Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 7 [DESPAYR]

February 07, 2024 02:28:00
Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 7 [DESPAYR]
One Shots and Other Mischief
Beam Saber - MEKONG: Symphony for the Devil, Episode 7 [DESPAYR]

Feb 07 2024 | 02:28:00


Show Notes

After a raucous night of celebration, Team Menagerie is rudely awakened by the arrival of the Imperial Judiciary Forces - aka the Hornets. In pursuit of Oradee's KY-SI, the Concord Kra-Su, the Hornets deploy a mysterious experimental KY-SI of their own.

MEKONG is an epic mecha space opera set powered by Beam Saber, set in an original universe by Jerry La. Join an adventure that follows in the footsteps of Herbert's Dune, Lucas' Star Wars, Tomino's Mobile Suit Gundam, and del Toro's Pacific Rim, told by an all-Asian cast in an original universe inspired by Southeast Asian history and folklore.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Anxiety, Blood/Gore, Body Horror, Dismemberment, Drug/Alcohol Use, Gang Violence, Police Violence, Politically-Motivated Violence, Sexual Themes, Teen Angst, and Generational Trauma.

Callax'an Bulaklak - Ryan Omega
Oradee Vuong - Clara Allison
Roman Maxilom - Andrew J. Alandy
Rupi'a Tayeng - Pooja Sharma
The Director - Jerry La

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Xin Zhao, everybody. Welcome, and welcome all to another exciting installment of Mekong, the southeast asian space opera adventure of epic proportions. Again, we are so glad for you to join us for yet another incredible episode. Coming up, filled with political intrigue and passionate romance, generational trauma and all that good stuff, but the most important thing being giant robots and anime shenanigans brought to you here by the folks at Queen's court games. It's episode seven. You know who we are? I know who you are, I guess, but do I know who I am? Still figuring that out. And I think that's what everybody else here is doing too. But for now, in the fiction of the game, they are playing warriors called Tandong, a cast of pilots who operate a uniquely powerful chassis called BC. So I'm gonna do some introductions, but first introduction would be me. I'm Jerry Law. I'll be directing this here picture. And first up on the plate, the returning champion of the Ayurveda Grand Prix, the dog loving Lankaska, drifting king of the Kisi racetrack, Kallaxing Vulakla. Say what's up to Ryan Omega. [00:01:14] Speaker B: Hello, everybody. My name is Ryan Omega. My pronouns are he, him, and I play the grand Prix winner along with arming because that has been a new development, which is kind of amazing plot wise. [00:01:27] Speaker A: And your team? Your team. [00:01:30] Speaker B: Oh, yes, my. Oh, yes, my team. Wait, what's the name of our team now? [00:01:36] Speaker A: He's menagerie. [00:01:37] Speaker B: Team menagerie. Thank you. Wait. [00:01:41] Speaker A: Geez, man, you're letting the ego get to your head already. Listen, we had character development, bro. [00:01:45] Speaker B: We did have character development, but. But Klaxon has been through a little bit of a rough time. He's looking a little bit haggard right now because even though he and the team won the race, just. It also took a lot of out of him. But he did win by a tip. [00:02:08] Speaker A: Second, playing everyone's favorite burnt out ex theater kid turned ace pilot, daughter of Mekong's criminal underworld, playing rupiah Taeyeng. We got Pooja. Say, what's up, Pooja? What's up, Pooja? [00:02:24] Speaker C: How y'all doing? I am Pooh. I'm playing rupiah Tyang, who definitely, you know, carries her baggage with her everywhere and apparently makes them part of the team. [00:02:37] Speaker A: You love to see it. You'll love to see it. Next up, his kids call him coach. His wingmates call him Seraph. The rest of us call him Adilph. Playing Roman Maxillum. We got Andrew Landy. [00:02:51] Speaker D: What is up, everyone? Andrew J. Landy checking in here. Pronouns he, him, playing the role of Roman Max Lam. Also pronouns he, him. I'm what you call a nice cold can of WHOOP ass. And what. What does delft even mean? I don't. [00:03:05] Speaker A: Dad, I'd like to fly with. [00:03:07] Speaker D: I like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:03:11] Speaker A: Exactly. And finally, the princess without a quick kingdom. But the queen of our hearts, Ordi Voong, played by my dear friend and our incredible producer, Clara. [00:03:21] Speaker E: Hello. I'm so sad that I take it on as a producer that we missed father's day because I really wanted to shout out roman queen's court's favorite daddy. [00:03:35] Speaker A: So we love our dads here on the show. We'll be playing Mekong using the beam saber rpg a forge in the dark system written by Austin Ramsey, with additional supply drop playbooks written by J. Lo, Filo, hazard, Alpha Demille. And additionally, I'd like to give a special shout out to Arian Lee, who helped us put together the cultural, religious, historical research in the making of Mekong. So thank you, Arianne. I love you. This adventure was written by yours truly. It will contain themes that some viewers may find disturbing. There will be depictions of blood, gore, dismemberment, body horror, drug and alcohol use, police brutality, politically motivated violence, gang violence, warfare, sexual themes, teen angst, existential crises, and excessive uses of english and non english profanity. The cast and I have discussed our lines and veils, but we just want to make sure that all of you watching at home are safe as well. Okay? So if you want to learn more about the system, be sure to type exclamation point system in the chat. And if you want to find us, you can find us on social media by typing exclamation point cast. So, without further ado, let's just get straight into it. Yeah, people. Yeah. Yeah. Ago, when the light of the stars flowed like a river across the heavens, as the specter of the scorpion demonists walk up, thin looms over the precarious Mekong empire. A bureaucrat named Zhong Zi, one of the last archivists of the elusive gilded Order of the inevitable spring tasks four ta nong pilots to embark on a daring quest to locate the sword of Rama before the eldritch entity envelops the kingdom of Chow Phraya and the rest of the constellation for good. Along the way, they secured key allies, from the crew of the Bajak pirate captain Devinder Cage and his lost boys, to the charming sinner honey Wheeler and dealer Denarii of Dagon, and to a maverick ge seed racer seeking redemption. Arm and law. Now formally known to all of Mekong as team Menagerie. The group pulls off a spectacular victory in the dangerous Ayurveda Grand Prix on Kalaxin Bulakh laks homeworld of Lancaska, bringing them great renown and popularity among the sectors in impoverished underclasses. To celebrate their victory, Lord Armin throws a traditional lankaskan wedding party for his beloved angely and asks the party to be there at his side before they depart to the frontier world of Celadang to complete their quest and stop bokapin. However, as the group takes this much needed reprieve, Princess Oridi's brother, the newly crowned king of Chao Phraya, Kanawa Vung, schemes a plan of his own to stop the grandma. As part of his schemes, the self styled gui vung, or in Vietnamese that translates to demon prince, coincidentally takes on an apprentice pilot as his ward and student. A young woman by the call sign despair, spelled with a y because she's edgy, he bestows her an experimental kisi, Roman Maxillum's former chassis, the archangel, or as is known now, the conquered Morningstar. As the menagerie's etude reaches a triumphant crescendo, the forces of oblivion set the stage to play a tritonious fugue of madness and mayhem in order to remind us all who this space opera is really for. This is Mekong symphony for the devil. We start on like a pixelated CRT screen, like an old style almost television, and as we fade in and we see two mechs cross the finish line, one covered in advertisements, another also covered in advertisements. And you hear the narrator, like the commentator, go, king bitch of team dog house. And the camera pans out from the tv. Hanging above the screen is a big banner that reads, happy 11th birthday, hope, and big titles that says, five years ago, roman, you and the other members of the slot team have set up the whole house to, like, surprise hope for her 11th birthday. Tell me what preparations you've made. [00:09:22] Speaker D: All right, so I'm not the best when it comes to decorating, but we do have. It's what I could find. I mean, it's the little happy birthday is strewn up, the multicolored letters. Right there's the door, and then right as you would walk in, happy birthday is right there. There's a couple of gifts. You know, the things we, you know, we could get her, which any sports dad is usually going to get their kid, like new gear or, you know, as new as possible. That's that. But there's like package, you know, enough packages there. There's whatever gifts are from the other. The other. [00:10:02] Speaker A: The other, yeah, the other, I assume, like, the other team parents helped you out with this endeavor. So, like, there's, like, a big. Like, a big, like, deep fried pig on the table with all, like, the meal accoutrements. [00:10:13] Speaker D: You're letting me do lechon? Yeah, we're doing lechon. Okay, then. [00:10:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Lechon space. Lachan. I don't know what. I don't know what pig equivalent they have. Yeah. So they do that with it, right? And there's a bunch of different appetizers. There's, like, a big, like, punch bowl and that sort of thing. Right. [00:10:32] Speaker D: I would imagine that while the. Everybody is still kind of milling around in the main room, like, waiting. Waiting for hope to get there, and I'm there, I would assume that hope is. Be traveling with somebody else. But I'm healthy. I've made the little. Our little place up, and I'm off to the side just clutching. Clutching a hat, like, to the point. To the point where it's, like, crumpled up. Like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I've never done anything like this before. Like, she's. You know, what if she's not surprised? What if she doesn't like surprises? [00:11:08] Speaker A: Like, and all the other girls is like, no, coach, she's gonna love it. Okay, and here you hold onto the cake, and they hand you, like, a big old fucking, like, coconut strawberry sheet cake, and it's got, like, in big text. It's like, happy birthday, hope. And it's got a little frosting decoration of your mech, the archangel. Because she loves all. She's like, she knows. You also know she's, like, big on all the legends and that sort of thing. It's. There's a little frosting of the archangel, and it's, like, got its arm wrapped around a little frosting of the Appalachian as well, because, you know, you wanted both. You wanted representation for both of her parents on the cake and that sort of thing. It's like, okay. And then you hear someone buzz in from the doors, like, okay, everybody get ready. She's coming. [00:11:55] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna hold this then. And. Oh, yeah, I should maybe go. Wait, somebody else hold this. What if I need to open the door? [00:12:03] Speaker A: No, no, you hold. Hold it. Okay, you. And then everybody. Lights turn off. Door. Door opens. It's dark. All the lights turned off. Even someone turned off the tv. Hello? Someone taps you in the back row. [00:12:20] Speaker D: Oh, and I'm juggling the. Like, not juggling, like. But just, you know, the cake shifts. Okay, okay, we're good, we're good. [00:12:27] Speaker A: Uh, surprise. Everyone, like, pops out of the couch. You walk into the room, someone, like, sticks, like, a sparkly candle on top, and cloak's like, oh, my goodness, you guys. And it's a very sweet moment. Roman, you got the cake. And she, like, walks up to it. Oh. Everyone's like, get to the table. Let's go to the zoo, let's make a wish. And every. People start pulling out cameras and all, and, you know, the usual eleven year old birthday stuff, right? You set it down, the cake down. Everyone's, like, gathered around, and she stands next to you, looks down at the cake, looks up at you, looks at everyone. I gotta make a wish, huh? I gotta. Okay. [00:13:22] Speaker D: That's why I think. Take your time with this one, all right? But just remember, okay, you can't tell anybody because you tell somebody, it's not gonna come true. [00:13:33] Speaker A: Okay? Okay. All right, I got it. I got it. Okay, here we go. Cameras start clicking, candles out, and they start singing happy birthday, but. And the whole. The whole. The whole nine yards. Roman, what are you feeling in this moment? [00:13:53] Speaker D: I feel like a dad for a change. Like, so this is what it's like to be. To live a domesticated life. [00:14:01] Speaker A: It's weird. [00:14:02] Speaker D: It's not like. It's not like being on the battlefield. It's. [00:14:09] Speaker A: It's peaceful. [00:14:10] Speaker D: This is. This is what. This is what we're supposed to live for. This is what we fought for. [00:14:16] Speaker A: Huh? [00:14:20] Speaker D: Oh, man, I just. And Roman looks up, you know, Francis, I hope. I hope I'm doing this right, you know? I wish I could give her. I wish I could give her, you know, something bigger. You know, she deserves more, but I hope this is okay, man. I really do. [00:14:41] Speaker A: You say this, and you, like, kind of, like, look towards the shrine you have set up, like, the ancestral shrine and his portraits on there, joss stick and everything. And you're confident he's watching over, and he's. You're. You've done a pretty good job in the ten now going on eleven years, you've been watching over her, keeping this promise. Nothing could possibly. [00:15:08] Speaker D: Right. [00:15:11] Speaker A: A couple hours pass, everyone's just, like, hanging out, they're partying, right? Like, one of the girls, like, guys, guys, I'm gonna put on the splendid spouses of Saigon fan. Like, we're gonna do all the dance. And so they all, like, kind of, like, gather in the living room. They start watching this concert film, and they're, like, doing all the dances and that sort of thing, and you're just, like, hanging back, sip, and punch with the other parents. But around this hour, you see that all the other team members are in the living room except for hope. She seems to have disappeared off somewhere. [00:15:39] Speaker D: Hey, hey. Anybody seen the birthday girl anywhere? [00:15:44] Speaker A: They're just. They're just, you know, they're just popping moves. They even got. It's like a silent disco thing. So none of them are taking their headphones. [00:15:50] Speaker D: Oh, great. Hey, look. Did anybody see where hope ran off to? And I'm literally just gonna start looking around the building for her. [00:15:59] Speaker A: You look around the building, you get to, like, the bottom of the building. She's not there. And then you, like, walk out on the streets, like, where did she go? Right? Then you see her kind of like, her red shoes slip into the garage where you keep the archangel. [00:16:18] Speaker D: All right, we're gonna. Small sigh, and we're gonna go towards the garage. If those are the red shoes, let's go find her. [00:16:31] Speaker A: You step through the door, you kind of, like. You don't want to, like, startle her. As you step through the door, you see that she's already turned the lights, and Archangel's, like, post it up on, like, the little scaffolding charging port dock that you kind of have set up for your mech. And you see that, like, she's sitting on the mech's hand, and Archangel has a party hat on top, and she's, like, eating cake and, like, talking to Archangel, and she's like, okay, so you want to know what I wished for? When I turn 16, I'm going to start my cadet apprentice training, and I'm going to be the greatest ace kisi pilot that ever lived, like my dad was. And you and me, Archangel, we're gonna fight bad guys, and we're gonna rescue people from natural disasters, and we're gonna save princesses. Just like in the stories. Just like in the stories. Just like, just. We fade to the present day roman, and you are sitting on a boat on a lake with muhammad holding a fishing rod. And you realize today is hope's birthday. She turned 16 today. [00:17:55] Speaker D: All right? Just remember muhammad. All right, nice and easy. [00:18:02] Speaker A: Okay, okay. [00:18:02] Speaker D: Hey. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Okay. [00:18:03] Speaker D: All right, let me help you out with that. You got. [00:18:05] Speaker A: Okay, like. Like, you're on a little. You're on, like, a little row boat too. So the fact that he's moving so much means. [00:18:11] Speaker D: Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [00:18:14] Speaker A: Half the work is you trying to, like, grab him by the hit, like, just so he doesn't fall. He's a big one. [00:18:19] Speaker D: I get it. [00:18:20] Speaker A: Okay. [00:18:20] Speaker D: He's a big one. [00:18:21] Speaker A: Okay. Nice and easy. [00:18:22] Speaker D: Little by little, little by little. Real. Yeah. Okay. Smooth. [00:18:29] Speaker A: Big splash. There's like, you guys get water all over yourselves, right? Wow. And this big fish goes flying in the sky. It shimmers in the sun. And we use. We cut. Like, I want you to imagine the scene when 2001, the space where he throws the bone into the sky, right? It turns the spaceship. Imagine this fish. It's in the sky, and then it turns into a cooked fish on a platter at a big wedding party on the rooftop of a hotel. As we cut to later this evening, because, Roman, you and Mohammed just caught the big dinner entree for Armin and Angeline's big ass wedding party. Hey, Ryan, can I get your help describing this scene? You've Mc Filipino weddings before. Is that tooth too big to assume? What are you thinking? [00:19:16] Speaker B: Ryan hasn't, but we're going to go with Kallaxon has so big filipino weddings. So obviously there is a very large hall and there are all of these round tables with very meticulous centerpieces and layouts of plates and silverware and very strategic placement of where the people are sitting. Because you want people to be social. But if there's any drama, you don't want to incur that for the wedding party, you have very, one very large table, one very long table with the bride side on one side, the groom side on one side, or whatever, whoever being married, the respective family sides. But even longer is the food. There's so much food. There's. It's twice as long as the wedding party table. In fact, there's two parallel tables of food. And then on one side is a dramatic wedding cake. And there's also a large dance floor and a tree of money. So that when people do the money dance, that they are able to pin the money on the respective bride and groom. [00:20:42] Speaker A: The money tree is very conspicuously made of the several some million wulong you guys won from the winning the Ayurveda Grand Prix. This is so where this wedding takes place is on the top of the splendid Lakshmi hotel. It's a three tower hotel with like a long rooftop at the top. Kind of like what you see on the virtual tabletop here. Each of the towers corresponds with each member of the Tridevi Lakshmi tower. Parvati tower. Sorry, Swati Tower. And because Armin is so ecstatic that your team won the biggest race in all of Mekong, he rented out basically the whole hotel for so not just friends and family. But basically, everyone in the kisi racing scene is also here, too. So team Priscilla is here. Team Leapfrog's here. Even, like, the joangans are here, because that's just the format. That's just the scene, right? Like, yeah, like, even though you guys are competitors, it's still a community, right? So that's where it's at. And I'd say, like, the wedding's already. We're already at the reception. Like, everybody, like, armin and angeline already, like, exchanged vows, exchanged rings through the whole thing, and now you guys are. You're here, and you have a little bit of time to have, like, this, like, reprieve from the amount of stress you guys have gone through the past several weeks. So, kallaxin, you kind of, like, navigate Mohammed's fish into. Onto the food table and everything like that. And once you finish that, uh, you kind of, like, step away from the excitement, and you see, um, at the top on this. This kind of, like, rooftop deck, uh, there is, like, a hollow picture of, like, the grand opening of the hotel from several years ago. Right? It's still a new hotel. It's only five or six, seven years old, but it's of a ribbon cutting ceremony for the hotel. And among the investors that, like, put in, you know, their lot with the tourism industry here on Lancaska, you see holding the shears that cutting the ribbon are your mother, Rubina the elder, and your sister, the rubina, the one that cut you out of this whole thing and kind of led you here in the first place. What's going through your mind? [00:23:20] Speaker B: My first thought is not vengeance. I want to be mad at my sister, and it's more just sadness just what happened to you? And even says that out loud, just what happened to you. [00:23:38] Speaker A: Like, what the hell, Roman? You get the fish onto the dinner plate, onto the dinner course, and all the help starts to set up the main meal, and you see Klaxon kind of, like, looking at this portrait at this, like, moment in time being projected into this little courtyard, and there's, like, a little, like, plaque that says, like, the founding of the splendid Saraswati tower, circa 1060 MC. Then you recognize the faces, huh? [00:24:14] Speaker D: Collects. And he's gonna point at the. [00:24:20] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah, that is. That is my mother and my sister both. Rubina. Yeah. So the lady of the house, as well as my very politically inclined sister. And, yeah, it's just so weird how much she has changed since the founding of this. You know, it's only been, like, what, five, six years? [00:24:52] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, look, five, six years, anything can. Anything could happen, I guess. You know, your family is, you know, despite everything, you've got a beautiful family, my friend, and, well, I'm hoping that things. Roman is not good with words, by the way. I'm hoping that, you know, things will figure themselves out for you guys. [00:25:17] Speaker A: So you feel two. Both of you feel two arms wrap around both your shoulders, and you see the bride, Angeline Alexa, your sister. She's about, like, six out of ten drunk at this point, and she's like, look, buddy, she's like, slaps Roman on the back. If you knew Rubina the way me and Kallaxin knew Rubina, you would understand. She's been like this for years. Years. Right, boss. [00:25:42] Speaker B: Uh, listen, I know that she can be a little bit of a bitch. [00:25:48] Speaker A: She, like, grabs you by, like, both cheeks like this. She's like, look, look, this is the happiest day of my life. I don't know if you could tell. [00:25:56] Speaker B: Yeah, I could definitely tell. [00:25:58] Speaker A: I'm gonna tell you something, too, and this might seem like I'm crossing a professional boundary here, but look, look, look, look. [00:26:07] Speaker B: KLAXON yeah, yeah. [00:26:10] Speaker A: You know, you want to know what's the difference between you and Robina now? What's the difference between real? You two have both aspired to leave a mark on this world, right? Like your parents did, right, right. Like, you. You aspire for great. You know, they did the whole, like, you know, mekong thing of, like, wanting to be the best that ever bested, you know? Right. But the difference, the difference. She, like, looks at Roman and she looks back at you, she's like, the difference, the difference, difference. You beautiful man. You beautiful, amazing person, you. Is that while you. While she drags down other people to get to where she needs to, you bring everybody up around you on the way up. [00:27:00] Speaker B: Well, Angeline, that's very sweet. Thank you. [00:27:03] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:27:05] Speaker B: But that's a trait that I learned from my mother. Like, you cannot build a community by being a lone brick. [00:27:12] Speaker A: Right, right. Yeah, that's the thing, though, right? Because she's. That's the thing between, like, the old generation and the new generation of. Of me Kong, his people. Okay, cuz, like, some people are here to build community, and some people are here to build wealth, and they're confusing the two. And your sister, she's in the former group, so first off, fuck her. Second off, shots. Shots. [00:27:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah, let's. [00:27:42] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely. [00:27:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:27:49] Speaker A: Not being a lone brick, to not being alone. Yeah. [00:27:54] Speaker B: To community. [00:27:55] Speaker A: Clink. She kind of starts stumbling backwards over to. She tumbles over to her new husband, and as she passes, she passes by rupiah. Rupiah, what are you doing at this party right now? So before you say anything, as you look around where you're at, you're kind of like, you know, standing away from the tables. You see they're setting up a few food. The crowd is an assortment of, like, you know, the big, colorful, flamboyant racer types. All of them. They're wearing, like, traditional. Many of them are like. It's between, like, new age fashion. The other part of the vibe is kind of like, there's a little bit of, like, a ballroom thing going on in terms of, like, how much effort everyone put into their outfits combined with, you know. You know, I don't know why I'm blanking on the vocabulary for southeast asian fashion garments right now, but you know what I'm talking about here. But standing out like a sore thumb. The lost boys are also attending this party. And, like, the best that they could come up with in terms of formal wear are, like, Chitai. That is definitely secondhand that they've outgrown many years ago. And so they all look kind of like a little boxed in in their little fits, but they're mingling. They're around. So, yeah, that's what you're seeing right now. What are you doing right now? Rupiah, I think there's a little bit. [00:29:34] Speaker C: Of, like, schmoozing going on. She's got, like, rupiah is doing her, like, public Persona for the sake of, like, the team and klaxon, but she's got an eye on, like, an eye out for Devender and the lost boys at all times that it's like a. It's almost like, public facing bodyguarding for these children. Like, if anyone were to be rude to them, if anyone were to, like, slight them or smear them, she will ruin them. And by ruin them, I mean, like, punch them in the face. At this wedding. [00:30:16] Speaker A: You see all the lost boys, save for Devinder. They're, like, keeping close to each other, mingling amongst themselves. They're like. And as you kind of, like, observe them, you feel someone kind of, like, slide up next to you and you look in your periphery and you see the hook hand getting tucked into a jacket. And Devinder is to your left. And he says, it's been a really long time since I've breathed atmo. [00:30:51] Speaker C: At least this is one of the better smelling places. [00:30:54] Speaker A: You're funny. [00:30:56] Speaker C: You have no idea. I've been. I've been places that make your ship's bathroom smell like a pond of lilies. [00:31:16] Speaker A: We've gotten better. That roman fellow, he's been a real help around the place, so we're grateful, I guess. So is that bureaucrat zung. He's. He's got just the right amount of stick up his butt, so I think we kind of need that. [00:31:41] Speaker C: It is helpful when you're dealing with a bunch of teenagers, I guess. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Hey. His gaze kind of, like, glazes over the heads of everyone at the party, or where are you at this party? [00:31:59] Speaker E: Um, hmm. It's been a while since I've been to, like, a party I really enjoyed. So, like, I think I'm having, like, obviously not having a panic attack, but I'm definitely, like, doing the, like, uncomfortable thing where you're, like, if I kind. Like, if I sit at my table, I'm alone, because everyone's gotten up at this point, and it's, like, doing other things. [00:32:22] Speaker A: Are you incognito right now? [00:32:24] Speaker E: Oh, my God. I have to be a thing. [00:32:26] Speaker A: So do you still have the mask on? The visor on? [00:32:30] Speaker E: I feel like I would have. Okay. I feel like I would have pulled rupiah aside before the party to ask for something that wasn't the goddamn mask. Like, ask for help, like, maybe figuring out, like, a half mask situation or, like, something. How's that sound? [00:32:52] Speaker A: What'd you give her review? [00:32:54] Speaker C: I think, like, let's. Let's forget the visor. It's supposed to be a happy occasion. No one wants to be reminded of this all day. [00:33:04] Speaker E: And unwieldy as hell. [00:33:06] Speaker C: I think it's, like, a combination, like, lace makeup and, like, feathers. So you end up with this, like, super elaborate. Like, almost like you're going to a masquerade, but high fashion. [00:33:28] Speaker E: Excellent. [00:33:29] Speaker A: Okay, so you put on enough space makeup on her that she is more or less a different person. Yes. [00:33:34] Speaker C: Yeah. But also, it's like, even if she were to be photographed, which she will be at a wedding, the biggest wedding, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That, like, people won't recognize her both for, like, because of how much it, like, covers up her features and changes them just enough. But that oridy, as Oridy, would never wear this. No one could literally ever imagine oridy putting this on. [00:34:04] Speaker E: This is very true. Yeah. And I'm, like, trying not to, like, pick at the. You know, when, like, you put on a bunch of makeup, you're like, don't scratch it. Just, like, tap. I am standing, like, already is standing, like, halfway between the bar and the banquet, like, buffet. Kind of half tapping at her makeup with, like. [00:34:31] Speaker A: Camera pants. Back to Devinder and rupiah looking at, uh, the princess, even though not appearing like a princess, still kind of sticking out a little bit from the crowd. So David is, like, looking out, and it looks at Urupia. She's like, so, uh, Marie Antoinette. Um, know who she reminds me of? [00:34:57] Speaker C: If you say Marie Antoinette, I'm going. [00:34:59] Speaker E: To punch you in the. [00:34:59] Speaker A: No, charaine, a little bit. This is like, yeah. [00:35:08] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:35:10] Speaker A: Not the way that she behaves, but more like. No, definitely, no, no. Not the way she behaves. More like the way you look at. [00:35:17] Speaker C: Her and, like, smiley's underneath all of that disconnect from reality. I think she's actually a good person. [00:35:48] Speaker A: I can tell the way that she. I don't know. I guess I haven't seen that twinkle in your eye. And maybe it's because we've been away for so many years, but also because it came back when she's in the room. [00:36:09] Speaker C: I mean, it's nice to feel like I can take care of somebody again. [00:36:17] Speaker A: Angelyne gets on the. On the loudspeaker mic. He's like, okay, DJ, couples dance. Let's go. DJ's, like, starts playing some slow music, and you see, like, a bunch of people, like, racers, erasers of all different, like, genders, nationalities, sectoralities, orientations. They all start, like, finding their partners and bringing them out onto the dance floor. And Devinder's like, look, you know, there was always. I know back then between you and me and Charaine, it always felt like we were on the same orbit, but there was always, like, the sun between us, and that sun was charaine. Yeah. Yeah. [00:37:11] Speaker C: I mean, you couldn't help but. Couldn't help but revolve around her. [00:37:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Now I'm off, you know, a rogue comet of my own doing, keeping these boys safe. They kept me safe. And you're. [00:37:36] Speaker C: Still failing at getting my family back. [00:37:38] Speaker A: Yeah, get yours. Start with her. Any points at Orty? [00:37:52] Speaker C: Kind of, like, touched his elbow a little bit. [00:37:55] Speaker A: It's like. [00:37:58] Speaker C: I went through the drive thru earlier. [00:38:01] Speaker A: You did? [00:38:02] Speaker C: I've got some chicken on the back if I don't know how much longer it's gonna take them to put this food out, but I think the boys might ride. [00:38:10] Speaker A: I think after this dances is we're gonna. We're gonna eat, but I can snack on some. I'll share some with the boys. They haven't had Mary Bumble they haven't even exposed to the magic that is Mary Bumble. Chicken and shot. So I'm gonna go. I'll grab that bag. You go get your princess, and I'll meet you back here. Yeah, yeah. Good seeing you. And he kind of, like, takes two steps back and heads in the other direction, leaving you. And as everyone's. As all the other, like, party attendees, you know, pick themselves up and find their partners and start making their way to dance floor. It's almost as if, like, a pathway opens between you and Oridi. Rupiah and Ordi, what's going through your mind as you kind of look across the way and you see Rupiah just looking back at you while she's leading up against the railing? [00:39:07] Speaker E: I have a feather in my mouth, and it's really annoying me. I think it takes already a second because a very focused on feather. But, like, I think since their grad, her, like, ten non graduation party, it's been a while since she's had, like, one of these really good, like, these, like, cinema, literally cinematic moments. And so I think there's that. Listen, you can be the most powerful person. You can be an ace pilot and still be like, shit, shit, shit, shit. Pretty girl. No, shut up. No, we're fine. And I think you see already, like, start moving towards rupiah and then stop. And then. Nope. She saw me take a step. I'm gonna. What if I make it look like I'm gonna get. Nope. And so you just. I think Rivia fully sees a person short circuit. Just a full. What's a normal thing people do with their hands? Moment. Oh, my God. [00:40:43] Speaker A: Please don't have noticed that. [00:40:46] Speaker C: We'll very valiantly pretend not to have noticed that. This. [00:40:52] Speaker E: Lesbian sheep syndrome, we love it. [00:40:57] Speaker C: And I walk over, like, kind of swaggery. I think, like, it's a facade, but it's a facade I'm used to. So I come over and, like, hold my present, my hand out. May I have this dance? [00:41:14] Speaker E: I think I'm just relieved to have something to do with my hands immediately. Like, yeah, sure, let's go. I can't. Yeah, I. Yeah, please. Sure. Yes. That, um. Yeah, that. And already grew up, like, is a princess. Already grew up doing the thing, the noble thing. So I think that in spite of being. I think she's at her best when she's in her body, so this is actually very good for her. And as you guys move out, that awkwardness does start to melt away into that familiar. Oh, I'm doing something. I know what I'm doing for her. Anyway. It's very like. It's like when she's fighting with Roman, working out or fighting with Roman. It is like, oh, okay, I know how to do this. And you can actually feel her relax. [00:42:18] Speaker A: The two of you make your way towards the center of the dance floor, and you were surrounded by all these swaying bodies. Moving along to the DJ has set aside before the slow dance portion of the evening. It was a lot of EDM kind of stuff, as the abgs like it, but now it switched over to string instruments, and so it's all very slow. There's some bolero kind of bounce to it, right? A lot of, like, ginsector love ballads, playing of lovers, wailing about spring and that sort of thing. But that all doesn't matter to you, to the both of you. You've had a very harrowing several weeks going on this quest, thinking about the fate of the empire of the kingdom of Chow Phraya, politics of poverty and haves and haves nots that all melts away, and instead, it's just the two of you kind of sharing this moment. [00:43:43] Speaker C: It's been a long time since I danced with anyone I actually gave a damn about dancing with. You're really good at it. [00:43:59] Speaker E: Had to take dance lessons since I was four. You get really used to it. [00:44:10] Speaker C: Fair. [00:44:14] Speaker E: And, like. And already, like, you can tell is sort of, like, trying to, like, be there, have that conversation. But I think she keeps getting distracted because a, like, she's dancing and again, in her body, but also there's this moment where she's like, she can't get over the fact that it. Okay, this is really gay. It's the, like, you know when you get real close to someone, you're like, you can't escape it. But she's like, all she can smell is, like, the sandalwood and musk of Rupiah's perfume and, like, the little bit of honey that's there. Is it weird if I say you smell nice? [00:45:04] Speaker C: Definitely less weird than if you said I smelled bad. [00:45:08] Speaker E: Well. [00:45:11] Speaker C: I'm teasing. Thank you. They didn't make you take flirting classes? [00:45:20] Speaker E: No, most of the time they arranged that stuff. In fairness, we've been on a. On a ship with, like, 20 boys, and they're going through puberty. [00:45:40] Speaker A: The camera, like, slightly pans over where, like, devinder, the lost boys, Roman and Kolax, and you're all eating, like, these bags of chicken, and, like, the mohammed and, like, fife, they're all, like. They're, like, circled up, they're eating the chicken. They're like lost boys, fam. Ain't nothing to fuck with lost. What's for me? Nothing to. It comes back to the scene. [00:46:08] Speaker E: It's also been a minute since everything has. I don't know. Devinder's, like, right over there. [00:46:22] Speaker C: Yeah. And he's the one who told me. [00:46:26] Speaker E: To ask you to dance, so there's not, like, stuff. [00:46:35] Speaker C: I mean, we have a lot of history, but also our history was never a closed circuit. [00:46:48] Speaker E: I haven't really. It's really hard for me to do things for me. [00:47:08] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm starting to see that. [00:47:11] Speaker E: And I want to do something for me. [00:47:26] Speaker C: I think it's about time you started. And I kind of, like, trail my fingers along the feathers on the side of your face to get one out of your mouth. [00:47:37] Speaker E: Thank you for that. I think a hint of the ordie who, like, fucking ran up a mountain to kiss a girl is back. There's a little bit of there that hasn't died entirely. And she sort of switches to lead and moves the pair of them to the balcony, to one of the windows, out of the way of certain lost boys. [00:48:11] Speaker A: There they go. There they go. They go. Hey, Roman, I did that. Just wanted to. [00:48:15] Speaker E: Also, you see just one hand, like, you're holding as they, like, sweep away. [00:48:23] Speaker D: Did that. And. Yeah, you just got that back, buddy. [00:48:27] Speaker A: That just means she's grateful. Okay. All right, look, we. Us lost boys, we bring people together. Lost boys, fam. Ain't nothing to fuck with. [00:48:37] Speaker D: We're gonna work on you. We're gonna work on your people skills, kids. [00:48:41] Speaker A: Defenders. Like, I agree. Yeah. Muhammad, can you, like, not be obnoxious for, like, 30 seconds, please? I know you caught a fish. I know you're. You got, like, big dick energy right now because you caught your first fish, because you haven't set foot on a planet with fish in several years. But, like, I need you. You're up here. You're up here. I need you, like, here. [00:48:59] Speaker D: Okay. [00:49:00] Speaker A: Devender. All right, captain. Dad. [00:49:03] Speaker C: Fender. [00:49:04] Speaker E: Dadvinder. Listen, we love them. And then I think that is the extent of already's, like, coolness. Like, listen, I got this far. And, like, the, like, weight of everything is, like, just kind of returns as she moves. Like, I got us here, and that was a lot. [00:49:30] Speaker A: Now you're here. And, rupiah, now that you are here on this lone balcony, away from the rest of the party, with the music playing in the background and the people talking in the background and all that faded away, it's just the two of you and the skyline of the city of Banang Pradhu here on Lankaska. Still a lot of smog at night, but, you know, it's punctuated by holographic advertisements and drones flying by and flying cars and the sounds of tuk tuks and nighthawks and, like, hawkers advertising their wares and DC speeding off in the distance and spaceships still coming and going to the spaceport. But, you know, these lights could be stars if they. If you imagine hard enough. [00:50:27] Speaker C: I mean, it's fine. I didn't grow up with clear skies until I. Until I went up for the first time. But I kind of like. I feel like I sense how much you, like, tense, becca, and it's like, you know, just if you want to stop, all you have to do is say stop. And, like, with each word, I'm just getting a little bit closer. [00:51:14] Speaker E: I think ordi panics and kisses you and that, like, if you don't dive now, you're not gonna get in the pool and just leans in fully. Like, it is kinda awkward because I think you were in the middle of talking. But you know what we got here. [00:51:42] Speaker C: Oh, I love that, like, moment of surprise where, like, it's, like, weird. Your mouths don't, like, fit together properly. But then it, like, is everything. [00:51:54] Speaker A: We cut as you guys smooch. We hear that and we cut, and we see Armin on. On stage with his wife, Angeline. And they also smooch, and they look out. Armin grabs the mic. Everybody. I love my wife. Yeah. And I also love everybody here. Also. I just want to say big, big, big thanks to another person who I love, who I used to hate, but now I love. Klaxon, get your ass up. You get your ass up. Where the fuck are you? [00:52:33] Speaker B: Klaxon comes up when he's directly invited, and he has. He has, like, basically the shot glass, same shot glass that was given to him by Angelyne and just raises it. [00:52:49] Speaker A: Up like, yeah, this man turned my whole life around. Okay, all right. And now I got a big announcement. Not that the announcement I just had was pretty big. You know, I just got married, but this is just as big, okay? This man and I, we raced together for a long time against each other, but then we raced a team, and then we won, and it was the most truest victory ever experienced. So I got a big announcement. All right, so team menagerie, that's us. It's me, this guy, this tan nong over here. Everybody, potentially from tan on, like, already, and rupiah. You're, like, coming back to the party, as he says, like, everyone say myself to teknock, like, and all these races start, like, applauding and, like, cheering because you're clearly the crowd favorites. You just won. Okay, so team menagerie is going to be the first worker owned Kisi racing team in the history of kisi racing. That's right. I'm gonna hire all these boys. Right? He points lost boys. And I'm gonna hire you. And, look, my days of being, you know, as the kids say, these days, a parasite, are over. Okay? Look, I've been on. I've been in this planet. I've been on this. He's very drunk. I've been here in the racing scene for a long time, and. And, you know, I. As we built up these wealth and we did all this advertising deals, me and Kallax, I completely forgot the fact that we don't do it for the money. We do it because sometimes the families we find are stronger than the families we're blood related to. Because I feel like, you know, I'm not gonna say, look, we're gonna be this. This. This is this new enterprise. It's gonna be shared amongst all of us from here on. We're gonna be doing a lot of races for. For. We're gonna split. We're gonna. Our sponsors are now all dogs. This is now just brought to you by like a pod. So if you like dogs and you like this guy's dogs, we're gonna, like, name all of our mechs after dogs. And it's gonna be like a pageant racing kind of thing, but it's all gonna be collectively owned, and we're all gonna have a cut of the profits. Like you and you and you and you and I encourage all of you to do the same. Yeah. Thank you very much. Let's fucking eat. Let's fucking drink. Throws the mic off the balcony and just, like, falls to the butt. I'll pay for that. [00:55:31] Speaker C: It lands directly in the center of the pool. [00:55:34] Speaker A: It's fine. [00:55:37] Speaker B: We just hear this crackling noise. I'm like, oh, okay. That's, uh, that's. That was 2000. That was a mic drop. That was a mic drop. Yeah. [00:55:49] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:55:50] Speaker A: Okay, uh, everybody, um, let's. I. We're you guys party super hard for the whole night. Uh, you, the lost boys, even Jackie and Nina are there waiting for zoo Ziye to get back. It seems like Zoom z uh, Jack some. Somewhere earlier. Uh, uh, zoom z. Someone said zoom zi is gonna be back in the morning, and then you guys will resume joy. So you have time to, like, enjoy, join this moment. But, uh, while that's happening, as we, uh, uh, do this, uh, let's all roll. Just a general for. Actually, we're gonna do an engagement roll. [00:56:30] Speaker E: Fucking what? [00:56:33] Speaker A: Yeah, but the party, you know, just to see how well the party goes. [00:56:36] Speaker D: Oh. [00:56:38] Speaker E: Sure. Look, I have so much trauma. [00:56:46] Speaker A: I know. Okay. Roll, two, d, six. Ain't got no d. Ain't got no. [00:56:52] Speaker B: D. I'll go ahead and make the roll. [00:56:56] Speaker E: Do it. [00:56:56] Speaker D: Get a chance. [00:56:57] Speaker B: All right. [00:56:57] Speaker E: Ryan is the bravest of us. [00:56:59] Speaker B: All right, two, d, six. [00:57:02] Speaker A: That's a three. Okay, I will take that into account after we take a short break. So. All right, that's the engagement roll. You guys tell me before I make the brick announcement, how does the party go for you guys based on the three that Ryan just rolled? [00:57:24] Speaker E: Oh, man. [00:57:25] Speaker D: Okay, I got this. It's Hope's 16th birthday. She ain't there. So, you know that Roman has been kind of sitting at the bar, and every time he orders a drink for himself, he's ordering a Shirley temple alongside it. Well, I mean, he's not ordering one for one, but, you know, just the. [00:57:49] Speaker A: Lost boys will drink it off. [00:57:50] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. And he's easy. [00:57:58] Speaker A: Oh, hey, boss, I'll take that off your hands. [00:58:01] Speaker D: I mean, somebody's got to drink it. That's fine. Give me another one. Yeah. [00:58:08] Speaker A: Thank you very much. They just keep, like, taking turns. Just, like, swiping the second drink. Are you drinking this? Can I have it? Let me see. [00:58:17] Speaker B: For Klaxon. He heard the announcement that Armin made in front of everyone, and immediately his mind goes to. We haven't talked about this, and how do we make this work? Because it's great in theory, but how do you execute it? So he's kind of enjoying everything, and his mind is over racing, thinking, all right, so if we take this company and then divide it by. And he's weirdly doing work in his head on a napkin, on. How do you actually make this all work? [00:58:50] Speaker A: Armin sees you're doing work on napkin, swipes the napkin, throws it to the side and says, hey. Ah. Hey. [00:58:57] Speaker B: Well, I was working. [00:58:58] Speaker A: I know, I know. And it's my wedding. It's my party. Yes. As host, I don't want you working. I want you to enjoy today, because I know tomorrow you have a big quest that you have to finish to go save me Kong and all that stuff. Right? All that tan on. [00:59:12] Speaker B: Yes, but the. [00:59:13] Speaker A: This is the first time he refers to you as a collective member of the tan on. [00:59:16] Speaker B: Yes. Okay, there it. The thing that you proposed. I want to make sure it works. [00:59:21] Speaker A: We can run it after you save. After you get the sword or whatever the fuck. Okay. Okay. [00:59:28] Speaker B: That's fair. [00:59:28] Speaker A: You have work to do. I will give whatever resources you need from me to assist you along the way. But right now, all I ask in return. Just have fun. Look. Look how much fun Angeline's having. She's, like, hanging off one of. Hanging off one of the lost boys arms. Like, wow. [00:59:46] Speaker B: Okay, that's. That is fair. We can save this for another time. I just want to make sure that we can make this work and take care of all the lost boys and everyone that works for us. [00:59:56] Speaker A: Yes. Look at the other day. You get. They put labor in, money comes out, we split it amongst everybody based on how much work they put. Something, something means a production, something, something, blah, blah, blah. I'm gonna do some reading while you're away, and we'll get it done. Okay? [01:00:14] Speaker B: I have some books. [01:00:14] Speaker A: Lazy trails. [01:00:15] Speaker B: I have books. [01:00:20] Speaker A: Come on, let's go. Let's go. [01:00:21] Speaker B: All right, all right. I'll get another drink. [01:00:27] Speaker A: And Rupiah and Ordi, I think you guys are spoken for as to what you do for the rest of the party, right? You have long, deep conversations, I see. [01:00:35] Speaker E: Yeah, just wildly yo yoing from, like, adorable deep conversation and just the most awkward people, like, person you've ever met. Like, we're good. It's fine. Everything's fine. Do not teach flirting when they teach. When they train you to be a royalty. [01:00:54] Speaker C: I feel like there's a lot of, like, gesturing for another round of drinks. [01:00:59] Speaker E: It's like. [01:00:59] Speaker C: Like, it'll be fine. [01:01:01] Speaker E: What drink? Ority is the one that's not uptight. That one. That's the one we need. [01:01:07] Speaker A: All right. You have an amazing night. Really fucking amazing. And when the morning comes is when I will tell you what happens next after we come back from our break here at Mekong Symphony for the devil. We'll be right back with more gay communist Mekong shenanigans here at Queen's court games. Thanks for watching. We'll be right back. And we're back with more Mekong symphony for the devil. We return to our brave party of Tan Nongmek pilots after they just got crickety crunk on Armin and Angeline's wedding night. So allow me to paint the scene because you rolled a three. Let's just say you got desperately positioned drunk last night, okay? [01:02:13] Speaker E: So fucking hate it every time I. [01:02:16] Speaker D: Mean, did I blow, like, a 0.1, a 0.2010.1 or 0.2? [01:02:26] Speaker A: Let's just say you got so drunk and some of you got a little crossed that eventually the party devolved from eating and drinking and mingling to dancing, then brawling. Then the other thing I forgot to mention is that all the mechs are in the courtyard. They were lined up for the procession, and they were all, like, holding big wreaths of flowers very ceremonially during, like, the actual, like, walk down the aisle and that sort of thing. So they're, like, downstairs in this kind of, like, central atrium kind of thing, right? It devolved into people getting into the mechs and then having, like, fights drunk in the mechs, too. Physics is, you know, ten nog kind of do that. But it's okay. It was orderly. It was fine. That is, until, let's say, kallaxin, you are the first to wake up in one of the penthouse suites surrounded by bottles on the floor. Cups on the floor. Some people are still passed out. Your shirt's buttoned all the way down. And how seasoned of a drinking are you, Kallaxin? How often do you do this? [01:03:53] Speaker B: Kallaxin definitely is a social drinker. He doesn't drink just to drink. So I would say that he definitely is experienced enough with all sorts of alcohol for him to be able to handle his liquor. [01:04:11] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Okay. So you wake up as fashionably as you still are all the time. Like, you grab your sunglasses, put them on, still kind of, like, serving on the way up. Average night on La Casca for you, right? You kind of, like, take a look around and you see Oridi and rupiah. You're kind of cuddled up next to each other on one of the pullout beds on the couch. And around you is a gaggle of several of the kinars from team Priscilla, all kind of big cuddle puddle. [01:05:02] Speaker E: Hell, yeah. [01:05:03] Speaker C: Sounds about right. [01:05:04] Speaker E: Yes. [01:05:05] Speaker A: Yeah. It's a very sweet. And then Roman, you are. You wake up on top of Appalachia, like, in the atrium. Yes. And you're, like, mumbling, Francis. Like, Francis, we had such a good time. [01:05:35] Speaker D: Oh, Lord. [01:05:36] Speaker A: Oh, Lord. [01:05:39] Speaker D: And then you hear. [01:05:40] Speaker A: And. But Francis, as you kind of, like. Like, I imagine you kind of, like, sprawled out and, like, apple lock is holding you with both hands. You hear, like, someone tapping on the metal at the foot of the mech. Oh, God. [01:05:56] Speaker D: Five minute jeez. [01:05:59] Speaker A: From the bottoms. Like, Roman. Roman. And you peek down and you see, you know, that he's not in his, like, formal, long flowy bureaucrat robes. He's much more, like business smart, casual, except all his clothes are, like, wrinkled, his hair is, like, all frizzed up, and he's got several bags under his eyes. It's almost as if the entire time that you guys have spent on, like, Costco doing this stuff, he has spent not sleeping. It's like, we. Can you get down from there? [01:06:38] Speaker D: Down from where? I'm in bed right now. [01:06:40] Speaker A: No, you're. And then as you, like, open your eyes wider, and you see, like, the sun is, like. It's, like, 09:00 a.m. And you, like, look down, and you realize you're on apple locky. [01:06:56] Speaker D: Oh, okay. Um. Yeah. Yep. Sorry. My. My fault. One. One sec. And, uh, I'm slowly gonna. Yeah, I'm gonna. Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna have a locky drop the hands, because there's no way I'm climbing down. [01:07:16] Speaker A: I have good news, and I have bad news, but it's best. We have to make haste. Okay, let's go. And you start. And he kind of, like, starts walking, and he's like. And she shouts, like, Jackie, Nina, where are you? You two make your way up to the penthouse, where the rest of your party members are at. Door bursts open and, like, it's. It's. It, like, the door. He kicks the door loud enough to wake basically everybody in the room up. And, like, the team Priscilla's like, who is that? What's going on? They, like, kind of, like, start rolling out of, like, the pull out bed. And kalaxis, you're standing up. When Zung zi, like, kicks, the door opens. Like, hey, cool. Glad you guys won the race. Get your stuff. We have to leave. We can walk and talk. There's. There's a sense of urgency. Like, whoa. [01:08:15] Speaker B: Why? Why? [01:08:20] Speaker A: Just get your things. I will tell you on the way back to the marigold. We have to hurry. There's just. With a three. Some of you have, like, pounding headaches and, like, you're really thirsty and, like, you're barely a person. And now this bureaucrat's coming in, like, just totally destroying the vibe right now. And you see Ninakai come out from the bathroom. Like, what's going on? Can you get these people up? [01:08:56] Speaker D: Right? [01:08:56] Speaker A: Okay. Sure, sure. And she, like, starts. Or you're still, like, laying there when nita kind of, like, walks up to you, grabs you by the face, and just, yay, yay up. [01:09:09] Speaker E: Fuck it. I think already, like, fully, like, stretch hit. Like, stretch palm. Like, rupiah rolls out. What and then you, like, you open. [01:09:35] Speaker A: Your eyes, and Zung Zi's standing there looking like, yeah, bureaucrat, I don't have time to tell you. Good morning. [01:09:47] Speaker E: Mostly feathers. [01:09:49] Speaker A: Get your things, Jackie. And Jackie also, like, is, like, kind of like getting off the couch. Like, oh, I got it. [01:09:58] Speaker E: I can't. I can stand. [01:10:00] Speaker A: Okay, all right. We have to get to Celadang, like, right now. I have a lot of news, and I much prefer we cover it while we're walking to the ship. Okay. All right. I'm so sorry to interrupt. I hate to. He looks also very overwhelmed. [01:10:24] Speaker C: Just stop talking now. Let's go. [01:10:30] Speaker A: Like, he's been picking up bags off the ground, and he's, like, throwing it at you guys. Like, get your things. Get your. Get your kid next. I don't care. Okay, so here's the situation. All right, so, Lord Bulak block, I kept my promise to you and to Roman. I I made some phone calls, okay? So I'll just give you the good news first. Your majesty, or d. Your. So I called some friends of mine. He's doing this while he's, like, packing bags for you guys, just, like, haphazardly stuffing your belongings into bags as very big uncle who planned the family vacation but really wants you to stay on the itinerary. Energy. Right now, it's like. Okay, so I leveraged my connection, so I called some friends in Mintel, in the Ministry of intelligence. The way that your brother took over the government is kind of in a legal gray area, but it was enough grounds. I got. [01:11:36] Speaker E: Oh, is it illegal to have a coup? [01:11:39] Speaker A: It's gray. It's a gray area. Either way. There was enough precedents there. I got them into witness protection. They are. They have. They've assumed new identities. I got them off planet. They're living on a colony in orbit right now. They're working at a dry cleaner under civilian identities. And your dog, Miss Misfit, is also there to. Klaxon. So she is safe. [01:12:04] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [01:12:05] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, she's with the former king, queen, and king at the dragon. I. So thank you for believing in me. I got that done. Okay. Secondly, the salat team has also been successfully evacuated off of Chow Fria. All 15 of them. [01:12:28] Speaker D: Thank you. Where are they now? Where are they now? [01:12:30] Speaker A: Well, he says 15. There are 16, if you count, hopefully you. Okay, so, yes, I. They. I got them off planet. I got them chartered onto. They're on their way back to Tana Malayu right now. All 15 of them. Okay. And he continues onward, and he's like, okay, so here's the bad news. We should. And he's like, he finishes packing some bags. He gives each of you a bag. Like, you see Armin walking is like, who's this guy? He's like, I'm in the middle of talking. I'm trying to deliver some exposition very quickly, so I have not slept in days. Okay, all right. Your brother, Canawa or Kanawha sedang or whatever name he goes by now we. [01:13:25] Speaker E: Will just call him asshole. Continue. [01:13:28] Speaker C: Yeah, asshole, jackass. Whatever. [01:13:30] Speaker E: Come on. [01:13:31] Speaker C: There's dead man wonking. [01:13:34] Speaker A: Uh huh. He also has a plan to stop walk apt in Kuntulanak has been captured, and he's been working with the Apsara group Corporation on a new gisi. And you see Jackie's face, like, go pale. He's like, no, that's, that's forbidden arts. And he's like, I know, I know. He. It's called Project Dark angel, okay? I know. He's not very creative in the title of these, these, these big, these. Look, weapons manufacturers are weapon manufacturers, okay? They've taken Kunta Lanak's essence and have tried to integrate them into a new type of Gisi, thinking that if by combining, by bridging the gap between machine and monster, that they can somehow repel Bocaptin and the last piece that they need is the cross suit. That's why your pirate friends attacked us over at Nubak. They were trying to get the crossroad back too far, finish this project. Because they think that by putting this machine together, this or monster or whatever the fuck, that, that it would, it would stop Bocaptin. But obviously I was worried about. He's like, after he finished packing the back, he starts, like, walking out the door, down the hallway. I fit. I tried to leak this information to the emperor because we can't have this. Because if they do this, they're playing right into Bocapton's hand hands and. But, but before they. I get the information to the Huangda emperor or to the press of any type, it was intercepted. And that's why we have to go, or else they're coming and they're gonna get, get all of us, and it's gonna be a bad time now. [01:15:28] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. [01:15:31] Speaker A: Yes. Okay. [01:15:32] Speaker C: We didn't bury the fucking lead. [01:15:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I was trying to find you guys, and, uh, but I was also trying to, you know, get your parents off world. And there was a lot of stuff I had. [01:15:46] Speaker C: Hey, hey, hey. [01:15:46] Speaker E: Royal decree. Shut up. [01:15:48] Speaker A: Okay, I'm shutting up. [01:15:49] Speaker E: Let's move. [01:15:50] Speaker A: Because there are some people on the way that we do not want to run into. And it's going to be very bad for all of us. And by the time he, he says, there's some bad people on the way. Rupiah, you've heard the long drone of a Tawan class Gisi before. A handful of years ago on New Bakur, the standard issue Gisi of the hornets. You hear that buzz first in the back of your ear, and then you hear a text on your phone. And you look down, it's from Denarii. And you see there's just a single lion emoji, which is code for law enforcement officer Leo. And when you look out the window of the penthouse, you see several companies of them beginning to assemble along the thoroughfares of the street. They're setting up roadblocks. You see several of their numbers beginning to all take up formation around the hotel. And then you also see the sky begin filled with clouds of micro drones, yellow jackets. I'm too. And you see Zhong Zi see this too. He's like, I'm too late. I'm too late. Okay. And at this point, Devinder and the Lost Boys also start getting up like heck of a party, right, guys? Why you guys look so serious? [01:17:44] Speaker C: Hornets, now. Get suited up. We're out. There's no fucking time to be freaked out. [01:17:59] Speaker A: Everyone pauses for a second and Devinder's like, oh, they're here for us, aren't they? [01:18:09] Speaker C: They're here for all of us. [01:18:12] Speaker B: Galaxy is getting into the over, calculating mentally. Okay, let's be logical. Let's think this rationally. So he's almost switched into a methodical, calculating, almost robot mind. So he's not stressing out. He's just getting into almost like, racing mindset. [01:18:36] Speaker A: Yeah. What's your strategy? What's your play here, Galaxy? [01:18:39] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:18:44] Speaker A: Were you about to say something or. [01:18:45] Speaker B: Oh, no, no, I wasn't. [01:18:47] Speaker A: And then you hear a voice on the loudspeaker outside of the Hotel Ordy. It's a familiar voice. It's one that you heard call you void child on the floor of the chow fry in parliament about five episodes ago. Like, you see someone step on top of a van with a big megaphone, and he begin and he begins speaking. There's a bit of a feedback. And so he starts shouting, attention all citizens. This is Lord Sara van Deng. On behalf of the federal judiciary forces Ordi Vogue, can you please come out? I really don't want to keep these brave boys in yellow waiting. I want to do this peacefully. I want to do this. No bloodshed. I'm going to say my demands, and if you comply, we can get you out of here nice and quiet. Everyone looks the whole room right now. The penthouse starts looking at you because you've now put in a position where the lives of everybody in this building is now in your hands. [01:20:11] Speaker E: I hate everything about this. I look at Rupiah, and then I look at Roman and Kallaxon. First of all, loudspeaker plus hangover, bad idea. What a dick move. So I feel like I know what we should do. I feel like I know what we could do. I don't think we have a lot of time to discuss this. [01:20:40] Speaker A: Okay, so Zhongzhi's like, okay, so it's clear that they want three things. They want the Krasue. They want me because I leaked your brother's secret project. And they probably want Devinder and his crew too, because they violated their exile to space. They should not be on land. But I don't care about those laws. But these guys do very much, as you all know. I don't know if you can. Do you want to talk your way out of this? [01:21:10] Speaker E: I don't know that I can talk my way out of this also. And I'm pulling feathers with left off my face. [01:21:18] Speaker C: We all know that if you go out there with Karasu, they're just gonna murder all the rest of us. This is gonna be Nubakor all over again. [01:21:30] Speaker A: And then you hear him saying aloud speakers like, orty, look, we're family. Friends. I can cut you a deal. You get a nice beach home somewhere on Inthanon, you and your friends will get six months maximum with good behavior, with parole, if you just turn over the bureaucrat and the cross suit. I'm making this as easy as I can here. This is the man that called you boy child on the floor of the parliament. [01:21:53] Speaker E: This seems like a. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. No, I'm. I'm deciding how rude I be. [01:22:02] Speaker C: But the question is, how the fuck did we get out from all of that? [01:22:08] Speaker A: The vendor lifts his wrist lit and starts typing in some stuff. [01:22:17] Speaker E: Can we get out of here? [01:22:20] Speaker C: Steph, what are you doing? [01:22:24] Speaker A: I am, um, going out on my own terms. And on the other side. Plexiglass window. The garuda flies up, floats, and devinder dashes out the side, breaks through the glass, jumps onto the garuda. I'm not. I'm not going to jail for these bastards. [01:23:07] Speaker C: I am going to try to stop tefer from jumping, from deciding himself out. [01:23:12] Speaker A: Okay, so you get in the way while Garuda is just floating there in front of the window. Is like, you doing that attracts the attention of the other city. People are starting to wake up and they're popping out the window, see what all the commotion is about. And they see that the hornets are setting up barricades and that sort of thing. And they know that team Menagerie is at this hotel and they start booing the hornets. And you see there's like a big public fervor against these group of government officials all surrounding the building. And who do you protect? Who do you serve? Like, yeah. Citizens, please calm down. We are on, we are on imperial business and just their best. The exchange outside is tense right now. [01:24:00] Speaker E: To the people in the room, like, man, you guys don't have to go out with me, but I think, I think we gotta go. [01:24:12] Speaker A: What, are we gonna fight our way out of this? Mohammed speaks up. [01:24:17] Speaker E: There's gotta be a way to mitigate harm. [01:24:21] Speaker C: We have all the teams here from the race. [01:24:31] Speaker E: That's true. [01:24:34] Speaker C: And I'm pretty sure at least most of them would hate the hornets as much as we do. Well, almost as much as I do. [01:24:47] Speaker A: No, those bitches suck. People are starting to wake up. Like, look, this isn't the, this isn't the first time we've had one of our shit rolled by the Hornets. Last time they did, people were throwing bricks. So I think it's that time of the month. Let her remind us what we're doing, says Angeline as she still in her bridal dress, like pulling her dress over. I mean, Kallaxin zung zi says, do you still have that advertisement hologram projector from new backware? [01:25:26] Speaker B: Oh, absolutely. [01:25:28] Speaker A: Okay, Jackie, do you still have the 3d print file for the Krasue? Yeah, there's one distraction. That's one part of a plan. Somebody, please, if we get. [01:25:48] Speaker C: Okay, well, how many can we print? [01:25:58] Speaker E: Can we project around the other key? See. [01:26:05] Speaker A: That'S an engineering role. [01:26:08] Speaker E: I am not an engineer. Kallaxim, is that something we can do? [01:26:16] Speaker A: Okay. Jackie says, okay, I can't. I can project one grassroot hologram. I'm going to walk her out the front door and we'll use that add distraction. We'll all zip out the back. And then Angeline's like, okay, this will be like when we first started out, right? Klaxon when we were doing the drift races, street races, you know, we know, you know this outline Casca streets pretty well. If we stay low, I'll be your woman on in the chair. I'll get you guys, you know, through the alleyways, through the. Through the thoroughfares to the spaceport, and just stay out of the hornets line of fire. [01:27:00] Speaker B: I mean, this is just a different version of the grand Prix. That's all it is. [01:27:03] Speaker A: That's all it is. [01:27:04] Speaker B: And we won that, so I know we can do this. [01:27:08] Speaker C: And can we? Okay, yeah. [01:27:15] Speaker A: And the hornets are notorious for prematurely escalating situations, even when the objectives do not call for it. So if you don't kill anybody, they won't kill you, as far as you know, until you give them a reasoning. Kill you. [01:27:29] Speaker B: If we don't kill them, they won't kill us. What if they were subdued? [01:27:38] Speaker A: They can be, but they outnumber you. [01:27:40] Speaker B: Yeah, that's fair. [01:27:41] Speaker A: I. [01:27:42] Speaker E: A lot, it looks like. [01:27:43] Speaker C: Yeah, but can we recruit the other teams? [01:27:50] Speaker A: You can. Like, I've already have them on the board. You see the corona chaser there? That'll just represent. They'll just represent, like any other friendly racers in your league. Anytime you. They become part of whatever role you're trying to make you. That would be a command check. [01:28:07] Speaker E: Okay, I have a bad idea. Do we still have our. Do we still have Rupiah's honey friend. [01:28:23] Speaker A: Seeing that she just texted her Leo to Rubia. She probably bailed. [01:28:29] Speaker C: She bailed. She bailed as soon as she was, like, heard that first buzz. [01:28:33] Speaker E: Yeah, man. Can we get the. Can we get the cops high? [01:28:37] Speaker D: I was thinking, you know, I mean, we've got the other crews. I mean, if you've got the projection of the Karasu, the projection of the. [01:28:44] Speaker A: Krasue, you have Angeline navigating you through the streets as long as you stay low. The other thing is that the skies are like a kill zone right now. Like, there are drones everywhere. They've got aa guns, and so flight is a risk. But then Devinder says, like, look, I can draw them away, give you guys an opening, and I'll meet you guys back up at the marigold. [01:29:11] Speaker E: Yeah, the only other thing I can think of is, like, distractions, probably the best option, and then just try to split them. The only other thing I can think of is, like, shutting, like, an EMP situation, which I don't think we can manage. [01:29:29] Speaker A: Not this time, though. [01:29:30] Speaker E: Not this time. [01:29:33] Speaker D: All right, do we send the other crews, like, if we sent the other crews to, like, scattering out will scatter, like, too fast, too furious. Where? Well, they've all. While they've all surrounded the area, they go and try to weave through the hornets while we escape the other way and at least delay them. [01:29:53] Speaker C: That's what I was thinking was, like, if they're going. [01:29:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:29:57] Speaker C: And also, like, in a spread pattern. [01:30:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:00] Speaker C: Like, each team is going in a different direction. [01:30:03] Speaker D: Right. [01:30:03] Speaker C: To kind of. [01:30:06] Speaker D: That should at least. Yeah, that should at least buy us some time and slow their. Slow their chase to give us a head start, so. Yeah, like that movie. [01:30:16] Speaker E: Yeah, like that movie. I was gonna say long sugar drift. Yeah. We just have to get to the hangar, right? [01:30:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Yes, you have to get to the space. [01:30:27] Speaker E: And it looks like it's a fairly straight path, with, like, one exception. [01:30:31] Speaker A: It's a. It's like a dramatic oversimplification. There will be more narrative flair as you make your journey along. But, yeah, this is a general. [01:30:41] Speaker E: All right. The only other thing, I can't think of any way to keep the cross is pretty distinct, but otherwise, I can't think of anything other than to do. We've did it. We did all the things we can do. I think we got to go. [01:31:01] Speaker C: I grab defender before he gets to go back in the Garuda and just say, remember, dev, the most important thing will always be family, and you are my family. You meet us back at the Marigold. Don't make me come looking for you. [01:31:29] Speaker A: That I can do. That I can do. And then he starts walking backwards and kind of just, like, falls out the window. And then the Gerudo, like, launches up. Hey, pigs. Starts zipping around. Okay, you guys have an opening here. Who wants to make a roll? What's the first thing that your group is going to do? Are you gonna make that engineer check for the hologram? [01:31:59] Speaker E: Can we use Jackie to do it? [01:32:01] Speaker A: Yeah, you can. I'll just say that adds a d six. [01:32:07] Speaker B: I can roll it. All right, here we go. Two d six. [01:32:15] Speaker C: The fact that we're just all terrified. [01:32:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, come on. [01:32:20] Speaker E: You've got to be kidding me. [01:32:23] Speaker B: I have not been rolling. Well, tonight, someone else has to roll. [01:32:25] Speaker E: Okay, yeah, that's fine. Yeah. [01:32:27] Speaker A: She takes the hologram. Advertisement Hologram projector. She uploads the Krasue three model into it, and she creates a projection of the Krasue that walks out to the front of the hotel as planned. Um, how do you, how do you try to sell the masquerade that you're. [01:32:47] Speaker E: Giving up across, or d. Okay, I'm gonna ask for a negotiation here. [01:32:53] Speaker A: Sure. [01:32:54] Speaker E: If I disable my comms in a way that I can only get short range, so I have to stay pretty close to everyone else or lose communication. Can I kind of apply them to the hologram? So I'm basically radio silent everywhere else, so they can't. [01:33:13] Speaker A: You can try to do that. And I will describe to you what happens with the three. That the party just rolled balls. So you do that, and you what? And you. You say to Lord Saravan, as the hologram, Krasue walks out. [01:33:27] Speaker E: I just imagine it's, like, walking awkwardly. You know how, like, birds, when they walk, like, just. You know, they're not really made for that. It's just like. All right, here we go. [01:33:37] Speaker A: Come out of the cockpit with your hands up. [01:33:39] Speaker E: Uh, I'd rather not. I'd like to keep it closed, please. [01:33:43] Speaker A: Um. Very funny, princess. Very funny. Um, you thought. You don't think that. And you hear a, uh. A shot fire off from one of the skyscrapers, and it flies through the penthouse window, and it strikes Jackie with the controller in her hand. [01:34:00] Speaker E: God damn it. I was hoping we'd start moving as it was moving. Like, we could go in Tampa. [01:34:04] Speaker A: I mean, you could still move it while the distractions happen. So you still have a distraction. Jackie just gets wounded on the way out with the remote control. [01:34:10] Speaker E: All right, I think we're, like, sneaking out the back, as. [01:34:13] Speaker A: It's like, you sneak out the back, and then you see a bullet go right through her. [01:34:23] Speaker E: Fuck. [01:34:24] Speaker A: Tuck it down. Tuck it down. And grabs her, like, from the underarms, like, move faster. Go, go. Okay, cool. You scurry to your mechs. The Hornet deputies begin to move in onto the building to try to intercept you on the way out. Units moving in. Units moving in. We have hostiles inside the building. A repeat, hostiles in the building. Attention, all citizens. This is the imperial judiciary forces. We are under attack by bajak pirates. Centralized on the splendid Saraswati hotel. All units are converging. Please stay in your homes. We have the situation under control. That's the all points bulletin going out. As all of you try to make your escape, you hear? Armin, get on the mic. Okay. All pc, check in. This is paladin reporting in. [01:35:24] Speaker B: King bitch here we. Looks like the destruction didn't seem to work. [01:35:31] Speaker A: It worked. It worked enough for you. Get out of the building. That's all that matters. Everybody else here. This is team priscilla. This is team frog dog. Yeah. And all the teams will go in. Okay. All right, guys, these are my best friends of the whole world. Let's make it. Let's get them home. [01:35:47] Speaker E: Before we fully start into this, I think. I want to make it. Make it very clear to the other teams, if it happen, if it comes between taking care of me and the Krasue and our team versus your lives. Pick, you guys pick your lives every time. Got it. [01:36:09] Speaker A: Everyone says, all clear. [01:36:14] Speaker B: Duh. [01:36:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:36:16] Speaker E: Thank you. Don't think anyone. [01:36:18] Speaker C: Don't think anyone was actually gonna make another choice there. [01:36:21] Speaker E: Yeah, I know, but making sure, you. [01:36:23] Speaker D: Know, I mean, we're together. [01:36:25] Speaker E: Yeah, we're talking out there. [01:36:27] Speaker C: Only royalty would need it. [01:36:28] Speaker E: Said, uh. [01:36:30] Speaker A: Okay. Jackie says from, like what? From, uh. Uh, the, uh, rake is cockpit. She's riding with a lot of lost boys. She's like, can we get a move on, please? [01:36:40] Speaker E: Let's get Jackie to the marigold. [01:36:42] Speaker A: Let's go. [01:36:43] Speaker C: Yeah, let's get all of us to the marigold. [01:36:45] Speaker D: Yep. [01:36:46] Speaker C: Okay, I'll start with, like, a setup action, then, okay. To use my blinding boosters to give the other three, but specifically oridy and the Krasue cover to get out so they can't track as well. [01:37:03] Speaker A: Okay, perfect. This would be like, a. What? A maneuver, you think? [01:37:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:37:09] Speaker A: Okay. [01:37:11] Speaker C: Or that's my intent anyway. [01:37:13] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. If you want to roll a maneuver, check with ord assisting. [01:37:18] Speaker D: Go ahead. [01:37:18] Speaker A: Roll three d six. [01:37:20] Speaker C: Okay, so I'll position. I'm gonna use my maneuver. So the there and then blinding booster. [01:37:27] Speaker A: So that's four d six. [01:37:28] Speaker E: Four. [01:37:33] Speaker C: And I got a six. [01:37:34] Speaker A: Oh, hey. All right, so the copper pod boosts ahead, allowing the Krasue to kind of, like, slip past the hornet, not lines. Kind of like under a bridge, underpass, and into, I want to say, like, year now. Like, you find, like, angeline is like, okay, uh, make a north turn on this direction, and it kind of brings you into, like, uh, like an underground. Like an abandoned underground metro area, uh, beneath the streets. It's like. Okay, you should be clear there for now. Um, it's just a straight shot if you just. Just keep them off you, everybody else, but, yeah, you succeeded. [01:38:22] Speaker B: All right, so I think what I want to do is have. Have sparky kind of almost latch to the back of the karasu and basically just be booster. [01:38:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Just pushing her. [01:38:41] Speaker B: Just like, basically just make her go fast. [01:38:45] Speaker A: Okay? Definitely. Okay, go ahead. Make a no maneuver check. All right, you have. Let's see here. [01:38:53] Speaker B: I have a three in maneuver. [01:38:55] Speaker A: You have a three maneuver. So that's three d six. You're gonna take one point of stress because of your bond authority. Okay. And then. All right, go ahead. Roll three d six. [01:39:05] Speaker B: All right. Three D six. Dear Lord, I've been. [01:39:10] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:39:11] Speaker D: Oh, no, no. [01:39:15] Speaker E: Hey, hey. It's still a three. Your highest is still a three, which is bad, but not as bad. [01:39:22] Speaker A: Wow. [01:39:23] Speaker E: Could be a two. [01:39:24] Speaker A: So with a three, as Sparky kind of, like, comes up on the Krasue six, you expose yourself to a little bit of sunlight, creating a shadow behind you just before you enter, like, the metro tunnel towards the. And almost as if it's traveling through the shadow itself, like a form begins to, like, manifest out, like a kunma from the cross, from a sparky shadow in the shape of an archangel, but a perversion of an archangel. Some. A thing that, when you look at it, it's not supposed to exist, but it does. And with a clawed hand, it grabs that. Sparky's one of Sparky's boosters and just rips it off and throws it behind it. And when you finally and sparky clown like, you get thrown back, you slide on the street. Copper pot and krasue are clear into the tunnel. But now there's this amalgamation between machine and monster standing before you. It's one you had a vision of a couple episodes ago, the one that, when you had that dream, when you broke into the palace and tried to save hope and your dog, it was in your way, and now it's standing right before you, its jaw hanging open, ready to eat. So you're going to take. I'm going to junk one of your equipment here. So let's say your lightning flight system is gone. Let's just. You can just mark that as junk for now. You'd have to get that repaired and then. So, yeah, that. That's what I'll do now. I'm not gonna mark any damage. It's just that system is just gone until you get it fixed. [01:41:39] Speaker D: All right, that leaves me, then, seeing that we now have an obstacle and in our way. I'm going to engage the obstacle to try to clear the path so I can clear room for both Appalachia and Sparky to get through. [01:41:55] Speaker A: Okay, so you're going to move to engage this obstacle, right? [01:42:01] Speaker D: I'm just trying. I'm not even. But I'm not trying to damage it. I'm just trying to clear the path, get it out of the way so we can move. [01:42:08] Speaker A: Okay. Would you recognize the shape of this. [01:42:11] Speaker D: Mech, how similar it does it? [01:42:15] Speaker A: It's dead on. But at the same time, when you look at it, you feel, like, sick in your stomach. You feel like that feeling, that. Like that feeling of the tryptophobia feeling, except it's not tryptophobia in appearance, just in feeling, right that, like, aching your gut. [01:42:33] Speaker D: I think I'm still slightly hungover enough that the image of it isn't fully registering to me right now. It, like, I. It looks familiar enough and it's not the feeling that I'm getting is the. [01:42:48] Speaker A: Fuck is this thing okay, look. [01:42:50] Speaker D: Like what? And it's not fully connecting right now. Like, all I'm seeing is okay. Fuck, Sparky's down. Get him out of there. Okay. Yeah. Then I am going to spend. I am going to spend that spark to get to appear right there. [01:43:05] Speaker A: So right before it goes to subdue Sparky, Appalachia triumphantly appears in the entities. The entity mechs way. And it, like, tilts it. The machine tilts its head at you. That's not yours. [01:43:38] Speaker D: The hell the hell do you mean this ain't mine? [01:43:46] Speaker A: You desecrate the name of the pilot of that machine? [01:43:58] Speaker D: Do I recognize the voice that's talking to me right now? [01:44:02] Speaker A: Not, not, not right now. It sounds like the voice that you're hearing. It's one of those, like, double layered ones. Like, there's, like, several. Like, I desecrate. [01:44:13] Speaker D: I desecrate his name. [01:44:15] Speaker A: You're not even worthy to say it. [01:44:17] Speaker D: And I'm literally gonna throw it, like, try to lunge and grab this abomination and just shove it. I'm not even going weapons. I'm going straight fisticuffs at this point with the mechs. [01:44:27] Speaker A: Oh, shit. Okay. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Okay, go ahead, make a battle check. [01:44:33] Speaker D: That's a six. [01:44:34] Speaker A: That's a six. Okay. The entity recognizes what you're about to do, and it assumes one of the base salat forms before entering combat. So you both, like, square up and you being a coach, you know, like that. While this is a strong stance to take, you know what weaknesses this particular stance has, and so very definitely, you know, you do. Like, it tries to strike first and it's just about to get you into a grapple, and then you pull a Justin Wong and you kind of, like, very deftly intercept each one, and it's like. And it's kind of clicking to you. Like, how the fuck do you know how to counter all of these? Unless. But then the second it knows that, it's kind of like, you kind of match its ability. Advise Krasue and copper pot enough time to make their way further down the metros. [01:45:39] Speaker E: I'll put out the call. Like, hey, if any way we can keep eyes on the hornets. [01:45:48] Speaker A: Okay, yeah. [01:45:49] Speaker E: Communicate with us every step of the way. [01:45:51] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead. Roll command for that. [01:45:58] Speaker E: And I use my spark to get an extra die. [01:46:00] Speaker A: You may. Okay, you're having, like, this is leadership. This is what you learned on the battlefield. [01:46:07] Speaker E: I know, but I only have one command. [01:46:10] Speaker A: It's okay. It's okay. [01:46:11] Speaker E: Listen, I punch things. That's what I do. That's a five. [01:46:16] Speaker A: Okay, cool. So, copper pot, as you kind of exit out the metro tunnel, you hear from one of the lost boys, Mohammed. He's like, I spotted two. I spotted two buzzards right on top of you guys just before you come out of the tunnel, right when the the hornets about to ambush you because you roll the five. You see from the corner, Mohammed Mech the Nargis blast that kisi the hornet right as it's about to pounce on you just like a warning shot at its foot. And it, like, kind of, like, kicks back, giving you guys a little bit of an open. It's like, I got you, though. And I didn't go for the head this time. [01:46:59] Speaker E: No, you should have gone for the head. [01:47:01] Speaker A: Wait, what? [01:47:02] Speaker C: No, no. [01:47:04] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. Yeah. No, don't, man. [01:47:07] Speaker A: And then, but in his excitement, however, because you rolled a five, another hornet pops out and catches him on the flank and tackles the Nargis off that building. [01:47:23] Speaker E: I want to fight so badly. [01:47:29] Speaker A: As long as he's in your cockpit the entire time, he's like, he's like, it's okay, it's okay. We're just gonna go straight in the the boyfriend shotgun seat. [01:47:45] Speaker E: I feel like a dog in one of those agility training things where they put the other distractions in it. It's like, ooh, a fight. Ooh, a fight. No, keep going forward. [01:47:56] Speaker A: Correct. While Nargis is tackled, Appalachia before Yomi lake with the morning star can continue. It turns in the direction of the Krasue and Koppen and dashes into the tunnel right behind them. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Okay, cool. We're back at the top. [01:48:17] Speaker E: Over halfway, baby. [01:48:18] Speaker A: You're halfway there. At least for the Krasue anyway. [01:48:22] Speaker C: Well, this is, yeah, this is five, so that's good. [01:48:25] Speaker E: I just want to fight. [01:48:28] Speaker C: No, I know, but, yeah. [01:48:30] Speaker A: As the hornets get a two on their clock, you guys hear on the chatter we're getting killed out here. And you see that one of the lost boys, the pilot of the Akshay, is captured. [01:48:48] Speaker E: I can go because my turn is just going to be continuing moving forward. I can make another command roll. You may. Yeah. Yeah, I'll do another command world. Ah, stop that. To try to continue getting help from our friends. [01:49:09] Speaker A: Okay, what do you want them to do now? [01:49:14] Speaker E: I'd love for them to. I. The Akshay gone completely. Is he dead? [01:49:20] Speaker A: He's not dead. He's getting arrested. [01:49:24] Speaker E: What's the punishment if he gets arrested? [01:49:26] Speaker A: He goes to jail. He goes to prison. [01:49:28] Speaker C: And since he's already been banished. [01:49:30] Speaker E: Yeah, real bad, man. Someone get the kid. [01:49:36] Speaker A: Okay, you want some? Okay, so you want somebody to retrieve the Akshay? Wow. [01:49:40] Speaker E: At least get the fuzz off of him. [01:49:42] Speaker A: Okay. [01:49:43] Speaker E: I'm gonna spend stress. I'm fine. I'm gonna spend some stress. We're gonna go for it. All right. TD six. Come on. Don't fuck me. [01:49:51] Speaker A: You can offer collateral. Okay. [01:49:53] Speaker E: Too late. Ah. [01:49:55] Speaker A: Okay. [01:49:56] Speaker E: Roll 20. Wants me to save a kid. Kind of. [01:49:59] Speaker A: Kind of. Okay. Corona chase. Armin's like, I hear you, princess. I'm on my way. And he zips over and he says some old lankoskian profanities at the hornets to try to draw them away from the Akshay. And it works successfully. And because he's so fast, he zips in the other direction, allowing the Akshay to get back onto his feet. And kind of. The pilot ejects, and he kind of just runs off into some buildings. He's like, I'll meet you guys back on the ship. I'm just gonna go the long way. [01:50:37] Speaker E: We'll buy you some. We'll buy you a new one. Keep your head down. [01:50:41] Speaker A: Okay. Actually still off the table, but fife is safe. [01:50:53] Speaker B: Claxon is, I guess. He's currently prone, so he's gonna try to get up, and he. I don't think I have much of a choice other than to just kind of, like, get away to safety and go in the direction of. Of ority. [01:51:08] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead and make a maneuver. Check for me. Ha. [01:51:14] Speaker B: Finally. [01:51:15] Speaker A: All right, so I'm gonna add another two points to the make your exit. And even you, thankfully, you have those skates, those land spinners from the race still installed. So you start kind of like Angeline starts guiding you through the alleyways and the thoroughfares you weave and cut through, through some marketplace stalls. You jump over some canals. You smash through some fences. But it's a little messy, but it's not the worst thing in the world. And better that you are farther away from the fuzz than you are back there. So you catch up with the krasue and the copper pod, and the spaceport is right there. [01:52:03] Speaker B: Nice. I rollerbladed my way. [01:52:06] Speaker A: Nice skate. [01:52:10] Speaker D: I would also like to give chase to make sure I'm catching up, and I'm trying to stay behind Klaxon and Sparky because I want to make sure he's got cover. So would that be a maneuver? [01:52:22] Speaker A: Yeah, it'll be a maneuver. Yes. [01:52:26] Speaker E: Roll 20 wants us to get out of here alive, right? [01:52:30] Speaker C: Probably. War 20 wants to dangle success in front of us just to snatch it away, right? [01:52:37] Speaker D: The fisherman with a dollar. [01:52:38] Speaker E: You guys get burned. [01:52:40] Speaker B: Roll 20 is a drama queen. They want us to dramatically succeed or dramatically fail. There's no middle ground with roll 20. [01:52:47] Speaker E: No middle ground? [01:52:48] Speaker C: No middle ground. [01:52:49] Speaker A: Nope. You have finished the clock. You make it to the spaceport, and at least the four of you do, with Zhongzhi in tow. The racers are mostly engaged with the hornets, and so I've moved Amitabh and Rekha up here because Nina and Jackie are on them, respectively, and they're still kind of, like, in the heat with the hornets. So you got to get at least one of them to the ship to get it launched, because Zun can't do it by himself. And the big obstacle here is that now that the hornets know you're at the spaceport, they're all going to try to swarm on you. At the spaceport, you guys find yourself right where both the Neverland Express and the marigold are parked, and the sun goes black and the morning star descends right on top of the Krasue. [01:53:47] Speaker E: I don't want to fight anymore. No, let us get on the ship. [01:53:54] Speaker A: I'm gonna give Clara. You've been saying, I want to fight so bad, so I'm gonna give you the opportunity. [01:54:00] Speaker E: I know. I changed my mind. [01:54:02] Speaker A: As the Morningstar suddenly engages you almost out of nowhere. It seems to be moving, almost using where the shadow is cast as, like, portals, almost. [01:54:16] Speaker E: I don't like it. All right, I changed my mind. I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to get off the ship, off the planet. All right, that's a five. It's not bad. [01:54:45] Speaker A: You begin to hear ominous speech come through your comms. I am the morning star that will rise over a new Mekong. I am the embodiment of heaven's will. Through me, I will burn away all the sin and sanctimony that brings the adversary to our realm. And it just curbstomps you right then and there, just flattens you almost entirely, entirely right. And I will bring about the age of peace and prosperity that was taken from us by the likes of you and your ilk. It grabs onto your cockpit and tries to rip it open. Paradise. Once lost, paradise shall be found. Again, through the guidance of my light in this empty and vacuous universe, rips open it, like, pries open the front of the Karazi's chest and tries to grab at Zhun Zi inside. And it's very close, like. But with a five, you still kind of, like, fender off a little bit. Tell me how what you do in reaction. [01:55:52] Speaker E: Geez. Damn. Well, a lot of consequence for a five it is. [01:55:58] Speaker A: But, you know, you have the opportunity to fight back, and you will successfully fight them off, more or less. [01:56:04] Speaker E: I mean, this is very cool and dramatic, and I applaud this wonderful, wonderful speech that the Morningstar has started. However, the Morningstar has made one critical error, and that is she got in a wrestling match with the Krasue, whose entire build is about grappling. [01:56:25] Speaker A: Yes. [01:56:25] Speaker E: And so it's gonna be real scary for Songti for a second. But after Oridi recovers from basically having her chest ripped out, she just. The Krasue who has been heating up the whole time does its favorite thing, which is it starts to jitter, and then the top half sort of slides out, slides up, off, and around to the back of the morning star. [01:56:58] Speaker A: Okay. [01:56:59] Speaker E: To. And can I burn a quirk for that? [01:57:04] Speaker A: You may. [01:57:06] Speaker E: I'm gonna burn the ominous appearance. Actually, I'll burn. Flexible structure. That's more obvious. Yeah. I would like to take a bite out of crime and go full Krasue on the full monodungol on the morning star. [01:57:26] Speaker A: Okay, you do that. I put two clicks on the Morningstar clock here. And as you. You take a bite out of the back of the Morningstar. Right. But what you rip out is it machinery, and it instead, it's more like that same bio flesh that the crosso uses. [01:57:44] Speaker E: Oh, God. [01:57:44] Speaker C: Gross. [01:57:45] Speaker A: But instead of, like, hydraulics or, like, hydraulic liquid or coolant or whatever that comes out, several black birds come flying out the wound. And swarm feathers. Yeah, similar to the crows made from Kunta Lanak. And from the wound, Morningstar's wings fully exposed themselves and. But, yeah. So now the Krasue is, like, caught in the same swarm of crows as it was several episodes ago. [01:58:27] Speaker E: Feathers in mouth again. See, the Krasue's mouth also go. [01:58:32] Speaker A: You can have a point on the launch ship clock for that. [01:58:36] Speaker C: I mean, I'd apologize to everyone who lives in this area, but it's mostly. I feel like a higher end zone, and I don't care as much about them. And I'm going to use my grapple anchor to bring down sides of some buildings to create obstacles and knock out some of the hornets to allow people to get closer in. Now that I don't see what's going on right next to me. But also, I'm just that's so fucked up. [01:59:20] Speaker A: What is? [01:59:21] Speaker C: What's happening right there next to me. And and if we don't get Nina and Jackie over here, we're not leaving ever. [01:59:29] Speaker A: Yes. So is that a destroy check is what I'm check is what I'm getting here. You're knocking. [01:59:37] Speaker C: Oh, I hope not. [01:59:38] Speaker A: Buildings. [01:59:39] Speaker C: I hope not. [01:59:40] Speaker A: Okay. Because that's the check that would apply here. Oh, fuck. [01:59:45] Speaker E: Well. [01:59:48] Speaker C: Let me say that then that I'm using this debris to cause some non lethal harm. And subdue the hornets so I can use battle instead. [01:59:59] Speaker A: Battle is specifically if you're engaging with, like, another combatant, right. But if you're just, like, doing stuff to, like to, like the environment, you're still destroying it, and there's no one opposing you, technically. [02:00:14] Speaker D: Couldn't you argue that by creating a different path, you're maneuvering your alt? You are altering the path of the hornets and hindering. [02:00:23] Speaker A: You don't have to roll at zero. If you roll, destroy, you can have you. You have spark. You can also offer collateral. [02:00:28] Speaker C: Okay, so I'll use my spark, and I will accept the collateral. [02:00:37] Speaker A: Okay, so it's two d six. [02:00:49] Speaker E: Suck it, chair bear. [02:00:54] Speaker A: So, um, with that being said, you see there are several billboards. And you just start knocking them down. Even Krasue, even the Garuda comes in, does a strafing run on several disappointing beams. Just start knocking stuff over. You see, power lines start coming down and creating and falling into puddles and canals. So it electrifies a bunch of the canals. So when the hornets try to, like, get to you guys through those avenues. That kind of get, like, stuck. This fe rupiah, it feels like you you got a second chance at Nubakur. And you've learned your lesson from that first time. And you're not letting it happen again. So look at you. Badass fucking ace pilot. Proud of you. And when that happens, we'll go ahead, put another two points into the launch ship clock. And so, congrats. I'm coping. [02:02:05] Speaker E: Man. We got our asses handed to us so much. [02:02:09] Speaker A: I know. No, you guys aren't this I know. I just it's okay. [02:02:13] Speaker E: You're like, all of my bad guys. [02:02:15] Speaker A: All of my bad. You can't believe your eyes at first. The first thing you see is cerulean. Blue hair, red eyes. But a face you once knew of a girl that would be 16 today. But there's. Whatever love or aspirations she had is replaced by zeal and a burning rage. And, Roman, when you turn to see. When, like, Appalachia turns to see what's going on with Krasue and the Morningstar, you also see the pilot. The pilot, like, it seems like you've knocked her helmet off as you knock the cockpit off, too. So she, like, reaches up and puts on, like, what looks to be the same visor as Kanawa to just, like, at least, you know, gotta cover up. Gotta. Gotta be, you know. And then you hear his voice on the loudspeakers on the Morningstar, Kanoa's voice, and her mouth is moving, but you hear him, too. Hey, guys, have you met my apprentice? Isn't she great? I got her cool call side, too. Despair, but with, like, a why it's look. While you guys were, like, winning races, she's been trending on social media for, like, a week now. And they've been, like, making fancam edits to that one song, I'm the bag. It's very catchy. It's great. She's the new face of the new generation of Chow Fry and Tan nong. And she's gonna help me stop Bachaptin. But you didn't want to go peacefully, did you? Okay. And then his voice stops, and the fighting continues. [02:04:45] Speaker D: I'm engaging the fucking Morningstar. [02:04:47] Speaker A: Okay. [02:04:48] Speaker D: I'm engaging the fucking Morningstar. [02:04:52] Speaker A: All right, Roman, go ahead. Roll battle for me. Take two stress points on top of that because there's some people in there and that you roll the three. Okay, cool. So as you. So how do you engage? Do you just, like, char. Like, pull. Pull the swords out and charge? What's going on? [02:05:14] Speaker D: It's a sword, and it's a charge because I'm trying to get hope out of the goddamn machine. [02:05:18] Speaker A: Okay, so Zum Zi's like, wait, Roman, no. And Apalachi, you fire off all your boosters and you just fly straight at the Morningstar and the full on. And just as you. As the charge gets right up close to the machine. This machine. [02:05:45] Speaker D: So the idea here is to swing in a matter that it can at least get to the cockpit so that I can try to pry hope out of there. [02:05:58] Speaker A: Okay. The morningstar steps out and puts the cross suit between you and it, and you stab the crossing instead. So, ordie, you're gonna lose two arms. [02:06:15] Speaker E: Can my armor absorb it or my shield? [02:06:17] Speaker A: Yeah, you can burn your shield, and. [02:06:19] Speaker E: I'll burn my shield. [02:06:26] Speaker A: So, yeah, your shield's gone, and then your armor is also gone. And then roaming, both your swords break, so you can also junk those, too. And while you were so distracted with the Morningstar, the hornets add another three to their clock here, the corona chaser falls. Armin is completely swarmed by the hornets. Right before he can cover, you guys escape. And he shouts on the comms, like, don't worry about me. Just go. [02:06:59] Speaker B: So I'm looking at this whole situation, situation. And I'm also aware that Nina and other people are still trying to get here. So I think we need to make sure that the ship can go. So I think I'm gonna try to survey and try to figure out and relay the best way for other people to get to the spaceport. [02:07:26] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead, roll a survey check. [02:07:30] Speaker B: I'm going to use my spark. [02:07:32] Speaker A: Okay, four. So you, you come up with a survey plan. You, like, map out a bunch of routes that people can take and possibly get here, but it takes a little long because you have too many ads on your screen. Like, you just keep getting pop ups. Hot singles in your area, hot, hot robots in your area, mech enlargement pills, pill enlargement, mechs, the whole thing. [02:07:59] Speaker B: I still like the idea of, do you want a bigger cockpit? [02:08:02] Speaker E: Exactly. [02:08:03] Speaker A: And as funny as it is, it's not helping your case right now. So it signals to Rekha to get into range of the spaceport. Cockpit opens, and one of the lost boys hands Nina to you, and he's like, just get her onto the ship. And suddenly, two yellow crystalline bolts kind of impale the back of the rake. And right as the handoff finishes and it explodes. Rake is gone. You are down one lost boy, but that's a four, so you get another point on the launch ship clock. [02:08:52] Speaker C: I am not like, everything that I felt about, okay, I learned from Nubakur. This is my chance to do it over again, is imploding in front of my eyes with that child. They just murdered a child. And I'm going to. [02:09:22] Speaker A: Before you act, you even hear on the APB. Pirate neutralized. We got one, boys. They're so gloating about it, right? These people, to them, the Bajaks are not people. They think they're just raiders, and that gives them justification. [02:09:39] Speaker C: And I'm going to use my consort, okay, to call in the people, all right? We're sitting on a powder keg, and they just lit the match. Oh, yeah, or drop the match. Or however that metaphor is supposed to work. You just murdered a child. All he was trying to do was get away from you. You took everything from him, and then you took his life. And now you're gloating about it. And I'm broadcasting all of this so everyone in the surrounding area can hear. Um, and if they'll do it, if they'll just label any. They label anyone. They want the enemy so that they can do anything that they want. Lives mean less than nothing to them. And when they're done with us, they'll come for you. Just like they did at Nubacor. They say they want to. They say they want to keep the enemy away. They're the ones who brought the enemy here. And I point to Morningstar. [02:11:12] Speaker A: People are watching from their balconies, they're watching from the market stalls, they're watching from behind the yellow tape. But let's see what that concert roll says about how they react. [02:11:23] Speaker E: So that's. [02:11:25] Speaker C: I'm using two straws, and that's a six. [02:11:32] Speaker A: A brick gets thrown at one of the hornets just from the crowd. It knocks against one of the Tawan Kisi's heads, and it turns, and then it goes to havoc. Riot shields start coming out, but then other people start flooding out of their buildings, and they're pissed. They start, like, rattling fences, they start shouting different cries and all different tongues across the whole constellation. And people begin to form ranks between you guys and the hornets. And all the hell breaks loose. You hear one of their war cries is something along the lines of Durga Nashni. Something of the, like, invoking the goddess that your mech was built to invoke. Right of a righteous fury. You can feel it all across the crowds, all across the buildings, every market, every avenue, because the people of Lankoska have your back on this, save for the fact that Appalachia and Morningstar are kind of going at it right now. Otherwise, everyone else that needs to make it back to the ship does. Muhammad gets back. The Gerudo also flies around Appalachian Morningstar. The two of you are duking it out, swords to Trident. Since you both have the ability to fly from a distance, it looks like two bolts are just zipping around, clashing at each other, right? Just through the city, crashing through buildings, and with riot, with riots and police underneath you. Almost a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, right? It's very emblematic. [02:13:50] Speaker D: The only thing that's going through my mind right now is get my daughter out of there. I don't care what it is. I don't know what this abomination is. I want my daughter back. [02:14:02] Speaker A: You hear Zhong Zia on the comms? He's like, roman, listen to me. We don't have time for this. I don't give a damn. [02:14:10] Speaker D: That's my daughter in there. [02:14:12] Speaker A: This is. Remember when I promised you I get her back? We can, but it can't happen now. She's right in. She's right in front of me. I have it. I have it. Go without me. [02:14:28] Speaker B: Galaxy is stunned. He understands what is going on. And for a moment, his mind breaks because he's not sure what to do. Because it. In his brain, it makes sense. But we still want everybody together. [02:14:49] Speaker C: Roman, if you stay, you'll die and she'll be lost forever. [02:14:57] Speaker E: We have a better chance if we they want to defeat Bocaptan as well. [02:15:05] Speaker C: We. [02:15:08] Speaker E: Shall. Follow us. There's no way that we can do both, is there? [02:15:16] Speaker A: Want to save her? We finished this, Zung Zi says. But we can't finish this if you die here before you make an action. Roman, go ahead and make a battle check. See how you're doing against the morning Star here. [02:15:33] Speaker D: I'm. I'm getting destroyed. [02:15:37] Speaker A: Appalachia, you get you in this exchange of blows, you miscalculate in your rage, in your delirium. And the Morningstar gets the upper hand in the fight and stabs the trident into your chest. It misses the cockpit, just barely, but in a way, the trident stabs you in the heart, right? At least the appalachian heart. And the reactor just completely shuts the fuck down. I'll call it, like, a level three harm here of reactor meltdown, right? Like, if you start, like, bleeding out radioactive substances. And I am despair. Retainer of the chow fry in house of dang daughter of Francis Maxillon. You left my father to die. [02:16:45] Speaker D: Hope. Hope, just. [02:16:47] Speaker A: No, no. And now I listen to you. [02:16:54] Speaker D: Hope, please. [02:16:55] Speaker A: Please. No. No. [02:17:04] Speaker B: Can any of us do anything right now? [02:17:06] Speaker A: You can try. Yeah, if you think you're fast enough to get to him. [02:17:11] Speaker B: Yeah, I would like for Klaxon to use his grappling hook and throw out a lifeline, just basically. Just like, fishing for apple Locky and then pulling him back. And I would love if I can get some help. [02:17:31] Speaker E: You're all here to help? [02:17:34] Speaker B: Like, I think it would be poetic if as many people as we could just were all pulling on the Apollo key, just together on that one fishing grapple line. [02:17:49] Speaker A: It's gonna be a group manipulate. Check. So who has the highest manipulate out of all of you? [02:17:56] Speaker B: Can I burn? I'm going to use burn. A quirk. [02:17:58] Speaker A: Okay, you can burn a quirk. That'll be two d six. [02:18:02] Speaker E: Can I also burn a quirk? Like, can we all contribute? [02:18:06] Speaker A: Yeah, have a quirk. Yes. Okay. [02:18:09] Speaker C: Oh, sweet. [02:18:10] Speaker D: I've burn a quirk, too. [02:18:13] Speaker E: It won't burn all the quirks. [02:18:14] Speaker C: Well, yeah, like, if we're. If we're allowing this, I'll burn aggressive targets very well so that you launch it at exactly the right spot. [02:18:22] Speaker E: I will burn my unwieldy controls just to get tangled up enough in the grappling line to not let go. [02:18:28] Speaker A: All right, so that altogether is going to be three d six. And then, Kallaxin, you're going to take three points of stress. [02:18:40] Speaker B: Okay? [02:18:41] Speaker A: And go ahead, roll the die. All right, here we go. No, double quote. [02:18:53] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [02:18:55] Speaker C: Rule 28. [02:18:57] Speaker A: Come on. You're gonna take a wound. You're gonna take harm. Mm hmm. You're getting radiation poisoning really bad here from the reactor meltdown as you're getting dragged along. And then, and then you're also going to take. I'm going to put that level three damage to a level four. And Apolloqi gets separated in half, like, just gets legs gone hips from, like, you guys barely get the cockpit and the head and, like, an arm off, as Apalachi is. And the memory of Francis Maxim is destroyed under the trident of the morning star. So by the time you guys pull what's left of Apolloqi and Roman back onto the marigold, the clock finishes. So that brings us down to eight. Roman. When you pull Roman out of the cockpit, several pustules and boils are on his skin. And if he doesn't receive immediate medical attention, he will die. But you hear Jack, you hear Nina go. Okay, launch protocols go. And both ships lift off. And so even though the hornets try to pursue, the Garuda kind of, like, zips around and definitely kind of, like, swats them away in dogfight, covering your escape, because that's a double one. The garud is still out there. When the marigold breaks atmosphere and rupiah, you hear devinder for on the comps. He says, like, I think I said the name of that play. I wasn't supposed to say in that. That, um, all those years ago. So I. He's saying this while he's, like, you know, still, like, kind of weaving through these missiles and bolts and laser guns. Um. Okay, guys, you're clear. Uh, keep. Keep my boy safe. [02:21:28] Speaker C: No, you bastard. You promised. [02:21:30] Speaker A: And you see him get the Garuda get peppered with round after round as it begins to descend and crash into the lake where he's surrounded by trash, mandalas, and smoke, and he's gone. [02:22:11] Speaker E: I wasn't supposed to lose you again. [02:22:21] Speaker A: And the merry girl jumps to FTL. The hornets sees their pursuit, and the morning star looks up at the sky as you see the ship kind of blink flash and gone. One of the hornets steps up beside. The disparity was like, my lady, do you want us to pursue? She says, no. They're not going to make it to Celadong alive. Our job is done here. Thank you for watching this episode of Mekong Symphony for the devil. I've been your game master and storyteller and director Jerry La, and it's been an honor and a pleasure being able to tell this story with all of you. If you like this game, please be sure to check out beam Saber RpG on itch IO. And if you like us and you want to see more, be sure to follow Queen's court's games on all the socials and on Patreon. Be sure to join us for our next installment of Mekong Symphony for the devil. Everyone, put your hands together for this lovely cast. And if you want to process your grief before you shout out your socials, this is your time to do so. [02:23:40] Speaker C: Well never to reprocessing my grief. [02:23:42] Speaker A: How dare you, you asshole, man. [02:23:49] Speaker E: All right. Jesus. Rough, bud. [02:23:55] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [02:23:57] Speaker B: Hi, my name is Ryan. You could find me under Twitter under ryan omga, or under Instagram at Ryan Omega. I'm going to pass it over to Andrew. [02:24:13] Speaker D: Hi, everyone. Andrew J. Alandy here played Roman, pronouncing him. You can find me Twitter and Instagram at Andrew J. Landy. That's Andrew, the letter J. Then my last name, Alandi. Let's pass it over to. Let's pass it over to Pooja. [02:24:33] Speaker E: Hi, I'm Pooja, and I've been playing. [02:24:35] Speaker C: Rupiah, and you can find me on the Internet as forgotten saves. You can find me playing other ttrpgs with slightly less psychic damage on the happy Jack's rpg network. Don't go cuddle my cat now. [02:24:56] Speaker E: Clara. [02:24:56] Speaker C: I think that means it's your turn. [02:25:00] Speaker E: I'm Clara. I've been playing already. Pronouns she, her, for both of us. I'm best known for the vicious ass beating I gave Jerry after this episode and the arrest that came right after it. Otherwise, you can find me here at Queen Queens court playing vampire and other things, and over at Happy Jack's rpg podcast playing other things. [02:25:27] Speaker A: I'm Jerry Law. You can find me at myjerry amour. A m o u r on Instagram and Twitter. And I don't think I need to say anything more. My actions have spoken much louder than the things I've said today. So that's all from me. Fare thee well. Stay hydrated. Tell someone you care about. Don't mess with space demons, and especially don't. Actually, no, nevermind. I'm just going to save face here. I'm about to get my ass beat in a Danny's parking lot by Clara. And you know what? I just want to let everybody know that if this is my last will and testament on earth, I accept my fate. Have a good night, everyone, and take care. [02:26:15] Speaker E: I'm not going to kill you, Jerry. Yet.

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