Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 4 [Out Damned Spot]

December 06, 2023 02:19:26
Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 4 [Out Damned Spot]
One Shots and Other Mischief
Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 4 [Out Damned Spot]

Dec 06 2023 | 02:19:26


Show Notes

The party is ambushed by the Lost Boys, a rag-tag band of exiled young men discarded from Mekongese society forced to take up space piracy as a means to survive. The fighting gives way to a tense hostage negotiation where fraught emotions and past wounds threaten to jeopardize the quest.

MEKONG is an epic mecha space opera set powered by Beam Saber, set in an original universe by Jerry La. Join an adventure that follows in the footsteps of Herbert's Dune, Lucas' Star Wars, Tomino's Mobile Suit Gundam, and del Toro's Pacific Rim, told by an all-Asian cast in an original universe inspired by Southeast Asian history and folklore.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Anxiety, Blood/Gore, Body Horror, Dismemberment, Drug/Alcohol Use, Gang Violence, Police Violence, Politically-Motivated Violence, Sexual Themes, Teen Angst, and Generational Trauma.

Callax'an Bulaklak - Ryan Omega (
Oradee Vuong - Clara Allison (
Roman Maxilom - Andrew J. Alandy (
Rupi'a Tayeng - Pooja Sharma (
The Director - Jerry La (

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Zhenjiao, everybody. You are now tuned into another exciting installment of Mekong, the Southeast Asia space opera adventure of epic proportions. Wow. You know, we're coming off a really, really, really emotional cliffhanger, so this part two is gonna be a real doozy. So if you just tuning in for the first time, you're probably wondering, what is Mekong? Is this a game about a major river system in southeast Asia? No, it is actually a metaphorical river about the way that the light of stars flows across the heavens and all that sort of thing, because we are a space opera adventure inspired by southeast asian history, culture, and hindu buddhist cosmology. So, yeah, seeing that it's episode four, you probably got all the gist about that, and you're tuned back in. You know that this story will be through the eyes of warriors called Tanrong, a case of pilots who operate uniquely powerful mechanized chassis called DC, say, xin chow pilots. [00:01:16] Speaker B: I have to unmute to do that. [00:01:20] Speaker A: My name is Jerry La. I'll be taking you on this with the help of our beautiful cast here. So we'll be suiting up in just a moment, but let's go ahead and meet our cast. First up, playing the ever so lovely, ever so charismatic, super fast dog love and racer, we got our envoy. Klaxon Bulak lock. Say what's up to Ryan. [00:01:45] Speaker C: Hey, everybody, I'm Ryan Omega. I am playing Kolaxen Bulak lock your mech. Racer with an obsession with dogs but now has to contend with the fact that the dogs are not in the house and he is dealing with crippling codependency. And where is my dogs? And he's obsessed with the workshop that he's now built, so. But we're still in the middle of a battle, so he can't think that he's still in the middle of a battle. [00:02:18] Speaker A: Desperate times. Desperate times. Wait, desperate times? [00:02:22] Speaker C: Does that mean we roll desperate and get XP? [00:02:26] Speaker A: We'll find out when we make the engagement roll after the intro. But before that, let's continue with the introduction. Second up, playing our angsty x smug with ace Pilot, we got Rupiah Taeng, played by the amazing Pooja. Hello. [00:02:40] Speaker D: I am puja playing Rubia. As you know, Jerry just said, whose heart has been ripped out of her chest and then broken into several pieces and then ground underneath his heel into a very squishy paste in the last episode, and I'm pretty sure that he's going to serve it back to me in this episode. [00:03:04] Speaker A: I think it needs a little bit more time to marinate in the mortar and pestle. So I'm just going to grind it a little bit more and then we'll just to get it real nice and fine, right? Speaking of nice and fine. Speaking of nice and fine, a cold, hard can of WHOOP ass. Playing the tendong war horse, Roman Maxillon, we got Andrew Allende. [00:03:23] Speaker E: What's up, everybody? Andrew, checking in here. [00:03:25] Speaker A: Yes. [00:03:25] Speaker E: Playing Roman Maxillon, both mine and Roman's pronouns, he, him, an ice cold can of WHOOP ass. But I lost my daughter, I lost my ship, but I found some friends along the way, so maybe I won't be worst dad of the year this time. [00:03:41] Speaker A: And lastly, our incredible producer, Queens court games resident house cat, Clara, playing the exile, ordi voon. [00:03:52] Speaker B: Hello. I'm having a totally normal and fine time, and my mech didn't have its head blown off, and that's also fine. And honestly, I'm looking forward to all of us just holding hands and having a good time all around. It's gonna be so fun. [00:04:18] Speaker A: And lastly is me, your storyteller, Jerry law. Always a pleasure. Pronounce he him. Alright, so you can find links to the our cast sorted social media accounts by typing exclamation point cast to the chat. And if you'd like to purchase the system that we'll be using for this game, beam Saber, written by Austin Ramsey. You can type exclamation point system in the chat. Again, we'll be playing the beam saber rpg a forge of the dark system, written by Austin Ramsey, with additional supply drop playbooks, written by J. Lo Philhazard and Alfe Demille. The name of the campaign I'll be taking, our squad of QC pilots, is titled Symphony to the devil, written by yours truly. All right, so before, just one more thing, before we start, I just wanted to, you know, make a few statements, make sure everybody's safe at home. There will be depictions of blood, gore, body horror, drug alcohol use, politically motivated violence, warfare, sexual themes. References to. I know abuse is a strong word. I know asian parents have, like, a very, like, different approach towards parenting than as they do in the west. So there will be. We will be touching on that as well in this session. So I just want. I already discussed my lines and our lines and veils with the cast here, but I just want to make sure everybody that's watching at home is safe as well. With that being said, gin Pukavi doi sen yoiu femur mekong. Long ago, when the light of the stars flowed like a river across the heavens, four Tan Nong must embark on a desperate mission. Above the skies of Chao Freya, the entity Khun Dilanak delivers a bone chilling message. The ancient Grunma adversary Bok captain draws near, and by the end of the final movement of an ominous metaphorical symphony, the kingdom of Chao Phraya will be burned to ash and the scorpion demonists may consume all of Yangcheng and Mekong. Not long after snapped into action, a lone mid ranking mink girl bureaucrat named Zhong Zi tasked the same four pilots who repelled Kuntulanak's attack in locating the one item that could defeat Baal, Captain Chandrahasa, a sword found in the ancient epic the Ramayana. In the hysteria of the revelation of Baal captain's oncoming arrival, Princess Oridis unscrupulous twin brother Kanua takes the opportunity to seize the throne in a bloody and chaotic coup. Forced to flee the kingdom torn asunder by political infighting, Zhun Zi and the newly christened fellowship of the Marigold must limp their way to Celadang in hopes of finding Ramas sword. There, however, en route, a power surge strikes the marigold, melting its reactor coils, stranding the group in an abandoned wreckage of the former new backroar space colony, a colony left devastated by the war between the forces of the Taiyang honey syndicate and the hornet enforcers of the Mekong imperial judiciary. As the pilots deploy to scavenge the colony for spare reactor coils, Rupiah Taeng is forced to confront ghosts of her past, both metaphorically and literally. As mid search, the marigold is ambushed by a band of bajak pirates led by her old flame, Devinder Cage. Can this hardy band of tandong pilots make it out of new backhoe with their heads intact? Will the group repair their ship and make it to Celadang to complete their quests before bokap then lays waste to chow Freya? Or will the pain of unresolved trauma, unfulfilled promises, and burnt bridges doom this squadron to their fate? Find out this week on Mekong symphony for the devil. We fade in on a statue of what looks to be a mascot for a fast food chain that's vaguely shaped like a bee, but they changed it now that, like, there's been a whole, there's just been a lot of cultural back and forth between, you know, you know, bees that are associated with sinners honey, and that's kind of like a drug thing. So now they change the colors. So it's it, so it's the statue and it's next to a little drive through, like, ordering sign for the Mary bumble chicken and chot fast food chain. And as we hold on this shot, the ground kind of as the copper pod walks into frame and leans down at this drive through window. Rupiah, you open the hatch, and in the arms of the copper pod are devinder and charain. And charain. And you're just kind of like, standing in this drive through window with, like, a bunch of cars behind you. You're like the only mech there. But we are in the city of silhouette. It is the night before you have to depart for new Baku, but now that you guys had a very successful dress rehearsal, you're off getting food at the Mary Bumble chicken and chat. Dvinder's like, can we just get a minute? And he, like, looks back at, like, the two of you, and this is. He's in one hand, charaine's in the other hand. Cockpit hatches open, and you're just, like, sitting there, like, looking at the menu. It's what Mary Bumble, as a fast food chain, specializes in. Fried xeno fauna. Like, it's not chicken, but it's the whatever the local farm animals that it tastes closest to chicken is. And, you know, Pakora's chaat, curries, all that sort of thing. Divinity's like, I think I'll get it. I'm gonna get a five piece. What? Rupee, what do you want? [00:11:46] Speaker D: Ooh, I want a three piece combo with a kathi roll. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Can we get a three piece with a kati roll and. Sure. You want. You want the chai and a large chai and do you guys want to get fries? Get fries for the group. [00:12:05] Speaker D: We should get fries always. [00:12:08] Speaker A: And then, like, two large fries. Great. [00:12:10] Speaker D: Masala fries. [00:12:11] Speaker B: Masala fries. [00:12:12] Speaker A: Masala fries. Masala fries. Thank you. Copper pod steps forward. This whole fucking establishment shaking. And you guys pick up some food and you head back to your little hideout in basically back at the theater where you were doing your show, you've kind of made out a space for yourself, like in the attic. Like, it's. It was the green room, but it's also kind of like your own personal kind of chill out up here. And you put your food down on the table. There's like a. There's like a really shitty couch that, you know, people have fucked on, but it's fine. We don't talk about that place. There's, like, peeling post old posters of different theater shows that have performed here. There's like a big cork board with a bunch of, like, flashcards for scenes that Devender had for the show. There's, like, different little sketches of charain's choreography. There's, like. But here, the three of you, you know, you set your food down. Dev opens up, like, a cabinet, and there's, like, a record player, and he starts playing, like, old Tollywood musical numbers. And because you guys are theater kids, you guys, like, sing your hearts out, like, every single number. You harmonize. You eat food, you smoke honey. You dance. You know, three romantics here in your little corner of the world, tucked away from all the suffering, all the poverty, all that. And you, like, all collapse onto this couch together. Like, kind of, like, exchanging little, like, little pecs, little kisses. And you're just, like, laying there while the music plays in the distance, and you're a little stoned. Like, you caress Dev's face, and charain nuzzles into the nape of your neck, and you just talk. And Shireen's all like, hey, you remember that part in romance of the seven sectors? Like, the oath and the peach garden? You know, like, I like to think, like, in moments like these, we're kind of like Liu Bei, gongwu, and Zhang Fei. And we're all, like, swearing to each other, but we're also, like, bumping uglies. And Dev's like, ew. Why. Why would you word it like that? [00:14:47] Speaker D: Nothing about us is ugly. [00:14:49] Speaker A: No, no, I'm talking. Wait, you don't. Do you not, like, wait, do you not. You haven't heard that phrase? Rubio, you'll bump it ugly. It's just. It's. It's. I say you guys are ugly. [00:15:01] Speaker D: I'm talking about something my mother would say. [00:15:03] Speaker A: Okay, all right. Either way, maybe I'm thinking, like, my head cannon is. They totally were banging, and there's, like, definitely fanfic about it, so I just. [00:15:15] Speaker D: Oh, there. [00:15:17] Speaker B: There totally is. [00:15:19] Speaker A: There is, right? Cause, like. Cause I was like, we're sworn brothers, and we're gonna defend Mekong together, all three of us. But, like, it's like, you know, there's, like, subtext to it, you know? And Dev's like, romance. Do you just. Is this what you think about when you're not around? Charade? You just, like, look up historical figures, and then you make up. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. No, I'm not judging. I'm not judging. [00:15:52] Speaker D: Sound a little like you're judging. [00:15:54] Speaker A: Sound a little like you're judging. [00:15:55] Speaker D: Especially because you forget that I've seen your search history. [00:16:04] Speaker A: Rupiah you think to yourself that these are the kinds of conversations you'd love to have for the rest of your life, right? [00:16:12] Speaker D: Life does not get more perfect than this. [00:16:15] Speaker A: Than this. And he picks up a cigarette dipped in honey and lights it up, and then you pass it between the three of you. Charaine bolts up after, like, a couple puffs. Like, guys, guys, I just had the best fucking idea. Like, just hear me out. I just. I. We should make an oath. Like, the one they made in the peach garden, right? In the romance of the seven sectors, you know? Like, really make it. Like, really seal it, you know? Really, like. And. And. And here. Go. Go get your survive. Go. And Dev's like, okay, it's in the car. I'll be right back. He runs down to go get his, and she, like, digs around in her bag for it. Rupiah, what's yours? [00:17:08] Speaker D: I'm under the couch, half off the couch. Like, just my legs are there. Like, kind of, like, hooked into her legs to keep me on from falling off. Like, I know it's down here somewhere. [00:17:25] Speaker A: Eventually, everybody returns, and they all have their sabai together. Charain's is, like, a very elegant kind of emerald and gold accented piece, while Dev's is a very regal kind of cerulean all the way through with, like, silver accents on it. And charain tears off two half inch long strips off her sabai, and she takes yours and devs and also does the same, just, like, from the end, just, like. Like, little, tiny little things. And, okay, so we take these, and she puts. And the way she, like, arranges it is that she's like, okay, hold out your hands. Like, hold them out like that. And she, like, places her across your palms. And so now all three of you have, like, a piece of each other's sabai, right? And she says, like, okay, now you're gonna call me an edge lord for this? But she pulls out a little. She, like, pulls out a pocket knife. It's just for the security of the oath, right? It's just to make it like it's the strongest seal that ever was in me, kwam, okay? It's this. It's. It's. It's. It's got to be swore. It's got to be sworn in blood, all right? Like, but I'm not being an edge lord. I just want to. Just want to clear the air, so I clear the air. You guys know me. You guys know me. And does, like, yeah, like, we get it straight. It's a blood oath. [00:18:56] Speaker B: It's a blood oath. [00:18:56] Speaker D: That's fine. [00:18:57] Speaker A: We read about these. Yeah. Okay, fine. So she goes up. She lifts each of your palms like that. The cloth off your palms makes a small cut across all of them, and then puts the cloth back over it so it soaks in a bit. And then all three, she. So you press the torn strips over the cuts, and then we all clasp each other's hands like. So we all. So now we're all. And so you. The three of you all hold hands in this kind of, like, triangle, right? And she says, all right, we're gonna close our eyes. All right, do you guys. Okay, I'm gonna admit I'm really high right now. And. And I came in here with, like, really, really, really. I came here with. With good intentions. I came here with. With pure intentions. I just. I'm just blanking right now because, like, I can't think of a name that's cooler than the oath of the peach garden, you know? Cuz. So unless you guys have a better idea, I'm gonna call this the oath of the three idiots. Dude, what do you think? Don't laugh at me. Rufia, stop. I'm being sincere right now. Rupiah. Oh, no, no. [00:20:16] Speaker B: Three idiots was the worst. It was the worst. [00:20:19] Speaker D: You know, it was the worst. We had a whole night where we talked about how it was the worst. [00:20:24] Speaker A: Um, I'm just saying that, like, you. [00:20:25] Speaker D: Know, like, three shooting stars. [00:20:29] Speaker A: Three shooting stars. Both of the three shooting stars. Okay, how about oath of the three idiotic shooting stars? Because the reason why. It's not because I'm referencing the movie or anything. I'm just saying that, like, I. The first idiot, I am so foolish to think that I can dance my way through life. And Rupiah diva Suprema of House Tien, the second idiot, so courageous and so good at what she does, she can't ever get. She's so good at what she does. However, she can never get on book in time when we're doing early rehearsals, and it annoys Dev so much. But that's okay. I still love you, bitch. It's fine. And Devender Cage, the third idiot, who thinks Mei Tangha, who thinks boys who cry got better after Johnny Huang went solo. And Dev's like, they did get better when he. When he went solo. Like, the third. No, no, no. The sophomore record is the most important record of a band's career. And the second Johnny Huang got off the roster, I think, like, you would be foolish to think he's holding, like, Dev. Just swear the oath. He's like, fine. And he grabs everyone's hands and is like, we hereby seal proof of this bond in these vestments, in our hands. In blood it is sealed, and only in blood may it be washed away. [00:21:51] Speaker D: In blood it is sealed, and only in blood can it be washed away. [00:21:58] Speaker A: And she lets go and she's like, okay, now we keep these. We're just gonna tie them into our sabai. And now we'll have each other's back out there even when we're far away. [00:22:10] Speaker D: And no matter what happens, we come back to each other. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Yes, 100%, right, Dev? Def's like, yeah, but you gotta come on time to your call time. Okay, rupi, I swear to God, if you're late one more time, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. [00:22:26] Speaker B: I always come ready. [00:22:31] Speaker A: The record stops. The music. The music ends as they're like, the record stops. Or it's like. It's still spitting. But the music has concluded and now it's just the three of you, kind of, like, standing there in silence, like. And Dev's like, I love you guys. Like, thank you, charain, for this promise. And she's like, yeah, yeah. [00:22:53] Speaker D: We're still not calling it the idiots. [00:22:58] Speaker A: We should probably get to bed. Rupiah's gotta ship out in the morning, so. [00:23:03] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, let's bunk here tonight. It'll be good luck. [00:23:11] Speaker A: So, Rupiah, you head over to like, yeah, you guys pull out the couch. And Rupiah, as you, like, kind of collapse into bed. We cut on the collapse to. The camera follows you as you fall into the sheets. And as you fall into the sheets, it cuts to sparky being slammed into the side of the colony by this other mech and being dragged through street after street and thoroughfare after thoroughfare. Ryan, let's roll an engagement roll. Can you give me two? D, six. Take the lower because right now the situation's looking pretty dire. That's a two. You're fucked. Okay. [00:23:57] Speaker C: That'S sad because the other one was six. [00:23:59] Speaker B: Can we resist a shitty engagement roll? [00:24:05] Speaker A: No, you cannot. So, kallaxing, you are currently being so this mech, the Rekha, has engaged you in melee. And it's. And it has. And it's pushed you into the ground while all of your. All of your squad mates are still kind of, like, up in the air in the vague area by the marigold. The rake is directly right on you. So what would you like to do? [00:24:34] Speaker C: Okay, so I believe in this situation. I'm positioning Sparky between them and Jackie. [00:24:45] Speaker A: Who's behind me, right, she was behind you. But the second this mech kind of, like, came up from behind the marigold and engaged you in melee, it kind of caught you by surprise with the two and has slammed you into the side of the colony infrastructure, and you're kind of, like, now on the ground level, getting pushed through, like, the street and the bill. So, like, you're in this, like. Yeah, this kind of. This marketplace crossroads here that's totally abandoned and everything's derelict, and you're being more or less like, the Reika's got a beam saber out, and you're just barely holding the hilt of it at bay before it slices you open while it's pushing against you. [00:25:35] Speaker C: Okay, so what I'm gonna do is if I'm holding that weapon in my hands, like, directly in front of my face, I know that sometimes the best defense is just let it pass through you. So you. So I kind of want to roll so I can get that weapon off to the side so that it hits to the side of me, that they get their weapons stuck and I can maneuver myself out of the situation. [00:26:02] Speaker A: Okay, yeah, go ahead. And you can roll. If maneuver could work here, finesse could also work here. If you, like, finesse your controls enough to, like, just deftly kind of, like, juke out this. This, uh, this saber from slicing into you. [00:26:24] Speaker C: All right, I think I'm gonna definitely maneuver, since I have an extra point in that, but gets cancelled out, by the question. Yes. So I have a clipped wing. Yes, but a wing is not necessarily going to engage anything here. Do I still take the penalty you? [00:26:44] Speaker A: No, not. Not for this role. [00:26:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:26:47] Speaker A: Yeah, if you. If you're not engaging your wing, your flight system as part of the maneuver, like, I imagine you're just kind of, like, engaging the servos to, and, like, the actual, like, mechanisms of the mechs body itself rather than the flight system to. Yeah, yeah, it's. It's. Yeah, it's. Yeah. So you would not suffer the penalty for that. But I will say it's a two. It's a desperate consequences. This could go really bad with you. [00:27:10] Speaker C: All right, I'm going to say that because you know what? I do have three, so I'm gonna. I'm gonna try for rolling the three. [00:27:20] Speaker A: Great. Throw. Three. D six. Three. [00:27:23] Speaker C: D six. All right. And got a six. [00:27:27] Speaker A: That's a six. Okay, cool. So, like, you're on the ground right here, and it's this dramatic kind of, like, push and pull action before you, sparky brings a hand up to the side of the raka's, like, the back of his hand and shoves it off to the side and it stabs into the street right by your head, and it's generating all the sparks. The shot is, like the sparky right there and looking at the sword piercing concrete behind it. But you have you. You live to see. You live to see your head remain on your mat. Krasue, you have currently grappled with this little gremlin looking guy, the Akshay. You have him gripped by the ankles. The Krasue's head cameras are totally shot, so you had to switch to your auxiliary. Auxiliary chess cameras, right? So right now you do have a grip on the little Akshay. But the problem is that your depth of vision is a little shit. [00:28:42] Speaker B: I need to see what I'm gonna do next. [00:28:44] Speaker A: Okay, great. [00:28:45] Speaker B: Or rather, okay, I'm trying. I'm fighting my, like, shit, my, like, angry instinct to just yeet this guy into space and watch that. [00:28:53] Speaker A: Right? You know, but as like. Yeah, you have the grip on the ankle of this mech. And on the local comms, you can hear the pilot inside going like, she's got me. She's got blast, boss. [00:29:09] Speaker B: I'd like to grab the other side of him, too. So I've kind of got him in both hands. [00:29:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:17] Speaker B: And just point towards where I think. Cause I can't see him, big guy. The other guy is like, his boss. [00:29:25] Speaker A: Yeah, the. The garuda. [00:29:26] Speaker B: The amateur puts some pressure as I get my. The Krasue's hyper heated superheated nails or claws into it and start to slightly pull because one of us comes apart. [00:29:44] Speaker A: But I think it's him. If you. Yes. Okay, in that case, would you like to roll? Like, sway would be the more effective skill here. And you can have a free additional die on top of that because you know you have some leverage here, right? I can. I can give you as a collateral die. Like, I can give you that plus one d six. But that collateral being that, like, you don't know what this guy's relationship is to his men. He might care a lot, he might not care at all, but it like, that. The collateral is, is that you aren't certain how this guy will react, but you're. I assume you're gunning for maybe he. This will expose some sort of weakness in their battle strategy, right? [00:30:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm hoping for. Okay, let's chill and talk. One disaster rather than, like, fight. Can I get any more dice? Is there anything else I can leverage? [00:30:39] Speaker A: You can you can use your spark. You can have you, one of your squad mates assist you, your nearest one being copper pod. What? [00:30:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Can you help me? [00:30:54] Speaker E: Wait, before, before you say that copper pod helps, I do remember that the Appalachian was nearby too, because I had my shield out providing cover fire as well. [00:31:08] Speaker A: You had your shotgun out. You're shooting back at the sniper. [00:31:12] Speaker E: So if I'm nearby, can I assist? Because isn't rupiah engaged? [00:31:18] Speaker A: Rupiah is having a stare off with the Garuda. So yes, Roman, you may also assist if you like. But how are you assisting in this matter? Because, like, are you, are you just like, give me, give me. What would Roman do in this situation to help with this, like, and already do you, like, relay what you're trying to do to romance? [00:31:40] Speaker B: And then I think, here's the thing. Roman and I have been in combat before, a lot of it. And I think once you like, it's fairly obvious looking at it. And also I'm just gonna calm like a broad calm to everyone who can hear me. [00:31:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:56] Speaker B: Threatening this little guy by, you know, slinking him apart. [00:32:01] Speaker A: By slinking him. [00:32:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't, I couldn't think of the word. I think the word I was looking for was tear. [00:32:08] Speaker A: You were gonna play him like an accordion, but not very well. [00:32:13] Speaker B: Accordions don't do that. [00:32:16] Speaker A: Accordions. But Roman. Yeah, if you, if you want to, like, I guess, like get position yourself in a way that increases the amount of threat the krasue is, can, like carries across. I think that would do it. Yeah. [00:32:32] Speaker E: So what I would end up doing is I'm probably on Karasu's flank with the shotgun out and the shield. So at one. So in one hand, I'm, I'm covering, I'm covering crosses flank so that, uh, she doesn't get ambushed by any, any side whatsoever. But also I'm also the, I'm also the second kill. So, like, in a threatening position, the shotgun is out. And if somehow this little pipsqueak decides to escape, there's a shotgun blast waiting. [00:33:02] Speaker B: Cool. So that gives, so do I have two? [00:33:04] Speaker A: You have two dice. You have two dice in sway as you play akshay like the accordion. [00:33:09] Speaker B: This is so bad because I'm negotiating for dice and we know I still roll like crab. [00:33:15] Speaker A: Okay, that's a five. Okay, so you grab Akshay, one on the ankle, one on like that. Like I want to say, like the scruff of the collar. And you start stretching him out. And rupiah, you're having this stare off. With the Garuda. And you see the Garuda's head turns as Akshay goes, like. And you hear Dev from within. I'm coming. I'm on my way. So the gruta is now flying towards the Krasue. [00:33:45] Speaker B: I want to calm out while that's happening so he can hear like, hold your fire or the little guy gets it. I can't think of a cooler way to say this. [00:33:55] Speaker A: You say, hold your fire or the little guy gets it. So that is success. The gerudo, it flies to disengage with copper pot, but it cuts its boosters again the second it sees the little connecting bits start to. The connecting bits in Akshay's lower torso start to undo themselves. You see a couple nails pop out. Okay, fire. And so, like, kallaxon, you're still like prone with this mech on top of you, and. But the rekha, kind of like here, registers of the command dismounts you almost, and extinguishes as a beam saber. Like the sniper, uh, it fires a bolt right after it registers the command cease fire. And it just barely misses the Appalachian. And you hear devinder again. Go. I said cease fire. Stop shooting. Very pregnant pause. The Garuda kind of like looks at the battlefield. Hey, boss, what do I do with the girl? And the sniper kind of comes out of the woodwork holding Jackie in its hand, you see, it's like a faded white and pink slender mech holding. It's like holding this large anti material rifle in one hand. But in his free hand, Jackie's like, like, like a prick. Like, like that woman in King Kong trying to get out of the ape. Like, like, let go of me. Hey, hey. I was like, hold on, hold on. We're kind of, we're negotiating right now. And the Garuda on the comms, you see a face pop up on all of your view screens. It's like the helmet, like completely silhouettes the face. But you see him pull up the little privacy shade almost, and rupiah. When you see Devinder's face for the first time. It's been two years, but on his face, it looks like ten, like 05:00 shadow, really bushy eyebrows and sunken eye sockets. Okay, it seems like we're at an impasse right now. You have one of mine and I have one of yours pointing at the sniper holding Jackie in the hand. I'm going to state my terms. We're going to do what we do in bajak pirate culture called a parlay. Okay? Are you familiar with the parlay. [00:37:14] Speaker B: I. Yes, I know what parlay is. [00:37:18] Speaker A: Great, all right? And Zoom's like, hey, can you. Can you, like. Like, you see his face pop on screen now? It just kind of looks like a zoom call. It's like, hey, get your hands off my knees. He's like, I will, old man. Let me just state my terms. [00:37:36] Speaker D: You have never really been good at getting to the point, have you? [00:37:43] Speaker A: Can you stop talking to me like. Like that, please? I'm trying to, like, be like. We are. We are here because we want the Concord and we want your cargo. [00:38:04] Speaker B: We have nothing like. [00:38:07] Speaker D: What the hell are you talking about? [00:38:09] Speaker A: I have a letter of marque from the Chow Phryan crown. We are acting as privateers. There is a bounty out for this particular gisi the conquered. [00:38:23] Speaker D: Seriously? Working for the asshole who ripped off. [00:38:27] Speaker B: My arm and shot me in the chest? [00:38:32] Speaker D: I can't even fucking believe you right now. [00:38:35] Speaker A: I can't believe you right now. Why are you rolling around with a bunch of these noble assholes, huh? Like, I'm trying. Like, do you know what happened to us when you did come back? [00:38:46] Speaker D: I did come back, and you were gone. [00:38:49] Speaker A: Oh, what? [00:38:51] Speaker B: You were gone. You said you would be there. And when I finally got out, after all. After all of this. [00:39:02] Speaker A: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You know what happened when you're not the only one that got ambushed, okay? When you. Look, I knew what happened on new backcourt. And you know what else happened? The hornets knew that I associated with you. And when they came snooping around, you know what happened? My father and my mother couldn't stand the idea of having a druggie around in their household. So you know what happened? He, like, in the frame, you see him, like, take off his glove and reveal a hook. They disowned me. Rupiah exiled me out here. So now. So it's not like I'm working for the state because I want to. I'm work. I'm doing this because, frankly, this is the only thing that will let me and my crew buy back our citizenships. [00:40:04] Speaker D: And it's not like I'm working with these guys because I want to, but the transport I was on got attacked by the. [00:40:14] Speaker A: Give me your sob. I don't care about your sob story right now. [00:40:17] Speaker D: No, you've never cared about my sob story. [00:40:19] Speaker A: You've never cared about things that happened. [00:40:21] Speaker D: To me when I was in there, because you were gone. So it's not like you knew. It's not like you came to me. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Just give us the Concord and we'll send you on your way. I'm not gonna fight you here, rupiah. If you want to play white knight to Mary Antoinette over here, let her eat cake, fuck ass. [00:40:45] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, because she is the one who literally left her people to die. Oh, wait, no, that's the guy you're working for. That's the government you're working for. [00:40:57] Speaker A: It's a contract, okay? It's a job, all right? [00:41:02] Speaker D: Yeah, and the job is so much more important than everything else. [00:41:08] Speaker A: You hear the Akshay chime in on the channel? Like, are we. Did we get in the middle of something? Boss? Is everything okay? It's like. It's fine. [00:41:15] Speaker B: I'm feeling like we need to give you guys some space. I don't know. [00:41:20] Speaker A: No, no, no. [00:41:21] Speaker B: Like, I feel. [00:41:22] Speaker A: And you see the sniper, like. Like, tighten her grip around Jack is like, look. All right, you see Jackie, like, squirm in the hand. [00:41:31] Speaker D: If you hurt that girl, I will make. [00:41:34] Speaker A: Then let go of my daughter. [00:41:35] Speaker D: Every single one of you and your entire lineages pay for it. [00:41:42] Speaker A: All right, rupiah, so I think it's about time we make a roll. Yeah, because it's getting. It's getting real, real intense right now. There's been a lot of antagonism being thrown between both negotiating parties right now. Right? So go ahead and make me a. You can do sway, you can do consort, you can do command. But I assume you're trying to deescalate, right? Would you like. What skill here, would you feel is most appropriate for Rupiah's attempts at de escalating here? [00:42:22] Speaker D: I'm gonna go for the sway role, because I am, in the end, even through all the hurt, even through all the. Like, what happened? What happened? What happened? Like, it's about. [00:42:37] Speaker A: Yeah, it's always been about, Dev. [00:42:39] Speaker D: It's always been about. And also, I really want to know if he's here. Where is charade? [00:42:48] Speaker A: Before you roll, you hear Zung get on a comm, and he's like, diva, this is Marigold. What? If you let anything happen to my niece, I. [00:43:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:43:01] Speaker A: Take your words carefully, please. [00:43:03] Speaker D: Zung Zi, you lying old sack of shit, stay out of this. [00:43:12] Speaker A: I'm gonna take a die away from that. A die away. For that? I'm sorry. Like, now, in your rage, Rupiah, you have also driven a wedge between you and the bureaucrat overseeing the bureaucrat who's threatening me. [00:43:33] Speaker D: It's cool. [00:43:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:37] Speaker C: Can Kolaxan come in and assist so that die does not get taken away? [00:43:42] Speaker A: If you want to add two stress Klaxon. And what would Claxton say in this situation? [00:43:46] Speaker C: I would. I would say at the situation, um, zo zi, I realize there's a. And everyone, it sounds like there's a lot of heated tension. Let's cool off a bit, because it sounds like there's so much going on that no one is thinking clearly. If there is going to be a negotiation, do it with clear heads, not with heated heads. [00:44:09] Speaker B: I would try to do it with a clear head, but I don't know if you've noticed, I missed missing mine. [00:44:14] Speaker C: Understood. Understood. [00:44:17] Speaker A: Like, we cut to a shot of, like, the scra. Like, the chunk of cross's head that's just, like, floating. [00:44:23] Speaker B: It's just like her. It's just a jaw. Like, a lower jaw. And then the rest of this mech. [00:44:30] Speaker C: We'll fix that jaw back in the workshop. [00:44:35] Speaker A: Okay, so rupiah the die has been canceled out by Kolaxen Klaxon. Go ahead, add two stress points for. For your. For assisting. [00:44:44] Speaker D: Okay, I am gonna take. I'm gonna use my spark here. [00:44:49] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:44:51] Speaker D: I am gonna say that I feel like my open side wound is not actually elevated. [00:44:57] Speaker A: I mean, it definitely. I feel like you're kind of pissed by how much it hurts right now, both of the physical wound and the emotional wound, so, yeah, anyways, yeah, it's okay. You don't have to factor that end of the role. It's already factored into the roleplay enough to get you guys into this position. That's a six. That's a six. [00:45:18] Speaker D: That's a six. [00:45:21] Speaker A: So, yeah, we cut to the wide of this mexican standoff between the pirates and your guys. And you see, like, from the view screen, lacomm screen. You see, like, devs. Like, lowers his head so you can't see his eyes through the helmet. It's just like the Lankoskin is right. We shouldn't be negotiating out here. We will do this at a table. I propose we all land on our ship, and we will have negotiations face to face. Does that sound reasonable? [00:46:13] Speaker D: The trust here is so low. And so I propose a neutral location. [00:46:21] Speaker A: What do you propose? [00:46:24] Speaker D: And I look over to the wreck that is the haunted, horrific wreck that is Newbukhor. [00:46:35] Speaker A: What, you want us to go to a fucking coffee shop? [00:46:37] Speaker D: Like, the top floor is relatively intact? [00:46:40] Speaker A: Fine. On the count of three, we will both let. We will all maneuver over to that roof over there. We are going to set our feet down on terra firma, and we will talk outside of archisi. Is that fair? [00:47:04] Speaker B: Sounds good. [00:47:05] Speaker D: Agreed. [00:47:08] Speaker A: Everyone's still eyeing each other like, weary that someone's gonna pull a fast one. [00:47:13] Speaker B: But, yeah, we're drifting, and I actually kind of, like, hold the gremlin dude away from me a little bit. Not because I think he can hear us on the comms, but I'm, like, just being curious now. Just out of, like, safety. Kind of like, we're just holding hands now. [00:47:31] Speaker A: Can you let me go? [00:47:32] Speaker B: No. [00:47:33] Speaker A: Please? [00:47:34] Speaker B: Absolutely the fuck not. Shut up. [00:47:35] Speaker A: Please. [00:47:37] Speaker B: I don't. There's no amount of asking that's going to make this better. Cause you're literally holding an underage girl. Your team has an underage child. [00:47:45] Speaker A: And, yeah, there's a bunch of us, like, kids out here. What makes you think she's so special? Like, and already, as you, like, listen closely on the comms. Like, you can also hear, like, this kid's voice is cracking and, like, oh, God. Like, maybe a little older than hope's age, but he's a boy. [00:48:06] Speaker B: Yeah, I think. Just stay quiet and don't do anything stupid. And then I'll switch to the private comms with the rest of the team. [00:48:18] Speaker A: Okay. [00:48:20] Speaker B: Okay. First of all, I've got. This is a kid. I mean, they've got a kid, but this is a kid too. They're all fucking children. At least this one is. [00:48:29] Speaker D: So not all of them. [00:48:30] Speaker B: Sorry. Yeah, no. Who's that? Rupiah? [00:48:38] Speaker D: That's somebody I knew a long time ago. I thought. I obviously thought I knew better than I did. I'd say it doesn't matter, but it obviously does, so. [00:48:49] Speaker B: I mean, if I didn't know any better, I'd assume you were exes, but, like, you know, zoom chimes in. [00:48:57] Speaker D: Now, let's get to the point here, which is that we definitely don't want Jackie to get hurt. And if we try to undermine. To go around the negotiation, she's out there completely unprotected. [00:49:17] Speaker B: They want the Krasue. It's mostly. I don't know why, beyond petty bullshit. But we can't get to. We can't finish this mission if I don't have a mechanic. [00:49:37] Speaker D: We're not giving up the caracio, especially not to your shitheel of a brother. [00:49:41] Speaker B: It is technically his neck. [00:49:44] Speaker E: It's not his anymore. [00:49:46] Speaker D: No, it's not. [00:49:46] Speaker B: It hasn't been for a while. No, but I don't want to hurt anyone. Kind of looking over at the kid I'm holding, like else. [00:49:59] Speaker D: Yeah, well, that's why we negotiate. [00:50:04] Speaker B: So what, just trade and go on a merry way, ideally kallaxing. [00:50:10] Speaker C: Well, we did negotiate talking, so we should at least do that. But maybe one thing that we can do if they want to show good faith is that we put our, both of the people we're holding in a neutral place so that they're at least not being crushed and probably could get something to eat because that's important for all of us. Just put them safely so that we can negotiate in good faith. If they can't do that, then. Then I don't know what to tell you about how good faith this is going to be. [00:50:53] Speaker B: Well, we're already at least getting to stand and talk. I'm not giving us much beyond that. [00:51:03] Speaker A: Zung's like, this could get really messy if we. [00:51:09] Speaker B: Zung. What's on board? [00:51:12] Speaker A: These pirates, they're mostly impoverished. They probably want just our foodstuffs, maybe some fuel. And I guess they want to claim this bounty on your. On the Krasue. [00:51:29] Speaker B: So how classified is our expedition? [00:51:34] Speaker A: It would be in our best interest that we. [00:51:39] Speaker D: You say classified like it's actually sanctioned, rather than. [00:51:42] Speaker A: That's true. [00:51:42] Speaker B: This is true. [00:51:43] Speaker A: It's not. It's not even sanctioned. I mean, yeah, I'd probably lose my job if so my boss's boss found. [00:51:50] Speaker B: Out, but we're going to an ancient. An ancient burial site for a mythic weapon. I assume there's other cool stuff there. I've seen movies, I've read books. I assume there's a good score for some pirates. [00:52:10] Speaker A: What? You're going to promise some treasure and riches when we get there? [00:52:14] Speaker B: Why not? [00:52:17] Speaker A: That's if the tombs haven't been completely raided. [00:52:21] Speaker B: Well, then the sword wouldn't be there either, and it would be a bust for all of us. [00:52:28] Speaker A: That's true. That's true. You make a good point. [00:52:30] Speaker B: All right, then listen, I just think that it would be safer for us if these people were our allies. Because the only other option is they take the Karasu and we can't do the rest of the mission without her. [00:52:41] Speaker D: It's not the only other option. I mean, if we all. It's possible we could all walk away from this and just walk away. [00:52:49] Speaker A: Nina starts chatting, is like rupiah. I mean, you. You know this guy. Why don't you just, you know, make some smoochy faces at him and then, like, you know, work your magic, and then everybody can know, am I being too idealistic? And then Zoom's like, Nina, you should probably not. This is. You should probably let the adults talk. It's like, yeah, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [00:53:10] Speaker E: Too many movies, kid. Too many movies. [00:53:12] Speaker B: I mean, I'm just saying, if Rupiah wants to leverage her history with this guy. [00:53:18] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, that's gonna obviously be about as effective as spitting in his eye. [00:53:27] Speaker B: Yeah, you seem to be on bad terms. [00:53:30] Speaker E: Listen, no one does anything they don't wanna do. We trade one for one. We walk away. No damage. No one dies here today. That's the goal. We move on. If they come after us again, then we respond. We're not taking any. We're not. We are going to take the moral high ground here. We cannot compromise anyone here. We get ours back. They get ours back. We walk away from this. And we let them know that if anything else were to surface, surmise, then we'll deal with that. But right now, the most important thing is getting ours back. And if it just takes giving them theirs, we walk away. You said they're kids, right? [00:54:09] Speaker D: I mean, look, just know we're not giving them the kara suit. [00:54:15] Speaker E: No, no. [00:54:16] Speaker D: And. And we're not gonna try to do some weird, like, six shooter shit, right? [00:54:26] Speaker A: Right. [00:54:26] Speaker D: So let's go talk to them. [00:54:28] Speaker A: Okay. [00:54:29] Speaker B: Kallaxin. [00:54:30] Speaker C: Yes. [00:54:32] Speaker B: In your professional opinion, how hard would it be to repair what's happened already? And I kind of, like, I would gesture, but I got a person. [00:54:42] Speaker C: So repairing this is pretty standard. Now it's just a matter of making sure that we have the materials, the actual. The actual tools we got. Like, we got a really good workshop, but we need to make sure that we have the materials. I was also thinking that we know we're not giving up the Karasu, and we know that we want Jackie. Ultimately, maybe the best thing is for them to talk more about what they want and then negotiate from there. Because if we're offering, we're off. We'll offer too much. [00:55:15] Speaker D: Let him make the first move. [00:55:17] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:55:17] Speaker D: Let him make the first move. [00:55:18] Speaker A: Yep. [00:55:19] Speaker B: Okay. [00:55:19] Speaker D: He's pretty shit at bluffing. [00:55:22] Speaker A: All right, Nina. Nina. Then chimes in, guys, I just got, like, a Morse code message from Jackie. Like, the camera cuts away. You see Jackie in the hand of the sniper, like. Like blinking, like, blink. Like, very subtly blinking a flashlight. She and I transcribed it. It says, override the reactor coil and Klaxon. You would know that, like, if you. If you intentionally caused a meltdown of a coil out here, it could more or less be a hand grenade with much more devastating consequences. [00:56:01] Speaker B: We can call that plan B. [00:56:03] Speaker D: We can call that plan because right. [00:56:05] Speaker A: Now, Roman, you have a coil, you still have a coil, on you. And if you do the. And, yeah, if you do intentionally cause a meltdown and cause it to, like, explode, that could be an option. Just putting it out there. [00:56:25] Speaker E: Option w. Okay, option. [00:56:27] Speaker A: Like, wait. [00:56:29] Speaker C: I mean, like, here's the thing. We can do that, but that's. That's suicide for Jackie. [00:56:40] Speaker A: I think she. I think she meant to be, like, strategic about it. Like, I don't know, like, Nina's. Like, I feel if you, like, threw it out in a way where it just. It blows up enough to, like, throw them off. You swipe Jackie, we get who we need and we go. [00:56:56] Speaker B: It's good to know we have that option that they don't. [00:56:59] Speaker A: Right. They haven't seen because they don't know. We have the reactor coil. [00:57:02] Speaker C: We have three. That's right. [00:57:05] Speaker B: Well, let's. Let's come into this conversation assuming that they are going to be honorable. Honorable. [00:57:16] Speaker C: How about I test the reactor coil, and if it happens to overcharge, then we use it as necessary. But I need to test to make. [00:57:29] Speaker A: Sure that this is. [00:57:29] Speaker D: No, we are not putting Jackie and a bunch of other kids in danger because the nobility threw them out. I know that their lives don't mean anything to you. That's obvious. [00:57:43] Speaker B: It's not that their lives. It's not that they don't mean anything to us. It's that they are attacking us. We're in a bad position. [00:57:50] Speaker D: We're in a bad position, but we're getting to a better one. They have stopped firing at us. We haven't even tried to talk to them. And you're talking about murdering everyone. [00:57:59] Speaker B: We're just going to. It's. [00:58:01] Speaker A: It's. [00:58:01] Speaker B: It is a. Just in case. This is more. This is bigger than just us. We need to get out of this. [00:58:09] Speaker D: Yeah, so let's try. [00:58:11] Speaker B: Fine. [00:58:12] Speaker C: Fine. [00:58:14] Speaker A: Go. Okay, so you see their ship kind of, like, emerge out from, like, behind one of the. The large wreck pieces of wreckage. Um, like, imagine one of those big Maersk freightliners, but in space, and it's graffitied all over it. And you can read in Bahasa Jabba dot the Jabba doin language. The ship is written in. The side of the ship has written in spray paint, Neverland Express. And. But, yeah, you see that ship kind of, like, bring itself, like, on one side of the building with the Garuda and that squadron all kind of, like, coming down with it for landing, like, on that edge of the building. And on the other side, the. The marigold pulls up, same for. In a similar fashion, while the four of you kind of, like, lower yourselves down onto the opposite side with. With Krasue still holding the akshay by the ankle. And now it's just. It's four. The four of you plus your prisoner. The three of them with their prisoner, walking up to each other in two opposite lines, facing each other. It's very tense. It's. [00:59:43] Speaker B: Is it? Excuse. Excuse me, person who's attacking us. Pirate man. [00:59:53] Speaker A: My name is Devinder. [00:59:56] Speaker B: Hi, Devinder. [00:59:58] Speaker A: I know who you are. [01:00:00] Speaker B: Good. You'll excuse me if I don't get out of the mech. I happen to be holding some precious cargo. [01:00:09] Speaker A: That is understandable. But the rest of us, we did agree to do this face to face. So his chest compartment opens up, and the other. But my colleague piloting the nargis over here will hold on to our quarry as well. And the rekha also opens up. And you see two pilots, like, push out and, like, gently land on the roof and walk towards the center. [01:00:49] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:00:49] Speaker A: And David raises down their rifle. Depends. Can your Concorde retract its claws? [01:01:05] Speaker B: You see, actually, the hand that was holding our hostage wasn't heated, but you see the other side, the glow starts to go dim. [01:01:21] Speaker A: The nargis slides its rifle onto its back, but still holds on to Jackie. [01:01:32] Speaker C: Klaxon gets out of sparky. The entrance lowers, and he walks out unarmed. Nothing. And he shows his hands. [01:01:51] Speaker D: I exit copper pod, one hand lowering me down towards the. The deck. And walk out with a little. Probably a little hitch in my stuff. [01:02:03] Speaker E: And Roman comes out of the Appalachian, also showing that his hands. Nothing in his hands. He's not showing any weapons whatsoever. [01:02:16] Speaker A: So now there's two pilots, two pirates, the three of you, mouse, standing about 20ft away from each other. [01:02:28] Speaker C: Would it be all right that before we have this meeting, the camera on. On sparky turns on so that we know that nothing weird happens. [01:02:40] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. And you send the feed to, like, the marigold. So you say so, and I assume. Yeah. Okay, cool. So Zung and Nina also have an eye on the situation. [01:02:50] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:02:51] Speaker A: Now I'd like to see my. If it's all right. I'd like for my colleague being held by the ankle right now to. If he could just pop his head out of the cockpit just to make sure he's still in there, I'll actually. [01:03:11] Speaker B: Like, put him down and put a firm, like. I don't know. I never really figured out how big Krasue was compared to, like, people. [01:03:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, most kisi are, like, about eight to 10 meters tall. [01:03:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:24] Speaker A: So it's like, about the size of like a Ford pickup truck. Stood upright. Crazy. [01:03:29] Speaker B: So just the mental image already, like, puts him down, but then, like, puts the head of the mech kind of between the two fingers of the. [01:03:40] Speaker A: Okay, yeah, and he likes, pops out. Okay, I assume we're just gonna do an even trade here, then you're hostage for mine. [01:03:56] Speaker B: And then what? You'll leave us alone? [01:03:59] Speaker A: I have about twelve young men under my command. The contract for this Concord was. We were going. We needed it to obviously, resupply, get our Mex repaired, do all that, all the maintenance and such and such. And also maybe get our lives back on track. But we're trying. We. Right now, food is not on the table right now, so. And I'm sure rupiah here understands that. And by doing associating with her, the rest of you would do as well. I'll give you guys a head start. [01:04:53] Speaker E: A head start? [01:04:56] Speaker A: We exchange. We'll stay here. You guys return to your ship. We will wait here about a day, and then we will continue pursuing chase. Because right now, as of yesterday, princess, your titles have been stripped, and you are now illegally piloting government property. So we have been charged to return it to the chow Phrayan royal armory. And that's that on that. [01:05:29] Speaker D: Oh, boo. I just. A even trade and a day's head start. That's what you're offering us? [01:05:39] Speaker A: Yeah, and then we'll. I'll give you a day and a half. How's that? And then if we catch you, we catch you. We don't. We'll find out when we get that. Right now, I just want my boy back. And you can have your girl back. [01:05:56] Speaker D: And if you follow us where we're going, a lot more of you are gonna get hurt. [01:06:02] Speaker A: I don't think you're in a position to be threatening me right now, Rupiah. [01:06:05] Speaker D: I'm not threatening you. [01:06:07] Speaker A: Is it because you just said, I'm. [01:06:09] Speaker D: Warning you about where we're headed? [01:06:14] Speaker A: You don't think I've seen worse? [01:06:17] Speaker D: I don't know what you've seen. [01:06:19] Speaker A: I don't know what you've seen either. [01:06:21] Speaker D: And frankly, the people with you are kids. Yeah, and it's not just about you, and it's not just about me. And I don't want any more blood on my hands. [01:06:37] Speaker A: It's like that scene from throat of blood, isn't it? When? After the outdamn spot, right? [01:06:48] Speaker D: I mean, I never thought you'd be comparing me to. [01:06:55] Speaker A: Lady Macbeth. Yeah, fucking. [01:06:58] Speaker D: But, you know, I guess she wouldn't have compared herself to that either. [01:07:03] Speaker B: Rupiah's right. Where do you think we're headed? [01:07:09] Speaker A: It doesn't matter where to be, where you're headed. What matters to me is that I have a job. [01:07:14] Speaker D: And you have a job for a boss who will cut your throat at the first hour. [01:07:20] Speaker A: Hey, it's not him that's important here. It's the fact that there's a hundred thousand wulong that I could be using to feed these, to feed my men. To feed and to put fuel in our tanks. And to maybe have us see tomorrow. Right. Because frankly, out here in the void, it are the. [01:07:43] Speaker B: No, you're right. This is your. [01:07:47] Speaker A: I don't want to fight you, Rupiah. I don't. I don't want to fight you. I don't want to fight. I. [01:07:54] Speaker B: Hey. Hey. I have a thought. [01:07:57] Speaker A: Yeah? [01:07:57] Speaker B: I have an idea. [01:07:58] Speaker A: Sure. What's up, cupcake? What do you. What are you going to tell me here? [01:08:04] Speaker B: How do you. What do you need? What's the contract state? [01:08:07] Speaker A: It states that upon the return of the conquered Krasue, we would be deposited a sum of 150k wulong. [01:08:22] Speaker B: How much of her do you need? [01:08:23] Speaker A: The whole thing. [01:08:25] Speaker B: It states the whole thing. I'm just saying. [01:08:29] Speaker A: Uh huh. [01:08:30] Speaker B: There are parts that are already floating off in space. [01:08:34] Speaker A: He's not gonna pay. We're not gonna get our payout by bringing some scraps. Okay. [01:08:41] Speaker B: Well, then it would be crazy if the whole thing was already destroyed by the time it's not destroyed. [01:08:45] Speaker A: We could print it like, they'll be like. I'll take a partial at this point, right? Because some of us here couldn't make our marks. [01:08:53] Speaker C: But my point being, I have two. [01:08:57] Speaker B: Offers for you beyond this. Unless all of us are okay with the head start, which I don't think is worth it for that. For you, you can take most. You can take a chassis back. [01:09:11] Speaker D: Or. [01:09:14] Speaker B: You can come with us and help us. And it's going to be worth way more than whatever they're offering you. Because frankly, if we don't do our mission, and I need the Krasue for that, there isn't going to be a chowfraya or probably an empire where you can spend that money. Right? [01:09:42] Speaker A: So let me get this straight. You're going. You're. I'm not a very superstitious guy, all right? I try to look at things as they are. Void child to void child. You really think that the. This is. That whatever's coming is coming? Like you can you think that with. [01:10:13] Speaker B: I deliver a message sure. [01:10:16] Speaker A: Yeah. But, you know, the thing about. The thing I'm used to with nobles is that you guys are notorious liars. That's politics. [01:10:26] Speaker D: I fought them, too. The many headed that became the ravens that smoked me in voices. They had no right knowing. [01:10:41] Speaker C: Also, if you talk about how nobles lie, why would we lie about something that yields us no advantage being out here in the middle of space and not dealing with politics. We wouldn't be out here if it wasn't important. We're not doing this for some adventure. We're doing this because there is more at stake than politics. There are lives, several people's lives. Not just yours, not just ours. Just entire civilization is going to be lost if we don't handle this. [01:11:24] Speaker E: I'll give you one more. You just said you can't trust the nobles, right? [01:11:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:11:30] Speaker E: They said it's a contract. Who says they're going to honor it? You got to think about that. And our buddy Klaxon here just made you a good point. We're not out here for our leisure. We're not out here trying to make some major score. We're doing some work so that everybody survives and that everybody includes you, as well. And he's. And Roma's going to point over to Ordy. We get her back where she needs to be safe and sound in the position she rightfully, and I stress rightfully, should be in. And it's not going to be a matter of 100,000 wolongs. It'll be better than that. But this all works. This only happens. We make the trade, we get our people back. Let us do what we need to with our gear. [01:12:21] Speaker A: So, yeah, group action. Everybody will roll their sway. Check. And the leader will take one stressed point, and I will tell you, the leader, what happens. What's up? [01:12:30] Speaker D: Are we using our modifiers? Like, skill modifiers and stuff? [01:12:33] Speaker A: Yes. You may use all of your skill modifiers for this. So any relevant special abilities would come into play during this role? [01:12:40] Speaker B: Me and my minus one. [01:12:42] Speaker C: Yeah, I will use. I will use my spark. [01:12:46] Speaker A: Do I see? Yes, I see a six from Kallaxin. So, Kallaxin, all those years of boardroom negotiations has certainly helped you in staving off these pirates for being. And you see Devinder, well, he looks back at and that mech, he, like. And they cast Jackie out like a bird. And Jackie, like, starts drifting back towards the marigold. She's like. [01:13:31] Speaker B: Yeah. So I just, like, kind of softly. [01:13:34] Speaker A: Move forward, and your prisoners kind of past each other until they're secure. And then, like, Jackie, who's, like, towards the front of the group here, of, like, would it be? I mean, I guess you're all standing in a line, but I guess Jackie kind of, like, drifts down to Eukalaxin and she, like, grabs you by the hand. I underestimated you from under the spacesuit. [01:14:10] Speaker C: He just nods and says, I get that a lot, but I underestimated you about what you can do and how to connect RKC to that spiritual element. And I guess the favor I'm going to request is that you teach me more. [01:14:36] Speaker A: That I can do. You see, the. We cut back out to the y, and the raker, like, floats back, like. And Devinder, like, sees it, like, float past. And he, like, gives, like, for those of you who have been in space a lot, you see, you know that there's. Sign language is huge to communicate in spacesuits. So, like, he gives, like, a quick sign, and the. The Akshay goes, like, he's loading. He's like, okay, return to bass. Okay, fine. We. We will. We will join you on your quest. [01:15:18] Speaker B: To be quite honest, I didn't think that would work. [01:15:21] Speaker D: Defender, do you think if we. We could give you some supplies from our ship and then you can leave the kids. [01:15:31] Speaker A: Oh, no. No kids here. [01:15:32] Speaker D: And you can leave the kids here, and you'll come with us. [01:15:36] Speaker A: No, I'm taking them with me. They. I. If I leave them here, I can't leave them here. They've taken care of me as much as I've taken care of them. And you see, like, from his ship, the Neverland Express, like, you see a bunch of, like, little spacesuits pop out from one of the hangars. They're not, like. So they're a bit older than the salat team. They're, like, 17 through, like, 20 year olds. Many of them are like. They're there. And you can see, like, their spacesuits are, like, way too big for them. They're, like, old, like, the kind of old fat, like, NASA style, right? And, like, they're like. Their heads are, like, popped out from beneath the domes like that. And David or Kinty's like, you know, these guys, they're my crew, you know? And a captain never leaves his crew. But you gotta promise me that this will be worth it. [01:16:36] Speaker D: Well, if it's not worth it, then there won't be anything left to come home to anyway. [01:16:42] Speaker A: You hear the akshay go on the comms. Like, I'm kind of hungry, guys. Can we get food? Can we, like. Can we, like, do we want to. This has been really tense, and, like, all this mech fighting has gotten me really hungry. It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fine, fine. All right, let's go ahead, load up those supplies, and we can talk more. Not out here in the cold. All right, excellent. Great. And we pan out as we go to our break for our halfway point. Break. Now that you have successfully negotiated down these pirates into joining you, if you guys look to your group sheet, go to the fellowship tab. I'm going to add a cohort called the fireteam. They were called the Neverland Express. So you now have a cohort is like an extra squad that you guys can command around when you go into missions and that sort of thing. So, yeah, so just something to keep in mind for the future. So I will work out the expertise, edges, and flaws over the, like during the break. But, like, as you can see here, you see Jackie's on here, Nina's on here, and now the vinder's crew of pirates has also will also be. [01:18:07] Speaker B: That's so cool. [01:18:08] Speaker A: A resource available to you. Yeah. That's awesome. That's so cool. [01:18:11] Speaker B: Yay. [01:18:12] Speaker A: Yeah. So, yeah. So, basically, for those watching at home. Yeah. How cohorts work is like an n is an NPC, either individual or groups that the party or this case, the squad can use or leverage or to assign to them tasks to go help out with whatever they need to do on a mission. But at the same time, though, these NPC's can be harmed. They can also endure stress. They can have breakdowns and that sort of thing depending on how social roles go. But, yeah. So now you guys have access to a fire team. You have another squad of mechs at your command. But let's see if you earn their. Their trust full. I mean, right now they seem to be like Devinder has sworn, like, okay, we will join you on this mission, but whether he will, whether they will obey your commands fully or if they go about their own things, we'll see how the narrative plays out. But there you go. There's your cohort. Let's go ahead. And we're going to go to our break here. So thanks for tuning in for more Mekong sympathy, the devil. We'll be right back after a message from Queens court games and our sponsor. Cool. Welcome back to Queens courts games. You're tuned into more Mekong symphony for the devil. Now that we return from our break, our. The fellowship of the Marigold have picked up new allies in their altercation over the abandoned colony of New Baku. After a tense round of negotiations and an exchange of hostages through the gusto, the social gusto of Lord Klaxon Bulak lock and his special envoy talking abilities, the group has convinced this band of bajak pirates known as the Neverlanders to join them on their mission to locate Chandra Hasa and defeat Ba Gap. Then. So with that being said, now you guys have some new friends, but we are. We are gonna. I'm gonna say the mission was completed, accomplished. Great job, everybody. Rhyme, applause we did it. Okay, cool. So now that the mission has been accomplished, we're gonna go ahead and roll our resupply check here. Who wants to do that? [01:20:39] Speaker E: You know, I. I have not rolled a lot, if at all. So, you know, I will take initiative on this. And how many dice am I? [01:20:49] Speaker A: You're at plus two. Trust with a guild of the inevitable spring. And you're at up. And you faced off against a tier two adversary, the Neverlanders. So that's four d six. So you go ahead, roll that for us. [01:21:01] Speaker E: Okay, so the roll was a four, a three, a three, and a four. [01:21:04] Speaker A: Cool. So that's that. You get a total of four. And then I believe, Kallaxon, you have a special ability called old money. That gets you plus two. So that gets you guys to six material points. Supply points. All right, great. So you guys have a total of six supply points. You want to dole out. Where are these going? [01:21:30] Speaker B: For sure. Need to fix my mech. [01:21:33] Speaker A: Cool. [01:21:34] Speaker B: Same. Yeah, same. I'll take one for now. If there's leftover. Can I take. I'm at a level three, so if. [01:21:44] Speaker A: Anyway, take two for good. Yeah, you should probably take two. Yeah. So let's go ahead and make that roll right now. So go ahead, roll your first d six, and you'll add two to that roll. Okay, so that's three. [01:22:01] Speaker B: I rolled a one. [01:22:02] Speaker A: Yeah, you rolled a one on your first repair check. So that would be one tick on the repair clock. You can add two from that because you have a technician as a cohort. You have Jackie available to you. So that's three to your repair clock. So for those of you watching at home, how fix works is that there's a four tick repair clock. Once Clara fills that clock, she can reduce one rank of damage. So. And then the clock resets. So go ahead, roll the second D six. Clara. [01:22:33] Speaker B: Don't fuck me. Roll 22. Are you. [01:22:38] Speaker A: That's a four. Okay, so, yeah, so that gets you. That finishes this clock, and that puts you down to a level two. Harm, we can determine what repair that would. What kind of repair that would look like? I imagine either you would have to get a scrap head for now while they. While Jackie prints you a new head or something like that. We can determine that. We love it in the roleplay, but. Yeah, but since you rolled a four, so that fills your first clock, and that gives you three ticks on the repair clock left over for the next repair. Okay, cool, cool, cool, cool, awesome. All right, I'm gonna write nearly headless. [01:23:18] Speaker B: On my thing now. [01:23:19] Speaker A: I can't feel my face when I'm with you. Okay, who else needs. Where else are we putting these points? So you got. That's two points spent. You have four points left to spend, plus one more that you banked from last time. So that brings you to a total of seven, minus two. So you got five points left. [01:23:39] Speaker D: Okay, so I'll do a fix as well. [01:23:43] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead, roll one. D six. As I assign that point here. That's a four plus. That's six points of repair with Jackie's assistance. So that fills your clock up. Once you can. You can demote one of your. You can demote your sword arm to something else, but that leaves you two on the clock left over. So that level two damage of your missing arm, I think Jackie will print you, like, a temporary arm for now, or you. You. Like I said, we'll determine that in the roleplay. Yeah, like what? Whatever solution you, rupiah and Jackie works out for the copper pots. Missing arm. [01:24:28] Speaker D: My arm isn't fully integrated. [01:24:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it needs time to synchronize. Okay, unsynchronized arm. Let's. Let's go. That. Yeah. Who does? Anybody? That brings you down to four points left. So you got. That's one more to fix on the sparky. [01:24:42] Speaker C: Yep. [01:24:42] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead, roll one. D six. All right, that's. That's five. You get five points on the repair clock. That fills one full clock. You can go ahead and bump that. That clipped wing down to a patched up wing. Okay, cool. [01:24:58] Speaker C: So I have to call it the unsponsored wing. [01:25:00] Speaker A: Unsponsored wing. All right, cool. So that concludes your repair check. Kallaxon. So that brings us down to, I believe, three points left. Kallaxin, you are at maximum stress. If you do not put a point into cut loose, you will stress out. And I'm cutting loose. Who do you want to cut loose with? Kallaxon. [01:25:22] Speaker C: I want to cut loose with rupiah. [01:25:24] Speaker E: Cool, actually. [01:25:25] Speaker A: All right, awesome. So for cutting loose, I got the ropes. [01:25:33] Speaker E: Nice. [01:25:34] Speaker A: Okay, so you have two ticks in your connection clock with rupiah now. So go ahead, roll two d six. [01:25:40] Speaker C: Okay, rolling. Two, d six. [01:25:44] Speaker A: You recover five points of stress, and then it says here, describe how you spend time with that pilot. We'll find that out once we get into the scenes. Yeah, cool. And then go ahead, write a new belief about rupiah that Klaxon has about rupiah in your. Your connection tab. All right, that brings us down to two points left. Does anyone else need to do anything? [01:26:09] Speaker D: I need to heal. [01:26:12] Speaker B: Okay, great, because I still have a. [01:26:14] Speaker D: Gaping open side wound that I'm probably gonna say, like, reopened as we got. [01:26:19] Speaker A: Out of to do this thing. Excellent. Okay. [01:26:23] Speaker D: Also, all the yelling didn't help. [01:26:25] Speaker A: No, not at all. All right, so in that case, go ahead and roll. I want to say one d six, and then that'll determine how many points you mark on the healing clock. Four. It's a four. Okay, cool. So rupiah, go ahead and mark four ticks on the healing clock. So that brings you down to a level one harm. So I guess tender side? Tender side. Cool. [01:26:58] Speaker D: The stitches aren't out yet. [01:27:02] Speaker A: And there's no painkillers out here. [01:27:05] Speaker B: Oh, God. [01:27:06] Speaker E: Yikes. [01:27:07] Speaker D: Because someone confiscated all of my honey. [01:27:11] Speaker A: Oops. Oops. All right, that's one point left. Does anyone want to do anything with that last point, or do I? [01:27:19] Speaker E: If it appease the team, I'm gonna take that last point. We're gonna schmooze with our new friends here, pirates. [01:27:27] Speaker A: Yes. [01:27:28] Speaker D: I think we had, actually, yeah, you. [01:27:30] Speaker A: Guys can have an extra resource point. And you said you wanted to cut loose rupiah. Great. Okay. Who are you cutting loose with? [01:27:41] Speaker D: I'm gonna cut loose with Roman. [01:27:43] Speaker A: Cool. So go ahead and mark another point on your clock with Roman. And go ahead, roll two D six. Or however many points you have with Romans. I believe it's two. Yeah, that's a five. You recover five points of stress and go ahead and write a new question that rupiah would have about Roman. [01:28:08] Speaker E: One last thing, since I'm schmoozing, do I need to make that fortune roll? [01:28:12] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, you can do that when we get to the role playing. Yeah. All right, cool. [01:28:19] Speaker E: Yeah, we'll save it for then. [01:28:20] Speaker A: Cool. All right, that's all your points, and that's all. We now know what downtime actions you'll be doing. So let's get straight back into gameplay. Yeah, yeah. Great. Now that the intensity of the fighting has concluded and all of you have withdrawn to your respective ships, Zung brings in the marigold to dock with the Neverland Express. And as agreed, you are now sharing supplies with Devinder and his crew. Basically, I want you guys to imagine the airlocks coming together. Door opens right? And I'm just gonna assume all of you. So all four of you, Zung, Zi, Nina and Jackie all walk over to go see what's what with with your new found allies. The thing that hits you first when you walk on board the ship is that you can tell that only boys live here because the smell is immense. Like, I know you were stuffy at first from zero gravity and having all those fluids in your head and everything like that. But seeing that there's only young men and teenage boys who have no one to clean up after them on this vessel, it's the kind of musk you would find in a locker room intensified by a faulty life support and air conditioning system. So, like, you take a step on board, and it just, like, your entire body just, like, like, sends. There's, like, a visceral chill down your spine, like, uh, intense smell. Devinder kind of floats past, and he's taken his pilot suit off at this point. And he wears, like a. Like an airline captain's hat, almost like it's similar to the one you saw on flight 1138 in our first session. And, like, one of those, like, tailored captain's jackets. But he leaves it unbuttoned and he, like, wears it over his shoulders so, like, not even on the sleeve. So it kind of just hangs there as, like, floats past. And he's like, I would say welcome, but it seems like. You guys, is everything all right? He notices the. The, like, the expressions on your face as you smell there. The insides of this. This freightliner that has been converted into a galleon almost for this. This crew of pirates. What's going on, guys? Like, right now, you're just in, like, this little, like, airlock foyer kind of area. Like, he hasn't shown you the rest of the show yet, but when is. [01:31:16] Speaker C: The last time you hyper vac'd this vessel? [01:31:18] Speaker A: Uh, if you have a hyper vacuum. [01:31:23] Speaker D: I defender, it smells like the alleyway outside of the studios commissary when they haven't picked up the trash in three days. [01:31:34] Speaker A: I don't smell anything. You guys smell anything? He, like, looks back and you see there's, like, there's, like, the door the bulkhead opens. And, like, there's this common area store that used to be a storage room, but is now, like, on the catwalks, on, like, the racks. You see, like, about a dozen boys and young men, all ranging in age from the youngest being like 15 and the oldest being like, no older than 20. And Devinder's like the oldest person here, and he's like 24. And they're all kind of like, looking on at you, like, in curiosity. And they're like, whispering like they, like, point at zoom. Because Zoom walks in wearing his bureaucrats robes. And he's also mortified, being a very organized logistician. He's like, devender's like, look, all right, I trained them how to plunder, and I trained them how to fly a mech, I guess you could say there might have been a few. [01:32:44] Speaker B: You didn't train them how to bathe? [01:32:47] Speaker A: The shower stopped working, like, several weeks ago, so we had to. And then we ran out of baby wipes a couple weeks ago. After that, thank goodness there's a resupply. And you see several boys, like, run past you into the marigold, and they start, like, lugging back whole crates of. First thing they will go for is the hot sauce. You see, like a crate of hot sauce of like, sriracha just like, float past you as they push. It was like, guys, guys, we got chili oil again. [01:33:19] Speaker B: Yeah. Cool. Just out of curiosity, is there a planet nearby or like a colony or something nearby? At some point we can resupply because I don't think we were planning on sharing. I mean, we were planning on sharing, but, like. [01:33:38] Speaker A: Right, right. [01:33:39] Speaker D: We were already on, like, space rations. [01:33:41] Speaker A: Yes. Defender's like, let me, Nina, let me. Here's the problem, right? So all of us here, you know, you know why the ship's called the Neverland Express? We aren't allowed to set foot on sphyrian worlds until, more or less, we can get our citizenship back. Many of us here, like, gestures out to these kids, me and, you know, tasleem over there, Laruch Fawaz, Donnie, Jacqueline, like, we. We're all not welcome because, you know, you know what they do to honey smugglers and people who associate with that industry. And. Yeah, yeah. I can't even set foot back on Nanyang anymore until. Cause if I did, they'd find me and they would do a lot worse things than this to me. [01:34:46] Speaker D: Yeah. But here's the thing. [01:34:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:34:50] Speaker D: Soon see is still in good standing. So we can make a run now. [01:34:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:34:55] Speaker D: You don't have to land. None of y'all have to be in danger, but you can get some supplies. [01:35:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Nina's like, I'm gonna go find the bridge. And I'm a cat. I'm gonna see if I can chart a course. I'll be right back. [01:35:10] Speaker E: And so, question. Do we have anybody potentially that could fix a shower? [01:35:19] Speaker B: I mean, I kind of. Jackie Kallaxon, you're. You're a mechan engineer, as well. [01:35:26] Speaker C: I mean, some of the plumbing might be similar. I'll take a look at it. And if I can't do it, then Jackie can. Between both of us, we could figure it out. [01:35:33] Speaker A: While that. While you guys are, like, discussing that, the boys. The lost boys under Devitra's care, they. They're. They're tearing into the hot sauce and, like, they can't even wait to put. To, like, put it on food. Like, they've just been so deprived of quality, uh, rations that they're just, like, taking out packets and squeezing on their tongues. Like, oh, I'm like. David was like, enjoy while it lasts, okay? Like, don't waste it. Sorry, I. They're a rowdy bunch, but I kind of owe them my life, and I'm. [01:36:12] Speaker E: I'm gonna go up to devender and just place a shoulder. Place a hand on a shoulder. Listen, you did your best as their leader, and, you know, it's not easy. [01:36:23] Speaker A: It's. [01:36:23] Speaker E: It's not easy when you don't have tools and you don't have supplies, the things you need to really lead a team. If it's okay with you, I'd like to work with some of the guys here, maybe try to improve quality of life on this ship, maybe help them out with some things. But you're their leader, and I'm coming to you as somebody who's led people before, so maybe you and I can work together as well, and, you know, maybe we can show these boys maybe a little something better, you know? What do you. What say you, my man? [01:36:56] Speaker A: Yeah, that would. That would be nice. I. It's. It's. It's been. It's been really tough, and. And, well, you can see in his eyes that, like, he's a little embarrassed to accept help. He's trying not to make it seem like this is a sting to his pride. Like, this is like. No, this is. [01:37:13] Speaker E: Listen, I'll tell you this right now. You know, man to man here. Part of why I'm out here is because I. I'm separated from my daughter. [01:37:23] Speaker A: I'm just. [01:37:25] Speaker E: I know it's. It's not easy, but these are the times where we got to come together with the people we got and just improve life where we are. So if we're getting through all this together, then we got to make this as good for all of us. But it doesn't work unless we're all taking care of each other. So that also means that while you've been taking care of your family, your family can also take care of you, too. And if you look around us right now, man, it looks like we've just extended the family. So as corny as this sounds, you know, let's. Let me. Let me work with these guys, and let's see. Let's see what we can do, all right? And I'm gonna warn you real quick. [01:38:15] Speaker A: You were. You said. You said you had a kid. Yeah. Yeah. You haven't raised boys, though, have you? [01:38:21] Speaker E: No, but I was one at one point. Okay, maybe I have a little bit to learn, too. And you know what? [01:38:27] Speaker A: I just. I'm just gonna put it out there that, like, they're gonna give you trouble. [01:38:33] Speaker E: Let's. Let's see. Maybe I've got something. Maybe I got some skills that I could impart on them, maybe to help. Maybe I'll help them. Listen, we'll try. And you know what? We're gonna get through this. And again, he. [01:38:44] Speaker A: Pat. [01:38:44] Speaker E: He had some on the shoulder one more time, and he goes over to the. I'm gonna go over to the boys that are enjoying the hot sauce packets. [01:38:54] Speaker A: They're just, like, ringing it out drip by drip, like you guys are. [01:38:59] Speaker E: You guys are really enjoying those. [01:39:03] Speaker A: Oh, you have no idea, mister. Oh, my God. It's just been. It's just been. It's just been mres. [01:39:09] Speaker E: All right, all right. Yo, listen, it sounds like you kids have been through a lot, and. Listen, this is necessary, all right? Look, sometimes you gotta. You gotta give yourself time. And it seems like since you've been out here a lot, you've earned it already, so. But I will say this, guys, we got. We can earn a lot more. We can do this again. We don't want to waste it. All right now, though. But one thing I do know is that, hey, we can focus on making this place a little better. Then I'm gonna work with you guys, so I'm not gonna. We're not. I'm not gonna make everybody do everything here. I'm gonna be working with you, so. And we'll learn a couple things along the way and. [01:39:50] Speaker A: Yeah, sure, mister. As long as, you know, you know how to get down, right? [01:40:00] Speaker E: All right. [01:40:01] Speaker A: Okay. [01:40:02] Speaker E: Well, you know, get down. I mean, you see Roman's old man instincts, like, start to kick in, and you see him like, sort of flex a little bit, like, all right, get down, get down. All right, I see. [01:40:17] Speaker A: You know, you know, if you want to know how Captain Devender got, got us to, you know, hang with him, you want to know, you got to prove your worth around here. You want to be one of us. [01:40:28] Speaker E: Okay. Okay. [01:40:30] Speaker A: How is that? They look at each other like it's a very mischievous look. It's what? It's a look that you recognize because you remember being an 18 year old fresh cadet tandong. [01:40:40] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:40:41] Speaker A: And, like, when you showed up for your first deployment, all the older boys, like, gave each other that same look before they hazed you. Uh huh. But they're like, here, come with us. And you follow the. You float with them down this corridor and they get over to, like, a corner of this main common area where there looks to be like a big, like, almost upright rectangular prism thing under a tarp, right? And they pull it off and to reveal what looks to be an arcade cabinet that, with. With the name Avenue brawler five on it. And they're like, see here, Q tip over here is currently reigning champion. So. And Roman, this kind of, like, brings a lot of happy memories for you, right? Because you remember playing Avenue brawler two with Francis, like, back in the bar getting drunk. [01:41:41] Speaker E: Are you kidding me? It wasn't just the bar getting drunk. It was at the laundromat, too. [01:41:48] Speaker A: So if you want to earn our respect, you got last three rounds of Q tip. [01:41:55] Speaker E: Last three. All right, all right. You know, it's, you know, five. Haven't seen. Look, I played. I haven't really played five. I saw it out there, saw the advertisements. I played three back in my day. So it's like, yo, I'm always up to a challenge, man to man, and he's like, being honest, man to man. [01:42:15] Speaker A: Let's. [01:42:15] Speaker E: Let's do this. [01:42:17] Speaker A: Sorry, I misread my notes. It's. It's salat strikers for strikers. [01:42:25] Speaker B: Oh, no. [01:42:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:42:26] Speaker B: No, Avenue brawler is the other one that everyone gets confused with. [01:42:31] Speaker A: The open source one that you can mod and stuff like that. But the one they play at the tournament is Salat striker. [01:42:36] Speaker E: Salot strikers. All right, well, we're always up for a challenge. [01:42:39] Speaker A: Yeah. So go ahead, roll for schmooze here. As you. As you try to best these kids at salot strikers, do I get. [01:42:48] Speaker E: Get any of my pilot actions to roll with? [01:42:53] Speaker A: No, it's just a straightforward, straightforward. [01:42:56] Speaker E: So it's one D six. [01:42:57] Speaker A: Yep. It's a. If you want, you could spend your spark or you can spend. You can push your. Or you can have a collateral die on top of that. What do you want? Or do you just want to roll. [01:43:07] Speaker E: A. I'll spend my spark on this. [01:43:10] Speaker A: Okay? [01:43:11] Speaker B: I'm so happy. [01:43:12] Speaker A: So that's two d, six. Let's see what your spark and you pick and you fight. You see that your. Your main for back in from back in the day for your. Your slash strikers three main that you kicked Francis's ass with every time is still a character that can be selected. And you're like, so that gives you a spark. That gives you. Oh, I'm gonna wipe the floor. You're gonna wipe the floor. These guys. [01:43:35] Speaker E: All right. [01:43:38] Speaker A: So that's a four. Four. Okay, something. There's something. What's that. How's that phrase go? Old dog, new tricks. Right? [01:43:45] Speaker E: Right. [01:43:46] Speaker A: You're an old dog with old tricks. [01:43:48] Speaker E: Right? [01:43:48] Speaker A: Right. Clearly, your. Your memory of the combos has faded in your years as a full time parent. Yeah. So Q tip hands you a quarter and you both insert it goes. Is like, choose your character. And, you know, you both select your. Your fighters. The arena choice seems to be not in your favor, right? Put you on, like, a low gravity moon. So that's already messing up with your. Yeah, but you put up a good fight. You know, like, it's. You got a four. So, yeah, you and Q tip, you square off. You. You layer a bunch of chains, but then he, like, knows all the counters. And then, like, the. But. And, like, the rest of you can hear, like, clicking noises echoing throughout the corridors of the. Oh, come on. Come on. [01:44:37] Speaker E: That was my uppercut. [01:44:41] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Come on. So fast. But I'm faster. All these kids, they're, like, gathered, and they're like, sure. It's like, come on, Qtip, kick his ass. Got him. But, yeah. With a four round, three rolls around, you're both tied, two for two, and you beat each other down to, like, the last inch of your health bars, right? And right. At the 11th hour, Q tip overshoots his uppercut. And so your character slides, does like a. Like a leg sweep's like, wow. That was probably the most intense match of solat strikers I've ever played in my entire 19 years of being here. He, like, goes in, rotate, dap, like, shoulder touch. Genuine respect for the adversary he just faced. [01:45:55] Speaker E: Oh, I'm definitely gonna shake Qtip's hand, I'll tell you right now. You know, I was a fan of all, like, the salon strikers, like, players back in the day. You know, there. There were guys like you remember. Remember a guy, you ever hear his name? His name? His name was Dustin Long. You know, he was, you know, Dustin Long, he had this huge match against, you know, one of the greatest ever. Diego Ume Juarez. And, you know, Diego pulled off this amazing comeback against Dustin Long. It was, you know, it was. Was back in the days of three. And I, you know, that's what inspired me to play. And, you know, never. I never, never forgot that. And, you know, it taught me a lot of life lessons, too. But I'll tell you this right now, that is probably the most fun I've had playing a video game in a long time. And, you know, we're gonna play it a little more. I'll tell you that right now. You know, I want to learn. I want to learn because this is a new game to me. And I think I got lucky. I got lucky and I had an opportunity right there, so. But as long as, you know, I have your respect. You have my respect. And can we do this again later? [01:47:01] Speaker A: Uh. Fuck, yeah. Let's go. [01:47:05] Speaker E: All right, but first things first. I did win the match, so we got to do something. And this is where I'm going to need not just your help, but also the rest of the team here, if you're cool with that. All right? [01:47:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. What's up? [01:47:19] Speaker E: All right, so one of the things that really comes in handy about bettering yourself as, you know, not just. Not just a man, but also as a warrior, too. We got to take care of our surroundings. And look, I'll be honest. Like, kind of came in here and, you know, it could be a little. It could be a little cleaner. Now, I understand that. Again, you, materials, we haven't had a lot to work with, but, hey, we're coming in here. We got a lot more that we could help out with. And again, I'll be out. I'll be upfront. We got to clean this place up. But it's not just you that's going to be cleaning up. I'm helping you, too. So I'm going to. We're going to do this, and we do this as a team, so we make sure that we take care of each other as a team, as a family. Are we cool with that? [01:48:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, um, but I'm cool with that, mom, you cool with that? Yeah, I'm cool with that. Yeah. But, like, what if I like the mess? It's like organ. It's. I know it's not organized, but I know where everything is right now. That. [01:48:20] Speaker E: That's fine. And we're gonna find ways to make that organization level. We're gonna find ways to make that work with you. That way, if you have, you know, guests over, you know, some. If you. If down the road, you have somebody that you might want to impress with your surroundings later on. [01:48:40] Speaker A: Are you talking girls? [01:48:41] Speaker E: Could be girls for some. Could be boys for another. Could be, you know, you never know. It could. It could work either ways. [01:48:49] Speaker A: We're boy kids. The girls don't want to talk to us. [01:48:52] Speaker E: I never know that. But be honest. That could change down the road. And if it changes down the road, you want to be ready. Am I right, guys? [01:49:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:49:02] Speaker E: All right. Yeah. So let's just start. [01:49:05] Speaker A: Let's. [01:49:06] Speaker E: Let's get to just organizing where everything is. Let's get everything back to where it needs to be first. That way we clear some room. And also, to be fair, if we got more room, I could also show you guys a little bit of salad stuff. I do coach. I do coach a Salah team. And if we got time, if we've got room, which we will have. If we clear out this area, we'll be able to teach you guys a little bit more and we'll get to working on stuff. How does that sound, Al? [01:49:32] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead. Roll a command check for me, Roman. [01:49:36] Speaker E: Okay. And I have one in command. Yeah, that's a one. Can I resist that? [01:49:44] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead. And let's see. You have two expertise points, so go ahead, roll two. D six to resist that. [01:49:53] Speaker E: Oh, Jesus. [01:49:54] Speaker A: Three. That's a three. Okay, so you. Okay, so that you take three stress. [01:49:59] Speaker E: All right. [01:50:01] Speaker A: Jeez. Because it's controlled circumstances, like, not even, like, combat circumstances. They go along with the cleaning, right? Yeah, they're fucking shit at it. They're terrible. Like, the second, like, some kid picks up a broom, another kid picks up a mop, and then they start fucking sword fighting with it. This cleanup job is going to take a while. [01:50:23] Speaker E: That's, you know what? I signed on for this. [01:50:26] Speaker A: And. Yeah, you take three points of stress because it's. Yeah, Devinder was correct. These boys are a handful. [01:50:34] Speaker E: You know what? I gotta learn how to raise boys at some point. [01:50:37] Speaker A: So, like, it's. You're like, so not used to this because, you know, the hope and the salat team, they were all more or less like, yes, coach, we'll do it, coach. Absolutely, coach. But these kids, they're like, they're easily distracted. Always trying to beat the shit out of each other. Always trying to, like, always looking for and every time you, like, try to explain them something, they're always making excuses. You've earned some trust with them. [01:51:04] Speaker E: I'm like captain Li Shang from Mulan. [01:51:06] Speaker A: We've got a long way to go. All right, anyone else have any scenes they want to do right now? I know a couple of you were gonna cut loose with some. Some folks I know. Rupi, you wanted to cut loose. [01:51:20] Speaker D: Klaxon, you want to go first or. [01:51:22] Speaker C: Um, yeah, sure. [01:51:23] Speaker A: So. Yeah. [01:51:24] Speaker C: So first of all, after Kolaxen does some look over in the showers and realizes, oh, it's just vacuum tubes are out of place. Got it. Okay. So we just make sure that they are secured, and it's like, oh, okay. Water is flowing perfectly. [01:51:42] Speaker A: The. [01:51:43] Speaker C: Yeah, they kind of thought that this was a land thing, and it's a space thing. [01:51:47] Speaker A: Got it. [01:51:48] Speaker C: Okay, cool. And turns on the shower. It's like, all right, we're good. And then he heads back and specifically gets into the workshop and grabs his phone and looks for rupiah. Where's Rupiah at the moment? [01:52:07] Speaker D: We can say I'm in there. [01:52:09] Speaker C: Okay. [01:52:09] Speaker D: Attaching the new arm that. That Jackie printed for me. [01:52:14] Speaker A: Yeah. So, Jack, Jackie is. Yeah, is at the workshop. She set up the printer, and you see the, like, the little thing, like, move back and forth as it sculpts you a new arm. Right? Now, she. She hasn't worked with your. Your frame before. She kind of prints, like, the generic brand arm rather than the one in the manufacturer's manual. But, you know, you make do, right? So the two of you, like, work together to latch on this store brand Kirkland signature arm. Or in this case, the Kirkland signature brand of Mekong, is. There's a. There's a company called Laughing Monk Co op, and they're not really even a company. It's more like there's some lotus monks who just design, like, open source mechanics. Mechanics for mechanical schematics for free. They're fine. They're, like, the most baseline, middle of the way. Like, doesn't excel at anything, but doesn't fail at anything either components. [01:53:17] Speaker D: So you now have embrace the middle. Slogan is embrace the middle ground. [01:53:22] Speaker A: Embrace the middle ground. Laughing Monk co op. So, yeah, you have a laughing monk standard pattern right arm for now. Jackie tells you, he's like, I'll get you, like, the real thing when I. I have to download the whole thing. [01:53:42] Speaker D: It's definitely not the worst that's ever happened. Thank you for your help. [01:53:45] Speaker A: It'll do you fine. It's a laughing monk arm. You'll these things middle way. Embrace the middle way. Blessings of viscarna on this arm there. It's. It will work. [01:54:01] Speaker C: So Klaxon looks at the laughing monk arm and then looks at copper pot and says, wait, do you. Ruby, do you know the actual manufacturer that you need? Because I think. I think I might be able to get that. But I'm going to need your help with something, if that's okay. But I think I can get you the arm you actually need for copper pot. [01:54:26] Speaker D: Really? I mean. Yeah, I know. I know what the part. I know what the part is. [01:54:31] Speaker C: Do you know the company that makes this? [01:54:33] Speaker D: Milan. [01:54:35] Speaker C: Milan? [01:54:35] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:54:36] Speaker C: Great. Then I. Okay, this is perfect. All right, so every once in a while I need to record some endorsements and send them out to my agent. But I think if we do this under mailon. Cause I know that I have some mail on from doing racing, then we could get you that arm. I just need you to do a commercial for me. [01:55:03] Speaker D: I'm sorry, what? You want me to. You want me. [01:55:07] Speaker C: Yes. [01:55:08] Speaker D: To do a commercial for you? [01:55:10] Speaker C: I mean, it makes sense for me. [01:55:11] Speaker A: Yeah. So just a lore correction here. So, yeah, Meilan is the general term for, like, gisi that are, like, mass produced. Like, they're not concords. They're just. [01:55:23] Speaker D: My bad. [01:55:23] Speaker A: Yeah. But the actual company, I can tell you right now, is called a Schwedergan supra Star motor. So basically, they're the oldest of the companies in Mekong because they're the ones that, like, built the original ships of admiral Trin's voyages from, like, a thousand years ago. Like, this company has been around a while, and their reputation is kind of like the Toyota Motor Company of PC. Right. We've been around. You can trust us. And we have, more or less, some of the most reputable mech lines in the seven sectors, so. Shui Dagon, supra. [01:56:11] Speaker C: Shui de Gansu. [01:56:12] Speaker A: Okay. [01:56:12] Speaker D: Schwi de gon, supra. [01:56:15] Speaker A: Yeah, it's named after the. There's a buddhist stupa in Myanmar called Schwi Dagon, the Schwiden wat. So, like, their logo is like, that particular stupa with, like, a rocket shooting at the top. Yeah. [01:56:30] Speaker D: Oh, my God. You want me to do a commercial for you? [01:56:33] Speaker C: Well, yeah, it makes sense, right? Because you actually would use a product. And also, let's look at copper pot, right? This is a phenomenal pc. Right? So it would make sense for you to talk about why getting a shritagon supra part is so very important. All right, so let me get my. Let me get my camera. All right, so I got this. I got this. Ready? Now, what we're going to do is we're going to do a basic interview style, because that's a very popular type of content, so that you could just be honest about it. However, it would help if you affected some kind of a character. Right now, you are very much like, that badass, as you know, as well as your kissy, like is so badass. Right? So I need you to come in with that, you know, that really determined energy, especially because I know that you use your key. See, use copper pot to defend many people who have been trampled on. So let's. You know what? Let's. Let's just give it a go. All right. [01:57:42] Speaker D: Okay. [01:57:43] Speaker A: I see why they call you diva. Jackie says off the side, like, oh. [01:57:48] Speaker D: You ain't seen nothing yet, babe. [01:57:49] Speaker C: All right, so do you want me to call you Rupiah, or do we call you Diva? Like, what name do you want us to go by when we do this? This? [01:57:58] Speaker D: Oh, I think. Yeah, I'm. I don't necessarily think that it's the best idea for me to use my real name, so let's just go by Diva. [01:58:08] Speaker C: Perfect. Like, is it gonna be, like, the one word name Diva? Yes. [01:58:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:58:15] Speaker C: All right, let's do it. [01:58:16] Speaker A: All right. [01:58:16] Speaker D: I mean, come on. [01:58:17] Speaker C: Come on. All right. All right. And starting the recording in three, two, one. Hey. It's Klaxon Boolak lock. You know me here. And we are here with the incomparable diva and copper pot. Diva, please tell us all about copper pot and what kind of. What kind of techniques you do. How do you maintain her and what your last fight was all about. [01:58:50] Speaker A: Before you start rupiah, in the corner of your eye, you see, leaning on one of the door bulkheads is devinder, just watching with a look on his face. This is kind of a trip down memory lane for him, and he watches with a little bit of admiration. [01:59:08] Speaker D: And I kind of like you see Rupio's entire body language change. Shoulders back, very loose limbs. [01:59:18] Speaker B: Well, hello. [01:59:20] Speaker D: I am Diva, and as you can see, copper pod is my pride and joy. There is not a day that I go out into the void to protect the people of Mekong, that I'm not relying on copper pod, and therefore, of course, relying on swedegon, supra, and there unbelievable parts. I'm sure that I'm telling you nothing that you don't already know, but the esteemed ma Durga is our inspiration, and we aim to emulate her. In all ways, which means that we can only use the best for her. [02:00:00] Speaker C: Kolaxen sees what he sees in Rupiah and is stunned for a few seconds and says, and that's right. And that is why. That's why d va only uses the best. Sweetagon, supra. The best. Clicks it off. Oh, my goodness. [02:00:24] Speaker A: You even see David clapping in the corner. Like. [02:00:28] Speaker C: Rupiah, you were amazing. Like, you just. You just transform. [02:00:33] Speaker B: Who. [02:00:34] Speaker C: We need to do more commercials with you. Holy cow. [02:00:39] Speaker D: I mean, anything that gets me the parts I need. [02:00:42] Speaker C: I mean, fair. Fair, but amazing. Wow. I'm gonna send this off to my agent. Hopefully we can do more of these. [02:00:59] Speaker D: Thanks, Alexa. [02:01:00] Speaker C: Thanks, Rupiah. Oh, diva. I mean, for a public person, a diva. But rupiah, thank you. [02:01:08] Speaker D: And just as you pass by, like, kind of loosely take your arm and lean in and be like. And thanks for your help with Devender. [02:01:20] Speaker C: Absolutely. I mean, we did it for all of us. But hopefully, you and Devender can mend whatever relationship you have going on, because we're going to be working with him and his pirate crew for quite a bit. [02:01:34] Speaker A: I'm right here. [02:01:35] Speaker C: Don't you understand the drama of. Yes, we know that you're behind us, and we're talking about you. Be in the moment. And then he walks off. [02:01:46] Speaker A: Interesting fella. [02:01:50] Speaker D: He's not bad for the. For being the Lord. He has the cutest dogs. Literally the cutest dogs I've ever seen in my life. [02:01:59] Speaker A: Orty, did you have anything you want to do? [02:02:01] Speaker B: I was gonna say, I think my only downtime action was the repair, but I do have a thing for that if we want to. [02:02:08] Speaker A: Yeah, sure. Go ahead. [02:02:10] Speaker B: Yeah. So on the way back to the ship, already, like, kind of snagged her head or the crosses, at least part of it. And it's like, just to see what we can save of it. She and Jackie have been in the. In the workshop kind of trying to put it back together. [02:02:28] Speaker A: Like, somebody scattered your legos all over the floor and trying to put your. Put it back together. [02:02:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:35] Speaker A: Jackie's like, I wasn't. Yep. That's like. She, like, lifts up, like a. Like a singed component. She's like, yeah, that's. That's an anti material round right there. [02:02:48] Speaker B: Can we save any of it? [02:02:51] Speaker A: It's gonna take some time for me to print it, so. But as she's like, she, like, picks. She takes a bunch of the parts and, like, shapes it into almost like a. You know how when paleontologists reconstruct skulls. So, like, it's just like a. Like it. She, like, pieces it all back together, but it's very flimsy. And she's like, yeah, I'm gonna have to reprint this from scratch, but I can give you a standard head that shouldn't take too long to. [02:03:22] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess. Well, I mean, I just need the mouth to work again. [02:03:30] Speaker A: And we hard cut to Jackie, kind of like, welding, more or less like a cube on top of, like, the curve. Curved jaw of the Krasue. So, like, from here, it's. There's teeth. There's teeth. And then from here up, it's just like a simple polygon, barely, with just, like, the end on the front of it is the. The laughing monk logo, which is the, you know. Yeah, you've got. You've seen, like, the Buddha. Like, the fat Buddha, where he's just like. Yeah, yeah. It's just one of those, like, I'm getting. It's just from the. From, like, the upper jaw up. So, like, it's like, monster. And then. [02:04:10] Speaker B: That'S scarier. [02:04:15] Speaker A: I think, for that, you can get ominous appearance back, but you can just. That would be scary. [02:04:22] Speaker B: Marshmallow man top and then just. Nope, that's it. That's what it looks like. I think also, because, like, the wiring and stuff is back. We've seen the ring. [02:04:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:04:40] Speaker B: So lacrosse, dude. Now, because the head was blown off, there's a lot of wiring and stuff that helps her because of her design. A lot of the vital parts are just not in places you think they're supposed to be. So it has this stay puff marshmallow man head. And then, like, these pieces that are, like, hanging vital wires and stuff hang around it. Kind of like the grudge almost a lot. [02:05:11] Speaker A: It's a lot. Yeah. But it'll work. It'll function, and I'll. Give me some time. I'll see if I can get a new head printed. These concords, you know, they're tricky, but I'll. We'll make it work. It's. It's fine for the mission. [02:05:29] Speaker B: For the mission. I just need the head. I just need the jaw to work. And as Jackie starts to, like, walk away, I, like, grab her arm for a second. When you reprint it, don't bother with the crown. [02:05:41] Speaker A: Noted. And then she goes off. Kallaxin, you go to the cockpit, because that's where, like, the bet. Like, to go find you to, uh, like, the comms console to see if you get to transmit this to your agent, uh, Angeline. Right. You call up Angeline. And, um, you know, you broadcast out to the, uh, Lancasta where you're where she's supposed to be. Right? So she did. She. She doesn't pick up at first, and. But then you get a video call back. Video long distance call from. [02:06:20] Speaker C: Okay, this better, I guess, is important. [02:06:22] Speaker A: Oh, my God. You're alive. Thank goodness. I heard about everything that went and happened on Ciao Fria and the coup. And. Where are you right now? [02:06:33] Speaker C: Um, we are. [02:06:37] Speaker A: You are on. You. [02:06:38] Speaker D: You're. [02:06:38] Speaker A: You're in jump space. You're. Or you're about to go jump? Like, Nina's like, plug in coordinate. [02:06:42] Speaker C: She's like, yeah, we are about to go jump. I don't exactly know where we are right now. However, I'm going to send you some. [02:06:52] Speaker A: That's not important right now, sir. It's. What's going on? Your sister. It's better if I just play the clip for you, okay? And you hear Rubina's voice. Hello, Kallaxan, it's me, Rubina. I just want to let you know that I just thought I'd do the courtesy of informing you personally that I have diluted your shares in the family company. No, not diluted. Actually, I think we're excising you entirely. You see, now that King Kano has appointed me as finance minister of the kingdom of Chow Phraya, I have to divest from the family interests just to, you know, maintain integrity. And to make sure that we don't, there's no conflict of interest between me and my family enterprises. So I've dissolved Kallax and Bulak klak racing enterprises. You've been severed from the family accounts. Because, you see, you haven't been pulling your weight around here. While you were zipping around the track and breeding your fucking malamutes and your shih tzus, I was making all the deals. I was the one keeping this operation together, talking to shareholders and, you know, making moves, keeping our family on the board. Where were you when I was negotiating these contracts? Where were you when I was folding all these llcs? You weren't that. You know what you were doing? You were collecting blue ribbons for who spent the most money on a glorified rat. This is Mekong Klaxon. We have to be practical. So I am being practical. So after determining the amount of risk you've brought to our family enterprises, I had our lawyers excise you for from the accounts. I have complete control of the assets. But, you know, I will be putting that in a trust further down the line where the. [02:08:33] Speaker C: I stopped playing the recording. [02:08:35] Speaker A: No, like, you can't stop it because Angeline's playing it. She says, you are a black lock in all but name. So now I have to attend the king's coronation. So just so you know, in case you're wondering what kind of achievements I'm in this game for Bunso. Bye bye. Click and Angelin's like, I don't know what's gonna happen. There's no pay. The direct deposits not going through anymore, sir. I had to get back. I got all the dogs, though. I got all, like, they're here with me on Kwa Noi. [02:09:06] Speaker C: All right, so this is what we're going to do. All right, number one, a lot of those obligations that we had with the sponsorships, right, they're not going to be okay. That was suddenly cut off by sudden exercising or excising, rather. So we're going to reroute that because the contracts are still in my name and not necessarily in the enterprise's name. So that is going to continue to go through. We are going to continue to use sponsorships to fund whatever is not claimed directly under the clocks and lock lock raising enterprises. So we're going to pivot because that is what we do. We've done that in the Woollock lock family. Whenever things have happened, I just did not expect that from that bitch sister of mine. All right, but if someone's going to play some politics, we just do that within the family. But this was never supposed to ever happen. But the fact that it is, we just adjust. With that said, I have an amazing actress that I want you to know about. [02:10:10] Speaker A: But, but, sir, um, there's just, there's just one problem. [02:10:13] Speaker C: What is it? [02:10:15] Speaker A: I'm getting married. [02:10:16] Speaker C: Well, congratulations. [02:10:18] Speaker A: Yeah, but I was, I was waiting on the direct deposit to come in so we can finish funding the wedding. But you might want to, if you're close by. And Nina pulls up a map and she's like, oh, yeah, quinoa is right there. Yeah, we can, we can probably stop by there, get resupply done if you want to go sort that, sort that issue out. Did you think you could come here? And also, because also your dogs have been really, they miss you, sir. And I have them here at the house and we, and we can, can. [02:10:44] Speaker C: I reach you back here at this number? Yeah, let me, let me sort some things out. We need to get you paid, of course, so that your wedding is provided for. But if there is, I know that I have huge petty cash for a lot of this. Just take that. Take that now just so that you have that. And then let me talk to the people I have here before we move forward. Last thing at least if you can do, make sure that my personal accounts, not the enterprise, racing enterprises are still intact because money should still be going there anyway because that they cannot claim. [02:11:31] Speaker A: All right, I'll keep an eye out for your call. Um, of course. See you soon. [02:11:36] Speaker C: Talk to you soon. Nina. [02:11:41] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, what's up? [02:11:44] Speaker C: How possible is it for us to get to Lancasuka? [02:11:47] Speaker A: I can get us there by two days. [02:11:50] Speaker B: Okay. [02:11:51] Speaker A: Full. But it's gonna be a rough ride. I gotta put us on full burn. But, uh, I can get you guys there. [02:11:59] Speaker C: All right. I have some affairs that I need to settle back there and we can at least resupply a lot. I need to, I guess liquidate. But we'll have a lot more resources if we go there directly. I'm just going to contact Angeline and I started like texting Angeline. I plan to arrive in within the next two to three days. [02:12:25] Speaker A: See you soon, sir. Devinder like walks into the bridge and like pockets next to you. I guess you're a lost boy too. [02:12:35] Speaker C: I guess so. But before we get any more lost, let's find some resources and the items that we need to find to save everybody. But first, some resources, some revenge if we can get it. But that will be later. It's not as important as making sure everyone else is here. Everyone else here is safe. [02:12:58] Speaker A: Sounds like a plan to me. Sounds like a plan to you guys. A bunch of boys in the bridge are like, let's go. Let's get it. Let's go. Let's get it. They all start like we pan out to the wide of the two ships attached together as they as it turns and the jump drive initiates. And that's our session for today. Thanks again for tuning into Queen's court games. That was our episode of Mekong Symphony for the Devil. I'm glad you guys were able to join us. I hope you enjoyed our installment so far. Can't wait to see you for the next one. If you like this game, be sure to check out beam Saber RPG on itch IO. And if you like us and want to see more, be sure to follow Queen's quest games on all socials and on Patreon Cass, first off, put your hands together for an incredible, incredible session. That was some awesome role playing. I'm so glad I got to share it with all of you. This is your time. Shout your socials. Projects. Other work you got going on the floor is yours. [02:14:01] Speaker C: Okay, so, hi, my name is Ryan Omega. You'd find me on Twitter under ryanomga. You could find me on. On Facebook, Facebook, public page, as well as Instagram under Ryan Omega. You can also find me at upcoming anime cons running a game called four Empire. So that is a military type lerp that involves a lot of people, and we enjoy a lot of that interaction. And I also want to point you out to our audio drama that Andrew and I did called Vampire the masquerade port saga, where both of us played major characters on that amazing podcast. So that is it for my stuff. Thank you for tuning in on the. [02:14:51] Speaker B: Backs of the vampire stuff, because none of us are very good at knowing who's gonna go next. Hi, I'm Claire. I'm all over the Internet as clearly golden, unless you're into mermaids, in which case you can find me on Instagram. Grandma's mermaid clarity. I push those photos everywhere else anyway, so if you follow me on Twitter, that's where you'll see a lot of my bullshit. I'm here playing Mekong. I also play Maya the Lasombra over on Queen's court Gaines podcast, the all night society. And we have fun there. [02:15:23] Speaker D: I'm Pooja. I've been playing rupiah ta yang. Broken hearted mess, broken mess. Just a sobbing broken mess on the floor. [02:15:33] Speaker B: What can I say? [02:15:33] Speaker D: I'm torn. But I am also playing other broken messes on twelve sided stories, an actual play podcast, and on Happyjack's rpg, depending on when this comes out, maybe a current series. But even if not back and forth across that catalog where if you haven't had enough vampire the masquerade yet. [02:16:02] Speaker A: We. [02:16:02] Speaker D: Have just finished up, as of this recording, the airing of our Hellfire campaign on twelve sided stories. And then I was in a very long running vampire the Masquerade game on Tammy Jacks as well. [02:16:19] Speaker E: All right, I guess I'll round it out here. [02:16:21] Speaker A: What's up, everyone? [02:16:22] Speaker E: Andrew J. And Landy here playing Roman Max law again, pronouns for both of us. He himself again. It's been a fantastic honor to be here. You can find me Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch. Andrew J. Allende. You can find me lending my voice to vampire the masquerade port saga, as Ryan has previously mentioned. You'll find me at a lot of other anime conventions, not just SoCal, but also going trying to go around the country to hit as many of these places as I possibly can. If you also find yourself a fan of street Fighter. Yeah. I do play as Derralath, one of the commentators for the jazzy circuit. So if you noticed, a couple of the references I made may have referenced many a player within the scene. But beyond that, again, thank you all for tuning in here and spending your time with us here in, in Mekong. I'm going to toss it over to our director now, everybody, I'm Jerry Law. [02:17:16] Speaker A: It's been an honor and a privilege being able to tell this story with all of you and to just, just spend time with good friends and good stories. Thank you so much for tuning in. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at myjerry amour. Amou r. Otherwise, fare thee well. Stay hydrated. Tell someone you care about you love them. Peace.

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