Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 5

September 13, 2023 03:17:54
Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 5
One Shots and Other Mischief
Harlem Unbound - Harlem Hellfighters Never Die, Episode 5

Sep 13 2023 | 03:17:54


Show Notes

An all-Black cast of Harlemite investigators are on the case when a series of unexplained attacks rock their close knit community. Something is targeting the Harlem Hellfighters, veterans of the famous all-Black infantry regiment. When the war comes home, will these investigators be able to pull the community together in time to save their local heroes?

"Harlem Hellfighters Never Die" is sponsored by Chaosium Inc. and Darker Hue Studios, where Chris Spivey specializes in recontextualizing fraught genres to highlight the voices of marginalized communities. Take a new look at the Cthulhu Mythos with "Harlem Unbound", or explore the forgotten stories of the American frontier with "Haunted West."

Harlem Unbound: https://www.chaosium.com/harlem-unbound-2nd-edition-pdf/
Haunted West: http://www.darkerhuestudios.com/shop/5jzf1ll837tdgeyhcb1csp03d6qpsu

CONTENT WARNING: Blood/Gore, Corruption, Gaslighting, Occultism, Post-Traumatic Stress, Violence.

Adelaide Warner - Laura Tutu (@laura_tutu)
Duane Bishop - Christian McKinzie (@afluffygoomba)
Johnny "JB" Williams - Robert Madison II (@maddrrob)
Ruby Sampson - Jas Brown (@cinderscoria)
The Keeper - Noir Enigma (@thenoirenigma)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome to yet another single serving tabletop adventure from Queen's court games. I am Laura Tutu, and today we are diving back into Harlem Hellfighters never die, a scenario from Chris Spivey's Harlem unbound for Call of Cthulhu, 7th edition. We will get the ball rolling in just a second, but we do have our housekeeping items to attend to. If you are interested in purchasing the game for yourself, go right ahead and throw exclamation point scenario into the chat. Also, Harlem Hellfighters never die contains certain themes that some viewers may find disturbing or distasteful, including violence, the occult, PTSD, corruption, and gaslighting. As a cast, we have discussed our lines and veils in advance via a session zero, and we have all agreed on a code of conduct to keep our table safe and respectful. But we want everybody who's watching at home to be safe as well. And now, without further ado, let me introduce our table. First up, tiny and full of rage. It's jazz. [00:01:00] Speaker B: What up, I'm jazz. [00:01:04] Speaker A: Next, the walking, talking personification of talk shit get hit. It's Robert Madison II. [00:01:11] Speaker C: Hey, we're fine. [00:01:12] Speaker A: You're fine. It's fine out here. Straight up being party dad. It's Christian. [00:01:20] Speaker D: Bye. [00:01:22] Speaker E: That's it. [00:01:24] Speaker A: And it's me. Still your resident shit poster in chief, QCG's social media maven, Laura Tutu. You can call me Laura. [00:01:32] Speaker D: That's fine. [00:01:33] Speaker A: And last, but certainly not least, we have our illustrious keeper, the one and only Nora Nygma. Links to everyone's assorted social media accounts can be found by sending exclamation point cast into the chat. So we have been introduced. You know that we've got our lines and veil set noir. We're about to wrap this thing up. We got. We got some loose threads to tie up. So, uh, would you tell us a story? [00:03:42] Speaker D: Alright, so when we last left off, you all faced. Well, there's no way to put it, other than you faced a brain in a jar who animated his own dead body. And it was a rather tedious and difficult battle. You didn't get too much in the way of details of who this individual is, other than the fact that this was a. This was something created in a very weird, ritualistic way, in that the brain was alive and conscious. But through a very arduous battle and some fancy footwork from Adelaide and a grenade that you are all lucky to have come across, you were able to thwart the brain in a jar and the animated body. And this is where we're picking up as you're all scampering away, the explosion clearly very loud. And this is a hotel that. Well, to put it bluntly, it's racist af. They ran into the cops. You already had a running with the cops. That did not go well. So as you're all scampering away from this motel, I am going to need some rolls. [00:05:26] Speaker B: Do we have to? [00:05:28] Speaker D: Dang. Yeah. [00:05:30] Speaker E: Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. What's the roll? What are we rolling? [00:05:34] Speaker D: I am going to need a stealth roll from our artist. I don't like it. [00:05:43] Speaker A: Like it at all. [00:05:44] Speaker D: I like it. I like it, I like it. Was my stealth always that low? Oh, God. Oh, hey. [00:05:53] Speaker E: Oh, I'll spell. I'll spend points. [00:05:56] Speaker D: I will spend points to not have that be bad for me. Are you gonna spit? You're gonna spend six luck points. [00:06:03] Speaker E: I will spend six. [00:06:05] Speaker D: Okay. And Adelaide, are you gonna spend. I believe you need twelve luck points. [00:06:14] Speaker C: Can I use some of my extreme success to help my cousin? I think we're both pretty. [00:06:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Cause I got. [00:06:23] Speaker D: That. [00:06:24] Speaker A: Makes sense. Cause I've got shrapnel in my shoulder from the explosion and J. [00:06:27] Speaker D: B. Got shot. [00:06:29] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:06:30] Speaker D: Then here's I. Hmm. With your extreme success, I will allow you to use a bonus abilene. [00:06:43] Speaker A: You are a kind keeper. [00:06:49] Speaker D: All you need is to not roll. [00:06:54] Speaker C: Let's see. [00:06:55] Speaker D: I mean, a one or two and you're safe. Let's see what you get. Oh. [00:07:05] Speaker A: That'S a three. [00:07:07] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:07:10] Speaker E: Could you use your luck then? Or no? [00:07:12] Speaker D: Yeah, no. Oh, right. [00:07:14] Speaker C: Because you pushed it. [00:07:17] Speaker D: No, actually you can push your roll. [00:07:21] Speaker C: Just use the lock. Just use the lock. [00:07:22] Speaker B: Oh, I forgot that was a thing. [00:07:24] Speaker D: Oh, my God. You can't push your roll, but that would increase the level of difficulty. Yeah, use the luck. [00:07:31] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I mean, I'm just gonna use the luck. We're just gonna use the luck. [00:07:34] Speaker D: We're gonna hope for the best. [00:07:38] Speaker A: Nope. [00:07:39] Speaker D: Nope. [00:07:40] Speaker A: I don't know why that rolled, but okay. Yeah, no, I'm using lock. [00:07:42] Speaker D: Okay. So you gotta spin the twelve points. Yep. Cool, cool, cool. All right. So with that, you are all able to scamper away. Bloodied, beaten, but away. You do hear the swarming of cops as they come to check out the area. But it doesn't look like any of them have a bead on you. Where would you all like to go? It's about. I want to say it's about nine. Eight to nine ish pm. You know that tomorrow night, Sam's challenge. Tomorrow is the night of Sam's challenge. So that means that you have tonight and most of tomorrow to prepare. [00:08:37] Speaker E: I think we should go to the armory because they're soldiers, so they know how to dress a wound quickly and we can regroup and tell them what happened, and they'll believe us. [00:08:53] Speaker A: And if we go. If we go to the hospital, there's a chance that someone will send word to the fucking cops. [00:09:00] Speaker E: Yes. That's also a worry. So I think. I think with our own, it's the best option. [00:09:07] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [00:09:10] Speaker C: Quickly, please. Come on. [00:09:12] Speaker A: I've got. Yeah, I've got, like, under. Under JB's shoulder. Like, can't carry him for shit. Cause I'm not as strong as everybody else, but I don't care. My fucking cousin. [00:09:24] Speaker E: Well, you're. You're. [00:09:25] Speaker C: You're both fucked up, correct? [00:09:28] Speaker D: I know. [00:09:28] Speaker B: I'll get. I'll get your other side. [00:09:30] Speaker E: Yeah, I'll get. [00:09:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:09:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:35] Speaker D: So this is just a daisy chain of pretty fucked up. [00:09:38] Speaker B: So you're. I'm actually fine. So. [00:09:44] Speaker E: Wow. [00:09:45] Speaker D: I'll take a little bit. [00:09:47] Speaker C: Just so you know, when you can't really get JB's right side. [00:09:53] Speaker E: Right? [00:09:53] Speaker C: Cause I'm guess. I think he may have said it was. It was pellet. It was shocked. [00:09:58] Speaker E: Pellets? Yes, pellets. [00:10:00] Speaker C: Like, a lot of the shoulder. Like, the shoulder, it's still there, but, like, it's bad. [00:10:07] Speaker A: It done got shredded. [00:10:08] Speaker C: And you would think probably moving it would be a bad idea, right? [00:10:12] Speaker D: In fact, I'm going to say about halfway to the armory, you are noticing some excessive bleeding. I'm going to offer all of you a medicine check. [00:10:27] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:10:28] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, definitely. [00:10:30] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:10:31] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:10:32] Speaker D: No, I have no. [00:10:33] Speaker B: Oh, man. I got a roll of one. [00:10:35] Speaker E: I looked at that. [00:10:36] Speaker A: Didn't do that. I've got nothing. Did not do that. [00:10:41] Speaker C: Nope, nope, nope. [00:10:43] Speaker E: No one is in medicine. No one is a medicine. [00:10:46] Speaker D: All right. [00:10:46] Speaker C: I could spend luck, but it would just not. No. [00:10:49] Speaker D: Yeah. I will say this much. You don't know how bad, but even to someone with no knowledge of medicine, you are aware this is bad. The blood loss is a lot. JB, you are having a hard time staying conscious, and that's. That's why they would have stopped to kind of take a look at it as your feet are starting to drag more than they're stepping. [00:11:21] Speaker B: I probably would have ran on ahead then if I saw that it was bad, but I didn't know how bad. [00:11:26] Speaker D: I would have. [00:11:27] Speaker B: I wouldn't. Being the. Arguably the healthiest of us, I probably would have run on ahead to try to get help. [00:11:36] Speaker D: For my. Just for a story benefit. Go ahead and roll me a dexterity. [00:11:42] Speaker B: Me. Dexterity. [00:11:44] Speaker D: Oh, dexterity or constitution? [00:11:47] Speaker C: I don't like that. [00:11:49] Speaker B: I don't like that. [00:11:51] Speaker A: I don't like that at all. Why you say it like that? [00:11:53] Speaker B: You know, just cuz you know, just cuz. [00:11:56] Speaker D: Why just cuz, you know, sometimes just kiss. You know, sometimes you ask your rules. [00:12:02] Speaker B: Okay. [00:12:05] Speaker D: What a fuck. It's a success. [00:12:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I'm fine. [00:12:15] Speaker D: Cool. So you go zipping off. Yeah. What are the rest of you all doing? Jamie, I'm actually gonna ask you to give me a constitution role. I'm gonna make it hard. Oh, no. [00:12:32] Speaker C: I'll spend two luck points. [00:12:33] Speaker D: Absolutely. [00:12:34] Speaker C: Or I'll spend one. I only need one. [00:12:36] Speaker D: Yeah, you only need one. Um, you. You start to nod off for a second, and then you're able to just kind of shake yourself back up. JB, don't you dare. JB. [00:12:46] Speaker A: Don't you dare. [00:12:51] Speaker E: I'm going to pick JB up and carry his ass to the, uh, place since I seemed like starting to lilt a little bit. [00:13:04] Speaker C: Almost there. [00:13:07] Speaker E: Do I. Should I give, like, a strength, or am I talking about here? We're talking role. [00:13:13] Speaker D: I'm gonna ask for an intelligence check, actually. [00:13:15] Speaker E: Intelligence. [00:13:16] Speaker C: Ooh. Mm hmm. No. [00:13:22] Speaker D: Adelaide. I'll also ask one from you as well. [00:13:25] Speaker A: Intelligence. [00:13:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:27] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:13:32] Speaker D: Nope. Okay. Nope. [00:13:35] Speaker E: Get the bad rolls out now. [00:13:37] Speaker C: Do I need to make one? No, I think we should get the good ones out to save my life. [00:13:40] Speaker D: I think that's a good idea. [00:13:43] Speaker B: Say your life now so you can die later. [00:13:46] Speaker D: I will give you you an intelligence role with a bonus. [00:13:53] Speaker B: Your life. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Pretty nice. [00:13:59] Speaker C: I will bonus to see if it's lower. It is not. So we'll take the success. [00:14:03] Speaker D: As you get picked up, you feel the bleeding like it's before. It was like a little steady stream. If the second you elevate it in the opposite direction, you're. You're bleeding like crazy. Gravity. Okay. [00:14:21] Speaker C: Yeah, we're gonna. [00:14:22] Speaker D: Gravity. [00:14:23] Speaker C: Yeah, no, no, no. [00:14:25] Speaker E: Keep that even. [00:14:26] Speaker D: Keep that even. [00:14:27] Speaker E: Got it, got it, got it. [00:14:30] Speaker D: You're also weird that somebody should probably wrap it. [00:14:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I was gonna say, can I, like, rip the. The hem of my dress and, like, wrap it around. [00:14:40] Speaker D: There you go. Yeah, go ahead and roll me a first aid. I'll give you a bonus. [00:14:54] Speaker E: What is that? [00:14:54] Speaker D: What is that? Critical success. Oh, shit. [00:14:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:00] Speaker D: I love that. That's a very good thing. Blood just gives up. [00:15:07] Speaker E: It's like, nope, not even anymore. [00:15:09] Speaker D: So go ahead and roam me a d six. All right, JB, you are able to add three points to your. Your hit points. As the blood is finally stopped, the tourniquet stops the bleeding, and you're being carried now, so it's giving you a chance to catch your breath. Okay, the camera's gonna zoom away from you all, tending to JB, to Ruby. With your success on the dexterity, you're able to haul ass. And you see the armory. Uh, there are about four individuals stationed outside the door, blatantly holding. Holding, uh, guns. Uh, and as soon as they see you running in that direction, they point. Uh, and then you hear a familiar voice go, hey, no, down, down. He's fine, he's fine. And you see Raymond, I'll run over to you and going, what the hell. [00:16:27] Speaker B: Are you doing here, Jamie? [00:16:30] Speaker A: Everybody's hurt. [00:16:30] Speaker B: Actually, kind of, except for me. I'm not really that hurt, but everybody's hurt right down there. You need to get somebody, like a nurse or something. [00:16:37] Speaker D: How far? Like, I don't know how far, you say. Just about two or three blocks. [00:16:42] Speaker B: Two or three blocks that way. [00:16:44] Speaker D: Raymond snaps his fingers, makes a gesture, and you see one of the guys in the front runs to the back, and the garage door opens out the side, and he goes, get in. And he's talking to you. [00:17:03] Speaker B: I will get in. [00:17:06] Speaker D: All right, you see. You see a very lanky, very lanky. He's got almost like a surfer body, where it's just all lean muscle in a white button up, a pauper's hat, bottleneck glasses, a gun on his side, and just some casual dockers. And he looks over to you and goes, Dominic, I'm volunteering to help. I saw the. I've heard about what's going on. [00:17:47] Speaker B: All of it. All of it. [00:17:51] Speaker D: They arrested two soldiers. [00:17:54] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:17:54] Speaker D: Yes. [00:17:55] Speaker B: Yep, they did. It's awful. Yeah, my friends. [00:18:01] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's, like, hauling ass. And it only takes a couple of minutes before he sees all of your friends kind of huddled over JB. Just initial impressions. It doesn't look great. But then you see Dwayne pick JB up, and then he just. You all see a pretty banged up Ford come skids in the snow right in front of you. And this individual hops out, and he goes, I just put him in the back. I've got. I've got a first aid kit. I can. Oh, what? You're all. Everybody get in the car. I'll take you. I'll take us back to the armory. [00:18:51] Speaker E: Oh, and I'll put it I'll put him in as gently as I can, but as expediently as I can. Just trying to make sure that no further damage is done. Being as careful as I can. [00:19:07] Speaker C: I get in the car, and I just look at you, Dwayne, as you're helping me, and I'm. The bleeding's getting stopped, but all I'm doing is looking at you going, what? Where? And I'm, like, looking at you, trying to look to my right, but I can't look to my right that. Well, right there. [00:19:32] Speaker D: She's right there, JB. [00:19:34] Speaker A: I'm right here, bud. I'm right here. I'm okay. I'm okay. [00:19:40] Speaker D: Um, who would like to make me a spot hidden? [00:19:46] Speaker C: I would. [00:19:47] Speaker B: So if any of us are concerned about that. [00:19:50] Speaker D: Right. [00:19:50] Speaker B: Oh, thank God. [00:19:53] Speaker D: Dwayne. You're the first to see it. As soon as. As soon as Dominic starts to turn around to head back to the armory, you see the headlights of a familiar model team. It's black and it's ancient. Is Rari. As it's starting to head your. Your direction, it's coming from the same direction as the Somerset motel. [00:20:20] Speaker E: Gotcha. Who has? I think. [00:20:26] Speaker D: Do you still. Do we still have the guns? [00:20:28] Speaker C: I've given you mine. I have one shot left I would have grabbed. [00:20:33] Speaker E: I think, seeing the car coming up and driving up. With expediency. I look at Addie and go stay by him, and I will take the gun, cock it, and just wait for a moment and then fire it directly at the. [00:20:53] Speaker C: The car. [00:20:54] Speaker D: Okay, um. Dominic, the driver sees you cocking a shotgun and goes, what the hell? [00:21:00] Speaker B: It's okay. [00:21:04] Speaker D: What do you mean? [00:21:05] Speaker B: You know what? It's actually super not okay, but it's okay right now. We have to do that, because if that person catches us, we'll die. So, you know, pick your poison. [00:21:13] Speaker D: Is that the cops? [00:21:14] Speaker A: No, it's worse. [00:21:18] Speaker D: He just slams all the gas, um, and he starts to drive. But you notice that he makes a sharp turn away from the armory. [00:21:31] Speaker B: Where am I going? [00:21:32] Speaker D: I can't bring them back. I can't. But if that. If it's as bad as he say it is, I can't bring it to the armory. [00:21:38] Speaker A: We need a medic. We need a nurse, somebody. [00:21:43] Speaker B: Where are you going? Where are we going? I don't know. [00:21:48] Speaker D: I don't know. You can see he's starting to panic. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Okay, okay. [00:21:53] Speaker C: Hey, hey. Don't focus up. You know what you're doing. We need help. [00:22:03] Speaker D: Throw me a persuasion maybe. [00:22:07] Speaker C: Persuasion me. Okay. [00:22:09] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, I'm even I'm gonna say he's good. You're gonna get a bonus as well, because you are in the worst shape, clearly. [00:22:16] Speaker C: Okay. [00:22:17] Speaker D: Pitiful pity bonus. [00:22:19] Speaker B: We know. That's not what I meant. Oh, dang. [00:22:25] Speaker C: 25, then. [00:22:28] Speaker D: Oh, shit. Okay. Like, you see he's freaking out, and seeing you lit up, it still be like, hey, calm down. Like, give me the full breath of what you tell this kid in the. [00:22:43] Speaker C: Midst of panicking while everyone's, like, getting hyped up on adrenaline. I'm sort of. Sort of coasting on, barely cover, unconscious. What's your name? [00:23:01] Speaker D: Dominic. Dominic. [00:23:04] Speaker C: I'm JB. This hurts real bad. Real bad. But we're gonna be okay because you know what you're doing. [00:23:18] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:23:18] Speaker C: They wouldn't have sent you out here if you didn't know what you were doing. [00:23:22] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:23:23] Speaker C: So. So. So you're gonna. You're gonna drive fast. You're gonna lose this guy. You're gonna get us where we can get help. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. [00:23:41] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah, yeah. All right. [00:23:44] Speaker A: Um. [00:23:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:23:47] Speaker D: And you see, puts his foot on the gas, and he starts to go. The model t is following closely behind. And if you listen close enough, you could hear shouting and expletives in German. Uh, Dwayne, it you are in shooting range. It would. At this point, it would be a hard shot. Or you can wait until. It's not until you get a clearer shot. [00:24:19] Speaker E: I'm waiting. I'm waiting for the clear, cleanest shot I can get. Just playing patient. Just waiting for the moment to either shoot him or shoot the tire so that his car goes out of control. [00:24:33] Speaker D: All right, well, in that case, we're going to see how Dominic is doing trying to get this guy off of him. [00:24:41] Speaker B: Oh. [00:24:45] Speaker A: You want to talk about luck? [00:24:47] Speaker C: We take those. [00:24:49] Speaker D: All right, so Dominic. Dominic goes, uh, I know these streets pretty well. Um, my dad was the cab driver. All right, so there's. Let me just stop talking. And he hits the brake. The car slides. And it stops just in between. It stops just in front of an alleyway that's particularly slim. And he slams on the gas, the wheels rear up, and he just gets down this alleyway that the car is just barely small enough to fit in. He's dodging dubster city, dodging trash cans. Um, and you see. Let's see if our goon is able to make this fail. Fail. Here we go with no problem. He makes the same slide, and he's behind you in this alley, and he's catching up. The only good news about this is that there is nowhere for this car to dodge. Should Dwayne take a shot? So, Dwayne, you can get your shot off with a bonus. [00:26:16] Speaker E: We love a straightaway. We love a one way street. [00:26:25] Speaker C: With bonus. [00:26:26] Speaker D: Hey, that would be a hard. [00:26:28] Speaker C: That'd be a hard success. That'd be a hard success. [00:26:30] Speaker D: That is, in fact, a hard success. Changing the damage from a. Jesus, take. [00:26:39] Speaker A: Out that engine block, baby. [00:26:41] Speaker D: No, hate that. Hate it. Hate it. Um, tragic. You. You hit. You hit the car, uh, and you see the windshield blast out. And for a second, it looks like the driver has slumped over, but then you just see as he gets back up, slamming on the gas, and you see Dominic go, do it again. And he passes you his revolver. [00:27:15] Speaker E: Fantastic. Fantastic. Do it again. Do I do it again right now? [00:27:20] Speaker D: Yeah. Yes, yes. But this is not a shotgun. So whatever your pistol or revolver is, that's what you'll be using. [00:27:29] Speaker E: Yes. So that was. That's my record. So what. What is that damage wise? Because I got a success. [00:27:35] Speaker D: That is just going to be a much better. Okay with that, I'm going to say that you do see the cars go as the. The front driver tire is flattened and it starts to turn, but there's no. Not enough space for it to turn. So it ends up slamming into the two buildings that make up this small alley and stopping. And you just hear as you all are able to drive away and make your way safely back to the armory. [00:28:20] Speaker C: That sounds. That's a good sound. That's a good sound. [00:28:24] Speaker B: Yelling at us in rage. [00:28:26] Speaker C: Yep. Because I don't. I don't hear an engine anymore. [00:28:31] Speaker D: Let's keep going. It doesn't take very long for you all to get back to the armory. You hear people in the garage of the armory going, where the hell did you go? You hear Dominic going, there's some guy who's following them. And immediately there are nurses and doctors who are picking JB up, who are assisting you, Adelaide, and you as well, Dwayne. And they're taking you to some makeshift beds. You could tell that these were makeshift beds that they were making in preparation of what was going to happen. They didn't think they would be used so quickly. Um, Ruby, you being the least, or the un ancient among them. You see, Raimundo, I got him mixed up with another character. You see him looking at all of you all coming in, and he just puts his hands on your shoulder. He goes, are you okay? [00:29:42] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. Yes. [00:29:47] Speaker D: All right, so I'm sure all of you have a lot to tell us. [00:29:55] Speaker B: I can tell. I can tell him. Y'all just heal up and. And. And there. [00:30:02] Speaker D: You're gonna be. [00:30:02] Speaker B: They're gonna be okay, right? [00:30:06] Speaker D: Let me take a look. And Raymond walks over to you, JB, and goes, not gonna be doing any pull ups soon, but, uh, yeah, you'll be. You'll be okay. Takes a look over at LA. It takes a look over at Dwayne. It's good. You're gonna be in pain for a while. You got some medicine for that? But I don't see anything life threatening. What? Who shot you? [00:30:43] Speaker C: Uh, not me. [00:30:45] Speaker D: Yeah, that. That's a buckshot if I've ever seen one. [00:30:51] Speaker A: Um. [00:30:51] Speaker D: Hung out with some canadian boys during the trip over, and, uh. I recognize that. Anyway, I think, um. [00:31:04] Speaker C: Not your phone. Not your fault. It's not your fault. And you'll see a tear come down JB's face. It's not true. [00:31:15] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:31:16] Speaker E: We're dealing with the same boys that you guys are dealing with here. About to deal with here. Got a bit of trouble with them. That's why we came so late. Being chased by a. What's the car again? [00:31:32] Speaker D: Model t four. [00:31:33] Speaker E: Model t four. Really angry. Really angry. German. [00:31:41] Speaker A: Um. We, uh. We went. We went to check on Beck. [00:31:55] Speaker D: What did you find out? [00:32:02] Speaker A: He's, um. [00:32:04] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:32:07] Speaker A: I don't know. I don't know what happened to him. But the body was. [00:32:18] Speaker B: Tortured. [00:32:22] Speaker A: I twisted him and burned him. [00:32:26] Speaker C: And you just see. [00:32:30] Speaker D: Punches a hole in the wall as he continued. [00:32:34] Speaker A: We found. Um. Dwayne, do you have the box? [00:32:41] Speaker E: And I'll pull out the backs. Box detects. Yeah, under the bed. Detects radiation. [00:32:51] Speaker D: As soon as you take the box out, it goes haywire. On Ramundo. [00:32:58] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:32:59] Speaker D: As soon as it sees Raymond, it goes haywire looking at it. Can I see that? [00:33:07] Speaker E: Yeah, sure. We know it detects certain radiation, specifically the battle you all were in. So before you go saying any kind of story or weird thing. Yes, we know the other guy is. [00:33:28] Speaker B: Soaked in it too. Just, you know. [00:33:30] Speaker C: Yes. [00:33:31] Speaker D: What other guy chasing us? [00:33:35] Speaker E: The guy who's responsible for this. [00:33:38] Speaker B: Well, the German. [00:33:43] Speaker A: Um. We, uh. Things started going off in front of the. The Somerset and went upstairs, followed it, and there was. [00:34:04] Speaker D: Hey, um. [00:34:08] Speaker A: There was a. I'll look around. Are the other. Are the other hellfighters nearby, or is it just Raymond right now? [00:34:18] Speaker D: Raymond. But you do see Sam walk in and just makes a beeline to the back room. [00:34:29] Speaker A: Might want to get Sam on this too. [00:34:36] Speaker D: Sam thought some sale stops reuse. You can hear shells and bullets, and he walks out of the room and walks over. And you see he recognizes Bex's box the moment he locks eyes on it. And there's immediate sadness. [00:35:14] Speaker A: There was. There was something at the Somerset. That had this thing going off like crazy. We followed second floor. There was. It was a living brain in a jar. [00:35:45] Speaker D: Oh, Jules. I thought he was dead. I told you. [00:35:55] Speaker B: Know what it is? [00:35:58] Speaker E: It was. [00:35:59] Speaker B: Well, it was. Well, if they thought it was dead, how do we know it isn't dead? [00:36:05] Speaker A: Because if it's on the ceiling. [00:36:09] Speaker C: That exploded. It. [00:36:14] Speaker D: Sounds like you ran into, uh, Carl Metzger. So lead scientists over on the chairman side. He's the, uh. He's the one we stopped. And they were doing some sort of ritual. Thought he got caught in the blast. I heard his boy Hans Vakhta has been walking around. Tall, burly looking bastard. Few strands of hair. But I thought he was just trying to. Honestly, I didn't know what he was trying to do. I thought he was trying to get us back. But Bex had this theory, you know, that we didn't stop the ritual, we just disrupted it. That, uh. The energy Metzger needed to complete the ritual, it was on us. He thought that's why we were being hunted down. Try and get some of that back. So they could get back to doing whatever it was they were doing. [00:37:51] Speaker A: Well, uh. Metzger is splattered on the ceiling of that room at the Somerset. [00:38:11] Speaker E: So was his body. I guess. That was what that was. [00:38:15] Speaker B: Hope, that was his body. But it was a body. [00:38:20] Speaker C: Tried to make us do stuff, you know? [00:38:24] Speaker D: Tried to make you do stuff. [00:38:30] Speaker E: Hurt us. It controlled me. Made me hurt the others. [00:38:49] Speaker D: Metsuka's been studying this stuff all his life. The extent of his knowledge. And he didn't have any qualms about morals. This stuff is real and it's old. And Sam puts a head on your shoulder, Dwayne goes. There's no way anybody could have be prepared. I'm just glad y'all made it out. [00:39:28] Speaker E: Me too. [00:39:29] Speaker A: Yeah, it was, um. It was close. [00:39:38] Speaker B: JB's right, Wayne. It's not your fault. [00:39:47] Speaker D: What did he do? Was it. Was it Hans of was it voctor that was chasing y'all just now? [00:39:56] Speaker B: Um, that seems to pretty. A pretty apt description of him. [00:40:00] Speaker A: Um, if that's the only other white guy with a fucked up face running around Harlem. Yeah. [00:40:07] Speaker B: I hope there's not more. [00:40:09] Speaker D: I swear to God, those cars fucked. [00:40:12] Speaker E: Up in an alley. So we won't be driving anywhere anytime soon. [00:40:16] Speaker B: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? [00:40:20] Speaker C: Gives us time and with that time, can't somebody please take a look at us? [00:40:29] Speaker D: This whole time, they've just. They've had nurses cottages kind of extending to you, right about the owl. And Sam goes, you're about to have the best sleep you've had in a while, so prepare for that. And you see a needle just right to the arm, and where you expect there to be searing pain. It just numbs it. Oh, and there's like this warm feeling of drinking warm milk and honey, and you can feel yourself being lulled to sleep. In fact, all of you are given some variation of painkillers that is going to knock you out for the night. So if there's any, they do let you know beforehand. You're probably going to be out after this. So if there's anything you want to say, now's the time to say, do. [00:41:35] Speaker B: I get it, too? I'm fine. [00:41:36] Speaker D: No, absolutely not. [00:41:38] Speaker B: Okay. [00:41:39] Speaker D: Absolutely. Can I have some? [00:41:41] Speaker B: No. [00:41:42] Speaker C: No. [00:41:42] Speaker E: Hell no. Absolutely not. [00:41:47] Speaker A: Um, I would want to talk to Sam briefly. I'm pulling the shrapnel out of my arm. [00:41:57] Speaker D: The nurse is, like, getting ready. [00:42:00] Speaker C: Wait, Sam goes? [00:42:03] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:42:07] Speaker A: Sam, you need to tell us everything. Everything you know. We are in the ship with you. Now, I understand that it's soldier business, but that soldier business has come to Harlem. [00:42:33] Speaker D: Some monsters chased us home. That's what we're dealing with right now. Hans has been hunting for the remaining hellfighters to get this energy back, to finish doing whatever it is that he's doing, and he's. From what I've been able to gather, he's been employing the use of white supremacists and police to assist system with the promise of power. [00:43:20] Speaker A: So that's why he's got the 32nd working for him. One of them. We went in for visitation to make sure the boys were okay, and one of them had a tattoo on his wrist. So if there's one of them in that precinct, it's probably the lot of them. [00:43:49] Speaker D: I know more than anything that Metzger wanted to finish what he started. And if he is a stained on the wall like you said he is, then the threat of whatever ritual he was going to do is over. I don't think Hans is smart enough to figure out how to initiate that ritual. That puts our boys in prison in a curious situation, because, well, now they don't need to be killed in a specific way. Just. Anyway. [00:44:36] Speaker A: We'Re sure that. We're sure that Hans is just dumb muscle. [00:44:53] Speaker D: I'm as sure of it as I can be. [00:45:01] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Um, another thing else, we pissed him off. So Dwayne got a pretty damn good shot off. [00:45:18] Speaker D: Um, come here tomorrow. Bringing hell behind them. [00:45:27] Speaker A: Between that advert that you put out and our bullshit. Yeah. [00:45:35] Speaker D: So you should, uh, get some sleep then. [00:45:42] Speaker A: Yes, sir, captain. Um, and I'll go over and I'll squeeze Duane's hand, just briefly. [00:45:57] Speaker E: You can obviously tell that as much as people are saying it's not his fault, there is that fact that there was a moment where he could have. Or I could have done something, blocked something, did something else, but just wasn't enough. And that. That burden of responsibility is present. As he's, like, looking, or as I'm looking at JB, who's being tended to, and I guess is knocked out at this point because he got the shot first. [00:46:44] Speaker C: Probably the last thing you heard me say was yes, cuz, and I was out. [00:46:59] Speaker A: I mean it, Dwayne. Nothing you could have done. [00:47:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:47:06] Speaker A: We had no idea what we were getting into. [00:47:14] Speaker E: I meant to be dependable in a lot of ways. And when it came time to count the most. [00:47:23] Speaker C: I turned into a burden. [00:47:26] Speaker E: A burden that almost killed. Killed you. Killed all of you. [00:47:31] Speaker D: Maybe. [00:47:31] Speaker E: I don't know. I know it's not my fault. I know I couldn't have done anything. But that just makes me more angry. [00:47:48] Speaker A: Well, Metzger's a grease stain in the summer set. And, uh. Sounds like you already stuck one to Hans already, so. Chance you'll get another shot? Take it out on the bastard who deserves it. [00:48:19] Speaker C: I'm gonna try. [00:48:24] Speaker E: Make sure every bullet makes its target. None of them is you. None of you. [00:48:37] Speaker B: You're not a burden, Wayne. And if you were, we would carry you. Because you're our friend. I don't blame you. Pretty sure JB don't blame me either. [00:49:06] Speaker A: Yeah, he's, um. [00:49:11] Speaker C: Shit. [00:49:12] Speaker A: We've known you since we were eight. Nine at this point. Got both of us out of more trouble than I can recount. [00:49:32] Speaker D: Got a hands check. Is that a yes or no? [00:49:41] Speaker A: Is that a yes or no? [00:49:42] Speaker E: Yeah, if you want. [00:49:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:49:43] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm down. [00:49:44] Speaker D: Okay. [00:49:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So, yeah, and then I'll go up. Duane, are you standing or seated? [00:49:51] Speaker E: I think standing. [00:49:53] Speaker A: Okay, so, yeah, I'll just walk up, both arms around the neck. Big old, best as possible with the bandage. Big old squeeze slam next to you awkwardly reach over and grab Ruby. [00:50:12] Speaker D: You just hear one of the nurses off of this. Go sit down. Okay. [00:50:18] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, we can. We can get lovey dovey neighborhood when. [00:50:22] Speaker D: This is all over. [00:50:23] Speaker E: It's fine. [00:50:24] Speaker C: JB is gonna be so mad he messed up. Group hunk. [00:50:30] Speaker E: It's like, as we're pulling away from the hug and now going to our separate spots, I think I'm just gonna give it like a nice long glance and smile towards Addie. And then I'm gonna get yelled at it by another nurse, and I'm gonna. [00:50:47] Speaker C: Sit down. [00:50:50] Speaker D: With this display. They definitely come and give you all the painkillers that put you down. Ruby, you see this? And it's just you in the room for a little bit. But you do hear muffled talking between Sam, Raymond and a few others. [00:51:13] Speaker B: Are they in like the officer? [00:51:15] Speaker D: They're in the back office. Okay, cool. [00:51:18] Speaker B: I'll go and I'll raise my hand to knock, but I'm nosy, so eavesdropping. [00:51:26] Speaker D: Get Romeo, Lissy. Check. [00:51:35] Speaker B: I got extreme success. [00:51:37] Speaker D: You hear? They. They know what they're up against, and they've. If they took out Metzger, they're already in this. It's family. Do this for me. They can't be here for tomorrow, and you know that. They already know everything. It's not about what they know. I can't fight if she's here. So knock, knock, knock. And the door opens up, and you see Raymond, Sam and a couple of the nurses and doctors. Yeah. So. [00:52:38] Speaker B: I was gonna head out. Gotta tell dad where we are and make sure he's okay. So I was gonna head out, and I wanted to let you know I was leaving. [00:53:02] Speaker D: I said, hey. [00:53:06] Speaker B: You should tell him. Hey, I will. [00:53:12] Speaker D: Just got some things to take care of. [00:53:18] Speaker B: Are you gonna keep doing this. [00:53:24] Speaker D: Sam goes? [00:53:24] Speaker B: Putting on this brave face? [00:53:26] Speaker D: You gonna keep doing this, Sam goes? Gonna give you the riddle. And him and the doctors walk out and close the door behind them. It's not a brave face. It's, uh. I got a job to do. And then once the job is done, I'm just gonna go back to annoying you. [00:54:00] Speaker B: You could die tomorrow. [00:54:03] Speaker D: That's true every day. [00:54:06] Speaker B: Yeah, but every day folk don't go out looking for it. [00:54:10] Speaker D: I'm not looking for it. But if it comes, it's my job to stand in the way of it. [00:54:23] Speaker B: We came out here for you. We left home for you, to support you, to be here for you when you came back, because we had faith that you would come back. Now, I know what you've been up to, but daddy doesn't. And you could die tomorrow. You really want me to be the one to tell him? [00:55:00] Speaker D: A lot of these folks left home and took that trip so that maybe white folks will see that we people, too. That we give a shit and all that. I left because I. I want you to have to deal with this shit. I thought I'd meet it over there so that they get to your door. Dad's door. I ain't been good at much, Ruby. I'm an alright soldier. And I'm an alright soldier because. [00:56:07] Speaker C: I'm. [00:56:07] Speaker D: Fighting for some really important shit. I'm fighting because I don't want you to fight. I'm fighting because dad has been fighting all his life to take care of us. And I just want to take something off of these shoulders. [00:56:33] Speaker B: You're a great soldier, right? [00:56:39] Speaker D: I don't like to brag, but. [00:56:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:56:41] Speaker B: Yeah, you are. And I'm not saying don't fight. I'm just saying. I'm just saying don't leave without saying goodbye. That's it. [00:57:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:57:01] Speaker D: Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. I want to make something, um, clear to you, though. It's not a brave face. And I'm not trying to treat you like you dumb. Like. I don't know what the danger is. Like you don't know what the danger is. It's just that I. I gotta believe I'm above it. I gotta believe I can't be touched. Because if I start to get scared, then I might get slow. And I love you, kid. I never thought you was dumb. I never tried to sneak one past you. I just. I'm just functioning in the way they taught me. And the way that's been working is all. It's shit. [00:58:15] Speaker B: You need to find a new way. [00:58:18] Speaker D: Well, this has been the way that keeps bringing me back to you, so. [00:58:26] Speaker B: That's true. After, though? [00:58:31] Speaker D: After this. After this. I hope I don't have to pick up a gun again. [00:58:36] Speaker B: Me too. [00:58:40] Speaker D: Your friends are gonna probably be pissed for having them moved overnight. [00:58:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I imagine so. [00:58:50] Speaker D: Keeping them under lockdown just so they don't come back here. They ain't in no position to do anything other than get themselves killed. [00:58:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Not worry enough about you. I don't need to worry about them, too. [00:59:10] Speaker D: Dwayne's boss, Jefferson, he's letting us keep him at the ducks. Don't do anything stupid, kid. Don't let them out. Don't go to them. Stay home with pops. [00:59:30] Speaker B: I'm not stupid. [00:59:32] Speaker D: I know you're not stupid. Honestly, between the four of y'all, y'all have put together more than all of us in a couple of days. But now it's not about the brains part. It's about the shining part. Big heads just make big targets. Any kind of ruffles. Yeah. [01:00:02] Speaker B: Okay. Well, you come home. [01:00:11] Speaker D: Leah. Make sure you have some leftovers in the fridge that you don't want me to eat so I can eat them right back home. [01:00:21] Speaker B: I will not. [01:00:24] Speaker D: It's like you don't. It's like you're not even worried about me. I'm offended. [01:00:34] Speaker B: I'm going. Okay. [01:00:37] Speaker D: Love you, Ruby. [01:00:38] Speaker B: I love you, too. Be safe. [01:00:44] Speaker D: Nope. And he opens the door. [01:00:48] Speaker B: Addy. [01:00:49] Speaker D: So annoying. You can see your friends are being carted into an ambulance and a couple of nurses that go in with them as the doors close behind. And Dominic sees you coming out of the back office and goes, need a ride? [01:01:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Do you mind dropping me off? I gotta get home. My dad will be waiting up for me. [01:01:21] Speaker D: Not at all. Not at all. [01:01:24] Speaker B: You did good earlier, by the way. [01:01:27] Speaker D: I panicked. [01:01:29] Speaker B: That's okay. We all do. [01:01:32] Speaker D: I'm not supposed to. [01:01:35] Speaker B: You got through it. That's what matters. [01:01:39] Speaker D: You got tough friends. [01:01:41] Speaker B: I do. They're my friends. [01:01:49] Speaker D: And he takes you to the car and he just drives you home and stops outside your house and goes, if you guys need anything. [01:02:11] Speaker B: What you like. [01:02:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:02:15] Speaker B: Thank you, Dominic. [01:02:18] Speaker D: Bye, Ruby. [01:02:20] Speaker B: Bye. [01:02:23] Speaker D: With that, you come home. You can see there is a plate of spaghetti, cornbread, support chops. There's a note that says, love dead. And there's a plate set for you and a plate set for Raymond. [01:02:50] Speaker B: I fully cry as I eat dinner. I have not broken down this whole time. I am crying now. And I am not afraid to cry because my dad can't hear me. [01:03:02] Speaker D: So. And with that, that, the night passes. And I think this might be an early break. But I think this is still a pretty good spot for us to take a breath. Because tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day. [01:03:23] Speaker B: We gon die. [01:03:26] Speaker A: Faith. Faith. Faith. [01:03:29] Speaker D: Jack. [01:03:29] Speaker A: Shit. [01:03:30] Speaker D: No. [01:03:30] Speaker C: Faith. [01:03:31] Speaker A: It's gone rude. [01:03:33] Speaker B: It left my hope, my dreams, my. [01:03:38] Speaker D: Plans for the future. If that ain't the. [01:03:40] Speaker E: Ain't that. If that ain't the Cthulhu mindset, I don't know. [01:03:44] Speaker A: Swear to God. All right. Friends, foes, and fiends. It was a little early, but as Nora said, this does seem like a narratively appropriate time to take our break. Be about ten minutes, usually. Ten minutes? Maybe 15 minutes. We'll see. Depends on what v sets the timer for. But make sure you stand up, make sure you stretch. Go get some water, go get a snack, and we will see you right back here for the big showdown that we're all apparently barred from. See how long that lasts. We'll see in a bit. Welcome back, friends, to another single serving tabletop adventure. We are returned from our break, fed and watered and prepared for whatever cosmic horror noir decides to throw at us. Once again, this is Harlem Hellfighters never die by Chris Spivey from Harlem, unbound for Call of Cthulhu, seven edition. To be honest, this is usually the part of the Cthulhu where the Cthulhu starts happening. So buckle up, buttercup noir. The floor is yours. [01:04:56] Speaker D: Well, our story is going to pick up in a cold simber morning. You all, well, I should say Adelaide, JB and Dwayne, you wake up in. Well, it's not as warm as it was when you went to sleep. And you look around and you see yourself in an office building, uh, and your hand is handcuffed to your bedpost. What a fuck. [01:05:37] Speaker A: What the fuck? [01:05:41] Speaker D: And as you all start to stir awake, you hear? All right, all right, now, everybody relax. Relax, relax? [01:05:51] Speaker A: What do you mean, relax? [01:05:53] Speaker B: You. [01:05:56] Speaker D: See one of the nurses who was taking care of you by the name of Andre, still in loose scrubs and blood kind of autumn from tending to your wounds. Just. Hey, I get it. I get it. You're upset. I'd be upset, too. This is only for today. [01:06:16] Speaker A: Do you want. You want upset? I'll fucking show you upset, my guy. [01:06:20] Speaker D: Well, that's what the handcuffs are for, so you can't exactly show me upset. [01:06:25] Speaker A: I'm gonna whip the. Is there a pillow? Am I a pillow? I'm gonna whip it in his fucking head. [01:06:31] Speaker E: Why would you make this threat? [01:06:34] Speaker A: I will whip the nearest thing I can grab at his fucking head. [01:06:37] Speaker D: It is your pillow. And you do. You do get a good. It's like. Oh, okay, I stand corrected. [01:06:46] Speaker C: Why. Why are you being so loud? [01:06:50] Speaker D: That. That's your friends, and he goes to put the pillow back under your head. Alley. [01:06:57] Speaker E: We're handcuffed, JB. [01:06:59] Speaker C: What? [01:07:00] Speaker B: Touch me. [01:07:00] Speaker C: What? Oh, and maybe sort of pulled on the left one. [01:07:09] Speaker D: Your. Your ancient arm is not handcuffed. [01:07:15] Speaker C: Is it in a, like, immobilizer? [01:07:19] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. You are in a sling. It's taped up, it's bandaged up. Um, but it is only your healthy arm that is handcuffed. [01:07:32] Speaker C: Um, who are you? [01:07:37] Speaker D: I'm Andrew, one of the nurses over at the armory. [01:07:45] Speaker A: Our jailer. [01:07:47] Speaker D: Not a jailer. I'm just here to take care of you all for today. [01:07:51] Speaker C: Andrew, can you come here for a second, please? [01:07:55] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [01:07:58] Speaker C: First thing. Oh, yeah. Feeling sore. [01:08:03] Speaker D: Feeling sore. [01:08:04] Speaker C: Thank you for helping us. Second thing. Seems like my cousin's mad. [01:08:19] Speaker D: Very. [01:08:20] Speaker C: And you may want a alleviate that because she can get real mad, and that's not pretty. [01:08:41] Speaker D: The boys at the armory wanted me to tell y'all that you are in no condition to help them. And they know, left to your own devices, you would try to help them no matter what. What anybody said to you. So we just go stay here tonight or today. We've got. We got the radio, we can listen to the ball game. We got snacks, food, blankets, pillows, whatever you need. Just, you know, settle in. [01:09:15] Speaker A: Settle in. [01:09:16] Speaker B: Settle in. [01:09:17] Speaker D: And then tomorrow morning, you're on your way. [01:09:20] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:09:23] Speaker A: Settle in. Oh, my fucking God. [01:09:27] Speaker C: Andrew. Andrew, come here. Come here. Andrew, come here. Don't walk away from me. Don't walk away from me. [01:09:30] Speaker D: Yeah, let it. James. [01:09:33] Speaker C: My cousin's doing this, the thing where she says, oh, my God, and look the other way. I'm guessing I'm not looking. Cause I don't want to have that look habit at me. So. [01:09:43] Speaker D: Jaws real quick. It's clenched real tight, so don't look. [01:09:45] Speaker C: Don't look at me. Look. [01:09:47] Speaker D: I can't stop looking. It's terrifying. [01:09:49] Speaker C: Look at me. [01:09:49] Speaker D: Hey, buddy. [01:09:50] Speaker C: Hey, buddy. I'm with you. I'm. Here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna find a way to make her not mad or she's gonna get. [01:10:00] Speaker D: Don't look. [01:10:01] Speaker C: Don't look. I can't. [01:10:02] Speaker D: It's like. [01:10:03] Speaker B: Look at me. [01:10:03] Speaker D: All right? Yeah. [01:10:06] Speaker C: Make sure she's not mad. It's that she can at least maneuver on her own devices, or. I can't. [01:10:16] Speaker D: I can't. I can't unlock. Listen, I can't unlock y'all if I wanted to. [01:10:22] Speaker C: So you think that by keeping us here for a day is good now, friend. Andrew. Friend. Friend. [01:10:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:10:32] Speaker C: Um. You're gonna. It's your job to keep us here. [01:10:38] Speaker D: Yeah, it's my job to keep you healthy. [01:10:40] Speaker C: Healthy. Okay. [01:10:41] Speaker D: Somebody else job to keep y'all here. [01:10:43] Speaker C: So what I'm gonna need you to do is go find the person whose job it is to keep us here and ask them what they want for their. Ask them what they want for their last meal because Addie's gonna kill them. [01:10:54] Speaker A: What? Bring their black ass here? [01:10:58] Speaker C: I'm just saying, if you don't. If. If I'm. They may want to have something special, so they should go out and enjoy their last today. [01:11:07] Speaker D: Listen, I get it. I'd be mad, too. Like, there's a bunch of people going to help the fighters and, like. And I'd want to be there, too. [01:11:17] Speaker C: Andrew, look. Look at him. Mm hmm. [01:11:20] Speaker D: You told me not to. Now I can't stop. [01:11:23] Speaker C: Yeah, see, you. You were. You're trying to do your job. Now hold on. [01:11:28] Speaker D: Hold on. [01:11:28] Speaker C: Look at me. Focus, focus, focus, focus. [01:11:30] Speaker D: Lift is so tight. [01:11:31] Speaker C: Focus back on my voice. Focus back on my voice. [01:11:34] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [01:11:37] Speaker C: So I'm gonna say two things. First things first. You're gonna get me some painkillers. [01:11:41] Speaker D: Okay? [01:11:41] Speaker C: This is starting to hurt again. [01:11:42] Speaker D: Yeah, I got you. I got that, actually. [01:11:45] Speaker C: Good. Good. The second thing you're gonna do is find the person who's keeping us here and bring them in here, because I think we may want to have a work. [01:11:57] Speaker D: I can't do that. [01:11:59] Speaker C: I can't do that. [01:12:01] Speaker D: Uh, go ahead, Roby. A persuade. [01:12:05] Speaker E: This poor nurse. [01:12:06] Speaker B: I can't do that. [01:12:07] Speaker D: I'll whip. [01:12:08] Speaker A: I'll take off my shoe and I'll. [01:12:10] Speaker D: Whip it in his head if I have to. [01:12:12] Speaker C: I'm trying to save this man's life right now. [01:12:14] Speaker D: Right, right. [01:12:14] Speaker E: Exactly. [01:12:16] Speaker A: JB's doing him a favor. JB's the nice one. [01:12:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:12:21] Speaker C: Persuade. [01:12:22] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:12:23] Speaker C: Okay. Wow. [01:12:29] Speaker D: I think it's also because you're. You're still a little drugged up, so we're hearing what you're trying to say, but he's kind of here. Don't look at it. Don't look at it. [01:12:43] Speaker A: Andrew. Andrew. Andrew. [01:12:46] Speaker D: Look. [01:12:46] Speaker B: What? [01:12:47] Speaker D: Don't yell at me. What? [01:12:49] Speaker C: That's on you now, Andrew. [01:12:53] Speaker D: Yes? [01:12:54] Speaker A: Here's the thing. I. I lost my temper. I'm sorry. I appreciate. Stop making me laugh, Rob. Yes, I appreciate. I appreciate your help. Really, I do. Thank you for making sure that my cousin didn't lose his arm. And thank you for getting the shrapnel out of my shoulder, making sure we all had a good night's sleep somewhere safe that's gotta look after each other. You are a credit to your profession. I really do appreciate it. [01:13:24] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:13:26] Speaker A: However. [01:13:27] Speaker D: Oh, boy. [01:13:28] Speaker C: Yep. [01:13:32] Speaker A: If you don't get someone in here who we can talk to, someone who's got a direct line to the boys at the armory. The minute I get out of this fucking handcuff, I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your John Brown Hyde parts. [01:13:51] Speaker D: Oh, God. [01:13:52] Speaker A: That you will be tasting shoe leather until Valentine's Day. [01:13:58] Speaker C: I've seen her do that once. It was very unpleasant, and I don't want to see that again. [01:14:06] Speaker D: Romeo. Persuade. Or is there an intimidate? [01:14:10] Speaker A: I had to check. [01:14:11] Speaker D: Yes, there is. There is one. [01:14:13] Speaker A: I don't know if I'm good at that. [01:14:16] Speaker D: Should have put points in it. [01:14:18] Speaker B: Very scary. [01:14:19] Speaker A: I should have put points in it. [01:14:20] Speaker C: Is there any way I could help with that? [01:14:22] Speaker A: Like, could we call that a fat. Could I call that a fast talk? [01:14:26] Speaker D: Because I'll give you fast talk, and I'll give you a bonus with JB drug up assist. [01:14:33] Speaker E: I love this. I love this because it's. [01:14:36] Speaker D: It's just. [01:14:36] Speaker E: It's just the pestering this poor man. [01:14:39] Speaker D: And. [01:14:39] Speaker E: And then. And I'm just here to sit and. [01:14:42] Speaker D: Oh. [01:14:44] Speaker C: That'S a. [01:14:48] Speaker A: Yeah, that's 20 under 45. [01:14:50] Speaker E: My God. [01:14:54] Speaker D: Okay. All right. All right. I'll. I'll see about getting the key holder. [01:15:03] Speaker C: Painkiller, please. Please. [01:15:04] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:15:05] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:15:06] Speaker D: Just a shot of the r. This isn't as. Juggles of stuff from last night. So you'll still have some of your wits about you, but, uh, it won't. You still will feel it. Um. All right, I'll be right back. Yeah. [01:15:25] Speaker A: Might want to hustle, bud. [01:15:27] Speaker D: He walks out, and you're all left to your own devices for a little bit. [01:15:33] Speaker C: Hey, cousin. How's it going? You sound mad. [01:15:38] Speaker A: No shit. [01:15:40] Speaker C: Sound real mad. [01:15:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. I woke up handcuffed to a cot. [01:15:46] Speaker B: How are you feeling now? [01:15:50] Speaker C: Not so bad. Um. [01:15:53] Speaker D: Uh. [01:15:55] Speaker C: Oh, yep. Handcuffed as well. On this side on the. [01:15:59] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:16:01] Speaker D: Dwayne, the door creek soap in. [01:16:04] Speaker C: Oh, that's bad. [01:16:06] Speaker D: And you all hear? Y'all hear. And you go, listen, I know I wasn't supposed to bother you. Like, I. Andrew. [01:16:15] Speaker C: Here, now. [01:16:17] Speaker D: Okay. And you see behind him a familiar figure, uh, swinging keys on his finger, the will calloused practice fingers of a musician by the name of Tommy. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [01:16:40] Speaker A: Motherfucker. [01:16:42] Speaker D: The hell? That doesn't end. [01:16:46] Speaker E: The true Cthulhu villain. [01:16:51] Speaker C: What? [01:16:54] Speaker D: Andrew wasn't supposed to bring me in. [01:16:56] Speaker C: Here, but you shut your whore mouth. Andrew, come over here now. [01:17:00] Speaker D: It's also. [01:17:01] Speaker E: It's also muffled and terrible. So it's like, you should fuck up. You. [01:17:07] Speaker C: This is. It's weird because it went from, like, very slurred and okay to sort of very clear. [01:17:14] Speaker A: The rage. It's the rage. [01:17:16] Speaker D: Rage. [01:17:17] Speaker E: You up once. [01:17:18] Speaker C: It went once you. Because you. You all heard me say, oh, that's not good. [01:17:25] Speaker D: So a true kind of leans over. Yeah. Is the pavement. Is it not working? [01:17:32] Speaker C: Are you hurting? Can you understand me clearly? [01:17:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:17:39] Speaker C: Are you sure? [01:17:41] Speaker D: You said, are you sure? Right. [01:17:44] Speaker C: Good. [01:17:46] Speaker D: Okay. [01:17:46] Speaker C: Why can't they move? [01:17:48] Speaker D: What? [01:17:54] Speaker C: I'm going to ask you one more time, right. Why can't they move? [01:18:02] Speaker D: Like, why can't hoop move? [01:18:05] Speaker C: And I look down at my hand, and you can see these three fingers are fine, but these two fingers are not moving. Why can't they move? [01:18:17] Speaker D: I didn't want to have this conversation until. If you hear to. You hear, uh, Tommy, go, oh, it must be my birthday. Let's know. Let's. Let's hear. [01:18:36] Speaker C: I'm gonna kill this guy. [01:18:37] Speaker D: And she goes, I'm very sorry. You suffered catastrophic nerve damage. Um, those two particular fingers. Um, basically what the nurse is trying to say is that the. [01:18:56] Speaker C: I'm gonna need you to. [01:18:57] Speaker E: Shitty music. [01:18:58] Speaker C: I'm going to need you to stop talking right now. We will have our own dispute later. I don't like you, and that's fine. You don't like me because you're dumb. So we can talk after this. You're not important. Go away. [01:19:24] Speaker D: I wasn't supposed to be in the room in the first place. [01:19:28] Speaker C: You will be called when you are needed. Now go outside and sit your dumb ass down. [01:19:37] Speaker E: Yeah, he has the keys, right? [01:19:39] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:19:39] Speaker E: Gotcha. [01:19:40] Speaker C: I completely understand that. He will sit his stupid ass outside the door until we call for him. [01:19:46] Speaker D: He just nods at you, Dwayne. And then he goes by La Grosse. [01:19:59] Speaker E: Is it just the three of us in this room? [01:20:01] Speaker D: It is. It's actually still in there. Leaning over JV's while they were all. [01:20:08] Speaker E: Having that wonderful drama. Could I have, like, just, like, picked. Taken, like, a bobby pin off my person or something? Because I'm sure I have a flurry of tools. [01:20:21] Speaker D: Paperclip. [01:20:22] Speaker E: Paperclip or something. [01:20:27] Speaker D: I will give you a. [01:20:31] Speaker C: Hmm. [01:20:32] Speaker D: I'll give you a luck check. [01:20:33] Speaker E: Luck check. Yes. [01:20:38] Speaker D: You were able to successfully. You tell me, what were you able to do? And keep in mind, this is the office area of the dock that you work at. Yeah. [01:20:51] Speaker E: I feel like. [01:20:54] Speaker D: I'm. [01:20:55] Speaker E: Because I'm handcuffed to a cot as well, correct? [01:20:56] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:20:57] Speaker E: I feel like someone's always getting locked out of something. Someone's always losing the key to some door or some device or some heavy machinery. Their lunchbox. So the art of lock picking isn't uncommon on the docks. And using any particular tool in this instance, like a bobby pin, holding a piece of the overalls together, he's like, oh, they forgot this one. Cool. Because he knows his tools are gone. So he just takes that. And while they're arguing and distracted, he's just been, like, nonchalantly just picking this lock of the handcuffs, just waiting. [01:21:46] Speaker D: I will say, if you're trying to do it sneaky, I'll give you a lock picking hard because you had two people in the room. [01:21:56] Speaker C: Cool, cool, cool. [01:21:58] Speaker E: Lock picking. Bang, bang, bang. Like I said, two purposes. Fiction shit and fighting shit. [01:22:08] Speaker D: That was it. It's so. Jesus. Wait. Tommy gives you the nod. That's when it just clicks, and I imagine you nod back, and then the door closes, and you are no longer handcuffed. [01:22:29] Speaker E: Mm hmm. And, like, he closes the door, and they're having their, the spat of the fingers, and all I do is just get up out the bed, holding, doing this with my wrist, going knocking on the door to get him back in here. [01:22:49] Speaker D: Angry sees you get up, it goes quiet. [01:22:54] Speaker B: Okay, okay. [01:22:56] Speaker E: Knock on the door. [01:23:00] Speaker D: You hear? On the other side. I told you I wasn't supposed to come there in the first place. Lucky I got there the first time. Come on. [01:23:08] Speaker E: We need a second time. Can't hurt. [01:23:11] Speaker C: Andrew, let him in the room. [01:23:13] Speaker E: I'm gonna open the door. I'll open the door up. [01:23:15] Speaker D: It is locked right, right into it. [01:23:20] Speaker E: Right into it. Just right into it. Is this also hard, or is this regular? [01:23:24] Speaker D: This is. [01:23:24] Speaker A: This is regular. [01:23:25] Speaker D: You don't care about being seen doing. [01:23:27] Speaker E: No, this, this is, this is. No, I'm just gonna open the door. [01:23:35] Speaker B: You open the door, and you just. [01:23:36] Speaker D: See Tavi is real. A comic book on the other side looks up, it sees you go, just. [01:23:44] Speaker E: Grab him by the, grab him by the car, and pull him in. [01:23:48] Speaker D: Go ahead, roby a brawl. [01:23:52] Speaker E: Get him, fix his shit, and fight shit. [01:23:54] Speaker D: That was it. Getting all your good roles here? It was two tasks. Pathetic ass. This is important. [01:24:04] Speaker E: I'm making up. I make it up because I shot my friend making up for it. [01:24:09] Speaker D: So you go to yank him, and he immediately dex you in the face, put backwards. He's like, I hate this, man. You can't punch a patient like, you might want to sit your sick ass down. [01:24:27] Speaker E: Just not. No words, pop. [01:24:31] Speaker C: That's how we do these streets. [01:24:33] Speaker D: Let's go. [01:24:34] Speaker E: No words. [01:24:34] Speaker D: That's how we do. If he misses this, this is a knockout. So he goes for. [01:24:48] Speaker E: Please. [01:24:48] Speaker D: He goes for the right. You dodge, please tell me how you single hit, knock this man out. [01:24:54] Speaker E: So he goes for the right hook. So I just, I like, like, barely duck under it and just catch him in the chin upwards and be like. [01:25:01] Speaker D: A sack of potatoes just on the ground. [01:25:11] Speaker E: Bring him in, drag his ass inside. [01:25:15] Speaker D: He's just like. [01:25:17] Speaker B: He's slow. [01:25:18] Speaker D: You drag him in just fine. You see the keys on his belt? [01:25:25] Speaker E: Take those. Immediately, I moved to cuff him. Cuff him where I was. [01:25:34] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [01:25:37] Speaker D: I didn't expect y'all to solve this so quickly either. [01:25:43] Speaker B: As y'all are. [01:25:45] Speaker D: As your hand comforting him. The camera is going to swoop over on Ruby. Ruby, tell me, how's your morning starting? I'll be honest with you. [01:25:56] Speaker B: I thought I had more time. So Ruby wakes up. [01:26:04] Speaker D: She. [01:26:05] Speaker B: You know, she slept in rain's room, clutching his pillow because she was very sad. She cried herself asleep. [01:26:14] Speaker D: But I think I wake up to see your dad in the doorframe. He's not waking you up. He's just sitting there. [01:26:23] Speaker B: Hi, dad. [01:26:26] Speaker D: Besides, uh. Are you okay? [01:26:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Um. I'll tell him. I'll tell him that Ray said hi, um, and that he. [01:26:42] Speaker D: I. You know what? [01:26:43] Speaker B: I will tell him? I will just tell him that he. He is at the armory taking care of some soldier business. And I will let him make his own conclusions with that. So I didn't technically say what he was doing, but there is gonna be. [01:27:00] Speaker D: An ad printed in the paper. This one. And roll me a psychology check. Oh, boy. That was a failure, by the way. Yeah, yeah. He sees you saying that, smiles, and he signs. There's food downstairs. [01:27:25] Speaker C: Come on. [01:27:28] Speaker B: I will go eat breakfast with my dad. [01:27:34] Speaker D: And it's a. It's a nice one, too. There's oatmeal, pancakes, eggs, crepes, because he really went all out. And then he slides the paper over to you. [01:27:53] Speaker B: Is it. [01:27:54] Speaker D: Is it in there? [01:27:54] Speaker B: The ad down? [01:28:04] Speaker D: And then he signs with this. Have anything about your. Would this have anything to do about your sleeping arrangement last night? [01:28:18] Speaker B: I'm scared, dad. [01:28:23] Speaker D: He nods and smiles. I am, too. [01:28:31] Speaker B: Would you. Would you. Would you hate me if I went? [01:28:46] Speaker D: There are many things that I can do. There are even more that I cannot. And included among them is hating you. [01:29:02] Speaker B: I hug him. [01:29:04] Speaker D: He hugs you back, then says, and I wouldn't stop you from doing what you felt was right. He takes a step back and he looks at a picture of your mother. Go ahead and tell me a little bit about her. [01:29:32] Speaker B: Oh, God bless. She is Filipino, first of all, obviously. And she is tiny, like Ruby gets her height, or lack thereof, from her, while Ruby is like five foot two ish. Her mother, whose name is Issa, was like five foot even. She has straight hair that is kind of curled in a really short bob. Ribby wears her hair very similarly, probably unconsciously. And she has beautiful, like, dark eyes and a soft smile and a button nose. A lot of Ruby's facial features. She looks just like her mom. She looks more like her mom than she does her dad. While Raymond more looks like their dad than their mom. It's definitely a like. You can see the resemblance in the entire family. [01:30:35] Speaker D: He smiles, looking at the picture of Issa. Then he looks at you and says, she was fierce. You are fierce. And so is your brother. I would never douse that flame. And I know how hot it can burn. I know that it can burn out. But that is the wonder of loving someone so fierce. I am afraid for my son and I am afraid for my daughter, but I fear more for whatever foolish thing incurs their wrath. You can see that there's willingness of tears being held back, not from shame or embarrassment, but he. He is playing his role. He's what you come home to. And he always has a plate ready. He always has your bed comfortably made. The temperature in your room is always just right. And you can smell the wonder of home before you even open the door. He's scared to send you out into the big, bad world, but he won't stop you. All he can do is make it so that when you come home, you're comfortable. You can see that's what he's preparing to do. [01:33:03] Speaker B: I will reach up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, and I'll say, I will bring him home. [01:33:20] Speaker D: He decides. I have no doubt. Now, finish your plate. [01:33:27] Speaker B: Yes, daddy. Okay, I will finish my plate. I will. Actually, it's big breakfast, right? [01:33:37] Speaker D: It's a big breakfast. [01:33:38] Speaker B: I'm going to pack some plates for my friends. [01:33:42] Speaker D: Yeah. And you notice, like, you've packed enough for everybody and there still seems to be enough left over from maybe one or two people. He just. He comforts himself by making everyone comfortable. And so with that, you have your leftovers and your food for your friends. You know where your friends are. [01:34:05] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:34:07] Speaker D: And do you head that direction first or is there anything else that you would like to do? [01:34:13] Speaker B: I don't drive, so. And I know that there is some big, scary German out there, possibly with a car, possibly without a car, and so I need somebody with a car. And so what I am going to do is I'm going to go find French. [01:34:33] Speaker D: All right? Frederico takes the same path every day. That path is. It may subliminally be designed to bump into you at a few specific spots. And there's a stop sign and pulling up is Fredrico. And he sees you, he goes, oh, hey, fancy seeing you here, my friend Jaco. Hey, you need a ride or you good as usual? [01:35:09] Speaker B: Oh, you know, I was actually hoping I could ask you for a favor. [01:35:16] Speaker D: Anything. In the entire world. [01:35:20] Speaker B: Well, you know that thing's going down at the armory tonight, right? [01:35:25] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:35:26] Speaker B: I'm not asking you to go. [01:35:27] Speaker D: It's okay. [01:35:29] Speaker B: But, um, my friends. My friends and I need to be there, so. You mind helping me out? For me? [01:35:47] Speaker D: Yeah. Get in the car. [01:35:52] Speaker C: Again. [01:35:53] Speaker B: The car. I'll give him a big old smile. Oh, thank you. You're the best. [01:35:58] Speaker D: No problem. Anything in the world, it has to be this one thing, just. Of course. [01:36:06] Speaker B: I won't. [01:36:07] Speaker D: I won't. [01:36:07] Speaker B: I won't tell anybody you helped me, if that's what you're worried about. [01:36:10] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, of course, of course. [01:36:13] Speaker B: I would never do that to you. Yeah. [01:36:14] Speaker D: Cool. All right. I mean, cuz it's. It's pretty much. It's kind of. [01:36:23] Speaker B: I know. [01:36:24] Speaker D: All right, cool. [01:36:27] Speaker A: Um. [01:36:28] Speaker D: I'm glad they got away yesterday. That. That. Yeah, me too. [01:36:33] Speaker B: I'm glad you did, too. I was really worried about you. [01:36:36] Speaker D: Oh, you'll have to be worried about me. I, uh. I got it. [01:36:39] Speaker B: No, that was really foolish, what you did. [01:36:43] Speaker D: I just. You know, you hang out with cool people, and I thought maybe. I mean, we all got to do our part, right? That's. That's. That's what everybody's saying, so. [01:36:56] Speaker B: I mean. Yeah, still, that was. You know, it was really brave, but it was really. I was. I was worried. [01:37:08] Speaker D: That's kind of. Kind of nice, but I'm sorry I made you worry. All right. They're there down by the ducks. Yeah. Let me just. You know, they got. They got Tommy down there watching. They do? [01:37:34] Speaker B: That's not a good idea. Who thought he was that? [01:37:37] Speaker D: He volunteered. [01:37:39] Speaker B: Of course he did. [01:37:40] Speaker D: I think he did it to be a dick. Honestly. [01:37:45] Speaker B: JB's not gonna like that. [01:37:46] Speaker D: No. You know, if they told JB, I don't know. Right. Talk too much. No, you don't. [01:38:00] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:38:03] Speaker D: No problem. Okay. We're almost here. [01:38:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Um, make sure your car isn't seeing. Everybody knows it. [01:38:12] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm starting to think people think I'm some sort of, like, a gossip or something. [01:38:19] Speaker B: I mean, you kind of know everything that's going on around town. I wouldn't call it that. Gossip. [01:38:26] Speaker D: I mean, I don't know everything that's going around town. It's just, like, people tell me stuff where they. I hear stuff, you know? [01:38:34] Speaker B: That just means that people want to talk to you. That doesn't seem like a bad thing. [01:38:39] Speaker D: I mean, sometimes they try to get all quiet around me and stuff, like. Like, I don't know what's going on. [01:38:45] Speaker B: I mean, if they didn't want people to know, they probably shouldn't be talking so damn loud. [01:38:49] Speaker D: That's. That's what I'm saying. [01:38:51] Speaker B: That's what I'm saying. [01:38:54] Speaker D: All right. Um. That's strange. Tommy's actually supposed to be keeping watch of the area. [01:39:06] Speaker B: He's not antagonizing JB, is he? [01:39:11] Speaker D: You sure you don't need me to come in with you? [01:39:14] Speaker B: Um, no, it should be fine. [01:39:17] Speaker A: Okay. [01:39:20] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:39:21] Speaker D: Hey, no problem. I'm gonna, um. I'm gonna. I'm gonna be at the showdown tonight. [01:39:28] Speaker B: You're going. [01:39:31] Speaker D: Y'all gotta do our part, you know? And I just. I just want to say, uh, it was really. I really glad that you guys moved out here, and, uh. And you shouldn't. You probably shouldn't come to the showdown. Um, the guys talking off brim and grim about it, and so, like, it'd be cool if you stayed safe. Not that you can't protect yourself or nothing. And I. I just, you know. Okay. You should go. I'll. I'll. I don't want anybody to see the car. [01:40:09] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess I'll see you there then. Don't tell nobody we're coming. [01:40:19] Speaker D: We. You're not gonna. [01:40:24] Speaker B: We gotta do our part, right? [01:40:30] Speaker D: Okay. I don't know anything about this. [01:40:34] Speaker B: No, you don't. Now get out of here. [01:40:36] Speaker D: Okay. [01:40:39] Speaker B: Bye bye. [01:40:44] Speaker D: This hesitancy. Then finally he hits the gas and drives off. Um, the camera's gonna zoom back inside. Tommy has been handcuffed. What are you doing next? Toy on your Batman? Shit. I just think. [01:41:14] Speaker E: Oh, man. I also want to imagine that, like, he's. Like, he's not there anymore. [01:41:21] Speaker D: Just. [01:41:22] Speaker E: He crashed the door and come back in. Just come back in. Just dragging him in. [01:41:31] Speaker A: Shit, Dwayne. [01:41:34] Speaker C: What? [01:41:36] Speaker A: I mean, he's a dick, but goddamn, he's like. [01:41:42] Speaker D: He's at that. [01:41:42] Speaker E: Coming for a bit. [01:41:43] Speaker C: Honestly. Well, yeah. Dwayne, if you can, can you please let my cousin. [01:41:50] Speaker A: Clang, clang, clang, clang. [01:41:52] Speaker E: I've got you. [01:41:53] Speaker D: I've got you telling me about this. You just see extreme, like, just kind of pacing. [01:42:00] Speaker C: Andrew? [01:42:01] Speaker D: Yeah? [01:42:02] Speaker C: Uh, please stop pacing. [01:42:05] Speaker D: Maybe. Maybe I should get punched so it looked like I tried to stop. [01:42:10] Speaker C: Andrew? [01:42:10] Speaker D: Yeah? [01:42:13] Speaker C: Please stop pacing. [01:42:14] Speaker D: Okay. [01:42:16] Speaker C: Focus up. [01:42:17] Speaker D: I'm focusing. [01:42:18] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:42:19] Speaker D: Oh, she looks really angry. You're about to uncover, and I'm so scared what that means you're gonna. [01:42:25] Speaker E: You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be. [01:42:27] Speaker D: You can't promise that. [01:42:29] Speaker C: Ah, that is true. But. But, Andrew, how about this? Come over here. Come over here. [01:42:36] Speaker D: Okay. [01:42:37] Speaker C: Dwayne, let me go. Please uncuff my cousin, because she's going to kill all of us if we don't do that. [01:42:45] Speaker E: A little bit. It's fine. I'll find the right key. Unlock the cuff. [01:42:54] Speaker A: Thank you, Dwayne. [01:42:55] Speaker D: Welcome, cousin. [01:42:57] Speaker C: How you feeling? [01:42:59] Speaker A: Better now that I'm not chained to a goddamn cot. [01:43:03] Speaker C: See, Andrew? She's doing good. [01:43:07] Speaker D: This wasn't my idea. I was just supposed to take care of y'all. You're all busted up like this. [01:43:13] Speaker C: I can see that, Andrew. [01:43:15] Speaker D: Okay. [01:43:16] Speaker E: I'm sorry. [01:43:16] Speaker D: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You did your part. [01:43:18] Speaker E: You did your part, and we thank you for it. [01:43:20] Speaker D: I did my part until you did. [01:43:23] Speaker A: You took care of us. You made sure nobody bled out. You made sure that we all took our penicillin. Whatever. [01:43:32] Speaker C: Again, Dwayne, can you help me out, please? [01:43:35] Speaker D: I got you, bud. [01:43:37] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:43:39] Speaker A: How's Tommy doing? [01:43:42] Speaker D: Probably got a concussion. Should I look? Should I. Yeah, go check him out. [01:43:48] Speaker E: Go check him out. [01:43:49] Speaker C: Hold on 1 second. [01:43:50] Speaker A: JB. [01:43:51] Speaker D: I could have left the bedtime. [01:43:57] Speaker A: JB. [01:43:58] Speaker D: Yes, it's at the. Let me. Hold on 1 second. That ruby. You see well, this scene of a knocked out Tommy, Dwayne unlocking everybody. And a very nervous looking nurse. [01:44:15] Speaker B: Oh. Oh, that wouldn't be me at all. Hi. [01:44:18] Speaker E: Morning, Ruby. [01:44:19] Speaker B: How are you? Are you okay? [01:44:21] Speaker E: Better now. [01:44:23] Speaker A: Better? But, you know. [01:44:25] Speaker C: Uh, no, but yes. [01:44:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I figured. Hi. Um. Yeah, uh, we got the thing going down soon, and they do not want us there. So we should probably get out of here before somebody comes check in on us. Is he okay? Did you kill him? [01:44:44] Speaker A: No, he just got knocked flat. [01:44:46] Speaker C: Thanks, Dwayne. Welcome. [01:44:49] Speaker E: You're welcome, JB. [01:44:50] Speaker C: Is he handcuffed? [01:44:52] Speaker D: Yeah, he is. [01:44:54] Speaker C: Oh, uh, Andrew? [01:44:58] Speaker D: Yeah? [01:45:00] Speaker C: I'm gonna need you to do something for me. [01:45:02] Speaker D: Yeah. What? What do you need, man? [01:45:05] Speaker C: Wake him up. [01:45:07] Speaker B: Is that a good idea? [01:45:09] Speaker C: Oh, it's about to be. [01:45:10] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um, let me just. I got. My salts are. [01:45:15] Speaker A: No, you got some pneumonia? [01:45:17] Speaker D: No, I got it right here. [01:45:19] Speaker C: Whatever you need. [01:45:20] Speaker B: Slap him a couple of times. [01:45:22] Speaker C: Okay. And I smack them. I just back. [01:45:25] Speaker D: I just back. Handle. He is not waking up and being anxious, smelling salty. Just. Oh, God. [01:45:32] Speaker B: Ugh. [01:45:33] Speaker D: Fuck off. Fuck. Language. [01:45:37] Speaker C: Language. [01:45:38] Speaker A: Watch your mouth, boy. [01:45:44] Speaker C: Hey, buddy. [01:45:45] Speaker D: What do y'all want? [01:45:46] Speaker C: Shut up. So it seems that you and I have issues. And I don't know where that came from. And right now, I'm not in a very good mood. So what's your deal, Wicker? I am not in a good mood. [01:46:25] Speaker D: Because I was supposed to be the original trumpet player. I worked with Manny. I played with Manny way before you played with Manny and then they with you. [01:46:35] Speaker C: Yep. [01:46:38] Speaker D: Oh, so you know what my deal is, Dick. You stole my band and then you don't even have the. You don't even have the good sense to name it. [01:46:50] Speaker C: Hmm. Now, name calling is really isn't helpful in this particular situation. [01:47:05] Speaker D: Shut up. [01:47:07] Speaker C: Name calling is not very good in this particular situation. If you have an issue with me, we can talk about it. If I'm not able to do something and we were cool, I'd just let you step in, take my place. It's not that hard. We could work together. We could have, too. It's not that hard. But you have chosen to make an enemy of me. Why? [01:47:43] Speaker D: Cause I hate you. I hate you yesterday, I hate you today, and I'll hate you tomorrow. [01:47:52] Speaker C: Good. And I break his middle finger. [01:47:54] Speaker D: Oh, what the fuck? You see Andrew kind of jump in to get in between the two. What are you doing? Oh, fuck you, dude. Oh, you know what? I can't wait. I can't wait for you to go. Yeah, go help Sam. Help Sam and get. Shut up. [01:48:19] Speaker C: Yep. And if I die, you can have the band back. That fair? [01:48:27] Speaker D: You're fucking sick, man. [01:48:30] Speaker C: I'm a bit angry right now. Now, do we have a deal? And I'm not talking about if you come out the shadows and try to kill me, but I'm just going to tell the band what's going on now between you and myself. I'm going to tell everybody what's going on right now between you and myself. And if I can no longer be in the band, I will gladly give it over to you, but until then, you will stay out of my way and not interfere with me at all. Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now? [01:49:16] Speaker D: Roll a psychology check. [01:49:19] Speaker C: Uh, I'm not good at psychology, but okay. That would be an extreme success. [01:49:35] Speaker D: He looks at you and smiles and. [01:49:37] Speaker C: Goes. [01:49:40] Speaker D: Under those conditions, the band's already mine. Everybody knows he can't play. [01:49:46] Speaker C: Fair. Everyone knows that I can't play. I look down at my hand and see that only three of the fingers are currently working. Huh. I'm sure that would be pretty good. That everyone knows that I can't play. And because I've broken the middle finger on his right hand, seems like you're going to be out for a little while, too. We can do matches, or we can figure this out now. So you're going to leave me alone. I'm going to leave you alone if you happen to break this deal. Well, you've seen what happens when you make my other friends mad. And honestly, right now, I'm just only a little bit angry at you. [01:51:03] Speaker D: You think you're angry? I can't wait. [01:51:09] Speaker C: I break his other finger. [01:51:13] Speaker D: I can't wait to see what Han does to you. [01:51:19] Speaker C: Stop. Wait, wait. [01:51:26] Speaker A: Oh, Tommy. [01:51:31] Speaker C: That makes this way more interesting. Tommy boy. Tommy boy. You wasn't supposed to know that name. How you know that name? Don't lie to me. I got more fingers. [01:51:53] Speaker D: I thought when I gave him Adelaide's hairdresser, he would rip her into pieces, so you would see that. [01:52:06] Speaker C: Hmm. I get up from him, walk over to Andrew. Andrew, are you aware of the situation that's going on right now? [01:52:23] Speaker D: All I know is that the energy of the room just got real, like, weird. And it hits all of a sudden. [01:52:30] Speaker B: Yep. [01:52:30] Speaker D: And I feel like something I don't. Like. He said han. And then every. Everybody got real serious, and I feel like the more I hear, the more endangered I am, possibly. So I. If it's. If it's all the same to y'all. [01:52:50] Speaker C: You would like to step out of the room, is that correct? [01:52:52] Speaker D: I feel like y'all have been bandaged up. Everything is okay. I'm probably gonna call. I'm. I'm gon. I'm gonna let Sam know about how this is all played out. [01:53:03] Speaker C: Okay? [01:53:04] Speaker D: Um. Cause I gotta do my job. [01:53:07] Speaker B: Of course. [01:53:07] Speaker C: I'm not gonna stop you from doing your job if you have to. Let Sam know. [01:53:11] Speaker D: Uh huh. [01:53:13] Speaker C: What's going on? [01:53:15] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:53:16] Speaker C: Do make sure that when you tell Sam, you also let him know that Tommy Wright almost forgot. He has been talking with our german friend, who the boys are going to be having a showdown with low later. I'm sure you know about that already. He was the one who sort of tried to spin and start all this. Oh, he just said it. [01:53:59] Speaker B: You heard it. [01:54:01] Speaker D: I don't know what I heard, man, but. [01:54:03] Speaker C: Hey, no, no, no. You know exactly what. You just. [01:54:06] Speaker D: You said Han. I'll tell Sam. [01:54:08] Speaker B: I heard Han, but. [01:54:09] Speaker C: And you. [01:54:10] Speaker D: I need everybody to make me a listen. Check. [01:54:14] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [01:54:15] Speaker C: Extreme success. [01:54:18] Speaker B: Like, very scary right now. [01:54:22] Speaker E: JV hit the switch. JB lost two fingers and turned into a supervillain. Fully turned. [01:54:40] Speaker D: JB. You hear the unified footsteps of soldiers, and you immediately remember where you've heard this before. And you know there's gonna be some ghost germans here very soon. [01:54:59] Speaker C: Understood. Does Andrew have a scalpel on him? [01:55:02] Speaker D: Uh, there's a med bag that you could. [01:55:05] Speaker C: I grabbed the scalpel and I stabbed Tommy in the throat. [01:55:10] Speaker E: Spooky one is spooky. You got spooky. We got it. [01:55:15] Speaker D: Okay. [01:55:16] Speaker B: Just like I scream. I don't. [01:55:27] Speaker D: We need to go. What the hell? I need everybody to make me a dodge check. Oh, Christ. You get that, you get a bonus because you were warned that this is about to happen. [01:55:47] Speaker B: Nice. [01:55:48] Speaker E: Sorry. [01:55:49] Speaker C: Oh, sorry. [01:55:50] Speaker D: Ah, hell. [01:55:51] Speaker A: Oh, crap. [01:55:52] Speaker C: I need my bonus. [01:55:54] Speaker D: Negative, captain. [01:55:55] Speaker C: Nope, that's a. That is a fail. [01:55:57] Speaker E: Good lord, y'all. [01:55:58] Speaker B: That's a. Fuck no. Oh, man. [01:56:01] Speaker E: Good God. Can I give somebody my bonus? [01:56:05] Speaker A: I could fix mine, right? [01:56:06] Speaker D: Because I don't need it with your hard success. Yeah, I'm gonna. Oh, that. Damn. That is hard success. Yeah, you. You do get to. I do. Will let you auto pass somebody. Oh, not me. Not you. [01:56:24] Speaker B: I have six hit points. [01:56:26] Speaker E: You do have six. [01:56:29] Speaker B: Out there. [01:56:30] Speaker D: Just. Just. [01:56:31] Speaker E: Just waiting the opposites here. Yeah, I think because Ruby is the closest to the door, I think. [01:56:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:56:43] Speaker B: Yeah, I was. Yeah, I'm not trying to be here right now. [01:56:46] Speaker E: Yeah, this is. [01:56:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:56:47] Speaker E: So I think. I think I just pull. I pull them, like, over and down and just yell, everybody get down now. [01:56:55] Speaker D: Thanks, buddy. [01:56:56] Speaker E: That doesn't happen. Everyone does. The impact doesn't get down. [01:57:00] Speaker D: Yeah, I should. [01:57:02] Speaker A: I should be. [01:57:02] Speaker D: Let me. [01:57:03] Speaker B: Wait, hold on. [01:57:04] Speaker E: Everyone should be at Max. Help. Yeah, we're taking this rock. [01:57:10] Speaker C: Still not good, but. [01:57:11] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:57:12] Speaker C: I wish it was JB. [01:57:14] Speaker E: Really? [01:57:15] Speaker B: You have luck to spend, Laura? [01:57:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I do. All right. [01:57:21] Speaker E: How much do you spend? [01:57:23] Speaker C: Oh, I got down to 41. [01:57:25] Speaker B: Do you have luck to spend? [01:57:27] Speaker C: I do. Hold on, I think I'm gonna. [01:57:31] Speaker A: Hey, keeper. [01:57:33] Speaker D: Yeah? [01:57:35] Speaker A: I also have magic points. [01:57:38] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:57:40] Speaker C: I'll spend six and succeed. [01:57:42] Speaker A: Is that something that's available to me? [01:57:47] Speaker D: Road luck. Oh, boy. [01:57:50] Speaker E: Here we go. [01:57:51] Speaker B: Magic points. [01:57:52] Speaker C: Magic points. [01:57:55] Speaker D: Beautiful. [01:57:56] Speaker A: That's a hard success. [01:57:57] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:57:57] Speaker E: About to see some. Some magic. [01:58:01] Speaker D: All right, roll me one v four. [01:58:08] Speaker C: Oof. [01:58:11] Speaker A: That's a one. [01:58:14] Speaker D: All right, so you lose one magic point. Oh, that's a good thing. And did anybody fail their dodge? [01:58:29] Speaker C: I did. I was going. It would have been. I'm at 51 out of 35. [01:58:36] Speaker B: Thought you said you could. You had a four, though, didn't you? [01:58:39] Speaker C: Uh, that was. That was Addie's. Four. [01:58:43] Speaker B: Oh, that was Addie's. I see. [01:58:44] Speaker C: I thought. I thought I had one. Oh, I have a. No, it's not my four. [01:58:48] Speaker D: Okay. [01:58:49] Speaker C: So, unfortunately, I did not succeed. [01:58:52] Speaker D: So, Addie, here's the choice. I'm about to roll damage. But I am going to say, in this high tension moment, magic will awaken from you. You can either protect yourself or you can protect JB before I roll the damage. [01:59:20] Speaker A: Okay, well, no, I'm gonna protect my cousin. [01:59:29] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [01:59:30] Speaker C: I would always say protect yourself first. Cause I would protect you. [01:59:34] Speaker B: That's too many. [01:59:35] Speaker D: Immediately. That's too many. Rattle. [01:59:40] Speaker C: Is it all? [01:59:42] Speaker E: Is that all of them? [01:59:46] Speaker C: I would go to protect my cousin. [01:59:49] Speaker D: You go to protect your cousin. And you look into Adelaide's eyes. Adelaide, what does it look like as you shield your cousin with raw eldritch ability that you didn't even know you had? [02:00:05] Speaker A: It's. It's weird. Our family's always been a little off. Little, I don't know. [02:00:23] Speaker D: Hinky. [02:00:28] Speaker A: Ma always said that it was because we grew up in the bayou. Some rumor about magic coming down through the matriarchal bloodline, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It makes for a good story. Brings people to the shop. But I think in that moment, in the realization that I might not make it, but at least JB will still be around. There's a flash. It's white and gold and brilliant, and it just encases my cousin. [02:01:14] Speaker D: Baby, you feel where the bullets would have hit you. But suddenly there is a warm embrace. And in every spot, the bullet would rip and tear. There is just love. You look and you see Adelaide crumble, littered with shots and falling to the ground. But in that same moment, you see Andrew duck tackle. Adelaide immediately begins rapping and jab something into her shoulder. [02:02:15] Speaker C: I would go to help. [02:02:22] Speaker D: You could see he is trying his best to resuscitate. And that light that is Adelaide is ever dimming. The footsteps are getting closer and closer. How do you try and help Andrew save Adelaide? [02:02:52] Speaker C: This is my cousin who would help me even when I would have told her not to. This is the cousin that has been damn near a sister to me. So I know what it's like to be shot and the light to start going diminished. Unfortunate. But I also know that the people around you can keep you there a little bit longer while everyone else is working. So I sort of run over Maddie. Cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. Cousins, look up. Look up. Look at me. Look at me. Come on. Come on. [02:03:45] Speaker D: There is nothing. For the longest moment. These seconds feel like eternity. [02:03:55] Speaker C: You're gonna be. You're gonna be fine. This is gonna real magic either hugs you, and when we're not mad, you're not mad now because you're making a hug. You're gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. And you already made sure that I'm good. You're gonna be good. That's how. And when you get better, and I'm gonna get better, and I'm gonna play you a song. I'm gonna write. It's gonna be Addie's song. It's gonna be your song. It's gonna be your song. You're gonna be fine. Come on. [02:04:33] Speaker D: Okay, so he's doing compressions, doing whatever he can to keep her heart going. [02:04:43] Speaker C: How can I help make this happen? [02:04:45] Speaker D: You have already helped. He actually succeeded the first aid because of the bonus that you provided. And this is how this is gonna manifest. I rolled a lucky for him to see if he could protect himself. The question is, what is he protecting himself from? He's doing compressions. And slowly, Adelaide's eyes open, still primed with power, burning a bright, golden light. But like any eldritch being on the edge of death, the natural instinct to survive drives them. And this golden light turns red. You are relieved to hear an intake of breath from Adelaide. [02:05:59] Speaker C: There you go. There you go. Yeah, you're back. [02:06:01] Speaker D: But it's an unnatural breath that lasts. Oh. And you realize it's no longer consuming air. And you see Andrew go, oh, she's back. She's back. Black veins grow on his face, and his eyes begin to hollow, shriveling. He falls unconscious next to you. And you watch the bullet holes that ripped into Adelaide prepare themselves. Adelaide, you heals six points. It's called Cthulhu, baby. [02:07:02] Speaker B: I am rethinking my friendship with y'all. [02:07:06] Speaker D: My friends. I'm gonna help them. [02:07:09] Speaker B: Suddenly, like, this happened quick. [02:07:15] Speaker C: We're the good ones. [02:07:16] Speaker D: We're the good man. [02:07:19] Speaker B: The neck with a scalpel, is it. [02:07:22] Speaker E: Speaking of that man, does he have, like, a service weapon or any kind of weapon I know at all? [02:07:26] Speaker D: Tommy. Yeah, Tommy looks like a Ritz cracker with the amount of holes in him. Him now. [02:07:35] Speaker E: Yes. Yes. [02:07:36] Speaker C: That's a him problem. Not enough. [02:07:38] Speaker B: It's not a him problem no more. [02:07:40] Speaker E: Amy. [02:07:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:07:42] Speaker D: He does not have a weapon other than his stiletto blade. [02:07:50] Speaker C: Okay, cool. [02:07:51] Speaker E: Awesome. Fantastic. [02:07:55] Speaker B: Also, Ruby is fully crying. [02:07:58] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:07:59] Speaker B: Underneath you, she's just, like, really quick. [02:08:03] Speaker D: Really quick. Old check from everybody. We all good? [02:08:06] Speaker B: Okay. [02:08:07] Speaker D: Yeah, well, we picked up that. Come on. Real quick. [02:08:13] Speaker E: You were dealing with the racial, racial horror. Now we're getting into it. [02:08:18] Speaker D: There we go. [02:08:20] Speaker A: What? What happened? [02:08:23] Speaker C: Uh huh. Uh, cousin, cousin, you good? You hear? You all right? Look at me. [02:08:34] Speaker D: Oh my God. [02:08:34] Speaker C: Look at me. Now. Now you can panic. Look at me. [02:08:41] Speaker A: Uh, what's that? Oh, what's that noise? [02:08:46] Speaker C: We gotta go and we're gonna talk about this later. Guys, guys, get up. Let's go. We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go. [02:08:55] Speaker B: Still crying. [02:08:56] Speaker A: Grabbing, grabbing, crying, moving. [02:08:58] Speaker E: Crying and moving. [02:08:59] Speaker A: Come on, everybody. [02:09:00] Speaker D: Make me a dexterity check, please, for. [02:09:04] Speaker E: The love of fuck. Jesus. Makes sense. I'm taking up vanguard to make sense. [02:09:13] Speaker D: Okay? If you failed your dexterity check. Yeah, I need you to make me a dodge check because you did not make it out in time before the next volley comes. [02:09:24] Speaker E: Awesome. Oh, no. [02:09:26] Speaker D: Awesome. [02:09:28] Speaker B: Can I help? [02:09:29] Speaker E: Can I yell awesome? [02:09:31] Speaker D: You only got a regular success. [02:09:34] Speaker A: I know. [02:09:35] Speaker E: Let's see if I get the bullet, please. [02:09:38] Speaker D: No. [02:09:39] Speaker E: If I am the thing, I'm not okay with this. [02:09:42] Speaker B: You are not an eldritch horror dude. [02:09:45] Speaker E: I am not an eldritch horror. [02:09:50] Speaker C: Is there any way we can help? [02:09:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll sacrifice more magic. We can't die here. [02:10:00] Speaker B: We have a whole down. [02:10:02] Speaker D: I will let you roll. A luck, please. [02:10:05] Speaker E: Me? [02:10:06] Speaker D: No. Emily. Hey. [02:10:08] Speaker A: 36 under 45. [02:10:10] Speaker D: Okay. [02:10:14] Speaker A: D four. [02:10:17] Speaker D: So a volley of bullets come in your direction and you trip. And you're curious as to why you trip. You know this office better than anyone, Adelaide. You just extend your will to protect Dwayne. Dwayne. What you see is Tommy holding your leg, causing you to duck down if the volley misses you. If they. No. Let's go. [02:11:06] Speaker B: Uh uh uh. [02:11:08] Speaker D: It begins to pull at the arm that has the handcuff audit. [02:11:13] Speaker E: Uh huh. [02:11:14] Speaker D: Ripping and tearing to get free. Ah. I'm a get out of here. [02:11:21] Speaker A: Dwayne. Faster. Dwayne, faster. [02:11:23] Speaker D: Yes. Just go. Go, go. [02:11:26] Speaker E: Got it. Go, go, go. [02:11:28] Speaker D: So you all have made it out of the window of this office. Uh, and you can see just down the way, the spectral german soldiers walking in to fully clear the room. Um, Duane, go ahead and roll me another dexterity check. Oh, no. [02:11:52] Speaker E: Oh, no. I'll spend the two. [02:11:56] Speaker D: I'll spend the two. Oh, God. Give me the hell out of here. And so you're able to get away from the clutches of Tommy, you go into this window and you just hear from him. What about me? Fuck you, buddy. Fuck you so much. Oh, God. [02:12:28] Speaker A: You should have thought about that before he gave us up to the fucking Germans. You rat bitch who tried to get me killed. [02:12:36] Speaker E: You old uncle Ruckus. Motherfucker. [02:12:39] Speaker D: Get off me. Alright. And so you're all out. I'm going to need a stealth check to see if you're able to to get off of the docks unseen. [02:12:52] Speaker E: Can I give people the advantage? [02:12:55] Speaker D: Because I will allow everyone to roll with the bonus because of Dwayne working here. Cool. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, y'all. Jesus. I needed that. Nope. Oh boy, y'all. [02:13:10] Speaker B: To be fair, I'm pretty sure I'm still screaming, so. Or at least I'm. I'm having a whole panic attack. [02:13:20] Speaker E: 34 over 70 is what would that be? Just a regular success? [02:13:24] Speaker D: Yeah, that is just a regular success. Cool. God, y'all, Ruby. [02:13:30] Speaker A: Ruby is screaming. I'm sure. I'm freaking out because I just killed somebody. [02:13:37] Speaker D: You got matching. [02:13:40] Speaker E: We really picked up the horror game this, this time. [02:13:42] Speaker D: Yep. [02:13:43] Speaker A: No, we're going full. [02:13:44] Speaker B: We were great up until today. [02:13:46] Speaker A: We were up to eleven, y'all. [02:13:48] Speaker C: It's not our fault he tried to kill my cousin. [02:13:54] Speaker B: That's valid, actually. [02:13:55] Speaker E: That's valid. [02:13:57] Speaker D: Can I please have a spot hidden from everyone? Sure. [02:14:01] Speaker A: It. [02:14:02] Speaker B: There's nothing. [02:14:03] Speaker A: I'm bad at that. I'm freaking. I'm freaking out. Keep her up. Freaking out. I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. [02:14:09] Speaker B: Freaking out. [02:14:09] Speaker D: Freaking out. Here we go. I'm freaking out for the ones of you that made it. You do see parked at the parking space just beyond the docks, the beautiful black model t forge with scrapes and it's scraping grapes and just almost crunched on one side. And inside of it, you do see a very angry, angry looking individual with the failure to. With the failure of the stealth, however, you. Fortunately, there is the sound of a commotion inside and you hear one body under a hail of gunfire and then you hear, oh God. Oh God. As Andrew does not make it out. I thought he was already dead. So I don't know. [02:15:28] Speaker B: He was kissed, ripped to that man. [02:15:30] Speaker E: But, uh, he's just unconscious. [02:15:33] Speaker B: We really left him there. [02:15:34] Speaker D: We dead. Dead man. [02:15:36] Speaker E: You go, you go sleep once. [02:15:38] Speaker D: Be like, we out is. But now you can hear that they are heading in your general direction. [02:15:46] Speaker A: Running, running, running, running. [02:15:49] Speaker E: Best path to get out of eyesight. Just. Hey, we make jokes in times of fear. It's. [02:15:58] Speaker D: I'll give you this. If you're running, it's going to be a dexterity check. If you're hiding, it's going to be a stealth check. [02:16:04] Speaker B: Nope, not. [02:16:06] Speaker A: No, I'm not stealthy. [02:16:08] Speaker B: I'm not stealthy. [02:16:09] Speaker D: I'm going to say it's going to take two successes or a, a extreme hard success to get out of the dock. [02:16:19] Speaker C: Successfully running. [02:16:24] Speaker A: Oh, thank God. [02:16:27] Speaker C: Bang, bang. Let's go. We out. [02:16:32] Speaker D: Okay, so that's one success. [02:16:35] Speaker A: Still freaking out. [02:16:35] Speaker B: I'm still freaking out. [02:16:38] Speaker D: So you're stealthing doy? [02:16:41] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:16:42] Speaker D: Okay. So you're staying behind, because it's still gonna cost you two successes. [02:16:46] Speaker E: Yes. [02:16:47] Speaker D: For dexterity. Okay. And, JB, you got out just fine. Keep in mind, you all do get a bonus because you're being assisted by Dwayne. [02:16:59] Speaker B: Oh, that's nice. [02:17:01] Speaker D: All right, so that is a success for Adelaide as well. [02:17:04] Speaker A: That takes me to 40. Yeah, 40 under 60. [02:17:08] Speaker B: That takes me to 5575. [02:17:11] Speaker C: Regular success. 40 mistake. [02:17:14] Speaker D: The footsteps are getting further away. Except for you, Dwight. They are right where you are. They don't seem to spot you. They are focused on the ones that they could see running. It's time for either another Dex or another self check, y'all. [02:17:43] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [02:17:46] Speaker D: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [02:17:47] Speaker A: Again, I'm assuming we don't get the bonus anymore, right? [02:17:51] Speaker B: Wayne's not there. [02:17:52] Speaker D: Yeah, he's not there. You're right. [02:17:53] Speaker A: All right, fuck it. I'm using luck. [02:17:55] Speaker E: I use my luck for six. Jesus. [02:17:59] Speaker C: Oh. [02:17:59] Speaker B: I rolled the exact same thing twice. [02:18:03] Speaker C: That's unfortunate. I have to use. [02:18:04] Speaker E: Wait. I don't need to wait, cuz I do. [02:18:06] Speaker D: I get a bonus because you know it. [02:18:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:18:12] Speaker D: I'll give that to you. [02:18:13] Speaker E: Oh, awesome. Thank you. [02:18:17] Speaker D: That's only fair. [02:18:18] Speaker E: I'm spending luck like a leprechaun over here. [02:18:22] Speaker D: All right, so if you failed, raise your hand. [02:18:25] Speaker C: I am going to bed. I spent my luck, so I have to spend that luck to get. Okay, so I'm going down to. [02:18:44] Speaker D: Okay, so you're spending your lucky. [02:18:48] Speaker C: You have to succeed on that, Dex. [02:18:50] Speaker D: You make it out of the docks, and now you're in the parking area, and you can see the headlights of the model t. Come on. [02:19:00] Speaker B: So tired of this. [02:19:04] Speaker D: Who would like to make a lucky check? I'll do it. Okay, y'all, please. [02:19:09] Speaker A: I'll do it. [02:19:14] Speaker D: Hard. Success. Hi. All right, so you all make it to the parking area, and the model T turns on. And you're the first to see it. Ruby. [02:19:31] Speaker B: Right? [02:19:32] Speaker D: You see a familiar car coming in your direction, and then you see the big, cheesy grin. [02:19:42] Speaker B: I knew it. God damn it. [02:19:44] Speaker D: And he stops right in front of you. He goes, I just got worried. We gotta go. All of them in the car? [02:19:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:20:00] Speaker B: I am full on shoving people into the back. I will get in the front seat. [02:20:04] Speaker D: And I'm like, go. Let me see. I've got to do this for him now. [02:20:23] Speaker C: Is there a way I can get. Dwayne? Dwayne. Can I help you, please? [02:20:29] Speaker D: He's not here. Observant shit. [02:20:35] Speaker B: Our gossip or our german. [02:20:38] Speaker D: You're about to see. Oh, no. [02:20:40] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:20:42] Speaker D: Yeah, cuz where is he? I don't what's. Okay, like, I'll take you all to the army or whatever, but we do that guy that's coming, like, you see the model T. Shit. [02:20:59] Speaker A: Go. [02:21:01] Speaker D: Can't live. [02:21:02] Speaker B: Dwayne. [02:21:03] Speaker D: I don't. [02:21:05] Speaker E: I've successfully hidden twice, so I'm hidden. Hidden, right? [02:21:08] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:21:10] Speaker E: Could I have moved? Found a way to move to the parking lot to get to a car? [02:21:18] Speaker D: I will give this to you. I will give you a mechanical repair to see if you can hotwire a car. [02:21:24] Speaker B: You're gonna give him a mechanical repair? [02:21:27] Speaker C: Let's go. [02:21:29] Speaker D: Good, good. No complaints. [02:21:31] Speaker E: No complaints. [02:21:31] Speaker D: No complaints at all. No complaints at all. That's a good way. [02:21:36] Speaker B: You know how to hotwire a car. [02:21:37] Speaker A: That's a good thing. [02:21:39] Speaker D: It's a good thing. So you all see the headlights of Han's Model T coming full speed at you. And you see he's leaning out and he's pointing a gun at you. You see Frank Draco go, shit. He hits the gas. But you also see another car behind that one. Come to life. Go ahead, Romeo. Spot hidden. [02:22:04] Speaker E: Me or them? [02:22:06] Speaker D: Everybody else. [02:22:09] Speaker B: Nope. [02:22:10] Speaker D: I'm concerned with you able to see that that is delayed. Oh, shit. [02:22:18] Speaker A: It's him. It's him. [02:22:20] Speaker D: Go. [02:22:20] Speaker A: Fucking go. He's gonna follow us or he's gonna ram the german bastard. [02:22:25] Speaker D: So let's go, French. Rico, just go. Hold on. It just fucking hits that gas. In fact, with you saying that that is Dwayne and he's probably going to do something. He. He shifts into gear, drives, drifts around Hods who's shooting, but can't quite get a bead on all of you. And is now side to side with Dwayne's car. [02:23:04] Speaker A: Is there. Who's got. Is there? Fred? [02:23:08] Speaker D: Are you. What are you, what? [02:23:10] Speaker A: Do you have a weapon? [02:23:14] Speaker D: I'm not supposed to have a weapon. God damn it. [02:23:16] Speaker B: That's not the question she asked you. [02:23:20] Speaker D: He just goes under the seat and there's a pistol. [02:23:24] Speaker A: Cool. Can I. Can I fire at one of the. The other tire? [02:23:29] Speaker D: You can see that the tire that was shot before has been replaced. [02:23:33] Speaker A: Cool. Can I take out one of the. [02:23:35] Speaker E: Other ones, take that same one out? [02:23:38] Speaker D: Yeah, it will be. Excuse me. It will be a hard shot because right now, he. He spun around to get behind the German. And the German. It's not. Hans is not turning around to beat y'all. He's just jetting out now. [02:23:56] Speaker A: Okay, I still want to try and fire. [02:23:58] Speaker E: Oh, he's trying to leave. [02:23:59] Speaker D: Yeah, let him go. [02:24:01] Speaker B: We'll see him later. [02:24:04] Speaker D: Damn it. [02:24:05] Speaker A: All right, see him later. So, yeah, I'll take the pistol, and there's, like, half a second where I lean out the window and try to fire, but he's gone. He's gone too far. So it just. I'm assuming it just pings off the bumper. [02:24:19] Speaker D: Go ahead, roll your shot. [02:24:22] Speaker A: I did. As a failure. [02:24:23] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [02:24:24] Speaker A: 36 over 17. [02:24:25] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, nothing happened. And he just gets away. Oh, my God. [02:24:36] Speaker A: Fred. Freddie. Freddie, can you get us to the armory, please? Yeah, yeah, quickly. [02:24:41] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, of course. But, uh, real quick. Uh, just. Y'all see that fucking tire, though? [02:24:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:24:53] Speaker A: That was. That was the beast knees, my guy. [02:24:58] Speaker D: Yeah, that was. [02:24:59] Speaker C: That was real cool. Hey, Fredrico? [02:25:03] Speaker D: Yeah? [02:25:03] Speaker C: Could you get us to. [02:25:05] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah. Should we wait for Tommy and. [02:25:11] Speaker B: No, no, no. They're super dead. [02:25:16] Speaker A: There's not. [02:25:16] Speaker D: They're not. They're super dead. What? [02:25:20] Speaker A: Like, really? [02:25:21] Speaker D: We got attacked by a bunch of. [02:25:22] Speaker B: Ghost people when people were searching after us the first place. You shouldn't have locked them in the one building. [02:25:32] Speaker D: A lot of information. Oh, I'm driving. [02:25:36] Speaker B: I'm driving. [02:25:38] Speaker D: Stop yelling at me. [02:25:40] Speaker A: Freddie. Freddie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It, um. [02:25:43] Speaker C: Sorry, Freddie. [02:25:44] Speaker D: No, it's. It's okay. I'm sorry. I just. I'm. I'm a little razzled. [02:25:48] Speaker A: No, there's, um. [02:25:50] Speaker B: There's a lot. Rattled. Rattled Razzles is a different ruby. I'm just saying. Two different types of herbs. [02:25:58] Speaker C: Yeah, I know. [02:25:59] Speaker A: I know. [02:25:59] Speaker D: Actually, rattlesnake. [02:26:00] Speaker A: I know, sugar. It's. I know, I know, I know. I'm like. [02:26:03] Speaker B: I just don't know how else to deal with this. [02:26:05] Speaker A: I'm gonna take Ruby. I'm gonna, like, set her head on my shoulder. [02:26:09] Speaker B: I'm in the front seat. [02:26:10] Speaker A: Okay, never mind. [02:26:11] Speaker B: I appreciate it, though. I could get some comfort. [02:26:14] Speaker E: Like, hands on shoulders, rubbing them at. [02:26:17] Speaker A: I know. I know, Freddie. There's a lot. There's a lot, um. There's a lot going on that, um. None of us really understand. Um. [02:26:28] Speaker C: Yeah, been a rough couple minutes. [02:26:31] Speaker A: Uh. There's, um. It's more than just. It's more than. Than just fucking cops. There's shit that. There's shit that don't make sense. [02:26:44] Speaker D: And. [02:26:45] Speaker A: We'Re trying to make sense of it the best we can. And Tommy and Andrew didn't. They didn't make it out in time. [02:26:56] Speaker D: Yeah. All right. [02:26:57] Speaker A: Tommy. And Tommy was, um. Tommy was working with the german bastard, so, uh. [02:27:04] Speaker D: Oh, dick. [02:27:06] Speaker A: He goes, coming to him. [02:27:07] Speaker B: Yeah, probably how they knew where you were. [02:27:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:27:14] Speaker D: Athlete. I need you to roll me a composure check. [02:27:18] Speaker C: Oh, boy. [02:27:24] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [02:27:25] Speaker E: Hard. It's on hard. [02:27:26] Speaker A: Oh, it's on hard. It's still a failure. [02:27:31] Speaker D: You just. The drive gets quiet for a moment, and you're just grateful to be out of the docks, and you take a look at the rear view mirror for a second, and sitting right next to you is Tommy. And you just hear. What about me? [02:27:53] Speaker C: Me. [02:27:59] Speaker D: You good back there? [02:28:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. It's been, um. It's been a rough day already, and we're just getting started. [02:28:16] Speaker D: You all make it to the armory, and it. The sun is starting to set. It's been a long day. And there's a tension in the armory as folks are coming in and getting ready. Sam is in his military regalia, weapons in hand. You see a few folks volunteering, some of the volunteers being turned away, but staying anyway. And there's. You can tell that there's not cohesion. There's just worry. Rodrigo opens, uh, drinko, uh, gets you all out, uh, into the armory, and, uh. Uh, Sam goes, what are they doing here? If you go, hey, it's not. It's not even Sam. Finger in the chest. What are they doing here? [02:29:42] Speaker B: That is not his fault. [02:29:45] Speaker A: If we hadn't gotten out, we would be dead right now. [02:29:50] Speaker B: The guy you let guard them ratted them out to. [02:29:53] Speaker A: That german asshole Tommy was working with Hans. He sent him to my shop. [02:30:06] Speaker B: You almost got them killed. [02:30:15] Speaker C: Hans showed up where we were. [02:30:22] Speaker E: Can. You can all be angry now, or we can all help you now. We're not going anywhere. [02:30:34] Speaker D: You're all wounded to hell. [02:30:36] Speaker E: We're not going anywhere. [02:30:42] Speaker D: The Bex box that was left here is going off. And. Sangos, I thought we got that thing, this stop. And Raymond goes, we got it to stop picking us up. [02:31:04] Speaker C: He's here. It's him. [02:31:09] Speaker D: Sam picks up the box and walks by each of you. Nothing happens on you, Ruby. Nothing happens on you, Dwayne. It jumps a little on you, JB. But when it gets to Adelaide. [02:31:50] Speaker A: I don't know how. I don't. But Hans called in the soldiers, the ghosts, the same ones that we saw that first night when our boys were taken in. [02:32:11] Speaker D: And. [02:32:12] Speaker A: And they were gonna. They were gonna kill JB. [02:32:17] Speaker D: I don't know what happened. Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. It's. [02:32:24] Speaker B: I hold your hand. [02:32:27] Speaker C: I give you a hug. [02:32:29] Speaker B: It's not your fault. [02:32:32] Speaker D: What the hell is going on? And then it starts blaring again. And they point it away from you. Adelaide, into just outside. And then you hear the footsteps. And then you hear. If we could have all of you step out of the armory. We have reason to believe that you are. That there is illegal and illicit activity happening inside. We are going to request once, and only once, that you all evacuate immediately, or else we will come in with deadly intent. And you see Sam look down at his weapons, at the others, and they just nod. Raymond looks at Sam and goes, you want to say anything? Sam just goes. Nothing to say. All right, gofightus. It's time to do what we do. You look outside and you see about three to four cop cars and one model t Ford behind them. And then you hear the bagpipes. Then you see the soldiers. Raymond looks outside, does across, looks at you. Ruby smiles and says, I really wish you would have stayed home. [02:34:59] Speaker B: There's no rose I'd rather be. [02:35:03] Speaker D: You're paying my ass. [02:35:06] Speaker B: I know. [02:35:11] Speaker D: Daddy kicks the door open, and you can see in. The fighting begins. [02:35:21] Speaker B: So I can't fight. Um, I'm going to be not on the front lines. [02:35:28] Speaker A: I'm just gonna be helping get people. [02:35:30] Speaker B: Out the way who's been shot, so I can go somewhere else. [02:35:33] Speaker D: Okay, well, hey, how you want to, however you want to engage in this battle is entirely up to you. But you do see that your side is outnumbered, outgunned. Well, I wouldn't say that. But I will say they are outnumbered. [02:35:53] Speaker E: Out manned. [02:35:55] Speaker B: Out manned. [02:35:56] Speaker C: When you got ghosts on your side. [02:35:58] Speaker E: You should outnumber, but not outplanned, not outlandish. [02:36:03] Speaker D: Right? [02:36:04] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [02:36:05] Speaker D: I should have started that. [02:36:06] Speaker E: I got you. [02:36:06] Speaker D: No, it's. I got you. It's fun. Okay. What are the rest of you doing? [02:36:11] Speaker E: I immediately. I inform the closest soldier to tell any other soldiers to aim for the one in the model t. You kill him, you get rid of those ghosts. [02:36:27] Speaker D: Stay less you can see. You see? He nods, gives a signal. And about two other soldiers adjust their aim. [02:36:45] Speaker A: Keeper. I'm not gonna lie. I'm looking. I'm looking at Cthulhu spells because I've never done this before. There is something called. Called evil eye. Yeah, all I can see here is that it's a debuff, especially against enemies using firearms. [02:37:05] Speaker D: So here's the deal. Here's the deal. You have been touched by Eldritch magic, which is why you're able to do these things. But you have not been trained in the slightest. In the slightest. And you've noticed your intent usually comes across, but at a cost. You want it to protect Dwayne, so you resurrected, in a way. The body of Thomas. You need it to live, and so you drain the soul of Andrew. This is big intent. The bigger the intent, the more severe the backlash. What would you like to do? [02:38:12] Speaker A: Can I focus it on one. [02:38:16] Speaker D: Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. [02:38:20] Speaker A: Area effect. Feels like a little too. A little too ballsy. A little too ballsy. But do I see Jesus? I should have worn waterproof mascara. Do I see the officer who had the tattoo at first? [02:38:41] Speaker D: Absolutely do. [02:38:42] Speaker A: Can I focus in on him? [02:38:45] Speaker D: Row me a spot. Hidden, dang it. Nope. [02:38:52] Speaker A: I see fuck all. [02:38:54] Speaker D: Fortunately, you do not see him. [02:38:57] Speaker A: Fine. Nearest officer will do. [02:39:01] Speaker D: Okay, so you're doing it to the nearest officer. Go ahead and roll me a magazine. Go ahead. Roll me a luck check first. Okay, now roll me a power. Okay. And then I will roll. [02:39:24] Speaker A: That was a failure and then a success. [02:39:27] Speaker D: This will cost you two magic points. [02:39:30] Speaker C: Cool. [02:39:36] Speaker D: So tell me what this looks like. [02:39:42] Speaker A: Um. I'm still very much shaken and angry and terrified. Something happened to me. Inside of me, and it helped save my cousin and save my friends. But it costs. But if that cost means that the people that I love and the community that I grew up in, the community that I love, get to fight and live another day, then I will. I will take that cost. So I'll try to find that power, that light, the strange thing that I don't understand. And I will pull it out of me and almost like. Like an underhand, like a softball pitch, just right into that officer's face. [02:40:52] Speaker D: And what you all see is just a wisp of purple light floating from Adelaide's hands into the direction of this officer. And that light burrows deep into the chest. This officer. You can hear the sizzling of burning skin and polyester. And then you hear a terrifying sound. In fact, it's so terrifying, I'm going to need all of you to make me a composure check. [02:41:48] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [02:41:50] Speaker B: I'll spend my luck. [02:41:53] Speaker D: I'm fine. [02:42:00] Speaker A: It's, uh, not so great all the way down the line. Except for Ruby. Ruby's fine. [02:42:05] Speaker B: I'm fine. [02:42:07] Speaker D: Ruby's great ruins. [02:42:08] Speaker A: Having a weird day, to be honest with you. [02:42:12] Speaker B: I mean, I was gonna be like. [02:42:16] Speaker A: I was gonna be like. [02:42:16] Speaker B: The scariest thing I saw were my friends being unhinged and feral. But I think this might actually qualify as that. [02:42:23] Speaker E: So here's a war zone. This is full. This is a full on. [02:42:33] Speaker D: Freaky things. [02:42:34] Speaker B: Happening in San Fran. [02:42:36] Speaker C: Harlem. Kind of hit different, huh? [02:42:38] Speaker D: In this country, there is a problem. And the problem is that it is run by those that consider the lives of the marginalized to be disposable. Things that will go missing and forgotten. But all things that breathe deserve justice and peace. And when they don't get their peace, they remember. And every martyred soul that has been cast aside by people that wear the badge that this man wears. See the call? And they all let out a bellowing scream of rage that shakes Harlem to its core. You meant to distract, and your spell did that. It sought to distract by giving innocent blood a chance to have its say. The problem, the underestimation. Overestimation was just how blood soaked this place is. If you ever been in a building with far too many people in it, you understand just how quickly a door open just slightly can be blown off its hinges. Women, children, men. All cast aside for temporary displays of power are now given the power that was denied to them in life. And they tear this man apart from the inside out. Suddenly, the badges that each one of these officers wear burns hot. You see them quickly grabbing and tearing off the vanishing. But you smell the burning skin as the star. As the star brands itself into their hands. The soldiers see this as, well, the Hellfighters. And they want to take advantage. They want to press the advantage. But this display is horrific. Wow. Everyone who sees this loses only one composure. So, in a sense, the hellfighters look at this, and they hold. They still draw breath. There's still time to fight for their justice. This moment. This moment belongs to the martyred. And you see them go to work. Suddenly, the bagpipes blare louder and more german soldiers are conjured. And then you hear humming, singing an old song. An ancient song, but one that comes from the very core of you, sung by the martyred. And there is a spectral battle that begins. What would you all like to do? [02:47:34] Speaker A: It's very cool. [02:47:35] Speaker B: Uh, can I. Is there a way for me to find out where the bagpipe sound is coming from? [02:47:42] Speaker D: It is coming from the model t. Oh. [02:47:49] Speaker E: I want to destroy that thing. I know we have. What's the arm, what's the. What's the ammo? And are there grenades? [02:48:00] Speaker D: There are, unfortunately, no grenades. [02:48:03] Speaker E: Dang it, dang it, dang it, dang it. Well, I know how a car works. I know how to shut a car off. Could I, with a gun, try to shoot. To shoot it enough to destroy it. [02:48:23] Speaker D: You would be shooting into a. From where you are, you would be shooting into a battle to get to a car that's probably 30, 40ft. [02:48:37] Speaker B: Is this armory multiple stories? [02:48:41] Speaker D: It is, in fact, two stories with the bait, with a basement. [02:48:45] Speaker B: Okay. [02:48:46] Speaker D: I. [02:48:47] Speaker B: You know, cuz, like, I would. That's kind of where my focus is on, is like, we know that the bagpipes seem to be conjuring the soldiers, and so I would want to take out where that's coming from. So if you're thinking along the same lines, I would be like, upstairs, you get a better vantage point. [02:49:05] Speaker E: Yeah, to, uh. I think again to. To go with the soldiers. Beg the car. The car is. The soldiers shoot the car, destroy it, get rid of it, and they lose. [02:49:18] Speaker D: They fail, they die. [02:49:24] Speaker E: To a soldier or soldiers just to. To give them instruction as, uh, I guess want to lead them to get a better shot from the roof or the balcony or someplace where they can get a vantage point to be able to shoot this thing successfully. [02:49:42] Speaker D: Okay, um, so a couple of them will join you on the roof. Um, go ahead. Give me a spot. Hidden. Check. Once you get up there, I will. [02:49:53] Speaker E: Spend the luck for it. I don't care. [02:49:56] Speaker D: You do see that vodka is no longer in the car. [02:50:01] Speaker B: Is it still coming from the car, though? [02:50:03] Speaker D: It, uh, it does seem to be centered on the car, but you don't see vocta in the car any longer. [02:50:11] Speaker B: It's probably like a radio or something, or else some super spooky magical crap. In which case, destroying the car probably won't work. But we could try. [02:50:23] Speaker E: Car goes. Car goes, regardless. I'm sick of this thing. I'm utterly sick of it. [02:50:30] Speaker A: Sick of this damn model t. I'm. [02:50:33] Speaker E: Sick of this model t. I'm utterly done with it. I'm utter. I'm just. I'm. [02:50:38] Speaker D: I've successfully made my party hate a car. [02:50:42] Speaker E: This is my jazz, man. I'm done with it. [02:50:44] Speaker A: This is your savvy? [02:50:46] Speaker E: This is my time. This is my Tommy. I want to just get this. Destroy this thing. I want to hit it with everything we have. [02:50:53] Speaker D: Okay? [02:50:54] Speaker E: And then look for the german man afterwards. [02:50:58] Speaker D: All right, so, um, you're just telling them to open fire on the. [02:51:03] Speaker E: On the. On the car. [02:51:04] Speaker D: All right. Um, I'm gonna say they rattle that thing in it, lights on fire, and then ball. It explodes and the music remains. [02:51:19] Speaker B: God damn it. Had a feeling. [02:51:21] Speaker E: Son of a bitch. [02:51:22] Speaker A: Where's the goddamn German? Yeah, that's what that's the other thing I'm looking for. [02:51:27] Speaker E: Who has the Bex box? Where is the Bex box? [02:51:29] Speaker D: The bex box is just inside the armory. [02:51:32] Speaker C: I have a question. You said that we have soldiers who are going to work, but there are also other volunteers. [02:51:42] Speaker D: Yes. [02:51:43] Speaker C: Are the volunteers. What is the state of the volunteers? [02:51:48] Speaker D: I'm very glad you asked. They are not doing as well. The police are advancing on the side that is guarded by the volunteers. Okay, I'll roam me a spot hidden. [02:52:09] Speaker C: Oof. That's a big failure. I do not, I don't see. [02:52:16] Speaker D: Okay, um. [02:52:20] Speaker C: For the people who are. Is Sam just taking control? Like, is Sam just, like, focused on battle, or is he taking control in, like, organizing? [02:52:34] Speaker D: Sam just. Sam is just working as a soldier right now. If, if you would like, you can you, you can take control. [02:52:46] Speaker C: I'm gonna try. [02:52:49] Speaker D: Okay. [02:52:51] Speaker C: Because I'm seeing one side getting outgunned and another side sort of winning or doing decent. Is there a way I could. Well, because Sam's a captain, right? [02:53:08] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [02:53:10] Speaker C: And is there anybody else of rank that I would know? I don't think there is. I think Sam. [02:53:15] Speaker D: No. But if you want, you could try to get Sam, like, hey, head in the game. You got to be more than a soldier. [02:53:22] Speaker C: Okay, I got that. So that's what, that's what I'm going to do. [02:53:25] Speaker D: Okay. [02:53:28] Speaker C: What, sir, are the volunteers? They're not doing as good as they, as your soldiers. I told them they have to come. Well, we understand that, but they're here. They're your platoon. Now. You need to make sure that they are backed up. So if we can shuffle around, make sure that we have both sides covered evenly, however we can do this. That way, we hold the line. We have to hold. We have to hold. [02:53:56] Speaker D: Okay, roll me a persuade. Check. [02:53:58] Speaker C: Persuade. Okay. I'll spend that luck point. [02:54:04] Speaker D: Okay, um, in 1 second. Now it's time for Sam. Um, in the middle of your sentence, it's almost like he just stops listening. As you see, he locks eyes like you. You get his attention on the volunteer side, and the second he scans over there, he locks eyes with vodka and he goes, JB, right? [02:54:53] Speaker C: Yep. Yes, sir. [02:54:58] Speaker D: PSD order hellfighters. Right. Flames. Volunteers fall back. Funnel inside the armory. And you heard the captain. Everybody. Everybody is listening to him. And you, as you coordinate this, you see Sam make a beeline. Devocor. [02:55:30] Speaker C: Who else is around me? [02:55:33] Speaker D: Who would like to be around JB? I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say fredrikos around you. That was really cool, man. [02:55:44] Speaker C: Oh, thanks, buddy. I appreciate that, man. You're a pretty cool guy. Like, you know a lot, but you know a lot of people and you talk a lot. But you know what? [02:55:50] Speaker B: This is probably not the time I. [02:55:51] Speaker D: Really talk that much. You got one arm out here, man. You should probably be inside. But I don't talk that much. [02:55:56] Speaker C: I'm directing traffic. So I'm gonna need you to go with the volunteers and fall back as the captain said. Okay? [02:56:03] Speaker D: Uh. Man, did you even go get yourself a gun? Like, what are you doing out here, man? Did you say, get you a gun? What? What did you say? [02:56:13] Speaker C: Handgun, please. I can only use one. I don't need a shotgun. It's not gonna work. That's probably that. [02:56:18] Speaker D: Listen, I got two because it looks coolish. You, too. So here, you take that one. [02:56:22] Speaker C: Come on with this. [02:56:25] Speaker D: Try to look cool. [02:56:26] Speaker B: If you shoot two, you're probably not. [02:56:28] Speaker C: Gonna be as accurate. [02:56:30] Speaker D: That's why you shoot double the bullets. Because it's like, why y'all. [02:56:33] Speaker B: Are you ready? [02:56:41] Speaker C: Hans, over there. [02:56:43] Speaker A: Sorry, cousin. Serious ap. It's a very serious, spooky ap. Jonathan Booker. [02:56:49] Speaker E: We have our moments. We have our moments. [02:56:52] Speaker C: Wow. [02:56:54] Speaker D: Damn. [02:56:54] Speaker C: I'm trying to be helped. [02:56:59] Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. [02:57:01] Speaker A: No, I just. I. Mmm. Is there such thing as a warding spell? [02:57:08] Speaker D: I don't know. Is there? [02:57:10] Speaker B: I don't know. You don't know shit about this magic stuff. I mean, you can do whatever you want. [02:57:17] Speaker A: I don't know shit about shit keeper. [02:57:20] Speaker D: Yeah. What are you willing to risk for there to be a warning? Spill. [02:57:25] Speaker A: I like. Okay. My composure. My composure. I'm losing composure bit by bit, but. [02:57:32] Speaker D: I'm still holding on. [02:57:33] Speaker A: Dang it. So I would like to make it real difficult for enemy fire or enemy chicanery to pass the threshold, the front threshold of the armory, in whatever capacity that means. [02:57:52] Speaker D: Okay. Ruby. [02:57:53] Speaker B: Luck. [02:57:54] Speaker D: Fuck. [02:57:56] Speaker A: Oh, I'm gonna die. This is how I die. I already died once. I'm gonna die again. [02:58:01] Speaker C: Is there any way I can help? [02:58:03] Speaker D: Nope. No. Not with this row. Me power. [02:58:07] Speaker A: Sure. That's an extreme success, though. [02:58:11] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. [02:58:13] Speaker B: You're extremely powerful, apparently. [02:58:18] Speaker D: This will cost you three magic points. [02:58:20] Speaker A: Cool. [02:58:22] Speaker D: How many do you have left? And this will cost you four composure. [02:58:27] Speaker A: I'm still in the double digits on both. [02:58:31] Speaker D: Um, the spectral spirits, all in one unified step, take a step back, and then they just hold each other's arms like this. The german spectral ghost are continuing to attack, but they're attacking with guns. And the martyrs are just soaking them and that in. Unfortunately, you can feel the pain, and it's only going to hold out as long as you do. [02:59:22] Speaker C: You okay? [02:59:24] Speaker B: No. [02:59:26] Speaker C: What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? [02:59:30] Speaker A: You need to take Hans down. I don't know how long I can hold on to this. [02:59:36] Speaker D: Row me. A constitution check. [02:59:42] Speaker A: That's success. [02:59:46] Speaker D: That's got to be one hit point. So here's how this is going to work. Every success you get on the constitution is a d four. Every failure, we up the die. Oh, no. [03:00:00] Speaker A: Do I have the option to drop if I realize I'm getting too close to death? [03:00:05] Speaker D: Yes. Yes, you do. That's good. That is why I'm explaining how it works. [03:00:09] Speaker B: Where are you located right now, Addie? [03:00:14] Speaker A: Probably I wouldn't want to be right on the front line because, well, I'm not armed right now, but I'm throwing magic at people, so probably one of the side windows. So I have a vantage point, but I'm not directly in front of everything. [03:00:32] Speaker B: I'll be hovering around you. Then, after. [03:00:34] Speaker A: Especially after. [03:00:35] Speaker B: It seems like the bullets aren't getting into the armory, because mostly what I was doing is I would see somebody fall, and then I would just drag them to safety. That's what I was doing, because I can't fight. [03:00:48] Speaker A: It's definitely like pulling and pushing and grabbing and twisting, whatever sort of energy that I seem to have a reserve of because the fuck. And just trying to keep the. The weave of the martyred tight. [03:01:08] Speaker D: Yeah, it's at this point. Point. Ruby. [03:01:12] Speaker B: Uh oh. [03:01:14] Speaker D: You see that? There are few beyond the wall of the martyr, the volunteers that are not doing very well. [03:01:31] Speaker B: Gotta go get them. [03:01:36] Speaker D: You see Dominique's car with the keys inside? What would you like to do now? I'll give you an intelligence check to see if you can come up with some ideas here. [03:01:55] Speaker B: Okay. [03:01:58] Speaker D: Hey, what ideas do I. Just. [03:02:01] Speaker B: My very, very intelligent brain. [03:02:04] Speaker D: Well, first off, what plan do you have? [03:02:07] Speaker B: I mean, I wanted to go get the car and run some people over. [03:02:09] Speaker A: While I was going to pick up. [03:02:10] Speaker B: Some folks who might have needed help, but that was just my personal thought. [03:02:16] Speaker D: Another thought is it would only take you a couple minutes to make it to the protest from here. [03:02:25] Speaker B: Oh, is that still going on? [03:02:27] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [03:02:29] Speaker D: You could force them to fight on two flanks. [03:02:34] Speaker B: About how far is that from here? [03:02:38] Speaker D: If you drive like hell, about two minutes. [03:02:42] Speaker B: Okay. Sounds good to me. Uh, I will just kind of, uh. Actually, Addie is preoccupied, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to. Dwayne, are you still on the second floor. [03:02:59] Speaker E: Yeah, I'd still be. I'm looking. I'm looking on the. Looking for this goddamn man. His stupid song. Look, I've been looking for him, okay? [03:03:11] Speaker D: It's. He's real easy to see now that. That sam's making a beeline for him. But what were you about to say, really? [03:03:17] Speaker B: I was just going to say, I'll turn to JB, and I'll be like, I'll be right back. Do not tell my brother I'm leaving. And then I will duck, uh, out. [03:03:26] Speaker D: The door and make up beeline for. [03:03:28] Speaker B: The car, I guess. [03:03:32] Speaker D: All right? And so you get. You get into the car, you drive past the. To the barrier. Adelaide, you can see that the martyrs will stop this car unless you succeed on a power check. Ruby is driving full speed, and it will be the equivalent of hitting a brick wall. [03:04:03] Speaker B: Please don't hurt me. [03:04:04] Speaker D: Unless you're able to do this. [03:04:06] Speaker A: Okay? Um. [03:04:08] Speaker D: Or you'll have to drop it entirely. [03:04:11] Speaker C: Can I help? [03:04:12] Speaker A: Can I. If I. If I fail the power check, would I realize that I failed? [03:04:17] Speaker D: Yes. [03:04:18] Speaker A: Okay. [03:04:19] Speaker D: I'm not gonna screw you. It's just like, ha ha. Ruby gets into. [03:04:23] Speaker A: Nah, that's a critical success. That's a one under 80. [03:04:28] Speaker D: I love you. [03:04:30] Speaker A: I could kiss you. [03:04:36] Speaker E: The dice tell a story. [03:04:38] Speaker A: Dice tell a story. [03:04:40] Speaker B: The dice, they know. They always know. [03:04:43] Speaker E: They always know. [03:04:45] Speaker D: Ruby, you drive full speed. And the martyred stop holding hands. And they look at you and they make a welcoming gesture, and they sing you a song that feels like home. I think it's the first time I. [03:05:10] Speaker B: Actually feel like Carla was home. [03:05:14] Speaker D: In the passenger seat, in your car, you feel a warm fire. You see Issa and she goes, baby, in a flash of light, you're at the protest. [03:05:41] Speaker B: Thank you, mama. [03:05:44] Speaker D: And that is where we're going to end for today. [03:05:53] Speaker A: So many things. [03:05:54] Speaker D: So many things. [03:05:56] Speaker A: Yeah, so many things happened. [03:05:58] Speaker B: We. [03:05:58] Speaker D: I guess. [03:05:58] Speaker A: Okay, we. So, I don't know about y'all, fam, but we took that. Like, we were already kind of cranked up to. Like, we took that. We cranked that up to an eleven, at the very least. [03:06:10] Speaker C: Oops. [03:06:14] Speaker A: With that. Friends, um, thank you again for joining us here on Queen's court games, um, for the penultimate installment of Harlem hellfighters ever die, a scenario from Chris Spivey's Harlem unbound for call of cthulhu, 7th edition. We, uh. We're. We're in it, y'all. But the end is in sight. For good or ill. We will find out soon. But for now, I would like to introduce our wonderful table. First and foremost, jazz. If you have other things and other stuff that you want people to see, where can they find you? [03:06:56] Speaker B: What up, everybody? I'm jaz, also known as Cinderskoria on the everywheres except for Instagram. Instagram. Give me back my username if you want to see me on Instagram. At silverstarsoul. So you l like soul. You know, soul. Uh, let's see if you really want to find me. I'm mostly, oh, actually, I don't know how long Twitter is going to be a thing anymore. Usually I hang around Twitter, but you can dm me anywhere. Discord. I'm on blue sky now. That's pretty cool. Thank you, Aaron. Let's see what else. I'm trying to think of anything else that would be easy to find me on, but honestly, just google my name and click whatever pops up. That's probably, hopefully, me. Almost never. Nobody uses my username. It's all mine. Also, oh, my gosh. Our pre order link for being ace just popped up. So if you want to read a book full of asexual authors who write about asexual characters doing things asexually that didn't make any sense, you can pre order. It's edited by Madeline Dyer. It's available on Netgalley, Goodreads, and everywhere else. You can pre order stuff. I think that's it for me, honestly, I'm not really doing anything else. We do have the other side of studios popping up our season three for the arcane portion. Be dropping in, I want to say September, maybe October. You know, we're pre recording this right now, so it'll be eventually. Just keep an eye out and I'll tell you. Okay, that's it. [03:08:27] Speaker A: Thank you, Jazz. Christian, if you have other things that you are doing and stuff that's happening down the pipeline, where could people find you on the Internet so they can see what you do? [03:08:42] Speaker E: Wow, this is. I'm still reeling from this episode. There's a lot of things, a lot of people. Hi, everybody. [03:08:52] Speaker D: Hi. [03:08:52] Speaker E: My name is Christian, aka Fluffy Goomba on several socials, mainly on TikTok. But you also find me on Twitch several days, playing several games with several wonderful people. You can also find me on Thursdays on roll for Dylan. That's R oll, the number four Dylan vampire, the masquerades darkness over New Orleans. And of course, you can always find me on Sundays. 08:00 p.m.. ESC on total party kisses, tragedy of theologian, greek myth inspired five e campaign and a bunch of other projects that will get released. I don't know when. Check socials, if socials exist or we're just using. We're using smoke signals or whatever. Man, I can't wait to just talk about this game for the rest of my life. That's me. [03:09:41] Speaker A: Rob, I know you do a lot of things on this great and crazy Internet, but if you want people to come see you do the things you do, where can they find you? [03:09:51] Speaker C: Hey, y'all, how's it going? My right arm does work. It's just for the show. Relax. Um, hey, Rob Madison, the second mad doctor rob on the everywheres. M a d r r o b. Uh, legitimately on the everywheres, like, anywhere. If you don't find me, I'm not there. There you go. Uh, I am a wonderful member of the fantastic group, one of the obsidian bruise. Probably heard me talk about it. They're dope peoples. And, uh, we are a group of black tabletop creators, building spaces to get more people of color, especially black people of color, into tabletop gaming. Uh, we are all over the place this summer. Uh, we were at blurred Con, Gen Con. If you're around, come find us. Be there. We're going to be at Dragon Con. So find us and see us. We won't be there, and we'll be anywhere else. Everybody wants to have us and that we can get to. I am the director of gaming over there. I'm also your resident map maker, so you can find me, uh, at least once a month, uh, doing a map stream with Monday maps with me, my doctor, Rob, uh, where I make a live. Make a, uh, battle map for tabletop rpg's. And you can come chat, view, get tips and tricks and see some cool stuff. Um, we also, uh, I don't know exactly the timeline because life gets life be life in sometimes. You can also catch obsidian brews, our stream of cult infinity lost, because it's pretty cool. Pretty cool, guys. It's pretty cool. If you want to catch obsidian brews, we're on the everywheres obsidianbrus. Catch all of our stuff on YouTube, put it up there. So come take a look, enjoy our stuff. Have fun with us. We appreciate you. I think that's me for now. [03:12:07] Speaker A: Rob does all the things all the time, forever. We are very lucky to be able to rope him in to this table. Noir, I know you are a busy, busy human. You do all of the things with so many people and so many people. After watching, you're gonna want to see the other amazing things that you do. So where can people find you so they can see the things you do? [03:12:28] Speaker D: Oh, yes. Um, okay. Uh, let's see. Well, first off, I just want to address. I know that's not how magic breaks a call of a Cthulhu, but it's fun. And we get to tell a cool story with. [03:12:39] Speaker A: This is our storytelling matters. [03:12:42] Speaker D: I just. I just want to avoid the. Well, technically, the way the rules were. [03:12:47] Speaker B: Just have how it works now. [03:12:50] Speaker D: But you can find me all over the Internet as the normal. Well, it's not Twitter anymore, so I'm not gonna. I'm not calling it. [03:12:59] Speaker A: Oh, that's right, it's Twitter. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah, that's right. It's still Twitter. Elon can deal with it. It's still Twitter. [03:13:06] Speaker D: We know what it is. But if you've got a big old twitter, you can find me all over the Internet as the no ar nigma. That's blue sky, twitch, YouTube, tick tock. And of course, my website be no are enigma.com. If you want to get some cool merch that would help me out, I've got the favorite enemy collection mugs over there, so if you want to let her insert, know that it's on site instantly, uh, by a mug. Um, every, uh, Monday, you can find me, uh, with the stream punks, we're doing stuff. Every Friday, you can find me over on Gen Con tv for table takes. Table takes place. Uh, and of course, every Saturday morning, you can find me on morning ritual, where we interview all of your favorite people. And, uh, and finally, you can find me at indoor adventures. We're playing apocalypse keys. I'm playing Joe, aka Judas Iscariot. It's a good time. [03:14:15] Speaker A: Good. Drop that baller as hell. Okay. Hi. Hello, friends. I'm Laura. Or tutu. Or Laura Tutu. You can find me on the interwebs as some iteration of Laura Tutu. You might just have to throw an underscore at the beginning or the end of that, because obviously someone else has my truncated handle when I'm not hanging out at Queen's court games and shitposting all over their social media and giving Erin and be headaches. I love you both so much. I'm so sorry. You can occasionally find me actually hanging out with Rob over at obsidian, Bruce, and sometimes I. I harassed Christian over at darkness over New Orleans. But for the most part, I'm here at Queen's court games. And if you want to see more of what Queen's court games does, you should probably follow us on Blue sky and Insta and Twitter and Facebook. If it's not Queen's court games, it's Queen's court rpg, because character limits are a beast. You should also probably come hang out on our discord because it's a real cool little nugget of the Internet. I think this community is one of the most fabulous communities that you could possibly hope for. Just saying. But now that we are in the shit and hopefully gonna make our way out of it, we're gonna leave it there. But you can join us next week, same time, but 3 hours ago ish, right here to see how the Harlem Hellfighters come out of this little scrape they found them in. Thank you all for watching. Have a good night.

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