Pathfinder 2e - Menace under Otari, Episode 2

July 12, 2023 03:19:52
Pathfinder 2e - Menace under Otari, Episode 2
One Shots and Other Mischief
Pathfinder 2e - Menace under Otari, Episode 2

Jul 12 2023 | 03:19:52


Show Notes

Set in the town of Otari just across the bay from the city of Absalom the party take a simple job to figure out why stock is going missing from the cellar of a local merchant, this will take them into the tunnels beneath the city to unravel the mystery.

Content warnings for Menace include Fantasy Violence, Mentions of Insects/Vermin.

Avarice - Cai K. (@estelofimladris)
Howie Humbleweed - Chris Tung (@lil_tungsta)
Nemain Sionnach - Crystal Fier (@crystal_fier)
Telbi Brighthand - Hooli (@xxhooli)
The Gamemaster - Aubrey Knotts (@MadQueenCosplay)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to another single serving table top adventure from Queenscore games. I am Aubrey Sade, and we are back with more menace under the Atari as these players continue their first experiences through Pathfinder two e. If you caught last week's episode, you'll see all of the fun stuff that's happened. You know, if not, go watch it after the stream. And so, we are playing the module menace under the Atari, which is by Logan Bonner, Jason Bolman, Liz Little, and Mark sefter. And it is available in the beginner box and on and we'll roll into things in just a moment. But let's introduce our cast one more time. And I'll start with Kai. [00:00:47] Speaker B: Hi, everybody, I'm Kai. I use he, they, and she pronouns. And I am here to play avarice, the gnomish swashbuckler who uses they them pronouns. [00:00:58] Speaker A: And then Chris. [00:01:00] Speaker C: Hello, I'm Chris Tung. I use he him pronouns. And I am playing power, humbleweed, the venara gunslinger, sniper, farmer, adventurer. Now, who knows? [00:01:16] Speaker A: Who knows? It is all over the place. [00:01:19] Speaker C: I know it is all of those things I can confirm. [00:01:22] Speaker A: And then we have Huli. [00:01:25] Speaker D: Hello, friends. I am Huli, she, they pronouns. And I will be playing everybody's best friend. Tell me, bright hand. [00:01:33] Speaker A: And we also have crystal. [00:01:36] Speaker E: Hello, people. My name is Crystal Fear, and I am playing the main, the kitsune witch. [00:01:43] Speaker A: All right, and you can find links to all of everyone's assorted social medias by sending exclamation point cast to the chat. And you can also use exclamation point scenario if you're interested in picking up a copy of beginner box for yourself. Menace of the Atari includes themes of fantasy, violence in sex, and vermin. The cast and I have discussed our lines and veils in advance with a session zero and have agreed to a code of conduct to ensure a safe and respectful environment. But we want you to be safe as well. With all that said, I guess we need to ask the question of what happened last time. What happened in our first episode? [00:02:27] Speaker D: Well, since you asked, I just happened to have those answers. [00:02:32] Speaker B: Are you ready? [00:02:33] Speaker D: All my friends, ready. Okay, so me and my new best friends, we all met together in Atari. I was traveling first with Nemayne. She's my first best friend, my first new best friend. And then we met up with the other two lovely new best friends to help Temley Tentervale. I think I'm saying that correct, at the fish market, because something was stealing all of her barreled fish so we went down into the basement, found some cracked barrels, fought some giant rats. They were not very nice rats. And when we did that, we saw there was a crack in the wall, like an opening in the wall, and just a small little hatchet stuffed up under one of the barrels. So we decided to investigate into the cavern. And when we did, we realized it was much larger than it looked initially. Jumped off a little ledge, fought a giant spider, burned some stuff to the ground, found some loot, and moved on. We ended up finding ourselves in what looked like an older undercity. Temple rooms. We had come across two temple rooms. We came across the cobalt, who we suspected were stealing the fish. And then we just continued adventuring down through. We solved a puzzle, or just one. I think just one puzzle. Picked up some shiny loot, a shiny shield, some swords, lots of money, and maybe issued a death decree for some kobalts who weren't as friendly. And now we're here hanging out, camping. Or maybe. I don't know. [00:04:14] Speaker A: And that's what it is. Well, yeah, you are here last. You defeated a Kobold trapmaster and a couple other kobolds. And it has been a little bit of a day so far. So the question is, do you want to push on? You see the stairs down? Or do you want to take some time to catch your breath? You can set up camp here. You all have the supplies for it. And then you set up camp. Or you can head back up into Atari. You know, stay at your. Stay in your own beds. And if you need to pick up any supplies in the morning before coming back, you can also do that. [00:05:14] Speaker C: How I did want to do something just right now, since it's fresh. We did mention that the little cobalt that I shot and I attempted to shoot, not fatally, was like dying, but like you said, wasn't quite dead yet. [00:05:34] Speaker A: Yeah, if you. If you performed a medicine on him, you could probably stabilize him. You would probably wake up in about 8 hours or so. [00:05:43] Speaker C: Okay, but he unconscious right now. Like, they can't. [00:05:49] Speaker A: They're. They're in. They're dying. And if they do not get any medical attention, they will bleed out. [00:05:57] Speaker C: Let's see. A kobolds kind of still alive. I don't know if anybody wants to do anything, but I got no skills of the sort, so. [00:06:12] Speaker D: Well, the bright lady, she tends to bless people. She thinks, you know, deserve a blessing. So maybe your cobalt friend deserves it. You want me to try? I can try to. [00:06:24] Speaker C: I wouldn't quite call this kobold my friend. I mean, it was attacking us quite viciously. But you know, you know, I feel like I'm on the same page as the main in terms of, you know, not wanting to end too many lives on our little adventure. Especially, you know, I'm thinking these, these folks are just trying to kind of get by and you know, feed themselves and I can. I can respect that. [00:06:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:52] Speaker B: Yeah. So, yeah. [00:06:57] Speaker A: You do have the stabilized cantrip? [00:06:59] Speaker C: Yep. [00:06:59] Speaker D: I was gonna say I'll stable. I'll use stabilize on it just to keep them from dying. [00:07:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:05] Speaker A: So he will move from dying to unconscious, which means probably wake up in about 8 hours or so when he has recovered a hit point. [00:07:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:16] Speaker C: You'll be okay. [00:07:17] Speaker B: Little. [00:07:17] Speaker C: But anyways, yeah. That's all I wanted to address. [00:07:25] Speaker D: If the rest of you don't mind, I could use a little nap. Feeling a little tired. The bright lady doesn't shine so bright down here. And it's really weighing heavy on me. [00:07:39] Speaker B: Well, I know some good places in town where you could, you know, rest your feet, maybe lounge around in a cargo net or two. Fishnet. It's a fish net. [00:07:55] Speaker D: I don't care what it is as long as I can sleep on it. Could be a rock, I don't care. [00:08:04] Speaker B: Got it. [00:08:05] Speaker C: I'm not opposed to the notion. Just, just this feelings that I'm feeling from drinking that water are probably going to wear off. So just remind if we want to get that back, should, you know, pick up some water to go on the way back. [00:08:25] Speaker D: We can't go. Remember Nemayne said we just drink it. [00:08:30] Speaker C: Yeah. Just to swing by, do a little drive by, walk by. [00:08:34] Speaker A: You have to walk by it anyways to get back to this point. [00:08:37] Speaker C: Yeah. Just hopefully we could stomach it. [00:08:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So you all head back up to Atari proper to rest and relax for a bit. [00:08:53] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:08:54] Speaker A: Okay. So you can all easily be. If you. Some of you have inn, some of you have homes, usually go back there. I'm also going to ask if there's anything that you would like to pick up. I mean, avarice has a boat that's a home. It's a very small boat, but it's a boat. [00:09:14] Speaker B: Yes. And if you turn it over, it's also a home. [00:09:18] Speaker A: Exactly. You know, you've got a sleeping roll. You unroll that underneath the boat shelter. [00:09:28] Speaker B: I think that with this newfound loot, avarice is definitely going to stock up on some healing potions after. Those were very helpful. Extremely clutch. [00:09:39] Speaker E: Yeah. Same for Nermane. [00:09:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:09:43] Speaker A: Okay. Um. So you can definitely, um. A minor healing potion costs four gold and you can pick those up from crows casks. [00:09:58] Speaker C: All right. I'm not that rich. [00:10:01] Speaker B: I will definitely take, uh. Okay, what's the conversion here? Silver, silver to gold? [00:10:08] Speaker A: It is ten silver for one gold. [00:10:10] Speaker C: Oh, I am that rich. [00:10:15] Speaker B: I'm gonna come in the richest anyone in this town has ever seen me and put down 40 silver and four gold for two of those healing potions. [00:10:24] Speaker A: Yep, sounds good. You also do have other things you can sell. You can probably, if you wanted to sell the finely crafted short sword, that'll be another five gold for you. Or if you just want to keep the very shiny sword, that's fine. [00:10:38] Speaker B: I think that we're keeping the very shiny sword for now. [00:10:42] Speaker A: So you said two of the minor healing potions. [00:10:48] Speaker D: I would also like to purchase. I think two of them will be okay. And I'll just put that eight gold down. [00:11:06] Speaker E: I think the main's gonna go ahead and get four. [00:11:09] Speaker A: Four? [00:11:10] Speaker C: Okay, yeah, let's grab one. [00:11:17] Speaker D: I removed my coin but do not know how to add the dang healing potions to my sheets. [00:11:24] Speaker A: Oh, I am adding them to everybody's sheets, as they say. [00:11:28] Speaker B: Aubrey's very pretty. I did it. I was like, oh, no. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Because I just have a little thing. All I do, all I need to do is drag and drop it onto your sheet. [00:11:42] Speaker D: Howie, are you going to buy some healing potions? I'll spare you some coin if you need it. [00:11:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll pick up one. Yeah, I have, like, five gold, so I can grab one. [00:11:54] Speaker A: You got a bunch of silver, too. You can always convert that to gold. [00:11:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I think just because I'm carrying a ridiculous amount of swords for narrative purposes, it seems ridiculous to keep carrying all of them. I think that they do leave the rapier behind with the boat. [00:12:11] Speaker A: It's gotta have something to protect that boat. [00:12:14] Speaker B: Yes, the rapier by itself will definitely protect this boat. [00:12:22] Speaker A: But yes, you all take a nice long rest prepared spellcasters, our witch and our cleric, you can switch up your spells if you find it necessary. And the other two just pack up. You just get a nice sleep. You can all hit the take a long rest button on your sheet and it will do everything automatically. Pathfinder is a little bit different. Where you don't heal up to full on a long rest, you essentially heal your level times your con mod. [00:12:55] Speaker B: I pack my new charm for the day. That's it. That's what I have. [00:13:03] Speaker E: Can I also take a moment to attempt to heal myself then? [00:13:08] Speaker A: Yeah, you can do some medicine. Medicine checks if you have the medicine skill. I do it is a DC 15 and if you succeed, it is two d eight that you can heal. [00:13:21] Speaker C: Okay, where is this take a long rest button. [00:13:25] Speaker A: It is on your sheet. It is underneath your max Hp. You see the little bed icon? [00:13:32] Speaker C: Oh, yes. [00:13:35] Speaker E: So much for that. [00:13:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:44] Speaker D: You said a DC 15 and then two d eight healing on a medical check. [00:13:48] Speaker A: Heal. Two d eight. Usually if you fail, if you critically fail, you can also spend. You can spend a hero point or just, you know, it's not going to stop you. [00:14:00] Speaker C: It's. [00:14:00] Speaker A: You're going to have to do it. An hour later, you'll have to do another medicine check. [00:14:04] Speaker E: Okay. I could also just take a healing potion. [00:14:15] Speaker D: I healed enough to go back up to full health, so that's fantastic. [00:14:19] Speaker A: Hell yeah, I'll accept. [00:14:22] Speaker D: I just needed to get under the bright light of the bright, beautiful lady. [00:14:35] Speaker B: That's okay. [00:14:39] Speaker A: And you all swing by to worship at the altar of Gozrae for a moment. And that is a DC. If you want to get debuff and not accidentally get debuffed or anything, is a DC ten fort suit save. [00:14:54] Speaker E: Okey dokey. [00:14:57] Speaker C: All right, let's hope I don't, uh. [00:15:02] Speaker B: I made it. That's a 14. [00:15:05] Speaker D: I'm starting us off. Good. [00:15:07] Speaker B: C loves me. [00:15:08] Speaker E: There we go. [00:15:09] Speaker D: That one. [00:15:11] Speaker A: No, that is the second. That one. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Tell me. [00:15:19] Speaker C: Right. Mother's not happy that you're drinking someone. [00:15:21] Speaker D: Else'S water after just talking to the bright lady. I don't think she's too happy of going to another deities place. [00:15:31] Speaker A: Yeah. And as you drink it, you feel the ocean's waves crash through your stomach, which makes you feel sick for the next hour. And you take a minus one. Stats penalty to all d 20 rolls. Armor class, spell DC's until an hour has passed. [00:15:51] Speaker C: How about we just chill for an hour then? [00:15:53] Speaker A: Then everyone's buff is going away. Oh, yeah. [00:15:56] Speaker C: True. Dang it. [00:16:00] Speaker E: I got 1919. [00:16:02] Speaker A: Yeah, you are good. [00:16:04] Speaker C: Eight. [00:16:12] Speaker A: Okay, so you all move down onto the second floor, and as you move through the stairs, it is a very single file. So what is the marching order going to look like for that? [00:16:26] Speaker E: The main will probably be in the middle. [00:16:30] Speaker B: I'm sure avarice is eager to get back after, you know, sleeping very well in their boat, so I'll take the lead. [00:16:43] Speaker A: So, for Howie and tell B which one of you is, because you got avarice in front, the main in the middle, you got a couple of spots. [00:16:52] Speaker D: Are we going to go the same as we did last time? Howie, with me in front of you and you behind me, bring up the rear with your sniper capability. [00:16:59] Speaker C: Sure, sure. Yeah, I could do that. [00:17:02] Speaker D: Or I can go with the behind if you want. It doesn't matter. [00:17:05] Speaker C: I'll do that. I'll do the. The earlier setup. I'll go behind. [00:17:18] Speaker A: And you head down these stairs. They spiral down, leading you to a sort of an open room where you see this overturned table and these barrels. And we're gonna start off with a perception check. [00:17:39] Speaker C: Can we also roll stealth? I'd like to be a little sneaky, just in case. [00:17:45] Speaker A: If you want to give me a stealth roll first, let's see how you are coming down the stairs. [00:17:50] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. I kind of, like, whisper to the team, and I'm just like, I know I've been the number one violator of this exact notion, but maybe we could be a little sneaky moving forward just to avoid any unnecessary conflicts. 1721. [00:18:16] Speaker A: And you saw a 19 and a 21. Those your stealth checks? 17 and a 21. You all feel like you're being pretty stealthy. I just need perception checks real quick. [00:18:31] Speaker B: I got 1218, uh, 24. [00:18:40] Speaker E: Nice. [00:18:40] Speaker C: Wow. [00:18:43] Speaker A: As you get to the bottom of the stairs, avarice, like, you're being quiet. It's a little bit harder because you do have those lights going, but they certainly haven't seen you. There are two kobolds in this room with crossbows, pretty much looking to see who's coming down those stairs. [00:19:13] Speaker B: The moment I see them, I turned into Maine. And there's kind of a grand subtle, because we're stealthy gesture of. There's one there and one there. And then I think that they're just gonna try and dart around this table, this overturned table, before the main even gets a chance to respond in an attempt to kind of come around and flank. [00:19:43] Speaker A: So what was your stealth roll again? 17 or it was the perception. That was a 24. [00:19:51] Speaker C: Yes. [00:19:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:53] Speaker C: Cool. [00:19:54] Speaker A: I'm putting everyone into initiative as to what their perceptions were, man. [00:20:00] Speaker B: Let's go. [00:20:05] Speaker C: And that's my initiative. [00:20:09] Speaker A: What was your. [00:20:10] Speaker C: What was 21, I think. Yeah, just because I get special things when I use stealth as an initiative. [00:20:17] Speaker A: And. And would you prefer your stealth roll was 15? [00:20:29] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:20:31] Speaker A: All right. Okay. They both roll 21. [00:20:39] Speaker B: SDE. [00:20:44] Speaker C: Strongest Kobold I've ever seen. [00:20:46] Speaker A: Yeah, they're fucking ready. But because you did get higher than their perceptions, our avarice. And, howie, you will be going first to start things off. So we will start with you. Avarice, as you move to try and flank them real quick. [00:21:11] Speaker B: Average. Just kind of dips. They're pretty short. I don't even know that this table is as high as they are. Kobold's not that tall either, but we're short. V short. And as they do, they're going to actually slide right next to the legs of the table, and with a little wink at the kobold that they probably don't even see with their crossbow, they're gonna take the short sword and kind of knock up the crossbow just to kind of, like, get their attention and kind of, with a little bit of a flourish, try and get their. Get their attention. That is a 16 on the performance check. [00:21:57] Speaker A: That is going to be a success. You have your panache. [00:21:59] Speaker B: Fantastic. Then I'm going to take that panache and use it. Yeah. That is for the short sword. That is three damage plus. Ooh. It's a total of eleven. [00:22:21] Speaker A: Total of eleven. Okay. Yeah, that kobold's still standing. [00:22:26] Speaker B: Hello. That's me. [00:22:28] Speaker A: And they're just like, yep, yep. And, howie, you will also get to act before the Kobolds do. [00:22:38] Speaker C: All right. Assuming avarice has done a bit of gotten their attention a little bit. I want to try to sneak and slide on through and, like, kind of, like, lean up against this overturned table as a cover against, like, this one, I guess. Is this, like, a large box to my right? [00:23:00] Speaker A: Oh, it's like, it's like a crate. It's like, you know, waist high. [00:23:08] Speaker C: In that case, what is my movement? My movement is 25. So I was here. I was virtually here. Right. One, two, three. Maybe I'll kind of do the same thing to the barrel instead. Cause then the other one can't see me, too. Right. [00:23:33] Speaker A: I would assume the one that's behind the table can see you. [00:23:39] Speaker C: Dang. [00:23:39] Speaker A: Because that's what you. [00:23:41] Speaker C: One or the other's gonna see me. I guess. I'll do the table then. I'll do the table. Whatever. And I'm not going to. Since they have an attack yet, I don't want to make the first shot. So can I. Ready in action. That's a thing here, right? [00:23:57] Speaker A: You can spend two actions to. Ready in action. Yes. [00:23:59] Speaker C: Okay, cool. Let me do that. Which would be, I guess, to shoot. If any one of them shoots, they. [00:24:12] Speaker A: Will both be shooting. [00:24:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:24:14] Speaker A: One of them did just get stabbed. [00:24:16] Speaker C: Yeah. What? I would. I feel bad. Until they, like, actually, like, start attacking us. So I think Howie would wait till they. Whoever does make the first. Because I can see both of them. Right. Whoever does make the first attack, I will shoot him, I guess. Oh, I want to shoot him less now. [00:24:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So, yeah, you will do that and avarice, but I'm hoping. [00:24:50] Speaker C: I'm like. I'm like, maybe hidden enough with 21 stealth that they don't notice me. They're paying attention to avarice. [00:24:57] Speaker A: Yeah, avarice did. They also don't love but make an entrance. So, yeah, Avarice, the kobold that is right next to you will be the one to go next. [00:25:07] Speaker B: What? Weird. [00:25:08] Speaker A: Yeah. And they're gonna spend a free action to drop their crossbow, and their first action will be to pull out their short sword, and then their second action is to attack you, which would do your radioaction as well. [00:25:27] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, howie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:25:35] Speaker A: And that all that is a dirty 20 to hit you. [00:25:40] Speaker B: Oh, you know what? Let's. No, that won't. I won't be able to dance my way out of that one. Let's go. [00:25:48] Speaker C: Soon as the take one damage. Yeah, as soon as it hits, I was gonna be like, now, now, hold on there. Take a shot. Does he. [00:26:06] Speaker A: 21 hit, 21 hits. [00:26:09] Speaker E: Nice. [00:26:09] Speaker C: Beautiful. That is going to be. Oh, wow. Nice. Max damage. Ten plus I get. For my first shot, I get a d. Six plus 515. [00:26:28] Speaker A: Yeah, you. [00:26:29] Speaker C: That's not bad. [00:26:30] Speaker A: Yeah, you, uh, you. You watch as this cobalt pulls out the sword, just, like, gently taps avarice for one damage, and then you just blow them away. [00:26:41] Speaker E: Nice. [00:26:44] Speaker C: Well, sorry there, fella. That was your fault. You fell into my bulletin. [00:26:59] Speaker A: I swear, officer, he just fell into my bullet 47 times. And then it is the next kobold, and this one has seen the very dangerous person with the rifle and is going to turn and aim their crossbow at you, howie. And is going to shoot. [00:27:23] Speaker B: Geo. [00:27:28] Speaker A: Does a 13 hit. They're. They're a little bit. They're moving a little bit quickly. They didn't, like, take their time to aim. And this, the bolt is, like, six inches from your head, like, just sticks right into that table next to you. And then they're gonna go. They're, like, making an angry, yipping noise. They're gonna spend that action to reload their crossbow, and they're going to try one more time. Vern. Eleven. Oh, they just. They just can't. Can't get. Can't get a good shot. [00:28:06] Speaker C: I know it's dark in here, right? That's what I've been saying this whole time. [00:28:12] Speaker A: And that'll bring us to Delbye. [00:28:16] Speaker D: Okay, first things first. Loremistress, I need some of your divine spontaneous help, because I messed up my spells trying to copy the heel into my first level stuff. It pulled it out of divine, and now I can't put it back. I don't know why, but aside from that, I will take the action to step forward so I can stink and see. And I'm just gonna shoot a little divine lance at the other cobalt, maybe. [00:28:54] Speaker A: 1414. Okay. I will let you know in just a second. [00:29:01] Speaker C: There you go. [00:29:03] Speaker A: And do you wanted to replace one of your first level spells with the heal? [00:29:07] Speaker D: Yes, I was thinking of pulling out spirit link and putting in the extra heel. [00:29:17] Speaker C: There you go. [00:29:18] Speaker D: Thank you very kindly. [00:29:20] Speaker A: No problem. And so, unfortunately, a 14 does go a little wide with this cobalt, as it, like, as your divine land sort of hits a little bit of rubble next to them, this box, and it kind of just. And then it looks over, looks back at you and gives you, like, maybe a slightly rude gesture. [00:29:41] Speaker D: And I will take my last action to raise my shield and then that will be eot for me, please. [00:29:48] Speaker A: Yeah. And that'll bring us to the domain. [00:29:51] Speaker E: Okey dokey. I'm gonna start with do, do, do do. I think I'm gonna start by casting chilling spray. [00:30:17] Speaker A: See a phone. And I believe I have little. You can do this. I believe. Yeah. The. The kobold is going to be just within your range for your cone. [00:30:35] Speaker D: Yep. [00:30:38] Speaker A: All right. And it has to make a DC 17 reflex save. [00:30:42] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:30:54] Speaker A: And is a 28 ten above your DC. [00:31:01] Speaker E: Yes. [00:31:02] Speaker A: Okay, so as you're preparing this spell, you watch as this Kobold pretty much hits the deck behind these barrels, thus saving it from getting hit by any of the ice. [00:31:18] Speaker E: Rude. Very rude. All right, then. Well, in that case, I'm going to go ahead and cast clinging ice. Try that one. [00:31:38] Speaker A: More basic reflex this time. It is the. Yet again, it success. [00:31:50] Speaker E: But it will take half damage. [00:31:52] Speaker A: Half damage. So you do get it. You get it right in the shoulder as it tries to duck below the. So, yeah, it'll take two damage and I believe. Yeah, it just takes half damage. Doesn't take any speed, movement, speed, penalties or anything? [00:32:12] Speaker E: Nope. [00:32:12] Speaker A: And it'll bring us back to the top of the round with avarice. [00:32:16] Speaker B: All right. I'm very familiar with crates, yes. Can I jump on top of this crate that is next to this very nimble kobold? [00:32:27] Speaker A: As long as you got the movement speed for it. [00:32:30] Speaker B: I can get 20, my 25ft will get me on top of this crate directly next to this kobold. [00:32:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Then, yeah. [00:32:39] Speaker B: Great. Then with the nimbleness of someone who has spent way too much time jumping on crates down the docks, avarice comes leaping and just vaults himself up on the crate and with the very beautiful short sword, holds it out at the Kobold, who's just dodged domain's spells for the most part, making it very clear that I would like it to stop doing what it's doing or I will hit it and I'd like to try and intimidate it out of continuing to fight us. [00:33:19] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. Roll and intimidate. Check. Versus the twill DC to demoralize it. [00:33:30] Speaker B: I'm very cute. That's a twelve. [00:33:33] Speaker A: A twelve. No, it doesn't do it. You know, you get another slightly confused lick from the kobold as it being like why did you stop? [00:33:48] Speaker B: Why did you stop? Uh, then kind of getting that like glance to the side. Uh, I'm gonna try and hit it. Uh, not, uh, not mortal damage. No. Unless it's AC is eleven, it is not. [00:34:15] Speaker A: As you, you're sword just sort of hits another crate as it ducks. [00:34:22] Speaker B: And avarice tries to mimic some of the sounds the kobolds have been making hiss back at it, but it's not good. That's me. [00:34:32] Speaker A: Oh, and it'll bring us to Howie. [00:34:36] Speaker C: All right, first action, I'm obviously gonna reload and then point my rifle back to that, that one that tried shooting me twice and I'm just like, uh, now hey, there's only one thing I hate more than Monday mornings and that's getting shot at. And I'm gonna shoot this thing again. Well, not actually for the first time for this guy. [00:35:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:04] Speaker C: Uh oh, that's not bad. 19. [00:35:09] Speaker A: Nineteen's gonna hit. [00:35:11] Speaker C: Alrighty, this is gonna hurt. That is eight damage. [00:35:25] Speaker A: Eight damage. Okay, damage. It is still standing. [00:35:30] Speaker C: Still standing. Yeah, I guess I'll use my other, uh, to do covered reload, which is like duck into a safe position or minimize my profile while reloading. Uh, so basically do a hide, which is pretty good. Uh, 25 stealth. [00:35:54] Speaker A: 25. Okay. All right. And that'll bring us to this other kobold, who, like his friend, spends his first act. Well, free action, drops the crossbow and will pull out his short sword and point it at you. Avarice. [00:36:14] Speaker B: You again, huh? [00:36:17] Speaker A: And is going to swing out for its first action for a 24. [00:36:24] Speaker B: Yeah, that's gonna hit. I'm a little gnome. [00:36:28] Speaker A: Four. Five damage. [00:36:30] Speaker E: Ouch. [00:36:32] Speaker A: As this Kobold shows you how it's done. And we'll follow up with its last action for one more attack. For a seven. [00:36:48] Speaker B: Not this time. And I think Avers just jumps. [00:36:56] Speaker A: Now, as you continue your 1930s Hollywood swashbuckling act, we'll move on to tell babe. [00:37:10] Speaker D: I'm super offended that this little man is trying to hurt my best friend. And I would like to try to hurt him. So we're going to see if that can be a thing. Probably not. But it might possibly, could possibly. Let's try this again here. For the good of the bright stinking lady. [00:37:34] Speaker A: 20 dirty 20 dirty 20 is going. [00:37:36] Speaker D: To hit nice for eight damages. [00:37:43] Speaker A: Okay. And as you do that, you. I was. Yeah, you hit him directly in the face with your uh, divine Lance. Uh, and you watch as he goes sprawling and he is out. [00:38:00] Speaker E: Nice. [00:38:01] Speaker A: And I'll bring us to the end of the combats. [00:38:04] Speaker B: Nice shooting. Brava. Ow, that hurt. And then ever just sits out of the crate. [00:38:16] Speaker C: Good thing we're getting all these health potions. [00:38:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that hurt. I'm gonna just pop one of these open I think. Unless someone has any other ideas. Nah. [00:38:32] Speaker C: Alright. [00:38:35] Speaker B: Gonna drink a potion. [00:38:38] Speaker C: Drink away. [00:38:41] Speaker B: See how we roll today. Because they were very disappointing last time. [00:38:47] Speaker C: So diluted. [00:38:51] Speaker B: Right? [00:38:52] Speaker A: Uh, yes it is. One d eight. [00:38:57] Speaker B: Hey, I'm back baby. Full health. [00:39:03] Speaker A: Hello. [00:39:05] Speaker B: See, this is why you buy them fresh. Don't let them sit down in weird crypts. [00:39:10] Speaker A: It should have been your first kid being like, I don't know how long this health potion has been here. Maybe it's like wine and it's better with age. [00:39:18] Speaker C: Who knows the more like fountain. Fountain health potions. There's like half of it is water. [00:39:27] Speaker B: So that helped. [00:39:29] Speaker A: Yeah, you have as you look this room also, if anybody wants either a crossbow or a short sword from either of these kobolds, feel free to pick them up. Oh God. [00:39:41] Speaker E: For crossbow. [00:39:42] Speaker C: Yeah. Just in case. [00:39:43] Speaker B: What's with the barrels? While people look at the dead kobolds. [00:39:47] Speaker A: It does appear that someone has made a rather crude barricade. If you want to give me a little perception check to see if you can tell if there's any, whatever might be beyond it. [00:40:05] Speaker B: No. [00:40:07] Speaker A: What's the number? [00:40:09] Speaker B: That's a uno. We're doing real good about anything that is not hurting people today already. Wow. Cursed. [00:40:21] Speaker A: There's just a lot going on and there's just really overwhelming smell of rotting fish everywhere. [00:40:31] Speaker B: Oof. Never mind. I think Averys just decides that behind these barrels is just a bunch of rotten fish and is like. Nah. Looked like they were um, expecting us. [00:40:58] Speaker C: Probably all the commotion we were causing upstairs. [00:41:05] Speaker D: Is there anything else around this room aside from that? [00:41:12] Speaker A: There's also a door on the well. Not really a door. A tunnel out into another room on your left hand side. The barrels and crates themselves have mostly been picked through. They all have just sort of remnants of dried fish or like packing crate packing hay. Essentially in them, but nothing else really. In this room, there is this sort of barricade that you could try and take apart or head into this next room. [00:41:47] Speaker C: Taking this barricade apart. I mean, it might have been barricading something important. [00:41:52] Speaker B: It just smells like dead fish. [00:41:57] Speaker C: I mean, when there's dead fish, there's treasure. Isn't that what they tell you on the open seas? [00:42:06] Speaker B: No, where there's dead fish, there's birds. There's lots of birds. [00:42:14] Speaker C: I mean, it's worth a try. [00:42:16] Speaker B: If you want to go digging through dead fish, I'll help you. I'm just saying. [00:42:20] Speaker C: Yeah, why not? Let's go dig it through dead fish. Is there a role I need to make to either take it apart or see what's up with this? [00:42:34] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Either give me a crafting check or a crafting check or like a stealth check. Depends on if you're trying to do it quietly or not. [00:42:45] Speaker C: I'll do a stealth check. 1717. [00:42:51] Speaker A: You feel like you move the barrels out of the way pretty quietly, showing off. This other corridor, this one is more rough hewn, and the smell of dead and rotting fish only gets worse as you unbarricate it. [00:43:10] Speaker C: Yeah, you're right. This might just be dead fish, but. [00:43:14] Speaker B: I mean, well, since we're here. [00:43:17] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. Something might have, you know, been eating these fish. May we proceed through this? Strange? Yeah, I'll take the lead since this is my idea. Oh, there seems to be a fork. [00:43:43] Speaker A: There is. There is a. You can either go left or right, sort of down your right. You can kind of see this large room that goes from the rough hewn tunnels into something that looks a little bit more professional. Maybe another part of the sunken city. The one on your left just sort of continues with these rough hewn to tunnels. And you can kind of hear sounds coming from your left, almost like something is. There's some slight crunching noises and sounds of something. Best way to describe it, mesily eating. [00:44:35] Speaker C: Now, we have, I think, three options here. We either go left, we either go right, or we go back and check out the other path. The other way. Does anyone have a preference? [00:44:49] Speaker E: The main's already sort of peeking through the other way. [00:44:57] Speaker C: Yeah. What's over there? [00:44:59] Speaker A: Um, yeah. As Namaine, as you look through the other, uh, the other way, you see this room, this massive mermaid fountain that has seen better days. Um, and sort of, as you're, like, looking over it, you can kind of see the shine of coins in the water. And you do see that every corner of the pool does appear to have some sort of mechanism embedded in the stones, but the one on the southwest corner does appear to be smashed. [00:45:41] Speaker E: Hmm. Can I investigate them? [00:45:47] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. As soon as you fully step into the room, uh uh. I'm gonna need you and, well, I need everybody to give me a quick initiative roll. [00:46:01] Speaker C: Oh, hey, how's it going over that to fight? [00:46:06] Speaker E: Great. [00:46:08] Speaker C: Wow. [00:46:09] Speaker B: This feels right. [00:46:10] Speaker C: The master of puzzles is in what seems like a puzzle room. [00:46:14] Speaker B: Uh, it's only a 14 for me. [00:46:16] Speaker E: Nine. [00:46:19] Speaker C: Sorry. What are we using for initiative? [00:46:21] Speaker A: This could be just perception, okay? [00:46:23] Speaker B: We're so far away. It's, like, the only 13 I know. [00:46:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm 13. [00:46:27] Speaker D: I've got a net 20 for 26. [00:46:29] Speaker A: Well done. And you got a nine. [00:46:38] Speaker E: I got nine. [00:46:41] Speaker A: And avarice, what did you get? [00:46:45] Speaker B: 1414. [00:46:46] Speaker A: And howie, what did she get? [00:46:52] Speaker C: I got a sorry. Plus 13. [00:47:00] Speaker E: Nemaine got distracted by the pretty mermaid. [00:47:02] Speaker A: It's a very pretty mermaid. Sadly, it is also a trap. [00:47:06] Speaker E: Of course it is. [00:47:08] Speaker D: I didn't go all the way in. I just kind of stayed. So Nermane wasn't a fully by yourself? Am I in range to holler back to our friends if anything happens? [00:47:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, definitely. This is a very echoey chamber. [00:47:21] Speaker D: Okay. [00:47:22] Speaker A: You don't have to speak incredibly loud. So, yeah, I mean, tell me. You are the first. You watch as this. You watch as this statue starts to move. The mermaid starts to spin, and the water that, you know, she's shooting out of her mouth kind of becomes like a pressure washer. So you. You get to go first before the trap gets to go. [00:47:53] Speaker D: Um, so talking is the free action. So I'm going to do that, and I'm going to holler. We're going to need more than the bright lady friends if you want to make an appearance towards. Yes. Avarice and Howie and I really don't know what's going to happen with the statue. So the thing that I would like to do is I would like to cast forbidding ward to Namayne, please. And I will raise my shield with my last bit of action, and that will be eot for me. [00:48:35] Speaker A: Okay. It is the fountain's turn, and for its. The start of its turn, it has to roll a d ten. So it's gonna do that. So it's only gonna target a single target, but there's only one target in there, so. And then it is essentially going to spend all of its actions to attack you, Nemane, with this sort of very heavy spray of water. [00:49:09] Speaker E: Fantastic. [00:49:19] Speaker A: So it is going to be a 27 and a nine and a to hit you. [00:49:22] Speaker E: First one hits. [00:49:24] Speaker A: Is it ten above your ac? [00:49:26] Speaker E: Yes. [00:49:27] Speaker A: So then it will be a critical and do double damage. [00:49:31] Speaker E: Rude. [00:49:32] Speaker D: No, no, no. Critical. You have the blessing of the sea. [00:49:35] Speaker E: Oh, right. [00:49:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. You can spend that and it will only do regular damage. So you can remove the blessing of the sea from your. And you will take seven damage as the water hits you. [00:49:49] Speaker E: Okay. Okay. [00:49:55] Speaker A: So, Avarice, it is now your turn. [00:49:57] Speaker C: So far. [00:50:00] Speaker B: Hearing my new best friend tell me, I go, Hallie, I think we have to go back, start running. [00:50:12] Speaker C: Yep. [00:50:13] Speaker B: Uh, first action is going to be to run all the way back into the other room. [00:50:23] Speaker E: Aha. [00:50:25] Speaker B: It's not letting me move because I think I'm too. [00:50:28] Speaker E: Game is paused. [00:50:29] Speaker A: Game is paused. Forgot it. I paused it so nobody could like being like, oh, yeah. When you set off the chat, this is your position. [00:50:36] Speaker B: Um, and I can see the giant terrifying mermaid statue now. And seeing that, I am going to listen. Avarice is not smart. I have a ranged weapon, but I just don't know that they think to use it. We're gonna run in the room. Action number two. Running. [00:51:05] Speaker A: And like Namaine, you see that each corner of this statue has mechanisms on it. The one on the southwest corner is already broken. [00:51:18] Speaker E: Right. [00:51:20] Speaker B: All right, so now we're in the room and I have one more action domain. What happened? [00:51:30] Speaker E: It tried to drown me. Very. [00:51:37] Speaker B: And we're gonna. That's 25 to try and get the higher ground on a statue. And I'm gonna use the last action to run over here and stand in this rubble. That's me in the room now. [00:51:56] Speaker A: Howie, this is now your turn. [00:52:00] Speaker C: I don't know how far I can get. Yeah, I use my first action to move. [00:52:06] Speaker A: You have a movement speed of 25ft, so each action is worth 25ft. [00:52:11] Speaker C: Five will take me here, I guess. Yeah. I'll have to dash or whatever. [00:52:18] Speaker A: So spends your second action. So you still have one action after that. [00:52:22] Speaker C: Yeah. Is it possible to aim at this mechanism here on the bottom, right? [00:52:31] Speaker A: Yes, it totally is. [00:52:33] Speaker C: Okay, let me try that. I mean, what. I know, I guess, yeah. If that's been communicated. That's a thing. [00:52:45] Speaker A: You can see them. They're very obvious. [00:52:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:52:48] Speaker A: And as broken as this sort of statue spins, you can watch these gears spin as well. [00:52:54] Speaker C: Okay. Perhaps that may be the key to taking this thing out. It is a. Oh, that's pretty good. 25 to hit. [00:53:04] Speaker A: 25 is going to hit. [00:53:07] Speaker C: All right. That is only five damage. [00:53:18] Speaker A: You damage it, but it does not seem to stop. You kind of knock some gears a little loose. It's a little bit charred, but it's still moving. [00:53:27] Speaker C: Okay, that's my turn. Hey, target the corners on the main. [00:53:35] Speaker E: Okay, I'm going to move out of the room because. [00:53:43] Speaker A: Ow. [00:53:49] Speaker E: I'm gonna go over here. Over here. That works. And then I'm going to use my second action to take a healing potion, because again, I say, ow. And that's d eight. I'm gonna use my dice because digital is not being nice to me. Ooh, I got an eight. Yay. Four plus eight. [00:54:25] Speaker C: Real dice matter. [00:54:27] Speaker E: They do, yes. And then I think that's just gonna be my turn. [00:54:39] Speaker A: Fair. And we'll be back with Selby. [00:54:46] Speaker D: Okay. I will move forward here and use my hammer to try to smash the mechanism that, um, how we point it out. Hopefully, we'll do that. That would be nice if we did dice. Thank you. It'll be nice to me. Ten. [00:55:05] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:55:06] Speaker D: Awesome. Love it. And so last thing I'll do is, um, put my shield up in hopes that I can hide behind it if it squirts me badly, which it probably will. And that will be it. [00:55:23] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's beginning of the fountain's turn, so it has to roll a d ten. That is a seven. That is a corner spray. All right, so avarice and Telby, I need you both to make reflex saves. [00:55:56] Speaker B: I rolled badly, but I'm gonna spend a hero point. [00:55:58] Speaker A: There's a hero point if you wanna spend it. [00:56:00] Speaker B: I can't abide it. [00:56:01] Speaker A: We've been playing for almost an hour, so you should almost be at two hero points, so. [00:56:05] Speaker B: Okay, well, I spent the one that I started today with. That's a 22. 22. [00:56:12] Speaker C: Okay. [00:56:16] Speaker A: Tell me, did you want to spend a hero point? [00:56:24] Speaker D: I don't know if I want to waste it and get another bad roll. I think I'm just gonna suck it up and eat shit, actually. [00:56:30] Speaker A: Okay, so, avarice, you will take half of that. You will take one bludgeoning damage and tell b will take all three of the bludgeoning damage. [00:56:44] Speaker D: Does it damage my shield at all? [00:56:48] Speaker A: If you put your shield up, you can spend your reaction to do a shield block, and that will, essentially, your shield will have a hardness, and that's how much damage it can absorb, and you will take off of up to. I think your shieldness has a hard. Yeah. Shield is a hardness of. That's your hp. Oh, for the shield. So it. It has a hardness of five. So it can only block five. Damage anything above five, you take, but this is only three, so you can just remove three from the shields health. [00:57:23] Speaker E: Okay. [00:57:24] Speaker D: That's what I'm gonna do. Since I did the chance last action to put my shield up, I will mitigate all of that damage into my shiny new shield. Thank you, bright lady. [00:57:40] Speaker A: All right. And then that'll bring us to avarice. [00:57:43] Speaker B: That was rude. All right, so you said the corners, huh? So avarice is gonna go to the corners, look over these gears, and stab them. [00:57:56] Speaker A: If you also have thievery, you can try to disable them that way. [00:58:00] Speaker B: Oh, I definitely have thievery. I would love to try and thievery disable. [00:58:08] Speaker D: I think the corner that you're by Everest is the one that's already disabled. It's the southwest. [00:58:13] Speaker B: Is it? Okay, then we're gonna go to the other one. [00:58:16] Speaker C: Yeah, this one is a bit different. [00:58:17] Speaker B: So let me measure it out. Let me make sure I'm only taking my one action to get there. Oh, yeah, we're good. I'm gonna run to the far corner and try and disable. [00:58:29] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. That thievery. [00:58:33] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. For thievery, that is 25. [00:58:37] Speaker A: 25, yeah. You. You can easily see where these gears connect with a single swift action. Can pop one of those out, thus stopping one of the corners, and the statue sort of seems to chug a little bit. As you have three more corners to take care of. [00:58:59] Speaker B: Then I am going to use a final action to get out of this room. Go this way. Right there, and hide in the far hallway. Me. [00:59:19] Speaker A: Okay, got one. Howie, it is now your turn. [00:59:25] Speaker C: The one at the bottom right. Still active, right? [00:59:28] Speaker A: Yes, it is. [00:59:30] Speaker C: Tell me you've got that bottom right one covered. I'm gonna try to take out the other. So I'm gonna use my movement to move a little bit up just so I could see it, actually. Can I see it from here a little bit? [00:59:46] Speaker A: Yeah, you can see it from there. [00:59:47] Speaker C: Okay, cool. Uh, did I reload? Uh, reload and then shoot this. Thank you. Now. You are the most offensive statue I've ever seen. Uh. Ooh. [01:00:04] Speaker B: Oops. [01:00:05] Speaker C: That's a 25. [01:00:09] Speaker E: Nice. [01:00:09] Speaker A: 25. 25 is gonna hit. Roll that damage. [01:00:13] Speaker C: Please be good damage. Ooh, that's pretty good. Eight damage. [01:00:17] Speaker A: Eight damage. Yeah, you hit it just right to spin off that gear. So that second mechanism comes to a halt. There is one mechanism left, and that'll bring us to Nimane. [01:00:33] Speaker E: Okay. [01:00:34] Speaker A: Because, yeah, that was the reactions. [01:00:36] Speaker E: She will come back, and it's just this one left, right? [01:00:47] Speaker A: Yes. [01:00:49] Speaker E: Okie dokie. She's going to come in, and she's going to whack it. With her staff that didn't work. [01:01:16] Speaker A: A ten is not going to be able to dislodge the gear. No, but that is two actions. You do have one more action. [01:01:24] Speaker E: Okay. Um, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see. I think she's going to then move back. [01:01:48] Speaker C: Okay. [01:01:48] Speaker E: Just to there. [01:01:51] Speaker A: Right? And then we'll come back to the top of the round with tell b. Your dice really likes the number seven. [01:02:09] Speaker C: For some reason tonight, it's a lurking number. [01:02:15] Speaker A: You just keep hitting this thing, and it's a not doing what you want it to. [01:02:19] Speaker D: I'm gonna flash a huge look of annoyance at my missed hammer strike. I'm gonna glare as deep as anybody has ever seen me glare in their entire existence, and I want to shoot it with magic because it's actually irritating my soul. [01:02:40] Speaker C: Yay. [01:02:43] Speaker D: But it's multiple, right? So it's at a minus five. [01:02:46] Speaker A: It is at the minus five, so. But, I mean, you're. You're still at, like, a plus something. [01:02:51] Speaker D: Wow. [01:02:52] Speaker C: Wow. The gift. [01:02:57] Speaker A: It'S just. No matter what you do, it's just. It's not working. [01:03:05] Speaker D: Yeah. Salty sea dog in the worst of ways right now. I swear on all that is holy in the right lady's face, I am salty. [01:03:15] Speaker A: Af lots of cursing and dwarven. I probably. I guess. [01:03:19] Speaker D: Yes, definitely. Awful, nasty, obscene words that no cleric should ever say and not have to make penance for. [01:03:27] Speaker A: It is the fountain stern again, and it is going to roll. So it is a single target attack again. And since there are more of you in here, it can. So first attack is going to go at. Tell me 17. Does 17 hit? Mm hmm. [01:03:55] Speaker D: I'm seawater sick. I got crap. [01:03:59] Speaker A: So there is that. You're going to take three damage directly to the face, and then it has two more attacks. And that one is going to hit you, howie. Second one is going to hit you for a 23 that could hit. [01:04:23] Speaker C: But may I use my reaction that I haven't used yet called hit the dirt? [01:04:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:29] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:04:29] Speaker C: When a range strike is attempted against me, I fling myself out of pocket, I leap. My movement gives me a two circumstance bonus to ac against the triggering its. Oh, I guess it wouldn't matter. Plus two. [01:04:42] Speaker A: Yeah, it's only plus two. [01:04:44] Speaker C: Okay, nevermind. I'm not gonna do it. Then I was like, I thought it'd be so much better. [01:04:49] Speaker A: So you're gonna take nine damage? Yeah, it's gonna make one more. And this one is. [01:04:59] Speaker C: Oh, we got an owie. [01:05:00] Speaker A: This one is going to be the last one will be against healthy again. I'm pretty sure a nine doesn't hit you. [01:05:11] Speaker D: No, it doesn't. [01:05:13] Speaker A: This. You managed to block that one with your shield. [01:05:19] Speaker D: With the reddest, angriest gimli dwarf face you've ever seen in your whole life. Like, as if Legolas just flashed before me. Getting more kills. That's the anger raging until he's fake right now. [01:05:33] Speaker A: And now it is avarice's turn. [01:05:39] Speaker B: After hearing all of the jets and everything and what has got to be an extremely loud mechanism and all of the swearing and dwarvish. I'm coming, I'm coming. Tell me I'm going to use two actions to run all the way to my best friend, and it's not letting me run this. Okay, I can run this way. It was just being weird. Okay. I measured it out. That. That will make. I'll make it there. [01:06:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:06:12] Speaker B: And I'm gonna try and disarm this last one using thievery. [01:06:19] Speaker E: You can do it. [01:06:22] Speaker B: Not a great roll, but I am extremely good at stealing things. That's a 16. [01:06:27] Speaker A: A 16? A 16 does work for its disabled device. So as you pop out that last gear, then the whole mechanism grinds to a halt here. [01:06:46] Speaker B: And, uh, Everest just holds the last gear out to tell me, as a. As a prize. [01:06:55] Speaker D: I'll begrudgingly take it. I'm gonna look at it, I'm gonna wipe the water off my face, and I'm gonna turn so my lady friends don't see me because it's very rude. And I am spitting in that fountain as anger. That's nice. And then I'll make a small apology to the bright lady for my terrible behavior and that stick. That gear. [01:07:21] Speaker A: You do see all the coins of. [01:07:22] Speaker E: The fountain the main's going to take? [01:07:27] Speaker B: While tell me doing that Everest just jumps in is like free money. [01:07:32] Speaker A: You managed to pull out two gold coins, eight silver pieces, and 28 copper pieces. [01:07:39] Speaker B: I'm gonna split all of that on the side of the. Of the fountain out for everybody. So it was whatever that amount was divided as poorly as possible by someone who's not great at math. [01:07:58] Speaker A: Yeah. You all have the updated coin totals in your inventory? Because all I have to do is hit a button. [01:08:06] Speaker B: Wasn't that nice? Well, that thing was interesting. I wonder if I can make this on a ship. [01:08:14] Speaker C: I got a lot of water in my eye, and it hurt real bad, so I'm gonna drink one of these heating potions, if y'all don't mind. [01:08:21] Speaker A: Yeah, and it doesn't it doesn't help that it's seawater. [01:08:25] Speaker C: Yeah, it's real salty. Ouch. [01:08:29] Speaker B: I kind of like it. [01:08:34] Speaker C: Five. That's not the worst. [01:08:37] Speaker D: What'd you two find on stinky fish tunnel, by the way? [01:08:40] Speaker B: Uh, there was something chewing that way, so I think we might want to just double back and see what was going on back there. [01:08:46] Speaker D: I just didn't want to leave by yourself? Thank the Lord I didn't. [01:08:50] Speaker B: That's fair. And honestly, in the main, this thing's kind of neat. Can't really blame you. Yeah. [01:08:57] Speaker C: Is there anything else in this room? I see a little, little pathway here. [01:09:02] Speaker A: There's a, there's a door up to the north of you, um, as well. [01:09:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm sure that I, like was practically touching the door when I was hiding in that hallway. [01:09:13] Speaker C: And do we want to go through this door? This, this. [01:09:15] Speaker B: I want to see what was chewing there was that, there was that like temple stuff. Maybe there's another fish guide. Think maybe there's another fish God I'd like. [01:09:24] Speaker C: Or my thinking and, you know, I feel like I've lost track and maybe beyond a trilogy to my pondering. But this, this thing, this statue, this water monstrosity might have been gotten something extra precious behind that door. So that's a thought. [01:09:44] Speaker B: But that's. We can go both ways. [01:09:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess. Whichever one you want to do first. I feel like if there's chewing, there's kobolds, and that's another, that's more people shooting at me. [01:09:56] Speaker B: Well, you just stay in the back. You got a good shot. [01:10:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:03] Speaker B: Mane, that, that seems like it was pretty, uh, pretty sketchy there for a minute. You're right. [01:10:09] Speaker E: Yeah. I, uh, I drink a little potion. I'm feeling better, right. Feel mildly like a drowned rat, but. [01:10:21] Speaker B: No, I do that every day. [01:10:27] Speaker E: You're not supposed to drown. [01:10:29] Speaker B: I don't drown every day. But I feel like my. You know what? It's fine. Shall we go see what was chewing? I'll go quietly. I'll go first. [01:10:43] Speaker C: Yeah, let's go quietly. [01:10:43] Speaker B: You all give me a minute. I'll go really quiet. [01:10:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:47] Speaker B: And you all can just kind of come behind me. Is that all right? [01:10:53] Speaker E: Well, should we. We pretty much know what's going that, what's gonna be that way. It's more cobalt. [01:11:03] Speaker A: That's fine. [01:11:03] Speaker B: There's, there's more. [01:11:05] Speaker D: Well, it might not be Kobolds. Remember we ran into those creepy skeleton boys in that crypt? Remember? [01:11:12] Speaker B: Yeah. And there was a like, temple thing. I want to know what it was. There could be another silver bowl. [01:11:21] Speaker C: Or another statue trying to kill us. [01:11:23] Speaker E: That. Yeah. [01:11:26] Speaker B: Let me just sneak ahead. I just want to see what it was. [01:11:29] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll get out of the way. Yeah. Why don't you. Why don't you sneak up ahead, see what. What's there, and let us know. Oh, I'm a. I'm a. Hang back a little bit. All right. Get this, this so water out of my eye. [01:11:45] Speaker D: I'll creep behind you. Just a little further. You can do the sneaky stuff, but I don't want you to go by yourself. And I can see really good in the dark. [01:11:52] Speaker C: All right, sounds good in the main. Don't go running off again. The. Maintain. It took us a while to get back to you. [01:12:03] Speaker B: I would like to stealth. [01:12:04] Speaker A: Yeah, roll that. Roll me that. [01:12:05] Speaker B: Stealth. [01:12:05] Speaker A: Check. [01:12:06] Speaker C: I also like the stealth. Ooh. [01:12:11] Speaker B: Not strong. [01:12:12] Speaker C: Okay, 13, uh. [01:12:19] Speaker B: That is 16 for me. [01:12:24] Speaker C: Okay. [01:12:28] Speaker B: Oh. [01:12:29] Speaker A: Oh. Belby is as quiet as a mouse. [01:12:34] Speaker C: Where's Toby? [01:12:39] Speaker B: I think avarice is gonna try and go to the. What looks like the temple sort of thing. [01:12:52] Speaker C: Tread lightly. [01:12:55] Speaker A: As you approach the temple. You see, on the far side of the puddle of water is this strange chamber, and there's crackling with magical energy. Pulsing orbs float in three of the floor corners of the room. The orb in the southwest looks to be made of brown earth and stone, where the one in the northeast looks to be made of glass and is filled with a swirling cloud. The orb in the far corner holds a roaring flame. Opposite that orb are the shattered remains and the water that flows down the passageway to the northeast. [01:13:31] Speaker B: Well, this is weird. [01:13:36] Speaker A: Just be careful. [01:13:37] Speaker D: Don't set off any traps. [01:13:39] Speaker B: Ooh. [01:13:39] Speaker C: Built all. [01:13:40] Speaker B: That's a good point. [01:13:41] Speaker C: Fancy things down here. This took a lot of time and a lot of work, and I'm surprised this is the first time we're all seeing this. [01:13:55] Speaker B: I think avarice is gonna run. Not run, but, like, walk quietly, carefully over towards the orb down here and kind of listen to hear what's going on. [01:14:11] Speaker A: Yeah. And as you do, as you're walking over to the orb, you see something sort of stick its head up and sniff from the orb across the room as it looks like a rat, but it also is on fire. A fire rat, as it looks up and sees you, kind of makes the sound that rats do. And then it, like. As it does each time, is like a gout of smoke comes out of its mouth. Initiative again. [01:14:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:49] Speaker C: All right. [01:14:51] Speaker E: I told you. [01:14:57] Speaker C: Yep. [01:15:00] Speaker A: And you can also roll stealth for those who are stealthing. Can roll stealth I was stealthing. [01:15:07] Speaker B: Yeah, 15. [01:15:11] Speaker E: I got 16 on my stealth. [01:15:15] Speaker C: I could choose the 13 that I rolled earlier for stealth. I guess not the best. [01:15:30] Speaker A: And avarice, what did you roll? [01:15:33] Speaker B: 15. [01:15:35] Speaker A: Stealth team in the main. [01:15:38] Speaker E: 16. [01:15:41] Speaker A: And howie. [01:15:44] Speaker C: I only got 13. [01:15:46] Speaker A: All right, avarice or Howie, which one of you would like to go first? [01:15:52] Speaker C: I think you're. You're up front. Thank you. [01:15:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:56] Speaker C: You triggered this whole. [01:15:58] Speaker B: Listen, I had to know what the shiny object was. [01:16:01] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. No, absolutely. [01:16:02] Speaker A: Yes, of course you did. [01:16:06] Speaker C: I say that because I would follow your lead. Probably, like, whatever you want to do. [01:16:11] Speaker B: I think I would see it. And then. Is this like a pillar or something that I'm standing against? [01:16:15] Speaker A: Uh, yeah, almost. It's like, uh, almost a, uh, offering area, maybe quite. It's a little bit raised so you could, you know, hide behind it. [01:16:29] Speaker B: I'm pretty short, and I think I would look back to how, like, that's a fire rat and kind of, uh, wait for his play because I've jumped into a fight already today and, uh, kind of regretted it partway through. And so, Howie, being the wiser of the two of us, gonna look to Howie. [01:16:52] Speaker A: But things start off with Telby. [01:16:57] Speaker D: Okay. Fire rats. This is a new development in my adventuring life. [01:17:05] Speaker A: Um hmm. [01:17:07] Speaker D: Hmm. Can it be alive and still on fire? Or is it like a undead ish kind of creature? [01:17:14] Speaker A: If you would like, you can make a nature check to see if you know anything about cinder rat. [01:17:22] Speaker D: Okay, I will try that. Suppose. Probably gonna be a nice, good old, don't know shit. [01:17:31] Speaker A: You want to use hero points, you can. We have two hero points at this point. [01:17:37] Speaker D: So I think I'm just tired of these creatures stressing me out. So I just. I'm gonna shoot it. That's what I want to do. I want to shoot it. [01:17:48] Speaker A: Okay. [01:17:53] Speaker D: Oh, I clicked it twice. [01:17:54] Speaker A: Wow. And as you do this, give me a quick flat check just to roll a D 20 and tell me the number because you. Well, nice. Quickly roll me a D 20. Tell me the number, because you do notice that sort of this smoke. You're fine. It's a DC five to hit it, which you will make anytime you are attacking this, because it is sure. They've got smoke clouds that are swirling around it that do make it a little hard to see. But that is a critical hit on an at 20. So roll that damage. [01:18:33] Speaker D: It didn't roll my critical damage, I don't think. Is it double or. [01:18:41] Speaker A: It is double. So whatever number you rolled from there. So five. It would be ten damage. [01:18:46] Speaker D: Do not give me ten damage. [01:18:50] Speaker E: That. [01:18:50] Speaker D: Damaged my own self. Okay, so, yeah, so ten damage. What it gets. [01:18:55] Speaker A: Yeah, and it makes a little hissing squeak at you. And now it is the cinderette's turn, and the cinder rat is going to spend its first action to. Since Telby was the one who attacked it and just crit it. It is going to spend two actions to get over to where Telby is. Right there. And as it approaches both Telby and Howie, you can kind of feel the smoke around it and you start to cough a little bit. And I need you both to give me four to two saves. [01:19:47] Speaker C: 16. [01:19:55] Speaker A: So, um, tell me you did you want to spit a hero. .3. That is much better. You both only regularly fail the check. Uh, it is a DC 22. [01:20:16] Speaker C: Oh. [01:20:16] Speaker A: And you are both sickened for one round, uh, which is a. It's just a minus. Uh, it's so two actions to move over, and then it is going to take its jaws and attack you. Tell me, does a 16 hit you? [01:20:40] Speaker E: Yes. [01:20:41] Speaker C: Okay. [01:20:45] Speaker A: So it is going to be twelve damage as it bites you and then gets you with fire. The wound burns, but at least it doesn't bleed. [01:21:00] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. Cauterized. Cauterized, yeah. [01:21:04] Speaker A: And that is its turn. The main. It is now your turn. [01:21:08] Speaker E: Okay, well, since it decided to come up here, I'm gonna move over here and I'm gonna use my foxfire. [01:21:25] Speaker A: 1414 is not going to hit unless you want to spend a hero point. [01:21:33] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, let's do that. That didn't work. [01:21:45] Speaker A: So it does miss. [01:21:48] Speaker E: Okay. In which case I'm going to do do. That's two actions. I'm gonna go ahead and use my clinging ice. [01:22:04] Speaker A: Foxfire is only one action. [01:22:09] Speaker E: I also moved. [01:22:10] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you did. So, clinging ice, it'll make that basic reflex. That is a 24. That is a success. So it will take half damage. [01:22:24] Speaker E: Okay, so two. [01:22:29] Speaker A: And you do notice that as you hit it with cold damage, it seems to do a little bit extra. [01:22:37] Speaker E: Kind of figured it might. Okey dokey, that is my turn. [01:22:46] Speaker A: Yeah, aber, it is your turn. [01:22:51] Speaker B: Well, I don't like this rat trying to decide if I figure out that going into this horrible smoke cloud is a bad idea. I don't think so. They're just not. They're not that clever. I think we're gonna run in and try and do the same thing. And there's all this water here. So as they run, they're gonna actually, like, kind of kick it up. And I imagine it makes all kinds of interesting interactions with this flaming rat. [01:23:29] Speaker A: Yeah, you do notice wherever the rat steps on, like, the fire, it's kind of. Or the water, it's, like, kind of, like vaporizing. [01:23:36] Speaker B: So since we're a low budget performance here, and it is. It's a missed feature as well as a smoke feature going on in this interesting cave encounter. That is a performance. That is a 26. [01:23:54] Speaker A: 26 is also going to be a critical success. [01:23:59] Speaker B: I critically succeed at distracting it. [01:24:02] Speaker A: Yeah, nice. [01:24:06] Speaker B: So then I'm gonna go in with my. Oh, I'm gonna throw a dice on the floor. I'll get that in a minute. I'm going to try and attack it. [01:24:17] Speaker A: Also, if you want to roll it. [01:24:18] Speaker B: My finisher. [01:24:19] Speaker A: Yes. DC flat check to see if you can connect. [01:24:25] Speaker B: Oh, right. So I'm just rolling just a straight die. [01:24:31] Speaker A: Straight die. And as long as it's above five, you're fine. Straight die. Yeah, you can see it. You know where it is. You can attach. [01:24:38] Speaker B: That's a hell of a time to roll a 20. Yes, I can see it. All right. Oh, and then a 19 to hit. So that ends up being a. With all of the gak. Geez. That's a 27 to hit. [01:25:02] Speaker A: That is a critical yes. [01:25:05] Speaker B: Okay, so for my panache finisher insanity, how do I roll this critical? [01:25:13] Speaker A: You roll everything. Roll the dice as it is, and then you double it. [01:25:18] Speaker B: Cool. Okay. Ends up being 24 damage total. Don't like it when people hurt my friends. [01:25:38] Speaker A: And explain in your showy way as. [01:25:41] Speaker B: You dispatch the cinderette, I think as, like, they come in full intending to, like, just kind of kick up some water, get their attention. And as the water kind of sprays around, the short sword kind of flips up with some of the water, and they kind of swing it around a little bit, and there's still a lot of water in it. So by the time the blade comes down and fully, like, they're thinking the rats gonna get out of the way a little bit, they're just gonna kind of, like, nick it. The blade comes down, and they actually, like, pin it to the water, and the water that's on the blade falls off of it and extinguishes this rat. [01:26:21] Speaker E: Nice. [01:26:24] Speaker C: Sick. [01:26:24] Speaker B: But didn't much care for that. [01:26:30] Speaker D: Has everybody taken some damage, or is it just a couple of us? [01:26:34] Speaker B: I'm missing one point. [01:26:36] Speaker E: I'm missing three. [01:26:38] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna. Before we disperse, since you're all here by me, I am about to die, like, d I e bad die. So I'm going to do a three action heel, which will get everybody in a 30 foot. You'll get a d eight for all of you. [01:26:56] Speaker C: Well, thank you, Toby. That's 2ft. [01:27:00] Speaker B: Oh, that felt good. [01:27:01] Speaker C: I got a one, right? [01:27:04] Speaker E: I got a six. [01:27:09] Speaker C: Yeah. I've had my fair share of weird rats this, this week, and that one was by far the worst one. [01:27:18] Speaker B: The hell of a time to roll an eight when I literally needed one point. [01:27:22] Speaker C: You want to trade? [01:27:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I almost wasn't gonna roll. I was like, let's just see what happens. I just need one point. I can't get lower than a one. Roll an eight. Whatever. [01:27:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I rolled a one. [01:27:33] Speaker D: I still need to drink one of my healing potions also, if it will. Oh, cool. Okay, there was six. Gives me some back at least. I don't want to use both. Just one. [01:27:55] Speaker A: I can. I can give you back one. [01:27:58] Speaker D: Thank you. I don't. I only took the six, the two and the six from my heel in the first potion. [01:28:11] Speaker E: So. [01:28:11] Speaker A: Yeah, you see these? There's two orbs that are left. This sort of swirling air and this sort of one full of dirt. [01:28:23] Speaker B: Really think these are. [01:28:27] Speaker C: Hopefully not an air rat and a dirt rat. [01:28:30] Speaker B: I mean, most rats are dirt rats. [01:28:32] Speaker C: That's true. [01:28:35] Speaker D: Some sort of elemental temple, maybe dirt fire for fire and air for air. And there's water leading right up to it. Even though it's an awful brown water, it's still some sort of water. I wonder if we make some sort of offering on the dais to one of the elements, it does something. [01:28:57] Speaker B: We should probably keep our voices dying, though, just in case there's something else that can hear us. [01:29:03] Speaker D: I will put the cinder rats corpse and a, um, take this back. [01:29:13] Speaker B: I think this is yours. Yeah. [01:29:14] Speaker D: I'll put the silver refund, a gold piece on the dais. [01:29:22] Speaker A: Nothing happens. [01:29:24] Speaker D: Huh. [01:29:26] Speaker C: How curious. [01:29:27] Speaker A: You do see the orbs. [01:29:32] Speaker B: What's going on with this orb that I'm looking at? I'm assuming this is the dirt one. This is the earth one. [01:29:37] Speaker A: Yes. The one that you are is made of earth and stone and sort of glowing a little bit. It feels like you can stand next to it and it kind of just feels warm, like a sunny day. [01:29:55] Speaker C: Oh, dirt does put out fire. And there was the fire. [01:30:00] Speaker B: Right? [01:30:00] Speaker C: Maybe. I don't know. [01:30:04] Speaker B: I have to say, I'm quite. I gotta. Unless someone stops avarice, I think that they're gonna reach out and touch it. [01:30:15] Speaker A: Okay. As you touch it, you hear a voice quietly in your ear that says, call upon the earth to gain its strength. As you gain blessing of the earth. [01:30:31] Speaker C: Oh. [01:30:33] Speaker E: Namayne is going to reach out and touch the erewhon. [01:30:36] Speaker A: And you will hear call upon the wind to gain my blessing and soar through the skies. Ooh, the blessing. [01:30:45] Speaker C: That's the fire one then? [01:30:49] Speaker A: Yeah, it's just warm. Nothing happens. [01:30:56] Speaker B: That felt wild. [01:31:00] Speaker A: And with the blessing of the earth, you can use it once within 24 hours. And it is a reaction for when you hit. You can deal two extra damage from a sudden surge of strengthen. And for the blessing of the wind, it is an action to use. And you can call upon the wind and fly for your next action for up to 40ft. [01:31:27] Speaker C: Wow. [01:31:28] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [01:31:30] Speaker E: I approved this. [01:31:31] Speaker A: You do have to end your movement on solid ground or else as soon as it's done, you fall. [01:31:36] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:31:38] Speaker D: How are you? [01:31:38] Speaker E: That makes sense. [01:31:40] Speaker C: Yeah. Can I touch the earth one? I mean, this fire one sucks. It's just warm. Is anyone cold? Uh, yeah. I'll touch the earth one. [01:31:50] Speaker A: You'll get the blessing of the earth. [01:31:52] Speaker C: Of blessing of the earth. [01:31:55] Speaker D: The fire one doesn't. It didn't do anything when you touched it. [01:31:57] Speaker A: Didn't do anything. [01:31:59] Speaker D: The rat must have taken that begum blessing. [01:32:02] Speaker C: Ah, it was a regular ratified. Hmm. [01:32:06] Speaker D: I'll touch the air one then. [01:32:08] Speaker A: Okay. [01:32:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:32:11] Speaker A: All right. You will gain the blessing of the air. And we have actually gotten to a point where it's probably about an hour since you have drank the water. So your blessing of the. You're either your seasickness or blessing of the water will be going away at this point. [01:32:24] Speaker B: Perfect. Makes sense. Well, that was interesting. Elby, I'm sorry that you got so hurt. [01:32:35] Speaker D: Just I woke up on the wrong side of your fishing net this morning, I think. [01:32:41] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry. I usually like that one. Shall we see what's down the other way before we go see what's in the door? [01:32:51] Speaker D: Yeah. And I'm taking the gold back from that daisy. [01:32:54] Speaker C: Anything we should be putting in this little thing in the middle that still piques my interest. [01:33:01] Speaker B: I wonder what happens if I just jump in it. [01:33:06] Speaker D: If it's a temple and there's three out of the four elements that correlate to one of the cardinal directions, I would assume that there used to be the blessing of the water in this busted corner. So it was probably one thing for each of them with their correlating cardinal direction to equal some sort of ritualistic either summoning or sacrifice. Yada jazz. So maybe one thing of each element, something of the wind, something of the fire, of the earth and of the water might. [01:33:37] Speaker B: Interesting. [01:33:38] Speaker C: Making a whole lot of sense, tubby. As I grab, like, a cup of the dirty water from the floor and I, like, pour it into the thing. [01:33:48] Speaker B: While you do that, I think I look for a rock. Just put a rock in it. [01:33:55] Speaker C: Not gonna do anything. [01:33:57] Speaker A: Well, no, four points. [01:34:01] Speaker D: There's four points there. Right. Um. [01:34:06] Speaker A: So does anyone have detect magic? [01:34:10] Speaker D: No. [01:34:11] Speaker A: Okay. [01:34:12] Speaker D: Only level one. [01:34:13] Speaker A: So. [01:34:13] Speaker B: I don't. [01:34:13] Speaker A: I mean, it is a cantrip in Pathbender. Two e. So it is. [01:34:19] Speaker E: And it's one that I didn't take yet. [01:34:23] Speaker A: I should have. Give me. Tell me or anybody who wants to give me a religion check. [01:34:29] Speaker D: I am. [01:34:29] Speaker E: I can do that. [01:34:31] Speaker C: I'm not trained. Yeah. Avarice. I'm not as wise as you think I am. [01:34:38] Speaker B: You're doing all right. [01:34:41] Speaker A: Relatively. Sure that. Yeah. People would put offerings here, but it's less of, like, to do a ritual and more of like, what? [01:34:48] Speaker C: A what? [01:34:49] Speaker A: It used to be that, like, the blessings. To actually get the blessings, all you have to do is touch it. [01:34:58] Speaker E: Okay. [01:35:00] Speaker B: Should I quietly go ahead to the other side with the munching? Yeah. Oh, this could have been the muncher. It could have been the rat. But I'm just curious. [01:35:16] Speaker D: Yeah, go ahead. [01:35:17] Speaker C: Onwards to munching. [01:35:20] Speaker D: We gotta head back that way, please. [01:35:22] Speaker B: I would like to stealth forward. [01:35:24] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, same, same. Okay. Actually, if there's munchin. Uh, 50. [01:35:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. 25. [01:35:37] Speaker C: Whoa. [01:35:38] Speaker E: Three. [01:35:39] Speaker A: Do you want to spend a. [01:35:42] Speaker E: Yes. [01:35:43] Speaker B: Go. [01:35:46] Speaker E: Yes, yes, I do. [01:35:48] Speaker B: Yeah. With that noise. [01:35:51] Speaker A: There we go. [01:35:52] Speaker B: Natural 20. [01:35:53] Speaker C: Where to? Where the main go. [01:35:57] Speaker E: The main went poof. [01:36:00] Speaker C: Not off setting off traps again, is she? [01:36:10] Speaker A: So, as you enter the chamber, avarice, there is an overpowering stench. Like rotted fish mixed with oily sweat. The warm, humid air only adds to the foul atmosphere. Unlike previous chambers, this one appears to be a natural cavern dotted with limestone stalactites, stalagmites, making it hard to see where the room ends. And as you like, really enter this, I need you to give me a fortitude. Save. [01:36:39] Speaker B: Oh, hey. Oh, thank God. [01:36:46] Speaker A: 1818. You actually fail. The DC was 19. And you become sickened. And you. You become sickened until you spend an action to retch and off. You just. And it's like a. It's essentially a minus one to everything until you have done this. And sort of off in the distance, you can see these two creatures. They appear to have, like, all of these piles of rotted fish and a couple of cobalt carcasses between them. And there are. They seem to be arguing over them in, um, a language that, uh, you don't understand. [01:37:32] Speaker B: I think I turn around green. Just fully green. And point back down the hallway towards domain. Just be like, turn around. Turn around. We've got to go back. [01:37:45] Speaker E: Yeah, this way. [01:37:50] Speaker C: Say no more to the other. [01:37:53] Speaker A: Yep. [01:37:53] Speaker E: Uninterested in dealing with those. [01:37:59] Speaker B: And while everyone is fleeing in the gross water, I am going to wrench. [01:38:03] Speaker A: Yeah. You take the action. Just sort of lean over and just like. Yeah. No, whatever you drank earlier is now mixed in that water. Ate and drank earlier. [01:38:14] Speaker B: It could stay there. [01:38:15] Speaker A: Yeah. But, you know, you're no longer sickened. [01:38:19] Speaker C: You doing all right, Avarice? You look a lot better. [01:38:21] Speaker B: Ugh. That was gross. I'm just gonna put some of this back and kind of, like, slowly build the thing back. [01:38:31] Speaker A: We don't need to go over there. [01:38:32] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I only got a ten on crafting. I don't know if it's good enough to build a barrier. [01:38:36] Speaker A: It's fine. Yeah, it's like, ten. You could spend a minute or two to just rebuild that barricade. [01:38:43] Speaker B: That was really bad. Yep. [01:38:49] Speaker C: Yeah. I prefer the saw. What? In the eye to that. [01:38:54] Speaker E: Great. [01:38:56] Speaker B: All right, well, gonna take a breather for a second. Let's go see what's behind that door here. [01:39:05] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:39:07] Speaker C: Oh, Namaine, you're already here. [01:39:09] Speaker E: I'm already there. [01:39:11] Speaker C: That's where you went. [01:39:15] Speaker E: All right, let's see. More cobbles. [01:39:20] Speaker A: Yeah. As you open the door, you. As the door opens, the smell of rotted fish and mold sort of wafts out of. On the west side of this vast room is a large table with benches on either side. Old food scraps, dirty knives, and broken plates cover the table. On the east side, burrows have been dug into the wall to make small, like, little sleeping spaces for these kobolds filled with sort of straw mats. This is the kobolds warren. This is home for them. And as you're doing this, one of the kobolds is, like, on top of the table, and then they've got, like, this sort of, like, fish that they're eating. Another one is sort of, like, in front of the table as well. You see a few more, and they all sort of, like, look around at you as the door opens. And we'll, uh. [01:40:18] Speaker E: Would they notice it? Because I got a not 20 on stealth. [01:40:26] Speaker A: Um, was that to open the door? [01:40:31] Speaker E: Ah. [01:40:33] Speaker A: Or was that. That was stealth before? Um, yeah, that was stealth before the door opening. But, like, with the way it's opened, they can't exactly see into the hallway, and the hallway doesn't really have a lot of light in it. [01:40:47] Speaker E: Okay. [01:40:48] Speaker A: So they haven't noticed you just yet. If we ever wants to make their, uh, initiative rolls real quick. [01:40:55] Speaker E: Okay. [01:40:56] Speaker C: I'll try to do a stealthy one. [01:40:59] Speaker E: Same. [01:41:02] Speaker C: Stealth is so bad. [01:41:06] Speaker B: Oh, natural 20. Oh, my God. [01:41:10] Speaker A: Natural 21st. Yeah. [01:41:12] Speaker B: For 27. [01:41:14] Speaker E: I'm gonna go for pistol because I have better perception than I do stealth. There we go. [01:41:21] Speaker A: 22. 22. And, howie, what did you get? [01:41:29] Speaker C: Only 15. [01:41:33] Speaker A: All right. Yeah. And we'll start everything off with avarice jumping into action. [01:41:40] Speaker B: I guess, given how things have been going with Kobold, that I tried to not fight, and the rat was like, let's fight. Telby was like, yeah, let's fight. We're fighting today. And Avarice is going to run forward. I've already measured it. And just slide right into the room. If I can select myself, that would be really. Oh, we're still paused. [01:42:04] Speaker E: We are. [01:42:06] Speaker A: We are unpaused now. [01:42:08] Speaker B: And run all the way forward. And I think literally, like, grab the door on its hinge and kind of ride it outward the rest of the way to get the attention of this Kobold right here. Oh, yeah. 24 performance as I, like, fully aeroflind. Swing open on the door and leap off of it into a slide to then stab. Not good. [01:42:56] Speaker A: 1313. [01:42:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:43:00] Speaker A: 13 is gonna hit. [01:43:01] Speaker B: Oh, great. Fantastic. [01:43:03] Speaker A: These are, these. These are just. [01:43:12] Speaker B: Eleven points of damage. [01:43:15] Speaker A: Yeah, you take him out. [01:43:17] Speaker B: Oh, great. [01:43:19] Speaker E: Nice. [01:43:20] Speaker B: The door swings open the rest of the way. Everest comes, like, fully leaping in with this beautiful short sword. And they just. They're like, oh, yeah, this is gonna start the fight. And they just fully take out this kobold, I guess not intending to, but here we are. Who else wants some? [01:43:42] Speaker A: And, yeah, we are in the thick of it with the first kobold to act. This one. They see you sort of do that, and they got their spear in their hand, and they're just gonna chuck it at you for their first action. For a 16. [01:44:04] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:44:06] Speaker A: You duck and it goes wide. And then they're gonna spend their second action to run up to you, and they pull out a dagger to attempt to stab you with, which is 17. [01:44:25] Speaker B: I'm going to use my reaction to, what is it actually called? [01:44:30] Speaker A: Nimble dodge. [01:44:31] Speaker B: I can nimbly dodge it. [01:44:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:44:33] Speaker B: Adding two to my ac. And we're doing that 1930s pirate routine. [01:44:41] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. And it misses. And then we have the Kobold warrior who is standing up on the table, and the kobold sort of, like, looks around and he sees just this clump of food on the table. And with both hands for his first action, he just picks up this clump of food and is going to throw it at you. Avarice. [01:45:06] Speaker B: Amazing food fight. [01:45:13] Speaker A: Oh, that's only a 13. [01:45:15] Speaker B: No. Oh, my God. [01:45:19] Speaker E: You catch it and take a bite. [01:45:22] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:45:23] Speaker A: Did you catch this old loaf of bread that he threw at you? And just. [01:45:27] Speaker B: I, like, go to bite it. My teeth stop on the. On the crust of it. No. [01:45:36] Speaker A: Yep. And we'll attempt one more time. That is only a 16. [01:45:47] Speaker B: Just dodging out of the way of it. [01:45:50] Speaker A: And that is its entire turn. And the main. It is now your turn. [01:45:55] Speaker E: All right, I'm going to. [01:45:59] Speaker B: Let's see. [01:46:01] Speaker E: Come in, attack this guy. Do, do, do. I am just going to swipe at him with my staff. That didn't work. [01:46:27] Speaker A: The ten is not going to hit. [01:46:29] Speaker E: No. Instead I'm gonna go for my clinging ice. DC 17. [01:46:47] Speaker A: That is a ten. So he will take full damage from that. [01:46:51] Speaker E: Cool. Full damage. [01:46:55] Speaker A: Yeah, he is. He's gonna take that and he'll have a minus foot, five foot status penalty to his circ, his movement. [01:47:03] Speaker B: Cool. [01:47:06] Speaker E: And that is my turn. [01:47:09] Speaker A: Okay. One of the other ones in the warren will sort of poke his head out and. Yeah. For his first action, you watch as he grabs this sort of, like, straw mat and kind of, like, pulls it up as to make some sort of makeshift cover. And his second action is going to throw his spear at avarice for a Nat 20. Nat 23. [01:47:49] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:47:51] Speaker A: Which, because it's a Nat 20, will be a critical hit for six damage. [01:47:59] Speaker B: Ow. [01:48:02] Speaker A: And he feels very proud of himself as he's going to take cover behind the bed for. To give himself an Ac. Bogus. [01:48:12] Speaker C: Honestly, I'm proud of him, too. That was a pretty good job. [01:48:17] Speaker A: Tell me it is. Now your turn. [01:48:21] Speaker D: Okay. So I will move up where I can see because I'm in the back of the pack here. I guess I'll get myself right in. Well, there and then right here. [01:48:35] Speaker E: And. [01:48:42] Speaker D: I will. Hmm. I will probably do a whole lot of much ado about nothing because I can't get close enough. So I will give a guidance to Howie, and then I will raise my shield. [01:49:20] Speaker A: Sounds good. [01:49:21] Speaker D: So that's it for me. [01:49:23] Speaker A: Howie does not. Your start. [01:49:24] Speaker C: Guidance is a plus one. Well, plus one. Sweet. [01:49:28] Speaker A: It's a plus one circumstance. [01:49:29] Speaker E: Minus. [01:49:30] Speaker C: Um. Yeah. I'm gonna point my rifle over to the one jumping up and down on the table, and I'm gonna yell at him and be like, hey, ain't your parents ever tell you it's rude to waste food? And I'ma shoot him. Yeah, I'ma shoot that. Rude little guy. I'm so close. Natural 18. That's a 27. Although that is technically a crit. [01:49:58] Speaker A: That is a crit because it's ten above. It's more than ten above his. [01:50:01] Speaker C: Okay. My first nice bit. So that means I have some cool stuff. So I get to row a d twelve for my damage dice, right? [01:50:09] Speaker A: You get your fatal dice. You get your fatal one shot, one kill. [01:50:13] Speaker E: Nice. [01:50:14] Speaker C: This little guy's gonna wish he never wasted food. So that is. Oh, my God. [01:50:22] Speaker A: This is gonna be gunslingers. They crit, and it's over. [01:50:28] Speaker E: Yep. [01:50:29] Speaker C: That's a 22. Damage, I think. [01:50:32] Speaker E: Holy cow. [01:50:33] Speaker A: That was. That was. That was a. That was what you rolled or that was what you rolled? [01:50:38] Speaker C: So I think that I did the d twelve twice. Right. And then I did the precision, which is the d six twice. And then there's plus two at the end. Is that a plus four now, or is it still plus two? [01:50:47] Speaker A: You double everything. [01:50:48] Speaker C: Oh, so then that's a 24, then. [01:50:50] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. How do you end his career? [01:50:56] Speaker C: Yeah. Don't waste food, or else that'll be the last meal you ever had. And that was the last meal he ever had, unfortunately. Some gross fish. [01:51:04] Speaker A: Mm hmm. That was, like, four times his health. [01:51:07] Speaker C: Yeah. And some moldy bread. That avarice now has. [01:51:17] Speaker A: It is the. The last Kobold warrior. [01:51:20] Speaker C: Sorry. Last. Sorry. That was just one action. [01:51:24] Speaker A: It was one action. [01:51:25] Speaker C: You have two of our actions. [01:51:26] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [01:51:29] Speaker C: What was next? I guess I pointed this guy over here. The fire. The fire back area. That is only a 24. [01:51:44] Speaker A: A 24 will definitely hit and is still also a crit. [01:51:47] Speaker C: Is it also a crit? Oh, my lord. Okay, so I don't get it. [01:51:51] Speaker A: I have an ac of 13. [01:51:55] Speaker B: I hit it when I rolled, like, a five. Okay. [01:51:58] Speaker E: My God. [01:52:01] Speaker C: 17 damage. [01:52:03] Speaker A: Still dead. That is double its health. [01:52:06] Speaker C: I'm getting sick of these cobalt like. You try to attack us, and we're trying to be diplomatic. You're really seeing the crotchety farmer come out in the highway right now. [01:52:20] Speaker A: Exactly. And that'll bring us to the top. [01:52:26] Speaker B: After I dodged two very well landed hits coming out of the hallway, avarice looks to this kobold and has had the great misfortune of stepping in their way and is going to. Let's see. Yeah, we're going to kind of dance literally, like, stopping all of the, like, normal pretext of it actually being fight. Literally just, like, sashays next to this poor kobold to flank with the main while doing it. So performance 13. Not good. [01:53:12] Speaker A: Is still a success. [01:53:14] Speaker B: This guy. [01:53:16] Speaker A: These are negative one creatures. [01:53:19] Speaker B: I love them. Oh, God. That's. That's a 27 to hit. [01:53:31] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a crit. [01:53:35] Speaker E: Holy cow, y'all. [01:53:37] Speaker A: Welcome to Pathfinder. [01:53:39] Speaker E: Right. [01:53:42] Speaker B: I rolled poorly. So that's 16 with the crit still. Yeah. [01:53:47] Speaker A: It's four times of what the health he has already. [01:53:52] Speaker B: Oops. All right, that's me. [01:53:59] Speaker A: And that'll bring us soon to main. There is one kobold remaining. [01:54:02] Speaker E: Okie dokie. Then I'm going to. Let's see. I'm going to come over here and let's see. What's the nastiest thing I can do? You know what? I'm actually gonna. Instead of staying over there, I'm gonna use gouging claw. I didn't use that yet. [01:54:49] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a good one. Roll the hit. [01:54:58] Speaker E: Before slashing. Holy crap. I have plus seven to that. [01:55:09] Speaker A: That is a 24, which is also a crit. [01:55:12] Speaker E: Holy crap. [01:55:17] Speaker A: So you roll your damage and double it. So just 14 damage. [01:55:21] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:55:23] Speaker A: And you take out this kobold emptying the warren. And that the last one falls. The warren for now, is silent. Off in the distance, you can hear other noises, more kobolds or something else. [01:55:48] Speaker B: Two things. [01:55:50] Speaker A: One, you're all level two now. And three, we're gonna go take our break. We're gonna go take ten minutes or so to stretch our legs, get water, use the restroom, and I will walk them through how to do the level up. And we'll be back for possibly the end of menace under the Otari. And so we'll see everybody in ten minutes. Hello, everybody, and welcome back from break. We have, you know, grabbed water, use the bathroom, and leveled up. Our characters, they are all level two now and ready to face the final challenges of the menace under Otari. You all feel a little bit stronger after this fight. There was a little bit of loot to sort of go around to. I believe Telby grabbed a feather token. There's also a little bit of oil. And there is some treasure. You've got, like, a bolt of fine silk cloth. What still is, really. But it's been, like, cut from its frame. A painting of an adventurer on a horse. There is some silver and a crystal decanter of wine that is unfortunately soured. [01:57:13] Speaker B: As we come back. Avarice is like pulling the bolt of fine silk out and is like measuring it up to themselves. Kind of like laying it over their painted lapels of their coat and things like that. Just like, I can do a lot with this. Anyone mind if I take this? [01:57:32] Speaker E: Go for it. [01:57:36] Speaker B: There's some other strange wares of anyone. Once the mother wise ed, they come up with like their arms full of pretty much everything that's left in there. [01:57:51] Speaker C: I mean, this painting looks quite nice. I could hang this up in my living room. [01:57:58] Speaker B: You should do that. It'll look nice. [01:58:02] Speaker C: Yeah, I can have you all over for. Or a potluck or something. [01:58:08] Speaker B: Think of some clever things to do with this oil as well. [01:58:19] Speaker C: Yeah, I got. I got that. Took one of the oils. [01:58:22] Speaker B: I took one. Does anyone want the last one? Otherwise I'm gonna take it. [01:58:27] Speaker E: May not take it. [01:58:28] Speaker B: Great. You have last one then. Well, that was interesting. Uh, poor little buggers. [01:58:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, uh, don't like that we just killed a bunch of kobolds. But I mean, that is what we will have to do, right? [01:58:56] Speaker B: I mean, yeah, a little scratched up still from that. Anyone want to just take a minute? Any of you skilled people mind taking a look at it? [01:59:08] Speaker E: I can do that. [01:59:12] Speaker C: Can we search their like little rooms and stuff too? If there's anything. Um. [01:59:17] Speaker A: Yeah, you, uh, you. There are a couple more spears. You want to spend a hero point on that? Nah, I will say if you do, that is a critical failure and avarice will take damage. [01:59:30] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:59:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:59:31] Speaker E: Oh, no, then, yeah. [01:59:33] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll do that. [01:59:35] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:59:37] Speaker D: I'm sorry. [01:59:39] Speaker B: It's okay. [01:59:41] Speaker E: Let's try that again. [01:59:45] Speaker A: It is a failure, but it's not a critical failure. This is gonna take damage and, you know, just chug a healing potion. [01:59:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess you'll drink a potion. [01:59:56] Speaker D: Well, it was like, you give me about ten minutes. Give me about ten minutes and I can try to do it again. [02:00:02] Speaker B: All right. If you need, we can just sit around here for a bit. [02:00:05] Speaker A: Continue to find it. [02:00:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:00:07] Speaker C: Some cozy beds. Take a little nap. [02:00:10] Speaker A: Take a power nap. Ten minute power nap. [02:00:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:00:12] Speaker A: Ah, there you go. That's actually a critical success with a 25, so that is 48. [02:00:23] Speaker B: Oh, jeez. Tell me, would you like to roll or shall I? [02:00:30] Speaker D: I can do it. And I think actually my healing dice. [02:00:32] Speaker A: Now are d ten s not on medicine checks, but on your healing spell. [02:00:37] Speaker D: Spell? [02:00:37] Speaker A: Only in the healing spells. [02:00:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:00:39] Speaker D: Here you go. Here's 48s for you. [02:00:41] Speaker E: Holy cow. [02:00:43] Speaker C: Wow. [02:00:45] Speaker B: Wow. Talby, that was, uh. You've. You've gotten pretty good at healing me up really well, thank you. [02:00:52] Speaker D: Well, I have to be because hitting things is not it. [02:00:55] Speaker B: That's all right. That's what good old avarice is here for. [02:00:59] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like avarice is like you just got healed so well. You're like. I think my back is aligned for the first time in years. [02:01:09] Speaker C: Wow. [02:01:09] Speaker A: Those hammocks are not great to sleep in. For real. [02:01:13] Speaker B: Like, oh, there was a little crooked eye back there. [02:01:18] Speaker C: It's okay, Toby. That. That little gear was the most agile gear I've ever seen, so don't know. Don't stress about it too much. [02:01:25] Speaker D: I was thinking about turning it into something where I can carry it around all the time and show my disdain for it and also use it. Hit things that also make me experience disdain. Maybe I'll weld it to the bottom of my hammer or something. [02:01:42] Speaker B: That's really good. All right, how are you feeling? [02:01:47] Speaker E: Feeling all right. [02:01:48] Speaker B: Feeling pretty good now. [02:01:50] Speaker C: How we all feeling? [02:01:53] Speaker B: Ha ha. [02:01:55] Speaker A: That's good. [02:01:57] Speaker C: Good to go. [02:01:58] Speaker B: I mean, I think this sneak it ahead thing was doing really well for me. Anyone have any objections to that? [02:02:07] Speaker C: Yeah, just don't, just don't get your health hurt too much. [02:02:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:14] Speaker C: All right, I'll fall behind. I'll be right behind you gonna stealth. [02:02:21] Speaker B: And see what's in the next room. [02:02:24] Speaker A: Hey, give me those stealth checks. [02:02:25] Speaker C: I will. Also. [02:02:30] Speaker B: The thing is, on the break, I went for this whole quest to find this dice because it's one of my favorite dice, and it usually rolls so well for me. And the first thing it does is betray me. That's a ten. [02:02:41] Speaker C: That one. I'm gonna use a hero point. [02:02:43] Speaker B: I think I'm also going to use that hero point. Oh, that's so much better. [02:02:54] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's way better. [02:02:56] Speaker B: Oh, my stealth should never be allowed to go up. [02:02:59] Speaker C: That's 1926. Where did I go? [02:03:15] Speaker A: So, as you move into the next room, you notice a gaping pit opening in the floor in the center of this very large, natural chamber. On the far side, a ledge overlooks the entry, and atop the ledge is an ornate stone throne that looks be made entirely out of this room. A very regal looking kobold wearing an oversized crown made of fishbones sits atop the throne. And what was everyone's stealth rolls? [02:03:48] Speaker E: 16. [02:03:50] Speaker D: I got 18. [02:03:51] Speaker B: 1926. [02:03:56] Speaker A: So I. In this moment, mainly that you're the. They're. You're the only one that they spot. And this person is the first couple you've heard speak common. It is a little bit garbled and not like they're very good at it, but they raise their axe above their head and then say, kill the intruders. [02:04:18] Speaker B: See, we're doing really well. [02:04:25] Speaker A: And we'll roll into things and we'll take those. Those roles, those stealth rolls and everything you all did. So that was 26 for Howie and avarice. That was 1919. A main. That was 16 and it was 18 for Telby. And just one of them is ready with his crossbow very quickly. But, howie, you're faster. [02:05:20] Speaker C: Oh, I got that quick draw going on. Yeah, I guess I point my rifle towards this in Kobold whatever. This is the guy who looks like the boss. I guess I could see him, right? Or is this. Yeah, this isn't. This is a hole, right? [02:05:36] Speaker A: It's the hole, yeah. [02:05:37] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. There's like, hey, are you the one making all these little cobalt steel on your behalf? [02:05:50] Speaker A: Um. They go, we must. The creature. [02:05:58] Speaker E: What creature? [02:06:01] Speaker C: Well, anyways, you've been hurting my friends a lot, and unfortunately, we had to end the lives of some of your companions. But, yeah, excuse my draconic. It has not evolved too much beyond, you know, asking where the lavatory is, but. Yep, yep. I think that means get fucked and I'm a shooter. Ooh, that is. Oh, I got a plus ten now. Oh, that's beautiful. That's a 20. [02:06:33] Speaker A: Like most, a lot of stuff just goes up by one. Uh, so a 28. You start eggs off with a crit. Yeah. [02:06:40] Speaker C: Oh, hell yes. Okay, this is gonna hurt. This is gonna hurt. He's gonna get yipped. [02:06:45] Speaker A: Gun sleeper. [02:06:55] Speaker C: Uh, 29 damage. [02:07:01] Speaker A: You hit them. They are bloody, but they are still standing. [02:07:07] Speaker C: Wow. [02:07:07] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [02:07:10] Speaker C: I guess I'll reload since I haven't moved. And I'll shoot again because Pathfinder has a cool three action system, which I do like. But this one I take at a. [02:07:26] Speaker A: It would be at just a plus five. [02:07:27] Speaker C: Yeah, that's a 21, though. [02:07:31] Speaker A: 21. That is going to be a hit. [02:07:34] Speaker C: Okay. If I can end this man in one. Ah, that's not great. Well, that's awful. Nine damage. [02:07:42] Speaker A: Nine damage. Yeah, that's enough. [02:07:45] Speaker C: Oh, my lord. Just slanticlimatic, just like, hey, boom. [02:07:51] Speaker A: Just one shot doesn't work. Well, let's try that again. [02:07:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:07:55] Speaker A: And then you just. You pin the Kobold king to the throne with bullets. [02:08:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, that was the one. The one guy that could speak common, so maybe. Anyway, whatever about a creature, though, that. [02:08:15] Speaker A: There is, and there are two Kobold scouts, and they are going to avenge their king and this first one, and they see you and you're the most dangerous one, so they're going to aim at you to go crossbows. Yeah, do it for an eleven. [02:08:33] Speaker C: That's not going to hit. [02:08:34] Speaker A: And it's been his last action to reload. [02:08:39] Speaker C: Yeah, Howie just tilts his head and then the hit flies by avarice. [02:08:44] Speaker A: Is that your turn. [02:08:46] Speaker B: Okay. Well, seeing as this guy just shot at my very good friend Howie, how tall is this ledge that he is standing on? [02:08:54] Speaker A: About 10ft. You could scale it, but you would need to make an athletic check to get up. [02:09:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Because otherwise there's no planet where I can hit him. So, yeah, I guess we're gonna have to do that. Gonna run over? Yeah. If I climb the cliff, I'll be at 25ft. So we're gonna run over here, try and scale the wall. Not using that dice. Shouldn't use that one either. What am I rolling? [02:09:32] Speaker A: It is going to be athletics. [02:09:36] Speaker B: Did I vie for acrobatics? I'm very nimble. [02:09:40] Speaker A: Why not? [02:09:42] Speaker B: That's significantly more helpful. I can do math. 14. [02:09:50] Speaker A: Yeah, you can get up there with a couple of quick jumps. It's roughly. It's roughly hewn. So there's a lot of really good handholds and stuff. [02:10:00] Speaker B: Cool. And I don't get to do anything. I'm assuming that was an action to climb the wall. [02:10:05] Speaker A: Yes, it was. [02:10:06] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes sense. Then I get up there, and immediately I'm, like, crawling with my sword in my hand. The moment I get there, I kind of just flip over the ledge to go in to attack. Cause how dare you try and attack my friend Howie. God. Uh, but it's 17 to hit. [02:10:34] Speaker A: 1717 will hit. [02:10:37] Speaker B: Yay. It's just a straight attack, and I roll terribly. [02:10:41] Speaker A: One fight of damage, just, like, give him, like, a very edgy cut along the cheek. [02:10:47] Speaker B: Yes. It's gonna have a dramatic story to tell for the next 5 seconds. [02:10:52] Speaker A: Exactly. And tell me it isn't that. Your turn. You are muted, I think. [02:11:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm just taking action to move. And actually, I don't want to move this way. I want to move this way. I just need to be within 30ft of avarice, and I am going to cast on avarice spirit link. So what that does is that links me to avarice. So any damage that avarice takes being in the melee is gonna bounce back to me instead. Oh, no, I'm full health, so I'm pretty all right. [02:11:50] Speaker B: Okay. [02:11:53] Speaker D: I'd rather you not get dead. You do a lot of damage, so that's what I'm gonna do there. That is all of my action stuff. [02:12:01] Speaker A: All right. And that'll bring us to Nemane. [02:12:04] Speaker E: All righty. Um, let's see here. Where is this little guy over here? That is. [02:12:21] Speaker D: How far is that? [02:12:25] Speaker E: 25Ft. Um, I'm going to. You know what? I'm gonna cast fear. [02:12:42] Speaker A: Fear is good. [02:12:49] Speaker E: Need a will save. That's not. [02:12:56] Speaker A: That is a twelve. That is a, that is a failure. [02:13:00] Speaker E: All right, so the target is frightened two. [02:13:05] Speaker A: Yep. As you make this Kobold rewatch, the death of their king strikes the fear into them, but they don't run yet. [02:13:21] Speaker E: Okay. And then the second thing I'm going to do is cast clinging ice. [02:13:26] Speaker A: Okay. Give that. That is a 17, which is a failure. Yeah. So they will take three frost damage. [02:13:47] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:13:49] Speaker A: And that'll bring us to the other Kobold scout. They are going to move to the top of the stairs. Seeing what is going on. They are going to, let's see, uh, they can't see avarice, so they're going to target you Telby with the strike with the crossbow for a 21. [02:14:17] Speaker D: That does hit. [02:14:20] Speaker A: For two damage as you get nicked by a crossbow bolt. All right. And then it's been its last action to reload. And that'll bring us to the top of the round with the Terminator himself, Howie. [02:14:49] Speaker C: Howinator. I guess you guys have this guy handled. So I'm gonna shoot the further one I did end my turn on a shot. So I'm gonna reload and fire. Let's see if I can do another critical. Nope, but that's a 16. [02:15:13] Speaker A: A 16 will be a miss. [02:15:16] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:15:18] Speaker A: Unless you want to swim to hero point to try again. [02:15:20] Speaker C: Not on this little guy. [02:15:21] Speaker A: Okay. [02:15:24] Speaker C: That's okay. I will just use my covered reload then. And I'll kind of like lean up against this wall and then do a covered reload and then stealth and see if I can. Great. [02:15:37] Speaker A: At twelve, you're unsure if they've lost sight of you. [02:15:42] Speaker C: I used up all my good rolls at the beginning. Howie's getting tired. [02:15:50] Speaker A: Been a long morning. [02:15:52] Speaker C: Been a long one. [02:15:54] Speaker A: So it is now the Kobold scout that is right next to avarice. And they are going to, for their free action, drop their crossbow and pull out of their short sword. Four in action. So that's again. Yeah. They're gonna take two strikes with that short sword. [02:16:12] Speaker E: Ouch. [02:16:13] Speaker A: First one is a 24. Second one is a nat 20 for a 23. [02:16:17] Speaker B: Ah, yeah. They're both gonna hit. [02:16:23] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:16:28] Speaker A: So audience who bold rolled first attack, one damage. The second attack also one damage which doubled to two on a crit. [02:16:38] Speaker E: Amazing. [02:16:40] Speaker A: Doing his best. [02:16:44] Speaker B: I love him. He's doing his most. [02:16:47] Speaker A: Okay, avarice, how would you like to respond? [02:16:52] Speaker B: Well, since we're nicking each other back, I actually am going to after the short sword comes by the second time, it definitely does hit avarice. Winks. Blows this poor kobold a kiss as a performance. So we're gonna do the thing. Okay. So I took the virtuistic performance, and most of my stuff is usually dancing, so I'm not sure how that all works out in the end because it says, like, that it's a dancing thing. I'm so confused. [02:17:32] Speaker A: I mean, it's performance is what you make it great. [02:17:35] Speaker B: Then I'm gonna, like, you know, blow a little kiss and then kind of use the wall as my, like, dance partner to jump and spin off of it as I try and get its attention before attacking. So I have no idea how this works. New things just leveled up. What's up, y'all? So I gain a plus one circumstance bonus when doing that kind of performance. Oh, my God. [02:18:05] Speaker A: Yep. [02:18:08] Speaker B: So then that makes it a 16 to get its attention. [02:18:18] Speaker A: That will get its attention. [02:18:19] Speaker B: Fantastic that we are going to go for that finisher. Oh, and I rolled so bad. I don't think that's going to work. That is only a ten. [02:18:33] Speaker A: A ten, unfortunately, will not. Unless you want to try and spend a hero point to. [02:18:38] Speaker B: I think I'm out of them. I do not love to, but we're. [02:18:46] Speaker A: Probably getting close to, you know, another hour. [02:18:48] Speaker B: If you want to give me another one for the. For the end of this session, I will definitely use it right now. Otherwise, we're good. [02:18:57] Speaker A: I mean, if you want to use it. Yes, I will offer a. [02:19:01] Speaker B: If it's mine to use, I'm going to use it because that was terrible. That's so much better. So much more satisfying to land a hit at a 1919 is gonna hit. Then we're gonna do the whole thing. Oh, 15 damage on this friend. [02:19:23] Speaker A: Yeah, you take him out. [02:19:26] Speaker B: Bye, bud. Let me kiss. And then I see stab him. [02:19:31] Speaker A: Yep. And I believe because of one of the new feats you took, you get panache again. [02:19:37] Speaker B: Still have. Yeah, it's still very spicy. So then, for my last action, since I haven't, it still has one more. I am going to run. Okay, I don't know that that's gonna work. I'm assuming this is a big column next to me that I can't exactly, like, run in front of. So I'm gonna run around the back, and it should land me next to the row, and that will be my last action. [02:20:14] Speaker A: Sounds good. [02:20:16] Speaker B: It will. Let me. There we go. Perfect. All right, that's me. [02:20:22] Speaker A: Cool. And tell me it is your turn. [02:20:25] Speaker D: Okay, so first things first. Everest. You're going to heal back two healing points. [02:20:33] Speaker B: Thank you. [02:20:33] Speaker D: So that's at the start of my turn. And that being said, for my actual turn, I'm going to use movement to get to this guy wherever I could see him. And I'm gonna give him a little shooty boy. Hopefully gonna hope to give him a little shooty boy. [02:21:04] Speaker A: 1818 hits. [02:21:06] Speaker C: Nice. [02:21:09] Speaker D: For eight. Damages. [02:21:11] Speaker A: Yeah, he's still standing, but he's not looking good. [02:21:16] Speaker D: And that is. Let me think. What is that? All three? That is all three. [02:21:22] Speaker A: All right. And that'll bring us to domain. [02:21:25] Speaker E: Okey dokey. I'm going to suppose move up here. [02:21:34] Speaker D: Let's see. [02:21:39] Speaker E: Let's go for Ray of frost. 18. [02:21:52] Speaker A: Eighteen's gonna hit. Roll that damage. [02:21:55] Speaker E: Cool. Seven. [02:21:59] Speaker A: This cobalt is barely hanging on. [02:22:02] Speaker E: Oh, okay. Well, then. And I'm gonna go ahead and cast my clinging ice. [02:22:14] Speaker A: 25. So it's still gonna take the half damage. So roll for that half damage. [02:22:21] Speaker E: It takes one. [02:22:22] Speaker A: That is all it needed to go down. [02:22:24] Speaker B: Yes. [02:22:28] Speaker E: I finally got to kill something. [02:22:29] Speaker C: Hey, that's a good thing, right? [02:22:33] Speaker A: As you turn this cobalt into an ice sculpture, thus ending the combat. As you have this little throne room, there is some treasure. The, um, the Kobold king has some stuff on him as well. [02:22:54] Speaker C: The main. That's a real nice sculpture. I much prefer this one than the one spouting water at us earlier. [02:23:02] Speaker B: I have a very important question. Is that crown removable from this horrible kobold? [02:23:08] Speaker A: Could have the fishbone crown if you want. It's not an item. [02:23:11] Speaker C: It's actually so sick. [02:23:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Avarice is like, this is for me. Fishbone crown. [02:23:18] Speaker C: Well, now you're king of the Kobolds. [02:23:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:23:22] Speaker E: Um, does anyone mind if I take the hat of disguise? [02:23:27] Speaker B: The what? [02:23:28] Speaker E: The hat of disguise. [02:23:30] Speaker A: It is in a treasure trove on zulgren themselves. Uh, you do. If anybody, uh, since avarice, you were looking at, uh, there's the. The crown that you took. Uh, also around their neck, they have a necklace that they seem to have fashioned that has a. Looks almost like a piece of an eggshell that's probably about as big as your hand. [02:23:59] Speaker B: I'm just gonna take all the stuff off of them, basically. Just be like this. I'm holding the eggshell necklace in the iron key, though, and I go up to everybody else, I'm just, what's this? [02:24:13] Speaker C: And I grab the healing potion. I don't have any left. [02:24:17] Speaker D: Yeah, go for it. If you don't mind, I would like the bond of healing. [02:24:21] Speaker A: Very good. [02:24:22] Speaker B: Please. [02:24:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:24:23] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [02:24:23] Speaker B: Whoa. Silver bracelet with a fish pattern. What's this smoking sword about? [02:24:30] Speaker A: It is a sword. [02:24:32] Speaker B: It's a bit big. [02:24:34] Speaker A: Belches from this. Plus, one magic long sword. Any hit deals, one extra fire damage. And you can use a special action while holding the sword to command the blade's edges to light on fire. [02:24:46] Speaker C: Pretty cool. [02:24:47] Speaker B: So wicked. It would be stupidly large on this little gnome. [02:24:52] Speaker A: It's more like a great sword for a gnome. [02:24:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:24:54] Speaker D: Is it a marshal weapon? [02:24:56] Speaker A: It is. [02:24:59] Speaker E: Okay. [02:25:00] Speaker D: Um, if nobody else can take it, I can take Marshall and I will, if that's okay. [02:25:06] Speaker C: Absolutely. [02:25:07] Speaker B: Also, your hammer was betraying you. You should probably invest in a new weapon anyways. [02:25:13] Speaker D: Oh, my hammers probably betrayed me. My dad gave it to me and he betrayed me, so that's why. [02:25:18] Speaker B: Oh, no, I'm sorry. [02:25:19] Speaker C: Hammers more. All right. [02:25:22] Speaker B: Does anyone care if I take this weird fish bracelet? [02:25:27] Speaker E: Go for it. [02:25:31] Speaker C: You know, from the sea and all. [02:25:33] Speaker B: Yeah, I like it. Yeah. The. The key and the. The egg. The eggshell bracelet or necklace are also just things that Avris is holding that it's just for anyone to have. [02:25:50] Speaker C: Now you're the new fish ruler of the Kobolds pirate. [02:25:56] Speaker B: Yes. Yes. [02:26:00] Speaker D: Avarice. And I'm gonna pull out old map. This might be better suited for your seafaring self that can read those things. [02:26:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, I'll take that. Thank you. Well, that was cool. There's a weird room this way. I saw it when I was up here. [02:26:25] Speaker C: I could smell mushrooms. [02:26:29] Speaker B: What's going on in here? I would like to look through this and see what's going on in this weird room. [02:26:42] Speaker C: Mushroom kingdom diagonal soroll. Perception if needed. [02:26:51] Speaker A: Yeah. For those of you do, you enter. [02:26:55] Speaker C: The into the room 19. [02:27:00] Speaker B: Look with my specialized. That's a. Ooh. 21. [02:27:08] Speaker A: 21. [02:27:09] Speaker B: Perception. [02:27:10] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead. Perception. That is a 1919. [02:27:26] Speaker A: Hey, was anybody else rolling? [02:27:28] Speaker C: I also got a 19. I also like the stealth in cases. These mushrooms are alive. [02:27:38] Speaker A: Yeah. So you all enter this room with these towering yellow mushrooms, cover the floor of this vast cave, some reaching over 10ft in height. This cave is probably like 30ft up where you can see the ceiling. It is massive. The mushrooms themselves, they seem to emit this pale light, giving the entire chamber an eerie glow. Shattered remnants of barrels torn open with their contents nowhere to be seen, lay scattered around the base of the mushrooms. Somewhere off on the far side of the chamber, something stirs. A faint snarl comes from the shadows. [02:28:28] Speaker B: I'd like to hide. [02:28:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I didn't real great on stealth, so I'm gonna use a hero point. There we go. [02:28:38] Speaker D: Rather than that too, I'm not sure how? Time is passing. But, avarice, you and I are spirit linked for a total of ten minutes. [02:28:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not so. [02:28:52] Speaker C: Okay. [02:28:54] Speaker B: I rolled very poorly for my stealth, and I don't have any more rerolls, so we're gonna go with twelve. [02:29:00] Speaker E: I rolled 23, 20. [02:29:02] Speaker C: 318. [02:29:06] Speaker A: Are you moving into the room? [02:29:16] Speaker C: I don't want to. [02:29:18] Speaker B: I think. Listen, Avarice thinks that they're being stealthy, so, yeah, they're gonna go into the room thinking, oh, yeah, no one can see me. I'm just gonna sneak this way. [02:29:30] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:29:39] Speaker A: Is it just avarice who's coming into the room? [02:29:43] Speaker C: Uh, I'll move up to, like, the. [02:29:45] Speaker E: Kind of like in the doorway. [02:29:47] Speaker C: Yeah, be in the doorway, too. [02:29:53] Speaker D: I'm gonna reach out with my hand. Avarice, the one that doesn't have the shield for you, and we're gonna hold hands if you take my permissionally. [02:30:02] Speaker B: Absolutely. [02:30:03] Speaker D: Okay, so no one goes along. [02:30:08] Speaker A: And as this happens, from across the room, a bright green dragon jumps into view. Although the beast isn't much larger than you, large leathery wings and snapping jaws make the hatchling look like an ancient worm. The creature gazes at you with cunning eyes and snorts a cloud of yellow vapor. With a fierce roar, the dragon charges for you on the attack. [02:30:44] Speaker B: What have I done? [02:30:48] Speaker C: Mushroom dragon. [02:30:56] Speaker A: So those that perception or stealth? [02:31:07] Speaker B: That perception was great. [02:31:12] Speaker C: It's a dragon. [02:31:14] Speaker E: Stealth was 23. [02:31:16] Speaker C: Nice. [02:31:19] Speaker B: My perception was 21. If you would like me to take my stealth, the newer role, I will respect that. [02:31:25] Speaker A: Uh, stealth was 21. Okay. [02:31:29] Speaker B: My perception was 21. [02:31:31] Speaker A: Perception was 21. Yeah, that's fine. It is seen you. There is no stealth. [02:31:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:31:37] Speaker A: And howie, what was your role? [02:31:39] Speaker C: I have an 18. Stealth. [02:31:46] Speaker A: Oy, Namain, you were the first to act as this dragon lunges forward. [02:31:52] Speaker E: Oh, dear gods. Okay, I do do do. I have a new thing from my new class feat called elemental betrayal. But I'm not really sure how to cast it. [02:32:46] Speaker A: Do you remember what class feat you took? [02:32:50] Speaker E: Lessons of elements. [02:32:54] Speaker A: Okay, so you took a basic lesson and you took lessons of elements. All right. Ah, class feet. Right. And then, so elemental betrayal will be a focus spell. [02:33:12] Speaker E: Okay. [02:33:17] Speaker A: It is. So we'll take your focus point as a one action, and essentially is each time when you cast it, you choose an element, and each time the target would take damage from that element, they take extra damage. [02:33:33] Speaker E: Okay. [02:33:37] Speaker A: 30Ft. So you have to make sure you're within 30ft of the dragon. [02:33:44] Speaker E: Where is this dragon? Right here. [02:33:50] Speaker A: Okay. [02:33:52] Speaker E: Which is. [02:33:55] Speaker A: So you will have to get closer. [02:33:57] Speaker E: Yeah. Okay, then I'm not gonna do that yet. I'm gonna go for Ray of frost first. [02:34:08] Speaker A: And also, don't forget about your blessings and stuff that you got from the elemental chamber. [02:34:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:34:15] Speaker A: Roll that ray of frost. [02:34:18] Speaker D: Attack. [02:34:23] Speaker A: A ten is not going to hit. [02:34:26] Speaker E: Rude. Okay, um, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see. Okay, well, then I think the only thing I can do right now is move in. [02:35:14] Speaker A: Maybe just make sure you're trying. Not trying to move through a wall. That may be the only thing. [02:35:20] Speaker C: I think the game's paused. [02:35:22] Speaker A: Oh, the game is paused. Or that I'm smart. [02:35:26] Speaker E: Here we go. Okay. [02:35:28] Speaker A: Okay, that's fine. [02:35:29] Speaker E: My turn. [02:35:32] Speaker A: And it is time for the wyrmling. Wormling flaps its wings and alights up from the mushroom that they. That it's on and lands close. And then for its last two actions, you watch as it takes a deep breath in. And I'm going to need everybody to give me a fortitude save as it breathes out a cloud of poison. [02:36:01] Speaker C: Oh, no. I knew I smelled something. [02:36:08] Speaker A: It is a DC 26 save. [02:36:13] Speaker B: I failed. [02:36:13] Speaker D: Holy. No, Nat. 20 for 26. Screw that one. [02:36:21] Speaker C: Perfect. Yeah, it failed. [02:36:27] Speaker E: Yeah. No. [02:36:40] Speaker A: What did everybody else get? [02:36:42] Speaker E: 1313. [02:36:44] Speaker A: Okay, that is a critical fail. [02:36:46] Speaker B: Great. Oh, then I also critically failed. That's only an eleven for me. [02:36:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:36:50] Speaker C: 21 for me. [02:36:51] Speaker B: 21. [02:36:52] Speaker A: You regularly failed, so you're gonna take normal amount of damage. I'm gonna roll the damage. [02:36:56] Speaker C: Oh, boy. Oh, boy. [02:36:59] Speaker A: 15. Those who fail critically failed will take double damage. [02:37:04] Speaker E: I'm dead. [02:37:06] Speaker A: You were unconscious. [02:37:07] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm unconscious. [02:37:08] Speaker C: No. [02:37:11] Speaker A: And I'm gonna roll this because the dragon can't use his breath weapon again for one round. [02:37:17] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:37:19] Speaker A: But it's the end of the dragon's turn. [02:37:21] Speaker D: Help. [02:37:26] Speaker A: And avarice. You are unconscious and I need to make a recovery. [02:37:33] Speaker B: Check. [02:37:34] Speaker A: And that is a dc of ten plus your dying value, which is right now it's just. You're just dying one. So it is a eleven. [02:37:44] Speaker E: Yeah. 16. [02:37:45] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. 13 on the die. [02:37:47] Speaker A: 13 on the die. You're good. So you are. You are stable. You're not getting up, but you are unconscious, essentially. And howie, it is now your turn. [02:38:10] Speaker C: So in Pathfinder, to bring them up, is it just like giving them a healing potion or something? [02:38:15] Speaker A: Yeah, if you give them a healing potion, they'll be up. [02:38:17] Speaker C: Okay, who's next in initiative? Namayn or avarice? [02:38:21] Speaker A: Namayne is the very top of the round. Yeah. [02:38:23] Speaker C: Okay. I will get you then, because then you can do something. So I'll move up with my first action. And I guess it's an action to. I only got one of these and main is better work and I'm a give you the healing potions. So roll a d eight. [02:38:41] Speaker E: Okay, I got an eight. [02:38:47] Speaker A: An eight. So you're up with eight health. [02:38:49] Speaker C: Amazing. [02:38:51] Speaker A: And you have one. [02:38:52] Speaker C: I like hobble on over. Cause I am not looking too hot either. [02:38:57] Speaker B: I have a question about how all that works with Telby's spell. That's up. [02:39:04] Speaker D: No, that's link. It dropped. [02:39:07] Speaker C: Okay. Um, I do have one action left. [02:39:12] Speaker A: Yes. [02:39:14] Speaker C: I'm gonna look right in this wyrmling's eyes. Now. That was now very cash money of you. And then I'm gonna try to shoot it. There's no like poison effects from. From that, is there? [02:39:29] Speaker A: Uh, no, nothing you have to do, you have to deal with per turn. It's just a damage. [02:39:35] Speaker C: Please, please. Crit. Come on, come on, come on, come on. [02:39:41] Speaker B: 28. [02:39:42] Speaker A: 28 is gonna hit. It's not a critical credit. [02:39:48] Speaker C: Hey, it's something. It's something. Yeah. Okay, so that is eight damage. [02:40:02] Speaker A: Eight damage. Okay. [02:40:05] Speaker C: Not the best. No, I'm gonna die. [02:40:08] Speaker A: It's a good starting salvo. [02:40:11] Speaker C: I guess so. [02:40:12] Speaker A: And tell me it is. Now your turn. [02:40:16] Speaker D: All right, so I'll do a thing. I don't want my friends to die. [02:40:20] Speaker E: I. [02:40:20] Speaker D: All of you. [02:40:22] Speaker E: So. [02:40:25] Speaker D: Yeah, you'll get some heals back. Uh, my healing is a deten now. So you get a detenn. Each of you, around me. [02:40:36] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [02:40:37] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [02:40:38] Speaker E: Thank you. [02:40:42] Speaker D: I got two. [02:40:44] Speaker C: You know, much like your healing, Toby, your charisma is not infectious. So thank you, best friend. [02:40:50] Speaker D: You're welcome. [02:40:52] Speaker C: It's an eight. [02:40:54] Speaker E: I got nine. [02:40:56] Speaker B: I got four. Just so helpful. [02:40:59] Speaker A: It's. You're up, you're awake, you're conscious. [02:41:04] Speaker D: Yeah. And if you want to pilfer it in my bag on your turn, I'll let you. I've got extra healing potions you can certainly. [02:41:10] Speaker B: I have one. I have one. [02:41:13] Speaker E: Same. [02:41:15] Speaker A: And that'll bring us to the top of the round with the main. [02:41:18] Speaker E: Okey dokey. I'm going to. Let's see here. I'm going to start. What is the range on foxfire? [02:41:47] Speaker A: 20Ft. Yeah, 20ft. [02:41:49] Speaker E: Okay, so I'm gonna do that. Uh, do I have a hero point that I can use, please? [02:42:06] Speaker A: Um, should I've gotten one? Like, if you haven't used one in the last, like 20 minutes? [02:42:11] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, I think you. I think you have one. [02:42:13] Speaker E: Okay, let's. Let's go for that because. Yeah, and I'm gonna use my actual dice, because digital dice don't like me today. Haha. That's 18 plus three. [02:42:30] Speaker A: So a 21. Yeah, a 21 will miss. [02:42:35] Speaker C: No. Wow. Yeah. Big boss energy right here. [02:42:42] Speaker E: Great. Okay, well, rude. All right, then I'm gonna use. Then I'm gonna use my clinging ice. [02:43:00] Speaker A: Clinging ice? Yeah. Dragon will make a reflex save for 17. So they will take the full damage and they will have that minus to their speed. Okay. Um, and is that all your. All of your actions? No, I think you have one more action. You have one more action. Fire. Foxfire is one, clinging ice is two. You have a third. You could put distance between you and the dragon. [02:43:40] Speaker E: Uh, yeah, I'll do that. And then I have a question. [02:43:46] Speaker A: Uh huh. [02:43:47] Speaker E: Uh, my familiar, are they supposed to be able to attack? [02:43:53] Speaker A: Um, familiar doesn't have an attack. Uh, but you're familiar. I did. I think I gave it the independent trait. So you can have your familiar do one. One action thing per round. [02:44:07] Speaker E: Okay. Um. [02:44:12] Speaker C: Because maybe you can pour a healing potion or something. [02:44:16] Speaker E: True. When I took the lesson of elements feet, it says, my familiar learns. Oh, right. Because they're basically like my spell book. [02:44:30] Speaker A: Yeah, you're familiar. Your spell book. There are familiar abilities, you can get down the line. They're not available this early on, but there are ones that you can use familiar as a conduit for spells. But if you wanted to have your familiar spin their one action to feed you a healing potion, I'd allow it. [02:44:48] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah, I think I'll do that. [02:44:54] Speaker D: Do d. Eight. [02:44:58] Speaker E: And I got eight. [02:45:00] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. And it is time. Yeah, it is the wyrmlings turn. They are going to spend their first action to move in that don't get their breath weapon back till next round. So you're all lucky on that. And they're gonna spend their last two actions to do a thing called draconic fury. And for this, two claw strikes and one tail strike in any order. [02:45:33] Speaker E: Oh, dear. [02:45:35] Speaker A: So the first one is going to be a claw strike against Tulby, but that is a nat one, so that is going to miss. [02:45:48] Speaker C: Oh, God. [02:45:52] Speaker A: And second attack is going to be on Howie with the claw. [02:46:04] Speaker C: Who did hit me? Oh, no. [02:46:06] Speaker A: 430. [02:46:08] Speaker C: Yeah, that's. That's. That's over. That's ten over. That's a crit then, right? [02:46:13] Speaker A: Yes. For 24 damage. [02:46:16] Speaker C: 24 damage. I'm down. No, it was nice knowing ya. [02:46:25] Speaker A: And then this final one will be a tail strike against Telby for 17. [02:46:37] Speaker D: That will hit. [02:46:41] Speaker A: For seven damage and avarice. It is now your turn. You are muted you're muted. [02:47:00] Speaker B: Absolutely petrified of this dragon. [02:47:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:47:04] Speaker B: Avarice looks to Telby and looks to Howie and just sees them get wailed on. Ed was already, like, holding their healing potion, ready to drink it, and sees Howie go down and is actually gonna feed it to Howie instead. You get one d eight on that. And I am out of healing potions. [02:47:28] Speaker C: Last year. And then. [02:47:32] Speaker B: Average. Just chills. We should run. We should run. And it's just gonna start running the. [02:47:39] Speaker C: Three. [02:47:53] Speaker B: And I'm gonna use everything I've got to just run. [02:47:57] Speaker A: And as you attempt to run, it is going to use a reaction. [02:48:02] Speaker B: Of course it is. [02:48:04] Speaker A: It's called twisting tail. [02:48:06] Speaker C: Why are these called such gnarly things? [02:48:09] Speaker A: When a creature within 10ft uses a move action or leaves squares during a move action it's using, they can use their reaction to make a tail strike with a minus two penalty. If it hits, the creature stops moving in the square when it was when it happened. [02:48:23] Speaker B: If it hits, it'll stop moving. Cause I'll be dead. [02:48:32] Speaker A: Oh, 17. [02:48:35] Speaker B: I'm going to use my. [02:48:37] Speaker A: Oh, no, I don't even need it. [02:48:38] Speaker B: It doesn't hit. My ac went up. Ha ha. [02:48:42] Speaker A: I'm going to say this dragon is totally fightable. [02:48:45] Speaker B: Sure. Avaris is a coward and has very few hit points and no ability to stay up on their own. So I think avarice is going to get to the cliff face, though, and realize that maybe running all the way from their friends is bad and is going to stop just past the bottleneck right there. Be done. Yeah, that's me. [02:49:11] Speaker A: Yeah, howie, you're up. And I'll also say it has spent its reaction. It will not have its reaction again until its turn comes around. [02:49:20] Speaker C: Okay, so I won't get, like, an opportunity attack? [02:49:22] Speaker A: Yeah, no, opportunity attack is already spent. [02:49:24] Speaker B: I. [02:49:24] Speaker A: Okay, cool. [02:49:25] Speaker C: All right, then in that case, may I drop the oil flask that I have, like, in and around this entrance area? And then I'm gonna also back off a bit, assuming the dragon is gonna follow through that or try to follow through that. Do we know if it fits through that little entrance way? [02:49:52] Speaker A: There's plenty of room. [02:49:53] Speaker C: Okay. Okay, so I'm gonna use my movement, which is. [02:50:00] Speaker A: Think of it as a dragon about the size of maybe like a Clydesdale stallion. [02:50:06] Speaker C: Okay. [02:50:07] Speaker A: It's about that size. Aw. [02:50:08] Speaker E: I want to adopt it now. [02:50:10] Speaker C: Yeah, that's cute. So is dropping the oil flask around, like, here an action? [02:50:16] Speaker A: Yes, it would be. [02:50:17] Speaker C: Okay. Okay, so I'll use that and then move. And then I don't think I reloaded since the last. Did I. I guess I'll do a covered reload then, which I will hide, and I'll use my last hero point because I was in that too. Okay, that's fair. Uh, 23. [02:50:47] Speaker A: 23. [02:50:47] Speaker C: Okay, 23 stealth. Um, and then I'm a yell, like, get out of there. [02:50:55] Speaker A: Toby. It is not your turn. [02:50:58] Speaker D: I would like to defer action until after domain to allow her time to move. Is that something that's possible? [02:51:07] Speaker A: You can. You can spend two actions to, um. To, uh. Um, essentially hold an action, but only one action. [02:51:22] Speaker D: Yeah. Not gonna do any of that then. Okay. I'm gonna stand where I am. I'm gonna lift up my shield, I'm gonna hold my sword, and I'm gonna tap it against my shield. I'm gonna raise my sword, and I'm going to say, by the power of Grayskull, and it's going to ignite in its flames, and I'm going to hit this dragon with my flaming freaking sword, because he's a really big bastard and I'm sick of his shit. Wow. [02:51:52] Speaker A: I'm. [02:51:53] Speaker D: You know what? I'm going to hero point. [02:51:56] Speaker C: It's a hero point. Yeah, it's a hero. [02:52:01] Speaker D: But I'm still on fire, at least, so that's cool. [02:52:04] Speaker C: There you go. [02:52:05] Speaker D: 24. [02:52:06] Speaker A: 24 will hit. [02:52:08] Speaker D: Okay, so with my flames stoked, then do some fire damage to this little bastard on top of its regular. I think stoked flames gives it more. But it didn't. I didn't click it again on my reroll. [02:52:29] Speaker A: Um, I think so lames concentrate deals. One d, six extra fire damage instead of just one. So, yeah, just roll a d six. [02:52:41] Speaker D: Okay, maybe so three more. [02:52:51] Speaker A: Okay. Ten damage. [02:52:51] Speaker D: And then I got. So that's to stoke. It is one action to use it is the second action. And my third is going to be to raise my shield. [02:53:00] Speaker A: Okay. [02:53:04] Speaker D: And I'm going to look at Nemane and just yell with, like, a frantic look on my face, run. And that's it for me. [02:53:11] Speaker A: And, yeah, namaine it is. Now your turn. [02:53:14] Speaker E: Okay. Namaine's going to run. She's gonna go this way. [02:53:26] Speaker B: Also, you come around the corner, and avarice is very horrible looking, like on death's door, just sanded there. [02:53:36] Speaker E: Uh, she's gonna go ahead and give you a healing potion. [02:53:41] Speaker A: Yeah. That is an action. So I think you'll have one action left. [02:53:46] Speaker E: Um, I don't really have anything else that I want to really do. [02:54:00] Speaker A: Um, well, you can also spend an action to take cover, increase your acoustical. I'll also say you do for next turn, you do have scroll of magic missile. And essentially the way the magic missile works into that's what I do. It is essentially, is however many actions you cast it with or how many bolts it shoots. So you can spend your entire turn do a three action magic missile and shoot three bolts for one d. Four plus one each. [02:54:34] Speaker E: Okay. [02:54:35] Speaker A: So it is a good. And those you. Those like magic missile and five e always hit. They do not miss. [02:54:43] Speaker E: Sweet. [02:54:44] Speaker A: Yeah. So it is. It is a good, good sort of backup, especially like next turn when you have all three actions. [02:54:54] Speaker E: Okay, I will do that. [02:54:58] Speaker A: All right. It is now the worms turn, and the worm is sees you tell me and what you are doing, and the worm is going to spend its first action to attempt to grapple you, and it's going to make an athletics check versus your fortitude DC. [02:55:24] Speaker D: I don't know what my fortune. Fortitude DC. [02:55:27] Speaker A: You take your fortitude and add ten. [02:55:31] Speaker D: All right, so that's over because I'm only at 16 on fortitude. [02:55:35] Speaker A: Okay. And now you are grappled. You can still attack and do things. You just cannot leave the space. [02:55:42] Speaker D: That's okay. [02:55:45] Speaker A: And so that is its first action, and it is going to attempt to hit you with its horn for its second action. And grappling is an attack action. So it is already attacking at a minus five. [02:56:04] Speaker D: For a 1717 with my shield, up is my ac. [02:56:16] Speaker A: So that will hit. But you can also, if you want, you can do the shield block reaction to take some of the damage. [02:56:25] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll do that. [02:56:27] Speaker A: So it'll be five less damage than whatever I roll. So five. You're not gonna take any damage. You can deflect it with the shield. Okay. And then it's going to attempt to attack you with its shots for a Nat, 20 for a 24. So it will be a critical. [02:56:52] Speaker D: That's okay. [02:56:56] Speaker A: For 22 damage. [02:56:58] Speaker D: Oh, I like it. And just one last little thing you heard. Goodbye, best friends. [02:57:10] Speaker E: No. [02:57:10] Speaker D: And my flaming sword drops when I drop into that puddle of oil blocking that door that is not running out. [02:57:25] Speaker C: Yes, I like this. [02:57:29] Speaker A: So you are not dead. I'm letting you know that you are unconscious. That's okay, because also, as soon as you drop the sword, the flames are gonna go out. So it's not actually going to just. [02:57:43] Speaker D: Clutching it with the death, you know, when you die in your hands or your mouth clamps down. That's what's happening. I'm clamped. [02:57:49] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what happened last time I died. I held on. [02:57:53] Speaker D: I'm holding on. I'm not letting it go. I'm holding on. I'm giving every last little bit of my deities power inside of me to grip this sword, to light this thing on fire, because I hate this dragon. [02:58:06] Speaker A: Right. Um, so it is not. I'm just letting you know, it is not going to light up. Uh, uh. But, uh, it's still there, though. It is still there. It is not lit up. And we have avarice. [02:58:26] Speaker B: Okay. I think seeing Telby go down kind of looks to Nemayne. What are we going to do? I think I starts to run forward, actually, and is going to drag her out of there. Yeah. Okay. Is the dragon. Is the warbling still holding Telby at this point? [02:59:03] Speaker A: Yes. Tell b did not drop the ground because Telby is still grappled. [02:59:07] Speaker B: Grappled. That's what I thought. So there's no planet where this little gnome is gonna wrestle anything out of the clutches of this wyrmling. So we're gonna do something stupid. With almost no hit points, avarice is going to run in there and yell while leaping, using the two walls of the narrow entrance to the cave to leap into the fray. And I'm going to try and use my fascinating performance. Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. [02:59:44] Speaker A: For being brave and jumping into battle, I will award you a hero. Point. Yes. [02:59:53] Speaker B: Uh, because Telby's my best friend, and. [02:59:57] Speaker A: Friends don't, like, leave friends behind to. [03:00:00] Speaker B: Get eaten by dragon. [03:00:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:00:02] Speaker B: Uh, well, my performance is 26. [03:00:06] Speaker A: That is going to be a success. [03:00:08] Speaker B: Fantastic. Uh, then I am going to come in and stab this dragon with all of my little. [03:00:17] Speaker C: Might I have something that can help you with this that I would like to use? I just got it with the level up. Can I use my reaction called fake out? Basically, it's whenever an ally is about to use an action that requires an attack roll. And I have a loaded firearm with me, which I did just load my rifle up. So basically, I make, like, a quote unquote attack row just to like, it's not an actual attack, but I use it. And if, depending on what it is, I get the aid. Action. [03:00:47] Speaker A: Yes. Oh, that's a bonus to an aid will essentially be a plus one to hit. [03:00:54] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay, so let's see. And I think. I think the whatever I roll could either give you plus I two plus one, or hopefully not a minus one that can I use my last year, the DC. [03:01:12] Speaker A: I'm just gonna let you know, DC is 15. [03:01:16] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, I was enough for it, so I'm gonna use my last year for you, then. That's. That's much better. That is a 17. [03:01:30] Speaker A: Okay. [03:01:30] Speaker C: Which means you get a plus one circumstance bonus to your attack. [03:01:36] Speaker B: Appreciate it. [03:01:37] Speaker C: Yeah. As I, like, whistle, and I'm like, hey, let my best friend go. And then I guess I like, fire in the air to get its attention and then giving you an opening to attack it. [03:01:53] Speaker B: Cool. That's amazing. Thank you. All right, here we go. I kid you not. That is a natural 20. [03:02:05] Speaker C: Plus one. [03:02:06] Speaker A: And let's see, because I think I have it. I gotta make sure I have it, because if I do, I'm gonna pull a crit card for you because it feels like the right moment. [03:02:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:02:20] Speaker A: Rollable tables. Where is it? [03:02:23] Speaker B: And it's the die that I went chasing. It's my best friend die, apparently. I will not let my best. [03:02:29] Speaker A: Critical hit. Critical hit deck. I have a critical hit deck. I'm gonna pull a card for you slashing. So your card is called wide open, and the target is flat footed until its next turn, which reduces its ac by two. [03:02:49] Speaker D: Ooh. [03:02:52] Speaker B: Okay. All right, so. [03:02:56] Speaker A: And do your damage and double it. [03:02:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. 26 points of damage. [03:03:09] Speaker E: Holy cow. [03:03:11] Speaker A: It is still standing, but it is past the threshold of bloody. [03:03:15] Speaker B: Yes. And when avarice lands, they. They are, like, making all kinds of horrible, like, yipping and yelling and, like, almost feral noises trying to get its attention away from Pelbi. That is. That is my turn. [03:03:40] Speaker A: It is. And we'll go to. Howie, it is your turn now. [03:03:47] Speaker C: All right, obviously, I'm gonna reload my gun as my first action move a little bit so I could see this dragon for tell me, and I'm a fire and see what happens. [03:04:06] Speaker A: Take your hero point. [03:04:08] Speaker C: Hey. Okay, good. I might need it. Yeah, I'm gonna use it. Okay. Come on, come on, come on. Don't fail me now. Nice. Have been not the most nice. Okay, 23. [03:04:29] Speaker A: 23. Flat footed. [03:04:33] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Um. Three. Oh, my God. The worst damage. Three damage. I rolled a one. Three damage. Four talent, you still do damage? It's damage. Sure. [03:04:59] Speaker A: And we'll come to tell B. Tellby. Give me a death, save or recovery check. In this case, it is a DC. It is going to be a DC. Eleven. Uh, you do move one track down. Uh, dying. You're a dying one now. It's fine. You saw plenty of turns, and we'll be back to the top of the round with the main. [03:05:39] Speaker E: Okay. I'm gonna use that magic missile. [03:05:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Three actions. So it is gonna be. It is three d, four. And each of those d four s gets a plus one. [03:05:52] Speaker E: Okay. [03:05:57] Speaker D: Let'S see. [03:06:03] Speaker E: Three, four, and four. [03:06:11] Speaker A: Both damage. [03:06:14] Speaker E: Yeah. And that was. That was the ones that were on the dice. So. [03:06:23] Speaker A: Nemane, tell me how it goes as you read from this spell of magic missiles to defeat the dragon that has your friends. [03:06:42] Speaker E: I see my new best friend in the claws of this thing, and I pull out this scroll and use it. And I'm just like, no one hurts my best friend. And these magic missiles just go straight into its head and blow it up. [03:07:14] Speaker A: And the dragon, the menace underneath Atari, is dead. [03:07:21] Speaker E: Yes. [03:07:22] Speaker B: Incredible. [03:07:26] Speaker C: That was a close one, folks. Yeah. [03:07:29] Speaker B: Avarice goes to Telby, reaches into bag and pours a healing potion down her throat. [03:07:36] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, I've got a few, so I'll get two back at least. That's better. Okay. [03:07:46] Speaker E: Nada. [03:07:49] Speaker B: Oh, that was close. [03:07:51] Speaker D: Oh, no. I do not need a second level of dying. Does that remove my. I was just gonna ask if that removes my level of dying. [03:07:57] Speaker A: Uh, yes, does. You are awake. You have health now. [03:08:03] Speaker B: Oh, hell. [03:08:06] Speaker E: Be back, best friend. [03:08:09] Speaker D: That was a good nap. You're feeling good? [03:08:12] Speaker B: Did you kill it? [03:08:14] Speaker E: I did. [03:08:15] Speaker B: Good. Yeah. Good. [03:08:17] Speaker D: Now give me a hug and I'm just gonna throw my arms. I'm not even asking for permission this time. I'm making you hug me for best friends. [03:08:29] Speaker B: Big hug. [03:08:31] Speaker C: Glad you're still alive. [03:08:34] Speaker E: Big, big hugs. [03:08:37] Speaker C: You all know what the. The kobolds were worshiping. Or I guess, working for fish for it. [03:08:47] Speaker A: You also do notice a giant I stack of coins and other assorted sundries on the other side of the room. This dragon was already amassing a bit of a hoard. [03:08:57] Speaker E: Oh, heck yeah. [03:08:58] Speaker C: Beautiful. [03:09:01] Speaker B: Yeah, we're loaded now. [03:09:02] Speaker A: Yep, there is. There's another emerald. There is 429 copper pieces. There is 63 silver and 18 gold. [03:09:13] Speaker C: Plate it up. [03:09:14] Speaker B: Yeah. If you don't mind, I'd, uh. I'd love this emerald. No one would complain. [03:09:26] Speaker C: I think you deserved it, being a king of the kobolds. [03:09:31] Speaker A: Yeah, I like, put it in your. [03:09:33] Speaker C: Crown like it's like the jewel. Like, in the middle. [03:09:36] Speaker B: Exactly. Well, it was definitely more than rats. [03:09:48] Speaker E: Hmm. [03:09:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:09:49] Speaker C: Imma ask Miss T for a bit of a raise. That was a little more than we expected. [03:09:58] Speaker D: Should we warn them about those disgusting creatures hiding where we put those barrels back up? [03:10:06] Speaker B: Yeah, probably. [03:10:07] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [03:10:10] Speaker D: Can we give them the inclusion that it's just a bit of information for them to hire somebody else to do it? [03:10:16] Speaker E: Yes. [03:10:17] Speaker B: Yeah, maybe. Yeah. [03:10:18] Speaker C: Or even just like that slims. A barrier of sorts. We could fortify it. Like, actually put some, like, brick down and just like, they'll never get in again. [03:10:31] Speaker E: Also, um, while I'm. While we're down here, can I go. [03:10:39] Speaker D: To. [03:10:43] Speaker E: This wyrmling and take its fangs? [03:10:47] Speaker A: Yeah, it takes you a little bit of time, but yeah, you can harvest pieces from the wormling, like cool horns. Some scale. [03:10:57] Speaker C: I haven't. I'd grab a horn for sure. [03:10:59] Speaker B: Yeah, a little bit of pieces. [03:11:04] Speaker D: One scale as a token of remembrance. Actually, I'm going to take four scales so I can make us matching BFF necklaces. [03:11:12] Speaker B: Yes. Actually, I think avarice takes a claw. Just a single claw that's like huge and is going to eventually make it into a necklace. [03:11:20] Speaker E: Nice. [03:11:21] Speaker A: Oh, so you gotta have proof you killed a dragon. [03:11:23] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [03:11:25] Speaker C: Yeah. I hollow out one of the horns and I put booze in it. [03:11:30] Speaker A: Fix them. [03:11:32] Speaker C: I can also grab one of these mushrooms. These mushrooms look interesting. [03:11:35] Speaker A: Or, um, yeah, you can find ones that are not the ten giant, 10ft tall mushrooms. Yeah, the more of the little glowing mushrooms. [03:11:44] Speaker C: Some of these to go, just in case. [03:11:47] Speaker B: I think my next adventure is gonna be above ground, though. [03:11:51] Speaker D: Hmm. [03:11:53] Speaker E: Greed. [03:11:54] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, I'm thinking if there's this much underground here, I wonder what else is under this village as I move in. And there's a. There's a little more tunnel. [03:12:08] Speaker A: That doesn't really seem to go anywhere. [03:12:12] Speaker C: Okay. [03:12:12] Speaker A: It eventually does. Dead end. [03:12:14] Speaker C: Okay, well, that's that. [03:12:23] Speaker B: All right, well, let's go up and drinks are on tantaly. [03:12:29] Speaker E: Agreed. Yeah, let's get out of here, shall we? [03:12:34] Speaker C: And hopefully they'll be the drinks or healing potions because I beat. I got three hp right now. [03:12:43] Speaker A: You all eventually sort of just climb back through this dungeon of the last day that has brought you together to be friends. An adventuring party, whatever you call yourselves, the best friends best its defense. You climb back up into the fishery and as Tanterley unlocks the door to see all of you in your very rough condition, she just goes, why, Eredin. What was that down there? [03:13:21] Speaker B: Dragon. [03:13:24] Speaker A: How the dragon. Here's your money. And you all get 15 gold from Tanterley. And this came for you as well. I don't know how she knew you were here. And yeah, the strange, you know, the person who runs the fortune teller. [03:13:58] Speaker B: She. [03:13:59] Speaker A: Says if you're interested it she's got a job for you. [03:14:05] Speaker E: I think we're going to need a vacation first. [03:14:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, she seemed like it was important, but I'm pretty sure she's fine. If you wait a couple of days. [03:14:18] Speaker B: Yeah, I could barely walk right now. [03:14:23] Speaker A: You should definitely go to go. You should go to the temple of Sarenrae. They can heal you up there. [03:14:31] Speaker C: Yeah. Just a bit of a word to the wise. Uh, maybe build thicker walls in your basement. [03:14:38] Speaker A: I am going to have the stonemasons come in and redo my entire basement. Some if you walk down a bit. [03:14:44] Speaker C: Maybe don't go too far, but there's a bit of a flimsy barricade. Make sure you hold that up extra thick. You don't want to know what's behind there. [03:14:52] Speaker A: No, I will let the masons know that. We'll deal with that tomorrow. Thank you again. [03:15:02] Speaker E: There is a beautiful little sea temple down there. [03:15:08] Speaker A: Well, I'm sure that the pathmatchers will want to study that. [03:15:13] Speaker B: All right, I'll see you soon, tantaly. [03:15:18] Speaker E: Yes. [03:15:18] Speaker A: See you around, Avarice. [03:15:24] Speaker E: Kevin. That's good. [03:15:26] Speaker A: In tavern, you all leave the fishery. Head towards the closest tavern. From here is the rowdy rockfish. To get a little rowdy to just enjoy your evening the rest of your day. Rest up. You all fought a dragon, and that's an awesome. That's a thing you could brag about forever. [03:15:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [03:15:47] Speaker A: And then that will bring us to the end of menace under Otari. I'm going to let my cast tell you who they are, who they played, and where you can find them. And. Yeah, Kai, why don't you start it off? [03:16:05] Speaker B: Well, everybody, I'm Kai. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing avarice as we dug through the icky underground. That's not ocean. So fun. Thank you so much, Aubrey. You can find me on all social media platforms as Estelle of Imladris, where I do a bunch of tabletop performing just like this, as well as some of the other strange things that I do, including I was the costume designer for the web series called the Party. You might have heard of it. It's a good old time. The series is available now on YouTube, and you can find me and all of my other misadventures if you just keep an eye on my twitter. See you soon. [03:16:48] Speaker A: Hi, Chris. [03:16:51] Speaker C: Hello, everybody. I'm Chris Tung. I have been your Howie humbleweed, and most people know me as one of the co founders of Pinkcity CA, which is an anime gaming streetwear brand from Toronto, Canada. We do a lot of cool stuff, a lot of cool events, a lot of cool clothing things, and I am also the producer, editor, and current GM for Super Junior Dudes, which is a comedy tabletop rpg podcast. Currently, we are airing Blink Space Blues, which is a wonderful Lancer neo noir campaign that is inspired by cowboy, bebop and Gundam. Super fun, really cool. It's high production. You've got animation, special effects, art, music, you name it. So if you like cool things and anime Sci-Fi shit, come check us out. And thank you Aubrey for an amazing time. It's been wonderful playing with all of you. [03:17:47] Speaker A: I'm glad. And Cooleye. [03:17:51] Speaker D: Hello friends. I am Hooley, aka tell me bright hand. I play games, run games and produce games over at Heroes and hooligans. And our current project we are working on is Trevor project fundraising. We are doing a two weekend special in June. We will be doing babies in broadswords and a D and D adventure. So come by, hang out, check us out and give some support to Trevor project because those kids need love. Extremely, extremely, extremely need love. [03:18:21] Speaker E: Yeah, agreed. [03:18:24] Speaker A: And Crystal, why don't you finish it off? [03:18:28] Speaker E: Hello people, my name is Crystal Fear. You can find me at Crystal Fear on Twitter and ital fear pretty much everywhere else. Most Tuesdays you can find me in the chat over on Twitch TV, the empath theater, and other than that, I've got a few secret projects I may be working on. But yeah, that's me. [03:18:55] Speaker A: And I have been your GM, Aubrey. You can find me everywhere on the Internet at Madqueen Cosplay. If you enjoy the Pathfinder stuff here, you can go check out my Pathfinder podcast, goblets and gaze this point we're getting very near the end of our very first campaign and I also the technical director over here at Queen's Court games. I'm in a lot of things. I do a lot of things. I do a lot of work behind the scenes. It is a great time. I love being here and making content here. But that being said, I think it is time to let our party head to the tavern and enjoy some. Enjoy a nice long rest. And yeah, we will see you all next week. Bye.

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