Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 1

August 07, 2024 02:22:39
Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 1
One Shots and Other Mischief
Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 1

Aug 07 2024 | 02:22:39


Show Notes

The crew of The Narwhal end up on the wrong end of a pirate's blasters when a cargo they were paid to deliver turns out to be stolen contraband. As they attempt to escape the bustling starport of Pious Andronicus, their sensors pick up more than hostile mercenaries. Someone -- or something -- is broadcasting a distress signal belonging to a legendary lost vessel. Could this be the famous horde of Darryl Dale?

Banshee - Riley (
Bernard Shelly - Artem (
Nepter - Dani (
Olokun - Garrett (
Gamemaster - Clara (

GAME: Starscape -

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello friends, and welcome to another single serving tabletop adventure from Queen's court games. I'm Clara, and tonight I'll be your game master. As we strap on, our oxygen takes recalibrate the shield matrix and overpressure the Jeffrey's tubes as we travel through the starry skies. In Starscape, a found family science fiction game by Golden Lasso games, Eren made me do alliteration. Now it's hard. If that sounds like something you'd be into, good news. Starscape is currently live on Kickstarter, where you can learn more about its unique relationship mechanics and pledge your support. Type exclamation point game in chat, or check the show notes for a link. In the meantime, we'll be shimmy shaking under enemy fire in just a minute. But first, let me introduce our cast. First up, playing the lime green feline Bernard Shelley from Happy Jack's rpg, it's Artem. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:50] Speaker A: Next up are made of stars greenhorn tinkering with the comms console, visiting from her eponymous corner. It's Danye. [00:00:57] Speaker C: That's me. [00:00:58] Speaker A: Hello. Also on board, she's the minuscule, menacing medic banshee taking a break from her Star wars authorship. It's Riley. [00:01:06] Speaker B: Hello. That's me. [00:01:08] Speaker A: And last but not least, our amphibious star faring saboteur, Ola kun, played by Garrett. [00:01:14] Speaker B: Hello. [00:01:14] Speaker D: That's me. [00:01:16] Speaker A: Exclamation point cast will get you the details on our cast members social media accounts as well as other projects. And if you and if you don't subscribe to their channels or buy the books, we will know. Also, please take a moment to note the episode's content warnings. Find them with exclamation point safety in chat or in the episode description. Wherever you're catching us after. Now, if our crew is ready to take their stations, let me tell you a story. We start in a big empty galaxy, until, bam. Suddenly a ship streaks across the camera. The thing is, it's something like a large mechanical whale by way of Jules Verne, at once a steampunk, art nouveau steampunk monstrosity, and also, somehow, a train car splashed across the side, handwritten by its loving crew, the narwhal, as it hurtles through space, streaking from what you would assume would be a blowhole, though I don't quite know what it quite does for a function. Glittering icy crystal, much like the trail of a of a meteor, streaks behind it, some sort of exhaust that comes from your systems. Does anyone know why this particular ship has an exhaust pipe when it doesn't use anything that creates exhaust. It's space, it's Sci-Fi who the heck knows? Who cares? Come up with a reason in technobabble, in chat. But yes, it hurtles through space. It lists a little from one side to the other, hot on its heels. Two small, dinghy sized, dinghy sized craft, both far less novelty esque. A dinghy craft, two barrel shaped cylindrical, floats on either side of it. Again, we are in space. They don't need them, but I don't care. I anchoring in the center, a what could be described as a take on a Winnebago if winnebagos were made by Picasso and a mechanic. The second one more. Second one a little more abstract. A sort of air bubble. Air bubble that is surrounded by an I oblong sort of blast glass disc, like a floating greenhouse. Both of them fought on your heels as they are pursuing you back on the ship. Who is at the helm? [00:04:11] Speaker B: I shall tackle this challenge. [00:04:14] Speaker C: Perfect. [00:04:14] Speaker B: Flying the ship is merely fighting the ship through the stars. So I shall take on this challenge. [00:04:20] Speaker A: All right, Banshee, can you describe yourself as you tell us how you pilot this ship? We have no idea what the controls are like on the narwhal. [00:04:26] Speaker B: Well, obviously, I am a figure of perfection. I am a compact creature the size of roughly, perhaps a hobbit or a gnome in your fantasy literature. However, I am somewhat of a bluish grayscale type, very pale blue body with darker oceanic type blue markings all over me. I have a side shave of blue hair that's also curled up on top, and I am ripped with muscles. And I am ready to lay down and vanquish my foes upon need. However, of course, as you know, I do not kill. I only fight them down with my staff. And I have this really large staff with coursing with kinetic energy that hangs on my back. But currently, I believe that what I am doing is working a series of knobs and levers and pulling the levers, much like I would handle my staff, and I am attacking the speed at which we need to course through space. [00:05:22] Speaker A: Amazing. Everyone on the. You bank a quick hard left again. In space, you don't bank, there's no air. Air to make those things happen. But everyone, for some reason, drifts slightly as they crash into the side. As you dodge what looks to be a little bit of space shrapnel, maybe a tiny asteroid. As Banshee dodges yet another piece of shrapnel, trying to lose their pursuers. Let's see, Neptor, where does the crew find you. [00:05:55] Speaker C: Um, so I would like to think that, Neptor, I am currently in my little refurbished storage container. Not container, but storage janitor room right now, and I am taking a nap because this pursuit has gone. They took too long to not catch us. So I think it was like the start of it. It was like, oh, goodness, there's people after us. And then it. We're not dead in five minutes. I'll see y'all once we've stopped again. Um, so you all see this, um, somewhat of average sized humanoid with sort of almost purplish skin. Dark, purplish skin. Golden freckles sort of outline their face as well as a sort of mullet reddish hair that's very coily and reaches to just at, like, halfway across my neck. My. I'm wearing, like, a sort of turtleneck. That's what it is, a turtleneck, like a black turtleneck or, sorry, a red turtleneck and black sort of jacket and black pants with also a little scarf around my neck. And I'm just sort of in my little area, like, head down on the table, and I'm just snoozing. I've clocked out. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Are you used to sleeping on bumpy, pursuit filled ship adventures? Just this is. This is normal for you? [00:07:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:41] Speaker A: Neptor can sleep through anything, apparently, as the ship rocks again with a glancing hit. Nothing terribly damaging, because then I'd have to make you roll for it. Olukun, where do we find you? [00:07:56] Speaker D: Alo kun is fidgeting with something. He's grabbed a lot of, like, electronics and kind of putting together a makeshift kind of looks like an orb, something that he can use to defend off the pursuers. And what you see is an amphibious type creature, a tall but lean, like, grayish skin, four eyes, like deep blue green dreadlocks coming down to his waist with not quite a. Not quite a cowboy hat, but the one that's more circular and a duster. But the duster is translucent with lots of hexagons over it. And then the rest of his body is kind of like a dirty cowboy esque get up with browns and blacks and smoking, kind of like a little stogie while he's fiddling with what could be an explosive. And kind of notices neptar, just like, I know kids need sleep nowadays, but this is ridiculous. And he's finishing what could be something to shake off the pursuers. So it's like, it's a little. It's an explosive, but it's more of an EMP meant to damage, but not destroy. [00:09:27] Speaker A: Right on. Right on. Do you intend on using that anytime soon? [00:09:34] Speaker D: One quick screw, and it's ready to go. [00:09:36] Speaker A: Awesome. We can do a little bit of ship combat, but before we do that, there's one last member of our party we have not seen yet. The ship continues to hurtle through space, the narwhal flapping its tail behind it again. It is somehow both a train and a whale. Our players came up with this description of the ship. If you are interested in seeing any of our pre our session zero, and you're a Patreon subscriber, we will be releasing that. And if you are not, you should go watch it because it's, um. It's insane. But yeah. So if you hear some weird descriptions, it is not my fault. This time. The rest will be the ship is not my fault. Yes, we see our final crew member on this, our second final. We have a captain, but our final crew member on this teeny, tiny former diner car ship. Bernard, where do we find you and what are you doing? [00:10:36] Speaker E: Well, I am scurrying around in some of the more the engine side of the ship, and I am trying to figure out a couple of ways to get ourselves to go faster, to get away from these space brigands, these stellar buccaneers. How dare they? And so Bernard is. Bernard is a five foot tall house cat, green fur, little antenna, and sports a little necklace around their neck that says Bernard Shelley, their nom de plume. So at this moment, as the ship is getting rocked back and forth, Bernard kind of gets flipped upside down and kind of keeps landing on their feet, keeps trying to get their footing. Oh, I've got it. Oh, who's at the helm? And I start and I start sprinting over to the helm to try to run into to see who's who currently today is at the wheel of our ship. And I guess I round the corner and see, and see Banshee. And I exclaim, oh, I've got it. I've got it. Okay, so if we just access the auxiliary tender to funnel fuel to our biometric booster, I think we could connect with some more of the less, the less spotty tracks, you know, the current that we're kind of trying to. And we can just propel ourselves forward so long as we don't blower steam dome. Okay. We're gonna be all right, but, boy, are we gonna look silly if we've got all sorts of astral ash all over her face, you know what I mean? And I pat Banshee lovingly on the shoulder. [00:12:35] Speaker B: Ah, my verdant friend, your skills have proven useful to us once again. [00:12:40] Speaker E: Thanks. [00:12:42] Speaker A: Okay, so I have two questions for you. One, Bernard, are you trying to do something by using techniques? Babble first, or was that just very good? [00:12:53] Speaker E: You know, always. I'll just go ahead. [00:12:55] Speaker A: And what is your plan here? [00:13:00] Speaker B: Based on what Bernard Shelley said, I think that they were setting us up for a fly because it's like they're doing a way to make our ship maneuver better. So I think that makes the most sense to me. I'm trying to think of what we would use instead of. I mean, I guess savvy could also work for what Olakoom was preparing so. [00:13:19] Speaker A: Well, I'll give you this. Everyone has to be able to contribute in some way to making this role happen. So why don't you hop on the comms, maybe, and see if you can get everyone on board? [00:13:29] Speaker B: Sure, I hop on the comms and hopefully wake up Neptor as they're sleeping, and I go, all right, my allies and compatriots, we are in a tough spot. We have been in tougher spots than this. The decision needs to be made. Shall we try to evade our foes and live to fight another day, or shall we try to disable them and leave them dead in the water? Metaphorically speaking, of course. Not destroying them, just waiting for help. [00:13:58] Speaker D: I say, let's just get the crud out of here. [00:14:02] Speaker C: I peek out of my little curtain, and I'm like, are you guys still following us? [00:14:08] Speaker B: Not for long, due to our feline friend and his technoscience wizardry. [00:14:18] Speaker C: Hank almost turns back around to go in the room, but then they're like, oh, all hands on deck. Okay. And then he'll come back out and say, okay, what are we doing? [00:14:31] Speaker E: Well, we're going full steam ahead. I've got a nifty little trick. I mean, I'm just hoping it doesn't disjoint our safety valves, but I see a way for us to just connect with a strong current, let us let it pull us forward. But we're gonna need to burn a little extra quantum coal on this one. [00:14:55] Speaker C: I got some of these, the coil batteries that was supposed to support our energy. Fuel lately. Well, I guess not fuel. I wish we had used fuel, our energy lately. And I was thinking maybe we could connect them. I know there's a system sort of in the back. We could sort of connect those and use some of those batteries there. I called that. I coiled them the other day. [00:15:18] Speaker E: You. [00:15:18] Speaker C: I really want to use them. [00:15:20] Speaker E: You coiled them yourself? [00:15:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:22] Speaker C: Yes. I was bored. [00:15:25] Speaker E: This is astronomically awesome. Well, let's do that. We could do something with that. Come on, let's go, Napster. [00:15:33] Speaker C: Thanks, Barney. [00:15:39] Speaker A: Oh, Lacun, is there anything you're doing to help us make the ship go? [00:15:44] Speaker D: Yeah. If we're worried about doing some damage to the ship, I'll be on standby, ready to Jerry rig something that will at least get us, you know, to our next stopping point in case something goes wrong. [00:15:56] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. All right, so, everyone, I assume with Banshee still at the helm, everyone is going to roll a d. Where'd it go? Everyone's going to roll two, d, six. And then, because you're doing a fly, you're going to roll. Add your courage to that. [00:16:16] Speaker E: Bernard rolled a nine. [00:16:18] Speaker B: I have rolled an eleven on my dice. [00:16:21] Speaker A: An eleven from Banshee and Olakan, and a six. So your highest score is an eleven. Dang. Yeah. Absolutely. You do it. Bernard, can you describe to me what your mission? What your. Oh, and also you get a plus one because of technobabble, so, twelve. Holy crap. Yeah. Can you explain to me what you do to both what this thing does and then all, like. And how it looks when it works? And also what extra cool, badass thing happens as you fire this thing as it goes? [00:17:03] Speaker E: Well, I run along with Neptor following after me, and we get back to the firebox, which is like, it feeds into the fire tube cylinders. These are all very, very technical terms. I won't bore you with it now, but we get back there and I see Neptar. All right. The coil battery is really not supposed to do. It doesn't be used for this, but I'm pretty sure if we attach it to the safety valve, but we turn off the blowdown valve, we might be able to over intensify the thermal capacity and just blow right out of here. But I'm going to need an extra set of pause or hands, or I just. Well, I got to turn these two valves and you insert the battery on my count. [00:18:01] Speaker C: Oh, on your. [00:18:01] Speaker E: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Count with me. 33211. [00:18:10] Speaker C: These microphone, by the way. [00:18:12] Speaker A: Shove it. [00:18:14] Speaker E: And I turn the valves. [00:18:18] Speaker A: The valves all turn smoothly. You hear a soft, whale like hum as the. As everything clicks into place, and it seems. And you feel banshee at the helm, you feel yourself hit the back of your seat for a moment. In fact, everyone feels rocketed backwards as your momentum increases and you go, you just streak on out. It's almost like FTL, but not. It's as close as you can get to FTL without. Without doing the actual jump. Yeah. Is there anything else that happens? Like what's. Is there anything major extra that happens when you do this? [00:19:03] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:19:04] Speaker E: Well, I turn to. I turn to Neptune as we're rocketing through this, and I looked at him and go, you remember to oscillate the subspace in the modulator element of the battery, didn't you? [00:19:21] Speaker C: What? I thought you wanted to go faster. [00:19:25] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, quite fast. But we're gonna have to slow down at some point. But that's a later us problem. [00:19:33] Speaker C: Exactly. We haven't spotted yet. [00:19:35] Speaker E: Great. [00:19:36] Speaker A: Up top. [00:19:36] Speaker E: And just high five answer. [00:19:40] Speaker A: You guys have done so well. And no one rolled below us six, so no one took any hits. No one took any extra damage or anything. That this all works perfectly. Banshee it is. You are barely hanging on to all of the joysticks as what was already the worst game of asteroids has become a bullet. [00:20:03] Speaker B: Hell, you know how I'm picturing it? Because we had said that this diner car was, like, a former seafood restaurant. I'm almost imagining the pilot seat is, like, almost like a mechanical bull kind of thing, and I'm, like, really being rocked around on the absolutely shock type seat, and I'm, like, really trying to hang on while doing stuff. [00:20:21] Speaker A: You are in the weirdest bullet hell game. As you're just dodging just the junk of space. Do you know where you're going? [00:20:29] Speaker B: Oh, absolutely not. [00:20:32] Speaker A: Does anyone have an idea where we're going? You've just been pursued by brigands for reasons that frankly don't matter in this episode. But, yes, as you're. As you look in your rearview mirror, whatever that actually is on this spaceship. Spaceships have rearview mirrors. Who knows? You gotta have something to hang the. Hang the dice off the dice. [00:20:54] Speaker B: That's right. [00:20:56] Speaker A: As you hurtle forward, you look in the rear view mirror. No sign of your pursuers, just empty galaxy. All kind of doing the little liney thing as if they're almost getting ready to jump. How are you stopping the ship, everyone? [00:21:18] Speaker E: Um, I'm thinking to myself, well, um, if we haven't caught. If we haven't caught a solid current that's taken us where we want to go, I really don't know where we're actually going. And we're gonna keep moving there pretty, pretty fast. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Yes. [00:21:45] Speaker E: This was a forward moving kind of tactic. Less on the how to stop the forward moving tactic, I'm afraid. Crew. [00:21:56] Speaker D: Don't worry. I can take care of it. And I looked down at the contraption I was making, it was like, well, if I can't use it that way, I can use it this way and kind of reverse the polarity of it. And I just slam my hand against, like, one of the walls, and a little. Little chute kind of comes out, and it goes towards the front cannon, and I go on three, hit the lever to banshee. [00:22:23] Speaker B: All right. I think then, like, I'm probably trying to, like, break, basically. So, like, it's probably, like, there's probably, like, so much force. So it's like me fighting against the force of the levers to change the polarity. Not the polarity, but, like, the strength of it, right? [00:22:36] Speaker D: And the idea is that this little contraption that I made, once it goes out, if it goes out at the right time, the explosion of it will also kind of push back against our ship, giving us a break. [00:22:52] Speaker A: All right, I almost want you to do one more ship move for this because it feels like it won again. So this is a. This is, again a ship move you're trying to break. Would we argue that this is fly or this is fight? Cause I feel like the nature of it is fighty, but you are still flying. [00:23:20] Speaker B: I sort of think it's fight because we're fighting against the physics of it. That's, like, my dumb explanation, but only cause I described it as me physically pushing back against the levers. But that's my. That's what I'm doing. But I don't know if that describes what the whole ship is doing. And also, you are using a weapon to do it. [00:23:38] Speaker D: But I'm blowing up momentum. That's not fine. I don't know what is. [00:23:43] Speaker B: I shout out too true. If I dampen the primary modulator, then we might finally have a induction shift. [00:23:50] Speaker A: How dare you use technobabble on me. All right, everyone, roll your two. D six. Banshee, you get the plus one because of the techno babble. How dare you. [00:24:02] Speaker B: And if we're doing, are we doing fight or are we doing fly? [00:24:05] Speaker A: What are we to say we're doing fight? Because my degree is not in science, so I don't know how physics works. This is how breaking works in space now. Nice. [00:24:16] Speaker D: Oh, locun, got a twelve. [00:24:19] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [00:24:19] Speaker B: Nice. [00:24:20] Speaker D: That plus two for body. [00:24:22] Speaker E: Dang. [00:24:23] Speaker B: Plus the one protective battle. [00:24:24] Speaker E: So. [00:24:26] Speaker A: Did anyone get under a six? All right, so four group roles for the ship. Everything under any six or lower roll means that you take, like, a little bit of a hit. But again, you did so hecking well. Olo kun had this bomb Bernard, what did you. Did you do anything to help make this happen? [00:24:54] Speaker E: Oh, I think I am just so impressed with what ole kun just did, even though it seemed insane to use our guns to break us. But I am truly so fascinated. So I think I just spent the entire time just watching and learning and then trying to kind of maintain, you know, keep myself from slamming into the front windshield. [00:25:25] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. Banshee, is there anything else you do? Oh, actually, you're fighting the controls, aren't you? [00:25:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm full on this. This. This bull and I are real. Oh, this. It's a tough day for this beast, but I shall vanquish it. I apologize. You're editing now, because I probably just yelled in the microphone by accident. [00:25:41] Speaker A: You're fine. And, Neptor, what do you do to try to help us break? [00:25:47] Speaker C: So, I think Neptune gets the idea that, like, oh, okay, I see what's happening. What if we drifted? And so I will rush to one of the side parts of the car where we could release and bring back our gravity anchor. And you see, Neptune goes. So there's, like, a 2% chance a meteor passes under us and we drift on it. And if not, I still win. And then they will pull on the thing to have what I imagine is sort of like a. In my heart. It's like an anchor, but it has sort of that. Like, I don't describe it. We don't. Like, there's, like, those, like, circular boosters, and, like, when they push out, there's almost like a circular pulse instead of, like a straight fire jet. I like to imagine it's sort of like the head of an anchor, but the bottom of the anchor is sort of like those three things like that. And when it drops down, it sends almost, like, sort of a gravity pulse to latch onto. And essentially, the idea is that there's, like, maybe, like, a small meteor or piece of rock that for a second, it connects to. To help the ship very, very slightly tilt to the side so that when this bomb hits, it doesn't. It hits it at an angle and at the perfect stop so that it prioritizes the lessening of speed even more. And this is probably why I got a five. [00:27:39] Speaker A: Well, the good news is, you do stop. You know what? It's really. You do stop, which is honestly not an easy feat in space. So you stop, the anchor comes dropping out of the ship and latches itself onto a nearby piece of space debris, a large one, maybe a large chunk of rock, and the ship swings around. This is a real hornblower movie, to be honest. As you. I guess if it's space, it's a real honor. Harrington. Move as you swing the. As the ship swings around. And basically you all go stringing the centrifugal force of it. You all find yourselves squished against the side of the ship in whatever room you're in as the whole thing swings to make a full 180. So you are now facing where you came. Except it's absolutely unfamiliar because that first boost really got you somewhere. And you guys. The ship. The narwhal comes to a slow stop as it finishes its rotation around. And you sit there for a moment, hovering in a very quiet sector. [00:29:07] Speaker D: Any fight you can walk away from. [00:29:13] Speaker A: Yes, Dadshi. [00:29:14] Speaker B: I believe we have emerged victorious this day. And we should all be quite proud of ourselves. I noticed that there are things for the ship moves. If you get ten plus, there are, like, benefits to it. So I want to just point out we. We should. I don't know if someone. I might be volunteering myself to do this by asking this question, but is someone tracking our ship investments? And if so, I guess it's gonna be me now. So we get a plus one for ship investment for the. For the fly role, but for the fight body role, we actually. Everyone gets to clear a condition. And so I'm choosing to clear reckless. And the reason why I'm choosing to clear reckless is not that I have gotten less reckless. It's that I realize now that my recklessness is on par with the rest of the crew and what we're doing. So it's no longer a condition. It's just. Oh, the standards of what counts as reckless for this crew just dropped dramatically. [00:29:59] Speaker A: Amazing. And thank you for keeping me honest on that. Yes, everyone, clear condition. As you successfully fought momentum, which is definitely how that works. And anyone who wants to teach me about physics can engage with this, uh, in the comments later. Yes, it's oddly. It's not oddly science silent. It's space. Um, you have drift. You. You find yourself drifting softly. The ship, because of its whale like nature, is always sort of rocking. Um, honestly, it's quite nice. If you're going to sleep, it feels a little like you're in a cradle again. Um, but has come to a mostly complete stop. Um, as you sit and have this moment of quiet, it is broken by what you perceive to be sort of a bubbly, warbling voice. I'm not gonna do it. But it is the like sort of thing as your ship's captain appears on what you think of as an intercom, your captain, Flamin Jenny, is a sentient, jellyfish like octopus situation, and she is mostly reclusive, as she is primarily aquatic and cannot leave her little hamster network of watery tubes that fill the ship like veins. And her quarters, the captain's quarters, has been sealed off in this ship. And if you look in the porthole of it, it is just a large aquarium where this. Honestly, bigger than you would expect for the size of the tubes. Octopus thing lives. But yes, over the ankham, there's a warbling voices. Flaming. Jenny goes, oh, where are we? What happened? I was. I'm so sorry. I was. I was taking a nap. [00:32:12] Speaker B: We have emerged victorious this day. [00:32:15] Speaker A: Victorious. Yes, yes. As planned. Yep. Fully my plan the entire time. Thank you, Banshee. You are an asset to the team. And you feel the idea of a high five? [00:32:35] Speaker B: Oh, I 100% put my hand up against the glass where, like, jenny kind. [00:32:39] Speaker A: Of undulates to the glass and points to the side of the window where there is a. Please do not tap on the glass placard. That is from the days when this was a ship. Happened to be a restaurant, a novelty restaurant called Flame. Forgot about that. [00:33:01] Speaker B: That's my favorite detail. I love it. [00:33:02] Speaker A: Please don't tap on the glass. But she. She understands curiosity. Can anyone. Jenny. Seems you get the feeling of bashfulness, rather than seeing this thing be bashful. Does anyone. Has anyone. Did we take any damage to the cargo? [00:33:30] Speaker D: Oh, check. [00:33:32] Speaker A: Mmm. [00:33:34] Speaker D: Why? [00:33:37] Speaker A: I've waited too long to answer, haven't I? [00:33:39] Speaker D: A little bit. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Okay. Well, we may have picked up a little extra cargo, and I just wanted to make sure it was safe. [00:33:54] Speaker B: Captain, it feels like you didn't answer the question as much as restate the previous confusion. [00:34:00] Speaker A: Um, well, it was a rough trip, and I'm worried that the cargo is unsafe. [00:34:08] Speaker B: Again, it feels like this is the third time you repeated the same bit of information without any new information being added to the mix. [00:34:13] Speaker A: Okay. It so happens that at our last stop, and, like, truly, you've never seen an octopus do this, like, fingers together, oo woo. Thing. You get the sense of. Again, this is an octopus. You get this sense of, like, bashfulness and. Oh, no. But, like, also, the thing is as unapologetic as ever. At our last stop, I just happened to hear some terrestrialist jerks talking about how they had gotten some over on a nearby aquarium, and I thought, you know, if I can liberate a train car, I can liberate whatever I want and may happen to have acquired some cargo from two of the other ships at dock. You guys look like you were having so much fun. I didn't want to bother you. [00:35:15] Speaker D: Thought you were sleeping. [00:35:16] Speaker A: What? [00:35:17] Speaker D: Thought you were sleeping. [00:35:19] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, I only have to rest half my brain at once. Okay. [00:35:25] Speaker D: And I take like a big stokage, like, okay, well, might as well go see what we picked up. [00:35:33] Speaker A: I just think that people who are. I think that we need to, you know, punish poor behavior by taking their things without them knowing. And then if they find out, then they'll have learned a lesson or try to take it back. Yeah, they did that part and you lost them. Good for you. Again, you feel the, like, high five feeling. [00:35:57] Speaker B: I start to go to the glass again. Then I stop and I look at the sign and I like, nod. [00:36:03] Speaker A: We'll have a hand installed. Yes, Flame and Jenny learned about high fives fairly recently and it's sort of their thing now. But yes, if you could check the cargo bay, that would be great. Again, I don't know how Flammageni is playing with her hair. [00:36:26] Speaker B: Oh, I imagine a tentacle being just another tentacle. Question real quick, what are flaming Jenny's. [00:36:31] Speaker A: Pronouns, any and all? [00:36:33] Speaker B: Okay. [00:36:34] Speaker A: As she talks, you do see through one of the tubes. Jenny start making her way towards the cargo bay area. Is there a full cargo bay in this dining car turned spaceship? [00:36:52] Speaker D: I feel like we would have put like, like a makeshift box towards the back. And that is basically what we have allowed it for our cargo. [00:37:06] Speaker B: What if the cargo bay is what used to be the walk in, the storage for food? And we've turned it to build off what Olakun said, but it's like a makeshift. We've made it into a cargo. [00:37:18] Speaker A: Amazing. Yes. You can see again this, the whole ship has these like, this hamster like network of tubes. And Jenny does fill the entire space as they undulate down into the former walk in. Now, cargo bay of your ship. Again, this place is tiny. Oh good. I think it's all here. It does look jumbled. You can kind of hear from again, it's psychic, so it just happens in your head. But does anyone with thumbs want to check this for me? [00:37:57] Speaker E: Bernard thoughtfully looks at their paws. I'll accompany someone with thumbs. [00:38:05] Speaker D: I'll check it out. [00:38:06] Speaker A: Every room, room of your ship has a small tank. So you can sort a small ur tank where you can see this octopus jellyfish thing kind of glowing and smashed against the edge of it. Well, I can't do it. I can only lift about five pounds. [00:38:29] Speaker D: I open up our little cargo area. [00:38:33] Speaker A: What do we see? [00:38:34] Speaker D: Is it big enough for crates? But is it boxes? Is it just all over you? [00:38:42] Speaker A: Get to the cargo hold again. A refurbished walk in refrigerator. There's. Unless anyone has gone out of their way to organize the space. It is fairly chaotic, as is what seems to be most of the vibe of the ship. But yes, in the back, all of your cargo has been stamped with the name of your ship, the narwhal. It's just a little n. And then a little. Little like tail on the end somehow. But there are two crates that clearly do not have your stamp on them. The first one has Derek Barnacle Grendel, and the second one has the fraudleigh Grail logo. [00:39:29] Speaker B: Ah, yes. I carry those boxes on for the captain earlier, I believe. I thought it was odd that we have a different logo, but I. You know, the captain says, the captain what? Gets what they want. [00:39:37] Speaker A: So, Banshee, have I already told you I loved you many, many times? [00:39:43] Speaker B: And I quite appreciate it. [00:39:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So if someone could help me out with that again. Aquatic creature stuck in a tube. Hello. [00:39:56] Speaker D: Kun will open up the. He'll open the first one. [00:40:02] Speaker A: You said the barnacle box. Medium sized box full of paper streamer things that they use to cushion it. And as you reach in, are you just going to dig around and pull something out of it? You reach in fairly deep, actually, and you feel something oddly shaped. And as you pull your hand out, you see a bobblehead. A pirate bobblehead. He's got one. He's got one metallic peg leg, a little eye that seems to be cybernetic of some sort. It kind of gleams. There's actually like a little gem in there. And if you press a button at the base of the bobblehead, it goes yarmy tease. [00:40:56] Speaker D: With the head. Head bobbles. [00:40:58] Speaker A: It does. [00:40:58] Speaker B: Bobble, dude. [00:40:59] Speaker D: Just like to see it. Bobble. [00:41:04] Speaker A: You feel. Here. Jenny. [00:41:09] Speaker D: Was it. Was that all? [00:41:13] Speaker A: I had no idea what was in the boxes. [00:41:15] Speaker D: Oh, so you. Oh, okay. [00:41:19] Speaker A: I just stole them as a punitive measure. [00:41:21] Speaker E: Sure. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Well, banshee stole them. I asked. [00:41:25] Speaker D: Okay, what's in the other one? Yeah, flip over to the other one. What's in it? What's inside? [00:41:32] Speaker A: You open up the second crate that says the Frogley grail, and inside there seem to be a couple random documents. They are ship manifests for a popular cruise liner. Just around a couple other things. It does seem like maybe this crate has been stolen a couple times and added to. So it's shit. Manifests and accounting information. Not important. Accounting information but receipts from a popular cruise liner. A couple novelty shirts for what you have seen posters for, which seems to be a lot. Sarian is the name of the people. They have, like, a dance troupe that comes around and advertises profusely. They talk about Lotso as you've never seen it before from the past. There's a couple tools like screwdrivers and various mechanics kit things. They all have different labels. And a label maker that has been labeled label maker. [00:42:53] Speaker B: This is indeed a bounty of great value for I. Many of my paramours have told me that they like to make sure they have plenty of receipts. So I definitely understand that the receipts are extremely important. [00:43:03] Speaker A: Yes. What are receipts for? [00:43:06] Speaker B: I don't know, but they say if you mess with me, don't worry, I bring receipts. So I assume that means it's a defensive mechanism of some sort. [00:43:13] Speaker A: Absolute great idea. I'm glad we've acquired someone else's defense system. Then. Could I. Could you do me a favor, ola kun? And again, Jenny does the three tentacles, six tentacles, all. Could you drop one of those bobbleheads into my tank? [00:43:34] Speaker E: Sure. [00:43:35] Speaker D: And I feel like in this ship, there's little compartments, like the tubes, like the old tubes, where, like, banking systems used to use that would suck up something. I feel like a couple of those, you know, scattered throughout the. Our train plane space. [00:43:53] Speaker A: It's also where the flakes go in. [00:43:55] Speaker D: Yeah. So just, you know, find one, whichever one's closest to me, and just drop it in. [00:44:00] Speaker A: Yeah. And you see, as it goes and into the. It lands in the tank next to Jenny, who fully just octopuses around it. Pneumatic tubes. Thank you. Like, octopuses around it and just. This is an excellent treasure indeed. Almost worth getting rid of some of our rations for. [00:44:24] Speaker D: Oh. [00:44:25] Speaker C: Oh, we're out of food. [00:44:29] Speaker A: We're not out of food. We're just down to crates. The bobblehead is moving slower underwater. Wait, this is. [00:44:40] Speaker D: This was stolen? How? Why did we lose crates? [00:44:44] Speaker A: Oh, well, I had to put something in their place. So Banshee unloaded the last crates and put these crates on. [00:44:51] Speaker B: You're welcome, captain. [00:44:54] Speaker D: Dragging his head. [00:44:57] Speaker C: We do. We traded for receipts. [00:45:01] Speaker A: We did. Apparently a profound defensive system. [00:45:06] Speaker B: Yes. Make sure you bring receipts against your foes. They cannot back down once they know that you have receipts. [00:45:12] Speaker E: I kind of curiously walk over to the pile of receipts and I considered them in a go. Well, it's an archaic source of fuel. I suppose we could use them to power short bursts of momentum, but I'm not sure if these will really? Well, I don't know if these receipts really will be that useful for the ship. [00:45:39] Speaker B: Space. [00:45:39] Speaker A: Oh. [00:45:43] Speaker E: Yes, we are in space. Well, I think we could take a look at our navigational systems. One moment, captain. Don't you worry. And I kind of walk over to the panel that has kind of a projection of the, you know, digital space map. And I look at it and I think it's a, it's throwing me for a loop. I'm not sure what I'm actually seeing. [00:46:16] Speaker A: So does anyone? I don't, I mean, it's, it's a, it's a little bright. It's a basic brains role to decode the space map. [00:46:26] Speaker E: Hmm. Okay, that's. Sure. I think I look at the map carefully and sort of feeling kind of compelled to figure out just in my mind, trying to do the math of like, well, we moved this fast and then we traveled, we leaped across this, these many solar quantum lanes. I wonder where we could have ended up. And I think in the process, as I look at this, my face disappears off the front of my head and it reappears in the map as it kind of hovers through the map kind to try to understand where we are. So if anyone comes over, they'll just see me standing like this, but there's no face on the front of the body. And so I'm gonna do an excess knowledge roll and I'm gonna, I'm gonna do with advantage, but I think it will be, I have to do this move called plugged in by wagering one trust to be able to roll with advantage. Just because it's very peculiar to see a creature with no face. [00:47:48] Speaker C: I will say Neptune will probably walk by to be like, oh, yeah, we're looking at the world thing. Oh, you're doing the. [00:47:57] Speaker E: Alright, yeah. And you just need. [00:48:02] Speaker A: Oh my God. Sorry, I. [00:48:05] Speaker E: Okay, so I will roll twice. Good lord, that's good. It's good that I'm rolling twice. Not great, folks. We went from a four to a six. Oh, but I do have two in brains. So does that, do I add that? [00:48:20] Speaker A: Yeah, you glide your brains. [00:48:22] Speaker E: So it's actually an eight. [00:48:24] Speaker A: Rad. An eight is a, is a mixed success. Yeah, you, you. Well, you are partially right. The ship has been following. This ship follows gravitational currents that exist in space as we all know it follows these currents, and it uses them to move faster and just generally as ley lines across the galaxy. However, there is a limit to everything you have explored in space as you look down at, well, as you look into the map. And everyone else sort of can look down at your mouth, at your face of interfacing with it. You get the sense that you are in what is known as frontier space. The people who have decided where the center of the universe is, whoever, whichever culture that is there is a limit to how far they have explored. And most popular knowledge of the day basically refers to this as a. Here there might be dragons, but, you know, dragons are fairy tales. And the. Mostly, this area is known for having small, smaller communities of folk, perhaps, uh, perhaps, um, done. Made in little colonies on smaller rocks, etcetera. Not as populated any. Most this air in this time, in this galaxy. Some planets, uh, some planet, uh, planets. And, uh, systems have created central governments this far out. No one has tried. Um, some settlements out here are backed by a corporation or a. Or a governmental system. But most folk here have moved out here with a atmo habituator and a dream. [00:50:31] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. I think, as I come to kind of grasp that that's how far we are at, I'm kind of looking up at neptar, who's looking at me, and it's because my face is just so moving around the map. And I'd relay that knowledge. And I just have to, I guess, point out that because I rolled an eight, I'm actually. I'm gonna mark a condition, but so is neptar. [00:51:06] Speaker C: Oh. [00:51:07] Speaker E: And I. And I think it's because I. As I'm looking up, I go, neptor. Okay, so I think maybe if we could. Is anyone. And I kind of like the face kind of swirls around to see if anybody else from the crew is around. And I say, I never been. Well, as far as I know, I've never been anywhere as far as this. There's very little out here that people are. Folks out here are living on meager means, and I. We might be a little bit short on friends or places to refuel or get food. I. Oh, quite, quite frankly, I'm not really sure that I should have. Should have talked you into letting me power the ship like that. And it's throwing us out here. I'm not really sure how we're gonna get back. [00:52:05] Speaker C: Oh, Bernie. Listen. It's. These things happen, you know. Sometimes you go a little too far out in the system and things burn out and you drift for a while. But that doesn't mean it's gonna be like that forever. I mean, it's. Things usually work out for us. I'm pretty sure. [00:52:27] Speaker E: Well, I was. I was pretty sure I was drifting out in space. For quite a while before I bumped into this ship. We could be drifting. We could be drifting for a little while. Maybe not forever, but something like halfway to forever. A long time. [00:52:43] Speaker C: Yeah, like a quarter. [00:52:45] Speaker E: A quarter of forever. How long is that? [00:52:49] Speaker C: Maybe like a. Maybe like a week. [00:52:52] Speaker E: Oh, whiskers, this is. This is not a. Oh, it's not ideal. [00:53:00] Speaker A: As you say. Oh, whiskers. Two of your minions, your zig and zag. You see the two tiny? Are they also green? [00:53:11] Speaker E: Oh, for sure, yeah. Green little kittens. [00:53:13] Speaker A: Two wee green kittens come tumbling into the space. They seem to have been enjoying their time on the rock and boat, but they look up at you now and go, forever. [00:53:29] Speaker E: Oh, zig. Oh, zag. I don't know if it's forever, but maybe it's quarter to forever. [00:53:36] Speaker A: Neptune, how long is quarter? [00:53:37] Speaker D: Two. [00:53:37] Speaker B: Forever. [00:53:39] Speaker C: I'm like a, uh. I look at, like, the two little kittens. There's like, a pause. Like. Like a yemenite week. Two and a half days. [00:53:57] Speaker A: Okay, okay. Two and a half days is a good amount of time. That's. That's a lot. But I think we can. We can survive two and a half. [00:54:05] Speaker C: We can match two and a half days. We can manage two and a half days. Okay. In two and a half days, we're gonna make things work out. [00:54:14] Speaker E: Oh, all right, Neptune, if you say so. [00:54:17] Speaker A: Oh, gosh, I know so. I'm not there while you're. Are you still interfacing with the navigational system? [00:54:30] Speaker E: I think I realized that I want to get off the map as soon as possible, so it fades off and comes back into my own face. [00:54:38] Speaker A: As you reform into your own face, you can now see the star map from above. And you do notice there are a couple. Some folk have come out here and had the audacity to name the system and name things out here. You notice that some of you are nearby a space that has been named the iris belt, a belt of asteroids. And if anyone wants to look out the space window, you might even see them just on the horizon. Question mark. A series of. Just an asteroid belt. So a bunch of rocks and space debris so named Iris because they have an unusually high amount of quartz in them and faceted and other faceted minerals, making them sort of sparkle like rainbows as light hits them. You also notice when you. As you are looking down again, the names are popping up as you've got, the ship sort of floats closer. It's still anchored, so it's not going to fully leave where you've stopped. But as you kind of pop in and drift in and out. So they pop onto the screen, then they disappear. Then they pop onto the screen and they disappear. Several. Several asteroids that have been named after some conglomeration of, I guess, folk heroes. You see a couple small plan, small settlements named Pious Bellamy, pious Zara and Pious Andromeda. [00:56:23] Speaker B: Perhaps we can get more rations on those pie worlds. They are. They are lush with pies. We should go there. [00:56:32] Speaker A: Oh, look who you were saying? [00:56:34] Speaker D: Do those names ring any bells to any of us? [00:56:39] Speaker A: Let's see, Bernard. They don't. You do remember drifting, but not quite this far? Banshee, you've been on sort of a rumspinger, correct? [00:56:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:50] Speaker A: And Olukun. Why don't I have everyone roll a break just to see if you can kind of remember anything. [00:56:56] Speaker B: I got a seven. [00:56:58] Speaker D: I also got a seven. [00:56:59] Speaker A: Okay, Bernard, Neptune. Sounds like you failed anything, Bernard. [00:57:08] Speaker E: I managed to roll altogether. A twelve, actually. [00:57:14] Speaker A: Okay, I retract my statement. Banshee and Olakunde. The concept of piuses is something that you do understand. It's sort of just another word for, like a saint. So essentially, I'm gonna tell on myself here. You're basically by like a St. Bart's, St. Matthew's Saint like island. Oh, I love it. So that is sort of how you recognize that. Like what you recognize. So someone has, whoever you bought, like whoever is updating the software on your navigation, that is. That naming convention has come from them. Bernard. That name does sound familiar. Pius Andromedas. It scratches at the back of your head. It might have just been a story you heard while you were traveling. People talk about it all the time. Going to like, running off and starting a new life out on the frontier. Out on frontier space. Getting a little asteroid to call their home. Also, it's basically a bunch of small port towns. So lots and lots of traveler. Travelers pass through that area. You don't feel. You don't know that you feel like that you've ever been here before. You do feel it. You do. The swaying of the ship that you're on kind of reminds you a bit of maybe another ship. It felt larger somehow. You're about 5ft tall, but you weren't. It didn't feel like that when you were on this previous ship. Something about it, something about a little port town feels like home to you. [00:59:09] Speaker E: Yeah, I, like, longingly stare out at these islands and little zig and zag have like, jumped on my shoulders. And we're all kind of focused on this area out there. And I think in the moment, Bernard, I am feeling very overwhelmed with this sense of kind of nostalgia and a real, like, shall I say, a cat's curiosity. I turn to the rest of the gang, almost a little too excited, and I say, well, maybe it's just our luck that we are in such a. Well, such a pearlescent and gorgeous looking area. Certainly, we we. We ought to take a glance. Take a. Take a look. Touch down. Uh, touch. Touch earth, as they say. Somewhere. Where did I hear that? Um, well, um, yeah, earth. Strange. Strange saying. Strange saying. I'm going to take a look at the, uh, steam dome. I will be back. And I, uh, kind of scurry off to my little cozy comfort area, which is right. Right next to our blowhole, our steam pipe, and. But I think I do scurry off in a hurry in a way that's obviously a little too worked up. Be right back, everyone. [01:00:45] Speaker A: Yep. And I scurry, sensing a zig and zag. Also after you. And run after you as well. They puffy almost when cats get really surprised. [01:01:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:01:00] Speaker A: They're first standing on Puffy as they run away. Yeah. Floating in space, Flamin Jenny undulates her way through one of the tubes. They sort of end up. They plop into container. That's a little more around you guys. Well, sounds like we had quite the score. Maybe we can offload some of this junk somewhere. What's the plan? Oh, I'm the captain. I order you to tell me what the plan is. [01:01:39] Speaker D: The plan is go down, try to restock, get some of that food you traded for. [01:01:48] Speaker A: I didn't trade it. I offloaded it. [01:01:51] Speaker D: When you steal and you give something back, it's a trade. [01:01:54] Speaker A: Damn it. [01:01:56] Speaker B: All right, well, maybe that's why those pirates were chasing after us. They wanted to give us our food back. [01:02:04] Speaker D: Very lucky, honestly. [01:02:06] Speaker C: That would've been nice. [01:02:07] Speaker A: So kind, I guess. Let's head. Are we headed planetside? Might as well as droid side. [01:02:15] Speaker D: And I will say Alokun, you know, starts to head towards the navigation, but he takes a very long. Not long, but like a side eyed. Look at the direction that Bernard ran towards. Just a little side eye. Or side eyes. I got four. So two are on one side. [01:02:39] Speaker A: Really? Just you looking again? [01:02:41] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:02:42] Speaker A: I wonder what that means. [01:02:43] Speaker B: Then I head off, I look at all the rainbow y crystals that are in space, and I say to probably the captain, because I don't think any else is listening to banshee at this point. I say, ah. Many of my conquests have worn pins and ribbons with that color combination on it. Maybe they are from this world originally. [01:03:02] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. The. The captain looks again, has a habit of splatting themselves against whatever pane of glass they're looking out of. Really? Is. How many? Do you know how many cones you have in your eyes, Banshee? [01:03:18] Speaker B: Yes. [01:03:19] Speaker A: How many? [01:03:20] Speaker B: Sorry? No, I meant, yes, I think I have cones on my eyes. [01:03:23] Speaker A: Oh, it's beautiful. I don't know if you can see all of these colors, but they're gorgeous. And you actually look. And Jenny, he's, like, rippling in, like, color. A little like a mantis shrimp going haywire. [01:03:38] Speaker B: Oh, yes. That is the color of those pins that I was talking about. [01:03:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Wow. [01:03:44] Speaker C: I think, like, adapter will come up sort of a little. They're moving a little slower than usual, but they'll, like, pop up next to banshee and we'll say, like, well, it's like staring out. I was like. I'm like, staring out. They make pins in this stuff. [01:04:05] Speaker A: Bam, bam. [01:04:06] Speaker B: Yes. They say it shows their pride. [01:04:10] Speaker C: Oh, I get what you're saying now. [01:04:13] Speaker B: They are very proud of their home, I imagine. [01:04:18] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah, we can say that. [01:04:24] Speaker A: I think it's safe to say y'all start to descend towards one of the. Towards the pious Andronicus. Wonderful. I'm going to use this moment to take our break. And with that, we're going to take our break. Stretch your legs, drink some water, restock on your food rations that you didn't trade off for bobbleheads, and we will see you in a few minutes. Hello, welcome back to Queen's court, and welcome back to space, specifically, frontier space, as our intrepid heroes, lower the ship. Wow. Bring the ship to port, the tiny port town of Pius Andronicus, one of the many little settlements that have established themselves in this frontier section of the iris belt, an asteroid belt in the edge of the map. As you land, you can see it. Most of these ships actually do have moorings. So this is where I dump some boat knowledge at you. I know that we are in a refurbished train, but this is a boat thing. Now, moorings are basically when you don't want to pull your ship entirely to dock, because docks are often limited on space. So they put little anchors out in a safer area of a bay, and you can attach your ship to the anchor out there instead of picking up valuable dock space. And then you can take, like, a dinghy in. In this case, you can kind of see it there. It's not hugely populated, but there's a significant amount. There's a couple handfuls of ships just moored. You can kind of, as the. As you get closer to the asteroid, smaller chunks have come off of it and are all kind of orbiting at the same rate, so it seems stationary where you're sitting. The moorings, they're a little gravitational, much like the anchor that Neptor described earlier, with ships attached to these little gravity anchors along the more scattered pieces of asteroid, all glittering with reflective rainbow crystals in the nebula light. But, yes, this is fairly normal for anyone who sails and travels as much as you do. You have a small, essentially just enough space for the four of you, sometimes with a side tank for Jenny with a forklift style thing attached to the back of it and then almost lashed like ratchet. Strapped to either side of the. Of this. Of this golf cart forklift situation are two fully enclosed, obviously, because still space are two propulsion engines from clearly another vehicle. They are attached like a. Like with a ball socket. They can rotate. And that is actually how you turn and stuff. You load up your. You load up your two ill gotten, hard earned crates. Anything else you might want to try to sell while you're at port and put into the dock at the Andronicus. [01:08:20] Speaker D: One of those crates only had the. The bobblehead in it, right? [01:08:25] Speaker A: Oh, it had many bobbleheads. [01:08:27] Speaker D: Many bobbleheads. And you only wanted to keep one captain. [01:08:30] Speaker A: You just want the one you. As you check in with the captain, Flame and Jenny has retreated into their, like, larger enclosure, the captain's quarters, where you can kind of see Jenny with the bobblehead, as well as a couple other, like. Like a barbie doll and, like, a matrix, like the. The middle sized matrix Gadol. And it seems to be engaged in something. They're not speaking, so you can't really hear them. You do hear, like, bubbling, but they seem to be content with the one. If you. If you look, the things seem to be crashing into each other and then coming down and then shaking and then stopping. [01:09:20] Speaker D: Okay, so go to. Go to port. [01:09:26] Speaker B: Adorable. [01:09:28] Speaker A: Weirdest character I think I've made for a game. Yeah. As you get to port, it's kind of. I think, Bernard, the smell hits you. This feels so familiar. It is. The first smell that hits you all is oil, like fried food. And then the second thing that wafts past is obviously the food itself. It's roasting meat, aromatic herbs. There's kind of this undertone of, like, I'm gonna say umami, but what it is, like, scent is in my head. I'm conjuring the smell of stinky tofu. So I apologize. But just like this, blunt Umami's undercurrent under everything, almost fishy. And as you're walking through port, you can see it's people. There's a rudimentary atmosphere system that has helped people settle. So there are sort of day and night vibes. But when things are not as advanced as they are in closer and more settled worlds, you kind of get like a perpetual dawn and twilight. There isn't really a full day or full night, so it's sort of this twilight air. There are stalls of people hawking food everywhere. You can see other spacers have brought in, are doing what you're doing and trying to just bring in small cargo that they can trade off. There's usually, like, a marketplace you can find or a pub you can travel to the other to offload this material. Otherwise, you might be looking for, like, a scrap yard. [01:11:20] Speaker D: Alokun, as we get there, would just take out, like, a little, um, little sack that keeps other side and just kind of grab, like, a handful of meteorite, I guess, and fill his. His little sack with it. [01:11:35] Speaker A: And then, oh, the pretty, like, stones or. Yeah, it's everywhere. [01:11:40] Speaker E: Right? [01:11:40] Speaker D: It's just, you know, like, literally just grabbing dirt off the. Where we're walking and just put it in. [01:11:46] Speaker A: It does look like crushed oak. Perfect. [01:11:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I buy a, like, street cart type thing of noodles, and I'm eating it. And the reason why I picked that is because I feel like the chopsticks used to eat them are, like, having two tiny staffs. And so it's like, it's, like, fun for me to eat, while it's also, like, there's, like, a good protein of some sort in there as well and some sort of, like. Like, nutty sauce or something that I quite enjoy. [01:12:12] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. It actually kind of reminds you of home world food a little bit. It is a little oilier than you were expecting, but it feels like you're gonna, like. It's gonna keep you warming from the inside for. Are you a spicy. Is banshee like, a spicy person? [01:12:30] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Spansi. I'm quite the spicy food aficionado. Cause I want to defeat my taste buds. I want to defeat the heat with my superior physique. [01:12:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I think you can see there's, like, a little folding table set up with, like, a plastic gingham tablecloth that has not only the local offerings for spice, but off world spices as well, all in various indicators of heat, which vary from planet to planet. [01:13:01] Speaker B: It turns out I think that when I ask for the spicy, I get, like, the tourist spicy. And I'm like, no, no, give me the spice of your people. And that is, like, the, like, I, like, get the challenge spice. [01:13:14] Speaker A: Like the. Yeah, the. The person who's working behind the noodle thing looks kind of like a tamarind monkey, but, like, in height and in shape and size. But when you look at them, they have, like, what is it I like? Instead of, like, you would. You would say, like, maybe moles or acne or something, but it is all crystalline as well. And they have. And they. They look at you and they're like, okay. They give you the, like, all right, then. And they, like, turn around and come back with, like, a squirt bottle of, like, fluorescent blue something. And as they squirt it in, it, like, puffs out. And you can, like, whoever. Whoever's right behind you. Banshee also gets a little bit of like, yeah, it's good. [01:14:16] Speaker B: I shall vanquish this. And she. [01:14:17] Speaker A: Yes. [01:14:18] Speaker B: I'm so excited about it. Like, I can't. [01:14:19] Speaker A: Just for my. For me again. Why don't you roll by? [01:14:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I was waiting for this. [01:14:25] Speaker A: I just gotta know. [01:14:27] Speaker B: I wish I could find a way to use technobabble in this situation, but I'm not going to. [01:14:31] Speaker A: I don't know how you would. [01:14:33] Speaker B: All right, so I just barely made it. But it's a mixed success because I got a. I got a. So I have five plus two. So seven. I just barely made it across. [01:14:42] Speaker A: Um, it seems like because you're from, like, a fairly, like, warrior esque, I world spicy food, you are not a stranger to it. This is the food of affliction, whatever you've put in your mouth. It is the kind of spicy food that comes from a place where it is the only preservative, because frontier space, sometimes you don't get the electricity you need or the power you need to keep things alive. So it is both fermented and preserved, and it's going to kill whatever's in your mouth. [01:15:22] Speaker B: I'm going to retake the reckless condition since I'm not technically fighting, but since I basically made a fighting attack and I got a mixed success, I'm going to take that condition back. [01:15:31] Speaker A: I mean, I take it. Is there anyone else who's exploring stuff as we. You travel through this little port to. [01:15:41] Speaker E: This harbor, I think as we were walking along and exploring. I am getting. I'm buzzing. I'm kind of buzzing with. I don't know, like, a fascination. And there's, like, a sense of being overwhelmed by information and being overwhelmed by, like, what feels like memories, but they sort of just feel, like, faint feelings. Like, I don't have any concrete images. And what I'm doing is I'm sort of allowing my sense of smell to guide me, even if that's kind of making me sort of, like, go off track a little bit and have to, like, run back to the. To the rest of the group. But I'm just kind of letting my nose guide me to. I just. I'm like. I have a strong inclination, an uncertain confidence that I am being led to somewhere. [01:16:43] Speaker A: Um. Roll me a heart. [01:16:46] Speaker E: Ooh. Just all heart. Ugh. [01:16:49] Speaker C: Heart. [01:16:50] Speaker E: That's. That's the one. Stat. I've got a negative one in. [01:16:52] Speaker A: I know, I'm sorry. [01:16:56] Speaker E: It's tough. [01:16:57] Speaker A: It's tough. Okay. [01:17:02] Speaker E: All right. Was gonna be a ten. Now it's a nine. So it's an opportunity for growth. [01:17:10] Speaker A: A mixed success again. It's like, you know, it's like you were here in a dream in that everything is familiar, but nothing looks the same. You're trying to describe it. It's the like, I knew I was at my house, but it was my old high school, but, like, it was my house. I knew that it has that energy to it. You're walking through. I know this is somewhere I've been before, but I couldn't tell you anything about it. You're wandering. Your feet start leading you towards a start that you feel like a pull. You find yourself standing outside a little. A little ramshackle watering hole. It is called the surly Herbert, and it is outside. It's got kind of. The only way you know that this place has been named is because someone has, like, scrawled it over the door. It doesn't seem like it was done by the proprietor, to be quite honest. In the back, you can kind of see it. See, to have been attached to, like, a. To call it a junk junkyard would be a little bit complimentary, but it's not so much of a dump. [01:18:32] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm looking at this place. I like the vibe about this place. What is it? Is it the. Is it the disregard for mechanical parts, the potential, and what could be built from all of that detritus back there? Let me find. Let me find the crew. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna make sure that maybe, like, the crew is nearby. Have I lost them completely or. [01:19:06] Speaker A: Neptor Olakun, how much do you think you're paying attention to what Bernard is up to. [01:19:14] Speaker C: Neptor is sticking with Bernard. Bernard is worrying them, because since they were on the ship with Bernard suddenly, when they suddenly ran off, I was concerned, but I was dealing with my own many concerns and fears to follow through, but I would try to keep close eye on Bernard. But now they went from running away in the ship, and now they're, like, sort of drifting off. It seems like something is leading them, and in my mind, the idea of something leading any of us anywhere is interesting but concerning, so. Whoa. Neptune's been sticking close by. [01:20:06] Speaker D: Uh, Olo kun definitely was keeping an eye out. Always. Always keeping an eye on everybody and everything. Uh, noticed what Bernard was doing and was about to be not concerned, but, you know, uh, alert level one was about to go off, but then saw Neptor following and was like, hmm, if Neptune's there, then I don't need to worry about it yet, in a sense that I trust Neptor in as far as there's another person there. So if I ask a question, they will respond, whereas I don't know if I'd get the same response if I asked Bernard the same question. So, seeing Neptor go off, I'm like, okay, we. Well, we do need to get. You know, we do need to offload these things, and I will turn to banshee and say, are we following? Are we selling this stuff off first? [01:21:14] Speaker B: I I'm standing there. I'm still, like, exactly the same physical prowess you're using to. But there's, like, one single tear going down my face, and I'm like, yes, I think we should. [01:21:27] Speaker A: We should. [01:21:29] Speaker B: Yes, we should sell some things. We. The captain asked us to sell the items that we procured, so we should do that for the captain. [01:21:39] Speaker D: Okay, Emmy agreed. Let's go. Let's find somewhere to offload this stuff. And I I am hoping we have some kind of communication. We're not standing right next to each other. [01:21:54] Speaker A: Um, you can, uh. Hmm. It would not be out of the realm of, uh, believability that you might have, like, some short range comms. I feel they're very janky, but they're janky. Uh, some. They're janky. Sometimes it sounds like you're unhealing, but they do work. But, yes, if you'd like, again, this. The surly Herbert is attached to this, like, junkyard, which you might be able to offload if you'd call it junk. Precious bobblehead. [01:22:28] Speaker B: Some may call it junk. I call it treasure. [01:22:32] Speaker A: The treasure was what we made along the way. [01:22:36] Speaker B: My friend Olakun, I feel that you have been an excellent spower when it comes to wordplay and manipulation. So I will let you take the lead. And if you need me to stand behind you and flex my muscles, I shall do that. [01:22:48] Speaker D: Give banshee a little. Little slap on the bicep, just like exactly what I need. [01:22:55] Speaker A: So, if I have this correct, Bernard and Neptune are headed into the tavern, and banshee and Olokun, you'll head out to the junkyard behind it. Let's start there, then, as you head, the junkyard is just that, a little scrappy. There are a few discarded ships. It's, again, small port town. You're not going to get a ton of everything. Most people have picked through a lot of the good. I just discovered this is a thing. It's sort of a pick your own, but. But the pick your own is for cars, is for parts of cars. So, like, there are pieces of ship about that have just been scavenged through until you. Until they're just sort of chairs and frames. There is a robe. It's some sort. There's a spindly looking droid sort of invokes the concept of a centaur in that it's got four legs and then a toy torso and an elongated sort of face. It is sorting through boxes and piles of things very quickly and looks up from whatever it's doing to. From what it's up to to see you. Hello. [01:24:14] Speaker D: Yes, hi. You got some goods we would like to offload, maybe get some, you know, some equipment, some food and rations, whatever you have that we could possibly trade for these. [01:24:30] Speaker A: Looking a bitch. The droid looks at you. What kind of equipment? Is it stolen? [01:24:38] Speaker D: Depends. Is that a problem? [01:24:40] Speaker A: No, we don't register. We don't really. Most of the things that pass through here are stolen. [01:24:47] Speaker D: Oh, perfect. Well, we got some stolen idols. [01:24:53] Speaker A: Idols? [01:24:54] Speaker B: Yes. [01:24:55] Speaker A: Oh, and the droid reaches in and sort of is digging through a bin, and it pulls out. Sort of. It pulls out Horton's guide to universal religions. It starts flipping through them, trying to. What culture are these idols for so I could find them a home? [01:25:20] Speaker D: I have no idea, but I would assume that they're pretty precious. I've never seen an idol that could. [01:25:25] Speaker A: Move its head before it moves and drops the book. [01:25:31] Speaker B: It is from a culture that must be indecisive because it often shakes its head, unsure of itself. [01:25:38] Speaker D: Take it out, place it, like, on my hand. So it's like, you know, straight up, and you go, boop. [01:25:47] Speaker A: Interesting. And does it work in zero gravity? [01:25:55] Speaker B: Do you want it to work in zero gravity? [01:25:57] Speaker A: Well, if we're selling, how many of these do you have? [01:26:01] Speaker D: Oh, you know, we got a pretty much a crate full. [01:26:04] Speaker A: Ah. If there's a cradle, I must be able to tell people that it works in zero gravity for many of these people are on ships, and some ships don't have gravitational centers in them to create gravity. So you would not want something that requires gravity and that requires gravity on a ship that does not have it. [01:26:20] Speaker B: It works in water. [01:26:22] Speaker A: Oh, that seems close enough. And it takes the. It takes that. The one you've been holding and taps it. Apparently, every NPC I make is fascinated by bobbleheads. [01:26:36] Speaker B: Who isn't? [01:26:37] Speaker A: Who is it? Frankly, they're great. I can give you taps it again. How many of these do you have? [01:26:47] Speaker D: Look at the crate. How many do we have? [01:26:49] Speaker A: Probably have like, 30. [01:26:52] Speaker D: We got around 30. [01:26:53] Speaker B: We have all of them. Like, I don't understand. Like, we had the one. All the ones that are here, we brought them all. [01:26:58] Speaker A: You have all of these idols? [01:27:02] Speaker D: Look, whom decides not to say or correct or do. [01:27:07] Speaker B: You are doing a great job doing all the talking. [01:27:09] Speaker A: This feels like something you're gonna need to roll for is convincing this droid that a, that you have all of them and a, that these are precious things that you should buy. Let's see. What would I call this? [01:27:23] Speaker B: Savvy, right? [01:27:24] Speaker A: I would call this a savvy role. The savvy's our charisma. [01:27:27] Speaker B: Which one of us is doing this? I think Olukun's still the one trying to convince you. I'm just, like, saying dumb things behind you. [01:27:33] Speaker A: I could do it. [01:27:34] Speaker D: But isn't there a thing, a maneuver that one can help out with? [01:27:40] Speaker A: You can assist. [01:27:42] Speaker B: I can assist you. Okay, let me scroll down to the technobabble. Cause I have to use technobabble to assist you. [01:27:46] Speaker A: Please. Technobabble me into your way into selling these bobbleheads for me. [01:27:53] Speaker B: Yes. If you focus the nonlinear stabilizer on it, it actually gives a nice neutrino surge. [01:28:06] Speaker A: Does it? [01:28:08] Speaker B: Or there's a nice thermal pressure buildup. And I, like, bat it to show you how it moves. It makes. Oh, I have a better one. There's a nice destabilization effect, and I show how the head doesn't stay stable because of you tapping it. [01:28:24] Speaker A: I will take it. I will take it. You have described. You have sufficiently described what a bobblehead does. [01:28:30] Speaker B: Yeah. So now you get a plus one o lacun on your roll. [01:28:35] Speaker D: That helps because it turned a six into a seven. [01:28:38] Speaker A: Nice. Heck, yeah. You did not fail. It looks at you. The droid. The junkyard droid looks at you. It sort of. It looks to a tabanchi and nods sagely. Yes, I see, I see, I see. Well, we can probably add it to our gift shop, but it will need a little plaque. Describe it saying where it is from. If it is not an idol of a specific place. And it sort of. You see, it put the. The bobblehead down and scuttle off for a moment and comes back and you hear like a whirring sound and what looked like another pile of junk with like, a little arm starts moving. A 3d printer has started. Well, now I have to calculate the overhead of a plaque. I can give you five galactic credits for it. [01:29:40] Speaker D: Five galactics. I don't know, Banshee. [01:29:42] Speaker A: Not a good deal. [01:29:44] Speaker D: That's why I'm turning to my muscle like Banshee. What do you think? [01:29:48] Speaker B: I'm looking at you to see what you want me to do, because this is like your forte and not mine. [01:29:54] Speaker D: As I ask this question, I turn my back to the droid so I can give you a very obvious, like, bad, like, you should muscle kind of. [01:30:04] Speaker B: You know, give him a little push. [01:30:05] Speaker A: Little push. [01:30:11] Speaker B: I literally push the desk and I go, you can do better. [01:30:17] Speaker A: It fully startles the droid, who are. We're a little short on funds. I. Right now. I can do better. We can. [01:30:34] Speaker B: If you sell these, you'll have more funds. [01:30:37] Speaker A: Eight. [01:30:37] Speaker B: It is a win win situation. [01:30:40] Speaker A: Nine galactic credits. [01:30:43] Speaker B: I look back at Olakun. [01:30:45] Speaker A: Ten is probably like 50 books. I don't know. It's not a good. It's better, but it's not great, right? [01:30:54] Speaker D: I know that this is junk, so that's good. [01:30:58] Speaker A: Good job, Angie. [01:30:59] Speaker D: Turn back, Tim. You know what? We'll cut you a deal. Nine is good. [01:31:07] Speaker A: The droid nods again and walks back off it comes back. It has one of the plaques that is from the 3d printer. And it says, wish you were here, pius Androticus, which it places on one of the bobbleheads to show you. And now we have a gift shop offering. And it scuttles away again and comes back with a flat usb. It kind of looks like a long sim card. This is a galactic credit. They come in, they all are a staple. Standard shape and size, which is long, which is large sIM cards, small USB flat with a hole to, like, wear them if you need to. However, they have different denominations on them. Like, not like our dollars, where it's a denomination per item, but it is more of a. You can load them with a certain amount of backed concept money. Don't dig too hard into it. You can load them with a certain amount of money, and then that is the finite amount on it. So they can. You can trade it for real money at most worlds. Most worlds take galactic credits because they have no choice otherwise. Yes, it. Yeah, so you gives you. And also it has a little feature where if you kind of press on one side of it, a little hologram appears, showing you how much credit is on the thing. So, yeah, you. You hold it. And it's been nine credits. Yes. A pleasure doing business with you. Sorry we cannot offer more. It's been hard, but we're doing our best. And the droid looks good. Is there anything else you'd like to sell? [01:33:07] Speaker D: We do have this second crate of. And this is the one that had, like, the electronics in. [01:33:17] Speaker A: In the receipts. Yeah, yeah. [01:33:21] Speaker D: But pretend the receipts are just, you know, to protect the actual electronics in it. Now take out what we have, present them to the droid. [01:33:32] Speaker A: It digs through this secondary crate. This is a great deal of things. This is very unorganized. Great deal of things. There are many things in here that are not all of the same thing. Like your last crate. This is different. This will take me a moment to collate. And it goes about it shifting to the bar. Bernard, Neptor, you entertained, I assume, the. The bar portion of Surly Herbert, where you find it's dark, but it's not dead. It's just dark. It's sort of your standard dive bar arrangement. You've got a bar on one side that has some. That has dusty bottles. Most of them have. Are not as full as they could be. There is a stage in the far corner that usually probably holds musicians, maybe a quartet that plays jazz music of some kind, space jazz music. There's a couple folk around. Looks like they've just gotten off of various kinds of work, or folk like you, who have just stop and depart and look like they're just looking for a place to rest their legs, including several cyborgs who literally have sat down to rest their leg. As they polish and sit around chatting. [01:35:06] Speaker E: We walk in and I go, I like this place. Neptar. What do you think, rainy? [01:35:15] Speaker C: Why are we in a bar? Why are we. Why is this the place? [01:35:24] Speaker E: Oh, uh, let's explore. I think it's nice. I think it's nice. Well, why don't we see if they have, I don't know, drinks I guess it's a bar. [01:35:41] Speaker A: If you head to the bar, there is an old humanoid looking bartender. He has walked out of Lomi dick. He is grizzled, wind chapped, but in the way that clearly it's solar. Wind, obviously. Wind. ChapD looks like he taught methuselah like he is old. Kind of has done that thing where as you get old, he's sort of retracting. His body's retracting in on itself. So you realize as he walked to the bar, he's just a prune that is standing on several boxes so that he can reach the top of the bar. But just like wins and older gentleman doing the NPC cleaning of the bar top. [01:36:36] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:36:37] Speaker A: Hello. Can I get you anything? [01:36:42] Speaker E: Yes, that would be. That would be great. What do you got? What do you got? [01:36:52] Speaker A: We have. And he looks and he goes brown. Or we have clear. [01:36:59] Speaker E: Hmm, interesting. I look at Neptar. This is one of these moments where I feel both excited and very perplexed, as these concepts are strange to me. And I go nectar. I don't fully understand how one consumes colors. Do you have a process and what is a clear color? How do you consume clear? How do you consume brown? Fascinating. We'll have one of each. Yes. [01:37:33] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [01:37:35] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, we did that order. [01:37:41] Speaker A: Bartender turns and he pulls two bottles down off the shelf. As he described it, there is a bottle of brown liquid and a bottle of clear liquidity. And he pours them both out into tall shot glasses for you and puts them in front of you. [01:38:00] Speaker C: So these aren't actual colors. They just look like the color. So they're called that, but. [01:38:09] Speaker E: Oh, I see. Yes. Yeah. A turn of phrase. [01:38:14] Speaker C: A turn of phrase. [01:38:16] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [01:38:17] Speaker C: Exactly. [01:38:19] Speaker E: I put both paws around the glass and I lean in to smell it. [01:38:24] Speaker A: Which color glass did you smell? [01:38:26] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:38:29] Speaker E: I think I start with the brown. [01:38:33] Speaker A: Then you just lean and sniff it. [01:38:35] Speaker E: Sniff, sniff. [01:38:36] Speaker A: Have you ever watched a cat smell something and just open mouth, stick, sniff it? Yeah, I think that's the energy. As you like. Huff what is essentially gasoline soaked oak notes of woodsiness, pretension from whatever hipster would have described this for you. A little bit of oak cask aged way too long, and yet probably no amount of aging is going to make this better. And that diesel, acrid scent of alcohol made from minerals. Somehow when you rotate it in the cup, it kind of makes it like a tinkling sound. There's no way there's any solids in here, but it does somehow tinkle rough, like so. [01:39:37] Speaker B: Stones as it rocks as I sniff it. [01:39:40] Speaker E: I mean, Neptune, it's not safe. It's not safe. I think it's. I think this would bleach my fur if I consumed it. [01:39:51] Speaker C: Oh, how would it do? I'm actually. [01:39:53] Speaker A: Wait. [01:39:54] Speaker C: No, I'm interested. Now, why would you say that to me? [01:39:57] Speaker E: You. You want to give this a chance? You want to try this? [01:40:03] Speaker C: See Nathan, like, looks down at them. You wanna know what I wanna try? [01:40:10] Speaker E: Oh, yes. [01:40:14] Speaker C: They take both. They take the clear one, and they kinda mix it with the brown one. [01:40:21] Speaker A: The bartender dives behind the bar. Mix them. First of all, two shot glasses, full bakes, one shot glass, kind of full on a very messy bar, but yes. Do you mix them? Bartender dies behind the bar. He's seen this before. As you mix them, the cup, the glass rattles like it's been in an earthquake. Like there's an earthquake. It's almost as if a ghost has possessed it. It rattles. And it also makes that sound as a little prism of color kind of comes out of the top of this. Like, shines from the top of it. And then the cup relaxes. Any rocking or foaming of the liquid has settled out and, you know, have what is ostensibly a double shot of, um, light brown. [01:41:37] Speaker E: But what now? Neptar? What now? [01:41:41] Speaker C: I don't think I get this one. I guess we. I got to drink it. I feel like I have to now. [01:41:52] Speaker E: Why don't you. Why don't you just give it a. Give it a tentative lap. Just. Just a. Yeah, just. [01:41:59] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. No, okay. No, yeah, okay. Yeah, no, that makes sense. No, that's. That's a smart thing to do. That's a smart thing to do. As you see, Doctor Tipdeh takes the class and, like, stare at it for a period of time. [01:42:19] Speaker A: So now she has got to pinch your nose. [01:42:24] Speaker C: And I think they look at Bernard and they say, so while I make this mistake, do you want to tell me what's going on? And then they immediately down the whole thing. [01:42:39] Speaker A: Neptor roll me for a body roll. I feel like we knew this was gonna happen. [01:42:44] Speaker C: We knew that. Yeah. [01:42:47] Speaker A: And then also give me a. Actually, no, tell me what your body roll is first. [01:42:51] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Okay. Nine. [01:42:58] Speaker A: Okay. And then roll me a heart. Just. [01:43:04] Speaker C: Heart. Okay. [01:43:06] Speaker A: Oh, shoot. [01:43:08] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Eleven. [01:43:11] Speaker A: Okay. Hmm. Um. You drink it. It does somehow like what you. What we watched the concoction happen. It. The clear, which you didn't huff first. You have no idea what it might have smelled like. But now it does burn going down, as all alcohol does. And it hits your stomach. And I'm gonna assume that you have some similar biology to humans. So I can describe it the way I'm gonna describe it, except different. In that warmth that expands in your stomach. You feel it rising in the rest of you as the little star nebulas in your eyes flash. You feel like maybe you feel like when someone, like an engine that's just received a bunch of coal. Like, you feel like you could maybe sprint laps around the bar and also like a nap would be the greatest thing on the planet. Your body or mind is racing, but if you do, the other one will not stop. I'm going to ask you, and this is a wild thing that I'm making up because I think it's fun. Now, you can add a plus one to body or brains, but then you will take a minus one to the other. And that's just for the scene. Like that's, that's for the rest of the session, which there's, yeah, I would. [01:44:54] Speaker C: Like because of, I think especially because of how, where Neptar is sort of where mentally, as I took that shot, I think I would get the temporary bonus to brains. You have a temporary negative two body. [01:45:15] Speaker A: And that expansive feeling in you sort of stays because it's the plus one to brain. You have a little bit of like, wow, man. Have you ever thought about the way air currents move? It's sort of having that vibe to it. Like almost high, but truly expansive. Bernard, you just watched that happen. The bartender has crawled back onto his apple boxes and his. I decide you never quite know how it's gonna work out. But. [01:45:55] Speaker E: How has it worked out in the past? [01:45:58] Speaker A: The bartender points to a section of wall that has a bleached. Like, it looks like there's maybe a shadow of a person on it. But what it is, is the rest of the wall has been bleached. Last batch did something like that. It just sort of depends on the small batches. Small batch distillery. [01:46:20] Speaker E: Potent. Very potent. [01:46:23] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:46:25] Speaker E: Say good proprietor, do I, do I seem familiar to you? [01:46:40] Speaker A: Maybe. I've gotta admit I drink a lot of brown. The, the bartender kind of. Maybe he does give you a good hard look. As you're sitting there watching, you hear, you hear some, some other people in the bar start, like, yelling. Their voices are raised, they're arguing. An argument is sort of broken out. As this bartender is staring at you. They're playing darts in a corner and they're fighting each other, and they start yelling about someone cheating. And they're taking a step over the line. As they throw the dart. And the bartender looks like, hold up right there. And he pops off his crate and he walks over to the heads over and, like, with a. With a broom. And he starts hitting the two fighting darts players. Knock it out. Knock it out. We don't. No, not in here. Take it outside. You can see as you. As he's doing that, the darthen board has a picture on it. Oh. As if that was the target. And the two seem to have been fighting over just foul play as you. Nectar's having a great time. [01:48:05] Speaker E: Yeah, Nectar is really vibing. Yeah. My attention is not caught by this picture, but I look at Neptune, I go, Neptor, I think. I think this is the place. I think this is the place. I think I've been here before. Don't know. Don't know why or when, but. Pretty sure. [01:48:32] Speaker A: Huh? [01:48:34] Speaker E: Yes. My. My feelings exactly. I'm not. I don't know why, but I just feel like it's. This is. This is a special place. [01:48:49] Speaker C: A special. Like, do you mean. You mean your, like, physically, or do you mean, like, your spirit? [01:48:58] Speaker A: Hmm. [01:48:59] Speaker E: I don't. It's a good question, Neptor. Well, let me ask you this, Neptor. Have you ever died before? [01:49:10] Speaker C: Huh? I guess that's a good question. See, sort of like, where I'm from, death is sort of weird because, like, we more, like, burn out than, like, die, die. But then we sort of become something else. So it's sort of like a. I guess people call it, like, reincarnation. But it's weird because we sort of multiply. So it's like a multiplication. That's funny. [01:49:46] Speaker B: Multiplication. [01:49:48] Speaker E: But what does it feel like to multiply? [01:49:52] Speaker C: I don't know. I've never multiplied before. Because if I did, then I wouldn't really be me. I'd be like someone else. That's probably gonna be cool. [01:50:04] Speaker E: Someone else, huh? I guess you could. So, in a way, you could burn out and then become someone new. [01:50:16] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. Or like, multiple someones new. [01:50:22] Speaker E: How many multiples? [01:50:25] Speaker C: A lot of it usually depends, actually, but I don't know. [01:50:31] Speaker E: Yes. This is fascinating. [01:50:36] Speaker A: As you contemplate the mysteries of the universe. I am going to cut back to fancy a lagoon. You have been waiting? Have you been waiting patiently. While this droid just looks through all this box? [01:50:51] Speaker D: I think I've been trying to wait patiently. Like, definitely the foot taps are getting a little faster now. I'm not saying anything, but I'm. You know, I work a lot with explosives. They have fuses. They have time limits. Someone needs to hurry up. [01:51:10] Speaker B: I've been doing calisthenics, like, yoga poses and stuff like that too. Just like. [01:51:17] Speaker A: Yeah, this droid is having. Is digging through it. Is it is the. Whose line is it anyway? Box of props. Almost just insane things coming out of it. It kind of. It has gotten to the end of it and is masked. You see a pile of all of the things. It has sort of categorized it by family, maybe. There's paper things, there's metal y things, there's plasticky things. And it has sorted these all out and looks back at you. I can give you. I can give you 15 credits for all of this. [01:51:58] Speaker D: 15? No, no, no. You see how much you just put out? This is definitely worth a lot more than 15 wholesale. [01:52:06] Speaker A: You're gonna roll me? You're gonna roll. Savvy for that? [01:52:15] Speaker D: It's very much that vibe. Right now. [01:52:19] Speaker B: We exchange quite a bit of our rations for this. So it must be worth more than that. [01:52:25] Speaker D: Ten. [01:52:27] Speaker A: What'd you get? Ten rad. The droid looks at you and says, I can only do 15, because we simply do not have the funds for more. But I will give you half of your items back. [01:52:40] Speaker B: What about the 15 credits plus rations? [01:52:44] Speaker A: We could get you rations. Rations are inside. We don't deal in ration. Well, do you eat metal? [01:52:53] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:52:55] Speaker D: I don't. [01:52:56] Speaker B: Okay. Probably not. [01:52:58] Speaker D: Okay. Banshee. Like, I don't know about Banshee. [01:53:01] Speaker B: Um, I could certainly try. [01:53:04] Speaker A: It reaches out one of its arms and kind of scoops what is about half of what it's pulled out and kind of jumbles it into the box again and shakes it and shakes it and hands the box back, like, the crate back to you with lighter. And then it kind of scuttles over to a shelf, sort of. You're in an open air space. So shelves outside, I always find look very strange, but it has found, like, it runs over to a shelf. It pulls a wooden ticket, sort of like a plank, and it hands that to you. Olakunde, that has your, like, one ration voucher. It's like, you know, go inside, and this is what the rest of your payment. And it goes over again to the thing. And it says, for your donation, you may also pick a prize from our junk shelf. Very. It is. It looks like the rest of the junk in this whole place. [01:54:27] Speaker D: Uh huh. Uh, if there is anything that looks like, um, a weight, like, almost barbell looking, I would look for that, uh, to give to Banshee, uh, you find. [01:54:45] Speaker A: A completely featureless cylinder that is so heavy and kind of like when you move it. Like something inside is kind of loose, but otherwise, like, it's quite heavy. Actually, it might have been from a planet that had less gravity than the or. It is not made for the gravity on this particular rock. But it hands it to you and hands it to Banshee, I guess. Or hands it to you to hand it Banshee. It is a pleasure doing business with you. You may go inside to meet with Herbert, who will give you your Russians. [01:55:27] Speaker B: So we have 24 credits now? [01:55:29] Speaker A: Yes. I can't do math, but I assume that's correct. 24 credits and a voucher for probably half a credence. [01:55:41] Speaker D: Good enough. Banji. Let's head in. [01:55:45] Speaker B: Olakuna. I feel like I understand commerce now. I see. So you. You give people things and they give you rations, or you take. Give you rations and they give you things. This is a good system. [01:55:53] Speaker D: I believe that tends to be the thing. [01:55:58] Speaker A: Inside. You probably enter around the time that this fight is broken out. And Bernard and Neptor have sunken into a conversation about what happens when you multiply. But yes, you kind of had a new back, so you're the way. So you're kind of headed coming in the dartboards and stuff. And the people who are having their kerfuffle are just in the corner off of you. And then your friends are at the bar. [01:56:33] Speaker D: And assume the bartender is probably, like, around them. [01:56:37] Speaker A: Yeah, the bartender is by the. Is by the kerfuffle. In fact, it is. They seem to be very heated. About what? About this fight. Cause drunk people arguing over darts. [01:56:47] Speaker B: I'm gonna walk up. Does it seem like they're actually, like a threat to people around them if they're fighting? Or is it like more just like idiots pushing each other? [01:56:54] Speaker A: Idiots pushing each other. [01:56:56] Speaker B: Okay. I will walk up and I will simply use my staff to separate them. I'll put it between them. So if they're trying to shelve, they're being pushed apart by it. [01:57:08] Speaker A: Give me a quick courage roll just to get between them. [01:57:17] Speaker B: I got an eleven. [01:57:19] Speaker A: Wild. You guys are rolling way too well. Which is. [01:57:22] Speaker B: Well, because, like typing a warrior character, I have zero courage. So it's like how the sheet works out. But I think it's. If I had taken soldier, I got courage. Since I took warrior culture, I got heart instead. [01:57:33] Speaker A: Yeah, I just listen, I roll terribly. So I love running these games because I don't have to roll. Except for the part where you guys roll so. Well, I'm just like, I guess the story is gonna happen. You. Yeah, you can easily separate these two. It had the staff you actually see, like, the bartender has been sort of. He. He's a little. He's. He's we, and he's older, so he's a. Stop it. And he's got his broom, and he's, like, batting at both of them, and you just get between them, like, hey, hey, stop. Use the staff to stop. And they're there. This guy. This guy cheats darts. He throws no better than that dale character himself. Hmm. They're demps fighting words, apparently. [01:58:21] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, your conflict may be true between the two of you. However, you pose a threat to others around you, and therefore, you must either battle in an honorable way or desist in this combat immediately. [01:58:35] Speaker A: Threat is not a threat. One of the. One of the fighters swings their arm out towards you and knocks your newly acquired weight out of your hand. Do you make. No, I'm gonna make this happen. It knocks the weight out of your hand. It's heavy. [01:59:01] Speaker B: That's fine. I'm holding a staff. That makes sense. [01:59:03] Speaker A: You're holding a staff, and it tumbles to the ground. As it does so, it sort of. You hear a little click, and the weight starts to rattle and, like, hum. And it does that for a few minutes. You can stop it. You can grab it, you can pick it up or whatever, but right now, it's just like something is happening. It sort of makes that, like, mechanical whirring sound. [01:59:31] Speaker B: I look at Bernard, and. And I. And I go, this gift that Olga gave me is making a strange noise, and I like, motion towards Bernard. What can you do about it? [01:59:40] Speaker A: Oh. [01:59:40] Speaker E: Oh. Gonna bat it around. [01:59:43] Speaker B: Oh, it's very heavy. As a heads up. [01:59:45] Speaker E: Oh. I catch it and instantly, like, plop it onto the bar. [01:59:48] Speaker A: Oh. [01:59:50] Speaker E: And I start pawing at it, going, looking it out, turning it over. Where'd you get this from? [01:59:59] Speaker B: Ola kun. [02:00:00] Speaker E: Ola kun. Ola kun. Oh, wait. Is this. Is this another one of your gadgets? Oh, okay. [02:00:12] Speaker B: He gave it to me. So you asked me the question. I told you where I got it. [02:00:15] Speaker E: Oh, I see. Yes. Well. Hmm. [02:00:18] Speaker B: I think I'm still holding the two guys apart with this. [02:00:21] Speaker A: You are there. They also. They, like. They're trying to fight each other while you guys are juggling this weight. [02:00:28] Speaker B: My idea for my staff is that it's like. It's like a kinetic dampener. So, like, it uses. Is that what I'm looking for? Where, like, it uses enemies momentum against them. So I feel like the more energy they're hitting it with the more it's like making it harder. It's like absorbing the shocks from them a little bit. [02:00:42] Speaker A: Rad. I love that. Yeah. So they're really just like truly like when you put your hand out and the guy is cycling their arms. Yeah. Yeah. Bernard, you've got this thing. You're kind of batting at it and you get a little toe bean on the top of it and like an EMP pulse it like a pulse, not an EMP. What am I saying? There's a pulse as the whole thing and a little hologram appears from the top of it. Neptor actually. All of you, Bernard, I think the least likely. Can you just roll me a quick brains. Let's see. Actually what you're familiarity with this object is. Bernard, you can as well. [02:01:48] Speaker B: 711 eleven. Well, I rolled a twelve but I rolled a twelve but I have a minus one for brain. So I got eleven. [02:01:56] Speaker D: I rolled a ten and I got plus what. [02:01:59] Speaker A: Bernard, how'd you do? [02:02:00] Speaker E: I rolled a ten. [02:02:02] Speaker A: The plot happens. Great. Bernard, you've gotten a toe bean on this thing. It sort of crackles and pops open in a hologram. It is the. You are all familiar with this. Actually. You have one on your ship as well. What you are holding is the. Is a distress beacon black box. So when a ship starts to go down, ship goes down often. This is thing that has a record that has like information whereabouts. All of these things. Sometimes they are also used as beacons. Like if you think you are going down, you can drop one and it will look for a gravitational. It uses it. That's why it's so heavy. It's looking for more something else with gravitational weight to. This is so this is science link itself to in the hopes that it has like usually it has records things for people to find so they can come get you if you've messed up. So. Yeah. [02:03:10] Speaker B: That's so cool. That's such a clever idea. I like that. [02:03:13] Speaker C: Thank you. [02:03:14] Speaker A: It pops and a little. It is a technology has gotten good. It hasn't gotten this good as a person who is holding the camera underneath their face. So it's really just sort of a nostril chin situation. You can see this 05:00 shadow of some of a humanoid man talking into it frantically. He's talking so fast and Riley keeps making me laugh off screen. But yes, you're getting real, real Blair witch energy. He breathes into the mic we're going down. And I was hit. We've been traveling and there's the last chance I can do to send these away. To send this away. And hopefully someone will find it. And hopefully, hopefully the scouts I have sent will come get me. Will help come get me. And he. This is Darrell Dale signing off. And he does something. The thing goes dark. This man, by the way, incredibly sweaty. Just need to make that clear. Incredibly sweaty. The whole thing goes dark. And in the room where it was so bright because you could see all the lights and stuff from this beacon, it goes out and it feels a little darker. And the people at the bar, the two men fighting between new banshee Herbert, even because I can. The droid who's popped their head in, all of them look mad. Like, it looks like someone has insulted someone else's parent. Like, in this moment. And almost in unison, everyone in the room spits on the floor. [02:05:32] Speaker E: Bernard. I'm looking at this device, and I see the spit. I look up a banshee, and I go, why? I think those two individuals who just separated, didn't one of them say something about a dale? [02:05:50] Speaker A: Everyone, in unison, spits again. [02:05:53] Speaker B: Banshee does it too, because she doesn't understand that it's like she thinks it's just a custom that they do. So she's like, oh. [02:06:02] Speaker A: It really? Yeah. [02:06:03] Speaker B: Fair enough. Yeah. [02:06:07] Speaker C: That'S a character. Sorry. [02:06:11] Speaker A: Listen. It's gross. Yeah. [02:06:14] Speaker D: Is that including the bartender? Bartender also? [02:06:18] Speaker A: It is. It is. Clearly, everyone is like. It is a, like, fuck that guy. Energy. [02:06:28] Speaker D: Bar. Hey. Hey, old timer. Um, you all know who this is. Can you fill us in? You don't, uh, not well liked person. [02:06:41] Speaker A: You don't. It's that rat bastard over there. And he points at the dartboard that has a picture of a man on it. [02:06:50] Speaker D: Same picture or same face? [02:06:52] Speaker A: If you put your hand up to cover his face, like, the. The picture's facet of. And sort of a mad in his face, tilted back. Yeah, it's probably the same guy. [02:07:02] Speaker D: Okun definitely, like, puts his thumb out, like, just looking. [02:07:09] Speaker A: Yeah, probably the same guy. This guy looks nicer, like, cleaner, less sweaty, and probably got his shit together. Shaven. He has a. If you look at the picture is. It is a. He's wearing a blade. He looks honestly like he's a member of a barbershop quartet. He's wearing a blazer that is pinstripe. That is striped, not pinstriped. It is a yellow blazer with red stripes. Or it might be a red blazer with yellow stripes. You really can't tell. He's got a jaunty little straw cap that he has, at one angle, he has a big part of his head is a panel of metal. You can see maybe he's had a bit replaced. And, Bernard, you can kind of hear it in your head of him knocking on it. Ding, ding. As he smiles and puts his thumb out as he's guaranteeing something. This man has the kind of smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, but is. He has the straightest, whitest teeth you've ever seen. He has a smile you probably could hear as he, like, opens his mouth where he doesn't have the, like, hat covering, kind of the, like, the metal, metallic part of his head. He does have, like, a curl, like a big curly Q supermande blonde curl. It's clearly he's got, like, a nice head of hair. And, yeah, he. The photo that they're using of him seems to be an ad of some sort, but the writing's too worn away to really tell. [02:08:57] Speaker D: Okay, so what did rat bastard do? [02:09:02] Speaker A: Oh, and the bartender will hobble. I have him in my head, walking like Yoda. [02:09:11] Speaker D: Puppet Yoda? [02:09:12] Speaker A: Yeah. The puppet Yoda specifically hobbles over back to the bar and climbs back on his apple boxes so that the puppeteer can get behind him again. We can stop spending the money on the CGI? On the CGI. He gets back to the bar, and he actually pours every. He pours a couple shots of brown and clears for some. He puts them in front of y'all. [02:09:37] Speaker B: Oh, I definitely think a shot. Yeah. [02:09:39] Speaker A: Which color? [02:09:40] Speaker B: Yes, I do one of each. I don't mix them yesterday, but I do one and then the other have it. [02:09:47] Speaker A: You. You having taken them separately, that poof feeling happens in your stomach. If you, however, you expel gas, this would be how you do it. This would be the time you do it. And. [02:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [02:10:04] Speaker A: But you do feel, like, tingly inside. Not as expansive as Neptune did, but yeah. So the bartender gets back to buy the party size. They've told this story a couple times. It seems like about 15 years back, maybe a little longer. A con artist named Daryl Dale came through, and we had heard. We'd heard rumors, but we didn't. We believed him. And he said that he was going to revamp the town, refurbish it, and get us all of things we needed to make for it, to make Pius Andronicus a thriving center of commerce and industry. And instead, as he. He took all our money and he. That we needed, he requested for permits, and he ran. It wasn't until a day later when we noticed this happened. That the. Another town, another pious asteroid. Word reached us that he had done the same to them and the same to at least ten other asteroids in the belt. He's just making his way from belt, from asteroid to asteroid, taking advantage of people who don't have that much to give. [02:11:53] Speaker D: Said rap bastard. Indeed. I drew the brown. Just brown. [02:11:58] Speaker A: No mixing. The bartender nods. He says the last anyone saw of Darrell Dale, his ship, was being chased by several of our boys as he made his way deeper into the belt. We thought no one saw him since. And no one can find the flav. No one knows what happened. And, well, now it seems we do. This particular. These beacons, like I said, are made so that you can find the people who set them off. And as you, if any, whoever would like to, you should give me a brain scroll again. I'm using this kind of as an observational thing. Well, take your experience if you need it. [02:13:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I got a nine. Okay, everyone, a ten with a minus 111. [02:13:10] Speaker E: Okay, same here. Bernard got an eleven. [02:13:14] Speaker A: My God, you guys. You all notice it. As the. As the bartender is telling you this story, the two cap, the two ship captains, that's what they are, have started edging towards the door. They are no longer fighting each other. They are doing the thing that you do, where they are slowly moving towards the door. In fact, a couple of people who are in the bar are starting to edge towards the door. But, yeah, the bartender is sitting there, and he must have. He hit at least 20 asteroids in the belt. Took hundreds of credits from all of us. It's probably 20,000 credits, maybe more. Who knows how many people he's gotten? Oh, well, I guess we'll never find that money again. Uh, and there is just the sound of a chair falling over as three of these captains have sprinted out of the bar. [02:14:31] Speaker D: Banshee. Grab Neptor. [02:14:34] Speaker B: What's that? [02:14:35] Speaker D: Grab Neptor. [02:14:36] Speaker B: Sorry, you got you cut out for a second, Crab nebber. Yeah, I. Well, I'm the smallest, but yeah, I guess I pick up Neptune to carry. Is that what you're asking me to do? [02:14:43] Speaker D: I think you're. But I think you're the strongest. [02:14:45] Speaker B: Okay. [02:14:46] Speaker C: Yeah, that was very light. [02:14:47] Speaker B: Okay, yeah, I go. I go. I. Sorry, I just. But I don't understand the instruction in character, so I just pick Neptor up. [02:14:55] Speaker E: And I. I just. Be careful with them. We've been contemplating, uh, multiplicity and the inevitability of death and rebirth. [02:15:05] Speaker C: Oh, bam, bam. Can you multiply? [02:15:08] Speaker B: I have certainly tried on many occasions. [02:15:12] Speaker D: Hearing this banter is just like, back to the ship. Back to the ship. And I was also. But like I said, back to the ship. But then I turn back to the bartender and present my ration ticket. She's like, rations. Quickly now. [02:15:32] Speaker A: Yeah, the bartender, are you going to wait for the rations? The bartender hops off his crates again and it's like, all right. But again, we're back to the yoda walking. [02:15:47] Speaker D: A local waits like, like two beats. Just like, no, not worth it. [02:15:53] Speaker A: Back to ship. [02:15:54] Speaker B: We can get them later. And I grabbed the token again, as. [02:15:56] Speaker A: We leave, 20,000 credits. Can buy a lot of rations. Yeah, yeah. So as you, as you get, as you all bust out of the bar, you see it, this beacon has done its job. Other people's comm systems are getting pings, and suddenly everyone in the port has started to make their way towards their ships. And I'm going to end us here as you see this gold rush of pirates, of sailors heading out to space. Thank you so much for joining us for our first episode of our Starscape game, a playtest kickstarted game brought to you by Golden Lasso. Games. I said games four times, I think. Anyway, I'm gonna go around and reintroduce our cast and let you know where you can find them all over the Internet, starting with Riley. [02:17:02] Speaker B: Hey, everybody, I'm Riley Silverman. You can find me on threads or Instagram, eileysilverman. And as mentioned at the top of the show, I have written three Star wars books. You can check those out as well. And I also, I have a gaming podcast that I did for five years using the Doctor who role playing system called the Game of Raslon. And we are starting to. You can watch all that, the entire series you listen to as a podcast. And we are now going to be launching our own unique ip podcast with the same crew of players using this gum and villainy system. And that'll be launching sometime this fall, hopefully. And that is going to be called good chaotic. And we are very excited to doing that. So similar system to this one, but a little bit different. More, much more heist oriented. But it's going to be fun. [02:17:48] Speaker A: We could steal things. [02:17:49] Speaker B: Yeah. So you can find. You can find. We have, it turns out, as the story goes on. But yeah, you can find that at goodchaotic, I, or look up the goodchaotic podcast. And we haven't launched the podcast itself yet, but we have socials and stuff and we have t shirts. [02:18:03] Speaker A: Awesome. And continuing in my counterclockwise circle, Artem, where can the good people find you? [02:18:11] Speaker E: Hi, y'all. I'm Artem. I'm a TTRPG nerd, a theater director, and a podcaster. And you can find me and all my projects at Instagram at Artem directly. I'm currently working on the the new season of my Scary movies and sandwiches podcast, where I can buy scary movies with sandwiches, and I talk about what they have in common, the themes, the meanings, the secret messages. The show is called scary movie and a sandwich. And then. And new episodes will be coming in September. And until then, you'll find me gaming in a bunch of communities around LA. And I'm on a handful of streams and probably gonna be in a handful of streams more, so find all that on my Instagram at RTaM directly. [02:19:01] Speaker B: Thanks. [02:19:03] Speaker A: Wonderful. And continuing around. Garrett. Who are you? What makes you famous? [02:19:09] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Garrett. You can follow my personal socials on Twitter because I refuse to say X. Instagram and blueskyll arkrikoo. It's B l k r I k u. All one word. I am part of a podcast called Vintage Anime podcast where we, you know, look at old anime, review it, and talk about, like, what we liked about it, give you a little trivia, stuff like that, and you can follow my person well, my YouTube channel at Gerbear stare. All one word. We are on. We've been on a little hiatus, but by the time this goes up, we will be back. So hope to see you there. [02:19:49] Speaker A: Wonderful. And Danny. [02:19:53] Speaker C: Hi, it's me, Danny. Danny's corner. You can find me pretty much everywhere at Danny's corner. I stream on Twitch at the aforementioned name, and I upload things on YouTube at, again, the aforementioned name, but the multiplication, the capitalization is slightly different. Do I know what it is? No. You can also find me where I usually post art and also just talk about random stuff on my Twitter, which is animatedpizza, and on my Instagram, which is underscore Danny's corner. And my Instagram is probably the best place if you want to see just art and not my ramblings about things that interest me. Um, and yeah, I'm in the kitchen rpg space. Occasionally, you can find me at a multitude of places where you can find me next. I really don't know. Um, it's. It's 01:00 a.m. and it's cold, so I've forgotten everything I've ever done. It's okay. It's okay. I do this every time I do an outro. I don't know where I'll next be in life. [02:21:00] Speaker A: It's okay. We also are. We pre record, so we also don't always know where we're going to be in life. And these come out. And last and not least, I am Clara. I'm all over. The Internet is clearly golden. Unless you're into mermaids, in which case you can find me over at Instagram as mermaid clarity. Thank you so much to my players for playing with me on this first episode of this little starry adventure. You can find us here, I think, every Monday, streaming. Oh, no. Aaron's gonna be so mad at me when I can't remember what I'm supposed to say. Anyway, you can find us all over at Queen's court games, where we do multiple podcasty streaming things such as this, our other mischief style podcasts. Or you can listen to our ongoing vampire Chronicle, the all night society, anywhere where you like to listen to podcasts. I think I did that right. Erin, don't be mad at me. I'm gonna go now. Bye bye, everyone. Thank you.

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