Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 2

August 14, 2024 02:15:19
Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 2
One Shots and Other Mischief
Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 2

Aug 14 2024 | 02:15:19


Show Notes

The crew of The Narwhal end up on the wrong end of a pirate's blasters when a cargo they were paid to deliver turns out to be stolen contraband. As they attempt to escape the bustling starport of Pious Andronicus, their sensors pick up more than hostile mercenaries. Someone -- or something -- is broadcasting a distress signal belonging to a legendary lost vessel. Could this be the famous horde of Darryl Dale?

Banshee - Riley (
Bernard Shelly - Artem (
Nepter - Dani (
Olokun - Garrett (
Gamemaster - Clara (

GAME: Starscape -

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Greetings, spaceketeers. Welcome back to part two of our single serving tabletop adventure from Queen's court games. I'm Clara, and tonight I'll be your game master on this space western pirate adventure for Starscape, a found family science fiction game by Golden Lasso Games. Remember, if that sounds like something you'd be into, you can check out Starscape over on Kickstarter, where you can learn more about its unique relationship mechanics and pledge your support. Type game into chat or check the show notes for a link. But before we get back to the adventure, I should introduce our cast playing our nebulous Neptor. It's Dani of Dani's corner. [00:00:37] Speaker B: That's me. Hello. [00:00:39] Speaker A: Next are she sister from the stars? It's playing Banshee. It's our favorite Sci-Fi author, Riley. [00:00:46] Speaker C: That's bee. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Aren't that one side eyeing us with all four eyes? It's Olokun, played by Garrett. [00:00:54] Speaker D: And that is me. [00:00:56] Speaker A: And finally, our verdigried feline playing Bernard Shelley and hanging out with us from happy Jacks rpg, it's Artem. [00:01:02] Speaker E: Hey, that's me. [00:01:04] Speaker A: Exclamation point cast will give you all the ways you can follow our cast members social media accounts and projects, and I know they'd love it if you gave them a little follow. Also, please take a moment to note the episode's content warnings. Find them with exclamation point safety in chat or in the episode description, wherever you're catching us after. Now, if were ready to get back into the action, let me tell you a story. When last we left off, the crew of the narwhal found themselves being chased by other spacers for reasons that were a mystery to the entire crew until after. After shaking off their pursuers with an experimental speed boost, it was revealed that their cephalopod captain had gotten Banshee to steal a pair of random crates as a method of punitive justice for some rude spacers. Now in an unfamiliar part of frontier space, the iris Belt, an asteroid belt laden with sparkling, iridescent minerals, the crew lands on one of the many port towns where Ole Kun and Banshee barter their ill gotten goods. Following some whispers of familiarity, Bernard and Neptor make their way to a tavern. As the crew comes together at said tavern, they discover a piece of junkyard scrap picked up by Banshee and Olokun was secretly a beacon for the lost ship of Daryl Dale, a legendary con artist who stole hundreds of credits across the belt before disappearing. The beacon, having done its job, causes all of the spacers in the area to go into a frenzy as they race to their ships to be the first to get the treasure of the iris belt. You guys run out of the tavern. It is chaos outside as everyone seems to have dropped what they are doing. Noodle stands and other food stalls, and people who are bartering little crafted wares are just trying to get out of the way as spacers of all kinds have started making their way to, uh, to their dinghies to try to get back to their moorings. Uh, and you are caught up in this, uh, it is frantic. People are jostling and bumping you around. Uh, you are going to need to try to get to your dinghy, I suppose so. I would love. Is there. Is there anything that anyone wants to do to try to make that smoother? [00:03:27] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna, um. I have my kinetic staff that I use, like, it's my, like, meg webden, my mayday weapon, and it's, like, designed to kind of, like, reverse people's energy back at them when I'm fighting them. So I think I'm gonna kind of, like, take the lead here, and I'm gonna, like, pull my staff and kind of have it in front of me, and I'm just gonna, like, try to, like, steamroll through the crowd of, like, knocking people out of the way, like. Like, hey, I'm short, so I have a pretty good, like, for the average bipedal being, I have a pretty good vantage point for the backs of their knees. So I'm doing a lot of, like, hitting the backs, pulling it in front of their knees, tripping them, or whatever. So I'm just doing whatever I need to do to, like, clear the way of people who might be a threat to my crew getting on our ship and getting out there. So I'm kind of, like, make way for the team. The narwhal is coming, and we are. You are in our way. You are in our way. You are blocking our path. Move post haste. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Amazing. As you're doing that, I'll have you roll a body to see how well you. How well you can part the crowd. [00:04:37] Speaker C: Okay. [00:04:38] Speaker B: I'd be able to help. [00:04:40] Speaker A: Yeah. How are you helping, though? [00:04:44] Speaker B: Banshee is carrying me, so I like to imagine I'm sort of on her, like, back probably at this point. So I think I like the help with, like, whenever someone is maybe tripped up a little bit but doesn't fully move out of the way, I think I like to imagine I, like, reach forward and just bat them to the. [00:05:04] Speaker A: Side you literally use. Got your back. [00:05:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. [00:05:11] Speaker A: Amazing. Okay. You will spend the one trust, and you've already described what you're going to do. So roll your d six. [00:05:20] Speaker C: I'm gonna take back what I was saying then. Instead of me shouting make way and stuff like that, I'm saying things like, ha. Yes. Young Neptar. See you. You swing for the back of the muscle here and it takes them down. So every time I make a hit, I'm teaching them a thing that is useful here. [00:05:37] Speaker A: Right on. [00:05:40] Speaker C: Ah, this one seems to have a limp, so I know I can hit them here and they'll go down faster. [00:05:45] Speaker A: My God. Grim. I love it. An eight. A banshee. What'd you get? [00:05:57] Speaker C: Oh, sorry. I was waiting for the roll. I didn't know how that. I didn't know if I needed to wait or not. [00:06:00] Speaker A: Okay, so Neptor's roll. Neptor's roll will replace your lowest die. [00:06:06] Speaker C: Okay, cool. My lowest die was a two. My highest was a six. So that would be eleven. [00:06:10] Speaker A: So it's eleven. Great. Amazing. You do. I was talking to Kimmy about this between sessions and I was like, I'm trying to get them to do things and they keep succeeding. It's fine. Honestly. Amazing. As you are swinging, you get the trust, Danny. You get your trust back and you actually earn another. I think. Yeah, you earn another trust on top of that because you bumped them up from what would have been a seven to a. Yeah, a seven to an eleven. Geez. Yeah. [00:06:44] Speaker C: Hot dog. [00:06:45] Speaker A: Anyway, so, yeah, the two of you, two crew members, four arms, one staff, swinging wildly between all of these people, you've cleared out a pretty good parting of the crowd. As you all make your way towards the docks. As you start to approach, you're starting to notice that, like, people seem to not care whose dinghy they're grabbing. There are people left and right and, like, arguing over. Arguing over the dinghies that are tied at this mooring, that are trying to get to the mooring. And as you start making your. As you get towards your little. Towards your little. I described as a golf cart, I think with a forklift attached to the back, you actually see Banshee. You see another she making her way towards your dinghy. [00:07:50] Speaker C: Pardon? That is our vessel. [00:07:56] Speaker A: The. She turns around and looks at you. [00:07:59] Speaker C: It's Celie. It's Celie. [00:08:00] Speaker A: Sorry, Celie. What? Wow. Clara fails. The celie turns around and sees you and is just. And there's a moment and she has almost the same kind of staff. You do, Celie make? And she goes, I'm sorry, but I need this for my crew. And she swings and she looks at you and goes, banshee. This celie is similar height, but her braids, she has sort of box braids that go all the way to her feet that have little silver beads throughout them. And you recognize the sound of the clicking silver beads because they jingle a little bit as well. This is Scylla, someone you knew from your home planet, actually, who was kind of in your, like, you grew up with her, and now she's standing in front of you. Staff out there is almost. There's a small crew with her. A small. A tortoise looking fellow, a robot who is made of mostly squares except for a single wheel. And on that robot's shoulder is a small. Is a small, gecko looking creature that licks its eye. As you guys square off. [00:09:41] Speaker C: My old sparring partner. It is good to see you again. However, I do need our skiff. My crew does require it, and it does belong to us. [00:09:49] Speaker A: Well, another crew has already made off with our skiff. We, unfortunately, also will need. Will need to borrow one. Could I pay you for it? [00:09:58] Speaker C: If you let us take it to our ship? You can use it to get to your ship. Does that sound right to my team? I look at my team realizing, like, I'm not in charge of the decision. [00:10:05] Speaker E: And I'm, like, making it like, I like to. I've kind of slinked through the crowds as well. And at this point, I've come up to Banshee, and I'm. I've, like, raised myself up on my, like, uh, hind paws, and I whisper to banshee, oh, banshee. Uh, shall I pounce? [00:10:24] Speaker C: She would certainly destroy you. I mean, she wouldn't kill you, but she would definitely hurt you quite a bit. [00:10:31] Speaker A: Ah, yes. I'm not the one who kills people. [00:10:33] Speaker E: Uh, burn. I hear that. I go, oh, um, curious. Well, I really did get caught up in the heat of the moment. Everyone running, you swinging. That was pretty impressive. I look at the rest of the crew. I suppose if you can trust them, I think we can take them to our ship. [00:10:54] Speaker C: I. I just had my honor. I mean, I know. I know seeing red is a crewmate thing and not an enemy thing. However, like, I might. When she says that to me about. I'm not the one who kills people. Like, I. My physical. My body language completely changes. And I, like, gently put Nestor down, and then I, like, pull my. I mean, I have my staff out already, but I tap it on the ground. Cause, like, now this is, like, a. Like, I have been threatened. I have been, like, insulted, and, like, I demand satisfaction kind of thing. [00:11:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Scylla takes her staff and spins it in her fingers and also gets ready to fight. Like. Like, gets into a ready stance. Ah. I will always fight you for it. [00:11:40] Speaker C: And I actually, I think I, like, look at Bernard, because you were, like, right there, and I think I, like, maybe, like, quickly, like, my eyes dart to the skiff. Like, I'm giving, like, you have a chance to grab it while I'm doing this, but I'm doing this. So do what you're gonna do. You guys can do what you want to do, but I'm. This is my moment right now. [00:11:59] Speaker E: So Bernard salutes you with a paw, and I'm going to make a move to see if maybe I can slink around to the skiff to stealthily get it for us. [00:12:15] Speaker D: As we're all. As this is all happening, are there any other skiffs close by that aren't being used or maybe only have one or two people rather than a full crew? [00:12:30] Speaker A: There are definitely skiffs nearby. There's maybe there's one that is a bit of a run down, a couple yards down. Like, you would have to run a bit. And again, people are hopping onto stuff as you do this. There is one. So there's one that's a few that's a sprint away. And there's one nearby that has another crew that's struggling with their. More. Their ropes, but they seem to not have a seelie who is going to fight you for it. So, yeah, you have other options to commandeer another skiff, but as this crew seems to be trying to do with you. [00:13:19] Speaker D: Gotcha. I want to put my hand on Banshee's shoulder, knowing why she is seeing red at the moment, and just say, can I convince you to hold off for the moment? [00:13:40] Speaker C: I think we might have to roll for this to see what happens here, because I currently have the condition of reckless as one of my starting conditions for the game, and guilty. And so both of my two conditions were just hit. And, like, even though I know, like, I'm not talking to a crewmate, I feel like somebody from my past is as close enough to a crewmate as I can probably get besides it being one of y'all. So, like, I. I'm immediately in, like, confront mode right now. So I don't know, what should we roll? Like, what's the best move for this? [00:14:07] Speaker A: So I would suggest using a. Trust me as the. This feels very much like ola kun is trying to say, trust me, like, we'll get this done later. So that's where I would lean for that. I know that this is a bit of a unique situation, because I just sort of want to put some pressure on y'all. [00:14:24] Speaker D: Definitely. [00:14:25] Speaker C: Yeah, let's do the. [00:14:28] Speaker B: Love the drama. [00:14:29] Speaker C: Yeah. I love this. [00:14:30] Speaker D: So if it's a trust me, would I roll two d six? [00:14:36] Speaker A: Yes. So you pitch the idea, drop it, and you'll roll two d six. You can spend trust to get a plus one. You can spend trust equal to a plus one. So one for one. There. [00:14:52] Speaker D: Gotcha. Okay, let me roll. Okay. I will spend a trust because I rolled a six, so I would like that to be seven. But I am now suspected I only have one dress. [00:15:11] Speaker A: How do you. What do you say to Banshee? [00:15:14] Speaker D: So I say, can I convince you to hold off on this? And I look at. What was the other one's name? [00:15:21] Speaker A: She. [00:15:24] Speaker D: I look at Scylla and be like, you're willing to pay. Fighting right now will just make us both late. Let us take it to our ship first. You can take it to yours. [00:15:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Scylla looks at you and looks at Banshee, and she considers this, and she looks back at her crew. Does this seem amenable to you all? And the crew, who does not look like they wanted to fight you, nods. It seems very much like maybe Scylla is a little rocky, a little less trusted amongst her friends. Very well. We will all pile in together. I think your trust, your reputation amongst the crew, goes down a little bit. Olokun as all. How many did I say? Like, all eight of you try to cram into this tiny skiff, which is not quite made for more than what you've got, as it puts back to. And you're taking it back to your ship first. [00:16:30] Speaker D: Yes. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Excellent. Yes. Cheek to jowl, all of you. [00:16:39] Speaker E: It's so cramped. Bernard keeps doing that thing where I get up, and I keep kind of turning around and recurling myself, and I can't get comfortable. I stretch, I gyrate. Nothing's working. [00:16:54] Speaker A: The reptilian gecko thing on the others, with the other crew clearly not worried about taking up space. He's just sitting on someone's head, has not broken eye contact with Neptor, and is just staring and licks an eyeball and continues to stare. But, yeah, you make it back to the ship, they're taking the dinghy. [00:17:20] Speaker D: So as we are getting off of our ship, I would like to slyly drop a little something in the back. It's a little, little orb. I want to try to sneakily just drop it, to leave it there. And what this will do is as once they're a little ways away, it'll go and it's just enough to damage one of the, I'm imagining with this thingy. There's probably like a few. Not engines, but exhaust ports. Uh, so just enough to damage just one of them. Not to. Not to blow it up, not to hurt anybody, but just to slow them down a lot. [00:18:03] Speaker A: All right. It took you guys a little bit longer than it usually would, uh, to get back because of the weight. Uh, but, yeah. Why don't you. What is the stat for. I would say body again, or I do have stealth. You have stealth? [00:18:18] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:18:19] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. All right. Do me a favor, roll body anyway. Add a bonus for. Give yourself a two bonus for stealth. I think because you are using one of your abilities, one of your background abilities. [00:18:31] Speaker D: Cool. [00:18:33] Speaker B: Offer, like a thing for flavor is that it's not like an exploding thing, but you know those things. That's like rapidly expanding foam. [00:18:41] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes. [00:18:44] Speaker D: I like that. I will take that because that is definitely even more non lethal. I'd feel a little better about it. [00:18:52] Speaker A: I really appreciate the non lethality. [00:18:54] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:18:55] Speaker D: I rolled a six and a four. So plus two. That will make twelve. [00:19:01] Speaker A: Yeah. And so as the, as the dinghy, you drop this little expanding foam bomb, it fills up one of the exhaust pipes. And as the dinghy starts to putt away to head to the next ship, it starts turning as if, like, you know, because it only has the one engine to rotate. So it starts moving in circles. And Banshee, you see, you see Scylla look at the ship and look at you, and it's too far away now as. And start, what have you done? What is this? And is truly like, what color do Celie turn when they're blushing, when they get upset? [00:19:52] Speaker C: I imagine it's almost a darker blue. When an icy creature would do that. It's that kind of thing. [00:19:59] Speaker A: She goes from a tropical aquamarine color to. You see her in real time. Honestly, she used to do this all the time. Just turn this dark, like, flush royal blue as she shakes her rapidly shrinking fist. As the crew is basically left to spin their wheels, almost literally. [00:20:29] Speaker D: I turn to Banshee and I say, I know it's not a fight, but I, I hope that was good enough. [00:20:36] Speaker C: I think just to resolve the seeing reg, I'm supposed to confront somebody. I think I'm gonna confront you with this. But I did notice, by the way, with the trust me role, because the other two supported and followed your lead. I think you get trust for that, right? [00:20:49] Speaker A: Ola should. Yes. Especially kung fu okun should. [00:20:51] Speaker C: Yeah. I think you probably get trust for both Neptor and Bernard Shelley, whereas I'm gonna use my confront with you. Cause I'm still seething about this encounter. And then also now the fact that, like, you have, like, now made me, like, a coward by proxy in a way which definitely hits my seeing red. So I think that I, like, take my staff, and I hold it out, like, kind of, like, I'm not doing the full on, like, choking against the wall thing. I'm not threatening you physically. I'm just using it, like, for emphasis. And I look at you, and I go, you do nothing. Take my prowess away from me again. Are we understood? [00:21:34] Speaker D: Understood. [00:21:35] Speaker C: That was my honor to reclaim, and you just ripped it from me. [00:21:40] Speaker A: When you confront a roommate, you tell them you've wronged them, and then you two decide together. Really? Like, is it O Lacun? How do you feel about that? Yeah. [00:21:50] Speaker D: So, ole kun definitely understood, but not at the expense of the crew. [00:21:57] Speaker C: Okay. That's fair. I think I'm gonna say. So I have to tell you what I want you to do to make it right. And I, like, you have to find a way to get me my honor back. [00:22:06] Speaker D: Very well. [00:22:08] Speaker C: So I think that I. Would you call that a consensus, or do you think that I think. [00:22:14] Speaker D: Yeah, I think it's. It's enough of, like, we're not. Not buddy buddy. But I think we're both like, okay. Like, I hear what you're saying. I said my piece. We'll move on. We got bigger things. [00:22:25] Speaker C: Okay. So you take. You take. You take a condition, but you get a trust back, whereas I earn a trust, and I also clear a condition, so, you know, I'll clear reckless, because that kind of makes sense that you were, like, not at the expense of the crew. So it feels like. Yeah, I'm reminding myself, like, oh, yeah, there's people who rely on me, and if I do things that are out of whack, then I can hurt them. [00:22:51] Speaker B: Cool. [00:22:52] Speaker D: And then I guess I will take guilty, because I know, like, we're both warriors. I know. I. Like, I knew that it would have been bad, but I also know that that's not within our cultures. That's not cool. So I'll take a little bit of guilty. [00:23:50] Speaker A: Yes. You make it back onto the narwhal as you do, you can. As you get within range, you hear flaming Jenny's voice psychically reaching out to all of you. What's happening? What's going on? [00:24:04] Speaker C: A quest. [00:24:06] Speaker A: What's a quest? [00:24:08] Speaker C: I don't know. I just. Someone shouted it out at the port. I thought it made sense. [00:24:12] Speaker A: Oh. Should we? There are a lot of ships launching. Is something wrong? [00:24:18] Speaker C: I look at the smart ones. [00:24:22] Speaker E: No, captain, on the contrary, it appears there is a. And then Bernard realizes that. But I was very deep in reverie, kind of in the bar, and I realized, well, this seems to be a very exciting opportunity, captain. The details of which elude me now, but it's certainly exciting. It's got all these ships excited. And then I look at Neptune, and I look. What's everyone excited about again? [00:24:53] Speaker D: Chance for a big score. [00:24:56] Speaker A: Say it again, Neptor. [00:24:59] Speaker B: I said, when did we get back on the ship? [00:25:01] Speaker D: Okay. That's right. [00:25:02] Speaker E: You were. [00:25:04] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Oh, my gosh. I forgot. You're still a little. [00:25:09] Speaker B: I'm coming down for a bit, but. [00:25:11] Speaker A: I feel like it's certainly coming. You're certainly coming down. [00:25:15] Speaker C: Sounds like Oluku needs to be the one to explain this. [00:25:17] Speaker A: Yeah. You hear? You feel more than here psychically. Just a big psychic cephalopod eye. On you go. What do you mean, a big score? [00:25:33] Speaker D: Yeah. Found a. Found a beacon. Apparently, some scam artists scammed a whole bunch of people and hit it somewhere. And we got a chance to find it, but we gotta go. Everyone saw it. Everyone heard it. [00:25:48] Speaker A: How big are we talking? [00:25:50] Speaker D: Job big. And people were a little. Weren't happy about it, so they were a little sketchy on the details. But it seems like he might have scammed a lot of people. [00:26:00] Speaker A: You hear the sound in all of your minds. You hear the sound of a bobblehead crashing very slowly as it is thrown. But we gotta go. And as you make your way back into the ship, who's flying, by the way? [00:26:21] Speaker E: Well, I think Bernard, you know, pounces over to the controls, zig zag summons the little kittens. All right, we're gonna need to do double duty here. We've got a little situation. Neptar is feeling a lot of things, but is mostly feeling out of it. So we'll just take over for a bit. So let's guess it. Crew. [00:26:45] Speaker A: All right. Both Zig and Zach salute you and run to the stations. There are books that have been tied up so that they can use them as pedals because their feet don't reach it otherwise. Reach the foot controls. Otherwise, there are now foot controls for the ship. And, yeah, you guys start to launch. Flaming Jenny has made her way to the tank that is closest to the captain, the pilots console as well. So, yeah, you all, because you added a little extra weight to your skiff, you're not the first to get out. You're more in the middle back of the pack. Launching from your mooring takes is a bit tricky as the everyone. Space is occupied. Space is known for being very empty and open and wide. Not here, not today. You are in the middle of an asteroid belt, and a lot of people want to go where you're going. This is going to be kind of a ship combat, kind of another chase. As you all start heading out, is there a way you want to fly out of here? Defensively, offensively? Cleverly? [00:28:06] Speaker E: Hmm. [00:28:08] Speaker C: It's bad for me, but I think cleverly, I think, like, like, trick, like of the ship moves. I feel like that's our best move, is to, like, maneuver in ways that the other people can't so that we can, like, get ahead of them somehow. [00:28:20] Speaker E: I second that. I'm also into a tricky maneuver. [00:28:23] Speaker C: Why did we not simply just chuck more asteroids at the other ships? [00:28:28] Speaker E: Hmm. Fascinating proposition. Um, how? I'm not sure how we would chuck asterisks, per se, but perhaps we can faint, do a feint maneuver, and try to trick the other ships into thinking we're gonna crash into them at the last moment. [00:28:55] Speaker C: Oh, because we've passed out. I understand this. [00:28:56] Speaker E: Yes, yes. [00:29:01] Speaker C: That'S right. [00:29:02] Speaker E: And perhaps at the last moment, we do a good old fashioned, as I call it, a belly roll, and we tumble around, and then we pull a good old donut curl, and then we just whisk away. What do you think? [00:29:24] Speaker D: Little game of chicken? I like it. [00:29:28] Speaker C: I do not wish to be cowards in this scenario, it's more of a. [00:29:32] Speaker D: Proving you're not a coward. [00:29:36] Speaker C: Then. I like this quite a bit. Okay. [00:29:38] Speaker E: It's a headstrong maneuver. That's right. [00:29:40] Speaker C: Ah, the head is very tough. [00:29:43] Speaker A: So the plan is to trick everyone into thinking you're going to barrel into them. Yes. And enough to stall them so that you can pull away again, is that what I'm hearing? [00:29:54] Speaker E: Yeah. Maybe we. Maybe we try to trick them. We're gonna crash into them. They all try to scurry out of the way, and we get close enough where we need to do a little tricky maneuver so we don't actually crash into them. By having scared them, though, we've made a little opening. [00:30:09] Speaker C: You know, we're almost, like, making them divert from their own courses so that we can go straight through. That kind of makes sense. [00:30:14] Speaker D: It's like that jerk on the highway when you're driving who, like, starts to lean into your lane, and then if they go a little too far, then you start scurrying. It's kind of like that. [00:30:23] Speaker A: So as you guys start gearing up, zig and zag are at the consoles, ready to take over Neptor's usual position. Bernard, are you flying? Are you actually flying? [00:30:37] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm flying and pressing buttons and flying. [00:30:43] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:30:45] Speaker B: I have an idea for what Neptar would do. We have a. Just as a reminder, the ship has a tail. Right. There's, like, a. Right. So I think what I caught of that was divert and crashing into people, but not. And so, I guess, sort of the idea, and I think I will go to whatever part of the ship has maybe a mechanism that can control the tail, specifically. And I like to picture it as, like, a goodness. I don't know what they're called, but it's like when you, like, pull it sort of like the mass of the ship, and it's like those big sail things, and it's like you have to pull it or, like, oh, God. [00:31:35] Speaker A: You want to, like, swing the jib around, but it's the. But it's the whale tail. [00:31:39] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. I like to imagine it's one of those things where it's almost like a rope, and, like, I'm just, like, pulling it at different directions. So my goal in this is sort of to be, like, a assurance to that the succeeds in that. Once the maneuver is sort of over and we're past them a little just as we're moving by so that they don't try to, like, immediately overtake us, I will pull the tail to make it seem like the tail will now almost crash into them and sort of fully make them have to be like, oh, no, we have to turn. Turn right now. And that is, my maneuver is swinging on our rope and moving a tail. [00:32:25] Speaker C: I think I'm gonna say, you know, one of the most important parts of combat is the combat of the mind. You have to psych out your opponent before the battle begins, and you may be victorious before a single blow is swung. And with that, I go to the comms, and I do a scatter, kind of like all frequencies broadcast, basically, and it's just rock music. It's almost like the sabotage scene in Star Trek beyond or like the Pirates of the Caribbean thing for all mankind. Like, I just blast, like, a flight of the Valkyries type thing that makes us seem like we're intense and we're loaded for bear and we're plowing through. [00:33:08] Speaker A: I feel like Sealy rock is perfect for that. [00:33:12] Speaker C: It's probably very much like norwegian death metal. It very much has that kind of vibe to it. Yeah. [00:33:16] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [00:33:18] Speaker C: Scandinavian death metal. Yeah. [00:33:20] Speaker D: To build off that with, you know, what's a rock show without good pyrotechnics? So I would like to just make a couple little. I need to find a better word for bombs, but what these will do is basically, just as they, like, go out the exhaust, they're kind of gonna go off in almost like, a firework type scenario. So we're not just getting a vehicle, a huge ship looking like it's about to crash into something. We're not just getting blasting music, but we're also getting, like, little explosions that will, you know, even not quite blind, but, like, you know, distract and. And make people turn away. So it's even a much bigger thing to. To avoid in this case. [00:34:14] Speaker A: I love this so much. I love just. And we're gonna be a problem. [00:34:18] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:34:19] Speaker A: What that. Amazing. All of this is amazing. If everyone could roll their savvy. [00:34:31] Speaker D: Alo kun rolled a one and a six. Both seven. [00:34:39] Speaker E: Um, Bernard Shelley rolled a twelve. [00:34:46] Speaker C: I got a seven. [00:34:48] Speaker E: Oof. [00:34:48] Speaker B: J got a four. [00:34:51] Speaker E: Wow. [00:34:52] Speaker D: Oh, there we go. Well, I know he shot it under six. [00:34:57] Speaker A: Well, two things happen at once. Bernard with a twelve. You certainly. You all certainly succeed. However, everyone mark XP for succeeding. Your opponents fall for it, but kind of, they fall for it because it actually happens. The plan was to juke the enemy and then sort of swing the tail in and throw some bombs out, make it a real be a problem. And you certainly are, Olukun. Some of those. Some of those fireworks just sort of hit us. The ship. The catch on the ship. The tail does swing. It does catch some folk. It is truly peak like, oh, I did not realize that I had swung. I meant to only pretend to hit you as some small, like a dinghy and a couple and a smaller ship than yours do kind of catch the tail and go careening in another direction. They actually hit a couple other dinghies and other ships. So there's a bit of a multi ship pile up happening in a corner. You have, however, cleared the way, and you can now take off everyone. The ships that are. That are still in the vicinity are just trying to get around what is essentially a six car pileup. [00:36:31] Speaker C: I'm picturing the thing in Pee wee Herman's big adventure, where he, like, bumps the bike and all the bikes go crashing over. [00:36:37] Speaker E: Is that going out? [00:36:38] Speaker A: That really is it. Goodness. There are six systems for the ship. They each have four damage boxes each. You'll take two hits. I'm gonna give you, uh, I'm gonna say, because this was a, um. This was the tail, which is kind of your primary weapon. You'll take some weapons damage, and we'll take some propulsion damage. Um, the ship is okay. Uh, it should not. You should not want. Let it take more damage in those areas. [00:37:09] Speaker E: Yeah. So you said propulsion, and what was the other one? [00:37:12] Speaker A: One damage to propulsion and one damage to weapons and. [00:37:14] Speaker E: Got it. [00:37:16] Speaker A: But, yes, you are clear. And Bernard, the zig and zag. Take the hint, and you punch it, chewie. Everyone goes careening forward. [00:37:32] Speaker E: I think Bernard is just. I'm frantically smashing buttons and turning the wheel, trying to correct ourselves, and I'm just shouting things to zig and Zagdez. Quick, unclog the dorsal chamber. We need. We need a higher amount of thermal pressure. The buildup is out of control. Zag boosted the thermals, the actuator. Everything is out of whack. We need more. We need a serious neutrino surge. Do it, Zach. Do it now. Just pressing buttons and just absolutely talking techno wildness. And if I could sweat, I would be sweating. So I think I'm just gently shedding a little bit of the green fur. [00:38:14] Speaker A: Zig and Zach are fully puffed out, like, just terrified. So they're really. It's more like tribbles. Two small green tribbles working the nav. So, yes, the narwhal takes off. Jenny is smooshed in the back of her littler tank. As they watch, as they are, the G's, I guess, underwater hit them, and, yeah, you head out. The way is still clogged. And as you race forward, is there anything you want to do to give yourselves a boost as you go? [00:38:57] Speaker D: I would like to try my jerry rig, which is you aren't an expert, but you have picked up some tricks with ship technology. You try to repair or modify the ship roll plus brains. So I would like to do that. [00:39:17] Speaker A: It sounds like a thing you might need to do. [00:39:24] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. Five, three, eight, plus one, nine. So seven to nine, you had to break something else on the ship to make a quick repair. Move up to two. Move up to two. Ship damage to other ship systems. [00:39:45] Speaker A: What do you break and where do you move it to? [00:39:48] Speaker D: So we. I am going to open a break. Communications. [00:40:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:40:01] Speaker D: To try to fix our propulsion. [00:40:04] Speaker A: All right. [00:40:06] Speaker D: So I am going to reverse the polarity of the external electrical system from the communications back to propulsion. That should get us back up to full speed. [00:40:21] Speaker A: Amazing. Yeah. With a nine. Mixed success. So, yeah, it works as you. What do you pull from communications to make that? [00:40:32] Speaker D: I feel like I just pull, like, the wires, just like, where communication is. I just. I hit it to make the panel flap down. I just pull some of the wires out and I start, like, twisting some of them and making sparks connecting them. Yeah, just that. That's all I'm doing is just fucking with the wires. [00:40:51] Speaker A: I love it. I need these. Pull out the wires immediately. In the ship, the music that banshee had sent out to everyone else just filled the ship for a moment and just Seeley screaming and banshee just like. Like bagpipes going, um, Bernard's like, what's going on? What's happening? [00:41:17] Speaker E: Because I'm seeing all these panels and they're, you know, things are dropping and coming up and the readings are going. [00:41:23] Speaker C: All over the place. [00:41:24] Speaker E: I think we're in the clear. [00:41:25] Speaker A: What's it? [00:41:26] Speaker E: And I'm trying to hit the communications. Hello? [00:41:28] Speaker C: Who's back there? [00:41:29] Speaker E: Uh, Neptor. Neptor, are you doing that? Oh, we can. [00:41:33] Speaker A: That. That was cool. [00:41:34] Speaker E: We could stop it now, I think. Turned on the volume. [00:41:39] Speaker B: I'm stuck in the weapons rope. [00:41:41] Speaker A: Hold on the. Yeah, the music is a little quieter, but yeah, you just. You look over and Zig is. Zig is still a little puffball navigating. And Zag is just going for it. Zag is enjoying themselves greatly. You get that increased speed boost. You are back at your top speed again. Next you can see other ships from port kind of neck and neck with you. The beacon has, like I said, the beacon did its job. The coordinates are programmed into it, into your navs. It's giving you kind of a straight line there, which means anything in the way is going to be in the way. As you guys continue, you see another ship lead kind of swinging in closer to you, and a hatch opens. From the back of it, this one looks kind of like a brass plant. This ship looks a little like a brass planet express. But on the side is a really rad, spray painted mural of what you think is what feels like maybe someone's and space and spacers character with a big glowing orb, kind of posed. And there is a wyvern hurled around the back of it in this mural. And from the back of this ship, a hatch opens and a just cascade of junk, people's clothing, frozen misty water crates, freeze dried egg substitute come spilling out of this thing, out of this ship. It seems that they are trying to make it harder for you to navigate forward, forcing you to dodge them. [00:43:49] Speaker B: Uh, Neptor who? I'm still, like, I like to write it. Like, once it took off, I, like, got stuck in, like, the rope that I was using, the fold. So I'm, like, still, like, trying to unwind my arm, but I think I see from, like, maybe, like, a little window or something that we're being purposefully attacked or purposely targeted. And I'm like, oh, ayo, that's not cool. They're throwing garbage at us. Can we hit it back? [00:44:19] Speaker C: As soon as they can, we hit it back. I think. I'm like, yes. I think I immediately rush over. I'm not going to do it until we decide as a group. But I think Avanti rushes over to the weapons and I'm just like, give me the signal that I can do this and I will be glad to do it. Yeah. [00:44:36] Speaker E: I lean in and I go, what garbage do we have that we can toss at them? Is this. Is that what we're doing? [00:44:43] Speaker C: We sold the captain's garbage to a man on the planet. [00:44:47] Speaker A: You have half a box of garbage left, actually. [00:44:51] Speaker E: Ah. Good old fashioned garbage fight. Interesting. [00:44:54] Speaker B: I was thinking we do, like, a 360 and we just, like, hit it back at them. Like, we throw their own garbage back at them. [00:45:03] Speaker E: Ooh. Perhaps we use our tail as a bit of a, like, a racket to just. [00:45:09] Speaker B: I was thinking I just really want to use the tail again. I worked hard on that. [00:45:14] Speaker E: Hmm. [00:45:18] Speaker D: Works for me. My garbage. Garbage. Sure. [00:45:22] Speaker C: I think I'm also running over to where the, like, spacesuits and grav boots are and getting my staff. So I want to go out on the ship while we're doing the tail so I can get the other pieces at the tail. Like, the tail is too big to hit. And, like, I just wanna, like, like, twilight baseball scene be like, swinging my bat to knock the trash back to the other ship. [00:45:44] Speaker A: That's so funny. My brain went teen wolf. Teen wolf. [00:45:47] Speaker C: That also too. Yeah. [00:45:49] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. Hell yes. What would you argue this shit move is fight. Fly. [00:45:56] Speaker C: It's fight. [00:45:57] Speaker E: Definitely fight. [00:45:58] Speaker B: It's fight. It's fight. [00:46:00] Speaker E: Actually, as I see Banshee doing this, I think I'm putting two and two together that the explosions that were happening were, were part of, you know, some kind of a gizmo that maybe was created by one of our teammates and I look at Alo kun, and I go, alo kun, perhaps there's something you could create, evoke, summon from your repertoire to give Banshee a little bit of an advantage. Out to there on the port. On the port side. [00:46:34] Speaker D: Alo Koon. I take it like a deep puff of my stogie, just thinking, like, what can I do? What can I do? [00:46:41] Speaker E: What can I do? [00:46:44] Speaker D: I'd be like, you know what? I don't know if this will help, but it will look cool. And I'm going to take some of the meteorite that I picked up when we were in the Portland. I'm gonna mix it with a couple chemicals, kind of dissolve it. I'm gonna slather it on the spacesuit that Banshee's gonna wear. And what it's gonna do is it's gonna, once again, space. It's gonna evaporate, and it's gonna evaporate in those same colors that the asteroids were having. So as you go, just gonna have, like, a streak of, like, iridescent rainbow colors behind you. [00:47:18] Speaker C: Oh, I like that. [00:47:20] Speaker A: Just. Oh, my God. Just a fearful disco suit as you stand there with your staff, getting ready to. Oh, my God, I love this. [00:47:30] Speaker C: Abba space warrior, here we go. [00:47:34] Speaker A: This is exactly what I asked for. I love this. Everyone roll our. Let's roll our next ship move. I feel like we've earned the fight on this. [00:47:43] Speaker C: I have a question. I have a question. Technically, I had this warriors move where if I use my melee weapon, I get to add a plus one to force as necessary rolls. Would this count for this, by chance. [00:47:54] Speaker A: Because you specifically, are space walking this? I actually think I will allow it also. It's rad as hell. [00:48:03] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Then it's a seven, because it would have been a six. So I was like, let me know for sure how this feels. [00:48:12] Speaker A: All right, Neptor, what'd you get? [00:48:14] Speaker B: I got. So last time, I got, like, a minus and a plus to my stats because of the thing I drank. Would that have passed by? [00:48:20] Speaker A: That is passed by now. [00:48:21] Speaker B: Okay, then I got an eight. [00:48:23] Speaker A: Okay, Bernard. Hmm? [00:48:28] Speaker E: Bernard is trying to help so much, and it's just a little, I think, overworked and rolled a five here. [00:48:36] Speaker A: Oh, no. Okay. [00:48:44] Speaker D: I rolled a twelve. So whatever happened, banshee, you're gonna look damn good doing it. [00:48:50] Speaker B: You gonna look so cool. [00:48:52] Speaker A: Wild. These rolls are wild. Okay. With a twelve. Hell the fuck? Yes, you do. Oh, my God. It's so fucking cool. Banshee, can you please describe. Describe going at what you do in this moment and how fucking cool you look. [00:49:13] Speaker C: Oh, it definitely is like, a scene that, if it was being filmed, would, like, speed up and slow down. Like a deadpool fight scene, basically. Like, it's very much me, like. Like, flipping around and, like, if there's, like, a. It's like a. There's, like, a piece of garbage that's, like, a little bit too far for me. I, like, do, like, a flip in the air. Like one magnet boot still on the ground, one released. I flip down and, like, my staff goes out and, like, bangs it around. There's one, like, gets knocked towards me, and then I swing it back around and, like. Like, you know, like, when you see people, like, do, like, trick shots with, like, a hockey. Like a hockey stick. I couldn't think of the word stick. I was like, there's a name for that, right? Is it a club? Is it a stamp? Hockey stick and a hockey stick and a puck. But, like, when it's almost, like. Like, will bounce the puck off the stick and then knock it in the air, like I did. I do, like, a lot of that kind of stuff. It's almost like when you see someone doing, like, trick stuff with, like, ice skates, but somehow it's like gravity boots and. Yeah, and it's like. And that music is still blasting, so I'm just, like, jamming out to it, and it's just the best. [00:50:11] Speaker A: It's beautiful. Truly showing off your. Truly showing off your pride as just. It's almost a pyro suit of rainbow glitter. Neptor. You tangled up even. Even you tangled up in the rigging for the tail. The tail does take a little bit of damage, unfortunately. Just, you know, some things get through. Banshee is one banshee. Banshee is one person on the edge, on the front. And that tail has seen better days. And it's really hard to work its pulley. [00:50:50] Speaker B: I would like to get the energy. It's like Neptune. It's like holding one rope and then running to one end of the ship and then, like, having that pull it and then, like, running all the way back, grabbing the other one, pulling that one by running all the way, it's that energy. So it makes sense that the tail is not okay with it. [00:51:10] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. Yeah, you take a couple, the ship takes another hit. I will hit propulsion again because it is the tail, but the rest. The other two of you crawled over that. We crawled over it. So one hit Banshee. You're living your best life. Ola kun. Honestly, if you ever want to stop being a space fair or a space fair, you probably have a special effects or costume design job in your future. [00:51:42] Speaker D: Decide. [00:51:42] Speaker A: Huffle. The knockoff planet Express. Steampunk planet express in front of you was not ready for the just rainbow of menace that is banshee and the narwhal, as all of that junk that goes flying at you, you kind of drift around and smack the tail back and just a wave, not just your own, the garbage that was thrown at you, but also just the stuff that hangs out in space goes cresting back at the. At this other ship. And they ping ping as it, like. So the hatch is still open, and it breaks their, like, grav their barrier for a second. And just, you see like, one crew member, just Owen in the forehead as they take a. Take a tiny piece of just shrapnel to the face. The whole ship is steered off course, and you are able to get ahead of them and continue speeding forward. [00:52:49] Speaker C: I, like, hug the horn like, the narwhal horn at the front of the ship, like, the way someone would, like, the maidenheads, that was called the thing. It was for the front, like, masthead, and, like, the way someone would do that. And then I, like, look back at the crew member whose head popped out of the other ship with the gravity thing, and I just do, like, a, like, point to the eyes and point to them, and then I, like, use my staff and I, like, point ahead, like, onward, like that kind of. I'm just thinking, like, those pirate, like, where, like, those. Someone's at the front of the ship with the sword, and they're, like, pointing ahead of it. Yeah, I'm just like, I'm living my best life, and I'm excited about it. [00:53:21] Speaker A: So just, like, into it, the music swells. He's a pirate plays and the song is like the. I mean, not that song, because that would be copywritten, but yes, the very similar. [00:53:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:53:35] Speaker A: Legally distinct from she. The pirate even plays instead something like. [00:53:39] Speaker C: She'S a pirate and dancing queen somehow at the same time. And it works great. [00:53:43] Speaker A: It is the disco remix. [00:53:44] Speaker C: You are a pirate queen. [00:53:45] Speaker A: Yeah, but, yes, full steam ahead. The narwhal, the narwhals exhaust port, the one that is its spout streaking behind you. It kind of truly, this is the future liberals want. As this rainbow, your rainbow suit, mixes with the exhaust from the horn. And there is just a nyan cat style rainbow behind the narwhal as it streaks forward. [00:54:19] Speaker E: If I may, to mirror, Banshee's extremely great day. Bernard. I think in one of Banshee's fabulous hits, one of the pieces of junk was, like, maybe a tennis ball or something that got covered in this rainbow glitter. And maybe one of our busted exhaust pipes sucked it back in, and it just happened to bounce into the cabin. And Bernard absolutely could not control their feline instincts. [00:54:45] Speaker C: Is like. [00:54:46] Speaker E: And, like, on the control panel, on all fours, pressing buttons completely. It's just like, this is the five that I rolled. It's just I could not be more distracted. Zig and zag are very, very confused by my behavior. [00:55:03] Speaker A: Olukun, Neptune, and Banshee, you're living your best life. I'm gonna let you enjoy this. But Olakun Neptor, you do feel the ship sort of lurch as it starts to lose speed, as someone has abandoned the. Has abandoned the controls to chase the ball. [00:55:21] Speaker D: I think if that's what I felt, I would run up to the controls to see what would happen or what happened, like, why we're, you know, losing speed. And I think seeing Banshee Bernard exceed that just be. And seeing them playing around be like, oh, my God. And I think I would lurch towards the controls to get us back. I'm assuming, like, it's not just losing speed, but probably at that speed with no one actually controlling it. Probably, you know, starting to, you know, not break up. But it would feel very dangerous to keep flying like this. [00:56:07] Speaker A: It's in ideal. So, olu, can you take the controls? [00:56:14] Speaker D: Yes. [00:56:16] Speaker A: Rad that you managed to steady the ship. As you steady the ship like the controls are, the nav tells you that you're on the right track. Truly, you have pointed in the direction of the beacon and are going Banshee. The nav could tell you, but you're standing on the front of the ship. Do you mind rolling for me a? Can you roll for me a brain? [00:56:59] Speaker E: I got a four. [00:57:01] Speaker C: I rolled a five. And I have a minus. I have a minus one in brains, and I rolled a five. [00:57:07] Speaker A: Mark experience and. Yep. And also, do you have a condition in brains already? [00:57:14] Speaker C: I do. I have. Guilty. [00:57:20] Speaker A: I'm also afraid the prow of a ship is not an ideal place to hang out in space for a long time. And as you were relishing this moment, you realize you are still in an asteroid belt, and it is getting a little crowded. The ships that have careened into other pieces of asteroid, just a full field of debris is now in front of you. Uh, it could. Some handy flying might be able to, but you see it ahead. Um, you are going to either need to scramble back into the ship or take it face it head on. But, um, it doesn't look great if you hang out here too long. [00:58:05] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna dive back into the ship then. [00:58:08] Speaker A: That sounds smart. Uh, this is the. As you climb back in, you can see and zig and zag. Look up at you, Bernard. Our navs are acting very strange. And you look down, the music is still playing and almost pulsing in time to the music. All of your. It would be like radar, the little fields, to let you see what is coming without seeing it. They're getting interference because of the iris belt. It's. It's bouncing. All of the minerals are starting to bounce signals back and forth. [00:58:53] Speaker E: I look at the rainbow color tennis ball in my. In my paws and say, I will have words with you later. We'll put it down zigzag. Remember, wait. And Alokun, where are you right now? [00:59:09] Speaker D: Right now, I'm the one driving, okay? [00:59:13] Speaker E: So, yeah, sorry, I saunter over. [00:59:18] Speaker D: Oh. [00:59:19] Speaker E: Oh. What's the status report, Logan? [00:59:24] Speaker D: I don't know. Are you done playing with your little ball? [00:59:27] Speaker E: What? Excuse. [00:59:33] Speaker D: Take a puff. [00:59:34] Speaker E: Excuse me. I it was a high stress situation. I was a little distracted. Anyone could have been distracted. Are you trying to imply something? That I'm somebody who would just play with it with a toy? [00:59:52] Speaker D: There's a very long beat, the very pregnant beat, just like you said it, anyways. And then I'll read, you know, I'll say, what's. What's going on? I guess our navigation is acting a little wonky. The asteroid field that we're in seems to be giving a little interference. [01:00:15] Speaker A: Yes, Bernard, did someone imply. Treat you a little bit like a cat there? [01:00:20] Speaker E: I think. I think Alokun did. I put. I put a heavy green paw, like, across the control panels, and I look at Alokun, and I say, well, I will let you know there are certain things that are hard for me to control about myself, but I am a fully, totally, independently thinking creature that doesn't need any, anybody's permission to do anything. And if I'm playing with something, there was good reason for it. [01:01:01] Speaker D: Uh huh. [01:01:04] Speaker E: It was a stressful situation. I needed to relieve stress, and that was my instinct. It was a self preservation instinct. And, in fact, it was a self preservation instinct for everyone, everyone on board. [01:01:17] Speaker D: Next time, just try to have that instinct when you're not driving. Fair? [01:01:26] Speaker E: Well, I don't know if it's going to be an easy thing to control. When we're in such high stress situations, there's a lot of unpredictable factors. Fine, fine. I will try to control myself. [01:01:41] Speaker C: Ooh. [01:01:43] Speaker E: I will try to avoid other rainbow colored projectiles in the future. [01:01:49] Speaker A: This feels a little. I'm just gonna check in really fast. It does feel like because we triggered a seeing red, that there's going to be. That you're trying to con. That we've confronted. Is that. Was that the aim here? [01:02:07] Speaker E: I think so. [01:02:08] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:02:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:02:09] Speaker A: This. [01:02:09] Speaker E: And it feels to me like this is the tolerable stalemate. A tenuous truce, if you will. [01:02:16] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. I don't. I don't say that was the goal, but I feel like that was the natural conclusion of what. And I do feel like nothing was. Was fixed, but it is. Yeah. It's more of a mutual agreement of, like. Okay. Like, words were said, and we'll leave it here for now. It might get picked up later, might not. We'll see, but. [01:02:39] Speaker A: All right. Mark your xp and get some trust for clearing the air. [01:02:45] Speaker E: Great. Well, with that, Bernard gives a meaningful nod. My head tentacles are totally rigid. And I put my attention back on the control panels. [01:03:01] Speaker A: Yes, back on the control panels. It looks. It's snowing, apparently, as there's just static across all of them. [01:03:09] Speaker E: Oh, whiskers, zig zag. And I started kind of looking through just anything that I could kind of try to make heads or tails of what's. What's happening. Oh, gosh. I suppose. I suppose we ought to tend to the propulsion as soon as possible. Otherwise, we're gonna be dead fish in the water. Yikes. [01:03:39] Speaker B: I like to imagine that I was about to enter the room with the controls, and then it looked like an argument was happening, so I slowly moved back away. [01:03:51] Speaker C: Homer Simpson into the hedgehead. [01:03:53] Speaker B: I wanted to help banshee back on if she was getting on and stay with her. So, you know, I think I read, like, it's bad to be outside during, like, big, fast movements during space. [01:04:18] Speaker C: Yes, it was quite bad of me, wasn't it? [01:04:22] Speaker B: So, you know, like, next time, I think it's just like, you got it. When you do, like, a flip, you can, like, flip back inside as well. [01:04:30] Speaker C: Ah, yes. Thank you. I will take this gymnastics suggestion to heart. Thank you. [01:04:36] Speaker B: After, we'll, like, start making their way back to the control area, and we'll go in the door and say, hey, what's up, guys? It's totally my first time here. What's going on? [01:04:51] Speaker E: Well, thank you. Thank you for arriving here for the first time. We are. We are all sorts of out of whack. I think we gotta tend to the propulsion system before we really stall out. Any ideas? [01:05:13] Speaker B: I mean, we have a backup stabilizer maybe, like, that's usually used. I was planning to use that for the tail, because then it helps it sort of stay on more of a swivel. But I think there is a way to redirect it so that we could sort of help it stabilize our propulsions for the time being. [01:05:31] Speaker E: Yes, yes, yes. And we stabilize it in. [01:05:35] Speaker C: And we. [01:05:36] Speaker E: We click into a little bit of that isometric subspace distortion, and we synchronize the primary grid. Yes, I see what you're saying. [01:05:47] Speaker B: Is that grid messed up? [01:05:49] Speaker A: Why? [01:05:49] Speaker B: Is it snow? [01:05:53] Speaker E: Yeah, that's the other one on the list. And I kind of pat at the comms thing trying to figure out how did that get all kind of out of whack with this. With the snowy static on it? Yeah. Hmm. [01:06:14] Speaker B: Did you see anything out there? Do you think someone, like, hit us with, like, a get good array and then just mess with our stuff? [01:06:26] Speaker C: Well, a lot of things came flying at us very fast, and I did a lot, but there's so much stuff out there, and it's gonna hit us really bad. Oh, it did hit the tail a couple of times, and that could be bad. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how this works. I'm not. I'm not good with ship stuff. [01:06:43] Speaker E: Hmm. [01:06:45] Speaker D: Hmm. [01:06:49] Speaker E: Okay. Hmm? Yeah. [01:06:54] Speaker B: Aloku. And fix it. [01:06:56] Speaker D: I'm no expert, but we could try to boost our. We could use the not boastful thing. What's it called? The. The spout. Try to boost our navigation, maybe get a clearer picture. [01:07:16] Speaker C: I got a pretty clear picture outside. It's coming. [01:07:22] Speaker D: I mean, uh, yes. Yes. Banshee. Yes. Thank you. Uh, but more of a wider picture than our eyes could see that. We could see where we're going past the. The debris coming at us. [01:07:41] Speaker E: Aha. [01:07:42] Speaker D: And also from in here, you know, so we don't have to stand out there to see. [01:07:47] Speaker E: I see. I see what you mean. Kind of try to track. How? Well, because if we're. And just. Just to clarify, Clara, we're in. We're in an asteroid field currently. Is that what it is? [01:07:58] Speaker A: Yes. The. The whole space? Yes. You're in an asteroid belt, and this is just a more. Instead of big chunks of rock that kind of can hold planet, you know, port towns. You are more in. What if we were sailing instead? Think of it more like rapids, or, like, the. The rocks that you would see ships crash onto. In fact, as you are discussing this, a smaller ship than yours does a terrible job of navigating and does plow into some of the rocks ahead. [01:08:36] Speaker D: Ooh. [01:08:39] Speaker C: I would like to not do that. [01:08:42] Speaker E: Yeah, okay. [01:08:43] Speaker D: Agreed. [01:08:44] Speaker E: Olo kun, I think you've got a good idea there. We need to get a picture of a big picture of where we are. Because if we're on the very edges of this asteroid field and we keep heading into it, that's bad. We need to just get out of it. And. [01:09:01] Speaker B: We also can't go off course because then we'll get lost again, probably. [01:09:05] Speaker A: As you are debating, the ship lurches slightly, and you realize why that other ship just plowed into the rocks as handily as it did. As the narwhal seems to be caught in a slight gravitational current, it travels along them anyway. This seems like there's a gravitational current that is fighting them. [01:09:31] Speaker B: Hey, gang, is this every bad thing around us right now or. [01:09:36] Speaker D: Definitely feels like it doesn't. [01:09:38] Speaker E: It does feel like lots of, as I've heard once said, lots of L's back to back were experiencing. [01:09:46] Speaker B: Yeah, a lot. Okay, okay. So let's. Let's quickly recap before. Okay. I thought that rock was gonna hit us. We're fine. So there's navigations we have to deal with. Also our sort of not sensors, our communications, so that we know where we're going. But also there's a gravitational thing that's bad. What if we. What if we turned everything off and then back on again so that we get off of the. So that we're not on any gravitational. So, you know, we cut off our connection to any gravitational thing. We just cut it off like we're cutting a piece of rope, but then we turn it back on. And also by doing that, maybe we can see what exactly. Which part of our communications and our other two problems are exactly at fault, so that we know exactly all we need to pinpoint to repair. I'm a genius. [01:10:50] Speaker E: Brilliant. Let's do just that. Bernard starts kind of looking around for the off button. [01:10:58] Speaker A: Banshee Ola kun, how do you feel about the plan turned off and turn it back on again? [01:11:04] Speaker C: I'm currently very afraid of what's happening right now, and I'm also feeling dumb because I'm not smart, and I just crashed my brain stat on top of that. So I think I'm shutting down a little bit. And so whatever people who seem smarter than me are saying, I'm like, okay, yes, that sounds great. You are the. The general of brains, so go for this. Yes. [01:11:26] Speaker D: Like, Alokun takes that all in and is like, I literally have nothing to say against that. [01:11:38] Speaker E: That's what I'm talking about. [01:11:41] Speaker D: I trust you. [01:11:43] Speaker E: Um, I I try to hail the captain real quick, and I say, captain, just a. Just a heads up. It might go a little cold in the tank for a second, but we'll be back to our scheduled programming real soon. Over and out. [01:12:03] Speaker C: What do we program? [01:12:07] Speaker E: I feel so nervous talking to the captain. [01:12:10] Speaker A: You feel the tentacle thumbs up. So it's really more like a tentacle up as the captain makes its way back into its, like, actual home quarters. But, yes. Everyone, let us roll. What is this role? [01:12:29] Speaker C: Well, I don't think it's brains anymore. I think it might be. I feel like it's either courage or savvy. That's my. [01:12:36] Speaker D: That's my. Yeah, I feel like I'm leaning towards courage. Like, you got to be brave to turn everything off while moving in space. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Yeah, this feels like a courage. [01:12:47] Speaker D: Okay. [01:12:48] Speaker A: And I guess this is not a. Do zig and zag help? Can they help with this still based on your. [01:12:57] Speaker E: Yeah, they can still do. Give us a plus one. [01:13:00] Speaker A: Right on. [01:13:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:13:01] Speaker A: Zig and zag. One of them has crawled into, like, towards Banshee and is just purring to help Banshee. One of them is also headed to one of the controls to turn things off. [01:13:16] Speaker C: I think what I'm physically doing is, because I remember it was mentioned earlier that the tail has to be pulled by ropes to readjust it. So I think knowing that the power is going to be cut off, I think that Banshee has made her way to where those ropes are, and she's using her strength to try to hold the tail in place while the power is turned off and the other hand is petting the cap. [01:13:49] Speaker B: I will probably. Because I think my point in wanting to help was focusing on, okay, let's make sure we have a system I can navigate and know when things are properly. If there's something wrong with that, I want to be able to know what's wrong with it. So I'm essentially. My focus is going to be on the navigation system specifically, so that when things turn back on, I can pinpoint the exact moment where it's, like, it's working. It's working. The specific thing is not working. It's working. And so I could be like, oh, I need to fix that thing, and then I will fix that thing. [01:14:21] Speaker A: Perfect. What are our roles? [01:14:24] Speaker C: I got a six. [01:14:26] Speaker A: No, you get a plus one. [01:14:29] Speaker C: No, I don't. Not for. Not for courage. [01:14:31] Speaker A: Not for courage. No. [01:14:35] Speaker D: I got a nine. [01:14:36] Speaker E: Well, I just rolled. Bernard just rolled the six as well. [01:14:39] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:14:40] Speaker E: There's a lot of buttons and a lot of lights happening. Trying to track all the systems that are shutting down and coming back on. [01:14:47] Speaker A: Neptor, how'd you do? [01:14:49] Speaker E: I got a five. [01:14:51] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [01:14:53] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [01:14:54] Speaker D: Okay, well, I feel like it was more just like. Oh, like, had nothing to say against that plan. Not like this is a good plan. Just more of just, like. I can't argue that. [01:15:06] Speaker C: Sure. [01:15:07] Speaker B: I feel like olo kun just was able to keep it together, just barely. [01:15:12] Speaker D: Like, so. Yeah, just so. Just like. You know what? I've seen worse. [01:15:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:15:16] Speaker E: The rest of us were super overthinking it. Ole kun is, like. Kind of has, like, a nice, objective point of view. [01:15:22] Speaker A: Alo Khun truly is the, like, bastion of calm in what is becoming a real chaotic nonsense. [01:15:30] Speaker D: I call it a stogie, but let's just say it has a calming effect. [01:15:35] Speaker A: Listen, it's legal in space. Okay, well, I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is you do it. The turning it off and turning it back on again. Classic. It does work, kind of. This ship goes dark, and for a brief moment, it is incredibly eerie, as there's always a quiet hum of something moving at all times. It just. For the briefest moment, it hits all of you, this complete silence, and then it's over. It's past. The first of the lights flicker back on. The hum of the engines of the whales sort of internal engine starts going again. Even a little bit of bubbling from Jenny's tubes. But. And yes, as things come on, the ship does exactly what it. It usually does when it has a forced restart. It start from a repurposed, repurposed printer, sort of fax machine in the corner. A bunch of ticker tape reports start flying out as it starts to print off everything that is truly wrong with the ship. As you take three more, the ship takes three more damage. I can. I'm trying to spread it out so we don't, but at this point, it seems like every single system on the ship has something wrong with it. [01:17:18] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [01:17:22] Speaker A: However, it does work you in turning everything off and on again. The nav clears up enough that you can see. You can kind of see where you are. And also, y'all were still moving forward, so a little bit, just by act of just. Just fate, you have managed to skirt most of the damage. Anything else is a little superficial. You do take a little bit as things ping off of it, and you've successfully moved forward in a straight line from poor, from Pius Andronicus, to. Now, as ahead of you, the nav that has started up has shown that you are here. That was what that secondary gravitational pull was. It wasn't the pull of another gravitational current, specifically, but the orbit of a small, I'm going to say small planetary object. I cannot remember what we call Pluto. Now. I. In my heart, Pluto is still a planet. Yes, a small. A dwarf planet as it is, but it is below you now. It seems to have been hidden just on the other side of the iris belt. Small enough you could have mistaked it for another asteroid below. The ship has slowed down again and is starting to ease into this thing's orbit. And, Bernard, you're hit again with this wave of memory. Something about it, as you look down, feels familiar. You have seen this exact moment before, and something grips you in your heart. As it be, as you feel at. Suddenly it feels like your place on this ship is tenuous, like someone might kick you out at any moment, and then that feeling passes, just that irrational fear, a little bit like someone's gonna throw me out. And, yeah, you look, you all look down at this. The nav system doesn't have a name for this place. You have arrived. In the distance, you can see other, other spacers starting to come out of jumps or coasting to a stop in the same around the planet as well. Well, and also, this is where we're going to take our break. So, everyone get up, stretch your legs, refill your drinks, and we will see you shortly. And welcome back. I hope you had a good break. We have used this time to check in and make sure that everyone is feeling still good about having in character conflict and making sure it stays in character. That's for me. I'm a sensitive being, and watching my friends fight makes me sad. Where we last left off, you had had a harrowing journey as you fought other ships and space debris, and so much space debris. Clara, come on. That as you made your way to this dwarf planet that the beacon has called you to, and just as you were gazing down at it, Bernard had a flash of memory, a little bit of insecurity of his place within the crew, perhaps as you look down at this, this little green thing, this little green planet. [01:21:25] Speaker E: Hmm? I ever so gently and very, very slyly paw the little rainbow tennis ball into, like, a hidden nook, like almost out of like a kind of an insecurity. Necessity is like a little comfort moment, but try to avoid anybody noticing that I just pawed it. [01:21:52] Speaker C: I would like to not notice that. I like to notice that. I want to do a connect role with Bernard, if that's okay. I'm going to come up to you. I have a feature. I was looking at ship things, and now I'm back to character. I have a move that's called thousand yard stare. So there's a bit of a boost if I do a connect with you. But I'm gonna put my hand on your shoulder in a comforting way, and I'm going to go. Bernard Shelley, one of the greatest competitors and opponents that one can face is one's own mind. If you are doing battle with your own brain, it is a worthy opponent, and you are a tough fighter for facing it. But I believe you can emerge victorious. [01:22:47] Speaker E: Well, um, I. I appreciate you saying. Saying that. What? Um. Well, I couldn't imagine what inspired you to say that at this moment. [01:23:03] Speaker C: Well, I heard you shouting with our friend earlier, and you said, sometimes my instincts or something to the effect of I can't control myself at times. And I just. I want you to know that you're doing a great job of trying to control yourself, and it's admirable. And you seem anxious now, and I believe that you can calm and you have done many good things to keep this ship safe and to keep this crew safe, and I believe in you. [01:23:31] Speaker E: Well, um, thank you. Uh, thank you. That really means a lot. I, um. It's. It's strange, uh, Banshee. I have these moments where I feel like I've experienced something before. Uh, I feel a little bit not myself, almost, um, outside of my body. I. I sometimes feel like I can do things or try doing things, but I don't know where the confidence to do those things comes from. It's a. It almost doesn't feel like it's my own. [01:24:11] Speaker C: Like it's. [01:24:12] Speaker E: It's someone else's. Gosh, I. Oh, whiskers. I wish I could had a better way to explain that, but it just feels like sometimes I am pretending to be me, but it's just me, I guess. [01:24:28] Speaker C: Ah, yes. Many times on the battlefield, one will lose track of one's conscious thoughts and slip into what we call, like, an instinctual form of fighting. And it is indeed strange because many people believe that they don't have their own skills and their own prowess because they're not conscious of their activities. But it is not, is it not one's own skill and prowess that takes over and allows them to compete at the top of their game. You say that it is not you. It is a voice outside of you. But perhaps in those moments, it is not that you are an imposter. It is more that your own intelligence is getting, is allowing you to get out of your own way and do what needs to be done in that moment. And, in fact, the fact that you are able to do that shows that you indeed have great skill and intelligent yourself. [01:25:30] Speaker E: Bernard. Bernard leans in. I lean in a little bit closer, and I kind of whisper it in response, but not realizing that I'm speaking out loud. And I say to myself, yes, maybe I'm the original. I I really appreciate what you're saying for the fear of sounding very strange. May I ask you a personal question? I appreciate you being vulnerable with me, and I wonder if you wouldn't mind I. Allow me to ask a vulnerable question of you. [01:26:21] Speaker C: I will accept this question. Indeed. My own anxiety is an enemy that must be defeated. So you are giving me a chance to do that. [01:26:32] Speaker E: Bernard. I look around to see that there's no one near us, and I kind of try to stretch upward so I'm as close as I am to overhear. But you wear kind of equal height, I suppose. And I say, what is your experience with dying? [01:26:54] Speaker C: Well, I have not done it personally, and it is a condition that my people tend to frown upon inflicting upon another. I, unfortunately, have done this once to my great shame, as you may have heard taunted at me by Scylla on the deck of that asteroid. But typically, when one of our people does come to the end of their life, their death is welcomed. It is. They have finally been defeated by death itself, which is a enemy that no one can eventually defeat. So what is a proud, noble death to lose such a glorious battle? [01:27:55] Speaker E: An acceptance of source of sorts. [01:27:58] Speaker C: Yeah, indeed. What is. What is the thrill of life if not met with the ultimate finalization of death? Think of it as you know that I have spoken about how my people must travel the universe fighting everyone that we can. [01:28:24] Speaker E: Yes. [01:28:25] Speaker C: We want to meet new, interesting cultures and beat them up. Indeed. Right. A formidable task indeed. And if. If it were easy, if we could, if we knew for certain that we would defeat every opponent we fought, what would be the nobility in this challenge? It would be boring. It would grow stagnant, correct? [01:28:50] Speaker E: Yes. [01:28:50] Speaker C: So if. If life never ended, wouldn't life itself not grow stagnant and boring and pointless as well? [01:29:03] Speaker E: It's. It's as if each new culture and species that you combat with, it's you. You challenge. You risk life to give life further meaning, to give life a bigger purpose, to say, ah, yes, I'm still alive for yet another day. [01:29:24] Speaker C: Yes. And I have defeated an opponent. Yes, exactly. [01:29:26] Speaker E: That's right. I wish I could remember where. What my life was like before I came aboard this ship. And it's why I worry sometimes that the things that I've forgotten are things that I can't recall for, well, for other reasons. It's not maybe that I've forgotten, but I just should know things, but they're gone. So I am kind of feeling sometimes like I am just sort of starting things over, like I am living again. To fight another day, as you say, or to try to learn how to pilot another day and etcetera. [01:30:11] Speaker C: Well, when one of our warriors sustains an injury or loses a limb, for example, we train ourselves not to mourn the life we once lived and the life before the injury. We learn to live with who we are now and move forward with our new status quo. So you have lost memories of who you were before, but you also been given a gift, to experience a new life in the form that you have now. So perhaps that is the way to move forward. You know, you have knowledge and you have skills, but every memory you make now is yours. [01:31:03] Speaker E: Yes. I am uniquely my own self. I am me, and I am. This is enough. [01:31:13] Speaker C: This is it. [01:31:18] Speaker E: Thank you. Thank you, Banshee. I really appreciate you sharing that. It's giving me a lot to think about, but it's very encouraging. [01:31:28] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:31:32] Speaker E: Pleasure, indeed. [01:31:35] Speaker C: I, like, slap you on the shoulder very hard. [01:31:38] Speaker E: Rare. Great. You have a little pep on my step, and I prance away to find something to repair. Thanks. [01:31:51] Speaker A: As you finish up this very touching moment, the ship is now just caught in this dwarf planet's orbit. The beacon has done its job. It has brought you where it crashed, where it was set off from. Essentially. You will have to go planetside to find what you were looking for, but in the meantime, you can take the ship down. You don't have a dinghy anymore, unless you want to craft r1 fast. It sounds like you might need to do a water landing. [01:32:28] Speaker D: I think we should. We're against the clock right now, so bringing it in seems like the optimal idea. [01:32:36] Speaker C: Landing is also probably good. Because the ship is broken. [01:32:40] Speaker D: That, too. [01:32:42] Speaker C: And if we left the ship, we wouldn't get back. Because we don't have a way to get back. If we jumped off the ship, landing. [01:32:49] Speaker A: It is easily done. The ship is a whale. So the narwhal can find a small body of water. You land, you can find a, it's a, it's very piratey, a safe little cove. As you coast down to it, there are flickers of light. As you coast down, you could see other ships and exiting jump or just coasting and catching into the orbit. The planet itself, it's a dwarf planet. I hesitate to even say that. It's probably if you've read the little prince, and little Prince describes that he could sit on a chair and scoot forward to keep watching the sunset. It's roughly that size. It's quite tiny. [01:33:31] Speaker D: Like, throw a ball, turn around and catch it. [01:33:33] Speaker A: Yeah, not quite that, but it is quite small. [01:33:37] Speaker C: It's like one of those Star wars planets. It's all one biome and like. [01:33:40] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. It's living its best Star wars kingdom, hearts life where you look, and it's just one little island, but, yes, so, yes, you can make a quick water landing. And the narwhal seems to sigh almost as it gets its belly into the water and leans its head on some rocks as it wait, as it nestles in for a little bit. [01:34:15] Speaker C: I, like, pull my staff out. All right, let's do some fighting. [01:34:22] Speaker E: You only live once, isn't that right, everyone? Let's. Let's see what it's all about here. [01:34:28] Speaker C: When you say he only lived once, I turn to the other two and go. I taught them that. [01:34:36] Speaker E: And I proudly start to saunter off the ship. [01:34:40] Speaker D: I hit my hand against, like, one of the walls for a little compartment to come out. And it's basically the equivalent of blue cheese. A little snack for me to take as we go. [01:34:57] Speaker B: Um, you see, you see Neptar is following, but there's a little less. They're probably actually in the back when usually they'd be like, sort of sprinting forward a little bit to see things. They're sort of like, hanging in the back a bit and they sort of have. I have a bag sort of across my shoulder, like it's my to go Baghdad. This is why, oh, we're doing things. We're scavenging today. So I have my bag of stuff, but I'm just like, walking a little bit slower than usual. Who knows? Maybe just. I have a lot of thoughts. [01:35:47] Speaker A: You are able to disembark from the ship as you do. So it is sunny and warm here on this little dwarf planet. The sand underneath your feet is the same iridescent as the other asteroids are, which must be what was messing with your nav. The. But there's jungle ahead of you. Peak Desert island, jungle ahead of you. Beautiful water, sparkling water around you. And you can hear other ships starting to land, as everyone is now choosing as some folk. This is yards and yards, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of yards away, as people all find their own place to kind of set their ships. And some folk have tried to bring Navs down with them. Some folk have just charging into the. Into the underbrush, just gung ho, hoping they'll find something. How do you. What are you gonna do now the. The beacon's brought you here? [01:37:03] Speaker C: Unless I'm stopped, I'm full speed ahead. Like, I am. I am feeling. I think, like, I'm nervous because I think that, like, we've lost time somehow, even though we haven't. So, like, I'm anxious about it. So I'm, like, moving forward, trying to, like, fight down that sense of anxiety. [01:37:24] Speaker D: When you say that, do you mean, like, you're literally just going straight ahead in the first direction that you were pointed in? [01:37:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I think so. Unless someone stops me and tells me to go a different direction. Like, I mean, like, heading where it seems like everybody else is heading, but, yeah. [01:37:40] Speaker D: Okay. No, I wasn't sure if you meant, like, oh, people are going this way. Maybe we should go that way. Or, like, you got on the ground just like, okay, that's straight ahead. Straight ahead. [01:37:50] Speaker C: A little bit of both. Yeah. Yeah. [01:37:52] Speaker D: I think a local will grab you and just be like, do you know where you're going? [01:38:00] Speaker C: Where the people are going and the. [01:38:06] Speaker D: People that we see? Like, are they all headed in a. In the same ish direction or, like, forward? But people are spreading out and doing the full cut. [01:38:17] Speaker A: You can see descending, and from your vantage point, it's really like two or three landing parties are. A lot of them are just headed into the forest. It is a planet, so there are some you can guess are probably landing on other parts of the planet. It is a little bit of a crapshoot as to which way you go from here. The space is small enough to traverse, so if you did end up on the wrong side, you could probably get the right way. But you do need to figure out which side is right. [01:38:50] Speaker D: Right. [01:38:53] Speaker A: A lot of folks seem to think that jungle means mystery. Mystery means stuff. [01:38:58] Speaker D: Right. Which makes sense to me. Anyone have any, you know, thoughts about which way to go or follow Banshee? [01:39:11] Speaker E: Well, I say, yes, let's follow Banshee. She's very fearlessly confident. So she certainly has got to have the best sense of where the action is. But I'm wondering if we could access some, some element of telecommunications on this planet to figure out exactly where this beacon is coming from. Precisely. If I was able to, I don't know, access something on this, locally on this planet to try to maybe figure out where precisely the signal is coming from, we might be able to track this a little bit better. And kind of, I'm kind of looking around this tiny, tiny now completely, like, jam packed little planet or celestial body. Pardon? Yeah, I'm trying to figure out if there is, like, some place that's like a. I don't know, like a, like a. Almost like a, like a port check in. I don't know, like, you know, you. [01:40:23] Speaker A: Might be able to jerry rig something or you might be able to, you might be able to put something together so you can maybe catch another signal. [01:40:41] Speaker B: I think Neptor would speak up at that. I will say what? Oh, we could. So we could use maybe another genius idea. We use our sort of the lucky thingy that lets us look our navigator. And what we're gonna do is we sort of can, like, maybe send out like a, like a ping, sort of like how you would, like when, like if you have a radar. And, you know, I had, uh, this, uh, I had this sort of thermal sensor that I was gonna use, and I can't now, but, um, it broke. But, um, what we started is something like that where we maybe sent it, like a ping using our navigation system. Um, and maybe I could do, like, a hack of it where instead of it trying to pinpoint locations or names of things, we can try and pinpoint sort of the standard point. Or maybe the, uh, what is the word? Because words are weird. Uh, the predetermined or the estimated point of landing where the sort of ship that sent out the distressed thing originally might have came from. Cause, you know, sometimes a ship will be like, oh, we're going down. We're probably gonna go down here. Prepare to go down around here. So maybe we can see if it's sort of hot, something like that. And then we reuse that. And I'm a genius. [01:42:37] Speaker E: Wow. [01:42:38] Speaker D: Find the black box. Yeah. [01:42:40] Speaker E: Yes. Brilliant. The point of origin of the black box. This is. [01:42:44] Speaker C: You're. [01:42:45] Speaker E: You're a real. You're real. You're a real stellar, uh, savant. Um, well, um, what. What kind of help do you need with that? [01:42:59] Speaker B: Uh, I got it. I can do it, I guess. Do it. I do. Like five minutes. [01:43:06] Speaker A: Are you using a specific move or are you just rolling up brains for me? [01:43:11] Speaker B: Uh, I'm using a move called beginner's luck. When the first time I tried something completely new. I roll disadvantage and Neptune talking like this is something they have done before where this is like, oh, yeah, I've totally. I know how to hack a system to make it pinpoint specific thing and yeah, ships. I know. I totally know. Ships have like a predetermined course of crashing. I don't, I don't know what I was saying. [01:43:47] Speaker A: Listen, it all holds water to me. [01:43:49] Speaker E: Yeah, it sounded good. [01:43:51] Speaker A: So you'll roll three d six and pick the top two. [01:43:54] Speaker B: Got it. [01:43:56] Speaker A: Oh, and yeah, if you use technobabble, you can add to it. Thank you, Riley. [01:44:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I. So I go back, I go back in the shift after. I'm like, I just need five minutes. You guys. You guys just scout the around area and make sure no one gets on the ship or whatever you guys want to do. Um, and I will go to our navigation system and is what is there like a mini system? Like a mini navigation system? Like, you know, when you have like, some ships have like a, they have like, the main thing on the ship, but maybe I have like a tablet of some kind that's like, dedicated to, like, that system. Would that be a thing I could have? [01:44:42] Speaker A: I think so. I think that at some .1 of you, this seems within the realm of possibility that one of you, it didn't used to come out, but now it does. [01:44:54] Speaker C: Probably because of ola kun at some point. [01:44:56] Speaker D: I was literally just thinking that ole. [01:44:59] Speaker A: Kun'S like it portable. [01:45:03] Speaker B: So I would like to use this little thing. And, um, essentially I'm going to, um. How am I going to work this? Well, I'm going to reconfigure the, um, the sort of the, the primary tracking system, our pinpoint system, more like. It's like the sort of same things that a sensor would use to pinpoint, like, oh, I think when I'm thinking it's like a metal detector, like, also, as well as where it's like, it sort of sends out almost like a signal, and it's sort of like, I'm not. That's exactly a sensor I'm thinking of. I don't know why I went to metal detector, but it'll sort of point out these things, like, oh, this is here, here. Sonar. Jesus. Sonar is what I'm thinking of. So, yeah, I'm going to repurpose that and use my, this emergency controller that originally I was going to use to make a sort of robotic. Not robotic, an automatic add on to my thermal sensor that is broken. So instead I will repurpose it to then use for this sensor. And instead of it making it like, oh, it's not the remote thing. The idea is it actually instead try to relocate past or outer remote or, yeah, remote systems or like, signals that are gone out to then try and be like, oh, and like, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Down that way. [01:46:53] Speaker A: Perfect. Roll me three, d, six and let me know what your top two numbers are. And add a bonus for techno babble. I think you've sufficiently explained what you were up to. [01:47:10] Speaker B: Okay, so four and five, plus one from. Yeah for brains. And then plus one for techno bible. [01:47:17] Speaker A: So 1111. It does exactly what you want it to do. I'm making sure that you don't get anything else for this. But I think you get exactly. You do get exactly what you want. As you carry this thing outside, it is humming and beeping, and there is somehow a pocket watch attached to it. No one knows where the pocket watch came from. Doesn't matter. And you can carry it outside, and it lets out its first pulse, like, its first signal out, and it sort of rattles all of you as you're standing on the beach here and an involuntary shiver up everyone's spine as the sensor goes out. Bernard, you said you were shedding a lot at one point. [01:48:16] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. Due to stress, in lieu of sweating. [01:48:21] Speaker A: Some of Bernard's green cat hair has somehow gotten into your device, and it. You smell a little bit of burning hair for a second. And then as it rattles and sends out another pulse, and as you all. As it starts to beep, you can start. It seems to have locked onto something, and you could start following that signal. Do you plan on heading out of. [01:49:00] Speaker D: Yeah, I think we're good. [01:49:02] Speaker C: I'm gonna say real quickly, before I move forward, I don't do a scene because. So I'm just gonna do the mark two conditions thing. But I'm gonna say that I saw red during that scene because both Ola kun and Bernard kind of doubted my intelligence and questioned my abilities by being like, are we really gonna follow what Banshee's doing? Like, that kind of thing like that. I think the was great out of character, wonderful in character. That felt like my seeing red. So I marked the conditions of jealous, which makes sense. And I'm bringing reckless back now too. You know, love reckless. I want to establish that before I move forward. Cool. [01:49:39] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. Thank you so much for bringing it in, because, yeah, that moment, the pulse happens, and all of a sudden, everyone's following Neptor's device. You all start making your way into the jungle, and it is only a few minutes, and you're moving quickly. I assume when Banshee, you feel it, as if someone just ran past you and kind of jostled your shoulder. [01:50:09] Speaker C: I swing. I immediately swing at whatever direction they're at. [01:50:13] Speaker A: Nothing. [01:50:13] Speaker C: Okay. [01:50:15] Speaker A: Just jungle. [01:50:16] Speaker C: Okay. [01:50:20] Speaker A: But, yeah, like that. You swear you felt it? There was a. Do you say anything? Do you tell anyone? Does anyone notice that you. You did this? Or, uh. [01:50:30] Speaker C: They can decide if they notice. I think that I'm feeling embarrassed, uh, that. That I was attacking. Nothing. So I don't think that I'm gonna say anything out loud yet. I think I'm just gonna be like, nope, find nothing. Nothing's there. It's whatever. I'm not scared. You mean. [01:50:42] Speaker D: I feel like. I feel like we would. Or at least kun would notice Banshee swinging, and she's like, banshee, something wrong? [01:50:52] Speaker C: I thought I felt something. [01:50:55] Speaker D: Okay, nothing was there, I guess. [01:50:58] Speaker C: Be on alert. I didn't hit anything, but I felt something. [01:51:04] Speaker A: Okay, eyes up, and you continue into the jungle some more. It's quiet, as there aren't any animals making any sounds, because they know that there are other creatures about. But eventually, the sound of bugs and small things moving through the underbrush comes back. And as you go, olu kun, it happens to you, too, as you're walking through, as you all make a beeline following Neptor. It's as if someone ran past you so quickly and backed you in the shoulder. [01:51:59] Speaker D: I'd immediately say, I felt it, too. And look around and see if I notice anything. Anything. So I felt it. Did I see any of, like, the foliage moving? [01:52:13] Speaker A: Um, you heard foliage move, but you didn't see it move? It was too. It was a little too fast. [01:52:21] Speaker D: Banshee, I think you're right. I think something else is here. [01:52:24] Speaker C: I start, like, making wide swaths with my staff as we're moving, like, so something, like, tries to run by again. Like, I might potentially catch it. That's what I'm trying to do. [01:52:37] Speaker E: Hmm. And I'm. My little antennas are kind of, like, really kind of undulating and kind of turning out, kind of scanning around, and I think I'm kind of almost like, you know, the tiny green panther that I am. I start to stalk very carefully, kind of looking through the foliage as if I'm stalking prey. Trying to, um. Yeah, I guess I'm trying to logically piece together, how could something be there, not there at the same time, and try to, like, figure out if something is hunting us. How would I hunt? You know, I guess, like, if this is a move, I think this would be kind of like an excess knowledge move. [01:53:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:53:18] Speaker E: Yeah. Is that reasonable? [01:53:20] Speaker A: I would like you. Absolutely. [01:53:22] Speaker E: Cool. Okay. [01:53:24] Speaker A: Why don't you roll and add your brains? [01:53:31] Speaker E: Okay. Awesome. Here we go. Okay, great. That'll be an eleven. [01:53:44] Speaker A: All right. So you said that your antenna are going and you've gone full cat. Do you have whiskers? [01:53:50] Speaker E: I do, yeah. Yeah. They're twitching and everything. [01:53:56] Speaker A: Yeah. There's something. You've been almost. You've been chasing this weird, like, feeling of deja vu. Almost as. Since you saw this planet. [01:54:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:54:12] Speaker A: And you start to feel it in your whiskers and in your antenna. It feels so familiar. And yet you cannot conjure where you would have seen this before, like, any memory of this place. And then you start to hear it. A very familiar voice, but it has this Doppler effect, as if it's someone is coming very close and leaving and coming very close and leaving and moving away from you. But it's a very familiar voice. It's repeating the beacon sound. The beacon message. We're going down. Is anyone here? If anyone can hear us, this is where the amarillo is landing. We're going down. Yeah. That's what you're hearing. Kind of. Not so much hearing, but the vibrations are hitting your antenna. And if you ever used those bone conducting headphones, it's much more like that. [01:55:24] Speaker E: Oh, interesting. And so I'm just hearing this message kind of in this interesting, like, echoing reverberation that comes back and forth. [01:55:34] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's this. It's not constant. It seems like someone has sent that message. And as you all continue moving forward, Bernard, you can keep hearing it. It's. You hear people talking. Some of it is the normal. Some of it is this distress signal. But some of it is like, well, what do we do now? I can't tell what's happening. The. Something's wrong. People are having conversations that sounds like people you don't. People who sound familiar, but you don't recognize. [01:56:08] Speaker E: But those bits of conversation, do they feel like they're being produced, like, by people live? Or does this feel like I'm tuning into a frequency on the radio and like something's coming through. [01:56:19] Speaker A: It is closer to. It's closer to something tuning in on the radio. [01:56:24] Speaker E: Yeah. I'm going to use that information and share it with the group and say something tells me that there's more to this beacon. I don't know if my intuition says this may be a trap or a diversion, but there is something we ought to be on the lookout that isn't quite just a message from a box. Um, and I'm just. I don't mean, I don't know if that's, like, a misleading thing, but I'm gonna give that warning, and that'll allow the next person to act on my suggestion up to add a plus one to their role. [01:57:09] Speaker A: Just the next person, as you say, this is quite just a message from a box. All of you hear the thump, thump, thump, thump, thump of someone running and then the whoosh of air past you all. [01:57:30] Speaker B: I fall, I fully trip and like, land on my butt. [01:57:38] Speaker A: Um, actually, Neptor, do you want to roll for me? A body? I just want to see something. There will not. There will be no physical, because I'm asking you specific and you've offered the fall, there will be no pay, like, physical consequences, really, unless you do really poorly. [01:57:57] Speaker D: Uh oh. [01:57:59] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:58:00] Speaker A: Okay, well, why don't you. Why don't you mark a condition? Um. Dang. Um. As you, uh, this, whatever it is, runs past you and it moves at a speed that just sends Neptor on, on their butt. Um, and it is unfortunately on a hillside, and Neptor goes scrabbling down the hill. Olukun, your planet before you. Before you took to the stars, what kind of environment did you come from? [01:58:41] Speaker D: I feel like it would be both mountainous and swampy. I'm kind of thinking, like, whatever that planet is that Yoda was on, like, it would be like that, but like, with that environment on mountains. [01:58:59] Speaker A: Okay, so I would say that you're pretty rough and tumble guy. Like, you've probably seen a lot of, like, outdoors roll for me, a brains. But again, you're. Unless you do super terribly, I don't think that you're going to. I say that and now I'm, like, scared. [01:59:19] Speaker D: No, you're fine. [01:59:21] Speaker C: Twelve. [01:59:22] Speaker A: You actually recognize this moment. Neptor has gone ass over tea kettle down a slope. And as you are all, I assume, following her down, you can kind of tell the foliage and all of that stuff that's here is not clear because it naturally avoided it. Something has torn its way through. Okay, maybe a large ship. Okay, and as Neptor, you come to a stop at the bottom of this hill. At the bottom hill, you can, you can now hear what Bernard has been hearing, which is snippets of conversation, as if you were just tuning through a radio too quickly. [02:00:26] Speaker B: I think when everybody catches up to me, I think you all see Neptra still on the ground, and they're, like, covering their ears a little bit, and they're hiding their face so that no one else can see them. As they're, like, head is, like, their face is, like, to the ground because, um. And they're, like, covering their ears. And I say, like, oh, there's ghost coming to get me. Oh, wow. [02:00:56] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [02:00:57] Speaker B: Oh, it's. [02:00:58] Speaker A: Wow. [02:00:58] Speaker B: No, calm down. Stop it. Stop it. [02:01:00] Speaker E: Stop. [02:01:00] Speaker B: Calm down. [02:01:03] Speaker A: Banshee and Olakun, as you also, uh, I assume you're also. You're following. Yeah. As you get closer, you can start hearing it, too. [02:01:13] Speaker D: And this was the way Neptor fell, the way that it seems like a ship tore through. Like, that was the direction. [02:01:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Basically. Therefore, the ground was torn up in a way which neptor, when they tripped, was able to basically follow the path that the ship had already put out for them naturally. [02:01:36] Speaker D: So I think, like, once we're there and I see Neptor on the ground, I put my hand on their shoulder and a very poor way of trying to comfort somebody. Be like, think you're on the right track, kid? And that's it. Like, no, like, very bad paternal instincts. So that's as much as you're gonna get. [02:02:04] Speaker A: And for what it's worth, Neptor, your sensor is. Is saying you're super in the right direction. [02:02:11] Speaker C: I'm. I'm gonna just real quickly investigate Neptor as best I can, if they'll let me, just to make sure they're not injured, because that's, like. I think my medical, like, background is gonna kick back in. Like, my battle medic. Should I make a medic check? [02:02:25] Speaker A: I would love you to make magnetic check. [02:02:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:27] Speaker C: So. Ooh, okay, so I got a ten because I got eight. Plus one. [02:02:35] Speaker E: Plus one. [02:02:36] Speaker C: Okay. [02:02:37] Speaker A: Bumped and bruised, for sure. You have seen this happens sometimes, amongst other Seelie, when they are confronted. First of all, bumps and bruises, totally common. Neptor sitting with their head. I'm assuming you're distressed by. By all of this. That's a little more. That is a little more severe and something that you've probably seen before in other Sealy, where they're just overwhelmed, like an anxiety attack or something. [02:03:13] Speaker C: I will put my arm on their shoulder, similar that I did to. To Bernard earlier. And I just start to breathe. Like, breathe in, breathe out, like, slow breaths. And then I say, the danger is not real. Your body is telling you it is. The danger is not real. You will face it stronger if you face it on your feet. And then I just start breathing in and out. In and out. I think this is probably a I'll do kinect because that gives Danny more agency to decide how Neptor responds to it versus a dice roll. Saying it. So I think this is how you. How you feel about Neptor as. So I'll spend a trust to do the connect and. Yeah, so I'm. I'm, like, saying what I said. Like, we all. We all feel overwhelmed by the battle occasionally, but this is a moment to stand on your feet and breathe and face the world bravely that I believe you can do. [02:04:22] Speaker A: It. [02:04:22] Speaker B: Like, raises a little bit, and you see there's, like, sort of tears in my eyes and, like. But instead of, like, going down my face, it almost seemed like they're, like, floating up a little bit. Like, that's, like, little. Just, like, bits of tears that are floating upward. Just for those who know nectar species, that's how they cry. And I look up at Banshee. I was talking between banshee and Olokun, I think, because they're the closest. And I say it feels like the danger's pretty rude. I don't know where we are. So I feel like we're sort of, like, sorta in the thick of it. [02:05:21] Speaker C: Yes. But you will face it better on your feet than huddling on the ground. [02:05:25] Speaker D: We are definitely in the thick of it. Nothing to do but move forward. [02:05:37] Speaker B: And I think this is messy, but I think, um, nectar. I almost don't take that as reassuring as I should or as I could more than it should, because I think in this moment, since what Banshee said, it goes back to the sort of connection that we have, was that Banshee doesn't treat you with the respect that you deserve. And I think Nectar sort of hears that, and they, like, I, like, pause. And I'm like, yeah, I'm a. [02:06:25] Speaker C: I. [02:06:25] Speaker B: Don'T even know why. I don't even know why I'm doing this. [02:06:27] Speaker E: I don't even know. [02:06:29] Speaker B: I'm doing a party trick. Fight nobody, people. You guys don't do this thing. Yeah, no, I'm on my. I'm on my feet. You don't even see it yet. That's how on my feet I am. [02:06:45] Speaker C: Working at both markets experience, because that is not a connection. [02:06:48] Speaker A: Yes. [02:06:50] Speaker C: Which means I level up, which is nice. Yeah. [02:06:53] Speaker A: I'm like, don't interrupt. But also mark xp. [02:06:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:06:59] Speaker A: So, Neptor, you clamor to your feet again. [02:07:02] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [02:07:03] Speaker C: I think that makes this narrative in a way, because I also, I did mark jealousy specifically about Neptor. So it does feel like Neptor's probably not feeling a lot of great vibes off of Banshee right now. Makes sense a lot. Narratively. [02:07:14] Speaker A: You tried. It's a scary situation. You tried. And it is hard when someone, like, is geared towards. You're already not quite seeing eye to eye, and they try to come for you, but they say just the clumsy thing. Yeah. As you clamber to your feet, you can look down the slope that you were all traversing down and almost hidden in and surrounded by underbrush that has started to. Started to make its way into reclaiming it. You see a ship, or at least you half see a ship, as every time you try to focus your eyes on it, it. Parts of it seem to fade in and out quickly, like glitching in and out. As you look down at it and across the side of it, you can see the name the Amaryllith. And that's actually where we're going to end the episode because I like a clippy hanger. Thank you so much for joining us for episode two of our starscape adventure called the treasure of the iris belt. Thank you so much, players, for playing with me. Thank you so much, audience, for joining us. Let's go around the horn and tell people where they can find you, what makes you famous, etcetera. I'm going to start by picking on Artem yellow. [02:08:54] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Artem. Um, he. [02:08:57] Speaker C: They. [02:08:57] Speaker E: I can be found on the instagram at artem directly. Um, I am a podcaster, a fan of all things DTRPG, and a theater director. And I got all my projects up there. And I have. I have the second season of my YouTube podcast show that I'm going to be. Well, it's a podcast that I'm now turning into a YouTube show called Scary Movie in a sandwich that's going to be coming out in September. It is a hard hitting, topical interview show about scary movies and sandwiches. So I hope you tune in. Thanks. [02:09:38] Speaker A: I'm gonna just go in clockwise. Riley. [02:09:42] Speaker B: Who are you? [02:09:43] Speaker A: What makes you famous? [02:09:44] Speaker C: Hey, everybody, I'm Riley Silverman, and what makes famous is being just the most obnoxious person I possibly know. I am a writer and comedian and obviously gamer. You probably hear me frequently on the Happy Jacks rpg advice show. I also played the doctor for three seasons and GM'd for two seasons on a Doctor who rpg podcast called the Game of Rasselon, which we ended this year. So you can actually listen to it in its entirety. It's a five season series and it was very fun to do. And we are working. We actually recorded yesterday as of when we're recording this, the very first arc for our brand new podcast that so the same cast gamer as long we're doing our own ip now, we're using the scum and villainy system and we're doing a game that we're calling good chaotic. And so if you go looking for good chaotic right now, we have social media stuff for it, so you can check that out. And we have not launched the podcast yet because we're still recording a bunch of episodes to get kind of ahead of the game and have things in the can. And because we all know how frustrating it is, like when you're watching listening to a show and then it stops for like a month while they make new episodes. So that's not a slide to anybody. That's us for doing our show because we used to do it by season, by season, but and also many a podcast I listen to where they just stopped making it halfway through it. But I bring all that. Say that if you follow good chaotic, we will launch a Patreon at some point. We have Patreon for Gamer Aslan, Elfie, rollover, Indigo chaotic. But yeah, you'll find out the first information when we start to launch it and we start dropping teasers and stuff like that. We're probably looking to launch it sometime this fall. So that should be around there. But yeah, we're really excited about it. And I'm playing a hyper, a very, very different character from Banshee. I'm playing a very energetic trans Catgirl. Like it's very fun. I'm using the scoundrel playbook and she's just very overeating, eager, and thrilled to agree. So that's that. And then last but not least, I have been writing a lot for D and D beyond lately as we prep for all the new core rule books that are coming out. And so I have quite a few articles on D and D right now that are from me about various updates that are happening to your favorite classes. And I didn't write the updates, so don't be mad at me for them, but enjoy the articles explaining the updates. Thank you. [02:11:57] Speaker A: We'll try not to shoot the messenger moving around the circle. Danny, who are you? What makes you famous. [02:12:05] Speaker B: Hi, it's me, Danny Daniels Corner. And a couple things make me sort of famous. You can find me online on Twitter animatedpizza or on Twitch and YouTube. Annie's corner, where I stream stuff and I play games that I do a bunch of stuff for other TTRPG content. You can find me follow my Twitter, and that's when I announce when I'm in things. That's probably the best way to do it because I myself don't know what I'm doing ever in my life. We're on this ride together, and I think that brings a sense of connection in us with my own ability to know where I am at any point in life. Thank you. [02:12:48] Speaker A: Feel that? My soul. Garrett. Who are you? What makes you famous? [02:12:53] Speaker D: Hi, my name is Garrett. What makes me famous is fighting with all my crewmates. You can find me at Twitter, Instagram, and blueskyllack. Riku. That's b l k r I k u. You can also follow my YouTube channel, Garebear stare, where we like to look at old cartoons and video games and stuff like that. Kind of do a deep dive into them. We're coming back from a very long sabbatical because everything after 2020 or everything after 2016 was just garbage. So sometimes life gets in the way. But we're coming back, and you can find me there. You can also find me on the podcast, vintage anime podcast. That's where we like to look at old anime and do a deep dive into that. You can find that podcast anywhere. You can basically find podcasts, I think, except for Spotify, but we're looking to fix that. But yeah, you can find me on those places. [02:13:52] Speaker A: Amazing. Thank you so much. And I am Clara. I was the GM of this game, so I was everybody else and the world. You can find me all over the Internet as clearly golden, unless you're into mermaids, in which case you can find me over on Instagram as mercy mermaid clarity. I don't always post there, so clearly golden has a lot of my current stuff. If you're excited about this game, you can always type in exclamation point game in the chat or check the show notes later so you can support Starscape on Kickstarter. And even if the Kickstarter has passed, you could still usually donate or support in other ways. And if you want to catch episodes three of our last episode of this game, you can find us here. Same bat time, same bat channel, except 2 hours earlier. So we hope to see you soon. Bye.

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The World Below - The Farthest Gate, Episode 3

When a plague of rats descends upon the underground settlement of Mud Town, four adventurers are tasked with investigating a long-abandoned citadel and securing...



August 03, 2023 02:46:51
Episode Cover

The Troubleshooters - The U-Boat Mystery, Episode 2

(UPDATE: The previously missing vocals track has been found!) Four amateur sleuths follow the trail of a missing journalist to the South Pacific, where...
