'm gonna say the f word. Let's see. I have one on maneuver. I can do this. [02:54:15] Speaker F: Like, you hear, like, hope. You can hear hope screaming from the back of copper pod. No, as, like, the mech goes falling. [02:54:25] Speaker B: It's a six. We're good. Everything's fine. [02:54:28] Speaker A: We're fine. [02:54:29] Speaker F: You ever see the COVID of Paradise Lost? It looks kind of like that, right? [02:54:32] Speaker A: I'm like. [02:54:32] Speaker F: You see, like, like, already, as you're looking up, as you, like, regain the center of gravity, you see, like, a little bit of sunlight break through and, like, shine onto you, and it's enough to kick your boosters at the full overdrive and start. And. And you kind of like, re. You're back in it. You, the pilot, are extremely, extremely shaken, but the mech still works. [02:54:56] Speaker B: The AI is like, are we okay? [02:54:58] Speaker F: Or he's like, no, your heart rates are really high, ma'am, are you all right? [02:55:03] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's fine. Let's not talk about it right now. I just gotta, unlike, the sunlight hits it and her solar wings, like, catch it so that there's a little bit of a boost and just. I got a lot to re examine. [02:55:18] Speaker F: The plane is still descending. Yeah, sure, it's flying, but it's not enough propulsion to generate enough lift to get it stable again. And you hear gum radio that over to all of you. The clouds break open, and you see the vista of Fafeng, the capital city of Chow Phraya, in the, like it, like, coming in the near distance. And, ori, it occurs to you it's. It's in. It's in a collision course straight for Manjushri Sana palace, aka the house. [02:55:59] Speaker B: Consider, if there's no palace, am I still queen? [02:56:04] Speaker A: Well, it's not. [02:56:05] Speaker B: I mean, that's not how that works. I know. [02:56:07] Speaker F: That's not how. I mean, either way that you. So, yeah, there's this, you know, streak of smoke still flying as this, and. And, like, guns, like, I can't get her under control. [02:56:19] Speaker A: I can't maneuver. [02:56:24] Speaker B: All right, I guess. Is everyone still with me? [02:56:28] Speaker C: Yeah. Question. So now that we are getting closer to the ground, if unplugging myself and then trying to fix whatever needs to be fixed before it goes to the. [02:56:45] Speaker F: Ground, you can try pushing it. [02:56:47] Speaker C: Okay. [02:56:48] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:56:49] Speaker C: All right, so then that will be. So that will be my aim. I will. At this point, we're no longer in the upper. Upper levels. [02:56:58] Speaker F: Yes. [02:56:59] Speaker C: So. So I think it'll be safe for me to leave my position. I'm going to go towards the rear of the craft and try to. And try to maneuver it for as safe a landing as possible. He has a fast. [02:57:20] Speaker F: Like, are you, like, going to the back and, like, trying to, like, pull back on it, or are you trying to, like, to, like, slow it down? Or are you trying to, like, push it or, like, angle it into a different direction? [02:57:28] Speaker C: Um, my aim is to. Well, wait a minute. So I do remember earlier they said that the landing wheels could not come out. [02:57:37] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:57:39] Speaker C: But I can probably force them open. [02:57:43] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:57:43] Speaker A: Okay. [02:57:44] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [02:57:44] Speaker C: Then I am going to. Then I'm going to use maneuver to do that, and then I will burn the quirk. Delicate handling. [02:57:53] Speaker A: Yes. [02:57:54] Speaker F: Hey. [02:57:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:57:56] Speaker F: You have a very precise control on your mech. Go ahead and roll. You have that minute. That check for me. [02:58:02] Speaker C: All right. [02:58:02] Speaker F: So with the added die from burning your quirk. [02:58:06] Speaker C: Yep. So rolling. Three, d six. That's okay. [02:58:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:58:12] Speaker C: So partial success, but not. [02:58:13] Speaker F: You already burned your spark. Do you want to try your spark? [02:58:16] Speaker C: I already burned my spark. [02:58:17] Speaker A: Okay. [02:58:19] Speaker F: That's a partial success. Very partial. I'll give you one point on the clock for that. As, like, you. [02:58:26] Speaker A: You. Let's. [02:58:28] Speaker F: I'll say that, like. Yeah, you go through with this idea of trying to manually override the landing gear, right? You get to one, and you, like, tear off the hatch, and you just like men, and you drag it down, and then you make. You make sparky kind of, like, crawls over to the next one. And this one's much more of a struggle. Like, it's really jammed in there. It's almost as if, like, the metal parts have rusted from the rain or something like that. And so now it's like, regardless of how hard sparky pulls, Sparky's built for speed, not strength. And so it's. You heave and you heave and you heave. And it gets to the point where, like, you feel like. Like cracking in the joints of Sparky as you try. As you try to pull out this wheel and. [02:59:11] Speaker C: Yeah, all right. I got one wheeled down, but I need help with another one, if at all possible. Otherwise, they'll be safe. But it'll be rough. It'll be a rough landing. [02:59:21] Speaker B: If I can, I'll help. I think if we could just push and pull to slow it. [02:59:28] Speaker F: As for the two mechs who have passengers, you're close enough to the ground where you can, like, fly down, put them on terraformer, and then go back up to see about the plane, if that's what you want to do. [02:59:38] Speaker A: Yep, yep, yep, yep. [02:59:39] Speaker E: Unload them. [02:59:40] Speaker A: Unload them. Okay. Yeah. [02:59:41] Speaker F: So both you and you and Roman and Rupiah, you basically dive onto the ground, and you just, like, gently place them on the grass. Just stay here. You fly back up to go assist. Okay, so it seems like the crows, at this point, now that the storm has broken, you've left the storm. They're gone. They disappear. Because something about the daylight, right, of being in that, where they're like. Or do you know that for certain cases, it seems like the sunlight makes their influence less profound out here, so they all disperse and they all are back in the ether. So now it's just you, the four of you, and this plane that's careening towards the palace. How do you want to save this day? [03:00:43] Speaker E: All right. Okay, I am. So the plane is careening. It's still got one bad engine. [03:00:53] Speaker F: Fix the engine. [03:00:54] Speaker E: Okay, so the engine's good, but the. [03:00:56] Speaker F: But, like, maneuvering is. Yeah, they can't maneuver. The flaps aren't going. [03:01:01] Speaker E: Okay, then I'm going to try to use manipulate to try and use my mech to alter the trajectory of the ship. Can I do that? [03:01:10] Speaker F: Yeah, you can try pushing it for one direction, or you can, like. [03:01:14] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna try to push it so that it alters the trajectory or, you know, really cool. [03:01:19] Speaker F: Yeah, if you, like, stood on top and you, like, made reins for the ship and then rode it all the way down. That's very. [03:01:33] Speaker E: Okay. If that's. [03:01:34] Speaker F: If that's what Roman would do in this. [03:01:38] Speaker E: He's not that cool. [03:01:40] Speaker A: So he's. [03:01:42] Speaker E: He's all about. [03:01:43] Speaker A: I don't know. [03:01:43] Speaker F: You could have looked at a chariot and be like, wait, okay, fair enough. Fair enough. [03:01:49] Speaker E: What he would end up doing is actually going underneath the plane, the ship itself, and positioning. Positioning the archangel under one of its sides and to lift it so that it's provide. So giving extra lift. And also that would push it enough to try and get it out of. Out of the angle of. That's crash landing. [03:02:10] Speaker F: Go ahead and make that. Make that check. Does anyone want to assist in this situation since that there are no monsters around? [03:02:19] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Just get under that thing. [03:02:24] Speaker F: Who has the highest manipulate out of the three of you? Then we'll have them roll, and then we'll. I'll increase the effects since all three of you are kind of, like, pushing up. [03:02:33] Speaker C: I manipulate. What? One. [03:02:35] Speaker E: One? [03:02:37] Speaker D: Pooja, I don't have manipulate. [03:02:40] Speaker B: Okay, does anyone still have a skull spark? I do. Well, that's still a one, but, Roman, do you have a spark? [03:02:46] Speaker E: I burned my spark earlier. [03:02:48] Speaker F: I think you can burn your spark for someone else if you're helping. So if someone. Rupee, if you want to give someone else your spark, and we'll have it be like a team. Like a team bonding moment. Like a like. Or let's do a quick role play thing. Inspire your comrades with your spark. Rupiah, please. [03:03:06] Speaker D: As I, like, deposit people down on the ground and launch myself back up into the air, I launch into a very moving and, like speech about hope and about how on this day, on our independence day, we are going to stand up and it's a whole really long speech. As I launch back up into the air. It's very dramatic. [03:03:39] Speaker B: There are multiple. [03:03:41] Speaker D: I have adjusted the arm movements to incorporate all six of the arms. [03:03:49] Speaker F: It's like you're dancing your way back into the sky, right? [03:03:52] Speaker D: Bring everything back up and, like, kind of, like, grab onto Krasue. [03:04:00] Speaker B: Thank you. [03:04:01] Speaker D: As we go up, just give me a lift, please. So we're holding hands? [03:04:07] Speaker F: Yeah. And then all of you hit the bottom of the ship all at once. And all. All of your hands. And you hear come, like, in the cockpit, it's like, okay, guys, on the. [03:04:20] Speaker A: Count of three, push up. [03:04:23] Speaker F: I want you firing all your boosters all at once. Okay? Ready? [03:04:27] Speaker A: Free. [03:04:31] Speaker F: We cut down to the city of Fa fang itself as you see the people going to and from the markets and the tuk tuks driving on the seat. And it's like the whole. The whole city stops as they look up and they see this plant, this ship with a smoke trail behind it, but also this brilliant trail of propulsion from beneath. And these three mechs all lifting all at once with one on the side, just trying to move this plane just to inch it, just a few, just so it doesn't hit the big dome. [03:05:06] Speaker B: Spire in the middle of it with. [03:05:09] Speaker D: Every kind of, like, renewed thrust. It's like, we will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We are going to live on. We're going to survive. [03:05:30] Speaker F: It's the anime frame where it's all four of you all shouting live as a rallying cry. Go ahead. Who wants to roll this? [03:05:42] Speaker A: Oh, God. [03:05:44] Speaker C: I feel like Pooja should roll it. [03:05:46] Speaker B: Yeah, Pooja should roll it. [03:05:47] Speaker C: She should roll this. [03:05:48] Speaker F: Go ahead, roll. Two d six, Pooja. [03:05:50] Speaker D: So it's just two d six? [03:05:52] Speaker A: Yep. [03:05:58] Speaker B: Rule 20. [03:05:59] Speaker D: A fan of independence take rule 20. [03:06:02] Speaker B: Loves drama. [03:06:04] Speaker F: We cut to the cut to where hope, like, where you dropped a hope. And she's, like, running after the plane, watching you guys trying to, like, like, steer it out of the way. [03:06:11] Speaker A: And she's like, come on, come on. [03:06:15] Speaker F: Um, yes. Yeah, you push and you put. And just nudge it enough, like, already here on the radios. Like, this is Fa Feng tower, flight 1138. Or please adjust trajectory and you shout. [03:06:31] Speaker B: Back, we're fucking adjusting. Just pushing. We're working on it. [03:06:41] Speaker F: And then I'm gonna give you guys five ticks on the safe landing clock. You push. It's just enough to get out of the way for the main tower, but when it comes down, it's getting really dangerously close to some buildings, so all of you have to, like, let go all at once. And the ship, like, hopscotches off one of, like, the side the roof halls of the palace and slides in the dirt in the main courtyard behind the palace for, like, a whole, like, half mile before finally coming to a stop. You see a bunch of, like, royal personnel run out and, like, like, from, like, the different palace complexes, and you see several, like, firefighting airships, like, to spread out the flames. [03:07:35] Speaker A: But then. [03:07:39] Speaker F: The exit on the side of the airplane opens and out comes navigator come and the other passengers. We made it. He, like, takes out a radio. [03:07:51] Speaker A: We're all here. We're all here. [03:07:57] Speaker F: The four of you all kind of, like, do you guys land, like, next to the plane? [03:08:01] Speaker A: Like. [03:08:02] Speaker F: Like, do. [03:08:03] Speaker B: I don't think I have a choice not to. I think I'm pretty fucked up in. [03:08:07] Speaker D: The most dramatic way possible. [03:08:10] Speaker F: Like, oh, yeah, so it's. Sorry. The plane, like, crashes in the backyard. There's a big statue of the bot that guanyin. It, like, taps the very base at the end as it stops because she's the goddess of mercy. [03:08:27] Speaker C: I'd like to say that sparky kind of, because he is faster, just kind of, like, clears the way as that plane is going so that people know to move clear. [03:08:41] Speaker F: You see, like, sparky, like, flying and just, like, doing this gesture, like, everybody out. But then it's over, and the four of you land on your feet, like, a crowd assembles and, like, different first responders all, like, roll up on the situation, and there's a bit of, like, you all kind of, like, sit back in your cockpits now that you've landed and are just, like, standing on terraform. Ten, nine, this is 1138. [03:09:36] Speaker A: You got. [03:09:38] Speaker F: We don't know how to thank you enough. [03:09:47] Speaker C: Galaxy asks the navigator on Sparky, find Miss misfit. Find location of doggy spa. [03:10:04] Speaker B: I think already, like, the cockpit opens and, like, slithers out, like, falls out of it. Just like, you know when you've had, like, a really long drive and your legs do not work anymore? [03:10:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:10:20] Speaker B: She just sort of, like, half falls out of the thing. Like, everything's fine, we're good. And, like, as she does, like, because she hadn't even properly, like, set taken down, like, de powered the cross suit, it also sort of, like, marionettes down, like, yeah. [03:10:36] Speaker F: Just as you're about to descend already, several news vans drive up false, and you hear the familiar flash of cameras and journalists all trying to clamor at you all at once. But because you're on palace grounds, you see several tenants run over, like, no, no questions, no question. Like, the entire royal entourage just, like, gets it and is like, everybody back up, please. Everybody back up, everybody. I would need some distance between you, the princesses. [03:11:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:11:07] Speaker F: And that's all happening. [03:11:09] Speaker B: Yeah. And, like, I think I'm trying to get one of the attendants, like, grab the others. They should be looked at too. Like, I'm so tired. [03:11:20] Speaker D: Would it be all right? Are you okay if I kind of do that one handed vault out of my cockpit and come to do that arm around so you can lean on me and we can walk together? [03:11:34] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [03:11:35] Speaker F: Yeah. [03:11:36] Speaker B: I realized I don't know your name. I know your call sign. I don't know your name. [03:11:43] Speaker D: It's not a porn. [03:11:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I encountered, like, I introduced. [03:11:49] Speaker F: Later introductions later. [03:11:53] Speaker E: Roman's gonna say, good job, everyone. Where's my daughter? And lift off. And immediately go back for the people we left on terraformer, because I don't think they're in the same place we are right now. [03:12:04] Speaker F: You don't have to do that. Let's say they show up, like, okay, they're running also into the palace ground. Like, you see the girls, like, all running coaches and the dogs also running with them. Like, it's all. [03:12:17] Speaker E: Then at that point, Romans, Roman has landed. The archangel, the archangel stands. Stands tall, all systems down. Roman hops out of the cockpit and takes the lynch cable, whatever, to get down from the entry point. And he looks up at. He looks up at the archangel. Just like old times. [03:12:41] Speaker F: Angel, you think it does, like, a slight head, a chin down, but, you know it's a nod. You know it's a nod. [03:12:53] Speaker E: Yeah. And at this time, I'm. I'm going to take a look towards the hope and the team running, and just take a minute, because, okay, that was. That was 15 years of rust, um, getting kicked off in what, how long? 510. 15 minutes there. [03:13:14] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. [03:13:17] Speaker F: But, Kolaxen, you have a very happy reunion. With Miss Misfit, like, your art. You, like, jump out of the cockpit. You, like, run at her, and you got. You, like, running around. She's, like, running circles around you. She's, like, very, like, happy to be alive, yet. [03:13:31] Speaker A: Yip. [03:13:32] Speaker C: Yes. Lots of. Lots of happiness. Like, raise Miss misfit to me, and. [03:13:38] Speaker B: It'S like, oh, oh, yes. [03:13:39] Speaker C: Oh, oh, thank you, and thank you. And then immediately, I look for hope, because I knew that hope was taking care of Miss Misfit. I immediately run over to her and said, thank you. Thank you so much. You did exactly what you did. You protected her. And you know what? Let's, uh, let you know what. Let's go and have dinner. Let's. We need dinner. We just need to decompress. You are too young to drink. But I'm gonna have a drink. But let's find a. An ice cream parlor, like, some kind of, like, cold dessert, and just chill. [03:14:21] Speaker F: I heard they got. I heard they got really good sticky rice and mangoes out here. [03:14:25] Speaker C: Yes, let's go. And. And I look for, um. I look for the others. Uh, um, and I, uh, look at romans. Like, is that. First of all, I I didn't mean to presume to just ask hope, is. Is this okay with. [03:14:43] Speaker A: With you? [03:14:45] Speaker E: Roman's gonna look right at Kallaxon and just extend a hand right now. It all sounds great. [03:14:52] Speaker A: It all sounds great, Roman. [03:14:55] Speaker C: And then. And then I also look at everybody else like, hey, it's. Looks at. Rupiah does the same. Same invitation. It's like, can you. Do you want to join us for mango and sticky rice? [03:15:10] Speaker D: Yeah, that sounds great. [03:15:13] Speaker C: And then immediately runs over to princess, which I realize is completely surrounded by attendees, and go your highest. [03:15:21] Speaker F: You shout over her and, like. Or do you, like, gesture, like, clear the way for him? [03:15:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm like, rupiah, come over. I'm, like, leaning on rupiah, and, like. And just. That sounds really, really good. [03:15:35] Speaker C: All right. [03:15:37] Speaker F: You hear a voice shouting, and it's a journalist. [03:15:40] Speaker A: She says, pilots. [03:15:41] Speaker F: Pilots, look this way, and you see, like, there's several cameras coming out. And the four of you, like, some people, like, push you towards, like, the side of the crash with, like, the big statue of Guanyin in the back. And you guys take, like, a historic photo of, like, you, the mechs, the crash, the statue in the back, the palace in the back. [03:16:03] Speaker B: Great. I'm gonna look like shit. [03:16:06] Speaker A: Look, just. [03:16:07] Speaker D: And I'm just gonna position you a little bit where it's like, just make sure you're good. Satisficing camera. Like, this is the part with the least blood. Therefore. [03:16:16] Speaker F: The camera clicks. We cut to, like, a newspaper spinning, saying miracle of guanyin. And it's like, the photo and the headlines and everything. It's already on the newsstands when you guys go get the. Yeah, it's. Yeah, we finished with the newspaper flying. [03:16:34] Speaker A: And that's our game. [03:16:41] Speaker B: Geez. [03:16:42] Speaker C: Wow. [03:16:44] Speaker B: I am so angry at these dice. These dice have taken years off my life, but yeah. Oh, my God. [03:16:52] Speaker D: Virtual dice. [03:16:54] Speaker F: Do you want to switch? Do you want to. [03:16:56] Speaker C: From dice? [03:16:57] Speaker F: Do you want to switch to physical d sixes next game? [03:17:01] Speaker D: This is great, and this is perfect. But also, like, the years off my life. [03:17:06] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm dead. I. Listen, listen. I'm glad we don't age the same because I'm dead. [03:17:15] Speaker C: Ryan has actual stress boxes. [03:17:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I have actual stress boxes from itch. [03:17:21] Speaker F: That's our episode today. Thanks again so much for tuning into Mekong. If you like this game, please be sure to check out the memesaber rpg on itch IO. If you like us and you want to see more, be sure to follow Queen's court games on all the socials and on Patreon. And be sure to join us next time for our next installment of Mekong Symphony for the devil. I'm Jerry Law. It's been an honor and a privilege telling this story with all of you. Everyone put their hands together for our lovely cast. All right, guys, feel free to shout out your socials. All the work you got going on, now's your time. [03:17:55] Speaker B: I have been Clara. I am all over the Internet as clearly golden. Unless you're into. I just punched my mic. Unless you're into mermaids, in which case, mermaid clarity on Instagram. I'm over here playing Mekong with Queen's court games sometimes. You can also find me over on Happy Jack's rpg podcast, and there, wherever podcasts are played and on Twitch. [03:18:18] Speaker C: Hello, my name is Ryan Omega. You could find me on the Internet under Ryan Omega, on Twitter under ryan omga. You could also find my channel on Twitch, life action ruleplay, where we do various games, interviews, Shakespeare, and readings of first drafts of movies. So check that out. [03:18:42] Speaker D: Hi. I have been Pooja, or I am Pooja, one of the two, maybe both. And I've been playing rupiah, and you can find me on Twitter if that's still around at LA Dacey Girl, that's l a d e s I girl, and all the other socials that will hopefully also still be around as forgotten saves if you want to hear me play more ttrpgs, I am on the twelve sided Stories podcast and occasionally on happy jocks rpg as well. [03:19:13] Speaker A: Cool. [03:19:14] Speaker E: And I am andrew J. Landy. You can find me on the Internet at Andrew J. Landy on Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch. I need to get back on my twitch at some point and start streaming again, but that'll happen soon enough. That being said, you can find me. Aside from here, you also find me times on the initiative order and hopefully more channels yet to come again, but just happen to be here. And, hey, we saved the day, didn't we? Yeah. [03:19:39] Speaker B: Oh, God. Okay. [03:19:45] Speaker A: Where will you learn? [03:19:47] Speaker B: When will you learn? [03:19:47] Speaker A: Your actions have consequences. [03:19:49] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [03:19:50] Speaker A: It's almost as if that's the key caveat of playing tabletop. [03:19:53] Speaker F: Anyways, I'm Jerry Law. [03:19:54] Speaker A: That's our show. Again. If you. [03:19:56] Speaker F: If you want to find me on social media, I am my Jerry amour, a m o u r on Twitter, and Jerry Law dot mov on Instagram. Thank you so much again for being a part of this world with us. It's an honor and a privilege, and I can't be grateful enough. Anyways, farewell. Stay hydrated. Tell someone you care about. You love them. Peace. [03:20:22] Speaker B: I'm gonna die. Cut.

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