Lighthearted - Weird Magic, Episode 1

July 01, 2023 01:34:35
Lighthearted - Weird Magic, Episode 1
One Shots and Other Mischief
Lighthearted - Weird Magic, Episode 1

Jul 01 2023 | 01:34:35


Show Notes

Guest GM and  @tabulasono  Community Manager Caito Aase takes us to the neon-drenched 1980s where the suspicions are raised when the nerdiest nerds at school have somehow managed to throw the party of the century. Featuring Tabula Sono, the free-to-use 3D virtual tabletop.

Content warnings for Lighthearted include references to Blood/Gore, Body Horror, and Demons.

Angelica Greenwood - Vee Locke (@Veeisforvampire)
Dante Katz - Logan the GM (@LogantheGM)
Devon Ramsey - Aubrey Knotts (@MadQueenCosplay)
Maxine Forshier - Laura Tutu (@Laura_Tutu)
The Director - Caito Aase (@OnlyHandbasket)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to another single serving tabletop adventure from Queenscourt Games and Tabula Sono. Tonight we will be playing light hearted, a game of neon magic and emotion by Kurt and Kate Potts, all lovingly rendered in a 3d virtual tabletop. You can find out more information about lighthearted by typing exclamation point scenario in chat or taking a look at the show notes if you're catching up on YouTube or listening via podcast. This is a wonderful eighties coming of age movie, but even the campiest films can contain certain topics that viewers may find uncomfortable or objectionable. You can get a list of these topics by typing exclamation point safety in chat or checking out the show notes. The cast has been briefed on all these topics and has QCG safety tools at hand, but make sure to keep yourself safe and take breaks if you need them. Now that all of that is settled, let's meet our amazing, amazing cast for this evening. First up, they were voted most likely to win the lottery, but lose the ticket. It's QCG social media maven, Laura. [00:01:05] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:08] Speaker A: Next is one of my favorite people voted most likely to be late to graduation. It's QCG's technical director, Aubrey. [00:01:16] Speaker C: Hello. [00:01:19] Speaker A: Our first guest for tonight was voted most likely to get away with anything. It's Logan. [00:01:26] Speaker D: It's true. Hi. [00:01:29] Speaker A: And lastly, but certainly not leastly, they were voted most likely to create inventions that would show up on infomercials. It's Tabby La Sonos, community manager and our DM for the evening, Kato. [00:01:41] Speaker E: Hi, everybody. I'm so excited to be here. [00:01:44] Speaker A: We are so excited to have you here. And obviously, friends. I'm vy, but you know that. So I'm gonna let Cato take over. [00:01:53] Speaker E: Hooray. Hi, everybody. Just a brief little moment. I am the community manager for Tabula Sono. It is a virtual tabletop platform that is browser based, it is free, and it is three D. And for the intents and purposes of this game, it is absolutely perfect because there's so much weird tron neon stuff that you can do in here. And we're gonna be able to highlight that as we play this wonderful eighties coming of age story. We are going to be going through what would be sort of the format of an eighties movie, mainly the coming of age stories that we know and love so well, like Breakfast Club, Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, things like that. We also have some horror elements in there. Just as a heads up, nothing too too uncorred or scary, but some of those eighties campy horror films that we love, there'll be a little bit of that going on as well. So if you hear me talking, as the title of this is not game master, it's director. So I will be speaking a little bit in camera terms, and we will be going through all of that. And basically, in reading this game, one of the things that I was thrilled by was it was all the neon soaked loveliness and excitement and big hair and glitter and glam of the eighties without all the problematic bullshit. So we're removing all of that, tucking it in the garbage, and saying, here's the version of the eighties that we always wanted. So I am thrilled to have each of you here. I know that for our Patreon subscribers for Queensport games, got to see our character creation side of that. I would love for each of us in turn to talk through who our character is. So the name, pronouns, their physical appearance, and just a little brief thing about who they are as a person. We're starting this adventure in kind of the throes of college. So these players have started to outgrow their cliques, but maybe are hanging on to some bad habits that they had throughout high school. So we're going to start it off visually. I'm going to do it based on what I can see. So it's going to be probably all over the map for you, vy, but I'm going to start off with Logan. Please tell us about your character. [00:04:05] Speaker D: Okay. Hello. I will be playing Dante. He goes by he him. Dante is a member of the outcast clique. He's a bit of a pastel goth individual, so he wears a lot of light pinks and blues, but also has, like, skulls, necklaces, and rings like that. He has a high top fade haircut that's been split down the middle like he actually naturally has. One side is all white hair, one side is all black hair, and no matter what he does, he can't get it to go away. It all happened just that one time when he went into the tech closet. Anyway, that's Dante. Just to give you an idea, he'll probably sell you cigarettes for information. There you go. [00:04:59] Speaker E: Brilliant. I love it. Thank you so very much. Let's kick it over to Laura. Can you tell us about your character? [00:05:06] Speaker B: Of course. Hi. Hello, friends. My name is Laura. I will be playing Maxine forshear. Her pronouns are she her. Maxine was a jock through most of her early school days. Any and all sports that she could get into, she did, because she's always been just surprisingly strong and agile, while not terribly surprising, given her height and her musculature. But even with her appearance, sometimes the things that she's able to pull off, the feats of strength and agility are a little. Little disconcerting, but still cool. It's a great party trick. She wears her hair in a big afro style, but cute. Keeps most of it cornrowed back out of her face just for safety's sake. She's usually running around in her tenny runners. Some form of athleisure, usually that good old fashioned 1980s windbreaker. And if it's not sweatpants, well, come on, what's the point? [00:06:13] Speaker E: Sweatpants equal life. Love it. Excellent. Aubrey, can you tell us about Devon? [00:06:21] Speaker C: Well, Devin is a bit of a rebel with without a cause. Unsure yet, but Devin is part of the rebel clique. She used to be one of the popular kids, but something happened, and she was kicked off track team back in high school and kind of just never got over that part. She, you know, kind of wears the punk styles. Got converse, kind of ripped up jeans, you know, just sort of a basic t shirt with a band logo on it, and then has sort of just this green jacket that's over her, over that, you know, has a messy green hair that has been known to change crazy. And a couple of tattoos, a couple of piercings that you can see and kinda has a bit of a fuck it all, devil may care attitude. [00:07:27] Speaker E: I love her. So good. Awesome. And vy, tell us about your superstar. [00:07:34] Speaker A: Absolutely. Angelica Greenwood thinks very highly of herself. She belongs to the rising star, Clark. She is a triple threat. Singing, dancing, acting, doesn't matter. She can do anything and everything and seems to have just an unending amount of energy and focus and drive. And it's probably best not to ask where that comes from, but, you know, she'll just tell you it's all just her own determination. She's known these guys for a while. She and Maxine were great. We're friends back in elementary school. They've known each other for a really, really long time. Obviously, they are very, very different people now, especially, but, you know, there's just something that keeps them all together. She likes to be comfortable as she can. And obviously, being an actor, being a dancer, being a theater person, she has to be comfortable because, you know, there's so many things that are required of her all the time. So she likes to wear a nice pair of brightly colored leggings with leg warmers, vary in style for the time. She wears a tank top with a slouchy shirt over it so she can be kind of flirty with it, but also, like, not freeze. And then she always, always wears character shoes because, you know, life is a stage. [00:09:05] Speaker E: Oh, man. And that's for all you theatre majors out there. Good night anyway. Excellent. So as we meet our unlikely quartet of heroes, these seemingly disparate groups have come together for one reason or another, which we will probably find out later. Each of you is attending the El Camino community college for or magic and Technology, full name for it, lovingly known as Elco. There are two schools in this universe. There's Elco, and there is Beaumont University, known as BU. And Bu are the kind of preppy, stuck up, very rich kids who are doing the very academia side of magical learning. And for the four of you, you were like, you know what? We're gonna do something a little different. So this ragtag group defines themselves as students at Elco College. And you all have spent a lovely summer kind of together, separate, moving about, enjoying your lives. And each of you have been approached by Gary and Wyatt, two of the heads who run the thaumaturgy club at Elko. Now, these guys are, like, not the coolest, right? As you're walking about campus, you know, they've kind of got a little bit of a nerdy edge to them. They're not terribly popular, and they run the thaumaturgy club, which is like an offshoot of magic that is very obscure and difficult to learn and very, you know, heady and things like that. And they're always trying to recruit people to be part of the thaumaturgy club, which even as some of, with some of you, as more outcasts or, you know, fringe people, it's a little too square for you, you know? But Gary and Wyatt have extended this invitation, and they come up to you excitedly, and they're bounding across the quad, and as the camera pans in, we see it punch in, and the four of you are sitting on a picnic blanket, and you see Gary and Wyatt run up to you, and they're like, hey, guys, so we're gonna be having a party this Saturday at the thaumaturgy clubhouse. So be there or be square. And they pull a flyer out of their, out of their satchel, and they hand it over to you, and it's lovingly printed, very bright colors with triangle details and some lightning bolts on it. Segmenturgy club party to end all parties. It's kind of like a welcome back to school vibe, like this last week of summer. So you all find yourselves sitting in the quad talking about this party, and it is a little bit weird that Gary and Wyatt are throwing a party like these guys. Really? So let's find out what our characters are up to. [00:12:15] Speaker B: I, like, I guess, first question, is there beer? Is there going to be beer? [00:12:22] Speaker E: Oh, totally. There's going to be so much beer. Like, kegs. Kegs of beer. Yeah. [00:12:32] Speaker D: Are there going to be drugs? [00:12:35] Speaker E: Uh, maybe. [00:12:45] Speaker D: I just want to know if it's worth going. Cause, you know, then I don't have. If I'm gonna go there, there's gotta be something fun to do, you know? [00:12:53] Speaker A: Who else is going? Who said yes? [00:12:56] Speaker B: Who else gonna be there? [00:12:58] Speaker E: Well, I mean, honestly. And you just see Wyatt, like, pushes glasses up his nose. He goes, everybody. [00:13:08] Speaker A: Everybody. [00:13:09] Speaker E: No, I'm serious. Everybody's coming. And you see, as you, like, peer across the quad, we get this pan shot of you, all of your perspective as you're looking and you're just seeing every student on the quad is, like, holding up these flyers, and they're all kind of nodding and, like, nudging each other, like, yeah. [00:13:29] Speaker B: I mean, yeah, it's the first big rager of the season, so. [00:13:33] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. Uh, yeah, that's the idea. [00:13:37] Speaker C: Let it be known that I have never said no to a party. [00:13:42] Speaker E: Uh, we got a pool. [00:13:46] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:13:49] Speaker B: So, okay. [00:13:50] Speaker A: Is there a diving board? [00:13:52] Speaker E: Yeah. Oh, totally. Yeah. Like, yeah, really sturdy diving board. Yep. Okay. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Okay. All right. [00:14:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:14:01] Speaker A: Is there a slide? [00:14:04] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah, we got, like, a hose that runs on it, and you can just, like. Yeah, right? Yeah. Please come to our party. [00:14:18] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:14:19] Speaker E: Listen, it's really important to us. Cause, you know, like, we don't have a whole lot of social cred, and I think it'd be really rad if you guys just said yes. [00:14:32] Speaker A: I'm gonna take a look around at the others because I'm inclined to say yes. It's not often that I would turn down an event with a diving board, because if nothing else, diving boards are chances to show off amazing flips. In Devin's case, amazing belly flops. She's not very good at the flips, but that's okay. It's not everybody's strong suit. I get it. But, you know, I just kind of want to see if everybody else is vibing that way. [00:15:04] Speaker B: Hey, like, you had me at kegs, y'all. [00:15:10] Speaker D: I guess I can go see what the losers are up to or whatever. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Oh, my God, Dante. [00:15:17] Speaker A: Okay, Dante, I'm just gonna reach over and just pat him on the back. Yeah. Okay. [00:15:21] Speaker B: Okay. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:15:23] Speaker E: You have like, your, like, little spread of, like, various eighties snacks in the center there as you're just gonna munch in, and they're like, cool. All right, cool. So we'll see you Saturday. [00:15:36] Speaker A: Saturday. [00:15:38] Speaker B: Oh, my God. It's a finger do. [00:15:40] Speaker E: Finger guns out of the frame. You see them backing up, like. And then they turn. They high five each other as we watch it. We watch their backs as it pans this way and it cuts back over to the four of you. [00:15:51] Speaker B: Like, I know we're weird. At least we're not that weird. [00:15:54] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:15:56] Speaker D: Are we? Are we actually weird compared to that? Like, I actually think we're pretty well adjusted compared to that shit. [00:16:04] Speaker B: We do. Right? That's fucking weird, my guy. [00:16:08] Speaker D: I guess. Whatever. Okay. [00:16:18] Speaker B: Come on. [00:16:19] Speaker C: Yeah, anything. First party of the year. I mean, hopefully certain people will be there, you know, to make sure that things kick up a notch if we need it to. [00:16:32] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [00:16:33] Speaker B: Listen, if it blows, I can talk to a friend of mine. We can go to their apartment. Like, he's always got, like, a decent spread of people there, so if this turns out to be a fucking dud, I can get a set up with a contingency. [00:16:48] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna let. I'm gonna trust you guys. This turns out to be lame as hell. I don't know. [00:16:55] Speaker A: Oh, my God. The party's gonna be as lame as you make it. I'm going to be there, which means that the party's going to be amazing, period. So. [00:17:09] Speaker E: Are there any things that you would like to do to plan for said party? Any things that you want to do in anticipation? [00:17:17] Speaker C: Pick up party favors. [00:17:20] Speaker E: Of the drug persuasion? [00:17:22] Speaker C: Yes. [00:17:23] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. Okay. [00:17:26] Speaker D: Can I. Okay, can I recon somehow who's actually gonna be there? Because I know, like you said, everyone's like, has the flyer. Just because you got a flyer don't mean you're going, you know? [00:17:38] Speaker E: Yeah. With your ability, that kind of insight that you have, that intuition and that forethought that you have, by some means or other, you are able to pick up on the fact that for whatever reason, despite the fact that these are the two biggest losers at school, everybody is going to this party. It is the rager of the year, and everybody is really weirdly excited about it. [00:18:07] Speaker D: Can I use one of my chosen abilities? [00:18:10] Speaker E: Yes, absolutely. Talk to me about it. [00:18:13] Speaker D: Okay, so in this game, I'm chosen at this in celestial, and I have an ability called wax prophetic where I can deliver a prophecy that must end before the end of the session or must occur before the end of the session. [00:18:26] Speaker E: Hell yes. [00:18:28] Speaker D: This has given me bad vibes. And I just want to, like, I take out one of my cigarettes and I smoke. Inhale deeply, and instead of blowing out gray smoke, it's this deep purple smoke in my eyes. Just go white. Wide. And y'all should know this is me having a vision. And I go, someone's gonna die at that party. And then I just go, go back. What the fuck was that? Oh, well, okay. [00:18:57] Speaker E: Wow. [00:19:00] Speaker C: Yeah. But you say someone's gonna die, like, at least once a week. [00:19:04] Speaker B: Yeah, it's been like this for like, two months, my guy. [00:19:08] Speaker D: I mean, my track record's only been like, 50%. That's pretty good. [00:19:13] Speaker A: Oh, flip. I mean, that's a. That's a coin flip. [00:19:16] Speaker D: Yeah, that's pretty good. [00:19:18] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:19] Speaker D: That's pretty good. [00:19:20] Speaker B: Okay, you're right. [00:19:22] Speaker C: Look, I could not have predicted like, you predict somehow. Just like hyenas ate a professor. Like, that was weird. [00:19:30] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that was wild. I don't like. To be fair, I do. I don't think that level of conjuration should have been attempted in that level of class. So, like, for sure that was bad news. [00:19:43] Speaker D: I mean, we're not, you know, we're at a community college. There's a lot of mistakes that happen here. [00:19:48] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:49] Speaker E: All right. [00:19:50] Speaker A: Can we not talk about where we are? I am reminded on the daily where we are and where we aren't, so if we could just move this conversation along. [00:20:04] Speaker E: Excellent. [00:20:05] Speaker A: But yes. No, I. Similarly to Devin and completely separate, because obviously nobody knows this. But yes, I do need to call Jeremy to make sure that I have everything that I will need to make sure I'm the life of the party on Saturday. But it's not. It's just, for me, different, right? [00:20:28] Speaker E: Yes. Correct. Yes. That connection. Jeremy Moss. Hmm. What a guy. [00:20:35] Speaker A: What a guy. [00:20:35] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:20:36] Speaker E: Jeremy Moss. [00:20:36] Speaker B: Great, great guy. [00:20:40] Speaker A: But nobody else knows that I'm going to do that, so. [00:20:45] Speaker E: Sure. [00:20:47] Speaker A: Nobody knows. [00:20:48] Speaker B: They might know. [00:20:48] Speaker E: Nobody knows. Everybody knows. Everybody knows. [00:20:52] Speaker B: Yeah. You're not super smooth about it, babe. [00:20:56] Speaker C: It's like, what's in that back room? Nobody. [00:20:59] Speaker E: Nothing. Yes. What? [00:21:01] Speaker C: What's the question, Devin? Staying quiet in a closet? [00:21:06] Speaker A: Awful. [00:21:07] Speaker E: Anyway, anyway, so we're getting some party favors. We've had a prophecy. We've had a prophecy. And the other things. [00:21:22] Speaker B: I guess I'll check in with Polly, because, like, if Polly's gonna be there, at the very least, I know I will be entertained because he's very good at reading people for filth. So if it's just lame O central. At least I'll have a good time hanging out with Wally. [00:21:37] Speaker E: Correct. And if we were to do a smash cut over to you, you know, at night at your place, you're on the phone, you know, with Polly, and he tells you. Yeah, of course I'm gonna be there. [00:21:52] Speaker B: Good. Like, it's weird, right? The fact that these two have decided to, like, gather the entire student population to their place. Like, that's. That's weird, right? [00:22:04] Speaker E: I mean, it's weird, but, like, are you really gonna turn down a party right now? [00:22:11] Speaker B: I don't. First of all, don't be dumb. They said there would be kegs, and. [00:22:17] Speaker E: Like, probably a lot more than that. [00:22:21] Speaker B: Let's be careful if Devin has her way, obviously. [00:22:27] Speaker E: Well, let's just go. And if it sucks, then let's get pizza. [00:22:34] Speaker B: Yeah, if it sucks too, can we. Can we watch that new John Hughes movie you told me about? [00:22:42] Speaker E: Yes, of course. 17 candles. [00:22:47] Speaker B: Perfect. All right. You'll meet us there? [00:22:51] Speaker E: Yeah, I'll see you there, babe. [00:22:54] Speaker B: All right, thanks, Polly. [00:22:56] Speaker E: Bye. [00:22:58] Speaker A: Click. [00:23:01] Speaker E: Cutting back over to the quad. Okay, so we've had a prophecy. We've contacted Paulie to see if he's going to the party. We've contacted Jeremy Moss, Moss's boss. Moss, Devin, anything. Anything you'd like to do before. [00:23:23] Speaker D: I'm ready to roll up. [00:23:25] Speaker C: Yeah, honestly, it was, like party favors, all that stuff. [00:23:29] Speaker B: Contingency plan. [00:23:32] Speaker C: And I'll just mooch off of someone else's contingency plan if things really do go to shit. Cause I have a. I have a bad habit of just showing up wherever I want to. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Like a bad goddamn penny. [00:23:46] Speaker E: Yeah, she can do that. I wonder why. Anyway, thinly veiled secrets later. Smash cut over to Saturday night. It's around 08:00 you're deciding. All right, we're gonna scope this out. Go early. If it sucks, we leave. And walking up the driveway, and we're catching the footage of your backs as you walk up. What song is playing? [00:24:25] Speaker B: Fight the power. [00:24:26] Speaker E: There you go. [00:24:27] Speaker C: There you go. [00:24:29] Speaker E: There you go. And you're walking in step this, like, very cool scene. And we see you all in your. In your various, you know, your. Your typical. Your typical attire taken a little bit higher. Maybe you. Maybe you turned to Angelica, and she gave you just a hint of a glamour. If anybody might want to take that. [00:24:53] Speaker A: You know, I'm always one for glamour. I obviously have. Have given a little glamour to myself. It's. It's kind of fun. It's actually a set of sparkles that they don't, like, they don't sit on my skin. So it's not like my skin is sparkling, but it's just kind of like, there are just sparkles that just kind of, like, radiate off of my entire person because obviously I'm here to be the center of attention. [00:25:22] Speaker E: Let's have you roll for that. [00:25:25] Speaker A: I can do that. Absolutely. [00:25:27] Speaker E: Let's have you roll to see how well you hold on, how well you hold off this glamour. I'm also looking it up here because you took the feature of Magecraft 102 in blue, correct? [00:25:44] Speaker A: Yes. [00:25:45] Speaker E: Excellent. [00:25:46] Speaker A: Yes. And even though blue is tied to, tied to emotions, like the blue emotion, because I'm using glam, does that affect anything at all? [00:26:04] Speaker E: I would say what is Angelica's emotional state at this? So this is the mechanic of the game of what's her emotional state as she's, you know, as you kind of. We're all getting ready together, you know. How you feeling? Confidence? [00:26:18] Speaker A: I'm definitely. Oh, I mean, it's, it is a party. I am here to be the life of it. There is a bikini on under these clothes. We are ready to go. I am ready to show off. I have prepared myself to get all of the attention. I'm ready for all of it. So joyous, optimistic is probably pretty good. [00:26:42] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:26:42] Speaker A: So I would, I would say. [00:26:44] Speaker E: I would say yellow. Yeah, yellow. Let's say yellow and glam to see how well you pull this up. And because you do have this, this magecraft 102, I would say you can roll with a plus two advantage on this. [00:26:59] Speaker A: Okay, so, and then, so I just wanna make sure, because I wanna make sure I'm doing this right. So my emotion is currently yellow, which means that the adjacent ones are green and orange, which means I would roll blue because it's a blue magic at the d four. Correct. Because it's not adjacent. It's just the default roll. [00:27:24] Speaker E: So your emotion being yellow. [00:27:28] Speaker B: Yes. [00:27:28] Speaker E: Aha. Yes. This is where I wanted to get into the mechanics of things. Your emotion being yellow, I believe you would roll the yellow emotion plus your glam traits. [00:27:39] Speaker A: But the magic is blue. Cause it's an illusion. [00:27:42] Speaker E: The magic. [00:27:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:44] Speaker E: Yeah. Okay, so then, yeah. Let's have you since illusion magic. [00:27:47] Speaker C: Yes. [00:27:47] Speaker E: Then you would roll. If you're at yellow, green would be adjacent. So it would be a D four, but you're gonna get a plus two to your blue roll. And then you're gonna roll your glam traits. So you're rolling two dice. Yes. Yes. See how well this goes? [00:28:02] Speaker A: All right, so that is six plus two. So I got an eight for that eight. [00:28:08] Speaker E: And that isn't. Is that including. That includes the plus two, and that's including both dice? [00:28:13] Speaker A: Yes. [00:28:14] Speaker C: Yes. [00:28:15] Speaker A: I got a two and a six or two and a four plus two. [00:28:18] Speaker E: And you got an eight. Yes. I would say that you pull off the sparkles pretty well, but the thing that you haven't realized and you think it looks fantastic is it is a lot of sparkle. It's a lot of sparkle. [00:28:34] Speaker A: Is that bad, though? [00:28:34] Speaker E: Like, it's like, a little, like you, like, smeared it on there and, like, to, like, to max, like, that face that is. [00:28:43] Speaker A: Yeah, but I. But I say again, is that. Is that bad, though. [00:28:48] Speaker E: To you? It's like, kind of an illusion of delusion. [00:28:55] Speaker A: Okay, all right. [00:28:56] Speaker B: Okay. Staring. Like, if you look up at the club and you look into the disco ball at the exact wrong moment, and you just get a reflection, like, back. [00:29:07] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:29:07] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:29:08] Speaker B: Okay. [00:29:09] Speaker A: All right. Yep, yep. [00:29:11] Speaker E: Exactly that. Exactly that. To you, not intense to everybody else, but you're feeling confident. [00:29:20] Speaker A: Problem, not mine. [00:29:22] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. Are you wanting to give some glam to anybody else? Is anybody else wanting some glam as we walk into this party? [00:29:31] Speaker A: I am. Give anybody glam all the time if it's being offered. [00:29:37] Speaker C: Sure. It would just be like. Yeah, just kind of. Just, like, touch this up. Just point at my face. [00:29:44] Speaker A: Touch. Touch this up. Just gonna. I have to think for a minute, because Devin and I have very different understandings of what that could possibly mean. So I guess we'll see how well it turns out based on my role. [00:30:04] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. That's the fun of the game. So we'll have you make the same roll. So it'll be the d four plus two. You're getting that additional bonus of the magic, and then your. Your glam okay. Trait. [00:30:19] Speaker A: Awesome. Awesome. I know. I think I have slightly worse news. So, that was three plus two is five. I rolled a two and a one, and then plus two. [00:30:40] Speaker E: Oh, no. Describe what you did to Devin. [00:30:45] Speaker A: So, here's what had happened. What happened was, what happened was epi makeup. Yeah. So when Devin talks about, I want to touch this up. The problem is, I've been watching a lot of, like. So one of the things that I was suggested to watch just to kind of learn a little bit from is actually beauty pageants. So the unfortunate part is, as I'm trying to do her makeup and give her just kind of, like, an extra little oomph to all of this. This blue light that I've kind of pulled out from my little compact, which is where my familiar lives. The unfortunate thing is that Devin has really, obviously, fake teeth now that just look like the flippers that you'd use at beauty pageants. Oh, immaculate. [00:31:48] Speaker C: Luckily, I don't smile, obviously. [00:31:50] Speaker A: Well, no, here's the problem, because of the way that the flipper is, because it's that kind of thing. Part of the glamour is that you're constantly smiling. So even though you don't smile, you're gonna just have this smile plastered on your face for a while. Because I'm taking 102, which means that my glamours can last for a couple days. I'm. You look great. A smile looks good on you. You should try it more often. [00:32:20] Speaker C: Please, someone punch me in the face. [00:32:22] Speaker E: Oh, boy. I'm going to. It wasn't such an egregious role that I think it would be a permanent condition. But I think Devon is going to take the condition of embarrassed. So I think, under blue. Go ahead and write in embarrassed as a function of what you're dealing with right now. Yep. Anyone else you know, you know, after seeing that? [00:32:58] Speaker B: No, I'm good. [00:32:59] Speaker D: I'm good. [00:33:00] Speaker B: I'm straight. I'm straight, homes. [00:33:03] Speaker A: Don't ask me to mess with your face. Don't. Don't ask me, like, I won't ever again. [00:33:10] Speaker C: No again. [00:33:13] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Whatever. [00:33:17] Speaker B: I am a okay, Angie, thanks. [00:33:22] Speaker E: So, as usual. [00:33:25] Speaker C: Yes. [00:33:25] Speaker E: As Angie has provided these magical glamours. [00:33:29] Speaker A: Excuse me. Who. Who's Angelica Greenwood? [00:33:34] Speaker E: Kato, what's my trick here? [00:33:35] Speaker A: What? [00:33:36] Speaker E: Angie. [00:33:37] Speaker B: Angie. [00:33:38] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:33:40] Speaker C: Ange. [00:33:44] Speaker E: As you. Anne. [00:33:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:45] Speaker E: And I'm sorry. And just in that quiet, melted tone, you're, like, the only one who respects her real name. Oh, man. As you approach. And you, if you want to go ahead and pop open your tabula sono window, there, if you haven't already, here is the front door. Yeah. There you go, vy. Okay, so, v, having taken a condition under blue of embarrassed, I think that it would be perfectly understandable to change your character color to blue, which is. I'm really excited about this game because we can change colors. Look at this sweet, sweet house with the purple walls and these big green trees out front. And from inside, you're hearing just the sounds of synths and bass. The party is popping. People are having a really good time in here. You can hear lots of chatter. There are lots of partygoers around. And you make your way over to the front door here. Ping on the map there. You make your way over to the front door, and you let yourself in and none of you have ever been to the. The thaumaturgy Club house. It is massive. It is gorgeous. It is. Where the hell did these kids get this funding? It is mind boggling. And you understand why they're throwing the rager. They're throwing. For the intents and purposes of our game. I'm going to lower the walls so we can have a better visual playing field. Oh, yeah. There we go. Also, if at any point, if at any point, you all want to see this, in a 2d bird's eye view of the map, there is a button towards your compass that says 3d. You can toggle it to 2d if you wanted to see it that way. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable. As you can see, there's a lovely bearskin rug on the floor. You enter the room, you see various people. The bearskin rug underneath it is this kind of light up dance floor. And you see there are various people having a great time dancing. There's this magical neon essence in the room. But I will leave it to you all to tell me what the mood of this room actually feels like. What does this feel like to you? What is the color involved? What song is currently playing? This is a collaborative effort, so paint a picture for me. [00:36:44] Speaker C: I mean, somebody said Depeche mode in the chat earlier, and now I'm just thinking of people are people by Depeche mode. [00:36:50] Speaker E: People love people, dude. And that's all I can sing for copyright for this? [00:36:54] Speaker A: Yep. [00:36:57] Speaker B: But I'm thinking if it's not some Depeche mode, I can't remember what. Who the damn artist is, but it's. [00:37:07] Speaker E: Who is that? This is the problem with eighties music. We're like, who is that? Really? [00:37:12] Speaker D: Who is that? [00:37:14] Speaker B: Echo and the Bunnyman. [00:37:16] Speaker D: Mmm. [00:37:17] Speaker E: Okay. All right, all right. [00:37:19] Speaker B: Lips like sugar. [00:37:21] Speaker E: Love it. [00:37:21] Speaker B: So I think. I think we're probably getting a fair amount of, like, yellow, maybe a little bit of green, like. And it's a college party, so there's probably a little bit of red floating around. There's that. Yeah. [00:37:43] Speaker A: With lips like sugar. Yeah, I think red is the. [00:37:46] Speaker B: Yeah, but it's like one of those little lights that you see at wedding receptions that shifts and changes with the music. Yeah. Instead of an actual physical item, like a physical light, it's just this ball. This ball of energy and light and color that's posted up by the DJ booth. [00:38:11] Speaker E: Gorgeous, beautiful detail. I absolutely love it. And over the kind of near where. Near where Dante is currently standing is where the DJ booth is, there are these cool chairs hanging out, people dancing. You notice you, Angelica, noticed one of your fellow theater kids here on the dance floor. And you also, as you look at her, you look behind and you see Jeremy Moss standing just inside this dining area here as you took a little bit of a scan around the room. [00:38:47] Speaker A: Did I happen to give him a visit before this party, or were we gonna just say hi to each other? [00:38:57] Speaker E: Here? Let us. Let's confirm. What does the table think? Did they. Was there a visit beforehand, or is it more engaging to do it at the party? [00:39:09] Speaker C: Maybe he didn't have the stuff you needed, and he was like, I'll give it to you at the party. Yeah, but, you know, he's like, I'll have it, but it'll be at the party. [00:39:19] Speaker A: All right. Okay. [00:39:20] Speaker D: You're not his only customer. You're not his only customer. [00:39:24] Speaker B: That's true. [00:39:25] Speaker A: That is fair. That is fair. Just gotta make sure I get the right stuff then. Not somebody stuff that's been earmarked for somebody else. No. I mean, yeah, absolutely. But spotting Jeremy, I'm just gonna, you know. Oh, guys, I'm gonna go say hi to Jeremy real fast. I'll be right back. And I will just excuse myself without waiting for anybody to ask any questions. [00:39:51] Speaker E: Oh, for sure. [00:39:53] Speaker C: You make your way moment, locke eyes, you know? [00:39:57] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, absolutely. As you make your way over, you pass this neon blue sign that is on the wall there, and it's kind of this, like, scrawling script that says, let the good times roll. And it is kind of illuminating the whole room. This blue color you're seeing very adjacent, like, um, pinks and red lighting from different places. Like, they have gone all out and spared no expense to create this. This environment that is truly a party. [00:40:33] Speaker A: How strange. It's really weird. This is very, very weird for them. Yeah. [00:40:42] Speaker E: Yeah. It is weird for them. It's a weird flavor for them. Like, they use thaumaturgy. Like, that's kind of like. That's like ancient art stuff. That's like. That's like Dewey decimal system stuff. Like, you know. [00:40:56] Speaker D: Yeah, decimal. I worked in the library. It's just funny to me. [00:41:03] Speaker E: I don't know anything about math or science. Library system. Who knows? [00:41:10] Speaker B: Who knows? [00:41:11] Speaker C: It's probably some sort of sorcery. [00:41:14] Speaker A: Some sort of sorcery. [00:41:16] Speaker E: Some sort of sorcery. As you make your way over to Jeremy, he's standing there and he's kind of looking a little suave, and he goes, oh, hey. [00:41:29] Speaker A: Hey. So I'm here. You're here. Did you bring it? [00:41:39] Speaker E: Cutting right to the chase there, Greenwood. No sense of formality. No. How are you? [00:41:48] Speaker A: Jeremy? [00:41:49] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Hi, Jeremy. How are you doing? Are you enjoying the party? I'm surprised that you're here this early. Usually come, like, a little fashionably late, so I'm surprised to see you already. [00:42:00] Speaker E: Yeah, you know, I'm surprised I'm here early, too, but one of my favorites. It's just. Wow, you gotta get here early, scope the scene. Yeah. [00:42:12] Speaker A: Any. Anything I should be aware of that you may have already scoped out? I mean, obviously, I just got here, so I, you know, I saw you and obviously had to come say hi first. [00:42:24] Speaker E: Well, good. I'm glad that you're keeping your priorities straight there, obviously. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Always. [00:42:33] Speaker E: Now, I gotta say here, ang, I have to go to some lengths to get this, because, as you know, I didn't have the right stuff that you always want, you know? So it's gonna cost you a little extra. [00:42:48] Speaker A: How much extra? [00:42:53] Speaker E: Call it 40. Sucks on his teeth a little bit. [00:43:05] Speaker A: You know? And if you weren't you, Jeremy. [00:43:11] Speaker E: But I am me. [00:43:13] Speaker A: Yeah, you sure are, aren't you? Aw, yeah, fine. An extra 40, then. [00:43:25] Speaker E: And you, having done deals with him a lot, you just kind of. You have it folded up in your hand already, and you just give him a handshake, and it's like. And as he does it, he clasps your hand and, like, squeezes just a little too tight as you palm the money off to him. And he tucks it into his pocket and he pulls it out very blatantly in front of the entire party and just hands it to you, puts in your hand there. [00:43:50] Speaker A: I quickly grab it and just, like, put it away, and I just say, jeremy, do you think maybe you could just a little bit. [00:44:04] Speaker E: Give me a sway role with whatever Angelica's feeling at this moment? [00:44:10] Speaker A: Ooh, that's a good question. What am I feeling? Feeling at this moment? I actually think I'm gonna keep with the blue because I'm a little. I'm confused as to why he would do it. And also a little scared that, like, any of my friends would have noticed. So I think blue makes the most sense for this. [00:44:29] Speaker E: Absolutely. Absolutely. [00:44:31] Speaker A: So let me grab that. And then my sway. Ooh, that's a nine. [00:44:40] Speaker E: Six. A nine. [00:44:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:44:44] Speaker E: He, uh. [00:44:46] Speaker A: As you go. [00:44:47] Speaker E: As you. Jeremy, could you. And it slipped out of your hand and landed on the floor next to his feet. And he gets down as if to tie his shoe, and he grabs it and stands up and puts an arm around you and goes, sorry about that. And tucks it into your hand. [00:45:08] Speaker A: Thank you. And I'll straighten my hair because, you know, he messed it up a little bit as he put his arm around me, but that's all right. [00:45:18] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah, he's a scumbag. Yeah, he's a total scumbag. [00:45:22] Speaker A: Yeah. A little bit. A little bit. [00:45:23] Speaker E: Yes. [00:45:23] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:45:25] Speaker E: Let's. Let's smash cut over to. What is Dante doing? Dante, who predicted this, but someone might die at this party. [00:45:35] Speaker D: It's not might. It's gonna happen. Dante is sitting by the wall and he's checking what the vibe is with everyone. He doesn't like to go to a lot of social parties, but he goes to, like. He listens to music and bands all the time. So he's used to, like, scanning and get the feel of a crowd. He wants to know what is everyone doing, what's happening? And is there anyone around that looks a little bit. Okay. Did Dante see the deal? Was that like an obvious, like, ah, someone is dealing drugs here situation for him? [00:46:11] Speaker E: Oh, let's have you roll for this. Okay, so we're gonna take your. Whatever emotional state you're in. Whatever you think Dante might, I don't know, maybe a lurse, maybe like an orange state. [00:46:25] Speaker D: Yeah. I kind of think, you know, vigilant would be a kind of a good state to be in. Okay. [00:46:31] Speaker E: And then I think I. I think maybe psych would be the most. What does the table think? We think a psych role would be the most sensical or a mental role to kind of scope the scene, see if. [00:46:45] Speaker B: Yeah. If we're doing like a full on, like, perception, quote unquote. [00:46:50] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:46:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:46:50] Speaker B: I think it's fall under psychology. [00:46:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree. [00:46:53] Speaker E: Okay. [00:46:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:46:54] Speaker E: Cool. [00:46:55] Speaker D: Well, for me it wouldn't matter. Cause they're the same die. But let's see what I get. Five. [00:47:04] Speaker E: Five total. [00:47:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:47:05] Speaker E: Do you get any bonuses or buffs because of your. Your chosen? Do you get a plus to anything? [00:47:16] Speaker D: Wait a second. [00:47:17] Speaker E: Just wanna make sure we didn't. [00:47:17] Speaker D: This could be retroactive, active, I suppose. Oh, no, no, I couldn't. No, no. Mine's a response to someone receiving a condition which no one has. [00:47:26] Speaker E: Oh, sure. [00:47:26] Speaker D: That was a past thing. Devin got a condition, but not Angelica. So. No, not there. I do. I do have the ability wallflower, which if I just spend time in the moment in the crowd, I gather information as if I've been asking questions. But I guess it's a little bit different because I want to know specifically, did I see drugs gets. Get sold? [00:47:52] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't think much. You could. If you wanted to spend a heart, you could do try hard, but it depends on if you want to save that or not for later. You can spend a heart and get a plus two to reroll. [00:48:07] Speaker D: I'll. I'll hold off a whole buff on. [00:48:11] Speaker E: It. [00:48:13] Speaker D: But that's kind of. [00:48:14] Speaker E: You did see something weird happen, and it is one of those moments where you did see an interaction between Jeremy Moss and Angelica. It's like, the hell's going on there. Yeah. And you do take that moment in, and as you do, you pan around and you scan the kitchen, past the table area, and out of this room, you see Stacy Morgan. [00:48:37] Speaker D: Holy shit. Okay. [00:48:39] Speaker E: She's at the party. And. Oh, my God. Gary and Wyatt got Stacey Morgan to come to the party. Oh, my God. [00:48:48] Speaker D: Can I say. Okay, just in theme of this game, can I switch to music? Can I say personal Jesus starts playing by depashed mode? [00:48:58] Speaker E: Yes, absolutely it does. Absolutely it does. I have you hear the first notes. Go ahead. [00:49:05] Speaker A: I was gonna say, I have a very important staging question for you. Dante. Are you wearing the shirt? [00:49:13] Speaker D: Oh, yes. Because that's dramatic and fun. Yes. I see Stacy Morgan, the my own personal Jesus, as you hear ding ding. Yep. [00:49:30] Speaker E: Reach out to church. [00:49:32] Speaker D: Yes. And I'm wearing a shirt that says my emotional sausage, the name of the band that she. She sings in. It is a tattered tee that is, like, hundreds of little holes. The shirt is more holes than. More holes than it is shirt at this point, but you can still see, like, a small, like, grungy drawn graphic that was on there that was, like, from one show that was, like, maybe from three years ago that no one remembers but him. And it's just like, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit. Be cool, be cool, be cool, be cool. [00:50:14] Speaker E: Because Stacey Morgan is making her way directly over to you. [00:50:21] Speaker D: His emotional state immediately goes red. [00:50:25] Speaker E: Great. Love it. You can feel free to change your. Your character color if you want. [00:50:30] Speaker D: Yeah, let's do that. Let's go. [00:50:32] Speaker E: Yeah, do it. [00:50:33] Speaker D: And that, I think. [00:50:35] Speaker E: Yeah, look at that. Look at that. As Stacy Morgan stands before you, truly, like, the coolest and hottest baby you've ever seen in your whole life. She's got this, like, really teased up kind of, like, with short bangs, like, spiky looking mullet going on. That's, like, heart black, and hers is part black and heart blonde, but it's clear that she dyes it that way. So there's, like, this kind of connection that you guys have really similar hair color, and she's got this massive bull ring septum piercing, and you can just see, like, the hint of her crop shirt. You just see this hint of this tattoo, this chest piece coming up. She's got, like, an armband tattoo around. She's wearing a tiny mini skirt and big shit kicking combat boots. She is a vision. She is so cool. You have kind of a crush on her, but also just really excited to be meeting your idol. And she walks. She directly walks up to you, and she goes, hey, you're, like, always at our shows, aren't you? And you just see, like, she kind of, like, blinks through her really long lashes with these, like, charcoal black rimmed eyes. [00:51:48] Speaker D: My first instinct, I take out a cigarette, and I light it, like, right away. I'm like, yeah, yeah, you got some good shit. [00:51:59] Speaker E: Thanks. Just one to say, like, thanks so much for, like, being such a supporter. Oh, nice. And she looks at your shirt, she's like, that's really rad. [00:52:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:52:13] Speaker E: What are you doing here? What's your name? [00:52:18] Speaker D: Dante. You know, I'm here checking out the party, seeing what everyone's up to. You know, first party of the year. You gotta. You gotta get a feel what's happening, and. [00:52:30] Speaker E: Totally. [00:52:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:52:34] Speaker E: Well, we're playing a set later, like, out by the pool. [00:52:42] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah, cool. [00:52:44] Speaker E: It was, like, a private event kind of thing. You know, these guys just hired us and, like, totally met our price, which is freaking cool. [00:52:58] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. That's so cool. Takes a big huff of the cigarette. Just another. [00:53:06] Speaker E: She goes, can I bum one of those off you? [00:53:12] Speaker D: Shaky hand? Shaky hand. Pulls out the whole pack, like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:53:19] Speaker E: Cool. I'm gonna have you roll for this. And I'm trying to figure out what it's gonna be. Okay. So we're, like. We're red, right? Yeah. We're super passionate. Are you trying to be cool? Like, is this a glam roll? Like, what are you thinking? Anyone can chime in as well if you. [00:53:36] Speaker D: I feel, like, style, maybe, but I almost wish it could be sway. Cause I'm trying to persuade her that I'm cool. I don't know. [00:53:46] Speaker A: I. I would. I think the argument is. Is more for glam, because it's, like, style and also, like, attitude. So you're, like, trying to project this, like, air about you. [00:53:58] Speaker D: Okay, that's fair. That's true. That's fair. Okay, I'll take that. Roll these together. 717. [00:54:08] Speaker E: Seven total. You know, it's, like, definitely not. Definitely not a failure. She. She kind of. She clocks a little bit of, like, maybe like a blush in your cheek and she clocks your hand shaking and she looks and kind of assesses you, like she's got like kind of that punk girl scowl. And then she like cracks a really wide smile and goes, hey, like if you want to like chat after, like we can talk. Just a thought. And she takes a cigarette and she goes outside. [00:54:45] Speaker D: That'd be cool. Oh, shit, she's gone. Okay. [00:54:48] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. It was, yeah, you totally froze as she walked away out through the door. [00:54:58] Speaker D: Dante is just frozen out like against the wall, not looking at anyone or if anything, looking through everyone. Like, what the fuck? [00:55:11] Speaker E: Let's see what. What on earth? Now, as we have Dante, as we like, kind of catch him camera right here. Like, we cut over to Devin. What's Devon up to? [00:55:24] Speaker C: Hmm. Well, I think now would be a great time to use a car hoping skill. [00:55:30] Speaker E: Yeah, I would embarrassed. [00:55:32] Speaker C: Yeah. And one of mine is perfect. Is gotta engage in a vice and ignore the pain. [00:55:39] Speaker E: All right, all right. [00:55:42] Speaker C: So it is immediately like, look around, where's the booze? [00:55:49] Speaker E: You hear lots of cheering and yelling from this room over here. [00:55:55] Speaker C: Cool. That's, that is immediately like there's a moment. See, Jeremy lockeyes being first, is heading to wherever the room I think the booze is in and getting drunk. [00:56:10] Speaker E: Yep. And as you walk into this room here, you see a group of jocks standing around a table with myriad plastic cups in a diamond triangle formation. And they all have ping pong balls in hand and they are lobbing them. And occasionally you hear an oh. In the corner, you see a group of like three really burly looking guys and one of them is doing a keg stand and they're bracing, they're going, chug, chug, Joe, Joe. This seems to be like the beer room. [00:56:51] Speaker D: Then. [00:56:51] Speaker C: Yeah, no, it is. Whatever I need to do to get a drink, whoever I need to talk to, that is who I sidle up to and grab a cup. [00:57:01] Speaker E: Sure. I did not, I intentionally did not fill this room with as many jocks as are actually in this room. I'm having the two oppositional players. And then we're presuming we know that there are people in the corner. You walk up to the keg and you see these three jocks and one like, you know, flips back down, standing back up on his feet. He's got no shirt on, he's just pouring beard on his front. He's like, whoa. Yeah. And they look at you and they go, are you next? [00:57:28] Speaker C: Devin thinks for a second and just goes, yeah, no, fuck it. Let's do it. [00:57:35] Speaker E: Okay. We're gonna have you roll for this. So you're. So I think you're in. You have an emotional condition of blue, of embarrassed. I think that you're probably gonna make a BoD check. Does that sound reasonable? [00:57:51] Speaker C: Sure. Yeah. [00:57:52] Speaker E: BoD check. Because since you're gonna have to do a handstand to do this. [00:57:56] Speaker C: So it's the BoD and what emotion? [00:58:01] Speaker E: Yeah, so we're trying to clear the blue emotion. I think this would be a rules reference moment of do. Do you roll the emotion you're trying to clear? What are we thinking here? [00:58:13] Speaker A: Oh, that's your interesting question? [00:58:15] Speaker E: That is an interesting question. [00:58:17] Speaker A: Would you roll the opposite of the. Of the emotional color? [00:58:22] Speaker E: Kind of like what we did with the magic? [00:58:24] Speaker A: Yeah. So, like, if the opposite is yellow, would you roll yellow then, to try and. [00:58:28] Speaker E: Yeah, that would make them most sense to me. So, you know, your emotional state is in blue. So it's going to be two die over. So it would be a d four. Plus your BoD. Your BoD trait. [00:58:52] Speaker C: That is going to be a nine. [00:58:54] Speaker E: A nine solid. Yes. You go, fuck it. Let's do it. And instead of putting your hands on the ground and doing a handstand with your feet braced on the wall, you put your hands on the side of the keg, and you just tilt yourself upside down, and you're holding onto the keg as this jack just puts this. This hose into your mouth, and they're going, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug. As you just, like, feel this. This horribly, it's starting to get a little bit room temperature beer. It's very foamy, but, man, it's doing the trick. I would consider your. Because you rolled so high, I would say your emotional status of embarrassed is now cleared. And I would say that you probably are drifting more towards a yellow emotional tree. Cause you're feeling confident. [00:59:40] Speaker C: I definitely see my emotions turning a little yellow. You know, it's like, fuck, yeah, I did that. You know, I did the keg sands. [00:59:50] Speaker E: And you, as the rebel, you can kind of, like, you kind of fuck with the party boys. You know what I mean? Like, you kind of have that vibe with them. [00:59:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:58] Speaker E: And they're like, right on, Devon. You're so fucking cool. [01:00:02] Speaker C: I'll be here all week. [01:00:07] Speaker E: Excellent. And as you kind of flip back down, get a little bit of beer on your shirt, and it's like, ugh. Ugh. It's slimy. You do notice that someone else is here, too, emerging from the same room where we found Stacy Morgan. You see, this mini pig is hilarious. You see Tegan Clark emerge, and she heads towards the kitchen, past the dining table. As you see her kind of disappear this way. [01:00:51] Speaker C: There's the clock that. And it's the, you know, just being like, well, I also gotta take a drink for the road. And, you know, grab a. Just red solo cup full of beer and just. [01:01:06] Speaker E: And they all high five you along the way out. [01:01:09] Speaker C: Yeah. So I'm making my way towards the kitchen. [01:01:14] Speaker E: Sure. As you make your way in there, you see that Tegan is. Is standing, presumably alone. There is. There's a surly looking bartender who's not really saying much of anything, but he's mixing some nice drinks. You know, Tegan, to be the sort of person who would really prefer a nice cocktail over, like, a regular beer. Like, she's a little. A little bit fussy, but that's something that you really love about her. And she's standing there. She's got this kind of sun kissed blonde hair that's about to hear that she likes to wear kind of, like, pulled a little bit back away from her face. And she's wearing, like, a short crop top and, like, very loose, baggy jeans. And it sends your heart a little bit of flutter as you see her. [01:02:08] Speaker C: And kind of just do the, oh, I just walked in here, you know, like, oh, my God, you're here too. [01:02:16] Speaker E: She turns around and goes, oh, hey. When did you get here? [01:02:23] Speaker C: A couple minutes ago, I guess. [01:02:27] Speaker E: Right on. I kind of wish you had called. [01:02:33] Speaker C: I didn't think this was your scene. [01:02:37] Speaker E: Yeah, I didn't really think it would be my scene either, but I'm here. So. Who'd you come with? [01:02:51] Speaker C: Oh, you know, just Angie, Max, Dante, you know, normal group. [01:02:59] Speaker E: The usual. Yeah, cool. Mm hmm. Yeah, cool. And she, like, sips her drink a little. [01:03:11] Speaker C: Like, I have chicken. Room temperature view. This is so glamorous. [01:03:16] Speaker E: I gotta do the whole. That whole yellow vibe that you had. You're starting to shift a little bit back towards that blue nervousness feeling, and then it's bypassing green entirely, but it's. [01:03:30] Speaker C: Definitely starting to shift. Like, this isn't going how I thought it would and then just being, like, first party of the year, you know, and didn't exactly think the people who were throwing it were the kind of real parties. [01:03:46] Speaker E: And, like, Gary and Wyatt. Since when? [01:03:53] Speaker C: Since now, apparently. [01:03:55] Speaker E: Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, nice to see you. Uh, I I hate to say it, but, um, I'm kind of here with someone I know. [01:04:15] Speaker C: Is the. Oh, yeah. [01:04:22] Speaker E: Yeah. Um, yeah, it's like camera punches in on your face. [01:04:32] Speaker C: Yep. It's the, it's the. I need to get out of here right now. Well, I'm, I'm happy for you. And, you know, it's a big party, I'm sure, you know, keep out of your way and all that stuff and. [01:04:55] Speaker E: No, it's cool. You don't have to, like, keep out of the way or anything. I just didn't want to not tell you. [01:05:06] Speaker C: So, um, who's this, who's this incredibly lucky person? [01:05:14] Speaker E: Um, Jeremy. [01:05:23] Speaker C: It's just like, there's a, it's like, incredibly lucky person. There's a spit take. This is like. And maybe there is the whole slightly. As the spit take is I spill the beer and then it's just like, no, tonight's a wash. Tonight's a wash. I gotta get out of here. [01:05:47] Speaker E: Devin, look, I'm not. I'm really sorry. I probably should have said something sooner, but I just didn't. You never called. [01:05:59] Speaker C: Yeah, that's on, that's on me. I gotta go clean up. [01:06:06] Speaker E: Okay. Catch you on the flip side, I guess. And she just makes a hasty retreat out the glass doors here to the porch. [01:06:20] Speaker C: I will also make my own slippery retreats. [01:06:25] Speaker E: Beautiful. Love a slippery retreat. [01:06:28] Speaker C: It's just I'm there and then I'm gone. [01:06:31] Speaker E: And you're gone. Yep. Absolutely. Max, where are you? What are you doing? What is happening? [01:06:42] Speaker B: So, because I know Angie and because I know Jeremy, and because the last time I had to deal with those two, I ended up spending a lot of money and dealing with some particularly aggressive student journalists, I'm watching that little slippery little bastard like a hawk. It is definitely, like, stinky. And I'm not being shy about it because I don't care if he likes me, because I think he's a shit. [01:07:12] Speaker E: Sure. [01:07:14] Speaker C: Yeah, he is. [01:07:14] Speaker E: He's an absolute scumbag. [01:07:16] Speaker B: He's a shitter. I don't like him. [01:07:19] Speaker E: As you're staring at him, like, kind of mean, mugging him across the way. You see you, you like, you did pick up on this interaction between him and Angie, but you're. You are not going to say anything. This is like, right. This is the epitome of, like, how terrible, but okay. And in from the patio, you see Holly g coming in, the nerdy little nerd, and he sees you and he looks at you from afar like, we don't really interact in out social events. Do I come approach you? [01:07:59] Speaker B: What are your thoughts like? I'll look at him, and I'll realize that he's doing the weird, like, I don't his weird little, like, I don't do, I don't roll my eyes and sort of just, like, stomp over. I'm picturing there's somebody who's decided that the person that they're flirting with is more important than their solo cup of beer. So I will just swipe the beer as I walk over. [01:08:26] Speaker E: Absolutely. Yeah, you just grab it off the coffee table. [01:08:29] Speaker A: Don't care. [01:08:30] Speaker E: As you bypass, you're walking past Dante, who's a little bit like. [01:08:36] Speaker D: You can't tell if I'm having a vision or not. Just, that's my eyes. [01:08:40] Speaker B: Like, there's nothing. There's nothing there. Which is occasionally, like, we're never entirely sure because sometimes he just dissociates and we're like, he's still breathing. It's fine. So, yeah, I keep walking and go up to Polly, and it's like, oh, good, you made it. [01:08:58] Speaker E: And Polly makes his way over to you. [01:09:01] Speaker A: Oops. [01:09:02] Speaker E: If I could grab my mini thing here. He meets you halfway on the bearskin rug, this elite. Definitely. I went out of my way to choose a pixelated bearskin rug because I thought it was really funny. Eight bit bare skin. And he stands there and he's got, like, he just has these jeans that are just slightly too high. And he's got this, like, braided brown belt, but, like, he has this, like, nerd fashion kind of thing. But, like, he's still a painful nerd. It's a painful nerd look. [01:09:36] Speaker B: It's got, like, you know, designer. [01:09:39] Speaker E: Designer nerd. Exactly. Designer nerd. [01:09:42] Speaker B: The jeans, you know, the jeans are jordash. [01:09:45] Speaker E: Oh, 1000%. 1000%. And he. He looks at you and goes, Peggirl. [01:09:52] Speaker B: Hi. My friends are fucking stupid. [01:09:55] Speaker E: Well, yeah, I could have told you that. [01:10:00] Speaker B: Well, did you find anyone interesting besides me? [01:10:04] Speaker E: Well, a little surprised at how, I don't know, cool Gary and Wyatt are right now, like, are you kidding me? That's ridiculous. But I did see some people out by the pool that I was like, whoa. Right on. I think there's a lightborn here. [01:10:24] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, you want to check it out? [01:10:27] Speaker E: Yeah, let's go. All right. Any leaf leads you out the back. You pass Stacy Morgan, and you see who you know to be taken. Clark there. And as you get to the pool here, you see there are people standing around with beer. They're like, you know, jumping in. There's people, like, stripping off all their clothes and jumping into the pool. People are starting to get a little buck wild now. They're like going a little bit crazy. And you see standing next the pool, this figure here who's actually meant to be taller than that. So hopefully look, I can adjust the scale. Taller than that even. There we go. How about that? You see this, this person standing at the edge of the pool. She has this kind of bright golden yellow skin and she's got this fiery orange hair that's like very coiffed in in the style of the eighties. It's kind of like up and back. And she's wearing this very tight purple dress that is short and these very killer red stilettos. She's a total babe. She's a total lightborn. She's definitely someone that you are a little bit like hey, we're all weird and into magic here but what is a lightborn doing at their party? [01:11:47] Speaker A: Yeah, that's. [01:11:53] Speaker E: Yeah. What, what, what? I'm right here. [01:11:56] Speaker B: Like I'm doing that thing where it's like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Like not, it's like. Is that the only, is that the only lightborn here? [01:12:08] Speaker E: And he looks and he goes uh, yeah, I think that's the only lifeborn here. [01:12:17] Speaker B: I mean, the fact that I don't. [01:12:18] Speaker E: Really know what she's. I'm just like kind of and like conspiratorially leaning in but I'm just like kind of surprised that she's here, to be honest. Like I don't know why it should be here. Like it's like the thaumaturgy club. Like why would they even be here? [01:12:31] Speaker B: I don't like is. Has she been talking to anybody? No, she's been kind of like the. [01:12:36] Speaker E: Thing I've noticed is that she's like orchestrating, you know what I mean? Like she's just like here and like anything that Gary and Wyatt asks for she gives them. [01:12:49] Speaker A: A bit. [01:12:49] Speaker B: A bit confusion. Right. [01:12:54] Speaker E: It's just like really weird. And you, you hear from inside the house this like and you look inside and you see like a firework has gone off in the house and you just hear people going. Yeah. It's clearly some like illusion magic that has like. [01:13:11] Speaker B: Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt. No doubt. No doubt. No doubt. Can I, director, can I roll to sort of observe this lightbourne and see what she seems to be focused in on and what she seems to be what it is that she is orchestrating out here. Here? [01:13:34] Speaker E: Yeah, totally. Let's see here. What is your. What do you think? I'm guessing probably orange emotional state kind of vigilant, on guard, watchful. Okay. So we'll have you roll orange. And then what trait do we think we're rolling here? Do you want mental psych? I know we had done psych for Dante for that observational moment. [01:13:54] Speaker B: Uh huh. [01:13:56] Speaker A: Yeah. I think that makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah. [01:14:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Let's see what happens. That is an eight. [01:14:12] Speaker E: Eight. It appears as though with an eight. I would say you're noticing that while you live in a magical universe, it's perhaps that this person or this lightbourne is here to imbue it with extra magic, with extra glamours, with extra. Extra ness to make it the most epic party of you. And the reason you see that is you look at her. You kind of give her the once over. You hear the fireworks going off inside the house. And you turn back to the pool, and you look, and there are merfolk in the pool. [01:14:56] Speaker B: Oh, I just. Poof. [01:15:04] Speaker A: Poof. [01:15:05] Speaker E: Merfolk. You just. You who you thought were originally just people, partygoers. You look, and you realize that they're merfolk. [01:15:16] Speaker B: Okay. Consider my curious curiosity peaked. [01:15:19] Speaker E: Um, and Polly looks and goes, like. Did you say? Yeah, yeah, I realized. I know. We're just. Okay. [01:15:28] Speaker B: I mean, I'm gonna talk to her. I should talk to her. I'm gonna talk to her. [01:15:32] Speaker E: Sure. Yeah. [01:15:32] Speaker B: Go for it. [01:15:33] Speaker D: Go for it. [01:15:34] Speaker B: As previously decently smart. Also kind of dumb. [01:15:40] Speaker E: And Polly just, like, makes his way over here to, like, observe from afar. [01:15:45] Speaker B: Observe the potential shit show. [01:15:47] Speaker E: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And he's also doing you a solid at this point. And I wouldn't call this in as, like, your best friend favor that you have as him being part of your bond. But he. He's keeping watch to make sure that the jocks don't come out and try and interrupt you. Cause they're gonna try and get you to play. [01:16:04] Speaker B: Of course they are. Fucking kegs. Dan. Champ over here. [01:16:08] Speaker C: Correct. [01:16:09] Speaker B: Yeah, they're gonna give me. [01:16:10] Speaker E: Except Devin may have you beat at this point. [01:16:12] Speaker B: I mean, apparently, but I didn't witness that, and I'm a little sad about it. [01:16:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:16:18] Speaker B: So I'm just gonna shuffle up to this light more and just. Hi. [01:16:24] Speaker E: And she goes, oh, hi. [01:16:32] Speaker B: I'm Maxine. What's your name? I don't think we've met before. [01:16:35] Speaker E: And she's towering over you. She's, like, seven and a half feet tall. And she's just looking down at you like, I'm Lorelei. Pleasure. And she offers a very long fingered hand with these very red manicured nails. And as she offers her hand to you. You kind of look hesitantly at it. [01:16:56] Speaker B: Yeah, there's no like deferential, like shake of the, it's definitely like one of those like grab hand, firm shake. Because that's what I do. [01:17:05] Speaker E: And as you do, you grab the hand, you firm shake. And you get a little like. And it's like, whoa. Okay. That is for sure a lifeborn. All right. [01:17:13] Speaker B: Yep. So is this your first time on the elco campus? [01:17:22] Speaker E: I've been here for a little bit, but delighted to be a part of it. It's so nice to see the student body. [01:17:37] Speaker A: Director. [01:17:38] Speaker B: Is there a version of an insight check in this kid? What is the vibe? I would like to vibe check. [01:17:44] Speaker E: I think psych with orange would be very vibe check. [01:17:48] Speaker B: Cool. Yeah. [01:17:49] Speaker E: Or mental. I would say mental. Or psych. [01:17:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:17:51] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. Let's call it. Let's call it psych again. Because it's like. [01:18:02] Speaker D: Should we have the impression that like, lightborn are like fae? [01:18:07] Speaker E: So you all know, especially you, Dante Lightborn, are kind of like the good guys. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they're good guys. You know what I mean? Their morals are their own set, more that are on the opposite side of the edge of the spectrum from the dark spawn. But they do have their own agendas and they do have their own thing. So there is a little bit of a fae flavor to it. Okay. Yeah. [01:18:36] Speaker B: That's an 1111. [01:18:40] Speaker E: You're doing a vibe check. A, we've established this as Lightborn. B, you give kind of a once over and you notice she's wildly out of place. She has nothing to do with the school, the student body. And she is somehow orchestrating some stuff at this house for Gary and Wyatt. With what intention? She clearly has something that she has been putting these guys to the test on. These very nerdy kids who have not social status whatsoever. Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. You get the sense that she is fulfilling a job or a contract of some kind. Oh, shit. [01:19:24] Speaker B: So, Lorelei, like, how do you know our buddies, white and Gary? [01:19:31] Speaker E: Well, my dear, that's for me to know and for you to find out. But wow, I love it here. Look at how fun it is. [01:19:40] Speaker B: Oh, for sure. You know, I just figure like new start of this semester, trying to branch out to the friend group. And like, I like, I like to get to know the folks that run around with my friends. It's just, you know, I figured the best way to make sure that everybody is respecting like boundaries and like, you know, keeping things above board. Yeah. [01:20:07] Speaker A: Yes, of course. [01:20:13] Speaker E: Jacob. [01:20:19] Speaker B: Yeah. She's giving me nothing, isn't she? [01:20:21] Speaker E: No, she's not giving you anything. She's not showing her hand at all. But you do know that she is the one responsible for all of this magical stuff that's happening. [01:20:32] Speaker B: You know what? It's just so nice of you to offer our buddies a leg up. Like, I know how hard it can be when you feel like you're on the outs and, like, you want to make sure that you got yourself, like, a good social standing for the start of the school year. And that's just delightful of you. Really. [01:20:54] Speaker A: Really, it is. [01:20:56] Speaker E: Thank you. You enjoy the party. And as she floats off, as if she's walking on air, away from you, towards the other side of the pool, all four of you hear an epic, mighty crash from the garage, as well as screams. And that, my friends, is where we're gonna leave it. What? [01:21:24] Speaker B: No. [01:21:25] Speaker A: Kate. Eli, we don't know that somebody's dead yet. You don't know this. You don't know this. [01:21:36] Speaker D: The clues are there. [01:21:37] Speaker C: Someone's on their way to death for sure. [01:21:39] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. All right, well, I hope it scares me. Hey, guys. I guess this has been the first session of our lighthearted campaign where we get to show off the wonderful tabula sono VTT. Sorry, you threw me for a loop there. I'm all kerfuffled now. [01:22:05] Speaker E: This is toy cliffhanger, by the way. [01:22:07] Speaker A: Just throwing us in there. No, I love it. I'm here for it. Well, guess now is as good a time as any to hear a little bit from our cast. So, Laura, we'll start with you. If people want to see more of what you do here on the Internet, where can they do that for sure? [01:22:28] Speaker B: Hi. [01:22:29] Speaker E: Hello. [01:22:29] Speaker B: Good evening, folks. You can call me Laura. Or Tutu. Or Laura Tutu. And you can usually actually find me hanging out here with the folks at Queen's 14. There will be fucking cliffhanger. I swear to God, Kato. [01:22:44] Speaker A: Just. [01:22:44] Speaker B: You're almost as bad as Aaron. [01:22:46] Speaker E: Ugh. [01:22:48] Speaker B: That's saying a lot. [01:22:49] Speaker E: That is a compliment. [01:22:50] Speaker B: No, it is. But also, like, fuck you. You can find me hanging out here with the folks at queed sport games. I've got a couple of things coming down the pipeline I'm probably not allowed to talk about yet. I don't know. [01:23:10] Speaker C: I probably not allowed to talk about them. [01:23:13] Speaker B: Stay tuned because we've got some cool horror things coming down the pipeline with a table of delightfully talented, fresh new faces to the queen's court. You can find me as calamity Matt and the all night society coming soon, TM. And if you wanted to hang out with me on the Internet and watch me shitpost and be a general, hilarious ball of trainwreck, you can find me on Twitter as Laura, 22. Or you can find me on the TikToks while I actually properly cosplay again for the first time in, like, months as underscore Laura, underscore tutu. Underscore. Because I can't just get fucking lore tutu. But thanks for watching, guys. I hope you enjoyed this delightful neon colored romp. [01:24:06] Speaker A: I don't know how anybody couldn't, because this has been wonderful. It seems like somebody who's having a really good time at this party might be Devin. Aubrey, tell us your thoughts on the game. Game where people can see more of you being amazing and what you've got coming out soon. [01:24:28] Speaker C: Well, I would say Devin is having a time at this party. I'm not sure it's a good time. [01:24:35] Speaker A: You know, it was a good time right up until Tegan, I think. [01:24:39] Speaker C: Yeah, it was a good time right up until that point. And that's when the party starts going down. Now I am looking for the way out. [01:24:46] Speaker A: Valid. Valid. Sorry, continue. [01:24:49] Speaker C: But yes, hi. I'm up for you by me everywhere on the Internet at Magpie Cosplay. And Mondays this month, you can see me running kids and brooms over here running the mysteries of Ravenswood. It's been a great time. I think we've only put out the first episode so far. [01:25:13] Speaker A: Yes, yes. We had the first episode this past Monday. The second episode is coming out next Monday. Second episode means a second polyhedral trans pride dice set that you can win. So make sure to be there. The more you watch, the more tickets you get. It's fantastic. [01:25:31] Speaker E: Oh, God. [01:25:32] Speaker C: But yes, other things around here, you'll. [01:25:35] Speaker A: See me all over the place. [01:25:36] Speaker C: You can also find me as the gym person who pulls all the strings over on goblets and gaze. We are in the. We're currently doing our. We dubbed it the month of corruption, just as a joke because we were running undying corruption. Two shot. And then we were playing the corrupted. I believe that is what's currently going on in our mid season break. And then we back to Blood of kings and finish up our final season. And then there's also a lot of. [01:26:07] Speaker A: Other things that are going on. [01:26:08] Speaker C: I don't know if they're out yet. So go check my twitter and see if they are out. [01:26:15] Speaker A: And you did give your twitter, right. Okay. Fantastic. I'm sorry. I adhd out of the part where you definitely said your twitter handle. I'm so sorry. Somebody else who definitely has a Twitter handle and may or may not be having a good time at this party. It remains to be seen Dante played by our wonderful friend Logan. If people want to see more of you, where can they do that? What have you got coming out? And also, how are you finding the party so far? [01:26:43] Speaker D: I'm gonna say Dante's actually having, like, the best time ever because his idol literally walked up and said we should talk. So Dante's having a great time. I don't know what's going on with everyone else, but to catch me anywhere. Hello. I am Logan, also known as Logan the GM. You can find me on most social media places at that location. If you choose to find me, you'll mostly find me ranting about random tabletop rpg things. But you might also have hear me talk about people of color in tabletop rpg's with my group that I'm part of called apochromatic Unlimited. We are an all PoC group that our goal is to elevate voices in the TTRPG space because God knows we have been given away some shit for free. So it's time to get that recognition, baby. Ah, anyway, that's. That's where you'll see me. [01:27:34] Speaker B: You'll. [01:27:34] Speaker D: That's what you'll hear from me. You can also catch me on tales from the table every other Friday where I'm playing in an expanse game. As Elroy, an old kind of, like, he's a universalist pastor who will give you all, every religious service that you can, that you can imagine in the Expanse universe, which, unfortunately for him, means he has to deal with a lot of Mormons. Just a lot of Mormons. There's a lot of Mormons in the Expanse universe. [01:28:04] Speaker C: Base Mormons. The worst. [01:28:07] Speaker D: They want to build a ship and leave, which, I guess okay, but that's. That's me. That's. That's what you can find. And me. [01:28:16] Speaker A: Awesome. Fantastic. Make sure to go follow everybody. You can always check exclamation point cast in chat or check the show notes to make sure you've got all those links. But none of this would have been possible without our amazing director, community manager of Tabula Sono Tato. Fantastic to have you over here. So much fun having fun with this. With this tabletop. If people want to see more of what you're doing, what Tabula Sono's doing, keep up on any of that. [01:28:49] Speaker E: Where can they do that for Tabula Sono. We are all over the Internet at Tabula Sono. That is t a b u l a s o n o. You can check us out. You can make your own account for free on our website and start posting playing now. It is very easy and very user friendly. So do check out Tabula Sono. We also have a discord if you would like to join our discord. We would love that. Keep updated on all of the things tabula sono that are happening. We do have a new update coming soon which is really exciting because we're going to have a ton of new features on top of what we already have. Very thrilled to be a part of it. I will be representing Tabula Sono at Gen Con, so I will be there. So feel free to tweet me or hit up my Instagram DM's and we can meet up and I would be happy to chat with you. My personal Instagram, I have two of them because I am also a professional burlesque dancer. My burlesque page is the hell in a handbasket if you like to follow some spicy nerdy content. I perform all over the midwest, all over the country at this point. And I also have my actor one which is just kidding. Kato AC if you would like to check out a really cool movie that I did that is in the vein of this 1980s coming of age story. It is a movie called Revealer. If you're a horror fan. We did a 1980s throwback film. It's a two hander. It's very queer and very wonderful and very pro stripper, which is awesome. And we stan that we also got to use a gunship song in the film. So check that out too because it's really, really fun. Revealer we are on Shutter and Amazon prime. And finally I will be in the. [01:30:30] Speaker C: I'm really excited about it. I can watch that. [01:30:33] Speaker E: Watch. I love the shuttles. I want the shuttles. And finally, we just premiered the upcoming horror film Black Mold at Panic Fest in Kansas city this past April and that will be coming out very soon. Available on stream. I don't know any more information than that other than I know that it is at the marketplace and we will be hopefully picked up soon and on different things that you can catch it. So yeah, check out black mold if you want some nineties realness in your life because apparently I'm gonna just jump from decade to decade to decade in every single horror film I do. [01:31:08] Speaker A: So we love that. We love celebrating decade by decade. Fantastic. Something about the 2020s, though, maybe just don't. Just avoid that. Seems like a bad decade. If I had any horror show. [01:31:26] Speaker E: We don't need more. Exactly. [01:31:28] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:31:28] Speaker B: Bad vibes. [01:31:29] Speaker C: Bad vibes. Absolutely. Rancid vibes. [01:31:32] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, I mean, you all know me. Of course. I am v. You can find me anywhere on the Internet at v isfor vampire because. Because my name is Vy and I like vampires. Exactly. Thank you, Laura. Just in case anybody needed the hand gestures to go with it. That was perfect and wonderful and fabulous. But obviously, I do everything over here with Queen's court games. I do art, I do editing, I do this, that, and the other thing. Make sure to check out our patreon. If you're not already subbed, you can get some art that I do only for Patreon people. As I believe Kato mentioned it earlier today. Earlier in this stream, we did do all of our character building stuff. We recorded all of that and released that the other day for patrons, which is so exciting because it was honestly, like some fantastic content. You should definitely go watch it if you haven't already. The reason that we are making some of the faces and having some of the reactions that we have are because of the character building that we did before. So like, oh, my God, it's so good. But go and give us a follow on the Internet on Twitter queensportrpG, because we can't be Queensport games, which is where we are everywhere else. And I guess that's it. So until next time. Bye for now.

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September 13, 2023 03:17:54
Episode Cover

Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 5

An all-Black cast of Harlemite investigators are on the case when a series of unexplained attacks rock their close knit community. Something is targeting...



November 20, 2024 01:40:19
Episode Cover

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 2

Residents of a small New England beach town take on a group of vampiric villains known as The Family who have been terrorizing the...



February 28, 2024 02:30:55
Episode Cover

Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 9 [Chandrahasa]

When Heaven, Earth, and Hell align, a great battle unfolds between men, machines, and monsters. In the depths of a festering wound cut into...
