Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 3

August 30, 2023 02:46:30
Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 3
One Shots and Other Mischief
Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 3

Aug 30 2023 | 02:46:30


Show Notes

An all-Black cast of Harlemite investigators are on the case when a series of unexplained attacks rock their close knit community. Something is targeting the Harlem Hellfighters, veterans of the famous all-Black infantry regiment. When the war comes home, will these investigators be able to pull the community together in time to save their local heroes?

"Harlem Hellfighters Never Die" is sponsored by Chaosium Inc. and Darker Hue Studios, where Chris Spivey specializes in recontextualizing fraught genres to highlight the voices of marginalized communities. Take a new look at the Cthulhu Mythos with "Harlem Unbound", or explore the forgotten stories of the American frontier with "Haunted West."

Harlem Unbound: https://www.chaosium.com/harlem-unbound-2nd-edition-pdf/
Haunted West: http://www.darkerhuestudios.com/shop/5jzf1ll837tdgeyhcb1csp03d6qpsu

CONTENT WARNING: Blood/Gore, Corruption, Gaslighting, Occultism, Post-Traumatic Stress, Violence.

Adelaide Warner - Laura Tutu (@laura_tutu)
Duane Bishop - Christian McKinzie (@afluffygoomba)
Johnny "JB" Williams - Robert Madison II (@maddrrob)
Ruby Sampson - Jas Brown (@cinderscoria)
The Keeper - Noir Enigma (@thenoirenigma)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to another single serving tabletop adventure from Queen's court games. I am Laura Tutu, and today we are diving back into Harlem Hellfighters never die, a scenario from Chris Spivey's Harlem unbound for Call of Cthulhu, 7th edition. We will get the ball rolling very shortly, but first, we do have a couple of housekeeping items. If you are interested in purchasing this game yourself, go right ahead and throw exclamation point scenario in chat. Also point of interest, Harlem Hellfighters never die contains certain themes that some viewers may find disturbing or distasteful, including violence, the occult, PTSD, corruption, and gaslighting. As a cast, we have discussed our lines and veils in advance via a session zero, and we have all agreed on a code of conduct to ensure a safe and respectful play environment. But we want everybody who's watching at home to be safe as well. And now, without further ado, I will introduce our table. First up, it's the new kid on the block. Say hello, jazz. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Hello, Jazz. [00:01:02] Speaker A: I brought that on myself as our quick talking jazz man. It is Robert Madison, the second. [00:01:08] Speaker C: Hi. [00:01:11] Speaker A: Learning that he probably should have just clocked in for work. It's Christian. [00:01:16] Speaker D: Hey, everybody. Hi. [00:01:21] Speaker A: I am still your shit poster in chief, QCG's social media maven. You can call me Laura. And last, but certainly not least, we have our dashing keeper, the one and only, the incomparable noir enigma. [00:01:36] Speaker D: Hey, Jess. [00:01:40] Speaker A: Links to everyone's assorted social media accounts can be found by sending exclamation point cast to the chat. So we have all been introduced. Our lines and veils are settled. Noir, once again, would you like to tell us a story? [00:03:29] Speaker D: Hello, and let's get into our story. So, when we last left off, our investigators visited the two Harlem Hellfighters who were unfortunately arrested during the rent party at the precinct. They were able to decipher that the police there intend to use the two hellfighters for a ritual later in the evening. There's not much time. Oh, no, no, it wasn't in the evening. I believe it's. I believe it is about. Yeah, 11 hours. So they are running out of time to save their friends here. Now, the neighborhood is rallying together, throwing together a little bit of a baking event to try and raise money for bail at the. At the same time, our investigators went to the armory to get a bit more information on what's been going on, to see if the folks at the armory might be able to assist in raising funds for the bailey. And that, unfortunately, is when that, unfortunately, is when we had. Pardon? Well, I pulled this up. Raymond Ruby's brother come in, covered in blood, muttering something about one of the hellfighters being killed in their shop. It was a rather gruesome scene. And now the suggestion from the folks in the army is to go see Samuel Wright. Maybe he might be able to make this right. But also, there's been word about a William Becks seeing where he's been because he never showed up to the rent party. Our investigators have choices to make. Not a lot of time to make those choices. Things are getting down to the wire for the Harlem Hellfighters who are imprisoned in this evil and compromised, let's say, police department. So that's where we're gonna pick up with Raymond, covered in blood, being comforted by the staff that works at the armory and him just looking at all of you, confused and sad. So what would you like to do? [00:06:25] Speaker E: Can I get him a new shirt? [00:06:27] Speaker B: I'm just sitting next to him. I am rubbing his arm. It seems to be like an attempt to comfort him. But to be honest with you, I'm mostly trying to comfort myself. [00:06:41] Speaker A: We're gonna find him a fresh shirt, first of all, cuz we gotta go look for shit. And we can't have a negro running around in blood in this area. [00:06:49] Speaker C: That's bad. [00:06:50] Speaker D: Look. Absolutely. In fact, one of the staffers. Go. We've got showers in the back. We'll run them to the shower. We've got some shirts in the lost and found. It's just down to the left over there. If you could find something that fits them. One of you about a. You look about a meeting. Yeah. All right. And they take them and they wash them off. Uh, and you're able to go to the lost and found if you cheese. [00:07:23] Speaker B: I'm not leaving him. Y'all can go, but I'm not leaving. [00:07:25] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah, that seems like the best course of action. [00:07:28] Speaker C: Ruby, make sure to wash your hands. You don't want to have red handed. [00:07:35] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I really, I don't. She's like. I'm like barely paying attention. [00:07:42] Speaker D: Um, Romy, go ahead and roll me a listen. Check. Uh, Ruby. [00:07:49] Speaker B: Moi? [00:07:50] Speaker D: Yes, you. [00:07:52] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Listen, I think I'm pretty good at that. But, um, except for now, apparently. [00:08:03] Speaker D: Oh my. So as he's. As he. Raymond is being taken to the shower, he's muttering a lot under his breath. And you're not really able to decipher it. [00:08:19] Speaker B: It's okay. I'll ask him when he gets out. Maybe. [00:08:22] Speaker D: But he does, like, as he crosses the threshold to get to the shower, break down crying. [00:08:34] Speaker B: I can't bear to watch this. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna try to get to him. [00:08:41] Speaker D: One of the soldiers in the army goes, I got eyes on him. Nothing's gonna happen to him in there. But listen, are you sure? [00:08:50] Speaker B: Cause I've never seen him like this. [00:08:59] Speaker D: I don't know what he saw here, but I know what he saw there. And if this could do it, if what he saw here could get him like this, I'll do respect, man. I I'd rather we talk to him first. [00:09:26] Speaker B: Of course, of course, of course. I understand. You take care of. You take care of my brother, okay? [00:09:33] Speaker D: He's a hellfighter. You don't retreat. And we always stay together, okay? And he goes in. Go ahead and make me a spot hidden. [00:09:50] Speaker B: That would be an s, I imagine. [00:09:56] Speaker D: As he turns to go into the shower, he gives you a. He gives you this look like, I'm gonna take care of him. And you just see him walk in, and you see in his waistline, he is armed. [00:10:12] Speaker B: Do I feel like he's gonna kill my brother? Cause if he isn't about to jump. [00:10:15] Speaker D: On his back, you feel like if anything looks at your brother sideways, it's gonna get shot. [00:10:23] Speaker B: Okay, that's all I needed to know. That's fine. I'm not armed, so I'm sure you can handle that. I will just wait here with my hands clasped, looking incredibly worried, until he comes out of the shower. I'm not gonna move. [00:10:42] Speaker D: All right, so the rest of you, while. While he's taking the shower and you all get the shirts, you do hear a couple of folks from the reception office go, hey, did he say. Did he say another one was. Yeah, another one. And they go, you know, who was it this time? I think it was Thomas. Oh, Sam's not gonna like this. Not at all. Who's gonna tell him? We don't need to tell him. They're at work. When he comes here, we'll let him know. And that's where they see y'all start to hear it and then kind of mutter quietly to themselves. [00:11:39] Speaker A: No, look at my cousin. [00:11:45] Speaker C: We may want to just ask. [00:11:50] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I'm gonna walk up and I'm assuming. Yeah, I'm assuming soon. Cousin's following me. [00:11:57] Speaker C: Yep. [00:11:57] Speaker D: Okay. Who you walking up to? [00:12:03] Speaker A: I mean, the folks that are muttering at reception. [00:12:06] Speaker D: All right. Hey, what can we do for you? Oh, it's you guys. What, uh, what's up? [00:12:16] Speaker A: Listen, uh, there's something not right about all of this. Are we. Are we kind of all on the same page on that? [00:12:37] Speaker D: They look at each other and then they look back to you and go, it's nothing to worry about this. Listen, we take care of our own. We'll take care of this. You got. You guys got a neighborhood to think about. There's a bake sale going on, right? [00:13:01] Speaker A: You realize that this is part of our neighborhood, right? [00:13:06] Speaker D: All due respect, this is soldier work. [00:13:10] Speaker C: Um, I I. Hi. You guys have done everything and put up and done so much to help us, to keep us safe, to keep everyone safe. We appreciate that, even when the rest of the country doesn't. What we want to do now, because we're starting to see some things, is make sure that we help you. We want to make sure you can do everything you can to help us, and we want to do everything we can to help you. [00:13:58] Speaker D: I'm going to give you the option of charm, persuade, or fast talk. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Can I help with that? In any way, shape, or form? [00:14:06] Speaker D: I will say that you give them a bonus. So I will roll charm. Okay? [00:14:14] Speaker C: Uh, I can. Charm and persuade are the same, but I'm gonna. Honestly, I'm gonna roll persuade, because that would. That one was pretty persuasive. Bang, bang. Critical success. That is a one. [00:14:37] Speaker D: Folks at the counter, they're. What you can now understand is bravado. Falls. Hellfighters are the best of us. You sound like you know that. You sound like you mean it. Not this thank you for your service shit that everybody says and nobody needs, but it seems like you might actually get it. My boys went over there, and he got more love from the Germans. Best thing that happened to us was our own country got tired of us, and we worked with the French. Wright's always talking about it. Two folks in Sam's squad, Macon and the two french boys. Dead. Not just dead, but, uh, they died ugly. And from the way Raymond's walking in, does it sound like. Does it sound like that death is stopping at the seas or at the. [00:16:35] Speaker C: At the shore, you know, did they die? Did they die before? [00:16:49] Speaker D: No, the. The two french boys, they died earlier this year. And he shows you newspaper clipping. This is the one you've seen before, but I will post it again. Should have popped up. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Yes, right? [00:17:20] Speaker D: They got brutalized. It wasn't, uh. I don't. I mean, it's after the war, you know? And those are two pretty. Well french boys, white french boys. And somebody did that to them. And we thought it was because they worked with us, you know, but then. Now more dead in the shop, and then. And then to have Javier, it just doesn't feel like an accident. It feels like this is an ambush. And some of the guys here are getting antsy trying to figure out answers, trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and we're not getting much in the way of it, of answers. [00:18:30] Speaker A: The, uh, the, uh, two, the two french boys, the, um, ones in the paper here. I I hate to ask, but were you able to get any details about what happened? [00:19:02] Speaker D: Nobody's telling us anything. That's the other problem. You know, we went out and we fought. We fought for a country that didn't love us and still don't love us. And I letting us ask anything, and then, sure shit, not telling us anything. And another one of the soldiers puts a hand on this guy just to kind of, like, calm him down. He's getting angry. [00:19:36] Speaker A: Gonna reach out and, like, put my hand over his. [00:19:46] Speaker D: Something feels wrong. It feels like an ambush. Feels like an ambush. We don't know who, why, or when. And then one of them goes, yeah, well, we know the win for Javier. Not right now. Now is not the time. [00:20:14] Speaker C: Wait, what do you mean? [00:20:20] Speaker D: You don't think he. You don't think he's coming out of that precinct? Do you. [00:20:28] Speaker A: Have any say about it? [00:20:40] Speaker D: We've got some contacts, some lawyers and whatnot, and we've called out to them. Maybe we'll be able to get them out. I'm hoping. But what about the next time? Because the way it's going, there is going to be a next time. We need to find out who's doing this and putting it into the other guy goes, hey, hey, hey. Right. Sorry, folks. [00:21:15] Speaker E: No, what do you need? You need something? [00:21:22] Speaker D: We just need to talk to you. Just need to talk to Raymond, see what's going on, get details what it. [00:21:34] Speaker A: Would it behoove the others? Anyone else who's left in the city. Should we maybe gather them, bring them here so they're all in one place so they're not spread out, so they can't be picked off. [00:21:49] Speaker D: Samuel's. Samuel Wright. He was captain. He's probably still at work at the hospital, but he's gonna blow a gasket when he finds out about this. And there's William, the professor. We still haven't heard from him. He's got this project that he keeps talking with Sam and a couple of the other boys about, but I don't know much about it. It's just we haven't seen him for a while, and I know Sam was starting to get worried. [00:22:29] Speaker C: Where does he normally, uh. Oh, I know he's a professor, but where. Where could we find him? [00:22:36] Speaker D: Maybe he lives same complex as Celestina and Ralph. That's why it's. It's strange that he didn't show up for the party. I mean, he's right there. Here. I could give you his address and. [00:22:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:58] Speaker D: Writes it down and hands it over to you. [00:23:01] Speaker C: Awesome. [00:23:03] Speaker E: Uh, storyteller. [00:23:05] Speaker D: Yes. [00:23:06] Speaker E: Uh, the. What were the two names of the. Of the soldiers that are in the 32nd precinct? [00:23:12] Speaker D: Uh, their names are. I have them here. Give me just a second. [00:23:21] Speaker C: Javier. [00:23:21] Speaker D: Javier Jordan and James Smithson. [00:23:30] Speaker E: And. [00:23:30] Speaker B: Okay. [00:23:34] Speaker E: I just want to make sure you guys know where. Where Javier and James are, right? Which precinct? [00:23:42] Speaker D: Yeah, they're at the 32nd, right? Yeah. That's what that kid came in here and said. Hey. And said. Everybody thought it was 31st, but this is. Y'all know, so. [00:23:58] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:23:59] Speaker E: I mean, if you want to make sure that those boys get time, I say make an uproar at the station along with it. Being a celebration would be a good way to make sure that nothing happens to them. They don't get jumped or ambushed. That you guys keep saying. [00:24:19] Speaker D: Yeah, we know the, uh. You know, the folks are putting together, uh, fake sale. Maybe that turns into a protest. Yeah, I think that might be able to, uh, at least get eyes on the precinct, make sure nothing happens. Yeah, but I don't know, it might just be an excuse for them to grab more of us. I don't. Go ahead and make me either a charm, persuade or fast talk me. That's you. [00:24:50] Speaker E: Oh, no. Oh, no. It's not bad. Confident in it. Would anyone like to help me? I'm asking the tape one. [00:25:13] Speaker B: I'm trying to decide how far away I am or how much attention I'm paying. [00:25:19] Speaker D: This is like an art deco type place. It's. I'm gonna say you're able to hear what's going on. [00:25:27] Speaker B: Okay, so I've not pulled my attention from where my brother disappeared, but I will kind of, like, turn just a little bit and say I can. I can get eyes on it. I can spread the. Spread the word and talk to the. Talk to the Harlem Hauler. We can help. I mean, they're picking us off anyway. It's only a matter of time. [00:25:58] Speaker D: You might got a point. You might got a point. Let's either roll. No. Uh, you get a bonus. So go ahead and hit the bonus button under. [00:26:09] Speaker E: That's right. [00:26:12] Speaker D: Oh, sorry. No way. So, um, they go. We'll shop it around. We'll. We'll ask around. Especially if you can get the holiday hill. I can't make any promises. We'll, uh. We'll ask your moms what she's up to, and she tells us to go. We'll go. [00:26:38] Speaker E: You're talking about my mom. [00:26:39] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [00:26:41] Speaker E: I mean, that's not a. That's. Calling my mom and asking for help might be the solution to everyone's okay. [00:26:52] Speaker A: I mean, to be fair, didn't even cross my mind. [00:26:55] Speaker E: This is the first time I'm gonna ask my mom for help, and it's gonna be positive. That's okay. [00:26:59] Speaker D: All right. [00:27:00] Speaker E: That's. [00:27:00] Speaker D: He's. [00:27:01] Speaker E: Oh, oh, oh. Like, I. Like, I'm, like, looking at the soldiers and, like, you. You saw world hunger just now, and you got a phone I could use? [00:27:17] Speaker D: Yeah. Um, it's in the back. Just go forward. Cool. [00:27:23] Speaker E: And then, like, I'm just gonna slink away. [00:27:26] Speaker D: The camera's gonna follow you as you go to the back, and you've got this rotary dial phone, and you go ahead and dial the number. Hello? [00:27:38] Speaker E: Hey, mom. [00:27:40] Speaker A: Hey. [00:27:41] Speaker D: What are you up to? What are you doing? What are you calling me? Where you calling me from? [00:27:45] Speaker E: The armory, actually. [00:27:48] Speaker D: Look at the armory. [00:27:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:51] Speaker E: I have a favor to ask you. I know. I know you've got a lot of strings you can pull and a lot of favor you can pull. [00:27:57] Speaker D: Uh huh. What do you want? [00:28:01] Speaker E: I need you to make that celebration the way to get those boys bail at the 32nd precinct. Yeah, I need you to make sure that everybody in as far as you can reach comes to that place. [00:28:18] Speaker D: Okay. So who you with right now? [00:28:22] Speaker E: Addie and JB friend named Ruby. [00:28:30] Speaker D: Ah. I heard around town you're walking around with a few folks. I'm glad. [00:28:36] Speaker E: I'm sure you did, mom. [00:28:37] Speaker D: You make your friends. [00:28:38] Speaker E: I I guess I'm making more friends than I had. I have friends anyway, though, what I'm telling you right now is very. Not hush hush, but very dangerous. Okay? [00:28:55] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [00:28:57] Speaker E: Those boys in that precinct are in danger. [00:29:01] Speaker D: Oh, child, of course I know they're in danger. [00:29:06] Speaker E: No, no, not just the normal, normal danger that those boys could be in. I mean, serious, overseas evil type danger. [00:29:21] Speaker D: Huh? Roll me a psychology. [00:29:25] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:29:30] Speaker B: On your ma role psychology. On your ma. [00:29:32] Speaker D: On my ma, she goes evil. Evil. [00:29:39] Speaker E: You said ma. You know me. You know I would not. When I say something is bad, it's bad. When I say something is evil, it's evil. These boys are in a greater danger than they've ever been in. [00:29:57] Speaker D: Well, son, I want you to know, whether it's a little evil or a lot of evil, we gonna get those boys out. I've already had the march plan. Now, tell me about this ruby girl. God, I can't do that right now. They are very close to the phone. Oh, we wouldn't. We wouldn't want her to hear you. Right? [00:30:27] Speaker E: We would not want that. I love you with all my heart. [00:30:33] Speaker D: I love you, too. And I want you to. If you find out that there's evil around. [00:30:40] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:30:41] Speaker D: I want you to protect yourself and protect your heart. [00:30:46] Speaker E: I will, Ma. I promise. [00:30:51] Speaker D: Because you ain't seen evil. You ain't seen evil like the evil I'll bring if anything happens to my baby. [00:31:01] Speaker E: I believe you. Oh, I so believe you. [00:31:05] Speaker D: Hell ain't seen the fire hotter than mine, I'll tell you that. Go tell your friends I said hi. [00:31:18] Speaker E: I will. Say my mom says hi, everyone. [00:31:23] Speaker D: Even the soldiers come. Hi. [00:31:26] Speaker A: Hi, misses Bishop. [00:31:28] Speaker C: Hi, Ma. [00:31:31] Speaker B: Hi, Dwayne's Ma. [00:31:33] Speaker D: What's that, huh? [00:31:34] Speaker E: I'm hanging up now. I am just a little beat red. Beat of a red. Just a. I hang up the phone. Looks like we got a march coming to that station. Good. Then nothing else. [00:31:57] Speaker A: Nothing else. [00:31:58] Speaker E: Nothing else. [00:32:00] Speaker C: Yeah, you good, bro? [00:32:02] Speaker A: You look a little. Are you all right, baby? You look a little flush. [00:32:06] Speaker B: Look good. [00:32:06] Speaker E: I'm gonna. Is there water around here? I'm just gonna splash my face real quick. [00:32:10] Speaker D: Ooh. [00:32:11] Speaker C: Ooh, you're sweating. [00:32:12] Speaker E: I am. It is hot. [00:32:14] Speaker D: It's hot. [00:32:14] Speaker B: It's hot. It's hot. No, it's actually cold. Is it winter? [00:32:18] Speaker C: It's actually winter. [00:32:19] Speaker D: It's actually winter. [00:32:21] Speaker C: It's actually not that hot. [00:32:26] Speaker E: Oh, man. Quick hot flash, you know, crazy. I'm so worried about everybody. Wild. [00:32:36] Speaker C: Buddy. [00:32:37] Speaker A: Okay. [00:32:39] Speaker E: Yeah. So I'm gonna go wash my face. [00:32:46] Speaker D: At that point, it's. You see Raimundo coming out with the fresh shirt on, new pants, new shoes, very fresh and clean, not a drop of blood on them, and just kind of walks over to, like, a lounge area near where you're all talking and having this moment and just plops down. [00:33:10] Speaker B: Are you okay? [00:33:16] Speaker D: Mm hmm. Yeah. [00:33:23] Speaker B: Don't you lie to me, Ray. Don't you lie to me. [00:33:30] Speaker D: He's looking you dead in the eye. You see every ounce of strength trying to hold it together and really quickly content. Warning. He's about to go into what he discovered. It is particularly gruesome. I will wave my hand like this. Once that is over, if you would like to hop out. [00:33:59] Speaker C: Okay. [00:34:03] Speaker D: Um. Yeah, they, uh. More. They. His whole family. His life is whoever it was. They, uh. They dragged him from his room. [00:34:48] Speaker C: So. [00:34:48] Speaker D: Many times, took him to the shop, and they, uh, crushed his skull. The car door. They just threw his wife on the table. [00:35:07] Speaker A: And. [00:35:11] Speaker D: And all the soldiers stop. The ones wearing hats. Take them off. I don't know what kind of month does this. Um. I. I did things over, and I. I've seen things. This was unholy. And one of the soldiers pulls out the gun and go, who. Who we dealing with? If I knew that, do you think I'd be here? I tell the rest of the. [00:36:15] Speaker B: Rest of. Rest of what? [00:36:19] Speaker D: The boys. I tell the rest of the boys and we go, are you. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Are you lying to me right now? [00:36:30] Speaker D: Role of psychology. I'll give you a bonus because this is, in fact, your brother. [00:36:39] Speaker B: Yay. Oh, man. I might need that. That's a success. [00:36:55] Speaker D: He is, in fact, lying. [00:36:59] Speaker B: Raymond. [00:37:00] Speaker D: What? [00:37:00] Speaker B: What are you telling me? Why won't you tell me the truth? [00:37:06] Speaker D: He doesn't look to you. He looks to some of the other soldiers. And you can see the slightest. [00:37:18] Speaker B: I'm around on them. I will round on them. I'm gonna drove some hands right now. [00:37:25] Speaker A: I'm gonna come up and stand behind her. And it may not be, like, crazy intimidating, but, like, here's the thing. Addie looks a particular way because it. It helps the brand. It helps my brand. It makes me look mysterious and intimidating and potentially in touch with things beyond the pale. And you know what? In situations like this, baby, it'll fucking help. [00:37:54] Speaker D: I will say, go ahead and roll me a brawl. I'll give you a bonus because Adelaide is this kind of assisting, especially in the placement of where. Of where she's at. So go ahead. [00:38:08] Speaker A: Wow. [00:38:10] Speaker B: Oh, man. Are you sure I can't roll literally anything else? [00:38:15] Speaker D: All right, bro, climb for your punch. [00:38:20] Speaker B: Actually, brawl is better than climb, so. [00:38:24] Speaker D: All right. [00:38:25] Speaker B: Oh, sorry. That was my fault. Ignore the second one. I'm sorry. [00:38:28] Speaker D: You're fine. You're fine. [00:38:30] Speaker B: Hold that bonus. [00:38:32] Speaker A: Oh. [00:38:33] Speaker D: Oh, it's still a miss, is it? [00:38:37] Speaker A: Oh, it is. [00:38:38] Speaker B: Oh, I was looking at the wrong brawl, Lamar. [00:38:40] Speaker C: You spend that luck, though. [00:38:42] Speaker B: I can spend that look. [00:38:43] Speaker D: You can? [00:38:44] Speaker B: I will. I would like to be a tiny, angry little photographer whose brother's being messed with. So I will spend. How many do I need? Three or three or four. [00:38:55] Speaker D: For this? You would need just three. [00:38:57] Speaker B: Just three. Excellent. Okay. I will spend three luck. [00:39:01] Speaker D: So you just go to your luck. Score. [00:39:08] Speaker B: I got it, I got it, I got it. [00:39:10] Speaker D: Yep. You haul off and crack this guy straight in his nose. Oh, Eddie. Eddie takes it. [00:39:18] Speaker A: Ooh. [00:39:20] Speaker D: Eats it. Just gonna. [00:39:22] Speaker A: I'm gonna. I did not expect that. So I'm gonna grab her. [00:39:26] Speaker D: I'm gonna grab her. [00:39:27] Speaker B: What are you telling him? [00:39:29] Speaker D: And you see blood trickling down his nose, and he goes, I'm sorry that you upset. Now. [00:39:42] Speaker B: What aren't you telling us? [00:39:44] Speaker D: Why. [00:39:44] Speaker B: Why won't you tell us anything? [00:39:48] Speaker D: Sorry, ma'am, there's nothing tell. [00:39:56] Speaker E: Just blur away. Just pull her away. [00:39:59] Speaker C: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. [00:40:02] Speaker D: Um. [00:40:05] Speaker C: I think. No, clearly, there's more information that you guys have, and we are trying to help you. You guys have done all the work, and we are trying to make sure the amount of work you need to do is less. Also, she will hit you again. Put the fist down, please. [00:40:30] Speaker A: I don't. [00:40:30] Speaker C: I'm in the middle now. I don't want to be hit. Thank you. So how about you let you help us help you right now, you don't have any information either. So if you guys wanted to mobilize, you couldn't. So how about you just let us help you guys, please? We want this to stop, too. You guys are part of our community. You guys are part of our family. We are trying to stop this together. So let us help you. [00:41:05] Speaker B: If anything. If anything happens to my brother because you didn't tell us anything, you better hope that thing gets to you first. [00:41:15] Speaker A: I think what our small friend is trying to say is that this may be soldier business. I have no way of knowing what you boys encountered over there. No one does. Unless they wear that uniform. Unless they have set foot in the mud and held that rifle. But you are home now. And this fucking country might not give two shits about you, but we sure as fuck do. You are kinfolk. What part of that do you not understand? [00:42:00] Speaker D: Both. Just look at each other again. Anyone. Anyone in the room could take a psychology or could do psychology right now. If they choose psychology or psychoanalysis. [00:42:13] Speaker B: I think I might be too angry to try, to be honest with you. [00:42:20] Speaker D: Oh, boy, y'all. [00:42:31] Speaker B: Thank God. [00:42:39] Speaker D: A three when your skill is a ten is incredible. Is anybody else gonna take a try? Why. [00:42:52] Speaker B: Why are you under hard? Oh, you're doing regular. Okay, never mind. [00:42:56] Speaker D: We're good. [00:42:57] Speaker A: Fucking. Well, I fucking beefed it. But I could try again. [00:43:01] Speaker D: I'll let you try again. [00:43:03] Speaker B: Well, I'm too angry. [00:43:05] Speaker C: I'll try again as well. [00:43:09] Speaker D: I'll allow it. [00:43:11] Speaker A: Worse. It's worse. [00:43:13] Speaker D: That's. [00:43:13] Speaker B: That's worse. Oh, my God. [00:43:17] Speaker D: Wow. Wow. [00:43:19] Speaker C: Good with the hard success. I'm very good with that hard success. [00:43:22] Speaker A: Listen, we're too busy making sure that Ruby doesn't go flying. And, like, Dwayne's got her by the scruff. I'm like, I've got her by the shoulders. I'm like, baby, baby, baby. He's got, like, at least 90 pounds on you. I know. I know, I know. [00:43:40] Speaker B: Just give me a little. [00:43:44] Speaker D: It's because you. You work hard and you're proud of your work and you know when it's time to be a professional and when you can cut loose. During the beginning of this encounter with these soldiers, they were civilians who served. You pinpoint the exact moment. They're not civilians who served, but they're soldiers. There. It's like a light switch, one on, and they went active. They're not withholding information to be malicious. They're following orders. [00:44:44] Speaker E: While wrestling and holding back. Ruby, I said, I swear to God, whatever you boys saw out there, we. We got a glimpse of it. [00:45:01] Speaker A: The. [00:45:02] Speaker E: Night those boys were taken. They weren't taken for some robbery. Gone. Gone safe. Something. Something inhuman attacked us. Attacked them. We were right there. I had something I've never seen before. Something I never thought I'd see ever. Soldiers. None of you. None that look like you. But the opposition, they fired with reckless abandon. We got hit, but there's no wound. I know. I got shot. We all did. Now, if it's got something to do with that, then I understand why you can't tell us. But the more you don't tell us. And I know you are following somebody's orders. I know a soldier, a worker, someone who is following someone's orders. When I see it, that or those orders will do nothing for you if you are all picked off one by one. [00:46:45] Speaker D: You a good man, Dwight. Everybody in town knows you. Y'all should really go see about Samuel at the hospital. [00:47:02] Speaker B: Just gonna yank myself from Dwayne. I'm fine. I'm fine. Go back to Raymond. Just kind of, like, cup his face. [00:47:13] Speaker D: You just hear him say something about finding something in the guitar case, and how could they? And just clinched fists. Anger. And the closer you get to him, you can see it's not much, but kind of leans away from you as if not wanting you to see this side. This isn't the big brother. This is the soldier. [00:47:59] Speaker B: Ray. [00:48:04] Speaker D: Hey. He heard him. You guys wanna. Hmm? Y'all wanna help? Go. [00:48:09] Speaker C: Go. [00:48:10] Speaker D: Let go. Let Sam know what's going on. [00:48:12] Speaker B: I don't wanna leave you. [00:48:16] Speaker D: I'll be all right. [00:48:17] Speaker B: Kid, I don't believe you. You've been lying to me this entire time. This whole damn time, Raymond. I heard you come into my room last night. [00:48:33] Speaker D: The two. Look at him when you say that. [00:48:43] Speaker B: I don't care what's going on or whose orders you're following. You're my brother. And if I lose you, if dad loses you, what are we gonna do? [00:48:58] Speaker D: You don't have to worry about it. [00:49:07] Speaker B: You're really gonna shove me away after this? [00:49:10] Speaker D: I'm not. I swear. I'm not you. I can't. [00:49:17] Speaker B: I get it. [00:49:19] Speaker D: I get it. [00:49:20] Speaker B: You can't tell me. I get it. [00:49:24] Speaker D: Whatever we're dealing with, they. They got a thing for soldiers. Figure out stay around a bunch of soldiers. Because I ain't gotta be faster than whoever it is. I just gotta be faster than these two, right? [00:49:50] Speaker B: Make sure you are. [00:49:55] Speaker C: Imma. [00:49:56] Speaker B: Go put this thing in the dirt. I will stand up and march out. [00:50:02] Speaker A: I'm gonna walk up to the soldier that Ruby punched in the nose, ma'am. Finger in face. What makes you think that this thing is gonna stop with you, huh? I understand you've got your orders. I understand you've got your pride. Like I said, you are still kinfolk. Can folk look out for each other. So, fine. We'll go look for Will, and we'll go look for Sam. [00:50:45] Speaker D: We are looking out for each other. I promise. [00:50:50] Speaker A: Yeah, just don't let your orders or your damn pride get in the way. Come on, cuz. [00:51:08] Speaker D: What she said. [00:51:12] Speaker C: I'm gonna go, like, sort of hustle after. Ruby. Ruby, you okay? [00:51:20] Speaker B: I'm fine. [00:51:22] Speaker D: See, that's. [00:51:22] Speaker C: That's okay. Okay, we're gonna. We're gonna try this one again. Hey, Ruby. [00:51:29] Speaker B: What do you want? JB? I'm sorry. That was. I'm sorry. I'm okay. I just. [00:51:39] Speaker C: No. Cause you think you're not okay. And that's okay. You're allowed to be mad. [00:51:48] Speaker B: I'm not mad. I'm scared. [00:51:51] Speaker A: I know, baby. [00:51:53] Speaker B: I'm so scared. [00:51:57] Speaker A: I'm gonna take her, put her head on my shoulder. [00:52:08] Speaker C: Okay? Okay. I'm not good with tears. I'm not good with tears. [00:52:12] Speaker A: JB. JB, can you go get. Go get Dwayne. Go get Dwayne. [00:52:16] Speaker D: Okay. [00:52:19] Speaker C: I just want to walk back in. [00:52:21] Speaker A: Make sure he's coming. [00:52:23] Speaker C: Look at the guys again. Dwayne. [00:52:29] Speaker E: Dwayne. I'm following. I'm not just like, in the back, being a vanguard. Make sure that both sides. Just look at both sides looking what the soldiers do do after we start leaving. As well as make sure our group is okay. But I see that. Adelaide. [00:52:51] Speaker D: They descend on Raymond with hands on his shoulders, comforting them. And I will allow you one listen check. [00:52:59] Speaker C: Oh, would I get that as well? Since I'm. [00:53:03] Speaker D: I will give that to you as well. Yeah, but free. I'm gonna make. It's a hard check for the both of you. [00:53:09] Speaker E: Five. Come on, three. Come on, three. [00:53:19] Speaker D: What is going on with my. Listen? He only has ten points. And. Listen. And he just rolled one. [00:53:31] Speaker E: Critical success. [00:53:32] Speaker A: We've got a lot of ones today. [00:53:34] Speaker B: We've rolled a lot of ones today. [00:53:36] Speaker D: It's a critical. I gotta give it to you. [00:53:39] Speaker B: Yes, you do. [00:53:39] Speaker D: Yay. So you hear. You all right, brother? From one of the soldiers. And then from the other one, you went to see your sister. Are you out of your mind? And then you almost mention the knights, and that's all you hear? Okay. [00:54:03] Speaker E: Okay. Oh, nothing like that. Players high. [00:54:07] Speaker D: Okay. [00:54:10] Speaker E: Scoring a check that you thought you'd fail. [00:54:14] Speaker D: Just. [00:54:15] Speaker E: Just the nights. Okay. Hell of the nights. And I just. After hearing that, not being able to hear anything else, I think I look at JB and I go, come on, you have it. Let's get out of here. It's really tensing in here. [00:54:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:54:43] Speaker E: Fresh air do us some good. [00:54:44] Speaker C: Okay. [00:54:45] Speaker E: Okay. More soldiers we can find alive. We can be secure in that. I guess. [00:54:55] Speaker C: You said they were following orders or something. [00:55:01] Speaker E: When soldiers workers have a certain look in their eye when they want to tell you information. But leadership that. Leadership that's beaten into you through training and through being close to a unit, it's kind of, like, instinctual to cling on to those beliefs and cling on to that system. [00:55:36] Speaker C: Oh, okay. So we would need to talk to. [00:55:42] Speaker E: Oh, oh, oh. [00:55:44] Speaker C: Hey, hey. So the only way to circumvent people of lower rank not talking is to talk to people of higher rank. Right, exactly. Remember Sam? He was captain. So we find Sam, give us information, hopefully. I mean, well, we could just tell him what happened. He should be able to tell us information like. [00:56:17] Speaker E: Yeah, I think. I think we have enough information and enough circumstance to be able to get something out of him. Yeah, whatever this thing is, nothing written in the papers about it. Definitely not something that came back proud with. Didn't hear any stories at the docks about things like this. About things like nights. [00:56:45] Speaker C: What about nights? [00:56:48] Speaker D: Nights. [00:56:51] Speaker E: I just. Before we all left, I heard them whispering something about nights. I don't know what that means, but I'm sure we could use it as a way to get information from higher up people. The higher we go with this, the more secure those lifts will probably be. But we have enough stopping power to get answers from some Ricard. [00:57:20] Speaker A: Ruby, you said your brother came to see you, like, sat down and talked to you last night. [00:57:28] Speaker B: Yeah, he did. He made it sound like he was gonna be gone for a while and that he was scared that something was coming for them. And that he's trying to protect me by leaving. But this doesn't feel the same. And he gave me this hold up, my. It was a bracelet. Right. Obviously, I should have asked him where he got it. Cause it kinda seems like it might be tied into this. But I'll be honest with you, I'm a little. I don't know if I can go see him right now. So why don't we just go to the hospital and talk to Sam and figure this out? [00:58:23] Speaker D: Sure. [00:58:24] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. Let's, um. We'll go find Sam. Um, maybe. Maybe we should split. Um. Cause if William is missing, that seems like a slightly higher priority, given recent events. Something's happened to him. [00:58:51] Speaker E: I think as much as I would. I would. I'd love to get the split and have the information. Have someone get the information. I think. Honestly, I think sticking together so we don't know who's out there doing what. We don't know if any more of those ghost bastards would. Ghost bastards? [00:59:09] Speaker D: Jesus. Shit. [00:59:13] Speaker E: You know, if any more of those things will show up, we just start wandering around. As much as I want this neighborhood to be safe, it's not. [00:59:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:59:25] Speaker D: All right. [00:59:27] Speaker E: I think visiting Sam and see if we can get any information there. That's the best. First bed. [00:59:37] Speaker D: I need everybody to make me a sport butt. Hidden. Check. [00:59:40] Speaker B: Ah, hell no. [00:59:41] Speaker E: Oh, God. Eyes rolling in this game just a mess. [00:59:46] Speaker B: I can't. Oh, God. [00:59:48] Speaker E: Oh, God, I'm so scared now. I'm so scared. [00:59:51] Speaker D: I'm so scared now. [00:59:52] Speaker A: We're gonna die. [00:59:54] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:59:55] Speaker B: Oh, thank God. [00:59:57] Speaker D: What is going on? [00:59:59] Speaker C: Dwight is out here, bro. [01:00:03] Speaker A: Dwight is out here carrying the whole party on his back. [01:00:06] Speaker E: I'm doing my job of being a vanguard. [01:00:09] Speaker D: Dwayne, you see a car creeping down the block, which is. I mean, whatever, but you take a second to look in. Inside, you see a white guy in Harlem in a really nice. And everybody make a Dodge check. Oh, I get. With a bonus. The fucking drive. What the heck? [01:00:47] Speaker A: I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. [01:00:51] Speaker B: We have a. You said we have a bonus, though. [01:00:53] Speaker D: Mm hmm. Ooh. [01:00:58] Speaker B: You gonna need that, homie. [01:01:00] Speaker C: Can. Can I. That. That would be like, that's. [01:01:03] Speaker D: That's two hard successes from the party. So I'm going to say with those two hard successes, you can tackle Adelaide down. [01:01:15] Speaker C: Okay, good. [01:01:17] Speaker D: You're only going to take one point of damage from being tackled. [01:01:24] Speaker C: Can. I would prefer to. I will take that damage. If she would take. Not, I would gladly take that. [01:01:30] Speaker D: I will give you. [01:01:31] Speaker B: Aw, cousins. [01:01:33] Speaker C: Okay, I'll take that. Yeah, no problem. And then I roll on my back. [01:01:40] Speaker D: Almost knock the wind out of yourself, saving your cousin. And you just hear muffled gunshots spraying where you are all just standing. And I will give. I'll give you another. I'll give you all another spot hidden. But this is going to be at extreme. Oh, my God. [01:02:07] Speaker B: Great, great, great, great. [01:02:09] Speaker D: Except that for you, Adelaide, for you, it's just hard. [01:02:21] Speaker C: Oh, it's fine. [01:02:23] Speaker E: I'm fine with that. I'm good. [01:02:25] Speaker D: Yo, I've been hard succeeding this whole time. I'm solid. [01:02:27] Speaker E: I'm all right. [01:02:29] Speaker D: Wow. [01:02:33] Speaker B: You know what they call that? Hyper vigilance. [01:02:38] Speaker A: That's on trauma. [01:02:40] Speaker B: That's on trauma. [01:02:41] Speaker D: You immediately recognize that this was the individual that was in your shop. [01:02:51] Speaker B: This. [01:02:52] Speaker A: Bitch, cracker ass motherfucker. The. [01:03:01] Speaker B: How far are we from the armory, by the way? [01:03:05] Speaker D: You're right outside. [01:03:07] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [01:03:08] Speaker E: And it's just. It's just machining on fire. [01:03:10] Speaker D: Just with your experience, success. Ruby, you recognize the firearm of the Harlem Hellfighters. That is what is being used to shoot at all of you? [01:03:28] Speaker B: Oh, hell no. [01:03:32] Speaker A: But with the. With the success, am I able to, like, glean the information on the car? Like what? What it looks like, what, the license plate, all that shit? [01:03:43] Speaker D: I will say you aren't able to get the license plate as there isn't one you're able to pick up that much. Of course, it is a very, very nice model t black, just really high quality early model car. And it just zooms off in a way. Oh, boy. A couple of soldiers come out. See ya. Turn just down the block and pop a few shots before it makes its way out. [01:04:22] Speaker C: You good? Cousin, you okay? Cousin, you okay? Cousin, you okay? [01:04:26] Speaker A: Yeah. No, yeah, no, but yeah, no, I'm not shot, if that's what you're asking. You let go. [01:04:33] Speaker C: Thank God. Okay, I'm gonna let you go now. [01:04:39] Speaker A: Let go. Get off. [01:04:42] Speaker C: Okay. [01:04:49] Speaker A: Stand up and straighten my fucking hat. Pull my fucking cousin to his feet. [01:04:56] Speaker B: They had. [01:04:57] Speaker D: They had. [01:04:58] Speaker B: They had the. Oh, what. What was it? That Raymond Scott, the. The Harlem Hellfires, firearms. Why is he shooting at us with their firearms? [01:05:09] Speaker A: Those colts, whatever. [01:05:14] Speaker D: You hear the one soldier that popped for Shako. What you say? [01:05:20] Speaker B: He was using your firearms to shoot at us. [01:05:27] Speaker D: Puts his gun away and goes Raymond. And Raymond comes out, goes, Thomas have his gun? Nah, I looked for it. I. [01:05:56] Speaker E: It's a frame job. [01:06:03] Speaker B: We gotta get out of here. People are gonna call in those shots. We gotta go. We can't afford to be picked up again. [01:06:11] Speaker D: We'll deal with the cops if y'all make yourself scarce. And you might wanna lay low for a while. I don't think they were shooting at the armory. I think they might have been shooting at. Looks at the groupings of the shots, I think they might have been shooting at you. [01:06:31] Speaker A: Yeah, well. [01:06:34] Speaker D: Maybe stay inside for a bit. [01:06:36] Speaker B: Yeah, can't do that. [01:06:39] Speaker A: We got to go find Samuel. We got to go now. Come on. [01:06:42] Speaker B: Yeah, we do. So stay here. Raymond. I'm coming back, okay? [01:06:49] Speaker D: Raymond walks over to you, puts a hand on your shoulder. Just go home. [01:06:53] Speaker B: No. [01:06:54] Speaker D: Go home. [01:06:55] Speaker A: No. [01:07:00] Speaker D: This is. I'm serious now. I. They can shoot at me. It doesn't sign up. I signed up for that. I signed up for that. You didn't go home. Somebody's got to look out for dad. Look out for pops. [01:07:19] Speaker B: Who's gonna look out for you? [01:07:23] Speaker D: What, the two of the soldiers? Just Kaido. [01:07:27] Speaker B: I don't trust these. I don't trust y'all. No offense. [01:07:36] Speaker D: Ma'Am. Nothing's gonna happen to him as long as we're here. I promise. [01:07:41] Speaker B: Yeah. Did you tell us to Thomas more and his family. [01:07:51] Speaker D: We didn't know we were under attack when they got Thomas. We know we're under attack now. We're gonna look out for each other. Maybe y'all should. Maybe you should listen to Raymond. Oh, y'all. You civilians, you have no business getting in the middle of this. We got it from here. [01:08:08] Speaker B: It doesn't matter. And I'm gonna shove off Ray's hand. They already know who we are. [01:08:17] Speaker E: And we're already involved. [01:08:19] Speaker A: You already brought something back with you. Something that's hunting around our fucking neighborhood. So, yeah, I think we're a little too involved. [01:08:32] Speaker B: Stay here and we'll be back. Okay? [01:08:37] Speaker C: I'm gonna go find Sam. [01:08:40] Speaker D: Good. [01:08:40] Speaker A: Grab Ruby and start walking towards the hospital. [01:08:43] Speaker D: All right. And with that, y'all kind of leave the soldiers just standing there. There's really nothing they can say? [01:08:51] Speaker A: Nope. [01:08:52] Speaker B: Sorry. [01:08:54] Speaker E: I think. I think I stick by just a second longer. If you can find the shells, collect them before the cops come. [01:09:04] Speaker D: Yeah, we're already on it. [01:09:07] Speaker E: Make as clean as you can. Leave no evidence as much as you can. [01:09:12] Speaker D: Boy, you got good sits, man. [01:09:16] Speaker E: Open a lot. Runner. I've been around more guns than I'd like to admit, so, yeah, make. [01:09:21] Speaker D: And that's try and get your friends to, I don't know, stay over at a friend's house, maybe skip town for a couple of days. [01:09:30] Speaker C: That's Harlem. [01:09:34] Speaker E: Fork is stubborn. You know that. [01:09:41] Speaker D: Old and new, it's feeling like it's only gonna get worse, man. [01:09:47] Speaker E: Then it's up to us to make it better. [01:09:54] Speaker D: Yeah. All right. Take it. [01:09:57] Speaker E: Do our best. Walk away. [01:10:01] Speaker D: One of who puts a hand up, actually, roll me a charm check. Just a general charm check. Okay. He just taps you over shoulder and goes, take care of yourself. You hear me? [01:10:20] Speaker E: Oh, gonna try. [01:10:24] Speaker D: Gotta playfully shoves you off. And they go back to collecting shells. It's a. It's a cold, brisk walk to the hospital, but a. Vince, maybe for y'all. [01:10:38] Speaker B: I'm hot. [01:10:40] Speaker D: I'm heated, I'm heated. [01:10:43] Speaker A: You're not the only one. I think I'm walking with a little more, like, purpose than usual. Like maybe dragon ruby a little bit. [01:10:52] Speaker B: No, I'm stomping. Full on stomping. [01:10:56] Speaker C: JB is literally sticking behind both of you, going, oh, no, they're mad. [01:11:00] Speaker D: They're. [01:11:01] Speaker A: They're big mad. [01:11:02] Speaker E: Ain't big mad. They're unapproachable mad. [01:11:07] Speaker D: As you walk to the hospital, you do see the March building up and getting ready to roll out. Now, I am going to allow one of you to roll for the march. [01:11:25] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [01:11:28] Speaker D: Okay. It is going to be. Give me just a second while I put it up. It is going to be a hard persuasion roll. But because you are rolling for the neighborhood, I am going to give you the bonus. So who would like to represent Harlem? [01:11:52] Speaker B: My persuasion is pretty high, y'all. [01:11:55] Speaker A: Yeah, I feel like. Yeah. Whoever's got the highest, I feel like the Harlem kid might want to roll for Harlem. [01:12:01] Speaker C: Yeah, my persuasion's pretty high. But if your persuasion is higher than mine, that's. [01:12:09] Speaker B: I have a 70. I don't know what you. [01:12:11] Speaker C: I also have a 70. [01:12:13] Speaker B: Okay, well, you. You. I'm an outsider, so it's all you, baby. [01:12:16] Speaker A: Let's go Harlem. [01:12:18] Speaker D: Go for Harlem. [01:12:19] Speaker A: That's roll for Harlem, homie. [01:12:21] Speaker E: Oh. Roll for my neighborhood. Do it. [01:12:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:12:24] Speaker A: Do it for the culture. [01:12:26] Speaker D: This is honestly, do it for the cultural. [01:12:33] Speaker C: Okay. Hard persuade. [01:12:36] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:12:38] Speaker B: Did you say you got a bonus? [01:12:41] Speaker D: I am gonna give you the bonus. [01:12:43] Speaker C: Okay. Oh, wow. Really? Okay. [01:12:53] Speaker D: Now go ahead and press the boat bonus. [01:12:55] Speaker B: And let's see, we can get has. [01:12:57] Speaker D: To be good, bro. [01:12:58] Speaker C: Honestly, any other role is better than. [01:13:00] Speaker B: That, and that's not true. [01:13:03] Speaker C: What? [01:13:09] Speaker B: Oh. [01:13:11] Speaker C: Wait. That would bring me to a 48. [01:13:16] Speaker E: Yes. [01:13:17] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:13:18] Speaker B: You wanna spend that life because this. [01:13:21] Speaker D: Is a role for the culture. This represents all of Harlem. I will let you all sacrifice luck for this. [01:13:29] Speaker B: Amen. Let's go. [01:13:31] Speaker E: I'll spend five. Five. My luck. [01:13:35] Speaker D: I want you to remember. [01:13:36] Speaker B: How much do we need? [01:13:38] Speaker C: That's, uh. We need, uh, eight more. [01:13:44] Speaker B: Eight more? I'll spend five too. [01:13:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll give over the last three. [01:13:49] Speaker C: Okay. That gives us 235. [01:13:54] Speaker D: Okay. And so it does. So you make your way over to the hospital. Do you head to the front desk, and what do you do? You see a white. White lady, blonde hair, glasses, about 40, 45 ish, just kind of sitting, reading the paper. [01:14:21] Speaker A: Gonna fix my face. Because we don't want to threaten the white lady. I'm assuming Sam works in more of a custodial capacity, given the time period. [01:14:40] Speaker D: No one has said. But given the time period. [01:14:48] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean it. Charming and polite and quiet. Again, don't want to accidentally threaten the white lady. I'm just gonna walk up to the front desk. Excuse me, ma'am. [01:15:01] Speaker D: Hmm? Yes? [01:15:05] Speaker A: I'm so sorry to bother you. I'm looking for a friend of mine, Mister Samuel Wright. Is he on shift today? [01:15:13] Speaker D: Just get a blank look and takes a deep breath and goes, I don't know any doctors by the name of Sam Wright. You might have the wrong hospital. [01:15:24] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, ma'am, I'm sorry. He's. He's not a doctor. Um, custodial gentleman. Looks a bit like us. [01:15:35] Speaker D: Oh, right. Um, you might want to call him back. [01:15:44] Speaker A: Yep. [01:15:45] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:15:45] Speaker C: Thanks. [01:15:46] Speaker A: Have a great day. [01:15:47] Speaker D: Hmm. But you all. You all make it to the back, and there is another reception area with the black lady who is writing in a little journal, and she sees you all coming up. Hey, how you doing? [01:16:13] Speaker A: Hey, auntie. We're looking for Sam. He on shift? [01:16:19] Speaker D: Yeah, give me. Give me a second. Give me a second. [01:16:22] Speaker A: Thank you, ma'am. [01:16:26] Speaker D: All right. Yeah. Here. He's working down by the boiler. Childs, you see this short, sure, like, dumpy black dude. He's got like. Just like a. Like a bike row fro. He's like, huh? Take him. See Sam. Oh, where is he? You know, he's down by the boiler. Okay. Come on, folks. [01:16:56] Speaker A: Thank you, ma'am. [01:16:58] Speaker D: Not a problem. Not a problem. And Charles takes you all down to the basement, and you see a boiler in complete disrepair, like, just kind of disassembled uh, you just see Sam working on cleaning the parts. It's basically watching somebody fix something that should have been thrown away 40, 50 years ago. But it's a testament to his skill that these are working at all. And he just sees y'all. Charles, who you got? I don't know. They came for you. I agree. What'd you say, captain? [01:17:47] Speaker A: Right. [01:17:50] Speaker D: Charles, you should go. Charles. Scavengers. Captain Samuel right? At your service. How can I help you, ma'am? [01:18:06] Speaker A: Captain, we don't want to take up too much of your time. My name is Adelaide Warner. It's my cousin, JB Williams. I probably know Dwayne back there. [01:18:19] Speaker D: Surprised he's not at work from everything I hear. [01:18:25] Speaker E: And like, I'm just looking at this beautiful monstrosity of a boiler. And I'm taking a break for the neighborhood. [01:18:39] Speaker A: And this is Miss Ruby. Probably know her brother, Raymond. [01:18:47] Speaker D: Yeah, I know. Surf with him. Was in my unit. What. What brings you folks down? [01:18:59] Speaker A: Um, captain, I'm afraid we've got some bad news. [01:19:11] Speaker D: Well, I ain't no stranger to it. Come on, let me hear it. [01:19:17] Speaker A: Um, gentleman by the name of Thomas. From what we hear tell, he was also in your unit. [01:19:34] Speaker D: Yes, he was. [01:19:36] Speaker C: Um. [01:19:37] Speaker D: Good man, good soldier. [01:19:39] Speaker C: Uh, mister Thomas more and. And his family. [01:19:54] Speaker D: At the mention of. And his family. Just keeping it calm and light before immediately you see a wrench thrown against the wall. [01:20:07] Speaker A: Fucking. Did you know this was coming? [01:20:23] Speaker D: Roll me a persuasion fast talker charm with the bonus. [01:20:31] Speaker A: Okay, I'm gonna. [01:20:34] Speaker D: Whoever's having. Whoever's chiming in with this combo. [01:20:38] Speaker B: Oh, I probably shouldn't say nothing then. [01:20:40] Speaker D: Cuz I'm the reason they're getting the bonus. [01:20:44] Speaker C: Hey, is it both one of us? [01:20:49] Speaker D: I'll say both. [01:20:50] Speaker A: Oh, okay. So that was. That was my role with the bonus. I forgot what that means. Help. [01:20:59] Speaker D: With what you got on the bonus. [01:21:00] Speaker C: All right? [01:21:01] Speaker D: Okay. So that means you could have a regular 65, regular success. Or an 86. [01:21:09] Speaker C: I will try. [01:21:12] Speaker A: Yeah, give me the. Give me the 65. [01:21:15] Speaker C: I'll take the 65. [01:21:17] Speaker D: Okay, so that's two successes. [01:21:19] Speaker B: But you can make it 69. [01:21:21] Speaker C: I'll make it a 69. [01:21:23] Speaker B: A. [01:21:27] Speaker D: Success. It's still a success. [01:21:29] Speaker B: Nice. [01:21:32] Speaker E: Mature moments. [01:21:42] Speaker D: Moore was good. Moore was a good man. I served with more. Raymond, Smithson, Williams, Jordan, McCon, wolf. Three of my men. Hmm. You're my fucking lid. [01:22:34] Speaker E: Hmm. [01:22:35] Speaker D: Okay, okay. Thank you folks, for letting me know. I gotta finish this boiler, so I'm. [01:22:45] Speaker E: Just gonna pick up a wrench and start working on it. I'm gonna pick up the wrench. You threw down. [01:22:52] Speaker D: I'm gonna say, what is that, a machinery machine? [01:22:56] Speaker E: Mechanical repair. [01:22:57] Speaker D: Yeah, mechanical repair. Go ahead and roll that for me regular. Mm hmm. [01:23:05] Speaker E: And I'm just gonna not even, like, as he's talking, I'm already walking up and picking up the wrench and just moving up to repair parts and twist loose bolts. And I'll do respect, sir. You were almost assassinated twice. Can't just leave this to you soldier boys anymore. We're gonna repair this neighborhood. Need more hands on deck. [01:23:35] Speaker D: Oh, no, I get that. I get that. Anyone who would like to make a psychology check. [01:23:46] Speaker A: Can I argue for psychoanalysis? [01:23:52] Speaker D: I'll give it to boy. [01:23:53] Speaker B: Oh, I'm still on extreme. That's why I was like, I thought I was better than that. [01:24:00] Speaker A: There we go. Don't matter what I'm supposed to be good at, too. [01:24:06] Speaker D: Ruby. You look at him, and you immediately know he's finna go and do something like, this is somebody that's made up their mind to. To take action. [01:24:29] Speaker B: So where we going. [01:24:33] Speaker A: Ma'Am? [01:24:34] Speaker D: I don't want to say where we going. [01:24:40] Speaker B: You're clearly about to go somewhere to do something about this. Where we going? [01:24:55] Speaker E: Is it to go face off with these knights? [01:24:58] Speaker D: Did you say. [01:25:03] Speaker E: Nights? [01:25:12] Speaker D: Somebody roll me luck. Oh. [01:25:19] Speaker E: Somebody roll me luck. I love that. [01:25:23] Speaker D: Oh, he looks at you. He goes, what you say? And for a second, he looks at Ruby and sees the bracelet and then looks back at all y'all. Tell me what you know. Yeah, I mean, y'all came down here, you gave me a bunch of information. Sounds like you're not telling me everything, so. [01:25:51] Speaker B: Okay, well, that's pretty par for the course. Cause nobody ain't telling us shit. [01:25:54] Speaker D: Well, I'm giving you the chance to find out shit, but I need to know what you know. [01:25:59] Speaker A: All right. All right. Were you at the rent party? [01:26:07] Speaker D: Nah, I was, uh, busy. [01:26:10] Speaker A: Busy, sure. Two, uh. Two of your boys. Two boys that got locked up partway through the night. They just sort of wandered off out into the cold. No jackets, nothing. Nothing behind their eyes. We followed. Cause it was weird. Cause it was cold out, and we didn't want them to catch fucking pneumonia. And we saw soldiers. German soldiers. [01:26:55] Speaker D: After the asshole, if we gave them over there, I doubt they want to come back for more. [01:26:59] Speaker C: Ghost german soldiers. [01:27:03] Speaker D: I can't believe you say that. [01:27:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:27:06] Speaker D: What did you say? Ghosts? [01:27:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:27:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. They, um. They opened fire. They all took a bullet, but it didn't leave a mark. And then the cops came, carted our boys off, went to go see him. Check on him. Make sure they hadn't been, um. You know, it's the 32nd precinct. There's something wrong. More so than usual when it comes to the constabulary. They got plans for those boys. And we don't got a lot of time to figure out what those plans are. But I know we need to get them out of there. [01:28:04] Speaker C: They said something about making an example of them. [01:28:07] Speaker B: It's something about a ritual. [01:28:16] Speaker C: And then we almost got killed. Just somebody shot at us. [01:28:21] Speaker A: Yeah, some german asshole with a fucked up face. [01:28:27] Speaker D: We were at the armory. [01:28:29] Speaker B: He had what we think is Thomas Moore's gun. To shoot at us. Not the armory. Us. [01:28:37] Speaker A: Yeah, specifically this group of idiots here. [01:28:41] Speaker B: I'm not an idiot. [01:28:42] Speaker A: I'm not running along. We're running along after this bullshit that makes us kind of fucking stupid. [01:28:50] Speaker B: And I'll be with that. [01:28:59] Speaker E: Does that help? You hammering? I'm just hammering. Thing to close the door. [01:29:06] Speaker B: Dang. We didn't do that first. [01:29:08] Speaker C: Wow. Yeah. [01:29:12] Speaker D: You have privacy, but now he's. [01:29:15] Speaker E: Giving us extra privacy. [01:29:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:29:18] Speaker D: I'm gonna need somebody to represent the party with a charm check. [01:29:23] Speaker B: Who is our most charming. [01:29:25] Speaker A: I've got a 75. [01:29:28] Speaker C: You? I'm gonna have a 70. [01:29:34] Speaker E: I'm afraid I did not make this character to be charming. I made him to fix shit. [01:29:39] Speaker D: Hey. [01:29:41] Speaker A: Ooh. It's a 40 over 75. [01:29:46] Speaker D: He comes back and pulls a chair and sits. Ghost Nazis or ghost Germans? [01:30:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:10] Speaker B: It's not a joke. We're not lying. [01:30:17] Speaker D: No, it's, uh. It's pretty fucking funny. [01:30:24] Speaker C: I don't see what part of this is funny. [01:30:26] Speaker D: You. [01:30:26] Speaker A: Are you gonna give us the punchline then? Cuz? [01:30:28] Speaker B: I don't. [01:30:28] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I don't. I don't see the humor in this at all. We've been shot at twice and a family's fucking dead. [01:30:51] Speaker D: You go to war thinking that you're gonna see the most horrific shit that man can conjure. And you're a black man in America, so you see pretty bad before. And then you go over there. [01:31:27] Speaker A: And. [01:31:27] Speaker D: You learn that all the hate, all. [01:31:35] Speaker C: The evil. [01:31:41] Speaker D: Minor leagues dropping the bucket. So you start fighting because they tell you to. Because it's your country, right? You start fighting, hoping that maybe they'll recognize you as a person. If you kill who they tell you to kill well enough, to exude, to be exemplary, to be the best of the best of the best. And then it doesn't matter. I still treat you the same. You would think that's the worst thing that you can endure. To bleed, to kill for someone that doesn't give a shit. That that's minor leagues, too. There are things out there. Yeah. Real evil, real darkness. The kind of evil, when you see it, you don't believe it, because how could. How could anything like. How could God let there be something like this? You know, that's the kind of stuff you start thinking, and then you come home to your people, the only ones that care, the only ones that see you. You know what's out there. You know what's really out there. And we can. We can barely deal with what we understand. How. How do you protect them from. You say they're getting ready to do a ritual. It is not the first ritual that I've seen, and it will not be the first ritual that I have stopped. [01:34:32] Speaker A: Captain. What happened over there? What did you bring back? [01:34:49] Speaker D: I don't know. Um. Bex bets was, uh, doing some research and said there is, uh. Hell, I could barely understand it. Now, I was a soldier. I wasn't one of those college kids like him. Yes. To me, what I brought back, I don't know. I can. I can barely tell you what I kept from coming. [01:35:42] Speaker A: What does that mean? What do you mean, kept from coming. [01:35:49] Speaker D: Ma'Am? It means that some things want to come in the world that ain't right, and some people want to bring them, and I don't know why. I just know. Sorry, man. What was that you're talking about? [01:36:18] Speaker B: Monsters and demons and ghosts. [01:36:31] Speaker D: You know, before I went off, somebody said to me that there were monsters in the world. I would have thought about, like the things you read in the serials, you know, like big monkeys or, I don't know, dragons or some shit. That's not what monsters are. [01:37:12] Speaker C: Okay, so you said this wasn't the first ritual that you helped stop? Well, we gotta stop another one from happening. So if you could tell us anything, preferably everything that you saw, and then we'll try to find Vex, I guess, and hopefully he can fill in the gaps. [01:37:44] Speaker B: Please, we don't have a lot of time. [01:37:51] Speaker D: It was a month long battle. Nabolle Wood, 1918. We had been fighting trench to trench. Every inch coughed blood. Yeah. Couldn't go nowhere without dodging a bullet. And we did that weeks at a time. All of a sudden, things get quiet, and you start to think, I miss the sounds of bullets, because with bullets, you know what's coming. The quiet is the scariest thing in the world to me now because it got quiet, and I can. Man, there was a tear in all that. Is there was something from somewhere that was trying to cut its way into the world. It was us in the Phoenix squad. We blew it to hell. I been. I spent weeks trying to convince myself I didn't see what I saw. Then I got to doing some reading. Reading peculiar things. And the thing about reading peculiar things, not too many people read peculiar things, man. [01:40:23] Speaker C: I think you may have found a group of people who actually do sort of look good. My cousin. [01:40:33] Speaker D: I like this. I'm not the first person to have an experience like this, to see something that can't be. Started reading some old lore. Yoruba, Ghana, old african stuff. Old. Old. You ever hear of Jonas? Of course he did. 1690, ethiopian pirates. Saw some. Did some. I'm here to tell you I saw something. I. And I'm gonna do something. And the cycle, it keeps going. Of folks who've seen something and had to do something. [01:42:01] Speaker A: Well, we've all seen something. [01:42:03] Speaker C: We're planning on doing something. [01:42:15] Speaker D: Folks ain't. Folks ain't right. Folks ain't good. But you still hold what I saw. Took something from me. Took something from my men. I'm only gonna give y'all this chance once. Then whatever. Whatever happens next, it's on y'all. I'm gonna give you a chance. I wish that I had. Walk away. [01:43:10] Speaker B: I cannot do that. [01:43:15] Speaker C: Everyone keeps saying that to us because. [01:43:18] Speaker D: There'S things worse than dying. [01:43:21] Speaker C: We've seen that already. [01:43:23] Speaker D: Oh, you haven't. Not even close. You saw ghost germans. I. [01:43:36] Speaker A: I'd call them more than ghosts. There are pieces. Pieces missing. [01:43:49] Speaker D: Listen, y'all adults. You know what you willing to take? I gave y'all a chance to walk away. And if you not gonna take it. [01:44:05] Speaker C: Then we have to help, and we have to stay and fight. So you're gonna help us help. If we're gonna fight, you're not gonna let us go in unarmed, are you? That wouldn't be with a good captain. [01:44:26] Speaker D: Walk out the door and take my hand. But if you take my hand, you're dead. If you take my hand, then the world breaks. If you take my hand, then you expose yourself to all of you. Y'all take his hand, I take it immediately. [01:45:00] Speaker B: Tell me how to save my brother. [01:45:04] Speaker C: Tell me how to save a brother. [01:45:06] Speaker A: World's already broken. [01:45:09] Speaker E: I mean, if the world breaks, then I can't go to work tomorrow. So fucking let's just get this over with. [01:45:16] Speaker B: Want to save the world so you can go to work? [01:45:18] Speaker D: Eh? [01:45:20] Speaker E: It's the normal thing. [01:45:23] Speaker B: I feel like you should get that checked out. [01:45:25] Speaker A: Like we're a little bit past normal, Dwayne. [01:45:30] Speaker C: It's a good story. I can get a good song out of it. [01:45:36] Speaker D: There's all group folks that saw something and did something and they had a name for themselves. We've taken to welcome to the night of the Ouroboros. And that's where we're gonna take our break. Yeah. [01:46:08] Speaker A: All right, fam. Well, shit is on and popping, as we like to say. But don't. I guess that's what we're saying now. Don't go anywhere. We're gonna be back in about 15 minutes. So get up, get your stretch on, get a snack, get some water, get some hydration, and then come on, hang out back here to see what other unknowable horseshit we managed to dig up. We'll see you in a bit. Welcome back, friends, to our single serving tabletop adventure featuring Harlem Hellfighters never die by Chris Feivie for call of Cthulhu, 7th edition. Our little party of investigators has learned some shit. So, Noir, would you like to take us back in? [01:47:03] Speaker D: Yes. So you have been introduced to the knights of Ouroboros. It is a collection of people who have seen things, unexplainable, unnatural things, and have banded together to try and do something about it. Sam appears to be a part of this order. And you've all shaking his hands, his hand stating that you're in this, that you're in for the long haul. He looks at you all, almost with pity and regret. He takes a breath. It's not gonna take nearly as long, but I still gotta fix this boiler. I mean, you work in miracles. You got components to work that I didn't. I didn't think could. [01:48:20] Speaker E: Yeah, it's usually just about the placement of these things. They have a lot more wear than they think they do. [01:48:29] Speaker D: All the same, y'all need to, uh, check in on becks. If you want more answers, he's the one that has them for you. He's been running some tests on us, and I think you. I think he's on to something, so. [01:48:50] Speaker E: Tests? [01:48:55] Speaker D: You asked me what I brought back. Anybody can figure it out. It's him. [01:49:03] Speaker C: Okay, where is he? [01:49:06] Speaker A: We got his address. Gotcha. Right. He's in the same complex with Celestina and Ralph. Captain, when was the last time you talked to him? [01:49:21] Speaker D: I think about a week or a week ago. He's always holding himself up in books, so I didn't think anything of it. But after the rent party. [01:49:37] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't. I don't like our odds. Um, do you. You just want to meet us at a bex's place? [01:49:47] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:49:50] Speaker A: Okay. Thank you. [01:49:56] Speaker D: Might, uh, might be smarter to meet y'all at the protest I hear is going down. [01:50:06] Speaker A: You know, crowds. Yeah, probably. Yeah. No, we'll figure out where we are after I figure out what happened to Becks, and we'll meet you out there then. [01:50:20] Speaker D: All right, well, take care of yourselves. Best, again. [01:50:29] Speaker A: Yes, sir. [01:50:33] Speaker D: I'll take that, my man. And he takes the rich from either way. [01:50:40] Speaker E: Hands it back to him, or I hand it back to him. [01:50:45] Speaker D: Is there anything else y'all would like to do before you head off? All right. And so, with that, you all make your way over to Beck's apartment. Frederick Becks. William, as it were. On your way there, of course, you see the march has made it to the 32nd precinct, and you see the place swarmed with your neighbors, holding signs, yelling, holding this place accountable. You also see the opposition holding them off. There's a tension in the air and the threat of violence. And let's see, what? What? I'm gonna just make this a intelligence role for whoever wants to make it. [01:51:54] Speaker B: Intelligence. [01:51:59] Speaker C: Oh, I'm gonna let that go. [01:52:04] Speaker D: Nope. [01:52:05] Speaker C: What do I have to. [01:52:07] Speaker D: You don't have to. [01:52:11] Speaker C: Never mind. I read books. I know stuff. [01:52:17] Speaker B: We're clever, so. Ruby, I'm real. [01:52:20] Speaker D: You've. You've covered protests like this before, and you're seeing the position that the police are taking. They are not gonna give back their prisoners. They're not gonna let these boys go. But what you also know is that the precinct is surrounded. And more importantly, there's no way they can get those boys out. If nothing else, the neighborhood just bought them another night. So you continue past that, and you make it to the apartment complex going. And you find the door of Bex's apartment. What would you like to do? [01:53:34] Speaker A: Is it locked? [01:53:37] Speaker D: Uh, you try the door, and it is, in fact, locked. [01:53:42] Speaker B: I mean, knock first. [01:53:44] Speaker A: Knock on it. Yeah. [01:53:46] Speaker B: Just feels rude. [01:53:47] Speaker A: I said I'm, like, half expecting him to be dead. [01:53:50] Speaker D: Well, I'm. [01:53:51] Speaker B: I am 100% expecting him to be dead, but I still think we should talk. [01:53:55] Speaker C: Am I the only one looking on the bright side? Come on. [01:53:57] Speaker A: Probably. [01:53:58] Speaker B: Yeah. It's okay. It's something that's. You know, somebody has to. [01:54:04] Speaker D: And there is no answer. Oh, man. [01:54:09] Speaker B: I'll turn to Dwayne. [01:54:14] Speaker E: Uh, I mean, I can open the door if you. If we want to break in this place. [01:54:26] Speaker C: I knock again. It's harder. [01:54:30] Speaker E: That's. [01:54:38] Speaker B: It's not. Does it? It doesn't. Does it smell like anything? [01:54:43] Speaker A: Is there an aroma? [01:54:45] Speaker C: Is there an or anything? [01:54:46] Speaker B: Aroma? [01:54:49] Speaker D: There is a. There is a touch of a foul odor. It's almost sweet, like electricity. [01:55:03] Speaker A: Oh, boy. Dwayne. [01:55:13] Speaker D: Please. [01:55:16] Speaker E: Hey, guess. [01:55:20] Speaker D: Would you like to do. [01:55:22] Speaker E: I guess so. I have. I have tools just at the ready. [01:55:29] Speaker D: I can go ahead and roll locksmith. [01:55:36] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:55:39] Speaker D: Uh, you try. And it's just. It's not taking. [01:55:45] Speaker B: There a window we can climb through. [01:55:51] Speaker A: Keeper. [01:55:53] Speaker D: Hmm. [01:55:54] Speaker A: Do we, perchance, know the super of this building? [01:55:58] Speaker C: Oh, yes, we know the super of this building. [01:56:02] Speaker A: Does Dwayne know the super? Does the. The super? No. Dwayne's mom. [01:56:06] Speaker D: Roll me a luck. [01:56:09] Speaker E: Who's rolling the luck? [01:56:13] Speaker A: I did it last time. Somebody else do it? [01:56:16] Speaker D: If you're asking if. Well, you're new to town, so we're. Right. No, if you're asking if Dwayne knows, then we'll have to use Dwayne's lucky. [01:56:30] Speaker E: I'll fucking roll it, I guess. [01:56:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:56:33] Speaker E: Hey, I know the super. [01:56:35] Speaker D: You do know the super. [01:56:37] Speaker B: It's because everybody knows you, Dwayne. [01:56:39] Speaker D: They're three floors up. [01:56:41] Speaker E: Okay. I guess we could ask the super. As long as they're not asleep at this time. Jesus. No. [01:56:53] Speaker A: Decently dumb, that. Like, it's fine. [01:56:57] Speaker E: You supers run weird shifts, especially with people calling them all times in the day and night. [01:57:03] Speaker C: This is just another weird time to call. [01:57:07] Speaker D: Looper's name is George, and he is very, very curmudgeonly. [01:57:14] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [01:57:16] Speaker E: Okay, back on the. [01:57:18] Speaker D: I'll I'll go. [01:57:19] Speaker E: I'll go up to George's apartment. [01:57:21] Speaker C: You like us to come with you? [01:57:24] Speaker E: I mean, you can. I mean. Again, I feel like shouldn't split up any which way. Especially with what just happened to us an hour ago. 45 minutes ago. [01:57:36] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:57:37] Speaker A: Okay. All right. [01:57:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:57:38] Speaker A: Okay. [01:57:38] Speaker D: All right. So you knock on the door. What? [01:57:43] Speaker E: George is Dwayne. [01:57:47] Speaker D: Wait. What the hell you doing? You see the door open? Boy, you don't even live here. What do you want? [01:57:55] Speaker E: I'm looking out for a friend, and he's not answering his door. [01:57:59] Speaker D: Who's your friend? [01:58:02] Speaker E: Bex Williams. Three fours down. [01:58:09] Speaker D: Bookworm. [01:58:10] Speaker E: Hmm. [01:58:13] Speaker D: Knock on his door. If he's not there, he's not there. What do you want me to do about it? [01:58:20] Speaker E: He told me he wanted me to wake him. He's studying something weird, and he's. You know how nerds can get. Reading all time, losing track of time. Told me to go check up on him. He doesn't really leave his house much. [01:58:35] Speaker D: He told you to check up on him? Yeah, he's not opening the door. [01:58:39] Speaker E: No. And I smelled the door, and it smelled not like normal smells. Sweet. [01:58:46] Speaker A: George. George. He's got some friends that are worried about him. [01:58:52] Speaker D: Please roll me a charm check. [01:58:57] Speaker A: Make it that face too. [01:59:00] Speaker D: Or you could attempt to bribe him with a credit check. [01:59:04] Speaker B: Ham check. [01:59:07] Speaker A: Okay, my credit rating is not that. [01:59:10] Speaker B: Great, so we try and receive. [01:59:14] Speaker A: Oh, fuck off. [01:59:16] Speaker D: It's. [01:59:17] Speaker C: Come on. [01:59:18] Speaker A: No, no, I'm using a luck. I'm using a luck. Fuck that. Yeah, I will spend a luck to where I need to be. [01:59:30] Speaker C: Watch. [01:59:32] Speaker D: I'm not letting y'all in there, but I'll go check on. He starts walking down. [01:59:40] Speaker A: I mean, we're following him. [01:59:41] Speaker D: Yeah, absolutely. Uh, and then he knocks on the door. He goes, the hell is that smell? Puts the key in the lock, and he opens it. Who would like to roll luck for George? [02:00:00] Speaker E: What do you mean? What do you. What do you mean? [02:00:05] Speaker C: I'll do it. I'll roll luck for George. [02:00:07] Speaker A: Oh, no. [02:00:09] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [02:00:14] Speaker C: What are you out here? [02:00:16] Speaker A: We almost get the super killed. [02:00:19] Speaker D: We opened the door, and you see. And he opens the door, and congratulations, you have all acquired a world war one german stick grenade, model 24. That was a dud. The trap didn't work because of the luck. And he opens it, and where it was supposed to pull, the whole stick came out instead. And he goes, oh, shit. Don't touch it. [02:00:58] Speaker A: Don't fucking touch it. [02:01:01] Speaker B: The hell would he do that? [02:01:04] Speaker D: Becks. [02:01:05] Speaker A: What the. [02:01:07] Speaker D: That is double ring. At least in storms in. [02:01:11] Speaker E: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [02:01:13] Speaker B: Further into the trap. [02:01:16] Speaker A: Gotta, like, nudge the stick grenade out of the way. [02:01:25] Speaker B: We've acquired that. That's ours now. [02:01:28] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [02:01:29] Speaker B: Inventory. [02:01:30] Speaker E: I'll take it. I'll take it. [02:01:34] Speaker D: Spoil sport. You want to hold this grenade kinda. [02:01:39] Speaker B: A little bit. [02:01:42] Speaker D: Okay. [02:01:42] Speaker A: No, the mechanic should probably take. [02:01:49] Speaker D: We almost died. [02:01:53] Speaker E: Oh, my God. If I would have succeeded on that. [02:01:55] Speaker D: Luck, two d, six plus two damage. [02:01:59] Speaker C: Oh. [02:02:02] Speaker B: That would have actually killed me. I need I remind you that I have six points. Six hit points. Four of which I have right now. That would have killed me. Dead. [02:02:11] Speaker D: Dead. [02:02:12] Speaker E: How many points does the receiver have? [02:02:15] Speaker D: Not enough. Um, so he walks in and you hear, Jesus. Oh, rip. [02:02:27] Speaker B: Rip to that, man. [02:02:29] Speaker E: That's cool. [02:02:30] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:02:31] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. [02:02:32] Speaker A: We're going in. I'm going in. Fuck. [02:02:36] Speaker C: What? Okay. [02:02:39] Speaker D: Inside the apartment, you find William's body. It is twisted and gnarled into an impossible shape. His bones seemingly interwoven and reorganized. The sight is painful to look at. I need everyone to make me a composure check. [02:03:03] Speaker E: Fucking bed. Oh. [02:03:08] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [02:03:11] Speaker B: Hey. I've seen dead bodies. Not like this, but I've seen dead bodies. [02:03:17] Speaker D: I'm fine. [02:03:18] Speaker B: I'm a photographer. [02:03:20] Speaker D: Out of the failure, I've seen worse. [02:03:25] Speaker B: I do think. I was going to say that. I do think that I'm more fascinated by this site. Maybe not in, like a. Oh, that's so interesting kind of way, but in a, like, wow. How did they. Why did they. [02:03:42] Speaker D: Why everyone that failed the composure check, you're going to take six composers. You're going to lose six composure. That's unfortunate. Wow. As the side of this thing makes you wretch and it burns itself into your memory, the skin seems to have erupted, and yet the flesh looks very fresh, despite the dried blood stains on the bed sheets. The sheet is also singed and blackened, where the body lies, as if there had been. As if it had been near a fire. [02:04:27] Speaker B: And the edges of the body were. Was singed. [02:04:33] Speaker D: Correct. The super can't take this and goes, I'm calling the cops. I'm calling the cops. And rod walks out. Unless anybody would like to intervene. [02:04:46] Speaker A: I'm good. I'm gonna grab him. George, George, George, George. Hey. I know. I know. This is fucking terrible. [02:04:57] Speaker E: He did just. [02:04:58] Speaker D: He was a weirdo, but he didn't deserve this. [02:05:01] Speaker A: I know. [02:05:01] Speaker D: Nobody. [02:05:03] Speaker A: I know, buddy. I know. I know, George. I know. There's. There's a lot. There's a lot going on right now with these hellfighter boys that we don't understand, okay? And I. I don't think the cops are gonna help on this one. In fact, they might actively be making it worse. I know this. I know, I know. I know this is your place, and. And Bex is one of your tenants. [02:05:34] Speaker B: But. [02:05:37] Speaker A: Go upstairs, pour yourself a drink, okay? We'll take care of it. [02:05:45] Speaker D: Roll me a charmed persuade or fast haul. [02:05:51] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [02:06:01] Speaker B: Hey, hey, hey. [02:06:06] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. Just let me know when it's done. Let me. Let me. Let. God. God, let me. Let me know when it's done. [02:06:13] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I know. I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. [02:06:18] Speaker B: I want to take some pictures. [02:06:23] Speaker D: He stumbles off a mess, and you are. You take your pictures. [02:06:30] Speaker A: They're a potted plant in the hallway. Yeah, I'm gonna barf in it. [02:06:35] Speaker D: Yeah, because you're taking pictures. Go ahead and roll me a spot hidden. [02:06:48] Speaker B: Ooh, yikes. Nope. But I will. I. That's my. I hear I'm calling the cops, so my brain is, like, I might not have enough time to look at everything right now. So I'm just going to be taking. [02:07:01] Speaker E: The pictures that I am taking, trying to ignore the. Trying to ignore the centerpiece of this place. I think. I think I'm just going to look around for the information that they were talking about forehand. [02:07:19] Speaker D: Okay, go ahead. Roll me a spot. [02:07:21] Speaker C: Hidden. [02:07:22] Speaker D: Oh, but this is going to be a hard spot. Hidden. [02:07:26] Speaker E: Got you one. [02:07:33] Speaker B: Are you the one rolling all the ones? [02:07:35] Speaker D: You are the chosen one. [02:07:38] Speaker A: Thank God. [02:07:43] Speaker D: More proof, please. The first thing that you notice are brittle blond hairs. Yeah. Around the body. You do see that under the bed is a box. It's a strange looking contraption. It's on the floor and it looks heavily damaged, but it seems to be functional. It might need some work, though. [02:08:29] Speaker E: Like mechanical work. [02:08:31] Speaker D: Yeah, actually. [02:08:34] Speaker E: Um, just going to take the box from under the. Like, try to avoid touching the bed as almost as much as possible, and just taking the box and lifting it, looking for. Looking for a clean spot to lay this thing down on. Once I do put the box down, start working on it to open it, realize. Realize what that just happened before with the door. Turn the box around and then work on it that way to open it and open it like that. Just in case. [02:09:17] Speaker C: Uh, should. Should we check it at all? [02:09:19] Speaker D: Just. [02:09:20] Speaker C: Just take. I know you got this, but just take, you know, do a little once over just to make sure it's, you. [02:09:26] Speaker E: Know, like, you're not. You're not wrong. I'm just. I'm. There's a lot happening, and the order of things is important. That's really. What does this box look like now that I'm taking it up from under the bed? [02:09:38] Speaker D: So it is, uh. It is made with iron on the outside, but there is a. There's a glass, uh, opening on one of the squares. And it's almost like it's picking up signals or it's detecting something or it would be. At least it almost looks like. It almost looks like a fucking. What's a Geiger counter? Oh, just a big, boxy Geiger counter. [02:10:15] Speaker E: Hate that. [02:10:16] Speaker D: Oh. [02:10:19] Speaker A: I don't like it. [02:10:20] Speaker D: I don't like it. [02:10:21] Speaker A: I hate any of this. [02:10:25] Speaker E: I'm not sure if Dwayne knows bad beans or, like, if it's. If it's geigerish, doesn't know what a Geiger counter is. It's world War one. But I think just. [02:10:42] Speaker D: In fact, who are you standing by? [02:10:44] Speaker E: I'm. I guess I'm saying about JB. JB's next to me if he's making comments. [02:10:49] Speaker D: So as you're messing with it and it's on. You can see it. Yeah, it's just steady. [02:11:00] Speaker E: It's steady. [02:11:01] Speaker C: Okay. Does that. Does that sound good? [02:11:12] Speaker D: Good. [02:11:13] Speaker E: Is that a good. [02:11:15] Speaker C: Is that a good sound or, like, uh. The more we mess with it, the worse it's gonna be. Sound. [02:11:22] Speaker B: What's the vibe keeper? [02:11:29] Speaker C: Is there any way I would. Is there any. Is there any way I would know that answer? [02:11:38] Speaker D: I'll say. I mean, you might want to. You can take a look around the room to see if there's anything that you can parse together, but other than that, that's about it. [02:11:48] Speaker C: Are there any books around? I would like. [02:11:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I also would like to look. [02:11:52] Speaker A: For some books, please, once I've stopped throwing up. [02:11:58] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:11:59] Speaker D: All right. [02:12:00] Speaker C: I choked mine down, like, three times before I moved over. [02:12:03] Speaker A: Yeah. No event. You just. Eventually, you just gotta let it go. Also, I'm gonna. I'm gonna steal your flask, cuz, and just swish. [02:12:13] Speaker D: You see books on radio waves. You see books on elementary science, advanced science, physics, everything. And those books seem to be. They've been gone through and they've been put back on the shelf. I like books, but on the floor, he's still start to notice a scattering of books on radiation. [02:12:44] Speaker B: Flip through those. [02:12:46] Speaker C: Okay. [02:12:47] Speaker B: Yeah. You want to take half and I'll take half? We don't got a lot of time. [02:12:50] Speaker A: Right. [02:12:53] Speaker D: Okay, give me a. For the ones reading the books, give me a luck check. Oh, hell, actually, that's okay. [02:13:00] Speaker C: Luck is better than my briefs right now. I don't know if it's gonna work. [02:13:04] Speaker B: But what the hell, man? [02:13:10] Speaker C: Let's go. 64 to 64. [02:13:15] Speaker E: Let's go, let's go. [02:13:20] Speaker D: Okay, so you. You can't you read a couple of notes? Apparently, Williams calculated that every member of the hell of the Hellfighter squad had been washed in some sort of german radiation experiment during the events of the events of the battle of Bayou woods. Somehow saturating them clearly. However, he also notes that the radiation was not deadly. You also see notes further in the same book of sketches and ideas for the device that you see in Dwayne's hand. He's called it his beck's box, and he's very excited at the prospect of patenting it. The last note that you find written down is that he's so excited to tell Javier and James about it at the rent party. [02:14:51] Speaker C: He says that he was excited to tell them about it at the rent party. So this. That had to have happened. [02:15:04] Speaker B: Before the rent party. [02:15:06] Speaker C: Yeah, but, like, probably the day off. [02:15:12] Speaker B: Yeah, it's kind of difficult to tell because despite the fact that clearly this body's been here for a minute, the flesh is still fresh. Sorry, sorry, sorry. [02:15:29] Speaker D: I'm gonna need that mechanical repair check. [02:15:33] Speaker E: Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Mechanical repair. Wow. Do I spend the nine. No. [02:15:55] Speaker A: Do we need it? Do we need it? [02:15:57] Speaker C: Well, it seems like this is. [02:16:01] Speaker E: What is this? What is this check specifically for? Is it just. Just trying to see if I can fix it? Or am I trying to figure out what it is or what does this. [02:16:08] Speaker D: You can immediately tell that this thing is not working to its full capacity, that whatever happened to becks damaged it in some way so that it is not working fully. [02:16:21] Speaker E: Okay. [02:16:22] Speaker B: Why do you think they went after him? Come on. [02:16:26] Speaker D: I mean, it's. [02:16:27] Speaker E: It's a. Hey, people, when you play pretend, you go all out. I will spend the nine to fix this thing up or start to fix it up. [02:16:37] Speaker D: So you put the pieces together, but then you realize that some of the wiring is also off. This is going to require an electric electrical repair. Uh oh. [02:16:54] Speaker C: Can. Can I help? Because I'm looking at the schematics for. [02:16:59] Speaker D: It, so I'll give you that. So you can roll electrical repair with the bonus. Yay. [02:17:06] Speaker E: Oh, man. [02:17:07] Speaker D: My. [02:17:08] Speaker E: I mean, it can't. Oh, wait, that's hard. I have it on hard for some reason. [02:17:11] Speaker D: Yeah, it's not a hard check. [02:17:12] Speaker E: Not hard. So that would be so, uh. Yeah, with the bonus. [02:17:15] Speaker C: With bonus. [02:17:16] Speaker E: With bonus. Yeah, definitely. [02:17:19] Speaker C: That would have been, uh, 47 for out of over 80. [02:17:22] Speaker D: So it's not a. It's not a hard check. So you can roll it again. Yeah, without the heart. [02:17:27] Speaker E: Yeah, roll it again. There we go. [02:17:32] Speaker C: Oh, bang. [02:17:32] Speaker E: Let's go. [02:17:34] Speaker D: You fire this thing up, and then you hear. And as you turn around. Oh, hell. [02:17:46] Speaker B: Mama. [02:17:47] Speaker D: Jesus. And it seems to only do that when you're pointing it at Ruby. [02:17:58] Speaker A: Oh, hell. [02:17:59] Speaker B: I don't fucking know. [02:18:03] Speaker C: Why is it making that sound? [02:18:04] Speaker B: What does that mean? What does that mean? [02:18:06] Speaker C: I'm pouring back through the notes. [02:18:08] Speaker E: Stop panicking. Stop panicking, stop panicking. [02:18:10] Speaker C: What. What does the sound mean? [02:18:11] Speaker E: And then, like. Just, like, go. I'm. It. Is it just. When I go over Ruby, does it. Is it, like, a constant or as. I'm, like, getting close to an object on them? [02:18:20] Speaker D: Put the. You put the box by the. Her head, nothing. Chest, nothing. Arm? Nothing. Wrist. [02:18:38] Speaker B: Whatever this is. But Raymond gave me this. It's not a bad thing, right? [02:18:43] Speaker D: Oh, it's a. [02:18:45] Speaker B: It's. It's an ouroboros. You know, the name of the our Boris is a snake that perpetually eats itself. [02:18:53] Speaker C: Yeah, we're part of the knights of it. [02:18:56] Speaker E: As I have the thing over the. Over the bracelet, I'm just gonna go over the body with it as well. And I know you mentioned three. [02:19:11] Speaker D: Does it? It doesn't go off until. Get to the hairs. [02:19:19] Speaker B: Hairs? [02:19:24] Speaker D: Riddle blonde. [02:19:26] Speaker B: Oh, those. Right. [02:19:28] Speaker E: And this and the. So books about radiation. Three brittle looking hairs, hair slick. [02:19:41] Speaker C: So, uh, I'm guessing those hairs are german, have the same radiation. I'm guessing from these notes that that bracelet came from over there. [02:20:06] Speaker B: Well, yeah, but it wouldn't. The body would still be radioactive even if, you know, he's dead now. Um. [02:20:20] Speaker C: Well, yeah, yes, but you said. [02:20:24] Speaker B: Well, they said. You said in. You said in. In the. The journals that everyone had been saturated in some kind of radiation. That includes him, right? So why would that radiation not be on him now? Unless this is a different type of radiation. [02:20:40] Speaker D: That's. That's Harlem Hellfighter. [02:20:45] Speaker B: Bex isn't a. [02:20:47] Speaker D: He works with them. [02:20:49] Speaker B: Oh, thank you. [02:20:50] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, yeah, that's. [02:20:53] Speaker D: Just. [02:20:53] Speaker C: Work with him. [02:20:55] Speaker B: Oh. Oh, are you sure? Cuz I wrote his name down when homeboy was listing off everybody in his unit, so. [02:21:04] Speaker D: Well. [02:21:04] Speaker E: Well, we have whatever. I think this is a radiation finder detector. Yeah, whoever. Whoever dropped these blond hairs covered in this stuff. [02:21:22] Speaker C: Uh huh. [02:21:23] Speaker B: Is your german weird guy? He was blonde, right? [02:21:31] Speaker A: He was blonde, wasn't he? Keeper? [02:21:34] Speaker D: Yes. [02:21:35] Speaker B: Do we have hair? [02:21:37] Speaker D: Yes, it was. He's balding. [02:21:40] Speaker E: Balding. [02:21:41] Speaker A: Balding. [02:21:42] Speaker D: And he also had scars and burn all along for his body. [02:21:49] Speaker A: Remember how I said his face was fucked up? [02:21:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:21:53] Speaker A: Maybe something like radiation burns. [02:21:56] Speaker C: Oh. [02:22:00] Speaker A: Keeper, is there. Got books on radiation and science and the natural order of things. Is there anything in Bex's library that tilts towards the unnatural? [02:22:14] Speaker D: Throw me a spot hidden. [02:22:17] Speaker B: Can we help? I don't know how we'd help, but can we help? [02:22:19] Speaker A: I'm real bad. I'm real bad at spot hidden, y'all. [02:22:22] Speaker C: Yeah, can we all. Can we all look? [02:22:25] Speaker E: Can I just point the back box towards the. [02:22:31] Speaker A: Towards the library, towards the. [02:22:33] Speaker E: Towards the bookcase, towards the. Where they're looking? I don't know. [02:22:37] Speaker D: Sure. Uh, you do that and doesn't seem to be going off. [02:22:47] Speaker A: Hidden is a failure. [02:22:52] Speaker E: Nice spot, hidden. [02:22:54] Speaker D: Yeah, that's pretty good, I hope. [02:23:00] Speaker B: I would also like to. Like to try. Um, I'd also like to try, but I'm. I'm actually looking at the. I'm looking at the body specifically now. [02:23:09] Speaker D: Okay, I'll go ahead and roll a medicine or science check. Oh, boy. [02:23:15] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [02:23:17] Speaker B: Neither of those I'm good at. Oh, man. Medicine. [02:23:22] Speaker D: Or. [02:23:22] Speaker B: What's the other one? [02:23:23] Speaker D: Science. [02:23:25] Speaker B: I don't know if I have science. [02:23:29] Speaker D: Oh, science. Biology. So it would be. [02:23:34] Speaker B: Yeah, no, but, I mean, my medicine is a one. [02:23:40] Speaker D: I'll let you roll. Just an intelligence check. [02:23:43] Speaker B: Sure. I will happily take that. Thank you so much. Hey, hey, I'm smart. [02:23:53] Speaker D: All right, I'll give this to you. So you're. You're, like, one of the few people that aren't very freaked out by this at all. So you go in there and you find that there is a knife wound and the neck. [02:24:19] Speaker B: Does it look, like, deep or, like it would have killed him? [02:24:27] Speaker D: It looked like it was done purposely to kill slowly. [02:24:34] Speaker B: Why would they do that? I mean, that's horrifying, but, like. [02:24:43] Speaker D: Why. [02:24:45] Speaker B: Why kill someone incredibly slowly and then contort their body? [02:24:52] Speaker D: Oh, did. [02:24:53] Speaker B: Okay, another question. I guess. Um. Does it look like it. It was, like, the first thing done or, like, the last thing done? [02:25:04] Speaker D: It looks like it was the last thing. [02:25:06] Speaker B: The last thing done. So the body was twisted, contorted, tortured, burned? [02:25:14] Speaker D: Hmm. [02:25:16] Speaker B: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Before. Before. I'm just saying, before. Before this knife wound. This knife wound. I mean, he would have bled out, so it would have been a very slow, painful death. But why go through all the trouble doing the rest of that? That's, like, a torturous thing, right? It's like, uh. It's like something that you would do if you were looking for information or. [02:25:45] Speaker A: Something that you would do if you're part of some weird occult shit. [02:25:48] Speaker B: I mean, I know, but if we're assuming that this. The same person who killed this man also killed Thomas more and his family, they were killed. Maybe not quickly, but not like this. [02:26:01] Speaker C: No, they were both brutalized. Uh, that means he was looking for something or trying to get something. [02:26:10] Speaker B: That's my thought. [02:26:12] Speaker C: So is there something here that we're missing? [02:26:15] Speaker E: He holds up the box. I mean, we can use this to find out whoever it's. [02:26:25] Speaker C: Can I. Can I do a spot hidden check? I don't have a very good spot hidden, but can I do that to see if we can find the thing that's missing? [02:26:32] Speaker B: Yes, I would like to find the thing that's missing. [02:26:35] Speaker D: Uh, go ahead and make me a hard spot hidden. Nope. [02:26:43] Speaker B: For me? I love being silly. I wanted to use the other word, but I wasn't going to. So. [02:27:06] Speaker A: I mean, we might as well maybe look through the rest of the apartment then. [02:27:14] Speaker B: Um, I don't know how much longer. Um, you know, George is gonna hold out, so we better make this quick. I'm. I have some pictures, though. I'll develop them tonight and, um. And see if we can. If I can spot anything that we might have missed. [02:27:31] Speaker A: Yeah, sure. Um, we'll keep her then. [02:27:36] Speaker B: Okay. You look really green, Ruby. [02:27:40] Speaker A: There's. There's a twisted, mangled body of a person, like 2ft away. They're like, not booby trapped too. Super not. Okay, right now. [02:27:51] Speaker B: That's another. That's another. Was the booby trap. Did that. Was that set up before or after he was killed? [02:27:58] Speaker E: It was most likely set up to kill anybody who tried to investigate this place. [02:28:03] Speaker C: Technically, it would have destroyed all the evidence. [02:28:05] Speaker B: I suppose so. But why wouldn't you just do that first? [02:28:08] Speaker C: Because then people would know you. You were here. Especially if this was set up before the party. Remember? So this happened before the party. Then we all would have heard it. Computer been right over there. We already came here. Probably saw it. [02:28:22] Speaker E: Also, think about this way. Who knows this guy? Hellfighters. Hellfighter comes to investigate, misses the grenade, gets killed in process. That's another hellfire off the list. [02:28:39] Speaker B: I suppose. Seems very convoluted of a crime, but, I mean, I'm not a otherworldly human. [02:28:47] Speaker C: German who sends ghost Nazis out to kill people. Yeah, very convoluted. [02:28:52] Speaker B: It's incredibly convoluted. I just don't understand why you would do that. Yes. I don't know. [02:28:57] Speaker C: Anyway, how are you so calm right now? [02:28:59] Speaker B: Oh, you know, I see dead bodies all the time. [02:29:01] Speaker C: Huh? [02:29:02] Speaker B: I'm a photographer. We go to this. We go to crime scenes. [02:29:06] Speaker A: Oh, God. Okay. Can we keep her? Can we look. Can we look through the apartment? [02:29:12] Speaker E: Just one last look. [02:29:13] Speaker D: I will say, um, I will allow you to find anything you missed if you spend an hour here. [02:29:25] Speaker E: Oh, what a bargain. [02:29:26] Speaker B: What time is it about? [02:29:30] Speaker D: We're looking at around 06:00 p.m. 06:00 p.m. [02:29:34] Speaker B: If we spend an hour, it'd be about seven. We're supposed to meet Sam at the protests. Maybe some. Maybe one of us should go convince George not to say or do anything while the rest of us look through. [02:29:52] Speaker A: I've stuffed George. George is gonna lay low until we go get him. [02:29:58] Speaker B: An hour's a long time. [02:30:02] Speaker A: There's a lot at stake, Ruby. [02:30:05] Speaker D: Okay, um. [02:30:08] Speaker C: Uh, so while we're gonna look through this, we're gonna stay here, take the time. We also should probably find a really nice way of explaining the fact that we sort of spent an hour looking through everything. [02:30:24] Speaker E: Are there any weapons here? [02:30:27] Speaker B: We got a grenade. [02:30:30] Speaker E: Other than that, are there any. Have we seen any sign of a weapon? Nope. [02:30:38] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:30:40] Speaker E: Well, he's not a hellfighter, so he's probably have a. Have an army pistol. [02:30:44] Speaker C: Okay. [02:30:46] Speaker B: Probably wasn't a hellfighter. [02:30:50] Speaker D: Yeah, not a hellfighter. [02:30:51] Speaker B: Not a hellfighter. [02:30:54] Speaker E: I feel like we have the. A big item, but I also do want to make sure we get everything. Spooky games, spooky consequences. [02:31:13] Speaker B: Spooky games, spooky conscious games, spooky consequences. [02:31:16] Speaker A: Listen, let take, take the damn consequences. We. There's shit here that we need. [02:31:23] Speaker B: There's shit here that we need no gain. Yeah. [02:31:27] Speaker C: Gotta understand what's going on. So, yeah, let's get all the information. [02:31:30] Speaker A: Better. No better way to get the information than from the fucking nerd. [02:31:34] Speaker B: We're gonna die. [02:31:35] Speaker D: Yeah, probably. Probably. [02:31:39] Speaker B: No, we've been a die die. [02:31:40] Speaker C: No, we're not. No, we're not. No. Yeah, I'm gonna make sure that you guys don't die. [02:31:47] Speaker A: Dwayne. Dwayne, do you think you could, like, potentially, like, keep. Keep an eye out? [02:31:55] Speaker E: Yeah, I think I can do that. I think just in case anybody else is who's a raid. The word, a radio, I guess radiated, covered in whatever they're covered in, this thing can detect them. [02:32:12] Speaker D: That's going off like, why. [02:32:17] Speaker E: Like that right now? [02:32:19] Speaker C: Well, what is it? Point at? What are you pointing at? [02:32:21] Speaker E: What am I pointing it at? What direct leg is it? [02:32:24] Speaker D: You're pointing it towards the hole. [02:32:30] Speaker E: Does this thing, does this thing look have, like, a range of detection from your repair? [02:32:37] Speaker D: I'm gonna say that you're able to do the range. That's. Yeah, I'm gonna say since you. Since you fix this thing, you're able. [02:32:47] Speaker E: To deduce I did get a hard success. I don't know if that. [02:32:51] Speaker D: Yeah, I know. A hundred feet. [02:33:01] Speaker B: That's a lot. Damn. [02:33:04] Speaker E: I'll take it. Well, whatever is coming, it's coming. It's 100ft away, so I think we don't have the time to be looking around this place. Okay, so I said we get out now. [02:33:17] Speaker A: I'm gonna do one more sweep. [02:33:20] Speaker D: Okay, last looks, everybody, because he took the time, I'm not gonna make you real. You find a sticky yet brittle substance on the bookshelf. [02:33:35] Speaker A: Why is it sticky? [02:33:37] Speaker B: What does it smell like? [02:33:38] Speaker E: What is it? [02:33:39] Speaker C: Why is the smell the word? Why is that? It's sticky. It's gross. [02:33:43] Speaker B: What does it smell like? What does it taste like? [02:33:45] Speaker E: What is it? Yeah, is it. Is it in something? [02:33:48] Speaker D: Or is it just like it's just on the bookshelf? Uh, go ahead. Someone can roll me a chemistry or intelligence. [02:34:01] Speaker B: I'm a raw intelligence. Damn. Oh, I'm still on hard. That's why. [02:34:10] Speaker C: Hey, gotcha, fam. [02:34:15] Speaker D: All right. [02:34:15] Speaker B: Did you for real roll? Yes, a one. [02:34:18] Speaker C: Yes, it did. [02:34:19] Speaker D: I won. Good. So it can't be identified, but based on its rate of degeneration, it must have been strong as still at one time. And now it crumbles to dust when you touch it. [02:34:46] Speaker E: Sweep it up and let's get the. [02:34:47] Speaker D: Hell out of it. Also able to deduce that the brittle blonde hair shows signs of radiation as well. Whoever the hair belongs to to suffer from that same radiation exposure. [02:35:11] Speaker E: Gotta go. Gotta get out of here. [02:35:16] Speaker C: Let's go. [02:35:17] Speaker E: Go, go, go. [02:35:20] Speaker D: All right. And so you make it outside. [02:35:26] Speaker C: Or. [02:35:26] Speaker D: Do we and Adelaide realme a spot hidden. And I'm gonna give you a bonus. Oh, no. [02:35:33] Speaker B: We're gonna die. [02:35:35] Speaker A: We're gonna die, king hell. [02:35:38] Speaker B: We're gonna die. [02:35:39] Speaker D: Thank God. [02:35:40] Speaker A: Oh, thank f. That's an extreme success. [02:35:45] Speaker D: You walk out of the apartment and the urge to look behind you takes over. And you look and you see a tarot card on the floor, the tower. And there's a small note on the corner. Stop looking. And that's where we're going to end our session for today. [02:36:33] Speaker A: Okay? [02:36:40] Speaker C: Hey, thoughts. [02:36:42] Speaker A: I'm thinking a lot of thoughts. So there are so many thoughts and so many things. And of course, it's the goddamn tower card. Well, friends, foes and fiends, thank you so much for joining us for another installment of Harlem Hellfighter's never say die, a scenario from Chris Spivey's Harlem unbound, the call of Cthulhu, 7th edition. We have been your unwitting party of knights of ouroboros. Hell, I guess real quick, we're gonna introduce ourselves. Go quick around the table, because while we are all sort of quietly losing our minds and trying to figure out where all these pieces fit together, we would certainly love to see all of you out and about in the great wide Internet when we're doing our other things. So, first and foremost, jazz, would you like to tell the people where you. Where you do the things you do? [02:37:45] Speaker B: Where I do the things I do. [02:37:47] Speaker D: What up? [02:37:48] Speaker B: My name is jazz, also known as Cinder Scoria on the everything. Currently Twitter. We'll see how long that lasts. Um, that's usually where you can find me hanging out. If you want to chat, hit me up. My DM's are open on discord to my DM's are open. Please come say hi. I'm not speaking scary. Um, I'm not usually scary. I did punch a man today. So, um, you can find me here, hanging around Queen's court games, or you can find me, uh, other sider studios. Um, we should be releasing, um, season three of the arcane corps soon, where I play a very large, very angry woman who also wants to protect her. Her family. Wow, this feels. This just feels like a theme. Anyway, that's me. [02:38:38] Speaker A: And Rob. If people want to see what you do, where can they see where you do what you do? [02:38:48] Speaker C: Hi, I'm Rob Madison II. Mad doctor Rob on the everywheres. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Yeah, we're fine. If you want to see me yet again, mad Doctor Rob's on the everywheres. Typically, you can find me hanging out with the obsidian brews. Obsidian brews on the everywheres. Come join our discord. We will be at multiple cons this summer. You're at blurred Con, we gonna be there. If you're at Gen Con, we gonna be there. If you're at Dragon Con, we gonna be there. So come find us some. Say hi. We would love to see you. Love the game with you every so often. [02:39:41] Speaker D: We'll try to do it. [02:39:42] Speaker C: We're trying to get this scheduled down, but I also make maps in my spare time. I am the host of Monday maps with my doctor Robin over at Obsidian bruise. Other than that. So if you just want to see the maps I make, then feel free to check out MdR map emporium for mad Doctor Rob's map emporium on Instagram. It's pretty dope. Make some cool stuff. I'm pretty happy about them. I love them. They're cool. I said to show them some cool stuff that I'm working on today. It was super dope. Cause, you know, from the blurred con, maybe you'll see it. Just saying. [02:40:21] Speaker A: This is real dope. It's real dope. Rob pulls out the best maps, and sometimes he tries to kill you in them. [02:40:28] Speaker C: That's only partially true. [02:40:31] Speaker A: Christian. If folks want to see what you do, where could they see where you do what you do? [02:40:38] Speaker D: Hey. [02:40:38] Speaker E: Hey, everybody. Hi, I'm Christian, aka fluffy goomba. On several socials, mainly on TikTok. But on Twitch, you can find me several days, several games, several wonderful people. You can also find me on Thursdays on roll for Dylan. That's r oll, the number four. D y l a n for vampire. The masquerades darkness over New Orleans. And, of course, you can find me on Sundays. 08:00 p.m. EST on total party kisses. Tragedy theologian, greek myth inspired five e campaign. At the time of recording this, we just finished beating an arc boss, so. And we just leveled up to level nine, so that's really, really fun. And, of course, every other Saturday, you can find me on the initiative order with their root TGRPG game called Midnight in the marshes. Other stuff down the pipeline, depending on what this is. [02:41:26] Speaker A: Thank you, Christian and noir. Where can the people find you if they want to see what you do? [02:41:32] Speaker D: You can't. I was never here. No, I'm kidding. Hi. You can find me all over the Internet as dnar. That's Twitter, twitch, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and blue sky. That's the new one I'm trying out. Spill. I'm not doing threads because I don't rock with Mark with his face. I'm doing a whole lot of talking about nothing. Sorry. You can also find me every Friday, jigod tv, where I report the TTRPG news over all tabletakes. Every Saturday morning, you can find me on critical message for morning ritual, where we interview all your TTRP favorites. And, uh, by the time this comes out, I'm pretty sure we will have announced, uh, a werewolf. The apocalypse game that I'm in. I hope I can say that. If not, oops. Don't tell nobody. [02:42:35] Speaker A: Live on the Internet, baby. [02:42:43] Speaker D: We go see. We good? I didn't sign nothing yet. [02:42:58] Speaker A: Friends. Positive feeds. I am Laura. Or tutu, or Laura tutu. You can find me on the interwebs of sun iteration of Laura underscore tutu. You probably just need to throw an underscore at the beginning. At the end of that, you can find me on the bird app, you can find me on blue sky, you can find me on the TikToks, you can find me on the instagrams. And more often than not, you can find me here with Queens court games, as I am the social media maven. So if you see anything stupid on our Twitter, Twitter or Instagram or blue sky or what have you, it's probably my fault, or Aaron decided to go off on a tirade and we just let him run with it. It's great. It's hilarious. We love it when that happens. You'll find me here doing things like this or performing in our vampire the Masquerade Chronicle, the all night society. We've got some more call of Cthulhu coming. We've got some more general horror, because that's how we roll out here at the court. But if you want to keep up on all of the happenings, make sure you join our discord where you can hang out and watch us all be absolutely feral. If you also want to support us on Patreon, you will get access to exclusive art, exclusive content, exclusive interviews with our casts, and basically first crack at just about everything. So that's really the way to go. But for now, we will say goodnight as we put our brains back together after that whole thing. But we will see you next time. Same channel, but like 3 hours ago. Catch you there. Bye. Good night. D.

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