Vampire: The Masquerade - Midnight Kiss

January 02, 2023 04:45:37
Vampire: The Masquerade - Midnight Kiss
One Shots and Other Mischief
Vampire: The Masquerade - Midnight Kiss

Jan 02 2023 | 04:45:37


Show Notes

New Year, New You!

Our coterie has been invited to a New Year's celebration at the temple of the Children of the Archangel, a rare chance to see what goes on among the wealthiest and most beautiful Kindred of the city. As the night goes on, they'll have a chance to become something more, but the price to be paid is no small matter. Will they accept at the cost of their humanity or greet the new year with their principles intact?

Content warnings for this scenario include: Cults

Get the scenario here:

Buttons - Vyn (@vynvoxva)
Graham Yates - Aaron (@aaroninwords)
Leyla Wright - Laura (@laura_tutu)
Nessa Langley - Aubrey (@MadQueenCosplay)
Storyteller - Vee (@veeisforvampire)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello friends, and welcome to another single serving adventure from Queens court games. I'm Vee, your storyteller for this evening, and tonight we have a very, very special New Year's Eve. One shot for all of you. We're going to be playing midnight kiss, which is a free scenario written for the Masquerade fifth edition by Jose Garcia and released just last week by Renegade. If you type exclamation point scenario in chat or you take a look at the show notes, if you're catching up on YouTube or listening as a podcast, you can grab the link to check it out for yourself. Keep in mind, vampire is a game about monsters, and as such, there might be topics that certain viewers might find uncomfortable or objectionable. You can get a list of these topics by typing safety in chat or checking the show notes. We are all here, ready to go, dressed up in our holiday best, so let's meet our cast. His New Year's resolution is that he's decided to keep kicking ass but actually taking names as they do because detailed record keeping is important. Our amazing guest for this evening playing the tacky wallflower malkavian buttons. It's been hey y'all. She's resolved to stock up on fresh fruits and veggies and actually eat them before they turn into that green mystery goop in the back of the fridge. As our no longer starving artist, tremere Nessa Langley, it's the podcast queen of QCG, Aubrey. [00:01:20] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:23] Speaker A: Playing the brash musician Brujah Layla Wright, their new Years resolution is to finish at least one of the projects they started and abandoned in 2022. Its qcgs own Laura. And lastly, but not leastly, hes resolved to carefully read all of the instructions on a box of food before throwing it away so he doesnt have to go garbage diving midway through. Playing our corporate foot soldier, Ventrue, it's Erin. [00:01:49] Speaker C: Greetings. [00:01:53] Speaker A: Now, with introductions out of the way, let me tell you a story. It's a cold, clear New Year's Eve night. The chill is to be expected, but the clouds have gone, revealing a moon that is just a hair past a perfect first quarter. Between that and the holiday light still lining the buildings and the trees, there's plenty of light this evening, warming people up in spirit, if not in practice. The snow is crunchy beneath your feet, but soft and powdery as it lays, glittering as it catches the light in the breeze. Luckily for you, youre kindred and the winter weather doesnt bother you like it used to. You still make a show of it though, when you can be bothered to remember. But tonight youve all got other things on your mind, namely the party youre heading to. About a week ago, the four of you received an invitation, a dark grey envelope made of handmade, high quality artisanal paper with a sigil printed in gold on the front, sealed with wax and stamped with the same sigil. Inside is an invitation printed in gold colored text over beige paper which read, the children of the Archangel request your presence. Come and partake of our beauty and grace as we hold a vigil on New Year's Eve. Doors open at 07:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. Please arrive in your best attire and stay to celebrate the midnight glorification of the new year. On the back is the address for Sterner hall, the citys old performing arts center. You all talked about the party once you received the invitations, but ultimately decided to go. Whether out of excitement or peer pressure, you all agreed youd show up together. And while the doors may have opened at seven, some of you took much longer to get ready than others. Nessa, you are the bookish creative type. How did you prepare for this party tonight? [00:04:06] Speaker B: Um, rather hastily, actually. I got a little bit too much into my work, this at work last night, and then when I woke up tonight, the painting I was working on just didn't look right. So I started working on it again, only to realize that I had something to do tonight. And as a I tried to scrub all of the oil paints off my hands the best I could, but unfortunately there are still some stains there. [00:04:43] Speaker A: I'm sure it's fine. Nobody's going to judge an artist, surely. What are you going to do tonight? True. What are you wearing this evening? [00:04:54] Speaker B: I am wearing a dress that, yet again, I had so much trouble picking so many options, and it was in the end, going pretty classic with a small black number. You know, it is rather, you know, tight and sort of shows off necessarily what I have or what I don't have, you know, relatively short and kind of a little thin in the figure. Hence the no longer starving artist. Sure, of course. And, you know, and just sort of over it, throw a nice shawl and, you know, a nice pair of heels. [00:05:39] Speaker A: Lovely. Now, Layla, you're not exactly the fancy party type, are you? So while Nessa is wearing a little black number and heels, looking very, very classy, I'm not sure that's your vibe. [00:05:58] Speaker D: Yeah, no, decidedly not. To be perfectly honest, I had a gig right before this and with the people I was talking to and the folks I was trying to meet. It ran a little over. So, honest to God, I roll up looking like more like I should be walking into a venue like the House of Blues as opposed to some swanky shindig at a performing arts center. Leather jacket over an admittedly clean hoodie. [00:06:34] Speaker A: That's good. [00:06:35] Speaker D: Leather pants. Doc Martens. [00:06:40] Speaker A: Okay. All right. [00:06:42] Speaker D: What they see is what they're gonna get, to be perfectly honest. [00:06:46] Speaker A: So valid. Now, are you excited about the party, or do you find it a little bit of a chore? [00:06:54] Speaker D: I mean, honestly, I'm curious. I can't help that the general disdain that I have for the snobbery of events like this is slightly overridden by the fact that I kind of want to see what's going to go down. [00:07:12] Speaker A: Fair. Now, buttons, how do you feel about the party tonight? [00:07:20] Speaker E: Uh, not great. I mean, people aren't. Aren't the best ever, alive or not. So we're dealing with it. [00:07:33] Speaker A: Sure. Did you get dressed up for the occasion? Are you wearing something that's a little more comfortable than classy? What's the vibe there? [00:07:44] Speaker E: Well, first of all, I needed to find something that was clean, so we kind of just went with clothes. Clothes happened. A button up shirt, a sweater vest, and no. No weird things in the hair. So we're good. [00:08:00] Speaker A: Great. I love that. For you. And finally, Graham. Clothes don't just happen for you, do they? [00:08:13] Speaker C: No. Clothes make the man, as they say. And this man is really fucking well made. [00:08:22] Speaker A: Are you excited about the party? Excited to have an excuse to wear a suit like this? [00:08:28] Speaker C: Well, let's rewind a moment, because I think you're gonna really want to appreciate the wardrobe. Right. This is a Brioni black virgin wool plume jacket with pants and shoes tailored to match. This is bespoke. It sits on my body as if God himself created it for my body. And I'll tell you what. The whole thing together for the price of this, I could have put a child through college. I'm not going to, but I could have. [00:09:01] Speaker A: I think that's the important distinction here, is that you could, but you wouldn't. [00:09:06] Speaker C: No. They need to learn the value of hard work. [00:09:08] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Sure, of course. Question. Did you learn the value of hard work? [00:09:15] Speaker C: Yeah. No. It took a lot to prove to my father that I had what it took to work at his firm and then to demonstrate on every single rung to all the people around me that, you know, I wasn't just there because I was a part of the family. You know, I went to Yale. I had to work extra hard for those grades. I made a point to prove myself. The fact that I rose to vice president that quickly is just a testament to how hard I work. [00:09:42] Speaker A: You're definitely not a Nepo baby, then. [00:09:46] Speaker C: No, no, no, no. You can look at my portfolio performance and understand that I am doing exactly what it takes. [00:09:52] Speaker A: Sure, of course. Of course. Well, then you all get together, either by arriving at the location together. Do you drive together? Who picks up who? How does that work in this group? [00:10:10] Speaker C: The last time that I let Nessa in my car, she got paint on the leather in the back, and it has to be shipped all the way from Italy, so we're not doing that again. [00:10:18] Speaker A: Valid. [00:10:22] Speaker B: I guess I just take an Uber. [00:10:25] Speaker E: Yeah, I was gonna vote on an Uber as well. [00:10:28] Speaker B: You could split an Uber. [00:10:29] Speaker D: Exactly. Like, some of us don't have a general disdain for working folks in this country. So Uber's fine? [00:10:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:38] Speaker A: So Nessa, Buttons, Layla all share an Uber, and Graham drives himself. Is that correct? [00:10:45] Speaker C: In a matter of speaking, this car can drive itself. [00:10:51] Speaker A: Of course it can. Of course it can. Well, it's about 09:00, when everybody kind of gets together again. Luckily, you don't have to worry about the weather outside, which is good, because who gets there first? Graham, do you show up first, or are you fashionably late? [00:11:15] Speaker C: I think I would show up to the venue first, but that's because we're all supposed to arrive together, and I want to be there to just kind of corral folks and make sure no one wanders in ahead of time. You know, we're coming as a team, and a team needs a leader. [00:11:29] Speaker A: Sure. Okay, great. Well, then 09:00 rolls around. 915. Nessa, Layla, buttons, you're all kind of clamoring out of your Uber. Is it? I don't assume that you're taking an Uber black. Probably an Uber x. [00:11:51] Speaker D: Probably, yeah, most likely, to be perfectly honest. [00:11:54] Speaker A: All right, so tiny little Prius shows up. The three of them climb out the back. Graham, as you look upon the three of them, what's going through your head? [00:12:07] Speaker C: I think they each get the same look. I don't have a particular order in mind, but I do go from, for example, buttons to my watch to Layla to my watch Vanessa to my watch. The more things change, right? [00:12:28] Speaker B: We're here, and if we had all come in the same car, we all got in here at the same time. [00:12:36] Speaker C: Just flashbacks in my head to what color did you say it was? Because I thought it was yellow. And the lecture that you gave me almost made me more upset than the fact that there was paint in the car, I believe. [00:12:49] Speaker B: It was like. It was like a daffodil yellow. [00:12:52] Speaker C: Oh, sure. Daffodil yellow. And I'll remember that for. [00:12:55] Speaker E: I thought it was, like, more of an ochre. [00:12:57] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. Because it was that. It was that, like, expensive stuff, right? The crap that you got to, like, import in. That was the. That one. Oil paint. [00:13:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:13:06] Speaker E: The leather, I think. [00:13:09] Speaker B: Both. [00:13:10] Speaker C: Okay, good. So we all remember why I didn't drive. Didn't drive. You. [00:13:20] Speaker D: Are we going to this party, or are we going to sit here and snipe at each other? [00:13:25] Speaker C: I think it's my both. But, I mean, with all the affection in my heart. [00:13:31] Speaker D: You know, whatever's left of it. [00:13:36] Speaker A: So the building that stands before the four of you now is a far cry from the humble modernist building that served the city for years. The children of the archangel have fully transformed this performing arts center into their holy ground. Spotlights of golden light illuminate a neo gothic exterior, and if it weren't for the flashing lights and the thumping modern music coming from the inside, you'd almost think it was a cathedral. As you all congregate outside, you're standing near what used to be the old ticket office, which is currently manned by a masked figure in a cloak. There's a crowd around the booth. Some of the faces are kindred, that you know or you recognize, but most of the others are mortals. Stunningly beautiful people who look like they've walked out of an influencer social media page. Another cloaked and masked figure comes out of the building, and they look at you, they wave, and they gesture for you to come over. [00:14:42] Speaker D: Who's got the damn. The thing. The thing. [00:14:45] Speaker B: I pull my invitation from, like, the very tiny clutch bag I have. [00:14:51] Speaker D: Layla does, like, the full. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Fuck. Right here. [00:14:58] Speaker C: I think. As Leila and Nessa walk forward, first I'm going to lean a little bit closer to buttons. Not, like, actually in their personal space, but. But just a little bit, and be like, do you smell that? [00:15:12] Speaker E: My fear? Because I'm not scared at all. What do we smell smelling? [00:15:19] Speaker C: No, no, not fear. New money. [00:15:27] Speaker E: I think I've made this quite clear that I'm not really interested. And I know money is important, 1% and all that, but I just going to scuttle off to end the conversation. [00:15:45] Speaker C: I'm sure they work super hard on TikTok, making $10,000 a day. They're providing real value to society and in generations future, there'll be monuments that you can go to a museum and see how weed Lord 420 and his pasta review channel really contributed to the success of the human race. [00:16:06] Speaker A: Graham has opinions and we're here for it. [00:16:11] Speaker D: We'll call it that. [00:16:14] Speaker C: I'll be last in the present. Your ear invitation line. [00:16:18] Speaker B: As I'm walking over, I think I'll activate awe just, you know. [00:16:23] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. It's always nice to have a couple extra eyes on you. And the mortals definitely kind of get that feeling. There are some of them that look over their shoulder and they notice you and they're trying to figure out why they know you or if they know you. Do they know you? Why is she here? Is she famous? What's going on? And they don't. I mean, obviously they don't ask you, but, you know, you can hear it. Can you hear the murmurs? [00:16:51] Speaker B: Maybe someone eventually will buy more of my paintings. [00:16:56] Speaker A: Hopefully. This might be a good place for that, actually. [00:17:00] Speaker C: Might be. [00:17:03] Speaker A: So are you walking up to the ticket booth or are you walking to the person who waved you over? [00:17:07] Speaker B: I'm going to walk to the person who waved me over. [00:17:10] Speaker C: Perfect. [00:17:14] Speaker A: As you walk up to this person, she'll kind of take her hood and pull it back just a little bit. She's still wearing a mask, so you can't see who it actually is, but she'll start to talk to you and she'll say, oh, welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm so excited that you are here. My name is becca. Welcome. And she'll kind of gesture to the building behind her and say to the children of the archangel's home, she doesn't give it a name. She doesn't call it Sterner hall. That kind of is a little strange because that's how you guys have known it for so long. But she makes a point of calling it her home. Well, come on over. Come on over. And she'll call all of you over, and she'll hold out her hands because she wants to see your invitations, obviously. [00:18:09] Speaker D: Yeah. Here. Sure. Yep. [00:18:12] Speaker B: There might be a little paint on it. I am sorry. [00:18:16] Speaker C: I'm just holding it up between two fingers, daring her to accuse me of bringing a fake one. And then I'll tuck it back into my jacket. [00:18:27] Speaker E: Buttons is just gonna surrender it, just hand jabbing forward. [00:18:33] Speaker A: She takes a look at all three of them, and she'll catch it as Graham holds his up before he puts it away. But she says, oh, fantastic. You four are some of our gold stars for this evening. [00:18:47] Speaker E: I don't think I've ever been a. [00:18:48] Speaker D: Gold star or anything in my life, but sure, I'll accept that. [00:18:51] Speaker B: Been a bit since school, but, yeah. [00:18:54] Speaker A: She'll flip the invitation to show you the front, and there's a small gold star sticker in the corner of each invitation. And if you look and you paid attention, you'd notice that the stars are in exactly the same spot, precisely the same spot on every invitation. See? Gold stars. All of the mortals tonight that are here. And she kind of gets a little quiet as she says it, and she'll lean in, she'll say they're all bronze stars, because, I mean, obviously. Obviously, most of our kindred guests are silver stars, but a few very special guests have gold stars. [00:19:38] Speaker D: And what's the designation there, if you don't mind my asking? [00:19:46] Speaker A: You know, you'd have to ask Thomas. I didn't send out the invitations. That's Thomas's job. [00:19:58] Speaker D: Layla's eyes kind of where my eyes kind of, like, flick over to Graham. [00:20:06] Speaker C: I think Graham's going to take the opportunity to make a joke. Whatever nervousness you're feeling. He replies with, oh, I thought the gold star meant that we'd only ever been to this party and know any other kinds of parties. Hmm. [00:20:20] Speaker A: There it is. There it is. [00:20:21] Speaker B: Yep. [00:20:22] Speaker A: There it is. That was terrible. Does Becca get the joke? [00:20:31] Speaker C: Is Becca smart enough to get the joke? [00:20:35] Speaker A: Um, I think Becca just kind of, like, tilts her head because she doesn't quite understand what you're getting at. [00:20:42] Speaker D: Don't. [00:20:43] Speaker E: Mm. [00:20:43] Speaker D: Don't. You don't have to laugh at his jokes. Don't worry about it. Most of us very rarely do. [00:20:52] Speaker A: Okay. [00:20:53] Speaker D: Yeah, don't worry about it, honey. [00:20:55] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, no, she'll kind of gather herself together and say, well, you know, for our gold stars, it is my job, as you know me, to give you all a guided tour of my home. Our home. The home. If, you know, I mean, you don't really have a choice. It's part of, like, the whole package, but. So let's go. [00:21:29] Speaker B: Lead the way. [00:21:31] Speaker D: Sure. [00:21:34] Speaker A: As you walk inside the beautiful, amazing stirner hall building, the first place that you come to is the atrium. As you're walking through, she will give you all the history about Stirner hall, how it used to be the performing arts center, exactly when it was bought, all of the details that went into the renovation, and I mean, all of that is very, very obvious to see. It's really clear to anybody with even a dot of insight that she is so excited to have the chance to be in charge of something. Clearly not a thing that she gets to do very often, and she is, like, relishing this opportunity. So she will talk and talk and talk, but she's also trying to make a quick job or a quick show of the tour because there are other gold stars. You're not the only ones. So the very first room that you enter is the atrium. It's the tabernacle of Sterner Hall's reception hall. In the center of the hall is a large open bar, and there are a ton of mortals everywhere seeming to enjoy the refreshments. But it's still fairly early in the evening, and you can already see that the food and drinks are starting to run a little thin. But, you know, I mean, I'm sure they have more in the back, probably fine. There's a jazz band set up for the tour. They're playing a set list of different torch songs. The mood is supposed to be classy, but between the copious amounts of drinking and the manipulation of the mortals, things are kind of taking a turn for the indulgent. Every so often, someone will take a partner by the hand and they'll slip away to an adjacent room. It's. There's definitely a vibe in this room. Certain predator types would feel very, very at home in this room. I'll say that much. [00:23:53] Speaker D: I mean, when in Rome. And I would like to activate awe as we pass through the mortals. [00:24:00] Speaker A: Oh, well, of course, this is absolutely a group that would know you as the musician that you are with your bit of fame. I mean, people already kind of had their eyes on you, but once you activate. Aw. Well, now, between you and Nessa, I mean, all eyes are kind of on the entire coterie as you walk through. The jazz band is here, but, oh, my God. The alternative star, Layla. Oh, my God. How could they? And they get very, very excited. But of course, they see that you're busy and they don't want to come up to you just yet, but they're keeping eyes on you as you move through the atrium. [00:24:39] Speaker D: Anyone who makes eye contact gets, like, a smile, a wink, definitely, like, I'll come back. Don't worry about it. You're fine. [00:24:49] Speaker A: Of course. [00:24:50] Speaker C: Anyone who makes eye contact with me gets put on a list. [00:24:56] Speaker A: Do I want to know what kind of list? [00:24:59] Speaker C: No, because I haven't thought of the list yet. The joke was just the list. [00:25:02] Speaker A: Okay, sure. Totally valid. I'm so sorry for putting you on blast like that. [00:25:08] Speaker C: It's definitely a real list. It sounds ominous and you wouldn't want to be on it, but I can't. [00:25:12] Speaker B: The list. [00:25:14] Speaker A: The list. [00:25:15] Speaker D: Anytime a ventrue starts making lists, you're fucked. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. [00:25:21] Speaker C: No, I think this is my favorite part. I like watching Layla and Nessa interact with a sense of dropitas. They don't carry when they're around me, but I know they're capable of what I can see them doing right now. And I know that sounds hateful, but it's like a ventrue compliment where I'm just like, I'm really actually proud of you for being able to put yourself up on that pedestal and let yourself be given the accolades and, you know, respect it as such. It's nice. [00:25:45] Speaker D: It's good to see that on you. Thanks, dad. Sorry. [00:25:54] Speaker A: It's fine. It's fine. I'm just emotionally dying inside. So as Becca walks you all through the atrium, you know, she's. She's trying to keep close because, you know, she doesn't want to talk so loudly that everybody can hear, that all the mortals can hear, especially as she kind of starts peppering in little bits of information here and there, especially about the archangels and what they're doing here. She'll tell you that, you know, the mortals are here because some of them are potential childer and others are potential dinner, but ultimately, they're all just here to have a good time. She'll also tell you about the holy code of the archangels as you move through the space. So, again, keeping very, very quiet, she tells you that there are five rules. It's called the lex angelorium. The first one is never reveal the angels to the living. And she'll kind of, like, gesture to the mortals. And again, this is why she's speaking in a very hushed tone, and she'll keep mentioning that. Point number one, don't reveal the angels to the living. Be quiet. But the second rule is bring everyone into the faith, which, again, is why the mortals are here, to be potential childer. If nobody has any questions, she'll continue the tour. [00:27:32] Speaker C: Seems to me there's a small contradiction already. I know we haven't made it that far in the list, but if you are not supposed to reveal it, how do you then recruit the people? [00:27:44] Speaker D: I'm gonna say it's very fight club of you. [00:27:46] Speaker B: Incredibly well. [00:27:49] Speaker A: I mean, that's why they become childer, because once they're childer, then they can become part of it. But if they're not children, then they can't know. I mean, it's the same as masquerade rules, right? I mean, you didn't know about kindred society until you joined it. [00:28:10] Speaker C: That's what they say. [00:28:12] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:28:16] Speaker D: Oh, could be we need to rub elbows at some point, see who's got potential. [00:28:24] Speaker A: Oh, I mean, there are so many. And she'll kind of, like, gesture out, and you can see everybody that's part of the archangels. They all have, like, a small, little lapel pin with wings on it, and that marks the members of the archangels to separate them from the rest of the kindred. And she'll tell you they're colloquially. They're also known as the nephilim, so those names are used interchangeably. But she'll say, well, you know, I mean, you. You can kind of keep an eye out, I mean, if you really want to. But, you know, I mean, it's. It's more for the. For the current nephilim to be able to, you know, see who's. Who's actually a good potential person, you know, just. But, I mean, this is also kind of a recruiting event for kindred too, because, you know, I mean, just in case kindred want to also join, become an ephym, you know, so it's. Don't. Don't worry about looking for them. Just, you know, just have a good time. [00:29:24] Speaker C: And the third rule. I'm sorry? By all means. [00:29:27] Speaker D: Oh, just. If you say so. [00:29:31] Speaker C: And the third rule, then. [00:29:33] Speaker A: Oh, we'll get to that. Everything in time. [00:29:37] Speaker B: First time, you have to fight. [00:29:41] Speaker A: What? [00:29:42] Speaker B: Nothing. [00:29:43] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:45] Speaker C: I don't think she's old enough for that reference. [00:29:47] Speaker D: Yeah, or, like, pop culture might not be her bag. It's fine. [00:29:50] Speaker B: That's her. [00:29:51] Speaker D: God, I feel old. [00:29:53] Speaker C: I'm struggling to see what her bag might be full of it. It seems pretty empty. [00:29:59] Speaker E: That's rude. [00:30:01] Speaker A: That's. [00:30:02] Speaker D: Yeah, don't be. I know, Graham, I know that's, like, your baseline, but come on. [00:30:05] Speaker C: Guests. Mm hmm. [00:30:13] Speaker A: So Becca kind of looks a little confused as this exchange is going on, and then she'll kind of shake it off and say, okay, well, if that's all, and she'll continue on into the next room. She'll tell you. Great. As you walk into the next room. As you walk into the next room, there are these giant double doors that she'll push both of them open, leading you into it. And she tells you that this room is called the nave. So this is Stirner Hall's arena. This used to be the main arena area for the performing arts center. It's an open floor where, as Becca explains, the nephilim traditionally perform their rituals. However, right now, it's serving as a dance floor, a sound system blasts electronic music with hypnotic, sensual beats. Flashing lights illuminate the room, burning in after images of writhing bodies, the revelers in the room are partying without inhibitions completely. Where folks in the last room were wearing Armani suits, there's a handful in here who are wearing birthday instead. It's clear to you and the other kindred who aren't nephilim, that this is where the real party is. [00:31:37] Speaker D: That escalated quickly. [00:31:39] Speaker B: It did. [00:31:40] Speaker C: In a matter of feet. We went from, wow. [00:31:44] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. I, like, I'm not a prude by any means, but that's. That's a lot. That's a. That's a whiplash. I think I've got whiplash. Can kindred get whiplash? [00:31:57] Speaker B: I think you just did. Cool. [00:31:59] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:32:00] Speaker A: Great. [00:32:00] Speaker E: The first, congratulations. [00:32:06] Speaker A: Becca kind of smiles at you, and she'll tell you, oh, you know, this. This isn't even. Oh, this isn't even the worst of it. Or the best of it, I guess, depending on how you look at it. Like, it's not even that hot and heavy yet. And, like, in a little while, it'll get really slippery in here. [00:32:22] Speaker D: Oh, phrasing, phrasing. [00:32:26] Speaker E: So what we did two. What is three? What is rule three? Please let it involve a mop. [00:32:34] Speaker A: So rule three is reject wickedness and ugliness and so kind of, like, gesture. What? Everything? [00:32:46] Speaker E: Is that not. It's. [00:32:51] Speaker A: What'S wicked or ugly about celebrating and dancing and giving in to one's self. [00:32:59] Speaker E: I can name a few, but that is my personal code. [00:33:05] Speaker B: Never mind. I'm just back in art school again. [00:33:11] Speaker D: That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. [00:33:14] Speaker C: I'm gonna take Nessa's side here and looking over at Layla, just unbutton the very top suit button and say what we were saying. When in Rome. And then see how far I have to go before she makes that face. And then I will hide a smile like there's the tiniest corners of my mouth rising once I've got her, and then I'm gonna button the suit back up. [00:33:39] Speaker D: Do you have to? Do you have to really? I understand. Do you have to? [00:33:44] Speaker C: How long have you known me and you're still asking that question? [00:33:46] Speaker D: I know, but somehow I always feel like you're gonna, like, change, right? No, we don't change anymore, do we? [00:33:55] Speaker C: Not to my knowledge, no. [00:33:59] Speaker D: You're an asshole. [00:34:01] Speaker C: Yeah, but I'm. No, they do all those. [00:34:05] Speaker D: Did you almost say what I think you almost said? [00:34:08] Speaker C: Absolutely not. [00:34:09] Speaker D: No, I suck. Aw. You do like me. You piece of shit. [00:34:19] Speaker C: I'm smiling. Graham is not, like, you might get, like, one affirming twinkle in, like, an eyeball, but it's like a twitch card from stone. [00:34:33] Speaker B: As that's going on, I'm just gonna, like, scan the crowd for anybody who might catch my eye for, like, a later, like, a later time, you know, if I need to, you know, top up. [00:34:45] Speaker A: There are a few people that catch your eye. There are. There are beautiful people. There are some folks dancing, some folks off to the side, kind of taking a little bit of a breather, playing the part of the wallflower. But you can tablets. Not because they're worried about getting on the floor, but rather because they're. They're just taking a quick break because they've clearly been dancing since the doors opened a couple hours ago, and they just. They just need a break. There are also some folks that, in this sea of absolutely gorgeous people, stand out because they're not. They're not ugly. They're just average, which normally wouldn't be weird, except for here. It's very, very weird, because everybody is gorgeous. If everybody here is nine and tens, these folks are maybe a five, and that's weird, but somebody to keep an eye on. As we move through again, Becca will kind of keep motioning you over. She'll actually take you to the furthest wall. It's all the way across the dance floor. You have to kind of move around the different people, and folks are having a very, very good time, very, very close to you. I'm so sorry, Graham. [00:36:16] Speaker C: Oh, no, no, no. I let Layla, who is broad and imposing, carve a path like when you're on the highway in bad weather. So you follow the snow truck, and you stay in its tire truck. That's my move right now. [00:36:29] Speaker D: And the awe is still going. So I'm imagining very much like Moses red sea. [00:36:36] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Between you and Nessa, absolutely. [00:36:41] Speaker E: The. [00:36:41] Speaker A: The people are partying just like the sea, and they're all kind of watching you, and, I mean, perhaps luckily for Graham and buttons, they're not paying attention to either of you two. So if Layla's taking the front and ness is taking the back, then buttons and Graham are safely in the middle. [00:36:57] Speaker C: I love this. This is perfect. We should do this all the time. [00:37:01] Speaker A: It does make it easy to move through crowds, doesn't it? [00:37:04] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:37:05] Speaker D: I feel like we've got a system here. [00:37:08] Speaker E: We do. [00:37:10] Speaker A: Moving towards that far wall, Becca will tell you that the fourth rule is to never violate the sanctity of a temple. It's very, very important. And she'll catch the glance that buttons have that look on their face and again point out that this is just a glorification of life. The rather bacchanalian activities are a celebration of life and all that it has to offer and is in no way a violation of any of the tenets of the lexangelorium. [00:37:49] Speaker D: To be fair, didn't the Romans celebrate things by going buck wild at least twice a year? [00:37:57] Speaker B: I think it's a thing we should do more often. [00:37:59] Speaker D: Yeah, that's the thing. That's the. That's what Christmas replaced. And honestly, I'm still a little mad about it. I'm not gonna lie to you. [00:38:07] Speaker C: You? [00:38:09] Speaker D: Yeah, that. [00:38:12] Speaker C: I don't remember the name, but if it's like all the others, it was with the orgy and the vomiting, right? [00:38:17] Speaker A: Mmm. [00:38:19] Speaker D: Less keen on the vomit, you know, cuz. Gross. But the rest of it. Sure. It's its own form of celebration and worship. If you want to be purely technical about it. [00:38:31] Speaker C: Becca, we're making a list over here. I'm sure you can tell, but we know that we're supposed to reject wickedness and never violate the sanctity. But it feels like there's some information about the moral code that we're not quite clicking on. Is there, like, a card or a printout of things that actually constitute a violation? [00:38:49] Speaker B: Is it written down anywhere? [00:38:53] Speaker A: No, you just know them. [00:38:58] Speaker C: That's how you learned them. They just appeared in your brain. [00:39:02] Speaker A: I mean, when you join the children of the archangel, it's part of the joining ritual. You just. It's all the information becomes available to you. I can't really give too many of our secrets away. I mean, because otherwise, it's not a secret club anymore then, is it? [00:39:20] Speaker C: Now, those aren't. Those are the rules of secret clubs. You've got it in the head. [00:39:24] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:39:25] Speaker D: Tends to be how that works. [00:39:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:39:30] Speaker B: But I'm guessing whatever's happening here does not count as a violation. So we can cross that off the list. [00:39:36] Speaker A: Well, yeah, because it's a celebration. Of course. [00:39:38] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:39:39] Speaker A: Thank you. Buttons. See? Buttons gets it. [00:39:42] Speaker C: This is a fun game. We can do, like, process of elimination, right? [00:39:46] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. But Becca will keep walking and take you towards that far, far wall. There's a single golden door on this wall, in the middle of this enormous wall, which is surrounded by a mural of Michael, which Becca will tell you is the Nephilim's patron, the archangel Michael, specifically, which is, as I'm sure you can all figure out, why they are the children of the archangel. With Michael's right arm, he's slashing at a group of gray humanoid creatures with hideous faces, with a flaming sword. And from his left arm, blood flows from his wrists into the mouths of kneeling worshippers. Nobody seems to pay it too much mind, but it's very large. It covers the entirety of the wall. But Becca doesn't pay it too much mind, aside from telling you who Michael is, and she'll walk you through the golden door. [00:40:48] Speaker B: As an artist, does the painting speak to me in any way? [00:40:53] Speaker A: Not necessarily. You couldn't. You wouldn't be able to tell who painted it, probably like a well known artist in the city. There isn't anything, you know, anything crazy about it. Nothing stands out to you as being magical in any way or occulty in any way. It's just a very, very large mural of the Archangel Michael. It's very, very well rendered, though. You can tell that. I mean, anybody can tell that, though. So it doesn't take a. Doesn't take an artist to tell that it's well rendered. So the transepts, Rebecca will, or Becca will tell you. They are what used to be sterner Hall's dressing rooms, waiting rooms, green rooms, things like that. She's trying to hurry you all through this section. She'll point out that there are two wings. There's the north wing and the south wing. And as you're kind of wandering through, you'll see that it's there. There are kindred of all kinds, just kind of relaxing, taking a break. Somebody who's dressed similarly to Becca with the same cloak, the same mask. They've kind of set their mask off to the side. And if you ask why, she'll tell you that this is the only place that the servants are allowed to be unmasked. And, you know, oh, because they're away from all of the eyes in the other areas. But as she takes you through it, there are a bunch of different twisting passages, different hallways that she has to make sure that you're going down the right one. And all of this is just left over from the building's dramatic conversion from giant performing arts hall to the makeshift cathedral. [00:42:41] Speaker C: Are the servants also gorgeous, or are these just, like, catering people? [00:42:46] Speaker A: So the servants are, as you take a look at the one who has their mask off. And if you take a look at Becca, you can probably figure it out, too. All of the folks that are wearing cloaks and masks are nosferatu. [00:43:03] Speaker B: Interesting. [00:43:08] Speaker A: So, yeah. [00:43:11] Speaker C: Buttons. I was wrong about the smell. Apologies. [00:43:18] Speaker E: I'm not going to dignify that with a response. That in itself is a response. I'm sorry. [00:43:29] Speaker C: I'm starting to understand why they've picked me, because I am canonically on my character sheet, gorgeous. So I fit right in. [00:43:39] Speaker A: As is Nessa. Actually. [00:43:44] Speaker C: I don't know what you would call it, but I'm gonna go with two Dottie hottie. That's gonna. Yeah, I didn't go for the. The entry level attractive. I went for the supreme package. [00:44:03] Speaker B: Yeah, so did I. [00:44:04] Speaker A: So did Nessa. Yep. [00:44:06] Speaker C: If you've got. You can see now around Nessa and I could just chisel it into diamond on our jawlines if you wanted. [00:44:13] Speaker A: You could. And you're kind of starting to understand. After seeing the rooms of beautiful, gorgeous people, it's starting to make sense why you two were invited, for sure. But Becca will keep taking you down through these crazy hallways, and. And she'll explain, because she doesn't want to keep quiet during this tour, that there are workshops and there are studios in both of the wings. Despite the rumors and what you've seen in the first couple rooms, the nephilim's nightly life isn't a total orgy. Michael, their patron, demands perfection in all arts and aesthetics. And here is where everybody kind of hones their crafts. And Nessa, she'll point out to you and to Layla, there are spaces for group activities as well. There are places to work on all of your performance skills. There are rooms to practice your music, to paint, but there are also places to worship together and have communal meals. So it's a really, really wonderful place to call home. [00:45:22] Speaker B: Communal mules for us. For kindred. [00:45:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:45:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:45:30] Speaker D: That's, um. [00:45:31] Speaker B: That's a first. [00:45:37] Speaker A: But once she's through all the different hallways, Becca will take you into the chancel for a few minutes, noting that only with my superior's permission is she allowed to set foot in this space. And she'll tell you that the fifth and final rule of the lexangelorium is obey all superiors. Kind of a big deal. She sees buttons with that face counting on fingers. Is there a. Is there a problem? [00:46:15] Speaker E: No, I was just keeping track of all your glorious rules. [00:46:19] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, okay, great. Well, that's five. That's the last one. All five. So the chancel that you've entered is in the old administration offices in the back. But those offices have been converted into a very luxurious suite. And Becca will tell you that this is for the descendant of Michael. That's what makes the children of the archangel such a big deal, because they are led by a descendant of the archangel Michael. And then there's a small door off to the side with a little notice on it that says maintenance. And Becca will tell you, if you ask about it, that that's where the boiler room is and leads downstairs. And it's boring stuff, but unfortunately, it's a thing that they need to keep the building running. But this is where Thomas makes his haven, and Becca will sing Thomas's praises up and down. If you remember, Thomas is the one who sent out the invitations. Currently, Thomas is running things while their patron, Albertine, protects them from elsewhere in the world. And Albertine is another kindred that Becca will talk about at length if you let her, because, oh, my gosh, Albertine is just descendant of Michael and just the most amazing kindred to. I mean, really, to ever walk. Walk the earth. But as she's rambling, Thomas will actually emerge from one of the back rooms, and he'll make a quick introduction. Hello, all. Welcome, my gold stars. I am Thomas. Thank you so much for coming this evening. I hope you've been enjoying your little tour that Becca has arranged. [00:48:20] Speaker D: It's been truly insightful. [00:48:24] Speaker A: I'm so glad. I'm so glad. [00:48:28] Speaker C: I hope that Layla and Nessa and buttons have their barf bags with them, because Graham goes full, like, influencer, network y. Like, not. Not the cheesy kind, but the, like, this is how we secretly control the universe kind. So it's the right level of subdued but carrying authority. The kind of handshake that, like, sends empires to war. It's honestly gross to watch. [00:48:55] Speaker A: Thomas loves it. [00:48:57] Speaker D: Storyteller, I have to ask, and I probably. I think I know the answer to this question. Is Thomas as beautiful as the rest of the people that we've seen thus far? [00:49:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Thomas is gorgeous. Yeah, you can tell that Thomas is gorgeous. He's also clearly older than everybody here. You know, he has a good, strong look about him. He's very, very happy to be in charge. [00:49:24] Speaker C: I mean, older in the. Was embraced older or older as in daddy? It's not how I would phrase it, but you beat me to it. [00:49:38] Speaker D: I can hear your brain. [00:49:41] Speaker A: No, Thomas, as a kindred is older, was embraced earlier than the rest of you. Not what you would call an elderly quite yet, but somewhere in that in between, if nobody has any questions, then, you know, once the introductions with Graham is done, which, again, Thomas absolutely eats up, and he respects the hell out of Graham for this, by the way. You can just tell his face is just. It lights up with that, like, show of. There's that little bit of deference that Graham has given him, and he's just lapping it up completely. [00:50:29] Speaker C: I'm incredibly capable. I'm just radiating that. Like, I can do anything you need, and I will be happy to be part of this organization. Like, gram at this point is the perfect cover letter. But animated into flesh, that's the vibe. [00:50:45] Speaker A: Oh, Thomas likes you. Thomas absolutely eats everything about you up. Just, he makes a point of saying that he's going to keep his eye on you because he really, really likes what he sees. And, I mean, you know, he'll turn to the others and say, obviously, and, you know, try and write it off, but no, you can tell that there's something about Graham that really stands out to him. [00:51:10] Speaker D: Of course. [00:51:12] Speaker B: I definitely want to ask Thomas about the painting of the archangel. Did he have it commissioned? I'm art brain. I saw it, and I just want to, did he have a commission who did it? Because I'm now curious and just sort of compliment its beauty. [00:51:30] Speaker A: People. Thank you absolutely for complimenting it, because this is definitely one of the pieces that he was very, very proud of. Albertine had a big hand in finding the artist. She was very, very adamant about the look of it all and spent a lot of time working with the artist himself to make sure that the proof that they had was perfect and that every single detail was great. He'll tell you that she's very, very into art, hints at her potentially being a toreador, just in the way that he kind of talks about her appreciation of art and Thomas, too. So he's a lover of the arts as well? [00:52:13] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. And I think Layla, if given the chance, would have questions about the idea of this celebration that has been so beautifully cultivated. The excitement and the philosophy behind the idea of what we see is not wickedness, but is, in fact, again, that celebration, contrary to a lot of what we have been told in the present day society about the body and what is appropriate and what is necessary. [00:52:56] Speaker A: He'S not 100% sure how to respond to this. As a lover of beauty himself, he definitely believes in, again, the glorification. And this is a word that you'll hear a lot. Anytime you talk to the Nephilim, they will talk about the glorification of life and the glorification of enjoyment and all of the things that make life worth living, which is an odd way to put it when you're undead. But, you know, the children of the archangel, they. We are all here united under Michael's guidance. He lived. He lived an amazing life, Michael. He was a vampire like us. He led a harmonious society of vampires in Constantinople together with his lovers. This is what we are here to celebrate. We're here to celebrate life and love and harmony and all of these things. And, yes, of course, it's a thing that modern day society may not quite grasp, but we are not led by a modern kindred. [00:54:15] Speaker C: Hmm. [00:54:16] Speaker D: Celebrating life along with our unlife, of course. [00:54:24] Speaker A: I mean, to truly respect one, you have to. Haven't had the other. You have to enjoy all that life has to offer in life. And unlife. What is unlife worth living? What is eternity worth living if you don't enjoy the things that you used to when you were alive? [00:54:50] Speaker E: I don't mean to poke holes in your philosophy celebrating life, but wouldn't. Don't you need death to celebrate life? Doesn't that make life worth living? Knowing that it would end? Becoming kindred kind of makes. Makes life not as special if you're going to live forever, I think. I don't mean to be philosophical. This is just something that's been bothering me this entire time while we flaunt around naked people and pretty people, and I just. It just kind of trails off. [00:55:28] Speaker A: Thomas will smile at you, because that's a very insightful question. Question to ask, and he appreciates it. It's very obvious that he appreciates this and appreciates the opportunity to talk about these things. And he'll tell you, yes, of course, the. The fear of death is what allows mortals to keep living and what makes life worth living. But we have all eternity to enjoy all of the things that we may not have in life. There are those of us who did not experience the things that we're able to now for one reason or another. So, sure, death makes life worth living, but unlife still is worth living, wouldn't you say? [00:56:22] Speaker E: I'm going to reserve that answer for myself. [00:56:26] Speaker D: Second chances. [00:56:29] Speaker A: Exactly. Now, I'm terribly, terribly sorry, but I must get back to some work. I will only be a little bit. Please. If you find yourself with some time later and you have any other questions about the nephilim or what it is that we do here, you're more than welcome to come back. I should be here most of the night until nod. And it's at this point that you realize that Becca has been keeping her head down pretty much the entire time, has not said a word since Thomas entered, and he has not acknowledged her existence whatsoever beyond the initial introduction. And once he turns and disappears through one of the back rooms, again, she'll pick her head back up and say, well, that concludes our tour. So I'll take you back to the atrium now. [00:57:23] Speaker D: Of course. [00:57:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:27] Speaker A: So as she walks you back out, entering back into the transepts, she turns a corner and is immediately slammed into by a thin kindred with long, dark hair. And she recognizes this kindred immediately and bows and begs forgiveness, saying, oh, my God. I'm so, so sorry, Morgan. I'm so sorry. I did not know that. I didn't hear you coming. And Morgan will put her hands up, or the kindred that she's calling Morgan. We'll put her hands up and say, no, it's fine. It's fine. Don't worry about it. What are you doing back here? And Becca will say, oh, I was just showing some of our guests around before the games. And Morgan will look behind Becca and give everybody kind of a hard look once over. And then you'll hear two voices shouting from behind Morgan. And she'll look at you and say, okay, look, Becca, you didn't see me and you four. And she'll kind of poke her head around, and she'll say, we'll talk later. And then she'll sprint down the passageway. [00:58:42] Speaker D: Which way does she go? [00:58:46] Speaker A: So give me, um. Give me an intelligence and awareness role. [00:58:56] Speaker D: I don't think that's gonna go particularly well, but that's fine. [00:59:01] Speaker C: Graham's gonna love watching you try, though. [00:59:04] Speaker D: Fuck off. We're gonna hopefully, maybe get something. Who knows? Mmm. You know. [00:59:25] Speaker A: You can see Morgan sprint off down, like, a dark hallway. But towards the end, the lighting gets a little too dark. And she's moving very, very quickly, so it's impossible to tell which way she goes. But it's just down one of the many, many hallways that, at this point, is really, really difficult to keep track of. [00:59:48] Speaker D: Okay. That was a little weird. Is that weird? [00:59:53] Speaker B: Just a little. [00:59:56] Speaker A: Nothing to worry about. It's fine. It's fine. Just. Just one of our nephilim. It's fine. [01:00:06] Speaker C: Yeah, sure. [01:00:08] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:00:10] Speaker C: What was the. And I mean, I don't mean to interrupt the very urgent task of taking us back out into the atrium, but she mentioned the word games. [01:00:19] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Yes. So that's okay. So this is actually one of the coolest things about being a gold star. The gold star members actually get to participate in some really, really fun games that we have planned for tonight. It's just reserved for you guys, and, I mean, the other gold stars too. But it's really, really exciting. And I cannot wait to see how you guys do. [01:00:46] Speaker C: Can you wait to maybe tell me more about what the games are? [01:00:51] Speaker A: Uh, yeah. [01:00:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:53] Speaker A: I mean, okay, so there are four of them, and, um, if you win, uh, you'll get a prize at the end. [01:01:05] Speaker D: That's usually how games work. [01:01:07] Speaker B: Um, generally, yeah. [01:01:09] Speaker C: Yeah. I like where this is going. I'm appreciating the enthusiasm. Loving that. A whole bunch. But can we maybe fast forward to the bit where you talk about what kind of games they are? And not, like, fun games, but, like, the actual maybe mechanical intricacies or the rules of the game? [01:01:25] Speaker B: Is this, like, the world's deadliest game? Are we about to. [01:01:30] Speaker A: What? [01:01:32] Speaker B: Nothing. [01:01:33] Speaker D: Never mind. [01:01:37] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, they're just. It kind of ruins the fun. Right. If. If I tell you. Right. [01:01:48] Speaker D: So this is very much like a. Oh, it's a surprise. You're gonna love it. Kind of a deal. [01:01:53] Speaker A: I mean. Yeah. Like, I mean, why. Who doesn't love games? [01:01:59] Speaker E: I don't. I don't want to participate. Please don't make me participate. I don't like games. I don't like. I don't even. [01:02:08] Speaker D: Know. But button's not a huge fan of center of attention. That very much sounds like center of attention type nonsense. Now, some of us are fine with that, obviously. [01:02:20] Speaker C: I guess what we're getting at is, like, look, Becca, I like you a lot. I want you to just right up front, you're amazing. Now imagine you've been great. [01:02:31] Speaker B: Honestly, you've been wonderful. [01:02:32] Speaker D: Like, wonderful tour, fabulous. [01:02:35] Speaker C: We're all huge fans. But now imagine for a second that as much as we like you, now figure out, like, on a scale of one to ten, where that emotion is, right, like, a solid nine, and then go exactly the opposite direction, because that's how little we like getting surprised by games now. I mean, you think that we're great, and we think that you're great. And I tell you what, Thomas seems to think that we're great too. So maybe if you wanted to set up a little cycle of everyone talking about how great we are, you could tell us just a little more. [01:03:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:10] Speaker A: Aaron, can you. Graham. Apologies. Can you make me a charisma and persuasion role? [01:03:15] Speaker C: I can imagine trying to be charismatic, trying to manipulate a fucking brain. Empty. [01:03:24] Speaker A: You can do manipulation and persuasion. I'll let you do that. [01:03:26] Speaker C: It's not raw force of curt. Sorry, go ahead. [01:03:29] Speaker D: Becca's. Becca is just doing her job. She just happens to be a little bubbly. It's fine. [01:03:35] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Do you have way too many dice to get that few successes? [01:03:42] Speaker A: I don't. Yeah, that's one success on seven dice. You've got willpower. You can spend it. [01:03:49] Speaker C: I actually have a lot of willpower, too, and I'm. Whether or not I care about the answer. I care a lot about the three of them seeing me not get the answer, so I'm gonna spend some willpower to re roll some of those dice, and that takes me up to three successes. [01:04:09] Speaker A: That's not enough. She kind of, like. You can see her thinking about it. She's thinking. She wants to. She really, really does. Okay, look, I. Okay, okay, so there are four games. I can't. I can't tell you what the games are, but I can tell you that there's one in the atrium, and there's one in the nave, and there's one in the north wing, and she'll point you in that direction, and then there's one that Thomas himself gives out, too, so. Yeah, that's. I really wish I could tell you more. [01:05:02] Speaker C: That was perfect. I appreciate you being willing to. We met in the middle of that. Becca, you're amazing. [01:05:08] Speaker B: And we'll. We'll know when these games start, right? We're just not going to be suddenly in the atrium, and suddenly we're in the middle of the game. [01:05:14] Speaker A: Oh. I mean, they're pretty personal, so it's not, like, a big, like, group thing, necessarily, but, like, I mean, if you. If you go back at some, like, later on when Thomas is available, I mean, you'll know. You'll know it's not. They. They won't. They won't just, like, happen. Like, you'll know. [01:05:38] Speaker B: It's not like somebody's just gonna come up and say, I found you when I was supposed to be playing hide and seek this whole time. [01:05:43] Speaker A: Oh, my God. No. Is that hide and seek or, like, tag or anything? Oh, my God. [01:05:47] Speaker D: No. [01:05:47] Speaker A: Oh, God, I hope not. [01:05:49] Speaker D: I haven't broken any stocks enough. [01:05:53] Speaker A: No, no, no. They're a very specific set of games. Yeah, yeah. Some people are calling them trials, but, like. I mean, they're games. They're games. They're just. They're just fun. [01:06:15] Speaker D: There it is. Yeah. You know, Beck. Becca, I'm just. I'm going to echo what Graham said. You've been just delightful, and I appreciate you providing us with what you are allowed to divulge to the best of your ability. Yeah, I just. [01:06:37] Speaker A: You know what? [01:06:37] Speaker D: Maybe if we get back to the atrium and, you know, get our bearings, we'll feel a little bit. Feel a little bit more prepared. For the whole situation. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? [01:06:49] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. Oh, my God. Yeah. So let's. Come on. We'll go this way, and she'll kind of, like, take a second, and she'll look down the hallways, and she'll take you down a different hallway than you came through, because, again, you were coming from one of the other rooms. If she's taking you back to the atrium, though, instead of taking you back to the nave, it's very obvious that this is a different hallway. And you can kind of piece together that all of these hallways back here connect to the different places in different ways. So something to note just about how to move around once you're back here. But she'll eventually get you back to the atrium, and she'll tell you, I am so, so, so excited to have you all here. I cannot wait to see how you all do with the games. Please, please, please enjoy the party. I have to get outside. I'm sure there's another batch of gold stars ready for their tour. And you guys had so much fun in yours. I have to make sure that they have fun in theirs. But if you need me, I'll just be right. Right up here. Um, you come find me. Come find me whenever. Okay. If you need anything. I'm sure you won't, though, because you're gonna be having so much fun with the games. But, um, if you need anything, let me know. Great. [01:08:10] Speaker D: Yep. Great. Awesome. Thank you so much. [01:08:13] Speaker B: We'll find you if we need you. [01:08:16] Speaker D: Absolutely. [01:08:18] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. And she'll. She'll wave at buttons. Uh, and she'll. She'll turn around, and she'll walk back towards the entrance. [01:08:25] Speaker D: This smile. This, like. Oh, my fucking God. Smile is gonna get turned directly onto the rest of the coterie. [01:08:33] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:08:34] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:08:36] Speaker C: I mean, it's spectacular, isn't it? [01:08:40] Speaker A: That's a word. [01:08:41] Speaker D: That's a word. That is a word I think I would tack on what the fuck? Towards the end of that, but sure. [01:08:52] Speaker C: Is this your first time being indoctrinated into a secret? Calm? [01:08:55] Speaker D: Surprisingly, yeah. [01:08:57] Speaker C: Same. [01:08:58] Speaker B: Well, no, not really, but yeah. [01:09:00] Speaker D: Ness, babe, come on. [01:09:03] Speaker C: Oh, I don't believe Ness for a second. Ness went to art school. [01:09:06] Speaker D: Ness is also put in. [01:09:08] Speaker A: There's also a tremere. [01:09:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:10] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:09:11] Speaker B: I didn't realize that one. [01:09:12] Speaker A: That's the joke. [01:09:13] Speaker D: That's the joke, baby. [01:09:15] Speaker B: But, you know, that's a bit. Oh, much later. Yeah. [01:09:21] Speaker D: Okay. So, I mean, moderately off put, I'm not gonna lie. But the intrigue is still there, considering we know fuck all about how our particular subset of society works in this particular city. So, like, there are worse things. [01:09:45] Speaker C: There are much worse things. Look, whatever they're calling a game, I mean, it's not like going to be the hunt. You gotta hope not. [01:09:54] Speaker B: It's not gonna be like, you know, sirens go off, and then something says all crime is legal for 12 hours. [01:10:04] Speaker E: We don't know that. We don't. We don't. We don't necessarily. [01:10:07] Speaker C: We hope. Okay, one of two things would have to be true for that to work out. Now, first of all, not only do, like, people, vampires know who we are, but for some of you, people know who you are. And it's not like we teleported to an alternate dimension. We're still in a city with a prince, with primogen. And the idea that this organization is so powerful that they could make all the gold stars just, whoosh. Disappear in some kind of catastrophe and not face consequences for it, I mean, you're giving them a lot of credit. [01:10:44] Speaker E: If the gold stars are like us, who cares if we disappear? Because we aren't necessarily people of status, now, are we? [01:10:56] Speaker D: Apparently, we are. [01:10:58] Speaker C: Well, first of all, speak to yourself. [01:11:01] Speaker E: Thank you. [01:11:01] Speaker A: See? [01:11:02] Speaker E: I'm the one at risk. [01:11:05] Speaker C: No, you have a sire. You have a primogen, ostensibly, who's responsible for you, in a broad sense. And if nothing else, take faith in the prince of this city not being okay with kindred being randomly murdered. Whether or not it looks bad for you, it will certainly look bad for them. [01:11:23] Speaker D: And, like, I can't. I can't speak for Graham, but at least. At the very least, between Nessa and myself, you have a coterie who, Austin, like, generally has your back, as I said, and can't speak for Graham. [01:11:35] Speaker C: That hurts me so much. Have I ever, aside from not driving you here, let you down? [01:11:41] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [01:11:43] Speaker B: I am going to plead fifth on that one. [01:11:46] Speaker E: So am I. Fifth? [01:11:51] Speaker A: Can I have everybody make me a wits and awareness roll, please? [01:11:54] Speaker C: Sure. That's three successes for me. [01:12:10] Speaker B: Um, that is four. [01:12:15] Speaker C: No, wait, two. That's four. [01:12:17] Speaker B: That's four. Yeah, I was like. I was like. [01:12:20] Speaker A: I can't math. Oh, no, that's. That's. Buttons. Roll buttons. Got four. Nessa, you got. [01:12:25] Speaker B: No, I got none. [01:12:26] Speaker A: You got one. [01:12:27] Speaker B: Yeah, they both. Both happened at the same time, and I got so confused. [01:12:31] Speaker D: Yeah, I was gonna say that all popped up at the exact. I think I got one. I'm pretty sure I got one. [01:12:34] Speaker C: This makes sense because Layla and I are having a conversation about, God knows what? And then buttons is like, I hate these people, and is actually looking around the room. [01:12:42] Speaker D: We are just actively starking. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. And this is. I mean, it really. It could no played out better. So, buttons, you're going to be the one to hear the commotion going on. Graham and Layla can't hear it over the sound of their own bickering, but you'll hear it start over by the bar. As you take a look around, you notice that all the food and the drink that you kind of noticed the low levels on when you entered the room, they have it. It's completely gone at this point. There is no more food, there is no more drink. And the mortals are getting kind of upset about this because it is still very, very early on in the night. And why is there not more food? There are a couple people who are making very, very loud shows of this, and as they go to leave, the guards at the door won't actually let them leave at all. And there's one girl in particular who is very, very loud about how much this party blows. And it's right about the time that Graham and Layla are really going at it that you'll notice this girl pull out her phone and start to livestream and be very, very loud and boisterous about what is going on in here. [01:14:17] Speaker D: Don't like that. Don't like that at all. That seems like a bad idea here. [01:14:22] Speaker C: I also just want to clarify that Graham is being nice. Like, it's. He's teasing. He's not actually being a psychopath to Layla. [01:14:31] Speaker D: No, this is just. Apparently, this is just how we communicate. [01:14:34] Speaker C: He saves that for work, but it's like, affectionate sparring. Like, this is how I know that your brain is valuable. Cause you can keep up. [01:14:42] Speaker E: As much as I love your banter, this thing you do, I don't know what to call attention. Maybe there's a problem that starts pointing in the direction of the phone. Live streaming. [01:14:58] Speaker A: This party absolutely blows. You guys. Look at these decorations. Look at this guy behind me who's like, a meathead with, like, a fucking apple on his shoulders. Like, oh, my God, this party fucking sucks. I cannot believe that this was supposed to be, like, the hot place to be, and it's turned out like this. There's no food, there's no drinks. Everything fucking blows. [01:15:27] Speaker C: Layla? [01:15:29] Speaker D: Yes, dear? [01:15:32] Speaker C: You should reject the wickedness and the ugliness. Right? [01:15:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:15:39] Speaker C: Well, would you prefer to, or I suppose buttons you have for a stib, since you saw it. [01:15:45] Speaker E: Layla, you. I. By all means. It is yours to yeah. [01:15:53] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. Uh, hey, Graham, you want to play back up on this? [01:15:58] Speaker C: Oh, I'd love nothing. [01:16:00] Speaker D: Let's go. Um, as we approach, there's gonna be awe because, well, that's gonna help situations. It usually does. [01:16:12] Speaker A: She's kind of the. The girl is throwing you glances, but she's still definitely going on with her stress. You have no idea how many people she's got, but, I mean, she's a pretty face, so probably quite a few. [01:16:26] Speaker D: Yeah. I just, like, very much, like, approaching and using the. The fact that I am known in this city to my advantage to potentially, a, cause a distraction and b, quiet the situation. [01:16:43] Speaker C: I have an idea, if you'll allow me. [01:16:45] Speaker D: Do it. [01:16:47] Speaker C: Because Layla is famous, and you can lean in with, like, oh, my God, do you want to be, like, have a famous person on your stream? Why don't you give me your phone? And then when you take it, then you can just give it to me, and I will throw it in the fucking fountain, and then you can actually dress her down. [01:17:03] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:17:03] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:17:04] Speaker D: It's very much like. Yeah. Star power approaching with star power approaching with charm, approaching with looks. I understand that I didn't actively take the dots in, you know, looks, but I feel, like, ostentatiously ostentatious words, you know what I'm saying? In general, I mean, yeah, we're all hot also. Awe. [01:17:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:17:28] Speaker D: Yeah. So very much. Yeah. [01:17:31] Speaker A: So are you trying to, like, talk her out of her phone in, like, a nice, sweet way? Are you trying to, like, bully it out of her hands? What are you. Are you trying to, like, just grab her phone? What are you. How are you trying to. To get the phone away from her? [01:17:46] Speaker D: Yeah, it's definitely very much persuading her to, like, oh, my God, you. You're an influencer. My goodness. I feel like I've seen you before. [01:17:56] Speaker A: I. [01:17:57] Speaker D: Have we met? We haven't. Oh, my God. Can you believe that we haven't met? I feel like we, like, we should very much the. We should totally, like, with our powers combined, we are at least another, like, 50,000 views on this stream. [01:18:11] Speaker A: Go ahead and give me a manipulation and persuasion test. [01:18:15] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:18:16] Speaker C: Now it's my turn to vomit. [01:18:17] Speaker D: Hearing that, I know that kind of. I'm not gonna lie, that kind of hurt me in my soul. Um, roll 20 has not liked me any time I've tied, so this is gonna be great. [01:18:31] Speaker A: I'm sure it'll be fine. [01:18:34] Speaker D: You know what? I'm gonna. This is. This is a. This is a one shot. [01:18:38] Speaker A: Let's let's. [01:18:39] Speaker D: Can we surge this to give it an extra humph? [01:18:42] Speaker A: Absolutely. Go ahead, make that. Make that rouse check for me. [01:18:46] Speaker B: I also meant to ask, did we all just started hunger one? [01:18:50] Speaker A: In a perfect world, I would have remembered my favorite little trick of having you guys all roll a d four and start with that as your hunger for the evening. [01:18:58] Speaker C: We can still do it. [01:18:59] Speaker A: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [01:19:00] Speaker C: No, we can't, because some of us can't eat here. Some of us can't eat here. [01:19:05] Speaker B: True, true, true. [01:19:06] Speaker D: I do get hungrier, so. [01:19:09] Speaker A: Mm hmm, mm hmm. Okay. All right. I mean, I'm. I always. I always love my little trick for picking hunger. So if you want to do, like, one d four minus one, I'll be nice with a minimum one. Obviously, I'll give you that, because you knew that you were coming to a party. So theoretically you should have eaten. So. All right, so button starts with one. Good job, buttons. [01:19:36] Speaker B: I got a two on my d. [01:19:37] Speaker A: Four, so minus one, so yeah, nessa, you're at one. Graham, you're at one as well. See, Graham, you ate before you got here. You're fine. [01:19:46] Speaker C: There is no universe where I would not planned ahead. [01:19:48] Speaker A: I know, I know. [01:19:51] Speaker D: Somebody should tell me. [01:19:52] Speaker A: Roll d four on roll 20. [01:19:54] Speaker D: I don't use this thing. [01:19:56] Speaker C: R. Put a space between the r and the. [01:20:00] Speaker A: Yeah, super easy. [01:20:03] Speaker B: Come on. Those skull dice. Can you see this skull? [01:20:06] Speaker C: Nope. [01:20:07] Speaker B: You can't because my camera isn't nice. [01:20:09] Speaker D: Oh, good. So if it's one d four minus one. [01:20:12] Speaker A: I was lying. [01:20:13] Speaker C: With a minimum of one. [01:20:15] Speaker A: With a minimum of one. All right, so you start at one, two, which now, because unfortunately, you didn't pass your rouse. Check. You're up to two, but that's okay because again, there are refreshments available. If not for the mortals, then for you, I'm sure it's fine, but yes. So now with that rouse check, go ahead and add two to your manipulation and persuasion rule. [01:20:45] Speaker D: Really? Really? [01:20:47] Speaker A: That's not right. You did not write. [01:20:49] Speaker B: That's definitely not right. [01:20:50] Speaker D: That's not right at all. [01:20:57] Speaker C: Scroll to the top of your page is the box that says enable API scripts ticked. [01:21:03] Speaker A: No. Let's see. [01:21:09] Speaker D: Does it need to be? [01:21:10] Speaker A: No, it should be off. [01:21:12] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna give this a second go. [01:21:19] Speaker B: Rolled zero dice. [01:21:20] Speaker A: I don't know. There you go. [01:21:22] Speaker B: There you go. [01:21:24] Speaker A: Two successes. Three. [01:21:27] Speaker D: Three successes. Three successes. [01:21:30] Speaker A: That's pretty good. What have you got? You've got. You have four. You should have rolled six dice total. You've only rolled five. Roll one more d ten. [01:21:39] Speaker D: Okay. [01:21:39] Speaker A: Slash R. Just because. Just want to see. Oh, all right. Four successes. So you walk up to this girl, and as you get close, you know, she'll. She'll say, oh, my God, guys. All right, so, okay, Shelia stands. I know that, like, I usually come to me for all of the amazing party goss, but this party is not it. And as you come up to her and you start your little sweet talk, her eyes kind of fair. [01:22:11] Speaker D: We're just getting started, babe. [01:22:14] Speaker A: Her eyes kind of glass over just a little bit because you can tell that she's now under the influence of your awe. And she'll say, I. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I get, you know, I I mean, I guess it's possible that I was just, like, a little hangry, right? Because, like, I mean, the food ran out and, like, oh, my God. [01:22:33] Speaker D: I totally get that. It's the worst. I mean, we could always just give these poor people, like, a chance to, like, get back on their feet. Like, this is way bigger than I think anyone imagined it to be. So, like, it could just take a second, but, like, do I know you? [01:22:50] Speaker A: I mean, probably, right? Cause, like, and she'll look at her phone, and she's like, I'm only the best party goss on the web. [01:23:00] Speaker D: Oh, my God. You're right. You know what? I don't know. Like, layla. Layla Wright. [01:23:07] Speaker A: Oh, my God. The musician? [01:23:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:23:10] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I love your music. Your bassist is super hot, too. [01:23:16] Speaker D: You know what? He's kind of a dish, to be perfectly honest. But, like, babe, like, I know that nowadays everyone is all about, like, the outrage and dragging people down, but, like, come on, let's get a little more positivity out here. You and me, right now. Like, let's make this happen. Come on. Like, you know how many followers that you could get if they see my face? [01:23:44] Speaker A: Okay, all right, fine. I never do this. And she'll look at her phone, and she's like, my stans know that, like, it is all me all the time, but. And she'll say, I guess this is just a once in a lifetime thing. Like new year, new me, right? [01:24:00] Speaker D: Women supporting women, sweetie. [01:24:03] Speaker A: Absolutely. And she'll turn her phone around, and she'll hand it to you. [01:24:07] Speaker D: Oh, my God. And I'm gonna do the thing. I'm gonna smile real big and be as charming and wonderful as I possibly can. Where's my ventrue, buddy? [01:24:17] Speaker C: I'm wherever you need me to be. [01:24:20] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. It's gonna be, like, 0.2 seconds, and then the phone gets handed over. [01:24:27] Speaker C: I'm going to be Graham about it. So there for a second, she, layla, hands me the phone. Phone. And I'm making it look like I'm going to do not like, a panorama, but, like, we'll do some, like, cell phone cinematography of the moment, make it look really good. But that's just long enough for my thumb to hit the off button, and then. Is it like an iPhone? [01:24:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, yeah, of course. It's the latest and the greatest. Yeah. [01:24:54] Speaker C: So that's the point. I'm going to jab my fingers down into that little seam so I can crack the phone open and take the sim card. And then, knowing that this has ruined the phone, I'm going to still click the phone back together and hand it over to her. It's a private party, sweetie. Where are your manners? [01:25:19] Speaker D: And let's be honest, as I said, I know outrage gets all of the views and all of the likes and all of the subscribers, but we're not gonna do is stand here and denigrate some hardworking fucking people just because you decided that you needed to go on a little power trip. And that is when Layla comes up to the full height and breadth of her size, all six foot two of her. [01:25:54] Speaker A: And she'll. She's very, very small. She's about five four on a good day. And in her heels, she maybe, maybe hits five eight, maybe. [01:26:08] Speaker D: You picking up what I'm putting down, peaches? [01:26:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:26:17] Speaker C: Hey, Lola. [01:26:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:26:19] Speaker D: Yes, honey. [01:26:20] Speaker C: For $4. No, sorry. For $5, I'll make sure you remember any of it. [01:26:27] Speaker D: That. [01:26:31] Speaker C: So, while she's still in this, like, emotional fugue state of trying to process her anger, I'm actually gonna, like, reach forward and then just, like, real gentle, not, like, in a creepy way, but in, like, trying to get her attention, like, stick to steer her eyes to mine, and then I'm gonna use forgetful mind. [01:26:51] Speaker A: She's immortal. It happens immediately. I mean, it is so, so easy. Her mind was not a steel trap to begin with, and, you know, she was not expecting it, so. Yeah. How'd that rouse check work out for you? [01:27:12] Speaker C: Well, the beast and I might be on the same page about dominating people, but we are not on the same page about what a worthy target is. And to be honest, I kind of feel it, because small woman, like, physically small woman, personality wise, probably obnoxious about wasting it, but Graham still feels really, really, really good. I get to rewrite the existing memory. So I am going to take away the part of the live streaming and make it more about how she probably had too much to drink and then dropped her phone. And that is why it's broken. [01:27:56] Speaker A: It happens exactly as you say. The eyes kind of glaze over as this happens when she finally comes to is right about the time that security pops up. And, you know, she kind of looks at her phone, and you see her kind of, like, trying to press the buttons, but they're. It's not really behaving the way that she wants it to. And, you know, there's, like, that little error message that pops up when you don't have a SiM card in the phone, and she doesn't quite understand what's happening, but the guards come up, and then they'll. They'll thank you for intervening, and, you know, they'll. They'll take it from here. [01:28:36] Speaker B: Just in the background, like, I love watching them work. [01:28:41] Speaker C: Have a nice night. Don't forget to comment. Like, and subscribe. It really helps the channel, honestly. [01:28:46] Speaker E: It's a little terrifying when they do that, but luckily, it's not me. [01:28:49] Speaker B: Yeah, it's really great when it's not on us. [01:28:52] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. I'm so glad they can actually get along. To be fucking horrific. [01:28:59] Speaker D: Have a great night, sweetie. [01:29:02] Speaker C: I'm gonna hand Layla the sim card and say, you can smash it. My shoes are too expensive. [01:29:08] Speaker D: I'm literally just gonna take it between my fingers and. [01:29:13] Speaker A: Perfect. [01:29:16] Speaker D: And then I'm gonna hand Graham $5. [01:29:19] Speaker C: It's not money, but, you know, contracts without consideration. You have to have something of value. [01:29:24] Speaker D: I am a woman of my word, babe. [01:29:30] Speaker C: I want to think that Graham just has a jar somewhere that is just full of $5 bills. He doesn't need it, but it's just. It's a monument to all the bets that he's won. So it just sits on his mantle. [01:29:41] Speaker D: And it's never more than $5. [01:29:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, it's got me, like, $15 in at any given time, right? [01:29:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, Nessa, buttons, Layla, and Graham seem to kind of be settling into their. Their normal behavior, and they seem to kind of have the situation handled. I mean, the. The woman is gone, and things have kind of quieted down, and everybody else is. You know, there's a little bit of murmur about the lack of food, but nobody else is getting louder, boisterous in here. You know that there are a couple games. I know, buttons. You're not really interested in playing the games, so what's the plan? [01:30:28] Speaker B: Kind of wait for them to make their way back to the table, and when they do, just, you know, be like, so, do we want to try and figure out what any of these games are, or do we just. Just want to enjoy the party for a bit? I'm okay with either. [01:30:48] Speaker C: We can do both, right? [01:30:51] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm not particularly peckish right now, so I don't need to go find anybody. So I certainly am down to figure out what these games are. [01:31:01] Speaker D: Uh huh. Um, storyteller. [01:31:07] Speaker A: Yes. [01:31:08] Speaker D: I'm looking at my character sheet, and Layla has a speciality labeled deduction. [01:31:16] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:31:19] Speaker B: We shall deduce. [01:31:21] Speaker D: Would someone be able to deduce that that nonsense could have been part of what we're looking for? [01:31:31] Speaker A: Make me, uh. Make me a. It's. What is that? It's an investigation specialty, I think so. Yeah. Go ahead and make me an int and investigation roll with plus one for your deduction. [01:32:01] Speaker D: I think that's three successes. [01:32:04] Speaker A: Yep. You, as you kind of look around the room and you kind of notice some of the other nephilim are watching you as this happens, or now that it's done, there are a couple of them who are nodding approvingly, and, you know, they're kind of, like, writing little notes, and you think that what you just went through dealing with them, that woman was definitely one of the trials. Yes. [01:32:35] Speaker D: Well, just chickadees. I'm pretty sure that is one down. [01:32:45] Speaker A: Well done. [01:32:48] Speaker E: So, does that mean you two could possibly just score the rest of these for us, or. [01:32:59] Speaker D: I mean, if that's how you want to play the grit project. [01:33:03] Speaker E: I know how little. Truth be told, I'm just giving, and so nothing has ruined. You clearly are plaguing the game, as it were. [01:33:16] Speaker C: Truth be told, I would have done that anyway. [01:33:18] Speaker D: Yeah, no, I think I would have had fun doing that regardless. Cause she sucked. [01:33:22] Speaker E: Well, there you go. You guys are having fun. [01:33:25] Speaker B: I think I saw her at a gallery show I had the other, other month, and. Oh, gross. [01:33:30] Speaker A: Oh, wait. [01:33:32] Speaker D: Was that the bitch that spilled the champagne everywhere? [01:33:36] Speaker B: I think so, yeah. [01:33:39] Speaker D: Oh, my God. That makes me feel even better. Buttons. You remember she had the God awful, like, bandage dress and, like, the. Like, her makeup was half blended like. I swear to God, I don't know what people see in that girl. [01:33:55] Speaker B: I think it's the tits. [01:33:57] Speaker D: Oh, that's. I mean, you know what? Make your money the way you got it. Just be less of a crappy person about it. [01:34:03] Speaker B: I mean, that's. That's fair. Like, you know, flaunt it if you got it. I look down. [01:34:10] Speaker C: You know how. You know how earlier buttons. There was a conversation going on, and buttons was just staring off into the middle. Now that this is happening, it's Graham's turn. So this conversation is going on now. Graham is the one who was tuned out of the zone and is looking around the room. [01:34:28] Speaker A: Well, hey, Graham, since you're tuned out and staring around the room, can you make me a wit and awareness? [01:34:33] Speaker C: Wits and awareness, you say? [01:34:35] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Please. [01:34:36] Speaker C: I have some of that. [01:34:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:34:40] Speaker D: Buttons, I get that's not your. This isn't quite your bag, but, like, come on. It's not the worst. [01:34:46] Speaker E: This is the worst for me. If people are watching the supposedly not named task that wasn't, how do they plan that? [01:34:58] Speaker D: You'll be fine. You'll be fine. We'll take care of you. It's fine. You'll be fine. [01:35:03] Speaker C: That's a critical. Four successes. [01:35:05] Speaker A: Critical for successes. Beautiful. So, Graham, you remember when you were walking through the nave and Nessa had asked if there was anybody that kind of stood out in there, and I mentioned that there were, like, those three, like, average looking people in the crowd. They've made their way out into the atrium, and you only notice them because they're acting a little strange in that way where they're. They're kind of. They're obviously looking for something for someone at different people. They're kind of trying to keep an eye on what's happening. They're whispering to themselves. They're trying to be inconspicuous about it, but they're not doing a very good job. [01:35:49] Speaker C: If this is what I think it is, I'm going to be upset. [01:35:54] Speaker D: Can you say this out loud? [01:35:56] Speaker C: No. [01:35:57] Speaker B: Sorry. [01:35:57] Speaker C: That's Aaron speaking. And I'm not going to. I don't know that Graham has the background to do this, but when I think of, like, three ugly people at a hot vampire party, those fuckers have crossbows. Oh, no, because my head is going to bloodlines. Masquerade mastery. Bloodlines. And you go to the club in Hollywood, and it's a whole bunch of beautiful people. And then one just homely motherfucker wearing, like, a big trench coat, who stands out, and he's like, I'm here to kill the famous vampire. Do you know him? And you're like, buddy, you gotta be a little more inconspicuous than that. And then spoilers for 20 year old game. But that's. That's immediately where my head went. I don't know that Graham would accomplish that, but do you point out these shifty looking guys, let's do this. First of all, let's forget all that stuff that I just said, and then I still have one ear tuned to the coterie because I have to. Because didn't know what they get up to when. When things are. Sorry. I got ahead in my head to the joke, so I'm gonna. That's ruining the editing. I'm keeping one ear out to the coterie because I have to. Like, when left to their own devices, sometimes they spread very scandalous rumors about me, which means I can come back right at the moment that Nessa is talking about how gifted she is, and I can say, yeah, speaking of things that stand out and draw attention and then gesture subtly to the three not attractive people looking suspicious. [01:37:36] Speaker B: We look them up and down. [01:37:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:37:44] Speaker D: No, that's weird. [01:37:46] Speaker B: They are. [01:37:50] Speaker C: How are they dressed? [01:37:53] Speaker B: Big coats. [01:37:57] Speaker A: No, they are not. Three raccoons in a trench coat. No, they're dressed like they're supposed to. Not, obviously as nice as, say, graham and slightly better than Layla. Somewhere in between the two, they look like they're very weird. [01:38:17] Speaker D: That's a broad. Hey, my sweatshirt is clean. Fuck off. [01:38:21] Speaker C: You have described almost the entire spectrum of humans. [01:38:24] Speaker A: The entire spectrum? Yes. No, but they are. They are in. They are appropriately dressed for the event. [01:38:34] Speaker C: Would I. I guess, would we know as a coterie like, discipline and skills wise, what people are into, what people are packing? [01:38:43] Speaker B: I think we probably rolled with enough. Yeah. What we all bring to the table. [01:38:49] Speaker C: Can you tell me real quick what you have? [01:38:54] Speaker B: I have blood sorcery. I have dominate. I have presence under blood sorcery. I have extinguished vitae and a taste for blood under dominate. I just have cloud memory and presence. I just have awe. And I've got coax the garden for my ritual. [01:39:14] Speaker D: Yeah, I've got potence, too. With lethal body and prowess. And then presence two. With awe and lingering a kiss. [01:39:25] Speaker E: I have obfuscate cloak of shadows, unseen passage, and ghost of the machine. And then, for auspex, heightened sentences and sense the unseen. [01:39:36] Speaker C: Excellent. So I'm coming back into the scene. Well, I think we've established that Layla and I really only know how to deal with problems in one way. And it was fun the first time, but in this case, buttons. I know you hate playing games, but I think this game is one you might enjoy. Do you want to play turn invisible and figure out what they're talking about with me? [01:40:06] Speaker E: I would love to play disappear and no one see me. Thank you. [01:40:10] Speaker A: That's at least, like, part of it. [01:40:12] Speaker D: You'll still be able to play the game, but you won't be getting stared at by all the weirdos. [01:40:17] Speaker C: Economists call that a coincidence of wants. [01:40:20] Speaker D: What he said. [01:40:24] Speaker E: I still hate this. Now no one look at me. [01:40:28] Speaker C: We all do the thing where we. [01:40:29] Speaker B: Just sort of, like, stand in front of the table. [01:40:31] Speaker D: Yeah, we like. [01:40:33] Speaker B: I'm like five five four with my heels. But, you know, it's still. It's not a lot, but, you know, I still make an effort. [01:40:38] Speaker D: It's fine. With my shoulders and my height. I can do the thing where I. Like, we all kind of crowd around like it's a pen and teller show. And then when we move again, buttons is gone. That kind of thing. [01:40:49] Speaker B: Surprise. [01:40:50] Speaker C: It can't. It can't be that good, because I imagine Graham is, like, Jared Kushner thin. Right. And then Nessa is obviously small, so we don't actually do it. If we were on the Penn and teller show, they would be able to see the moment where the thing happens just between the spaces, but between the scrawny ones. [01:41:11] Speaker A: Yep. Yeah. [01:41:14] Speaker E: As long as they're not, like, being looked at for the offuscape to work out with these. Unseen passage. [01:41:22] Speaker A: Great. Wonderful. Is there. There's not a rouse check for unseen passage. Correct. [01:41:26] Speaker C: Fuck me. Yes. No, the unseen passage. [01:41:29] Speaker E: It is one browse check. [01:41:30] Speaker C: Yeah. When you just stand there is. [01:41:31] Speaker A: Okay. [01:41:31] Speaker C: That's a free one. [01:41:32] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. That's right. Wonderful. All right, well, go ahead and make me that rouse check, then. [01:41:38] Speaker D: My buttons do buttons. [01:41:43] Speaker A: I get a little hungry, a little hungrier, but that's okay, because, again, refreshments abound in case that's a thing that becomes necessary. But, yes, you activate unseen passage. Nobody pays you any mind as you wander through this crowd. And I mean, with. Especially if Graham is going with you and can, you know, keep folks away. I mean, there's. There's nothing to worry about. [01:42:08] Speaker C: Graham's doing what now? [01:42:10] Speaker A: I mean, were you going, or are you sending buttons by themselves? [01:42:14] Speaker D: Said you were playing the game, my guy. [01:42:18] Speaker C: No, the game is convince buttons to go conduct espionage. That's the game that I was playing. [01:42:24] Speaker A: Okay. Because that's fine. [01:42:27] Speaker C: Yeah. My whole thing is that Graham walking around is looking now to be four suspicious people on the dance floor. Right. [01:42:35] Speaker A: So I love that it's gonna, like. [01:42:38] Speaker E: Look around for Graham to be behind them, and. [01:42:43] Speaker B: You just see us giving you a thumbs up. [01:42:45] Speaker D: Yeah, there's like a. There's like a thumbs up in your general direction from the table. [01:42:50] Speaker C: Oh. It's very much like dad watching you play softball in middle school, where it's just like, thumbs up center mass. Like, you got it, kid. [01:42:58] Speaker D: We believe in you. [01:43:01] Speaker A: So, buttons, do you make your way over to the three average looking people? [01:43:06] Speaker D: Don't know why they put up with us. [01:43:10] Speaker A: As you make your way over, perhaps setting yourself up just across from them at the table, the little cocktail table that they're standing at. Not like they'd notice you anyway, but it's a funny visual to have in your head. They're not. They're not talking at length about anything incredibly suspicious. They're very. They're talking about their friend Emilio. Emilio, as far as you can tell, has gone missing, and they all think that he's somewhere in the back. And the conversation that they are currently having is, we need to get into the back. But, you know, they're obviously mortals, so they're bronze stars. And you know that only the gold stars have had access to the back, to the transepts, to any of the passageways. So if Emilio's here, and Emilio. They got separated from Emilio, and they think he's in the back. They're looking for somebody to try and help them find him. [01:44:25] Speaker E: And it's going to collect that information and scuttle right back to the posse. They're mortal, of course. They're bronze stars. Looking to go to the back. Four and Emily and Isaac, Emilie. Emilio. Emilio. Emilio. They're trying to get to the back. That's not. They can't do that. [01:45:01] Speaker D: So they're looking for somebody. [01:45:04] Speaker E: Yeah. And they assume that they're in a place they can't access. [01:45:10] Speaker C: Of course they can't access it. One of the four thoughts that Becca is allowed to keep in her head is that only certain kinds of people, specifically not people, are allowed back there. [01:45:24] Speaker E: You know, we. We could possibly. We could lure them. I guess one of you can use your pretty powers and say, hey, we could. We can get you there and then. Or report them to. Jeez. [01:45:40] Speaker C: Buttons that escalated really quickly. [01:45:44] Speaker D: I mean, I'm a little proud of you. I'm not gonna lie. [01:45:47] Speaker C: Is that what you think of me? Honestly? [01:45:50] Speaker B: No. That checks out for me. [01:45:52] Speaker C: Okay, first of all. Okay, well, tell you what. Um, there are no bad ideas. So we'll put murder them on the list, but let's keep the list open for now. Yeah. [01:46:06] Speaker B: Or I was just, you know, gonna take a sip and let them get sleepy and then just let them take a nap. [01:46:17] Speaker C: We. We don't know who. Okay. Like, I really. I appreciate this change in you all, how you are immediately willing to leap to the sinister. That's normally my job. And I appreciate not being the only cynic here. But there are lots of reasons that their friend could be back there. For one, we don't know if their friend is mortal or not. Maybe you have human friends, right? [01:46:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:46:43] Speaker C: That's a thing people do. [01:46:45] Speaker D: Friends is looser. [01:46:47] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Well, let's not. The definitional problem aside, possibly we just kicked somebody out, right? Maybe their friend got taken by security because they were caught up in the game. My point is, there are lots of things that could. Could be happening that don't necessitate the varying levels of violence that have been offered so far. [01:47:12] Speaker E: I would like to argue that it doesn't necessarily have to be violent. It could just be an end. It could be that celebration of life we keep hearing about. [01:47:24] Speaker B: Celebrate life with murder. [01:47:30] Speaker E: I'm going to stop talking now. [01:47:32] Speaker D: No, no. No buttons. No, it's fine. Totally fine. Totally fine. I'm just like. Like, I'm a little. I'm a little proud of that. Like, this little tiny, little ruthless streak going through. We don't see it very often. [01:47:46] Speaker B: It's really nice. It's growth. [01:47:52] Speaker D: But it still seems like this is either a, trial number two or b, these guys are being weird and they're gonna bust up the party, and I'm kind of having a good time so far. So, like, if this could not end up being, I don't know, like, rated or something, that would be awesome. [01:48:14] Speaker B: Is there any way we could let them. We can have a conversation and say, figure out what they're looking for, not let them know, but, you know, maybe mention that we are gold stars and see if maybe, you know, be like, get some descriptions for this Emilio and say, hey, we're. You know, we could go look for Emilio. [01:48:40] Speaker E: Less lethal option. We can say that this Emilio has already left. Even people aren't allowed to leave. [01:48:53] Speaker B: Or is this to say, Emilio has just made a very nice friend and they're having a very nice time in the back, and Amelia will join you eventually. [01:49:01] Speaker E: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That could work. [01:49:06] Speaker C: Well here for all of this. Also, we could check and see if the Emilio exists and what he's gotten himself into. [01:49:19] Speaker B: That's also an option. Yeah. [01:49:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:49:22] Speaker D: You know what? I'm never opposed to being, like, a little bit nosy, especially when it's in a fancy ass place like this. They've always got weird shit going on around here. [01:49:28] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, cult stuff. [01:49:31] Speaker A: I feel like. [01:49:32] Speaker C: I feel like I'm gonna regret this. But Becca would probably know, right? Probably. Or know someone who would know. [01:49:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Becca could at least put it points in the right direction. [01:49:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:49:46] Speaker C: Becca has taken all the gold stars back there. If Emilio was one of them, then she would be able to say yes. That is right. Mm hmm. [01:49:54] Speaker D: Yeah. You want to. You want to go get our best buddy? Becca? [01:50:00] Speaker C: Is there anything about the face I'm making right now or have made any point in the night that makes you think that I want to go talk to that woman again? [01:50:07] Speaker D: I mean, you were just so charming and so incredibly nice to her, which, honestly, I'm a little proud of you for. Because usually for folks like that, like, that's. We get that weird, like, level of condescension. Um, so, like, proud of you. [01:50:21] Speaker B: I'll draw. I'll draw art of you two later. [01:50:24] Speaker C: I can't decide. Okay, I'll. Let's make a deal. I'll go talk to Becca if you promise to never draw that ever. Or even conceive. Whatever. If you're filling out a parchment, is that whatever you've got going in your head? But just. Just burn that mentally. And in exchange, I will go talk to her. [01:50:47] Speaker B: Sounds great. [01:50:54] Speaker C: And I've been dead a long time. I have to physically choose to make that noise. [01:51:03] Speaker D: I feel like, as a whole. As a whole. Buttons. Nessa and Layla. There's a small part of them that lives to try and get Graham to make that noise. [01:51:13] Speaker C: It's a good thing. [01:51:15] Speaker D: It's that last little thrill of our undead hearts. [01:51:19] Speaker C: Yeah. Can we raise the dead person's blood pressure? The answer is yes. Good girl. [01:51:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [01:51:27] Speaker C: Yes. I am willing to go. [01:51:29] Speaker A: No. [01:51:30] Speaker C: Willing is the wrong word. I will go and speak to Becca if I can find them. [01:51:37] Speaker A: Oddly enough, you can. Actually. Becca has actually just returned from giving another round of gold star tours, and, you know, she'll see you kind of looking around, and she'll. Once you catch her eye, and it's obvious that she was the one that you were looking for, she'll cheer on up, and she'll walk on over. Do you need something? Can I help? [01:51:59] Speaker C: First of all, just to be next to you again. How are things going? [01:52:02] Speaker A: Oh, my God, you're so sweet. You know what? The last tour was amazing. We didn't have any weird run ins in the transept, so, you know, I mean, it was good. It was great. We're having a great time. How are you enjoying things? [01:52:18] Speaker C: It's been great. I got to smash someone's cell phone. [01:52:21] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, that's surprising. Why did anybody have their cell phone? [01:52:28] Speaker C: Exactly. But you know what? They don't know. And good. [01:52:33] Speaker D: Good. [01:52:33] Speaker A: That's good. Good. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, my God. My hero. [01:52:40] Speaker C: Just doing my small part. Hey, I know you're super busy, but I had a question. Just real quick. Has there been anyone gold star wise named Emilio who might be hanging out in the back of the. Sorry, I could not remember. Sterner hall. Is there anyone named. Named. Is there anyone named Emilio maybe hanging out in the back of sterner hall or on the golden Star list, maybe just, you know. [01:53:14] Speaker A: On the gold star list? No. Nobody. Nobody by that name on the gold star list. [01:53:23] Speaker C: Can I roll insight to see if I can, Rebecca. [01:53:28] Speaker A: What's an insight? Yeah, to see what she's. If she's not telling you something. [01:53:33] Speaker C: I just want to know if Becca is better at keeping the secret than you are. [01:53:40] Speaker A: Maybe this is part of that. [01:53:43] Speaker C: Two successes. If that's not enough, I'll spend some willpower. [01:53:48] Speaker A: It's. Well, actually, you know what? She's not doing a really great job of hiding it. That was on purpose. No, she's obviously avoiding the first part of your question. She makes a point of specifically saying, no, there's nobody on the gold star list with that name. But it's clear that she's going out of her way to not answer the first part. [01:54:16] Speaker C: Right. Which is only half the question. I know she's a vampire, and I don't want to go disciplining on her, which is how I would normally solve this problem. Okay, well, uh, whether or not the similio exists, can you tell me where a troublemaker might be kept behind that little velvet rope back there? [01:54:47] Speaker A: Um. He, uh. I don't know. It. I really shouldn't be talking about it. [01:55:01] Speaker C: I understand that, Becca. And let me just tell you right up front, there's nothing that I care about more in the world than a client financial advisor privilege. Which is why secrecy is. It's so important in my line of work. And the other thing that's important in my line of work is helping people who help you. Now, do I look at the kind of person who would throw you under the bus, or do I look at the kind of person who remembers the people who've assisted me in life and make sure that good things come their way too? [01:55:38] Speaker A: I mean, you look so nice and, you know, I mean, yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, yeah. You seem like a really great guy, generally. [01:55:55] Speaker C: Yeah. Don't let anyone hear you say that. [01:55:59] Speaker A: Okay. [01:56:00] Speaker C: I tell you what. Here's. Here's what we're gonna do, right? I'm assuming you're being watched or listened to right now. That's how this works. [01:56:06] Speaker A: I mean, there's. There's eyes and ears everywhere, right? And she'll kind of, like, glance. [01:56:12] Speaker C: Mm hmm. So unless they can hear this conversation. Exactly right now. And I think we're being kind of quiet, and there's. There's still naked people in the other room causing something of a distraction. So here's what you can do for me. You can make a really big show right now about being like, oh, you know, I really, really shouldn't, and then I'm gonna make a face that looks like I'm like, oh, come on, you can tell me. And then you can get, like, a little angry about it and say, absolutely not. There are rules, right? So then the people who are watching, they're gonna say, becca, good job. You stood your ground. And then you can wait one or two minutes. And as you circle around the party checking in on the gold stars, you can swing by our table and tell. Not me, because then they'd be in on it, right? Tell Layla or Nessa or buttons, one of my three friends where we need to go to solve the problem. How's that sound? [01:57:01] Speaker A: Can you make new manipulation and persuasion rule? [01:57:03] Speaker C: Surely I can. [01:57:05] Speaker A: And also give yourself a plus one, because she does appreciate somebody in a nice suit, and you're being very, very nice to her, so you get a plus one for that. [01:57:16] Speaker C: Does that count the being two dots of attractive as well, or no. [01:57:21] Speaker A: Ooh, no. So that's an additional. That's an additional. Yeah. [01:57:24] Speaker C: So help me get. Thank you so much, dice gods. That is seven successes. Very critical. [01:57:30] Speaker A: Seven successes. You know, with. With seven successes. I mean, she's kind of willing to just give you a little more information now so we don't even have to do the circle back around later. She'll just. [01:57:47] Speaker C: I legitimately don't want to get her in trouble, if that matters. [01:57:50] Speaker A: She won't get in trouble. I promise. She won't get in trouble. No, because she'll. She'll. She'll agree with you about a certain point, and, you know, she'll. She'll go along with your plan of making a big show of it, but in between the loud parts, she'll include some quiet parts as well. And she'll tell you that Emilio is actually the guest of honor at dinner. [01:58:15] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:58:18] Speaker A: Yep. [01:58:21] Speaker C: Well, there's no need to say anything more about that, because I can. I can read both the lines. And also between them, they teach you that in the Ivy League. So that clues me in a little bit more. Then as a final ask, I'll say, all right. Would then. In a universe where there are people looking for Emilio and perhaps wanting to extricate him or cause trouble in that process, I'm guessing it'd be. Be something of a boon for. For you and yours if that problem were to solve itself quietly or loudly in any way. [01:59:01] Speaker A: Uh, yeah, definitely. Um, if. If there are friends of his here. Um. Yes. Thomas. Thomas should hear about this. Yes. [01:59:19] Speaker C: Okay. Becca, you've been a delight. I hate that we always have to meet about work, but I love seeing you so much anyway. I'm sure you have things to do, and I definitely have things to do now, so why don't we just circle back a little later? I hope you're having a good time. [01:59:35] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. I've. You know, I gotta go do another tour, but I'll be back around for sure if you need anything. Don't forget, I'm right here. [01:59:42] Speaker C: You aren't the best. [01:59:44] Speaker A: And she'll scamper on, off to go grab the next group of gold stars. [01:59:48] Speaker C: I feel, like, cutest thing on the planet. Face just exhausted turning away, like, oh, it's so hard to be on. Well, I will relay this information to the table, beginning with. All right, okay, I know we're not into games, but is the guessing game okay? [02:00:09] Speaker D: I mean, if we must. [02:00:10] Speaker C: All right, guessing game. Guess who the guest of honor for dinner is at tonight's celebration? [02:00:22] Speaker D: And by, like, dinner, you mean like. [02:00:25] Speaker B: I assume it is our lovely friend Emilio? [02:00:29] Speaker C: I guess Vanessa. It's that tremere wit rapier. Sharp, straight to the point. I'd give you a gold star. Mine's on my invitation. [02:00:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:00:42] Speaker D: That'S a problem. [02:00:44] Speaker B: That's a bit of a problem. [02:00:45] Speaker D: That's a bit of a problem. [02:00:47] Speaker C: Gonna go up on a teensy limb and say that the guest of honor wasn't here willingly, and so on and so forth. [02:00:54] Speaker B: Guest of honor. Definitely not walking out here. [02:00:57] Speaker D: Mm mm. No, not if this is the general, like, again with the. With the, like, moderately cult, like, moderately. With the culty vibes going on here. [02:01:08] Speaker C: This is secret. Go ahead. [02:01:10] Speaker D: No, just this seems to be like. It's very much like it's giving human sacrifice before the deity kind of deal. [02:01:22] Speaker B: Yeah, honestly, it's. I don't know about the rest of you, but I definitely don't want to have communal meals with other vampires. [02:01:34] Speaker C: Yeah, no, I think the meal part is more of a metaphor. [02:01:40] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:01:41] Speaker B: I mean, it's just, you know. [02:01:45] Speaker C: Okay, but there's good news, right? So we've got people in masks, and there are other people who are naked. So it's already getting a little eyes wide shot right now. Becca has asked me to go talk to Thomas because I think this might be the part where we get to go kill Tom Cruise or the three Tom Cruises. Am I the only one who's seen that movie? [02:02:09] Speaker B: I have seen it, and it's just. [02:02:11] Speaker D: They've actually never seen that movie. Like, as Laura as Tutu has never seen that movie. [02:02:17] Speaker B: We're just gonna be like Stanley Kubrick and make us do. He's gonna make us do it, like, 81 times. [02:02:24] Speaker C: I'm glad you're here for this plan, but here's the thing. Now, we all came to this party because we have, together, collectively, decided there's something about this organization that matters to us. Right? [02:02:37] Speaker B: I mean, I'm curious, you know, to an extent. [02:02:40] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [02:02:42] Speaker C: Right. Which means we. [02:02:43] Speaker E: I guess. [02:02:45] Speaker C: Which means we all need to be playing our part, because what we don't want to happen is that a couple of us get picked and someone else doesn't. Right? [02:02:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:02:56] Speaker B: Make it a little hard to operate as a coterie. [02:02:58] Speaker D: It's not very coterie of us. [02:03:00] Speaker C: Like when one of your friends gets on the football team or the cheer squad, and suddenly they have all new friends. Right. We wouldn't want any of that. [02:03:08] Speaker B: Ow. How dare you make me think of high school again. [02:03:13] Speaker C: Well, funnier than what's talking about that. Because Layla distracted, obnoxious woman. I smashed her phone buttons. Did the reconnaissance. So would you like to go let Thomas know what's going on? Yeah, I can do that. [02:03:33] Speaker D: We can keep an eye on tweedledum, tweedledummer, and tweeter tweedledum ass over there. [02:03:38] Speaker B: Yeah. Make sure they don't call us. Too many problems. Yeah, I'm no good in a scrap anyways. [02:03:43] Speaker D: So speaking of the tweedle triplets, are they still hanging out? [02:03:49] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. And anybody that walks by and kind of glances at them, they're. They're trying to get somebody's attention, just get anybody to come and talk to them. Every now and then, they're successful. But, I mean, it's kind of obvious to you all as you're watching that they're only really attracting other mortals and, like, the occasional kindred who is clearly eyeing them as food. But when it becomes clear that they're not gonna separate, the kindred will walk off. So they're still desperately trying to get anybody to talk to them, but it's not super working. [02:04:27] Speaker B: Well, I guess I will. Hopefully, I'm gonna I'll go find Thomas and let him know what's going on. [02:04:36] Speaker A: All right. And, Layla, buttons, Graham, you're all just gonna stay in the atrium and watch the three. Mm hmm. [02:04:47] Speaker D: I'm gonna make sure no one gets any weird ideas, like crossbows, like cross posts. [02:04:57] Speaker C: Apropos of nothing important question. Was there, like, a magnetometer or a pat down as part of coming to this party? [02:05:07] Speaker A: It's. Yeah. So part of it coming in. It's not. It wasn't necessary, because I know that all of you would not dare to come to one of these events with weapons of any kind. Layla. But, yes, typically, they would ask folks to relinquish their phones, which is why the phone was such a big deal. And then also make sure that nobody has weapons or anything on their person. So, no, they don't have a giant crossbow strapped to their back, nothing like that. [02:05:41] Speaker C: I mean, a small one would still be a point of concern. [02:05:45] Speaker A: They don't have a hand bow either, so. All right, well, before we dive into Nessa heading out to speak with Thomas, I think this is a good time to, uh, take a quick little break. Uh, so why don't we go grab some drinks, grab some snacks, and we'll come back and, uh, see what mess Nessa gets into or gets out of or starts or. Anyway, it's a toss up. It's a toss up. [02:06:16] Speaker B: It's a toss up. [02:06:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, we'll see you in ten. Welcome back, friends. We all have our drinks. We all had a little bite to eat. Hope you did, too. Hopefully your kitchen is slightly more stocked than the atrium, but we are back now. Buttons, Layla, Graham, they've decided to stay and watch the weirdly average looking people while Nessa goes off to try and find Thomas to let him know that the guest of honor at dinner has friends looking for him, and they think that Thomas should know about this. So, Nessa, you make your way back, asking a few folks as you walk through the transepts, you know, all the folks, the help that are back there, how to get to Thomas's room. You can find your way there. You can get there pretty quick if you're making a direct route for it. [02:07:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't see too much of a reason to dawdle much, because, you know, who knows when these people are gonna start getting punchy? [02:07:24] Speaker A: Well, I mean, you don't know that they're going to get punchy just because Aaron, not Graham, but just because Aaron thinks that maybe they're gonna get punchy doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to get punchy. But I get your point. [02:07:35] Speaker B: You know, they're looking for their friend. Nobody's saying anything about their friend. [02:07:39] Speaker A: Eventually. [02:07:39] Speaker B: Eventually they're gonna start getting loud or getting punchy, one of those things. And I don't want that to happen. [02:07:46] Speaker A: Sure. Absolutely. So, as you enter Thomas's room, do you knock? Do you just open the door? [02:07:55] Speaker B: I definitely knock beforehand. I have conditioned from college to always knock before entering a room. [02:08:06] Speaker A: You know what? Honestly, that's valid. It's honestly just a good show of respect to not and be like, hey. [02:08:14] Speaker B: Get your pants on. [02:08:18] Speaker A: Well, unlike some of the folks in the nave, Thomas definitely still has his pants on. You don't have to worry about that. But he will come and he will answer the door, and he'll say, oh, one of my. One of my gold stars. Stars, welcome. Where are your friends? He seems a little surprised that they're not with you. [02:08:39] Speaker B: Oh, they are keeping an eye on something. For me. For us. [02:08:45] Speaker A: Oh, well, please come in. I assume you're here because you have questions about our lovely organization. [02:08:55] Speaker B: Among other things. [02:08:57] Speaker A: Oh. And he'll. He'll beckon you in, and you're back in that same room that you were in before. Well, uh, what can I help you with? [02:09:13] Speaker B: Sorry, my cat just meowed really loud, and I was like, could you not, uh, you know, taking a look around this room once more? You know, I'll eventually look over at him. I'm just being like, well, we thought you should know that there's some people out in the atrium looking for the guest of honor at dinner. [02:09:58] Speaker A: He narrows his eyes a little bit. He's not sure if you're actually talking about things that you know or if you're trying to, like, get information from him. So he's not really making a move to offer anything up at this point. [02:10:20] Speaker B: Sort of, you know, feeling like they're looking for. We overheard them saying they were looking for an Emilio. [02:10:33] Speaker A: His shoulders kind of drop, and he straightens up his back a little bit. Well, that is disheartening. Thank you very much for bringing this information to me. There are. How many of them did you say there are? [02:10:59] Speaker B: Three of them. And the rest of my coterie is keeping an eye on them to make sure they stay where they are. [02:11:07] Speaker A: Wonderful. Wonderful. And he'll reach down, and there's, like, a small, small little walkie talkie that he's got, and he'll pick it up, and he'll talk into it, and he'll just relay this information to some of the security team, and you can hear them respond in the way that you would expect them to respond. And, you know, you hear that they're. They're going to handle it. So presumably the same thing that happened to the wonderful influencer with the guards coming to remove her from the room, presumably that's happening to them as well. But you're not sure because you're here. [02:11:42] Speaker C: Yes, I am. [02:11:43] Speaker A: She's totally dead now. Why do you. You always expect the worst? [02:11:51] Speaker C: Aaron, have you played vampire, the masquerade before? [02:11:57] Speaker A: Once in a while, yeah. Why? Why do you. [02:11:59] Speaker C: First time. My apologies. [02:12:05] Speaker A: Well, now that that matter is handled, then, um, come and he'll beckon you back through one of the doors. Not the one that says maintenance, but one of the other doors. Sure. Yeah. I, uh. I have a reward for you for bringing this information to me. Sure. [02:12:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:12:32] Speaker A: You enter into this room, and it's wood paneled. It's obvious that this has definitely been redone. The room did not look like this back when it was the performing arts room. And in the middle of this large room is a very long table. And in the middle of this table is not Emilio. You're guessing probably not, because, well, if it was Emilio, theoretically, it would be immortal. But what you're looking at, displayed on this table, bound in eastern orthodox prayer ropes, is a kindred. Now, this kindred is very clearly in torpor. They're not moving. They're not acknowledging anything that's happening around them. And he'll gesture at the kindred on the table for bringing me this information. I would like to reward you. And he'll slide a sharp silver knife across the table in your direction. [02:14:03] Speaker B: And this is who? [02:14:11] Speaker A: Well, I think that's rather unimportant, don't you? [02:14:16] Speaker C: Just. [02:14:16] Speaker B: Just wondering. Uh, this is something we did talk about. I don't think we ever settled on the answer. Am I aware of said flaw I have? Because that's gonna really change what I do right now. [02:14:32] Speaker A: Well, it's not a. The goal is not. There is not any vita to drink from this kindred. [02:14:45] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. That's what there's. Life is like slice and drink. [02:14:49] Speaker A: This is very clearly an offer of Diablerie. [02:14:58] Speaker B: That's really fast, you know, off of diablerie, and then suddenly not wanting to really say no to Charles Manson and light and. [02:15:29] Speaker C: Wait, wait, you. You don't want to become a real vampire? [02:15:35] Speaker B: I am a real vampire. [02:15:36] Speaker C: Yeah, that depends on who you ask. And if you ask me, the answer is you're not. [02:15:41] Speaker A: I was. [02:15:41] Speaker B: I'm gonna. With slight hesitation. Yeah, I was probably gonna go through with it. [02:15:52] Speaker A: Now. Now. Question. He slid this knife across the table. Table. Are you going to use the knife in your diablo? Are you just going to bite? [02:16:07] Speaker B: I was almost just like, what would I use the knife for? [02:16:13] Speaker A: Just to open the wound. [02:16:14] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. That's where my brain went. And I was like, is there some. This person expecting me to do some ritual? But, yeah, sure. [02:16:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:16:22] Speaker B: Um, I'll just. I'll use the knife to open up a wound, and we're gonna do it. [02:16:35] Speaker A: Wonderful. I love this for you. Can you please go ahead and roll me? Three. No. Two. Strength and resolve tests, please. [02:16:51] Speaker B: Strengthen resolve test. Where are those? On the street? [02:16:56] Speaker A: Up at the top. They're under traits. [02:17:04] Speaker B: I don't got a lot of dice for those. So, uh, you know, just because I'm about to take a drink anyways, let's. Let's rouse and do some blood surging. [02:17:15] Speaker A: Sure. Absolutely. Go ahead. Spend that blood. [02:17:18] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:17:20] Speaker A: That's what it's there for, after all. I mean, what's the point of being a vampire if you can't call upon the magical powers of the blood that moves your body? [02:17:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:17:29] Speaker B: And, you know, I fail and I get hungrier, but I'm gonna fix that. [02:17:31] Speaker C: In just a moment. [02:17:33] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Wonderful, wonderful. [02:17:36] Speaker B: And you said strength, resolve. [02:17:39] Speaker A: Yes. [02:17:42] Speaker B: And we'll add those two. Two dice. [02:17:44] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. [02:17:48] Speaker C: Well. [02:17:52] Speaker B: That first one doesn't go well. [02:17:55] Speaker A: Uh, okay, so here's. Here's the problem. [02:18:00] Speaker B: Um, can I use willpower to reroll anything on that? [02:18:04] Speaker C: Uh, I don't know if you can on. [02:18:08] Speaker A: I don't know. Because it's not. It's not combat. Yeah. [02:18:10] Speaker C: But I think diaplete might be one of the. Let me. [02:18:13] Speaker A: I know. I'm. I'm not 100% sure. Well, while Aaron looks this up, I will tell you why. If you cannot reroll it, it's a bad thing. Because Diablerie requires wins of strength and resolve tests equal to the victim's blood potency. And if you don't pass one, the body will just decay into final death, and you miss out on the chance to eat the whole body. [02:18:45] Speaker C: Yeah. Rules as written. Willpower can't be used in combat or on rules that include a tracker, which would be humanity. Or for willpower. But this role is not either of those two things. So it's. It's your discretion whether it's okay. But the book says, have at it if you feel it's appropriate. [02:19:16] Speaker A: Great. Thank you. [02:19:19] Speaker C: Yeah. As bad as Nessa wants it, I feel like. [02:19:22] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, come on. I have to give a tremere a chance, right? I think it's a lot. Yes, I do. So, yeah, if you would like, you do have three. Three dice that you rolled from your normal dice. You had to have to win on all three of them to pass this. But it's doable. [02:19:38] Speaker B: It's shot, you know? [02:19:40] Speaker A: Yeah. What's the willpower for? It's for rerolling. Reroll. Why not? [02:19:45] Speaker D: Fuck it. [02:19:47] Speaker C: I like the narrative of Nessa finally having the chance. Like what, tremere? Like, secrets and power. She's gonna have a secret she has to keep, and she's gonna get some power. [02:19:56] Speaker B: So I really just hope none of you have aura reading, you know? [02:20:00] Speaker C: I don't about that. [02:20:06] Speaker A: But I like. [02:20:07] Speaker C: The idea of nested, like, getting in there. It's not working. And then wanting to push. [02:20:14] Speaker B: That is only one success. [02:20:17] Speaker A: One success that is unfortunate. [02:20:21] Speaker B: I just hesitate at that last second. [02:20:24] Speaker A: Yeah. You know, part of. Part of. And it. Maybe it's just a question of, like, you know, you just weren't quite ready. You weren't expecting it. You know, it's. [02:20:34] Speaker B: No one expects surprise Diabler. [02:20:36] Speaker A: Surprise diablerie. No, but, you know, as whatever the case, it has to feel awful, as you have taken to this body and are attempting this horrible, horrid act. And you just feel this body start to decay and turn into ash in your hands and on the table. And the wool prayer beads just kind of fall into the pile and leave little dusty imprints everywhere. And you hear Thomas with a little bit of remorse in his voice, tell you, that's quite all right. Not everybody is cut out for Diablerie. It's not a problem. It's fine. But. And he'll clap his hands together while you're getting yourself cleaned up, as it were, and he'll say, we have a dinner to attend to, I think. [02:21:48] Speaker B: Yes, yes. [02:21:49] Speaker A: Go take care of that, then. [02:21:51] Speaker B: Yep. And I kind of hurry out of. [02:21:57] Speaker A: The room and kind of the way. [02:21:59] Speaker B: You know, it's horrible. Like, a way, you know, that horrible moment in a date where you're just like, no, I gotta go. Like, I gotta go right now. [02:22:11] Speaker A: Totally fair. [02:22:12] Speaker B: I'm running. I'm almost running in those heels. [02:22:16] Speaker A: Absolutely. Well, and, like, you know that the dinner, if you stop to ask anybody, and I mean, actually, you don't even have to stop because as you run out of the room, you'll hear Thomas and he'll talk into his walkie. Talkie again. And when you leave his room, the space in the chancel, heading back into the transepts, you'll see folks making their way towards the north wing. And it's at about this time that back in the atrium, Becca comes up to you, to the three of you still out there, buttons. Layla, Graham, you saw security come up and talk to the three and then usher them off the floor. Presumably they told the three of them that, you know, they could take them to their friend Emilio. But once that was done, there wasn't much going on. It was a pretty. Pretty boring party. Until Becca shows up and tells you with a very excited look on her face, that it's dinner time. Yep. [02:23:23] Speaker D: Yeah, of course, of course. Wonderful. [02:23:29] Speaker C: Rule number five is obey. [02:23:34] Speaker A: It. Sure is. And she's so excited, by the way, that you remembered that and that you're quoting it back to her. She's just absolutely tickled at that. Come, come. Let's go. I can't go with you, obviously, because I have to make sure that everybody else knows. And she'll gesture at the rest of the nephilim that are making their way towards the transepts, other gold star groups that have started wandering back that way. Go, please. Please, enjoy yourselves. [02:24:09] Speaker D: Yeah, absolutely. You know, Becca, and again, just been a delight. [02:24:14] Speaker A: Mm hmm. And she'll. Graham, she'll lean into you, and she'll say, okay, so, like, it's dinner, but, like, it's also a trial. And then she'll just kind of smile and then, like, turn and walk off. [02:24:34] Speaker C: Well, then I don't know what Graham does with that information, because he's. It's very important that when Graham tells somebody else a secret, that he has to be fully informed and also factually correct. And the worst thing that could happen in, like, the next five minutes would be him saying to Layla or buttons, like, oh, my God, it's another trial. And then saying, what do you mean? Being like, I have no fucking clue. So I think that one he will keep under his hat just until he has enough information to be useful. It's the coterie information sharing equivalent of. Could this have been an email? Right? I don't want to call a team meeting over. This is a trial. Oh, fuck. Thanks for taking me out of my normal workloop. That was something we definitely needed to get together on. [02:25:24] Speaker D: Uh huh. Uh huh. Okay. All right. Blue blood. I will say, if nothing else, I'm sure Layla clocks the fact that Becca got a little cozy. [02:25:36] Speaker A: It's, like, on. [02:25:37] Speaker D: You're making friends. [02:25:40] Speaker C: What are you here to do? [02:25:42] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, you know what? She seems perfectly pleasant. If we need, like, you know, the NASA is there. Awful handy and real good at secrets. [02:25:56] Speaker C: Yeah. This one, not so much. [02:25:58] Speaker D: It turns out that's just because she's smitten with you babes. [02:26:04] Speaker C: Okay, well, be that as it may, I don't want to entertain the notion that there are people in the world more attractive than I am, but I am forced by just the loss of probability to accept that there may be one or two who are at least equally as attractive as I am. [02:26:18] Speaker D: It's very big of you. [02:26:19] Speaker C: Thanks. I'm working on it. You know, I'm trying to grow as a person, but if she's willing to spill to me, we just met, it's. You can. But, hey, apparently after dinner, we're all gonna be friends, so maybe she'll grow on YouTube. [02:26:38] Speaker D: Oh, she's great. [02:26:39] Speaker A: She's peach. [02:26:39] Speaker D: I think she's cute as a button. [02:26:42] Speaker C: It's glad she's got that going for her, because. Oh, boy. [02:26:50] Speaker D: Let's go, kids. [02:26:51] Speaker A: Cute as a button or cute as buttons? [02:26:54] Speaker D: A button. There is no one cuter than buttons. [02:26:59] Speaker B: At what point am I rejoining this group? [02:27:02] Speaker C: That's why buttons gets the plural, the definite article and plural. [02:27:07] Speaker A: Absolutely. Absolutely. [02:27:10] Speaker D: I think it's just been determined that buttons is based. Baby. [02:27:13] Speaker A: Buttons is baby. Yeah. NASA. To answer your question, that depends entirely on if you're going straight to dinner or if you were attempting to try and find your friends beforehand. [02:27:25] Speaker B: I was definitely finding my friends first, finding my coterie. Because I'm just, like, things. [02:27:33] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. Are you guys gonna wait and see if Nessa rejoins you then, or are you going to go off and follow the crowd? [02:27:42] Speaker C: I just. Based on the flow of events, this meal is happening in the next five minutes. Or is it going to be at a theater where they ring the bell and you have 15 minutes to whatever? [02:27:57] Speaker A: I mean, you know how long it takes to kind of move through the transepts. And with this call for dinner, you assume you've got some time. They wouldn't make the call for dinner and then start it in two minutes. Right. It's typically a. There's a window. [02:28:12] Speaker D: There's some pomp and circumstance to adhere to. [02:28:15] Speaker A: Yeah. And, I mean, keep in mind Becca does have to run around and make sure that all of the gold stars know that it's happening, so there is. [02:28:22] Speaker D: Time, I'd say probably, like, meander. And keep an eye out for Nessa at the same time. [02:28:29] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [02:28:31] Speaker C: You can keep an eye out for Nessa, but there's someone who I haven't seen a lot of, who I would like to get at. [02:28:41] Speaker A: Who's that? [02:28:43] Speaker C: Morgan. [02:28:48] Speaker A: The wonderful little kindred that you met in the transepts. [02:28:51] Speaker C: That's an interesting word for it. But I know that there are. There are three people who I've met so far who are involved in this whole thing. One of them is Becca, obviously not going to go try to pump any more information out of that currently. The other is Thomas, who, if we are so close to having a midnight round of golf together, but I think he's a little busy to be answering my questions. But Morgan, less so. And since we're in the transepts and it's easy to get lost, and we have some time, I'm wondering if I can get lost on purpose trying to find this friend of mine. [02:29:32] Speaker A: Sure. Well, you can hear as you're kind of moving through with a really keen ear. You can kind of hear that there's somebody moving in a way that is dissimilar from the way that other folks are moving. And you can kind of surmise that based on how quickly Morgans. [02:29:52] Speaker C: I'm looking for somebody else. [02:29:55] Speaker A: Aw. You can kind of surmise, though, that the noises that you're hearing elsewhere in the transves are likely, Morgan. They're a little louder, a little faster. It just kind of. You just kind of get that vibe. Can you make me a composure and awareness test? [02:30:17] Speaker C: Oh, interesting. Yeah, maybe. [02:30:20] Speaker B: I am also probably moving rather quickly through these transepts, trying to find my friends again. [02:30:26] Speaker A: That's fair. But you don't have celerity, so. [02:30:29] Speaker C: I don't. [02:30:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm moving fast. Not that fast. [02:30:33] Speaker A: Not that fast. [02:30:34] Speaker C: I think I'm actually gonna rouse the blood here and try to get some. Some good hearing going. I don't have heightened senses, but I do have vampire ears. [02:30:44] Speaker A: Sure. [02:30:45] Speaker C: Okay. This time I succeed on that. Razz, check the beast, and I can have a conversation later about why this is fine, but literally dominating a human isn't. Yeah, you know what? He doesn't like it when I use that tone of voice, so maybe I'll find some other language. [02:31:03] Speaker A: Sure. [02:31:05] Speaker C: But I got. Let's see, that's plus two dice. [02:31:08] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [02:31:12] Speaker C: Not for all the good it does me. That is only two successes. [02:31:17] Speaker A: Do you want to try and willpower reroll? [02:31:21] Speaker C: I mean, yeah, I've committed at this point, and that'll. I mean, I've got a lot of willpower. I'm kind of built for that. So like, let's see what comes of it. Literally nothing. Those are. That's the worst possible role that you could get on those dice. So I am. I am like, I'm so close to being the idiot who's, like, trying to listen on the ground for the train coming. [02:31:48] Speaker A: You know what I think it is? I think it's just there are so many people coming through the transepts right now that it's hard to kind of make out exactly where these noises are coming from. But you can kind of get in the general direction, and then if you're going by yourself, you know, we can. We can try something else. You can. You can see if maybe there are additional symbols. If anybody else goes with you, maybe there's, you know, help that other folks can give you, but it's kind of a. At this point, you can't find him, or you can't find her right this second, but you can get in the. In the vicinity. [02:32:24] Speaker C: Would it be fair to say that Graham doing this is. I. We were all walking in a direction, and then Graham just kind of, like, teeters off to one side and is doing the. Like, the universal. Like, I'm trying to hear this kind of thing. At very least attracting enough attention that the other two would likewise split from the tide of people going to the room. [02:32:46] Speaker D: Where is he going? Why is he. Why does he wander off like this? I swear to God, I understand that. Like, he's the. He thinks he's the brave of these operation, but, like, if he gets in trouble, he's not gonna have anyone to kick the shit out of it for. [02:33:01] Speaker A: Him. [02:33:08] Speaker C: At this point. Turning around to seeing the two of you making that look at me like, okay, first of all, whatever you were just saying, rude. Second, do you hear that? [02:33:24] Speaker D: I don't know, storyteller. Do we hear that? [02:33:27] Speaker A: Uh, go ahead and make me a. What's an awareness? Just. [02:33:30] Speaker C: Just because I will also, for the sake of expediency, explain what we are listening for. [02:33:35] Speaker A: Yeah. All right, so do it. Do it with, like, a plus two, because Graham is explaining it. And, Nessa, why don't you give me an intelligence and awareness test just while you're going through the transepts? [02:33:53] Speaker C: Cause I know buttons has the best shot of hearing it, but I also feel awful reaching out directly to ask buttons for help. [02:34:02] Speaker D: I. Like, I don't understand why, like, roll 20 has a vendetta. I swear to God. [02:34:09] Speaker B: Kinda does. Like, I like. [02:34:11] Speaker D: What is with this algorithm? [02:34:13] Speaker B: I have played so many vampire games on roll 20, and it's just never. [02:34:17] Speaker A: Nothing. [02:34:18] Speaker B: Nothing. Oh, let's go. [02:34:21] Speaker C: Like buttons, though. [02:34:22] Speaker D: At least. [02:34:22] Speaker A: At least. [02:34:23] Speaker D: That's one. [02:34:24] Speaker B: I got three on mine. [02:34:26] Speaker E: Okay, five. [02:34:29] Speaker A: Yep. And. And Layla, you have a big old goose egg, right? [02:34:33] Speaker D: Fuck all. Exactly. Fuck all. [02:34:36] Speaker C: I'm gonna distract myself from the fact that buttons did better by relishing in the fact that Layla did worse. [02:34:42] Speaker A: Did worse. Sure. Of course. Yeah. As you're having this conversation, and buttons, you definitely hear it. Like, you can actually. You think you can pinpoint where this is coming from, to be honest. And it's right about this time that Nessa will turn a corner and see you guys from down the hall and start making her way to you. [02:35:05] Speaker D: Like, legitimately. The last time I had to pull your ass out of the fire, I got a bullet hole blown through my chest, and I'd really rather not have to deal with that again. [02:35:14] Speaker C: Are you afraid that's gonna happen again now? [02:35:17] Speaker D: I mean, like, who the fuck knows? It's already been hella weird today. [02:35:24] Speaker A: What? [02:35:24] Speaker B: What? [02:35:26] Speaker A: I hear it. [02:35:30] Speaker B: And I probably just have, like, a look of just slightly mixed. [02:35:35] Speaker D: Hold on. [02:35:40] Speaker E: And is it possible just, like, follow. [02:35:44] Speaker A: The source of the noise or just. Oh, yeah, absolutely. No, at this point, you're really clued into the noise. There are other noises, obviously, as people kind of pass you going through the transepts, but you are so aware of this noise now, and you have that weird, like, hyper focus on where the sound is that you can absolutely follow it. [02:36:06] Speaker E: That's exactly what it's doing. It's not a single word. Afterward, buttons is on the case. [02:36:13] Speaker C: I'm gonna. Nessa. [02:36:19] Speaker B: I have a look of sort of shock on my face. Yeah. Slightly upset, slight shock. As I join. [02:36:32] Speaker A: Buttons down the hallway, you. You reach the end. There's a moment where you're not sure if you're supposed to go left or right, and you look down one hallway, you look down the other, and immediately just start going, not saying a word. It's a little shocking to anybody who doesn't know you, perhaps even some of the folks in the coterie, but you have just really focused in on what's happening right now, and you are following that sound, and eventually the sound will stop, but you're close enough that you know exactly where it stopped. And turning a couple more corners, you're eventually pulled into a small side closet, and you enter into this room with Morgan. [02:37:19] Speaker C: Dust. Buttons is pulled in. [02:37:22] Speaker A: Well, I mean, buttons was the first, but, I mean, everybody can see this happen. Assuming that everybody's following buttons, because buttons is moving at a speed that everybody can follow. And if the rest of you see this happen, I mean, obviously Morgan, who's running through all of this, would have made sure that nobody else was around. So if you were to show up, it's not like she wouldn't be, you know, surprised by you being there, but, yeah. When buttons reaches the clock. No, no, no. It's just buttons. Buttons walks towards the closet, and then the door will open, and morgan will usher her in. Usher them in. Excuse me. Morgan is the. Her. Excuse me. [02:38:07] Speaker E: My coterie is looking for you. Just give them a second. [02:38:15] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [02:38:18] Speaker C: I'm turning the corner, explaining to nessa what we're doing here, actually. [02:38:22] Speaker B: Uh huh. And I'm just like, uh huh, uh huh. [02:38:25] Speaker C: I think it's going to be kind of amusing, because I'm explaining to nessa like, no, I mean, there's all this stuff going on. I know Becca's the one thing in thomas either, but I think morgan might know something. But I'm having this conversation over my shoulder, and the door is open, so morgan probably hears all this. And then I turn the corner, and I have saved myself the need of having to explain why we're here in a way that's slightly embarrassing. Oh, morgan, we were. I was just talking about you. Yeah. [02:38:54] Speaker A: Yes, I know. Please. And she'll kind of, like, usher you in. And the closet is much, much larger. It's not like a tiny little maintenance closet. It's actually a nice little storage room. [02:39:05] Speaker B: We don't all get all familiar with each other. [02:39:07] Speaker A: No, no, there is. There is enough space for everybody to have their own personal bubble. It's great. It's a nice, nice size closet. Yeah, that tends to be a problem for me. Yeah. Probably about the size of Graham's closet, I would imagine. [02:39:19] Speaker D: Oh, you got walk in. [02:39:22] Speaker A: Exactly. [02:39:24] Speaker C: Just row after row of identical shirts. [02:39:30] Speaker A: Morgan will pull you in, and she'll start off by apologizing for the. The way that you originally met, and she'll say, I'm sorry. I just. You're not the only ones looking for me. You're just the first to have found me tonight. So I'm sorry for running out earlier, but I needed to get somewhere else. [02:39:55] Speaker C: Not the only people looking for you. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? [02:40:01] Speaker A: And she'll just shoot you a look. It's not good. [02:40:06] Speaker C: Yeah, well, that's a little bit why I wanted to find you. We wanted to find you because if there's anybody who can tell us what might actually be going on here, I think you were them. [02:40:28] Speaker A: Yeah. You'd be correct. It's. There's a little bit more going on here than anybody's really letting on. But in defense of most, it's not like all of them know what's actually going on. I'm kind of it, I think. [02:40:51] Speaker B: I mean, I just learned some things, so. [02:40:54] Speaker A: Oh, good. [02:40:55] Speaker D: You gonna share with the class? [02:40:57] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Yodleri. [02:40:59] Speaker A: Uh, kind of shrug. Like, that's not. [02:41:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:41:06] Speaker C: Okay. [02:41:07] Speaker E: Okay. [02:41:08] Speaker C: First of all, can we not shout that word? Um, and then follow up question, if you'll, uh, if you'll indulge me. What? [02:41:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:41:16] Speaker B: Um, my. My reward for bringing Charles Manson light. The information, um, was, here you go. Walk into this creepy room. Here's a silver knife. There's a vampire in torpor. [02:41:34] Speaker C: Did you do it? [02:41:36] Speaker B: No. [02:41:40] Speaker C: Is that lie convincing? [02:41:43] Speaker A: It's not really lie. I don't know. Try. What's an insight? [02:41:47] Speaker D: Yeah, you tell me half truth. [02:41:51] Speaker B: It is. I tried. I failed, so I did not do it. [02:41:54] Speaker A: Try. Give me a Whitsun insight. We'll find out. [02:41:57] Speaker C: I think this is probably an opposed role. [02:41:59] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [02:42:00] Speaker E: What about. [02:42:02] Speaker C: I've only got two, so you can probably do. [02:42:08] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Composure and subterfuge. Probably. You want to wear it. Roll inside as well? Buttons? Yeah, yeah, go ahead. [02:42:15] Speaker D: Just a very large, very concerned brujah. Like, standing in front of the door to play bodyguard. Like, not outside, like, directly inside, just sort of watching all this shit go down. [02:42:26] Speaker A: Yep. [02:42:29] Speaker B: Wait, it says I rolled zero dice. [02:42:32] Speaker A: No, it said you rolled two. Oh. But yeah, definitely. [02:42:36] Speaker B: I only. I only rolled hunger, but, yeah, because how many. [02:42:40] Speaker A: How many dice do you have? [02:42:42] Speaker C: I mean, I got a two in. [02:42:44] Speaker A: Composure and then how many in subterfuge? [02:42:47] Speaker B: Oh, I have zero in subterfuge. [02:42:48] Speaker C: Why? [02:42:49] Speaker A: Yeah, so that's two, and you're at hunger, too, so. [02:42:51] Speaker C: Yeah, well, that I can't read her because she can't lie. [02:42:56] Speaker A: Yes. Yeah. No, it's obvious that you're not quite sure if she's lying about not having done it or if there's something that else that she's not telling you. But no, she's not being completely forthcoming with the information, and whether or not you call her on that is up to you. [02:43:18] Speaker C: I'm not going to put too fine a point on it. If the others have a different opinion, that's fine. I'm just going to go. Nice. [02:43:25] Speaker E: Is this really the setting to not be honest? I mean, we can lie back at the haven, but here, where we're kind of on trial playing games, it's not a good look. [02:43:46] Speaker B: Well, okay. I mean, I tried, but I failed simply because cult leader with a knife in a room with a knife. And I was unsure if I could say no. [02:44:02] Speaker E: Well, we love attempted murder. Congratulations. [02:44:07] Speaker B: Oh, they're dead. They're very dead. [02:44:09] Speaker E: Well, we love actual murder. Congratulations. [02:44:13] Speaker B: I don't have to, like, roll against humanity for anything that I did. Even if I failed. [02:44:18] Speaker A: Uh, no, because it didn't. Didn't work. I mean, probably accumulated a stain, but. [02:44:24] Speaker C: Uh, you know, I also want to accumulate $5, because there is no way that Layla and I don't have a bet about who commits diablerie first. And Layla bet it was me, and it wasn't me. It was Nessa. [02:44:39] Speaker D: Ever bet against a tremere when Diablerie is on the line? [02:44:42] Speaker A: No. You really should have known better. [02:44:45] Speaker C: Gonna put that $5 next to the other $5. [02:44:51] Speaker A: Sorry to interrupt this very riveting conversation, but I'm kind of on a clock here. [02:44:58] Speaker B: Yes. [02:44:58] Speaker C: Sorry. Well, first of all, my apologies, but, you know, it's a thing. But second, you did not seem that surprised when my friend here said that. [02:45:13] Speaker A: I mean, what can I tell you? [02:45:15] Speaker D: We're culta. [02:45:17] Speaker A: You know, I don't like that word, but, yes, some folks have called us that before. Yes. Look, it's one of. It was just one of the trials, basically, looking for folks that can be obedient. That was it. [02:45:41] Speaker C: I've never really had an encounter with organized religion in my life, but I do know the traditions, and, I mean, there aren't that many rules, but that's one. Okay. I'm trying. [02:45:58] Speaker A: We don't follow the rules of the camarilla or the anarchs or the sabbat. It's the. We follow the teachings of Michael. It just. Look, you're not. You're not in it. You don't understand. It's fine. But. Okay. This is me. She participated in the trial, so. [02:46:22] Speaker C: Oh. And make no mistake, we're never gonna let her live that down. Are there any other surprises like that coming? Because I'll be totally honest with you. We all came tonight because we're on board with this experience, and I'm sure we've demonstrated that in many ways, but that's a. [02:46:48] Speaker B: That's a lot. [02:46:49] Speaker D: That was. Yeah, no, um, like, it's all getting very, like, catholic sect for me. And as a reformed, like, former, you know, did the whole uniform thing growing up. Not a huge fan, but, um, that's a lot. That's taking that whole communion thing super literally. Yeah. [02:47:16] Speaker A: It'S at this point that Morgan's demeanor kind of changes. Once it kind of has come out that Nessa participated in that trial, she seems to be a little wary. Even when Graham. Especially when Graham says that you're all actually kind of on board with this, there's an obvious hesitation that Morgan is presenting that she wasn't before. She's obviously a little concerned about your willingness to participate in these trials and what that means about you as a group. [02:47:55] Speaker C: Yeah. And you see that that's kind of what I'm getting at, because right now, there's an imbalance in the amount of information that we both have. So we obviously, having x amount of information, think that it seems to be a good idea, and you having y amount of information disagree. [02:48:15] Speaker A: It's not that I disagree about the group. I'm. I belong. I'm one of the nephilim myself. I just don't agree with Thomas. [02:48:30] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:48:31] Speaker B: Yeah, no. Like, I. He gives me, like, kind. He gives me those creeper vibes. [02:48:47] Speaker C: What reason would we have to not trust Thomas? [02:48:55] Speaker B: Gestures at Diabora. [02:48:57] Speaker A: There's a lot. There's a lot of reasons not to trust Thomas. There are more reasons not to trust him than to trust him. When Albertine joined the city. Becca told you about Albertine, right? [02:49:16] Speaker C: Yeah. No, Becca's told us all four things that Becca knows, and that wasn't on the list. [02:49:23] Speaker A: She did actually mention Albertine. [02:49:25] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Fuck me. [02:49:26] Speaker A: Well, yes. [02:49:28] Speaker B: Said that Albertine was, like, their faraway patron or whatever, keeping them safe. [02:49:32] Speaker D: Yeah, she did. They're the. What? Patron from afar. What, are they bankrolling this shit? [02:49:43] Speaker A: Well, so here's. Here's the thing. Albertine was the leader of the children. Thomas is. Was her most faithful disciple. Here's where it gets a little messy. Though. Albertine is descended from Michael, she is the true nephilim. Thomas. He was haunted by the fact that he was not Michael's descendant, so he would never truly be able to reach the heights that the children of the archangel have. And he'll. She'll kind of glance over at Nessa before saying that Thomas finally usurped and imprisoned Albertine. And now he wants to feed me, the only person who knows what he did and can actually act on this, uh, to any gold stars who impress him in his trials. And that's why I've been running all night. [02:51:20] Speaker B: Do you know where Albertine is imprisoned? Or did you know he imprisoned, imprison her? [02:51:29] Speaker A: Yeah. So underneath the chancel, there's a boiler room, but there's also a makeshift mausoleum for the children who have passed away. [02:51:46] Speaker B: And torqu in there. [02:51:51] Speaker A: Maybe. All I know is that he's got her there. [02:51:58] Speaker B: Well. [02:52:00] Speaker A: Look, I. I can't move around here very freely. I mean, obviously I can. I can. I can somewhat, but, I mean, I can't stay in one place very long. So would you help me? [02:52:24] Speaker C: I can't speak for everybody, but I think that would depend on two things. One time and two proof. [02:52:32] Speaker B: I mean, we can probably be pretty easy to get down at the boiler room. [02:52:38] Speaker C: I see dinner's being rushed now. I don't know what comes after dinner. [02:52:42] Speaker B: And they're probably gonna be a dinner for a while, but we would have to be there. [02:52:48] Speaker A: Is it going. [02:52:50] Speaker D: I was going to say, is it going to be noticeable if we are not there? [02:52:58] Speaker A: Are you asking Morgan? Are you asking me, the group as. [02:53:02] Speaker D: A whole, to be honest. [02:53:03] Speaker A: Okay. [02:53:06] Speaker C: I mean, that question's on my mind, too. Like, we can't. I guess I want to know how much time is between whatever dinner is and whatever comes after thing is. [02:53:20] Speaker A: So the. What I can tell you is that if. If dinner is a trial, your. Your lack of presence will be noted. But it's not necessarily bad, because theoretically, other folks have undergone different trials at different times. It's not bad that Graham or Layla or buttons wasn't at the Diablerie trial, for example. Right. It's just they're. They're just kind of keeping track of who is where and who is completing the trials. So it's not like they're going to see you not there and decide that it's awful. It's just. Okay, cool. They didn't participate. If that worries you, though, if you're concerned about that, it is a thing where you can split up. You don't all have to be there. Obviously, Nessa went on her own for a thing, so people can split up. If folks want to do both things, to kind of see what's going on, but it's up to you. [02:54:32] Speaker B: I mean, I did the last trial. I mean, I can go down in the boiler room with Morgan and see if we can find out what's going on. Find this person there, or I can't go. [02:54:44] Speaker C: You can't? [02:54:45] Speaker B: I can, I guess. Or if somebody else wants to go with me, somebody who might be better at doors, kicking them and. Or locking, picking them. [02:54:55] Speaker E: I guess if we're doing this thing, I can go and the three of you can go to the dinner that way. Wait. Not all of us are missing. And above table, I have lockpicking as a specialty, so. [02:55:12] Speaker C: I'm fine with that. I'm afraid that if we don't send our muscle in residence with you and something goes awry, I won't want to find out next time that you two are the ones who have been put on the platter. Look, Thomas likes me. He thinks I'm the climber. I can go to the dinner. I can be the face. [02:55:33] Speaker B: I mean, I failed that trial, so. I mean, I can do this to show that I really want this. You know, whatever. Whatever. [02:55:42] Speaker D: On the flip side. [02:55:44] Speaker B: Pick me, daddy. I don't know. [02:55:49] Speaker D: On the flip side, buttons is very good at getting into places very sneakily. I am not. If subterfuge is the name of the game, I am very noticeable. But I also don't like the idea of you going anywhere by yourself. [02:56:07] Speaker C: We know you can get in from the boiler room. Morgan, is there another way to get down into that room that doesn't require going through the chancel? [02:56:14] Speaker A: No. There's the door to the boiler room. It'll lead you downstairs, and then there's a hallway, and there's usually a guard outside side. It should just be a ghoul or something. They don't typically keep any of, like, you know, the. The Silver stars or any of the actual nephilim down there, but somebody has to watch it. Right now, there's no way that he would leave it unguarded, but, yeah, that's. [02:56:44] Speaker B: I'm good at stealthing, and I'm actually good. I have a specialization in seduction. [02:56:51] Speaker D: Do you two want to handle this? [02:56:53] Speaker C: Yeah, I can go. Worst case scenario, if Nessa and I will gesture. Can't handle it. I can brute force through it, but that puts you two on the hook for whatever's about to happen at the dinner table. [02:57:16] Speaker E: Honestly, if we're just looking for proof, I can peek and come back. [02:57:21] Speaker C: That shouldn't be too difficult, actually. What if we did the worst thing in the universe and split the party three ways? Because someone needs to be at the dinner, right? Someone needs to go and figure out what's going on with Albertine. But if Thomas is at the head of the table carving up the turkey. Thomas is not in Thomas's house. And I feel like that, like. So we know that. Buttons. I'd volunteer you for that, because going. Being invisible is probably the most useful in. In that circumstance. Um, and then I guess I can go with Nessa, or Layla can go with Nessa. But we know Nessa's going downstairs. [02:58:20] Speaker B: I mean, blood sorcery. I don't know. [02:58:24] Speaker C: I know that you have the expertise. [02:58:27] Speaker D: That'S going to be the. Probably the most useful in case anything weird does happen. Listen, I am bulky and not easily hid. Any kind of subterfuge or sneaking for me is going to be an issue. [02:58:47] Speaker C: All right, Nessa, if you feel like you can handle it alone, I'm happy to. Not happy to. I am never happy to leave a tremere unsupervised. I will be okay. [02:58:59] Speaker B: Look, what happened last time. You know what? [02:59:01] Speaker C: That's a good point. I left you alone for five minutes and you tried to commit the opry. Layla, I will go with Nessa. Buttons. Are you okay with this plan? [02:59:12] Speaker E: Yeah. Can we just rip the band aid and go already, please? [02:59:16] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [02:59:18] Speaker C: We know he's a cultist. Apologies, Morgan. We know he's an alternative organized religion psychopath. He's got to have a journal or a book, something. There's gotta anything that can lend credence to this story. And we'll go from there. [02:59:37] Speaker D: Okay, cool. [02:59:39] Speaker A: Great. Well, and you'll see, Morgan kind of put her ear to the door and listen, and she'll say, look, I need to. I have to keep moving. But I will. I will stay low in the passageways. I can't go with you, but I can go around. And once you're ready and you can get into the mausoleum, I can. I can meet you there. Okay. [03:00:13] Speaker B: Yeah, that sounds good to me. [03:00:16] Speaker A: Okay, sure. All right. [03:00:18] Speaker C: Could you bring a bite? If Albertine's been kept there, and she's torpid, the first person to wake her up is gonna be dinner. [03:00:29] Speaker B: Yeah, that's my worry. [03:00:33] Speaker A: Well, I mean, I don't. [03:00:36] Speaker B: I mean, we can always use the ghoul. [03:00:38] Speaker A: I don't. I don't think that he's. I don't think that Thomas is the kind of guy to leave Albertine. Just. I don't know. [03:00:49] Speaker C: Did you think that Thomas was the kind of person to affect a coup over the nephilim? [03:00:55] Speaker A: No, but my. My point was that I don't think he's the type to leave somebody, at least somebody of Albertine's power, unrestrained, I guess, is the way to put that. He kind of has a. Yeah, a thing for restraints. [03:01:13] Speaker B: He does. [03:01:16] Speaker C: Okay, be that as it may, if the intent is to release Albertine at any point, I wouldn't want any of the three of you to be what she decides to power up on before she comes tearing up the stairs to enact her vengeance or whatever. Anyway, Nessa, you can take care of it. The ghoul or whatever. I. We know you can handle it. [03:01:39] Speaker A: Okay, awesome. I will, um. I'll keep my eyes and ears open, and I'll meet you guys over there. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. And at this point, she'll kind of open the door. She won't really give you a chance to say anything more. And in a flash, she's gone again. [03:01:57] Speaker D: We should get out of this weird little hallway before people start asking questions. [03:02:01] Speaker B: Yeah, well, we're gonna. So who. Who goes and does what their thing first? [03:02:09] Speaker A: Well, so we've got. So who's. So. Okay, so buttons is going into Thomas's haven. Correct. Thomas's room. And then. Yes. And then Nessa is going into the mausoleum. Layla, you're going with Nessa, or are you going with Graham to dinner? [03:02:32] Speaker D: I was going to dinner because I am not sneaky. I am large. [03:02:37] Speaker C: If Layla wants to go to dinner, then I will go with Nessa, because an elder like Thomas Haven isn't going to. Well, okay. Don't want to put Thomas's haven sounds less dangerous than a restrained elder in the basement. God only knows. And if Nessa's seduction doesn't work, we're going to need someone who can just demand the ghoul do what he told. [03:02:58] Speaker A: Well, and also, I mean, keep in mind the. The boiler room is through the maintenance door, which is in Thomas's haven, so it's all kind of in that same. [03:03:07] Speaker C: Oh, I thought that was in the chancel. [03:03:08] Speaker A: No, it's in the chancel is Thomas's haven. [03:03:12] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [03:03:12] Speaker C: I had a different picture in my head. That's on me. [03:03:15] Speaker A: That's totally fine. I know the names. The names for the spaces are a little. They're a little much. [03:03:21] Speaker C: I kind of imagined, like, the chancel as the center thing, and then Thomas is. Haven was, like, attached adjacent to it. But if it's all. [03:03:26] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it's. It's all part of the same. Yeah. Yep, yep. [03:03:30] Speaker C: Well, then, fuck it. We don't have to split up until the very last minute. We can just go. [03:03:35] Speaker D: Yeah, we're just gonna casually stroll through to get to dinner, and then those three are gonna keep on walking. [03:03:43] Speaker A: Okay, great. Well, then, as we split off, it'll take you a little bit, because you. You. You're not sure 100% where you are, because buttons was leading, and nobody has a map, and there are quite a lot of passageways. Why don't you actually, with that intelligence and awareness role that Nessa made earlier to find you, Nessa, you actually are able to guide folks back to Thomas's room because that's where you came from. So once you kind of get to an area that, like, you. You remember sort of the passageways, or there's a sign on the door that you remember. It's. It's. You make fairly quick work of traversing through the passages, and at some point, the group will split off and. And head to dinner and continue on towards Thomas's room. But why don't we head. Let's see. Let's head to Thomas's room first, because the trip to dinner is going to take a little bit because you got to head to the north wing. So entering back into Thomas's room. It's not locked. You'd expect it to be locked. You're kind of surprised that it's not locked, to be honest. But thinking about it, Thomas kind of mentioned his. He has this open door policy for gold stars. They're kind of allowed to come and go. And in all of the craziness, he didn't really think to lock it, because why would anybody be there? Everybody's going to be at dinner. So as you walk in, take a look around, it looks like a fairly standard room. There's the doorway says maintenance on it heading down into the boiler room. And theoretically, the mausoleum, if Morgan's info is correct. But what do you want to do up here? [03:05:49] Speaker B: I will point out the Diablerie room. Be like, don't go in there. It's bad. [03:05:59] Speaker A: That's fair. [03:06:03] Speaker C: Would this be the appropriate time for an investigation roll? Actually, no. [03:06:08] Speaker A: I did, actually. Yeah. If you want to go ahead and make a Whitsun investigation roll for me, that would be great. [03:06:14] Speaker C: I kind of don't because I'm fucking terrible at it. [03:06:17] Speaker A: Great. If somebody wants to make a Whitsun investigation rule, that would be great. [03:06:22] Speaker E: I'm on it. [03:06:23] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm like, I can, but it's not. It's not. Dub it. I will. I can also try because that goes to the. [03:06:37] Speaker A: That's a good idea. Yeah. Because you are. You rolled a bucket of dice. Oh, goodness gravy. [03:06:44] Speaker B: How did we both get the same result? [03:06:48] Speaker A: Okay, roll 20. Awesome. Awesome. I love this. I don't love this. [03:06:57] Speaker C: Do we. Do we all want to roll? And hope, by the grace of God, one of us gets lucky? [03:07:01] Speaker A: You know what I mean? You sure can try. I'll let you. Why not? [03:07:08] Speaker C: Okay. Well, you know what? I think watching this, the scene plays out that, like, Nessa, who I expect to be good at this, and buttons, who I expect to be good at this, are looking around and nothing is coming to it. So from my perspective, it's like, okay, well, we need to do, like, a little team thing here because this is taking too much time. And then Graham's like, all right, whatever they haven't flipped over or looked at, I will, I will start it on that. [03:07:33] Speaker A: Wonderful. Nessa took the. Nessa took the bookshelves, was going through all of them because, of course, the tremere went after the books, opened up all of the books, looked at all the different pages. It's actually kind of weird because there are some blood sorcery books here, and that kind of, like, surprises you because he's not a tremere, as far as you can tell. So why would he have blood sorcery books? There's nothing super crazy, but, you know, I mean, there's. There are a few things, but nothing, nothing's going to catch your eye, like crazy. Buttons, on the other hand, is going through the armoire, going through all the clothes. They're very fine suits, Graham. You would actually approve of them very, very highly. But, you know, there isn't anything hidden in the sock drawer there. There's nothing, you know, no. Like, oh, yes. Cool. This is where I'm keeping Albertine notes anywhere. So unfortunately, the armoire is off the table as well. [03:08:27] Speaker C: Well, I'm also not a desk. I'm not going to leave it a chance. I'm going to rouse the blood and see if I can get my eyesight to be keener. Made the rouse. Check and succeed. Seated. So let's go to the. You said, whitson, investigate. [03:08:43] Speaker A: Yes, please. [03:08:45] Speaker C: With a plus two bonus for my little baby blood. And wouldn't you know, I am actually better at this than the rest of them. [03:08:55] Speaker A: You know what it is? [03:08:57] Speaker C: The fact that I am actually better than the rest of them. [03:09:00] Speaker A: Well, you thought. You thought to check the desk. You're a business guy. You're drawn to desks. You work at a desk. You know that anybody who's anybody is going to keep all of their stuff locked away in their desk. [03:09:15] Speaker C: That's the story I'm going to tell for sure. [03:09:18] Speaker A: For sure. Now, I do have some bad news. Because you did not find the things, the items that you're looking for. But what you did find is a nice secret compartment that is locked. And that, to you, is very, very strange. [03:09:43] Speaker C: But strange, my dearest, lovely friend. And I'm just going to knock on the secret drawer. I believe this is your area of expertise. [03:09:55] Speaker E: I sure. [03:10:01] Speaker A: Can. You go ahead and make me a dexterity and larceny check. [03:10:05] Speaker E: Okay. Um, I'm gonna also see if I can blood buff my Dex. I don't get hungrier, thankfully. [03:10:14] Speaker A: Wonderful. [03:10:16] Speaker E: And. [03:10:21] Speaker A: There it is. [03:10:22] Speaker C: I mean, really, it's a testament to the kind of guy that he is. Like, I'm a secret desk drawer kind of guy. He's a secret desk drawer kind of guy. [03:10:30] Speaker E: Four successes. [03:10:32] Speaker A: Four successes. That is enough to pop this lock. It's not a super strong lock, and it's a fairly old, very obviously expensive desk, so you're. It's not hard to get, but it is. It is a little bit of work. You got to jiggle it just right, but it pops open. And as you pull out this compartment, inside are a series of letters. And as you start going through the letters, you'll pass them up to Graham, pass them out to Nessa, and start going through them. The letters are actually between Albertine and Thomas, and it becomes clear that they had disagreements over how best to run the nephilim. And the correspondence ends with no mention of Albertine leaving the country, which, if you remember, is what, you know, Becca told you was happening, is that Albertine is gone and running things from afar. And there's also a receipt in the back that includes an invoice for various restraints and chains holding the receipts. [03:11:40] Speaker C: Nessa, I'm sorry. This isn't my area of expertise. Is this industrial or recreational? [03:11:45] Speaker B: It's probably a bit of both. [03:11:49] Speaker C: I learned something new about you every night. [03:11:52] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Now, Layla, it's about this time that you have found your way to the north wing. It's time for dinner. Are you hungry? [03:12:10] Speaker D: Surprisingly, yeah. [03:12:12] Speaker A: Hmm. Well, good news. There's a very large crowd gathered, and they're all kind of piling into this room. And as you get inside, finally through the crowds of people, you're actually in a very large dressing room that's filled with votive candles, and there is christian imagery smeared on the mirrors in dried blood. It's a little much. You think? [03:12:40] Speaker D: The former Catholic in me is squirming very uncomfortably. [03:12:45] Speaker A: Well, it's about to squirm a little bit more, love, because in the center of this room is a mortal. You can only assume at this point is Emilio, and he is singing praises to Michael. And the crowd that circles around him all. All have their fangs bared and are agreeing with him and egging him on to continue singing these praises. [03:13:20] Speaker C: Wow. [03:13:20] Speaker A: Thomas. Thomas enters the room at this point, and he'll greet you. He'll pat you on the shoulder. Nice work. In the atrium. And he'll smile, revealing his fangs, and then continue past, not giving you a time to respond. But once it's clear that everybody has. Well, that everybody who wants to attend is here, they'll close the door leading to the hallways, and he'll stand behind Emilio, still kneeling on the ground, and ask him to renounce his faith and to embrace being a sacrifice to Michael, which Emilio does, jubilantly wants nothing more than to give himself to Michael. At this point, he looks upon the crowd, locking eyes with you briefly, Layla, and asks, shall Emilio be honored as a sacrifice, or will he become a child of the archangel? The congregation is split. Half the folks want to honor him as a sacrifice. The other half want to bring him into their ranks because he is so clearly a true believer in Michael. And he looks to you, Layla. Well, what shall it be? [03:15:11] Speaker D: Storyteller? Can you remind me of the first two. Two laws? [03:15:16] Speaker A: The first two laws of the lex Angelorium? [03:15:20] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [03:15:21] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Absolutely. [03:15:24] Speaker D: Well, I know there's one in particular that rings true. [03:15:27] Speaker A: Well, so the first two that Becca told you about were never reveal the angels to the living. And the second one was, bring everyone into the faith. [03:15:41] Speaker D: I will bear witness to this strange, I hesitate to say, corruption of a faith that I held very closely back when my heart still beat. And I'll look up and I will say, simply bring everyone into the faith. [03:16:14] Speaker A: Half of the congregation erupts joyously, and Emilio continues singing his praises to Michael. Thomas grins, baring his fangs, and is more than happy to abide by your judgment. And so he begins the process of embracing, drains poor Emilio in front of you. Other kindred in the room, join in. By the way. This is dinner, after all. And once dinner has ended, Thomas continues, you don't know how long it took you to raise yourself up. You don't know how long it took the rest of your coterie. But here it's obvious the process does not take long. Just a few minutes. And as Emilio raises up, you see bounden restraints entering from a side room, or rather, being ushered in from a side room, that loud, belligerent streamer from the atrium. And when Emilio opens his eyes again and spots the mortal, he wastes no time in having dinner of his own. So, Nessa, buttons, and Grimm, how are we doing? [03:18:05] Speaker C: I'm heartbroken I didn't get to see the influencer eat it or be it eaten. [03:18:10] Speaker A: Beat eaten. Yeah. [03:18:13] Speaker B: Rip. [03:18:16] Speaker C: Graham is possessed of a sense of great urgency. So once I don't. Do we think there's anything in the letters we were looking for evidence evidence. But from what I remember, we've only really found out that Thomas is kind of a liar. But we already kind of knew that. [03:18:32] Speaker B: Yeah, we know that there's no evidence of this person leaving the country like Thomas said, and then we've got funtime receipts. [03:18:43] Speaker D: So that's. That seems like evidence in and of itself in some way, shape, or form. At the very least, it shows that Albertine did not leave, and something is chained up. [03:18:54] Speaker C: Yep. [03:18:54] Speaker B: Right to the maintenance door. [03:18:59] Speaker A: Wonderful. Maintenance doors unlocked. [03:19:03] Speaker C: Point does. Um. We'd already. We'd planned originally for Nessa and I to go, but, like. But since you're here, we have the thing. Do you want to come hang, or do you want to go to Layla? [03:19:17] Speaker E: You know, Layla might need some backup. Splitting. It's awful. I'll just be late to dinner. [03:19:30] Speaker C: You're a strong, agentic person, and I trust your judgment. [03:19:35] Speaker E: And with that grimace, they're gonna find their way to Layla. [03:19:43] Speaker A: All right, well, Nessa, Graham, you know where the maintenance door is? It has a big old sign that says maintenance. [03:19:52] Speaker C: Reaching forward to touch the handle, I'm gonna ask, do you think buttons left because they're worried about Layla, or do you think buttons left because it would rather let us suffer whatever's down here alone? [03:20:07] Speaker B: Better column a, better column b. [03:20:11] Speaker C: That's always the case with buttons. And then I'll open the door. [03:20:16] Speaker B: I like as we're opening the door, because, you know, there's a ghoul down there we want to seduce. I want us to do. Or at least attempt to. So I am gonna. You know, I'll toss off, you know, my shawl. I am going to. I'm also gonna lose the heels. [03:20:39] Speaker A: Sure. I mean, that makes sense. It's a. It's a. It's gonna be a nice. I mean, theoretically, a concrete hallway, I can't imagine. Heels are very, very good. Good for subtlety, right? [03:20:51] Speaker C: Subtle. [03:20:51] Speaker B: No, they make very big, big noises. So they. And then I lose the two inches from the heels, and I'm back down to my normal, like, five two, and, you know, maybe, like, go through my hair a little bit to, you know, make it look like I've already been enjoying tonight. [03:21:14] Speaker A: So, as you wander down the steps, nice concrete steps. There's a little bit of metal, just because, of course, it's a service hallway. It has to have metal somewhere. You get down to the bottom, you see the ghoul. You see this large iron door, and it's about that time that you'll hear a little noise, like a. Like a whisper, like a. Like a beckoning. [03:21:48] Speaker C: Hey. [03:21:51] Speaker B: Is it like I'm hearing it in my head, or is it like, oh, no, it's. [03:21:55] Speaker A: It's from somewhere close by. You're not a hundred percent sure where, but it's from somewhere close. [03:22:00] Speaker B: Sound like Morgan. [03:22:02] Speaker A: It sounds a bit like Morgan, yeah. [03:22:03] Speaker B: Okay. And then, you know, like, look, like. Look. See where the voice is coming from? [03:22:13] Speaker A: There's. I mean, because, of course, you're in a nice service hallway. There are h vac vents that you can see just up along the ceiling, and you'll see Morgan has removed one of the panels. And it's a very, very large system because it's a very large building. It had to be. It was. It was a performing arts center. Huge, huge systems had to move huge amounts of air to keep things very, very cool in times when it was definitely not supposed to be. And she'll say, look, I I wasn't sure. I had to. I had to check, but I. There's. There's one vent we can get in. If you don't. If you can get up here, we can. We can go in. That way, you don't have to worry about. And she'll kind of, like, gesture down the hallway. [03:23:08] Speaker B: I think I might fit up there. I'm not sure Graham will fit in there. Graham is very tall. He's got the broad shoulders. [03:23:21] Speaker A: I mean, well, actually, he doesn't have broad shoulders. If he's Jared Kushner, he's pretty slim. [03:23:26] Speaker C: But he is tall. [03:23:27] Speaker B: Is tall. Yeah. [03:23:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:23:30] Speaker A: I mean, it. It's up to you guys, but this is. This is the best I got. It's the only other way in that I can. [03:23:37] Speaker B: I mean, I'm gonna. I'm gonna try a thing, and, you know, if it works, great. And we can. We can use. Probably need the. The blood for this. [03:23:55] Speaker A: Okay. All right, so, yeah, the. Like I mentioned, the ghoul is standing right down at the end of the hallway in front of this large iron door. [03:24:06] Speaker C: Yep. [03:24:07] Speaker B: And, you know, as I approach, put a slight. Is this seductive, or am I slightly intoxicated? Like, you know, swing in my step, activate awe, and look at this person and start off with being like, I think I took a wrong turn. Can you tell me where the atrium is? I think I took a wrong turn, and then it just doesn't look familiar. [03:24:48] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it's back the way you came. You shouldn't be here. [03:24:58] Speaker B: It's just been. It's been a night, and, you know, maybe I've indulged a little bit more than I probably should've. [03:25:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm sure. But you still can't be here. [03:25:17] Speaker B: Can you just give me. Point me in the right direction. [03:25:23] Speaker A: Yeah, back the way you came, and he'll point down the hallway behind you. [03:25:31] Speaker B: And was reading something real quick. Um, can I roll any? Because I was thinking of just, like, trying to get him a little closer to me. Pull him away from that door a little bit. [03:26:01] Speaker A: How do you want to do that? [03:26:04] Speaker C: I don't know. [03:26:05] Speaker B: Do the drunk girl thing where you fall over. [03:26:10] Speaker A: Okay. All right, give me. Give me a manipulation and performance role to see if you can act this out correctly and if he's going to buy it. [03:26:27] Speaker B: Performance, uh, manipulation. [03:26:30] Speaker A: Performance. Uh, yeah, no, it's not public speaking. It's not guitar. [03:26:35] Speaker B: So. [03:26:36] Speaker A: Oh, no, I'm thinking of Leila's sheet. I'm sorry. Yep. [03:26:40] Speaker B: Uh, it is not seduction either, so, you know. Uh, but I'm still gonna rouse the blood to see if I get that. Get those extra dice. Well, I am up to hunger. [03:26:51] Speaker A: Three. Great. This is going wonderfully. I can't possibly see how this is going to end poorly for you. [03:26:57] Speaker C: There's not going to be any left for Albertine at this point. [03:27:02] Speaker B: Any said manipulation? [03:27:04] Speaker A: Yes, please. Manipulation and performance with two extra dice. Hmm mmm. [03:27:14] Speaker B: Well, let's spend some willpower. [03:27:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:27:18] Speaker B: Reroll two of those dice. [03:27:20] Speaker A: You only get to reroll one because you only have. You have one success and one failure, and the rest of them are hunger. So you can only roll regular dice on reroll. Regular dice. [03:27:31] Speaker C: But if you'd like to save your willpower, you can use the gram word, and I'll just erase this man's brain. [03:27:41] Speaker B: I mean, I still have some willpower. I've only used one so far. [03:27:45] Speaker C: Hey, I'm at it. [03:27:46] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a one shot. Use the. Use all the resources. [03:27:50] Speaker C: I want you to succeed. [03:27:51] Speaker B: I mean, that's three. [03:27:53] Speaker A: That's three successes. That's what you needed to get this man to believe it. So how do you fall? What happens? [03:28:02] Speaker B: Well, you know, I've got the, like, the no shoes thing on, and is there. Is this just, like, completely empty, or is there just, like, you keep things down in the boiler room? [03:28:15] Speaker A: No, I mean, there are definitely, like, boxes, crates, like, things that, you know, they need to recycle the cardboard. Right. Like, there are definitely things that should not be here, but they're here for now. [03:28:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:28:28] Speaker A: Or like, things that used to be in the room that have been moved into the hallway, things like that. [03:28:33] Speaker B: Well, I do, you know, like, I am going to just be like, oh, back, back that way, as I say, as I'm, like, walking backwards, and then just fall backwards over this, like, box or crate. [03:28:50] Speaker A: Oh, this ghoul is. [03:28:52] Speaker B: Falls backwards. [03:28:55] Speaker A: He runs over almost immediately, and he's like, ma'am, ma'am, look, are you okay? I can't. I can't have you here, but I also don't want you to be hurt. Are you okay? And he'll come over and stand right above you and kind of, like, hold out a hand to offer to help you up, because clearly you cannot get yourself up. [03:29:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Going to do that. And, you know, take the hand in the drunk way and just being like, yeah, yeah. New Year's Eve, you know? [03:29:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, no, I know, I know. Come on, let's. Let's. Let's get you. Let's get you out of here. [03:29:43] Speaker B: Oh. And part of me is like, I should take a drink. [03:29:49] Speaker A: Are you gonna. [03:29:52] Speaker B: Yeah, I, you know, do the thing where pulls me up and then, like, uh, kind of do a little bit of dexterity, and then suddenly I am. [03:30:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:30:07] Speaker B: Just gonna, like, pull, pull. He pulls me up, and then I keep that momentum going. Latch onto him. [03:30:14] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. No, he totally believes the story that you are selling him. And as he pulls you up and you fall into him, he's just kind of like, all right. Okay, okay. And, like, starts to kind of, like, put his hand on your shoulder to kind of get you off of him, and then you bite, and he is, I mean, of course, just putty in the way that mortals are during the kiss. [03:30:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. And I'll just take one. Really? I don't want to, like, I, you know, I don't want him to take him out completely, completely for now. [03:30:52] Speaker A: Oh, that's totally fair. [03:30:54] Speaker B: And he'll just, he'll be a little tired, you know, maybe, like, need to sit down for a minute. [03:31:00] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [03:31:03] Speaker B: And, you know, after I do that, pull away, like, the wound closed, and then just sort of look directly in his eyes and just go, it's probably better you forgot I was ever here, just in case. And used cloud memory. [03:31:21] Speaker A: Perfect. He's a ghoul, but he's not. He hasn't been a ghoul for very long, so he's still incredibly weak, as far as mortals go. And even though you're pretty sure he should be able to fight against this, coming out of the kiss, all of his defenses are down, and his eyes kind of glaze over, and he just nods slowly and just kind of revels in the wonderful bliss post kiss, and. [03:31:50] Speaker B: Just pat, pat on top of his head and then just being like, okay, I got it. [03:31:59] Speaker A: So it's about this time that buttons will be reconvening with Layla. Emilio has had his first bite to eat. The crowd is raucous. They are so happy with what they have just witnessed. Their crowd is forming around Emilio, patting him on the back, welcoming him to the family, welcoming him as one of the children of the archangel. And it's about this time that Thomas will clap three times and tell you all that now that dinner has concluded, it is time to return to the nave, because it is coming up on midnight at this point, and it is time for the Chrism. [03:33:00] Speaker B: What's a. [03:33:02] Speaker A: What's a chrism? [03:33:05] Speaker D: Is this a familiar phrase? [03:33:07] Speaker A: No. Mm mm. [03:33:11] Speaker C: Sounds like a disgusting portmanteau. [03:33:15] Speaker A: It's not. [03:33:20] Speaker D: It's just a lot just happened at the same time. Best follow along not to arouse suspicion. [03:33:33] Speaker B: Right? [03:33:35] Speaker E: Don't be suspicious. I can't. I can. [03:33:40] Speaker A: I can do that. [03:33:42] Speaker D: Buttons gets a little, like, Pat. Pat on the shoulder. [03:33:46] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Right? [03:33:51] Speaker D: Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna just catch. We're just. We're here for the ride, my dude. We're. We are vibing. Nothing weird. It's fine. Everything's fine. [03:34:03] Speaker A: So at this point, it's a little ahead of midnight, so you know that there will be some time for everybody to potentially get back together. But as you enter the nave, you're a little surprised, because the party is still very much bumping in here. And I don't know if either of you remember what Becca said about the nave. [03:34:25] Speaker D: Uh uh uh. No. Uh oh. Oh. Things get. Mmm. [03:34:31] Speaker A: Mm hmm. So. So have we. [03:34:33] Speaker D: Have we cranked it up to eleven? Is that what you're telling me, storyteller? [03:34:36] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, yeah. It's. It's. I mean, it is. It is front yard summertime. Slip and slide up in here. Everybody is wet, and it is slippery and slimy, and you're not. It's probably best not to ask from what? [03:34:57] Speaker C: On a scale from one to skip mill's desk? [03:35:03] Speaker A: Um, not quite that bad, luckily. You hope. You think? I don't know. Honestly, it's actually kind of weird because there are no black lights in here, but perhaps. Perhaps that's by design. [03:35:14] Speaker D: Oh, thank God for that, if honest. [03:35:18] Speaker A: Like. [03:35:23] Speaker D: You know how people tell you that ignorance is bliss, and, like, I feel like if we hadn't just gotten all of that, that whole rundown, this would be a lot less. A lot. [03:35:38] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [03:35:40] Speaker D: Just sort of sit, like saying this quietly. Two buttons. As I sort of find a corner of the nave to look up into. Looking up into the bosom of Jesus. [03:35:55] Speaker A: Sure. [03:35:55] Speaker E: Just. [03:35:56] Speaker D: Mm mm. Okay. All right. We're just here. We're here. We're here. [03:36:00] Speaker E: We are. We are here. [03:36:02] Speaker D: We're here. [03:36:03] Speaker A: Honestly, it's probably really good that neither of you can smell anymore. Oh, sweaty bodies. What are you thinking of? My goodness. [03:36:18] Speaker D: I don't know the last time someone had that thought in this group. [03:36:24] Speaker C: Aaron, blame me. [03:36:31] Speaker A: As you're just both kind of standing there off to the side, trying not to get into the thick of things, just watching everything that happens. You both feel a hand clap. You on the shoulders, opposite shoulders. Somebody's come up behind you. Buttons physically recoiling in that way that they are is magical for this moment. Because if Graham had a twin, you might think this would be it. Not in looks, but just in energy. Because this man, this tall, thin man wearing a deep red suit. Well, at one point, he was. He was wearing the full suit, and at this point, his tie is a little undone because, you know, he's been having quite a bit of fun. But he will come up and he will say, ah, have we been having fun tonight, my gold stars? [03:37:25] Speaker D: Yeah, it's. You know what? It is not quite like anything I've ever seen before, I can certainly tell you that. [03:37:32] Speaker A: I know. Isn't it wonderful? [03:37:34] Speaker D: Uh huh. [03:37:36] Speaker A: Have we met? No, probably not. My name is Freddie. I'm one of the nephilim here. And you two are obviously some of our gold star stars. Who are you? [03:37:52] Speaker D: Layla. [03:37:53] Speaker A: Layla. [03:37:54] Speaker D: Bright, musician. [03:37:56] Speaker A: Love it. Wonderful name. And you, friend. [03:38:01] Speaker E: They call buttons. [03:38:06] Speaker A: Like on my shirt. Love that name. Wonderful name. I think you're missing. [03:38:12] Speaker D: You're missing a couple there. One or two. [03:38:15] Speaker A: Ah, well, you know, I mean, it happens, right? [03:38:19] Speaker D: Apparently. [03:38:20] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Indeed. Look, let's. Let's get straight to it here. I mean, I'm sure at this point you've. You've heard about our trials, right? I think it's a little late in the game for you not to know what's going on. [03:38:38] Speaker D: No, we've. I think we've picked up what's being put down. [03:38:42] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Well, I mean, I've got a fun one in here if. I mean, if either of you would be interested. [03:38:55] Speaker E: Is there a quota that needs to be obtained? Is it like, one trial per person? Which I'm hoping. [03:39:05] Speaker A: Oh, no. I mean, the number of trials that anybody can, it's completely up to them. It's just a matter of how many can you do? [03:39:14] Speaker E: And I am happy with one. Thank you. Bye. [03:39:21] Speaker D: Uh, Freddie. Freddie, buddy. Yeah. [03:39:25] Speaker A: Layla, how. Yeah. [03:39:31] Speaker D: Um, is this their secondary trial here? Are we going to be in the midst of the fun? [03:39:42] Speaker A: Oh, I mean, kind of. Sort of. I mean, there are people here, right? And all I need you to do is go take a drink. That's it. Go feed. Go eat. Have a bite. Easy. [03:40:00] Speaker D: I am a little peckish. [03:40:04] Speaker A: Are you? [03:40:05] Speaker E: Are you really? [03:40:06] Speaker C: Are you really? [03:40:07] Speaker D: Actually, I'm a little bit hungry. Um, dealing with great prissy pants out there, I actually had to the worst that could happen. [03:40:21] Speaker A: I love this attitude. Layla Wright, I think you will go far. And he reaches inside his coat, and he'll pull out a nice silver blade, and he'll kind of see you recoil, and he'll lean in. Oh, it's not actually silver. It just. It looks silver, but it's not actually silver, in case you're worried about that. [03:40:46] Speaker D: Yeah, no, that's a problem for me. Like an actual painful physical affliction. [03:40:53] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, Miss Leila, right? Oh, you are. Hmm. Hmm. Wonderful. [03:41:00] Speaker D: Well, call it the catholic guilt thing. I don't fucking know. [03:41:04] Speaker A: That makes sense. Well, you know, here's the thing about the archangels feeding. Feeding with your fangs. Just, like, going right in for it. It's like eating a meal with your hands, right? Like, it's appropriate in some cases, it's a necessary evil in others, but it is always uncouth, so. And he'll hold out the blade, and he'll say, I just need you to go feed on somebody, but use this to make the wound instead of using your fangs. That's it. [03:41:54] Speaker D: I mean, to be perfectly honest, I feel like that takes a little bit of the fun out of it. But when in Rome. [03:42:00] Speaker A: Exactly. Oh, Layla, you are going to go far in this organization. I can tell. [03:42:07] Speaker D: Layla's I'm going to kind of look down at buttons in a very much, like, sorry, dude kind of a way. Um, because in. In my mind, it's either go with the flow or end up with the target on your back. Um, we all see what's happening to Morgan right now, so, uh, yeah, let's. Let's go shopping. [03:42:29] Speaker A: Okay. Well, you have a couple options. There are. There are three that kind of stand out, uh, as Freddie actually is the one to point them out to you. There's a man sitting naked against the wall, catching his breath. Mm hmm. There's somebody half heartedly swaying on the dance floor, looking for someone or something. And then there's a mortal wandering towards the golden door in the mural that leads to. To the transepts. Well, I hate any of those will do. [03:43:14] Speaker D: I hate to leave a poor soul all alone on the dance floor. There's nothing quite so disheartening. [03:43:20] Speaker A: Indeed. [03:43:22] Speaker D: I will approach and I will pop awe as I do so. [03:43:29] Speaker A: I love this. Walking up to this person, very, very clear that, yeah, he's. He's looking for someone and he spots you, and his eyes are drawn to you and he. He kind of walks over your way because you look like maybe you'd know or maybe you've seen somebody because you look like the type who's got their eyes open, and. And he'll say, uh, hey, you. You haven't seen a. A bunch of dudes in, uh. Well, I mean, we all came in suits, but one of them ditched the jacket forever ago, and one of them decided that the vest was the best piece of clothing. And that's all that he's wearing right now. I can't imagine you've seen them. [03:44:20] Speaker D: Uh, no, honey, no, I can't say I have. But I hate to leave somebody like you all by your lonesome. [03:44:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it's, uh. Yeah, it's. It's kind of. It's kind of a crazy night here. You know, I. I came here because, you know, I heard a lot of tell about this. This Michael person and, you know, that came here looking for some. Some truth, some answers. You know, people have told me that I could find them here, but I don't know. This whole night, it's just felt like I've been, like, swimming in a pool full of sharks, and I don't know why. [03:44:59] Speaker D: Oh, that's a shame. You know, it's awfully loud and it's awfully crowded. Why don't you come with me and we can take a break? [03:45:13] Speaker A: Yeah, sure. Um. Uh, sorry, I didn't. I didn't catch your name. [03:45:20] Speaker D: Layla. You can call me Layla. [03:45:23] Speaker A: Layla, that's a. That's a nice name, Layla. I like that. [03:45:27] Speaker D: Thank you. What's your name, sugar? [03:45:30] Speaker A: My name is Grant. [03:45:33] Speaker D: Hi, Grant. Why don't you come with me? [03:45:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And he'll follow you. [03:45:42] Speaker D: I would like to go to a slightly more secluded corner because I'm not really an exhibitionist, and that's fair. [03:45:51] Speaker A: You can find that. But while you're searching. Oh, it is a lot. Oh, yes. It's gonna get worse. [03:45:58] Speaker D: Oh, fuck. [03:45:59] Speaker A: But while that's happening, Graham and Nessa, how's dealing with that ghoul going? [03:46:06] Speaker B: He is taking a nice. Sit down on a box as he recovers from the kiss. And you forget that I am there. Has had a nice pat on the head. And then I walk towards the door that he was guarding. And then I say the essentially tell Graham that, yeah, it's cool. [03:46:22] Speaker C: Now, I know that you've seen Graham's dissatisfied face in the past, so you're gonna be familiar with it when he turns the corner and sees the ghoul, like, not incapacitated. [03:46:40] Speaker B: He's pretty incapacitated. He's not. He's not moving anywhere anytime soon. [03:46:46] Speaker C: I mean, you only took a sip from him and then you climbed up. [03:46:50] Speaker B: I thought we might need more for our torpor friend. [03:46:55] Speaker C: I get that, but I snap my fingers in front of his face. Buddy, buddy. [03:47:03] Speaker A: And he'll. There's. There's obviously movement behind the eyes, but he's not really there yet. [03:47:10] Speaker C: Okay, I will use compel and tell him to stand up. [03:47:16] Speaker A: I mean, he does. So he's again, absolutely in no position mentally to try and stop this. [03:47:24] Speaker C: No, I imagine not. Does Nesta make it through the door or is it secured? [03:47:29] Speaker A: Well, here's the thing. There are two sets of locks on this door. One of them is a set of padlocks, and the other set is an electronic lock. [03:47:39] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna ask the ghoul if he knows the code. [03:47:47] Speaker A: He nods. [03:47:49] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna compel him. Well, before I do that, do we have the key? So there's padlocks and then the code lock. [03:48:02] Speaker A: He knows the. He knows the lock. He knows the code for the. For the lock, but unfortunately, for the electronic lock. But unfortunately, the padlock does need to be picked because only Thomas has the key. As far as he knows. Well, as. As far as he would assume. But he does not have a key. [03:48:18] Speaker B: Of course. The one time I don't take corrosive ite. [03:48:23] Speaker C: What kind of pad? Like, are we talking here? [03:48:25] Speaker A: Like it? Nothing. Nothing. Super crazy hardcore. I imagine with a nice little dexterity and larceny roll, you could very easily pick it. [03:48:41] Speaker C: I was thinking more like a strength and beat the fucking lock off the door roll. [03:48:47] Speaker A: Sure. You could absolutely do that too. It's that kind of padlock. [03:48:51] Speaker C: Yeah. So first things first. And I'll turn to Nessa and I'll say, I don't assume that you want to do this, right. [03:49:01] Speaker B: I look at my, like, noodle arms and just being like, yeah, all my strength. Be my guest. [03:49:08] Speaker C: Saw on me. Just wanted to call attention to it. [03:49:11] Speaker A: Storyteller, what role would you like go ahead and do. Oh, gosh, look. So you're just trying to beat it. Do you. Are you trying to do it with your hands? Are you picking up something as, like, an improvised weapon? [03:49:24] Speaker C: I would use an improvised tool, some kind. [03:49:26] Speaker A: Okay, lead pipe, try. Why don't you go ahead and give me, like, strength and melee. [03:49:33] Speaker C: Okay. [03:49:34] Speaker A: We'll call it that. [03:49:36] Speaker C: I can handle that. I'm gonna rouse the blood. [03:49:40] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [03:49:41] Speaker C: I'm going to get hungrier as the frustration mounts. [03:49:45] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [03:49:46] Speaker B: And it brings you to what? [03:49:48] Speaker C: I'm at three. [03:49:49] Speaker B: Okay. [03:49:50] Speaker C: The worst, which mean, well, it is kind of the worst, because I can't just. I. Oh, my God, I almost had suck the guard. I cannot just take a little nip from anywhere in this room. That would be. Be significantly more difficult for me to accomplish that. So let's put those dice into the Dyson maker and only get two successes. So then we're gonna use some willpower to reroll the one which gets me to three. [03:50:26] Speaker A: Three is exactly what you needed. So it takes you a little bit of time, and I don't know if it's just that you didn't want Nessa to see you not be able to handle it, which is where you kind of pulled that extra little power from in the end. But. But you do manage to smash it off. And with the. The guards code to open up the electronic lock and a little bit of effort, because it's a very heavy iron door, you are able to open it up and get inside. [03:50:55] Speaker C: I'm shoving the garden before I enter. [03:50:57] Speaker B: And I'm also going to let Morgan. Now she can join us. [03:51:02] Speaker A: Yeah, Morgan. [03:51:03] Speaker B: I imagine she already has, but I'm just saying it just in case. [03:51:06] Speaker A: Yeah, no, she's very, very happy, especially when she hears that the lock's finally off the door. She'll pop out of the vent, and she'll come down and see everything that's happening. You throw the ghoul in before you go, and there aren't any screams, there aren't any loud noises, any sort of altercation going on behind the door. You assume it's safe to enter. [03:51:33] Speaker B: Is it. Is there any lights in there? Or. [03:51:38] Speaker A: Candles? But, I mean, you know, there are candles in lots of places in this space. So are they lit? Yeah. Okay. [03:51:51] Speaker C: I'm looking for ancient vampires hanging out. [03:51:55] Speaker A: Well, it's funny that you should mention that, because as you go through that doorway, that ghoul is standing there waiting to be told what to do next, because, you know, why wouldn't he? The whole room is empty except for, well, Albertine. There are very large metal restraints, very large d rings connected to the floor. And her whole body is held down to this concrete floor with those chains and restraints and. Go ahead. [03:52:39] Speaker C: Is she awake? [03:52:41] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Because here's the thing. She sees the ghoul, and she gets this wild hunger in her eyes, and then she sees the two of you, and it gets worse. And it is very clear that this has been ongoing for weeks and weeks and weeks of blood draining has, at this point, made her more animal than kindred. [03:53:08] Speaker B: We're gonna shove the guard towards her. [03:53:13] Speaker C: Well, before you say we, what's your humanity at? Because. Yeah, you might want to turn around. [03:53:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:53:27] Speaker C: I've been a coder for a while, and I think Graham would know that when it comes time to do something terrible, who would? You know what, like, the white banker man is definitely the one doing the most evil in this coterie. So when. When I see that and Nessa sees that, I just give her the look that we've established is that I'm about to do something you probably won't approve of. [03:53:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm gonna go. I'll yell if somebody comes down the stairs. [03:53:59] Speaker C: Yeah. Keep an eye out. And then I'm going to. [03:54:03] Speaker B: Unsafe word is pineapple. [03:54:05] Speaker C: I'm going to take the guard by the scruff, the collar or whatever, walk them towards. You said she's horizontal, right? [03:54:19] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. No, she is on the ground. The metal has her strapped to the ground. She's not going anywhere. [03:54:26] Speaker C: Oh, God. It's like feeding a baby. So I'm going to again, grabbing the guard and then just thrust him neck first down over Albertine. [03:54:44] Speaker A: Oh. This is the first amount of blood that she has had in literally weeks. And with that first bite and that first hunger slaked, first off, she does not stop. But her skin kind of starts to return to the color that you would expect. And there seems to be a little bit more lucidity in her eyes as this happens, and you realize that. Cool, this is working. This is exactly what I want. But you also recognize that she's not going to stop until this ghoul is dead. [03:55:20] Speaker C: Yeah. Do you want me to just put the stain on my sheet and call it good? [03:55:23] Speaker A: Yeah, go ahead. Because I assume you're not going to interrupt an elder feeding on hell, no. Yeah. [03:55:30] Speaker C: Here's the thing. I don't know this ghoul from Adam, but I know that I'm a vampire, and I know that if Albertine is not satiated by the time that we start to converse. I'm next. So, like, yeah, whatever. It's like, self preservation is one of my big skills. So I'm going to hold the ghoul there until either he or Albertine stops moving, whichever comes first. [03:55:58] Speaker A: Well, I guarantee it's going to be the ghoul. And while this is happening, Morgan kind of has a shocked look on her face, and she says, I would have offered to. To feed her myself. We didn't have to. We didn't have to do this. [03:56:15] Speaker C: Do you think she was going to stop? [03:56:21] Speaker A: We could have made her. [03:56:23] Speaker C: Could we? [03:56:25] Speaker A: We could have tried. [03:56:28] Speaker C: Then I will consider it my privilege to have come between your naivete and this elderly. No offense, ma'am, but you've been incredibly helpful to me so far, and I'm returning that favor by not allowing you to sacrifice yourself into the hungry jaws of your seniors. [03:56:52] Speaker A: At this point, the ghoul collapses onto, well, Albertine, it's not. It's not very pretty a sight, this drained, empty husk of a human. But, Graham, as you, I assume, move the ghoul off of Albertine's body. The animalistic kindred that you once saw is transformed from this. This beast into the epitome of beauty and manners and grace. And she thanks you, and she apologizes very much for the mess, because whatever came out of the ghoul of obviously, that did not make it into her mouth is on the floor and on her chest and just everywhere, pooling down below. And, of course, she would hate to see you get any of it on yourself. [03:58:00] Speaker C: This is an interesting parallel construction, because now both Nessa and I and buttons or Layla are somewhere where the floor is just soaked and sticky. [03:58:10] Speaker A: Exactly. Yes. Yep. 100%. [03:58:14] Speaker C: Well, Graham is nothing but not polite, so he will take the gentleman aside. What was the guard wearing? Was it like, a suit guard or, like, a polo shirt guard? [03:58:24] Speaker A: No, it was a suit guard. [03:58:26] Speaker C: Cool. I'm gonna take his jacket off and then use it to. With not asking for permission, but in the sense of, like, presenting it, and then we can both understand that you're chained up. Would you like me to help you? [03:58:43] Speaker A: I mean, there is the. The alternative where you could just take the chains off. [03:58:47] Speaker C: I said they were, like, super down secured. I didn't think that was an option. [03:58:52] Speaker A: Of course, there. It's always an option. It's just work. [03:58:55] Speaker C: Did you see how much work it took me to open the padlock? And now we're in the industrial level. [03:59:00] Speaker A: Yeah, I know it's gonna be hard. [03:59:03] Speaker C: But, I mean, I'll fine I can ask. And being polite and such, I'm sorry that your meal has turned out this way, Miss Albertine. You don't know me. I'm Graham Yates. Look. Friend of your associate Morgan here. I don't know that rescue you is the word that I would choose, but it seems you have unfinished business with another mutual acquaintance upstairs. Love to help you out. How can I do that? [03:59:29] Speaker A: She'll kind of gesture down towards the bottom, and then you see there's, you know, there's a giant padlock similar to the one outside. And she'll tell you that I'm pretty sure that once you undo the. The padlock, you'll have to do a little bit of heavy lifting, but you should be able to get the chains off pretty quickly. [03:59:52] Speaker C: Well, let it never be said that I'm not willing to do manual labor for a beautiful woman. It's not normal by thing, but we all make exceptions in time of great need. [04:00:04] Speaker A: So you can either dexterity and larceny the lock, or you can try and bash it like you did before. [04:00:11] Speaker C: I have kind of equal dice in both areas, but narratively, Graham is in the presence of someone powerful and won't want to make a brute of himself. We have someone in the coterie for that. So I'll try larceny, if it's all the same, but it will put me in the position of gesturing towards Nessa and. Do you have a hairpin, ma'am? [04:00:39] Speaker B: I mean, I would probably have one in my hair. [04:00:41] Speaker C: Yeah. I do apologize for making you. I understand that takes a lot of time and energy to put those kind of things together. And I'm having this conversation with her as I am attempting to not even pick the lock. It's not that sophisticated. I have a dot in larceny, so I'm mostly just kind of jamming the hairpin around, hoping it catches on something and seeing if it clicks. [04:01:03] Speaker A: Sure. Go ahead and make that roll. [04:01:10] Speaker C: Yeah, that's not doing it. [04:01:14] Speaker A: You know what? It's a. The problem is, when they started making these. These Bobby pins that they coated and stuff, it just. It doesn't catch quite as much. It's too rounded. It just. It's not getting in and setting the pins the way that you need to do. You also don't have any sort of leverage. It just. It's kind of a bad combination overall. [04:01:34] Speaker C: You're also skipping over the part where I have no idea what the fuck that I'm doing, but it was nice. [04:01:40] Speaker A: So why don't we. Why don't we I can try to smash it. [04:01:48] Speaker C: I mean, I think we're to that point now. [04:01:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I think. I think we're gonna. I think we're gonna have to. [04:01:55] Speaker C: I will ask, though. Nessa, can you do me a favor? Can you hold my jacket for a. [04:01:59] Speaker B: Second, old jacket, and do the thing where I just, like, put it over my shoulders? [04:02:05] Speaker C: Yeah. So I'm gonna hand that over to. [04:02:07] Speaker B: You and, like, it's the end of the night. [04:02:10] Speaker C: The sleeves a little bit. This shirt, by the way, costs the same as a new car in some places. So let's see if we can do this without getting ourselves into too much trouble. Uh, you'd like strengthen melee? [04:02:24] Speaker A: Uh, yeah, if you're using, uh, if you're. If you're going back to grab that, uh, that lead pipe that you found to beat it with. Yeah, absolutely. [04:02:31] Speaker C: I think at this point, I just kind of want to go raw. Good vampiric power and brawl this thing open. Is that an option? [04:02:39] Speaker A: Sure. Absolutely. Go ahead. [04:02:42] Speaker C: All right. I cannot rouse the blood. If I hit four. Hunger. We are going to be in a nightmare scenario. [04:02:49] Speaker B: Yep. [04:02:50] Speaker A: Yeah. A little bad. Yeah. [04:02:53] Speaker C: I do not imagine the scenario has written in the kind of people that I am going to eat. Maybe it will, who knows? But so there is that and. [04:03:04] Speaker A: Oh. [04:03:05] Speaker C: Oh, God. I don't like the way this is coming out because that is only two successes, but they are all on the hungry dice. [04:03:15] Speaker A: I think at this point, Morgan would come over and you're making a little bit of room. You can hear things kind of like straining a little bit. And Morgan can come over and make an assist and see if we can't get a little bit more strength behind this. Pull the lock just a little bit more, see if we could rip it open. And, yeah, at that point, that's five successes with a critical. So I think all that we needed was just a little bit of teamwork. Here she comes up and she'll grab one end, you've got the other, and you guys together, just rip it in half. [04:03:53] Speaker C: Oh, look, I loosened it up. That's what happened. [04:03:56] Speaker A: Obviously. Obviously true. Yes. [04:04:00] Speaker C: With that subtle. I will straighten myself back out. Nest in my jacket, please. [04:04:04] Speaker B: Slides it off shoulders. Hands it to you. [04:04:07] Speaker C: Thank you so much. You're a peach. [04:04:13] Speaker A: It's fairly easy work to get the chains off. It takes a little bit of time. They're very large, they're very, very heavy. But between the three of you there, you know, we can move them off. And Albertine will stand to her feet slowly because, of course, you know, she finally ate for the first time in forever, and she'll say, okay, thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done. I don't know what Thomas would have done if he'd been allowed to continue the. The way that he'd been working. [04:04:45] Speaker E: I. [04:04:46] Speaker A: Anyway, look, what time is it? [04:04:53] Speaker C: Checks my super expensive watch. [04:04:56] Speaker A: We're coming up close to midnight. Probably ten minutes out. [04:05:00] Speaker C: Maybe it's nine till. [04:05:04] Speaker A: Okay, okay, look, I, um. I need to be there for the chrism. I need to stop whatever he's got planned. You all need to be there. I. Okay, all right. I will be there. I. There's a. There's a secret passageway out of here. I'm. I obviously cannot be seen wandering these halls, but there's. There's a secret way out. We had it installed during the renovation, and Morgan kind of, like, shoots her a look, and she just kind of, like, shakes her head, like, now is not the time to talk to me about this. Like, there's really no time. But look, go. Go to the chrism. I will be there. We can. We can do this together. Okay? [04:05:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [04:05:52] Speaker C: It's not entirely clear to me what it is, but I'll be there. [04:05:57] Speaker A: Yeah, I really don't have time. I really don't have the time, but just. Just go. That it's going to be in the nave in about nine minutes. There isn't time. You need to go. I need to go. [04:06:09] Speaker B: Yep, yep. I am. I am going. I am moving quickly to retrieve my shoes and everything and going to definitely head to that way. [04:06:20] Speaker C: Step over the corpse, walk back upstairs. [04:06:24] Speaker A: It happens. Yeah. [04:06:27] Speaker D: Sad. [04:06:27] Speaker A: He was cute. As Nessa and Graham make their way back, heading towards the nave. You'll be able to find your way to the nave through one of the little transepts. You don't have to go the long way around, which is good, because you only have nine minutes. Layla and buttons. Layla has wandered off with Grant and buttons. Are you following? Are you keeping a close eye on Layla? Are you standing amongst the writhing mass of bodies? What's the. They are watching like this. [04:06:58] Speaker E: Just making sure they have at least. [04:07:01] Speaker A: An eye, a pupil or something on Layla, but for the most part, this awful great Layla, you went to find a slightly more secluded spot. You don't want to leave the nave because you know that you need to be in here. And it's coming up on midnight. There's only a few minutes left to go, so you don't want to be too far away. So you have found a nice little secluded spot in. In the back corner. And. And Grant is very much enthralled with everything that. That you're talking about. The. The smile on your face, the sweet little words that you have to say to him. He's. He's holding on to every single one. [04:07:40] Speaker D: Mm hmm. Um, and using that and using my considerable strength, um, there will be a moment where I tower over him. Um, and just quick, clean, and sweet. Just nick and drink. [04:08:07] Speaker A: Question. Are you going for a risky but effective cut or a safe cut? [04:08:13] Speaker D: Safe cut. [04:08:14] Speaker A: Okay. Can you make me a dexterity and medicine test, please? [04:08:19] Speaker D: Oh, boy, that's gonna go well. [04:08:24] Speaker C: Gonna go off on a limb and say that you've only got dexterity. [04:08:28] Speaker D: Uh, yeah, but it's not bad. It's not bad. You know what? I can. I can afford. I think I can afford to do a surge, because. [04:08:46] Speaker A: I'm sorry, you're about to eat. [04:08:48] Speaker D: I'm only at two. [04:08:49] Speaker A: Yeah, and you're about to eat. [04:08:51] Speaker D: And I'm about to eat. I don't get any hungrier anyhow. [04:08:55] Speaker A: Great. The beast loves this for you. Oh, the beast is so happy that you're about to feed. He's not even upset that you're using. That. You're not using your fangs. Let's go. [04:09:03] Speaker D: Just. Honestly, he's just a little. He's looking forward to a meal. [04:09:09] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [04:09:17] Speaker D: That is, what, four, five. [04:09:22] Speaker A: No, just four. [04:09:23] Speaker D: Wait, no, four successes? [04:09:27] Speaker A: Well, four is exactly what you needed. Not even joking. So you make this very safe cut. You know exactly where to go so you don't completely slice through his carotid. You. You know exactly how to make this cut. I don't know how you know how to make this cut. And if Graham were here, I'm certain he would insist on knowing how, but he's not, thank goodness. Um, I do love places, baby. I do have some bad news for you, though. [04:09:59] Speaker D: Oh, good. [04:10:00] Speaker A: So you made this safe cut. Very safe cut. The problem is, the knife that Freddie gave you was incredibly dull, which means that though this cut is safe, it is incredibly painful for Grant. [04:10:18] Speaker D: Mmm. Okay. [04:10:21] Speaker A: But that. Oh, go ahead. [04:10:24] Speaker D: Oh, I was just gonna say it's a good thing I have lingering kiss. [04:10:27] Speaker A: There you go. So you. You make this cut, and he cries out in pain. But, I mean, it's. Is he crying out in pain? Is he. Is it, like. Is it, like, a good pain? Who really knows? It's really hard to tell. The lights are so dark, and there's so much sound going on, and honestly. [04:10:46] Speaker D: I'd be surprised if anyone heard him. [04:10:48] Speaker A: Exactly. So luckily, the pain goes away as soon as you bite down and start drinking. And with your lingering kiss, which I'm guessing you've chosen to employ. [04:11:04] Speaker D: Absolutely. Because I feel bad, to be perfectly honest. [04:11:09] Speaker A: You know what? Totally fair. Totally, totally fair. Now, with lingering kiss, obviously there's a little bit of bad news that comes on the back of that, and he, you know, basically, from here on out, at least until he can make a resistance against it, it's going to be a little bit easier to have some control over him. Any. Anything else, charisma based that you need to do, it'll be a lot easier to do that. But you know what? He's having a good time, and right now, he doesn't care. And that's okay. [04:11:47] Speaker D: You know what? Depending on how things go, we might need an extra body. We'll see. [04:11:57] Speaker A: We'll see. [04:12:02] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll just. I'll take myself back down to one. [04:12:06] Speaker A: Yep. Perfect. Wonderful. As you finish up, I assume you just kind of, like, leave Grant in a nice, safe place in the corner. And as you finish up, start heading back towards buttons. Freddie walks up, claps you on the shoulder, and he is so proud of you. That was such a fantastic show. What an amazing, amazing job. If there's anything else that you need, you just let him know, because, man, he is so, so impressed. [04:12:39] Speaker D: I am nothing if not a performer, dear. [04:12:42] Speaker A: Indeed, indeed. And it's right about this time that Nessa and Graham make their appearance just moments before the big show. [04:12:55] Speaker D: I would immediately make sure that we are gathered together, ideally making sure that no one else can get on our backs. [04:13:05] Speaker B: Yep. Got the thing where I'm like, I haven't even bothered putting the shoes back on. I just have them just sort of, like, slung over my shoulder. [04:13:12] Speaker D: Did Freddie take the knife back? [04:13:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. He would have held out his hand and asked for it back. I mean, it is a dull knife. It is a. Literally a plug plus zero weapon. [04:13:22] Speaker D: It may be a dull knife, but I'm a very strong lady. [04:13:27] Speaker A: You know what? Totally valid. As you guys were making your way in here, you heard the PA system going off. You heard Thomas calling everybody to the nave. And as you look around, you realize that everybody who has been here is here. Every single nephilim that you have seen. Becca is here. Freddie, obviously, is heading towards the front. He's incredibly excited. Absolutely. Everybody that you have noticed is here, minus, of course, the three average looking people and the streamer. They're not here for some odd reason. Yeah. Don't know why that is, but. Hmm. Isn't that strange? But among the nephilim, among the kindred, you also find mortals. And the longer you look towards the front of this dance floor, towards the stage, you realize that there are mortals who are not mortal anymore and have met a similar fate to Emilio. And there are some who have also become dinner. As you see corpses littering just in front of the stage. And as the clock strikes midnight and Thomas walks out onto that stage and the music stops, he looks out over the crowd before locking eyes with the four of you. In just a few moments, friends, you will all accept Michael's divinity. And he pulls out a vial of blood from his pocket. He wipes down his hands on a bleeding corpse, and he looks at Layla and says, layla, please, will you come on stage and undergo a rebirth? Michael's dreams are here tonight in this room, and we will reshape you into a glorious form. [04:16:18] Speaker D: If we are meant to bring everyone into the faith, I would prefer to have my coterie with me. [04:16:29] Speaker A: You may all join the children, but I can only do the rebirth once. Nessa, can you go ahead and make me an intelligence and occult test? [04:16:43] Speaker B: Would this also count as blood magic? [04:16:46] Speaker A: Uh, no. [04:16:48] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. [04:16:51] Speaker B: I was like, have specialty full of magic. [04:16:54] Speaker D: I know when Nessa and Graham appear. Storyteller. I did not want to interrupt your narrative. Oh, apologies. What's like Graham? At the very least, I know when shit's gone tits up. Is Graham making that face? [04:17:18] Speaker C: I. Yeah, I would have, um, probably by way of metaphor, like, do you remember that, uh, that one thing with the. The primogen who wasn't the primogen? [04:17:33] Speaker A: It's like that. [04:17:36] Speaker C: Just something that we'd done in the past that I can at least get you a 75 or 80% of the way there. [04:17:46] Speaker D: Very much in the we need to wait to the appropriate moment kind of a thing. [04:17:51] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm thinking of, like, in, like, the oceans movies, when they all have, like, elaborate names for various things. Like, oh, did you do a reverse double Dutch or whatever? And. But based on our past experience, that would somehow communicate that we go along with it right up until we don't, and the thing that's going to happen is going to be spectacular and not. No, no code words. You will know it when it happens. [04:18:21] Speaker B: Not a pineapple situation. [04:18:22] Speaker D: It's not a pineapple situation. This is a changa situation, as they say. [04:18:28] Speaker B: I had four successes for my four successes. [04:18:31] Speaker A: Great. [04:18:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:18:33] Speaker A: So Layla's considering Graham is communicating. Nessa, your. So it's not blood magic, per se. But it's starting to make a lot more sense why he had those books on his bookshelf. And you start to think, and in addition to those books, there were also some books on thin blood alchemy, which was very strange. And you. You recognize the familiarities between his description of this rebirth, the vial of blood, and some thin blood formula. There's some sort of magic at play. There is something in that vial. He's got a plan. You're not 100% sure what the game is, but, I mean, there's. There's something going on here, and it's magic. [04:19:40] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Yeah. Um, and, like, look over at Layla and just be like, you know? [04:19:55] Speaker D: You know what? How about this? Layla is a reformed Catholic. Layla understands the importance of ritual and the ecstasy that can come from feeling the touch of the divine. So if she has been chosen, would she not want to take the time to essentially bid her coterie farewell? So she takes that moment to each coterie member, takes Ness's hand, and leans close. [04:20:42] Speaker B: You don't happen to speak languages other than English, do you? [04:20:48] Speaker D: I don't know. I don't. No, I don't, because I did take it. [04:20:54] Speaker B: I do speak English and German. [04:20:56] Speaker D: Yeah, no, I got nothing. Buttons. Just, like, a careful touch on the shoulder and a smile, and it's very much in the. I'm stalling. [04:21:11] Speaker B: Yep. And that's a little cool. Well, I will quietly say, and, you know, it's somewhere between. Whatever he has is somewhere between Duskborn and what I do. [04:21:33] Speaker D: And Layla will turn to Graham and kind of take his big, stupid face in her hands. I feel like if something weird happens, just kill me. [04:21:46] Speaker C: I've been waiting my whole life for you to say that to me. [04:21:49] Speaker D: Yeah. I hate you. And I will make my careful way towards the stage. Are there still living mortals around, or have they all been consumed? [04:22:03] Speaker A: No, they. Okay. All the mortals have been consumed, and the ones that haven't are now children. Mm hmm. [04:22:11] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. Looking surprisingly serene and like a devotee about to take the holy communion, I will make my way slowly up to the stage. [04:22:27] Speaker A: Thomas is welcoming you with open arms, and as you approach, he stands behind you, one hand on your shoulder, and gestures to the crowd in front of you, and he will ask you in a loud voice, which his voice carries over the quiet stillness of this room, and he asks if you will choose to follow the lexangelorium above all things. [04:22:56] Speaker D: I will. Just looking at the coterie, Layla's a little afraid. [04:23:07] Speaker A: It'S. At this point, there's a murmur, and it starts from the back of the room, and Graham buttons Nessa. You'll hear it being close to the back first. Who is that? What is she doing here? She's back. Who is it? No way. It can't be. And the voices get louder and the murmur carries. And once it reaches the front, Layla, you'll turn around instinctively, and Thomas will too. And standing just behind you, coming out from the doorway behind the stage, is Albertine. She told you she would be here. She told you she would stop it. I didn't know that. That's true. You didn't. [04:24:06] Speaker C: It's like the thing with. The thing. [04:24:09] Speaker B: Yes, that thing with the other Thursday. Three Thursdays ago. [04:24:14] Speaker D: Yeah. No. Layla sees this. I'm assuming you can tell that this is an elder. [04:24:21] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, it is obvious. And if it wasn't obvious at first, the literal movement, the literal blink of an eye movement that she does as she rushes towards Thomas is probably enough of an indication she will grab him by the collar and push you aside. Not forcefully, just enough to move you out of the way. [04:24:43] Speaker D: I don't fight him. I don't fight at all. [04:24:45] Speaker A: No, she. She. Yeah, I don't expect you would. But Albertine grabs Thomas by the collar and lifts him up, demanding to know if he understands what he's done. Layla, to you, especially Nessa, probably. Maybe to you, as somebody who has experience with blood bonds, Layla, of course, you being a little bit of a bond junkie, you would have noticed this as well. But it's clear that Thomas is actually bound to Albertine, and his blood bond cannot override the devotion that old adherents have towards Michael and his descendants. So the crowd now breaks out into a fight, as those who defend Thomas are against the ones who are defending Albertine. [04:25:40] Speaker C: Oh, what, do I have to roll to get the fuck out of the way of that? [04:25:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:25:47] Speaker A: Any. Any non believers at this point can very, very easily use this opportunity to get out, and you can absolutely follow suit if you wish. [04:25:57] Speaker C: Oh, I want to see how it ends. I just don't want to be in between. [04:26:01] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, no, that's fair. That's totally fair. [04:26:06] Speaker D: Layla, I'm gonna back up, like, against the proscenium to get the fuck out of the way, but I am Hawk's eye watching Albertine and Thomas. [04:26:20] Speaker A: Great. No, it's very, very easy to get out of the way, especially because you're towards the back. There is the doorway where a bunch of folks are going to be leaving. Any of the non believers will be leaving, which just means that as that space opens up and the kindred who are fighting will move towards each other to come trying to fight, it kind of becomes a weird, very violent mosh pit in front of the stage. It's a little strange, but it's not hard to stay out of the way at this point. Albertine will see the three of you in the back. Nessa buttons, Graham. Obviously, she recognizes Graham and Nessa buttons. She doesn't know from Adam, but assumes that you're all part of the same group, and she makes that assumption about Layla as well. And while the commotion is going on and the kindred in the middle are fighting one another for Thomas or for Albertine, she will call out to the three of you in the back, and she will thank you for helping her, for releasing her from her bonds, and says that you, the three of you, the four of you, because she'll nod in Layla's direction as well. She will allow you all to choose Thomas's fate. [04:27:46] Speaker C: I wasn't prepared for that level of responsibility. [04:27:53] Speaker A: She'll tell you that she will retake power no matter what. There's no universe in which she lets Thomas remain in power of the children of the Archangel. He will no longer lead the nephilim, however, she can kill him or she can spare him. [04:28:18] Speaker B: He. I have to say, I think you have to kill him because he already tried this once. He's gonna try it again. It may not be anytime soon, it may be years down the line, but someone stabs you in the back once, don't let it slide, do it again. [04:28:46] Speaker E: Or we can be a little opportunistic and spare him, and he owe each of us a major boon. [04:28:58] Speaker C: Is that going to be the kind of thing he can make good on? It appears to me that in a matter of minutes, Tom isn't going to have a pot to piss in. So far as power in the city's concerned. [04:29:16] Speaker D: He'S dangerous. He's a traitor. [04:29:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Our friend here finds himself in the unenviable position of having made an egregious error and not having any way to buy himself out of that mistake. [04:29:41] Speaker D: I. [04:29:44] Speaker A: No. [04:29:48] Speaker D: Miss Albertine, I don't think this child of yours will learn his lesson. We don't change. [04:30:06] Speaker A: What. And at this point, she'll hold out one of her hands, still holding him up by his collar just now with one hand. She is incredibly strong and incredibly old, and this is nothing for her. And Freddy appears with his dull silver blade and hands it to her, and she takes it. And with way, way less effort than Layla, you know, it should take, given how dull that knife was. She decapitates Thomas in front of the crowd. At this point, as the body descends into final death, decays, and turns to ash in front of you, she simply lets go and turns to the group, wiping her hands and tossing the knife to the floor. Well, friends, I. I apologize for this evening. Clearly, there's a little bit of work yet to be done. And she'll look over at the crowd as all of those who were bound to Thomas come to their senses and realize exactly what is happening. And the commotion in the room starts to quiet. And she says, if you would like, I would love to offer all of you the chance to see what the nephilim are truly like. Because what you saw tonight is not it. The choice is yours, of course. [04:32:08] Speaker B: Look over at the coterie. Sort of see how we're feeling about all this. Are we. We done with? Done with this? Or do we want to see how far this rabbit hole goes? [04:32:23] Speaker D: Been looking for my place in the world. Might as well start somewhere. [04:32:33] Speaker E: And. [04:32:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I. There are a lot of mysteries in this world, and I plan on uncovering as many as I can. [04:32:51] Speaker A: Grim buttons. [04:32:58] Speaker E: I. I think my. My answer is a little obvious. No offense to you, Leila, or Nessa. I. This is just not the place for me. Finding out who you are is. You can find out who you are, and I am not. This. [04:33:25] Speaker C: It's only respectful to entertain a counter offer. But I think there's still something that needs to be uncovered more to be understood. I'm not willing to write it off, but you'll understand, given tonight's events, that there might be some trepidation that needs to be overcome. [04:33:46] Speaker D: Perhaps we are allowed to take some time to think on it. [04:33:51] Speaker A: Of course, I'm not asking any of you to join us now, but give us some time to clean up the mess and return as guests and see what we're all about. [04:34:11] Speaker B: I think that's a good idea. [04:34:13] Speaker D: We'll consider it. [04:34:17] Speaker A: I appreciate that very much. [04:34:26] Speaker D: Not to put a too fine a point on it, Miss Albertine, are we free to go? [04:34:32] Speaker A: Yes, of course. Yes. We clearly have some work to do in here, and she'll kind of give a little side glance to the pile of corpses on the floor. [04:34:46] Speaker D: That's going to be a sticking point for me, unfortunately. [04:34:50] Speaker A: I understand, and I hope to show you that we are better than that. We are more than that. So please, by all means, try and salvage whatever you can of this night while I attempt to do the same. And she'll gesture towards the door. [04:35:16] Speaker D: We'll walk back down to join the coterie and try not to look like I'm about to run out the door. That was a lot. That was a lot. [04:35:27] Speaker B: That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. [04:35:29] Speaker A: We go. [04:35:30] Speaker D: We go home now. [04:35:30] Speaker B: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Let's go, let's go. [04:35:34] Speaker C: Thanks. As we, um. As we exit, uh, Graham will reach into his pocket and pull out one of the new year's party poppers and just be like. And then put it back in his pocket. [04:35:49] Speaker D: Layla reaches out and flicks him on the ear. [04:35:55] Speaker C: Well, friends, I have definitely enjoyed our time together, but I've spent a bit more of myself than I feel like was appropriate, and I'd hate to wake up tomorrow in embarrassing fashion. Now, my normal clientele have definitely gone to sleep, but I think the older child will still be out enjoying himself. So if you don't mind, I need to go ingratiate myself to a college aged party so I don't wake up. Hangry, I believe, is the word I heard you use earlier. [04:36:32] Speaker B: Probably a good idea. [04:36:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [04:36:36] Speaker D: Don't do anything stupid. [04:36:39] Speaker C: I've never done anything stupid in my entire life. [04:36:42] Speaker D: That's a lie. You ended up hanging out with us. [04:36:45] Speaker C: Well, coterie, when you're right, you're right. [04:36:49] Speaker D: Get out of here, asshole. [04:36:53] Speaker C: Looking over my shoulder as I. As I double click the thing or the. Like, the fob. There hasn't been any paint involved if you'd like a ride. [04:37:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Very paint and blood free. [04:37:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [04:37:09] Speaker D: Actually got out of that a lot cleaner than, um, I expected to. Let's. Let's go. I am not tired, but tired. I don't know if we can get tired anymore. I'm tired. [04:37:22] Speaker B: Going to see if I can still steal. It's past midnight. Let's steal a kiss. [04:37:29] Speaker D: She's good. Shotgun. [04:37:33] Speaker B: That's fine. [04:37:37] Speaker A: The coterie climbs. Oh, go ahead. [04:37:39] Speaker C: No. And I think it's also probably coterie tradition that we give buttons the aux cord. [04:37:47] Speaker A: So as everybody climbs into Graham's car, Leila, in the front seat buttons, gets the aux cable buttons. What song do you put on as the coterie drives off into the night? [04:38:02] Speaker B: Just sending a u up text appropriate. [04:38:04] Speaker E: For, like, some auld lang syne rendition. [04:38:08] Speaker A: Auld Lang Syne is the perfect end to this. Starts playing as you start driving away, the lights still going inside and outside sterner hall. And you are left wondering what exactly the nephilim have to offer you. But that's a question for tomorrow. And a story for another night. And that, friends, has been midnight kiss. Thank you all so, so much for joining us for this amazing vampire, the Masquerade, one shot, written by Jose Garcia and released just a week ago. I'm so, so happy that I have the most amazing people in my life who could put this together so quickly. So before you all run off, I would like to, to give our cast a little bit of a chance to tell people where you can find more of them. So, starting with our fantastic guest for tonight, playing the very quiet but so lovable buttons, who I absolutely need to see more of. Definitely need to have them back for another game because it was so much fun to have them, and I wish we had more to give them. Vin, if people want to see more of you, buttons or otherwise, where can they do that? Oh, my God, you guys. [04:39:32] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Vin at Vinvox V on Twitter, I am a professional voice actor and a tabletop performer. I have a lot of things going on, so just check out my Twitter for announcements. I also try to retweet a lot of casting calls. You guys can get involved, too, in both voiceover and tabletop. [04:39:51] Speaker A: It's true. Vin is fantastic that way. Love them. Two pieces now for little Miss Nessa Langley. Diablerie didn't go so well, but that's okay, because you made it out of the night pretty unscathed. Aubrey, if people wanted to see more of you, potentially more of Nessa in the future, where can they find it? [04:40:13] Speaker B: Well, uh, you can just generally follow me on Twitter at Madquencosplay. And, you know, there is, you know, I maybe, you know, have that fancy qcg thing in front of my name on the discord now. So, uh, you know, you could definitely see me doing a lot of stuff over here, so. Yeah, definitely check that out. And, uh, you know, so just all of my stuff is on my Twitter. You can go check that out. [04:40:41] Speaker A: Absolutely. I know we've got a lot coming out of. Out of you in 2023 for qcG. It's going to be so good. Now, speaking of another member of QCG who has their hands in so much good stuff this year, little Miss Leila Wright. Laura, if people want to see more of you, more of what you do, where can they do that? [04:41:02] Speaker D: Well, hello, good evening, and happy new year, friends and comrades. You can find me on Twitter aura 22. You can find me on TikTok at a similar username. You just have to throw an underscore at the beginning at the end of that, because I can't apparently just someone's got Laura tutu on all other platforms, and I'm a little annoyed about it. And you can find me, obviously, with the fine folks here at QCG. You'll hear my voice on Tans, you'll see my face with some of our upcoming projects, and you'll also be able to find me hanging out with folks over at Obsidian Brews and the Crimson Fox Tavern, which should be opening in 2023. [04:41:51] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. As if you weren't busy enough, keep our social media in order, or at least functioning, because God knows we can't do it. You have so much going on. Lastly, but not leastly, the amazing Graham Yates. Literally the epitome of Ventrue and my favorite Ventrue on the planet. Aaron, if people want to find more of you, where can they do that? [04:42:19] Speaker C: Oh, boy. Yeah. Well, most likely you can find me running games on Queenscore, games at Queenscourtgames RPG on Twitter, Queenscourt Games everywhere else, including Hive, which I like more than Twitter. But if you're looking for me specifically, you can find me on words on Twitter, posting mostly stuff about TTRPG theory and little Rules snippets. If you like me as a performer, I am probably still now on Red Moon role playing, doing our Warhammer fantasy game that has been picked up recently to go through, I think, all six books. So that's going to be like 140 episodes by the time it's done. I will probably be bossing around literally everyone on this screen over the next few months as we play more games here on QCG. But if anything else pops up, it'll be on Twitter. Now, this is the part where you think you're going to get away and you can't, because we're not saying goodbye. My dear good friend, Queen of the court v. Where can people find you? [04:43:27] Speaker A: I'm actually pretty easy to find, actually, aside from here at QCG, doing a little bit of everything apparently now, including running games, which is like a weird change for me. You can find me on I love it. No, stop it. You're all the worst. You can find me on Twitter, vers four, vampire. Because my name is Vy and I love vampires. I also am. That's. Yeah, that's pretty much it. You can also find us on Patreon, which nobody else mentioned, but I do a bunch of art and stuff for Patreon. It is content that is exclusive for patrons, at least two pieces a month over there, sometimes more. They are amazing. They are wonderful. They're tans related. Most of them, but there are others coming along the way, and that's where you can see everything that I do, and it's pretty great. So, yeah, anyway, this has been amazing. Thank you all again, so, so much for joining us. Thank you for spending your New Year's Eve with us. If you're watching or listening elsewhere after the fact, thank you for coming and catching us after the fact. We're gonna go and we're gonna chat about this amazing game and probably all get out of our fancy clothes and go get into something slightly more comfortable. But until next time, we'll see you around. Bye.

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