Pathfinder 2e - Menace under Otari, Episode 1

July 05, 2023 03:32:45
Pathfinder 2e - Menace under Otari, Episode 1
One Shots and Other Mischief
Pathfinder 2e - Menace under Otari, Episode 1

Jul 05 2023 | 03:32:45


Show Notes

Set in the town of Otari just across the bay from the city of Absalom the party take a simple job to figure out why stock is going missing from the cellar of a local merchant, this will take them into the tunnels beneath the city to unravel the mystery.

Content warnings for Menace include Fantasy Violence, Mentions of Insects/Vermin.

Avarice - Cai K. (@estelofimladris)
Howie Humbleweed - Chris Tung (@lil_tungsta)
Nemain Sionnach - Crystal Fier (@crystal_fier)
Telbi Brighthand - Hooli (@xxhooli)
The Gamemaster - Aubrey Knotts (@MadQueenCosplay)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to another single serving adventure from queen's court games. I am Audrey, not Aaron, as you will have noticed. And today, for the first time in QCG history, we will be playing some pathfinder, second edition. For tonight's scenario, we will be playing the menace under Atari by Logan Bonner, Jason Bowman, liz little, and Mark sefter. And you can find it in the pathfinder two e beginner box. We will roll onto things in a moment. But first, let me introduce our cast. They're just gonna tell you who they are and who they're playing. And I'm gonna start with. I'm not sure how our layout is gonna look at freaking out, but I'm gonna start with Kai. Tell the lovely people who you are and who you're playing. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Hi, everybody. I'm Kai, and I am playing avarice the gnome swashbuckler. [00:00:55] Speaker A: Awesome. [00:00:56] Speaker B: And I use he, they, and she pronouns, and avarice uses they them pronouns. There we go. [00:01:00] Speaker A: Cool. Yeah. And then Chris. [00:01:05] Speaker C: Hello. I'm Chris tung. I go by he him pronouns. And I will be playing aoi humbleweed, who is a venara. Is that how you say it? I'm new to Pathfinder, so go easy on me. Venara, gunslinger, and very excited to be playing Pathfinder for the first time. [00:01:23] Speaker A: All right, and I moving on to Crystal. Hello, people. [00:01:29] Speaker D: My name is Crystal Fier, and I am playing the main shionak, the kitsune witch. [00:01:36] Speaker A: Okay, and rounding out our cast today, we have Huey. [00:01:40] Speaker E: Hello, friends. I will be playing Telby bright hand, the dwarven cleric that everybody is gonna love as their little annoying sister. [00:01:49] Speaker A: Awesome. You can find all of the links to everyone's assorted social media accounts by sending exclamation point cast the chat or use exclamation point scenario if you're interested in picking up a copy of the Minnesunder Otari for yourself. Also, Minnesota Otari includes themes of fantasy, violence, and insects in vermin. The cast and I have discussed aren't lines and veils in advance via a session zero and have agreed to a code of conduct to ensure a safe and respectful environment. But we want you to be safe as well. With all of that said, pathfinders, are you ready? [00:02:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:29] Speaker B: Yeehaw. [00:02:48] Speaker A: So we find ourselves in Otari, a small fishing village nestled on the isle of Cortos. It is. Its main exports are fish and lumber. Lumber. You can kind of see these massive forests up behind it. And if you're standing on the Atari docks looking out, you can swear that you can see Absalom from here. Absalom, the one of the largest cities in all of golarion. Head of the path, like home of the Pathfinder society. And we'll start things off with figuring out what all of you are up to this morning. I'm going to start with avarice. How does avarice start this morning? [00:03:37] Speaker B: I think avarice on any given morning is standing out at the docks. Unfortunately, just sitting there, but kind of talking to any sailor that will stop and talk to them for 5 seconds. [00:03:54] Speaker A: Yeah, you definitely get several people wishing you good mornings. And how's the pillaging? And questions like that. You are the well enough known in this area. How is the pillaging? Is always said with a very wry smile. [00:04:16] Speaker B: I'd imagine that they don't even get through the whole sentence of like, well, it's going okay. But also, that crate was mostly full of apples. By the time they get to the crate was the person's already gone. [00:04:25] Speaker A: Oh, of course you are. You're well known. And do people take you seriously? You're not really sure. [00:04:38] Speaker B: Everest thinks so. [00:04:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, today is kind of a big day. Um, you did get word that, uh, tamale Tanterville is, uh, having a little bit of problems at the Otari fishery. And it is kind of in the market for some people to come and solve a problem for a little bit of money. [00:05:05] Speaker B: Really use that money. And plus, I've known tamerly for a while. Yeah. And, you know, every bit of coin will eventually lead me to having my own ship to go be the scourge of the sea outside of the small breakwater. [00:05:20] Speaker A: Exactly. You know, you gotta start small and work your way up. So after a little bit, you're at the docks, essentially, you're incredibly close to the fishery. You had been told that a few other people had picked up the job as well, because Tenali is a little bit worried about with what's going on. And probably, I think the first person you see approach the fishery is going to be probably Howie. That seems right. Howie, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and you? [00:06:01] Speaker C: Yeah, so Howie is a venara. So you see, imagine, like, sun Wukong if he retired and became a farmer. That's how I'm imagining Howie. Humbleweed. You know, his brown and copper colored fur is getting a little, little gray toward the edges and around the scruff around his face. He's got a little arranger hat, and then, you know, earth tones duster. And I would say he is waking up in his little cabin near a little, little farm. I wouldn't fully call it a farm. He's a bit of an outdoorsy guy, but I think the first thing he may do this morning would be brew a hot cup of coffee for himself, of course. [00:06:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:53] Speaker C: And like. Yeah, I guess, actually, the first thing he does when he opens his eyes would be, like, to, like, peek through his blinds, look out the window, and just, like, do a little scan of his whole property, and then brew a coffee. [00:07:05] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. And you eventually find yourself heading down. Cause, you know, you've known tantali for a while, and, you know, she's getting a little bit desperate with. With this and really, really needs the help, so, you know, can always use the little bit extra coin. [00:07:26] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Always, always in need of coin. I mean, a little farmer can only make so much in this economy, right? [00:07:34] Speaker A: In this economy, yeah, especially. Yeah, and especially, like, the two big exports of atari are fish and wooden. Uh. [00:07:44] Speaker C: There you go. [00:07:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:46] Speaker C: Yeah, I would probably do some kind of, like, you. I probably normally go into town for, like, trading or shopping of some kind. Um, yeah, so that's not new to me. Yeah, get some fish. [00:08:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Get breakfast before, uh, you know, putting your work. [00:08:06] Speaker C: Yeah, nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing. Like starting a day with a. With a salmon. [00:08:12] Speaker A: Some nice cooked fish. Get that protein in. Exactly. There you go. But, yes. [00:08:17] Speaker C: Salmon and eggs. My favorite. [00:08:22] Speaker A: So, Tulby, tell us a little bit about yourself and what brings you to Atari. [00:08:30] Speaker E: Well, what brings me here is the fact that I just want to see so many things. Things. But the reason I'm in Atari is I made a new friend while I was traveling. And I know she's around here somewhere. I lost her when I was trying to get us waffles for breakfast. And she should be. Oh, right there. There she is. Hey, best friend. Best friend. I found our waffles and I brought you some orange juice. It's fresh squeezed. [00:09:04] Speaker A: Well, that will introduce in Nemayne. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what brings you to Usari. [00:09:13] Speaker D: Well, Nemane was on her way in for work just because she travels around pretty constantly. And she came across this fun young creature. And Toby doesn't know this, but Nimane was trying to lose her, but we. [00:09:43] Speaker E: Won'T tell her that. [00:09:44] Speaker D: So. Hi, friend. [00:09:50] Speaker E: I brought waffles, and they have salmon and dill, and they smell really good. And I don't know what this sauce is, but it's got, like, a little lemony tank to it. You should try it. [00:10:04] Speaker D: Ah. Um, sure. How disgusting is it? [00:10:16] Speaker E: It's not. It's delicious. I've never fished something so good. [00:10:21] Speaker A: Yeah, fish. Fish is a pretty big export here. So, you know, uh, I mean, it's, it's an interesting combination, but it probably kind of works, you know, like waffles and salmon, and probably like some sort of, you know, trying to think of sauces that go with salmon and waffles, but I cannot think of one at. [00:10:42] Speaker E: The time being a holiday sauce. [00:10:50] Speaker C: Salmon eggs benedict. [00:10:52] Speaker E: Yes. I don't know. It tastes good. Holidays and waffles and everything. Together in the morning with my best friend. Gosh, this is a good day. [00:11:07] Speaker A: Well, you continue this conversation as you head over towards the Atari fishery. Both of you, in the last day or so, have gotten line that, uh, there's some money to be made. Um, a Tamily tantervale who owns the fishery has been having some problems with some of her stock going missing and needs some people to look into it. There is money and probably food and supplies as well for those that like to travel. And so we'll start with everyone meeting up, sort of seeing each other for the first time. Well, avarice and Howie, you probably know each other, but tell me and Nimane, you're meeting Avarice and Howie, you were told that there were some other people who accepted the job as well. You can kind of see the lights are on in the fishery, and you can kind of hear some noises of somebody moving around and working. Pretty much all you need to do at this point is knock. [00:12:17] Speaker C: The moment I see Avris, I mean, I'm sure I would not be able to miss the bright pink hair. Yeah, I would recognize him and just be like, oh, fancy seeing you here, young lad. [00:12:33] Speaker B: Hawaii. Good to see you. I see that you're also in for. [00:12:37] Speaker C: A bit of cozy scourge of the sea. [00:12:40] Speaker B: Hey, is here to, you know, make a little extra loot. Got a ship to buy and all that. [00:12:48] Speaker C: Oh, you're here for the, the same thing. You got hired for this? [00:12:55] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, Tamil is an old friend. [00:12:58] Speaker C: I do find that decision awfully peculiar. But that's cool. We could use the help. [00:13:04] Speaker B: Of course. I'm very excited to see in action. I think I only caught you once, but it was really far away. And to be honest, I think I was behind a box. But I know you're a really good shot, so that's really exciting. [00:13:15] Speaker C: Well, I try to, I try, but, you know, these eyes are getting old. Older by the day. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Ever too old for a bit of adventure, right? [00:13:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:28] Speaker C: You know what? Yeah, I do like that spirit. [00:13:33] Speaker B: Excellent. [00:13:36] Speaker C: Anyway, shall we? I think we'll knock. [00:13:40] Speaker A: And you kind of hear a little bit of noise of maybe something fell, something broke. And after like, 10 seconds or so, the door opens and you see tamily sort of right before you. She is a halfling. I'm going to. Yeah. You see, she's well known around here. She's been operating the fishery for a really long time. Sort of this older halfling woman, probably in her late thirties, and she looks up at you and goes, oh, well, thank the gods that you're here. I was getting worried. Thank you. Thank you. Please, please come in. I'll explain everything. [00:14:31] Speaker B: And she moves when she opens the door. Avarice does the huge, flourishing bow. And I totally forgot to describe them, but, boy, avarice, as they take this deep bow where there should be a hat, there isn't one. They're wearing headband tied around their head of what is very obviously fabric that they just found. It is bright and colorful, so that's why it's there. And it matches their extremely pink, pink hair. And their tan skin has just, like, a bit of iridescence to it. And they have these unnaturally bright green eyes. And their clothes are, at first glance, they're just colorful and big and bright. But the more you look like, what is, like, colorful, bright pirate clothes is actually, like, hand painted. And some of the stuff in there is actually not that good. It's like they found something and kind of sewed it down to gnome size. They're pretty short, so they do this big, grand gesture bow, and their hand, like, scrapes the dirt, does. They do this ridiculously deep bow next to Howie. [00:15:38] Speaker A: Avarice. Howie. [00:15:40] Speaker B: Hi. [00:15:40] Speaker A: I don't know your names, but thank you. Thank you for agreeing to help me. [00:15:47] Speaker D: Of course. [00:15:50] Speaker B: Hello. I didn't even notice you there. [00:15:53] Speaker D: Hello, I'm na mae. [00:15:57] Speaker B: I'm avarice, scourge of Otari. [00:16:01] Speaker E: Did we just make more best friends? [00:16:04] Speaker A: Hi. [00:16:05] Speaker E: Tell me I brought waffles and I'm so excited to meet new people. [00:16:10] Speaker B: You brought waffles? [00:16:11] Speaker C: Well, I do love me some waffles. [00:16:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:14] Speaker E: I'm gonna hold out this, like, half eaten waffle sandwich. It's got some of the insides hanging out of it, like, reach it in case you want a bite. [00:16:22] Speaker B: Avarice definitely takes a bite. [00:16:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't care. [00:16:26] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:26] Speaker E: I got twelve siblings back home, so we don't care. We share. [00:16:32] Speaker C: Do we? See, um, the mane's familiar there, too, or lil. [00:16:36] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, yeah. Katha is sitting on my shoulder. [00:16:40] Speaker C: Uh, yeah. I'm gonna walk over and be like, well, now, what do we have here? Little. Little pet. [00:16:47] Speaker D: Familiar. [00:16:49] Speaker C: Familiar? I ain't seen me a familiar in a couple years. That's a mighty fine looking bird. Is it a bird? [00:16:58] Speaker D: Raven. Yeah. [00:16:59] Speaker C: Raven. You mind if I. I don't know, I gesture to maybe pet. [00:17:08] Speaker D: He will probably bite. [00:17:11] Speaker C: Well, then I shall refrain from doing so. Sorry about that, ma'am. [00:17:15] Speaker D: No worries. [00:17:17] Speaker C: I am. I am a lover of animals, as you can tell. [00:17:23] Speaker D: Same. [00:17:25] Speaker A: Well, so you all sort of come into the main area of the fishery here. They. You can see the cases where they display the catch and all of that. So tamily is very, very nervously looking around and turns back to you, and she goes, it started a couple of weeks ago. I noticed some of my stock was going missing, and then it just kept getting more and more. And honestly, right now, I can't afford to keep a business running. Something's been down there and eating the fish. I'll pay you. We'll just figure out what it is and deal with it. [00:18:12] Speaker B: That seems fine. [00:18:15] Speaker C: I mean, I'm all too familiar with this kind of thing on my farm, but, um, you might have yourself a case of rodents or something. [00:18:26] Speaker B: The rodency fish. [00:18:30] Speaker C: Now, see, that's the part that's kind of strange. Ruins eat fish. [00:18:36] Speaker A: Yeah, you would think rodents are kind of a scavenger. They'll kind of eat whatever they can find. [00:18:43] Speaker C: I never in my life seen a Ron eater fish. But, hey, if you say so. [00:18:51] Speaker A: Okay. And eventually, she will show you sort of to the back and sort of unlock this door with the key and just being like, okay, there are the steps down into the storehouse where I keep everything. Just figure out what it is and let me know, and you'll get paid. Just please deal with it. I don't want to go out of business. Please. [00:19:24] Speaker D: We'll do our best. [00:19:26] Speaker A: And we're gonna start off with. I wanna start off with a marching order. As you move single file down these stairs. [00:19:35] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:19:35] Speaker A: Who is in front? [00:19:36] Speaker C: That's always bad news. [00:19:38] Speaker B: Honestly. Amaris is like, this seems fine and is probably right next to tamale and is like, let's go. [00:19:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:50] Speaker C: I can watch the rear if y'all. I mean, I don't expect nothing to be coming from behind. I, like, squint that tamily. But, yeah, I can. [00:20:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:01] Speaker C: And I'll, like, take my weapon out just in case. And I'll take the rear if the other two want to be in the middle. [00:20:09] Speaker D: Yeah, that's fine. I'll follow Avris. [00:20:13] Speaker E: Yeah. And I'll be the third place. [00:20:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:17] Speaker B: Howie draw their gun. Everest kind of looks around just like. Ha ha. Draws their rapier just like, ready for stairs. [00:20:27] Speaker C: Well, you know, these things can be fast, so it's always good to be ready. [00:20:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:36] Speaker A: The stairs leading into the basement of the Otari Fishery Creek with age as you make your way downstairs to find the beast that has been eating all of the fish. In the center of the room, between stone pillars holding up the fishery overhead are barrels filled with salted fish and other sundries. Two of these barrels have been smashed open, spilling their contents on the floor in the east wall is a large hole opening into darkness. Just a few hours ago, or just moments ago, you gathered with your fellow other adventurers in the office of Tanterley. Tanterville, where she offered you money if you put an end to the menace. And you can't help but wonder if this might be more of an adventure than you bargained for. And so I am going to start off with asking for perception checks from the party. As you hear the squeaking of rats. [00:21:56] Speaker C: There they are. [00:21:58] Speaker A: And by perception I mean initiative. [00:22:01] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:22:04] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:22:06] Speaker C: Perception as initiative. [00:22:08] Speaker A: Yeah. Perception as initiative. [00:22:12] Speaker D: Wait, what? [00:22:15] Speaker A: You roll a perception check and that counts as your initiative? Oh, yeah. [00:22:21] Speaker C: Yeah. This is a very cool thing in Pathfinder. Yeah. I just learned you can use skills as an initiative role, which is very cool. Bad. [00:22:30] Speaker B: Nice. [00:22:35] Speaker C: 24. [00:22:36] Speaker A: 224, Howie. [00:22:40] Speaker C: 24, yeah. [00:22:41] Speaker B: Eight. [00:22:45] Speaker C: Liquidy dice. [00:22:47] Speaker A: Ooh, fancy gift. [00:22:50] Speaker B: Our most beautiful sea dice. [00:22:52] Speaker C: Ooh. [00:22:56] Speaker A: Okay. And the main. What did you say you got? [00:23:00] Speaker D: Two. [00:23:01] Speaker A: Two. [00:23:04] Speaker D: Wait, that can't be right. [00:23:06] Speaker A: Oh, wait, that can't be right. [00:23:07] Speaker D: Plus four to my. [00:23:08] Speaker A: So six. Yeah, six. Cool. [00:23:16] Speaker C: That's better than a two. [00:23:18] Speaker A: Much better than a two. Um, but one of those rats did roll a natural 20 on its initiative. So we start off with this sort of, kind of Doberman sized rat as it sort of like, you know, sniffs and looks up and squeaks. And it's going to spend its first action because Pathfinder three actions. And it's gonna spend its first action to move 2030. And then it's gonna spend its second action to scamper up the stairs, finding itself right in front of you. Avarice. This very large, dog sized, wrapped. And they got to spend their last action to sort of, you know, do their thing where they open their mouth and they hiss and then they're going to try to bite you. Does an 18 hit? [00:24:33] Speaker B: Yes. [00:24:34] Speaker A: Ouch. And you're going to take a seven damage as this rat just sinks its fangs into your shoulder. Ow. [00:24:51] Speaker B: Ow. Help. [00:24:54] Speaker C: Ow. [00:24:57] Speaker D: The main, meanwhile, is hissing from behind. [00:25:01] Speaker A: Avarice, of course. Howie, you are going to go next. [00:25:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Seeing this, like, Doberman sized rat running around and going first, like, being so quick, I'm like, I told you these was fast. Now, that ain't no rat I've ever seen before. Question, can in Pathfinder, can I move through allies? [00:25:27] Speaker A: Yes. You just can't end your space. End your turn on an ally space. [00:25:32] Speaker C: Uh, get in an ally space and, like, shoot. [00:25:36] Speaker A: Theoretically, as long as you don't end your. [00:25:38] Speaker C: Okay, perfect. Because I gotta turn this corner in order to see anything. Okay, cool. Yeah, I'll take a. Take a step, I guess that's my first action. [00:25:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:51] Speaker C: And I'm, uh. I'm a shoe. [00:25:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:56] Speaker C: I don't love animals, but. [00:26:04] Speaker B: This is. [00:26:05] Speaker C: Some kind of vermin. Okay, so that's a 3011 plus nine. [00:26:12] Speaker A: A dirty 20 is going to hit. Roll that damage. Yeah. [00:26:17] Speaker C: Unfortunately, I do not get my. My sniper boost because I was not using stealth to rule initiative, but. Shit. No. Sorry. That's where that. These new dice, the d four, looks exactly like a d eight. That is four damage. I'm sorry, five damage. I get the plus one because of my arc. It's an archivist. Yeah. I get a bit of a. I think it's concussive. That gives me the plus one. The five damage. [00:26:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Say that you wing this rat, sort of, like, along its side, and it squeaks and, you know, hisses at you. And I believe you still have one more action. [00:27:01] Speaker C: Yeah. So once I've used my movement as an action, can I. Do I. Am I still able to use, like, my speed at all the rest of my time? [00:27:07] Speaker A: Yeah, you've not gone up to your speed because. [00:27:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I wouldn't be able to end here. So I will duck back around the corner and then use my last action, which would be my covered reload. I would assume, like, the corner can kind of count as. As cover. So I duck into a safe position and then I take cover. So I either attempt to hide and then interact, it's basically hiding and reloading at the same time. [00:27:31] Speaker A: Give me a stop shot. [00:27:32] Speaker C: Yeah, let me do that. A 16. [00:27:37] Speaker A: A 16, okay. [00:27:40] Speaker C: All right, so, yeah, I duck behind and reload. It's kind of like a. It's the. It's kind of like a rifle that I've used to, like, you know, hunt for food or whatever the case in my outdoorsy style life, but, yeah, it's almost like a bolt action, I would imagine, where, like. Yeah, I turn the corner duck and then reload. That's my turn. [00:28:02] Speaker A: Yeah. And we're on to Telby. [00:28:08] Speaker E: So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the big axe off the big hammer off my back and it's really freaking cool. It's got like a purple wood handle and it's got like a little butterfly in the side. You know, most battle hammers have, you know, something that's scary. Mine's not. It's really cute, really pretty, just like me. And the second thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to cast the cantrip of forbidding ward on avarice since Everest is right there in front of the rat. And that's what I'm gonna do. So that's gonna give you a plus one status bonus to your armor class and saving throws against their attack spells and other effects. That is what I'm going to do. As you get this like shimmery kind of iridescent energy that smells like wild flowers, that kind of wraps around you. [00:29:06] Speaker A: And that will be nice. And you off in the distance here, more scuttling noises as another rat moves. And then another rat. So two of the two more rats have gone real quickly. And you watch as other one comes up behind its friend on the stairs and it's going to hiss at you. Avarice. And it is going to try to intimidate you. [00:29:56] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:29:59] Speaker B: What do I need to do? [00:30:01] Speaker A: It is going to roll. It's an intimidation versus your will DC. So you take your will save and add ten to it. Okay, great. [00:30:14] Speaker B: 1616. [00:30:15] Speaker A: I've only gonna get a 14, so it's just giant. His at you doesn't scare you? You're kind of cute, but hey, now it's your turn. [00:30:27] Speaker B: All right. Don't like this guy. That bit me. Avarice. Their rapier is, again, really not as fancy as it looks. It's got like, beautiful gold on it. But the more you look, we're like, that's paint. That's not, that's not real gold. But they are going to attack. The first swipe is going to be a 16. [00:30:53] Speaker A: A 16 is going to hit. [00:30:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, so never rolled an attack in Pathfinder. So I'm going to say out loud, I think I'm supposed to do, which is roll a d six and then add something. [00:31:05] Speaker A: If you have a strength modifier, you add your strength, but if not, you just add. Just roll d six. [00:31:13] Speaker C: Right? [00:31:13] Speaker B: That's a three. Ha ha. [00:31:16] Speaker A: Three. With a mighty blow. You fell this first rat. [00:31:20] Speaker E: Nicely done. [00:31:22] Speaker B: Oh, all right. Guess what? They're big, but I can stop them and gotta just for the next action, step forward and I know I could attack again, but at some sort of penalty. [00:31:39] Speaker A: Yes. Does your weapon have a agile trait on it? I believe the rapier does. [00:31:47] Speaker B: Finesse. [00:31:48] Speaker A: Finesse. So let's see re pier. So it is so finesse. It just uses your dexterity. So you're gonna be attacking at a minus five. [00:32:00] Speaker B: Haha. Okay, great. [00:32:02] Speaker A: So at a plus two. [00:32:07] Speaker B: Oh wow. 21. [00:32:09] Speaker A: 21 hits. Roll that damage as you hit the rat. [00:32:14] Speaker D: Nice. [00:32:15] Speaker B: Three. [00:32:16] Speaker A: Three. Okay. And then that was attack, move, attack. That is your turn. [00:32:25] Speaker B: Correct. And now I've got a weird rat shishbob going on. [00:32:30] Speaker A: Yep, yep. And there is the final rat. This one is going to spend two actions to move over and then it is going to spend its final action to attempt to climb this sort of behind you, these stairs right behind you tell me. You kind of hear this scratching as this rat attempts to climb and it successfully does. As you are looking around and you turn hearing this noise and then suddenly popping up right behind you is this giant rat head. And then that's the entire turn. So let's, let's it for what a kid do. And Nemane, this is now your turn. [00:33:24] Speaker D: Okay. Having heard this rat decide to climb up, Nemane's going to turn around and she's going to cast ray of frost. [00:33:41] Speaker A: 17 1724. And that is going to hit. So roll that damage. [00:33:52] Speaker D: Okie dokie. Damage five. [00:34:00] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. This rat is looking a little bit chilly as you blast it in the face with this ice. You still have one more action. What would you like to do? [00:34:13] Speaker D: I do, I do, I do. Um, that's a fantastic question. [00:34:22] Speaker A: Um, if you're looking for interest, anything you can do. You can always recall knowledge for an action. Uh, it would be a nature check to see if you remember anything about rats. You can use it to ask questions. Like you can ask what their acoustical is, what their highest save is, what their lowest save is, does it have any special abilities, kind of thing? [00:34:50] Speaker D: You know what? I think I'm just gonna attack again if I can. [00:34:55] Speaker A: Um, not with a spell because, well, you can actually attack with your foxfire. Oh, okay. At the minus five because of the multiple attack penalty, because it is second attack, you can attack with your box fire. [00:35:13] Speaker D: Assuming I can figure out where that's. [00:35:14] Speaker A: At, it'll be under your actions there. Boxfire. And then at multiple attack penalty. [00:35:25] Speaker B: Where. [00:35:25] Speaker D: Do I put in the minuse five? [00:35:28] Speaker A: That, um, so when you see it on your sheet, it says strike, and then next to it says map minus five. That's what you. That's the button you hit. [00:35:36] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [00:35:36] Speaker A: Or you can just roll, subtract five. [00:35:39] Speaker D: Okay. [00:35:40] Speaker A: So I think. I think it means you're just rolling it like a minus one from. Because you've got a plus four. [00:35:45] Speaker D: Minus two, but minus two. [00:35:47] Speaker A: So an eleven. Uh, your foxfire does sail over its head. Uh, and you do not make contact. [00:35:54] Speaker D: Okay. [00:35:56] Speaker A: Hi, Chad. Yeah, you did hit it with the first bell, so that's pretty good. So. And then we'll be back to the top of the round with Howie. [00:36:10] Speaker C: Yeah. Seeing as now there's multiple rats about, I kind of look to my left, look to my right. But it looks like we have ourselves a rat party of sorts. And I reloaded my gun, and I can see the one around the corner without moving. Correct. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Yes. [00:36:28] Speaker C: Like, just peeking around the corner. And that one's trying to climb up to get. [00:36:34] Speaker A: It is, like, climbed up and, like, perched on the ledge. [00:36:37] Speaker C: Okay. Watch out, Talby. You've got a. Some kind of rat dog coming up behind you, and I will take a shot. That is a 21. [00:36:59] Speaker A: 21 is going to hit eight. [00:37:03] Speaker C: All right. [00:37:03] Speaker B: That is. [00:37:05] Speaker C: Ooh, nice. Perfect. Ten damage. [00:37:09] Speaker A: Ten damage. Yet the rat kind of goes as you kind of just turn it into giblets. [00:37:18] Speaker C: Oh, no. Yeah. As I explode this rat dog thing. [00:37:23] Speaker A: It had two. [00:37:26] Speaker C: Oh, wow. So I don't quite like shooting things I'm not gonna eat. But you are quite the nuisance. I shoot it, and then I'll use my, obviously, my second action to hide and reload. And then I guess, probably see that one. Can I see that one? [00:37:51] Speaker A: I will say you can kind of see that one as you peek around the corner. [00:37:55] Speaker C: Yeah, I can do a second attack. Right. [00:37:59] Speaker A: At a minus. Yeah, at a minus five. [00:38:01] Speaker C: Plus. Plus four now instead. And that one. [00:38:07] Speaker A: And that one. You do have a hero point if you want to spend that. So you don't nat one. [00:38:15] Speaker C: Is it. Do we get hero points per session. [00:38:18] Speaker A: Or how you get hero points? The way I run it, you get one hero point for an hour of play. Okay, so you are coming up on your second hero point, so. [00:38:28] Speaker C: All right, fine. I don't want how it looks like a doofus in front of all these new people, so. Yeah, that's a reroll, right? [00:38:36] Speaker A: Yep. [00:38:36] Speaker C: Okay. [00:38:37] Speaker B: Can't look like a doofus. I'm here. [00:38:41] Speaker C: Twelve hit. [00:38:42] Speaker A: A twelve does not hit, but it's not a critical miss, so that is good. [00:38:47] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, it is awfully dark. In here. Like I said, iris, these eyes are getting old. I think I might hit it, maybe. Yeah, I just can't see. [00:39:00] Speaker B: No, no, you did. [00:39:04] Speaker A: And that'll be it. [00:39:05] Speaker B: Is. [00:39:06] Speaker A: Now tell me. Start. [00:39:09] Speaker E: I'm just gonna take my hammer and I'm gonna run towards that rat, and I'm gonna say for the bright lady, and I'm gonna hit it with my hammer. So it's gonna happen. Maybe I'm gonna try to hit it. I want to hopeful that that doesn't look like that's gonna hit. [00:39:32] Speaker A: That is a four. No, that is definitely not going to. [00:39:38] Speaker E: Hit for the bright lady next time. [00:39:42] Speaker A: As I feel like. [00:39:47] Speaker E: I'm just gonna finish off my turn by moving to the other side of it if I can. The stairs. Oh, it won't let me. It says it collide. All right, I guess I'm not. [00:39:59] Speaker A: What other side of the stairs? [00:40:01] Speaker E: Just on the other side of the rat. So we're so to move. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Move through a rat's position, an enemy's position, you will actually have to attempt to tumble through. You can't just move through an enemy. [00:40:14] Speaker B: Okay. [00:40:15] Speaker A: So if you want to attempt that, that is going to be an acrobatics check. [00:40:20] Speaker E: Let's see. I'm not trained in that, but I think I'm presented. [00:40:28] Speaker B: Haha. [00:40:29] Speaker E: So my hammer swing, but not quite as acrobatic as I should be. [00:40:37] Speaker A: So, yeah, you're the not able to get past this rat. You try to, like, move left, move right, and each time it's like, hey, it's just following you and kind of hissing and then it will come to one of the other rats sort of off in the distance. You can hear this other rat approach, and this one is going to. [00:41:15] Speaker B: See. [00:41:15] Speaker A: That was two actions to move up there and is. And is going to now try to intimidate you. Tell me, so what is your will DC, which is ten plus you will save. It only rolled in eleven, so I don't think it did. You don't need to roll it. You just add ten to whatever your will DC. Your will is. [00:41:48] Speaker E: All right, so that's 19 then. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Yeah. You're really good at those will saves. This rat kisses at you. You've fought scarier cats before. And now the rat that is right in front of avarice and this rat is going to start off by. It is going to nip at your heels and attempt to trip you with an athletics check with a 21 versus your fortitude save. [00:42:30] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, it's fine. It's gonna trip me. [00:42:34] Speaker A: So, yeah, you now find yourself prone on the stairs as this rat has tripped you for first action. And for its second action, it is going to attack you with its jaws. Unfortunately, that is a natural one for it. I have nothing I can reroll with. So it just sort of snaps wildly at the air and it's going to spend its last action to scuttle back down into the fishery and avarice. [00:43:11] Speaker B: As it runs away. Avarice hisses back at it. I'm going to imagine it takes an action for me to stand back up. Yes, it does. [00:43:22] Speaker A: Great. [00:43:22] Speaker B: Yes. I'm going to stand back up and as they do, like, straighten their jacket out and all this dust from the stairs comes on. Anyway, none of that. And I'm going to run forward and not understand that there's too much difference between the two rats. This is a rat. And it is a problem, though. I don't like it. There's a bright lady gonna attack with the rape beer. [00:43:51] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [00:43:55] Speaker B: Uh, that is not great. 14. [00:44:01] Speaker A: Uh, that will be a miss. But you can spend a hero point if you wish. [00:44:07] Speaker B: Nah. Um, I think that we're good with missing. And you know what? No, we're gonna do it. We're gonna do it. [00:44:18] Speaker A: Why not? Yeah. [00:44:20] Speaker B: Spend that hero point. [00:44:22] Speaker C: So heroic. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, yeah. So much better. 1818. [00:44:29] Speaker A: That is gonna hit. [00:44:31] Speaker B: All right, you, fireman. Why do I only roll threes? This is very strange. I've rolled threes with this damage dice. I hit it for three and I hiss back at it and I go, oh, this bright lady thing works. [00:44:49] Speaker A: Yeah. And Nimane, it is now your turn. [00:44:53] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to start this one by attempting to cast my foxfire at the this one. [00:45:11] Speaker A: Okay. Roll that to hit. [00:45:17] Speaker D: 1515. [00:45:19] Speaker A: That is gonna hit. So roll your damage. [00:45:21] Speaker D: Groovy. [00:45:24] Speaker A: Two. Two. Okay. And you have two more actions. [00:45:30] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to move over to here and then I'm going to. I'm actually going to go ahead if I can. After using foxfire, if I can go ahead and cast a spell. [00:45:57] Speaker A: Yeah, as long as you. Well, um, so you. Foxire is one action. Moving is one action. So if you have a one action spell, you can cast that. You see, the chevrons next to the spell will denote how many actions it takes to cast. [00:46:13] Speaker D: Okay, well, never mind then. I won't do well, no, I do have one. I'm gonna go ahead cast clinging nice. [00:46:25] Speaker A: On the rat. That's right in front of avarice. [00:46:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:46:30] Speaker A: All right. And it is going to make its reflex save of an eleven. So I think that fails. [00:46:43] Speaker D: Yeah, it's a 17. [00:46:44] Speaker A: All right. And it is going to take full damage and will take the minus five foot status penalty to its speeds until the spell ends. Cool. Uh, yeah. You turn this rat into a giant ice cube. [00:46:59] Speaker E: Yay. [00:47:01] Speaker A: And we are down to one rat. And we'll be back to the top of the round with Howie. [00:47:14] Speaker C: Seeing as everyone's kind of, like, run down the hallway, where it's a bit dark for Howie, he's kind of, like, gonna peek around the corner, just be like, now all this jibber jabber about some bright lady. Can someone turn the lights on? And I'm gonna move up a bit to try to get a better view. Oh, there's everybody. So each thing is fine, right? [00:47:34] Speaker A: Each wears 5ft of movement. [00:47:37] Speaker C: So I'm gonna end. That's gonna make me end up in aversa space. What happens if my full movement brings me to someone else's space? Do I pop out the other end? [00:47:52] Speaker A: You would essentially end up in the closest unoccupied space. [00:47:56] Speaker C: Okay, I'll do that then. I'll take the front line. Now, step back, young lad. Hello. Actually, can I do, like, part of my movement a bit further and then. [00:48:09] Speaker A: Shoot when I. Yeah, you can. You can divide your movement. Okay, so you say you do 15 shoot and then take the movement. [00:48:15] Speaker C: I did shoot at the very end of my turn. So I do need to reload, and I'm gonna do that. So then that's my two actions. And then I'm gonna fire upon this woman. Oh, my God, that's another nine one. I'm telling you, it's real dark in here. It's affected my eyesight. I'm gonna. [00:48:38] Speaker B: You don't need a haircut right now. [00:48:40] Speaker C: Yep, it's. Whoops. [00:48:42] Speaker A: It is that the comedy moment and the thing where you just hear it just bounce off a bunch of things and then you hear it break a crate in the other side of the thing. And then Tantali goes, is everything okay down there? [00:48:58] Speaker C: Sorry, ma'am. I might have shot your fish. Actually, since I missed, I'm gonna move back. [00:49:07] Speaker A: You're like, no, let's not. [00:49:09] Speaker C: Yeah, I was, like, considering moving up a bit because I see the young Saras taking a whole lot of hints, but as soon as I miss and realizing, yeah, I'm not doing so great, have a step back a little bit and go back to here, I suppose. [00:49:28] Speaker A: Yeah. All right. And that'll mean. Tell me. It's your turn. [00:49:38] Speaker E: Okay. Maybe this time we'll do something for the bright lady. Maybe do it. The rat right here. [00:49:49] Speaker A: Right. Okay, good. I did notice that you. You didn't have the. The proper weapons. Weapons like training on. So I turned it on on your sheet, so you should now actually have the proper to hit number. I was looking at it going, this looks really low. [00:50:07] Speaker E: Yeah, that was really rough. [00:50:09] Speaker A: But, yeah, you should have the proper now. And you can go after that rat. [00:50:16] Speaker E: So you said you wanted some light. I'm gonna give it to you. And a bright lance of purple light shoots out from my hands. I'm gonna cast divine lance at this little punk rat. I'm a good person. So we're doing divine Lance. [00:50:34] Speaker A: Good. [00:50:36] Speaker C: Well, thank you, Tobye. [00:50:40] Speaker E: This little dag, I'm saying. All right, 20. [00:50:45] Speaker A: Is gonna hit. Roll that. Damage. [00:50:51] Speaker E: Six. Damage six. [00:50:52] Speaker A: Damage is enough to kill that rat. All four of them now dead. And first combat is done. Successful. [00:51:03] Speaker E: I'm ready for second breakfast. That was a lot of work. [00:51:07] Speaker D: Well done, Tubby. [00:51:09] Speaker B: Tilby, who's the bright lady? [00:51:13] Speaker D: Oh, that's a good question. [00:51:15] Speaker E: The bright lady, she's in the sky at night. Big giant circle. [00:51:21] Speaker B: So that's the moon. [00:51:22] Speaker E: Beautiful face. That's the bright lady. [00:51:26] Speaker B: Ace. [00:51:29] Speaker E: You don't see, you know what? What we're doing as our first day of best friends after we kill these rats is we're going to go out and we're going to have a mug of ale as and look at the bright lady together. That's what we're going to do. [00:51:41] Speaker B: I'd love that. [00:51:43] Speaker E: As long as my other best friend is okay with me having an ale with another best friend. I don't want to hurt my best friend's feelings. Is that all right, best friend? [00:51:51] Speaker D: We're all best friends. It's fine. [00:51:54] Speaker E: Good. Oh, perfect. Best friend. [00:51:58] Speaker B: Some good magicking for both of you. I've never seen that. And, howie, nice shot. [00:52:05] Speaker A: Wow. [00:52:08] Speaker C: But, uh, hey, I got rid of one of them, so I'm happy. [00:52:14] Speaker D: I think we all did. Good. [00:52:18] Speaker A: I really like. [00:52:21] Speaker B: Oh, thank you. Just gonna hold on to it for a minute in case there's any more of these rats. [00:52:28] Speaker C: Yeah. Speaking of, have y'all ever seen rats looking like that? As a first for me? [00:52:35] Speaker B: I could ride one of them. They're huge. [00:52:40] Speaker A: I mean, I'm gonna do, like, a box. [00:52:42] Speaker D: So, you know, can I do some. [00:52:44] Speaker C: Kind of, like, check on, like, if. Like what that was? [00:52:48] Speaker D: Give me. Give me a. [00:52:50] Speaker B: Give me a bit of a. [00:52:51] Speaker A: Let's do nature. Check nature. Okay. And you're also free to move your tokens and look around. This little storeroom. [00:52:59] Speaker C: That's a 19. [00:53:00] Speaker A: A 19? [00:53:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:53:02] Speaker A: Rats like this are not incredibly common. Rats of this size. It also does look like they've all been eating pretty well on the fish, probably. [00:53:14] Speaker D: Would you say they're of an unusual size? [00:53:16] Speaker A: They're very much of an unusual size, and it's. It's unsure if it's, uh, nature or nurture at this point. [00:53:27] Speaker C: Okay. [00:53:27] Speaker B: You know, I didn't think rats got this big, but, um, it'd be good eating. [00:53:36] Speaker E: Hey, uh, friends, there's a tunnel over here. Like, a hole in the wall. [00:53:43] Speaker B: Wait, really? [00:53:44] Speaker E: That's where those little scraps are getting in here from? [00:53:49] Speaker C: Well, I'll be. [00:53:54] Speaker D: We should probably, um, let her know and maybe fix that up, have you mason at home. [00:54:08] Speaker E: Or we roll bare, like this, full of powder downlet with the lid, and it blows it right up, and then it seals the tunnel. You don't have to worry about anything nasty coming out of it again. You think she'd like it if we did that for her? [00:54:20] Speaker D: I think we should ask first. [00:54:22] Speaker C: Well, I'm doing a bit of pondering myself, and I'm thinking we might have got rid of these rats for now. But if there's a tunnel, then there may be more where they came from. So I'm not sure if. I mean, closing it now would maybe solve that. But they could. They could just break a hole in again. Maybe we go down, down this little tunnel thing, see the root of the problem, and then get rid of Miss Tamberley's problem for good. [00:54:53] Speaker B: I have a ponder. What is this liquid on the floor? Is it water? [00:55:01] Speaker A: It is like, brine from, like, salted fish? [00:55:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:08] Speaker B: Okay. [00:55:09] Speaker A: All these casks have been broken open. They're, like, pretty decently sized. And they're all empty. Like, these are. This is more fish than any of these. Any of these four rats could eat. [00:55:20] Speaker C: Cool. The. The crate that I had accidentally burst open, I'm assuming fish are in it. [00:55:28] Speaker A: Yeah, fish were in it. [00:55:29] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm gonna look around and whisper to everyone, be like, I wouldn't. I won't snitch if y'all won't, but if y'all want to grab a fish or two, if y'all are hungry, I mean, we did desert. We did earn it straight. [00:55:43] Speaker B: I want to see what this is. Okay, so the barrel, was it. This was not damaged from us. I don't think Howie missed this far. So is it like, it didn't open? Like, what's the deal here? [00:55:59] Speaker A: Give me a quick perception check. [00:56:01] Speaker B: Mmm. [00:56:05] Speaker A: Nine. You're unsure. It doesn't look like it was teeth that got this open. And as you're doing this, you kind of kick something, and it makes a clattering sound as you watch this. Was it a dagger? Was it an axe? Sort of just slide underneath one of these barrels? [00:56:30] Speaker B: Hey, do rats use tools? They don't use tools, right? [00:56:35] Speaker D: No. [00:56:36] Speaker B: All right, well, something used a tool to open this. I think there's something going on here. [00:56:49] Speaker D: Can I see if I can find whatever that was? That just under the barrel? [00:56:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Also, give me a quick perception check. [00:56:59] Speaker D: Okey dokey. [00:57:03] Speaker B: I switch that way. [00:57:09] Speaker D: 1313. [00:57:11] Speaker A: It takes. It takes you a moment, and you kind of have to, like, use your staff to, like, push it out from underneath the barrel. But you do find this sort of old, like, hand axe that, you know, has seen better days. It's got a little rust on it, but, you know, it looks like it was decently made at some point, but unfortunately, a little too rusted to do much with. Now. [00:57:43] Speaker D: Is there anything like, distinguishing about it? Like, can I tell maybe who might have owned it? [00:57:51] Speaker A: There are sort of like. Do you speak draconic? [00:58:00] Speaker D: That's the one I didn't take. [00:58:03] Speaker E: Damn it. [00:58:04] Speaker D: No. [00:58:05] Speaker C: There are couple you don't take. [00:58:07] Speaker A: There's a couple of, like, runes, like, scrawled and, like, maybe etched into the side of the axe. [00:58:16] Speaker D: Okay. [00:58:18] Speaker A: But it's very clear that these casks were all broken open with tools. [00:58:23] Speaker D: Okay. Well, this certainly belonged to someone. [00:58:35] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:58:37] Speaker C: Does it look like a lot more stock is missing than what a couple of big rats could have eaten? [00:58:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Like, these four massive barrels are all empty. And there's a lot, like, on the shelves in the far corner that's missing as well. You'll notice that there's also bottles of wine and bottles of ale and things like that. A lot of those are missing as well. You can kind of see the spots in the dust where they were. [00:59:08] Speaker C: Now, I've got a bit of a sequel to my first pondering. I'm thinking there might be a be a little more to this than. Than just a couple rats. This they. The rats may be a bit of a diversion to excuse some kind of thievery going on here, is what I'm thinking. [00:59:28] Speaker B: Sounds like you're keeping a lot of. [00:59:29] Speaker C: Ponder in that hat, so it's a big hat. It's a whole lot of pondering. [00:59:38] Speaker B: Maybe we should go and tell tantaly. Just let her know that maybe there's more than rats down here. [00:59:47] Speaker C: Maybe ask if she's got any enemies or someone who's trying to. [00:59:51] Speaker B: Besides the fish. [00:59:53] Speaker D: Besides the fish. [00:59:56] Speaker C: Yeah. Perhaps this is the fish getting their revenge. [01:00:00] Speaker B: Wouldn't be the strangest thing I've heard. [01:00:05] Speaker A: So you going back up to talk to Tangelli? [01:00:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I think so. [01:00:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Literally, all you do is at the top of the stairs. Like, she opens the door for you. Like you had heard her lock it, but now she opens. She unlocks it when you knock, and this seems like. So what's. What's going on? [01:00:24] Speaker B: I heard. [01:00:25] Speaker A: I heard sounds of fighting. Are you. Are you all right? [01:00:30] Speaker B: Oh, you know, all right. I think Howie's got some smart ideas, and I, our new friend, the main here, seems to be on to something too. [01:00:38] Speaker C: Well, I wouldn't quite call my idea smart, but I'm thinking that maybe more than just rats are stealing your stock. You may have some thieves. I mean, we can investigate a bit further, but, you know, I don't know how much you're willing to pay us. [01:00:57] Speaker A: I mean, I was gonna give you. Give you all ten gold a piece. I can. I can give you 15 a piece if you. If you really figure out what's going on. And you can keep whatever you find. [01:01:15] Speaker D: We did find this axe near the barrels, and I will show it to her. [01:01:23] Speaker A: She looks really confused. I've never. I've never seen that before. I don't. You don't break casks open with axes. That kind of ruins the fish and the cask. [01:01:39] Speaker C: That's. [01:01:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:41] Speaker D: Do you happen to know what this says on here, these runes? [01:01:49] Speaker A: It looks kind of all like gibberish to me. I'm not. Never been all that book smart. [01:01:57] Speaker D: That's all right. All right. Well, it's a start anyway. [01:02:07] Speaker C: Um, me and avarice and I, who are more familiar with the town, would we know? I mean, I don't know, if you let us know that it is draconic or. Or if we can tell that it's draconic. Do we know anybody who, if you. [01:02:23] Speaker A: Want, you can make a society check. You would not know it's draconic. I was just asking to verify. [01:02:33] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:02:34] Speaker A: For you, it just looks like runes. Kind of etched in. [01:02:40] Speaker B: It. Might come as a surprise. I'm not trained in it, and I'm going to assume that avarice just doesn't know. Honestly. [01:02:49] Speaker C: I mean, I have a plus zero, but I rolled a 16. [01:02:51] Speaker B: Nice. [01:02:52] Speaker A: Um, unfortunately, that's enough. Not enough to tell it's draconic. Um, it's just near these strange runes. [01:03:02] Speaker C: I'll play. [01:03:03] Speaker D: I am trained in society. [01:03:05] Speaker A: But, um, if you want to try and roll to see if you are aware that it is draconic. Sure. [01:03:17] Speaker B: Let's see. [01:03:18] Speaker A: I'm gonna roll for tantruly. [01:03:20] Speaker E: Oh, you already rolled. [01:03:21] Speaker A: Never mind. Well, I was gonna roll for Tanterley to see if she knows anybody who would speak draconic. And she thinks, and she goes, I don't think so. I mean, it's not necessarily an incredibly common language that we all need to speak. I think most of us, I don't know any kobolds or dragons. So. [01:03:52] Speaker D: I think knowing dragons should be fun things. [01:03:56] Speaker B: Fun. All right, well, that rat got a big bite at my leg. [01:04:09] Speaker C: I was gonna say, are you doing all right, youngster? It's, uh. Yeah, I mean, you handled yourself quite well for, uh. For a little guy, but how you doing? [01:04:19] Speaker B: I mean, after all, I am the scourge. [01:04:22] Speaker C: Oh, of course, that was. No, there was no doubt in my mind. You are the scourge of the sea. [01:04:28] Speaker B: How do you think I got that name capable of scourging? [01:04:34] Speaker A: Does anyone have medicine? [01:04:37] Speaker D: Ah, yeah, I think I have a healing potion. [01:04:41] Speaker A: Well, you can use the medicine skill. You could use a healing potion, if you would like. Or you can use a healing spell. The medicine skill, you can use it to. You can roll versus a DC 15 to treat wounds and heal up to a d eight if you would like. It takes about ten minutes, and I can imagine one of you is doing this while you're having the conversation with anjuli, if you want. You have to be trained in medicine to roll. [01:05:15] Speaker C: How much damage did you take, by the way? [01:05:17] Speaker B: Seven. [01:05:19] Speaker A: That round rolled max. [01:05:21] Speaker C: Damage? [01:05:21] Speaker B: Yeah. No, it got a good chunk out of the gnome. [01:05:25] Speaker C: You have no shoulder left. [01:05:30] Speaker B: I got ten. Fine. [01:05:33] Speaker A: A ten, unfortunately, is not the DC 15, so you don't make it worse, but you kind of just stop the bleeding, but it's not, like, enough to heal it. [01:05:43] Speaker D: Okay. [01:05:43] Speaker B: It's all right. I'll live through it. It's fine. It's not the worst that's happened to me. [01:05:52] Speaker C: If you're sure. I mean, maybe for the next little round, we, uh. You don't hit. You don't. You don't stay in the front lines. I mean, I know. I know that's just spraying, but maybe sit. Sit back a little bit. [01:06:06] Speaker B: I'm just working on my captain skills. Captain's got to go first, right? That's how that works? [01:06:13] Speaker C: Something like that. [01:06:16] Speaker A: All right. [01:06:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll, uh. I'll hang back a bit. It's fine. [01:06:26] Speaker A: So you're heading back down into the basement. [01:06:29] Speaker C: Yeah. How do we feel about going through these little caves? [01:06:35] Speaker B: Let's go. [01:06:37] Speaker C: These caves do look awfully nefarious. If no one else would like to, then I could take the front this time. [01:06:48] Speaker A: This. Also ask who has darkvision, because this going into this tunnel, there is no light. [01:06:57] Speaker D: I believe I do. [01:06:58] Speaker C: As we have established, I cannot see well. [01:07:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I just have low light. [01:07:03] Speaker A: Yeah, low light. [01:07:05] Speaker C: I don't know if I have any of it. [01:07:11] Speaker A: Yeah, howie, you don't even have low light vision. [01:07:16] Speaker C: You know what? On second thought, maybe I should not be leading the charge. I cannot see shit down here. [01:07:21] Speaker A: Um, you could, uh. You should have, like, some torch that comes with. [01:07:27] Speaker D: Yeah, we have torches. [01:07:29] Speaker A: Torches. You can light one of those up if you would like. [01:07:32] Speaker D: Yeah, I could also, uh, cast dancing lights. [01:07:38] Speaker A: There's a good thing you can definitely. [01:07:40] Speaker C: Cast, but I guess that would give away our location if we were trying to be sneaky, right? [01:07:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I think we've given up the ability to sneak in this moment. [01:07:51] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, I would be hesitant to hold the torch because my gun requires two hands, and I would be just using one with a torch, but we can do that. [01:08:03] Speaker A: Yeah, dancing lights, as you. As you need it. Like, with low light, you can still kind of see it's just a. Howie, with. With your. You're kind of being like, got a hand on someone's shoulder as you walk forward. Dancing lights. And light that up. Soon as. As you approach the. [01:08:24] Speaker C: Oh, I'll use my tail. I'll use my tail for it. Let's be using the tail. [01:08:31] Speaker A: Yeah. So as you squeeze through this hole, you find yourself in a cavern that seems to stretch endlessly beneath the streets of Atari. Who knows what menace could be lurking down here? Up ahead, the passageway ends in a cliff that plunges sharply into darkness. So, yeah, as you approach here, there is sort of a cliff that looks to go about 15ft down. [01:09:07] Speaker B: Ooh. [01:09:08] Speaker D: Eek. [01:09:09] Speaker B: Keep. [01:09:11] Speaker A: Well. [01:09:12] Speaker C: Watch a step. [01:09:14] Speaker A: You can roll. You can do many things to this. You can attempt to affix a rope to help people who maybe don't have athletics down, because it'll be an athletics check to get down and. Or you could just jump and hope for the best. [01:09:35] Speaker C: Does anyone have rope? [01:09:37] Speaker B: I think that the pirate is going to attempt to secure a line and very quickly escort themselves down. [01:09:49] Speaker A: Cool. Yeah. If you use a rope to help you, it is only a DC ten athletics check to get down. [01:09:57] Speaker B: Fantastic. Aha. I rolled poorly. What is going on with my dice? [01:10:08] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:10:10] Speaker B: Um, athletics, you said, ha ha. Five. [01:10:17] Speaker A: Oh, no, five. [01:10:19] Speaker B: So what is happening here? [01:10:23] Speaker C: The scourge of the sea, not land. [01:10:32] Speaker A: You're doing fine at first until, like, about halfway down, your foot just kind of slips on like a wet rock and you kind of go sprawling. Only about, like, five or 6ft in total. It is not really enough to take any damage at that point, but you've sort of fallen prone and maybe it's more of a blow to your dignity than, you know, actual physical damage. [01:10:59] Speaker B: Ow. It won't let me move. [01:11:07] Speaker C: I can hop down next just to make sure avarice is okay. And also scout ahead a bit because I actually do have something called climbing tail, which I realized my tail makes it much easier for me to climb. I gained plus two circumstance bonus to athletics to climb. And then the combat climber skill feat, which reduces the number of hands I need or whatever. It's like a plus two to my athletics. Plus 724. 24. [01:11:42] Speaker A: Yeah. You easily climb down, no problem. That is a critical success. [01:11:47] Speaker C: I'm gonna make sure this youngster's all right and see if there's anything, you know, strange up ahead. And then I'm. [01:11:55] Speaker B: You get down there and Everest is dusting himself off, just like, everything's fine. [01:11:59] Speaker C: Everest, I cannot see you. [01:12:01] Speaker B: Hello, I'm dead here. I'm dead here. Hello, I'm fine. Nothing to see here. Everything went great. [01:12:10] Speaker C: And that is quite obvious. I'll use my tail to, like, as like a. I'll extend it for you to grab, to pull you up. [01:12:18] Speaker A: Yeah. And Nemane, you roll the 17 so you get down. No problem. [01:12:23] Speaker D: Yep. [01:12:25] Speaker A: Tell me you also have a bit of the same trouble that plagued avarice. You slip on that same wet rock and kind of go sprawling. You don't really take any damage. You fall prone as you are down into this area. Like, as you're sort of, like, getting your bearings and looking around, you look over to your right and see these very large mushrooms that are growing. A couple of them sort of seem to pulse with, like, a bit of bioluminescence giving. Giving a bit of a soft light in the corridor. [01:13:13] Speaker D: In the main. Walk over to them and, like, take a piece. [01:13:21] Speaker A: Yeah. You can easily cut off a little bit of mushroom. [01:13:24] Speaker D: Okay. Jesus can store that. [01:13:29] Speaker A: Yeah, you've got. You've got, like, a little bit of bioluminescent mushroom. Avarice. What were you saying? [01:13:36] Speaker B: I think avarice is going to go up and find the smallest one that they can find and try and put it in their pocket. [01:13:45] Speaker A: Yeah. There's some normal sized mushrooms, whole glowing. [01:13:49] Speaker B: Mushroom into their little pockets. [01:13:53] Speaker C: Can I do a bit of a survival check or something to see if I know what kind of mushrooms these are? I would like mostly wonder if they're edible, but, yeah. I also have a free feature called survey wildlife. I think because I have the hunter thing, it's mostly with, like, detecting if there's nearby creatures, based on the surroundings. So I don't know if there's. I don't know, creatures eat these mushrooms or what. But that's only a ten. [01:14:25] Speaker A: A ten. Um, it's probably just safe to not eat it. Uh, at least until you can take a better look at it. For now, you're like, probably better not. [01:14:37] Speaker C: Yeah, as I say, Iris, pocket of mushrooms. Like, hey, kid, don't eat that mushroom. I see you looking at that mushroom. [01:14:43] Speaker B: It looks it. Okay, I'll. I'll not eat it. I'll just keep it. Puts it. [01:14:50] Speaker D: Can I make. Can I make a nature check, see if I know this? [01:14:56] Speaker A: Sure, if you want to make a nature check. [01:15:04] Speaker D: Never mind. [01:15:05] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:15:06] Speaker A: Yeah. You're unsure. Here we go. [01:15:17] Speaker C: I guess, just out of curiosity, I would maybe if there's a smaller one. Yeah, I'll pocket one as well. [01:15:22] Speaker B: I left a smaller one there, so you can have that one. [01:15:25] Speaker C: Okay, well, thank you. [01:15:30] Speaker B: Yeah, that's why it's there for you. [01:15:34] Speaker C: Well, I appreciate the generosity. Yeah. What are these Russians doing down here? Do we get the sense that. Because it's dark down here, right. How would these be able to even grow? [01:15:50] Speaker D: It's dark, it's damp. It's what mushrooms do. Exactly. [01:15:55] Speaker C: But glowing ones, now, that what intrigues me. [01:16:03] Speaker A: Oh, yes. There is a. There is a path forward. If you would like to follow that for now. [01:16:10] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:16:13] Speaker A: Right. And as you move into the next room, the tunnel continues deeper underground, eventually opening up into a large chamber. Patches of glowing blue fungus cling to the ceiling and provide dim light. You can barely make out the vast strands of webbing across the floors and walls of the cavern, stretching between stalactites like. Like shimmering curtains. You all see all of these webs sort of crisscrossing and making a bit of a maze for the room. [01:17:04] Speaker C: Go ahead. [01:17:05] Speaker B: I don't ever think that maybe you're just a little fly. This is. These are big. [01:17:16] Speaker C: Now, you're the one doing a lot of pondering. Yeah, I was gonna say, I've never been in a cave where there wasn't some kind of insects, so this was bound to happen. [01:17:28] Speaker E: Howie, can I borrow your torch? [01:17:33] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely. Just don't stray too far. Us. You know, I cannot see a goddamn thing down here. [01:17:40] Speaker A: It is okay. [01:17:41] Speaker C: Far too dark for these. [01:17:43] Speaker E: You can even do it? All I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take that torch and I'm gonna touch it to the closest webbing to us to try to, like, a web away. [01:17:54] Speaker C: Well, yeah, go ahead. Yeah, I'll hand in the torch and, yeah, I'll have my tail, like, hold your hand so I don't get lost in the darkness. [01:18:03] Speaker A: Yeah. So, yeah, you take the torch and start to burn the webbing. That's my hope. [01:18:14] Speaker E: And get it to disintegrate a little bit around us so we can. If and what is in here. Some. Those of us who can see, those of you who can't are at a bigger disadvantage with sticky shit all around us. So I'm hopeful to avoid any sort of nonsense in that regard. [01:18:32] Speaker A: All right, so you take Howie's torch, you touch it to this webbing, and the webbing goes up. It is very flammable, and it starts to burn. And that's when you look up and sort of uncurling itself. Itself from the ceiling as it comes down as a giant spider. And we're gonna roll some initiative again. [01:19:05] Speaker E: Perception based initiative again. [01:19:07] Speaker A: Yes. I will also say, if you want to have said that you were trying to sneak through here, you can and you can roll stealth for your initiative. [01:19:16] Speaker C: Okay. I want to try to do that. [01:19:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:19:18] Speaker C: Yeah. Because that gives me a little something. [01:19:20] Speaker D: Can I roll my base initial initiative instead? [01:19:25] Speaker A: You can just roll perception if you'd like. Yes. [01:19:28] Speaker D: No, I mean, I've got, like. I've got plus four to my perception, but I've got plus seven in my initiative. [01:19:35] Speaker A: Let's see if you're rolling with Arcana, because you could use different skills to roll. You'd have to give me your reason why you're using Arcana to roll. [01:19:43] Speaker D: Oh, right. Okay. [01:19:45] Speaker C: You sensed the spider before we did. [01:19:51] Speaker A: Oh, I rolled. [01:19:54] Speaker B: Well, this time. [01:19:56] Speaker C: Not bad. Yeah, I did not do great. [01:20:05] Speaker B: 22 from me. Same. Nice. [01:20:10] Speaker D: You can go first. [01:20:11] Speaker B: Thanks. [01:20:14] Speaker C: How? I got a twelve. [01:20:22] Speaker A: Okay. My dice have chosen murder tonight. Oh, God. The spiral rolled a 19 for a 2026. [01:20:35] Speaker D: Heck. [01:20:39] Speaker A: Well, it's been nice. [01:20:39] Speaker B: Now. [01:20:42] Speaker A: It is immediately decided that, yes, this person who is burning its home is the first one it's going to target and is going to spend its first action to move over to you. Tell me that's valid. [01:20:59] Speaker C: Good. [01:21:00] Speaker E: I'm gonna look at it in its 83,000 eyes, and I'm gonna give it the most devious, bright dwarf. This is my favorite thing on the planet to do. Smash stuff. Smile. [01:21:13] Speaker A: And it is going to just pull out. It's like fangs. I don't know what noise the spiders make. I'm going for a hiss, and it is going to try to sink those into your shoulder. Rip for a 29. [01:21:32] Speaker D: Goodbye, Toby. [01:21:35] Speaker A: Um, yeah. Uh, so I'm also gonna need you if you. I'm also gonna need you to make a fortitude save. [01:21:45] Speaker B: It was everyone's best friend. [01:21:47] Speaker A: Luckily, it only rolled a one for on a damage, so it does six damage. But you are going to take damage from the giant spider venom, and you will be flat footed for the next round. So you will minus two penalty to your ac. So it'll be ten damage total. Well, actually, no, it'll be 15 damage total. Uh, six from the bite itself and nine from the venom. [01:22:30] Speaker B: Cool. [01:22:30] Speaker A: As you are flat footed for one round. Uh, and then it is going to, uh, spend its second action to shoot a web out at. At Howie, because you're the next one it sees. [01:22:46] Speaker B: No. [01:22:51] Speaker A: Uh, that is an 18. [01:22:54] Speaker C: Yeah. Meets. It beats. [01:22:55] Speaker A: It beats. You're not going to take any damage from this, but you are now going to be stuck to the nearest surface, the wall behind you, and cannot move until it successfully escapes. [01:23:12] Speaker C: So it just affects my movement. [01:23:14] Speaker A: Yeah, you are. You're trapped. You're sort of stuck to the wall behind you. [01:23:20] Speaker C: Well, so much for not being. Not having any sticky stuff on me. [01:23:28] Speaker A: And I'll go over to escape when it's your turn. But that is its entire turn. And we'll come to avaris. [01:23:36] Speaker B: That's my friend. And I'm gonna run forward right next to Talby. And as avarice runs, they're almost, like, skipping in this kind of manic, excited way as they draw their rapier out, or. Cause it was already out, they never put it away. And they run forward, and this time, with a huge flourish, they, uh, flip their rapier, which is an insane thing to do. Um, and I'm going to try and do a fascinating performance. [01:24:08] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. Let's roll. Roll the roll, roll. Performance versus its will DC. [01:24:14] Speaker B: Uh, so. Oh, yeah. Dirty 20. [01:24:20] Speaker A: Dirty 20. It is now fascinated by you. And you have panache. [01:24:24] Speaker B: Aha. And I'm going to stab it with panache. [01:24:31] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:24:36] Speaker B: Oh, come on. With my panache. It's only a plus two, right? It's not a finishing move. So it's a three total one. My dice hate me. It's fine. [01:24:52] Speaker A: And, yeah, see you. Deal. I have two. You said three. Total. And what was your roll to hit? [01:25:05] Speaker B: It was a dirty 2020. No, I have to roll the hit. [01:25:08] Speaker A: No, you roll the hit. You may crit. [01:25:11] Speaker B: I don't, but I rolled. Well, it was a 21. [01:25:14] Speaker A: 21. Okay. Yeah, so that. [01:25:17] Speaker B: Sorry, I forgot about that part. [01:25:18] Speaker A: Yes, you're good. Take three. It takes three damage. And so that is move, performance, attack. Three actions. You have a little bit of movement left if you want to reposition yourself. [01:25:34] Speaker B: I think seeing Helby wrapped up with this giant spider and all the webbing and everything, Everest is going to kind of like slink away to the quarter just a little bit like that. [01:25:43] Speaker A: I don't want to be so close. [01:25:46] Speaker B: Nimble little hop backwards. [01:25:48] Speaker A: Yep. Nemayne, it is now your turn. [01:25:51] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to start with foxfire. [01:25:54] Speaker A: Okay. [01:25:59] Speaker D: Not twelve. [01:26:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Roll that. Critical. [01:26:07] Speaker D: Eight damage. [01:26:08] Speaker A: And I forgot to ask, what element is your foxfire? [01:26:12] Speaker D: Ah, it is electric. [01:26:16] Speaker A: You give this thing a nice zap and it kind of does the twitch a little bit. And. Yeah, it's still standing. And you have two more actions. [01:26:30] Speaker D: All right, I'm going to. From that. Where's the thing? All right, from that, I'm going to go ahead and cast ray of frost. [01:26:46] Speaker A: 1212 is not going to hit two. [01:26:53] Speaker D: Okay. [01:26:55] Speaker A: And then that'll bring us to Telby. [01:27:04] Speaker E: I am going to hold up my little symbol of a butterfly because it's way cooler than big, nasty spiders who want me to be their precious food. And my butterfly is going to flap its wings. And I would like a DC 17 will saving throw, please, as I cast forced mercy. [01:27:26] Speaker A: Hell yeah. You said will save. [01:27:30] Speaker E: Yep. DC 17 will save. [01:27:32] Speaker D: Nice. [01:27:34] Speaker A: Well, effing kid, it is a 19 for a 24. [01:27:40] Speaker E: All right. [01:27:40] Speaker B: What happened to your dice? [01:27:43] Speaker E: Critical success. Is it just a regular success? [01:27:46] Speaker A: Just a regular success, but it's not ten. [01:27:49] Speaker E: Then it's only affected for one round. I will be softening the target's blows, ensuring they avoid vital areas and cause no lasting harm. All physical damage dealt by this target to living creatures becomes non lethal. And all persistent bleed damage dealt by the target is reduced to zero. It doesn't give them the negative two circumstance penalty, but that's that. So it can't. It can bite me, but it can't kill me. Bite me because I got crap left for some life here. And if it doesn't have a hold of me, I would like to take my last action because that spell was too. To GTFo. [01:28:38] Speaker A: Okay. That is, uh. It was good. It does not have an attack of opportunity. So you're good. One fun thing about Pathfinder, not everything has an attack of opportunity. [01:28:49] Speaker C: I love that. [01:28:50] Speaker A: So it's always a risk reward if you want to decide to, if you're unsure if it does, to move away from it, but this one doesn't, so you're good. And that'll bring us to the bottom of the round with Howie. [01:29:03] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm stuck to this wall wrapped in spider web, and I'm kind of wiggling around. I'm like, well, it looks like I have found myself to be in quite the pickle. And I guess one of my actions would be to try to escape. [01:29:17] Speaker A: Yeah, that's one action to make an escape. Check. [01:29:23] Speaker C: Athletics. [01:29:27] Speaker A: You can use acrobatics. Athletics or unarmed attack. [01:29:32] Speaker C: Actually, acrobatics. I'm a backflip out of here. That's all right. That's an 18. [01:29:42] Speaker A: An 18. Yeah, that is. That is enough. It's a DC 17. So you managed to get yourself free. [01:29:49] Speaker C: Yeah, I, like, wiggle on. I was like, oh, well, that wasn't too bad. Anyway. Now, do I see this spider well enough? Because I know my eyes are not great down here. [01:30:04] Speaker A: You've got light on. You got your torch, so. [01:30:07] Speaker C: And the torch is had my torch. That's why I'm wondering. But I guess probably close enough, right? [01:30:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:30:13] Speaker A: And a lot of the. A lot of the webbing is on fire right now. That means great light. [01:30:19] Speaker C: Yeah. Hey, tell me if you hold that still real quick. I'm just gonna take a little shot and let's get rid of this little thing. That is a 52. [01:30:34] Speaker A: A 22. [01:30:36] Speaker C: Yeah, that's gonna hit. Yeah. My first shot because I rolled stealth for initiative. I get the one shot, one kill as the sniper. First shot is the deadliest. I roll an extra d. Six precision damage. Let's hope I do some good damage here. Pieces. Seven damage plus 411 damage. [01:31:03] Speaker A: Eleven damage. What is it like when you end this spider's career? [01:31:09] Speaker D: Yes. [01:31:10] Speaker C: Amazing. Mister Spider, sir, I did not take too kindly to you webbing me up there earlier. As I specifically said, I did not want to be counting some sticky stuff. Goodbye, sir. I'm a sheet it right in the middle of its bazillion eyes and end its career. [01:31:33] Speaker A: Yeah, you do. And, yeah, you do that. This thing where it kind of falls back and the little legs curl in. [01:31:42] Speaker C: Now, let's hope it does not have babies. [01:31:48] Speaker D: Let's set them on fire if we do. [01:31:53] Speaker C: I do like the way you think. Thank you for holding that torch there, Toby. I would not have been able to see otherwise. [01:32:03] Speaker E: You can have it back. Now. I can see in the dark just fine. [01:32:07] Speaker C: Well, thank you. [01:32:11] Speaker B: Best friend. How are you? [01:32:13] Speaker E: I'm feeling a little rough. That's what I just wanted to ask the loremistress about, because I know slots work a little bit different so I can heal, but if I use it now, is that the only heal I have? [01:32:32] Speaker A: Yes, if it is the one spell you have, it is for the day. But also, everybody, real quick. As you're sort of just looking around, give me a quick perception check. Uh, this is not her initiative. I'm gonna let you know. This is just to see if you spot anything in this chamber. [01:32:50] Speaker B: 17. [01:32:52] Speaker C: That makes me feel like there's something in this chamber. [01:32:55] Speaker D: Uh, 1313 Nimane is, uh, too busy being in shock from seeing a giant spider again. [01:33:04] Speaker C: That's fair. [01:33:08] Speaker E: Why do I not have it? [01:33:12] Speaker A: Should be on your sidebar. [01:33:14] Speaker C: Yeah. It's like a separate thing entirely. Yeah. It's, uh, where the. [01:33:18] Speaker D: Right under your initiative is. [01:33:20] Speaker C: Yeah. And stuff. Yeah. [01:33:24] Speaker D: There you go. [01:33:25] Speaker A: So both Telby and avarice, uh, in the corner, you spot a, uh, a small webbed up figure. Um, that looks fairly reptilian, maybe looked reptilian at one point, uh, but a little wrapped up bundle. [01:33:48] Speaker B: I don't think avarice even says anything. They just start running towards it. [01:33:55] Speaker E: Best friend, where are you going by yourself? And I'm gonna follow you. [01:34:00] Speaker D: What on earth? [01:34:04] Speaker B: Paint something. [01:34:05] Speaker C: Yeah, follow. Yeah. [01:34:13] Speaker A: I see the little thing appeared on. Should appear on the map and double click it and see what's in it. [01:34:22] Speaker B: Hello. [01:34:24] Speaker D: Where am I going? [01:34:26] Speaker A: As you approach it, it does appear to be a victim of said spider. It is sort of a little bit smaller than a gnome and sort of vaguely reptilian shaped. It's kind of got that elongated face, but as you sort of poke at it, it kind of just sort of deflates. And if you cut it open, you will find a very nicely crafted short sword and two healing potions. [01:34:51] Speaker B: Wow. What was this we were saying about dragonfolk? [01:34:57] Speaker C: Mmm. [01:34:59] Speaker A: What? [01:35:01] Speaker C: What was that? And we were saying. [01:35:06] Speaker B: Anyone need a sword or a healing potion? [01:35:10] Speaker C: I mean, I say as they look to the. [01:35:12] Speaker B: Literally take one of the healing potions and not ask anyone. Put it in their pocket. [01:35:16] Speaker C: Yeah. Are you doing all right? Avarice? You may want to chug down one of those healing potions. [01:35:24] Speaker B: That's a good idea. [01:35:26] Speaker A: Yeah. You've got healing potions and a very, very nicely crafted short sword. It's not magical, but it might earn you a little bit extra gold if you sell it. [01:35:37] Speaker C: Talby, did you also want to take the other one? You took some damage, too, right? [01:35:42] Speaker E: I am very bloody. [01:35:45] Speaker B: Yeah, let's. Let's do that. [01:35:48] Speaker E: Or gold pieces to make a dollar piece. I would only have one of those left. [01:35:55] Speaker B: Oh, my. So we're gonna drink the tiny. [01:35:58] Speaker C: Yeah. You might need to take this right now. [01:36:03] Speaker E: Yeah, I could. I'll drink one for my one. [01:36:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I only got two out of mine. [01:36:10] Speaker C: Oh, these are awfully diluted. How long have they been sitting here? [01:36:18] Speaker E: You know, avarice, this short sword looks just as fancy as you do. It probably goes really good with your other shiny one, if you want. [01:36:28] Speaker B: It does seem pretty nice. You wouldn't mind if I, you know, took this? You know, keep my other sword company, right? [01:36:39] Speaker C: I think a fine sword like that suits the scourge of the sea just fine. [01:36:45] Speaker B: Now you're getting it. [01:36:48] Speaker E: I'll whisper to you, and you don't even have to paint this one. I whispered. [01:37:00] Speaker C: Yes, I will. [01:37:01] Speaker B: I will take the finely crafted short sword. [01:37:04] Speaker A: Yeah, you should. [01:37:05] Speaker B: Don't know how to actually take it. [01:37:08] Speaker A: If you open up your sheet, you should be able to just drag and drop it into your inventory. [01:37:16] Speaker B: I did it. [01:37:19] Speaker A: Right. So you took and used both those healing potions? [01:37:22] Speaker B: Yes. [01:37:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Uh, by this time, most of the webs have burned away. There seem to be no other spiders. It was just that one. Good. [01:37:45] Speaker C: Shall we proceed? I mean, I'm not sure if this here victim of the spider has anything to do with, you know, a little thievery thing going on back there, but perhaps. [01:38:03] Speaker E: Can I investigate the body a little bit? [01:38:09] Speaker D: I was just gonna say that if. [01:38:11] Speaker A: You want to give me a medicine check to sort of see if you can pull anything from it, if you have medicine. Also, I was going to say if either. If anyone has medicine and has a healer's kit, you can attempt to use medicine on, like telby because you can't use avarice, because you've already done avarice and requires an hour. But yes, to look at this sort of wrapped body and sort of figure out what it is. You're relatively sure that this was a cobalt? [01:38:43] Speaker E: That's what I wanted to know. [01:38:46] Speaker D: Right. Well coupled. To speak draconic, I would bet that this little axe here probably belonged to this one. [01:39:04] Speaker E: And the poor guy died before he even got to finish his dream of being a real big, regular sized dragon. That's what he gets for being a vermin. [01:39:14] Speaker B: Oh, that's so sad. Well, thank you, little mini dragon, for your, uh, little bit of help. This pretty thing. [01:39:25] Speaker D: I would also assume that this is one of the thieves that's been stealing from our dear friend, right? [01:39:33] Speaker B: Yes. And thieving is bad, supposedly. [01:39:37] Speaker E: Yeah, but aren't these little tiny dragon guys just as bad as rats? Where there's one, there's more. [01:39:45] Speaker B: Maybe. [01:39:47] Speaker C: Well, there's only one way to find out. [01:39:51] Speaker E: I don't want to lead the way this time. [01:39:54] Speaker D: I'll lead. [01:39:57] Speaker B: Aw, thank you, domain. [01:39:59] Speaker A: Right. As you come to sort of this area, you notice a bit of off to one side. It seems to be a bit of a crudely made barricade. The passageway leads deeper underneath the streets of Otari, and it appears to be mostly natural. But someone or something has kind of worked to artificially enlarge it. You can kind of see a bit like. Looks like a tool work on the walls, but, like, it does look like these tunnels existed, but they were just made larger. And as you pass, you see a crude barricade made out of wood planks and part of a barrel blocks and entrance to a side tunnel while the main passage continues off into the gloom. But I also think that this is a pretty good place for us to take our break as the party makes choice to see if there's anything behind the barricade or just continue down the tunnel. And, yeah, we'll see everybody in ten minutes or so. Get up, stretch your legs, take your meds, you know, get some. Get something to eat, get something to drink. We will. And yeah, we'll see everybody in ten minutes. Welcome back. I hope you all had a restful break. We did. We are all hydrated and snacked up as we were ready to return to the menace under Atari. So, yeah, as we left things, you came to a bit of a fork in the road. There is a strange sort of almost homemade barricade blocking off a side passage. Or you can just ignore it and continue going forward. [01:41:48] Speaker B: Hey, do we want to try that torch trick? [01:41:52] Speaker C: Now that may be a bit of an aggressive move. Burning a hole. [01:42:04] Speaker B: Barricade, spider web. [01:42:07] Speaker C: Maybe we could do a little more sneaking that way. Maybe less insects will get the jump on us. [01:42:14] Speaker B: What you got? Tell me. [01:42:16] Speaker E: Aren't these barricades made of barrels? Isn't that the stuff from the ladies storage room? We should go in there and investigate it and see if we're stuff's in there. [01:42:27] Speaker B: Maybe more of our fish. [01:42:30] Speaker D: I agree. [01:42:33] Speaker E: I like burning things, but we don't have to do that. [01:42:36] Speaker A: Um, I will say the wood is all kind of, like, weird and, like, a little bit wet, so it's definitely not going to catch a light. And also it is very thick wood. So if it did burn, it'd be burning a lot and it'd be a lot of smoke. [01:42:51] Speaker B: Do we still have the axe? [01:42:53] Speaker A: I have, I do, yes. [01:42:57] Speaker B: Oh, you. Oh, tell me. Go ahead. What am I saying? [01:43:01] Speaker E: If I, if I can hit it. I'm not really good at my hammer. My dad just wanted me to have it when I go adventuring. He really didn't want me to go. [01:43:10] Speaker B: Adventuring, so he gave really pretty. [01:43:13] Speaker E: But crack whack. [01:43:15] Speaker A: 1717. Yeah, you do make a bit of a noise as you, you can kind of hear the sound of this splintering sort of echoing throughout the hallways. And also while you're all doing this, give me a quick perception check real quick. [01:43:41] Speaker C: I also roll stealth. [01:43:43] Speaker A: Yeah, you can. Well, this is not, this is not a fight. This is like, see if, you know. [01:43:47] Speaker C: I just, I would just like to in general be sneaky. That's not bad. [01:43:54] Speaker B: That's a 18 1822 perception 22. [01:44:00] Speaker C: Do my monkey eyes see you all. [01:44:04] Speaker A: Beyond this barricade and whatever's beyond it, you definitely hear clattering noises. And beyond this barricade there are absolutely no lights. So your torch is doing all of the work. Unless you, man, you have darkvision, then you're fine. [01:44:22] Speaker B: We definitely got some attention, but, uh, why don't we just try and see what's in there? They're just already walking. [01:44:35] Speaker D: I still have my dancing lights up. [01:44:39] Speaker A: Yeah, that helps as well. Uh, and you know, beyond the barricade you notice an old cavern corridor that winds down into the earth, ending in an ancient burial vault lit by a strange torch with a blue flame. Alcoves line the walls, each one containing a rotten wooden sarcophagus, while the center of the room has a raised platform with a stone sarcophagus. And as you enter this room, you have made it known your presence and its inhabitants are awake. So yeah, we're gonna roll some more initiative if anybody wants to be down this court. [01:45:29] Speaker C: I do. As we go through, like the tunnels. I meant to ask this earlier, can we tell if, and let me know if I have to roll for this, if the caves that we're in have been here or do they look like man made and dug out like recently or something? [01:45:49] Speaker A: It's not necessarily recent, but it is definitely like over the years these tunnels have been carved out. You specifically would notice that you're kind of having to hunch over just a little bit because you're getting close to 6ft. It definitely seems like these tunnels are made for people who are shorter. [01:46:08] Speaker C: Mm hmm. Okay. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. My just initial thought was like, were these carved out just so they could steal from this poor lady or they've been here. Okay, good to know. [01:46:24] Speaker B: 25. [01:46:28] Speaker C: Brother Nat, too. Mine is a nine. [01:46:36] Speaker A: Nemayne. And tell b, what did you roll? [01:46:38] Speaker D: I got an 18. Oh, wait, I got an 18 on stealth. [01:46:48] Speaker A: Yeah, you can roll stealth for initiative. That's fine. [01:46:52] Speaker B: Mine is, I did not roll stealth because I'm not being subtle. [01:46:57] Speaker E: 22. [01:46:58] Speaker A: 22. [01:47:01] Speaker E: I did not also not roll. Still. [01:47:07] Speaker A: Uh, so you hear the clattering of bones and the slow moaning of zombies and skeletons. Avarice, as you are the first to act. [01:47:22] Speaker B: Hello, new friends. And I, as avarice runs in, we got little short legs. We're gonna go as far in until we see something to hit. Is there anything to hit yet? There is. I was. [01:47:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:47:51] Speaker B: Haha. And gonna run forward and again with that springing leap. And this time you all get the full visual of this gnome. Almost like doing a dance a bit. As they leap through and kind of bounce off of the stones and the broken sarcophagus, they get to the big stone where they just kind of leap off of it and do a kind of twist in the air as they leap towards the first thing that they see. That looks dangerous. So I'm gonna try and do a fascinating performance. Boo. I rolled poorly, but 15, you succeed all right. [01:48:45] Speaker A: On this skeleton. Idiot. Yeah, it doesn't. It's got a very low will save. It's very fascinated by this strange, moving creature. Kind of like. [01:48:57] Speaker B: I'm going to again try and do a precise strike this time with my new beautiful, well made short sword. [01:49:04] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, if you want, you can even immediately earn panache. And then, because this would be your third action. Right? [01:49:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:49:13] Speaker A: You can immediately follow that up with a. You can do your confident finisher if you would like. Oh, I would love that. And it's just go, you roll that attack. But then if you. If you hit, you do damage no matter what. You'll do your precision damage no matter what. But you'll also roll extra damage if you hit. [01:49:32] Speaker B: Oh, okay, fantastic. Then that is a dirty 20. [01:49:38] Speaker A: Dirty 20 is gonna hit. So roll that damage. [01:49:41] Speaker B: Okay, so I'm rolling. I've done this part yet. How do I finish her? [01:49:52] Speaker A: So it's gonna. You deal half your precise. Well, you are going to deal. [01:49:58] Speaker B: Um, so I do two d six from the finisher. [01:50:05] Speaker A: Yes. [01:50:06] Speaker B: And then my d six for the sword. [01:50:09] Speaker A: Yes. Yes. Great. I rolled them. [01:50:14] Speaker B: Oh, man. Holy smokes. That's almost max damage. [01:50:18] Speaker D: Nice. [01:50:19] Speaker B: That is 17 points of damage. [01:50:23] Speaker A: 17? Yep. With your very just, you know, it's almost dance of an attack. You spin around and you just take this skeleton's head right off and it goes down. [01:50:41] Speaker B: Go for the head. [01:50:47] Speaker C: As I see this happening, I like whisper to Telvie and Nevaine. I'm just like, for as long as I've known this kid, I've always thought his, his grand tales were an exaggeration, but honestly, seeing it in action is quite impressive. [01:51:05] Speaker A: And yeah, that'll bring us to tell me. [01:51:08] Speaker E: I will follow that up with, we do have the best best friends, don't we? And then we do got a couple. And one of the things that we can see from my movement, I have my map way zoomed out so I can't see squares. I'm going to lance at it with some energy of all of this positive energy that I have built up inside of me and I want it to make me a DC 17 fortitude saving throw or get wrecked scrub. [01:51:44] Speaker A: For. For which one? [01:51:46] Speaker E: Um, whichever is the first one I can see stepping in. I can't see that them on the map. [01:51:54] Speaker A: Were you using divine Lance? [01:51:59] Speaker E: Disrupt undead. [01:52:00] Speaker A: Disrupt undead. Okay, cool. Yeah, cool. So the zombie shambler, that's like right next to you. [01:52:09] Speaker E: Okay, that's the one. [01:52:13] Speaker A: That's only a twelve. [01:52:15] Speaker E: Okay, so he's gonna get some damage. Let me push the cast button. Okay, so damage and also enfeebled for one round. So ten damage plus enfeeblement one for one round. [01:52:35] Speaker D: Nice. [01:52:37] Speaker A: And you will notice as you strike this thing, it actually seems to do more damage. Like this thing is a weakness to positive damage. [01:52:44] Speaker E: Good, good. Excellent. So that being said, that is end of turn for me. And I will say for the bright lady. [01:52:58] Speaker A: And that'll bring us to Nemayne. [01:53:03] Speaker D: Okay. Um, let's see. I suppose I should move into the room here. Can I see this one from where I'm at? [01:53:18] Speaker A: Uh, yes. Yeah, if you can see them on the map, you can definitely. [01:53:23] Speaker D: Uh, alrighty then. I'm going to start by doing foxfire. [01:53:35] Speaker A: So it'll be one action to move, one action foxfire, which will leave you one action after that. [01:53:41] Speaker D: That's perfectly fine with me. [01:53:48] Speaker A: We have hero points if you want to use one you have earned. You should have at least one more hero point by now. [01:53:57] Speaker D: Um, sure. What does that do for me? [01:54:05] Speaker A: You reroll and take, um, take the second option. [01:54:08] Speaker D: Oh, okay. Let's try that again. [01:54:15] Speaker A: Yeah, that is a 16. So that is definitely gonna hit groovy. [01:54:22] Speaker D: For two points. [01:54:26] Speaker A: Yeah, this. This zombie seems in very bad shape. Good. [01:54:32] Speaker D: Um, let's see here. And then I'm going to go ahead and cast clinging ice. [01:54:46] Speaker A: All right. I need to make a reflex save. It'll be a 14. [01:54:55] Speaker D: Nope. [01:54:56] Speaker A: So they will take that damage to roll that damage four. All right, I. You do turn the zombie into a block of ice, and I will let you know. So it is your focus spell. So to get it back, you would essentially, during your next ten minutes, do, like, a little bit of a refocus ritual. You couldn't have easily have done it before. So, yeah, you've had a few times where you've stopped for a moment, and you can easily take that time. [01:55:26] Speaker D: Okay. [01:55:30] Speaker A: So, yeah, that is the zombie shambler out of the way, and that is your turn. And it is now. Or the skeleton guard and is the one that is closest to avarice. So it is going to sort of shamble over with its first action. You hear sort of the clanking of armor, rusted armor and bones, and it's gonna has this scimitar in its hand, and it's gonna sweep it down at you for a 21. [01:56:05] Speaker D: Ouch. [01:56:05] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. [01:56:09] Speaker A: For eight damage. [01:56:14] Speaker C: Ouch. [01:56:16] Speaker D: Ouch. [01:56:18] Speaker B: Ow. [01:56:19] Speaker A: It is got one more action left. So it's going to follow up with one more attack. [01:56:24] Speaker C: What's your max hp? [01:56:26] Speaker A: That's only 2011, and I don't think that's. [01:56:28] Speaker B: Oh, no, that doesn't hit. [01:56:29] Speaker A: You duck out of the way. [01:56:31] Speaker B: Oh, I started with 19. We're a. We're a little guy. [01:56:36] Speaker C: No. [01:56:38] Speaker A: And it is another skeleton. It sort of shambles out from where this coffin is over to you. Tell me. First action. Second action is gonna swing at you with its scimitar for a 23. I am rolling on the VTT, and they could see everything. [01:57:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:57:04] Speaker A: So that is eight damage for its first attack, and then it's gonna try attack you again for a ten. [01:57:12] Speaker C: Basically, we're gonna become these skeletons in the same room. Right? [01:57:16] Speaker D: Right. [01:57:17] Speaker C: There's so many. [01:57:18] Speaker A: Ten doesn't hit. Right? [01:57:20] Speaker E: No, ten doesn't hit. Also, ignore that. Disrupt. [01:57:24] Speaker A: So, yeah, you will take eight damage from the simitar, and, yeah, that's its entire turn. Howie, it is now your turn now. [01:57:34] Speaker C: Because I wrote stealth and I was trying to sneak around as, like, initiative and stuff, would I be considered hidden, or can I be considered hidden? I is my question. Really? [01:57:47] Speaker A: Technically, you're only hidden if you're above them in the initiative. But I'll give it to you this time. [01:57:53] Speaker C: Okay. Because, yeah, I guess I kind of, like, hidden between these two. And, like, I'm assuming this is, like, a little coffee. [01:57:58] Speaker A: They're not paying attention to you. [01:58:00] Speaker C: Yeah. From my understanding, if I'm hidden, it marks my target as flat footed. Okay. Yeah. Seeing avarice in trouble over here and taking a hefty blow, and just, like, peeking my head, and I'm just being like. Now, this mystery has taken quite the peculiar turn. We've got a lot of strangers of the undead variety. Hey, watch out. And I'm going to shoot at little skelly skelly over here. Okay, that's good. That's 23 to hit. [01:58:40] Speaker A: A 23 is going to hit. [01:58:44] Speaker C: Okay, so initial damage is. Oh, my God. Yes. Max damage. So ten plus, because it's my first shot, and. Oh, God. Actual Max damage. 16 damage. [01:58:56] Speaker A: Gunslingers, man. [01:58:58] Speaker C: Yeah. Holy moly. [01:59:01] Speaker A: And that was the one that is directly in front of you, or the. [01:59:04] Speaker C: One that's fighting, attacking avarice? Yeah. [01:59:07] Speaker B: Okay. [01:59:07] Speaker A: Yeah, they're gone. [01:59:09] Speaker C: Okay. [01:59:11] Speaker A: You shoot the head right off of it and just becomes a pile of rusted metal and bone. [01:59:15] Speaker C: Hey, avarice, move your head a little bit. And then as soon as, like, they move, headshot the thing. [01:59:22] Speaker B: Nice shot. Thank you. [01:59:25] Speaker C: No problem. And I'm going to use my second action to covered. Reload. I guess I'll duck back a little bit. Reload. And then I guess I'll try to shoot this one. Now, tell me, let's go from one to ten. How much do you lack your new friend? [01:59:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:59:48] Speaker C: That'S not gonna be good. Seven's not gonna hit, is it? [01:59:53] Speaker A: No, it is not going to hit. Unless you want to suspend a hero point and attempt to hit. [02:00:01] Speaker C: Sure, sure. I feel like I'm gonna say yes every time you ask me. [02:00:08] Speaker D: Right? [02:00:09] Speaker C: Oh, it's not that much better. That's a nine. [02:00:12] Speaker A: Yeah. Unfortunately, your shot is gonna go wide no matter what. You just can't get a good shot above Telby. [02:00:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm imagining it's, like, my rifle has a bit of a scope on it, and, like, I look in it, and it's, like, too close. [02:00:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:00:28] Speaker C: So, like, all the little movements, I'm, like, shooting like. Yeah, not great. Yeah, maybe I need to step back a bit. And then, yeah, that's my turn. [02:00:40] Speaker A: And it'll bring us to avarice. [02:00:44] Speaker B: Oh, goodness. Hello. [02:00:49] Speaker A: The. [02:00:53] Speaker B: Everything around me is dead. [02:00:54] Speaker A: Yes. [02:00:55] Speaker B: So seeing my new best friend tell me, in danger, going to run towards her. And as they run, there's definitely some blood behind them. They're pretty injured, but we're gonna make it. Happen. It's gonna be fine. And so we're gonna run over hi Tlby and that skipping leap kind of jumps off of a stone. And they're gonna kind of like slide actually in and land over here. I'm gonna try and flip my beautiful short sword around and fascinate this. Yeah, skeleton. That's a 16. [02:01:42] Speaker A: You do it with a plume. [02:01:44] Speaker B: Aha. That. I'm going to try and finish them by carving upward from the floor. Dramatic deck slide. Except there's no deck here, and that is a 20. [02:01:56] Speaker A: And you. [02:01:58] Speaker B: Natural 20. [02:02:00] Speaker A: Natural 20. So roll and double everything. [02:02:04] Speaker B: We're gonna just eviscerate this poor skeleton. [02:02:08] Speaker A: Yeah, I should have, I should have, I should have thought about it earlier and I would have pulled out my crit card deck. [02:02:18] Speaker B: Well, that's what total damage. [02:02:26] Speaker A: Give us the play by play of how you destroy the skeleton. [02:02:31] Speaker B: Avarice slides in, says hello to Telby, and behind them is blood. And then dust from the floor as they slide in. And their boots kind of kick up all of the old sooty dust that's on the floor. And they come in with this new short sword. They flip it around in their hands a few times before they back reverse grip, slide it all the way up the skeleton and all of the ribs. You can almost hear them, like a xylophone. Unattached. [02:03:03] Speaker A: Yeah. And you, uh, you take them out. [02:03:11] Speaker C: Keep this up, and they'll call you the scourge of the caves in no time. [02:03:16] Speaker A: Ooh, there's, yeah, there's a bit of loot. You do see on the wall there is this strange blue torch. And as you, like, get closer to it, like, you know, with, like, howie, the torch, you're holding it, like, gives off heat. And as you approach this torch or even get near it, you cannot sense any heat from it. [02:03:43] Speaker D: I am na mane is very interested in this. [02:03:53] Speaker E: Questions about this torch. [02:03:57] Speaker C: I mean, be careful, but perhaps picking it up will do something. [02:04:01] Speaker E: Well, back home, before I did this stuff, I got to hang out in the crypts and keep undead stuff away. That's why I'm really good at karate chopping these guys. Not as good as my new best friend over here, but I'm pretty good at it. And sometimes we would use different kinds of magical fire to do different rituals. Or if you would go into like, the big burial chamber where they bury the kings, there's like a secret. You don't know this, but you don't know where I'm from or where this is. I'm not telling you this, but there's a secret chamber. And if you use the green torch, you can light up the wall and you'll see the symbols. And if you push the symbols that only light up from the green torch in the right way, then you can get into the secret room, and that's where all the treasure is. But you have to know the order and where I'm from to know that. So, I mean, you know. [02:04:57] Speaker C: I will admit I am but a simple farmer, so all of this magic mumbo jumbo is beyond me. But I do appreciate it. [02:05:08] Speaker A: So you see that sort of blue torch, you'll also notice that that last skeleton that you took down, um, most of the gear and everything is completely unusual, usable. But one of the things that clattered to the floor was a. A very nice, polished shield. Ready? With a bit of. A. Bit of a lion motif on it. Cool. [02:05:37] Speaker B: I know how to use a shield. This is like the size of me. But if anyone wants it, it's pretty nice. Might have to dust some of the bone off of it. [02:05:46] Speaker D: Does anyone mind if I take the torch? [02:05:51] Speaker B: Go ahead. [02:05:52] Speaker C: Yeah, I guessed. It does suit your vibe. [02:06:00] Speaker A: Yeah. You can take and take the ever burning torch. It will never extinguish and you can never be put out. Cool. [02:06:10] Speaker C: How do you. [02:06:10] Speaker B: Brad? [02:06:11] Speaker C: Oh, I guess. How do you store it? [02:06:13] Speaker A: If you wrap something around it, it'll stop, and then when you unwrap, it'll start back up again. Cool. [02:06:22] Speaker D: I'm going to tie it to the top of my staff. [02:06:28] Speaker B: Works too. Absolutely. So cool. [02:06:31] Speaker C: So sick. Uh, does anyone want this shield? I got my hands full with this torch and this, this two handed rifle, so it's no use to me. [02:06:46] Speaker E: I could have it. It's a lot nicer than my, my one I got. And I'll hold up my little wooden buckler shield that's kind of attached to my arm. [02:06:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:06:56] Speaker C: Tell me, this one, this shield as big as you. [02:07:02] Speaker E: Now, it says it gives a plus two AC bonus. I don't know how to make that happen, captain. [02:07:10] Speaker A: Um, equipment as a shield? Yeah. Well, equip it as a shield. Yeah, it's, um. [02:07:17] Speaker E: I put it under armor. Does it doesn't go there. [02:07:22] Speaker A: In my. Yeah, it goes under armor. [02:07:24] Speaker D: You just have to click the. [02:07:28] Speaker A: Little. [02:07:29] Speaker C: It's like a shirt icon, right? [02:07:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:07:34] Speaker E: Okay, let me see if. [02:07:37] Speaker A: Yeah, you have it. You're offhand, and it will. You. It'll give you that AC bonus. But only if you actually spend an action to raise your shield in combat. You spend an action, you raise your shield, and that'll give you that AC bonus. And then also what it will do is if something hits you, you can spend a reaction to a shield block, and with that, will take some of the shield, will take some of the damage from it, so you don't take all of it. [02:08:07] Speaker E: Okay, perfect. I do have one last thing I would like to do in this room before we escape it. I would like to put these bones back in there, and there's these skeletons in the places they belong. Yeah, I don't want to be disrespectful to the dead. That's just exact opposite of, uh, my core beliefs. [02:08:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:08:29] Speaker B: So I can help you with that. [02:08:32] Speaker A: You just carry them all back to the coffins, just be like, go back to your nap? [02:08:37] Speaker B: Pretty much exactly that. [02:08:39] Speaker C: I do prefer these skeletons not moving. [02:08:43] Speaker D: While they're doing that. Can I investigate the sarcophagus? [02:08:47] Speaker A: Yeah, give me a perception check. [02:08:54] Speaker E: Is interesting. [02:08:57] Speaker A: 1313. It does seem to be sealed shut there, like the shield you found before. There are motifs of a lion on there. Um, and you're with the roll, you're unsure of what they mean. Uh, but it is something to probably. You can definitely look into later. [02:09:22] Speaker D: Okay. [02:09:22] Speaker C: Can I help? And also roll a perception, see if. [02:09:25] Speaker A: Sure. [02:09:27] Speaker C: Hey, uh, namain, uh, perhaps try using that fancy torch and moving around the room, and maybe we'll. I mean, Lactoba said, uncover some secrets, some magical secrets. Oh, don't even. Don't even listen to Howie much. [02:09:44] Speaker A: I mean, you can look around and see if the torch, and it doesn't. There isn't really anything else here, especially that you can tell with your perception. Rolls okay. [02:09:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a natural tooth. [02:09:57] Speaker B: I don't see anything, but I'm noticing. [02:10:02] Speaker E: Around this area that we're in that there are three torches on north, west, and south wall that have one particular look, and one hanging above the sarcophagus on the east wall. [02:10:16] Speaker A: Oh, that. The one that was hanging above the sarcophagus, that was the everburning torch. [02:10:19] Speaker E: That was the everlane. Okay. Yeah, that was my curiosity. Perfect. Then. [02:10:24] Speaker A: All of these were just, like, ones that you would just light. Like, if you were needing to do something. The ever burning torch is always there. But, like, if you need more light, you would light these. [02:10:34] Speaker E: Perfecto. [02:10:35] Speaker C: They're not lit right now. What if we try lighting them up? [02:10:39] Speaker A: There is nothing in them. These are, like ones that you would, like, put a torch in, or you put something in to light it up. [02:10:48] Speaker D: Less a torch, more of a torch holder. [02:10:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:10:54] Speaker B: Well, that was an interesting little side jaunt. [02:11:01] Speaker C: I mean, I am curious what's in this sarcophagus, but. [02:11:05] Speaker B: So I'm. I'm wondering if they were blocking something in instead of trying to keep people out. Well, like maybe our little dragon friends might have thought maybe not to come and touch all the skeletons. Kind of makes sense. By the way, I'm, uh. I'm bleeding, like, a lot. [02:11:27] Speaker E: I can fix you. If anybody. If anybody else has taken any kind of damage, just. Just come in my. In my prayer circle, and I'm gonna say something to you. I'm gonna say the moon is like a scimitar, a little silver scimitar adrifting down the sky. And near beside it is a star. A timid, twinkling, golden star that watches like an eye. And through the nursery windowpane, the witches have fire again, just like the one we make. And now I wish. Now I know they're having tea. I wish they'd give a cup to me with witch's current cake. And I'm going to cast my heal spell at the three actions. If I can do that outside of combat. [02:12:11] Speaker A: Yeah, you can. You can. Three action, cast, heal, if you would like. [02:12:14] Speaker E: Yeah, I would love to do that. That disperses positive energy in a 30 foot em nation. Targets all living creatures in the burst. Um, it's only a d eight, I think to heighten it, I have to have the next spell level, which I don't have. [02:12:29] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:12:30] Speaker E: So I can't anything else. So it's only d eight, but a d eight is a d eight is a d eight. [02:12:37] Speaker B: Tell me to roll it. Are you rolling it? [02:12:39] Speaker E: Well, you could roll your own if you want, or I could roll it for you. [02:12:42] Speaker B: I don't care. I rolled a two. I did real good. My dice are really on my side today. [02:12:48] Speaker E: I also rolled the two, so you and I are in the same. [02:12:51] Speaker B: All the dice are on my side. [02:12:52] Speaker A: Today when it comes to healing. When it comes to combat, your dice is pretty good. [02:12:57] Speaker C: You did. Yeah, you did some pretty sick. Combat rules. [02:13:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:13:02] Speaker B: Here for a good time, maybe not a long time. [02:13:05] Speaker E: Yeah. And if there's any other undead hiding in these sarcophagus near us, they're gonna get so. Yeah, they can get blasted. [02:13:15] Speaker D: Also, can we maybe stop fighting for a while? [02:13:25] Speaker C: I do like that idea. [02:13:33] Speaker A: If you would like, you can also attempt to move quietly. That is an option you can take. You can. Essentially, you will be making stealth rolls as you move along, saying if you were to enter a room with things in it as long as you were rolling above their perception, they wouldn't immediately notice you. [02:13:56] Speaker C: What's everyone's stealth, by the way? [02:13:59] Speaker B: Pretty good. [02:14:03] Speaker C: Plus seven. [02:14:04] Speaker E: I don't really go sneaking about places. [02:14:07] Speaker D: Plus one. [02:14:09] Speaker C: Yeah, so my suggestion is if we were. If we do want to sneak around a bit and try to avoid fighting, the stealthier people could be up front and like, hook around and scout ahead, which I would. [02:14:21] Speaker B: Problem is, if I were one of those stealthy people. I have eight hit points left. [02:14:27] Speaker C: Yeah. How about you slink back a bit, youngster? [02:14:33] Speaker D: Can I give you a healing potion? Because I have one. [02:14:37] Speaker B: I will gladly take it. [02:14:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:14:42] Speaker B: Thank you, domain. [02:14:44] Speaker D: You're welcome. [02:14:45] Speaker B: Maybe this one's less diluted than the ones we drank earlier. It is a little. We're getting closer. I'm at twelve now. We're back to where I was when we decided to come back down here. [02:14:56] Speaker C: Thanks. Yeah, I'll, uh, I'll scout up front. I. Nothing's bit me or slashed at me all day, so. [02:15:07] Speaker B: But y you sure I can just sneak with you? Quiet. Something I like. [02:15:15] Speaker C: Look at your wounds. Not quite enough, apparently. [02:15:18] Speaker B: That's fair. All right, well. [02:15:23] Speaker C: Yes, and you can slink on behind me. Uh, we'll take the front and I'll, uh, you know, if anything tries biting you or slashing you, I'll, uh, I'll be there. [02:15:37] Speaker B: Anyway. [02:15:43] Speaker C: These mushrooms look different. [02:15:44] Speaker A: Uh, no, they're just more of like the, the glowy blue ones. Uh, the ones that you saw earlier were like a mix of the glowy blue ones and like, the normal, like, pap mushroom. [02:15:55] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [02:15:56] Speaker C: Is this here another spider web? [02:15:59] Speaker A: Uh, yeah, but you don't see, see any. It's like it's just across the. You know, it doesn't seem to be connected to anything. Also, as you're, as you're doing this, give me, give me stealth rolls for everybody. Just sort of see how you are, how you're all moving. [02:16:17] Speaker C: Average. That pondering you were doing earlier, you know, I haven't think I've been pondering myself about it, and you might be right. At first I thought they may have barricaded themselves to protect themselves from that spider, but now I'm thinking, yeah, maybe trying to keep stuff in there. [02:16:35] Speaker B: I mean, that didn't really hurt. That's a 21. [02:16:39] Speaker A: Yeah. You're all moving fairly silently, other than Toby, who's probably saying something about best friends, and you're, you know, everybody else moving pretty silently. And eventually you do come to an area where you kind of see this sort of rough hewn stone turned more of a like, almost like crafted stone. And off to your right, there's a set of double doors, but also the path continues in front of you, also almost looking like it's leading into like maybe the basement of another building. [02:17:20] Speaker B: I wonder what's in there. Oh, spider lamps. [02:17:24] Speaker C: I think it's worth a little bit of an investigation. [02:17:28] Speaker E: Is it, though? [02:17:30] Speaker B: Yes. [02:17:31] Speaker D: We keep investigating things and we keep finding things to fight. [02:17:36] Speaker B: Torch. [02:17:38] Speaker D: I did. [02:17:39] Speaker A: But. [02:17:43] Speaker D: I'm going to stand out here for right now. [02:17:45] Speaker E: Think about that nice lady and her business. What happens if she loses all of her fish and then she doesn't have fish to sell to people and then she doesn't have money and then she doesn't have food to eat for herself and she loses her business in her house. We just have to do it to help her best friend. [02:18:02] Speaker B: Also, the fish thief might be in there. [02:18:06] Speaker D: I'm pretty sure we found the fish thief. It was the kobold. [02:18:10] Speaker E: He was pretty dead to be stealing. [02:18:12] Speaker B: Fish and he was pretty lazy. [02:18:16] Speaker C: Suck a lot of fish for one tiny little kobold. [02:18:22] Speaker E: And I'm telling you, they're like rats. Where there's one, there's more besides. [02:18:27] Speaker B: Aren't you curious? Avarice says as they grab the handle of the door. [02:18:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:18:35] Speaker D: Am I the only one hearing the, like, little kid laughs that are. [02:18:40] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:18:44] Speaker D: They make me nervous. [02:18:46] Speaker C: As Avris puts their hand on the door handle, I'm like, let me do it. Last thing we want is for you to be thrown into another spider zombie fire. And let's do it quietly. Yeah, I could try to open the door, like as quietly as possible. If it's not locked. [02:19:12] Speaker A: It is not locked. [02:19:14] Speaker C: Oh, fancy that. An unlocked door. I peek. Take a peek inside. I don't fully open. I just take a little peek through, like the sliver. [02:19:28] Speaker A: Yeah, you can open it. And this ancient wooden door sort of creaks open as you like. Open enough to peek, revealing a ruined chamber. Mold and rot stain every surface. On the far side of the room is a stone statue of a giant squid, its tentacles reaching towards an altar in the center of the chamber. The scum covers almost everything, but it hasn't touched the silver bowl sitting atop the stone altar. That is perfectly clear and fine. [02:20:08] Speaker C: There doesn't seem to be any, any thin to fight in here, so I think the coast is clear. Unless you don't like stone squids, then I would stay out of the room. [02:20:19] Speaker B: There's a what? A stone squid. I want to see. I want to see. [02:20:23] Speaker C: I mean, it's not alive. It's a stone statue of a squid. [02:20:28] Speaker B: Don't you know so many fish stories are about giant squid? I want to see it. [02:20:33] Speaker C: Uh, yeah, I fully opened the door so they can listen. [02:20:37] Speaker E: Okay. [02:20:39] Speaker D: I want to investigate the bull. [02:20:43] Speaker A: Um, if you're doing this, uh, ever, if you have religion, roll me. Religion. [02:20:49] Speaker D: I do. [02:20:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Roman religion. [02:20:53] Speaker C: I am but a simple farmer. [02:20:56] Speaker D: Well, that didn't do very well, honestly. [02:20:58] Speaker A: The DC was ten. It wasn't. This is an altar to Gosre, the God of nature and the fury of the ocean. [02:21:09] Speaker D: Oh. [02:21:11] Speaker A: And yeah, the bowl itself is filled with water. Very clear water. [02:21:24] Speaker B: The square is beautiful. [02:21:27] Speaker C: Do we know what kind of, like, who worships this kind of deity? [02:21:33] Speaker A: Gosre is quite often worshipped by sailors and people who work on the water. Gosre brings storms, but also brings calm seas and good winds. [02:21:47] Speaker C: This is sounds a bit down your alley. Everest sea and giant squids. [02:21:56] Speaker B: I think I'm in love with this giant squid. It's beautiful. [02:22:03] Speaker C: It is some fine craftsmanship, I will admit. [02:22:07] Speaker E: But why sailors worship underground when they would really like the ocean and stuff, that's a really interesting place to put that. Like, what if they're not good sailors like you, Everest? What if they're. [02:22:22] Speaker B: I'm a scourge. [02:22:25] Speaker E: Well, you're a good scourge, and these could be crazy. Scourge. [02:22:31] Speaker C: Oh. [02:22:33] Speaker B: Hmm. [02:22:34] Speaker E: I would like to check for any signs of the occult in the room with a 22, please. [02:22:41] Speaker A: There are no signs of the occult. This is you. You have seen shrines like this to goes right before. It just. It appears that quite possibly, maybe years ago under Atari, there was other buildings that maybe got flooded or I collapsed because of, you know, quakes or magic. And these are, Atari has been built on top of it quite often. To get a blessing of gozrae, one drinks from like, a silver bowl with water in it. [02:23:19] Speaker D: I was just about to ask if I could do that. [02:23:22] Speaker A: Yeah, interesting. You can take like a little bit of cup, a cup from your camping kit, scoop up some of the water and drink it. And as you drink it, please give me a fortitude save. [02:23:35] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:23:36] Speaker D: Oh, phenomenal. [02:23:38] Speaker A: Uh, DC ten. [02:23:43] Speaker D: Where is that? [02:23:45] Speaker A: Should be on the sidebar. [02:23:49] Speaker D: Okey dokey. Let's see. [02:23:56] Speaker A: You can feel the power of the ocean surging through you. You heal eight damage if you were injured, but also for the next hour, you do gain a power that you can use during a critical hit and is a reaction that you can use. The ability turns a critical success into an ordinary success when hit by a critical hit. So once per hour, if something critically hits you, you can spin this reaction to turn it into a regular success. Cool. [02:24:41] Speaker B: Seeing Nemayne do that immediately. Avarice like. Cups their hands in the water and does the same thing immediately. [02:24:48] Speaker A: Yep. Roll me that. Fortis, you'd say? [02:24:51] Speaker B: Oh, no, buddy. [02:24:54] Speaker A: DC ten. DC ten. 1212 makes it. You heal eight and you will also gain Ocean's might. [02:25:02] Speaker B: Hey, guys, we're healed. We did it. [02:25:05] Speaker C: Now, I want to join in on this drink. And, I mean, it's a little salty. [02:25:10] Speaker B: But you should definitely do it. Feels great. [02:25:13] Speaker C: Yeah. I'll take a sip of this bowl. Why not? Fortitude safe. [02:25:19] Speaker B: Thank you. Great. Squid. [02:25:22] Speaker C: Oh, perfect. 22. [02:25:23] Speaker A: 22. Yeah. You. You will also gain oceans bite, and, uh, if you. [02:25:29] Speaker C: That does taste good. [02:25:32] Speaker A: Tell b. Will you. Will you also drink the salt water? [02:25:36] Speaker E: Will it make the bright lady Madden? [02:25:39] Speaker B: No. [02:25:42] Speaker E: Are you sure? [02:25:43] Speaker D: I'm positive. [02:25:45] Speaker E: Really positive? [02:25:48] Speaker D: Positively positive. [02:25:51] Speaker E: Okay. If she gets mad at me, you. [02:25:55] Speaker D: Can have a talk to me. [02:25:57] Speaker E: You know what? I will. I'll send her right to you. [02:26:00] Speaker C: After two positives cancel each other out. [02:26:04] Speaker E: I don't get shit. [02:26:06] Speaker C: I think they do. [02:26:07] Speaker A: You do have a hero point if you want to attempt to reroll them. [02:26:10] Speaker E: Do it. Go away. Get off of there. I don't know how to take it off. Oh. [02:26:19] Speaker A: Aha. [02:26:21] Speaker E: I figured it out. [02:26:21] Speaker C: Yeah, you have to, right click. I learned. [02:26:30] Speaker A: Much better. You heal eight damage, and you will also gain ocean smite. [02:26:37] Speaker D: Now, I have a question. Since I haven't taken any damage, does that give me temporary hit points? [02:26:43] Speaker A: It does not. [02:26:44] Speaker D: Okay. [02:26:48] Speaker C: Great question. That would have been sick. [02:26:52] Speaker B: Avris is now, like, touching all of the weird boss and everything. We've lost them. [02:26:58] Speaker C: Now, I keep thinking back to what Toby said. Namaine, do you wanna. Do you wanna bring out that weird torch and see if there's any funky business in this. This here weight room? [02:27:12] Speaker D: Yeah, I can do that. [02:27:14] Speaker A: I mean, I imagine the torch was already out. [02:27:16] Speaker C: Yes. [02:27:17] Speaker A: On your staff. [02:27:18] Speaker D: Literally tied to my staff. Because I'm walking around with. [02:27:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Um, you'll notice that, like, some of the moss and lichen, there's a little bit of a glows, a little bit under this sort of magical blue light, but nothing like no secret scrawled messages or anything appear on the walls, so. [02:27:36] Speaker D: No black light writing. [02:27:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:27:40] Speaker C: Should we bottle some of this here special water in case, uh, you know, more rats try to take bites out of us? [02:27:50] Speaker D: No. [02:27:54] Speaker B: Take the main splurge. [02:27:56] Speaker E: That's kind of sacrilegious, isn't it? Taking it away from the place it's supposed to be. [02:28:02] Speaker A: I mean, it's in your stomach. [02:28:04] Speaker C: Said it out loud. You're entirely correct. [02:28:10] Speaker E: In your stomach. [02:28:11] Speaker B: How he says that. And avarice. Looks down at their stomach. [02:28:17] Speaker E: Your stomach is a little different. It's meant for you to drink it. But I think if you were to try to, like, bottle it and then take it, you could make them angry, because then that might. They might think you're greedy. And that's not making you a good scourge. That's making you a stingy scourge. [02:28:33] Speaker B: Ah. Got it. Yep. That makes a lot of sense. [02:28:36] Speaker D: Besides which, it wouldn't work outside of here anyway. You'd have to drink it from a silver bowl. [02:28:42] Speaker C: You think I would trust the magically inclined in this situation? So. [02:28:48] Speaker B: You're very smart in the main. [02:28:50] Speaker A: Aw. [02:28:53] Speaker E: We have the best, best friends, don't we? Guys? I'm gonna give you a. If you consent, I will group hug you. If you don't want me to. I will not violate. [02:29:03] Speaker B: Yep. [02:29:04] Speaker C: My tail, like, also wraps around a little bit. This is. Oh, come here. [02:29:13] Speaker E: I think my little butterfly, like, lands on your tail and kind of, like, chills on your tail. [02:29:25] Speaker C: Shall we proceed? Yeah, I, like, tip my hat to the squid. Well, thank you for your kind generosity. [02:29:39] Speaker B: Another deep, flourishing bow, this time to the squid, before leaving. [02:29:49] Speaker E: Blessings of the bright lady ocean God, and thank you for all of your assistance. [02:29:54] Speaker A: Don't go that far. [02:29:56] Speaker C: Uh oh. Now, hold on to mate. Let you run it off. [02:30:03] Speaker A: I'll put you right back there. As you namain, you enter first and you see a large room that once looks like it was a storeroom for the building above. At the far side, you can make out what might have been a cage or a cell at some point, but it is now full of crates and barrels. Two lizard like creatures the size of human children are clustered around the door to the cell, trying to pry it open. You notice that at the moment, they're a little bit too busy with whatever the store is to notice you as long as you stay quiet. [02:30:46] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, I will do that. [02:30:50] Speaker A: All right, everybody roll for stealth. [02:30:54] Speaker D: Okie dokie. [02:30:55] Speaker C: These sounds are hilarious. [02:30:57] Speaker E: Initiative based stealth or just skill? [02:31:01] Speaker D: Check. [02:31:02] Speaker A: Skill check. Stealth. If. If, you know, you do fail and they do notice you, we will roll into initiative using those same numbers. Okay? [02:31:12] Speaker B: These are friendship sounds. [02:31:14] Speaker E: Yeah, sure. [02:31:17] Speaker B: Oh, no. Oh, no. I rolled really well. 24. [02:31:26] Speaker E: I'm not fucking sneaky, guys. I got a nat one. I have a hero point. Want me to reroll it so I don't? [02:31:36] Speaker B: Up to you. [02:31:38] Speaker A: Yes. [02:31:38] Speaker E: I think I should do that, yeah, it's really not a nice, that's me not being a good friend. [02:31:44] Speaker D: Right here. [02:31:46] Speaker A: That's better. So if you keep quiet, you're relatively sure that they won't notice you and you don't get any closer to them. [02:31:59] Speaker D: These sounds are bizarre. Ah, yeah. [02:32:09] Speaker B: Let's, uh, let's, let's go. Let's turn that way. Yeah. [02:32:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:32:16] Speaker E: How do I slide the map up so I can see right click you right click. [02:32:21] Speaker A: And drag. [02:32:22] Speaker C: Right click. Drag. Yeah. [02:32:25] Speaker E: Wow, that's fancy. Thank you. All right. And you said they just look child like. Small child sized individuals. We can't really tell what they are. [02:32:40] Speaker A: Oh, you can tell that they're kobolds? [02:32:42] Speaker D: Yeah, they're kobolds. [02:32:44] Speaker E: I'm gonna whisper. See, I told you, where there's one, there's more sneaky rascals. [02:32:49] Speaker A: Get it? [02:32:50] Speaker D: Yeah. Snack about without going to that. No, what we're going to do is go back upstairs. [02:32:57] Speaker B: Sneaker aimed, sneaker out. [02:33:01] Speaker C: Anyway, see, uh, anything else in this room, like any other doors, there is. [02:33:07] Speaker A: A door that is off to your left. It is currently closed. [02:33:14] Speaker D: Can we open that without alerting them? [02:33:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Can we try? It'll be another self check. [02:33:20] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna try to do it sneakily. Sneakily. [02:33:24] Speaker A: You kind of hear the little sort of yipping sounds and giggles as these kobolds are like trying to fit the spear through the door to try to pull it open. [02:33:36] Speaker B: As how he does that, avarice kind of slips around to the corner and kind of tucks in watching what the kobolds are doing. [02:33:44] Speaker C: That's not great. It's a twelve. [02:33:47] Speaker A: Yeah. The door makes a very loud creak as you open it. And the kobolds turn around and go. And we're going to run into initiative. [02:33:58] Speaker B: Oh, we're gonna fight the french shaped cobalts. [02:34:02] Speaker C: Since I just used stealth to open that, would I just use that role as my initiative? [02:34:07] Speaker A: Yes. [02:34:08] Speaker C: Okay, so that's, yeah, that's a twelve. [02:34:13] Speaker A: All right. If everybody else wants to roll, if you want to continue using stealth, you can use stealth, not perception. [02:34:20] Speaker D: 23. [02:34:23] Speaker C: See, now we may not have to fight them if they, maybe we can talk to them. Understand what's going on here? And I looked in the main like, no fighting yet. [02:34:36] Speaker B: Avarice. [02:34:37] Speaker A: You said what? [02:34:39] Speaker B: 14. [02:34:41] Speaker A: Cool. Yeah. And namain, you will start things off. [02:34:47] Speaker D: All right. I'm going to try to talk to them. Hello. [02:34:58] Speaker A: They look at you, they've got their spears out and they just kind of like it sounds like hissing and they do not appear to be able to understand common and they go like. It's like a hiss and a yipde. [02:35:18] Speaker D: Um, what languages do they know? [02:35:22] Speaker A: Uh, that is going to be a society. No, it's going to be a nature check. [02:35:29] Speaker D: Nature. [02:35:30] Speaker A: And this would be on your turn. This would be your first action to make the nature check. [02:35:35] Speaker D: I can do that. [02:35:40] Speaker A: 1717. Um, they just speak draconic. [02:35:46] Speaker D: Just draconic crap. [02:35:50] Speaker C: Uh, how about you show them the. The little axe we got and just pretend we're giving it back? [02:35:57] Speaker D: That's a good idea. I'm going to do that. I'm going to hold out the axe just in both hands. [02:36:05] Speaker C: We're not too attached to this axe, are we? I can't even read it. [02:36:10] Speaker E: What if they hit us with it? [02:36:14] Speaker B: Like to see them try? [02:36:16] Speaker C: I mean, getting hit with an axe I think is much better than a spear where they gotta get a little closer. [02:36:24] Speaker A: So if you do offer it up will be the end of your turn. [02:36:28] Speaker D: That's fine. [02:36:30] Speaker A: Okay. [02:36:32] Speaker C: I hope it's fine. [02:36:34] Speaker A: I give me a diplomacy check at a minus two. [02:36:42] Speaker C: Okay. Diplomacy. Cool. Pathfinder. [02:36:58] Speaker A: Oh. [02:37:03] Speaker D: Two. [02:37:06] Speaker A: So as you end your turn extending it out, this first one looks over at the second one. Yeah. They just go. And then the other one just chucks its spear at you thinking that you're trying to attack it. First action is to throw its spear at a 21 to hit you. Nervain. Yeah, that hits me for five damage. [02:37:38] Speaker D: Okay. [02:37:39] Speaker A: As this, you get the spear right to the shoulder and then it is going to. Let's see, first action. Spear. And then it's doesn't work. So it's going to. And then pick up your second action to pick up a rock from the ground and then throw it at me. Yeah. Are you. That's a three on the dice for only like a ten. Not even a ten, like a seven. [02:38:17] Speaker D: Okay. [02:38:18] Speaker A: Yeah, it kind of like it goes wide and. Howie, it's not your turn. [02:38:25] Speaker D: I'm gonna block it with the axe. [02:38:28] Speaker C: It's my turn? [02:38:29] Speaker A: Yeah, it's your turn. [02:38:30] Speaker C: Twelve. Oh, wow. I thought that was low. [02:38:32] Speaker A: Oh wait. [02:38:33] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna use my movement to like, kind of like slide on. Overdose. [02:38:43] Speaker A: I think I put you higher than you were, but we'll go with it for now. [02:38:46] Speaker C: Yeah, sure. I can go later. [02:38:49] Speaker A: Oh, you said. You said it was twelve. Okay, so then it would tell me who is next. [02:38:53] Speaker C: Yeah, okay. Yeah, tell me. [02:38:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. [02:39:01] Speaker E: First thing I'm gonna do is I know there's one other person here that's getting chopped up as easily as I am. So I'm going to use two of my actions to cast forbidding ward on my next in line. BFF, avarice. You are having this forbidding ward. And for my third action, I'm not going to move, but I'm going to raise my shield in case they try to spear me. [02:39:28] Speaker A: Good move. Uh, yeah. Avarice, that's your turn now. [02:39:34] Speaker B: Oh, Boyden, the one that threw a spear at my new fox friend, is going to have a problem. And Avarice comes leaping in and is going to kind of take a curving arc around the room as they run forward, the new blade glinting in the. In the blue torch light majestically as they run in to attack this poor guy. But we're gonna start with the performance. That was bad. Oh, no. Ten. [02:40:17] Speaker A: Unfortunately. They just seem very confused, not really fascinated. You don't get your panache, but, you know, you don't have anything. [02:40:24] Speaker B: Still stab them. Oh, God. Why? That is not good. [02:40:35] Speaker A: That's a 1313 misses. [02:40:43] Speaker B: I think, as they run in. They got a little cocky from the last time where everything was so good. They're like, I totally got this. They slide it again, but this time, they hit a weird piece of the stonework and kind of bounced up a little bit. Startled, and fully missed their swing. [02:41:00] Speaker A: Well, and so then it'll be his friend's turn, and his friend is gonna look over and they share a couple of yip yip between each other, and this one is gonna take the spear and essentially attempt to sweep your legs out from under you. A twelve is not gonna hit your fortitude, DC, is it? No, you just get bonked and then it just goes. And then it's just the attempt. Gonna try to hit you with the spear for a 14. [02:41:34] Speaker B: Oh, no. [02:41:35] Speaker A: Yeah. And then it's just gonna follow up with one more at a. At a six. It's really spear checked you, probably. And how weird isn't that? Your turn. [02:41:57] Speaker C: Cool. So I will use my movement to kind of slide on over, like, this corner. Kind of like. Kind of like, duck a little bit behind the wood rubble over here. Take a name at the one that has been causing some damage. The one that chucked the spear kind of aimed at my sights. And I just. I know you do not understand what I'm saying, but, I mean, I just want to say, if you will not accept my friend, here's lovely gift, then I implore you to consider a much smaller and much more painful one instead. And then I'm gonna shoot a bullet. And like, I. If possible, I want to aim for the leg or arm or something that's not lethal. [02:42:46] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah, you can do that. Usually there's, like, a penalty for a non lethal attack, but I usually would just waive that and just say that you're trying to shoot them on lethally. [02:42:55] Speaker C: The 14. [02:42:58] Speaker A: A 14 will miss. Well, these are. They're small and they're a little wily little creatures. [02:43:05] Speaker C: Okay. And then, yeah, I guess I'll do my covered reload, which is, I'll kind of take cover behind this rubble and do a hide, which is 1818. [02:43:21] Speaker A: All right. And that'll bring us to the main. [02:43:26] Speaker C: Never mind. [02:43:31] Speaker D: Well, then, honestly, um, I'm going to throw a little fox fire at the one that threw their spear at me. [02:43:47] Speaker A: Okay, well, that doesn't hit, unfortunately. No, it will not hit. [02:43:55] Speaker D: Okay, well, two, actually. Okay, then I'm going to. Is it this one that hit me? [02:44:10] Speaker A: Uh, the one that's standing directly in front of the door. [02:44:14] Speaker D: Okay, then I'm going to come up here and I'm going to use my sickle. [02:44:26] Speaker A: Um, okay. Yeah, it will be at the. This. The multiple attack penalty. [02:44:35] Speaker D: And it wouldn't have mattered anyway. [02:44:41] Speaker A: Yeah, lots of pretty, uh, and this one is, uh, going to sort of reach and grab a dagger at its belt as you. So for first action is pulling out the dagger, and then second action is going to attempt to stab you domain, because you're right in front of it. Does a 14 hit you just hits. Okay, so you will take. You're gonna take one slashing damage, and then it is going to try one more time. That is. That is like, only, like a 13, which is not going to hit. [02:45:23] Speaker D: Okay. [02:45:27] Speaker A: Tell me. It is now your turn. [02:45:30] Speaker E: I want to shoot it. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to shoot at one of them. So I'll move a little bit. [02:45:42] Speaker B: Of. [02:45:44] Speaker E: Do I need to move to aim at them? No, you are. [02:45:49] Speaker C: You. [02:45:49] Speaker A: You can see them. [02:45:51] Speaker E: Okay, so then I won't move. I will just shoot at them. Um, cast you. [02:46:10] Speaker D: Nice. [02:46:11] Speaker E: 22 to hit. [02:46:12] Speaker A: 22 at divine Lance. That hits. [02:46:18] Speaker E: Seven damages. [02:46:20] Speaker A: Yeah. And you, uh, you hit this thing and it. It flies back and hits the. The sort of the door behind it and flops down on the ground, not moving. [02:46:35] Speaker D: Ha. [02:46:37] Speaker E: Well, that's what you get for not taking our gift, you little scaly rat. And I will use my last action to just re raise my shield, so that way, if it tries to attack, then I'm good to go. [02:46:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Avarice. [02:46:54] Speaker B: I shut, as they say that they kind of turn around and tell me for just a minute, but then it turns into, like, this ridiculously pirouette as their coat flies out. And there's, like, the. You can tell that in their head, there's, like, epic music and, like, swelling waves, but in reality, they're just kind of spinning around and making their coat pretty. But we're gonna try and do some performing. [02:47:22] Speaker A: That's a 1717 is gonna be a success. [02:47:28] Speaker B: Hooray. Then we're gonna try and do grievous harm to this cute little kobold. All right, so. Or the finisher feels so bad, it's. [02:47:43] Speaker C: Just a language barrier. [02:47:45] Speaker B: I know, but you know what? That's on them for attacking where they didn't understand what was going on. That is a 24 to hit. [02:47:53] Speaker A: 24 will hit. [02:47:57] Speaker B: I hope so. Uh, ten. [02:48:05] Speaker A: Yeah, you skewer this thing. [02:48:08] Speaker B: Um, and by the time their coat lands, like, the Kobold falls down, they feel quite vindicated in their behavior. [02:48:23] Speaker A: Well. [02:48:23] Speaker D: Well, then that was a waste. [02:48:26] Speaker B: You're right in the mean. [02:48:30] Speaker C: I can't help but feel bad for these poor little guys. I'm assuming they just want to eat, but that is on them for throwing spears at us. [02:48:39] Speaker D: Hmm. [02:48:41] Speaker E: We're stealing that nice lady's livelihood. No. Shame on them. [02:48:46] Speaker B: Speaking of, I wonder what's in here. Kind of looks in between the. The bars of this cage. [02:48:52] Speaker C: Yeah. What are they trying to get into? [02:48:53] Speaker A: Yeah, there seems to be a bunch of untouched crates and barrels in here. May have something. [02:49:01] Speaker B: How big are the bars? [02:49:04] Speaker A: They're close enough that you. You, the gnome, can't slip through. You'd have to, either. If somebody has thievery, you might be able to pick the lock or maybe break the lock. With a successful athletics check, I think. [02:49:19] Speaker B: The curiosity just immediately leads avarice to it. You see where this is also, like, it's cute and charming, but also, they're a bit of a problem and a menace, and they're gonna try to pick this lock. [02:49:30] Speaker C: Can I just shoot it? [02:49:32] Speaker B: Oh, I have really good thievery skills. [02:49:35] Speaker C: Yeah, go for it. Yeah, go for it. [02:49:37] Speaker A: You could, but there would also be a chance of, like, ricochet. There is an actual specific gunslinger feat that lets you shoot open locks. [02:49:43] Speaker C: I know. Yeah, I was looking at it. [02:49:45] Speaker A: Yeah, give me a thievery. It is a DC 15. [02:49:49] Speaker B: Oh, it's a good thing I rolled 15. Exactly. [02:49:53] Speaker A: It takes you a minute, and you're worried you don't get it. But then, yeah, there's some colorful swearing involved. After a minute, you do manage to get it open, and you can kind of start digging through these crates and barrels, you find a very nice looking short sword. Um, quite a bit of silver in some of these barrels. And a. And a gold ring. [02:50:21] Speaker B: All right. Does anyone have any moral objections to me taking this ring? [02:50:28] Speaker C: No keepers. You did unlock that lock. [02:50:36] Speaker B: I'm just gonna take the ring. Everything else can stay. I really like this ring. We earned it. [02:50:43] Speaker A: There's about 200 gold. Not 200 gold, 200 silver in there. [02:50:46] Speaker C: 200 silver. [02:50:49] Speaker B: Okay. [02:50:50] Speaker C: I mean, we can divide that up. [02:50:52] Speaker D: I was just gonna say there's four of us. We can divide up. [02:50:56] Speaker B: Wasn't sure how we felt about, you know, random silver laying around, but I could definitely use the coin. [02:51:04] Speaker A: I've distributed it among all of you now. [02:51:07] Speaker E: Yay. [02:51:08] Speaker C: Yay. [02:51:10] Speaker B: There's a short sword if anyone wants it. [02:51:14] Speaker E: Well, that one might be. It might not look as nice as yours, but it might be a little bit better. It looks a little more durable and sturdy, like it's maybe a little sharper. [02:51:26] Speaker A: Plus one better. [02:51:28] Speaker B: Oh, nice. I can't see it. Absolutely. [02:51:33] Speaker E: And then you could just sell the other one if you want. If you click. If you double click that box, you can open the loop. [02:51:38] Speaker B: There we go. That's. That's the way. [02:51:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:51:41] Speaker E: And you can drag it off of your sheet into your inventory. And it'll just go there. [02:51:46] Speaker A: Yep. [02:51:48] Speaker C: Very cool. [02:51:53] Speaker E: There you go. And your gold ring too. There you go. Oh, yeah. [02:51:58] Speaker D: Okay. [02:51:59] Speaker C: Is there anything else in these other boxes? Like. [02:52:04] Speaker A: Like what? All of that stuff was kind of divided among all of those boxes. [02:52:08] Speaker C: I see. Okay. [02:52:09] Speaker D: Okay. [02:52:10] Speaker C: Okay. [02:52:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:52:12] Speaker C: Just story wise, I was wondering if this was where people are storing fish. Stolen fish. [02:52:20] Speaker A: The door that's over here. [02:52:22] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yep. In that door, now that we don't have these bones down our neck. [02:52:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:52:35] Speaker C: Within the door, there is another door. [02:52:39] Speaker A: Hallway. [02:52:40] Speaker B: They call that a hallway. Yeah. [02:52:44] Speaker C: Is this locked? [02:52:45] Speaker A: It is not. You can walk into the next room and you see sort of this. The door to this chamber silently glides open to reveal a long room. Two stone statues of priests stand in the corners along one side of the room, facing a towering statue of a man holding out both of his hands, palms up. And in front of the statue is a stone altar holding nine gold coins. A voice booms out from the statue in my hands. I judge all. Judge the value of all wealth, raising up whichever is greater. One of these coins is deception. Finding it using only two judgments and receive my blessing. [02:53:30] Speaker B: I gotta do it. [02:53:32] Speaker D: Yeah. I wouldn't do it. [02:53:35] Speaker E: Shine your shinier, fancy blue light over it. Maybe it helps. [02:53:42] Speaker A: Does it help? [02:53:43] Speaker B: And does anyone see anything? [02:53:45] Speaker A: If people would like to make a quick religion check to identify all of. [02:53:49] Speaker B: This, I'm assuming we have to be trained in religion. [02:53:54] Speaker C: Yeah, I think I am not. [02:53:58] Speaker A: I am. [02:54:00] Speaker C: Nice. [02:54:04] Speaker A: Uh, yeah. Namayne, this is a statue for, uh, statue of Abadar, the God of wealth and civilization. [02:54:13] Speaker D: Okay. [02:54:14] Speaker A: The God of capitalism. [02:54:18] Speaker D: Fantastic. [02:54:24] Speaker A: Hmm. [02:54:26] Speaker D: Uh, yeah, I want to go ahead and play. [02:54:29] Speaker A: Yeah. So you see nine coins in front of you, and one of them, you know, it's sort of. See that? The hands, it almost looks a little bit like a scale. [02:54:48] Speaker D: Right. [02:54:50] Speaker A: And I will copy and paste this in the chat because this is a clue, so you can all just sort of look at it as much as you would like. In my hands, I judge the value of all wealth, raising up whichever is greater. One of these coins is a deception. Finding it using only two judgments and receive my blessing. [02:55:19] Speaker D: Okay. [02:55:23] Speaker E: So you got a chance to put four coins in its hand. Bite them. Bite them first. The softer ones, the fake ones. [02:55:34] Speaker B: I'll do it. I'll bite it. Or it's the real one because it's really gold. [02:55:41] Speaker E: Well, he says only one of them isn't real. [02:55:45] Speaker B: I bite it. [02:55:47] Speaker A: Maybe it's. You go through and, like, kind of nibble on each one. They all just taste metallic. Kind of hard to tell. [02:55:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm not as good as this as I thought. [02:55:57] Speaker D: Does the light from my torch show anything on them? [02:56:02] Speaker A: No. [02:56:03] Speaker D: No. Okay. [02:56:05] Speaker C: I was never one for puzzles, but. [02:56:11] Speaker A: So essentially, there are nine coins here. And you can sort of use the two palms and decide which is, you know, figure out. You can see which is more because whatever is more goes higher. And if you identify which one is the fake coin. [02:56:40] Speaker B: Listen, they're. They're all brain hurting. Touch them. You can touch them, right? That's how this works. And avarice is literally gonna pick one up and start to, like, motion to putting one on one of the hands. [02:56:51] Speaker C: Are they gold coins? [02:56:52] Speaker A: They're all gold coins. [02:56:54] Speaker C: What if we just forego the entire puzzle and just take nine gold coins? [02:56:59] Speaker B: That's what I was thinking. [02:57:01] Speaker E: That is sacrilege. [02:57:03] Speaker C: I keep suggesting sacrilege. You know, I'm not a religious guy, so you gotta check me on that kind of stuff. [02:57:09] Speaker E: Yeah, you should just hold your fancy gun. That's good at shooting. And I think we should just let Nemayne try to solve this puzzle first. Everest, I know you like the shiny stuff. I also like shiny stuff. But Nemaine just seems to be, like, the most momish of all of us, and I. She's probably got a better, better, better judgment than us. [02:57:33] Speaker B: But I mean, she's got a really cool vibe. Not ma. Just a really cool vibe. I. Alright, let's just. Sorry, I get stupid around gold. I'm just gonna. [02:57:47] Speaker C: I mean, if whatever doesn't work for the main, someone else can try something else. I mean, unfortunately you wouldn't get the blessing, but someone will. [02:58:02] Speaker D: All right. [02:58:06] Speaker A: So think of it this way. All of the coin, like essentially all of the coins labeled one through nine. And each hand can hold four coins. [02:58:17] Speaker D: Right. Okay, so I put four coins in each hand. [02:58:30] Speaker A: Um, do you do just one through four on one side and four through or like five through eight? Um, because like each one has a number. It is how you. We kind of decide this as we start the puzzle. What, which one is each? [02:58:48] Speaker D: Right. Um, actually I'm going to do. I'm gonna leave number one on the table. [02:58:57] Speaker A: Okay, wait, no, yeah, so just. It would be two through five and then six through nine. [02:59:11] Speaker C: I mean, you got two chances. [02:59:20] Speaker D: Uh, yeah, yeah. [02:59:23] Speaker A: Okay, so I will say that in my left hand will be two through five and my right hand will be six through nine. And you notice that two through five. No, wait, it's other way. Six through nine goes up. So six through nine is worth more. [02:59:46] Speaker D: Okay. [02:59:51] Speaker E: So the fake ones in two through five. [02:59:53] Speaker C: Yes. [02:59:56] Speaker E: So I guess split them, maybe domain and put two into. [03:00:01] Speaker A: It will only read if there are four coins in each hand. [03:00:06] Speaker B: So you could just go two and two from the good lot and two and two from the bad lot. [03:00:12] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [03:00:13] Speaker A: Um, so what number coins are in each hand? [03:00:18] Speaker D: So two through five is in the left. [03:00:21] Speaker A: The two through five is in the left hand. So. And four through nine. And six. Three. Two through five. Six through nine. [03:00:28] Speaker C: You know, visualize this. [03:00:29] Speaker A: Yeah. I need fucking dice at this point. [03:00:32] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [03:00:35] Speaker A: So, yeah, see, I've got dice in each hand. So this is two through five. This is six through nine. [03:00:43] Speaker D: Right? [03:00:43] Speaker A: Six through nine. [03:00:45] Speaker B: Right. [03:00:45] Speaker A: So your idea is to take two of the ones from the bad lot and switch it with two of the ones to the good lot. [03:00:56] Speaker B: Right. [03:00:57] Speaker C: Sounds reasonable. [03:00:58] Speaker A: And then sort of circum. [03:01:04] Speaker E: I bet it's. I wonder if it's number five. That's fake because you left one on table, right? [03:01:14] Speaker D: Right. [03:01:14] Speaker E: And you had six through nine in the hand that went up, so it was worth more. So the two through five group was lower. Five is the middle. You were to stretch them out on the table. Five is the exact middle coin from one through nine. And it's in the bad lot. I wonder if that one's specifically is the bad coin. [03:01:39] Speaker D: Why would it be? [03:01:42] Speaker A: Because two through five, worthless. Six through nine. [03:01:46] Speaker E: Right. [03:01:47] Speaker D: I'm asking why would five specifically be so. [03:01:52] Speaker E: Well, I'm a lot more wise than I am knowledgeable, so it's just my thought of patterns, maybe. [03:01:58] Speaker A: Right. [03:01:59] Speaker E: Like, so if there's nine of them, it's an uneven number. You can only put four and four, and they want to weigh the judgment. So that means you could put four and four in each hand, and it would be balanced, and that would leave one on the table. My thought is it would be five because it's the middle number of coin in chronological order if you laid them all flat out, and five was also the one in the bad batch. So just kind of two and two. [03:02:25] Speaker C: Bad batch. [03:02:26] Speaker B: I hear you. But also, what if a chaotic person made this puzzle and they just picked one at random? [03:02:33] Speaker E: Fair. Very fair. [03:02:35] Speaker A: Abadar. Abadar is like peak law. Full God. [03:02:42] Speaker D: Okay, so, yeah, I will take coin five and put it on the table and put the other ones in the hands. [03:02:56] Speaker A: Uh, so you're leaving out coin five. Do you want to just replace coin five with coin one? [03:03:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [03:03:03] Speaker A: Both hands stay at the same level. I found it. And then after a moment, a voice asks, what is your decision? [03:03:16] Speaker D: What is my decision? [03:03:19] Speaker A: It's asking you which one is the. Did you decide which coins. The bitcoin. [03:03:24] Speaker D: Coin five. [03:03:28] Speaker A: Yes. And you hear it almost sounds like a sigh, as. Like the hands just sort of go back down and then avarice. The wall you're standing next to makes kind of a clicking noise and opens slightly. [03:03:52] Speaker B: I look in. [03:03:55] Speaker A: Actually, right there. It's right next to you. [03:03:58] Speaker C: Right there. [03:04:00] Speaker A: It is dark, but you see a small chamber that contains an old wooden chest emblazoned with the symbol of a key. Behind the chest is a massive contraption of gears and pulleys. Looks like an inner working of some unseen device. [03:04:20] Speaker B: That's neat. Hey, I think this is your prize. [03:04:25] Speaker A: As you have to take a look at. In the chest, you find one scroll of magic missile. Yeah. Three gold. You find 22 silver, 214 copper pieces, and one emerald. [03:04:46] Speaker E: Holy cow. [03:04:49] Speaker B: Maybe I will get to buy a ship. Any of you interested in sailing? [03:04:55] Speaker C: Uh, yes, I've considered the notion. [03:05:01] Speaker B: Interesting. [03:05:04] Speaker C: Oh, this guy did not lie when they say blessing, this show is a blessing. [03:05:12] Speaker D: Is it all right if I take the emerald as well? [03:05:15] Speaker B: You did the work. Sure. [03:05:18] Speaker C: You should tie it on the top so you can get a little. You can keep stacking it. [03:05:28] Speaker A: Did you want to. Did somebody want to take a look at the strange contraption. [03:05:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:05:33] Speaker B: Versus. I'm gonna be drawn to it. It's a weird thing. [03:05:36] Speaker A: Oh, everybody has crafting. Give me that. [03:05:40] Speaker D: I do not think I do. [03:05:43] Speaker B: Nope. [03:05:44] Speaker E: I have crafting. Let me say. [03:05:48] Speaker B: Tell me there's a weird thing in here. [03:05:50] Speaker E: Okay, hang on, hang on. Blessings of the bright lady upon you. Uh, good lord of money. And then I'm gonna skirt all scuttle away into the room. I just have to be respectful of the man. [03:06:04] Speaker B: White lady sounds really interesting. [03:06:08] Speaker E: You want crafting? Yeah. [03:06:10] Speaker A: Crafting. Yeah. It appears to be some kind of machinery. You're unsure beyond that, we should have one. You do have one more hero point. You do? [03:06:27] Speaker D: Better do it, because I don't want. [03:06:29] Speaker E: To let my friends down. Wow. [03:06:32] Speaker B: What is this? [03:06:36] Speaker E: It's better. [03:06:37] Speaker D: So, I have a question. I have a question. [03:06:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:06:42] Speaker D: I'm not trained in crafting, but I do have a plus four to it. [03:06:46] Speaker A: You can still attempt to make the roll. It'll be at a slightly higher DC, but you can still attempt it. [03:06:53] Speaker C: Okay. May as well with the shot. [03:06:56] Speaker A: Hey, there we go. 17. It does appear to be a bit of ropes and pulleys. Has Namain ever had any kind of experience with showmanship performing? [03:07:10] Speaker D: Yes. [03:07:12] Speaker A: It looks almost like you would see something at, like, backstage, sort of a pulley rig to take something down or bring something up. It does appear to. You see the ropes go up into the ceiling, possibly leading into the next room. It does look like it is activated right now. By turning the lever, you could deactivate it. [03:07:42] Speaker D: Okay, I will do that. [03:07:46] Speaker A: You do. And as you do, you sort of just hear a bunch of clicking sounds and then nothing. But you did deactivate a trap. That is later on. [03:08:02] Speaker D: Fantastic. [03:08:03] Speaker A: Yep. [03:08:07] Speaker C: Sweet. [03:08:10] Speaker B: So, uh, what did you do there, Nemaine? [03:08:14] Speaker D: I think I just deactivated something. [03:08:20] Speaker B: All right, sounds useful. Or maybe we'll die from it. I don't know. Doesn't really matter. [03:08:29] Speaker D: Here's hoping we don't. [03:08:31] Speaker A: Uh, let's go. [03:08:34] Speaker B: Like to listen in at this door? [03:08:36] Speaker A: Yeah, give me a perception check. [03:08:42] Speaker C: I'm just realizing you're. The headband with the hair is reminding me of Vincent Valentine from ff seven. Yes. [03:08:50] Speaker B: An icon. I am also going to use my hero point because that's a one rep. [03:08:59] Speaker C: My look remind me of something, but yes. [03:09:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:09:02] Speaker A: Love. [03:09:02] Speaker B: Absolute love. Cool vampire energy all day. [03:09:05] Speaker C: Yes, yes. [03:09:06] Speaker A: 17 on the OG 17, uh, you hear more sort of sounds like talk talking. You hear more kobolds, you hear the yip yip and the sort of hiss as they're they're conversing. You hear two distinct voices. There's, uh. [03:09:25] Speaker B: There's more, uh. There's more of the little guys that we can't reason with because they don't speak common on the other side of this door. [03:09:36] Speaker C: Well, we don't know that these particular ones can't be reasoned with. I don't know. Namay. If you want to try your axe gifting approach again, maybe these two will be slightly more receptive. Listen, less. Less cobalt blood in our hands through this whole situation, the better, I'd say. [03:09:58] Speaker B: Why don't I sneak in little? We can do some axe offering when I'm not at the front. [03:10:04] Speaker E: Yeah, you can offer him one of my coins instead of the axe. Maybe it'll be less undiplomatic. [03:10:16] Speaker B: I'm going to try and quietly open this door. [03:10:25] Speaker C: Hopefully better than when I tried to quietly open. [03:10:27] Speaker A: Give me a stealth roll. [03:10:30] Speaker B: Oh, that's so good. That is a 23. [03:10:35] Speaker A: 23. Okay, nice. So they, um, you know, they don't hear you as you quietly open the door. [03:10:43] Speaker C: It's. [03:10:44] Speaker A: Here's. Somebody has oiled these hinges recently. [03:10:48] Speaker B: Useful. And I'm going to try and quietly enter the room, staying away from where I think the voices are coming from. [03:10:55] Speaker A: Okay. Um, they sort of sound like near the center of the room. Uh, anybody I'm entering the room also needs to give me a stealth check. [03:11:04] Speaker C: I can do that. [03:11:06] Speaker B: I'm gonna roll you another one or keep. [03:11:07] Speaker A: You're in the room and you've already rolled your stealth check, so you're good. [03:11:11] Speaker C: Uh, 13 for me. [03:11:14] Speaker D: Not 20. [03:11:15] Speaker B: Whoo. [03:11:18] Speaker D: Nemayne is a ghost. [03:11:22] Speaker C: And where'd the main go? [03:11:24] Speaker A: Howie, you said it was 13. Yeah. So every. Tell me, what did you roll? Are you attempting to enter the room? Because if you're not, you don't have to make the check. [03:11:39] Speaker E: No, I'm going to wait until they holler that they need me. [03:11:43] Speaker A: I, um. So, Howie, as you're entering this room, you kick this loose rock, and it sort of clatters against this bit of metal that looks like it was an old breastplate from something. And you all hear sort of the. As these kobolds move to attack, swear that wasn't. [03:12:16] Speaker C: There were not. [03:12:17] Speaker A: The only one that they're aware of right now is Howie. So if you want to. [03:12:28] Speaker C: Yeah, if I do notice myself getting noticed, I would. I would intentionally draw attention to myself so that the others could sneak away. [03:12:39] Speaker A: So I will give. So, Toby, I will need a perception check from you for initiative. I will use everybody else's stealth. And I'll also use Howie's stealth. [03:12:49] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll just use those 13, I guess, that I. Yeah. [03:12:57] Speaker A: And so, avarice, what did you roll? [03:13:02] Speaker B: Oh, you want me to roll? Yeah. [03:13:03] Speaker C: No. [03:13:03] Speaker A: What did you roll? Previous for stealth. [03:13:06] Speaker B: I said 23. [03:13:07] Speaker A: 23. That's what I thought. Uh, and, uh, namain, you got a 21, right? No, wait. Yeah, yeah. [03:13:14] Speaker D: Not 20. [03:13:17] Speaker C: Wow. [03:13:18] Speaker A: All right. Um, so, avarice, you were going to be the one that will start this encounter. You can see this much larger one. This one is actually maybe so almost the same height as you are. Uh, and maybe. Maybe appears to be in charge in some way. They have a nicer spear, and they also have a bag slung over one shoulder that has. Seems to have something in it. [03:13:53] Speaker B: But they don't seem to see me. [03:13:54] Speaker A: Oh, they have. They don't see you. They're aware that somebody is in. [03:13:59] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. Then I can't leave my good friend Howie out to dry. And with a very loud, high pitched whistle, avarice reveals their position as they sprint into the fight. This giant kobold. [03:14:22] Speaker A: Let's go. [03:14:23] Speaker C: I was gonna do that. I was. How? The scourge of the sea. [03:14:28] Speaker A: Oh, I imagine you're moving and then doing a fascinating performance. [03:14:33] Speaker B: Yes. So as the whistle kind of echoes off of the stone, they fully, like, do another spin with their coat. And this time they take the new fancy short sword and they dust a bit of the dust off, and they do a whole, like, sweep of dust in the air to kind of create a bit of a spectacle before they charge at this poor cobalt. [03:14:55] Speaker C: Oh, no. [03:14:57] Speaker B: That is a 22. [03:14:59] Speaker A: 22 will be a success. [03:15:02] Speaker B: All right, we are going to attack the Kobolds. God, I hope this hits. So the plus one is plus one to my regular. Yeah. To hit. So that's gonna be a 2017. [03:15:22] Speaker A: A 17. [03:15:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:15:24] Speaker A: 17 will just hit. That is. It's ac cool. [03:15:35] Speaker B: 1010 total. [03:15:42] Speaker A: Okay. And. [03:15:45] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. That's all I got. That's running, performing, and stalling. [03:15:53] Speaker A: All right. Yeah, it is a good start to this. And the main. It is now your turn. [03:15:59] Speaker D: Okay. This one seems a lot more than the other ones. So, um, Namaine's going to walk forward and call out to it, like, hello, do you speak common? You muted? [03:16:26] Speaker A: I am. Uh. You get the. [03:16:30] Speaker C: Yep. [03:16:30] Speaker A: Yep. [03:16:35] Speaker C: Take that as a no. [03:16:36] Speaker D: No. [03:16:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:16:40] Speaker D: Okay. I'm going to hold up the axe. [03:16:47] Speaker A: It just sees you brandishing a weapon. [03:16:55] Speaker C: He's dang simple minded buffoons. Can't they, don't they get it? [03:17:03] Speaker D: Don't want to kill things. [03:17:05] Speaker A: Ah. [03:17:12] Speaker D: Can I, instead of holding it up, can I slide it across the floor to that guy? [03:17:23] Speaker A: You could. I will let you know that avarice is already engaged in combat, so it's very unlikely that he is going to want to stop. [03:17:39] Speaker D: Rude. All right, fine, fine, fine, fine. We'll kill the thing. All right. Okay. Well, then I will use my foxfire. [03:17:56] Speaker A: I mean, that would be a. You. You do have two spell slots and chilling. Well, chilling spray is a cone, so you'd probably get in the main. But shocking grasp is touch. So actually you need to move up to him. Ray of frost is pretty good. Spout. Very good. Because both of them will also do one D four, plus your. Your ability modifier. So you'd actually deal at least four damage no matter what. Possibly up to eight. Spout or Ray of frost? [03:18:31] Speaker C: Both. [03:18:31] Speaker A: Good. Foxfire is really good. If you want, like a one action, you have one action you're unsure of what to do with, but because its damage doesn't scale as well as something like Ray of frost or spout. [03:18:49] Speaker D: Okay, well, then I will go with Ray of Frost. Yo, dirty 20. [03:19:02] Speaker A: Dirty 20 is going to hit and you're going to hit the bigger one. [03:19:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:19:06] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So it is six damage and he will, I believe, also take a slight penalty to his movement. Like a five foot speed minus. No, I think it's maybe. [03:19:24] Speaker D: No, that's only on critical and that's minus ten. [03:19:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Cool. It's your turn. So tell me. It is now your turn. [03:19:37] Speaker E: Okay, I will come in the room now. They didn't have to yell. I can hear clanging. Um, and I'll come up here. I think I got enough movement for that. Let me count the squares. One, two. Oh, yeah, definitely you do. So I'll get up this way and, um, I am going to. What am I going to do? That's a good dag gum question. I'm just going to blast him. He can just get blasted. How about that? We'll just do that. [03:20:21] Speaker C: Well, I just started blasting. [03:20:24] Speaker E: 22. [03:20:24] Speaker A: 22. Yeah, that's going to hit. [03:20:27] Speaker D: Nice. [03:20:27] Speaker E: Okay. You'll have some damage. Not very much. Six damages. And that is it for me. [03:20:39] Speaker A: All right. [03:20:41] Speaker E: Because movement. [03:20:42] Speaker A: Okay. Um. So, yeah, it is the Kobold warrior. And let's see, how much movement speed does he have? Yes, 25ft. He has enough to sort of circle around and move. It's not really flanking. Close enough to flanking. But first action, move around, scuttle in. And he's gonna use second attack to make a spear strike against Utelbye. That is a 16. [03:21:26] Speaker E: Yeah, I didn't get my shield raised up because I didn't have action for it. [03:21:30] Speaker A: So it'll hit for four damage and gonna spend his last action to do a hurried retreat. You know, it's gonna hunch down, increase it ac by a little bit of, and move off in a different direction. And that'll bring us to Howie. [03:21:55] Speaker C: Well, hey there, little guy. As this one runs into my view, I do apologize, but we did try the more diplomatic approach. I will take a shot. Where are you headed? Oh, that's terrible. Why am I rolling so bad? That's a 1212. [03:22:22] Speaker A: Yeah, it is not going to hit. [03:22:26] Speaker C: No worries. I'm a reload. I'm gonna try that again. I'm not moving. My Godd. That's not great either. [03:22:38] Speaker A: Well, 1717 will hit. [03:22:42] Speaker C: Okay, sweet. Okay, so that is. That says my one shot. One kill. My first shot is the deadliest on your first turn, your first strike with that. So if I miss that one, does it mean the first one that I hit or the first shot, period? [03:22:57] Speaker A: Um, I would rule it just the first shot you hit. [03:23:01] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Do this one. Hey, Max on that, so plus 111 damage. [03:23:12] Speaker A: Eleven damage. Yeah, you. [03:23:15] Speaker C: You try not to. Try not to kill it, though. [03:23:21] Speaker A: I'll say that is five above its actual health. So it's. Yeah, it's not dead, but it's. Unless you give it medical attention in the next few, like, minute, it's probably gonna bleed out. [03:23:38] Speaker C: Yep. All right. Yeah, shoot, I guess a little more. [03:23:43] Speaker A: Fatal than necessarily in the best spot to be not on lethal. [03:23:47] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I shoot, like, a little more fatal than I intended. I'm like, hold on. I'm so sorry. I think I missed where I was intending to shoot. Hey, are you okay there, son? We're just trying to talk. Yeah, yep, yep, yep. [03:24:09] Speaker A: Anything else for your turn? [03:24:11] Speaker C: That's it. [03:24:12] Speaker A: All right. So it is the trap master. And the cobalt is going to pull out its short sword. And for you, avarice is going to try to. For the first attack. 1st. 1st action. Short sword, second action. Attack. It is a seven team. [03:24:45] Speaker B: That is my ac. But as if it will hit me as a reaction, I would like to nimble Dodge. [03:24:51] Speaker A: Do it. And it will not hit you as you. You just sort of. You see it coming and you pull back just at the last second, and it just sort of, like, cuts like. Like the dead ends off your hair. And for its last action, it is going to attempt a hurried retreat, and it will bring us to you. Avaris. [03:25:21] Speaker B: Not so fast. Get back here, run after it. We're gonna use this giant pillar and kind of some of the spider webs, unfortunately, to kind of jump and do a little bit of an acrobatic flip off of the wall to kind of land with kind of a skid next to it. That is a 21 for my performance check. 21. [03:25:48] Speaker A: Yeah, that is. Hey, do it with a plumb. [03:25:53] Speaker B: The whole goal here. Do it with a plumb. That is an 18 to hit. [03:26:00] Speaker A: 1818 is going to hit. [03:26:06] Speaker B: Whoo. That's a little better. [03:26:08] Speaker A: 1111. Yeah, that is. How would you like to take them out? [03:26:15] Speaker D: Nice. [03:26:16] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. With the, like, sliding across the beautiful new short sword, just kind of, he goes. They go in and he. The kobold, kind of, as they're trying to get away, doesn't quite get the full step through as Avris slides past and their short sword just kind of takes them out. And I think the original intent is to, like, just kind of stop them with the sword. But it ends up being a lot more graphic than that as they slide across the ground on the dust. [03:26:50] Speaker A: And the trapmaster falls. As you look around and see this sort of, maybe at one point was part of a temple. These stone pillars. You look behind you and you see stairs leading down deeper, deeper beneath Atari. And I believe that is a pretty good place to leave it off for. For tonight. [03:27:25] Speaker C: Ooh, how mysterious. Who would have thought a little fish thing would have led us so deep under this village, right? [03:27:35] Speaker B: You just digging these barrels? Uh, just kidding. Now you're gonna go find hidden temples under the city? [03:27:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, um, I am going to give my chance. I'm going to give my cast a chance to tell you where you can find them on the Internet and any other cool projects that they're working on. And we will start with you, Kai. Where can people find you on the Internet and anything cool that you're working on? [03:28:05] Speaker B: Hi, everybody. I'm Kai. You can find me on all social media platforms. As Estelle of Imladris, I am all over the place. I am a producer and performer for the podcast the lore brewery. I've got some other fun projects going on, so please check out my twitter. But the other cool thing is that I was the costume designer for a web series that's over on YouTube. All episodes are available now for the party, which is a web series about people playing tabletop together. It's quite fun. There's some really killer guest stars there. So please go check it out and share the love. [03:28:41] Speaker C: Thanks, y'all. [03:28:42] Speaker A: Hey, and I'll toss it over to Chris. [03:28:49] Speaker C: Hello, everybody. I am Chris Tung. Most people know me as one of the co founders of Pinkcity, CA, which is like an anime gaming streetwear brand from Toronto, Canada. We do a lot of cool stuff in the gaming and anime space and event space, especially in Toronto, but I'm also a part of the Super Journey Dudes, which is a comedy TTRBG podcast. I am the producer, editor, and current GM, and right now we are airing a show called Blink Space Blues, which is our neo noir Lancer show, which is inspired by cowboy, bebop, and gundam. It's pretty dope. High production, you know, there's like, special effects, music, art, all animation. A lot of cool stuff. Probably the coolest thing I've ever worked on. So check that out if you like mecha stuff, like mecha anime stuff. That's the vibe. And yeah, great to be here. Thanks for having me and stoked for the next session. [03:29:48] Speaker A: Yeah, Crystal. [03:29:51] Speaker D: Hello, people. My name is Crystal Fear. You can find me at Crystal Fear on Twitter and pretty much everywhere else. Right now, I am just here. I have a couple of projects that I may or may not be working on, and I'm currently also writing my own first campaign for D and D, so please wish me luck on that because I am nervous. [03:30:21] Speaker A: And then we have julie. [03:30:25] Speaker E: Hi, friends. I'm Hooli. I play games, run games, and produce games over at heroes and hooligans. And you can find me everywhere on the interwebserosandwholigans because I am bound to be there. It is my namesake. As far as projects, I am currently getting ready to launch a playtest for Rainbow City for awfully queer heroes. They are fantastic. They do a lot of queer and accessible content for folks. And when I say accessible, they tailor maps and things towards players who have characters with disabilities. Wheelchair, ramps, things like that. You know, they're really awesome. They've got a lot of really good stuff. That is my current big project, so I'm super stoked to run Rainbow City. It will be launching Kickstarter June 5, so we'll be playing leading up to that. So that's it. Thanks for having me here. This is super awesome. [03:31:20] Speaker A: And if it is, if this episode comes out after that, go check out all of that stuff. I'm not exactly sure when this episode is going to be coming out yet, but yes, I am Aubrey. I am the. You may, any of you may know me as the technical director here over on Queen's court. You can also find me everywhere on the Internet at Madqueen cosplay. And you can also find me goblets and gates. Bring your own escaping carcosa. A bunch of stuff. You can find all the links to that on my twitter. But for now, I'm gonna say goodnight and yeah, I hope everyone has a wonderful time and we'll be back next time with more menace under ataride.

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