Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 3

August 28, 2024 02:30:15
Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 3
One Shots and Other Mischief
Starscape - The Treasure of the Iris Belt, Episode 3

Aug 28 2024 | 02:30:15


Show Notes

The crew of The Narwhal end up on the wrong end of a pirate's blasters when a cargo they were paid to deliver turns out to be stolen contraband. As they attempt to escape the bustling starport of Pious Andronicus, their sensors pick up more than hostile mercenaries. Someone -- or something -- is broadcasting a distress signal belonging to a legendary lost vessel. Could this be the famous horde of Darryl Dale?

Banshee - Riley (
Bernard Shelly - Artem (
Nepter - Dani (
Olokun - Garrett (
Gamemaster - Clara (

GAME: Starscape -

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Ahoy, star Sketeers. Welcome back to our third and final episode of our single serving tabletop adventure from Queen's Court games. I'm Clara, and tonight I'll be your game master on this space western pirate adventure for Starscape, a found family science fiction game by Goldenlasso games. If you're curious about this new system we're playing, you can check out our Starscape over on Kickstarter, where you can learn more about its unique relationship and ship building and combat mechanics. By the time you see this episode, the Kickstarter will be over, but you can still donate to show your support. Type exclamation point game in chat, or check the show notes for a link. Now onto our cast. First off, our aqueous rebel with a quadrifocal Gerber stare, it's Garrett. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Hey there. [00:00:42] Speaker A: Used quadrifocal and it's hard for me. Next, playing our nerdy, nebulous greenhorn Neptor, it's Dany of Dany's corner. [00:00:51] Speaker C: That's me. It's Danny. Danny's corner. [00:00:54] Speaker A: Our unfamiliar feline, familiar Bernard Shelley is played by Happy Jack's very own artem. [00:01:00] Speaker D: Hello, it's me, Artem. [00:01:02] Speaker A: And finally, as our reckless warrior banshee. Also joining us for happy jacks is Riley. [00:01:08] Speaker D: Hello. [00:01:09] Speaker E: That's me. [00:01:11] Speaker A: Exclamation Point cast will give you all the ways you can follow our cast members social media accounts and projects. Please take a moment also to note this episode's content warnings. You can find them at exclamation point safety in chat or in the episode description. Wherever you're catching us after. Now fasten your seatbelts and get ready to launch. And let me tell you a story. Last we left off, our crew joined the race to follow the Amarilla speak in to a hopefully huge payout of ill gotten credits stolen by the legendary con artist Darrell Dale. On the way, the crew fought other spacers out in the belt and inside the narwhal, tensions ran high. Still, our crew outmaneuvered them all as they streaked across the stars to an uncharted dwarf planet. On the surface, the crew noticed strange whispering voices and ghostly happenings as they searched for the crashed ship until they quite literally stumbled upon the remains of the amaryllith. Here you all are, the amaryllis. It is a large. It is a large ship, larger than the narwhal, but not by much. It kind of looks like a tugboat a la steamboat willie, in that it has the little smoke stacks that you can imagine. Exhaust comes from but also it has these wood paneled sides, like a woody car. As you look at it, as you all kind of get a hard look at it, it seems to flicker in and out, kind of like. Kind of like a poorly tuned television. And I realize nobody uses televisions that need to be tuned like this. So, like, think creepypasta. Arg situation. Static or, like, glitching almost. But it's. Yeah, this stuff. And you can kind of see if you focus really hard movement, like, people walking around in it or around it. [00:03:25] Speaker B: And these people, they're also kind of having the same effect on them of, like, the flickering in. [00:03:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not like they're walking past you or anything, but, like, you can kind of see, like, in windows, like a glance of a face for a second or a. That sound like when you're hearing people talking, also coming in and out with that doppler effect, it's very. Not to dictate how you feel, but it is unsettling. [00:03:52] Speaker D: I look at my crewmates, and I go, well, curious. I very rarely heard of a distress signal being sent out by. Well, how old is this distress signal? For some reason, I assumed that they were all. I. I don't know, expired, dead. Was I wrong to assume that? [00:04:24] Speaker B: I don't think you're wrong. Um, this feels like. Or it seems like some kind of. Like they seem to be blinking in and out of existence. It's. It's unsettling. [00:04:42] Speaker D: It is unsettling now that you bring it up. [00:04:47] Speaker B: Has anyone seen this type of thing before? I look at Banshee. I look at Nether and Bernard. Ask them all the same. Ask them all the. It's addressed all of you. [00:05:01] Speaker D: It's very curious to me, Banshee. [00:05:07] Speaker E: I mean, I have. I have seen many different types of beings, and I've seen beings who, you know, come in and out of corporeal ness as part of their, you know, nature. Our friend Neptor here is a good example of someone who is. Who is made partly of stars, and so is a little bit of a unique physiology. But, no. No, I haven't. This is totally new for me. I'm. I. It's tough. Yes. I could maybe try to fight one and see what happens, but that's about all I got. [00:05:38] Speaker A: I will say that if you'd like to try an access knowledge roll that might help you try to suss out what's going on. But this is weird. [00:05:49] Speaker E: But let's let somebody who's not at negative one on brains be the one to make an access knowledge roll. [00:05:56] Speaker C: I think Neptar will. Neptor can. Neptune is going to do it. [00:06:03] Speaker B: And. [00:06:03] Speaker E: She'S looking at her staff, trying to think of what effect it would have. [00:06:06] Speaker D: Can I attempt to help Neptor out? [00:06:10] Speaker A: There's a crew move for that as well. [00:06:13] Speaker D: Okay, good. Good. [00:06:15] Speaker A: Banshee. You can certainly try to hit one of them if you'd like. [00:06:19] Speaker E: Oh, I'm going to. I mean, ectoplasmic energy is energy, right? And this is a kinetic energy staff. We'll see what happens. [00:06:29] Speaker A: I do like percussive science. [00:06:34] Speaker E: I do actually have. I didn't take it, but one of the options in my playbook for moves is when you're repairing the ship, you can use roll plus body to repair anything on the ship's systems. [00:06:46] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. Nectar. You have a face like, perhaps we may. Well, what did you roll? [00:06:55] Speaker C: I got a strong five. [00:06:57] Speaker A: A strong five, even. [00:06:58] Speaker E: Well, a tight five, you would say, in stand up comedy. [00:07:02] Speaker A: I got an eight o laccoon with an eight. There is. [00:07:08] Speaker C: Bernard was also helping. [00:07:10] Speaker D: Yeah, Bernard kind of put the paw on Neptune. Maybe I used my. Yeah, yeah, I'll say. Yeah, Neptune. Do you mind if I just look a little bit closer to what you're looking at as well? [00:07:24] Speaker C: Yeah, it's probably good, but also, like, not too close. [00:07:27] Speaker D: Okay. [00:07:27] Speaker C: Because I might techno ghost you. [00:07:29] Speaker D: Oh, okay, great. I will. I will be respectful of your privacy, and I will extend my face to lick the ship. Um, and I'll add. And so I'm going to do my got your back move, which wagers a trust. [00:07:47] Speaker A: Um. [00:07:48] Speaker D: Oh, I wager a trust. I rolled a D. I rolled a six on a d six to add to Neptor's roll. But also because I did my weird move, I'm actually gonna not be able to regain my trust because, uh, it's very off putting to see someone's face leave their face. [00:08:07] Speaker E: It's rather low on the list of things that are bothering me at this current moment, but it's not helping either. [00:08:13] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Weird echo ghost, now. Now you have no face. [00:08:19] Speaker A: Neptor, what was your lowest die? [00:08:22] Speaker C: One. [00:08:23] Speaker A: Oh, wild. What was your highest die? [00:08:25] Speaker C: Three. [00:08:26] Speaker A: Okay, so three and six will make nine, which is you do get there. You and Olaku and hat roll the same Bernardin. We'll get to you. [00:08:39] Speaker D: Okay. [00:08:40] Speaker A: It's something that I wanted you to do later. Fine. Neptor and Olukun. Olakun, I feel you're a rebel. You've been around for a while. You've heard a lot of, you've been a space for a while, I'm assuming. And, Neptor, you're pretty hecking new at this. So, for olo kun, you've heard a rumor of this before, but you've never seen it, and frankly, it's not supposed to be able to happen. To your understanding, the way that people go in faster than light travel is good old fashioned space folding, which means that you kind of find a point ahead of you and fold space into a. You fold space, and then, you know, it unfolds and you're in that spot. However, that isn't always a perfect system, and so sometimes you can leave parts of you behind, or you can leave parts of you in the space that got folded on the other side of the fabric as it nectar when you were studying, so. Oh, look, you've heard a rumor of this happening, but no, you've never known anyone to do it. In fact, it's kind of a myth, right? Neptor, when you were studying in school and all the things that you. You have, you saw it happen in an experiment, and honestly, it was not good. It did not have result. Like, you would not like to see anyone try to replicate these results. I'm gonna have each of you take a condition, because this is like seeing a horror story come to life a little bit. [00:10:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:10:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:49] Speaker A: Bernard, you helped. [00:10:51] Speaker D: Yes, yes. [00:10:53] Speaker A: You put your face. [00:10:55] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:10:56] Speaker A: On the ship. I did also. Okay, Neptor, you didn't fail, so you're good. And yes, banshee, for your. Get your xp for failing if you roll. Oh, okay, Bernard, just gonna jump right into it. You put your face on something that is half in and half out of warp. So you're also gonna take a condition for sure. [00:11:28] Speaker E: And that condition is face warp. [00:11:31] Speaker A: Your condition is. Oh, no. And it specifically accesses something that you've been trying to remember. And your conversation with Banshee, like, you were scratching at it, but your conversation with her really, like, set it off for you. You know, this ship. You knew Darryl's voice. And as your face is applied to the ship, for the briefest second, you keep hearing people, like. You kept hearing people, like, talking as if they were still reliving the crash. And you hear in that moment, a voice saying, we're not going fast enough. We have to lighten the load. We have to lose speed. Toss everything. Toss what you can. And you feel it. You feel someone grab you and throw you, and then you feel the cold, and you have just enough time to climb into a crate and huddle. For warmth as the memory fades again. [00:13:00] Speaker D: Oh, my God. Um, uh, Bernard just. I just start shouting, help. [00:13:13] Speaker E: Help. Help. [00:13:14] Speaker D: Give me out. Give me out. Give me out. [00:13:15] Speaker B: Help. [00:13:15] Speaker A: Help. [00:13:15] Speaker E: Help. [00:13:16] Speaker D: And I think my body facelessly is just aimlessly kind of running amok and just smacking into things and tripping overdevelop. Um, and I. My body, stat, just crashed. I'm both the afraid and selfish condition marked curiosity got the best. Yeah. I don't know how to get my face out. I think I'm terrified right now. Help. Help. [00:13:44] Speaker C: What happened, Bernie? [00:13:46] Speaker A: Help. Help. [00:13:50] Speaker C: And then I'm gonna, like, chase after them, I think, because I don't know what else to do. So I'm just, like, rambling behind them, trying to, like, sort of hug them from behind so that they don't bump into anything or hurt themselves more. [00:14:10] Speaker E: Is the face on, like, a panel or anything on the ship, or is it, like, it melded into the ship? How does it work? [00:14:18] Speaker D: It is. It is very much like my images of, like, the Cheshire cat kind of grin, where it sort of shows up in places, but, like, it has to be on something that has some amount of tech. So I think my face has, like, kind of went through the wall of the ship and is, like, looking inside and maybe is, like, overseeing this happen, or is that Clara? Or do you feel like that's something my face wouldn't be able to do? [00:14:41] Speaker A: I think you'd be on the outside, not the outside, but it doesn't really matter as long as you're touching the tech. [00:14:46] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [00:14:47] Speaker D: But I'm, like, experiencing what this ship experienced. [00:14:50] Speaker E: I'm gonna grab that panel and, like, try to, like, jam my. My staff into, like, a crack or a crevice and try to yank. I'm, like, trying to crowbar, basically the piece of the ship that his. That their face is attached to, and try to pull their face, like, physically pull the machine off the ship that has their face attached to it. I know I'm, like, destroying the ship by doing that, but at this moment, like, I'm instinct. I'm pure, like, trying to help my. [00:15:12] Speaker A: Ally go for it. [00:15:14] Speaker E: All right. [00:15:16] Speaker B: And if I can, I'd like to assist with that. Um, basically taking banshee bleed, whatever she does. Uh, I'm just trying to aid. Either give, like, extra, uh, leverage, or, you know, get fingers under the panel if we can. Like, what. Whatever Banshee needs. I'm just trying to assist in that way. [00:15:36] Speaker A: So the way this assist works in the game, you're supposed to use, like, a technobabble but you've described accurately what you're gonna do, and this is a very untechnical thing. [00:15:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:45] Speaker A: So I am gonna let you throw the one point in to assist. You'll get a condition if she fails, though. [00:15:52] Speaker E: That's actually awesome because you bumped me from a nine to a ten with that. [00:15:56] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [00:15:57] Speaker E: I had a nine on the dice. Cause I got a. I get a plus one because of a. I got plus two for body, plus one for my warrior moves. And then I. I rolled a nine total, and then you gave me the one, the ten. So that's perfect. [00:16:09] Speaker D: Awesome. Yeah. Bernard is just going, please help me. [00:16:13] Speaker A: Help me. [00:16:13] Speaker D: Get me off. Get me off the ship. [00:16:17] Speaker C: They're doing. They're doing it. [00:16:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Banshee. Banshee. You're able to get your staff in and pry it off. Olukundhe on the other side. Your fingers get under there, and you just wrench off the wood panel siding. Darryl would be very upset. He paid extra for those. But as Bernard's. As the panel comes off, the panel flickers slightly, and Bernard's face falls off the thing. And I'm going to ask, when you're done, do you have to put your face back on, or does it go itself? [00:16:53] Speaker D: Like, I. I think I imagine it that, like, I have. I should be a little bit in control of it, but in this particular moment, I feel like I can't be in control of it. So I think it needs to be physically, like, put on my head. [00:17:06] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:07] Speaker E: I have another move I can do. Is one of the conditions you have afraid at this particular moment, you say you took a lot of conditions, so. [00:17:14] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, I have both my afraid and selfish in my body. So are marked some crashed. [00:17:21] Speaker E: Okay, I'm gonna come up to you and I'm gonna do a connect move, and I'm gonna, like, grab your shoulders, and I'm gonna yell, Bernard Shelley, you are not folded away. You are not distant. You are here now, and your face is here, and you can have your face back, and you can be part of our crew. You have got this. And I, like, shake you. I'm, like. I'm, like, shaking you in like that. Like, the way, like, someone slaps someone when they're, like, having a panic to, like, settle them down. Obviously can't slap you in the face because your face. I slap the face on the panel, like, hoping that will, like, alert you, but, like, I don't think it. I don't know what that does anything, but it's just part of the move. Of me shaking it. So then I don't think I have to roll. I think this is. This is based on you. This is. This is a connect role. So. [00:18:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:12] Speaker D: Oh, I think this is really great. I think spending a trust for that. [00:18:16] Speaker E: Hang on. Go ahead. Sorry. [00:18:19] Speaker D: I think Bernard gets even. Gets even more frightened because they've done something wrong. Yeah. [00:18:25] Speaker E: Banshee is not doing great in the morale department anymore. [00:18:30] Speaker D: Where did my face go? [00:18:32] Speaker A: Percussive therapy apparently does not work. [00:18:35] Speaker E: Yeah, twice in a row now. [00:18:37] Speaker C: It's not her strongest dude, but she's just so strong. If I see that Vernard seems like they're freaking out even more. I think, would I have been able to, like, hold them or, like, stop them from moving so much? I imagine Banshee was able to stop them. But I'm wondering, like, if before that, if I could just. Am I hugging them is my question. [00:18:57] Speaker A: Uh, you can be hugging them. Whether or not you've stopped them is, uh, up to Isdev. What's your body stat? Just natural. Plus or minus 10, I'll let you roll for it. Negligible result, like roll and we'll see. [00:19:15] Speaker C: Cool. [00:19:17] Speaker A: You won't take any damage if you. Unless you roll really bad. [00:19:21] Speaker C: Nuh uh. [00:19:25] Speaker A: I have to stop saying that. [00:19:26] Speaker C: It was just. It was so nice for a second, and then you cursed me. It's okay. I got a five. I'm just really light. You have to understand. [00:19:42] Speaker A: I should make you roll for things. If I don't want you to take consequences for them, I'll have you take a condition. Bernard, your body has run off. It hasn't left the clearing, but it is running, and it's taken neptor with it. [00:19:58] Speaker E: Can I try another tactic? [00:20:00] Speaker A: Yes, please. [00:20:02] Speaker E: I think my medic training is going to kick in. I think what I'm seeing is more of a shell, I think, similar to last time, but a shell shock. But I think instead of trying to give a speech, I want to do more of a technical role of medicine. So I think I want to maybe start doing a breathing exercise, a mimic my breathing pattern kind of thing. And maybe I kind of start modeling a meditation form. I feel like my warrior people, we probably have a lot of meditations and, like, martial art and, like, yoga type things that we do to, like, censor ourselves. And so I'm just gonna start doing a breathing exercise to you looking at the panel and, like, trying to, like, calm you down that way. So I guess I rolled with plus medicine. That makes sense. [00:20:45] Speaker D: Okay. [00:20:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:46] Speaker E: Could I argue to add heart to this, by any chance, or is that. [00:20:50] Speaker A: I really compelled to do so? Is your heart. Well, your heart is better than your brain's. [00:20:56] Speaker E: Yes, my heart, my medicine are the same. So it's gonna be one or the other. [00:20:59] Speaker A: I will say that you can roll your heart stat. If someone wants to help you again, then they can add the assist. But if you're just relying on your. [00:21:09] Speaker E: Own cultural, I'll do medicine. That's fine. Six. Ah. Bernard. I cannot. I cannot help you. Bernard Shelley. I have a six rock. [00:21:18] Speaker A: Shelly is having a panic attack. [00:21:20] Speaker D: Where's. Where's my body? [00:21:22] Speaker E: That's what I was trying to stop. [00:21:25] Speaker A: Sometimes you just gotta let it ride, I guess. [00:21:27] Speaker E: I guess I lost my body. [00:21:30] Speaker B: I lost my face while all this is happening, and this isn't gonna help because I don't know how to help, but Alokun is just. He sees the body running off. He sees a. The face and it being talked to and it having, I'm assuming, very wildly expressive emotions on said Cheshire cat face. So locally, she's gonna, like, walk a little bit and then take a seat and pull out another stogie and just be like, this is not how I expected my day to go today. I, like, I've seen the face thing, but they've never run away from it. I just. I don't just have a little existential crisis for a bit until I can find something to do with my actual character to help. [00:22:24] Speaker A: Bernard's body at this point has turned around, is coming back into the clearing because. And I think I'm like, how long do panic attacks last? I think just with time, Bernard, you'll start to come down from the panic. You're here. And Banshee's words do settle in a little bit. You are here. Obviously, you've still crashed out a little bit, but you can start to calm down after a little bit, especially because she's removed the panel. You're not attached to the thing. And then the panel is flickered away and is flickering back, but with your face no longer on it, if that makes sense, you've been dislodged. So all of you, so I'm gonna say, all of you, take a second just to figure, you know, get your feet under you. Some of you literally, but I will impress upon everyone, and you can kind of hear it as you have this moment of chaos. You can hear off in the distance, other search parties are tramping around, and you don't know how long it will take for them to get to come upon this. [00:23:49] Speaker D: I feel like I see banshee and see that she's doing just the best that she can, but the fact is that she's there. She's here, you know? And I even glance over, and I see Alo kun, who's, like, actually kind of stoically at peace and calm, you know? And then I see that my body is not alone. It's with Neptune. And I go, um, can. Can somebody. Can somebody. Can somebody bring me to. To bring my face? Bring my face to my body, please? Um. [00:24:24] Speaker E: Um, I grabbed the whole panel and carried over and, like, put it, like, I, like, push the face towards where the face should go on the body. [00:24:32] Speaker D: Like, it kind of, like, comes off the panel and, like, with, like, a pop on the body, and I stumbled back so embarrassed. That was so scary. Oh, yeah. [00:24:47] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:24:48] Speaker D: Thank you all for trying. Alo kun, are those. Are those medicinal? May I have one, please? [00:25:00] Speaker B: Alokun takes out, like, three and just gestures in your direction, and I, of. [00:25:10] Speaker D: Course, take all three in my paw. Ah, yes. Like this. [00:25:20] Speaker E: I think because I'm reckless right now with one of my conditions, and I think seeing, like, this thing has just happened because of the ship to a friend of mine, and now other people are coming in, I think that I'm gonna, like, just start walking towards, like, what looks like a door or entrance to the ship and just start heading in. Like, I'm not waiting any longer. Like, I'm like, no, this is scary, and whatever's happening needs to be faced. And so I have my staff, and I'm going in, like, full throttle. [00:25:46] Speaker C: Um, I think I've been. I'm on the ground again. I think, after all, like, the running around, I'll just plop back on the ground, sitting and trying to catch my breath, and then I see Rashi start to go towards the ship, and I say, we're still doing this. Is this still happening? [00:26:14] Speaker E: I'm still doing it, and I'm, like, frustrated. I think I'm, like, feeling frustrated because I have now had two different crewmates snap away my attempt to help them. So I think, for me, it's like, well, I can't do anything to help you, so I'm just gonna do what I'm good at, which is go into the ship and beat up ghosts. [00:26:32] Speaker C: I just. I just feel like, you know, trauma or money. What are we choosing right now? I'm really not. I really feel like I don't know what we're doing, and it's. There's a lot of going that's happening. There's a lot of going. I don't really want to go anymore. Um, I don't want to go. [00:26:59] Speaker B: So, um, I think at that, Alokun would finally dust himself off and be like, yeah, it's a weird day, that's for sure. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. We came here. Might as well see this to the end. And Oloku's gonna turn and start to follow Banshee. [00:27:30] Speaker C: Um, I sit there a bit longer, and Bernard's still there. So Bernard's the one to see Neptor. Like. Like, they start just, like, padding. They start just patting at, like, my knees almost. And it's like, you'll see, like, little puffs of space fog, dark mist sort of fall off of me for a second. As. As I start, like, body almost starts, like, heating up, and I'm just like, cool. [00:28:14] Speaker D: I take a drag of one of my three cigarettes from a loca, and then I. And I hand one of them to Neptune to say, um, these. I think these are supposed to help. I can't feel anything. Um. Here you go. [00:28:31] Speaker A: Alohkun, I have a quick question for you. Yes, one. These medicinal, uh, stogies you've got, how strong are they usually? [00:28:47] Speaker B: So, Alokun, these are. These are special stogies they got from planet. Generally, when you start smoking, that is the strongest hit it's going to be. Uh, it is a very. It's a cultural thing. But the point is, you kind of have to learn to get used to it. So let's just say it would be very strong for a first timer. It's not what you're supposed to start out with. [00:29:29] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:29:30] Speaker A: All right. Um, in that case, and, uh, I will say if this is a little. If this is too much, let me know. But I do feel like, Bernard, you can move one of your conditions to something else. [00:29:49] Speaker D: So if I'm. If I say, if I move a. Oh, you know what? I've got a perfect one. I think the body definitely stays crashed, but I think we are now feeling depressed. [00:30:03] Speaker A: Bad trip it, Banshee. You're strong as heck. You can tear a door open easily. The ship is clearly not doing great, so I don't think any security systems are on. You two enter the ship, and it's strange, it's hard, because, again, it's flickering in and out of Warpennesse. When it is not here. It is not here, but not. It's not as if the whole ship is going at once. So panels, floor panels are disappearing and reappearing, and walls are disappearing. And reappearing. The interior looks very post earthquake. Everything is, you know, tables and chairs knocked on their sides. It's about, like I said, it's a little larger than the narwhal, so there's not that much to explore as far as rooms are concerned. Are you looking for something specifically? [00:31:06] Speaker E: Yeah, probably, like, wherever this treasure is. Like, wherever that would be on the ship, or either that or something to stabilize it. But I don't really know enough about that kind of stuff. So I'm assuming, like, now that I'm. If I'm aware that Ole kun is behind me, I'm gonna probably, like, let him be the one that looks for something sciency. And I'm just like, we were told to get a thing, so I'm gonna get a thing, and that's what I'm doing. [00:31:31] Speaker B: And. [00:31:32] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Olakun, you can do a brains roll to kind of try to suss out where the treasure is, you know, what's happening to the ship. So. [00:31:47] Speaker B: Eight. [00:31:48] Speaker A: All right. Do you recall when the two of you were on Pius Andronicus, you received a credit stick? Yes. [00:31:58] Speaker B: Yes. [00:32:00] Speaker A: So conceivably any missing credits might be in a similar shape. Now, one could argue, and that's a tiny thing to lose on a person. You could. There are. There are two options. This credit stick could be. It could be attached to the ship, saved as data, you know, like a bank account, or it is on the person. Deraldale and as you think about this, you can hear those echoes of people talking around you eerily. And now you realize. Now that you realize the ship is half in and half out of warp. It's probably the voices of the crew. [00:32:59] Speaker B: Banshee, do you hear those voices that keep going, like, in and out? [00:33:05] Speaker E: Yes. The ghost. Indeed. [00:33:07] Speaker B: Yes. Yes. They are probably the crew. And if they are, I think we just have to find the same voice that we heard on the, on the beacon. If we can match that, that's probably who has everything. We might be able to get our. Get our score. [00:33:37] Speaker E: This seems to work for me. How do we do this? [00:33:41] Speaker B: Um, we listen. Let's, like, focus our, our energy on our ears and listen and see if we can match that voice. [00:33:57] Speaker A: You both can roll to reins or body to see if you can listen for Daryl Dale's voice. [00:34:08] Speaker B: Dolokhun is definitely talking out of his ass right now, so it's gonna be a body roll. Oh, and it's so bad. [00:34:15] Speaker E: I got a nine, so I'm a little better than I have been. [00:34:18] Speaker B: And Olukun I rolled double ones, but I got a two in body, so it's a four. It's still bad. [00:34:27] Speaker A: So take a condition. [00:34:29] Speaker B: I get XP too, right? [00:34:30] Speaker A: And XP. Yes. [00:34:31] Speaker B: So I do level up. [00:34:33] Speaker A: Look at y'all. So, Banshee, you've hunted. Not hunted, but like, you've fought and interacted with other aliens that have sort of. That, like, that have been able to camouflage and have been able to go incorporeal. So to be honest, this isn't new. However, this circumstance, the circumstances are. And you feel the calm come over you. You've been. You were trying to meditate outside, Bernard, and you're doing it here now. And. Yeah, you hear it that. Listen here. See, kind of voice annoying as hell, but probably a good singer throughout the. Echoing a little for a moment in one room and then seemingly just coming out of another room. And that's how you realize because of the nature of half warp, it's almost like Daryl is stuck in, like, the neighboring dimension to yours. So you can follow him, but you cannot make contact. [00:36:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:36:00] Speaker A: And that's so. So you're now sort of presented with this issue, right. How do you make contact with something that is essentially on the other side? Only slightly rhetorical. [00:36:19] Speaker E: The only thing I can think of that I would try to do is, since I'm trying to do it right now, is maybe like, try to triangulate, like you say. Like, I'm hearing him over here. I'm hearing him over here. I'm trying to, like, determine if I'm hearing a pattern. Pattern, like if he's going to the same places over and over again, like if he's being bounced around the same section of the ship or not, or if it feels random completely. So I'm like, listen really hard to see if I can hear, like, pinging. [00:36:45] Speaker A: Of locations where he might be as a warrior. This is a thing I will let you just have because this is a thousand percent within your wheelhouse. He is following a track, essentially, kind of as if he's reliving this situation over and over again, but also. But do you guys say anything as you both travel, are walking through the space beyond just talking to each other? Are you making a lot of noise? You're trying to be stealthy? [00:37:15] Speaker E: I think I'm being quiet because I'm trying since I'm actively using listening as my way of finding things. I don't think I'm making a lot of noise. I think I'm very much in serene, not quite hunter mode, but that kind of, like, oh, I'm physically listening for something, so I'm not adding any background noise to that situation. [00:37:33] Speaker B: Yeah. And I think for ola kun, definitely just taking. Just piggybacking on whatever Banshee's doing and seeing how she really not easily, but I think, from his point of view, kind of easily not only took in what he thought was ridiculous, but then applied it in real life and succeeded at doing that. Uh, for locun, she's mentioning a little bit of different light. Uh, a little bit like, oh, wow, that is kind of amazing. I mean, yeah, kind of picked it up a little easily. I mean, I I could. I could have done that. And I'm gonna mark jealousy as my condition. Definitely more respect. Uh, but still just a little, like, wow. Like, I'm not a warrior warrior, but I did, like, I bit in my fair scraps. It's kind of like just seeing someone who's way better at doing something that you could own, you can kind of do. It's not your expertise, but you feel like you could do it, and then you see an expert do it, and you're like, I mean, they're cool. [00:38:36] Speaker A: It is truly the difference between seeing, like, a black belt in martial arts and someone who, like, learned to scrap on this streets. It is the, like, she just happens. She has some of the extra technique she'd probably teach you if you'd like. Banshee, as you're following the sound of Darrell Dale, you've got his pattern down. You've got exactly how he's been moving within the space. And as you get closer and closer, you do hear it. The. You start suddenly, you can kind of feel the wind of someone disturbing the air through that, you are standing around. And as you find his route, and Olukun, as you kind of listen and both of you are so quiet in this moment, you hear a voice say, hold on. Is someone there? And we're gonna switch back to Bernard and Neptor. Neptor and Bernard, you are sitting outside the ship. Bernard, you've been having a really hard time. Yeah, Neptor, your friend is having a really hard time, and it is about to get a little harder. Freaking out takes a second. When you come back from all of. When you've recentered yourselves, you hear those voices getting closer. Another landing party is. Has somehow managed to, you know, whack their way through the. Through the underbrush. And, you know, they're getting close. You don't know how much time you have. I. So I'm going to let you guys get an idea of what you want to do. But I will say, if you take too long to argue, I will just. They will appear. Hmm. [00:40:55] Speaker D: Um, Neptor? Um, uh, uh, are, are you okay? Yeah. [00:41:09] Speaker C: I know, it's getting worse. They're on their way. [00:41:16] Speaker D: Um, Neptar, I, um. Did you, did you, did you figure something out about this ship? Did you hear. Did you hear the thing? [00:41:27] Speaker C: The thing? The thing? The thing, like the people thing, or like the other people over there thing? Or the. [00:41:36] Speaker D: No, the people in the ship. The voices in the ship. [00:41:40] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, yeah. Creepy. Don't really like it, Napster. [00:41:48] Speaker D: I know those voices. I was on this ship. Someone threw me away. I mean, that neptor, somebody threw me away. I was on the ship and they threw me out. Like, like I was replaceable. Um, but maybe, I don't know. Hmm. [00:42:23] Speaker C: I just get up and hug you, like full body. [00:42:28] Speaker D: Oh, thank you. I'm not, uh. You don't think that they were just going to replace me with an. With another one of me? [00:42:45] Speaker C: How? [00:42:46] Speaker D: If I'm replaceable, then maybe there's just. I'm just not that special or really different. I'm just something. I'm very. [00:43:03] Speaker C: There's not another Bernie. I can't go in the trees and pick out a Bernie. You're Bernie. [00:43:10] Speaker A: You're. [00:43:11] Speaker C: You're smart and, and really cool. And you, you, like, you, like, adapt really cool to things. And it's. It's always been really interesting to see the way you, like, deal with, like, mechanics and technology and stuff, and all the techno stuff, because, like, you have such a unique way of doing it. And so it's. It's like, I don't think anybody else could really do that. I think you're. You're you, and there's not gonna be another you. Like, how? There's not gonna be another me. I could split off into five different mes, but it won't be me, me. You can, I mean, when I explode? Yeah. [00:43:52] Speaker D: Oh, I, um. [00:43:54] Speaker C: That's not right for a really, really long time. That's just like a cycle of life. [00:44:01] Speaker D: Sort of, for me, after I. I just realized I'm. This must be such a strange thing to talk to someone about. And you are so, you're so cool with, with all of this? Thank you. [00:44:20] Speaker C: I'm honestly pretty terrified. I don't really know what I'm doing a lot of the time. Yeah, it's bad out here. [00:44:29] Speaker D: And as you say, it's bad out here. I kind of look around and realize we're really not that alone anymore. And I say, Neptor, I think this is probably crazy. And I'm just not. I'm not a brave cat like Banshee or low kun, but I gotta know what. What the heck happened inside that ship? You're right. I'm Bernie. Why'd they throw me out? That's not. Okay. Um, can you help me now? Uh. [00:45:03] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, you know what? I'm. I'm with you all the way. I'm. We're gonna do this because we're a team. [00:45:11] Speaker D: Rosim, high five you with my paw. Okay, let's go. Let's go. I don't know who these people are who are coming, but I honestly, I can only handle one strange thing at a time right now, and I just start to pawn and pounce or whatever. I run inside. [00:45:32] Speaker C: I will also run inside, but I would like to, as I'm going in, what is the entrance situation for the ship? [00:45:43] Speaker A: There is a side door. It's sort of a. It looks like a panel that can be lowered down. Banshee has pulled it down, and when she and Olakun crawled in, because, frankly, doors can't stop Banshee. So. Yeah, so the door is. Has been torn down. [00:46:05] Speaker C: Um, is there enough sort of rubble and sort of dirt and debris around where I could realistically, as we're going inside, try to make, like, a makeshift, like, covering so it's harder to see that sort of opening. Thought there'll be like a. Oh, there's a. There's a front door, and they might miss it. Why do we feel about that? [00:46:33] Speaker A: I'm. It's going to. You're not going to have enough time. I think between your pep talk and some of the chaos, I think you either have enough time to get inside or close the door behind Banshee and Ola kun and stay outside. [00:46:49] Speaker C: Okay, well, we're going inside. We gotta figure this stuff out. We're a team. [00:47:00] Speaker A: So you run in after O Lacuna, Banshee. It's not hard to find them. I assume you aren't being terribly quiet. [00:47:11] Speaker E: Yeah, we're being. [00:47:13] Speaker D: I feel like we're probably. I mean, I'm definitely being cautious, but also, I'm too scared to be really tactical. [00:47:21] Speaker C: Neptune was running on the adrenaline that somebody wronged their friend, so I think they just started rushing inside because they're sort of angry right now. So I think they're just sort of, like, you can hear, like, their steps just, like, pattering through, like, across the metal as they were, to the side they're being cautious in the sense that they're trying to trip over things, but not cautious in the way that I'm being quiet. [00:47:46] Speaker A: Feel that? Yeah, it's not too hard to find where Banshee and ole kun are. And we will flip back to your perspective as, yeah, Banshee, you've heard it. The voice can hear you. It seems like. Or at least they have all. They're also sensing your presence. [00:48:08] Speaker E: Because I'm not very sciency, and I don't really know what to do here. I'm not gonna immediately announce who I am to them. I'm aware that he knows that I'm here, but I'm not necessarily trying to, like, play my entire hand to him right now. So all I'm gonna do is, I don't think this is going to work either in character or out of character, but what I'm. I'm doing because I'm, like, frustrated. My two sciency people, especially my mind, are outside not wanting any help from me. So I am trying to do my own thing, and, like, I don't. They don't want my help? Fine. I I know a thing or two about anxiety and shell shock. They don't seem to care about that. So whatever. So, like, that's kind of what's. What I'm doing, so I don't need them. They think they're so smart. Maybe I'm smart. And so I take my staff out, and I kind of, like, turn on the thing that, like, absorbs or impacts and, like, redirects energy, and I'm putting it right in what I determined to be, like, the main pathway this guy is going through. And my percussive maintenance attempt is to try to absorb some of this residual energy. Or I guess a better way that I could phrase it is. Hang on. [00:49:29] Speaker A: All right, techno babble your way out of this one. [00:49:31] Speaker E: I think that what I'm trying to do is to. I am trying to invert the non linear inducer polarizing pulse to kind of, like, stabilize what? This, like, half warped, half knot warp situation. [00:49:59] Speaker A: Kimmy, I am going to slap fight you in a Starbucks parking lot for putting me through this much technobabble. We're not going full. We're not going full waffle house, and we're not going full Denny's. But we will thumb wrestle in a Starbucks parking lot over this amazing banshee. Roll with advantage. No roll. And add an extra. I'm gonna let you roll with advantage. Y'all have been rolling poorly. [00:50:27] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:50:29] Speaker A: That's three and then take your top two. [00:50:32] Speaker E: Okay. [00:50:34] Speaker A: Ooh. [00:50:35] Speaker E: All right. Well, my top two gave me an eleven before anything else added to it. And before I even add a stat or technical plus to it, it's just eleven, so. [00:50:45] Speaker A: Hell yeah. Well, Banshee, you extend your kinetic energy redirection staff and you actually feel it thump against something. And you're a skilled warrior. You know the feeling of hitting someone in the stomach with it, with a staff, and you hear, ow. Fuck. You seem to have just straight up hit someone through another dimension, and you actually see sped up and slowed down in a way that the dust speeds up and then slows down. You see for a second a figure wearing a striped jacket, an ugly striped jacket, flicker into existence as he is thrown back, and then flicker out of existence as a poof of dust lands further back. Following that trajectory, you seem to have hit someone through another, through the dimension. So I guess you can make contact. Yeah. And as you do this, Bernard and Neptor, you running through. See? This happened. Banshee to you. To what? Has Banshee hit a ghost? [00:52:13] Speaker E: I turn and look at them as they come in and go, I told you I would beat up a ghost. [00:52:19] Speaker D: Whoa. I never doubted you. That is very impressive. [00:52:23] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm sure you didn't. Did the. [00:52:30] Speaker D: What did the ghosts. What did the ghost say to you? [00:52:34] Speaker E: Oh, but he did. He did cry for help. He asked, well, not help as much as is anyone there. And I responded by hitting him with my stick. So I guess he knows I'm here. [00:52:48] Speaker B: You know, as you do. [00:52:51] Speaker E: Oh. Oh, yeah. Forgot you were here. [00:52:56] Speaker C: Okay. Uh, there's a lot to say, or do. Mostly do. There's people already outside. Not immediately, but on their way. And Bernie has something to. I don't know if you want to share it. Actually, I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but I felt like that's sort of important. [00:53:17] Speaker D: Well, first of all, Neptune, so correct. I. We are. There are definitely lots and lots of folks trying to get inside here. So we're in the right spot, and the score must be good. I am so sorry that I held us all up. I really feel like I'm a bit inadequate right now, and I apologize for putting us through. Uh, well, now I'm slowing us down even more. [00:53:54] Speaker E: I'm gonna confront you in the middle of you saying that I'm gonna do a confrontation. And I'm going to say, bernard Shelley, it is not a flaw to occasionally have to deal with anxiety. However, you are aware there's a problem, and dragging down the mission to continue the problem then becomes a mistake. So you have dealt with your issue. You needed to do it. The time was important, but now the time has begun to focus on the tasks at hand. [00:54:26] Speaker D: Angie, I very much value that feedback. I hear you. And I would like to be of use as much as possible. And you're right. There's a time and a place. And that time was before, and that place was outside me having a freak out. And now I'm here. And this is a new time, a new place. And I'm ready to be the functional feline we all need. And you all deserve. [00:54:54] Speaker E: Thank you. Okay, so you mark a condition, but earn a trust. I earn a trust and clear condition. So amazing. [00:55:01] Speaker D: Oh, that's great. That's great. Benji. [00:55:04] Speaker E: Currently there is a man who is a ghost, and you need to make him not a ghost. [00:55:10] Speaker D: That's right. Oh, I'm gonna. I'm gonna make that man real, and then I'm gonna turn him into a ghost for real or something. [00:55:20] Speaker A: Oh. [00:55:21] Speaker D: Oh, I see what you mean. You need me to. Oh, you need to fix a thing. [00:55:25] Speaker E: He's stuck as a ghost, and you need to make him not a ghost. [00:55:28] Speaker D: Okay. [00:55:29] Speaker E: You can do this. [00:55:30] Speaker A: Yep. [00:55:31] Speaker D: I rub my paws and also, can I just throw a thing out? That was great, Riley. I wanted to throw a thing out. Is it possible that the previous moment that I had with that Neptune and I had the scene outside, could that be a. Could that have been a connect move? [00:55:43] Speaker A: Yes. That felt very vulnerable. Yes. [00:55:46] Speaker D: So great, great, great. So we. [00:55:52] Speaker E: God bless. [00:55:53] Speaker A: So where you all stand right now, Banshee punched a ghost. You are standing in a ship that is flickering half in and half out of water, essentially half in and half out of another dimension when you. So. So the problem in front of you seems to be how do you get the ship out of war? How do you get find the credits from here with someone who is not on the same plane as you? And this is where I'm going to steal a mechanic from the Star Trek D 20 game. And we're going to use the hypothesis system because I really like it and I can't remember if it made its way into starscape. So. Oops. Essentially, what's going to happen is as a crew, you will come up with three hypotheses as to how to either unstick the ship or unstick Darrell, Dale, whichever you want to focus on, or maybe push them through to the other side. Whatever you want. You just need to figure out how to get your credits. And I'm gonna be very nice, and we're actually gonna take our break while you come up with these hypotheses. And when you come back, we can test them, and I will decide which of the ones is the one that worked. That sound good? Heck, yeah. All right, we'll take a break then, and welcome back. When we last left off, I posed to my crew to come up with three hypotheses that they can test to figure out how to maybe get the credits from Derral Dale. If that involves getting him out of the warp, maybe if that involves getting the ship out of the warp, doesn't matter. But, yes, they have come up with three hypotheses that we can all test. However, they came up with them out of characters. So we're gonna jump back into the action as they stand on the ship trying to figure out what the heck to do next. [00:58:05] Speaker C: So what if we just drag the whole thing out? You sounded like you had a smarter idea. What were you saying? [00:58:14] Speaker B: I mean, essentially, it'd be dragging everything out. So here's my idea. Every tadpole knows that when you travel through space, through hyperspace, you basically fold space around you and you travel. What it seems to happen here is that they folded around space, and now they're kind of going in and out of reality. It's really weird. Very unsettling. But what we could do is basically just iron out the fold. I'm thinking with a big enough and the right kind of blast, you basically just iron out the fold that they have on themselves and bring them back into this reality. [00:59:04] Speaker E: Well, I am always a fan of blowing things up, so I do like where your head is at for this. But speaking of where your head is at along those lines, folding. I have met people who fold in interesting ways, intentionally. I believe there's a form called origami, and I believe that it means a controlled fold that creates a design. So perhaps right now, they are folded sort of randomly and haphazardly. Maybe it just needs somebody to go into the system and fold with an intention. And there is someone here who has proven already that he is able to access. Sorry, let me take that so we can edit that. There is someone here already who has proven that they are able to access the system, and that is our friend Bernarde. Bernard Shelley. And their face. [00:59:57] Speaker D: Oh, e. I suppose. [01:00:03] Speaker E: Wow. [01:00:06] Speaker D: So I go in and I unfold the fold from within, or we blast the fold to be flattened, not folded or neptar. You think we can just yank it right free from the fold altogether? [01:00:30] Speaker C: Yeah. You know, like, when you fold a piece of paper, you can sort of just, like, pull it, and it's unfolded, but it's just a little crinkly. Sorta. [01:00:40] Speaker D: Yeah, it's like. It's like this ship is a piece of. A piece of chewing gum that's gone, stacked off, slapped to a folded piece of paper, and we're yanking a free. [01:00:56] Speaker C: You lost me. But okay. [01:00:58] Speaker D: Okay. Well, um. I think. Well. Well, here's the good news. I think we are capable of doing any of these. I do feel really strongly that we are very capable. Neptar, you. You've studied these sorts of anomalies before. Space warps. [01:01:28] Speaker C: I mean, that was a few classes, and I saw an incident. Something like this sort of happened. But I. Yes, to answer your question. [01:01:44] Speaker D: Hmm. So, um, perhaps, Neptor. I'm not sure. But. But if. But. But it seems you are to a certain degree. It seems like you and, uh, Alokan might be the experts in this field. [01:02:10] Speaker B: Experts? No, no, no. [01:02:14] Speaker C: We're experts. Paddle the queen arm. Experts. Expert thinking. What if we combined sort of two of our ideas here? O lacun, you were talking about making a sort of explosion. Pretty cool. An explosion that could sort of defold the sort of space area. Right. And also, Banshee, you were thinking how we could have someone directly communicate with people from the other. In this other side. Those people. What if. I'm not exactly sure what materials we got here. So what if we do a middle ground where we make an opening for you, Bernie. So that when you connect with the ship, you're not just connecting with the technological side of it, but it maybe help guarantee that you will be going straight. Straight to the coup themselves. So you can confront them yourselves. Yourself. [01:03:30] Speaker D: Oh. Huh. Sounds brilliant. I'm in. [01:03:38] Speaker A: So, which of your hypotheses do you want to try first? [01:03:44] Speaker C: I think we just. I just said combine two. [01:03:47] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:03:49] Speaker A: Let me make sure I have this right. I have. Iron out the fold via explosion. Don't ask. So, hypothesis to harness Bernard's ability to kind of control the fold. And then option three. Yank the whole. The whole thing, the crew, the ship, everything to this side again via other means. So two of these are basically. It seems. Yeah. Okay, so that this. I think the yanking the whole ship one seems a little like a little broad. But I will let you technobabble your way into how you do the full yank. It sounds like the first two will just pull Daryl out. Correct. [01:04:39] Speaker E: I don't know how much the folding the origami suggestion will pull either all of them or one out. It's like, that's more just trying to stabilize the field. [01:04:48] Speaker D: And if I may, I was wondering if, like, this is something that maybe this is like, a thing that Bernard could just do right now. But this makes me curious about whether this ship is as capable of this warped spacetime warping technology. I mean, per, what Olokun was saying is that maybe most ships can do something similar, but this seems like, is this a patch that the ship went through, or did the ship have a weird thing happen with its engine and suddenly it warped space? [01:05:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. This Ola kun and Neptor didn't quite get the full roll to acquire the information, but in the rumors and stuff, this is an accident. It's not. This is a. It's not a. It's not a common accident, but this is basically just an accident that involved their warp drive. [01:05:40] Speaker D: Got it. So this can happen. [01:05:41] Speaker A: Okay, I love that this can happen. It shouldn't, but it does. [01:05:46] Speaker E: Is this like the cybertruck of spaceships? Are we in right now? Is that. Yeah. [01:05:50] Speaker D: This is why you have to check your space oil every 6000 lights. [01:05:55] Speaker E: Did they not get the upgraded software for the subscription for their space folding deal? [01:06:00] Speaker A: Do you think Professor Esquire, Reverend Darrell Dale would not get the full upgrade on his space insurance? [01:06:12] Speaker E: Flashback to me outside the ship going, wow, the ship does not look rendered fully. [01:06:18] Speaker A: It's got wood paneling on the sides, but it is real. It's shaped real bad. [01:06:23] Speaker D: Yeah, well, I guess. Well, I think Bernard may be I'm looking at Alokun and thinking, well, I think it would probably help us just get a better handle on the ship and what's happening here. If the space time fold was smooth, whether the ship will be pliable or the folks in it will be still in whatever corporeal state. But I think it'll be tricky for us to try to unfold things unless we know for sure we can control the fold. Yes. [01:07:11] Speaker E: No. [01:07:13] Speaker D: What do we think? [01:07:15] Speaker E: Yes. [01:07:16] Speaker C: Yes sounds. [01:07:18] Speaker E: I don't know a thing you just said, but I'm saying yes. [01:07:21] Speaker B: Positive energy affirmation don't quite understand either, but sure. [01:07:27] Speaker A: All right, I'm going to run this a little like the way we do ship combat. Everyone. We are going to collectively decide what flavor of role this is going to be. I will need everyone to explain to me how they can tribute, preferably in character narrating. And we're going to roll and take the top roll and anything under a six. Well, don't do that, please. [01:07:56] Speaker C: Why would you say that? [01:07:57] Speaker A: And if you're going to fail, don't. [01:07:59] Speaker B: Definitely start with an explosion first. Love it. [01:08:03] Speaker A: Starting with a bang. I like it. [01:08:04] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, so. [01:08:07] Speaker A: So how do you go about doing this? [01:08:09] Speaker B: Yeah, so, you know, it's. Shouldn't be too difficult. All I really need to do is align the nano core, recalibrate the atomic manifold. Uh huh. Yes, yes, yes. And then just extend the isometric dampener. And that should give us basically a quantum emphas. Basically. [01:08:35] Speaker A: All right. As you build the quantum EMP neptor, Bernard and Banshee, how do you help? [01:08:41] Speaker E: I am physically pushing things together. Like, when there's things that need to be clasped shut and there's a lot of pressure happening, so I'm the one who's doing the moving, like, holding things together to make things lined up perfectly and be smooth and be stable. [01:08:58] Speaker C: I'm gonna go up to Bernard and say, um, uh, how plausible would it be? Do you think, with, like, the cool stuff that you can do, that you can sort of maybe watch the effects of what happens when the thing goes off? So, like, if you talk to the machine, and then you, like, you can. It can sort of give you, like, a rundown on how it's feeling while it goes off? Would that hurt you? Would that hurt? But you're not in the quantum space, so I don't. I think it'll be fine. I'm pretty sure you. [01:09:38] Speaker D: You want. You want me to. To become the bomb for a bit? Is that what you're saying? [01:09:43] Speaker C: Oh, no, no, I mean, you become. No, I'm focused. Uh, I. Marmit, you could, like, talk to the. Like this. The ship. Like, you do the ship thing again, and when the bomb goes off. [01:09:59] Speaker D: Oh, yes, yes. [01:10:00] Speaker C: Yeah. You can, like, keep a smooth track of seeing what's happening to the ship itself, to see it, what exactly it does. And so if the bomb doesn't work, then we know how to move forward, huh? [01:10:13] Speaker D: Yes, I do hear what you'd be. Yes, thank you so much for asking. [01:10:18] Speaker E: This is a. [01:10:18] Speaker D: This is a very clever idea. And so what I'm going to do to help with the ship is with. This is, as Alo Koon describes each one of the moments of, like, the technobabble of, like, we put this and this and this. What I'm going to do is, again, project my face onto the ship, and I'll sort of, like, move towards the parts of the ship where those items, or those, like, knobs or calibrating toggles, are that olo kun is, like, referring to. And maybe Neptune can, like, hop over and, like, adjust it here, and I'll just be like, yep, over here. 3% up. Great. Fantastic. And. Okay, great. Now decrease this by 45 degrees and increase that by 17.4 degrees. Excellent. Moving it along. And so I'm just kind of. My, like, face is bouncing around different walls and panels, while my, like, body maybe is just, like, padding along, and Neptune is helping out, so, yeah, so that'll be my thing. [01:11:29] Speaker A: I'm going to have everyone roll. Bernard, I think you have the ability for when you're interfacing with technology, you get a plot plus for that. Am I correct? [01:11:39] Speaker D: I do. Yes. [01:11:41] Speaker A: And then, ola kun, because you used technobabble, you will also be adding a plus one for that role. And I think you also have the Jerry rig you're using for this, which. [01:11:51] Speaker B: Allows me to use my brains, which, with my level up, I took a plus one to brain. So now that's two. [01:11:59] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. [01:12:00] Speaker B: Plus three. Correct. [01:12:02] Speaker A: Yeah. The last thing I'm going to ask, do you consider this to be this. Do you consider plan big bomb to be fight fly talk, trick or repair man? [01:12:15] Speaker B: I have explosives. That's what I was thinking. But which. Which was. I'm sorry. Which was the. [01:12:21] Speaker E: I think it's trick, because we're trying to, like you. Like, we're trying to basically create, like, a thing. I don't know why. I think that's. Maybe I'm wrong. [01:12:31] Speaker C: No, I was also feeling trick, actually, you know what? [01:12:33] Speaker E: Now that I said that out loud, I'm rethinking it. I think fly, because description of fly is extraordinary maneuvers that push the limits of the ship's capabilities. So I think we are pushing the limits of, like, what's physically possible by trying to create a bomb that creates an EMP. [01:12:48] Speaker A: How do we feel about fly? [01:12:50] Speaker C: I agree with that. [01:12:51] Speaker A: Awesome. So everyone's gonna roll their courage, and for the people who have the bonuses, you will use your bonuses as offered. [01:12:59] Speaker D: Awesome. [01:13:00] Speaker A: All right. What did everyone get? [01:13:04] Speaker E: So, remember when you said don't fail? I heard fail. [01:13:08] Speaker A: You had one job. [01:13:09] Speaker E: I got a five. [01:13:11] Speaker A: Okay. [01:13:12] Speaker E: Which also means that I just leveled up. [01:13:16] Speaker A: Did you roll it mid session after leveling up? Rad. Love this. [01:13:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:13:22] Speaker A: Neptor, what'd you get? [01:13:23] Speaker C: I got a seven. Seven. [01:13:27] Speaker A: Okay, Bernard, please. [01:13:31] Speaker D: I got a ten. [01:13:34] Speaker A: All right, all right, all right, all right. You got a ten? [01:13:41] Speaker D: Yep. [01:13:41] Speaker A: Rad. Okay, so. So for five reals, unfortunately, you are going to take a condition as this, as operation big bomb happens. All of you work in tandem, starting to create as ole kun hammers out the bomb itself. Banshee, you're assisting, kind of like a surgery assistant, where Olokun is asking you to hold things together here and here. And in that moment, just. You are the last one to be holding the bomb piece. As you know, you set the firework off and you run. You just run a little slower because you are holding everything together, so you'll take a condition from that nectar. And Bernard, you are also a little slow. Not as slow as Banshee was, as you are scampering to. Actually, Bernard, you got a ten. Never mind. Neptor, you are a little slow, as you are also scampering away. You're not going to take a condition, but just a little bit of bruising and scraping as the bomb goes off. But you do pull it off. You'll get a ship investment for this. In this case, it doesn't quite count because it's not an actual ship move, but you do pull it off. The bomb goes off. Olo kun, is it a traditional big boom? Is it like a. Is it like a metaphysical boom? What happens? [01:15:20] Speaker B: It's a bright boom followed by a wave of energy. Not really enough to, like. Well, as long as you're far enough away from it, not enough to, like, knock you on your ass, but definitely, like, you'll feel it as it reverberates outward. [01:15:37] Speaker A: And you guys, because there were two successes on this, I will say the big boom happens, and you hear in the forest, a bunch of people, not a bunch of people, but a handful of people, also get thrown back. So the encroaching other groups, you have successfully pushed them away as well. However you do, nothing seems to change within the ship. Everything kind of rattles and shakes, and there's a moment where everyone's, yeah, okay, okay, okay. And then it flickers. Nothing seems to happen. You do get the sense that, like, as the ship kind of stabilizes from just the shaking, you'd been able to interact with a little bit, but you were dealing with pieces of it disappearing and reappearing. Now the parts that are flickering are all in unison. So something you've done is successful in that you've stabilized, so things aren't flickering out of sync. So you've gone one step closer, somewhat successful, beaten back the. You've bought yourself a little bit of time from your. The other treasure hunters. [01:17:08] Speaker D: Alokun. That was spectacular. That was fascinating. Oof. Well, it seems we're making some progress. We're making some progress. What do we think, gang? That was great. Should we do it again? That's really exciting. [01:17:28] Speaker B: Probably not gonna help so much again. [01:17:31] Speaker E: I would like to blow more stuff up. [01:17:33] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [01:17:35] Speaker B: Yes. [01:17:36] Speaker E: Okay. [01:17:36] Speaker B: Later on, I got stuff for you. Don't worry. Okay. Well, everything at least is in unison, so it might be a little easier to interact with, with the ship as it fades in. [01:17:53] Speaker C: Uh, what if we, what if we try the, the defold but, uh, Bernie edition? You know, you do the interface and then you can maybe defold it because you're so cool. [01:18:15] Speaker D: Oh, well, thank you for that. Yes. All right. I am a little worried about. I've never done quite a big inside out job like this, so I just have to warn you, this might look even weirder than usual. [01:18:39] Speaker E: So, Barnard, it is already as weird as it's going to get today. [01:18:45] Speaker D: Oh, you say that now, Patsy. Okay. [01:18:49] Speaker E: 20 minutes ago, I was a rainbow dancer on the front of a ship, hanging on to the narwhal horn. [01:18:55] Speaker C: It's a weird day, and you looked really cool. [01:18:58] Speaker D: Well, actually, that makes me realize something. I'm gonna be deep in there, so if can, um. Hello, Kuhn? Could you possibly, um, could you possibly do some kind of a tracer or trail something just in case I get really lost in there? You guys, you all could follow. You know, I just don't want to lose my face again. You know what I mean? You did such a cool job with those prismatic sparkles that were coming off of Banshee so mightily. Is there something you could do similar for my face as I go in? [01:19:37] Speaker B: I mean, I don't know if it'll affect the electronics once you're in, but could try looking through my bag. [01:19:50] Speaker C: What if we do, like, a digital firework tracker? Like, if we use, like a, like, like, where's my bag? Like, like a little one of our sort of tablets, and we connect it sort of to the ship, and we could sort of with your really cool hardware stuff and my slightly software engineering things that I took a couple classes and then made a really cool app one time. I think maybe we can make something where it's like we. You make like a. Like, it's a. Not gps. Ah, the beep beep thing. The beep. A tracker. Like a tracker where you can sort of see where the person is going while they're in the tracker, except it'll be specifically for the system. And so we can see how deep Bernie goes in the system and see exactly where they are at those certain points in the system. [01:20:54] Speaker D: So you could follow my face in the system as you're looking at the screen. [01:20:58] Speaker C: Yeah. And then if we gotta pull you out, then, uh, Banshee's really strong. [01:21:05] Speaker D: All right. [01:21:06] Speaker E: I have pulled your face out of the machine once today. I will do it again. [01:21:11] Speaker D: Thank you so much. [01:21:13] Speaker E: Um, also, we could use your kittens to triangulate your location at all times as well. If your kitten stays with Neptor and their beacon machine, and then one stays on the machine and doesn't go inside, then we could triangulate between the two of them and your energy. [01:21:31] Speaker D: Hmm? Yes, yes. But I believe Zig and Zag are hard at work making repairs back on the ship, but. [01:21:40] Speaker E: Oh, I forgot that. Sorry. I. [01:21:42] Speaker D: No, no, no. Not at all. And I dislodged these two crystals. But you could put these little. Put these inner ear crystals, and you'd be able to communicate them with them directly, if you'd like. And I give them to Neptune, Benji or Alokun, who banshee takes one and. [01:21:59] Speaker E: Just starts talking to the cats, and it's just lots of who's a good baby? [01:22:04] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Is it us? [01:22:05] Speaker C: Is it us? [01:22:07] Speaker D: It's you. [01:22:10] Speaker A: You can put the crystal in and you just hear. Are we getting to use the crystal again? Bernard took it away when we tried to do karaoke in them. [01:22:18] Speaker E: I would never stop you from doing karaoke. [01:22:21] Speaker A: I don't know if you regret it, but you do hear one of them immediately break out into their rendition of the metal music that you were playing earlier, which is wild when it is four octaves up in tiny kitten voice. [01:22:37] Speaker E: Just take a look at me and what do you think? Do you think Banshee regrets that, or do you think Banshee is all for it? [01:22:43] Speaker A: Yes. So all of this in the background has baby metal happening, sung by tiny green kitten? [01:22:52] Speaker E: I'm not sure. Having them in her ear does what I was suggesting, which is, like, triangulating the energy, but I love it anyway. [01:22:57] Speaker C: I think it gives us emotional support. [01:22:59] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [01:23:01] Speaker D: They could be, like, on board our ship, kind of, like, actively. [01:23:04] Speaker E: Yeah, that works. [01:23:05] Speaker A: Keeping track of us, backup help from zig and zag on the ship, even though they are also singing baby metal. [01:23:12] Speaker D: Yes. So, Alokun, does that work? Can you make a little digital firework prismatic tracker? [01:23:23] Speaker B: Not to say that I don't like the faith in me, but I think you are both giving me a little too much credit when it comes to electronics. Um, I make electronics go boom. Very nice. Making a firework tracker seems a little bit outside of my expertise? [01:23:44] Speaker E: Ola kun, I will not have you to smirch your own capabilities. You have made our ship fly faster than any ship has ever flown before. You created sparkly pajamas for me to dance in front of the ship with. You have skills, and I would not allow you to besmirch them. [01:24:01] Speaker B: Skills? You know what? Yes, Banshee, thank you. Always looking out for me. [01:24:09] Speaker A: All right, then. As everyone takes their positions to. Let me see if I have this right, son. Bernard. To interface with the ship with a sparkle tracker. Digital sparkle tracker. Banshee, what are you doing for this? [01:24:28] Speaker E: I think that I'm probably. Now that we've introduced zig and zag into it, I think that I'm, like, also, I think that, like, if Bernard. I think that if you're, like, worried about your whole, like, your whole self going into this machine, I think that, like, I might, like, be holding on to you as, like, an anchor, like. Like, as a physical anchor to you, like, to the real world. Like, your whole, like. I know you're like. It's, like, normally, it's just your face, and if you're. If you're worried about, like, more of you going in, I'm gonna be there to, like, hold you back a little bit. [01:24:58] Speaker D: Yeah. I think. I think my concern is I somehow will sever the connection with my body permanently and just will become the ship. Like, somehow, that'll be my body now. So I'm a little concerned about that possibility, if that's a possibility. [01:25:16] Speaker A: It wasn't until you said it. [01:25:18] Speaker D: You know, try to roll two ones or something. [01:25:20] Speaker C: Oh, you put it in the air. [01:25:24] Speaker A: And Neptor, what are you. Remind me exactly what you're doing again. [01:25:28] Speaker C: So Neptor's. This is apparently, I'm not allowed to have a scarf. Neptor's contribution is essentially to make a app, sort of. They're doing the software part of this sort of tracker. [01:25:44] Speaker A: Okay. [01:25:45] Speaker C: They're working in tandem with Olo kun. Neptor has a lot of. I have a lot of experience with hacking, actually. [01:25:51] Speaker A: Amazing skill. [01:25:52] Speaker C: That hasn't really come up until now, so now is a great time. I will be. That is what I will be doing. I have, like, a little tablet that I brought with me, and I will be connecting it to the ship with some, like, wires and things like that. And I'll be working with Olo kun to essentially have a physical thing that is connected to the software that I will be sort of creating to make us be able to track Bernard's progress and how deep they are in the ship and they're sort of connection to the ship itself. [01:26:32] Speaker A: All right. [01:26:33] Speaker C: Yeah. And reality. [01:26:35] Speaker A: And reality. All right. As a group fight, fly talk. Trick or repair. [01:26:44] Speaker E: I hate to say it cause my brains are my worst stat. But it does feel like a repair to me. It does feel like. [01:26:49] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:26:49] Speaker C: It does feel like a repair. [01:26:50] Speaker E: It feels pretty tech heavy. So. [01:26:53] Speaker D: Yeah. All right. [01:26:54] Speaker A: So it is a repair roll. Banshee. You do get help because you are in contact with Zig and Zag. Yes, Bernard, you have the zig and Zag benefit as well. So you both have your little plus ones. Is anyone else using any abilities or backgrounds that might help them? [01:27:16] Speaker B: Well, Jerryrige. Jerryrige work again? [01:27:23] Speaker A: I think so. This is. This is pretty Jerry rigged. This whole energy. [01:27:29] Speaker E: Cool. [01:27:29] Speaker A: And it's a repair. [01:27:31] Speaker B: Even more so than my last role. [01:27:35] Speaker C: I am. I am recalibrating the primary sensor grid to have a consistent pulsar signature so that is connected to Bernarde. I will keep going. I'll do a full paragraph with a technobabble. [01:27:49] Speaker A: Don't thumb wrestle. Thumb wrestle in a Starbucks parking lot. Gimme. [01:27:55] Speaker E: The good news for you is only one of us has that ability left now. So. [01:27:58] Speaker A: That's true. That's true. You can't just keep pressing that button. [01:28:02] Speaker E: Until the next scene anyway. [01:28:03] Speaker A: Until the next scene. All right. All right. I'm too nice. Roll your dice. [01:28:11] Speaker E: I got a nine this time. So I'm happier than I was. [01:28:15] Speaker A: Neptor, what'd you get? [01:28:17] Speaker C: I got a nine. [01:28:19] Speaker A: Nine. Alright. Bernard. What did you get? [01:28:22] Speaker D: I got an eleven. [01:28:26] Speaker A: Okay. And Olokun. [01:28:29] Speaker B: I got a six. And because I use the skill, it does say a specific thing for a sixer yde it goes terribly wrong. Mark two conditions and describe a very loud thing that happens. Mark a new ship damage. I don't know if that's gonna. But yeah. I give it. [01:28:58] Speaker A: The guys taketh away a little bit. A little peek behind the curtain. This was the one I had decided worked. I ola kun, I'm gonna add insult to endry. You tell me what goes wrong. Yeah. [01:29:18] Speaker B: So I am once again pulling out wires. Okay. You're gonna connect some software. So you need some hardware. Just trying to connect some things. And I think there's a very audible crackle. And I feel like either. I feel like either there's a very large spark or that whatever tower is kind of flickering in and out with the ship just completely diese I pulled the wrong wire. [01:29:58] Speaker A: You cut all power to the ship. Which does actually, man. Which does sort of help the solution. Because now the ship has stopped flickering. It is completely inerthe. There is no crew around. You do hear? And Bernard, your success saved you from getting stuck on the inside of the ship. So you can. You are able to return back to your body. You have stabilized the ship. You are successful, however, in cutting the power. In cutting the power, you're not noticing any of the anomalies. And from behind you or from outside, you can hear, we found it. Oh, my gosh. [01:31:02] Speaker C: We found it. [01:31:02] Speaker A: We're going to be rich. As one of the other explorer, one of the other treasure hunting parties, has also stumbled upon the ship. [01:31:16] Speaker B: I think Olo kun's first thought is, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit. Where did the other people go? What happened to the other people? Did I just hurt a whole bunch of people by accident? Did I hurt them to the point where they might not be coming back? What the fuck did I just do? [01:31:45] Speaker A: So, Bernard, in interfacing with the ship for a brief moment, you saw the crew. You saw the whole group. You saw Darrell Dale for a second looking at you, very confused. You saw the. You saw his girlfriend, I guess, a former piano teacher and schoolteacher who was swayed by his sweet words and followed him along. You saw a couple of other rough rapscallions who he traveled around with. And they all see you for a second, and you hear for just a brief moment, it's that damn cat again. Before they disappear and you're left on the empty, quiet ship. You get the sense when that happened there, you get the sense that the ship is fine in that. Like it is now. The ship is now here. [01:32:56] Speaker D: Hmm. [01:32:58] Speaker A: The people are on the other side of wherever, but the ship is here. So at this point, you could probably, if you can get power to the ship, find, like, download the credits from its set, from its system. Ah, people are gone. [01:33:18] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:33:21] Speaker A: If you want to tell a lacun that you can, you could try getting them back. That will be a whole second is second thing, because again, as you come back to your body, you hear this other party excitedly stumbling on the ship. [01:33:35] Speaker D: Um, I return to my body, and you see my, like, fur is, like, standing up. I'm, like, back arched. I think I'm really leaning into. Leaning into my angry condition. And I think. I think it's the. Again, someone referred to me as, like, like, I understood that them referred to me as, like, that dang cat is like, that, like, nuisance, you know, like, a lot of other things keep. Start coming back to me. The moments when I was not treated as a fully sentient creature. So I do see red, I think, and I right away turn to a locun, and I turn to him and say, hello, coon. Um, I want to blow this coal. Stupid, stupid, stupid ship up. I hate it here. Ate it. They got rid of me. They didn't. Thinking. Didn't think anything of me. Alo koon. But I don't. I don't want to blow this ship up until we get what we deserve. We've worked too dang hard, and I'm nothing. I refuse. Refuse to spend another moment thinking about how they wasted me or what my life could have been like. Let's get the credits and blow this stupid ship up. [01:34:57] Speaker B: Wait, did you. Did you see. The people disappeared. Did you see them? Did you see where they went? [01:35:03] Speaker D: They. No, I didn't see where they. But they. But they left. They didn't. They didn't know. They just left. They didn't vaporize or explode or anything like that. They just. They just left. Um, but. [01:35:19] Speaker B: But what does left mean? I mean, are they. Are they alive or are they dead? Are they alive or are they dead? [01:35:27] Speaker D: Look. [01:35:30] Speaker C: I don't know. [01:35:31] Speaker D: I don't think that they're dead, but I definitely don't want to come go looking for them. I don't know where they went. [01:35:36] Speaker B: I can't know. [01:35:37] Speaker D: Wait. [01:35:38] Speaker B: I can't leave here. It can't be on me. It cannot. [01:35:41] Speaker E: Bernard Shelley. [01:35:42] Speaker B: I'm gonna try to just. I'm starting pulling wires, and I'm gonna try to fix whatever I feel like I can fix. [01:35:47] Speaker E: Your anxiety comes from being cast about, cast aside, thrown away, like you don't matter, correct? [01:35:58] Speaker D: I suppose, yes. [01:36:00] Speaker E: We are not judged by the worst things that they do to us. We are judged by the best things we do for ourselves and others. You are a better being than them, so you do not treat them as poorly as they treated you. You treat them the way you should have been treated. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to start kicking off our third hypothesis, which was the using to pull everything out at once. And because Bernard was talking about weapons made me think of this out of character. I'm gonna start going to the ship's weapon system, and I'm basically going to try to use their weapons to create a ship sized version of my staff. So I'm basically trying to use their weapons to be a power inverter system. And so that's my goal, is to, like, use the weapons to. And it just so happens that when I took my advancement, I took the builds, me use body for weapons, which is funny, because I didn't even think this was gonna come into play right now. I thought it was gonna be used for fighting later, but, yeah, I think so. I think this is gonna be. I'm just gonna say, before we even get into the ship move, we're gonna use his body, but I'm gonna see what everybody else's thoughts are. But basically, yeah. Banshee is basically turning the ship into a giant version of her kinetic staff. [01:37:18] Speaker A: That's so fucking rad. [01:37:20] Speaker E: The idea is, like, then it's gonna pull everybody back from where they are onto the ship and go. They will come back and they will face justice for what they did, not just to you, but to all the people on that asteroid belt. And it is not up to us to execute them for those crimes. It is up to us to bring them to face justice for them. [01:37:40] Speaker D: I think. Can I propose that? Before, when I was talking to Alo kun and we were not able to see eye to eye, that that was a connect move, but we were not able to make a connection. [01:37:50] Speaker A: Is this so that you can get. [01:37:52] Speaker D: How does that feel to you? Yeah, is Ben. She really feels like it could have kind of confronts me. I kind of pounce. I kind of run after following her as she's doing her thing, and I say, fine, but I. But I get it. But I get to talk to them. I get to tell them what I think. Hey, I deserve to feel angry, too, okay? And I kind of like, as I follow along, in an effort to maybe help you out with whatever it is. So we can call that as tolerable stalemate, perhaps. Yeah, we just agree to disagree. Great. I run back to Olo kun, and I say. I say, however this goes low, Kun, we are able to get the score. So think of at least what you could do with that to do good for someone else. If whatever happens here weighs heavy on you. [01:38:51] Speaker B: I'm gonna say that Alocun is now seeing red. Because for me, that felt like, hey, if they die, at least we have the money. And that touched a nerve. Also gonna say his courage is crashed, taken to conditions that. But, yeah, I am seeing red. Listen, I don't care about the money. I cannot have all those deaths on me. The people that we want, the people who are outside, the people are in here. I cannot have those deaths on me. If that means giving up the money, I don't give a shit. I will give it up to make sure that I save them. [01:39:40] Speaker D: Lokun. Those people, they. Okay, they discarded me. Okay? We can move. If we can move past that. They've also tricked and tricked and sabotaged planet and community after community. These aren't. These aren't nice creatures. They'll keep doing this. They've. The reason everyone's coming here is because these are very, very wanted, unlawful individuals that I don't know how you resolve and how you feel about doing good by people who do bad by others, but at least there's something to. To be said about that. There are others who deserve your compassion more. [01:40:35] Speaker B: Listen, Bernard, everyone's the hero of their own story, and everyone's a villain and everyone else's. I'm not saying what they did to you was right. And I'm not saying you shouldn't feel angry, upset, sad, mad. Whatever you are feeling, that is your right to feel that. All I am saying is that I am not judge, jury, and executioner. I was that before. I will not be that again. And if these people get their retribution, if you get your retribution, so be it. But I have to keep my hands clean. [01:41:21] Speaker D: Bernard is completely kind of stunned by that. And I think this is a thing that, for me, makes me kind of wildly aware of my, like, again, my weirdness, my kind of, like, detachment from regular community. And so, like, this is a little element of dealing responsibility for a larger group than myself. And so I take a few steps back and nod. Uh, so what do we do? What do we do now? [01:42:06] Speaker B: I don't know. I just. I have to try to fix this baby. Find Banshee. It seems like she had an idea. It might work better than me just scrambling through wires. But, Bernard, I know at times you feel like the odd one out, the weird one, an outsider. Hey, guess what? You're just like the rest of us. Those feelings is what we all feel. Welcome to the club. [01:42:40] Speaker D: I can't help but smile at that. Sort of embrace the idea that we all have very strange things that set us off and make us feel right or wrong with the world. Okay. Yeah, well, let's do that. Let's do both. Let's do both. Let's see it through and. Okay, I'll help. I'll help however you feel like I can help. [01:43:09] Speaker B: I feel like that's either, like, a connect or a confront or something. [01:43:13] Speaker D: I think that was a good connect, right? [01:43:15] Speaker B: Yeah, I think by. Yeah, I think by the end, that was a good. [01:43:20] Speaker A: However, as we leave that moment of connection, we had a scene with. We had something from Banshee. Before we move on to the next. [01:43:27] Speaker E: I didn't want to interrupt, but in that conversation, it was brought up that these pirates that were in this ship with. Stole from everybody on these asteroids. Right. And we are. So now I'm gonna. I'm gonna cut back in now, as banshee in the scene. Okay. Um, something has occurred to me in this conversation. Now, I am not a treasure hunter by trade, and I know that Jenny is, and I respect the captain quite a bit. But you made a good point that the credits that are on this ship do not belong to the people that flew this ship. The credits that are on the ship belong to the citizens of all the asteroids that we left. So as much as I like the idea of making the captain happy, I I don't think we can keep discredits. I think we have to take them back to the asteroids that we came from and give it back to those communities. Now, some members of those communities are coming, and they might take them, but I don't think they belong to any one individual or one person. I think this wealth needs to be redistributed back to the people who it originally belonged to. This money was intended to better those societies and to better that home. And if we take it and run off with it or we give it to another pirate or let these pirates have it, we're as bad as the ones who were trapped on that warp core right now. So this can't be a score for us. This has to be a returning mission. [01:44:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I think we're right there with you. [01:45:05] Speaker C: We are. We are. [01:45:08] Speaker E: And then I go back to doing what I was doing, which was, like, figuring the weapons that are around me to, like, turn them into a big, giant staff. [01:45:14] Speaker A: All right, if everyone is on board to try this final surprise hypothesis, this third hypothesis, I just need to know, again, what everyone's doing to contribute and what role you think this is. I will say, as you are working on setting this last piece up, this other crew has started to figure out, like, has noted, has found the ship, and is also assessing this situation. So if you're inside, there's sort of, like, as you guys are having this argument, there are people who are just trying to, like, move rebel aside so they can get it as well. [01:45:57] Speaker E: Well, first thing, I think we need to make sure we secure those credits, because I think we don't want the other people getting them. So, like, once those are secure, my pitch is this is a body roll because we're using the ship's weapons. Um, I think that basically, what we're trying to do is redirect the ship's, like, weapon systems and turn them into a way of, like, almost like a slingshot is the best way I can describe it, to, like, take the people that are on the other side of this warp bubble, sort of, and pull them to where we are, like, so basically, like, that was. That was the third hypothesis was to yank it all there at once. So we're basically doing that, but with just the pirate crew. And the idea is basically, like, I think the goal here is to get this crew to this side so that everyone can take them captive so they can face real justice. [01:46:45] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:46:47] Speaker A: All right, Olakun, Bernard, Neptor, how do you assist Banshee in reshape, in turning the whole ship into a kinetic staff? [01:47:00] Speaker B: I think for were for myself, I would be either, like, basically providing an extra set of hands for Banshee. Banshee definitely taking the lead on this. So if she says, okay, move that here, connect that, I'm doing it. If there just needs to be, you know, I picture Banshee as, like, kind of yoked. Is Banshee yoked? Okay, thought so. Aloku is definitely, like, leaner. So if there just needs to. Need a leaner hand to reach something, definitely that's what Aloku is going to do for her. Right? Yeah. I think you're definitely more yoke than. [01:47:46] Speaker C: Me, so I am. Before I start, just for me to understand properly, make sure I'm understanding it's this Benji's idea is to get enough power to then be able to bring the people back. Right? Is that the idea? [01:48:00] Speaker E: Yeah, it was. It was the other hypothesis that we had, which was, like, to yank everything out of the warp bubble, basically, or the warp field. And so I'm basically using. I'm basically using the ship's weapons the same way my kinetic staff works. My staff, like, redirects energy, and so that's what I'm basically turning the ship's weapon into a similar kind of kinetic weapon. So, basically, instead of being, like, an assault weapon, it's just an energy vacuum, basically, yeah. [01:48:25] Speaker C: So my contribution is, essentially, I'm gonna follow this idea that Banshee has, but I'm gonna help it from an outer source. I'm going to use all maybe spare batteries or energy cores, the back of reserves that are backup. For the backup reserves, I'll use my own little, like, the little gadgets or build bag extra batteries I carry for things like this to help reroute, to provide more energy for this program. And as I'm doing it, I have, like, a bunch of my own little, sort of USB plugs. I am sort of connecting to these, to all the different weapon sources and stuff. And as I'm doing that, I'll just say out loud, um, gang, I've been really scared. I'm not gonna lie. I. It feels like the air has been heavy, or there have been things that are different, and a lot of words are saying, um, and I'm sorry I didn't come in sooner. I was really angry, and I'm gonna be very honest about that. I'm angry because I don't really know what I'm doing. Because I don't know what I'm doing a lot of the time, actually. I say I know what I'm doing, and I'm a genius, but I don't know what I'm doing. And, um. I, um. I think. I think I want us to be. I don't know, more. We don't know what we're doing. We're sort of. We're connecting weapons together to make a reverse thingy, to do a really cool thingy. And I think that's awesome. But also, I don't know if anybody's ever done that before, and I'm really thankful for you guys because no one else would really take me in. So, um, I really like you all as a crew, and I don't want anybody to be like, you know, not like each other. And I know you guys like each other because you're all, like, you're all grown. You're grown people. Um, I think, and, um. Oh, wait, wait. I dropped something. Okay. That doesn't matter. That doesn't have anything in any way, um. I, um. I'm neptar, and I really care about you guys a lot. Um, so even if I'm really angry and I sort of don't agree or I'm sort of scared and a little off of what you're doing, I'm still gonna follow you guys because I think that's what a crew should do. Because I really care about you guys, and I don't want this to be a bad thing. So I'm gonna connect this wire, and. [01:51:15] Speaker E: I'm not gonna freak out. [01:51:18] Speaker C: I dropped the battery again, but I'm helping. [01:51:21] Speaker E: Just tell me what to do. [01:51:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I think this feels very much like a. Trust me. You're stepping up and taking the lead. You're going to roll two d six, and you can spend an additional up to three trust of yours to get a plus one for each trust you spend. And, yeah. [01:51:49] Speaker C: I will say beforehand, I think just for this moment, I will spend three trust. Put three trust on the line because I'm putting myself out there. Be nice to me. [01:52:09] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. Amazing. You only need to. Yeah, you only need to get above a seven. And, yeah, you get all of your spent trust back. So you get your three back, and you'll earn an additional trust, and your crewmates will clear a condition. So everyone else gets to clear a condition for this moment. So, yeah, clear your conditions, and, well. [01:52:34] Speaker E: We get to decide how we feel about it. [01:52:36] Speaker A: Oh, that's true. You do. [01:52:37] Speaker E: Yeah. So I'm gonna say that you didn't get it back from me because you also questioned my idea in the middle of your speech. So I liked it. But you did say this is. This is just a crazy thing you're thinking about doing, whereas, like, I was, like, really excited about this plan of mine. So I'm gonna say that for me. So I mark an XP because you. I did not feel like I was. [01:52:57] Speaker A: Supported there, but, yeah, I misread the thing. You are completely correct. [01:53:02] Speaker E: Yeah, I feel like, basically, you always get agency over your character and how they feel about things. [01:53:06] Speaker A: That is true. [01:53:07] Speaker E: Yeah. So dice can never decide how your character feels. I add a character. I loved it. In character. You said the exact, like, worst thing you can say. You said a thing in your speech. That is my seeing right conditions. [01:53:18] Speaker C: So, yeah, no, I totally get it. [01:53:20] Speaker A: Bernard o la kun, do you. Do you. [01:53:22] Speaker B: Are you on board with Neptor locun? I am on board, yeah. Everything you say, I feel like at the very end, just like, oh, God, that was like me when I was younger. [01:53:33] Speaker D: Hmm. [01:53:35] Speaker B: But they're trying. So I'm with you. [01:53:40] Speaker D: Yeah, I think you get it back from me, too. I kind of rearranged the way I was gonna help out here, and I think I mostly curl up at your feet. And then I hail zig and zag on the little crystal earbud and have them kind of look up, like, you know, weapons manuals and kind of like to sort of, like, help us guide the process and, like. [01:54:07] Speaker A: So most of them, rather. So if most of your crew is inspired, you, your crewmates will clear a condition if they support you and will mark the XP if they don't. So, Banshee, XP, the other two will clear conditions, and, yeah, I. The, uh. But you will earn trust back per crewmate, so you will earn two trust back. [01:54:29] Speaker C: Got it. [01:54:30] Speaker A: Banshee, you are going to make this. You are going to turn this ship into an extension of your favorite weapon. Bernard, ola kun, you're on board. You're ready to do this? This. We've decided. What did we decide as a ship role? This was going to be bodies. Body. [01:54:51] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:54:52] Speaker A: All right, you know the drill. We've done this twice. We've done this a couple times now. [01:54:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:54:58] Speaker C: All right. [01:54:59] Speaker A: Oh, look. Un, what did you get? [01:55:01] Speaker B: So I wrote two sixes. [01:55:03] Speaker A: Hell yeah. [01:55:04] Speaker B: The two or 14 total. [01:55:06] Speaker A: I love when the dice are ready to tell a story. Bernard, what did we get? [01:55:14] Speaker D: You know, I just, I just think that I got really in the weeds with zig and zag and they were just looking up stuff that like, you know, outdated space, Wikipedia articles on weapons, etcetera. We're looking at a five here, folks. We're looking at just a duh. Yes. [01:55:33] Speaker A: Neptor, I got a twelve. [01:55:36] Speaker E: Hell yeah. Wow. And Banshee, I got a tendency. [01:55:42] Speaker A: Well, it works. It heckin works. The dice are on your side. And with three, with three major successes, I am going to say that this works above and beyond a little bit. And yes, it there is. The ship comes with the stored energy and it is just at the right time that the rival crew that is trying to get into this ship hits. This hits the ship as well with their own explosive. And as you flick everything online and that explosion happens and it wake and it is absorbed by the ship's weapon system and there is a huge kinetic blast throwing the rival crew back. Throw it. And rattling all of you at a frequency that for a moment all of your, I don't know what structures you have with internally, but rattling your bones, you can feel it in your teeth and behind your eyes, this high pitched humming or vibration as you think that it is, you think for a moment like, oh, everything's blurry, everything seems out of focus. As the crew who has gathered around Daryl start to shake into being sort of as if someone has hit a tuning fork. That high pitched tinnitus sound as they come into tune and they all look as shocked as you do. The yeah, the blast has thrown away the other crew so I don't have to worry about them anymore or not for a minute. You have accidentally kept continued to stop. The other thing I've been trying to throw at you, but they are, they stand in front of you and Bernard, the I will have you take the condition for the five, but they look as shocked as you. [01:58:12] Speaker D: I look around and realize how quite capable my team is. But I make eye contact with Daryl and the other crew. And I say, well, this is awkward. It appears that some, hmm. Some trash can be salvaged occasionally. [01:58:54] Speaker E: Which. [01:58:54] Speaker D: Is more than perhaps you deserve. But I believe that I'm not the only one that has ill feelings towards you, Daryl Dale and you and I pointed the piano teacher and go, I have no idea who you are. I hope you. I hope you're having an okay time. And I'm sorry you were in the middle of this. The rest of these. [01:59:26] Speaker A: I've never liked the piano teacher. Oh, God. I didn't come up with a name. Darian goes, how dare I never? And like, flounces off. Um, uh, yeah, Darryl looks mad. He, he points a finger at you and he says. He says, you doubted from this me from the start. And I got all of these credits fair and square. I tricked everyone. I deserve this. I worked hard. Go for it. [01:59:59] Speaker E: Can I just hit him? [02:00:00] Speaker A: Oh, go for it. Just roll a body. [02:00:08] Speaker E: That's eleven. Force is necessary. So let's see here. Force is necessary. Let's see here. Where's that at with eleven? Yeah. Your phone takes two hits and I am unscathed. [02:00:24] Speaker A: Honestly, you have not gotten to hit enough things during this adventure. [02:00:29] Speaker E: I agree. I think. I think I sweep him with my staff, like I sweep his legs and then I like, hold the staff down to his face and I say, it would do you well to cease speaking now, unless you're going to say sorry to my friend Bernard Shelley, who is unworthy of the terrible treatment you have given them. [02:00:53] Speaker A: In this moment, Daryl Dale, who has a reputation for being a con artist, and you know this slimy little grease ball of a man, you look down at this humanoid who is. There is no universal beauty standard. There's no universal beauty standard in that. And so across all of your different cultures and all of your different species, no one could say someone is handsome or someone is ugly. The thing that you look down and you look at Darrell Dale and you see is true ugliness in a person who believes that they are so much better than everybody else that they can take whatever they want. And he looks at you and he looks at Bernardin and the pure disgust on his face at being asked to answer for something he did to somebody else renders him the ugliest thing you've ever seen. And he. His lip curls and he just says, I don't owe anyone anything. [02:02:06] Speaker B: As he says that now that they're back and I'm not concerned over their lives anymore, I would like to find, literally, like, I want to do it in his face, but without asking for permission. I want to find the credits. I want him to see me finding the credits that they stole. [02:02:28] Speaker A: You're a tall guy, right? [02:02:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:33] Speaker A: You're just going to go after. [02:02:37] Speaker B: The credits? [02:02:37] Speaker A: Yeah, they're on his person. Like he has the credits stick on him. You can actually see around his neck. Like I said, these are like a bunch of USB's. You see a little necklace of USB sticks, you don't know how many they're flat, you don't know how many asteroids, how many asteroid, how many towns he hithenne. But the number based on his necklace is probably. Probably 70. 70 different little towns in that range. 70 to 80. [02:03:17] Speaker B: I like to then reach down and look him in the eyes as I'm grabbing the chips around his neck and say, well, thief can't be mad when they're ill gotten. Gain is stolen, right? And just snatch it off his neck. [02:03:34] Speaker A: Uh, yeah. Little worm man does not fight you. [02:03:38] Speaker E: If he tries to. Im gonna push my staff down into him while he does. While they take. Yeah, while he takes the things away. [02:03:45] Speaker A: Yeah. He actually like, uh, like truly at this when it comes to the money or his own well being, 1000%. He picks his own well being and, you know, he'd pick it over anything else. [02:03:58] Speaker B: And I would like to give it to Bernard and say, here you go. I feel like it'll sting the most if you give the money back. Hmm. [02:04:10] Speaker D: Thank you, Locun. [02:04:12] Speaker E: I turn to Bernard and go, this man is not worthy of the rent free home he has in your head. [02:04:20] Speaker D: Thank you, Banshee. [02:04:25] Speaker E: I look at the. I look at the pirates like that. The citizens of the asteroid where he was, he robbed, and I say, the prize will go back to the community, but this crew is all yours. And like, I letting them have their justice, like, yeah, yeah. [02:04:44] Speaker A: At this point, the other crew that was thrown back by your solution have made it back on board. And it is you do see Scylla again. She has been escorting some people who are belters, like part of this space, and they all look at you and they're like. And Scylla sort of crosses her arms looking at the. Looking at the pirate crew and goes, if I recall, there is a reward for his discovery. And the rest of the crew looks at each other and. And her crew looks at each other and they think, all right, and they will, unless you stop them, will bodily start to take in the rest of the. [02:05:32] Speaker E: I look at Scylla and I say, where do we stand? [02:05:40] Speaker A: Stilla seems to be happily manhandling someone as she's pushing them away. And she stops and she thinks and goes, I may have. I may have impugned your honor. I was speaking in the heat of the moment. However, I would rather duel you as a. If that is amenable to you by way of apology. [02:06:16] Speaker E: Oh, I'm totally down for that. Yeah. [02:06:17] Speaker A: When we are. When we are back. When we get back, we will fight. And she offers you the, like, the. Like. [02:06:25] Speaker E: It's like the predator handshake. [02:06:26] Speaker A: Yeah, the predator handshake. [02:06:30] Speaker B: Muscles bulging. [02:06:31] Speaker E: This is basically flirting. [02:06:33] Speaker A: Yeah, it kind of is. [02:06:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:06:34] Speaker C: I'm so glad. I'm so glad someone else did it. [02:06:39] Speaker E: I will duel you so hard. [02:06:43] Speaker D: Both of Bernard's antennas are, like, very, like, very curiously looking around. This is one of my connections is I'm like, I want to observe banshees, understand these romantic interactions better. [02:06:55] Speaker A: I don't know that observing Banshee's romantic interactions are going to be great for everyone else, but I think it is. [02:07:02] Speaker D: He knows this. [02:07:05] Speaker A: Yeah. You guys, you have the credits. You were able to get the crew of the Amerilith out. You were able to get Darrell Dale out. And I think it's safe to say you've sort of discovered the treasure of the iris belt. And I also come to the end of the little adventure. We're going to speed up a little bit, if you do not mind. When you return to your ship. Zig and Zag have done as many of the repairs as they can. The ship is flyable. It's not an ideal condition. It is pliable. You'll probably have to spend some time in the belt to sort of get yourself back on track, to get your. Yourself to a place where you can start really traveling again. Do you tell Jenny what happened with the credits? [02:07:55] Speaker E: Hmm. [02:07:57] Speaker B: Lao kun doesn't. [02:07:59] Speaker E: I think Banshee probably does, because she doesn't understand that she shouldn't. So, yeah, I think. I think we maybe cut to banshee explaining it, and I'm going, like, I didn't think about the fact that there might be a bounty as well, and we have taken the bounty on them. If we had just done that. So I was. I was being noble. I'm so sorry. I thought. I thought that I was doing the right thing. I think I was with the credits, but I should have thought about bounties. Yes, I should have thought about bounties. I'm so sorry. [02:08:27] Speaker A: Jenny hears your story and all. I didn't establish how many tentacles she has. All ten of her tentacles sort of tent as she thinks about this for a moment, and she goes, you mean to tell me that you had the credits in your grasp, the ones that were stolen from the. All of the people, and you returned the means back and you returned their money back to them? [02:09:01] Speaker E: Yes. [02:09:04] Speaker A: You get me. [02:09:07] Speaker E: You get me the biggest sigh in the world. The biggest sigh. [02:09:11] Speaker A: This little weird aquatic communist octopus situation. She looks at you, and she. Banshee. You understand? And you get the mental. Like, you also get the mental predator handshake. Uh, yes, Neptor. [02:09:33] Speaker C: I just wanted to do, uh, one quick scene before, uh, we sped up too far. [02:09:39] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [02:09:39] Speaker C: Um. Uh, this probably happens after that happens. Um, but I wanted to have a quick talk with Banshee, specifically. Um, so I think at some point, Neptune would approach Banshee. Um, and I have, like, I posture much more. Like, I'm trying to imitate Banshee's sort of confidence and posture, essentially. And I approach and I say, banshee, I would like to apologize to you. I don't know how you keep this project. Okay, practice, practice. And that's the thing. [02:10:27] Speaker E: Slide my staff behind you in a way that, like, you know, like, the way, like, a ballet instructor would with, like, someone. [02:10:35] Speaker C: I, like, laugh. I smile a little bit. [02:10:37] Speaker E: It's playful. [02:10:37] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. And that's the thing. I. I think for the longest time, I think I was angry at you or maybe treated you in a weird way because I thought. I sort of thought you didn't like me or that you thought I was like a kid that was some. I don't know, that to be, like, you know, sort of kept watch over or told what to do or, like, you always sort of gave me advice, and advice is good, and I always really appreciated it. But I think I never understood what honor meant to you. I think. Because I think it means a lot of things different to me. So the way you spoke and the way you carry yourself, I think I thought. I think I was so nervous. I think I took that as an attack against me when you were just being you. And I don't think it's fair for me to, you know, I tell Bernie, you know, Bernie, you can be for your Bernie. There's no one like you. You're amazing. And I look at Olaku, and I'm like, yo, okay, you're so cool. You're an inspiration. You're dope. But then I look at you, and you're so you. And then I take that, like it's. And, like, it's like you don't respect me. But I think it was something about the conversation you had with your dual partner that sort of made a click a little bit. And I wanted to say I'm sorry. And I do. I really respect you, and I actually think you're really cool. Um, I just. I didn't want you to think I was, um. I wanted you to respect me more, but I think you did respect me the most, maybe so, young neptor. [02:12:47] Speaker E: Um, you say that I think of you as a kid, and I. I will admit there is truth to this statement. Um, but I mean this as high praise. You see, as beings age, they begin to get stuck in their ways and stubborn and unwavering in believing they are right constantly. But you, Neptor, have not gained this level of frustration or stubbornness. You are. You are, as they say, wide eyed and bushy tailed. And you believe in yourself wholeheartedly. You have not allowed your ideals to be tempered by the world yet, and I find this to be a strength. See, when you are young, you have the whole world in front of you and the eagerness to explore it, and it's an admirable trait. Yes, I do try to teach you to stand up and be physically strong and fight, but I also understand that you fight with your brains and your emotional intelligence. And these are skills that I do not have. So I respect that you have them, and I am happy to teach you how to defend yourself physically whenever needed. But you must know that I have the utmost respect for the skills that you have, which are skills that I myself do not. And not unlike the way that Bernard is able to interface with computers or the way that Ola kun is able to blow up so many things. I feel that you are a vital and important member of this crew, and I have the utmost respect for you. [02:14:22] Speaker C: Banshee, how do you feel about hugs? [02:14:27] Speaker E: I am for them. [02:14:28] Speaker C: Okay. [02:14:29] Speaker E: A hug is like a fight that comes to a draw. [02:14:32] Speaker C: Oh, then I welcome that. I just run forward. [02:14:38] Speaker E: She's still talking about it as you're hugging two competitors who are evenly matched and stand firm on the battlefield together. And it just goes on and on and on and on. It starts telling you about battles that she's been in, that have come to draws and how she felt about them. And it's just there's a certain point where you're like, I got things to do. [02:14:59] Speaker A: You know, the thing where, like, Disney princesses do this, where it's like you don't let go of a hug when the kid. Until they let go at some point, Neptune's like, I let go. Bernard, Olakun, where do we find you as we start to wrap up the this adventure? [02:15:22] Speaker E: Hmm. [02:15:29] Speaker D: Well, yeah, I think it would be. I seek out wherever Olokuni is and say, ola kun, you got a. You got another one of those medicinal things? [02:15:56] Speaker B: Sure. And I smack the wall. Little compartment comes out. It actually has multiple sizes. It's not just, like, the same. It's, like, different. It's a couple different brands, and I choose one. Give a little smell. So this should be good for you. [02:16:17] Speaker D: Oh, thank you. Thank you. And I take it, and I go, shall we? Should we light up here? [02:16:29] Speaker B: Doesn't make a difference to me. Lights up. [02:16:32] Speaker D: Amazing and start smoking. And low. Kunai, I think I have been learning to accept myself a lot more on this trip, and I was. I was really moved by how well our team came together, and I realized that I might have put you in a. In a tough, tough situation when I wanted to disregard the cost of life during our I mission. And I was kind of got ahead of myself, caught up in my own fraught memories and baggage, as they say. But you made me realize something that I really appreciate. We're all. We're all kind of fantastically strange in our own ways. That's what you do, I guess, with that strangeness. And so I wanted to ask you, what is it that you. What is it that you wish to accomplish with your gifts? [02:18:02] Speaker B: And you see me tinkering with something with materials that probably shouldn't have an open flame by them, but still, doing. [02:18:12] Speaker C: It. [02:18:15] Speaker B: Takes a big, deep drag. Blows it out, you know, I don't really have plans like that anymore. Growing up, you know, it was just trying to survive. My gifts are. I'm very good at taking life away. And for a while, that was enough. And I got to a point where it wasn't where I felt like gifts should be used to help people rather than hurt, you know, to an extent. Anyways, if I could just live the rest of my life having weird, weird adventures, that'd be enough. When I finished tinkering with what I got, it's a little cylindrical item, and I go, what about you? What do you want to do with the rest of your life? [02:19:37] Speaker D: Um, well, I think. I think I want to see as much of this wide, wild universe as possible. I want to see it all. I think there's just so much out there. I don't want to settle on any one thing. So, I don't know. I'm kind of glad we're both aboard this ship together seems. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just as curious about what's out there. [02:20:19] Speaker B: You know, I didn't like you at first. Like, I really didn't like you. [02:20:26] Speaker C: Cool. Cool. [02:20:26] Speaker B: I didn't like the fact that. [02:20:28] Speaker E: Cool. [02:20:29] Speaker B: You didn't know where you came from. Oh, you know, like, if you don't know who you are, how am I supposed to know who you are? Oh, but that's the thing. And spending time with you, I kind of realized this. You're not really anyone for very long. People change. People grow and change their minds about certain things and learn things and forget things. And by this time tomorrow, we'll be completely different people. And that's okay. Think. As long as you can throw your trust behind somebody, that's good enough. [02:21:14] Speaker D: I think it is good enough. I think it's great, actually. [02:21:18] Speaker B: And I'm gonna toss the cylindrical thing to you. Please don't drop it. [02:21:24] Speaker D: Do you wanna roll for it? [02:21:26] Speaker C: No. [02:21:26] Speaker D: Just kidding. [02:21:26] Speaker B: No, we don't want you drop it. [02:21:30] Speaker D: Okay. [02:21:30] Speaker B: Gotcha. Let's grab the. [02:21:34] Speaker D: Sounds. Great. [02:21:35] Speaker B: Banshee and neptor. And when we find them, they go banshee. I promised you something a little while ago. Would you like to do the honors? [02:21:45] Speaker E: I stopped hugging Neptor, and then I come over to get them. Yeah. What. What is this? [02:21:54] Speaker B: Put it in the. Put in the tube that leads to the, you know. Know, our little blowhole. [02:22:00] Speaker E: I do it. [02:22:01] Speaker B: That sounded so wrong. I'm sorry. [02:22:03] Speaker E: I am for it. [02:22:06] Speaker B: And you put it in. Close the hatch, and it takes like, 10 seconds, and then there's going to be a slight hum that kind of comes from that, too. And if you look out or look at our sensors, you'll see that coming from the spout of our whale train. Uh, using the rest of the little, uh, uh, material I got from picking up from the meteorite, uh, it's going to leave a trail of that iridescent rainbow color flowing from it as we head off into places unknown. [02:22:55] Speaker A: That is so perfect. All right, I think that's. That's the perfect place to leave us. Thank you so much for joining us for the treasure of the Iris belt, a starscape adventure here on Queen's court games. Once again, I'm going to go around and introduce our amazing cast, starting with Garrett. [02:23:15] Speaker B: Hello, my name is Garrett. You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, blueskyllack, riku. That's blk, r I k u. Can also find me on YouTube at the channel Gearbear stare, where we like to look at old cartoons and animation, do deep dives into those. You can also find me on the podcast, vintage anime podcast where we do the same thing. We take a look at old anime and we like to do a deep dive into that. You pretty much find us wherever you can find find podcasts, I think, outside of Spotify, but I think we're also trying to fix that. So on any of those places, say hi. I try to respond when I can, especially on the videos and on our podcast. So thank you for having me. [02:24:01] Speaker A: Thank you for joining us. Next, I am going to pick on Riley. [02:24:07] Speaker E: Hey, everybody. I am Riley Silverman. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook threads and I think blue sky as Riley Silverman. And you can listen to me on five seasons of the game of Rasalan podcast where I was both the Doctor and the GM as the show went on. We have a new podcast launching suit called Good Chaotic. You can find good chaotic that you can find on your right now social media feeds. And then we're going to be launching the podcast sometime later this year. And then also, I am actually the writer for a pop culture trivia podcast called Troubled Wild that it's on the maximum fun podcast network. I've been the head writer on that show for quite a while now, several years, and I really love doing it. And yeah, we're still going strong. And we actually have special guest Daniel Radford, who has been writing for us for two months because we have one of our color writers is Jonathan Roberts is currently in the UK doing. He lives in the UK, so it's not the Harvard trip for him, but doing all of his ever previous shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He's doing them all at once. And so he's been out of the commission. So he brought in Danielle to be a guest writer for us, which has been great so far. So the two episodes from July and August will have Danielle on them. But I'm rambling now, but it's quite a lot of fun. It's a pop culture trivia game ship hosted by Dave Holmes of MTV and Esquire fame. It's quite a fun show to do, and I'm the writer for it, so check that out. [02:25:26] Speaker A: Why are you so cool? Next up, playing Neptor. [02:25:32] Speaker C: Danny, hi, it's me, Dan. Dennis Connor, who's playing Neptor. No last name. I had such a good time here, I almost got emotional at the end. So I'm gonna do my best not to do this. Get emotional. Now. You can find me on Twitter, animatedpizza and then everywhere else on Twitch and YouTube. Annie's corner, wherever Twitch, I stream a bunch of stuff. I do gameplays, I draw live, I do some roleplay content over there. It's a good time. And over on my YouTube, I upload, edit it down, I upload stuff, sometimes animation, sometimes videos when I feel like it. And yeah, if you want to see where I'm next at in my TTrPg view universe ventures, um, I post my, whoa. I most likely will post about it on Twitter. Um, but I also, I have a little document that you can find linked in the about page of my twitch that has a sort of reference guide to all the past TTrPG stuff. Almost all, some, most of them that I have been a part of. So if you want to see other stuff I've been a part of or I'm currently am a part of, you can check that out. Um, but yeah, besides that, I have commissions open so you can check out my ko fi if you want to pay me to draw art, because I like drawing and I also like money and you know, I feel like that's a good combination. But yeah, thank you for having me. I had such a good time. You guys are so cool. [02:27:04] Speaker A: So glad. And last but not least, playing Bernard Shelley. It is happy Jacks RPG's very own artem. [02:27:13] Speaker D: Hello everyone. Hi, I'm Artem. You can find me on Instagram at Artem directly where you'll find a link to a bunch of stuff that I'm working on. There's a bunch of actual plays that have been involved with and a few more that are coming out. I had such a great time with you all here. This was so fun. I'm also a theater director and just a TTRPG fan of all of all sorts. So you'll probably find me at some cons and at some communities here in LA playing live games. And I have new episodes of my food and movie show coming out soon on YouTube and on a podcast forum. It is called Scary Movie and a sandwich as a show. A hard hitting, timely show where I compliment scary movies with sandwiches and I talk about their various meanings and layers. So check that out. And all that is at Artem directly on Instagram. Thank you so much for having me. [02:28:08] Speaker A: Hell yeah. As a person with controversial sandwich takes, I am so scared of your show anyway. And I am Clara. I have been the game master tonight. Yes, I am Clara. I've been the game master tonight. I'm all over the Internet as clearly golden as well as mermaid clarity. If you're into mermaids and you sometimes want to check my Instagram out, yeah, I am here at Queen's court games, doing whatever Queen court games we do here. But most specifically, I am Maya on the all night society where I play just the fucking worst. And then sometimes over at Happy Jack's rpg playing. I make sense. I do logic. Everyone else just doesn't get it, and that's fine in normal. This has been a very fun thing for me to bring my happy Jacks family and my QCG family together in one little room. And I hope to do this more often. So if you liked that, you should tell people that you liked that. But yes, we're going to wrap up here for the evening. And remember, if you want, if you liked this game, if you're interested this game, and you want to see the quick start rules for yourself, you can always find the system by typing exclamation point game in chat or checking out the show notes. And if you want to hear our post game thoughts or our session zero, you can head over to Queenscourt games Patreon for all of our bonus content. So with that, I want to thank you all again for joining us, and we'll see you next time. Bye.

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