Dungeons & Dragons 5e: Uncaged Goddesses - She Who Ran The World

July 19, 2023 03:56:04
Dungeons & Dragons 5e: Uncaged Goddesses - She Who Ran The World
One Shots and Other Mischief
Dungeons & Dragons 5e: Uncaged Goddesses - She Who Ran The World

Jul 19 2023 | 03:56:04


Show Notes

A portal to the Nine Hells suddenly opens up before the party during a quiet moment and reveals the horrible chaos that is Avernus. A clearly distressed woman catches their attention and reaches out for their help, screaming desperately as she runs toward the open portal from the other side. While she’s grateful for their aid, she has an urgent plea...

Content warnings for this scenario include Betrayal, Blood, Gaslighting, Gore, Imprisonment, Mind Control, Misogyny, Sexism. Please watch responsibly!

Get your own copy of "Uncaged Goddesses" here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/382873/Uncaged-Goddesses

Adeline LeMoyne - Aubrey Knotts (@MadQueenCosplay)
Coronos Blackletter - Cate (@Catieosaurus )
Gwen Nevetri - Vee Locke (@veeisforvampire)
Kellan - Laura Tutu (@laura_tutu)
The Gamemaster - Justin (@4everdmjustin)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to another single serving adventure from Queensport games. I'm Justin, your guest storyteller for the evening. And tonight, we have an exciting adventure that takes our players into the first layer of the nine hells known as Avernus. To learn the truth behind one of its well known inhabitants. We'll be playing uncaged, she who ran the world, a scenario written for fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons by Nina Nicole. You can find out more information about uncaged goddesses by typing exclamation point scenario in the chat, or take a look at the show notes if you're catching up on YouTube or listening via podcast. Now, while this isn't a horror scenario, there are some topics that certain viewers might find uncomfortable or objectable. You can get a list of these topics by typing exclamation point safety in the chat or checking the show notes. The cast has been briefed on these topics and has QCG's safety tools at hand, but make sure to keep yourself safe and take breaks if you need them. Now that all that is settled, let's meet our amazing cast for this evening. First up, it's the queen of the court and QCG's art czar. It's v. Hi. QCG's social media maven and barbarian in real life. Laura. [00:01:22] Speaker B: Hello. Hello. [00:01:24] Speaker A: QCG's technical director and award winning GM over at Goblet. Goblet and gaze, Aubrey. [00:01:30] Speaker C: Hello. [00:01:32] Speaker A: And lastly, but certainly, and certainly not leastly, they are a full time content creator with too many hats. Please welcome youtuber, podcaster, ADHD advocate, sexual health educator, and neurodivergency consultant for inclusivity in ttrpgs. It's Katyosaurus. [00:01:49] Speaker D: I'm tired. Hi, everybody. [00:01:55] Speaker A: I feel that within my soul. And now that the cast has been introduced, let me tell you a story. What we find you all, is coming from your adventure that you had just created. Or not just created, but you had just completed getting the information that you all have, leaving the town and essentially on a pathway to your next adventure, wherever that may take you all. You find yourselves along the road. As it's starting to get dark, we find you all starting to set up camp at the moment. And as you do, we're gonna start panning out to, uh. Panning out to, um. Everybody. For all introductions, we'll go ahead and start out with v. Who is your character? What do they look like, and what are they doing? [00:03:02] Speaker C: Well, it's nighttime, and it's just the four of us, so Gwen, who is a changeling, appears as she does as she is, as she was, as she will be. Gwen is a changeling. So she has a beautiful, light, almost albino skin. She has white hair that glimmers with a little bit of a bluish hint hue to it. She has white eyes. It's impossible to tell where she's looking at any given time, unless she's a looking in your direction. She's got her hair mostly shaved, just a patch of hair on the top of her head, but it's very long, and it's pulled into a very, very high ponytail. And at this point, she'd be getting all the mounts taken care of while everybody else is putting up all the tents and stuff. Gwen is very, very happy to just be out underneath the stars, but other people like tents, so they can set up the tents. I will tend to the animals. [00:04:09] Speaker A: And as the camera kind of pans to you, doing, you know, taking ten, taking care of and tending to the animals, and takes a brief moment to look up into the stars, it certainly turns around and looks at Laura. Tell us about who you are and what your character looks like and what they're doing. [00:04:29] Speaker B: I mean, to be perfectly honest, Gwen isn't the only one who prefers a little open air camping, considering how long Kellan has been, let's call it, on the run. She knows, you know, sometimes there's nothing wrong with just the open canopies of the sky. What you will see is a very tall, very muscular femme presenting person. Party would know by now that she is an asimar. So there is celestial blood in there somewhere. Medium brown skin, gold eyes, dreadlocked hair that falls to about shoulders. Part of it is pulled back out of the way, dressed in the standard, I guess you could call it, like, warm weather barbarian gear, which is not a whole lot of clothing. It's the barbarian, the Conan the barbarian. [00:05:32] Speaker D: Skirt. [00:05:36] Speaker B: The boots, and the strategically placed leather and cloth on the top. Bracers that are surprisingly well cared for. And right now. Oh, and tattoos. They're tattoos all over bits of skin that are seen under the clothes. Right now, Kellan is in the process of making sure that there's a cook fire going, because it's been a long day and I am hungry. And you won't like Kellan when she's hungry because she gets hangry. [00:06:15] Speaker A: That's fair. As you've had the wooden, as you gone to help get the wood and get everything going, the fire starting to. Starting to go, and it's really starting to really build up. We see as the camera kind of pans away from you, and moves over to Kate. If you don't mind introducing us to who your character is, what they look like, and what they're doing. [00:06:36] Speaker D: I would love to. So as you sort of pan over, you see kind of this large mass sort of on the ground, and littered in front of it are just stones and plants and a couple of glass piles and a notebook and all this different stuff. And there sits Corinus blackletter, who is a goliath. So he's huge. He is a huge, huge guy. He has teal blue skin and darker, sort of like aquamarine, if you will. Uh, hair. And no one has ever really been able to get out of him, if that's his natural hair color, or if he just, like, you know, has taken it upon himself to do that. And if you picture what would look like a really sort of stereotypical grad school hipster, like man bun, glasses, scarf, but an eight foot tall blue goliath, that's what Koronos looks like. [00:07:47] Speaker A: Nice. Cool. And as we have, as we observe what Koronos is doing, we finally see, as the camera pans over to Aubrey, if you don't mind introducing us to your character, who they are, what they're doing at the moment. [00:08:06] Speaker E: Yeah, sort of a little back from the fire. You see this half elven woman. She looks, the best way to put it, is unearthly beautiful. There's something that seems off the more you look at her. And her hair, her clothing, her makeup are always perfect. Like, even through everything, through a massive battle, she will come out still looking the same. She has very long, almost halfway down her back length red hair. That is kind of a bit of an ombre over probably the last, like, however long we've been adventuring, you've been watching as this almost platinum ombre has been getting higher and higher on her hair as it goes from red to platinum sort of in reverse. And on her knee, she has a lute balanced, and she is gently plucking it as she tunes it to play a bit of a song of restfulness to settle down for the night. [00:09:18] Speaker A: Fantastic. And as your song of restfulness is just kicking in and that beautiful tune is just filling the, the air around you all, even with the nighttime nature sounds, you know, kicking in as well, you all suddenly hear as that outside ambiance starts to die suddenly. And as that happens, can I have you all roll me a perception check for me, please? [00:09:46] Speaker D: First roll of the game. [00:09:49] Speaker C: I know it's starting already. I don't like this at all. 18. [00:09:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:02] Speaker E: That is going to be a dirty 20 for me. [00:10:06] Speaker A: Love it. [00:10:08] Speaker D: Oof. I got a 14. [00:10:12] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:14] Speaker D: Oh, dear. [00:10:15] Speaker B: 23. [00:10:17] Speaker A: Perfect. To some degree or another, you all slow. You all kind of notice as that, as that outward nature ambiance dies. And once it does, suddenly you feel a sort of heat that's abnormal for this time of the day, start to rush on through, and then suddenly a reddish glow starts to appear about maybe 20ft away from you all. As it looks to be a portal has opened up at this point. You see, looking through it, a very hellish landscape that befalls inside of that portal. And you see a woman that is dressed in red running as she has her skirt hiked up as she's trying to get away. She looks like she's been in some sort of battle, as it looks like. You see these two rather large, even for the distance that you are, all rather large, husky figures that are either running towards her or flying in her direction. At this point, what would you like to do? [00:11:30] Speaker C: I mean, I'm a horizon walker, so portals don't scare me at all. So I'm going to run towards the portal and try and reach into it, extending my hand out for this woman. [00:11:44] Speaker E: Well, not to. I'm gonna ready an attack just in case things do go bad. [00:11:54] Speaker B: Okay. I'm running after Gwen for backup because protect your fucking healer or your black. [00:12:09] Speaker A: And cornos. [00:12:12] Speaker D: Oh, sorry. I didn't know if we were, like, taking. No. Kornos looks up, startled, and then sort of like, as the sort of, like, vials of stuff that he's almost like, sort of spills over. And so he very, like, calmly and collectedly, like, finishes what he's doing, puts the thing down, brushes off his pants, and like, stands up and he pulls out his scimitar, but he's just kind of standing. He's not going to go anywhere if he doesn't need to. [00:12:44] Speaker A: Okay. As Gwen and Kellan begin making their way in towards the portal, while Kornos and Adeline, I believe, if I, if I'm not mistaken, you all two pretty much kind of stand towards the background of it. Yeah. [00:13:00] Speaker E: Yeah. I sort of twirl my fingers and pluck this glowing, verdant arrow out of air and sort of like, just continue to twirl it between my fingers, waiting for something to start. Shit. [00:13:12] Speaker A: Yeah. As Gwen and Kellen start going through, you push on through the portal. As you make your way towards the, towards the woman and Ren, as that happens, the portal starts going back and quickly goes and encapsulate. Encapsulates. Both you, Adeline, and Koronos, as you are now finding yourself in this hellish landscape. If you take a look at the owlbear, you will now see where you guys are, where you all are currently at, somewhere in this area, as you see, as the woman in red runs behind this massive rock, and she is gasping for air at this point. And she's like, thank God you're here. I need some help, if you don't mind. Please. And before you all, you feel, like, the rumbling of this massive, hulking creature that you would all probably know as a baelor, just land and just start roaring out as. It's, like, looking for something. And then you see the other hulking creature known as a. [00:14:20] Speaker D: Sorry. I didn't mean to move it. [00:14:24] Speaker A: No worries. You're good. [00:14:25] Speaker D: Hi. I'm Kadiasaurus. I'm here to break the game immediately. All right. [00:14:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Goristro will come rushing on through, and you'll see, as it, like, it will bash into one of the rocks, and it'll crack it in half, shooting out debris. Um, as it is continuing to look around as it's, like, sniffing into the air at this point, can I have you all roll for initiative? [00:14:53] Speaker C: Oh, sure. [00:14:54] Speaker A: Dang. [00:14:54] Speaker D: We've been playing for 30 seconds. [00:14:56] Speaker C: Yeah, we. Like, we just. We just got settled. [00:15:00] Speaker B: Justin's not fucking around. [00:15:02] Speaker C: No, no. Justin's like, I got you for a short time, not a long time. Let's go. Or a good time, not a long time. [00:15:09] Speaker D: 14. I got a three. [00:15:12] Speaker E: I got a 24. [00:15:18] Speaker A: Adeline, what did you say? You had yours again. [00:15:19] Speaker E: I got a 24. [00:15:21] Speaker A: 24. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Like, what's my fucking initiative? Hold on. 22. [00:15:27] Speaker A: 22 and cornice. [00:15:33] Speaker D: I'm so sorry. You froze up right when you asked what it was. Four. [00:15:37] Speaker C: Initiative. [00:15:38] Speaker D: Oh, it was three. I got a three. [00:15:43] Speaker A: Where? [00:15:44] Speaker E: It was fine. [00:15:45] Speaker D: We're fine. Brushing off my pants. I was like. I got really into it. I just missed the whole thing. [00:15:50] Speaker A: Totally understand. Okay. Coolness. Well, like this right here. Cool beans. Well, we're at the top of the round with Adeline. You are up. What would you like to do first? [00:16:07] Speaker E: Well, it looks like we've got ourselves in a bit of a pickle, so I am going to, uh, take first, I'm going to do a, uh, a bonus action for my mantle of inspiration. And we'll spend a bardic inspiration to give all of my friends 14 temporary hitchens hit HP, and they can all immediately use their reactions to move up to their speed if they would like. [00:16:39] Speaker A: Nice. Okay. [00:16:44] Speaker E: Without provoking opportunity attacks. If that, that helps. [00:16:48] Speaker A: Oh, that's outstanding. [00:16:51] Speaker E: So everybody can move up to their speed. [00:16:56] Speaker A: Awesome. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [00:17:01] Speaker E: And I am going to strum on my loot and use one charge from the dos loot to cast a fly on myself. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Okay, coolness. [00:17:17] Speaker E: And go up probably about 15ft. [00:17:21] Speaker A: Okay, you. Your wings sprout from. Your wings sprout at this point as you make your way 15ft up into the air after casting your. Your spell. That has given your friends that temp, that boost and that ability to be able to. To move at the. At as a reaction to their full speed. [00:17:42] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean, they can do it now. [00:17:44] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:17:46] Speaker E: Yeah. I was giving everybody a chance to move around the battlefield a little bit. [00:17:51] Speaker C: Yeah. Get a. Into slightly better position. [00:17:55] Speaker E: Yeah. Get yourself in a slightly better position before these things have a chance to move. [00:17:59] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:18:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:18:03] Speaker A: And what is it? So you all know that the rocks that you see before you stand at a. The ones here immediately in front of you where the woman in red is currently at, stands about approximately eight to 9ft. So standing behind it gives you full cover. The smaller rocks on your right hand side, you'll notice, looks to be about four or 5ft with the other rocks and boulders near where the Baelor and the goristro are ranging between eight to 9ft to about twelve to 15ft high. Ranging about 15ft across. So, um, you definitely got a little bit of COVID but with that being said, valen, you don't have anything else? We'll move over to Kellan. [00:18:58] Speaker B: Oh, well, um, I don't know where we are and I'm a little confused and a little irritated about it. Um, so I'm gonna go ahead and start boot scoop boogying it to a slightly better position because, well, I'm gonna do what I do best and I'm gonna rage. [00:19:22] Speaker A: Fuck yeah. [00:19:26] Speaker B: So as I sprint across this weird ass infertile landscape, this giant greatsword is pulled off of my back. And as I skid to a stop partway between where the goristro and the balor are, I just turn and scream at them, trying to pull attention away from the clump of people who are in a convenient little circle there, because that's bad news, bears. We don't like that. I'm your and I will. I think that's all the movement I can do. So I'm gonna hold my action until somebody gets in shmack range. [00:20:09] Speaker A: Okay. Coolness with that as well. Could you also give me a performance check or intimidation one of the two. [00:20:21] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:23] Speaker A: Performance or intimidation. [00:20:26] Speaker B: Dirty 20. Let's call it intimidation. [00:20:29] Speaker A: Okay. You notice as, as you yell out, as you yell out, you begin your raid. The gristo is going to, like, look at you and kind of look at puzzled. It's like, hmm. Before it yells out another. Before it yells out its own monstrous roar back at you. But one of the things you notice that you are louder than it is. [00:20:56] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm talking to you, ugly. [00:21:01] Speaker A: Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [00:21:03] Speaker B: That. That's it. Like I said, I'm doing. I'm going to hold my action until something decides it wants to get close enough. Wants to get close enough to hit. [00:21:10] Speaker A: Fantastic. Well, with that, as you say. Yeah. Looking at you, ugly, it just kind of gives you, like, this very wicked smile as it begins to make its movement over towards you. And it's going to come up incredibly close, and it is going to start things off with because it has a bit of movement. It's going to do a charge as it is going to try and, um, gore you. [00:21:38] Speaker B: Do I get to use my held action since it's run up on me? [00:21:42] Speaker A: Yes. [00:21:45] Speaker B: Okay, so with the greatsword God, I haven't played in way too long. [00:21:56] Speaker D: Dear God. [00:22:02] Speaker B: Math. Math is hard. [00:22:06] Speaker A: Math, do be hard sometimes. [00:22:07] Speaker B: Math, do be hard sometimes. First strike is a 26 to hit. [00:22:11] Speaker A: 26 is absolutely going to hit. [00:22:13] Speaker B: Okay, that's two. [00:22:14] Speaker D: D six. [00:22:15] Speaker B: There's one d six. There's another d six. Dm. May I pump a divine fury into this as I am raging and a zealot barbarian. [00:22:26] Speaker A: I'm here for it. Let's go. [00:22:28] Speaker D: Okay. [00:22:34] Speaker B: So with the great sword of hundingdev, that is going to be 13 slashing damage. [00:22:57] Speaker A: All right. [00:22:57] Speaker B: Plus what's my rage modifier? Plus four range, and then another d six of radiant damage. Ooh. And that's a d six. [00:23:11] Speaker A: Nice. [00:23:14] Speaker B: So first swing, 23 points of damage. Nice dm. You're gonna have to remind me when I held an action, do I get both attack actions or just the one? [00:23:26] Speaker A: I'm gonna say just the one. Yeah. Okay. Well, as it comes rushing up to you and it you get, it gets within your close proximity, it's going to go for that gore attack with its horns. You take full advantage of it as you kind of sidestep it and do that. That attack that you just did and letting out a pretty significant wound to it. Can I also give you a perception. Can you also give me a perception check as well? [00:24:02] Speaker B: Probably, uh, 27. [00:24:08] Speaker A: Okay. When you, um, as you do this, you take a quick look into a quick look at it and you notice that this thing is pretty badly hurt already and you just laid another gnarly hit on it. You can probably guess like it's bad. It's been battling something pretty well that it's make that. The creature looks to be as bloodied as it is at the moment. So these attacks are gonna hurt. Yeah. So it tried to do a gore attack on you and next thing it's going to do is try and try and get me. Miss that, miss that. And so with that being said that it dealt its full little bit trying to go at you with its horns. It failed. It is now Gwen's turn. Gwen, you're up. What would you like to do? [00:25:13] Speaker C: Wonderful. Well, you know, I'm a little combat fiend as well, so I think I'm going to join Kellan in this fun little fight that she seems to have found herself in. So thanks. Thanks for the move. Speed, Adeline. Wonderful. Love that. It's tasty, it's delicious. And you know, I'm actually just gonna use my vicious rapier. I get two attacks and I'm ready to make use of the sword. What's the point in having a sword if you're not gonna use it, right? [00:25:48] Speaker A: Right. I mean, you have it, it looks nice, it's polished. Why not? Let's go. [00:25:54] Speaker C: Exactly. Well, my first one was a 1616. [00:26:02] Speaker A: Will not hit. No. [00:26:03] Speaker C: Yeah, I had a feeling. The second one's a 17. [00:26:08] Speaker A: That one is not going to hit either. [00:26:10] Speaker C: Yeah, it's super embarrassing. We're not going to talk about it. You know what it was? You know what it was is that I had run up and I was expecting Kellan to get hit with the gore attack and so I aimed for that and then she dodged and it was, it just out of positioning, obviously that's what happened. [00:26:29] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [00:26:32] Speaker C: Yeah. Cause otherwise it's just sad. So, yeah, it happens. [00:26:40] Speaker A: You know, you get excited, especially. You just barely bought the thing, right? [00:26:44] Speaker B: To the best of us. [00:26:46] Speaker C: Yes, it's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks, thanks, thanks. [00:26:53] Speaker A: Is there anything like anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [00:26:56] Speaker C: I'm not gonna miss three shots in one round. Are you kidding? No, I'm done. [00:27:01] Speaker A: Hey, I figure I ask. Just wanted to ask, but. Cool. So it is now the balor's turn as he is going to do a little bit of a look around and just try and figure out where is the lady in red. Um, I'm going to say that he is a little preoccupied with everything that's going on with what's going on over here. As he sees Gwen and Kellen starting to pick the fight with the guristo, as he will actually, like, make his way over this way to kind of get within a pretty good range. And then he is going to break. Like you'll hear as you a loud crack. And as you take a look when you see as he breaks out this really massive and mean looking whip with one hand and then flick it really quickly, quickly over in your direction. Does a. [00:28:11] Speaker C: The suspense is killing me. [00:28:13] Speaker A: Does a 23 hit? [00:28:15] Speaker C: Well, of course it does. What kind of question is that? [00:28:18] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. I figure I ask. Cool. Well, as it comes lurching over towards your direction, it's kind of one of those uh oh moments. It kind of like gives you like a quick slap right into. Right into your midsection. And it really, really feels painful as you're initially going to take about. Let me see if that. About twelve points of slashing damage plus eight points of fire damage as it comes back. And then can I have you also give me a DC 20 strength saving throw? [00:29:03] Speaker C: No, please. Definitely not. [00:29:07] Speaker A: Please. Pretty please. [00:29:09] Speaker C: 2024. [00:29:12] Speaker A: Okay, cool. You notice as it's like slaps you in your chest, the thing starts to kind of like wrinkles a little bit as it looks like it's. What is it trying to, like, wrap itself around you. You know how whips work and sometimes with how they use, they can also be used to grab something and being brought to them. Luckily for you, you managed to dodge out the way. As it does rink, like, wraps itself back in and comes right back to its master as he lets out a loud roar. At this point, it is now the end of his turn. And Koronos, it is your turn. What would you like to do? [00:29:56] Speaker D: Horonos is a student of, like, Arcana and our occult, and tends to know a lot about just sort of like the general monster creatures of the world. Would Koronos be able to ascertain if either of these creatures are undead just from, like, where he's standing? [00:30:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I would say you would. Just like you had mentioned your understanding of monsters. And especially down here in the, especially down where you're at, you can pick up your. Probably pick up that you are obviously not in the material plane, which could lead to a couple of places. And based on these creatures, you can probably guess that the creatures that you're facing off against right now are large fiends, demons, if you will. [00:30:55] Speaker D: Okay, so. But not explicitly undead. [00:30:58] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:30:59] Speaker D: Okay, cool. In that case, Kornos is going to sort of, like, open up his jacket and inside of his jacket, like, you know, like, you want to buy a watch. But instead of that, he has just a weird, like, a surprising number of vials and. And little balls and rags and all these different things. And he's going to take his, like, huge blue hand and just sort of, like, very delicately rub, like, one over the bolera, going, yeah, fiend, fiend. This should be interesting. And he takes one of the vials out. [00:31:45] Speaker E: He. [00:31:45] Speaker D: He uncaps it with his teeth, and then he launches the vial at the balor. Would you like me to roll to see if I hit it? Or is he large enough that we can just say that it shatters? [00:31:58] Speaker A: Oh, he's large. He's a big boy. He's standing about, like, 15ft tall. Pretty wide, thick boy as well. Strong too. So it's an area kind of a thing where you don't necessarily need to be pinpoints on it. You can. Man has. What is it? The creature has a really big torso. So as you toss it up and it, like, glance and smashes on, like, smashes on him, what happens? [00:32:24] Speaker D: I need him to make a constitution saving throw, please. [00:32:27] Speaker A: Alrighty, that's going to be a 29. [00:32:33] Speaker D: Well, nothing happens. And Korinos looks embarrassed. End of my turn. Sad. He, like, waits expectantly, and then it just kind of, like, goes. And Kornos is like, all right, more information is not necessarily a failure. And then he just kind of, like, hides back behind a rock. [00:32:55] Speaker A: I will say that when you do kind of, like, look to see what does happen, you and the balor do kind of lock eyes with each other before you hide back into the rock. And with that being said, adeline, you're up. What would you look to do? Kellan, you're on deck. [00:33:19] Speaker E: I'm gonna, you know, look over at Kornos and just be like, oh, dear. That was rather unfortunate, wasn't it? Why don't you try that again in a bit? And I'm gonna give corona spartic inspiration. [00:33:37] Speaker A: Nice. [00:33:39] Speaker E: It's a d twelve that you can add to your role. And then I am going to just turn back and being like, well, let's just see what we can clean up then. And I am going to Eldritch blast. Alrighty, and so it is four beams, and these four verdant arrows appear from mid air, and I just direct them all towards the. Let's go. All towards the balor. [00:34:11] Speaker A: Alrighty, let's see. [00:34:14] Speaker E: Grab dice. So we got a good spread here. Let's see. So we're gonna start off with a 24 that hits. All right. And then a 25 will also hit. 25 will also hit 21. [00:34:43] Speaker A: 21 will hit. And 1818 just misses. [00:34:49] Speaker E: Okay, three out of four, not bad. I need detents. All the detends need four need three detents. So that'll be 27 damage to the baelor. [00:35:18] Speaker A: 27 damage is all. Yep. [00:35:22] Speaker E: Three of the four verdant arrows just find their target. [00:35:25] Speaker A: Yep. And you just zoom, zoom, zoom as they all take off and they kind of arc in, kind of like what you'd see with dragon Ball Z before they land perfectly within it and kind of explode onto him from where you see. Go ahead, give me a perception check as well. [00:35:44] Speaker E: Reception. That is going to be a 19. [00:35:50] Speaker A: Your 19 with will be able to tell you that in a similar fashion, that balor is just as messed up as the Gristo, as, like, your eldritch blast did a. Did a bit of damage on an already injured being that is relentlessly trying to hunt. What you could probably guess is the woman in red. [00:36:16] Speaker E: Yeah. And I'm gonna spend my move action to move, probably about, like, most of my move action about 20ft to the right, still flying up in the air. [00:36:29] Speaker A: Sounds good. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [00:36:35] Speaker E: I don't think so. Yeah, I think I'm good. [00:36:37] Speaker A: All right, cool beans. That being said, kellen, you're up. What would you like to do? [00:36:42] Speaker B: Um, well, I figure second verse, same as the first, except for this time, I'm going to hit this motherfucker twice. [00:36:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:52] Speaker B: Um, you know what? Let's go ahead. We're gonna make one of these reckless. [00:36:57] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:57] Speaker B: That gives me advantageous. [00:37:00] Speaker A: Sweet. [00:37:04] Speaker B: First one is a 26 to hit. [00:37:06] Speaker A: That's absolutely going to hit. [00:37:09] Speaker B: Cool. I'll go ahead and do another. Define fury. I don't know why you gave me a d beyond go home. You're drunk. Actually, wait, that's a lie. I do, because I've got the great sword of wounding. So the slashing damage is 16 with the great sword of wounding, once per turn. When you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target at the start of each of the wounded creatures turns. It takes one d, four necrotic damage. [00:37:41] Speaker A: Okay, then. [00:37:43] Speaker B: So I'm gonna pop that into play. And with the divine fury, which I can only use on this first smack, that's another. Oh, Jesus. That's another. Twelve radiant damage. [00:38:06] Speaker A: Ooh, that hurts. That is really hurting. [00:38:09] Speaker B: And I ain't done yet. [00:38:11] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay. [00:38:15] Speaker B: This is just gonna be a regular hit. Cause barbarians, I just get to run around and hit things. This is what I'm good at, y'all. [00:38:21] Speaker A: You just drive right into it. That's all right. That's all you gotta do. [00:38:25] Speaker B: Except for not. Cuz that's only a 17 on the second strike. [00:38:28] Speaker A: Okay. Um. Cool beans. So with you, your reckless attack going in, you slice out another huge chunk off of this creature as you just continue like with your reckless attack, beating into him as he likes. Kind of like wobbles away. You do try and get another one, but he catches you just at the last moment and kind of like turns away as your attack comes down, narrowly missing him. Um, is there anything else you like, do with your turn? [00:39:02] Speaker D: Uh. [00:39:06] Speaker B: Nope. That is. That is the extent of it. I'm just here to hit things real hard for now. [00:39:11] Speaker A: Cool. Well, he's going to. At this moment, like with one hand on, hit on. On his side, from the side that you just cut into his other side. He's going to come down with a fist and try and hit you. Let's see how well he does. Um, does a. Does a 16 hit. [00:39:40] Speaker B: Not. [00:39:41] Speaker A: Hmm, nice. You catch it just out of the corner, your eyes. His fist slowly comes and tries to hit you. Move out the way. Just in time. However, he is going to try and bring it back to be able to essentially backhand you with his fist as a 22 hit. [00:40:03] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that will do it. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Okay. Coolness as he comes through and you're like standing that close to him, he brings his fists at you as hard as he can, dealing about 24 points. [00:40:16] Speaker B: Of bludgeoning damage, which is halved on rage. [00:40:21] Speaker A: Alrighty, so that's twelve. And then just for poops and giggles, because he can, he's gonna raise his hoof at you and try and, uh. And try and kick you in the chest. Yeah. Um, but I actually. Okay. I was initially going to say I don't think, uh. What is it? I don't think a 15 is going to hit, but I think a 31 is. [00:40:52] Speaker B: Yeah, that'll hit. [00:40:53] Speaker A: Um. And then can I also have you roll me a DC 21 strength savings throw? [00:40:59] Speaker B: Yes, you can. 26. [00:41:08] Speaker A: Cool. As he kicks you, you manage to like take the blunt of it. And while you do get pushed back about 5ft, it's not enough to knock you prone. You're also going to take about 17 points of. What is it? Of bludgeoning damage. Half. That's eight points. Yeah, we'll go eight point. [00:41:35] Speaker B: Ow. [00:41:38] Speaker A: Cool. With that being said, it is now Gwen's turn. When you're up, what would you like to do? [00:41:44] Speaker C: It definitely is. So the first thing I am going to do is I'm going to use my bonus action on this hoofed baddie boy. Because I am a planer warrior and I can choose one creature that I can see within 30ft of me. The next time I hit him on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt becomes force damage and he takes an extra two d eight force damage from the attack. If I can hit, it'll be great, but I guess we'll have to see if I hit. So at this point, I've just seen him, like, stomp and smash and he's. I'm just kind of over this. I would like this to be done. We didn't get the rest that I was hoping for, so I'm also just a little bit cranky. So I'm going to grab my sword and I'm going to run at him and just try and stab him in the leg that he just stomped at Kellan with. [00:42:47] Speaker A: Okay, coolness, let's see. [00:42:51] Speaker C: Oh, 23 on the first, 123 is gonna hit. Ooh. And a 27 on the second one. [00:43:00] Speaker A: Absolutely is gonna hit. [00:43:01] Speaker C: Fan freaking tastic. So the first one hits for 16. [00:43:10] Speaker A: Okay. [00:43:11] Speaker C: The second one hits for 14. [00:43:15] Speaker A: Okay. [00:43:16] Speaker C: And then I need two d eight. And that is an extra nine damage. [00:43:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:43:30] Speaker C: On, uh, yeah, an extra nine damage. [00:43:34] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead and tell us how you would like to do this. [00:43:38] Speaker C: Oh, I see his. I see his big old hoof come back and just kick at Kellan, and, you know, Kellan I. Kellen is a beast. Kellan can take a hit and I'm even. So I'm still incredibly surprised that, like, the hoof comes at her and she's just able to kind of like. Like, unstoppable object meets immovable fort. [00:43:59] Speaker A: Right? [00:43:59] Speaker C: Like, it's just. Or unstoppable force meets immovable object. Like, it's very. It's kind of an interesting contest to see, but this is the moment that I know that I can use it to my advantage. So I'm actually going to go up and, I mean, it's rapier, right? It's not like a sword that I can, like, slice at, but you can just see that little bit on, like, we're like. Now, granted, I don't know a ton about monster morphologies, but I assume that, like, there is sort of some sort of. Not exactly Achilles tendon, but some sort of tendon in the leg connecting the hoof. This is just basic anatomy at this point. So I'm going to stab the rapier two times, just straight through. Not trying to disconnect the tendon, but just trying to stab in that area in between and trying to slice just nice, like, straight through. Because if I can inhibit his movement, then great. At the very least, it's just going to hurt like a bitch. [00:44:51] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Absolutely. [00:44:54] Speaker C: Yeah, it's pretty great, actually. Nice, nice, easy, clean cuts. Beautiful, beautiful rapier. [00:45:01] Speaker A: So, yeah, and as that happens, his body just, like, slumps down along the side and just is. You'll see as it slowly starts to wither away and puff into dust as the wind kind of carries it off. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [00:45:18] Speaker C: No. Just give a little flourish and kind of a nod over to Kellen. Cause obviously didn't make it the first round. But we're not talking about that. But, like, yeah, good job. We took it down. Fantastic. [00:45:30] Speaker A: Um, and then, as you're having your little moment of triumph, um, you hear a very familiar crack happen as whoop comes back for you. [00:45:43] Speaker C: Me again, I wasn't the one who was a cocky nerd at him last. That's rude. [00:45:50] Speaker A: You're right, because I was still thinking about that. So I'm actually going to retcon that one that would have made. What is it? If his attention wasn't elsewhere? Because now, Adeline, you with you are flouting in your air, and you shot those things out. You definitely gained his attention. So with that, his attack will actually go to you. So forgive me for that. Does a 29 hit. [00:46:18] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:46:20] Speaker A: Okay, cool beans. You are going to take a neat little twelve points of slashing damage as this huge chain whip comes and smacks right into you. You're also going to take an additional three d six points of damage. That will equal out to 16 points of fire damage. And then on top of that, can I have you make a DC 20 strength saving throw? [00:46:55] Speaker E: Okay. DC 20. So there is a 19. I'm going to spend a charge from my pack to the talisman to roll a d four to add to that. [00:47:17] Speaker A: Okay. [00:47:20] Speaker E: And as you see, this necklace glows, which she always wears gloves. And that is a two. That'll put me up to a 21. [00:47:29] Speaker A: As your necklace glows, as it, like, smacks into you, just in the similar way it was trying to do with. With Gwen, uh, suddenly things don't line up perfectly well. And then, uh, the whip just kind of goes around you, and as it comes back, you hear as the balor roars at you, um, let me ask you, do you understand abyssal by chance? [00:47:57] Speaker E: Uh, nope. I got common dwarvish, Elvish and Sylvan. [00:48:00] Speaker C: I do. [00:48:01] Speaker A: Okay. Um, well, for Adeline, you will hear as it yells out this gibberish of just deep and disturbingly disturbing guttural sounds. But for Gwen, one things you would pick up. Is it saying, I don't care for you, I'm going to kill you, because out of pure sport, I'm only really caring about the woman in red. And it is now going to kind of move up and get, uh, start getting close to you with its sword. It's going to try and do a slash on you. [00:48:43] Speaker E: Oh, dear. [00:48:54] Speaker A: Does an 18 hit? [00:48:57] Speaker E: An 18 does hit. [00:48:58] Speaker A: Okay, coolness. The sword comes slashing down. And what is it? You are going to take 20 points of slashing damage with an additional 18 points of lightning damage. As the sword comes clashing down and slashing into you, you feel the static charge of the. Of the weapon just kind of take hold of you as it comes crashing down to the ground. You just kind of hear, like, the snort and a little bit of a chuckle, if you will. And that will be its turn. Uh, Kornos, you're up. What would you like to do? [00:49:50] Speaker D: Uh, how are these guys looking at this point? [00:49:54] Speaker A: Uh, give me a perception check. [00:49:57] Speaker D: Okay, that's a 26. [00:50:02] Speaker A: Your 26 would tell you that. That, um. Well, obviously with the gristo that is on your left hand side, that thing's dead. Is it kind of like its body? It's body's just, like, turning into dust and floating away into the. Into the sky. But the creep. But the balor that you see. But the bail or that you see in front of you is pretty badly hurt as well. You can probably guess a really good shot may be able to take it out. [00:50:28] Speaker D: Okay, you know, it's fine. Let's do something a little weird and wild. [00:50:34] Speaker E: You have bardic inspiration. [00:50:35] Speaker D: I do have bardic inspiration, too. Um, I would love to. I had a plan, and then my plan was foiled. Um, you know what I'll do? I'll just. Let's just be old fashioned. I would like to hit it with my sword, please. Okay. That's what I would. [00:50:56] Speaker C: Nothing wrong with going back to basics. [00:50:58] Speaker D: I know. You know, sometimes you just. Sometimes, you know, get back to your. Just go back to your roots. Oh, that's a 17 to hit. [00:51:07] Speaker A: 17 will not hit. [00:51:09] Speaker E: Did that include the d twelve of Barbara? [00:51:11] Speaker D: Oh, it did not. It did not. Hold on. Yeah, that's a 17 plus twelve. I'm bad at math, but it was a whole 1229. [00:51:21] Speaker A: Nice, then. Yeah, that one absolutely does it. [00:51:25] Speaker D: Perfect. Okay. And that's gonna be my hero. Two, three. Thanks for the barding inspiration. Gonna do a lot of damage, but Kornos will take his cool scimitar and he'll kind of swing it up and just sort of, like, generally slashing. This guy's so big, he knows he's not gonna do a lot of damage, but he's gonna take a scimitar and hit him for ten points of damage. [00:51:49] Speaker B: Exciting. [00:51:52] Speaker A: Just you running up there and. You know what? [00:51:56] Speaker E: That's what, exactly. [00:51:57] Speaker A: Just. You're just going at it. It's like, you know what? Screw it. We're gonna. We're just gonna. We're gonna do something. We're gonna make sure, like, you, like. Like you make your presence known after. After, you know, the throw didn't. Didn't work out as planned. And as you do, you just slash right into him and you draw a good bit of blood out of him, like, a little chunky chunk out of him as he kind of, like, looks from Adeline down to you, and then smiles at you as well. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [00:52:33] Speaker D: No, I'm good. Oh, I'll duck. [00:52:37] Speaker A: Okay, coolness, you watch as he brings his sword back up. And Adeline, you're up. What would you look to do? [00:52:48] Speaker E: I am going to look very unhappy at this turn of events and going to just be like, well, if that's how we want to do it, I'm not going to hold back and I'm going to cast a fourth level dissonant whispers and I need a wisdom saving throw. [00:53:13] Speaker A: Okay. [00:53:14] Speaker E: Of 19. [00:53:17] Speaker A: Um, that is going to be a 17. [00:53:20] Speaker E: He's gonna fail, so gonna take 66 of damage. [00:53:24] Speaker A: Ooh, hold on. Go ahead and roll the damage he does. Nope, that doesn't go any better. Never mind. You're good. Full damage he takes. [00:53:34] Speaker E: As I strum on the loot some dissonant chords that say, yeah, me, as I'm doing math is not a math gay. That'll be 23. [00:53:57] Speaker A: Okay, how would you like. How would you. How would you. How would you like to do this? How would you describe it? [00:54:04] Speaker E: Um, I would like his head to explode. [00:54:08] Speaker A: Okay. [00:54:09] Speaker E: From the dissonance sound of the music kind of trapped there between his ears and just. [00:54:17] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, no. As he brings up his weapon and just like, he's about to strike kronos, just like he did to you. You strum that, it echoes into his head, and it's just kind of like, you watch these. Like, he drops his weapon, grabs his head, and as he does make contact, everything explodes with that. As his. As his head explodes and he falls backwards. Can I have bronze? Can I have you? Because I see you are the closest cornice. Can I have you make a dexterity saving throw, please? Uh, yeah. Dexterity saving throw. [00:55:01] Speaker D: I got a five. [00:55:04] Speaker A: Okay. Um. [00:55:06] Speaker D: Nailed it. Crushed it. [00:55:08] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and. [00:55:10] Speaker C: Well, I got crushed. [00:55:12] Speaker A: I'm gonna go ahead and roll this 20 d six and see what you get. [00:55:15] Speaker D: What if instead, you didn't? [00:55:20] Speaker A: How many hit points do you have, by the way? [00:55:23] Speaker D: Probably enough, maybe. [00:55:27] Speaker A: I'm gonna need exact numbers, if you don't mind. Please and thank you. [00:55:30] Speaker D: I have 147 hit points. [00:55:37] Speaker A: Go ahead. Subtract 75 from that. [00:55:40] Speaker D: Okay. I would also just like to say, I think it would be very funny if I, as the guest, was murdered in the first, like, 20 minutes of play. I'm okay with that happening because don't murder our guest. I just think that would be very funny. It's never died until. I never died in d and D ever. I never died ever. So I'm like, you know what? I'm fine with it. [00:56:03] Speaker C: If I died because of this, I would be like, it's not even like in combat. It's the after combat, because the monster has fallen. [00:56:11] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:56:12] Speaker B: Exploded. [00:56:13] Speaker D: Super embarrassing, too. It's just like, oh, Koronos. He. He lived as he died ineffectually. [00:56:23] Speaker A: Ow. Oh. But, yeah, you're gonna take 70. What is it, 75 points of, what is it? Fire damage as his body explodes out and all that. All that. All of what made him what he was just kind of, like, blows out everywhere, at which point you'll see the lady in red just kind of move out from behind the. Move out from behind the rock and just kind of like. So they're dead, right? [00:57:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I'd call that dead. One of them just exploded. The other one is literally turning into dust. [00:57:12] Speaker A: Okay. Thank you. And she's gonna go up to, like, one of the little pieces of chunks that was. That was the Baylor. And just kick is like, that's for being a piece of shit. I wish I could have done the damage my own damn self. Yourself. And she's gonna give one more kick. Hi. Sorry. [00:57:38] Speaker C: Hi. Yeah, no, they obviously had it out for you based on. Based on what they said. [00:57:47] Speaker E: Yeah. An explanation would be wonderful. [00:57:52] Speaker C: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. [00:57:53] Speaker A: Well, first off, I just want to say thank you all. My name is Rosa, and. Yeah, no, what was it? I was with my sisters when we were actually at the cave that she's going to point the. What is it? Nearly 100ft away from you all that you can kind of see towards the northwest, or not northwest, northeast. I'm just like. We were exploring those caverns when something happened and then we kind of got separated, so I just came back out and next thing you know, these bloodied creatures just came out of nowhere and decided to pick a fight. [00:58:43] Speaker D: Yeah, but. [00:58:44] Speaker C: But why? Like, it kind of seemed, I mean, interesting. [00:58:52] Speaker E: Are we aware that this is Avernus? [00:58:57] Speaker A: If you want to give me a history check. [00:58:59] Speaker E: Cool, yeah, yeah, I can do that. [00:59:02] Speaker B: I imagine that, like, at this point, we've at the very least realized that we are no longer sitting in the forest that we were sitting in. [00:59:09] Speaker C: Like, I mean, God, I'd hope so. [00:59:12] Speaker E: It's 14 for to be like, where the fuck am I? [00:59:17] Speaker A: Yeah, this is def. The. Was it? Yeah, I'd say with at least a 14, you are definitely able to tell that you are in Avernus. You can see, like, everything. This is from books, stories, bardic, you know, tales of the land itself. This is matching up pretty well with it. [00:59:37] Speaker E: I'll definitely let everyone know that. Very loudly, as I say. Any particular reason you're just exploring Avernuse? [00:59:46] Speaker A: We were looking to try and get an interesting artifact. We heard it was down here, so why not give it a shot? [00:59:57] Speaker D: What type of interesting artifact? [01:00:01] Speaker A: A rod, a ruby, one of sorts. [01:00:05] Speaker D: Koronos giggles and then pretends like he. [01:00:07] Speaker A: Didn'T. [01:00:10] Speaker C: Pat Cornos on the shoulder. [01:00:14] Speaker A: Yeah, that was what we were down here looking for. [01:00:18] Speaker B: Uh huh. And when you were being chased by ugly number one and ugly number two, you just decided to, like, open a portal and hope some strangers were sitting on the other side? [01:00:33] Speaker A: Generally, yeah. You'd be surprised how often that works. [01:00:37] Speaker D: But the repercussions of sending these creatures into our world like that is. That is irresponsible on many, many different levels. [01:00:51] Speaker A: You're not wrong. I can't. This. I can't disagree with you with that at all, friend. But luckily for me, there have been people on the other side that have always been able to help, and this time doesn't seem to be the exception. [01:01:08] Speaker C: How often do you do this? Exactly? How often? Because you. You say this usually people only like, how often have you done this? [01:01:17] Speaker A: You know, you, after ten times, you just kind of lose count and. [01:01:22] Speaker B: Hold on, hold on. Are we talking about this exact situation. [01:01:27] Speaker A: Here or no, no, no, no, no, no. Just opening portals in general and hoping that somebody's there. [01:01:36] Speaker D: Yeah. All right. [01:01:39] Speaker B: So, like, is this a rescue? Are we taking you back to the material plane? Is that what needs to happen? [01:01:45] Speaker A: Like, my sisters are. My sisters are trapped, and I need. [01:01:50] Speaker B: To get them out in the cave? [01:01:54] Speaker A: Yes. [01:02:00] Speaker C: Okay, well, um. [01:02:04] Speaker A: You are mercenaries, correct? [01:02:08] Speaker E: Very droll way to put it, but yes. [01:02:11] Speaker D: Personally, prefer researcher or, you know, scientist or storyteller guy who is tall and good at poisons before mercenary. But, I mean, if you want to put a label on it, that's fine. [01:02:22] Speaker A: I. I suppose whatever you're comfortable with, I'm more than happy to call you as such. I don't. [01:02:28] Speaker D: You can just call me. Cora knows. That's fine. That's my name. That's probably the simplest thing you'll see. [01:02:33] Speaker A: As she, like, takes a breath, she's like. She'll stick her hand out. She's like, hello, Cornos. Nice to meet you. [01:02:41] Speaker D: He takes his giant hands, and it just, like, encompasses hers entirely. And he very delicately shakes it, like, a little slowly, too, because he's used to sort of, like, jerking people off their feet. And he says, it is a pleasure. [01:03:00] Speaker A: A pleasure's mine, really. Thank you all so much. [01:03:05] Speaker D: But you said your sisters, they're trapped? [01:03:09] Speaker A: Yeah. If you would follow me, we're at the cave over there. It's just going in and figuring things out. [01:03:17] Speaker E: I'm also going to ask, does anybody else need a quick fix? [01:03:23] Speaker D: I. Yeah, I could maybe use one. [01:03:27] Speaker E: Anyone else? [01:03:30] Speaker C: Not, uh, I'm only down a couple. Barely a scratch. You know, uh, Koronos definitely took the, um. [01:03:39] Speaker D: Well, I can offer. You know, I can. I can take care of myself, too. This is. This is. Okay. I do not mind. [01:03:46] Speaker E: Well, I was just gonna cast a healing spell. Need to know who I need to target. [01:03:50] Speaker D: Oh, all right, that's fine. Yeah, and then he, like, holds out his hands, and he's like, hit me. Hit me with your spell. [01:03:58] Speaker E: Well, I will spend, um, a. I'll spend two third level, uh, cure wounds. One for you, one for me. You will heal back 20 ace, and I will heal back 18. [01:04:23] Speaker D: For now. [01:04:24] Speaker C: Proverbial bucket. [01:04:26] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:04:29] Speaker A: Okay. Bonus. Rosa will look at you all just like, follow me, please. And we'll begin our trek as she begins walking and leading you guys off to the cavern, to the very. To the northeastern part of the map. Yeah, she'll bring you over there. You'll see as, like, you'll hear off in the distance, the loud crackling and thundering of what a vernis is, which is that of a massive war zone. You all know, you all may know, orlando even have heard stories about the great blood war that takes place between devils and demons. And having two devils there particularly, just particularly, does not really that odd. But it does strike you interesting. I'm sure, that they were looking particularly for Rosa. She's, um. As she is very calmly walking you all there. Another thing to note is that with her dress that she's wearing, it doesn't look like there's a scratch on her. As she begins bringing you over to the cavern, she's like, this is where me and my sisters had entered, um, when things kind of went sour, came out. And so, yeah, if you don't mind, please, escorting me in there and helping me find them, that'd be great. [01:05:57] Speaker C: Can I make an insight check? Because this is feeling. [01:06:02] Speaker E: I was gonna ask if one of us could make an insight check. I don't know. Who is the best one. You, as the ranger, might have a slightly better than me. [01:06:09] Speaker C: Yeah, I've got a plus nine, so. [01:06:12] Speaker E: Yeah. Better than me. [01:06:14] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna do it, too. [01:06:17] Speaker A: Okay. Excuse me. Whoever wants to roll an insight check, go ahead and go for it. [01:06:22] Speaker C: I got an 18. [01:06:24] Speaker A: Okay. [01:06:26] Speaker D: Oh, I refresh my browser in fury. Oh, I got, like, a seven. [01:06:32] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:06:32] Speaker D: What is it with these roles tonight? I'm struggling. [01:06:35] Speaker E: Yes. New dice for Kate. [01:06:39] Speaker D: Maybe I was like, I use d and d beyond. Cause I can't do math, but, like, it's doing me dirty. [01:06:47] Speaker C: Dirty. My goodness. [01:06:49] Speaker A: Like, here. Here's dice. I give you dice. Okay. [01:06:54] Speaker D: Them into my heart. [01:06:58] Speaker A: Okay, cool. What are you for? Those that rolled above a 15. What are you trying exactly to ascertain if I can ask? [01:07:08] Speaker C: So this. This whole situation just feels. Feels a little weird talking about these sisters that are apparently in this cave, and, like, she does this all the time, and, like, she was running from these creatures who were badly damaged, like, badly injured, but she doesn't seem to have any damage at all. I guess I'm just trying to figure out if what. If the bridge that she's trying to sell us actually exists or not. Like, is she being like, is this story about the sisters just a story, or is this some sort of trap that we're being lured into? [01:07:42] Speaker A: Okay. You'd be able to pick up that. She does seem very genuine when. When she's talking about her sisters. Yeah. Okay. [01:07:55] Speaker C: All right, great. No worries, then. Yeah. I'm tempted to ask, as we're walking how she managed to get away without taking any damage at all. But if there's no time, then I guess we'll hop on into the cave. [01:08:19] Speaker A: She'll definitely tell you, though. I have magical abilities myself, as with my sisters, too, where together, we're all strong. Together, we can defeat anything. But when we're separated, that's when I can't rely on my sisters. If I can't rely on them, then I understand I have my weaknesses. So while I've been able. While I managed to be able to work against them, I have no idea, really exactly how much more I could take by myself. Never hurt asking for help. I'm sure you all can understand. Hmm? [01:09:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Safety numbers. [01:09:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:09:07] Speaker D: Kornhouse doesn't say anything. [01:09:11] Speaker E: Yeah, I don't really say anything either. Still just brushing the burned bits and presidiating the dark off of my very nice clothes. [01:09:24] Speaker C: Fair. [01:09:28] Speaker A: As she walks you up to the entrance of the cave, she's like, follow me this way, and she'll bring you in. As she bring. As she brings you in, and you guys start to follow her in, it does get kind of dark, but I'm assuming everybody pretty much has dark vision, correct? [01:09:49] Speaker C: I don't actually know. I. That's a good question. Do I? [01:10:00] Speaker D: I do. [01:10:03] Speaker B: You should be able to see it under features and traits. Like, under racial traits. [01:10:13] Speaker C: No shit. [01:10:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Changelings. [01:10:18] Speaker D: Oh. [01:10:18] Speaker B: Changelings don't have dark vision. [01:10:20] Speaker C: Nope. [01:10:21] Speaker E: And I didn't prepare any light spells. Well, it's. [01:10:25] Speaker A: Okay. [01:10:25] Speaker D: Well, I just. I just. [01:10:27] Speaker C: I hold. I hold Koranos. Like, I just kind of grab on to his forearm because it's hard to lose him. So whenever we have to go somewhere dark, I just hold on to. [01:10:39] Speaker D: To the. [01:10:40] Speaker C: To the. [01:10:41] Speaker B: To the big guy. [01:10:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:10:43] Speaker D: And Koranos will sort of look over and realize, and I will cast. He'll sort of, like, rustle into his pocket, and he'll pull out, like, a little. It almost looks like. I don't know, like a. Like herbs. Just, like, a bundle of herbs, and he'll cast druid craft on it, and it'll set on fire. So you have, like, a little candle light situation going on. [01:11:10] Speaker A: Nice. [01:11:10] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:11:12] Speaker D: No problem. I know not everyone can see in the dark, so, you know, I keep. I keep things around. [01:11:18] Speaker C: Makes it hard when you go into caves and dark places. Yeah. [01:11:23] Speaker D: There's got to be, like, a spell or something that we could. We could find for you. You know, there's got to be something out there. We go into caves, like, a weird amount. [01:11:33] Speaker C: Like a weird amount. Yeah, yeah. [01:11:35] Speaker D: No, you know what I mean? Just like last time, dragons cave, you know. [01:11:38] Speaker C: So I was just, it just seems. [01:11:40] Speaker D: Like something we should, we should talk as a group later. [01:11:42] Speaker C: Yeah. We should absolutely know. [01:11:44] Speaker E: You're 100% totally right. We invested in a couple of ever burning torches. You can just put those in your bag of holding. [01:11:52] Speaker C: I think. I think that was on our shopping list. But you know, we didn't exactly make it. [01:11:57] Speaker E: We didn't get a chance to go shopping, did we? [01:12:04] Speaker C: But we go into the cave. [01:12:09] Speaker A: As you guys go into the cave and with the little bit of light that you have, Gwen, everybody else, you guys are going through this dark cavern being able to see it. You guys go about like 1015, 20ft before you find yourself into, into this room that you see. It's pretty wide, about four, you can guess about 40ft wide and bitter in a circuit in a circular room. You can see that this room is lit up a little bit more than what the hallway was. And as you guys kind of walk on through, you see as there are two other women that are dressed in specific colors. One of them looks like she's dressed in um, in green with uh, like adventuring gear. Kind of like what you, what you all may wear. But this looks more greenish than anything else. With the other woman that's laying across from her, um, looking to be covered in burns, um, dressed in whitish, uh, armor, um, as they lay, unconsciousness. What's nearby them as well, uh, seems to be about four statues of a woman that looks like she's in anguish with the statue broken into bits and pieces in front of each one of those statues. The floor itself as well also seems to be sporadically cracked too. You guys kind of walk in. Rosa will kind of like lead you around just to kind of get away from the areas because some of the bits of the stone floor that is cracked shoots up like the occasional flare of fire or lava that just shoots up and then comes back down. She'll look to you all like, be very careful. Just as you can see, Brown, you never know when these things will shoot up. And as she says that, she'll take a step and one will just shoot right up not too far off, maybe about 5ft from, from where she from to her left. As she brings you up to her sister, she does go ahead and start checking on them as well. She's like, Amelia, Magdalena, please help. As she's like trying to like work on them, she's like, I don't have any healing magic. I don't have any, any of that stuff. I'm not the one that does that. [01:14:49] Speaker D: It's all right. We can. We can help. [01:14:52] Speaker B: Yeah. I'll step forward to the downed sister, and, like, I'll show my hands, make sure no one decides to hit me, and I'll place a hand on her shoulder, and I will use my healing hands feature as an asimar. Okay, so it's gonna be 64 hit. [01:15:16] Speaker A: Points as you go and do the things. Now, you know how this goes. You've done this for a long time. When you heal somebody, there's a certain way things generally tend to happen. When you do, things don't go as you had expected. It's almost as if you touch them to kind of help them out, and the magic just doesn't seem to leave your hand. [01:15:48] Speaker D: Can I do an arcana check to see if I've ever seen anything like this before? [01:15:55] Speaker A: Absolutely you can. Gwen and Adeline. While kornos does that. What are y'all doing at this moment? [01:16:11] Speaker C: Well, I was going to assist in the healing, but seeing Kellan's not work, I'm a little surprised, and I. I. Honest to God, it kind of threw me for a little bit of a loop. I wasn't expecting that. So if Adeline has a thought, go. [01:16:40] Speaker B: Ahead and take it. [01:16:49] Speaker C: You're muted. [01:16:50] Speaker A: You're muted. [01:16:52] Speaker E: That I am. I wasn't looking at my zoom to see. I was muted. I was sort of scrolling through and just being like, do I have anything I could do? Anything. And especially seeing that healing isn't working, I am going to sort of also do any kind of insights. Yeah, Arcana, you know, nature, religion, check. Whatever is most should be like, what is going on? What are all of these color coded Power Rangers doing here? [01:17:33] Speaker D: Also, I got a 1919, um. [01:17:37] Speaker A: And remind me again, I know I should have written that down since. My bad. I had you roll. Uh, what is it? Your. You were Arcana check. You would, when you look around to kind of just, like, figure out the type of magic that this is, you know, this is divine magic. So something of divinity is preventing the. This preventing the transfer of healing energy from Kellan to these women. However, that same divine magic also seems to be resonating from the four statues to see their. See them nearby. [01:18:20] Speaker B: Okay. [01:18:26] Speaker D: Kornos is going to almost as, like an experiment. He doesn't think this is going to work, but there are no failures. There is only more information. And so he's going to reach into one of his many inside pockets and pull out a potion of healing. And as he holds it up, and he looks sort of at, like, the red liquid. He'll look at Rosa and say, like, you match. That's kind of nice. I don't know. And then hand it to the sister. I don't know how incapacitated she is, but he'll pour it into her mouth or whatever if that needs to happen. [01:19:03] Speaker A: Okay. As you do that, as you kind of pour it in there, again, you know, like, especially from your time of adventuring, people go unconscious, and this generally works. It goes down, but again, no effect for Adeline. As you are kind of watching this, you're kind of take a look around. Can you go and give me a perception check? [01:19:26] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:19:31] Speaker A: 14, um, it takes you, you kind of, like, walk around for a little bit, as you do, and just kind of, like, trying to piece things together. One of the things you're starting to pick up, too, is that there are bits of drawings of and tapestries of draconic beings that are just, like, floating around. Not floating around, but, like, painted onto, like, the walls, into the, into the ceiling, as, like, the, the fire kind of, like, pops on up. Then that's when you kind of, like, take a look and notice something about the, you do, like, a couple laps around trying to, like, figure things out. Like, they're all trying to help the ladies out before it kind of dawns on you. It's like those four statues are all the same person with that super anguished look on their face. Each statue is broken in different ways. Um, but there may be something more to this, especially since the door that you pass by, not the one that you entered in, is slammed shut. [01:20:43] Speaker E: Um, doing, walking over to the statues, um, do I see that? Like, all, all of the pieces from the statues are there. So, like, one could theoretically, like, put it back together. [01:20:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:21:03] Speaker E: And I just go, well, one of my wonderful, very strong companions. Come over here and help me with this. [01:21:13] Speaker D: Kornos will just, like, lumber over. I am Pauldeh. [01:21:18] Speaker E: You're, you are much stronger than me with my eight strength. [01:21:24] Speaker D: Is it, do the statues look like there, is it like, a repair spell will do it? Or is it, like, do we need to, like, climb up and, like, put, like, you know, legends of the hidden temple? [01:21:37] Speaker A: Not necessarily climb up, but you're definitely. What is it? You can definitely look to take, like, the, the crumbled pieces, pieces that are on the ground and just kind of, like, they're big enough. Like, you can kind of, like, stack them on. And it should, especially when you take a look at one of the pieces should fit on it as you kind of, like, start to, like, move it around and you hear kind of like a. Like a. As you kind of, like, put one. One of the pieces on there. [01:22:00] Speaker E: Because, I mean, if it's, um. If it's been. If it hasn't been ten minutes since the encounter, I am still head flying. [01:22:09] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. I have flying boots. Oh. [01:22:11] Speaker E: I mean. But also works. I can also. I can cast fly or, you know, I still. If it hasn't been ten minutes yet, I still. I'm still peaking. [01:22:19] Speaker D: Oh. Kornos has an idea. He'll kind of look around at the group and say, if it is alright with all of you, perhaps we can use the resources we have on hand to put these statues back together. And. So dumb. [01:22:44] Speaker E: It was the same idea I had. So, you know, two of us coming up with the same idea probably means some merit to it. [01:22:53] Speaker D: And Kardos will smile. And I would like to cast plant growth to ideally create sort of like a, you know, like what I don't know about, like, scaffolding, you know, like, when they're, like, repairing an old building. So, like, create, like, a scaffolding of, like, thorns and brambles and branches to, like, hold up these statues and sort of, like, put them back together, if that makes sense. [01:23:25] Speaker A: Absolutely. Cool. No, what is it? As your plant growth just starts to grow in and starts making its way to surrounding each one of the statues, kind of to form up in that way to where, like, you know, you put the pieces together, it's gonna stick, it's gonna stay. You all look to try and put a statue together? [01:23:49] Speaker D: Yes. [01:23:50] Speaker A: Cool. Then if I can have everybody at this point, roll me a d six, a d eight, a d ten, d twelve, and a d 20 in that order. And I can drop it for you all in the chat as well. That was a lot. And then let me know if you make it. If you get a 30 or above. [01:24:22] Speaker E: So just roll them all, add them together. If we get 30 or above. [01:24:26] Speaker A: That is correct. [01:24:27] Speaker E: So pretty much everything but a d four. [01:24:29] Speaker A: Yes. And the d 100. [01:24:32] Speaker C: I rolled a two on my d 20 and a one on my d twelve. So can you guess whether or not I made it to 30? Spoiler alert, it didn't. [01:24:43] Speaker D: No, I barely. Barely got it. I got 34. [01:24:48] Speaker E: I got a 31. [01:24:52] Speaker A: 31 four. [01:24:57] Speaker C: Helen and I did exactly as poorly. Great job. [01:25:02] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:25:03] Speaker B: 22 for me. [01:25:05] Speaker C: Same. [01:25:06] Speaker A: Okay, cool. So Adeline and Kornos, as you all began working very diligently to put the pieces back together, you guys are done relatively quickly. Kellyn, and Gwen, you are working at just probably about the same pace, but when you do, you kind of get a couple pieces mixed up and as you do, you find it put the one piece together. Both of you, essentially almost at the same time here, like a little bit of like a. Instead of like a click here, like a. And at this point, you all. What is it? You all hear as, like a loud crash kind of goes down before below you all. And, like, almost in sequence, lava starts to shoot up and fire from each one of the cracks. You are all going to take. We're going to say, I'm going to roll this one. Let's see how many we get. Ten points of fire damage all. And then for Gwen and kellen, your statues crumble back down, not breaking into new pieces, but essentially falling back down from the burn. You watch as, like, Rosa does her best to cover her sisters up and she takes a bit of damage to probably took the brunt of it for her sisters as. Yeah, you guys try again. Go ahead and roll me those same numbers one more time. [01:26:41] Speaker E: All of us. [01:26:43] Speaker A: No, just those two. Just those two. [01:26:45] Speaker E: It's being, like, interesting. It just feel like cursing up a storm in Sylvan, flying to try to stay away from the lava that's attacking us. [01:26:58] Speaker C: My God, I got a 28. [01:27:02] Speaker B: I got a 27. What the hell? [01:27:04] Speaker C: We're not. Look it, look it. [01:27:06] Speaker B: Okay, I'm not a fucking sculptor. I break things. I don't put them back together. [01:27:13] Speaker D: Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I poke you with. I'm like, hey, everyone, I just want you to know that I'm really happy that we're doing this all together. Congratulations. There's an emboldening bond now. And you get to roll a d four on that check. Maybe that will be enough. [01:27:34] Speaker A: Go for it. [01:27:35] Speaker C: Okay. [01:27:37] Speaker B: Okay. [01:27:38] Speaker C: All right. Okay. That actually puts me at 31, so. [01:27:41] Speaker B: Yes, that puts me at 30 exactly. [01:27:44] Speaker A: Nice. All right. [01:27:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:27:49] Speaker A: The power of friendship with Kornos have given you that little bit. Like, you both kind of look at each other as you guys have that final piece and you slide it down, you hear that subtle click at that point, you'll see as the statues themselves. What is it? Will slowly start to, like, cry tears of red, crimson liquid and just bring back together and it's like it flows into the cracks as, like, the statue suddenly becomes as one full statue once again before it goes through the entire bit and then comes back down to her chin and just slowly drips for each one of the four statues, at which point you see, as the lady in green. The lady in white starts, like, slowly starts, like, rise back up. And they're like, what in the hell just happened? The lady in green says, you watch, as Rosa just gives them both hugs. And she's like, I thought I missed. I thought I almost lost you all. Like, sorry. Shit just got weird. Shit got stupid. But we're okay. Who are these friends? The lady in white will say. [01:29:15] Speaker B: Uh, hi, I'm Kellyn. This is Gwen. [01:29:20] Speaker C: Hi. [01:29:21] Speaker B: That's, uh, Adeline, and that's Koronos. [01:29:25] Speaker D: Will bow weirdly and deeply. Very. [01:29:28] Speaker B: Like. [01:29:33] Speaker A: You'Ll see as, like, both of sisters kind of get up. And the lady in green will walk over to y'all and say, emilia is my name. Nice to meet you, and thank you. The lady in white will say, magdalena. And it's. I. I'm glad that my sister found you all. [01:29:57] Speaker D: Yeah, I. [01:29:58] Speaker C: From. From what she was saying, it's. It's fairly often that you find people on the other side of random portals. So it just happened to be us today. [01:30:12] Speaker A: Yeah. You would be surprised. We do have. We do have friends. What is it we do make friends with. With people that. Random ends of portals. So we're glad that we have. That we were able to bring more friends and to be able to help us. [01:30:33] Speaker D: Help you with what, exactly? [01:30:38] Speaker A: Our sisters. There's more of us? [01:30:43] Speaker C: How many more? [01:30:46] Speaker A: So there's Yasmeen, and then there's camellia. [01:30:53] Speaker E: Fucking family. [01:30:55] Speaker C: That's a. Yeah, that's a lot of sisters. [01:30:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:59] Speaker E: Your parents were busy. [01:31:02] Speaker A: You can say that. Yasmine and Camelia are still in the other rooms around. As she mentions that. As. What is it? As Amelia mentions that. What is it? She'll point to the door that Adeline you had seen earlier, and you'll see as the door slowly moves over to the side as it opens up for you all. [01:31:37] Speaker D: Dm just point of order, because I feel like I missed something. So the sisters. So there were four statues in the room, but there are five sisters in total. [01:31:51] Speaker E: But there are only three in the room. [01:31:52] Speaker D: Okay, so that's correct. Okay, so the statues are not of the sisters, right? As far as we know, that's correct. Okay, cool. Thank you. [01:32:01] Speaker A: Yeah, no worries. Um. [01:32:04] Speaker C: I know. I thought there would be some connection, too, and then I was like, the math is not mathing right now. [01:32:08] Speaker D: I don't. Wait a second. [01:32:09] Speaker B: I was like, I think it's a. [01:32:11] Speaker D: Math, but this doesn't work out of. [01:32:14] Speaker C: Oh, God. [01:32:16] Speaker A: But, yeah, no. Four statues, five sisters. Now to your count. Um, but when you guys, when the four of you all did the statues and essentially help take care of everything and open up the room for you all, um, yeah, they all smiled. She was like, well, um, if you don't mind joining us, we'll move over to this next room and see where our sister. Where yet what happened to Yasmin and camellia. [01:32:46] Speaker B: All right. [01:32:51] Speaker A: And you'll watch as, like, Amelia will be the one that will actually, like, lead the way as Magdalena and Rosa will essentially go to her side, almost like of a triangle as she kind of leads the way into the next room. And as we go into the following room, I think we are hitting a point where we could probably go ahead and take a little bit of a break. [01:33:20] Speaker D: Hooray. [01:33:22] Speaker C: Well, beans, see you in ten, then. [01:33:25] Speaker A: See you in ten. We'll go ahead and get this started again as you guys make your way into the second room. At this point, quick question for everybody is who all speaks draconic? [01:33:46] Speaker E: Not me. [01:33:48] Speaker A: Perfect. [01:33:48] Speaker C: Not me. [01:33:49] Speaker A: You see, as these symbols, like, as you walking in this room is a little bit more lit than the initial hallway that you had just came through. And one of the things you notice this room, it's a little bit smaller. This is about, like a 25 foot by 25 foot room circular as well. But in this room, there seems to be the same. The same patterns you can probably guess is being draconic repeated over and over again. Think of the joker saying, ha ha ha, just all over the place, even, like, on each other as well. And it's being spelt in. It's like that same pattern over and over again all over this room. And as you guys walk in, you come into the room, and then you suddenly see, as, like, darkness starts to, like, slowly fade in and close over your eyes, and the last thing you see is, like, those same draconic patterns start to glow up in front of you all in any way, shape, form. It is like, for you individually. And you hear something very softly whisper in each one of your minds. I am retribution. Do you howl in pain at the moment of it? Would you change it if you could? At this point? Can I have you all roll for initiative for me one more time? [01:35:26] Speaker E: Ah. [01:35:30] Speaker A: This is a friendly reminder. Initiative does not mean combat. It just gives us a. [01:35:36] Speaker E: But it doesn't not mean combat. [01:35:39] Speaker D: I did get a natural 117. [01:35:48] Speaker A: All righty. [01:35:49] Speaker C: 14. [01:35:51] Speaker A: 1416. And with your natural one order as before? Yeah, pretty much. [01:36:02] Speaker D: I like that it tells a story about Koronos. Like, it just. That's, you know, what he knows his place in the party. It's fun. [01:36:09] Speaker B: Too busy trying to decipher the scribble on the wall. [01:36:12] Speaker D: Yeah, he's doing science in the back. Like, it's fine. [01:36:15] Speaker A: I'm. You're unconscious right now, but, like. Like, in the forefront of your unconscious mind, you're like, what does this mean? And just kind of, like, going through everything. [01:36:24] Speaker C: I speak, like, five languages, and this is not one of them. And that's upsetting. [01:36:29] Speaker A: Yeah. So starting off with Adeline, could you please, for everybody, as you go, unconscious, for the audience, could you recount a betrayal of yours that's happened at one point in your career, one point in your life? [01:36:54] Speaker E: Well, the one that she'll never forget was years ago at this .7 or eight. She was just barred in water to you, you know, trying to scrape by, earn enough coin for food in a bed, until she met some local thieves guild. They're not one of the big ones. They were just a bunch of up and comers who were trying to make a name for themselves in that busy city. And so Adeline learned that she was really good at being a face. She was really good at being a distraction. You know, Bard plays music and is a pretty face. People are gonna look at her, not at the person stealing their coin pouch. So after a little bit time, the gang decided to move up to bigger targets. A trying to steal art from a wealthy noble piece that was hopefully going to fetch a decent amount of money on the black market. But something went wrong during the actual heist itself. It's just one of those things. One thing led to another, led to another, led to another, leading to all of them injured and on the run, eventually making their way back to their hideout, where the sort of the person who put together this little group was waiting to grab the painting and head off to their contact. So hopefully they can all get paid. All they found was knives in the back, the guard waiting for them, and the person that she thought was her friend walking away with a priceless painting and no repercussions. [01:38:56] Speaker A: As you recount this little bit, you see a woman that's kind of standing with you at the. At the end. Her shape and everything seems a little fuzzy. And she looks on as. Right? She looks on with you as all this has happened. She's like, this is a prison that we've been put into with these things that happened to us. What do you do? What would you do? I'm gonna have you make a DC 22 saving throw. I'm going to leave it up to you whether it's going to be wisdom, intelligence, or strengthen. [01:39:45] Speaker E: I'm gonna go. Wisdom. [01:39:46] Speaker D: Okay. [01:39:48] Speaker E: I have puzzled out enough escapes in my life that hopefully my brain can put together something, and that is a natural 20 for a 26. [01:40:05] Speaker A: Fantastic. What do you respond to her in this instance? [01:40:12] Speaker E: Well, it's when you certainly don't go down without a fight. Spit, bleed, show your teeth, and. [01:40:28] Speaker A: It'S. [01:40:28] Speaker E: The first chance you get at anything. An escape, a chance to hit them back harder. You take it, and you really make them fucking regret it. [01:40:42] Speaker A: As soon as you say, really make them fucking regret it, your eyes hop back up. We'll leave you for this moment. We'll go over to Helen. Could you recount for us what that moment of betrayal is? [01:41:05] Speaker B: Uh, well, Callan comes from a long line of warriors who worship in the name of the Morrigan, the goddess of war, and funnily enough, retribution. At a time where she and her twin brother would have been able to decide their fate within their tribe. Whether to go on with the infantry or maybe climb to something higher. Their chieftain met a terrible fate, and Kellan was the one left with blood on her hands. But her brother Declan was the one who held the knife. So Kellan ran before the rest of the tribe could have her executed as a traitor. [01:42:13] Speaker A: As you begin the run, you see down the forest like a woman, a feminine shape that you'll pass by every so often as you're kind of, like, looping in, passing, running through this, through the woods. You hear. She says, what is it you would do differently if you could? Would you stand a fight and know that you were wronged, or would you keep running away? Same question. Go the same. Save for you, DC 22, strength. Wisdom, or intelligence? [01:42:56] Speaker B: Well, as a barbarian, I feel like I have to go for strength. [01:43:01] Speaker A: So we're gonna roll intelligence. Just kidding. [01:43:06] Speaker B: That's 23 on the strength. Save. And I'm assuming this is. This would be what would be considered a flashback. This is the moment where Kellen was running for her life. And I will look, and I will stop and listen to this voice and turn back to the sound of shields and spears and fury. I ran to save my own hide. That son of a bitch would have left me out to dry without a second thought. His own fucking flesh and blood, given the chance. I'll take his goddamn head. [01:44:08] Speaker A: As you say that you can feel in your hands, your weapons in their rightful spot. And as you hear, like the loud, roaring thunder of the army that you've fought with, you've trained with, and you begin your movement in that direction. You take that first step, your eyes open back up, and then we'll move over to, um, Gwen for the audience. What do we see? [01:44:38] Speaker C: When Gwen was a child, she was left at a monastery in the mountains. She was born a changeling to a woman who was incredibly surprised at this fact. And the monks took her in, raised her, one of her mentors, a tiefling it. They bonded over their shared distrust of humans that would look at them strangely, but she. She was too trusting was the problem. And as she grew up, she realized that there was a local village just at the base of the mountains and there would occasionally be disappearances in this village. And though the folks weren't the best towards her in her natural state, when she would go about town in a more palatable form, they were actually quite decent people. And so she decided to investigate these disappearances. Unbeknownst to her at the time, this tiefling rexire was actually part of the group that was abducting villagers. And when she kind of confided in him that she had a lead on where these folks were going and was investigating these leads, he actually set up an ambush for her. And she was captured and she managed to escape. But not before it was, you know, not before she was told that it was. It was her tiefling friend that she had trusted all these years. [01:46:40] Speaker A: As you stand there receiving the information that you did, same voice that your friends have been hearing so far kind of echoes in your mind and says, the ones that were closest to can hurt us the most. And when she says that same thing for you, DC 22, pick your poisonous. [01:47:12] Speaker C: 23. On that strength saving throw. [01:47:18] Speaker A: You have an opportunity. If you could, what would you do different? [01:47:26] Speaker C: I'd kill the son of a bitch. [01:47:31] Speaker A: And as you say that, it's almost as if the camera pans over and he's standing there next to you. As he looks to you, it's just like. I don't know what you're talking about. I have. I would never do anything like that. Why would you even consider me in this case? Like, come on. [01:47:58] Speaker C: I mean, he's. He's there in front of me right now. Oh, absolutely. Grab my sword and just quick as I can, just stab at him. [01:48:10] Speaker A: As you pull your sword out and it goes straight into him, your eyes won't open wide. And then we'll finish this off with Hornos. What? [01:48:25] Speaker D: Dm question. Yes, four. I share my terrible, tragic backstory. I have telepathy. If Kornos got a telepathic message. Would he be able to respond? [01:48:42] Speaker A: Um, I don't see why not. [01:48:46] Speaker D: Okay. I'm not going to use that right now. I just wanted that information. [01:48:49] Speaker A: Um, so come back to me later on, but we'll figure that out. [01:48:56] Speaker D: I'm here to break your game, but, yeah. So Kornos thinks back to growing up. He had, honestly, just a fantastic childhood. His family were good, hardworking people who raised him, and he knew, like, he was going to be a cleric. That was the thing he wanted to do. He wanted to heal people. He wanted to help people. And slowly, as he and his sister started sort of learning and training and magic and nature and all of these different things, his sister got really interested in the darkest parts of magic, in the parts of magic and spellwork that are perhaps a little too dangerous and a little too serious for somebody just starting out. And he kept trying to warn her, and he kept trying to tell her that this was not the path that she was supposed to be on, that this was not the thing that would be good for her. But she started secretly studying these forbidden spells and practicing them in secret to, you know, gain power and control and all of that stuff. And one day, it came to a head when Kornos walked in on his sister performing just a unspeakable spell. And he confronted her, and he. They fought, and basically it shook down that, you know, he kept telling her, this is dangerous. This is dangerous. This is dangerous. You're going to come to harm. You're going to bring harm to our village and our people and all of this. And she just wouldn't listen. And in that moment, she attacked Kornos, and she left him very bloody and scarred. He made it out, but barely. And so Kornos greatest betrayal is that his sister, who he thought was going to be his, you know, right hand gal, partner in crime for forever, went down such a dark path, and his sister disappeared after that, and he hasn't seen her since. A very dark backstory. And I will do my check. And that's a 16. All right. Wait. No, it's not. I rolled the wrong thing. Sorry. That's a 13. Great. [01:51:36] Speaker A: Because wisdom, intelligence or strength. So, yeah, that made it. [01:51:40] Speaker D: Yeah, it's fine. I'll take the 13. It was my fuck up. [01:51:44] Speaker A: Okay, then for you in particular, this starts to become a bit of a loop. Like, as it ends, you come back up to the day that you went to confront her. You go through and live through that pain all over again. It just loops over over again. Pornos. I'm going to ask you. I'm going to tell. I'm going to let you know that you are going to take two d ten. Psychic damage. [01:52:17] Speaker D: Oh, no. [01:52:19] Speaker A: It'S not gonna be much. It's gonna be about four points of psychic damage. As you are laying there before everybody else who you all snap up kind of see. And you'll see kind of like in the center of the room, a woman that is dressed in black, in black armor, black hair, and she's just sitting there. She's just like with the rest of the women. You can see a little bit of a pattern going as they're like with her. And they're essentially consoling her and everything for Gwen, Kellen and Adeline. You see, as you all wake up and look around you all and also see that the lettering that the patterns that were on the wall now say, um. Now say, uh. You used me in common. But one thing stands out to you is that your friend Horonosis, almost like he's in a bit of a bad nightmare at the moment. What do you all look to do? [01:53:36] Speaker B: I'm gonna go over to Kornos. [01:53:38] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm gonna go over to Kornos as well. And, you know, look. Look at Kellan. Interesting. Like, did you. Did you? [01:53:53] Speaker B: Yeah. It's what I told you about my tribe, Declan. I wanted to know what I'd do differently. There's a voice. [01:54:05] Speaker E: Yeah. Um. [01:54:07] Speaker A: Come on. [01:54:08] Speaker E: Come on, buddy. Come on. I'm gonna place and give, give, give Chronos some encouraging words as I give them some bardic inspiration. Come on, you can snap out of this. [01:54:18] Speaker D: You. [01:54:18] Speaker E: You've got it. [01:54:19] Speaker D: You're. [01:54:23] Speaker A: Okay. [01:54:23] Speaker E: So next time they make that check, they can add a d. Twelve. Cool. [01:54:30] Speaker D: Do I need to make the check again? [01:54:32] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead and make the check again. [01:54:34] Speaker D: Here we go. Here we go. All right. Okay, that's a 27. I will take that. And I'm gonna thank my bardic inspiration. Thank you. [01:54:44] Speaker A: This. As soon as it comes back to the beginning of it, right where you're about to open the door to go talk to your sister and have this confrontation. You can hear Adeline and Kellen kind of talking and off in the distance and you hear the encouraging words being spoken to you as it kind of like echoes before you hear another woman's voice saying, what would you do different? Would you change? Would you keep doing the same thing? [01:55:24] Speaker D: Hornos is going to use his telepathy to think back. I don't know who you are or what you want from us, but surely there must be a way that we can do this without anyone getting hurt. [01:55:49] Speaker A: You'll hear a response back to you saying, I need you all to open your eyes. Not everything is as it seems. History isn't always completely accurate. The stories and legends you hear aren't 100% true. I need you to come further. As soon as you hear that voice say further, your eyes open. [01:56:33] Speaker D: Fornos takes his big, giant hands and rubs his big, giant face and looks up at his friends and just kind of says, I am assuming we all experience the same thing. Yes. [01:56:50] Speaker E: It seems so. [01:56:52] Speaker B: Weird flashback. [01:56:54] Speaker D: Yeah. Is everyone all right? I know that kind of thing can be very hard sometimes. [01:57:01] Speaker E: Yes and no. All right, now. [01:57:05] Speaker B: Loaded question, buddy. [01:57:07] Speaker E: Compartmentalized for later. I'll cry before I go to sleep tonight. [01:57:12] Speaker D: That is good. Crying is often very good. [01:57:16] Speaker C: I feel great, personally, but I guess I'm the odd one out in that room. [01:57:25] Speaker D: Is Rosa in the room still? [01:57:27] Speaker A: Yeah. You'll see Rosa. You'll see Rosa. You'll see pretty much all the sister. Like, almost all the sisters, they're surrounding the woman that is in style as far as her clothes are concerning to the rest of the other sisters. But this one is dressed in pretty much all black. You can see, as they're kind of, like, slowly helping her get up, as she's kind of, like, shaking things off and just, like, trying to get her bearings as she kind of looks to you all, and she's like, I'm assuming you all have been helping my sisters, then. [01:58:09] Speaker C: Yeah, that would. That would be us. [01:58:14] Speaker A: Thank you, Jasmine, by the way. Jasmine, my other sister. Call me either way, it's fine with me. [01:58:25] Speaker C: Uh, Gwen, Kellan, Adeline. The big one's Kornos. [01:58:36] Speaker A: I'm sure you all experienced it. We all did. Or we, as in all of, like, the five of us? She's not. She's gonna look at her sisters and look back at you all. They were lucky not to accept, not to go through this. But I remember everything. Saw the man I looked up to, who I trusted. I supported him, and I was with him. Every step. You can see, like this, anger starts, like, build on her face. But he discarded me as soon as I was useless to him. Kept all the accolades to himself. Well, never again. [01:59:27] Speaker B: Like a son of a bitch. [01:59:30] Speaker A: Fucking right he was. Now our sister Camellia is in the next room. You don't mind, I'd like to get my sister back. [01:59:47] Speaker C: Of course. [01:59:50] Speaker A: And as soon as you all say of course, you'll see as she kind of, like, turns her way and kind of limps over towards the door and just kind of give it a little bit of a push before it kind of, like, goes in and pushes over to the right. And as that happens, she looks over to you all and, like, follow me. [02:00:16] Speaker E: Say anything, but just follow. Yeah. [02:00:20] Speaker D: In the way. Or, like, on the way into the room, Kornos is going to convey what the voice told him to the rest of the party. [02:00:30] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. You hear, as Kornos explains everything, like, what they. What he had envisioned. [02:00:41] Speaker C: Was the. Because I didn't pay enough attention to it, obviously. Didn't really, like, have a conversation with it because I was trying to process what was going on. Is the voice that we heard. Is that the voice of Yasmeen? [02:00:56] Speaker A: No. Yasmine. I will say there's a similarity to it, but not the exact voice you. You hear coming from Yasmeen. [02:01:07] Speaker C: Okay, so is it. It's not any of the sisters that we've met thus far? [02:01:12] Speaker A: No. Similar. [02:01:14] Speaker C: Okay. [02:01:14] Speaker A: Not all. Not. Not one particular. [02:01:17] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. [02:01:18] Speaker D: But we also haven't met all the sisters yet. [02:01:21] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. Um, interesting. I. I mean, I. Do you suppose it's. It's as easy as we have to go farther into this cave and solve another puzzle? I mean, is it. Is it. Could it be that easy? [02:01:46] Speaker D: I think. Oh, sorry. You were going to. [02:01:49] Speaker E: No, saying outwardly. Precisely. Probably. Uh, there's more going on here that I don't think any of us understand. [02:01:56] Speaker B: No, there's, uh, something right here. [02:02:02] Speaker E: Exactly. [02:02:10] Speaker C: You're making. You're making a thinking face, Kornos. [02:02:13] Speaker D: I know. I am thinking big thoughts inside my big head, and I cannot figure out how to say them. I guess. I think. I guess I am starting to think that maybe we have been brought here for a reason. You know? Like, maybe we are the specific people that need to be here to deal with this story or to rewrite this story in the way that this. This voice needs. I just. I guess what I'm trying to say very, very fucking poorly, is that I don't think that we should assume malevolence. I think that maybe this is just someone who is hurt, who is scared, who has been betrayed, like, all of us. And so maybe, you know, we. We can think about that as we move forward. [02:03:13] Speaker C: Yeah, it definitely seems a little unlikely that the portal just randomly opened to find the four of us, but didn't want to vocalize that, so. [02:03:29] Speaker D: Yeah, so, like, I don't know, like, ten times. That's a lot of portals. Like, that's just, like, a. That's a shocking way to just sort of handle the art of venturing. [02:03:40] Speaker E: Right. [02:03:40] Speaker D: We agree with this. Yes. [02:03:42] Speaker C: I. As somebody who goes through a lot of portals, horizon Walker. Like, usually not a lot of people just hanging out on the other side of portals that I've come across. Just. Just saying I feel like that's winning. [02:04:00] Speaker D: The lottery ten times in a row. Like. Oh, a portal to a random place. [02:04:04] Speaker A: Oh. [02:04:05] Speaker D: A group of adventurers sitting around the fire. Like, I don't know. I just am saying that there's a lot more spaces where there aren't adventurers sitting around the fire than there are empty places. Yeah. [02:04:18] Speaker C: It's not like we were in a city. Right? It was, yeah. One would think it's out in the wilderness. [02:04:22] Speaker E: If you needed help, you would just open a border to waterdeep or neverwinter or anywhere like that. Lots of people to help. [02:04:29] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:04:30] Speaker A: Ellen, what were you gonna say? [02:04:33] Speaker B: Uh, no, I just. I am not above helping anyone get the vengeance that they deserve. I'll tell you that much. Uh, I know the general consensus is blood begets more blood, but, um, well, some people have it fucking coming. [02:04:53] Speaker C: Oh. Hundred percent. Absolutely agree with you. [02:04:56] Speaker D: You? [02:04:56] Speaker C: Absolutely. [02:04:59] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:05:01] Speaker B: Nothing else? I am hesitant but willing to see this through to the end. [02:05:13] Speaker C: Honestly, it kind of doesn't really feel like we have that much of a choice. Not that I think any of us would back out at this point, but I'm pretty sure we have to see it through. [02:05:23] Speaker B: I mean, do you want to navigate the plane of Avernus on your own? I sure shit don't. Well, you'd be fine. You could probably just walk on back to water deep if you really wanted to. But, yeah, I can tell where the point stands. [02:05:35] Speaker E: You know what? That old saying, curiosity killed the cat? That's me. [02:05:42] Speaker C: Satisfaction brought it back. [02:05:44] Speaker E: Generally, that's how it happens, but, yes. [02:05:47] Speaker D: But I think Kellyn is right, though. I think we see this through to the end, whatever that end may be. I think that that is the right thing to do. Kellyn is absolutely right. [02:06:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:06:03] Speaker B: Broken clock. [02:06:08] Speaker A: As you guys are having this conversation, going down through the next tunnel that leads you into this room, um, you hear the sounds of crying as you approach. And as you walk into this room, this is kind of like, split away. And, like, as you kind of, like, allow you to, like for everybody to come into this massive room. It's about 40 foot diameter room with a cage that sits in the middle. There are five immense dragon heads made of stone that are mounted on the charred walls of this circular room. The gaping malls all point to the center where this cage is. And this is where the cries are emanating from as this lady is dressed in blue, curled up on herself, sobbing. And she's just mixture of sad cry and an angry cry. And there she is. What would you guys look to do from here? [02:07:20] Speaker C: The cage that she is in, is it like on a platform? Is it just suspended in the middle of these dragon heads, like with nothing above or below? [02:07:32] Speaker A: It is on the. On the ground in the center of the. In the center part, 20ft away from you, all of this room. [02:07:44] Speaker C: What is. [02:07:45] Speaker D: Oh, sorry, go ahead. [02:07:47] Speaker B: How many dragon heads? [02:07:50] Speaker A: Five. [02:07:58] Speaker D: Oh, I figured it out. [02:08:01] Speaker B: Dm. [02:08:03] Speaker A: Yes. [02:08:04] Speaker B: We are level 18 adventurers. We have heard various stories and tales of the things real and ephemeral that walk these worlds. Absolutely. Five dragon heads. And how many women now counting. [02:08:25] Speaker A: And you can see that this woman is dressed in blue. [02:08:29] Speaker B: So we have blue, green, white, red and black. [02:08:39] Speaker A: That is correct. [02:08:43] Speaker B: Would you like me to make a roll, or do you think this is something that even a barbarian could put together? [02:08:48] Speaker A: Um, I will say this is something that even a barbarian could put together. [02:08:53] Speaker E: Would have been hilarious. You roll, roll, fail the roll. And you just be like, there's something there. I can't think of what it is. [02:09:00] Speaker B: It's something. It's something. It's Bahamut. It's Bahamut. Yeah. I walk in, and I guess as we all sort of step through, I take a look at this chamber, at the five snarling dragon heads, and look down at the five women dressed in various colors. And anyone who's looking at Kellan would see my face just pale. Dragon queen. [02:09:42] Speaker D: What? [02:09:42] Speaker E: Holy fucking shit. [02:09:44] Speaker B: Tiamat. [02:09:46] Speaker E: Holy fucking shit. [02:09:52] Speaker B: I will. Oh, this is dumb. I'm gonna pull the great sword out, but I'm not going to move to attack, but I am going to point it at Rosa. [02:10:06] Speaker C: Well, that's a choice. [02:10:08] Speaker A: That is, in fact, a choice. [02:10:10] Speaker B: I would appreciate a little more information. I don't think we've got the whole story here, lady. I'm not saying that I want trouble, but I'm saying I don't appreciate it when people give me half truths. [02:10:37] Speaker A: What would you like to know? [02:10:46] Speaker B: What's your connection to the queen of dragons? [02:10:52] Speaker A: Hmm? Me, my sister, and will explain everything. That was the deal, right? Give me my sisters and I will explain everything. [02:11:23] Speaker D: You will forgive the impertinence of the phrasing of this question, but, um. Are those your heads? [02:11:39] Speaker A: She looks to you and says nothing. [02:11:46] Speaker C: Just why you're all stronger together as you're the. [02:12:02] Speaker E: Just glancing over can I tell how this cage is put together, how it might open. Is there a lock? Is there a strange, esoteric lever puzzle that we need to do, or what? [02:12:17] Speaker A: As you walk over with everything that just transpired and as everybody's kind of, like, really tense moment over. Over in one area, and you just kind of, like, walk over there and you take a look. Things pretty simple. There's no lock on it. You can't really tell exactly where the door is because everything kind of looks like it's. It's, uh. What is it? It's all one cage. Um, but go ahead and give me a quick perception check for me, please. [02:12:53] Speaker E: Um, so let's say 13. [02:12:57] Speaker A: Okay. Um, it takes a couple quick goes around as they're talking. You do it pretty quickly until finally, like, your finger clicks. Uh, like. Like, uh, what is it? Finds its way into a crevice that isn't one of the bars. And you found the door. [02:13:18] Speaker E: Gonna look over at the group like, we doing this? I can open this door right now. [02:13:30] Speaker D: I mean, not to be contradictory, but can you? Or, like, laser beams going to shoot out of the walls or something? [02:13:38] Speaker B: I say it might be a good idea to check and make sure something won't explode the minute you pull that damn door open. [02:13:43] Speaker E: Addie, that's a good idea. Somebody want to give me a hand with that? As we all just to. So it's not so freaking tense in here. [02:14:03] Speaker C: Sorry. Sorry for the tense attitude. Geez. Not like we have the fucking dragon queen in front of us or anything split into five different pieces. It's fine. [02:14:15] Speaker B: Fine. I break things real well. I don't go hunting for things, so. Gwen. Cory, either. Are you good at poking around shit like that? [02:14:25] Speaker C: I mean, I can. I can get up there. I can. [02:14:30] Speaker D: I think I can. [02:14:31] Speaker C: I can also. Misty, step away. So if something does happen, I can get away pretty quickly. [02:14:41] Speaker D: Cornrows thinks for a second and he goes, I do not think that there is anything that I could do, but I could do something for her, if that makes sense. Failure is only information. Permission to try? Okay, I will. Kortos will approach the cave, the cage, and. This is such a bad fucking idea. Put his hand, like, his big ass hands through the bars if he can. Can he. [02:15:21] Speaker A: You get, like, your fingers through, but then as soon as, like, it reaches, like, around, like, where your knuckles are, that's when you kind of, like, feel like a. Like a give, as. Like, you push it through, and the door slowly opens as you push and stops when you stop. [02:15:36] Speaker D: Okay, I will look over at the woman in blue. And I will say, I am so sorry, do you mind? And he sort of like, looks at his hand as though, like, can you please touch my hands? [02:15:54] Speaker A: Go ahead and give me a persuasion check, please. [02:15:56] Speaker D: Okay. [02:15:58] Speaker E: Remember, you sell bardic inspiration. [02:16:00] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, I do. That's a 25 without it. Hey, I'm thanking it for the next one. [02:16:05] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean. [02:16:08] Speaker A: As you say that, like, you'll see as she, like, lifts her eyes and her beautiful blue eyes will look back at you and just like, as she's, like, trying to compose herself, she'll reach out and like, scoot yourself over just enough to be able to, like, grab onto like, one of your fingers. [02:16:30] Speaker D: Okay. Kornos will smile like, very kindly, very reassuringly at her as he casts freedom of movement. It says, you touch a willing creature for the duration of the target's movement, is unaffected by difficult terrain, etcetera. The target can also spend 5ft of movement to automatically escape from non magical restates such as manacles or creature that has grappled. So if she can escape, then the cage is not magical, and if she can't, then the cage is magical. And now we know. [02:17:01] Speaker A: As you do this, you watch, you can see the subtle aura that kind of goes where your magic is. And as it goes and it hits the wall and. [02:17:12] Speaker D: Okay. Kornos will turn to the group and say, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the cage is magic. But the good news is we know that now. And then he bows weirdly again. [02:17:26] Speaker A: Um, when you bow, can you just give me a dexterity roll for me, please? [02:17:31] Speaker D: Oh, do you want me a saving throw or just in general? [02:17:33] Speaker A: Just a straight dexter. Just a straight dexteroll. [02:17:37] Speaker B: Jesus. [02:17:37] Speaker D: All right, you know what? Time for symbartic inspiration. All right, I'm inspired to an 18. [02:17:49] Speaker A: As you, like, turn to, like, face, everybody. Like, your weapon bounces off the door, slowly pushing it in more. And then as you bow, the weapon just kind of like pushes it and you hear as they're like, oh, that's so embarrassing. [02:18:08] Speaker D: Kortos, you dumbass. [02:18:13] Speaker A: You will see as the lady in blue stands up, as she looks over to. As she, like, walks over to you and she looks up to you and she's like, thank you. That little bit of compassion. Nice. [02:18:35] Speaker D: Look back at the group and be like, I feel like it maybe should have been harder than that than now I am even more scared, but okay. [02:18:48] Speaker B: We, um. Yeah. [02:18:54] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. So we freed your sister. I'm addressing Rosa. We freed your sister in what is arguably the easiest puzzle to solve in that it was not, in fact, a puzzle and was just hornos pushing open a door with his sword and his chunky, sausage like fingers. So what exactly is going on here? And why couldn't you do that? [02:19:27] Speaker A: You'll see as, like, all the sisters, kind of like, look at you all look at you, Gwen, when you say that. And Rosa will speak and say, he showed compassion in a way that hasn't been shown to any of us in a long time. Sometimes that is the best way to approach things. Sure you can understand. [02:20:03] Speaker C: Okay, so. So if. If Koranos was a dick, he wouldn't have been able to open the door? Is that what. [02:20:13] Speaker A: We'll never know now, will we? [02:20:19] Speaker D: But the question still remains unanswered. Uh, what. What do you want from us? What. What. What else? Can we go home now? Did we win? Hooray. [02:20:37] Speaker A: You'll see. You'll hear the woman in blue Camellia at this point say, not quite. We have one final room to go into. As she, like, pushes. As she walks over and pushes the door, she's like, follow me and I, we'll explain everything. As she leads the way down the hallway. [02:20:59] Speaker B: Which one of you was it? In her head, sir? [02:21:07] Speaker A: Yasmeen will look at you and say, it wasn't one of us. [02:21:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:21:17] Speaker B: Said, things are not always as they say. Scene. Yes. [02:21:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:21:28] Speaker B: Gonna look at Gwen and Adeline Koranos. Things are not always as they seem. [02:21:40] Speaker A: Chill. They'll lead you all down this hallway. It's a bit of a shorter hallway. You guys reach to another door with lettering in it that's very much lit up and you'll see as it says. Passing through the store to find she who abhors all which keeps her chained, bound and blamed, raged, untamed, she consumes betrayal with flame. She opens the door. You guys walk in a chamber of sorts is in shambles as shadows hide the domed ceiling. Above mountainous piles of unthinkable treasure intermingle with bones that litter the floor. What were once beautiful pillars. Pillars are now nothing more than crumbling stacks of rubble. The haunting, thrashing howl of a dragon rips through the massive room from afar with debris that tumbles and the ground that shakes leisurely. A vast scaled figure begins to unfold itself. One by one, one at one, heads of ancient dragons come to attention and extend their necks. First the red and the black. Green, the white and the blue. But as it moves, suddenly you'll hear the shaking of chains and notice that they're all connected into one body. Low, rumbling laughter makes the chamber shudder, and Tiamat stands in all of her tremendous glory, extending her wings out as you see, shaking to get all the dust out. The sisters will walk past you all and stand in front of the respective dragon heads, at which point you'll see as they turn back to you, all nod their head and evaporate into a mist that goes into each one of the dragons. You'll see the red dragon head speak, and she says, welcome. You have questions, and I have answers. [02:24:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I think the first question is what? Followed very closely by why? [02:24:43] Speaker E: Also who? [02:24:46] Speaker C: No, I think we know who. Pretty sure we know who. [02:24:49] Speaker B: Definitely know who. [02:24:50] Speaker E: I mean, more of who did this. [02:24:52] Speaker C: Oh, well, okay, sure, sure. [02:24:59] Speaker E: I'm relatively sure the queen of dragons did not do this to herself. [02:25:04] Speaker C: Some people are into it. Just don't shame the dragon queen. [02:25:10] Speaker A: Okay, you're right. But in this instance, since this was not a chaining of my own doing. Sure, you've heard the stories of my supposed. How do you put it? My supposed surrendering and new position here within the nine hills. [02:25:45] Speaker D: Is it one that you wanted this position? Or have you been forced into it against your will? [02:25:54] Speaker A: I allowed that rat bastard to keep me down here and spread throughout all of your world. How I gave up my position, how I was not good at it whatsoever. How I could barely keep things running and keep the demons out of Avernus, out of the nine hells. But let me tell you, I was fucking good at my job. [02:26:35] Speaker B: Do you know what they call you on the material plane? [02:26:40] Speaker A: Many things. I prefer the queen of dragons. Like that tone. The tone of the name. [02:26:52] Speaker B: We're told that you are concerned mostly with spreading evil, defeating good, propping up your childer, for lack of a better word. [02:27:15] Speaker A: I only look to equalize things. Those that claim to be good, are they really good? Honestly, how many people do you know claim that title of a good person, a good being, but you know just how vile and sinister they may be. [02:27:39] Speaker B: I mean, you seem to know all of us well enough. You know, what we've seen and what we've been through. [02:27:48] Speaker A: Just enough. Now, the question of. As to why I brought you here was to show. And she'll also look at Chronos, uh, Kornos, like, and hopefully explain a little bit, that maybe, just maybe, you all can take back a little something to the material plane and kind of expose some things and. And clear up the falsehoods about what you've seen here and why I'm actually. And where I'm actually at. But I actually do have a request for you all. Besides seeing my story and experiencing how we're not so different from one another, I was hoping you would be able to help me. [02:28:59] Speaker C: Okay, I'm listening. [02:29:03] Speaker A: The ruby rodental of Asmodeus is currently in the possession of Belle and his gorge. I want you to bring it to me. [02:29:20] Speaker E: Belle? Like the God of murder? [02:29:24] Speaker A: No, sorry, pronunciations. Bell. B e lh. Good. [02:29:33] Speaker E: I wanted to make sure real quick. [02:29:35] Speaker A: Never hurts. [02:29:37] Speaker C: Is that a. Is that a name I should know? [02:29:40] Speaker A: You would know based on current. What is it? Unless somebody else may have that information, you would know that. Yep. [02:29:55] Speaker C: Sorry I missed it. [02:29:59] Speaker B: Arch devil of the nine hells. Archduke of Avernus, to be exact. [02:30:05] Speaker C: Sure. [02:30:06] Speaker D: Great. [02:30:07] Speaker C: Love this for us. [02:30:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:30:16] Speaker C: Okay. Why does he have it? And why do you want it? [02:30:21] Speaker A: He has it because he's currently serving in my position. I say that as if I really want to be here, but, you know, I just want to just kind of stick it to both. Asmodeus. Asmodeus. Mostly to bring me his blessed ruby rod that I helped make so I can fucking destroy it. I made it. Why can't I destroy it and then cry about it for the rest of eternity? I will never make him another fucking thing for as long as he's alive. The shrill. [02:31:04] Speaker C: Well, okay. [02:31:06] Speaker D: What if. Cause I do not want to diminish the talents of my friends, but an archduke, Duke of hell, is that, you know, strong enemy. What if we could bring you to the ruby rod and help you fight him? [02:31:35] Speaker A: You'll see as, like, she'll raise herself up and almost like she's standing, you'll see as, like, her knees are. And as she gets to a certain point, they stop and you hear, like, the tightening of the chains around her neck that connect her to that. Connect her to this room before she kind of lays back down and she says, I've tried that. I can't get out of here. [02:32:06] Speaker D: Oh, the chain. They're just chains, right? I mean, chains can be broken. [02:32:14] Speaker A: You'll see. As, like, one of the dragon heads will turn over to it and will unleash its breath. Weapon. And nothing happens to the chains. [02:32:25] Speaker D: Can I try something really stupid? [02:32:28] Speaker A: Sure. [02:32:30] Speaker B: My favorite sentence in D and daughter, he. [02:32:34] Speaker D: So Koronos. Hold on. I'm trying to find the spell that I want to do. Koronos will sort of, like, watch that happen. Where is the damn spell? Hold on. This is not going to be cool if I can't find the spell that I want in my list. Hold on. I'm sorry. Oh, there we go. Okay, so Kornos will look at the. So dumb gordos will watch the dragon breath happening and kind of go, well, fail. The art is always information. And go over to where the chain is affixed into the wall. Is it just one point, or are there multiple points? How is this set up? [02:33:20] Speaker A: So it's five chains that are connected to the walls, right? So it's for one for each one of her heads. Okay, cool. [02:33:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I will cast. I'm gonna cast meld into stone. And so what you see is Koranos sort of, like, leans against the wall, and then, like, right next to where the chain is. And then as he does that, he sort of is just slowly gets absorbed into the stone, and then it. And then he reverses it, and he bursts out of it. And he does take a shit ton of damage, but it's worth it for this moment. So he takes 23 points of damage. Does the chain pop out of the wall when he breaks the stone coming out of it? [02:34:21] Speaker A: Hmm. Yeah. Marnos, go ahead and roll me a D 100. [02:34:44] Speaker D: Okay. [02:34:46] Speaker A: We're gonna see if this works. I don't want to say no. I can't think of anything to see. We could go a lot of ways. So I figure percentile die. You have. [02:35:03] Speaker D: 74. [02:35:08] Speaker A: You watch as Kornos, like, blends in, just goes in, sinks right into it, and then as he pushes on out, it's. It's slow, right? So it's like a slow as. Like, the walls of it just start pushing out very slowly. Very slowly. And then suddenly, a huge burst goes on through as one of the ch. One of the chain anchors blasts on through. And you watch as one of. As one of the. The changes now free. And you take a significant amount of damage, but you manage to break free one of the chains that ties down tiamat. [02:35:55] Speaker E: How many more are there? [02:35:58] Speaker A: Four. [02:36:00] Speaker D: There's four. So, okay, mathematically, without. Oh, no. [02:36:06] Speaker C: Potions. [02:36:07] Speaker E: Healing potions. [02:36:08] Speaker D: I could just put on a healing potion. [02:36:11] Speaker C: I've also got some cure wounds for you. Like, we could. We could try. [02:36:16] Speaker E: I mean, also, like, I was like, do you have the spell slots for that? [02:36:20] Speaker D: How slots do you have to use? Well, because the nice thing is that this is. So I have. It's a third level spell, but I can cast out higher, so I can just burn through, because I've got. So I have two left, and then I could just use my force, and I could just do that. I mean, I'd be blowing a lot of spell slots, but we could free team and bring her with us to. [02:36:47] Speaker B: Help those spell slots. And my other concern is the. [02:36:51] Speaker C: Okay, but. But are the spell slots more important than the dragon? [02:36:59] Speaker D: Also, I'm just gonna throw out there that it would be kind of badass. [02:37:04] Speaker B: To write a lot. [02:37:06] Speaker D: It would just be badass. [02:37:08] Speaker B: My other concern is whether or not it's just the chains or there might be more than just the chains. [02:37:16] Speaker E: Yeah. Can I do any kind of, like, magic sense to see? Is it. Are the chains of metaphor? [02:37:22] Speaker D: Yeah. Jesus Christ. [02:37:29] Speaker A: What could the metaphor be? What is it? Go ahead and give me an arcana check to see, like, for anything else that may be in here or for the types of magic that may be, you know, forcing with that. So go for it. [02:37:52] Speaker E: Um, 15. [02:37:56] Speaker A: Um, well, you can definitely pick up the. The. There's a different type of divine magic that happens to be resonating from what tiamat is currently producing to what is circling around the chain. And you can see that. Well, you can kind of pick up on the general vibe with the archives Pontichek. Is that as you. What is that? You can probably walk over there and see that the chain that was now once Stang, that was dangling and essentially, like, anchored to the wall itself starting to rust away as it's been, as though it's, like, instantly in your. Instantly in your hand is, like, rusting away, as though it's been there for, like, a significant amount of time. [02:38:45] Speaker E: So I can't maybe try. But it was. There wasn't anything else, like, keeping that, it seemed, beyond the chains, just the. [02:38:57] Speaker A: Chains themself to this area was. Was what was keeping her there. But it's strong enough magic that set had been able to keep her there until hornos had figured out a roundabout. [02:39:13] Speaker E: Way to get there and we can attempt it. My worry is that maybe, like, ideally it's just three more spell slots and three more spell casts and damage that we heal. [02:39:34] Speaker D: Wait, so you said that the chains aren't magic, right. [02:39:38] Speaker A: The one that you popped out is not. Is no longer enchanted? No. [02:39:44] Speaker E: Well, the rest of them are. [02:39:45] Speaker D: Can I just cast freedom of movement? Because if it's not a magical chain, the target automatically escapes from non magical restraints. [02:39:54] Speaker A: Right. But you do have four other magical chains that are currently. [02:39:58] Speaker D: Oh, so just the one that I broke was non magical. [02:40:02] Speaker A: That is now non magical. [02:40:04] Speaker B: Once it pulls out of the wall. [02:40:06] Speaker E: It reverts four more spell slots, and then, um, maybe it doesn't work every time. Maybe you miscalculate and you don't get the chain and then that suddenly becomes six spell slots. It's my worry. [02:40:24] Speaker D: We can take it long. [02:40:28] Speaker E: Will Tiamat allow us to take a long rest? [02:40:30] Speaker B: Oh, God. [02:40:32] Speaker D: I mean, I don't know. I feel like I've done Tiamat a solid. I don't know. Like, what do you all think? Like, I mean, it's. It's feasible I might die, but even. [02:40:43] Speaker E: If I die, please don't die. I don't have resurrection or a diamond. [02:40:48] Speaker D: No, I was gonna say I accept my fate. This is such a dumb idea. [02:40:52] Speaker B: We, um. [02:40:54] Speaker A: It works. [02:40:55] Speaker B: We may note, be able to free the original form of the dragon queen herself, but she has proven that she has the power to produce humanoid avatars for herself. And now that all five of them are free to walk, Rosa herself said that they are powerful together. It may not be Tiamat in her full form, but it is still. [02:41:25] Speaker A: Even. [02:41:25] Speaker B: A fraction of that power could bring down God's. [02:41:30] Speaker E: Know what I mean? Hey. Then it suddenly becomes nine of us versus one baron of hell. [02:41:44] Speaker A: What would you guys like to do? [02:41:46] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna walk around to face queen of fucking dragons directly. Jesus. This is the second time I've confronted Tiamat by the bye in a one shot. Just throwing that out there. The fuck? [02:42:05] Speaker A: Okay. [02:42:06] Speaker B: I will look up at Tiamat. My lady, we have freed your avatars. As much as I would like to think that my companions and I would be able to take on a literal archduke of hell, that might be a little bit beyond our capability. But you are free to walk outside of this chamber now that we freed all of your sisters. Is that true? [02:42:42] Speaker A: My sisters were only there to be able to draw you and to bring you out, to be able to get here. So you can see my story. [02:42:56] Speaker B: Then? Is there anything. [02:43:00] Speaker A: Maybe with just a little bit more of a push, I can possibly be able to send them with you. [02:43:09] Speaker B: What do you need? [02:43:14] Speaker A: You'll see as, like, she'll close. Like, she'll close all of her eyes as. Like, you'll see as she'll push out the forms back out to you. But now, instead of normal, what is it? Adventuring kind of clothes and whatnot. They are now looking to be battled, readied avatars in their own respective forms and in their own respective colors. They won't be able to stand for too much, not in comparison to you all. But I believe that there'll be enough help. You said already, as we've all said already, we're stronger together, right? [02:44:15] Speaker C: Well, Helen, does that satisfy you? [02:44:24] Speaker D: Uh. [02:44:28] Speaker B: Kloranos, I think you could do it. But we need you, buddy. I don't much like the idea of having to leave you all down here by your lonesome. I don't have a way to bring you back. Gwen and Addie don't. [02:44:48] Speaker D: Ornos will look at the group and say, it may be that this is a very, very bad idea, but. [02:45:01] Speaker B: Oh, this is a terrible goddamn idea. [02:45:06] Speaker D: But I think sometimes in righting a wrong and in fixing the damage that has been done, sometimes one must risk, and sometimes one must sacrifice. And sometimes one must fail. I think let's do it. I don't know. It's a one shot. What have we got to lose, gang? What do you think? [02:45:39] Speaker C: Look, I'm. I'm going to from the greater conversation because I'm all for Team Dumplan. So basically, you have to convince Aubrey and Laura, because I'm here for it. I'm ready for the shenaniganery. So. [02:45:59] Speaker E: My worry is that you would have to roll that luck roll each time. And then suddenly four becomes six becomes eight, and then we can't take a long rest. [02:46:13] Speaker D: That's fair. [02:46:14] Speaker E: And then suddenly it's like, I have no slots. We have to go fight a hell. [02:46:18] Speaker D: Baron with a dragon. [02:46:22] Speaker A: With a dragon. [02:46:25] Speaker B: That's fair. That's fair. All right. Okay. You really want to do this big game? [02:46:36] Speaker D: I am willing to do a grand experiment. [02:46:41] Speaker B: If you die, I'm gonna be so fucking mad at you. I hope you understand that. [02:46:46] Speaker D: Uh, uh. Kornos will, like, lean down. So he's, like, at eye level with Kellan, and he says, if I die, you will never get rid of my ghost. I am going to haunt you every day until forever. You are going to be so annoyed. And guess what? When I am dead, you cannot get rid of me. I just appear. I just go through walls. I just go boom. And then you're like, oh, no, Kara knows. He's back again. Oh, I hate this ghost. It's going to be so annoying. And I'm looking forward to it. And then he'll, like, very, like, oh, no, you have before. [02:47:19] Speaker C: Before you go, I'm going to take off my ring of mineshielding, and I'm going to give it to you. [02:47:27] Speaker D: Okay? [02:47:28] Speaker C: You can't benefit from the mind shielding properties, but if you die while using it, the ring will house your soul, and then we can figure out what to do with your soul afterwards. [02:47:38] Speaker D: Excellent. This is good. This is good. I like this one. [02:47:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:47:42] Speaker D: Okay, so first, I don't know how. [02:47:43] Speaker C: You can fit it on your giant fingers, but it's a magic ring. [02:47:47] Speaker B: It's a magic ring. [02:47:48] Speaker D: Thank you. [02:47:48] Speaker C: So it works fine. [02:47:49] Speaker D: Okay, so the first thing I'm going to do, and we're going to. We're going to think this through. We're going to do it proper. So the first thing I'm going to do is I am going to burn another spell slot. [02:48:02] Speaker A: Okay. [02:48:05] Speaker D: What are you doing? [02:48:07] Speaker A: I'm here for it. Let's. Let's fucking go. [02:48:09] Speaker D: Yeah, so we're gonna do. I'm gonna do cure wounds at level six and get. Oh, God, the dice are moving so slow. [02:48:23] Speaker E: Uh. [02:48:29] Speaker D: 38 points. Okay. Okay, okay. Okay, so that brings me up to 107. Okay, so then I'm going. Okay, hold on, let me work that. Then I'm going to go over to one of the chains. [02:48:47] Speaker A: As you do that, Romy, the percentile die, your number to beat is 60. [02:48:53] Speaker D: 60. Okay, that's at 82. Is it 28? [02:49:06] Speaker A: This time, as you try and do it, expecting it to work, this time, you push on through, and as you expect it to kind of, you know, like, push on out, you just hit that magical chain and just does not budge and you're kind of stuck in there. [02:49:24] Speaker D: Okay. Kornos will, like, bend his head, like, out of the wall as he's, like, pushing on it, and he goes, uh, it's not working. What do we think? He's like? [02:49:41] Speaker B: Uh. Okay. Okay. Okay. [02:49:43] Speaker D: Cuz, like, honestly, right now I've only really burned through, like, two spell slots. We could just say this was a fun experiment and move on, but it. I don't know. You've got. [02:49:55] Speaker B: You've got thinkin face there, Gwen. [02:49:58] Speaker C: I. Look, I'm. I. Look, I live for the shenanigans, so I. Again, I have to abstain from the conversation because for me, I'm just, like, not do it till it works. So the adults in the room need to actually have this conversation because I. Because it's not me. [02:50:16] Speaker B: Okay? [02:50:17] Speaker A: Okay. [02:50:17] Speaker C: Dm. [02:50:18] Speaker E: Why are you making me an adult would. [02:50:21] Speaker B: Okay, if you have, perchance, one very large stony boy and one very large strunk laity, who could potentially get even stronger when she rages, working in tandem with a push and a pull, how would we feel about that? [02:50:45] Speaker D: Wait, I guess my, like, player question is, do I have to roll the percentile dice every single time? Yeah, because I feel like that's the part that. You know what I mean? [02:50:58] Speaker A: You will and I'll give you. What is it? I'll even give you this. I'll ask. I'll answer your. Your thing real shortly, Aubrey. But if the first one that you did, I had you roll. You needed to beat 70. This is the second one. It's 60. I'll leave that with you, Aubrey. What were you gonna ask? [02:51:19] Speaker E: I have shatter. Is there a point where I, like you just be like, come, come out of the wall and everybody. Well, it's only a. It's only a ten foot radius, so it's not that big, but, you know, being like. [02:51:37] Speaker A: And then if you do that in tandem with Kellen helping Koronos out, I'll even drop. I'll drop this down. The second one down to 40. [02:51:54] Speaker C: I have nothing to help with this. I'm just watching. [02:51:57] Speaker E: So if it's metal, it has disadvantage on its saving throw. [02:52:03] Speaker D: Okay. To save time, I just rolled a percentage dice four times. Would you like me just to tell. [02:52:11] Speaker A: You the results with all of them helping you? Yes. [02:52:16] Speaker D: Okay. The first one was a 50. The second one was a 90. The first. The third one was. It was a 100 on the dice, it was a double zero and a one. So I don't know if you want to count that as 100 or a one. [02:52:30] Speaker A: That's going to be a one. [02:52:32] Speaker D: And then the third one was 66. [02:52:39] Speaker A: Okay, cool. You took the damage for all those you broke? [02:52:44] Speaker D: Oh, I have it yet. I got a roll for you. [02:52:46] Speaker B: You're gonna. [02:52:47] Speaker A: Jesus. You'll take the damage. You docked out three out of the four more things that you did. [02:52:52] Speaker E: Oh, now, did we need to spend a spell slot for each one? Because shatter is a spell. [02:52:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:52:58] Speaker E: Okay. I was just trying to see if it worked before throwing it in there. [02:53:03] Speaker A: Absolutely. [02:53:04] Speaker E: Because I was, like. I was trying not to blow through all of my spell slots because I don't have as many. Because I am. [02:53:11] Speaker A: At this point for you all. You notice as, like, this massive crack has started to formulate ever at every. Every chain anchor point that you guys have pushed out. So now it's gotten bigger and wider and wider, which has helped you guys essentially, like, make this a bit easier. With your shatter spell you're pulling with what Koronos is doing, it's all helping to be able to break it down. And you know what? This last one, it should be the easiest one out of the bunch. And for numbers sake, it's going from 70 to ten. Is your dc on the percentile? Die. [02:53:54] Speaker D: It's a 51. [02:53:56] Speaker A: Fuck ya, boi. [02:53:57] Speaker D: Fuck ya, boy. [02:53:58] Speaker A: Try it one more time. One last one. You fucking bust on through as, like, the. Like every, like, there's the chain shatters on through and they all come crashing down. You all see, as, like, as soon as that happens, Tiamat fully stands up before you all, shakes her wings out even more so gives herself a little bit of a nice stretch. It's been a millennia, so I require. [02:54:25] Speaker E: Request at least a short rest. [02:54:28] Speaker D: I do need to roll 32 D. Six of damage, but we'll see. [02:54:32] Speaker E: Jesus Christ. This is why I was like, let's do them one at a time so we can heal you between. [02:54:39] Speaker C: Before you. [02:54:40] Speaker A: Before you do that. Before you do that. Cordos. I will say, she'll stand up and you'll see, like, the battle ready avatars that she had ready prepped up for you guys suddenly mystify and go back in her. And as she shoots her wings out, and just a thing of radiant. Not radiant, but a thing of, like, fiery, he just shoots out from her, drag her dragon wings as they spread on through, and the heat of it starts to overcome you all. And you're going to take the effects of a long rest. [02:55:18] Speaker D: Hey, that's what we call benevolent DM. [02:55:24] Speaker C: Yes, indeed. That's what happens. [02:55:28] Speaker B: That's what you're willing to reward. [02:55:29] Speaker C: Thank you, Justin. [02:55:31] Speaker B: Thank you, Justin. [02:55:34] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna roll. [02:55:41] Speaker A: You don't have to if you want to, just for poops and giggles. I'm. [02:55:45] Speaker D: I wanna see what would have. I just like, out of curiosity, that's so neat. I would have lived. That was 112, so I would have lived canonically early. [02:56:03] Speaker C: Perfect. [02:56:05] Speaker E: Cool. [02:56:06] Speaker C: That feels really low. Thank God for bad rolls, I guess. [02:56:12] Speaker D: I know. Why don't I do it again just to see what happens? [02:56:17] Speaker A: Diamond stands before you all, and she says, I'm generally not for the abrasive approach, but you all seem to be very much showing me that this is a way that can be done. So if you don't mind, let's give me. Let's get this rod, help me get this ride, and I'll reward you appropriately. [02:56:49] Speaker C: Let's go. [02:56:50] Speaker B: Let's fucking go. [02:56:52] Speaker A: Okay. She'll look. One of the heads will, like, walk, will, like, make itself down and just essentially, like, make itself into, like, that of a bridge for you to essentially on her back. Oh, my God. [02:57:07] Speaker D: Yeah, we're ready. [02:57:09] Speaker B: We're right. [02:57:11] Speaker C: This is the best day of my life. Amazing. I'm so ready for this. [02:57:16] Speaker B: Let's go. [02:57:19] Speaker A: Cool. So as you guys get on to Tiamat's back, you'll see as, like, she'll, like, get herself going towards the middle of the room, shake her wings one more time before she jumps. And her head. Her head just beeline it straight through the ceiling as it bursts on through. You guys holding on tight as she starts flying and flaps and she goes and does like a little bit of a spin up into the sky as she fully extends out her massive hundred foot wing wings. So 200ft altogether out as she starts making her way and starts flying over to where Bell's tower is at. And you'll see as she comes crashing on through, as she, like, flies on through, like, you'll see little bits of scattering here and there of devils that are of around. Yeah, technically they are Jakey gigantic. So it's like, not necessarily 100. Yeah, it's probably, what, like you 20ft. 20ft by 20ft. So, no, she. For dramatic sake, I wanted to go that far, but, yeah, you're right, she big, big. And what is it? No, she flies on through, you see, as, like, devils are like scattering around as she, like, beelines it straight through as you hear, as she says, hang on tight and she crashes right on through and beats straight down into Belle's tower. And if you will take a look onto the, um, onto the owl bear, you'll see an initially I had you guys all down there, but now you'll see as Tiamat brings you all down and I'll bring you all up here in this general area. [02:59:30] Speaker C: She big, big, big. [02:59:35] Speaker A: You'll see as, like, she lands there and she just, like, shakes herself off and, like, looks beeline directly at Belle. Um, as he looks, as he's kind of like, just co chilling. She bashes through, but he looks like he gives two fucks at all, like, what just transpired? And he's just like, the fuck are you doing out of your home? Like, I've come for my vengeance. I'm taking my right, I'm taking a spot back, and most importantly, I'm gonna destroy that fucking thing in your hands. At the point she says that, I want you to go ahead and roll for initiative. [03:00:17] Speaker E: Sounds good. [03:00:19] Speaker C: Yeah, that tracks. Now, hold on, guys. Justin did say that not every initiative roll is for combat, so who knows? But I got an eight. [03:00:29] Speaker E: That's an eleven for me. Okay, we're all a little intimidated, I. [03:00:37] Speaker C: Guess, a little bit. [03:00:38] Speaker E: Koronos, you've got a few. [03:00:41] Speaker D: I got a three. Is that what you rolled? [03:00:47] Speaker C: Every single initiative? [03:00:49] Speaker D: I rolled an eight one time, I think. I don't remember. [03:00:54] Speaker A: All right, so Cornos, that's a three. Um, Gwen, what was yours again? [03:01:01] Speaker C: Eight. [03:01:03] Speaker A: Eight. Adeline, what was yours? [03:01:05] Speaker E: 1111. [03:01:07] Speaker A: Kellan, what'd you get? [03:01:09] Speaker B: I got a five. [03:01:13] Speaker E: What's the j epic heroes guys. [03:01:15] Speaker A: Jesus. [03:01:16] Speaker D: We're gonna do incredibly epic heroes, but we never like. We're like, oh, you go first. No, no, you go first. [03:01:23] Speaker C: Well, it's because we're all bottoms. That's, I think, the problem. We are great adventurers, but we're all bottoms and can't fucking fire. [03:01:33] Speaker E: Party of bottoms. [03:01:34] Speaker B: Can't make a goddamn decision to save our fucking lives, apparently. [03:01:37] Speaker C: Lesbian sheep, all of us. [03:01:41] Speaker A: Cool. Starting off with the top of the round with Tiamat moving up into. Moving up and going beeline straight for Belle. You'll see as she'll go in for the chromatic orb and will. What is it she'll go in for? Not the chromatic orb, but the chromatic flame, which he's got to make a dexterity saving throw of 27. And that is going to be a 24, which misses. So he's going to take eleven d twelve damage and 12345. Go ahead and roll this d six and see where we go. Gonna be fire damage. No, it's not gonna be fire damage. He's gonna take 64 points of 69 points. Nice. What is it? We're gonna say cold damage as he is? Yeah, he's going to take that damage. I'm sorry about that. That is going to be her. She's also going to do one more attack with her, with. With her I. With her tail. And she turned. Like, she unleashes that. That cold damage on him and slaps the living hell out of him with a. With her tail. And that's going to be a dirty 20 to hit. And that is going to deal about. Not gonna deal a lot of damage, but she is gonna put a bit of a hurt as he's gonna take 15 points damage. You are gonna notice as, like his demons begin to move. They are going to begin commencing their attacks on Tiamat. As they do. See, she is a bit of. A. Bit of. More of a threat than what they perceive with you all. So they're gonna do. One of them is going to. I shouldn't move this guy yet because it's not his turn, but he's going to do. What is it? He's going to do his attacks with a natural 20. Cool beans. So that brings up an interesting mechanic that I like to use in, in my d and D games, which is the critical hits revise sheet. And that is going to result in another d 20 dice roll that we'll do to see what happens when. When we do this, because it is piercing damage. What will end up happening as the. The devil goes down to begin its attack on Tiamat. I rolled a 17. It's going to be rolling the damage dice twice, adding them together. And because she is a dragon God, we are going to negate the the major injury in this case. So coolness. So she's going to take 36 points of piercing damage and yeah, they that is their first attack. Tech attack is going to be with a, is going to miss as it hits the next. As it hits, as he strikes it down, doesn't make contact and break through any of her dragging with any of her dragon stuff. So with that being said, is Adeline's turn. Adeline, you're up. What would you like to do? [03:06:10] Speaker E: Same. I'm Yuda, so I'm gonna unmute myself and I am going to start by activating my unbreakable majesty. And as a bonus action, I assume a majestic presence for 1 minute or until I'm incapacitated. And it does things if they attack me, there currently nothing is attacking me. But as my action, would a fiend count as a monster? [03:06:43] Speaker A: I would say no. [03:06:49] Speaker E: Because I was looking through the spell itself and it does not specify what it considers a monster. [03:06:56] Speaker A: You know what? In this case, I'll say we're good for it. Yeah, it'll count. [03:07:01] Speaker E: It was either that I have two options. Dominate monster or dominate person. [03:07:08] Speaker A: Fair enough. We'll go with dominate monster. [03:07:10] Speaker E: Yep. Because those are the only two options it gives you. So I am going to look at our buddy over here near the bridge and be like, you know, this bell is probably screwed you over at some point. Don't you really want to get revenge? Gonna dominate monster. [03:07:29] Speaker A: Okay, what's he gonna do? [03:07:32] Speaker E: He has to make a DC 919 wisdom save. [03:07:37] Speaker A: DC 19 wisdom save. [03:07:40] Speaker D: That is wildly high. [03:07:44] Speaker A: That fails. [03:07:45] Speaker E: That fails. So. And I can use an action to take total and precise control of him next turn until the end of the next turn takes only the actions you choose and doesn't do anything I don't allow it to do. During this time, you can also cause the creature to use reaction crisis as well. And every time it'll take damage. And his whole thing, the whole thing I wanted to do is just help out our friend Tiamat against spell. [03:08:12] Speaker A: Okay, cool. As soon as you mentioned that, he kinda of like, what is it? You see as he kind of looks like he thinks about it for a little bit and he's just kind of like, looks up at Belle, looks back at you. Looks back, goes back and forth a little bit before you see as he like, turns his focus over from Tiamat to Belle. At this point, is there anything else that you'd like to do with your turn? [03:08:40] Speaker E: That is my entire turn. [03:08:41] Speaker A: Cool. With that being said, bell is going to try and do a little something that is going to involve him. Break out the big guns for this, because why not as fun. He is going to use the ruby rod as. As a weapon, and he goes for the hit with. That's a fail. Okay. Fullness. Despite, like, him being in such close quarters, he use it. He tries to use the ruby rod, but it's like one of Tiamat's heads. You grab onto it to keep him from making that contact. So while he misses it the first time, he will try and use. What is it? What is it? He'll try and bash it one more time on her. This time it will hit. As you see, it breaks free, and he bashes it alongside of Tiamat, and she's going to take 51 points of bludgeoning damage, at which point you will see, as he kind of, like, pushes as much of itself away from her, and he says, this was not part of the fucking deal. You are breaking all the decorum here. That's been established. Stop it. With that being said, gwen, you're up. Helen, you're on deck. [03:10:26] Speaker C: Wonderful. There's only one thing that I want to do, because it's not an attack, but I'm going to run up to Tiamat, and I'm assuming that she is willing for us to cast spells on her. [03:10:39] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [03:10:41] Speaker C: And I am going to cast protection from good and evil on her. Okay. Specifically against fiends, which means that creatures of this type have disadvantage on attack rolls against her, and then she also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. [03:11:02] Speaker A: Okay. [03:11:03] Speaker C: And that lasts ten minutes. [03:11:04] Speaker A: Nice. [03:11:05] Speaker C: So let's go. So I'm going to run up, and then I'm gonna position myself so that ideally, I'm, you know, in position to attack next turn, maybe, but not, you know, I don't. I don't want to be up there. [03:11:23] Speaker D: Right. [03:11:23] Speaker A: Right this second. I gotcha. [03:11:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:11:27] Speaker A: Okay. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [03:11:32] Speaker C: I believe that is everything. I just really, really, really wanted to get that done, so. [03:11:40] Speaker A: Okay, Helen, you're up. Kornos, you're on deck. [03:11:47] Speaker B: I'm gonna fucking rage fucking go, obviously. So, yeah. Yeah. There is a war cry that bellows over the stones and throughout this hellish chamber. And I would like to take a flying, running leap across the battlefield here to get to our big, ugly buddy not Belle. I'm gonna stay away from Belle for now. [03:12:24] Speaker A: Okay? [03:12:25] Speaker B: But I'm gonna smack his demon friend twice in the face. And I'm talking just like full tilt barbarian. Run. Sword in both hands, hands overhead, strike right to the fucking face. Okay, hopefully. [03:12:40] Speaker A: Let's do this. [03:12:42] Speaker B: Maybe we'll see what the dice say. Well, that's a 29. [03:12:49] Speaker A: That's definitely gonna hit. [03:12:51] Speaker B: Cool. [03:12:53] Speaker A: Is that a natty 20? [03:12:55] Speaker B: No, that is not a natty 20. I wish it was one of these days. Nasty from this barbarian type. Okay, so we've got ten slashing damage to our demon buddy with potentially a for necrotic on his next turn with the wounding. And I'm gonna go ahead and pop the divine fury into that as well. [03:13:33] Speaker A: Okay. [03:13:34] Speaker B: For this first attack, bad. And that's another ten radiant damage. [03:13:42] Speaker A: Alrighty, sounds good. [03:13:44] Speaker B: And then attack number two. [03:13:45] Speaker A: Let's go, let's go. [03:13:49] Speaker B: That's a 30 to hit. [03:13:50] Speaker A: A. That thirties absolutely does hit. [03:13:57] Speaker B: 418 damage. [03:14:02] Speaker A: Alrighty, sounds good. [03:14:05] Speaker B: That's bonus action. That's movement. That's my action. I still got a little bit of movement. Can I like, squeak back to like, duck under one of the giant dragon legs? [03:14:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll allow it. You just like, as, like she's digging into it. Like you just did all the damage to it. You just kind of like sneak back in and just kind of like, take cover behind it. [03:14:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm assuming it's the size of a, like a large red wood. So, like, you know, I'm not gonna claim cover, but, you know, I don't want to be like directly in its path. That's all. [03:14:39] Speaker A: Absolutely. [03:14:41] Speaker B: No, I feel that. [03:14:43] Speaker A: Cool beans. Cornice, you're on deck. [03:14:45] Speaker D: Okay. You said on deck and I got nervous to minutes. Right? [03:14:52] Speaker A: Yeah, you're on it. [03:14:54] Speaker E: Your turn. [03:14:54] Speaker A: Sorry. [03:14:55] Speaker D: Okay. No, no, you're good. I was just like, yeah, I will patiently wait. Um, no. So Cordos is going to reach into his coat of many pockets and pull out a vial. Dm, this is where I would like you to make the call. If I wanted to put poison on my sword, would that count as an action or could I do that as my bonus action and then make my attack? [03:15:18] Speaker A: I'll let you do that as your bonus action. [03:15:20] Speaker D: Okay, cool. So Kornos is going to breach into a thing, take out a scimitar and rub a bunch of sticky black goo onto his sword. Um, and then he is going to, uh, charge for the demon that is not currently being dominated. [03:15:45] Speaker A: Okay, coolness. [03:15:48] Speaker D: And I'm going to try and hit him with my cool guy scimitar. [03:15:55] Speaker A: All right, here I go. [03:16:00] Speaker D: Well, that was a six. [03:16:05] Speaker A: A six will not hit. [03:16:09] Speaker D: Falls down. It's cool. Well, the poison will stay on my sword, so that could be something. I try next round. And Kornos will then be like, oh, no, I'm so tired from breaking all those chains and back up to safety. [03:16:30] Speaker A: Okay, coolness. Crushing it. All right, coolness. So it's gonna be the dominated devil's turn. Does he need to make a save at all when it comes to turn or at the end of his turn? [03:16:50] Speaker E: When it's. It's only when it gets. Let's see. I had spell open and then I closed it. I think it's for dominique monster. It is. So it will only make the save if I lose concentration or if it takes damage. [03:17:21] Speaker A: Okay. [03:17:24] Speaker E: Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes only actually choose and doesn't do anything during this time. You can also each time the creature takes damage, it makes a new wisdom saving throw against the spell. Saving throw succeeds, spell ends. [03:17:35] Speaker A: Cool. And did you want it to attack Belle? Yes. Okay, cool. And it's just going to go straight ahead and do that. Let's see what happens. That's going to hit with, what is it, a 21. And that's going to be two d, eight plus six damage for the first. For the first one. So it's going to be 816 24 and then it is going to fail the second one. So Bell is going to take 24 points of piercing damage from the fork as this guy is going to rush on up and do the stabs on it. And he's going to go for poops and giggles. Hit him with his tail, which is definitely going to hit as he takes one d, ten plus six piercing damage. And that's going to be 16 points if the creatures anything other than that. So that means he's going to make a constitution saving throw because he is none of those things. But boy, does he have a con save. And that's going to pass. And so that is going to be his turn. Bringing it back up to Tiamat as she's going to get continues to try and wreck his shit as she is going to do that. She's going to hit him up with that bite attack, though. That's going to pass with, what is it? Two d, twelve plus ten damage. 24 points of damage. Cool beans. She'll do that with a bite. He's going to hit him again with a claw. That's going to be two d, ten plus ten. And that's going to be 29 points of damage. And then hit him one more time with a tail attack. But that one is not going to actually, that's one's going to pass too. So. Yeah. Okay, coolness. It's gonna be 1626 points. And he takes another 26 points of damage. The horn devil is going to see Kornos and is going to try and do an attack against you, Kornoshe. Okay, does a 16 hit? [03:20:46] Speaker D: It will not. [03:20:47] Speaker A: Okay. Luckily for you, like you notice as he comes down with his fork and he stabs and misses just where you were as you managed to move yourself over. He goes for another fork attack. Almost caught. He misses again before he comes back around. Not back around, but he tries to stab his fork into you both times before finally he gets tired and hit. Tries to hit you with a. With a hurled fire. Does a twelve hits. [03:21:20] Speaker D: It will not. [03:21:21] Speaker A: Okay. He misses once more. With that being said, it is now Adeline's turn. Adeline, what do you got? [03:21:28] Speaker B: Dm? [03:21:29] Speaker A: Yes. [03:21:31] Speaker B: Real quick, I have a reaction for the sentinel feat. [03:21:36] Speaker A: Yes. [03:21:37] Speaker B: Because someone tried to shit rock my friend right next to me. I could smack them in retaliation. [03:21:43] Speaker A: Sweet. If you don't find, absolutely go for it. [03:21:52] Speaker B: That's a 31. [03:21:54] Speaker A: We'll absolutely hit. [03:21:59] Speaker B: For 14 points of slashing damage. And the devil's speed, I believe, is reduced to zero with sentinel attack. Okay, so he ain't going nowhere. [03:22:12] Speaker A: Fuck yeah, boy. Okay, cool beans. Well, now it is analyze, turn. [03:22:19] Speaker E: What do you have as my action? I am going to start up a counter charm, uh, as are playing. And, uh, until the end of my next turn, uh, any of my friends with, uh, that can hear me play the music, uh, have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed. [03:22:38] Speaker A: Okay. [03:22:39] Speaker E: Um, and, uh, then I am going to spend my bonus action for mantle of majesty, uh, which allows me to cast command without using a spell slot. And I can keep recasting it for 1 minute as a bonus action. And I'm gonna point at bell and I'm gonna tell him to drop the scepter. [03:23:02] Speaker A: Ooh. Okay. [03:23:03] Speaker E: And it's another 19 will save. [03:23:07] Speaker A: 19 will save. Um. [03:23:13] Speaker B: I swear to God, if this fucking works. [03:23:18] Speaker A: That's a 14. But I'm going to say he passes. [03:23:25] Speaker B: Goddamn legendary resistance. [03:23:28] Speaker E: God damn it. Well, I could try again. Next turn I can burn through. This is the legendary shit. [03:23:38] Speaker A: Yeah. Cool beans. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your turn? [03:23:41] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm gonna, like, move my movement to try to not be clumped up near anybody, so I don't get hit by any freaking cones or anything. [03:23:51] Speaker A: Okay. Cool beans. Well, at this point, as this is all going down, he's pretty bit bloodied at this point. Can I have everybody make a DC 23 dexterity saving throw, please? [03:24:15] Speaker C: I have a fucking plus twelve and I rolled a 16. This is horribly upsetting. [03:24:22] Speaker E: Do you want to know? I literally cannot pass this unless I nat 20. [03:24:26] Speaker B: Yeah, same. [03:24:27] Speaker C: Seriously? [03:24:28] Speaker E: Yeah. I have a plus three to my dex. [03:24:30] Speaker B: Same, same, same. That's 15. [03:24:37] Speaker E: That is a 14. [03:24:40] Speaker D: Yeah, well, I got an eight. [03:24:46] Speaker A: Okay. It sounds like everybody failed. [03:24:49] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it's. When it sounds like goes in. [03:24:56] Speaker D: Does this consider it. [03:24:57] Speaker E: Is this considered an attack? [03:25:00] Speaker A: It is a. It is a match. It is a. It is a spell. Yes. [03:25:07] Speaker E: Would my unbreakable majesty do anything? Because whenever a creature tries to attack me for the first time on a turn, the they must make a charisma saving throw on a fail. They cannot attack this turn and must choose a new target or the attack is wasted on a success. They can attack, but it's a disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against my spells on my next turn. [03:25:34] Speaker A: It was DC 19. Yeah, that's a. What is it? That's an 18. But he's going to pass it. [03:25:42] Speaker E: Motherfucker. [03:25:43] Speaker B: But he has resistances. [03:25:46] Speaker E: But he has disadvantage on any saving throw he makes against spells until his next turn. [03:25:51] Speaker A: Okay. [03:25:51] Speaker E: Or until my next. Until the end of my next turn. We're gonna get him to drop that fucking septic. [03:25:58] Speaker A: In the meantime, as that goes on, I'm going to point. Your guys are going to take. Ouch. Ouch. So, you guys watch at? Well, actually, you all, incidentally hear some pretty loud noises. As it sounds like something is falling and they're big and they're leaving. You're hearing, as they're, like, leaving these mass. Like. Like their loud explosions are coming down. And as before you all, you see these rain of meteors start to drop down around you all. You're all going to take seven. No. That's 154 points of damage. [03:26:58] Speaker B: What kind of damage? [03:27:02] Speaker A: Fire and bludgeoning. [03:27:04] Speaker E: I am unconscious. [03:27:05] Speaker D: Wait, how much was it? [03:27:07] Speaker A: 154. [03:27:09] Speaker D: Okay, well. [03:27:13] Speaker C: Any chance. Any chance you would allow these meteors to be considered a missile attack? [03:27:21] Speaker A: Yeah, actually. [03:27:23] Speaker C: Oh, really? [03:27:24] Speaker A: It's the same principle as that of, like. Like a ballistic missile. [03:27:28] Speaker C: Okay. Then I am going to. To attempt to deflect missiles on myself. I can use my reaction to deflect or catch missiles when you are hit by a ranged attack. [03:27:47] Speaker A: Okay, now I will. You go ahead and do that for Hornos and Kellenouse. You both are close enough to Tiamat that I will allow you a dexterity roll to see if. Whether or not you're able to make it there in time. And she will end up taking the run of it. [03:28:10] Speaker D: Oh, no, Timothy. [03:28:13] Speaker B: Okay, she has a bajillion hit points. [03:28:16] Speaker A: Yeah, you'll be fine. So when? How. [03:28:20] Speaker C: Okay, question. Now, this is. This is. This is a. It gets important. So I can deflect missiles, and the whole thing is I have my. I'm attempting to reduce the amount of damage that one missile does down to zero. So I can then throw the meteor back at the others and try and, like, shatter them. [03:28:38] Speaker D: Right? [03:28:38] Speaker C: That would be the goal. So how much damage does one. Just one do what is the number that I have to try and beat here so I can actually do that? Otherwise, I just reduce the damage that I take. And I don't know how to work on that mechanically, so if you're. [03:28:55] Speaker A: So. It's just a shit ton of meteors. Right? So if you're looking to at least kind of, like, help out with. With your friends. What is it? Give me a dex. Give me a dexterity check. Yeah, give me a straight dexterity check and add your proficiency bonus to. [03:29:18] Speaker C: Okay, okay, okay, okay. 21. [03:29:23] Speaker A: Perfect. You jump up into the sky as you catch one, and as you grab it, you pretty much. It's like the scene. It's like a. What is it? It's like an anime scene where you grab onto it. You, like, grab it. It pushes you about, like, 510ft. And then, like, taking the momentum, flipping it round, and just, like, toss again, one of the meteors starts to come down on Kornos and Kellan. Or desert or. Did you want to do it to Adeline? [03:29:53] Speaker C: That's a good question. [03:29:58] Speaker B: Any bludgeoning damage I take is halved. [03:30:02] Speaker E: This damage is more than my health. [03:30:04] Speaker B: Great. [03:30:05] Speaker C: So Adeline, then, because Adeline squishy. Um, and. Yeah. [03:30:10] Speaker A: Um. Yeah, no, you toss it over there, and as one is about to, like, smash into Adeline, bigger than what, uh, what she is, Adeline, you watch, is like, this meteor just comes out of nowhere and just, like, cracks over. I'm just going to have you take 77 points of, uh. Of bludgeoning damage from the. From. From that. You won't take the fire damage. [03:30:33] Speaker E: How does concentration work again? I don't remember. [03:30:39] Speaker A: Concentration dc ten. [03:30:42] Speaker E: Oh, because I gotta do concentration for my dominate monster. [03:30:45] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:30:48] Speaker E: That'S a constitution saving throw. [03:30:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:30:52] Speaker E: Okay. And I got exactly ten. [03:30:54] Speaker A: Thanks. We'll go with it now for Kellen and Kornos. Dexterity check for the both of you to see if you can manage to get underneath acrobatics or dexterity to get underneath acrobatics, athletics or a straight dexterity check to be able to make it underneath TMI. [03:31:16] Speaker B: Oh, wait, you'll allow me athletics? [03:31:18] Speaker A: I'll allow you athletics. [03:31:19] Speaker D: Okay, then I got a 22nd. [03:31:21] Speaker A: Perfect. [03:31:24] Speaker B: Yeah. 31. [03:31:26] Speaker A: How much? [03:31:28] Speaker B: 31. Nice. [03:31:32] Speaker A: Let's pull, baby. Alright, cool. Peace. Acts like you watch as. What is it? Like you. The meteors are going around you on you, like, turn around and like, get managed to get underneath her to be able to avoid a the damage and then. Yeah, no, everything kind of reigns around you guys. I won't let she absorbs the rest of that for you all. And she's going to take that 154 points of damage. [03:32:05] Speaker D: She's fine. [03:32:06] Speaker B: She's legitimately fine. [03:32:11] Speaker A: Bonus. That's Belle's turn. It is now. Gwentzer. Gwen, you're up. Kellan, you're on deck. [03:32:20] Speaker C: Great. Well, knowing that Adeline is at least safe for now, I'm gonna go join Kornos and Kellen, and I am going to attempt to stab the fun little demon there on the left. Korinos is not the only one with poison, though. So as I'm running, I'm going to coat my weapon with purple worm poison. Okay. Because if it hits, that'll be great. And once I get up, because I'm so much shorter than Koranos, I kind of imagine it's this beautiful thing where I, like, leap over his shoulder and I'm trying to make like a super cool show of it. And if I miss, it's going to be embarrassing. But I'm really hoping that I can get a couple good. A couple good jabs in and then, you know what? I'm gonna throw in a flurry of blows just to kind of get a couple little punches into. Because why not? That's what I do. [03:33:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I feel you. [03:33:23] Speaker C: Let's see if this works. Let's see. The first one is 26. [03:33:31] Speaker A: 26 will hit. [03:33:33] Speaker C: Wonderful. The second one is a 27. [03:33:36] Speaker A: Absolutely. We'll hit. [03:33:37] Speaker C: Wonderful. My flurry of blows is probably not gonna hit at a 15. [03:33:46] Speaker A: No, it won't. [03:33:47] Speaker C: Okay, fantastic. So let me roll this damage here. 1010. And then the purple worm poison. Oh, can he make a DC 19 constitution saving throw? [03:34:15] Speaker A: How many points? How many points of damage did you do again? [03:34:19] Speaker C: I did 20 before the. Before the poison. So I need to. I need to know. Know if he's still alive, then he has to make a con save. [03:34:29] Speaker A: But how would you like to do this for his death? [03:34:34] Speaker D: Hell, yeah. [03:34:35] Speaker C: All right, so here's the thing. Kornos and Kellan are right near Tiamat. Right? Like, they're, like, underneath her, kind of, like, out of the way of the meteors. This means that instead of having to jump around Kornos or over him, I'm actually gonna take this time to actually run up Tiamat's tail. And then once I'm on her hind leg, I'm going to jump out, like, jump over her, like, jump off of her leg, and I'm going to just take my rapier. And it's kind of weird, because this is not how you should handle a rapier, for all intents and purposes. But it doesn't matter because I have a plan. So what I'm going to do is the first one, it's just a quick slash down and then up as I land just, like, right in front of him, almost like, superhero pose, but not quite because, like, we're not superheroes. So. [03:35:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:35:26] Speaker C: So quick slash down, and then stab up as I land on one knee, just kind of, like, right through his. His gut. [03:35:36] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [03:35:37] Speaker C: With this purple worm poison coated rapier. [03:35:41] Speaker A: Okay, cool beans. And as that happens, like, use watches. Just kind of, like, splits over with that blade. That's that. That's it. And just kind of, like, topples over, and he falls off the platform. You hear, like, a very subtle. As he lands into the lava below. [03:35:58] Speaker C: Love that for us. [03:36:00] Speaker A: Anything else? Like, do with your turn? [03:36:02] Speaker C: I believe that is everything, because. Yeah, I did bonus. I did move. I did my two attacks. Yeah, yep, yep, yep. [03:36:09] Speaker A: Okay, cool beans. Helen, you're up. And Kornos, you're on deck. [03:36:17] Speaker B: All right, all right, all right, all right. Okay, so here's. Here's what I'm gonna do. I am already reading, so I don't need. I still have a bonus action here that I can use. Thank God for that. So what I'm gonna do with that bonus action is there is a medallion on my chest that shows a woman's face screaming in a battle cry, surrounded by the closed wings of a crow. I'm going to grip that tight. And as I run forward, wings are going to shoot from my back, black and massive and shining as I use my celestial revelation, which gives me, with radiant soul, a flying speed equal to my walking speed. And I get a little extra radiant damage when I smack things. So, like an angel of death, I shoot out from under Tiamat's legs, great. Sword in hand, and just slice across at Belle's face as I go screaming by. [03:37:36] Speaker A: Nice. [03:37:37] Speaker B: Quite literally screaming. Okay, you know what? I'm gonna try and hit him twice. Cause why not? [03:37:43] Speaker A: Absolutely. [03:37:46] Speaker B: It'S a 23 20. [03:37:48] Speaker A: Three's absolutely gonna hit him. [03:37:50] Speaker C: Cool. [03:37:54] Speaker B: Second one's a natural one, though. [03:37:56] Speaker A: Ooh. Nope. [03:37:58] Speaker B: Okay, well, that first hit, oh, God, that is max damage, so 18 slashing damage. Four necrotic damage from the great sword of wounding six damage. Six radiant damage from the revelation. And then I'm gonna go ahead and throw the divine fury in there. [03:38:28] Speaker A: Okay. [03:38:30] Speaker B: For another eleven points of radiant damage. [03:38:35] Speaker A: I am here for it. And where do you do the slash slash again? [03:38:40] Speaker B: Literally. So I'll go scroll screaming out from under Tiamat's legs on my black angelic wings and just slice straight through, like, across his torso. And then my second attempt is when I wheel back and try to get him on the backswing, but obviously fail. [03:39:04] Speaker A: Because I was going way too fast. I'll say with that one in your bit, as you are cutting on through and doing the slicing on up to try and get him again, you managed to just Nick right where his hand is and ended up cutting through a bit of his finger as he sends a lose. Loses grip on a couple of his fingers as he suddenly lose grip onto the. Onto the ruby rod as it loose, as it falls down to the ground, I will give you. Okay, bonus action. Reach over there, grab it. What do you look to do from here? [03:39:59] Speaker B: Gonna shoot the rest of the way over to get back to Tiamat like, rod in hand, just yelling. [03:40:09] Speaker A: I got it. Okay, Kellen, you're up. Unless. What is it? Sorry, Kellan. Wait, is there anything else you like to do with your turn? [03:40:21] Speaker B: No, I'm literally just like, as fast as my pretty black wings can take me. Just straight on over to Tiabot. [03:40:30] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. Okay, cool beans. Kornos, you're up. What would you like to do? [03:40:36] Speaker D: Kornos sees that Kellan has the rod. He sees, he sort of assesses where all of his friends are. He looks where Tiamat is, he reaches onto his sort of utility belt, and he pulls out this glass sphere with a stopper in it. It looks like it's filled with, like, kind of like white smoke. And so from his spot underneath tiamat, he uncorks it, he smashes it on the ground. And what you see emanating from this sort of glass sphere is like, you know when, like dry ice at a Halloween party, like, it kind of flows out of the cauldron. And what he does is this white smoke sort of starts to pool and then forms a ring. And then from that ring, the ring starts to rise. And it's around Tiamat, it's around Gwen, it's around Adeline, it's around Kellan. It's because I can get up to 60ft and what is my name? Kornos has cast blade barrier. And so this wall of blades, whirling, razor sharp blades, appears around tiamat and all of my friends and all the creatures. When the creature enters the wall area for the first time or starts a turn there, the creature must make a dexterity saving throw and take six d ten worth of damage if they fail, or half of it if they don't. Take that. Get away from my friends. [03:42:09] Speaker A: Okay, coolness. One of the things you also notice too, is like, you hear, as Kellan is saying, I got it, I got it. After you bash this thing down, everything forms around your friends. What do you look to do at this point? [03:42:28] Speaker D: Me? Yeah, I was just stoked about Blade barrier. I'm gonna look at Kellan and say, let's finish this. And so all of the remaining enemies, when it's their turn again, they're gonna have to be a DC check of 18 or take 45 points of damage and half that if they succeed. I'll put that in chat too, so you can find it. [03:42:57] Speaker A: All right. Awesome. If I'm not mistaken, Adeline Heat, because he did take damage, he's gonna have to make a wisdom saving throw. Correct. The devil boy that you dominated. [03:43:15] Speaker E: I unmuted. Yes, yes. He has to make a. Another DC 19 will save. [03:43:20] Speaker A: Mmm. He fails. [03:43:22] Speaker E: Cool. He's still my friend. [03:43:24] Speaker A: Yeah, he's still going for it. As he continues just like, stabbing on through and start making this. You can obviously tell that he is a friendly at this point. And with the attacks continuing to compound against, essentially, it's now becoming a bit of a, you know, one v, you know, all 123456 of y'all. You guys start to dwindle down as you. As he starts taking that damage. I even roll, see what happens you for Kornos's blade. And that is going to be, what is it, half of that correct for a Fred pass? Yeah. So he'll take half of that damage, but even then, that's compounding more and more as we go on and to the point where, like, tmon, as soon as she realizes that you have it, you'll hear her send out a quick tell telepathy note to you all saying, get on my back. What would you all like to do? [03:44:46] Speaker C: I'm not gonna disagree with the queen. [03:44:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:44:54] Speaker B: Literally. God, I'm not gonna double time it. [03:44:57] Speaker E: Double time. [03:44:57] Speaker C: Yeah. I'll even, like, hold out my hand for Adeline. Cause she's the farthest one away at this point. So just, like, get up here now. [03:45:07] Speaker E: I pull out the flying broom that I've had this entire time, forgot about. [03:45:17] Speaker A: Just on that flying broom. Just, like, beelines it over there. And as you, like, get on, you see, as, like, she gets down and jumps up, and as she does, all of her dragon heads in, like, this slow motion caption just, like, unleashes their dragon, their dragon breaths all in one shot, as it's just kind of, like, propelling all of you out of Bell's forge as she begins to fly away and head off down to. And just fly away, heading down to where her castle was supposedly supposed to be, which looks familiar from where you guys did you see, like, the massive wall that you guys initially had broken free from with her? She lands just shy of it. And you guys can see, like, the still flying, swarming meteor, that medium swarm that's still kind of, like, falling down off in the distance as she, like, drops down, allowing for you all to take over there. She gives you, like, a quick nod with all five of her heads. And you'll see, as she'll. She'll, like I said, she'll nod at you all, and then she'll jump back up into the sky with the ruby rod in her mouth. And with it, she'll toss it up into the air. And you'll see as that same breath attack that she unleashed on Belle, she unleashes it all on that mid air before she flies on the and away. And as she does, you'll see as, like, a little note kind of flutters on down and sits and lands in front of you all. Who's the first one to grab it? [03:47:05] Speaker C: Me. [03:47:06] Speaker B: Pick that shit up. [03:47:09] Speaker A: Cool. Then I have a little note I'm going to shoot to you now. If I can have you read it, that would be fantastic. [03:47:28] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. Okay. [03:47:44] Speaker E: Um. [03:47:45] Speaker B: I will pick up the note and look it over and sort of grin as I gesture the others to me. The note reads, you have done me a great service, mortals. I, Tiamat the avaricious, am in your debt, which is not something to be taken lightly, even if I am bound here. Never underestimate a caged woman's wrath. [03:48:16] Speaker A: And then that's where we're going in today's session. Thank you all. So much. [03:48:27] Speaker D: Oh, it was so good. [03:48:29] Speaker C: But also, she couldn't have left us a portal, so we just have to. I have to. All right, well, that's what I do. I find portals. So let's go, babe. [03:48:37] Speaker B: That's your. That's this kind of your bag. That's your bag. [03:48:40] Speaker C: It's fine. It's fine. [03:48:42] Speaker A: This is like an end credits scene at the end of the movie where she's like, we have to get. How the hell are we gonna get back home? [03:48:48] Speaker C: Exactly. [03:48:51] Speaker E: Just hear Adeline just muttering like, my God, Tasha's not gonna believe this because this is who my patron was. Tasha. [03:48:59] Speaker B: Nice. [03:49:00] Speaker E: Nice. [03:49:03] Speaker D: I feel like I should, like, clap or something. [03:49:10] Speaker A: Alrighty, cool. I'm Justin. I've been your guest storyteller for this evening, and thank you all for tuning in to uncaged goddesses, she who ran the world of scenario written for fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons by Nina Nicole. You can find out more about uncaged goddesses by typing in an excavation point scenario in the chat or looking at the show notes on YouTube and listening into the podcast I'm going to. You can find me at all my socials at Forever DM Justin, where I'm active mostly on Twitter. Tick tock. You'll see me posting up stuff on Instagram, and I'm going to kick this over to Lara. [03:49:46] Speaker B: Hi. Hello. You can call me Laura or Tutu, or Laura Tutu. You will most likely find me hanging out with the folks over at Queen's court games because. Because I run their social medias and make sure people know when we're doing stuff and when that stuff is coming out. Other than that, if you want to see what I'm doing on my own, you can find me on TikTok as Laura Tutu. I'm also on Twitter as Laura Tutu. In general. If you want to find me, you're gonna have to look for Laura Tutu. You might just have to put an underscore at the beginning at the end of that, because obviously I can't just have everything under the same damn name. I didn't get there fast enough. It's my own damn fault. When I'm not with the folks at Queen's court games, I occasionally hang out with the lovely humans over at Obsidian. [03:50:37] Speaker C: Bruce. [03:50:38] Speaker B: Hello, Bendy. [03:50:39] Speaker A: Hello, Rob. [03:50:41] Speaker B: You'll be able to see a lot more of their stuff coming up soon. I know they're going to be running around at a couple of cons this season, and I wish I could be there, but thank you, guys. So much for watching us hang out with the dragon queen herself. Take it away, Aubrey. [03:51:03] Speaker E: Hello, I'm Aubrey. You can find me everywhere on the Internet at Madquencosplay. You find me a lot here. Being the technical director, doing all the technical director ness and remastering tans and playing in games and all that fun stuff. It's a blast. But you can also find me over on Gobbleton games, where I am the GM and editor and producer and stuff, where we're in the middle of our final season of our first campaign of our Pathfinder two e game. You can also catch me over on bring your own mech as Sawyer, the slightly, sometimes useless sword lesbian runaway princess. And you can also catch me as Ryan on escaping Carcosa. I play as part of the Pathfinder crew, and then I also have like, a bunch of other things that I actually don't even remember if I can even talk about yet. So go pay attention to my Twitter for all of the fun announcements when those things do come. And. [03:52:08] Speaker C: Vy go, that's me. I'm Vy. You can find me on the Internet on Twitter's four vampire because my name is Vy and I like vampires. Exactly. We're all, we're learning how this goes. But I pretty much do most of the art stuff over here at Queen Square games. So if you liked the overlay, if you like the transitions, this, that, the other thing, probably mine. Most of the time I am here, I'm guesting on a couple different things coming up. I don't think anything's out yet. It's coming soon tm, but you can also see all of the art and stuff that I do, all of our Patreon exclusive art over on our Patreon at Queen's court games. You can find all of us at Queen's Court games everywhere on the Internet at Queenscort games, except for Twitter, where it's Queenscourt RPG because 15 characters is one shy of how many we needed and we didn't plan very well. So it's fine. It's fine. I'm only slightly salty about it. But lastly, but certainly not leastly, our fantastic guest for this evening, who I had to bribe with lots of fruit snacks to come out tonight. Our fantastic, amazing, wonderful guest, Katie Espnhouse. Kate, thank you so, so much for being here. If people love you, they want to see more of the crazy shenaniganneries that you get into in D and D or any of anything else. Hopefully you'll come back and join us for something not d and d we can get you into something else super, super fun. But until then, where can people find you? What are you doing? Pimp yourself out, please. [03:53:51] Speaker D: First and foremost, thank you all so much for having me. This was delightful. I had a great time and you can find me as Katiasaurus on all the corners of the Internet. I would love it if you would follow me on YouTube as I am transitioning off of TikTok onto YouTube, which is scary and terrifying. But the more friends is, the easier it is. I also stream on Twitch. I also have a podcast. It's called Katie and Eric's Infinite Quest. And this year we are moving into more TTRPG content, especially small indie tTRPGs, especially small collaborative storytelling, world building tTrPGs. Very excited about that. And oh, and I am playing right now, miriam, on ATL by night because we do love vampires around these parts. And other than that, I'm not allowed to tell you what I'm working on. But if you want more details, you can go to katiasaurus.com or follow me on Twitter because I'm chronically on Twitter. [03:54:48] Speaker A: Vibes. Vibes. [03:54:51] Speaker C: Amazing. Fantastic. Well, thank you again, friends for joining us. This has been absolutely a blast. We never really play d and d over here at Queen's court games, so this was fun for all of us. Justin, thank you so, so much for joining us as our DM. I hope you didn't. I mean, I hope you. I hope you didn't hate the experience, I hope you loved it and will join us again for more. Absolutely wonderful. Well then, friends, until then, see you next time. [03:55:17] Speaker E: Well. [03:55:17] Speaker C: Oh, sorry. Hold on, wait. I have to say the thing. I'm not Aaron, so I'm not used to saying this, but we'll see you here again next week, same time, but 3 hours ago. Until then, see you next time.

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