Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 5

December 18, 2024 02:07:18
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 5
One Shots and Other Mischief
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eat Your Young, Episode 5

Dec 18 2024 | 02:07:18


Show Notes

Residents of a small New England beach town take on a group of vampiric villains known as The Family who have been terrorizing the East Coast. This menace has been hunting Slayers and absorbing their powers -- can our group discover the secret to this monstrous power, and put and end to the threat?

Ari Kessler - Jien Birb https://twitter.com/JienBirb
Genesis "Gen" Reed - Vee Locke https://twitter.com/veeisforvampire
November Vance - Saffron Hefta-Gaub https://twitter.com/GaubHefta
Paolo Estrada - Dusty Hill https://twitter.com/Dustehill
The Director - Aubrey Knotts https://twitter.com/MadQueenCosplay


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome back to another single serving adventure from Queen's Court Games. I'm Aubrey, and tonight we have a jaunt into the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We will be playing Eat yout Young, a scenario written for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TTRPG by me. And you can find out more about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TTRPG by taking a look at the show notes. Now, while this isn't a horror scenario, there are some topics that certain viewers might find uncomfortable or objectionable. You can find a list of those topics by checking the show notes. This cast has been briefed on these topics and QCGs and has QCG's safety tools at hand. But make sure to keep yourself safe and take breaks if you need them. Now that it's all settled, let us meet our cast for this evening. First up, we have Most Likely to Draw occult symbols into their latte. It's. [00:00:57] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:59] Speaker A: Next up, Most Likely to Make a deal with a demon so they never have to sleep again. We have Dusty. [00:01:06] Speaker C: Every time you say it, it gets more real. Also, hello. [00:01:12] Speaker A: Most Likely to realize their theater professor is a witch, It's Jen. [00:01:16] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:18] Speaker A: And lastly, but not leastly, we have Most Likely to Kiss a vampire. It's QCG's resident art czar and Queen of the Court V. Hi, everybody. [00:01:29] Speaker D: That's me. [00:01:32] Speaker A: Now that the cast is introduced, let us tell you a story. Last time we left off, the group had uncovered a little bit more evidence about what happened to the previous slayers. A video of a strange figure and hotel records and purchases from one Alice McLay, purchasing the exact items that one would need to restrain a slayer. Certainly very suspicious, but I'm sure it's nothing. I'm sure. But before we have any of that, one of our resident slayers has a date. A meeting. A meeting at least with a old friend you'd promise to meet one Desmond Lynn at the griddle in the evening. It's another boring day of classes that passes incredibly slowly and incredibly fast at the same time. [00:02:55] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [00:02:58] Speaker A: Are you doing anything in particular to prepare for this or you just go in for it? [00:03:04] Speaker D: I. [00:03:05] Speaker B: Honestly, I think I'm just going for it. I am obviously more nervous than I should be about. Well, the last time we were alone together, we were breaking up, so. [00:03:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's. That's fair. [00:03:23] Speaker B: So it's. [00:03:24] Speaker D: It's. [00:03:24] Speaker B: It's a little nerve wracking. I. I likely had to psych myself up in the mirror before. Before heading over to meet him, but otherwise, I'm just going for it. [00:03:39] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, you do that. And you know, as you enter the griddle, it's early evening, so there's like, it's kind of post dinner rush where things are starting to settle down a little bit and you see a familiar face in a familiar booth. It's been a while since we last played, so I will redescribe Desmond for the players. He's on the taller side, probably sitting about 5:10 with his boots, and he has sort of long dark hair. That part of it has been like kind of the side has been shaved. Kind of that punk look going on with the jeans and the leather jacket thrown over a nearby chair. And as he sees you enter, he'll give you a smile and sort of just give you like a little toast with his cup of coffee. [00:04:41] Speaker B: And of course, my heart does this infuriating little flutter. I will give him a little smile back because I just can't help it. And I will go and sit down across from him. [00:05:00] Speaker D: What's he eating? [00:05:01] Speaker B: Is he eating? [00:05:02] Speaker A: He's got a cup of coffee and like, he doesn't currently have anything else in front of him. But as he sits down, he says, I was waiting for you to show up to order. [00:05:14] Speaker B: You didn't get me any fries. You always get me fries. [00:05:18] Speaker A: Well, I haven't ordered yet. [00:05:20] Speaker B: You have coffee. [00:05:23] Speaker A: I needed something, but not fries. He like, looks around and just being like, where's one of those guys that runs this place? [00:05:37] Speaker B: We're going on a field trip. [00:05:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Dangerous field trip or boring field trip? [00:05:49] Speaker B: Do you want the comforting answer or the correct answer? [00:05:57] Speaker A: I'll go with the correct answer. [00:06:00] Speaker B: It's a. It's a boring field trip. No, it's. It's incredibly dangerous. We're. We're probably going to die. [00:06:07] Speaker A: Do you need backup? Look, I. I don't want to, like, I know things are weird, and I don't want to make it weirder by just inserting myself into everything. [00:06:20] Speaker B: No, it. You can sign or you can start yourself. In the interest of myself and Jen and November and Paulo not. Not getting absolutely obliterated. Yes, if. If you could give us back up. It is dangerous. They're. These people know how to kill slayers. [00:07:08] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:11] Speaker A: It'S not good. I can tell that. And neither you or Jen are. You're not like. I guess there's not really a word for like, expert slayer. You're not. You've not been doing this as long as some people have. [00:07:41] Speaker B: No, I. I am hoping that raw strength and the skills that I Have learned between Jen and Catriana. I am hoping that they will carry me through. [00:08:06] Speaker A: Yeah, I. [00:08:11] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [00:08:14] Speaker A: I'm sorry too. [00:08:17] Speaker B: I've been an ass to you and I'm sorry. [00:08:21] Speaker A: I. [00:08:22] Speaker B: You know, just in case we all die tonight. [00:08:24] Speaker A: And I probably shouldn't have left the way I did, but you said you wanted space. And first thing my brain says is space is in several states away. Not really only one, but didn't go far. [00:08:45] Speaker B: But you don't have to go several states away. Besides, in this corner of the woods, several states away can be like 50 miles. [00:08:53] Speaker A: This is true. It was just New York. [00:08:55] Speaker B: That's one state away. But. [00:09:04] Speaker A: So. [00:09:06] Speaker B: But you'll come? [00:09:07] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I'll come. Is it tonight? [00:09:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Okay. Well, I guess that we should eat quickly. And he sort of. You watch as one of the waiters comes over to you. And. [00:09:30] Speaker B: I order myself a big fat burger and fries. [00:09:32] Speaker A: Yeah. He gets French toast. [00:09:37] Speaker B: Typical. [00:09:40] Speaker A: And you have a nice little quiet. But it feels good. Feels good. Dinner. And before you move to meet up with everyone else back on campus. What has everyone else been up to today? Been good in going to your classes? Or did you become a bit of a truant? [00:10:04] Speaker B: Is it truancy in college? [00:10:07] Speaker A: It's true. It's just. Did you just skip classes? [00:10:10] Speaker C: I think becoming a bit of a truant is not the correct word for me because I've been a truant. [00:10:19] Speaker A: This is true. Do you continue being one? [00:10:22] Speaker C: Yes, because I got. I got. I got a job that happens to be on campus for other people. So I'm. Yeah, I'm not in class. I'm. I'm not in, like, economics too. I don't even like economics. I just like money. [00:10:40] Speaker A: Yeah. And you kind of need economics for a business degree. [00:10:44] Speaker C: Says I'm getting a degree. [00:10:46] Speaker A: It's. It's fair. You at least have to pretend you're getting one. [00:10:54] Speaker C: But. Yes. [00:10:56] Speaker D: Yeah. I don't know, there's. There's something about, like, I don't know, maybe dying that just kind of like, I don't know, makes classes feel, like, not super important. I don't know. [00:11:11] Speaker A: It's true. [00:11:14] Speaker D: It was hard enough to convince myself to go to class when I maybe wasn't going to die. And like, I could maybe see tomorrow. But like, so, you know, I'm. And like, I mean, if this is going to take place at night, like, you know, I mean, I gotta. I gotta sleep. Right. So what time is it right now? [00:11:39] Speaker A: I'd say it's like. Yeah. No. 7:30. 8:00. [00:11:42] Speaker D: Yeah. I probably woke up like two hours ago and like ordered pizza immediately because. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Can'T die on an empty stomach. [00:11:53] Speaker D: No, no, it's awful. It'd be terrible. [00:11:56] Speaker A: Terrible if you're dying and you're hungry. [00:11:59] Speaker D: I know, I know. So. So yeah, no, my. My day has started off very slow and wonderful as, I mean, I guess as it can be, but. [00:12:14] Speaker A: So November. Where did you wake up? [00:12:16] Speaker E: Yeah, well, I feel like I. I avoid sleep sometimes because the nightmares aren't fun. But if I can sleep in a bed that someone else is sharing, then it's a little less hard to wake up to nightmares, you know, because you're waking up to someone and I think, you know, Jen kissed me. Like she's, She's. She's interested and that's. And doesn't. It's. I think I've realized, like, I'd rather. I'm just gonna embrace what happens and. [00:13:28] Speaker A: You could die tonight together. [00:13:30] Speaker E: And like. And yeah, I probably. Yeah, would. But I would go just class still because I'm a good student and so you're a good. [00:13:50] Speaker D: Then if. [00:13:52] Speaker E: If Jen wakes up like late in the afternoon, November is probably. I'm still probably like finishing maybe like a photography lab or something. But there will be a note that says, you know, like, don't worry, like, I'll be coming over as soon as class is done. [00:14:23] Speaker D: When I read that note, I get a little smile on my face and I order food and I just text November. Ordered, ordered pizza, period. Got your fave period. [00:14:43] Speaker E: He's a quick baby. Just little thank you messaging under the table. [00:14:53] Speaker D: We're not awkward gays at all. Just throwing that out there. This is totally normal behavior. It's not at all incredibly super normal. [00:15:01] Speaker A: Yeah, super, super normal. You'll also notice your watchers being a bit of a detri. The TA is teaching her classes today. [00:15:14] Speaker D: Amazing. [00:15:16] Speaker A: As she's continued to throw herself into research about any of this. Among other things. [00:15:29] Speaker D: Among other people. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Who knows? [00:15:35] Speaker C: What does this mean? [00:15:38] Speaker B: Watchers have needs too. [00:15:40] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:15:40] Speaker E: Is Gideon still. Still staying over? [00:15:45] Speaker A: Yes, he's. He's. He is staying there as well. [00:15:49] Speaker E: Wait, how many days has it been since like, the last time? [00:15:54] Speaker A: You are now down to three days before the full moon. [00:15:59] Speaker E: Okay. [00:16:00] Speaker D: So. [00:16:03] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:16:03] Speaker D: Oh, so we're not gonna die tonight. We're gonna die in three nights. [00:16:09] Speaker A: You got three nights. [00:16:10] Speaker D: Yeah, but I mean, that doesn't change my answer. I'm still, you know, definitely not going to class this week. But it's, you know, neither here Nor there. [00:16:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:16:20] Speaker D: Just important to know for timing. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Incredibly. [00:16:27] Speaker E: What day of the week does it happen to be? Out of curiosity or are like. Because I feel like the day of the week that you might die on is like. I don't know. [00:16:39] Speaker A: That's like. I think it's a Wednesday. [00:16:42] Speaker E: Oh, it's Wednesday. I wouldn't die on a Saturday. Oh. [00:16:49] Speaker D: Apparently. I mean, honestly, like, if Monday. If we're being honest, I don't intend to die Just throwing that out there. So I think the correct way to phrase that is we're going to survive on a Saturday. But, you know, I just think it's kind of shitty to die, so I'm not really here for it. [00:17:14] Speaker A: But dying is so passe. [00:17:16] Speaker D: It really is like, ugh. [00:17:18] Speaker C: I would agree. [00:17:19] Speaker D: So 1890s. [00:17:22] Speaker C: I. I'm just saying my future does not include me dead. [00:17:27] Speaker A: Exactly. Hey. [00:17:31] Speaker E: Hey, Director. Though I do have a question, which is, have I had any more nightmares, Dreams, visions? [00:17:42] Speaker A: We're going to do a very mathematical thing and roll a die and you're going to call high or low. [00:17:48] Speaker E: Okay, I'm gonna say low. [00:17:54] Speaker A: Yes, you have. It's the same one. Every night as you get closer and closer and it's the same, you're seeing the ritual play out again and again and again and again. [00:18:05] Speaker E: Who's dying in the ritual? [00:18:08] Speaker A: You can never really tell the face. [00:18:13] Speaker E: Cool. [00:18:13] Speaker A: There's a little too much blood in there. [00:18:16] Speaker D: See, that's. That's. That's never my question, though. So when. When November wakes up to these nightmares, my first question is always, is it me? And, you know, November will say, oh, well, no, I can't possibly see the face. And of course my answer is, well, that's not what I asked. I asked, is it me? Because there are multiple ways to tell who it might be based on any number of things. So seeing the face isn't the only thing that would get you that answer. But I always ask, even if the only answer I get is always, I have no idea. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:00] Speaker A: So it's always. Yeah, always just blood. So whose car are we taking for this? [00:19:08] Speaker B: Catrionas? [00:19:12] Speaker C: Wait, y'all don't want to ride into Scion XA xix? [00:19:18] Speaker A: I think we should all go into. [00:19:19] Speaker B: One of those Kia souls. Yeah, like the Cube. [00:19:21] Speaker D: A hamster car. Yeah. Oh, my God, no. [00:19:24] Speaker C: So sorry. Xb. It was a Scion xb, which is similar to the Kia Soul, but the Scion came first. [00:19:32] Speaker B: But does it have dancing hamsters in it? [00:19:36] Speaker C: No, just lizards. They're not dancing. [00:19:40] Speaker D: Lizard. [00:19:41] Speaker B: 15 minutes could save you 50% or more on car insurance. [00:19:45] Speaker C: Yes, that is my insurance. Thank you. [00:19:50] Speaker B: Oh, storyteller. Just so you know, Desmond and I, on the way back, are absolutely stopping at a local convenience store to pick up snacks because I have to. I have to grab snacks. [00:20:04] Speaker D: Just snacks? Just snacks. [00:20:08] Speaker A: What else are you picking up a snack? [00:20:12] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:20:12] Speaker B: He's a snack. [00:20:13] Speaker D: Yeah. So what else are you getting then? Is the question. Perfect answer. Perfect. No notes. [00:20:23] Speaker B: But yeah, we are stopping to get a whole bunch of snacks because this is going to be, you know, it's time to break out the. The group PayPal account. [00:20:35] Speaker C: Thanks. [00:20:38] Speaker D: AKA Ari's wallet. [00:20:42] Speaker B: Maybe a little. [00:20:49] Speaker C: I have a very silly idea. Could I go to my place of employment? That's not my self. Own starter business. Kate Cameras. [00:21:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:05] Speaker C: Is. Is Kate there? And is Kate also my boss, or is Kate just a cute name for the camera shop? [00:21:12] Speaker A: It is your boss. Kate is the one who runs the shop pretty much there. She hired you and a couple other people. So she actually has days off. [00:21:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I think I go in and it's clearly my day off and I'm asking. Hey, Kate. It's great to see you. I didn't think you'd be here today. I didn't look at the schedule. [00:21:37] Speaker A: Funny. What's up? [00:21:42] Speaker C: Well, I was wondering, I have a student project I need to do. Could I borrow some of the nicer cameras? [00:21:56] Speaker A: She thinks about it for a second and says, yeah, I mean, as long as you bring them back, fine. [00:22:03] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, no, they'll be fine. I just need to. Because I. You know, like, even though I have this wonderful job, I can't afford them myself, so I'll definitely make sure to charge them. Bring them back perfectly. Thanks. [00:22:21] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, no problem. Just write down whatever you take just so I can keep a list of what we have in stock. [00:22:30] Speaker C: Great. I'm gonna do that. And I'm gonna take the cameras because. Reasons. [00:22:41] Speaker A: Reasons. Yeah. How many cameras are you taking? Just question. For reasons. [00:22:45] Speaker C: 2. [00:22:47] Speaker A: 2. 2. Just sort of like your regular DSLR cameras or. [00:22:53] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. With like. And I'm gonna take one of the nicer lenses. [00:22:58] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you make a list of that, you grab them, and Kate wishes you luck on your school project. [00:23:10] Speaker C: Thanks. It's about the occult. [00:23:16] Speaker A: Not the strangest thing in this town. [00:23:19] Speaker C: Oh, I know. [00:23:29] Speaker A: So, yeah, you are. Yeah. You can either take the boxcar or Catriona's relatively recent sedan. [00:23:42] Speaker B: Please tell me she has a mom. Not a mom van. Damn. [00:23:45] Speaker A: No, she does not have a mom van. [00:23:48] Speaker E: I feel like, are we all gonna fit in the boxcar? We should probably take this. [00:23:53] Speaker B: We wouldn't. We wouldn't all fit in the sedan either. [00:23:56] Speaker D: Oh, no. Yeah, I think. [00:23:58] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:23:59] Speaker D: You know what? [00:24:00] Speaker B: I'm really. Someone's gonna have to sit on the lap. Someone's gonna have to sit on lap. [00:24:06] Speaker D: No, the box cover has plenty of room. I actually had a friend, no joke. That had one. And they are surprisingly spacious. [00:24:13] Speaker C: Very roomy. Yeah. [00:24:14] Speaker B: So we're gonna squish four in the back. [00:24:17] Speaker D: Who in the front? Who do you. [00:24:19] Speaker B: Are you just gonna make. [00:24:20] Speaker D: How. [00:24:21] Speaker A: Oh, Catriona won't be going with you. She is. She has a few leads that she's following up on. So she is trusting you to all. [00:24:29] Speaker B: That's her mistake. Okay, great. [00:24:34] Speaker E: But Desmond is coming, so there is still five. [00:24:38] Speaker D: Oh, sure. Well, Desmond and Ari can sit together. It's fine. [00:24:42] Speaker C: Yeah. Desmond will sit on Ari's lap, of course. [00:24:46] Speaker D: Absolutely. [00:24:49] Speaker B: I'm sure. Shorter than Desmond and. [00:24:52] Speaker C: Yeah, it's funnier. [00:24:53] Speaker D: It's funnier that way. I don't see what the problem is. [00:24:57] Speaker B: That's fair. [00:25:00] Speaker D: But yes. So we are taking Paulo's car. [00:25:03] Speaker A: Yeah. As you. As you head north to Cape May, another sort of smaller vacation, like, beach town. It's far enough away that, honestly, anybody who was just taking a look at stuff probably would not have connected any of it. It's like an hour or two, so it's probably gonna be like 9:00 or so in the evening when you roll up into this. And it's. It's that sort of end of summer, beginning of, like, September, where it's still like, you're at the. You're at the very, very end of the light as sort of, you know, you can kind of see the final little bits of color leech from the sky as it becomes truly night as you pull into this motel parking lot. And it's one of those, like, themed, you know, like, beach motels. Like, you know. [00:26:04] Speaker C: Riftwood everywhere. [00:26:06] Speaker A: Of course, we love it. Incredibly tacky. [00:26:09] Speaker D: Oh, all of the art is like the ocean or like a seashell watercolor print. [00:26:16] Speaker B: You know, there's like, like, fishing net. Like drapes all over lobsters. [00:26:23] Speaker A: Yeah, like lobster boxes as well, just sort of hanging around. [00:26:29] Speaker D: Absolutely. [00:26:30] Speaker C: As we arrive, I. When I get out of the car, I'm gonna pop open the hatchback and explain. So I know I didn't tell any of you all about this, but I'm borrowing some cameras for one of two reasons, hopefully just one, to document this. So we have stuff that we could look at later so we could see what kind of weird they're doing. Or if we all die. There's also documentation that people could find and then they know what was happening. [00:27:07] Speaker B: We could just live stream to Instagram. [00:27:11] Speaker C: These are really nice cameras. We can make it into a movie. [00:27:15] Speaker D: It sounds like a bad idea, just throwing that out there. [00:27:20] Speaker A: 30 lives into a found footage film. It's great. [00:27:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:23] Speaker B: I mean, if we all die, what's gonna happen? [00:27:25] Speaker E: Where are we gonna. Like, how are we gonna hide the cameras? [00:27:29] Speaker B: Like, we should have gotten a GoPro recording, right? [00:27:33] Speaker C: Well, despite my effervescent views into the future, I didn't think of that. You'll be fine. [00:27:53] Speaker A: They've got like, camera straps and stuff, and you've probably. You could have grabbed like a little gimbal mount for, like, one of the cameras. [00:28:01] Speaker C: Will I be obvious? Absolutely. [00:28:04] Speaker A: Incredibly. [00:28:10] Speaker C: And you know what? What if they just don't like being on camera so they go to kill us and like, oh, no, you're on camera and they're away. [00:28:19] Speaker A: It could work. [00:28:21] Speaker D: You don't honestly think that's going to work, do you? [00:28:24] Speaker C: No, I'm trying to make light of everything. [00:28:26] Speaker D: Great. Maybe, maybe, maybe not. Maybe don't. [00:28:33] Speaker C: I mean, I'm the one that could see the future. [00:28:35] Speaker A: I don't know what's going. [00:28:40] Speaker C: Anyways. [00:28:41] Speaker B: So you tell me, Paulo, are we going to die today? [00:28:46] Speaker D: I mean, he kind of thinks so because. Sorry. They kind of think so because, you know, they did say, well, in case we die, we have record of it. [00:28:59] Speaker B: So how does your gift work anyway? Like on something or. [00:29:10] Speaker C: So usually I could try though certain thing, like. So here's one thing. I don't know if maybe I'm gonna, like, way vaguely at November. They told you. But, like, when trying to look into something, like, as specific as, like, I don't know, dying, it gets kind of fuzzy. Because if you're looking at there. If you're looking at that, you kind of. It's like Schrodinger's future. So if you look at that, seeing it changes the outcome. But because you don't know which path. [00:29:42] Speaker B: You'Re going to follow, isn't that just making a decision? [00:29:48] Speaker C: Yes, but the decision is dying. And you. It's out of your hands. [00:29:52] Speaker B: I don't think dying is usually a decision. [00:29:54] Speaker D: No, it's not really a decision. That's kind of. [00:29:56] Speaker C: Not exactly. That's how. It doesn't make sense. It's how. Yeah. [00:30:00] Speaker E: I think what Paolo is getting at is that there are maybe other Choices that like other people could make, choices that get leads to an outcome and different choices would still have. Still could have an outcome of death or loss. [00:30:39] Speaker B: But isn't that just making a prediction based on current information? [00:30:44] Speaker D: I mean, at that point I could just say that I'm psychic and just say, yes, this is definitely going to happen. And then like put a big old asterisk on it that says, well, free will may change the outcome. And then I'm. [00:30:58] Speaker E: But I mean, in the case of a world with prophecy and supernatural beings and demons and vampires, sometimes you. There is also just a magical ability to tell you something is true or not. [00:31:19] Speaker B: There's no time for intuition. [00:31:21] Speaker A: Future zombies and flux. [00:31:23] Speaker C: Yeah. Look, I'm just saying it's. It's weird, but I'm. I'm thinking of all possible possibilities. Possible possibilities. [00:31:39] Speaker D: I'm not gonna lie. It kind of feels like a shitty gift to have if it's not like, you know. [00:31:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:47] Speaker B: Definitive. [00:31:48] Speaker D: Yeah, I never. [00:31:50] Speaker C: I never said it was great. [00:31:51] Speaker E: Color and sound and smell. [00:31:55] Speaker C: See, I don't. That's. That's unfortunate. I. I mean that in the best way possible. [00:32:05] Speaker B: Okay. Anyway, yeah, cameras, I think, are going to distract rather than help. [00:32:19] Speaker E: You could plan who's approaching and how. Or are you slayers just gonna break down the door? [00:32:31] Speaker B: I mean, I can put on a decent, like Girl Scout. Not like actual Girl Scout, but like Girl Scout style. Oh, Jen, shut up. You called me a Girl Scout once. [00:32:43] Speaker D: Yeah, with totally valid reason, in my opinion. [00:32:50] Speaker B: I offered you a cookie. [00:32:52] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:32:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:32:54] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. Yep. [00:32:56] Speaker B: I didn't charge you for it. [00:32:58] Speaker D: No, that's true. So you're better than a Girl scout. They charge $5 a box. Like, worth it, right? [00:33:05] Speaker B: For a good cause? [00:33:06] Speaker D: It is, but still. [00:33:09] Speaker E: Damn. [00:33:10] Speaker B: Anyway, I can. I can be a Girl Scout. [00:33:15] Speaker E: Which you do have. [00:33:20] Speaker B: But how would I know? [00:33:22] Speaker C: You know, why don't we go to our room first? [00:33:29] Speaker B: That's a good idea. That's a good idea. [00:33:33] Speaker D: Do we. Okay. Remind me. Yeah, well, remind me really quickly. Do we. We know exactly what room they're staying in. [00:33:42] Speaker A: You know what room Alice is in? Yeah. [00:33:44] Speaker D: Okay. Is there any chance. Any chance that we could ask for the room next to it under the guise of. Well, my friend here is incredibly superstitious and we have to stay in this room because they, you know, they. They have a complex about staying in other rooms or like this. We have to stay in this room because it's a prime number and we can't stay in rooms that are divisible by two what if I just ask. [00:34:15] Speaker C: First before we go to all that? [00:34:19] Speaker D: Well, yeah, but I'm just saying, like, people might be weirded out if you, like, ask for a specific room. But, like, if you're like, well, but I have, like, a weird reason, like, people just kind of, like, let it happen. [00:34:30] Speaker B: We can be quirky as shit, and then they can, you know, just roll their eyes and give us the room. [00:34:35] Speaker A: Exactly, exactly. [00:34:36] Speaker D: Because if. Cause if. Look it, look it. I'm just saying if I went and I was just like, hey, can I stay in rooms such and such? And, like, I know that somebody's staying in the room right next door, it might be kind of weird and it might be kind of creepy, especially because there's four of us, but, you know, like, five. Right, five. Especially because there's five of us. So, you know, it just. It might. Might be easier. [00:35:02] Speaker B: What room are they? Okay, what room is Allison is in? [00:35:08] Speaker A: Room 12. [00:35:09] Speaker B: Okay, cool. Great. [00:35:10] Speaker D: 13. [00:35:11] Speaker B: Lucky 13. [00:35:11] Speaker D: Lucky number 13. Absolutely. We have to stay in either. Yeah, we have to stay in room 13 or else something bad will happen. Y. [00:35:22] Speaker C: How it is, Director? While they are doing all that, can I, with one of the cameras, go ahead and take stock footage of the surrounding area? Which means I want to go past all the rooms, like, from the outside, so I can review the tape later with my photographic memory. [00:35:42] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. Did you want to be. Did you want to be stealthy about it? [00:35:51] Speaker C: I want to be super cash. So, yes. I just kind of want to be, like, doing that, like, around my neck. So it doesn't necessarily seem that it's on, but it's definitely odd. [00:36:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Give me a. We'll do a perception crime roll. [00:36:12] Speaker C: And that's just a D10. [00:36:15] Speaker A: One D10. Plus your perception, plus your crime. [00:36:21] Speaker C: That is my crime. Oh, my crime's good. [00:36:25] Speaker B: That's a sentence. [00:36:29] Speaker C: So with that. That is a 17. [00:36:33] Speaker A: A 17. Yeah. That's an excellent success. As you, super casual, just walk past all of these rooms, you do notice that Rune 12 has its drapes drawn and there doesn't seem to be any lights on inside the room. [00:36:50] Speaker C: Great. And I would also like to kind of do a loop, go around the surrounding area, like in the parking lot, see if there's anything weird while doing this. But like. But not actively looking. So I'm recording it. [00:37:04] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, you notice that there are really not a lot of cars in this parking lot. Maybe three or four. This is not tourism season. This is off season. So, you know, people are back in school, people are working jobs you know, like there may be some like near the end of summer, like final vacation stragglers, people taking advantage of the off season and pricing. But yeah, there's not a lot of people in this hotel. [00:37:33] Speaker C: I'll be doing this while they're getting the room. So there's even less people when they're asking. [00:37:37] Speaker A: Yeah, whoever's going to pitch for the room, give me a. We'll call it a. An what are the skills again? A perception. We'll do a. Yeah, influence. We'll do a. A willpower influence role. Whoever wants to do that. [00:38:11] Speaker D: Oh, okay. I think, I think I will do that. Because I mean, well, okay, maybe not. I've. I've got, I've got pretty decent in both of those. So unless somebody feels super confident about it, then I will do it. [00:38:23] Speaker B: Go for it. [00:38:24] Speaker D: Okay, so that is 14. That's a good success. My role was awful. [00:38:38] Speaker A: I mean you do your entire spiel about, you know, needing to stay in this room because it's lucky because your friend is superstitious and everything. And then the very burnt out teenager behind the, behind the desk just sort of nods and pulls the key off the rack and slides it to you and just says checkouts at 10:00am thanks. [00:39:04] Speaker D: And I'll turn to the rest and be like, let's go to room 13. And off we go. [00:39:09] Speaker B: Lucky 13. [00:39:10] Speaker D: Lucky 13. [00:39:12] Speaker A: Lucky 13. That's what Desmond says in the background. We're echoing each other. That's apparently what we're doing. [00:39:18] Speaker D: Yes, totally normal, not at all weird, not at all suspicious. If this teenager wasn't so burnt out, he might think we were strange. But I'm sure he's seen weirder. So. [00:39:28] Speaker A: Yeah, unfortunately. And he's just really tired. [00:39:32] Speaker E: Such a mood though, like could I have like stayed when they got in the room, stayed with Paulo, like and looked around just like seeing if I notice anything with my magical sight. Like. So we've got one person filming one person just like looking around like normal. [00:39:54] Speaker A: What is. Do you have a role for your site again? [00:39:57] Speaker E: I believe it is. Let me find that again. If your character spends a minute or so looking closely at someone. Oh, it's at someone. [00:40:12] Speaker A: I will say something will counter. [00:40:15] Speaker E: We can tell if someone is preparing. Spell faint glow indicate magic has been used in an area during the last few hours. It's on a perception and notice roll. [00:40:27] Speaker A: Give me that perception notice roll. [00:40:29] Speaker E: Okay. Oh, okay. I got decent cuz I rolled a, an 11. I forgot my notice is my best stat. So it's only a success level two yeah. [00:41:00] Speaker A: So I will. I will say that you can tell that there is some sort of magic on the door of this witch's hotel room, but you can't tell what it is. Oh, there's just magic there. [00:41:11] Speaker E: So I can say for certain when they show up, like, she's here, or at least she has been here. [00:41:24] Speaker D: And probably going in just through the door is not maybe the best idea. [00:41:33] Speaker E: I mean, I think we can go into our own room. But I will enter where I'll point out where I see, like, magical residue. [00:41:47] Speaker B: Okay. Damn it. Okay. All right, let's go get our crap into. Into our room. [00:42:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:06] Speaker E: Is it a double queen with a rollaway bed? How are we all feeling? [00:42:11] Speaker A: Yes, it is. It is a double queen with a rollaway bed. [00:42:15] Speaker D: How lucky for us that I work at a hotel. [00:42:18] Speaker E: So I like, overthink what room types are. [00:42:21] Speaker B: I can't believe this is a. And there was only one bed situation for two of us. For two couples. [00:42:28] Speaker C: I was just. [00:42:29] Speaker D: And then Paolo. And then Paolo. [00:42:32] Speaker C: I still might. Let's be real. [00:42:34] Speaker D: This won't be Paolo at all. [00:42:36] Speaker B: Together. [00:42:37] Speaker D: Yes. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah, I'll take the cotton. [00:42:43] Speaker C: Maybe I jump into the queen bed first. You could say once everyone is in. I'm definitely gonna say so you probably noticed, but there's, like, no one else here. So secluded. But also, anything we do is gonna be extra noticeable because we'll be the only one doing stuff. You make noise, there's gonna be nothing. [00:43:07] Speaker D: To try out, so don't I. Okay, important question. I guess when we were coming in, like, did we notice cars in the parking lot? Did we notice, like, any other indications of people? Or is it kind of just like, super weird that, like, over here there's no people? [00:43:29] Speaker A: There are about, like, three or four cars in the parking lot. You think one of them probably. Probably belongs to one of them. Isn't. Not counting yours. One of them probably belongs to the very burnt out teen. There are probably a couple other people staying here as well. Doesn't really seem like you saw a lot of keys on the little thing behind the burnt out teen. [00:43:51] Speaker B: Quick question. [00:43:53] Speaker E: The off season. [00:43:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Can I take a little walk around the parking lot and see if I can identify Alice's car? [00:44:04] Speaker E: Not alone. [00:44:06] Speaker C: Wait. Yeah, you can. I have. [00:44:11] Speaker B: Do you look inside the cars? [00:44:14] Speaker C: I walk past the cars. [00:44:16] Speaker B: That doesn't help. I want to look inside the cars. [00:44:21] Speaker A: I'll go with you. [00:44:22] Speaker B: No, no, no, no. I just want to look like. Look in the window. See if they have a big chest labeled how to Kill a slayer? [00:44:30] Speaker D: Yeah, no, that's. That's actually really important. Actually, like super important to see if they do. [00:44:37] Speaker B: Yeah, like if they have a big box labeled how to kill a slayer, he can just take the box and. [00:44:40] Speaker A: Go, like, problem solved. [00:44:45] Speaker B: Exactly. Yeah. Like they can't kill us if they don't have their super special slayer slaying box. Sorry. Super special sl. Slayer slaying supplies. [00:44:55] Speaker D: Yeah, well, super slaying box. [00:45:00] Speaker B: Oh, I like alliterations. [00:45:03] Speaker A: So give me a perception notice roll. [00:45:05] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, you know, it would help for. [00:45:07] Speaker A: This dice and Desmond will keep. Will watch your back. [00:45:13] Speaker B: My back or my butt? [00:45:16] Speaker A: Both, probably. [00:45:17] Speaker B: Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. All right. Not fantastic, but it'll do also decent. [00:45:28] Speaker A: So of the cars that are in the parking lot, you've got like a 10 year old sedan that you pretty sure belongs to the teenager. There's old food wrappers and things like that in it. And there's a family minivan relative. [00:45:47] Speaker B: Sure. [00:45:47] Speaker A: That doesn't belong to your wish. There is a motorcycle and then there is a. Probably like a five, six year old truck which belongs. Just seems to belong to some sort of fisherman who's staying here. [00:46:10] Speaker B: That's funny. Okay, does the motorcycle have Florida plates? I say Florida because Florida is a very common rental car plate. [00:46:21] Speaker A: It does not. It has main plates. [00:46:25] Speaker B: Interesting, interesting, interesting. Does the most I like to kill slayers written on the side? [00:46:35] Speaker A: It does not. [00:46:36] Speaker B: Damn it. [00:46:38] Speaker D: Wait, what are the other plates though? [00:46:44] Speaker A: The teenagers plate is from New Jersey. The. The minivan is from Pennsylvania and the truck is from Maryland. [00:47:00] Speaker B: Main is the odd one out. It's the main outlier. [00:47:08] Speaker D: You're so funny. Interesting. [00:47:16] Speaker B: I'm willing to bet the motorcycles are. Girl. [00:47:25] Speaker D: I look at November. Can you get any vibes off of any of the cars? [00:47:40] Speaker E: I mean, I can try looking. I could try. I don't know, I could put my hand on the trunk of every single one of these and see if I can, I don't know, sense something. [00:48:08] Speaker D: Wait a second. Okay, hold on, Ari. How sure? Scale of like 1 to 10, 1 to 100. How sure are you that the motorcycle is our person? [00:48:25] Speaker B: 6. 7. [00:48:26] Speaker C: It's. [00:48:27] Speaker B: It. It's really just based on vibes alone. [00:48:30] Speaker D: Okay. Because we could always just push it and see who comes out. [00:48:43] Speaker B: That's an idea. [00:48:45] Speaker C: That's a little too obvious. What if I back up within my car, then it looks a little more like accident. [00:48:55] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:48:56] Speaker D: I don't. I don't mean just like go over and just like fucking motorcycle tip, but like the Point is, like, we not. We knock it over, right? And somebody comes out, and then we'll know for sure, and it's either somebody who, you know is the person we're looking for, and then maybe if. Especially if it is, and they come out of the room, that could give us a chance to go in the room. You see? Exactly. [00:49:22] Speaker B: Pretty. [00:49:22] Speaker E: Like suspicious. Like the way we've been poking around and stuff. I'm surprised we haven't gotten, you know, the attention yet. We don't even know if she's in her room right now. We might need to stay, take this out and see. [00:49:41] Speaker A: Paulo, you did notice curtains drawn, no lights. Yeah. [00:49:47] Speaker D: That doesn't mean anything. My curtains are drawn and there are no lights on in the middle of the day, too. [00:49:52] Speaker C: Could I. [00:49:52] Speaker D: This is. [00:49:53] Speaker A: This is the middle of the night. [00:49:54] Speaker D: Okay, well, that's also when I sleep. [00:49:57] Speaker C: Could. Could I. Now that I'm back in the room, could I review my footage itself to make sure there's nothing weird that the camera picked up then? I have other questions after that. [00:50:13] Speaker A: Yeah, you can review your footage. Like a weird. As in what? Like supernatural occult things. [00:50:21] Speaker C: Supernatural occult things are just something that. Where I physically wasn't looking and the camera picked up because I was moving around. Because again, it was like, right on, like, camera shot. [00:50:33] Speaker A: Well, you do notice that there are the. There are three other rooms. Two of them have, like, their blinds open. All three of them have lights on. You can see people in them. You can't. You can't really make out too much about them. And, you know, there's kind of like this weird camera glitch when you. Your camera was like, facing the door. [00:51:01] Speaker C: Second question. Can I. Because we are literally in the room next to it. Can I go to the wall that shares rooms and get the toilet paper roll from the bathroom and put my ear to it so it creates kind of like. Almost like an extra microphone. Phone. [00:51:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:21] Speaker C: And try to hear if I hear anything. [00:51:24] Speaker A: Hey, give me a perception notice. Wrong. [00:51:27] Speaker C: Beautiful. That's like my favorite thing to do. [00:51:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:36] Speaker C: Is a 0 a 10 or a. [00:51:38] Speaker A: 1 a 0 is a 10. [00:51:40] Speaker C: 20. [00:51:41] Speaker A: 20. Yeah, it's called. It's quite as a grave in there. [00:51:49] Speaker C: Okay, so two possibilities. They are currently out or they are more paranoid than we are and they just heard a bunch of people talking in the room next door. [00:52:02] Speaker B: Or they're sleeping. [00:52:04] Speaker C: Or they're sleeping. One thing we know, we can't go through the front door. You like. I think November saw something. The camera glitch. That's like a Sign of some kind of weird supernatural. That's why I work at the camera shop. So I can see these things. We have the. The motorcycle thing is not a bad idea to draw them out. I think the only other thing is that they do. Do we know that they know that? Do they know where we are? To have a way of tracking us. [00:52:42] Speaker D: That was a lot of words. [00:52:44] Speaker C: What do they. Can't they track us or Walter pointing at us. [00:52:52] Speaker E: And was clearly sent. I mean we don't know. We don't know if this. The switch technically is connected to the family yet. [00:53:06] Speaker D: Right. [00:53:07] Speaker E: But the family definitely knows that we're in the area. [00:53:14] Speaker A: And also, if it helps, I will describe this room a little bit more. It's one of those that kind of. It doesn't have direct access to the beach, but it's very close. So it does kind of have those sliding glass doors in the. In the back that sort of like lead out to a path that'll take you to the beach. If this helps any of your plans. [00:53:32] Speaker C: Third question. [00:53:33] Speaker D: It does. [00:53:34] Speaker C: Or maybe fourth I've lost points. Is there a high up placed vent in our rooms that may connect to the other. [00:53:45] Speaker A: Not big enough for a person. [00:53:47] Speaker C: Not big enough for a person. But big enough for a camera on a tripod. [00:53:52] Speaker A: That's theoretically. Yeah. Yeah. Would be. [00:53:55] Speaker B: These are your damn tripod. [00:54:00] Speaker C: Like I. I spot it and look at. It's like. Okay, I need someone to put me on their shoulders. [00:54:10] Speaker B: Not it. [00:54:11] Speaker E: I think it should be one of the slayers. Right. With their slayer strength. [00:54:16] Speaker C: Jen. It's your goal. [00:54:18] Speaker D: Great. I love being a ladder. It's my favorite thing in the world. [00:54:25] Speaker C: Government people are on top of you. [00:54:26] Speaker A: November likes it. Sure. [00:54:30] Speaker D: Anyway. And I give Paolo uppies. [00:54:38] Speaker C: Yes. And then I would get the camera. So I want to. This whole thing. I understand this is a vent to make a lot of noise. I want to make as little noise as possible and have the camera on and try to slide it all the way through to the other room. [00:54:57] Speaker B: I'm going to take one of the like super. I'm going to take a pillowcase and use it and give it to Paulo to use as a cushion on so that there's no sound of like super loud scraping of the camera. So we'll. We will use some pillowcases because hotel rooms always come with 8,000 pillows. So we'll use some of those to cushion the sound. [00:55:24] Speaker A: You can also like turn on the tv. Turn it up a little bit loud. [00:55:29] Speaker D: I like the idea of just going. [00:55:31] Speaker B: We're maybe we're not rude. [00:55:32] Speaker D: I. I like the idea of just going to the front desk and being like, hello, yes, we. We need 13 pillows now, because again, that number 13 thing. Just. Can I have more pillows, please? [00:55:45] Speaker B: Throw pillows? Not big pillows? [00:55:47] Speaker D: Yeah, no, little, small, small decorative ones. You know, the ones that you put on your bed and then you throw off to, like, do anything on your bed. [00:55:54] Speaker B: I don't need 13 of them. [00:55:56] Speaker D: I don't understand them. What's the fucking point? [00:56:01] Speaker A: So, you know, Apollo, why don't you give me a dexterity crime roll? Roll the creep. Yeah, roll the creep. And hey, great time to remind you drama points exist. You could spend one and get a plus 10 to your roll. [00:56:18] Speaker B: I have one more idea if this doesn't work. But it's. [00:56:20] Speaker D: It's a. [00:56:21] Speaker B: It's a very bold one. [00:56:23] Speaker C: Here's the thing. Whatever happens, we're gonna. You said. Sorry. Perception crime or dexterity? Crime. [00:56:32] Speaker A: Dexterity crime. [00:56:36] Speaker C: So that is only 14. But if I use drama point, which I have so many of, that's mind boggling. [00:56:45] Speaker B: Mind boggling? [00:56:48] Speaker A: Yeah. 24. And yeah, you. [00:56:53] Speaker B: I choose to move. The pillow is a drama point. [00:56:55] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the pillow. And that's a. Yeah, a mind boggling seven levels of success. So, yeah. You do this and you get a strangely perfect view of the room. This room certainly looks. Looks like someone has been living in it for a while. Probably several weeks at this point. Not like food takeout containers everywhere, but you notice immediate. You can't tell too much because of the angle of the camera and everything, but there are. There are things posted up on the walls, like pictures, and you see string connecting pictures. And there seems to be folders and documents covering most every surface. You see an old ritual circle. Yeah. [00:57:58] Speaker C: And I think once I bring the camera back and look at all that, I'm like, kind of like showing it on the screen, which mind you like, it's a nice camera, but the screen isn't that big. I'm just so. I think we found them, but I. Obviously there's like no one in the frame, Right? [00:58:18] Speaker A: Yeah. Though you did not see anyone in the room. [00:58:23] Speaker E: So. [00:58:25] Speaker C: Not in there, but this is definitely our person. [00:58:30] Speaker D: Okay, well, if there's nobody there, then there's nothing stopping us from going inside the room. Right, Right. Okay, Great. [00:58:40] Speaker E: Magic. [00:58:41] Speaker D: Well, in the front door, sure. But the back door may be less protected. [00:58:48] Speaker E: Can I give it a good look? Can I kind of walk outside and like, kind of. [00:58:56] Speaker A: Yeah, give me. Give me another one of those sight rolls for you. [00:59:01] Speaker E: Cool. Come. Okay. That is a level four success. That is a. 15. [00:59:17] Speaker A: 15. Yeah. You're able to tell that there is some magic on this door as well? It's a simple spell that lets the witch know when something has been. Like, the spell has been broken. So she'll know when you enter here. [00:59:38] Speaker E: I will relay that and. Oh, well, you could wait that. You can see the way this. There's a bit of dust here. I. That might be. I don't know if that's a spell, like a component or. But I definitely think that she would be able to tell if we entered. [01:00:01] Speaker B: The room through the doors specifically. Or is there a perimeter? [01:00:09] Speaker E: I think the perimeter. I mean, do you have anything that you've studied that would. That could break it? [01:00:30] Speaker B: Not me. [01:00:31] Speaker A: I. [01:00:34] Speaker B: I made it a little bit past floating pencils before I got slayered. [01:00:43] Speaker D: Okay, well, okay, so if the spell is that the witch would be able to tell when we've gone through the door, Right? Why don't we just go. [01:00:58] Speaker B: We have some time to rifle through. [01:01:00] Speaker D: No, why don't we just go through the door? [01:01:04] Speaker E: You want. [01:01:05] Speaker B: Well, yeah. [01:01:06] Speaker E: Just want to confront her. [01:01:08] Speaker D: No, there are sliding glass doors. We don't have to open glass doors. We can shatter glass doors and go through the door. [01:01:20] Speaker E: But that. That would still. [01:01:22] Speaker A: It's kind of a genius plan. Desmond says. [01:01:26] Speaker D: Desmond thinks so. [01:01:28] Speaker C: Okay, consider. Consider the window instead. [01:01:34] Speaker D: How do we. I look at November? Is the window guarded? Is the window guarded? Director. [01:01:43] Speaker A: You'Ve already rolled twice, so I'll say. I'll give you this for free. No, just the doors. [01:01:49] Speaker E: Oh, well, okay. Maybe. Are you able to fit through the window? [01:01:57] Speaker D: How big are the windows? Do they open? Are they just decorative? Regardless. Can go through them? [01:02:05] Speaker A: Yes. You can go through them? Yeah, they're a little awkward because they're the kind that kind of prop out, you know, at like, an angle, but, like, you know, they do open. [01:02:19] Speaker D: Okay. And, like, if we were to just break the window, it's probably. [01:02:25] Speaker A: It might make a little bit of noise, depending on how you do it. [01:02:28] Speaker D: Well, okay. We have 13 throw pillows now. I'm sure it's fine. [01:02:34] Speaker C: 12. [01:02:35] Speaker D: 12. [01:02:35] Speaker A: 12. That's an unlucky number. [01:02:40] Speaker D: It is. [01:02:40] Speaker A: It is. [01:02:41] Speaker D: We should go get one. Okay, well, fine, since. Let me guess. Since I can't go through the door, we can go through the window. That's fine. [01:02:57] Speaker C: We want the distraction away from this room for other people. [01:03:03] Speaker D: I kind of look around at the nothing and I just say, do we need one? [01:03:09] Speaker C: I mean, again, if we make any noise, it's going to be very obvious. There's like two other people here and then the person at the front desk. I don't know how vigilant they are. I didn't talk to them. [01:03:18] Speaker B: The person at the front desk is definitely on vine. [01:03:22] Speaker D: Like, I mean, if you want go into your car and just like. Like start your car alarm and then just like go. Go to, like, the other side. Or go to the front and just start your car alarm and start making a whole bunch of noise that will distract a whole bunch of people and. And claim that you can't, I don't know, turn off your car alarm. [01:03:47] Speaker C: I could just turn it on and not go outside. [01:03:49] Speaker D: You can do that too. [01:03:51] Speaker A: Car alarms just go off sometimes. [01:03:53] Speaker D: That's true. [01:03:54] Speaker C: Okay, what are they gonna do, bother us? [01:03:58] Speaker D: Maybe. [01:04:00] Speaker C: Oh, no, it's fine. I could talk to people to get them away. [01:04:07] Speaker A: It's fine. Okay, so who's going to break the window? [01:04:14] Speaker D: Me. [01:04:15] Speaker A: Okay, give me a dexterity crime roll. [01:04:18] Speaker D: All right. Dexterity crime. What? Yeah, dexterity what? Okay. All right. [01:04:26] Speaker A: You got drama points if you need them. [01:04:27] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna use a drama point, which will give me a 22. [01:04:34] Speaker A: So that'll be a extraordinary success. It's a success. So good you don't even need the car alarm. You know, the. The great thing is like, yeah, it opens like this. But, you know, you can. You have player strength. You just keep pushing it beyond, like, what it's supposed to go. [01:04:52] Speaker D: Yeah, it's just that easy. And once. Once it breaks, I just kind of like look at everybody and gesture. And then before, like, climbing in first, I definitely go in before anybody else does because, you know, I open because you're you. Yeah, I mean, I open the damn thing. Might as well. [01:05:13] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:05:14] Speaker B: And I will follow. [01:05:17] Speaker E: Are we all going inside or should someone stand watch? [01:05:21] Speaker B: At least one person. At least one person should stand watch. I'm wondering. [01:05:25] Speaker C: I'll stop watch. [01:05:27] Speaker B: Okay. [01:05:34] Speaker A: Yeah. So the. Everyone and so Ari, November, Jen, Desmond all climb in and you are met with this room. That's a conspiracy theorist wet dream probably. You. You look around and you see all of these photos and drawings and pages taken from books tacked up to the walls. There are folders on every surface. Where do you want to start? [01:06:17] Speaker D: I guess. Yeah. And I. And I don't care about the books, so I guess I'll leave that to Ari because that's. [01:06:34] Speaker A: Yeah, you. So, November, you're going to look at the ritual circle. [01:06:39] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:06:40] Speaker A: Give me a perception occult role to see if you can figure out what that is. And I imagine you're not turning on all night. You're just going to use like your phone, flashlights and stuff to look around. [01:06:51] Speaker E: Yes, and that is going to be a good 13 good. [01:06:57] Speaker A: Okay, well, this isn't like a spell to kill somebody, so that's. That's good. You're guessing. It's probably a tracking spell of some kind. Okay, a tracking spell. A bit of a spell to also mask one's own presence. Yeah, the photos are, you know, your classic stocking photos of all of you. [01:07:21] Speaker B: Just like holding books, looking off to the side. [01:07:24] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [01:07:25] Speaker D: Of course they are. [01:07:31] Speaker A: And there are, then there is. You see depictions of all of these runes that, you know, notes about what they are. They're part of the ritual. [01:07:47] Speaker E: Is there mention of the family and father? [01:07:51] Speaker A: Yes. Yes, there is. In. In these notes, you see notes of father said this and the family will guide us to the light. [01:08:11] Speaker B: In a dark room. I doubt it. [01:08:15] Speaker A: All you got to do is the books. They are a mix of. Ari, could you give me a intelligence occult role to see if you can identify the books? [01:08:27] Speaker B: Let's see how this goes. Okay, that's not bad. That is a 10. Adequate. I'm just going to go ahead and use a drama point up to a 20. [01:08:37] Speaker A: Excellent, excellent. [01:08:39] Speaker B: I do want to know what these things are. [01:08:41] Speaker A: A lot of these are incredibly old occult texts. Most of these would probably have been in the watchers, you know, libraries at one point, from what you can, what you've learned. There are journals of older watchers. There is, you know, all about like sort of slayers, the slayer powers, you know, the people who developed the, you know, the anti slayer serum, you know, kind of thing. There are notes about transfers of power through rituals of eating the flesh. [01:09:17] Speaker B: Yum. I also want to look under the bed and in any kind of suitcases or drawers to see if I can find this creepy ass. [01:09:30] Speaker A: You do not find any of like the anti slayer stuff. You don't see anything that looks like, you probably guess would be in through a syringe or any kind of pills. Syringe is probably most likely. [01:09:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Very giant cat. Very rude of Alice to not keep all of her horrible ritual materials just in the bedside drawer. [01:09:59] Speaker D: Is there like a mini fridge or anything in here? Because maybe it's something that needs to be refrigerated. [01:10:06] Speaker A: Yeah, There is a mini fridge in here. [01:10:08] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna go check the mini fridge then. [01:10:12] Speaker A: In the mini fridge there's a like a day old takeout. There is water. There's a Half finished bottle of wine. No syringes of anything. [01:10:25] Speaker D: Interesting. Okay. Okay. Okay. [01:10:30] Speaker B: H. [01:10:37] Speaker D: Is there. Aside from. Aside from the. The. The Slayer stuff, is there anything personal, anything about this person that we can figure out? [01:10:48] Speaker A: On the bedside table, there's what looks to be a family photo. [01:10:55] Speaker D: A family photo or like a family photo? [01:10:58] Speaker B: Yeah, like a family photo. [01:10:58] Speaker A: Like capital F or lowercase F. Lowercase F, actually. [01:11:02] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [01:11:03] Speaker D: Okay. [01:11:04] Speaker A: Take a look. You see Walter Amber Benson. You see a group of people. You know, the. If you flip it over and look in the back, it says, like, the McLay family. And it's got names, none of which the names really stand out to you. This looks like it was taken probably sometime in 2003, 2004. It's kind of the old. You know, it's kind of started to, like, age a little bit, even though this person has clearly taken care of it. [01:11:38] Speaker D: Does anybody stand out? Is there anybody familiar in these photos or in this photo? Aside from, you know, the person that we know that we're looking for? [01:11:48] Speaker A: Really the only person that would be the person you're looking for. You. You recognize her in a way that you're like, wait, that person? Like, it's kind of like a person that you saw in a crowd, but your brain just sort of kept. You kept seeing them, but your brain sort of pushed the information away of. You're just looking at faces in a crowd, but you're suddenly like, they were there. [01:12:12] Speaker D: So I've seen this person a lot. [01:12:15] Speaker A: Yes, you have. [01:12:17] Speaker D: Fuck me. Great. And at that point I'm just going to sound really frustrated, like super, super agitated. And I'm just going to like the moment that either. Well, okay, I guess this is a question. When I sound super agitated, do Ari in November even pay attention to me or are they just like. That's just Jen. [01:12:41] Speaker E: I think. I think November got like. November got distracted looking at more stuff because was just like, caught. I'm. I'm just like creeped out looking at this, like, string board of all these photos of like. Like, I'm sure there's like, moments where it's like, I remember that, but it's from this angle that wasn't like. And it's. And it's like this weird moment of like. Well, like, how often my vision and like nightmares and like, kind of readings are like, looking through someone else's eyes. Like, this is this moment of like, am. Like, am I in these photos too? [01:13:39] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you all are. [01:13:40] Speaker E: Yeah. So it's like, oh, my God, I'm seeing. I'M suddenly seeing myself from someone else's perspective and seeing Jen from someone else's perspective, and it's just like I'm disturbed and concerned. And so, yeah, when Jen makes a sound, I'm like, what's wrong? I mean, besides the obvious. [01:14:11] Speaker D: And when November says that, I just, like, flip the picture around kind of like. I mean, very obviously agitated. I. I'm just angry at this point. And I say, look familiar. And I just, like, point out the face. [01:14:28] Speaker A: This person does look familiar to all of you. It's sort of the face that your mind instantly writes off as, you know, they're not important. Your brain kept telling you, right? [01:14:43] Speaker B: Yeah, actually, I've seen them around campus. [01:14:46] Speaker D: Yeah, but like. But you haven't, right? Like, you've seen them, but, like, you haven't seen them? Like. [01:14:52] Speaker B: No, it's like someone knows that they've. [01:14:53] Speaker D: Been there, but they're not, like. [01:14:55] Speaker B: Right. It's like someone passing you in the hall. You don't think about it. [01:14:58] Speaker D: Yeah. For. [01:15:00] Speaker B: Is Desmond in these pictures? [01:15:02] Speaker A: He's in the newer ones. There's a photo of Jen talking to him the other night when he first got back into town. You know, you see it from across the parking lot. He's, like, leaned up against a car, and Jen is sort of like, sitting next to him, and they're talking. [01:15:26] Speaker B: Jen, can I see that picture with the. With the family? [01:15:30] Speaker D: Yeah, and I'm going to pass it over. [01:15:32] Speaker B: I'm going to turn to Desmond Earl is. Balls. Any of these look familiar? [01:15:37] Speaker A: He's like, not battle, but, like, squints, and he'll point that like a girl with blonde hair. And just like, that one looks kind of familiar. I think from the time I was in California. Don't remember her name, so I think it started with a T. [01:16:00] Speaker E: What about that. This. This Alice girl. [01:16:09] Speaker A: He's gonna make a role. I think I remember something about the McClays being a old magic family. Like, old old. Like, old world old. [01:16:26] Speaker E: Is that, like. Is there EAS any reason that she wants to harm us besides just slayer juice? [01:16:47] Speaker A: Do any of you Google the name possibly? [01:16:54] Speaker B: Sure. [01:16:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:56] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:16:57] Speaker D: Why have we go. [01:16:58] Speaker E: Have we thought we're idiots before this? [01:17:02] Speaker A: I mean, I. It's like one of those things where you're like, wait, why didn't we Google. [01:17:06] Speaker B: We totally should think to do it. [01:17:08] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:17:09] Speaker A: It's like one of those things where you're like, oh, somebody else will do it. Your. Your author thought is instantly, somebody else will do this. And then nobody else has it. You all have that thought about the other person and. Yeah, there's not a lot. But there is something that pops up in 2005, I believe is the death of Tariff McClay. [01:17:32] Speaker E: Is there any additional info? [01:17:36] Speaker A: Just that Sunnydale, California, died by gunshot wound, survived by her girlfriend. [01:17:53] Speaker E: That will. That will sting for me. [01:17:59] Speaker B: Is there any. Is that their motive? What? [01:18:06] Speaker A: There are folders here as well, if anybody is looking through those. These folders are a mix. Some of them do seem to be very old, and some of them are about supernatural creatures. They have almost a militaristic sort of writing. There's a lot of military jargon and. Or, you know, like, use of the military Alphabet in them. There's some that are newer as well. The older ones don't have a new name on them, but the newer ones have the name of Artists Industries. [01:18:47] Speaker D: Does that ring a bell? [01:18:48] Speaker B: Familiar? [01:18:51] Speaker A: Give me a. We'll do just a Intelligence knowledge roll from people. [01:18:57] Speaker E: Can we all do that? [01:18:58] Speaker A: Yeah, you can all do that. Also, while one of you is picking up the folder, a business card falls out of it. [01:19:07] Speaker B: Well, I only got 10 for my knowledge, so I probably get distracted by the business card. [01:19:13] Speaker D: Oh, well, I got an 11. Okay. Well, good. Thank God November is smart. [01:19:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Artist industry is a. You know, one of those questionable, like, military companies that, like, what do they do? But, like, the government throws $2 billion a year at them and then they come. They. They don't seem to produce anything, but they seem to also be studying monsters, studying slayers. There are files in here about slayers. There you find the names of Faith, Leanne, Buffy Summers. Many names of slayers, some of which are mostly about their activities over the years. And then there are several newer ones. You'll notice that the two confirmed dead slayers have files. These are more in depth about them, their history, and almost like autopsies. Including me and Jen. Yes. You both have files about your histories, where you grew up, possible family members, possible romantic interests. [01:20:46] Speaker B: Is Desmond on there? [01:20:47] Speaker A: Yes, he is. [01:20:49] Speaker D: Oh, and obviously November's there. [01:20:52] Speaker A: Yes, obviously. And there are connections to both Paolo and November, who have. They don't have full folders, but they have more of what, expanded footnotes. [01:21:06] Speaker D: Damn. [01:21:08] Speaker A: Same thing with Desmond has kind of an expanded foot now, yet again, sort of about histories. And there are notes in some of the dead slayers files linking back to the tomes on power and the transfer of power and the idea of people who have power. And lots of notes about maybe all the power shouldn't be kept in so few people. It's more now, because of the whole unlocking the slayer thing, but still, what could people do with access to this power and more people? It's not like the supernatural is going anywhere. There are a lot of slayers, but they can't be everywhere. And, Ari, this business card doesn't have a name on it. It has a. It has a diamond on the front, but drawn it away with a dot at the center. [01:22:23] Speaker D: Interesting. [01:22:23] Speaker B: Is it a logo that I recognize? [01:22:26] Speaker A: Give me a perception. Occult role. [01:22:30] Speaker B: Ooh. Okay, 13. Good. [01:22:35] Speaker A: 13, good. You feel like you've seen this before. There is a phone number on the back. [01:22:42] Speaker B: I will Google the phone number. [01:22:45] Speaker A: Google the phone number. It comes back to a unspecified company in New York. You get an address, but, like, it's. It's weird because there's not a name attached to the company. [01:23:03] Speaker E: One of those things where it's like the contact is listed on some website, but then you're like. You, like, see it in the Google results, but then you, like, click through that link. It can't actually find the info. [01:23:14] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [01:23:18] Speaker B: The air is the phone. Is the phone numbers. Area code New York. [01:23:22] Speaker A: It is New York City, specifically. [01:23:24] Speaker B: God, that place is like 16 area codes. [01:23:28] Speaker A: It's in Manhattan. [01:23:30] Speaker B: Okay. [01:23:33] Speaker A: Paulo, what are you doing? [01:23:37] Speaker C: Keeping watch also best. Well, I would also want to kind of go between looking out where the parking lot is and going. Looking at the beach, kind of. Also, when I'm at the beach looking out, I know it's nighttime, but I'm going to switch the night vision on the camera and kind of like zoom in and out towards the water to see if I see anything. [01:24:08] Speaker A: Yeah. And, you know, as you don't really see anything. It's beautiful in its own way. Looking out on the beach, especially with the night vision and the way everything glows and you're headed back to, like, just watch the. Watch, like, the parking lot, making sure. And you watch across the way. One of the doors opens, and this sort of woman in her mid-30s, I guess, comes out. She's heading towards the bike. She has, you know, standard riding, like, clothes, like jeans, boots, leather jacket, carrying a helmet underneath her arm. [01:24:55] Speaker C: No one would stop me. I see this and I see where they're headed, and I'm just thinking, I'm gonna start walking towards them, too. Do that very obviously. And it's like, oh, hey, good evening. Hey, sorry, don't mean to surprise you. I just have a question for you. Is this. Is this your bike? [01:25:24] Speaker A: Looks at you, kind of tilts her head a little bit and goes, yeah, it's my bike. [01:25:29] Speaker C: I, you know, it's a really gorgeous bike. I. So I do, like, art at a college a little bit away, you know, out here or the beach of the beach. I. I thought maybe it'd be great to, like, maybe take a photo of the bike, if you're okay with it. I. I just don't like. I don't like taking picture of random people's cars without asking them. And I just saw it was yours and. [01:25:56] Speaker A: Sure, yeah. Do you want me on the bike? Where. What do you want? [01:26:00] Speaker C: Yeah, well, let me. I'm gonna very like, like all chore, like, go around and take a picture of the bike. One with the flash and without the flash move. Make sure I get the motel sign in the picture. And then it's like. And then. Yeah, if you could go on and do, like, cool motorcycle poses, I guess. [01:26:23] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, you do that. Give me a perception notice. Roll. [01:26:32] Speaker B: Bleed palace if they get fucking shanked. [01:26:35] Speaker A: What are you talking about? [01:26:37] Speaker D: Yeah, and I hope. [01:26:40] Speaker C: Oh, that's my best. That's a 17. [01:26:42] Speaker A: 17. You know, you're. You're doing this and, you know, the photos are going to turn out great. You've got a really good eye for this, you know, and, you know, you do that. You have her sit and, you know, kind of do the motorcycle poses. First few are, like, with the helmet on, and now you got a few off. Looks at you as the flash goes off. And you know how, like, when, like if you take a photo of a dog and the, like, the eyes flash when you hit, the flash hits them. That happens with her. [01:27:12] Speaker C: Like, obviously. Yeah, I noticed that. I'm, like, taking pictures. I'm just going to, like, maybe stop and, like. So sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Montgomery. Who are you? [01:27:30] Speaker A: You can call me Kitra. Says, yeah. Sets down the helmet on the bike and sort of gingerly walks towards you. [01:27:41] Speaker C: So nice to meet you, Kitra. As I kind of like, pretend I'm just leaning back, but take it half a step back, it's like, what you. What are you doing over out here? It seems like you're heading up somewhere. [01:27:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm headed down south. Says she smiles. And are her teeth getting longer? Her canine's getting longer. That's worrying. [01:28:03] Speaker C: Oh, that's so cool. [01:28:11] Speaker A: Hey, Kalo, can you make a dexterity acrobatics role? [01:28:17] Speaker C: Acrobatics, Yep. [01:28:19] Speaker A: As Kitra is half transformed into a werewolf and lunging at you. [01:28:25] Speaker D: Kahlo has never done an acrobatic in his life. In their life. Excuse Me. [01:28:31] Speaker C: That is not entirely true. [01:28:34] Speaker D: Entirely incorrect. [01:28:35] Speaker B: You mean it's not the night before a full moon? [01:28:39] Speaker A: What the. [01:28:41] Speaker C: I would like. Wait, did you say Kitra? [01:28:45] Speaker A: Yeah, Kitchen. [01:28:48] Speaker C: I'm using a drama point because, like, how long. So with a drama point, that becomes an 18. [01:28:59] Speaker A: So she also rolled and unfortunately got a 19. [01:29:04] Speaker C: Fuck me. [01:29:07] Speaker A: And there is this moment where she is moving incredibly fast. Like too fast for a person is there and has. Has you. Has her hands on you. And there is this feeling as teeth snap just like right across your neck, like drawing blood. [01:29:36] Speaker C: As loud as I possibly can. [01:29:39] Speaker B: I yell, chuckle, chop, liver. [01:29:47] Speaker D: Luckily for Paolo, I have fast reflexes, so I can get out that window very quickly. And as soon as I. As soon as I hear them scream, I am. I am on the move. [01:30:00] Speaker C: Jen is one syllable, by the way. That's why. [01:30:03] Speaker D: Yeah, Ari is too. It's a whole extra syllable. There ain't no time for that. Yeah, yeah. [01:30:09] Speaker B: And November is three, so. [01:30:11] Speaker D: Yeah. So November ain't ever getting called. [01:30:15] Speaker B: Except by you. [01:30:17] Speaker D: Okay, all right. Okay, all right. Okay, all right. [01:30:21] Speaker A: Okay. [01:30:22] Speaker D: Not the time for this. [01:30:25] Speaker B: Not that kind of anyway. [01:30:26] Speaker D: Mm. [01:30:27] Speaker A: Mm. [01:30:28] Speaker B: So, yeah, I'm just picturing all of us just like diving back out. [01:30:33] Speaker A: Exactly. This is exactly what it is. As you like rush around the corner and see this half transformed werewolf bearing down on Palo. [01:30:48] Speaker D: Oh, I. I am. I am reaching down and. And grabbing my little axe because I have a little hand axe in my boot. And I'm going to charge at this werewolf and attempt to attack her. [01:31:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I think now is a great time to roll some initiative real quick. D10 plus decks. [01:31:17] Speaker D: That is an 18. I rolled a 10 and my dex is eight. It's lovely. [01:31:27] Speaker B: Nice. [01:31:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:31:30] Speaker B: Mine is a 16. [01:31:36] Speaker E: I got a five. [01:31:39] Speaker C: I got an eight. [01:31:43] Speaker D: Oh, wait, I lied because it's 18 plus my fast reaction time, which is a plus five to initiative. So that's 23. [01:31:56] Speaker B: Oh, do we get a plus five for that? [01:31:58] Speaker D: Great for fast reaction time. [01:32:00] Speaker B: Yeah, 21. [01:32:05] Speaker A: And Paolo, what did you get? [01:32:07] Speaker E: Eight. [01:32:08] Speaker A: Eight. Also, if you could take. We'll call it five points of life damage. [01:32:16] Speaker B: Okay. [01:32:18] Speaker D: All right. How much life do you have? [01:32:26] Speaker C: My total is 22. [01:32:28] Speaker D: Oh, that's so cute. Oh, sweetie, honey, baby. [01:32:33] Speaker C: I know. [01:32:34] Speaker D: That's adorable. [01:32:34] Speaker C: Just the cutest. [01:32:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:32:36] Speaker C: This werewolf in my neck with a canine teeth. [01:32:42] Speaker A: Yep. Jen, you're definitely. You described it. We will continue with you. You are up first. [01:32:48] Speaker D: Wonderful. I am going to grab my little axe and I am going to attempt to attack her. So that is 8 plus 14 for 24. [01:33:09] Speaker A: 24. Yeah. [01:33:10] Speaker D: And the base damage of my AX is 35, if that matters to you. [01:33:15] Speaker A: 35. Yeah. Well, because it is not. I don't think you can make a habit of carrying a silver ax. [01:33:21] Speaker D: Not on me. We do have silver axes, but this is not one of them. I was not expecting to have to deal wears right now. So. [01:33:28] Speaker A: Yep. Yeah. No, you do get a. A good hit in on this woman and she turns around and like hisses, like hiss, growls at you because werewolf. And you kind of see is like the jaw continues to distend into a wolf snout. [01:33:49] Speaker D: Oh, ugly. [01:33:51] Speaker A: Mm. Ari. [01:33:57] Speaker B: Hi. Hello. I'm going to attempt a grapple to see if I can set everyone else up for success in the coming round. [01:34:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:34:14] Speaker B: So I'm just going to run in and I'm just going to fucking grab this fucker. Let's see how this goes. Dex dexterity Kung fu plus two or. [01:34:25] Speaker A: Combat score plus two. [01:34:27] Speaker B: Oh, fuck. What's the combat score again? [01:34:32] Speaker A: Say if you used something other than kung fu, like if you use getting medieval or something like gun fu. [01:34:42] Speaker B: Oh, so I could use like dex and getting medieval. [01:34:45] Speaker A: Yeah, you could use dex and getting medieval. [01:34:47] Speaker B: Great. Sold. So Dex plus getting medieval plus two. [01:34:50] Speaker A: That's weird. [01:34:51] Speaker B: Okay, cool. [01:34:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:34:53] Speaker B: That is nine. 17. 22. [01:35:02] Speaker A: A 22. And that will be a. You will succeed. As you know, you're all kind of dogpiling kitra from multiple angles. As you know, you as Jen comes in with the slash with the ax and you just sort of like call up from behind and grab her in a headlock and then it will be her turn as she definitely doesn't want to be grabbed. So she is going to lash out at you with a claw. And if you want to dodge, that is a dexterity acrobatics. [01:35:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm going to do that. I'm going to try and do a little dodgy dodge. I'm going to fail because it's a 14. [01:35:57] Speaker A: But the 14. Yeah. So yeah, she. She got a 20. Yeah. So just luckily hers is claws. So you are going to take. You are going to take nine damage as a sort of. This Reichs down your arm. [01:36:24] Speaker B: Ouchie. Thank you. I mean, not thank you, but, you know. [01:36:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Hello. [01:36:34] Speaker C: Hi. [01:36:35] Speaker A: Hi. [01:36:38] Speaker C: So I was quickly trying to look up spell casting since I can technically do magic. [01:36:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:36:45] Speaker C: But that seems a little too complicated right now. And that's not what I do and panic. So I already had the camera on me. I would like to try dazzling this werewolf. Just a bunch of flashes in their face. Great. Diorama later. [01:37:07] Speaker A: Exactly the time I almost died by werewolf. Give me a. We'll give. We'll do an intelligent science role. [01:37:18] Speaker C: Have something a minute. Okay. How many drama points can we use? [01:37:29] Speaker A: You can use as many as you would like. Well, you can only use a link one at a time, but, you know, if you're doing something to, like, boost for, like the Plus 10, you can only use one at a time. [01:37:39] Speaker C: Got you. [01:37:39] Speaker A: But you can. There's no limit to amount you could use in a combat or a scene or anything. [01:37:44] Speaker C: Okay. I definitely need to use one. So that is to bring it with the drama point to a 16. [01:37:56] Speaker A: A 16. Yeah. No, you. You do this. And she also rolled horribly on her thing to resist, so I will say she does have a penalty to any of her roles involving being able to see what she's doing for the next round as you just sort of just snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, boom, boom, boom, boom. [01:38:26] Speaker C: Werewolves don't have any more useful senses. We're okay. [01:38:29] Speaker A: Yeah. It's not like they have really great smell or anything. [01:38:32] Speaker C: No, not at all. [01:38:35] Speaker B: And she already has a minus one to anything. She does. [01:38:38] Speaker A: Yep. November. [01:38:45] Speaker E: I'm wondering if, like, there's a way that I can kind of just be like, try to, like, calm down, like, calm down the werewolf. Like, try to like. I know that, like, my empathy means more that I'm just like, kind of good at like, judging someone's feelings or like, maybe getting a sense if they're, like, being deceitful or something. I don't. I'm wondering if, like, I don't know, I could try to just be like, okay, you're. What are you feeling? Can I try to, like, reverse that or something or maybe. [01:39:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:39:46] Speaker E: I don't know. Werewolves are all about, like, rage and animal, like, calm. [01:39:52] Speaker A: Because. Because, yeah, this isn't a full moon. [01:39:56] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:39:59] Speaker A: This shouldn't be possible. [01:40:03] Speaker E: Yeah. I mean, I could also just do like a. See if, like, do I have any, like, occult knowledge, aware of, like, what do you even. Obviously, besides like the normal stuff, like silver and stuff. Like, are there. Are there things that could be used against a werewolf that I might know of, really hate a specific song or something? [01:40:27] Speaker A: Or like, give me. Give me a. An intelligence occultism role to see what you know. [01:40:40] Speaker E: That is going to be a 16. [01:40:42] Speaker A: A 16. Like, a lot of people don't really. [01:40:47] Speaker E: I might just for the absolute sake of it, I'm going to use a drama point because I have a lot. So make that a. Yeah. [01:40:57] Speaker A: 26. A mind boggling. 26. So, yeah, you know that werewolves shouldn't be able to do this on the full. Like, it's not the full moon because it's like, you know, it's the day, the night before, the day, like the night of. And the night after. That's the only time they're supposed to be able to do this. But, like, you've read that, like, honest, the werewolf, like the curse and everything is so deeply tied to a person's emotions. If this person can master their emotions, they may be able to control the beast. So, and especially at this time, like, they got themselves worked up in a rage for this, to let the beast out. [01:41:43] Speaker E: Okay, I. I think I'm just going to shout out to the others, like. Like, try to calm her down. Don't, don't. Fighting might make it worse. She's getting. She's like, into it. She's, like, getting amped up. Let's try to, like, contain the beast. [01:42:01] Speaker B: I'm containing. [01:42:05] Speaker D: Who the fuck do you think I am? [01:42:10] Speaker B: The duality of man, the duality of Slayer. [01:42:13] Speaker D: The duality of Slayer for reals. [01:42:17] Speaker A: And Desmond Hugo is next because he rolled, like, literally a wand. And he just, like, looks at his fist, looks at you, November, and goes, go to sleep, he says as he punches. You know, you watch as Desmond just comes in. Like, he. He knows how to fight, you know, he's just like, I don't know how I'm supposed to help with this. And essentially he's just going in for, like, a good punch across the face and hopefully, you know, knock this person out. [01:42:53] Speaker B: I'm just like, what did he just say? [01:42:58] Speaker A: It's like, I mean, what did you want me to do? Sing to it? [01:43:03] Speaker B: You had a nice voice. [01:43:08] Speaker A: She's like, go to sleep. And is, you know, you hear sort of like the crack of bone as he breaks her nose. Oh, you've dealt a decent amount of damage to this werewolf. And it's. It's back with Jen. [01:43:30] Speaker D: I don't know what I'm supposed to do if I can't fight. Like, if I'm not. I don't. That's. That's what I do. I fight. I don't know. I guess if I have to try and calm her down. I don't have a squeaky toy handy. So I guess I'm just going to try and. And grapple butter. Yeah, no, I. I don't have either of those. Sorry. I left my Kong at home, so I'm just gonna. I guess I'm gonna grapple her and Try and just like contain her and just. Just, you know, pet her head and tell her to calm down. [01:44:09] Speaker A: You can also try and knock her out. That is also an option. You can attack non lethally. She's still. She is still human at the end of the day, so she will, like, go. She will become like knocked out if you hit her on the head enough times. [01:44:23] Speaker D: Well, yeah, but apparently we're not supposed to fight her, so I mean, I don't know. [01:44:29] Speaker E: I'm not saying don't. If, If I see Jen hesitating, I'm like, just like, don't get hurt. [01:44:40] Speaker D: Fine. All right, so if I wanted to bash her in the head with the ax, but not the sharp end of the ax, the other end of the ax to try and just knock her out, I assume the damage is going to be slightly different. But do I keep the same bonus to rolling? [01:45:02] Speaker A: Yes, you would. [01:45:04] Speaker D: Okay, fantastic. Then let's try that. That's a 15. [01:45:12] Speaker A: And I'll say kind of, you know, you're using it as more of a club, so it'll. Yeah, it'll count more as like a baseball bat. [01:45:18] Speaker E: Yeah, I. I did also see on the combat sheet that if you do the knockout move, it says half damage of attack. I don't know if that if a Half the damage you can do a. [01:45:30] Speaker A: Knockout, but also if you do things with like bash damage, it doesn't add anything to the damage, but it can knock out. But, you know, essentially a baseball bat is four times strength. And then we'll. We'll take the half of that. [01:45:52] Speaker D: Okay. All right, Good to know. Good to know. [01:45:58] Speaker A: Yeah, you. You hit so fantastic. [01:46:00] Speaker D: Love that. [01:46:01] Speaker A: For me, it's the four times strength for that. [01:46:05] Speaker D: That would be. It'd be 35 is the. [01:46:07] Speaker A: The max damage for that and then half. So that's like 17. 18. [01:46:13] Speaker D: Yeah. I assume right down. So 17. [01:46:17] Speaker A: You're. Yeah. [01:46:19] Speaker D: Yeah. That's not bad. Yeah, no, I'll take it. And I just like once. Once I like whacker upside the head. I kind of just look at November and I gesture with like a. There. Are you happy? Before checking to see if she's out yet. Hoping that she's out, knowing she's probably not. [01:46:41] Speaker A: She's not. But she's looking a little. Looking. Looking a little out of it. [01:46:45] Speaker D: Good. [01:46:45] Speaker A: You like a. As I said, you did dog pile. [01:46:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:46:50] Speaker D: Well. [01:46:52] Speaker A: All. [01:46:56] Speaker B: All right, I'm going. How. How rough is she looking? [01:47:09] Speaker A: Rather. [01:47:10] Speaker B: Okay. What a mood. [01:47:12] Speaker A: Rather. [01:47:13] Speaker B: Okay. I am going to. First off, just grab Rumble. You're not. You and your hungry. Have a Snickers. And I'm going to attempt a it. I'm just gonna go ahead. I'm gonna reach over, I'm gonna. I'm gonna snatch Jen's ax and I'm gonna do. [01:47:47] Speaker A: Yeah, give me, give me, give me that. Give me that role. [01:47:52] Speaker D: In my mind, it's. I whack her with it and then I like, come back up with it. And in that moment. Yeah. Ari just grabs it, yoinks it and I'm just like, what the. [01:48:07] Speaker B: Okay. What was that, Dex? And getting medieval. Right? Um, six. Math is hard today. 19. [01:48:20] Speaker A: Fair. Yeah. And that's how many levels success again. [01:48:24] Speaker B: Five. Excellent. [01:48:26] Speaker A: Five. And yet you. You do that. You're going to do that. Because, you know, yet again, she's got. She's got a lot going on. That she is. [01:48:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Is she's having a rough day. [01:48:35] Speaker A: Yeah. And yeah, as you. As you say your thing about, you know, you're not you. [01:48:45] Speaker B: You're not you and your hungry house and just. [01:48:50] Speaker A: Yeah. You got one unconscious werewolf on your hands as slides back to human form. [01:48:59] Speaker B: God. [01:49:00] Speaker D: I yoink my axe back. Just say, thanks, colon, you're welcome. And I just like, leaned down and put it down in my boot. [01:49:13] Speaker B: Hello. What the. [01:49:16] Speaker C: What do you mean, what the. I. [01:49:20] Speaker D: How we leave you alone for like five minutes. [01:49:24] Speaker C: I was doing my job. This was the person we were looking for. [01:49:28] Speaker B: Hold on, though. Hold on. [01:49:30] Speaker D: What do you mean for. [01:49:32] Speaker B: I'm going to get out my phone, I'm going to Google the day of the next full moon. I'm going to look at the werewolf, look at my phone, look back at the werewolf. [01:49:40] Speaker E: This can happen sometimes. They, like, gain control over their emotions and they can just like, keep the wolf in, but, like, I guess let the wolf out whenever they want to. [01:49:54] Speaker B: Did Paulo just look yummy? [01:49:57] Speaker E: I think. [01:49:57] Speaker C: Well, I. I went to go talk to them to get some information. Got lots of pictures of them. I was trying to distract them so they wouldn't. I don't know where they're going. [01:50:09] Speaker B: Wait, you took pictures of them? [01:50:11] Speaker C: I was chatting with them. I'm charming. [01:50:16] Speaker D: Also. No. Okay, hold, wait, hold, hold, hold on, hold on. What do you mean? It was the person that we were looking for, the. [01:50:23] Speaker E: The animal in that video. Was it. [01:50:29] Speaker C: This is the. This is. This not the. Like, this is the bike. This is the person I started going towards the bike. And also, yes, we did see weird monsters in the cameras in the pictures from the other thing. I didn't know they were. [01:50:46] Speaker D: But I'm sorry. You didn't know they were. What? [01:50:51] Speaker C: Hey, I got bit. Am I okay? [01:50:55] Speaker D: Oh, fuck. Oh, no. Oh, God. [01:50:59] Speaker C: Doesn't sound great. [01:51:01] Speaker D: No, I scratched. [01:51:05] Speaker C: I don't know if you saw when I yelled. [01:51:09] Speaker E: Does my werewolf occult knowledge extend to knowing if. [01:51:17] Speaker B: Transmission. Yeah, like, did you get bit or scratched? [01:51:23] Speaker A: It's. It could go either way, you know, it could be. It's. [01:51:32] Speaker B: Is it like rabies? Where if you treat it quick enough. [01:51:34] Speaker A: Like really, the big thing is you're gonna. You're gonna have to just keep an eye on Paulo next time the full moon comes around. [01:51:45] Speaker D: Which is like in like two days. And when we're going to maybe like have to kind of deal with people trying to kill us. Really? [01:51:59] Speaker B: Really. [01:51:59] Speaker C: I did not ask to get bite. I'm not into it like that. I don't know them. [01:52:06] Speaker D: I. [01:52:07] Speaker C: Can we tie them up? I don't want them. [01:52:09] Speaker E: Yeah, we should. We should. We should, yeah. [01:52:14] Speaker A: As you find silver, can we just. [01:52:17] Speaker B: Drag them back into our room and tie them up in the sheets or something? [01:52:20] Speaker A: Yeah, you can. And as you do this, the camera will shift away from you all back down to Marlon Bay. We see the inside of Camera Catriona's condo as she and Gideon are pouring over books after books after books. They've been at it for all day and she looks exhausted and he says, oh, go put the kettle out. Just take a break. You're working yourself to the bone. And she's like, yeah, I'm fine. And camera follows as he moves into the kitchen and starts making tea for the both of them. Sort of time is nebulous as this happens and brings back two cups of tea. And we watch as Catriona just drinks it without thinking. And it's minutes later, 30 minutes later, you see a unconscious Catriona over her books. And then Gideon picks up his phone and says, we have to move it up. I know the ritual doesn't work as well, but things have been compromised. I'll bring her to the quad, send the message. [01:54:15] Speaker D: This mother, it runs in the family. [01:54:20] Speaker E: We thought that we got good vibes from him. We got good vibes from him. [01:54:27] Speaker B: I. [01:54:27] Speaker A: He's incredibly good. Liar. [01:54:29] Speaker B: I need you all to remember when I'm pretty sure when we first met this man, I was like, yeah, but I got. [01:54:37] Speaker E: I like now, to be fair, suspicious of him. And I trusted the roles. [01:54:41] Speaker B: No, to be fair, to be fair, I definitely am. Was basing my first impression off, of, you know, family ties, but it appears I was right. [01:54:53] Speaker A: So back with the rest of the group, all of your phones go off at once. From a text message. From a blocked number. [01:55:07] Speaker C: Check. [01:55:07] Speaker B: Okay. Now, is it a group message or is it individual messages? [01:55:12] Speaker A: It's a group message. Well, is all of you. He is not. [01:55:17] Speaker B: Okay. [01:55:20] Speaker A: It is a photo of. You know how that statue in the pod that, you know, you put back to sleep last year? Yeah. It's sort of tied around the legs is an unconscious Catriona. And there is a message that says, come or she dies. And that's where we'll end it this time. [01:55:55] Speaker D: Concerns My God, are you kidding me right now? [01:56:00] Speaker A: I'm not kidding you. Join us next week for the finale of Eat your young. [01:56:10] Speaker B: Fellow Watchers. [01:56:12] Speaker D: I'm so angry right now. [01:56:15] Speaker B: I don't know what I was expecting. This wasn't outside of my realm of expectations. [01:56:23] Speaker E: Well, that's why he hit the first. [01:56:26] Speaker D: Keep all the thoughts for Patreon. Let's just get through this so I can go scream at our patrons. [01:56:34] Speaker A: Yeah, well, yeah, you know. Join us next week for the finale of this season of our own little Buffy spin off. I'm sure it'll be fine, you know, I am sure everything is gonna be fine. Everything will work out. It's, you know, like Buffy and Buffy. Nothing bad ever happens in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm gonna go. I guess I'm gonna go now. Be yelled at by the cast. [01:57:07] Speaker D: All right, before. Before we sign ourselves off. Yeah. Before we all go yell at Aubrey in our. In our one wonderful patron exclusive content, let's hear a little bit about our wonderful, wonderful cast and find out where we can find all of them doing all of the magical, wonderful things that they do. So we will start with all of our guests. We will start with Saffron, if people want to see you and more of what you do, whether that's playing November or playing anybody else. Where would they do that? How would they find you? [01:57:45] Speaker E: Yes, I am Aubhefta on all the platforms. I don't post all that much, but I'm around and in Discord servers, if you know where to find me on there. I am also part of Midnight Ceremonies media, which you can [email protected] and the cool shows I've done with them. And that's. That's pretty much it. [01:58:18] Speaker D: And cool shows there are aplenty. Saffron is incredibly talented, as I'm sure you have no doubt noticed, and they do amazing work. Everywhere they do work. But speaking of another amazing person who does amazing stuff, I have Jen the Not me. I am playing Jen but my name is not Jen. So I'm going to tell. I'm going to let Jen, whose name is Jen but is not playing Jen, tell you where you can find them and all the stuff that they do. [01:58:48] Speaker B: Hello friends. I am Jen, not to be confused with Jen. I am a an actual play performer, producer, project manager. I spend most of my time over on Girls Run these World, which is an actual play channel that is basically dedicated to uplifting women and femme voices while placing a priority on diversity and intersectionality. We fucking love it. So go check us out. The other main place that can be found on is the loremistresses channel. We are currently playing a Dungeons and Dragons 5e campaign in the Theros setting. Ancient Greece inspired. Very cool, very fun, incredible world building. So go check us out. We air every other Sunday at 10am Eastern which is 7am My time. I suffer from my craft. I can be found on Twitter, En, Birb and pretty much all the other socials at Jenburb. Come find me. [01:59:46] Speaker D: Do it. Lots of fantastic content. Just everybody here just has so much good content and it's great if you are feeling like you are just. You're in a dry spell for content. There's so much good stuff. Which takes us to our next amazing guest for today who also has so much amazing stuff and does so many things on so many different places. Dusty, if people want to find you and all the things that you do on the Internet, where can they do that? [02:00:17] Speaker A: No? [02:00:17] Speaker C: Well, one place you can look at first is whatever Aubrey's doing because there's about a 50% chance that I'm involved with it as I'm also a co producer and cast of Gob Gays. I am cast of Bring your own Mech. I also run shows like An Unwavering Force and by the time this is out, definitely there's going to be a new show as part of GO called Interrogation. If you like hearing people talk about their ocs and having a tarot reading done for them in character, mind you, you should check it out. It's going to be online. Your app is going to be in Tarot Gate. Like the word interrogate, but the word tarot is stuck in there. [02:01:05] Speaker A: It. [02:01:05] Speaker C: It's wonderful. I have so many incredible people lined up for this. You're gonna love it. I also do a ton of games. Like I write games. New game should be out called Trans Trans Vampire Cowboys. There we go. Trans Vampire Cowboys, the unofficial sequel to Lesbian Werewolf Crime Fighters should be out. It's gonna be. If you go at Dust E. Hill on it. You can find it r the new brand for it from Dust to Dice where you'll also be able to find all that. I also do a lot of stuff you can find me at Dust E. Hill and you'll also find me. I pull tarot cards for this and now I'm looking at this and I'm heavily concerned. That's me. [02:01:57] Speaker D: Yeah. No, you. You pulled those cards. Keep those those handy. We'll go over that in the. In the Patreon content because it's kind of funny looking back now. And also you may find a wonderful Jen not to be confused with Jen on Interrogate at some point in the future soon tm. I don't know when it's going to come out, but I've definitely, that's definitely going to happen. So keep your eyes peeled for that now. Like Dusty said, they are constantly busy with another one of our cast members here. QCG's own technical director, award winning technical director, audio person editor. Just like all around amazing person. Also cute as a button. Love her to pieces. Aubry if people want to see more of what you do or hear hear more of the wonderful stories that you tell and the players or the characters that you play, where can they do that? [02:02:55] Speaker A: Yes, as Dusty said over on Goblets and Gaze. I do a lot of things over there and the GM of Tyrant of the Dark Star and the GM of Last Avian Devices, both of which have Dusty on them and various other things that G and G is doing. You can also catch actually also Dusty on this one as well. Probably by this point Taste of Iron might be getting ready to come out or is out by this point. Over on Hollowed Haven Studios another lovely vampire thing. I play Veronica the Tsimitsi. And yeah, it's. We're. We're fine. We're normal. It's two. Two two dads and their strange adopted daughters. It's the best way to describe that coterie. Yeah. And various other things. Do a lot of different games. So just check out my any of my socials at MadQueen or Mad Queen Cosplay and yeah, they should have links to all of those things. I am never sure when anything is coming out anymore. [02:03:58] Speaker D: No. And what is time? Honestly? It's a social construct that honestly kind of sucks. I. I'm. I am definitely in a biphasic sleep situation right now where I just kind of sleep when I'm tired and I'm awake when I'm not. So that's. That's fun anyway. Yeah, you all know me, I don't need an outro, but I'm going to take one anyway. I am V. You can find me everywhere on the Internet at V is for vampire. Because my name is V and I like vampires. I am of course Buff V, the vampire lair in this game. Thank you for that wonderful coinage. I'm going to use it forever and always. Yeah, yeah. No, you can see me doing lots of stuff over here. If you haven't checked out our Curseborn actual play, definitely go do that where I play not a vampire in a game that has vampires in it, which is a shock to everybody, but it is also phenomenal. And you know, if you're interested in curse porn is always a good thing to check out. But if you are like, no, V, you love vampires. Where can I see you being a wonderful vampire? You know, season three of the All Night Society is out. So you know, if you haven't caught up first off, why second off, go ahead and do that. There are so many episodes and the drama is so good. Definitely go check it out. It's the most award winningest vampire the Masquerade podcast on the planet. So, you know, we're kind of proud of it over here. But you know, for, for more details and more in depth information on exactly what I'm doing at all times, just, just keep an eye on the Internet at VS4 vampire. That's me. Or you know, at Queensport games everywhere on the Internet and. Or well, except for Twitter where it's EnsquaredRPG because, you know, character limits exist. But on that note, I think we're all gonna go yell at Aubry now. She needs a timeout. We are going to make her go sit in the corner and we're just gonna scream at her the whole time. So if you want to watch us berate aubry for about 15 minutes, definitely go check Patreon right about now. Right now you can go as low as $5 gets you in and you can watch us scream at Aubry. You know, she'll like it. We all like it. You'll like it. It'll be great. It'll be great fun and multiple. Don't laugh, Dusty. And we'll talk about Dusty's Dusty's wonderful card pool for this for this evening and how that went. Spoiler alert. It went exactly as expected, but in the worst way. So. So I guess we'll see you back same time next week, but two hours ago and, and until then, bye for now.

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