Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 1

November 13, 2024 02:06:37
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 1
One Shots and Other Mischief
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 1

Nov 13 2024 | 02:06:37


Show Notes

Residents of a small New England beach town take on a group of vampiric villains known as The Family who have been terrorizing the East Coast. This menace has been hunting Slayers and absorbing their powers -- can our group discover the secret to this monstrous power, and put and end to the threat?

Ari Kessler - Jien Birb https://twitter.com/JienBirb
Genesis "Gen" Reed - Vee Locke https://twitter.com/veeisforvampire
November Vance - Saffron Hefta-Gaub https://twitter.com/GaubHefta
Paolo Estrada - Dusty Hill https://twitter.com/Dustehill
The Director - Aubrey Knotts https://twitter.com/MadQueenCosplay


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to another single serving adventure from Queen Squared Games. I am Aubrey, and tonight we have a jaunt into the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We'll be playing Eat your young a scenario written for Buffy the Vampire Slayer official TTRPG by Eden Studios by me. You can find out more information about Buffy the Vampire Slayer by taking a look at the show notes. Now, while this isn't a horror scenario per se, there are some topics that certain viewers might find uncomfortable or objectionable. You can get a list of these topics by checking the show notes. The cast has been briefed on these topics and has QCG's safety tools at hand. But make sure to keep yourself safe and take breaks if you need them. Now that all of that is settled, let's be our amazing cast for this evening. First up, we have Most Likely to draw occult symbols into their latte. It's Saffron. [00:01:01] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:03] Speaker A: Next up, we have Most Likely to make a deal with a demon so they never have to sleep again. We have Dusty. [00:01:11] Speaker C: Very called out for the S. Hello. [00:01:15] Speaker A: And next is Most Likely to realize the theater professor is a witch. It's Jen. [00:01:21] Speaker D: Hello. [00:01:23] Speaker A: And lastly, but not leastly, we have Most Likely to kiss A vampire is QCG's resident art star in Queen of. [00:01:29] Speaker E: The Court V. It's so true. Hi guys. [00:01:35] Speaker A: Now that the cast is introduced, let me tell you a story. The camera flies over the sleepy beach town of Marlin Bay, New Jersey. We fly through the window of the Student Union of Maryland Bay College. It is early in the morning on the first day of class, so we see the hustle and bustle of students moving to get their coffee fix. Everyone is at their best. It's the day where everyone says they're going to have a better year than the last one. Maybe some of them will even live up to that. The camera moves through the crowd before stopping before a tv. We see a news report on screen and watch as a student turns the volume up. A body of a young girl was discovered in Emporia, Kansas in the early hours of the morning. The police haven't released full details of the scene, but we have reason to believe that her death is connected with a rash of similar cases across the U.S. it appears that she was killed in some sort of ritual. This would be the fourth in a series of similar cases. Authorities are urging people to come forward with any information regarding these deaths that might help them solve the case. With that, the channel flips and we're staring at an episode of reality television. The camera moves to a different student and follows them out of the union. After leaving the doors, we zoom up and towards one of the dormitories, into the window of our first cast member. Let's start with our first slayer, Genesis. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What does your dorm room look like? Do you have a roommate? Any of these interesting facts as you prepare for your first day of class? [00:03:39] Speaker E: I, at one point, I had a roommate. This is very important to note. I had a roommate the very first year that I started attending Marlin College. And I do not any longer. They've tried every. They tried once again in the first year after the first one left and then after the second one left, and then after the third one left. And then in my sophomore year, they tried again. And when it just was obvious that it wasn't going to work out, they. They moved me to a solo dorm. It's probably for the best. The room is actually pretty lackluster. If you open up the closet, please don't do that. But if you open up the closet, it's just full of clothes. It's like there. I mean, everything that I own is black. So it's really easy because I literally just can grab two things at a time and then I can head out. I don't have to worry about things matching because they always match because they're all black. I use the rest of the space in the closet for all of my hobbies, my extracurriculars, I guess is the way that we're going to describe them. There are, you know, all sorts of bags and in those bags are all sorts of tools and. Yeah, so that's, that's pretty much it. The room itself, there's no real identifying information. I have a bedspread that I spent way too much on, But I really like it because it has some really cool illustrations that like, on like the darker side, but still with a little bit of like, whimsy and ultimately like really cool looking. And that's about as. As interesting as the dorm room gets. The rest of the space is just full of textbooks and notes, notebooks and things like that. I'm not a great student, so the notebooks aren't very full. But, you know, I mean, also it's the start of the year. So I'm. It's. It's actually a little telling because the notebooks that I'm using are leftover from last year because there are so many pages left over from last year. So why would I buy new notebooks? It just doesn't feel right. But, yeah, so, you know, getting settled in again, ready for the new year, and God, I hope it's better than last year for reasons. [00:06:25] Speaker A: And hey, that's the great thing about the start of a year. It literally, you're at a point where there's nowhere to go but up. [00:06:34] Speaker E: I disagree. But. [00:06:40] Speaker D: We'Ll see six feet under. [00:06:48] Speaker A: But yes, you're. It's time for you to head off to your first class of the day. And the camera will move out of your window and we'll find ourselves visiting one of our other cast members, Paolo. We find the camera finds you at your dorm. What's your dorm looking like? And how are you getting ready for class? [00:07:12] Speaker C: Paolo's dorm is messy. They. They shared again. They shared a room, but they talked their way out of it after, like, sophomore year to just kind of like, they, they. They did some smooth talking, not blackmail whatsoever to someone to get a single dorm. The desk is a terrible, terrible mask. You see them there, like on a laptop, like, working on something. It's what people with ADHD like me call organized chaos. That there's everywhere, but you know exactly where that is if you can just, like, grab it when you're not looking. There is clean laundry still in the laundry basket on their bedroom. They. Their closet has their nicer clothes all hung up, but they only wear them sometimes. And then there's also, like an ironing board in their room because they rather just iron their stuff when they need it instead of, like, putting it away. And what they're working on right now, it looks like maybe like a website or something. You definitely see a logo on the left side of the screen, which is like an eye with beams coming off of it, and it says the future is now. And they're like, replying to some emails there. [00:08:52] Speaker A: Cool. Yeah, Yeah, I sure. You know, it's. It's going to be only a good venture going forward. Great things in your future. I predict this. [00:09:07] Speaker C: So do they. [00:09:11] Speaker A: So the camera moves out and we see the next cast member. November. You refresh my memory. You have a drawback, don't you? Involving nightmares. [00:09:33] Speaker B: I do. [00:09:38] Speaker A: Well, if you could give me a quick roll just to start off the game. We're gonna, we're gonna say, because it very much leaves it up to my interpretation, we're gonna roll just 1d10. Don't add anything to it. Just let me know if it's above a five or below a five. [00:10:03] Speaker B: Well, I rolled a five. So what does that mean? [00:10:16] Speaker A: So you. You get these nightmares occasionally. And I would say because this is exactly a 5. It's slightly clearer than usual. You see these shapes, these people wearing robes surrounding the body. Body of a girl. Do you speak Latin? [00:10:53] Speaker B: I don't think I've learned that particular skill. [00:10:56] Speaker A: Well, they are speaking in something you're pretty sure is Latin and you are not really sure what they're saying. Maybe, maybe pick that up next time you get a chance. But you watch as there are five of them. One stands at the head clearly like they are in charge of this. This. And this girl is obviously doesn't want to be here. You can tell she's screaming for help. Something about her energy feels familiar, like you feel like you've encountered it before. You're not really sure. But you watch as one of the figures brings forward this knife. Ritual blade of some kind. You've seen them before. This one is pretty gnarly looking. And the leader plunges it into the heart of this girl and you. The last thing you hear before you wake up is in English. This is this leader saying, now we feast and you wake. [00:12:30] Speaker B: The first thing I'm going to do is have a pain in my heart remembering that I am alone. There is not. This bed is empty. There is no comfort I can immediately seek. So I find my sketchbook and charcoal and immediately begin to draw as much as I can remember. If there were any symbols, maybe the knife, the face of this leader, if I got it and just write down the key words that stood out to me. Feast. Help. Help. Help. The girl screaming. And I just. I get as much on paper as I can and my hands are just covered in the charcoal. [00:13:47] Speaker A: What does the rest of your room look like? I know you've just recently returned to campus. Have you unpacked yet? [00:13:57] Speaker B: My mother insisted on helping unpack. So the room is organized, but not in a way I would like it to be. I think I know where everything is. I have my art supplies. There's more I need to purchase. But I haven't gotten my complete syllabus or all my classes yet. And yeah, my room's. It's my first time having a solo room and it's smaller than I would like it to be. I think there's maybe the one touch the personal detail that November is sure to have are glow in the dark, stars that are pressed across the ceiling. [00:15:01] Speaker A: Always a nice touch. But you know, you might want to hurry up there or else you might be late for your first class. Don't want that on your first day. [00:15:11] Speaker B: I will shovel as everything into my bags, including the Sketchbook with the dream. [00:15:25] Speaker A: And as you leave your door, headed to your class, the camera will split again and we will find ourselves in the room of our last cast member. Ari. What is your room like? Do you have a roommate? And how are you preparing for class? [00:15:46] Speaker D: So I don't have a roommate. The camera actually catches me in the act of slinging a large messenger bag over my shoulder. I make it a point to always be early to class specifically because A, the anxiety adhd, B, I do have to work in a little bit of extra time in the mornings on the way to class just in case something happens. Like I act like I accidentally walk through the quad and the sprinklers turn on for no reason and I have to go back and change. Single room. I have a very minimalist style. All of my furniture. I have a small little coffee table. All of the furniture that I have brought in that did not already come with the room is very minimalist. There is no glass. All of it is kind of a Scandinavian style minimalist with very light wood, very splinter resistant wood. A lot of my lifestyle is centered around avoiding all this bad luck that seems to creep into my life. Right outside the window. I have actually removed the screen. I probably shouldn't have, but I did want to put a little bird feeder outside the window. I think it's cute. The birds seem to like it and maybe that will keep them from pooping on my head. But don't worry about it. Other than that, I do carry a steak everywhere I go, just in Casey's. There is actually a little secret pouch that I have sewn into my messenger bag so that anyone who happens to reach in to grab a pencil or a pen or a notebook or a post, it will not accidentally find it. It's just kind of like tucked subtly into the side. And the camera kind of catches me slipping my daily steak into my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and setting out for class. Because again, can't be late, gotta be 20 minutes early. Because what if something happens? [00:17:48] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, could I have both of my slayers roll me a. We'll do the first roll. We'll be a. We'll do a perception notice. And for those of you following along at home, Buffy uses this thing called the uni system. It is a little bit different than some of the other systems that you've probably seen before. It uses just one D10 and players will take their one D10 that will take a skill, an attribute, sometimes an attribute twice, and roll and add those together and Based on what they roll, it will be degrees of success. [00:18:38] Speaker E: That is a 14. So three success levels. [00:18:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:42] Speaker D: And I've got an 11. So two success levels. [00:18:46] Speaker A: Two, three success levels. Yeah. It's maybe something that you're shrugging off because it is the first day of class and there are people everywhere, but both of you, as you walk to class, get the distinct feeling that someone is watching you. It's kind of that, you know, hair raising on the back of your neck and you like probably look around at one point, but there's so many people, it's so hard to tell. And not to say that neither of you have developed any kind of reputation. [00:19:24] Speaker E: O. Sorry. I realized I have acute senses hearing. Does that help at all in this moment or is it just. Would it just be that somebody's watching? [00:19:37] Speaker A: It's just that somebody's watching. [00:19:40] Speaker E: Okay. [00:19:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:43] Speaker D: I think Jen, you get a text from me that just says slayer, senses tingling. [00:19:53] Speaker E: I just text back, yeah, I know, I can't place it. Feel like you're being watched too, question. [00:20:01] Speaker D: Mark, question mark, dot, dot, dot. A little bit. Yeah. [00:20:09] Speaker E: I got nothing though beyond that. [00:20:14] Speaker D: Should we text Paulo, see if they've seen anything? [00:20:19] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean maybe if they can get over here they can get a better beat on it. I. I don't know. I mean, I guess if somebody's watching us, they might stick around. If we decide to kill time here. [00:20:34] Speaker D: The group chat immediately gets a text. Slayer, senses tingling times two. Paula, what you got? [00:20:41] Speaker B: I have a question. [00:20:42] Speaker A: Uhuh. [00:20:45] Speaker B: Actually I just answered it to myself because November would have removed himself from the group chat. [00:20:54] Speaker E: Actually no, cuz see, here's. Here's the thing, right? [00:20:58] Speaker B: Like because I know. [00:21:00] Speaker A: Would you start a brand new group chat? Since it's the brand new. It's the start of a year, it just automatically add November back in. [00:21:08] Speaker E: I think the group chat has gone on like over the summer that everybody's been gone. But like it's been a little weird between Jen and November. And like anytime November talks about doing something, Jen does not reply. Just kind of like I'm avoiding November in person. I'm also going to avoid him in text. But I wouldn't go so far as to create a new group text because that's just drama and I don't need any more drama. I had enough of that last year. So I assume it's just a continuation of the group text. [00:21:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that's fair. [00:21:51] Speaker D: It's kind of, it's, it's kind of part work, part, you know, it's not Entirely just a personal thing. It's kind of like a let's try and avoid a big world ending cataclysm thing as well. [00:22:05] Speaker E: Yeah, and I mean, that's all November. [00:22:09] Speaker B: Would have texted about. Would be like, hey, did you see this news maybe has been sending. Had sent the articles for some of the previous murders that have been showing up in the news. [00:22:27] Speaker C: So I look at this text. I'm considering to actually reply to this now I have a meeting to go to in like, five minutes and reply back. Just. Well, I'm not sure. I'm not there. If you give me like, maybe 10 minutes. 15, 20 minutes. You didn't piss off a bird again, did you? [00:22:58] Speaker D: You just get like a series of ellipses. [00:23:04] Speaker C: What? What did I tell you about, like, walking past their nests? [00:23:09] Speaker D: I feed them, Paolo. They're supposed to be nice to me when I feed them. [00:23:13] Speaker C: Yes, but their vibes are bad. The birds vibes are bad. [00:23:17] Speaker A: You never told me that. [00:23:20] Speaker E: You get a text interrupting this back and forth. That's just Jen going, paolo, just get here. We're gonna kill time so you can get here. But there's some weird energy. We need you here now. [00:23:35] Speaker C: Okay, fine. I'll be there soon. [00:23:39] Speaker D: You can skip your morning croissant. You'll be fine. [00:23:42] Speaker E: I. I do not respond to Ari's message at all. I pretend it hasn't even come in and I just say, great, period. [00:23:52] Speaker C: Looking that. Oh, I should really hurry up. [00:23:58] Speaker D: Smiley face emoji. [00:24:02] Speaker A: This is also another question for my slayers. Your watcher, do you have her as anything specific in your phone or just Catriona or watcher or. [00:24:15] Speaker D: Just for initials for me? [00:24:19] Speaker B: Is she on the group thread? [00:24:25] Speaker A: That is a question for the rest of you. Would you have you. You all know Catarona Abernathy, the watcher of the slayers. I guess it's up to you if you think it's worth adding her to the chat. Or do you want just a no. Everyone but the authority figure in the group chat. [00:24:49] Speaker D: I'm leaning more toward the latter, but I'm open to discussion. [00:24:53] Speaker E: Yeah, I think because she is a history professor at the school, I think that it's best to not include her in the group chat, even though she is our watcher. If somebody sees it, it may just, like, bring up a whole bunch of questions and we do not need people poking around. [00:25:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I agree. That separate chat. [00:25:17] Speaker A: I do think she has a group chat specifically for the slayers. Her and the slayers? And the slayers. You will get a text from her saying, meet me in my office after class, beginning of the year debrief. [00:25:37] Speaker D: Watch your senses tingling. [00:25:42] Speaker A: I always like to be on top of things. [00:25:47] Speaker E: I just send Ari a message. I'm not an overly funny person, but there are certain things that I will lean into. And I just text Ari, I know something that Catriona could be on top of, period. [00:26:06] Speaker D: And you get a text back, just that little, like, face. [00:26:17] Speaker E: And that's it. That's. That's the end of the conversation. We don't. We don't. We're not going to keep talking about it. That's the end of it. [00:26:22] Speaker A: Yep. [00:26:23] Speaker D: It always makes me so happy whenever Jen leans into a little bit more of. Of their funny side. Like every time I see that, I just get, like a little bit of fuzzy, I guess. [00:26:36] Speaker A: Also, the question is, if November sees this message that everyone else is meeting up, that slayer senses are tingling, do. [00:26:44] Speaker B: You go, oh, see, not showing up your first day of class is pretty bad, but not providing relevant information if people might be in danger is worse. So I think, I do think November is just gonna say, do you guys also need me to be there? [00:27:23] Speaker E: I see the text come in and that it's from November, and I just put my phone back in my pocket. It's not for me to answer. [00:27:30] Speaker D: Red 9, 17:00am. [00:27:34] Speaker E: No, no, I. I don't even open the group text. I'm. I'm that person who I unlock my phone. Read it. Read it from the lock screen. Absolutely. Like, nope, not even gonna. [00:27:46] Speaker A: Nope. [00:27:47] Speaker D: Incredible thumbs up emoji from me. [00:27:52] Speaker C: You get, you get a reply. I say, if I have to beat her, you have to beat her. [00:28:02] Speaker B: Okay, I guess November. I will, I will head to the quad or wherever we are going. [00:28:11] Speaker A: I think, I think this happened in the quad, so I think they're hanging out in the quad. Yeah. And the Maryland Bay College itself isn't incredibly large. You know, your graduate, your class probably has about 200 people in it. So, you know, and that's considered like one of the larger years, you know. You know that like the current graduating senior class is like 100. So, yeah, it's very small and it's kind of like set up in a way where, like, the majority of this, like, campus is kind of wedged in about like three blocks. So everything's very close together. So it does not take you very long to get anywhere. All to say is, does not even take you five minutes to get there. Unless you're taking your time and trying to make it last five minutes. [00:29:10] Speaker B: I will, I Will be line and yeah, yeah, there with my tote bag. [00:29:21] Speaker D: I'll stop for donut holes. [00:29:26] Speaker C: I'm texting my client that we'll have to reschedule. I could give you a short term prediction if you'd like that for a cheaper price. Right now. Just trying to kill a little bit of time before they get involved with this other job. [00:29:49] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, yeah, they, they'll, they'll take the, they'll take the. The right now prediction. [00:29:57] Speaker C: Okay. I look up and look around and I just text them. Whatever you do, avoid all burbs at all cost. And whatever keepsake you have in your left pocket, you need to throw it in the trash right now, they said. And then they said the follow up text is their Venmo leak. [00:30:24] Speaker A: Yeah, and you know, you'll, you, you get like the, the like eyes wired emoji, you know, Then they pay you. [00:30:37] Speaker D: Camera panning to this random person pulling out a receipt and being like, oh. [00:30:43] Speaker A: Like across the quad. You just see this guy just pulls. [00:30:45] Speaker C: The thing, looks up, sees all the birds. [00:30:55] Speaker A: But does not take long before this little slayer squad comes together and is reunited for the first time. At the start of the school year. [00:31:06] Speaker D: You are all offered donut holes from your local friendly bubbly slayer morning donut hole. [00:31:19] Speaker E: I take one of the ones that has like the, like the cinnamon bits on the outside. It's not like cinnamon sugar, but you know, like the, it's. It's really good. And I'll just take one of those and just take a bite. Good donuts. [00:31:40] Speaker C: I'm sipping like a coffee like just in like a styrofoam cup maybe that I got from like the cafeteria or whatever and just sipping and it's like, okay, so what, what do you. What, what's these tinglings? [00:31:59] Speaker D: So Jenna and I feel like we were being watched this morning and not just by birds. No, you walk out, there's that weird tingly. [00:32:12] Speaker E: Yeah, you know, I don't give a crap about birds and I felt it. [00:32:17] Speaker A: So you mean you should. [00:32:22] Speaker C: Well, November is here. Correct. [00:32:26] Speaker B: I think November shows up just a little bit late since responded. He responded to the. I responded to the texts late. So we'll come up and see you guys all chatting and like being, you know, super, you know, having looks like, you know, it's the, it's the squad, you know, eating donut holes. And it's just like I take a deep breath and, and walk up and. [00:33:01] Speaker C: I see you, like, maybe I just like hear your footsteps and recognize the sound that like you Wave the way you walk. Everybody's like oh, November's here. November. Do you. What do you think about like people watching them? [00:33:16] Speaker B: People watch. People watching. [00:33:18] Speaker C: No, I don't think it's people watching. [00:33:20] Speaker D: Unless these we're the ones being people watched. [00:33:24] Speaker C: Yeah. But like I think creepy. [00:33:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:33:27] Speaker D: Not like casual like creepy also. Do you want a donut hole? [00:33:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll have one. People watch. I could could it. I. I'll is maybe. Maybe it's something magic. Maybe. Maybe they're just, you know, curious. If. If I look around, do I see any auras? Like do I see I guess like bad vibes, something diff. You know, like traces of natural power. I guess. [00:34:20] Speaker A: Hey, you've got the. What was it? The psychometry. [00:34:26] Speaker B: Psychometry is for objects. I think I'm interested in using the site right now. [00:34:30] Speaker A: The site? Yeah. [00:34:33] Speaker B: Well, I think is just an addition to a perception and notice role. [00:34:38] Speaker A: Yeah. It. You can add. We'll. We'll do that perception role and you can add your site as you sort of take a look around and try to see. [00:34:54] Speaker B: I'm definitely distracted by Jen. [00:34:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Take a minus one. [00:35:01] Speaker C: I was gonna say. [00:35:02] Speaker E: And I am. I am doing my best to not look at you and like it's kind of that situation where like you look at me so I look away and then like I can tell that you're looking away. So I look at you and just like trying to gauge how you're doing. Exactly. Because I no reason. Yeah. Definitely not. [00:35:31] Speaker B: Okay. So. And I. So okay. I add perception and I add notice. [00:35:40] Speaker A: Yep. [00:35:41] Speaker B: And. But I minus subtract one I. That means is a 15 so it's very good level four success. Which means. Cuz I It says the site move says if you spend a minute or so looking at someone. Oh it says that someone. [00:36:06] Speaker A: I mean at the area. Someone is certainly taking a look. Yeah. [00:36:14] Speaker B: But I can tell if a person on three or more successes I can see supernatural beings, I guess is the. Is the thing and yeah. That's. [00:36:28] Speaker A: Yeah. You. You got that 15 so that is a very good success as you. What does. What does your sight look like? [00:36:46] Speaker B: It's like. It's kind of like it's. It. It's less like I. The way I'm imagining a lot of how November my powers work is if there's like it's not like a conscious. There's another voice or there I feel this presence but it's like I kind of know that I'm seeing and I'm looking at the world with like more than One, it's not just me who's looking at the world. There's like this feeling that like, oh, oh, okay, that's, that's. Oh, that's. There's like this, this added like layer. It's like I'm looking through multiple sets of eyes. [00:37:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:37:47] Speaker B: Which is a weird description, but that's how it feels. [00:37:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. You're doing this and you scanning around the quad. It's. It's a little chaotic. There are. There are people coming and going. It's the first day of class, so people are. Some people are heading to their first class, some people are rushing. Some people are trying to get to the get food before class. And it's. You're a little bit in for a moment, a little bit unsure of what you're even looking for. Like, yeah, sure. There are people who are glancing all around and like you've kind of all made a slight reputation for yourselves by always being where the weird things happen. So there are some students who stare at you as they pass, like, oh God, I really hope this is just a normal year. But there is one person. They're wearing dark clothing. They've got. Wearing like a hoodie. They've got the hood pulled up. You see them talking on a phone. And as you. You're noticing this, you watch as they turn around and start to walk away you through the weird way that your sight works. You catch a number of words. You catch target confirmed. And they, as you're watching, they turn around, they walk away and they cross behind one of the buildings. Buildings on the quad. [00:39:44] Speaker B: There is that 3:00, 3:30, that direction over there. That. [00:39:54] Speaker D: I look. [00:39:56] Speaker E: Yeah. Can I clock them based on what November's saying? [00:40:00] Speaker A: You see a person in a dark hoodie walking behind one of the buildings. [00:40:07] Speaker E: Great. With. Without saying a word, I kind of spring into action and I take off after him. I'm not going to let him get away. Why would I? [00:40:19] Speaker D: I will take a slightly different route so that if they break into a run or if they try and get away, I will be able to intercept. [00:40:27] Speaker A: Okay, let's go. Can I have both of my slayers? Give me. Let's do. We're going to do a. A dexterity. Let's see. We're going to do a dexterity. Yeah, dexterity acrobatics to see how well you can. This person has a, A bit of a lead on you. Yes. You are slayers and are pretty good at moving quickly. But you know, this person. Person is, does have a bit of a lead on you. So give me that role and we'll see how things go. [00:41:04] Speaker D: Picking the right D10. All right. You said dexterity, acrobatics. Oh, actually that's quite good. 21. So that is a. An extraordinary success. [00:41:19] Speaker E: I got a 22 also. Extraordinary success. Killing it. [00:41:25] Speaker A: Yeah. You certainly explaining why you are slayers as you. You both break into a run. It is the people around you suddenly just spring back. You know, they've seen both of you before. They've seen you do some wild things. Let us not mention the cafeteria incident from freshman year. [00:41:48] Speaker D: You know, it's one time. [00:41:49] Speaker E: It's not my fault that I'm a show off. Okay. [00:41:56] Speaker B: Jacket to remove the stains. [00:41:59] Speaker D: I was still new. I was learning. I. I have grown since then. [00:42:05] Speaker A: That's. That's a word for it. But both of you sort of are taking sort of like a bit of a pincer maneuver to make sure that this person doesn't escape. And as you sort of cross go behind the building, sort of where the building is building, and then there are like steps down that lead towards sort of like where people park their cars. And you're both sort of able to hit him at a point where he is like halfway down those stairs. And you're coming in from both sides. This person sort of wearing very. Just plain clothes. Now that you're here, what would you like to do? [00:42:47] Speaker E: Oh, I mean, I get as close as possible and I just clap a hand on their shoulder and say, hey, friend, where are you going? [00:42:57] Speaker A: As you do this person, they look over at you with these blank eyes. The vision is unfocused in a way. And they look at you and say, it's not where I'm going, it's where you're going. [00:43:23] Speaker D: Oh, where are we going? [00:43:24] Speaker E: Okay, where are we going? [00:43:27] Speaker D: And wait. To be specific, you as in me or her or both of us. The be more specific. There's a couple of us here also. If you want to blend in, you're gonna. You're gonna want more like. And I kind of glanced between his all black clothing and Jen's all black clothing. [00:43:50] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm waiting. I'm waiting for that. I'm waiting for that comment. I just kind of. I know exactly what you're thinking, what you're gonna say. [00:43:59] Speaker D: At least have a school bag. [00:44:02] Speaker E: It's not a bad idea. [00:44:04] Speaker A: And sort of the. Sort of the unfocused eyes look between the both of you and say think. You know where the words are totally slurred and like, I don't. [00:44:26] Speaker D: There's the afterlife. There's like the student center. If you're. If you're looking for directions, we can. [00:44:30] Speaker E: You know, am I getting like. I mean, obviously, like, there. There's something off with this individual. I know vampires pretty well, probably. It's not really straight. Striking means a vampire. [00:44:51] Speaker A: No, it's definitely not vampire. Well, if he was vampire, there'd probably be a lot more smoke being. [00:44:59] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:45:00] Speaker A: It's being in the morning. [00:45:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:03] Speaker D: Does he have funky looking eyes or like a tail or any sort of indication that he, you know, like webbed fingers under his little sweater? [00:45:13] Speaker A: That was first. You can tell he looks fairly normal. Who's kind of like wavering on his feet. And he says, just enjoy whatever time you have left. [00:45:28] Speaker E: Can I just pull down his hood at this point? Because, like, I've given him, like, enough respect or I've given them enough respect to not pull down their hood and, like, give them a chance to talk to us. And they're not doing that. So, like, I'm just gonna pull down their hood and kind of like take a look at their entire being. [00:45:51] Speaker A: For the two non slayers. Are you. Did you follow this as fast as you probably can, which is not as nearly as fast as them. [00:46:03] Speaker C: As soon as they ran off, I looked at November sipping my coffee and just. Does that mean we run too? [00:46:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:15] Speaker C: Okay. I'm gonna down my coffee and just. Okay. I. I hate cardio. You did you see? I saw what it went. What am I kidding? And I start running that way and. [00:46:31] Speaker A: I say, you both arrive, like, right around the sign that Jen rips the hood off. And this person, they have very gaunt features. Like, this person hasn't truly been taking care of themselves. They have sort of close, cropped patchy hair. Like maybe they shaved it and it's kind of grown back in a little uneven. And they sort of wobble on their feet as they look between the two slayers and says, father's not gonna know what to do with himself. [00:47:12] Speaker D: Like your father, or is that something that you call someone? [00:47:18] Speaker E: Sounds weirdly suggestive in a way that I don't appreciate. [00:47:22] Speaker A: Could be worse. [00:47:22] Speaker D: He could have said, daddy, can you that. Am I wrong? [00:47:32] Speaker E: No. [00:47:34] Speaker C: Hey. Do I recognize this person at all? [00:47:40] Speaker A: No. [00:47:41] Speaker C: No. Okay. [00:47:43] Speaker A: They don't seem to be a student. They look a little bit too old to be a student. There's probably someone in there like me, mid-20s. [00:47:51] Speaker D: I do want to make sure that I'm keeping an eye out in case any campus security or professors are walking around. And it appears that we are bullying someone. I do want to make sure we're aware of that. [00:47:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:01] Speaker C: I walk over and it's like, hey, you got, like a wallet or something? You're being creepy as hell. At least tell us who you are. [00:48:13] Speaker A: I've given up my name. It doesn't matter to me anymore. [00:48:18] Speaker C: Can I, like, Can I, like, I don't know, pat their pockets and take out their wallet, if anything? [00:48:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:26] Speaker C: Do they have a wallet? Anything on them? [00:48:30] Speaker A: It's got, like, random assorted cash. Not much. Like maybe like 30 bucks in total. And they're. They're. They're. Their driver's license says their name is Walter. [00:48:46] Speaker C: You see this. This, by the way, I look way too comfortable doing this. Just going through and like, well, Walter, putting that ID back in, taking out a five. This is a convenience fee. Putting that in their pocket, in their wallet back. Who the hell are you? Wait, why are you dealing with, like, you know, we're weird. [00:49:09] Speaker A: I'm just the messenger. [00:49:12] Speaker C: Messenger of who? [00:49:13] Speaker A: Father. [00:49:17] Speaker C: Father Joe Father. His father. [00:49:25] Speaker D: Does the name Father mean anything? Like, cult wise, demon wise? Is it a weird. Is it a weird moniker or something? [00:49:35] Speaker A: Give me. Give me a. Intelligence occult. See if you remember anything. It's not currently, but, you know, you. Maybe. Maybe if you dig further, far enough in your memory. [00:49:49] Speaker D: 12 decent. [00:49:50] Speaker A: 12 decent. You feel like you've read a reference to something. You're unsure. You feel like you read something in a book recently and it looks. [00:50:05] Speaker B: I don't know if this. Like, you'd allow me to make another perception roll, but if I take a good look at this person, does this person, like, mean us immediate harm? Like, can I get it any sort of. Like, use my empathy, like, re. You know, read sense of reading people? [00:50:28] Speaker A: Sure, I'd allow that. And if you wanted to. Are you looking with your sight still? [00:50:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, yeah, I think I'm trying to really. Like, I'm standing just a little bit back and just, like, watching this person very, like, intently. [00:50:46] Speaker A: All right, give me. Give me that. Give me. Give me that. Empathy, the role. [00:50:52] Speaker E: And while perception. Notice while November is. Is making that role, I will be opening up the group chat that Ari and I have with our watcher and just sending. Does bother mean anything to you? And what, waiting for any response while we're standing here? [00:51:17] Speaker A: Yeah, it might take. I think she might be teaching class. [00:51:22] Speaker D: We're more important. God. [00:51:26] Speaker B: Oh, I once again rolled very good. I rolled a 16. It does say that empathy can only be used on humans. I don't know. [00:51:41] Speaker A: Or at Least he's human. [00:51:42] Speaker B: Mostly human. Okay, cool. This is some. This is someone supernatural. Can I. Can I tell if they're a witch? If they're just high? [00:51:58] Speaker A: So as. As you're looking and, you know, you kind of blink a few times and your sight it for a moment, it's like this man is a puppet on a string. There is. You sort of see for a moment. You can kind of swear you could see the strings as this person is puppeted and holding the little marionette, to think it's a dark figure. And he says to all of you, so it's only a matter of time before the family arrives. Enjoy what's left. And November, as he says, enjoy what's left, it is like someone cuts the strings and you can like, almost see it happen. As cuts the strings, he goes limp. He's going to go forward down to these stairs. Unless someone stops him. [00:53:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm going to try and stop him because. Because I need to know if he's dead before or after he hits the ground. [00:53:15] Speaker A: Oh, he's definitely dead before he hits the ground. He's dead in your arms. [00:53:18] Speaker D: Excellent. Okay, excellent. Cool. Is there a way that I can get a feeling for how long he has been dead? [00:53:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Give me. You give me your. Like, you've got your sorcery, right? [00:53:35] Speaker D: Yes, my little. [00:53:36] Speaker A: My little sorcery. Give me intelligence, willpower plus your sorcery to sort of do like, kind of like a little basic spell. Okay. [00:53:45] Speaker D: Intelligence, willpower plus sorcery. I'm so sorry. I absolutely need to double check what sorcery mechanics are. I think it's, what, a plus one or something? [00:53:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it's based on, like, whatever your, like, level of it. I think you only have a level one sorcery. [00:54:00] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. So intelligence, willpower plus one. Basically. [00:54:04] Speaker B: Cool. [00:54:05] Speaker A: You're not doing anything involved bad. [00:54:09] Speaker D: Let's see. Oh, okay, hang on. That is a 10. [00:54:14] Speaker A: So it's adequate. Adequate. [00:54:18] Speaker D: I rolled a 2. [00:54:22] Speaker A: Give me. Give me a quick D10 roll. We're going to. We're going to roll on the spell effects table three. So for fun fact, the spell effect table is the lower you roll the. Your spell works just as intended. [00:54:47] Speaker D: Oh, thank goodness. [00:54:48] Speaker A: And yeah, this person's been dead for going on probably 24 hours. [00:54:58] Speaker B: You just. [00:54:59] Speaker D: Y'all just see me just be like, oh, oh. And unceremoniously drop this guy. Oh, he's been dead a day. [00:55:06] Speaker A: Just dump down the stairs. [00:55:09] Speaker C: Now I'm looking at my hands, like, ooh. Does anyone have hand sanitizer Oh, I do. [00:55:16] Speaker D: My bag's back on the quad. [00:55:18] Speaker C: Ah, fuck. [00:55:19] Speaker B: When November, when I saw like the strings cut, there was a involuntary like lunge forward, like. But the weight didn't fully escape my throat. And. And there's just this kind of like, oh, oh, he's. He's dead. And kind of this gross out moment between Ari and Paulo. But November is gonna. I'm gonna just close my eyes. [00:55:58] Speaker C: And. [00:55:59] Speaker B: Take a deep breath. I should go to class. [00:56:12] Speaker D: Okay. Jen and Paula, do you want to help me with the very dead guy? [00:56:21] Speaker E: Just not really. [00:56:25] Speaker D: Will you anyway call. [00:56:28] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:56:28] Speaker B: Security. Say it was an accident. [00:56:31] Speaker C: No, no, no. [00:56:32] Speaker D: I mean, but he's been dead a day. [00:56:34] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:56:34] Speaker C: All right. Ari, where are we taking them? Actually, where are we taking him? [00:56:42] Speaker A: Like someone. Someone like on the, like behind you all goes. Is that guy okay? [00:56:49] Speaker E: Yeah, he's fine. He just. [00:56:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:56:51] Speaker E: Drank too much last night. It's fine. We're taking him to the hospital. He's. It's fine, you know. [00:56:58] Speaker C: Pregaming. First day of school. [00:57:00] Speaker E: Yeah. Bad choice. Don't drink and study economics, I guess. [00:57:07] Speaker C: Oh, the worst. [00:57:11] Speaker B: I guess. Maybe if we've had to dispose of monsters before. Is there like a school incinerator or something that the. [00:57:22] Speaker D: Can we just sneak him in? Like, can we just sneak him in the pre med cadaver lab? [00:57:30] Speaker A: You could try. Yeah. [00:57:34] Speaker E: At this point, everybody in the group kind of already knows that I don't have any qualms dismembering bodies at all. [00:57:44] Speaker C: We have to have a spot, right? You've been doing this for a minute. [00:57:48] Speaker A: There's always a. You can drop them on the beach or in the water. In the water. You are by the ocean. [00:57:59] Speaker C: This. [00:58:02] Speaker D: I have an idea. I pull up my phone, I hop into the group chat that we've got with our watcher and I say, we got a body. [00:58:18] Speaker E: I don't respond to Ari's comment at all because I realize that I need to ask about the family. So I just like continuing my message from before. Also, comma, the family. Question mark. [00:58:38] Speaker A: You. After you say, like all of that got a body and all that stuff. You just. It's like, see the ellipses pop up. Like, where is the person's typing? And it's like. Stops typing, starts typing, stops typing, starts typing. [00:58:55] Speaker C: Fair. [00:58:57] Speaker A: First class isn't even over yet. [00:59:02] Speaker D: East stairs. [00:59:06] Speaker E: I just. I just reply, is it better or worse that it's not our fault this time? Question mark. [00:59:18] Speaker A: You sort of. You don't get a reply for a second and you just. You get A. I honestly don't know. I'm handing the class over to the ta. It will be there in five. [00:59:41] Speaker D: In the meantime, I'm going to just take this guy and prop him up on a bench with like, I steal Paulo sunglasses and I put them on him so it just looks. So it just looks like he's just passed out. Exactly. Just make it real easy, you know. [00:59:56] Speaker C: You're taking them like I do. [01:00:00] Speaker D: You want people to ask us about the dead guy? [01:00:02] Speaker C: No. There we go. I liked those. [01:00:06] Speaker D: I will bleach them. [01:00:08] Speaker C: That's bad for the sunglasses. [01:00:11] Speaker D: I will sanitize them. [01:00:14] Speaker C: Before that, when they were like going back and forth with the text. Like Paulo would look at November specifically. You're just like, hey, go to class. We got this. Just find this later. Okay. [01:00:36] Speaker B: Let'S talk later. [01:00:38] Speaker C: Yeah, later. [01:00:40] Speaker B: And November will try to make it to class still. [01:00:45] Speaker A: You probably do the thing where you like see, sneak in for like five minutes late. Like everyone looks over at you and you're just like, maybe I should have just left. Not come to class. But also you'll get another message from your watcher saying I have not names that I have ever heard before. But we'll. We'll check them out. Not exactly the easiest to Google. Yeah. About five minutes later, a UC go watcher. Catriona, she's a. She's in her. In her like late ish twenties. Probably like 27, 28. Lots of strings were pulled to get her as a professor here. Like you're not even sure she actually has a doctorate. But she's wearing, you know, usual business attire, slacks, button up shirt. She has already taken off the tie and rolled up the sleeves. It's already been one of those days. And it's 8:30 and has her sort of her dark hair, almost black hair, like sort of in a tight bun and shows up and goes, is this. [01:02:15] Speaker D: This is Walter. [01:02:16] Speaker A: Oh, Walter, lovely. [01:02:19] Speaker D: He's dead. [01:02:20] Speaker C: Oh, quieter please. [01:02:25] Speaker A: He's dead tired. [01:02:27] Speaker C: M. [01:02:31] Speaker A: So what happened? [01:02:40] Speaker D: Jen and I had the slayer senses tingling. November saw this guy. Jen and I ran after him. November And Paolo ran after us. He got very ominous talking about father and the family and enjoy what time we have left, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Very heavily implying that we're going to die. And then he died. Or rather he. He's been dead like a day already. But. But like he. He re. Died. [01:03:12] Speaker A: So dead, you know, and now dead again. Okay. And kind of does that sort of trademark rubbing her forehead that all watchers seem to do as she's like, not even nine in the morning. I already feel a headache coming home. Well, it could be worse. [01:03:34] Speaker E: You could be dead. [01:03:37] Speaker A: You are 100% correct. I could be dead. So. Yes. Anything else on the body that could tell you anything? [01:03:54] Speaker C: Their wallets on them. They had about $25 in there. Did I? Besides their. Their ID, you said there was just like, random things in there. Was there anything like. [01:04:09] Speaker A: Like a Costco card? You know, things like that? You know, one with this deep. Yeah, it's like a house code card. [01:04:16] Speaker C: That's great for a college student. [01:04:19] Speaker A: Just hope no one reports from dead. [01:04:24] Speaker C: No, there's just like their ID and their wallet and stuff. [01:04:28] Speaker A: They also had a phone. [01:04:30] Speaker C: And their phone. [01:04:32] Speaker D: Does it have a passcode on it? [01:04:34] Speaker A: Yes, it does. [01:04:35] Speaker D: Doesn't have a fingerprint reader. [01:04:38] Speaker A: It's like. Did those exist in 2015? [01:04:41] Speaker E: They did. [01:04:41] Speaker D: And that. They did exist. [01:04:46] Speaker A: It does not. It is several years old at this point. It looks like it's like three years old. [01:04:54] Speaker C: Could I take the phone and kind of turn it to the light to see their fingerprints? Like, because everyone. If you do your phone and you're going to have, like, messy fingerprints and see if I could figure out the passcode. [01:05:15] Speaker A: Yes. But I will say that it is going to be a very difficult role. [01:05:20] Speaker C: I'm willing. No. If I do it bad enough, it will call the police. I won't do that. [01:05:28] Speaker D: A couple of attempts, you know. [01:05:32] Speaker C: 1, 2, 3, 4. [01:05:35] Speaker A: No. If you want to make a. We would do safer. While I remember, it would be. Yeah, it would be like an intelligence, Mr. Fixit role. Okay. [01:05:59] Speaker C: Okay. [01:06:02] Speaker A: But it would be considered very difficult. So it would be a minus 4. [01:06:08] Speaker D: Is there any way that I can take a look at some of the information that is on this guy's cards and such and suggest things like a year of birth or. Walt. [01:06:23] Speaker A: Sure. You know, we knock it down to a minus two. [01:06:33] Speaker C: I'm trying to see. Because I have luck. I don't know how lucky I be with my dice rolls. I'll try it, but that will just be. So It'll be a plus one because I don't have anything. Mr. Fix it. I'll roll it. I'll roll. Okay. So I have luck. I read it up on it. I could. I have three levels in it. So that means I can get up to a plus three. Or I could split it up. I would like to use two of them to get it to a ten because I rolled a seven. [01:07:11] Speaker A: A seven. Okay. A ten. [01:07:17] Speaker C: Oh, actually that would make it seven ten. [01:07:21] Speaker A: Oh. [01:07:21] Speaker C: No, wait, I will use two because I have a seven. I have three in intelligence. So I'll bump it to a twelve. [01:07:30] Speaker A: Twelve. And you, you put in the, you, you kept the minus two for being a difficult task, right? [01:07:36] Speaker C: Oh, no, you're right. So it'll be a 10. I was like, I have three or I doing one. [01:07:43] Speaker A: Yeah. So 10 and so it is adequate. I will say that you, you can't get in. You can make like, you can get into, like, the, the menu that, like, lets you make emergency calls to, like, people that the person is designated as an emergency contact. [01:08:07] Speaker C: And who's the emergency contact? [01:08:11] Speaker A: It looks like it's his mother. [01:08:17] Speaker C: I am not prepared to make that call. [01:08:21] Speaker E: Just give it here because I'll give it. [01:08:27] Speaker C: Does it have the last name on it or is it just like, Mom? It would be really weird if it. [01:08:31] Speaker A: Had the full name on it. It just says like, mom. [01:08:35] Speaker D: Cool. [01:08:36] Speaker E: So just give it here. [01:08:39] Speaker D: I mean, we know we have his driver's license. [01:08:42] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. I, I, I'll hand it to you. Like, I, I don't know if you want to call, like, do we want to call the family? It's like, hey, your kid's dead. [01:08:54] Speaker D: I mean, that does invite a whole lot of questions. And it definitely does put a, a little wrench in the getting rid of him bit of things. [01:09:02] Speaker A: Yes. Which we should definitely deal with. I'm bringing my car around, stuff him in the trunk, put him in the boot. [01:09:13] Speaker C: Doesn't need to be my car. [01:09:14] Speaker A: Good. She walks off to go get her car. [01:09:22] Speaker C: Well, what an eventful first day. [01:09:31] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:09:36] Speaker A: So it takes a minute and Catriona brings her car around and you're able to put Walter's body in the trunk. And also when return Palo. Yeah, Return palace sunglasses. Also, like, other things that I forgot to mention. Walter doesn't have a New Jersey license. It's from Ohio. [01:10:00] Speaker C: Ohio. Oh, they were a lover. [01:10:10] Speaker D: I will make a note of the license number just in case he's. [01:10:18] Speaker A: Yeah. Didn't have any keys on him, so you're not sure exactly how he got here. And the body is disposed of somewhere so you don't have to report a body. It's like it is the TV show where there's bodies and then there's not really. [01:10:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:47] Speaker A: We are forward to this. You, you eventually get through your first class of the day and have a, have a brief break. And by this time the others, you all have missed your first class and you all have returned. Would you go and help Catriona get rid of the Body. [01:11:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:11:12] Speaker A: Okay. [01:11:14] Speaker E: Especially. Especially if it's the kind of thing where again, like a body needs to be mismanaged in certain ways. I'm really good at that and she's not. [01:11:28] Speaker D: So also, I'm just trying to learn. [01:11:32] Speaker A: You definitely don't have to take apart a body. There are, there are sea caves here and quite often the, you know, the. It's trying to remember is it early morning is low tide or high tide? [01:11:50] Speaker B: It depends on the kind of day. [01:11:52] Speaker A: It's very true. We'll say it is low tide this morning and you're able to sh the body into the sea cave and it's going to fill up with water and you know, eventually in maybe a week or two, he'll be found and you're able to. All three of you are able to get back to class and Catriona sends the best. Just like I will have my TA teach run the rest of my classes today and figure this out. Just go to my office and figure everything out. Everyone, Everyone who's there, just, you know, let them know to come. [01:12:47] Speaker D: Hello, November. The group chat dings Watcher Central after class. Paulo is muted, so I could not see what he's. What he wrote. [01:13:03] Speaker C: I was just mouthing Watcher. Sensual. [01:13:09] Speaker A: Yeah, say that like November, you have some time after your first class. Are you just. Are you just going to like, head. Put head down, just like be like, yes, I am normal student or are you, you going to follow up with anything? I. [01:13:31] Speaker B: It's. It was a bit of a scare. Not that like it's the seeing. Being able to see visions and kind of get these senses off of people isn't. It's not new to me, but it's, it's, it's still. It's intense every time and so I think, I think I am. I'm going to just try to go about life as normal. But as soon as class is over, it's like, okay, maybe I should go talk to. Talk to everyone at least if we were given a time to meet at Watcher Central. I think, I think November will try to just. I guess we'll be a little bit show up a little bit early. [01:15:17] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. I asked the other question is, do the rest of you go to the GO to attempt to go to the rest of your classes? Today. [01:15:30] Speaker E: I'm on academic probation, so like. [01:15:35] Speaker A: I should probably. [01:15:39] Speaker E: At the very least try to. It's honestly like, you know, you get so many absences a semester and like missing the first day is kind of the worst because typically there's not a lot to do that first day. Like you go over the syllabus and, and it's really boring. And here's when the tests are. And sometimes you've got like a small bit of like a lecture but like it's such a do nothing day that like, I'd rather just wait until I really need to use the absences or. [01:16:11] Speaker A: Like just really don't feel like going. So the great thing about Catriona being a professor is that she's used the excuse of, you know, I have asked these students to work on this thing for me or do this thing for me. So therefore you do get, get a lot of absence, like absences excused. [01:16:36] Speaker E: Which does come in handy because I often do not want to go to class. [01:16:40] Speaker A: Mm, look, there is sometimes, you know, the person you think is cute turns e evil and then you, it's like a week long, just you can't get to class because they're essentially trying to ruin your life and murder you. It happens to everyone. [01:17:01] Speaker C: We've all been there. [01:17:03] Speaker E: If I had a nickel, you'd have. [01:17:06] Speaker A: Two, which is weird. But it's happened twice. [01:17:08] Speaker E: Weird that it's happened twice. [01:17:10] Speaker A: Yeah, Yeah. [01:17:14] Speaker C: I miss my first class. It's already a wash. They did not go to any rest of their classes. They just, they considered it, looked at the $5 that they just got and went to go get another coffee and kind of just responded to emails on like they have like a portable, like a smaller laptop to take carry with them and just Chromebook off brand Chromebook and responded to the future is now messages all day. [01:17:59] Speaker D: I am going to accept that my first class is just a loss. But also it's, it's syllabus day, so it's probably, probably fine. I will go to the rest of my classes just because again, with my luck, there will be a pop quiz and summer reading. [01:18:16] Speaker A: Who knows. So eventually you do all get through your classes for the day or you hit the point where your classes would be done and you've all been to Catriona's office before and the history building, it's kind of, it's like a corner office on like the first floor. It's out of the way. Nobody really bothers her here, you know, just students come by occasionally. But she's, she's one of those professors that has really weird office hours. So like, you know, it's like I'm only available on office hours. On every other Tuesday at this time. [01:18:58] Speaker D: From 4:03pm to 4:07pm you're late. Sucks to suck. [01:19:02] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. So you all show up in her office, and her office is a collection of eclectic things. Usually there'd be history books in here now there's usually just a lot of occult tomes and various things. It is her own little occult library and she has several books that are already laid out over her desk as she's flipping through them, and whoever is the first to enter, she says to them, I've looked through seven different tomes for any corresponding father or family and several interesting classes of daemon and November stands there. [01:19:55] Speaker B: There's. Oh, no, there's a demon family. [01:20:00] Speaker A: I don't think it's that more of it was families of demons or things like that. It. [01:20:09] Speaker B: He was human. [01:20:10] Speaker A: Broad terms, not specifics. [01:20:14] Speaker B: He was definitely human. Just. [01:20:18] Speaker A: Yeah, that's why I thought that. I thought that for sure. Yeah. Do you. How have you. How have you been doing? I know you're not one of my slayers, but. [01:20:38] Speaker B: You know, I had a dream last night. [01:20:43] Speaker A: Like the dreams you sometimes have. Yes. [01:20:47] Speaker B: Yes. It was a lot clearer than it usually is. Was. I wrote down, I drew what I saw. And I will pull out the sketchbook, the charcoal drawings, and hand them over. I. I don't know if you have. You might know the symbols in your books. I. I thought I should. I should tell you. Show you and. Yeah, I don't know if that's connected to the person in the quad today. Maybe it's connected to the murders that have been happening across the country. [01:21:47] Speaker A: And those have been interesting. I've been trying to get as much information from them as I can. The first person who died was a slayer. I knew her watcher. I don't know anything about the other. The others. The other three. They could be, or it could be. Nothing in this world is a coincidence, but for once I was hoping it was. [01:22:34] Speaker B: I, I, you know, I'm. I'm not as good with computers, but. Actually, this is a. This is a question now for you. In the time between classes and I had classes and now, could I have looked up to see if the girl who died was the girl that I saw in my dreams? [01:23:05] Speaker A: Yeah, you certainly could. It's not incredibly hard. You kind of have to dig a little bit because they haven't released any official photos, but, you know, find anything on Twitter if you dig hard enough. [01:23:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:23:22] Speaker A: Yeah. And through enough search terms. There is one of those really just horrible ambulance chaser people, you know, real Jake Gyllenhaal and Nightcrawler who snapped a photo of the body before it was taken away. And. Yeah, was the person you dreamt about. [01:23:52] Speaker B: When I say all this, I. Well, I. I have more to say. Once the jet everyone gets here. [01:24:16] Speaker A: Of course. How was your summer? [01:24:23] Speaker B: I spent it with my family. [01:24:30] Speaker A: It's. Could be good or bad. [01:24:35] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:24:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, glad you came back. And I would say this is probably around the time where everybody else kind of funnels in. [01:24:55] Speaker D: This time I'm armed with lattes. [01:25:03] Speaker C: Already sipping on the coffee cup, but. [01:25:05] Speaker D: I'll take a latte and I hand Catriona's to her. Double shot for you. Thank you. [01:25:12] Speaker A: Thank you for. [01:25:15] Speaker D: You know, the mild crime committing earlier. [01:25:21] Speaker A: Yes. It's not the first body we have disposed of and won't be the last. [01:25:29] Speaker D: What a way to open the year, right? [01:25:32] Speaker A: I was hoping we'd at least get through the first day. [01:25:35] Speaker D: Oh, you know us. [01:25:37] Speaker A: But I do think that's a record. [01:25:41] Speaker D: You think we can do the night before first day of classes next year? [01:25:46] Speaker C: That's. It's not. Yeah. [01:25:48] Speaker A: Remind me to book my flight back from England slightly later next year. [01:25:58] Speaker E: I walk in, the last person to show up and I know Ari's proclivities for bringing food and drinks. And since we did food earlier, I know that now is drink time. So I just walk in and I just hold out my hand. This is one of those things that always kind of surprises people about Jen, typically, is that I don't actually like coffee. I'm not a coffee person. So everybody's got their lattes. But I always know that Ari's gonna show up with my hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a shot of peppermint any day. [01:26:39] Speaker D: I know my tea. [01:26:40] Speaker E: Every single, every single day of the year. Doesn't matter that it's not Christmas. Mint cocoa, extra whip, Always. [01:26:48] Speaker D: I know my team. I will always get them their favorite drinks. [01:26:55] Speaker E: It's definitely appreciated after today for sure. [01:27:00] Speaker D: Just like wordless hands you your coffee. And I just returned to sipping my. My latte with, you know, cinnamon or whatever. [01:27:12] Speaker C: So. [01:27:15] Speaker A: Do you. [01:27:16] Speaker C: Do you have any info? Looking at the watcher, do you have any info like, of what is going on? Cuz that was. Yes. New record. Also pretty creepy. [01:27:28] Speaker A: Pretty creepy. Yes, yes. Yes, it was. Well, I tried to track down anything to do with the family or father. Unfortunately, very vague terms. Some of those Google searches, it did not turn out to be what I was expecting. [01:27:46] Speaker E: I really hope you did that with safe search on. [01:27:50] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. This is a college computer. [01:27:54] Speaker C: Yeah, you're right though. I just always get around it. [01:28:01] Speaker A: But November might have information that might help. I really got to take a good look over it. We were waiting for everyone else to arrive. [01:28:17] Speaker B: Yes. [01:28:17] Speaker A: When. [01:28:18] Speaker E: When. When. When Catriona says that November has information. It was at that moment I was taking a big sip and I just kind of like, choke a little bit and cough because I was not expecting November to be of importance in this moment. And it kind of takes me off guard. Sorry. Sorry. [01:28:45] Speaker B: You changed your hair. [01:28:50] Speaker E: Yeah. You know, I thought. I thought that it was time for a change. Seems like a lot of people are changing in all sorts of ways. [01:29:04] Speaker A: Like I do friend Walter who died. [01:29:08] Speaker C: Friends is a very strong word. [01:29:11] Speaker D: I mean, you shared sunglasses. [01:29:14] Speaker C: Death. [01:29:15] Speaker D: Well, I shared them for you. But, you know, death, I. I feel like that brings you closer together. [01:29:22] Speaker B: Something. Something was controlling him. It was like puppet strings that were snipped. [01:29:36] Speaker D: That's why he was. That's why. That's how he was already dead. [01:29:41] Speaker E: Yeah, that makes sense. [01:29:45] Speaker D: Oh, we never actually ascertained a cause of death, did we? [01:29:50] Speaker B: Do you. Did you keep anything? [01:29:57] Speaker D: I think Powell's got five bucks. [01:30:02] Speaker A: You did have the phone. I don't know if you threw it over. [01:30:07] Speaker C: The five books is gone, but one of you have the phone. [01:30:11] Speaker D: Unless I feel like it's you. [01:30:14] Speaker E: I'm not dumb enough to keep a phone for somebody who's gonna show up missing in a week. [01:30:20] Speaker D: Yeah, that's the thing. Like, phones are trackable. They've got find my life360. I wouldn't have kept it. Jen wouldn't have kept it. So if someone kept it, it was you. [01:30:29] Speaker C: Yeah. No, if you didn't keep it, then I would have taken aback. Well, I mean, the phone. I haven't been able to crack it yet. I've tried too much. I was busy with, like, all my classes today. [01:30:45] Speaker D: Like, I wonder if. Can't you just use your mind tingling and figure out the code? [01:30:52] Speaker B: I can. [01:30:55] Speaker C: Let's let November do it. [01:30:58] Speaker B: I can. I've been practicing. [01:31:04] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I could. I could help. [01:31:08] Speaker D: Like, I've got a little bit of magic, but I. I focus more on, like. Focus is a strong word for someone who's been doing magic for five minutes. But I don't really focus on the techno bit. [01:31:22] Speaker B: And I. I would like to try to take the phone and see if. Focusing on the phone itself. If I can get any reading of who Walter was before father took over. [01:31:59] Speaker A: All right, we're for this. We're going to do a. We'll do just a perception. [01:32:09] Speaker B: Okay. [01:32:10] Speaker A: Roll it with just your perception. [01:32:17] Speaker B: That Is adequate. I rolled 10. [01:32:21] Speaker A: A 10? So just one level one? Yeah. So for psychometry, you will feel the strongest emotions involved with the object in recent past, one day or less. And you get the feeling of intense devotion, slavish devotion. Whoever, well, whoever this person is, Walter was absolutely, utterly devoted to them and whatever they were talking about and fully believed in everything. And then there's sort of that harsh feeling of a death. You're not exactly sure what it was that killed him, but it was quick and maybe painless. [01:33:32] Speaker B: I, I, I, I'm gonna drop the phone. So after, if I, if I was holding it. So hopefully, I don't know, I dropped. [01:33:45] Speaker A: The phone and this is 2015. We don't have good screens. Screenshotters. [01:33:51] Speaker E: No, no, because, because I have fast reaction time. So I'm gonna say that, you know, I, I know November, and I can obviously see, like, what is happening here, and I can, I notice, like, the grip loosening. So as it kind of like, starts to fall, I just, like, reach over and just grab it. It's not, like, immediate. It does fall for a little bit before I can get it, but it does not hit the ground. [01:34:26] Speaker C: I knew you would catch it. [01:34:28] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean, I, and, and, and, and to be clear, because we're gonna, we're gonna make this gay, you know, I have to really lean down to catch the phone, and I just kind of like, once it's safely in my hand, I'm just going to look up at November to, like, make sure that they're okay. But there's this really, like. [01:34:51] Speaker B: And there's that moment I'm feeling that devotion still, like, pulsing in my veins while you're looking up at me. Oh, well, there was. Let's just say he was happy to die. Not in a depressed way, but in a, you know, cultist way. [01:35:43] Speaker D: Like a die for the cause kind of deal. [01:35:46] Speaker B: Yeah, you would have done, Would have maybe could have done anything. Okay. [01:35:52] Speaker D: I feel less bad about hiding the body. [01:35:58] Speaker B: No, don't see, I, I didn't see anything else, though. Just. I just, I, I felt, I guess this is. We got a new Manson or something. [01:36:27] Speaker C: Look, I, I told you how much I hate colts. We had the one from last year and that was terrible. So. Stole one of my shoes. [01:36:39] Speaker E: I mean, I've never really heard of anybody talking. Well, I guess except cultists. I was gonna say I never heard anybody talking, you know, saying nice things about cults. But, but yeah, no cultists. I mean, that's kind of in the, the name, I guess, but, but No, I think. I don't think any of us are. Are happy with cults generally. [01:37:00] Speaker D: I think, like, School Spirit is definitely a cult of some sort, but moving on. [01:37:04] Speaker E: Well. [01:37:07] Speaker D: To be clear, it is a cult that I'm absolutely a part of, but, you know. [01:37:10] Speaker C: Oh, dear. [01:37:12] Speaker E: Oh, this is why we're not roommates. [01:37:17] Speaker D: Marlin's for the win. [01:37:21] Speaker E: Isn'T? [01:37:21] Speaker D: Come on, Marlin Bay Marlins isn't? [01:37:24] Speaker E: I thought. I thought we were the Sharks. [01:37:29] Speaker D: Oh, no. You have so much rebranding to get to do. [01:37:34] Speaker C: Oh, no. Okay, well. [01:37:39] Speaker D: I think that's a missed opportunity, personally. Moving on. [01:37:48] Speaker C: You said November. You didn't see anything, do you? [01:37:53] Speaker A: Did you? [01:37:54] Speaker C: The watcher said you had something about, like, important going on. Was it about this or did you see something else? [01:38:04] Speaker B: Well, you know, the. You know, the string of. Of ritualistic murders? [01:38:13] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah, I. I glanced over it in the news the other day. Oh, no. [01:38:22] Speaker B: I've had a dream about the most recent one. [01:38:30] Speaker C: Okay, that feels bad. [01:38:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [01:38:45] Speaker C: Well, as we all know, psychic readings are very important to, you know, take heed of. [01:39:00] Speaker B: That. [01:39:01] Speaker C: Probably, but it's more like it's. That probably means there's something coming here, closer. I could only assume. [01:39:13] Speaker E: Well, okay, look, I don't think you need to be a psychic to have this idea. Like, we. If November is having, you know, these nightmares, these visions, and, you know, we're just supposed to trust these visions completely without questioning them, ever, or doing any sort of introspection or anything at all. Sorry. Sorry, what was I saying? Yeah, the visions. Yeah. So, you know, if we. If we believe the vision, if the vision is to be believed, then, you know, that. Plus. Plus this Walter guy, the family father. I mean, I. Again, I don't. I don't think you need to be a psychic to. It helps make a guess about that. Yeah, I'm sure, but, you know, good old deduction. I'll get you there, too, Patriona. [01:40:24] Speaker B: Have you. Do they know who the first death was? [01:40:32] Speaker A: I was getting to that. So there have been four so far. I don't know about any of the other ones, but the first one who was killed was a slayer. I knew her watcher. I have not been able to verify any of the others. They either didn't have watchers or I did not know them. We aren't exactly the most. Well, networked group of people anymore. Thanks to the First Evil blowing up the entire Council. [01:41:12] Speaker D: Seems like something the First Evil would do to be fair. [01:41:17] Speaker A: Yes. [01:41:19] Speaker E: Wait, so. So you said the first one was a Watcher or Sorry. [01:41:23] Speaker D: The player. [01:41:26] Speaker A: Been three more. First one. [01:41:33] Speaker E: But you. You said that you don't, like. You know, you don't know if they're slayers too, or you like. [01:41:40] Speaker A: I don't. I. I don't. If they had watchers, I didn't know. [01:41:45] Speaker D: Right. So there have been four so far. [01:41:49] Speaker A: Four. First one. [01:41:50] Speaker D: The first one was a slayer. [01:41:51] Speaker A: First one for sure was a slayer. Watcher. It's been working their way across the U.S. first one was in California. Second one was in Nevada. Third one was in Texas and then Kansas. [01:42:07] Speaker D: So the real question is, like, are they just gonna hop across the pond or. Anyway, so. First one was slayer. One, two, three randos. And it seems like they're coming after one or both of us. Genuine me. So general pattern suggests. But also that whole correlation causation crap, you know. [01:42:35] Speaker B: We don't know if the. My dream and this and the killings and this Walter guy are related. [01:42:45] Speaker E: Well. Okay. Okay. Just think back to. To your dream. Did you. Did you hear anything? [01:42:56] Speaker C: Did. [01:42:56] Speaker E: Did anybody talk about a family? Did anybody talk about father or mother or any family member, anything like that? Anything that you could make out in. Can't hear you. [01:43:18] Speaker B: They were just talking about the feast. [01:43:22] Speaker A: There was a lot of Latins and. [01:43:25] Speaker B: Latin. [01:43:26] Speaker D: Do you remember any of. Any of what was said in Latin? I ask as someone who has one rank in languages, just in case. [01:43:38] Speaker C: I think I have languages too. [01:43:41] Speaker B: I mean, I wrote down what I could that I heard after I had the dream. I don't. I don't know how to spell Latin. So I will pull out, you know. [01:43:52] Speaker E: Did you. Did you. Did you hear the word, like Potter? That's Padre. Anything similar to dad. Father or anything like that? [01:44:05] Speaker B: I don't know. Did I direct her? [01:44:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I would say you probably did. [01:44:15] Speaker D: Yeah. From the phonetics of what November wrote. [01:44:17] Speaker A: Out, Latin is one of those ones where it can be a little bit phonetic sometimes. [01:44:23] Speaker D: True. Yeah. [01:44:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:44:26] Speaker D: Would Paulo and I be able to glean anything from any of the. Any of that? Beautiful phonetic bits. [01:44:37] Speaker A: Give me just. Just to see if how much you can gleam. And especially like, how much maybe that November wrote. Give me intelligence, language. [01:44:49] Speaker C: Intelligence, language. All right. [01:44:51] Speaker D: Okay. That's a 10. [01:44:53] Speaker C: That is. Is math. Is hard. 12. [01:45:01] Speaker A: 12. [01:45:02] Speaker D: Adequate and decent. [01:45:03] Speaker A: Adequate and decent. Like, you know, you're. You're able to pick out some words like family, father. You can pick out bounty, power, slayer. [01:45:24] Speaker D: Anything about a timeline, like new moon. [01:45:28] Speaker A: Nothing about a timeline. It seems like this was some sort of ritual. [01:45:35] Speaker D: Totally a slayer thing. [01:45:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:45:37] Speaker E: Are there looking at the different Deaths. Like, is there any sort of pattern that we can make out? Like, if this is ritualistic, like our. Can we. [01:45:47] Speaker A: Can. [01:45:47] Speaker E: Can we. They may not have talked about a timeline, but, like, you know, can we pick out a pattern based on, like, reporting patterns? [01:45:54] Speaker A: Yeah, based on reporting patterns. Yeah. I mean, pretty easy to take a look at all of the dates and then look at a lunar calendar. Yeah, that's a full moon. [01:46:04] Speaker D: Oh, I was literally opposite. [01:46:10] Speaker E: Well, and I'm. I look at Ari at this point and I just say. Well, I mean, at this point, they've only killed one at a time, so who knows? Maybe they're only after one of us. [01:46:22] Speaker D: Maybe. Or they might be going after us over the course of two months, or they might just try and get a twofer on this one. But when's the next full moon? Like a month from now? [01:46:33] Speaker A: Yeah, like a month. [01:46:34] Speaker E: I would imagine like a month from now. Because the last killing happened. [01:46:37] Speaker D: Yeah, because it just happened. [01:46:39] Speaker E: Oh, month. [01:46:40] Speaker A: Give or take. [01:46:41] Speaker E: That's. That's how the months work. [01:46:44] Speaker D: Yes. So the nice thing is the time that we have left is about a month. So we have a month to figure out what the heck is going on. [01:46:52] Speaker C: Any of time. [01:46:53] Speaker D: Yeah. Last one was in Kansas, you said, right? Director. [01:47:00] Speaker A: Yes. [01:47:01] Speaker D: Slash, you know, Catriona. [01:47:04] Speaker A: Yes. [01:47:05] Speaker D: Okay, so one would assume that either they have gotten their butts over here real fast, or this guy was just the messenger and they are still on their way. [01:47:17] Speaker A: Either. Either option. We can't be too. We can at least be sure that they're going to be waiting until. Yes. Yes. [01:47:25] Speaker E: What. What was it now? Did Paulo or. No, it was November that. That caught Walter. Did November tell us what he was able to make out that Walter was saying? [01:47:44] Speaker B: Oh, I. I don't think I. I told you in that moment, but if Jen asks that now, just like, I just. I don't know if he was saying target acquired or if I was acquired, my target. But, I mean, he was watching you. [01:48:16] Speaker E: Well, so it stands to reason then, that Walter could just be some weird puppet from this cult. I pull out my phone quickly because I am terrible at geography. I have no idea where anything is in relation to anything else. And I'm gonna pull out my phone and I'm going to zoom out and I'm going to find where Kansas is and where Ohio is in relation to Kansas, and. Okay, well, they're not. I mean, it's not like they're out. [01:48:55] Speaker D: Of here in a day. [01:48:58] Speaker E: Yeah. And it's not. I mean, cancer, like. Yeah, well, okay, so hear Me out. My thought was like, especially if they were close, you know, this was somebody that may have been working with the cult and. And, you know, or something. Somebody that was being controlled and then sent here from. From. I mean, they're not. They're. I mean, obviously it stands like I. I would assume based on what we found in his wallet, that he was living in Ohio. So. [01:49:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:49:28] Speaker E: My question becomes, how did the cult get him in Ohio if they're in Kansas? Like, that, I think, is the part that's worrying me because that's some. Well, they're psychic connection that maybe they have. I don't know. [01:49:46] Speaker D: So it's California, Nevada, Kansas and somewhere else. [01:49:50] Speaker A: Texas. [01:49:51] Speaker D: Texas. That's right. [01:49:53] Speaker C: I mean, that's only under the assumption that they're in one single place. [01:50:00] Speaker D: Also under the assumption that this guy isn't from Ohio and lives here. [01:50:08] Speaker E: I mean, yeah, obviously it. You know, I. I'm. I'm making a lot of assumptions here, but I mean, I'm only going off of. I. I'm not psychic, right? So, no, I'm not. I'm not gifted in that way. But I don't know. It just. Obviously there's a chance that he's been. Been with this group the whole time, but it, like. Okay, you don't really hear about like some offshoot of a cult, right? Like, cultists travel together typically. Like when you had, you know, like, I mean, South America, Kool Aid, all of that. Like you didn't have. Okay, the main cult is here, but then like, the smaller cult is over here. They all just. They all kind of travel together. And I mean, with a name like the family, you can kind of. I don't know, like there's kind of an in, like a. In like look into their psyche or whatever. [01:51:11] Speaker A: I mean, one could also think if they're hunting slayers, maybe they send people ahead to find the slayers. [01:51:20] Speaker D: You know, what I want to know is how they find the slayers. How do they know who we are, where we are? Are they using some kind of magical slayer dousing rod? [01:51:33] Speaker E: I'm. [01:51:34] Speaker B: You two aren't the most subtle. [01:51:38] Speaker E: But. [01:51:38] Speaker D: Like, it's not like we're super known off campus or anything. Well, like out of town or anything. [01:51:46] Speaker C: Can I just do like a quick, like, online search for events that's happened on this campus and what other news papers they've been in? [01:51:55] Speaker D: I definitely thought you're about to say, can I do a Google search for Slayer Lopez? [01:52:01] Speaker C: I'm just gonna give me the ban. [01:52:04] Speaker A: So for. For like For. For Ari and Jen. Right. [01:52:08] Speaker C: Well, you know, the stuff that we've done has been newsworthy. I imagine the whole cafeteria incident did get like at least the next town over. So I imagine stuff like that would make to the local newspaper and any of the bigger events may get to other newspapers. [01:52:29] Speaker A: Yeah, you can do that. You don't have to make a roll for it. Like, the thing is also one of the things the Catriona is here to do is to mitigate things like that. You know, she definitely helps make it so that direct names aren't in the paper. Just local teens, st stops, yada yada, you know. [01:52:53] Speaker C: Oh, oh, oh. Then I want to do a search for, you know, like, there's those magazines that says, like, bigfoot found shows a picture of National Enquirer costume. Yeah, stuff like that. Has there like, been events of like, vampires found in Rhode island, small town, that kind of stuff? Like, no, like, those things will make newspapers, but no one will pay attention to them. [01:53:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like, there. There's like your. Your normal stuff. Like, there's. There is that squid demon. Mention of a squid demon that you're pretty sure that you fought last year. You know, spotted, like they have it in New York, but okay, you know. [01:53:39] Speaker C: So like stuff like this isn't exactly like they're doing their research. I don't know how. Oh, maybe they have someone psychic. [01:53:49] Speaker E: That was gonna be my thought. [01:53:51] Speaker C: Oh, that's not good. [01:53:52] Speaker B: I mean, they were controlling Walter from who knows where. [01:53:59] Speaker C: Yeah, that. I mean, that's some. That's a little bit more than psychic magic. That's like magic magic. Magic. [01:54:13] Speaker B: Powerful witch or warlock. [01:54:20] Speaker C: Yeah, well, looking at. Sorry, what was the watcher's name again? Cat got your Honor. I look at them like. Well, what would you suggest? Should be our at least first steps, next steps. If there's like, hey, slayer, killer. [01:54:48] Speaker A: Well, I. First steps is figuring out if the others were slayers, if. If there's any connection between, like getting for sure connection between Walter today and these killings. It could be a horrible coincidence. I don't think it is, but it could be. So get that for sure connection. No. And then also figure out why. [01:55:21] Speaker C: It'S. [01:55:21] Speaker A: Also not exactly easy to take down a slayer. So they have to have some sort of inside knowledge. So figuring that out is a lot of research, a lot of digging and ears to the ground. Try not to travel on your own too much just in case I push. [01:55:51] Speaker E: Myself off of the desk that I've been sitting on top of and kind of like jump to My feet. And I say, well, a bunch of research. Sounds boring. I'm gonna leave you to it. And then once Catriona says, you know, try not to travel alone. I'm gonna look at November and I'm just gonna say, well, I have nothing to worry about. After all, I survived, don't I? And then I just kind of walk out of the room. [01:56:20] Speaker A: And from behind is just. And Jen, still, don't forget to patrol tonight. It's first day of the semester, but Ari makes sure, you know, patrol, keep an eye on each other. [01:56:36] Speaker D: Yep. Sunset. [01:56:39] Speaker A: And. Yeah. And Catriona will look at the other two and say, I guess that means we're hitting the books. Sounds so excited. And he sounds so excited. And you know what? I think this is a really good place to end the first episode. We've set everything up and now it is time. Time for to see where everything takes us. What is the family and what are their plans. Yeah, everything's fine. I don't know what you're talking about. There's no nothing for these two to worry about. [01:57:18] Speaker D: There's nothing wrong. [01:57:20] Speaker E: There's absolutely nothing wrong. I. Jen definitely doesn't have anything to worry about. She's not going to die. [01:57:27] Speaker D: So they're clearly planning a surprise birthday party for one of us. [01:57:32] Speaker E: Of course, 100%. [01:57:35] Speaker A: Now is the time. I will let my lovely cast tell you a little bit about themselves where you can find them on the Internet and any cool things they might be doing. And I'm going to start with we'll do the same order that we did intros. So we'll start with you, Saffron. [01:57:50] Speaker B: Hello again or Goodbye. I am Saffron. [01:57:55] Speaker E: Hello. [01:57:55] Speaker A: Goodbye. [01:57:59] Speaker B: I am online pretty much everywhere at Gaub Hefta. So my last name reversed G A U B H E F T A. And I'm a part of the actual Play studio Midnight ceremonies media. So you can find other work that I've done at midnightceremoniesmedia.com. [01:58:25] Speaker A: Okay, and then we have Dusty. [01:58:32] Speaker C: Hello. Hi, I am Paulo Estrada. I'm also Dusty at Dust E Hill. You can find me online. Most places you can find me working a lot with our lovely director Aubrey. You can catch us on Goblins and Gays. I am playing in our current Pathfinder two week campaign, Eurodo. Last name if you like Gothic horror and Bloodborne. You're going to love this series. Aubrey has done an incredible job and I'm. I love playing my little ship bag. You could also find us on a Lancer podcast. Bring your own mech you could find streaming I gobbles and gays. I'll let Aubrey do all the other like big like links and stuff. She knows it all. You can find me at Running an Unwavering Force, which is a Star wars podcast. We also use Pathfinder 2e. That's ton of fun. Go check that out. You can find all the stuff that I do just at Dust E Hill on most socials I care about. I'll be there. You can find my games. You could just go find me. I'm there. [01:59:46] Speaker A: You exist. Next. Jen. [01:59:51] Speaker D: Oh, hi, that's me. Hello. Goodbye everyone. I am Jen. I have been your friendly local peppy slayer, Ari. I can be found over on @genburb on pretty much all socials. Things I like to do when I am not playing peppy witty slayers include helping to run things over on Girls Run these Worlds, which is a TTRPG AP channel dedicated to uplifting the voices of women and femmes while also placing your priority on diversity and intersectionality. I also spend a whole lot of time over on the Loremistresses channel, basically doing a bunch of TTRPGaps. Occasionally a cozy video game or two. There is a long term campaign going on there based on the thing setting in D&D5E. So go check us out. We'll be around for quite a while. And that's me. [02:00:41] Speaker A: And that'll bring us to Queen of the Court. V. [02:00:46] Speaker E: Hi everybody. That's me. My name is V. You can find me on the Internet at V is her vampire. Because my name is V and I was voted most likely to kiss a vampire. Because obviously, yes, you can find me doing pretty much Vampire lair. Absolutely. So yes, you can find me pretty much doing a lot of stuff over here at Queen's Court Games. If you like the art that you see most, it's probably mine. The overlays, graphics, all that good stuff in this show is. Is mine obviously alongside Aubrey's Amazing vision. So super, super happy to see all of this come out and I hope that y'all are having a blast with this. Obviously we've got a bunch of other stuff, but if you're here, you've probably seen and heard everything else that we do. But if you want to catch vampire stuff that isn't about killing vampires vampires and is instead about kissing vampires. And I don't mean like me kissing vampires, but like vampires kissing vampires. But like not, not really because that's not exactly what we do. But like it is still really gay. The online society, we have two full seasons out it is the award winningest vampire the Masquerade 5e actual play podcast voted number one actual play number one US last year in the Audio Fiction World Cup. It's pretty fantastic. But you know, I've been pretty much everywhere. I've been over on Red Moon Roleplay and I've been over on rppr. I show up every now and then on Hallowed Haven. So honestly, the best way to keep an eye on all the things that I'm doing is just follow me on Socials at VS4VAMPIRE or einscourtrpg on Twitter or einscourtgames pretty much everywhere else. If I'm doing it, you'll hear about it. And of course, this is where I get to turn the table and say, our lovely director for today. Just letting us live all of our best Buffy the Vampire Slayer lives. Enjoying the camp, enjoying all of the fun. Aubrey, if people want to learn more about you, all the things that you you do, which is a ridiculously long list, where can they do that? Where can they find all of your stuff? [02:03:15] Speaker A: Well, you can find me on pretty much every social media as Mad Queen or the Mad Queen or Mad Queen Cosplay, one of those variations depending on the site. And yeah, as I said, Goblets and Gays, there is streaming stuff. There is Last of Eaten Spices. We. We may have started the second act by this point. I don't. I don't know yet. But the first act is out, so you should definitely go check that out. It is a labor of love and there's a lot of really fun stuff there. There's a lot of really great performances from the cast and there's other fun streaming things that will be out eventually. And you can also catch me over on how in Haven if there's season one of City of Smoke, the All Thin Blood game I'm a part of. You can go check that out. Listen to me cry in that one. You can watch Wayfarer and listen to me cry again. And Wayfarer is all done by this point, but it's three seasons of a really fun Hunter the Reckoning campaign where I do the opposite of what everybody does at A World of Darkness campaign. I got better. You can feels fake. Yeah, apparently you can get better if you get therapy for your trauma. [02:04:23] Speaker E: Oh, what? [02:04:25] Speaker C: Who. [02:04:25] Speaker A: Who would have guessed? Yeah. And then you catch me a bunch of other places. Escaping Carcosa over on Ballad of Seven Dice. That goes about. I think they do an episode once a month. And other than that, yeah, that is anything else I'm a part of you can see it over on on Twitter or Blue sky or wherever. And yeah, that means this episode is hitting the end of its credits. And yeah, we will see you all. [02:04:58] Speaker E: Keep keep in mind everybody's socials are going to be in the show notes. So if there's somebody and you're like how the heck do I spell gob Hefta. We got you, don't worry. Check the show notes, check the description. We will have everybody's at the very, very least one link the to to some social. And then now that this episode is coming to a close, we're gonna go have our wonderful little post credits conversation. The entirety of which you can find on our Patreon. If you are one of our amazing patrons, we love and appreciate every single one of you. It means the world to us. So if you want to hear our thoughts on the recording today, definitely pop on over to Patreon. That will be up. It should be up right now as because it comes up right as the video goes live so people can can catch all of the fun behind the scenes stuff. So make sure to give that a check. And until next time, bye for now. [02:06:00] Speaker B: Bye.

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