The Dare - Kids on Bikes

November 01, 2022 04:12:21
The Dare - Kids on Bikes
One Shots and Other Mischief
The Dare - Kids on Bikes

Nov 01 2022 | 04:12:21


Show Notes

Four middle school students find themselves locked in an abandoned house when an eerie dare turns sinister. Is there more than creepy mirrors and creaking floorboards? And why does Roger want them to go in the basement so badly?

Insects, Vermin, Violence Against Children

Brady Wells - Aaron (@aaroninwords)
Dakota Murphy - Aubrey (@MadQueenCosplay)
Cassidy Jones - Jas (@CinderScoria)
Shaun Whitaker - Lola (@thirdvaultyarns)
Storyteller - Vee (@veeisforvampire)

"The Dare" is a Call of Cthulhu 7e Scenario ( adapted for "Kids on Bikes"

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello, friends, and welcome once again to another single serving tabletop adventure from Queen's court games. But this time, it's spooky. As always, I am Aaron, and I will be your storyteller. [00:00:13] Speaker B: Wait, wait. No, no, no. Hold on, hold on. Can you. No, that. We're not. No, it's not your time right now, Aaron. Just. Can you just go? No, that's very rude. Hi, friends. I'm vy, and I'm your storyteller for the evening, Erin. I see why you like it here. It's so roomy. A lot of space here. Wow. Anyway, tonight we have a very special Halloween one shot for all of you. We will be playing the dare, a scenario originally written for Call of Cthulhu by Kevin Ross all the way back in 1996. It was revamped and updated with the help of a seemingly haunted Kickstarter campaign. But it's available now, and that's the important thing. So if you go ahead and type exclamation point scenario in chat or take a look in the show notes, if you're catching up on YouTube or listening as a podcast, you can grab the link to check it out for yourselves. Now, there is a small little change. We're not actually running it in Call of Cthulhu. Actually going to do it in kids on bikes. So. You look so shocked. You knew this. [00:01:35] Speaker A: You got the golf. [00:01:37] Speaker B: You knew this. All right, folks. Now, being a horror scenario, there might be topics that certain viewers find uncomfortable or objectionable. You can get a list of these topics by typing exclamation point, safety in chat, or checking the show notes. So we've got our costumes and our pillowcases for candy. Let's go ahead and meet our amazing cast this evening. First up, one of my favorite people and friend of the court from goblets and gays, the Hellraiser, Aubrey. Hello. Now coming to us from roll together and hoard of tales, and currently very far from home, the nightmare on Elm Street. Lola taking time away from her busy, busy, busy recording schedule with girls run these worlds. And Zeal's daddy, who's currently on hiatus. Our third guest this evening is none other than the witch of Eastwick. It's jazz. [00:02:33] Speaker C: Hi. [00:02:35] Speaker B: And lastly, but certainly not leastly, you know him, you love him. You hardly ever see him on that side of the table. It's the lost boy himself, Aaron. [00:02:48] Speaker A: I don't like it down here. Your corner is awful. [00:02:53] Speaker B: Oh, well, okay. I. Do you want to. Do you want to move to that corner instead? [00:02:59] Speaker A: Ooh, can I. Yeah, go ahead. You want to, you want to switch, Aubrey? [00:03:06] Speaker B: Just swap corners with Aaron? [00:03:08] Speaker D: Yeah, why not? [00:03:09] Speaker B: Ok. All right. So we'll just, yeah, so just. Well, okay. Is that better? [00:03:14] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, no, much better. That's very nice. [00:03:16] Speaker B: Thank you. All right. Is everybody happy with their corners? [00:03:21] Speaker D: I think so. [00:03:23] Speaker B: Okay, great. Then let me tell you a story. Our story this evening takes place in the town of pot iron, Kansas, population 1241. The year is 1987, and it's Halloween night. Now, while pot iron isn't known for its love of Halloween and the recent satanic panic, concerns keep many of the creepier decorations safely locked away in storage. The houses in the neighborhood are still garnished with Jack O'lanterns. The evening is crisp and cool with a breeze that rustles those perfectly crunchy leaves in the trees lining the streets. Theres a hint of ozone in the air, and as the wind picks up, theres a sharpness that suggests a storm is coming. But youre pretty sure you got a little bit before any rain actually shows up, which is a good thing because you all have a bit of a walk ahead of you. Its getting late, and many homes have already turned off their porch lights, which, of course, is the universal symbol for we are out of candy. If this was any other year youd be all heading home to dump out your hall on the living room floor and trade with your friends or your siblings, bartering four tootsie rolls for a blow pop or pleading for the pink starburst in exchange for your orange ones. But this isn't any other year, is it? No. This year you are heading past the fenced yards that you know so well, traveling toward the edge of town. The farther you get from the comfort of your neighborhood, the more infrequent the streetlights become, marked by that iconic orange glow loudly buzzing overhead. The homes here are sparser and a little run down, and the distance you have to clear to make it to the next house grows with each door you pass. You can see it, can't you, looming in the middle distance. That old two story victorian affair. And I mean, let's be honest, even if you couldn't, it wouldn't matter because you know this place well. It's the most infamous house in pot iron, after all, and the rumors surrounding this place are innumerable. The barnaker house, vacant for 20 some years. The barnacre house reeks of negligence, the once vibrant paint now dull and peeling if not completely absent. The roof is a shabby collection of shale tiles, and the windows are shuttered and crudely boarded up the plants that have not withered away have overgrown, and the path to the front steps is all but hidden by vines and a thin layer of detritus. But I'm curious. This isn't the type of place that your parents would let you come in to in the daytime, much less at night on Halloween with a handful of kids that aren't exactly your friends, all being herded by the class bully, Roger Simmons. So tell me, Dakota, what's a popular kid like yourself doing in a place like this with these people? Does your dad know where you are right now? [00:06:35] Speaker D: Certainly not. Certainly not. He definitely does not. Now, I think I told him that, you know, I am staying over at Stacey's house tonight after, you know, we go trick or treating and watching movies and things like that. Normal things that eleven year old girls do at sleepover. [00:06:55] Speaker B: Sure, sure. Stacy's your best friend, I'm assuming. [00:07:00] Speaker D: For now. [00:07:01] Speaker B: For now, of course, yeah. You gotta have one in the wings, right? [00:07:07] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:07:09] Speaker B: Who's that one in the wings? I won't tell Stacey, but who's the one in the wings? [00:07:14] Speaker D: Um, probably Amanda. [00:07:17] Speaker B: Amanda? Oh, it would be, wouldn't it? Oh, Brady, you seem to be nodding at Amanda. You know, Amanda's great. Yeah, yeah, she's great. [00:07:29] Speaker A: Who doesn't like Amanda? Yeah. No, tell me doesn't like Amanda. I'll fight him. [00:07:35] Speaker D: I mean, she's. She's great, but, you know, she's not Stacey because Stacey's covering for me tonight. [00:07:41] Speaker B: I was gonna ask Dakota, like, if your parents called Stacey, would she actually have your back? [00:07:48] Speaker D: Yeah, no, she would. You know, I am popular and, you know, maybe, you know, I have promised Stacey something, you know, too live for me and say that I am there. And if, you know, if parents call, just say, like, putting on the time, maybe it's like, oh, she. You know, she's the bathroom, you know. [00:08:09] Speaker B: Sure, of course. [00:08:10] Speaker D: Simple things. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Great. Well, Brady, I know that you're not exactly friends with Dakota, but you kind of like, run in the same circles. And I know that you're not exactly friends with Roger, even though he does seem to treat you a little bit better than he treats everybody else. How did he convince you to come tonight? [00:08:35] Speaker A: You know, Roger didn't. We get along in the sense that he's usually busier with other people making their lives miserable. And I get a pass because, I mean, well, I'm Brady Wells, Jock of the hour. Unfortunately, as good as I am with this ace is a lot better and less likely to. To realize that these aren't for people, so. [00:09:04] Speaker B: And who's ace? [00:09:06] Speaker A: Oh, Roger's older brother. Yeah, sure. He's, like, 16, and he smokes, and he stays out too late, and he could hurt me, so here I am. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Older siblings. You hate to see it. It's unfair, really. But, you know, I mean, with any luck, Roger will be too busy picking on the loner weirdo or the brilliant mathlete tonight to actually pay you any mind, right? [00:09:39] Speaker A: That's how it usually works. Yeah. It's good to be Brady Wells. [00:09:44] Speaker B: It's good to be Brady Wells. Hashtag, it's good to be Brady Wells. Well, speaking of our loner weirdo, Sean, you're new in town. Surely you don't have a Stacy to sleep over at their house. And I'm sure that Roger has threatened you with some sort of beating if you don't show up. So how did you end up here, and how was your parent okay with it? [00:10:16] Speaker E: Well, I mean, my dad kind of always works late anyway, and he's kind of forgetful otherwise. So I guess tomorrow I'll just tell him that I made a friend and I was hanging out with them. He may not even notice that I wasn't there. [00:10:36] Speaker B: Great. I love that for you. [00:10:42] Speaker E: Bang. Like, it could be fun. Like, can prove that, like, ghosts and vampires and stuff, they're all real, and that could be fun. It's like a research project, maybe. [00:10:57] Speaker B: Oh, so you. You're here because you think that all of the rumors that you've heard about the Barnegar house are true? [00:11:05] Speaker E: Yeah, like, you know that the wolves. Like, I heard the. They shake. Like, it's like the house is breathing, which is kind of cool. [00:11:19] Speaker B: You think that doesn't scare you at all? [00:11:21] Speaker E: I mean, maybe, but, like, I don't know. I don't know if it really happens, but, like, it's cool, I guess. [00:11:34] Speaker B: All right, well, I mean, you know, it's Halloween night. They say the veil is thinnest on this night. So if there are ghosts and supernatural creatures in this world, in this house that is rumored to be haunted, surely tonight will be the night that you experience all of that, right? [00:11:54] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:11:56] Speaker B: Cassidy, you're sitting there shaking your head. Do you not believe in any of this? [00:12:02] Speaker C: Of course not. It's just dumb stories to scare kids. [00:12:09] Speaker B: I'm sorry, Cassidy. Are you not a kid? [00:12:13] Speaker C: Um, yeah, but I'm not like a baby, obviously. [00:12:20] Speaker B: Sure. And only babies are scared of ghost stories. [00:12:25] Speaker C: Yeah, because ghosts aren't real. [00:12:28] Speaker B: Sure. Of course. Obviously. So, um, why are you here, then? [00:12:38] Speaker C: Um, well, Roger's not necessarily the nicest person. Obviously, I'm not necessarily the, uh, most popular kid in school, so, you know, when he wants a target, I'm pretty close to it. So he threatened to beat me up, but it's okay because he thinks that he's going to get a good laugh out of scaring me. I don't scare easily. [00:13:06] Speaker B: Zachary. [00:13:07] Speaker E: Zachary. [00:13:08] Speaker B: Great. You know what? I love this energy for you. I think it's great. And if anybody can bring Roger down a peg in this regard, I think it might be you, Cassidy. I mean, don't tell anybody else I said that, because obviously, I want you all to, like, have a. Have a shot at it. But, like, see, secretly, I think it's you. I don't. [00:13:27] Speaker A: You. [00:13:30] Speaker B: All right, friends? Well, it's closing in on 09:00 p.m. The time that Roger told you to be on the porch, or else he hasn't shown up just yet. So tell me as you are all standing on this porch, all coming at different times, definitely not arriving together, and you're standing underneath this porch light that has long been stripped of any useful parts. There's spongy, rotted wood beneath your feet, and the dead plants crackle with every gust of wind. What's the vibe? Are you all just standing around ignoring each other? Are you trying to calm each other down? Are you just impatiently waiting for Roger? Are you trying to get in ahead of him? [00:14:16] Speaker D: I definitely think it's a bit of impatience of just being like, you know, just like, oh, God, can't. Can he, you know, is he leaving us here on purpose? [00:14:30] Speaker C: Doesn't he show up to his own prank? Wow. [00:14:37] Speaker E: I think Shaun is kind of, like, almost kind of looking around the front yard, but also scuffing his feet and just being, like, checking his pockets and stuff like that. He's got enough snacks and, like, a notebook and. Yeah. Can I have a flashlight? [00:15:00] Speaker B: Do I have a flashlight? You know what I mean? It's Halloween night. It's getting dark pretty early. I think it's safe to say that all of you should. You desire to have a flashlight. Definitely have a flashlight. [00:15:12] Speaker D: I would definitely like a flashlight. [00:15:14] Speaker A: I've also got a. [00:15:14] Speaker E: Checking my batteries. [00:15:16] Speaker A: Someone's prepared. [00:15:17] Speaker B: Yep. You just bragged that. [00:15:20] Speaker A: The bat. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:23] Speaker A: Yeah, because I'm Cal Ripken junior. That's my costume. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Oh, that's so cool. I don't know who that is. [00:15:33] Speaker A: I, as Aaron, don't actually know enough about him to spout off in real good, but Brady would definitely start immediately, launching into all the stats year by year, filling your head with all the kinds of things you do not want to know about baseball. [00:15:49] Speaker C: I totally want to know it, Zachary. [00:15:52] Speaker A: I mean. [00:15:52] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:15:52] Speaker A: Cause like, you're good with numbers, right? Okay, so he had like, like a really big number that makes sense in context for RBI's and hit an appropriate number of home runs over like his two seasons and stuff. And like, he's not as good as other people at stealing basis, but like, when it comes to his slugging percentage, which is a word that I wrote on the Internet like four minutes ago. Yeah, man, he was really, really good. [00:16:14] Speaker D: Did that make sense to anyone else? [00:16:19] Speaker C: Understood percentage. [00:16:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:22] Speaker A: You see, so like, like there are four bases, right? Like you have like the first, 2nd, third and home, right? So slugging percentage, right, if you hit a single, that's one. It counts for like one point, right? But if you have like a double, that's two, and then like three in a home run is worth four. So like your, your, your batting percent is just how often you get on base. But slugging percentage tells you really a story of like how hard they hit and how often they get really past that first base. And his. I'm making it up at this point was like way better than it had any right to be given his position. And like, the way that he plays, that's what makes him one of the greatest. [00:16:55] Speaker C: That's so cool. [00:16:57] Speaker D: Fantastic. [00:17:02] Speaker C: Anyway, Miss Roger? [00:17:03] Speaker A: Hmm? [00:17:04] Speaker D: Can I try the door? [00:17:07] Speaker B: Sure, go ahead. Give it a shot. How do you do? Are you expecting it to be locked? Are you expecting to be open? [00:17:13] Speaker D: I'm honestly not sure what I'm expecting it to be. I'm just frustrated and, you know, the fact that I have to be here and I have to do this where I could, you know, be putting myself into a candy induced coma right now and just sort of like frustrated, like, and go over and just grab the door handle and see if it opens. [00:17:37] Speaker B: Can you do me a quick favor? Can you roll me a flight check? [00:17:42] Speaker D: Yeah, sure. [00:17:44] Speaker B: What are you rolling for? That. [00:17:46] Speaker D: That is a d twelve for me. [00:17:48] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. [00:17:51] Speaker A: First, roll the game. Good luck. [00:17:53] Speaker D: Um, that's a four. [00:17:57] Speaker B: I have some bad news for you. As soon as you open the door, you are jumped at by Roger from inside and he holds his arms up and goes, bleh. Just right in your face. [00:18:11] Speaker D: I let a very rather girlish scream. [00:18:18] Speaker B: Look at your little baby face. Oh my God. I got you, Brady. Did you see, did you see her face? Oh, she was so scared. [00:18:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:27] Speaker B: High five. [00:18:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:18:31] Speaker B: Oh, I got you. So no, it was hilarious. Brady said so. Brady, it was hilarious. [00:18:39] Speaker C: It was juvenile. We all knew you were going to be in there. [00:18:44] Speaker B: Okay, Cassie, I don't think you did, but okay, Cassidy. [00:18:50] Speaker C: Not Cassie, not Cass, not Casey. Cassidy. [00:18:57] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. We do. Baby Cassidy needs me to call her Cassidy because otherwise the world is just ending. Is that it? That's it. Okay. Okay, Cassidy. We'll call the widow baby Cassidy. It'll be fine anyway. And he'll turn and look at all of you, and he'll say, you know, I'm actually surprised that all of you fraidy cats even made it here, given how much of a. Well, a bunch of Freddy cats you all actually are. I thought for sure that one of you was going to chicken out. But we have a long night ahead of us, and I am sure that one of you is going to run out of here screaming before the night's over or pee your pants, which, honestly, come on in. And he'll turn and he'll just walk inside the door. [00:19:51] Speaker D: Yeah, go. I think it's. I wouldn't say it's necessarily petulant, but it's kind of like a slight stomp as I enter. [00:20:02] Speaker B: Sure. Makes sense. Makes sense. Have a. Had a bit of a rough start. Absolutely. Cassidy. [00:20:12] Speaker E: Sean, I'm gonna follow everyone in, but I've, like, already got my notebook out, or, well, perhaps just like a really small one, and I'm making, like, a really quick note and then stuffing it back in my pocket so that Roger doesn't catch it, or I hope he doesn't. [00:20:29] Speaker B: What does the note say? [00:20:32] Speaker E: Just like. [00:20:36] Speaker B: Just between us. [00:20:39] Speaker E: Houses unlocked, windows at the sides are boarded up and, like, nothing so far. [00:20:47] Speaker B: Okay. All right. I like this. I like this about Sean. I like that inquisitive sort of nature. So that will serve you well, I think so. Walking into the entry hall, you see kind of what you'd expect. It's a mirror of the outside of this house. I mean, it's. If you thought the outside was worn down and dilapidated, the inside is just as worn down and dilapidated. There are all manner of smells that kind of assault your nose when you walk in. There's that damp, mildewy smell from the rugs and the furniture. Because this place has not been touched in 20 some years, there's a thin layer of dust on absolutely everything, and the air is just filled with those little dust motes that just kind of. You can see in the light. If you were to shine your flashlight, it is not clean air in here at all. Cassidy, you're pretty sure none of you should be breathing any of this in at all. [00:21:53] Speaker C: This seems incredibly hazardous. [00:21:56] Speaker B: It is made even more so by all of the candles. There are thick, streaky yellow candles just littered throughout the space. And as you look around, you'll see them pretty much everywhere. That there's a flat surface. There's a table, there's candles. There's lining the stairs. There are candles. They provide enough illumination to be able to safely get through the house, but they kind of leave a sort of acrid smell in your nose. Like, it. It kind of, like, burns the back of your throat if you get too close to them. [00:22:37] Speaker C: That's definitely a fire hazard. [00:22:41] Speaker A: It smells like my mom in the bathroom, but also my grandma's basement in here. [00:22:48] Speaker D: Just wrinkled my nose. [00:22:51] Speaker B: It's nice and, uh, nice and gross. And there's. There's another smell. It's. It's a little hard to place. Does anybody have a pet, by any chance? [00:23:04] Speaker C: I have a cat. [00:23:06] Speaker B: A cat. Anybody have anything smaller? [00:23:09] Speaker E: No, we move too much. [00:23:11] Speaker B: No, that's fair. Well, then you might not, uh, then you might not be able to place this person particular scent. But, Cassidy, having a cat, you would know. Unfortunately, cats do have accidents. They do like to spray. So you do kind of get that, like, ammonia scented urine, but it's not cat urine. You can't quite place it, though. [00:23:34] Speaker A: I don't know. It smells like upstairs in grandma's house. [00:23:39] Speaker B: Your grandma's house? Sounds like a trip, Brady. [00:23:43] Speaker A: She's just old. I mean, like, old people smell is kind of, like, mildewy and kind of, like, wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time. Look, I mean, like, we got to be nice to her because she's old. That's my mom says, you know what? [00:23:57] Speaker B: Valid. As you all make your way and kind of pile into this entry room and are just taking this entire space in, you can hear the story storm beginning to roll in outside. There's that rumble of thunder, that low level rumble from far off, and the wind is picking up just a little bit more. And Roger shuts the door and turns and says, well, I guess it's good that we're starting now, not a little bit later, because, God, I wouldn't know what was pee and what was rain at that point. And he'll turn back to the door with this giant key, and he'll lock the door, and it locks in that old victorian set with, like, a nice thud. And it kind of, like, echoes through the house because there's not a ton here. There is some furniture. But, like, it's not. It's not full like you'd expect, so there is a nice echo. And as the door lock clicks into place, there's kind of a groan from the house. It kind of like shrieks and cries, almost like most old houses creak, right? Welcoming and friendly. Old houses creak. But this house is not welcoming, and it is not friendly. So every movement of the walls feels like a cry. It's really unsettling, but that's okay because it's not thundering yet. Really hard. And there isn't any lightning, so we're okay for now. Hopefully, the house will make it through the storm just fine. I'm sure it's fine. It's fine. [00:25:37] Speaker E: How did she get. How did she get a key? [00:25:41] Speaker B: Roger turns and looks at you. Uh, it's a skeleton key. Don't worry about it. [00:25:50] Speaker E: Okay. God. Okay. [00:25:53] Speaker B: All right, so here's the plan. You big babies have to stay here the entire night. [00:26:02] Speaker C: Or. [00:26:04] Speaker B: Or you can get out early if you find the other key, and he'll hold up the key. It looks exactly like this one. Memorize it. But if you can find the other key that I have hidden somewhere in this house, you can get out early. So stay the whole night, explore the house, find the key, and get out early. It's up to you. But that's the only way that you're getting out of this house before sunrise. [00:26:37] Speaker C: That's it. [00:26:38] Speaker B: Questions? That's it? Yeah. I mean, look, look, I'm just here to bring you to the most haunted house in all of pot iron, because I don't think that you babies can handle it. And if you can handle it and prove me wrong, then la di da. But I don't think I'm gonna be proven wrong, so I'm just here to have a good time and make sure that you guys don't fall asleep before the night's over. [00:27:10] Speaker D: Fine. I say just, you know, like, got my arms crossed over my chest, you know, kind of, like, hunched a little bit, just, like, looking around, just being like, this place is so unsanitary. It's so dirty. [00:27:28] Speaker B: Aw. What's wrong, Dakota? Are you afraid of a little dirt? You don't like to get your hands dirty? And he'll, like, run his hands over, like, the banister and just get them covered in dust, and then, like, just rub them all over, like, your sleeves and your arms. You don't like getting dirty, Dakota? [00:27:46] Speaker A: No, it's. [00:27:49] Speaker D: We're in this house, so gonna stay here all night. [00:27:57] Speaker C: Fine. [00:27:57] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:27:58] Speaker C: Okay. What do we do then? We just look for the key. [00:28:04] Speaker B: I mean, unless you just want to sit here and look at my pretty face all night. Yeah, I would suggest you look for the key bar. I literally start looking for the key. [00:28:16] Speaker C: Don't even let him finish his sentence. I'm just turn on a heel and start, like, checking couches and stuff. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Well, oh, go ahead. [00:28:25] Speaker D: I was saying, I was like, I think I will also, like, kind of look for the key, but, like, I'm not touching anything, but it's like, you know, walk over to a bookshelf, you know, like, look, just like, see if. Is it up there? You know, is there anything that looks suspicious? [00:28:44] Speaker B: Roger's going to take a look as you kind of start looking through all the things in the hallway. And do you really think I would make it that easy, Dakota? [00:28:56] Speaker D: I mean, I'm not exactly sure how many brain cells you have, so who knows? [00:29:03] Speaker B: Wow. Okay. All right, whatever. And he'll just. I mean, he won't. He won't say anything because he doesn't have a good retort to that. Because here's the thing. Roger doesn't actually know how many brain cells you should have, but he knows enough to know that he shouldn't low ball it, because that would be worse. So he's just not going to say anything, uh, at this point. [00:29:33] Speaker A: So I've got seven. Like, most people, obviously. [00:29:36] Speaker B: Like most people, obviously. So, um. [00:29:43] Speaker A: So, so from the, we walk into the entryway, and does it go into, like, a. Like, a living room, or is it like a hallway and then rooms on the sides? [00:29:51] Speaker B: Yeah, so I was just about to explain. Uh, so the entry hall, you. You're greeted with the staircase that goes upstairs, but then there are rooms that kind of come off on this front side. If you look to the left, you're looking at the parlor, and if you look to the right, you're looking at what you assume used to be a dining room because there's a large table in it. And then there are obviously rooms a little bit further back. But from here, you can't really tell what those rooms are. But you do see that there is light coming out of those rooms down at the end of the hallway. So you can get to any of the rooms from this entry hall. I did go ahead and post that map in discord, and we'll get it up for twitch right now so you can see what we're working with. [00:30:36] Speaker A: So then I guess if Dakota and the others are kind of looking around with bookcases, that would probably be the family room towards the parlor. I guess at that point, I'm gonna be kind of, like, poking into the kitchen. I'm not touching anything because it's gross. And my mom worried about black mold, which is apparently, like, a thing that gets in your lungs, and then you turn into, like, a slimy lung monster or something. I don't know. She watched the dateline special and will not stop talking about it anyway, so I'm probably just, like, poking at the walls with my bat and just kind of, like, seeing if there's. That's how you find secret compartments, right? You tap on the walls. Duh. [00:31:15] Speaker B: Sure. [00:31:15] Speaker A: I've seen the goonies. I know how this works. That's what I'm doing. [00:31:22] Speaker B: When did the goonies come out? [00:31:24] Speaker A: In the eighties? [00:31:25] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:31:26] Speaker A: I don't remember when. [00:31:28] Speaker B: Okay, so, Brady, you head to the kitchen, and you're poking about with your bat. You enter this room that looks, you know, pretty. Pretty unused. I mean, just like everything else, right? There are a bunch of cupboards. There's a bunch of drawers. Some of the drawers have been kind of pulled out, but there are some, like, pots and pans and some utensils not in any great condition. There are a few cans way in the back of some of the cupboards, and there are some boxes that look like they've been chewed by some small creature. But, you know, there isn't anything super crazy as you're just doing, like, an initial sort of poke around. There's an oven. There's a. There's a door. You're not sure where it goes, but there's a door. [00:32:19] Speaker A: I mean, I'm leaving out all night. I'm not leaving. Obviously gonna be here the whole time. [00:32:26] Speaker B: Obviously. [00:32:27] Speaker A: Cassidy runs out. Totally makes sense. Sean makes it. Yeah. You know, Dakota, whatever. But obviously, I'll be here in the morning. So it's a little bit of just kind of searching to see what happens. But then, you know, also, if I get the key, I can be the big hero and give it to one of the ones who needs to run home. Right? So, yeah, I'm searching, but I'm not, like, super searching. [00:32:51] Speaker B: Sure. Sure. Is there. Is there any specific place you want to take a look? Anything you're looking for aside from a key? [00:33:00] Speaker D: Is there a fridge? [00:33:02] Speaker B: There is a fridge. [00:33:03] Speaker A: I'm gonna open the fridge. [00:33:05] Speaker B: Ooh. Can you go ahead and just make, like, a grit check for me? [00:33:10] Speaker A: Can do that. I'm rolling a d ten. My cat's trying to help me roll. [00:33:16] Speaker D: Oh, also mechanics question. I failed so I get an adversity token, right? [00:33:20] Speaker B: Yes. I'm keeping track of those. Yeah. [00:33:22] Speaker A: Cool. [00:33:23] Speaker D: Yeah, I wanted to make sure I was earning that correctly. [00:33:26] Speaker A: That's a seven from me. [00:33:28] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. Okay. You're fine. Anybody else in the room may be less fine, because as you open this fridge, you're kind of met with this horrid stench of something that has been left in a fridge that has been turned off and not properly aired out in way too long. It's not black mold, but, I mean, it's kind of black. It's not black mold, but it's kind of black. It's very fuzzy. I wouldn't touch it. But there's. It's just all over the back top corner, and then in the bottom, there's this pool of stagnant, fetid water that's just kind of. It has just utterly destroyed any of, like, the packaging from whatever was on the bottom there, and it has just dissolved into a pile of mush. [00:34:25] Speaker A: Shut the. Ew. Close that. [00:34:29] Speaker B: I wouldn't open the freezer just saying. [00:34:33] Speaker A: No, not after that. All right. Is there anything disgusting in the oven? [00:34:42] Speaker B: I guess it depends on your definition of disgusting. [00:34:46] Speaker A: How about, like, fetid slime water in the bottom of the oven? Let's start there. [00:34:50] Speaker B: No, there is no fetid slime water in the oven. Congratulations. Small victims, small victories. There are, however, some charred bones in the bottom, which, I mean, I guess, makes sense if you were cooking in it, right. [00:35:03] Speaker A: But, like, how small are we talking bone wise? [00:35:09] Speaker B: Um. Give me a brains roll. [00:35:16] Speaker A: I guess. [00:35:16] Speaker D: The wrong person for that roll. [00:35:19] Speaker A: Yep, those are bones. I got a one. [00:35:24] Speaker B: Great. [00:35:25] Speaker A: Someone put a baby in here. Oh, my God. That's the only small thing I can think of, is a human baby. [00:35:35] Speaker B: I mean, all that you can tell is that, yes, they are, in fact, bones. But you've eaten a lot of chicken, and you're pretty sure these aren't chicken bones. [00:35:51] Speaker A: I'm gonna yell out from the kitchen. [00:35:53] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:35:54] Speaker A: Hey, Cassidy. [00:35:57] Speaker C: Yeah? [00:35:58] Speaker A: Can you. Can you name things that are small for me, just, like, list them? [00:36:05] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess. [00:36:07] Speaker A: Like animals. [00:36:09] Speaker C: Oh, like animals. [00:36:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:11] Speaker C: Well, there's a shrew, there's a rabbit, there's a mouse. These are mostly just rodents. [00:36:21] Speaker A: And as Cassidy's doing that, I'm trying to picture my head. Okay, like, rabbit about this big, and kind of holding it up to the thing, trying to see if that makes sense. Shrew. What was the other one? Yeah, no. [00:36:38] Speaker B: Not that small. Definitely not as small as a mouse as you're as you're kind of doing this against the bones, and you're like. [00:36:45] Speaker A: Oh, no, no, not again. I am. I am a good distance. I am not getting sure. [00:36:50] Speaker B: Okay, great. Yeah, no, as you're kind of doing this, I mean, the bones are, like. The bones are, like, that. Like, that long, which feels long, but, like, not. I don't like. But, like, they're bigger than a chicken, but, like, not, like, not, like a steak. So it's a weird size because, like, it's small, but it's not that small. [00:37:14] Speaker A: Hey, Cassidy. [00:37:16] Speaker B: Yes? [00:37:17] Speaker A: Follow up question. [00:37:21] Speaker C: I'm gonna poke my head around the corner of the. Into the kitchen. [00:37:25] Speaker A: I'm still staring. [00:37:26] Speaker D: Follow. Because I'm curious, because things are going on, and I also don't like to. [00:37:30] Speaker A: Be left alone, and I don't want. [00:37:32] Speaker D: To be left alone with Roger. [00:37:33] Speaker A: I'm still staring into the oven, so I don't even know they're there. So, like, I'll turn to, like, yell, but not recognize that they're. Yeah, so do rats have a. Hey, do rats have, like, bones in their tails? [00:37:48] Speaker C: Yeah, totally. [00:37:50] Speaker E: I knew that. [00:37:51] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, I was just curious. And I'm going to shut the oven before they can look inside. [00:37:57] Speaker C: Why are you asking about animals? Did you find. Did you find the key? [00:38:01] Speaker A: No. [00:38:02] Speaker C: You would be saying you found the key. [00:38:04] Speaker A: Yeah. I would ask questions like, what's the spanish word for key? [00:38:09] Speaker C: I don't know Spanish, but I'm learning it. [00:38:12] Speaker A: Bueno. [00:38:14] Speaker B: Oh, cool. [00:38:15] Speaker A: You know Spanish c. [00:38:20] Speaker C: That's so cool. [00:38:24] Speaker A: Just, like, the dumbest, dumbest man. [00:38:30] Speaker B: As you're standing in the kitchen and you're having this conversation, there's a nice, sudden gust of wind that does kind of shake the house a little bit. And you hear the shutters kind of clacking against the back window, and Roger just kind of, like, comes in, and he'll clap you on the back, and he'll say, ooh, I think this storm's gonna be good. [00:38:51] Speaker A: Who's he clapping on the back? [00:38:53] Speaker B: Cassidy. [00:38:54] Speaker A: Okay. [00:38:55] Speaker B: Because he knows that, uh, she's a little jumpy. [00:38:58] Speaker C: Don't touch. [00:39:00] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. All right. Okay. [00:39:03] Speaker D: All right. [00:39:03] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:39:04] Speaker C: It's fine. It's just a little wind. We're fine. [00:39:09] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Okay. All right. [00:39:11] Speaker D: Wind is natural. [00:39:13] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. Definitely knows supernatural craziness going on in here. Am I right, Shawn? I mean, it seems pretty normal. [00:39:27] Speaker E: Like, I mean, it's an old house, and, like, I mean, there could be some stuff, right? But, like, nothing here shows evidence of that. Okay. [00:39:41] Speaker B: Sure. No, I mean, you're the expert. Right. You would not. [00:39:47] Speaker E: I mean, yeah. Like, I've done a lot of reading. [00:39:51] Speaker B: Okay. [00:39:52] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:39:52] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And Roger just kind of keeps nodding, just like, this is so much fun. I'm having so much fun. Are you baby scared yet? [00:40:04] Speaker E: Just gonna go check out. [00:40:05] Speaker C: Different way. [00:40:07] Speaker D: Just a house. [00:40:10] Speaker B: So, Sean, you're going to go check out another room. Which room do you want to check out? [00:40:15] Speaker E: I mean, so instead of going into the rooms, like, next door to the front, we've just kind of gone right to the back of a house. So I think I'm gonna go, like, opposite and go to the family room. [00:40:29] Speaker B: The family room, sure. Now, the family room, obviously, is what this is. It's. It's, you know, you have a nice old couch. It's tattered. There's stuffing kind of coming out of all of the different places, springs kind of coming out. It's clear that people have definitely been in here and messing with the space. You are not the first people to come in here, but, you know, it's. It's to be expected when you leave a house vacant for 20 years or so. But in addition to this couch, there is a set of shelves, and there's a whole bunch of miniatures left on the shelves of all different animals, like cats, foxes, birds, deer. They're made of glass. They're made of ceramic. Some of them are painted. Some of them have really intricately sculpted details. And then on the highest shelf, there's a stuffed cat. It's like a large, mangy looking cat with, like, slate gray fur. And, like, when the. If you. If the light shines on it just right, like, it kind of glistens. So you think that there's probably some really neat furniture that they use to make this thing. But in addition, as you're kind of going through the space, you'll notice that in addition to the animal figurines, there's a bunch of broken figurines on the ground, too. And then it looks like there's a picture frame that's fallen on the ground as well. [00:41:57] Speaker E: So I'm gonna, like, take out my notebook again and be like, possible poltergeist activity or just my kids don't know. Question mark. Big question mark against it. And then I'm going to kind of go closer to the miniatures and take a look and then maybe look up at the cat, and I'm like, I might reach out and try and touch. Like, it's like, what is it made of? Is it? Yeah, you're going to reach out to the cat. [00:42:32] Speaker B: You're going to touch the cat. Can you go ahead and make a flight check for me? Sure. [00:42:36] Speaker D: Can I, can I enter the room at this point? [00:42:39] Speaker B: Yeah, sure, if you like. [00:42:40] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:42:42] Speaker B: So, so as you enter, you see Sean reaching up to try and pet this stuffed cat. [00:42:52] Speaker E: That is a one, but plus one. So two. [00:42:56] Speaker B: Two. Okay. Fantastic. Love this for you. You may like it just a little bit less because as you reach up, you see this flash of yellow in this creature's eyes as it starts to turn its head. And then it pulls out these jagged claws and swipes at your hand before running off, jumping from the shelves and running into the next room. [00:43:25] Speaker E: So I've like jumped backwards and kind of stumbled over myself and like landed on my arse on the floor. No sound, just been like. [00:43:40] Speaker B: Dakota, you, you just watched Sean reach up to touch what you were pretty sure was a stuffed cat. And then it came to life and then jumped off the shelves and ran off. [00:43:58] Speaker D: Just, just like, look, follow it with my eyes and look at Sean and then after a moment and just be like, hey, you, you alright? [00:44:13] Speaker B: Yeah. The answer to that is actually not really because the cat got you pretty good. So you've got a nice little cat scratch just right on the back of your hand and it, it stings. [00:44:29] Speaker E: Yeah, but I'm a kid. [00:44:31] Speaker B: That's true. [00:44:32] Speaker E: So I'm like, yeah, I'm fine. [00:44:36] Speaker D: Masculinity. [00:44:37] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:44:39] Speaker A: You want to borrow the bat? [00:44:42] Speaker E: What's the back gonna do for my hand? [00:44:45] Speaker A: I know just holding it makes it feel, you know. [00:44:49] Speaker E: I'm fine. It's just like wrapping his hand in his top and like, trying to stop it from bleeding. It's dropped the notebook and pen and it's just like, oh. [00:45:09] Speaker B: Dakota. You see him wrapping his hand. He's very obviously trying to hide something for you. Are you going to press the issue or are you going to let it go? [00:45:21] Speaker D: Yeah. And, hmm. I think it's, I think I'm going to be more distracted by like, whatever fell on the floor. Um, you know, go over and maybe start like reaching to pick this up and being like, what are you, wait, no, that's mine. [00:45:42] Speaker B: Leave it alone. [00:45:43] Speaker E: I just grab it from and like, go to, obviously I've dropped my t shirt because I can't hold on about that. And like, yeah. [00:46:00] Speaker D: I mean, I was just, I was just picking it up for you, you know, just trying to be nice. You know, we're all stuck here together, so we might as well, you know. [00:46:09] Speaker E: Not, not like you're not gonna be here long. [00:46:14] Speaker D: I mean. I mean, if we all work together, we can find the key. [00:46:23] Speaker E: I'm not here to find the key. I am here to prove that supernatural stuff is real. Like, I heard that all the ghosts, like, from people that have died in the town, they come here. So I want to, like, prove that that's real. [00:46:43] Speaker D: Isn't that just, like the synopsis of poltergeist? [00:46:48] Speaker E: Yeah, and look, there's evidence. All of these figurines and miniatures are all over the floor. [00:46:57] Speaker D: I mean, I did just see the cat, and, like, I have a cat, and, you know, he can be mean and knock things off. Counters. [00:47:07] Speaker E: Fine. Makes another note, but, like, winces as they're doing it. [00:47:15] Speaker D: I mean, do you like. Yeah, this probably isn't, like, any. That doesn't look good. [00:47:26] Speaker E: Like, I'll wash it, I guess. Not sure. [00:47:31] Speaker D: I would just water coming out of any of the tops here. Like. [00:47:40] Speaker E: Want me to do that? [00:47:41] Speaker D: Like, is there, like, a bathroom? Maybe there's, like, some bandages or something we can at least wrap it up with. [00:47:51] Speaker E: Down here? Like, maybe. Maybe there's something upstairs. [00:47:56] Speaker D: My older brother got. You know, he got, like, you know, he's a boy, and he does stupid things, and, you know, he hurt his hand really bad. You know, one timing because he didn't, like, clean it out after, you know, it got all messed up. [00:48:12] Speaker E: I think you're just trying to scare me. It's not going to work. [00:48:21] Speaker D: I don't like scary things at all. Like I said, my brother made me watch poltergeist. I was pretty much watching it from behind my hands the whole time. [00:48:36] Speaker B: Okay. [00:48:39] Speaker E: I'm gonna go look for that bathroom. [00:48:42] Speaker D: I will. You know, I will also help you with that. [00:48:46] Speaker E: You don't need to help me, like, hang out with your friends. We're not friends. I don't know. You don't? [00:48:55] Speaker D: I mean, I know Brady, but I won't say Brady is my friends. [00:49:05] Speaker E: Yeah, well, fine. [00:49:07] Speaker D: Gonna pick up one of the miniatures and look at it. [00:49:11] Speaker B: One of the ones on the ground? [00:49:13] Speaker D: Yeah, one of the ones on the ground. [00:49:15] Speaker B: So, all of the ones on the ground, you notice, are broken in different ways. And you can't, like, sense a pattern or anything, but they're all of, like, children and, like, like, human children and, like, infants and things. So, like. And as you pick up more pieces, you realize that all of the broken ones and only the broken ones are human children. None of the ones on the shelf are human. All the ones on the shelf are animals. And none of the ones that are broken are animals. They're all human. [00:49:52] Speaker D: That's strange. Apparently, that cat really hates people. [00:50:01] Speaker B: Clearly, Sean has the proof. [00:50:04] Speaker D: Cat hates people. There we go. We solved the mystery. [00:50:09] Speaker B: Do you take a look at the photo after you look at the miniatures, or do you leave the photo on the ground? [00:50:15] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna take a look at the photo. [00:50:17] Speaker B: Okay. So you pick it up, and thinking back, you could probably piece it together, but this is obviously a photo from, like, the last 20 years because, you know, it's got that, like, the classic sixties garb. So the best you can tell is it's the previous owners, the Briggs family. The glass in the picture frame is absolutely shattered. The picture itself is worth warped from age. You know, it's obviously. It's. It's old film paper, but all of the eyes have been scratched out. Not just the faces, just. Just the eyes. [00:51:00] Speaker D: Turn it and show it to Sean and just be like, I wonder how much do you think that. Yeah, but, you know, he's doing this. It's just like, Roger's doing this just to mess with us. [00:51:17] Speaker E: So I kind of stormed to the other side of the room to, like, look at different stuff because you're bugging me. So I'm like, I don't know. Like, he could have. [00:51:29] Speaker D: He clearly lit all those candles. [00:51:31] Speaker E: Yeah. Like, but there could also be something else in this house with us. We don't know. [00:51:41] Speaker D: We just have to investigate possibility, I guess. And then, you know, I did light as a feather, stiff as a board at a sleepover last summer, and that was weird. [00:51:58] Speaker E: I haven't believed that. [00:52:02] Speaker D: Yeah. I thought it was just a fun little thing before, you know, we did it, and it was. It was weird and felt weird. [00:52:17] Speaker B: So as this conversation kind of not continues, because this conversation. To have a conversation continue, you kind of have to have a conversation start. But as all of this is going on, I think Cassidy, probably not wanting to be alone with Brady, would have wandered off to another room. But I think we're gonna go ahead. We're gonna take a super quick break, and we'll come back and see what exactly Cassidy's been doing while Dakota and Sean have been playing with a cat and finding weird, creepy shit. So sit right there, get some snacks, hydrate all that good stuff. We'll be back in five. Welcome back, friends. Hope you've got your candy, your snacks, your lovely, lovely water. We are all ready. We have had some candy ourselves, a little bit of liquid courage in the form of sugary drinks, I'm sure, and are ready to get back into it. So just before the break, Dakota and Sean had a really weird encounter with a definitely not stuffed cat and found some really weird, creepy things, possibly proof and evidence of poltergeist like activity, which is right up Sean's alley. Dakota's not so sure, but there is one thing I'm sure of, and that's that we left Cassidy and Brady alone in the kitchen. And I don't know if that. If that still is the case. So, Cassidy, while Dakota and Shawn are taking a look at the living room or the family room. What are you doing? [00:54:03] Speaker C: I left. I left. I can't be alone with Brady for no reason in particular. [00:54:10] Speaker B: Just because. Just because. [00:54:14] Speaker C: So I went to the parlor. [00:54:16] Speaker B: Do you tell Brady that you're leaving, or do you just. [00:54:20] Speaker C: No, I just go. I just. I just go. [00:54:25] Speaker A: So Brady is still talking aloud, like, narrating an experience for me, talking about baseball, and does not realize that you're gone until, like, ten or 15 seconds sentences after. So anyway, that's why they have a designated hitter rule. [00:54:43] Speaker B: So, Cassidy, you hear him talking as you're. You're wandering off. You're heading to the parlor. The parlor. Fantastic. So you're going to be in the room next to Sean and Dakota. We can say that you'll. Eventually, you will see the cat move from this room, but as of yet, the cat has not jumped off of the shelf. So this is all kind of happening at roughly the same time. So when you enter the parlor, you're coming in from the entryway. I don't assume that you're going through the family room, right. You're going down the entryway and then in from the other side. [00:55:21] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. Like, I, like, came out of the kitchen and then made a beeline for what is the furthest room from the kitchen? [00:55:28] Speaker B: Did you do, like, the, like, the really fast, like, power walk? Because you're just like. I just need to get away as fast as possible. Okay, cool, cool. I understand this walk. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. [00:55:41] Speaker C: It's interesting to me that you understand the rush that I was in. [00:55:44] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Oh, I do. I. And I mean, and, uh, between you and me, guys, I know why she's rushing. Brady doesn't. But, um, you know, if you have an idea why she's rushing away, go ahead and chat. Give your. Give your guesses. [00:56:00] Speaker A: Tell me in chat, because I'm. [00:56:02] Speaker B: Yeah, Erin's got no idea. Sorry. Brady has no idea. No clue. Oblivious. So go ahead, chat. Why don't you school Brady on what's happening right now? But, Cassidy, you enter the parlor, and there's a lot more furniture in here than I think you expected, based on the general condition of the place. Not that any of it looks very nice. There's just a lot of it. So this was once the parlor, which you would have is kind of like the sitting room, or what you'd expect to be, like a sitting room. So there are couches, there are chairs. There's, like, a small table, like, not like. Kind of like a coffee table. There's a fireplace on one side of the room with, like, a nice carved wooden mantle. And, of course, people have come in and carved their, you know, initials or their name. I'm sure if you look, you could find Roger's name somewhere on here. But noticeably, there's a couple things in here. The first being on top of that mantle, there's an old backpack, and then there are just kind of some broken paintings around the room. But other than that, it's a pretty boring room. [00:57:15] Speaker C: I will look in the backpack. If not the key, then there might be some interesting and useful in there. [00:57:22] Speaker B: Sure. Now, question. Coming into this house, experiencing what you've experienced so far, whose backpack do you think it is? [00:57:30] Speaker C: Probably Rogers. [00:57:31] Speaker A: Right? [00:57:32] Speaker C: He got here first. [00:57:33] Speaker B: You'd think that. It's a very good guess. It's wrong, but it's a very good guess. So you open up this knapsack, and it is. It's very, very old. It's kind of ratty, actually. And taking, like, if you were to be a little, like, in retrospect, if you were to, like, in hindsight, take a look and really think about it, it totally makes sense that this is not Rogers because of the condition that it's in. But as you're kind of going through it and opening it up and looking around, you find a handful of interesting things. You find some tobacco, some rolling papers. You find a flask, and if you open it up, there's liquid inside. [00:58:22] Speaker C: Does it smell like alcohol? [00:58:24] Speaker B: It smells like whiskey. I don't know if I would know what whiskey smells like. Well, I mean, you might. You might. As a child, myself, my grandpa, every single night, this is a true v fact. Every night, my grandpa would have just, like, a little. Just like, a shot of whiskey on ice that was, like, his nightly thing. I knew what whiskey. I didn't know it was whiskey, but I knew what whiskey smelled like because that was his thing. So, technically, scotch, whatever. But, yes, it is. It is a flask of alcohol. Whiskey for the adults. There's also some chalk in a matchbox and about $100 if you count it in, like, ones and fives. Just kind of, like, loose. And then there's a small pocket knife. [00:59:18] Speaker C: This does not seem like Roger's backpack. [00:59:23] Speaker B: Did you call me? And Roger appears from behind you and, like, claps you on the shoulder and looks over. Looks in the back. What you got there? [00:59:32] Speaker C: Nothing. None of your business. [00:59:35] Speaker B: Are you sure? And he'll, like, reach for it. [00:59:39] Speaker C: I said it's none of your business. You want us to find this key, right? [00:59:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:59:45] Speaker C: Helping. [00:59:47] Speaker B: Uh, yeah, but I didn't put the key in the backpack. Why did you bring a backpack in here? [00:59:55] Speaker C: Because. [00:59:58] Speaker B: Because you're trying to cheat. Is there something in there that you think you're gonna like? [01:00:03] Speaker C: Cheating? How cheat? [01:00:06] Speaker B: I don't know. You tell me. You tell me. Because I. [01:00:12] Speaker C: Okay. Just because you think you can rhyme my name is stuff doesn't make you smart. [01:00:18] Speaker B: I mean, I'm pretty sure that Shakespeare guy was, like, really good at rhyming. People think he's really smart, so. [01:00:26] Speaker C: Yeah, but you're nowhere near the level of Shakespeare. [01:00:29] Speaker B: Well, I rhyme just as good as he does. [01:00:32] Speaker C: Nuh uh. [01:00:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:35] Speaker C: Nuh uh. [01:00:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:37] Speaker C: Nuh uh. [01:00:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:40] Speaker C: Anyway, it's fine I didn't call you, so bother somebody else. [01:00:47] Speaker B: I. Okay. All right. Okay. And he'll slowly turn to walk away. And, uh. Can you make me a flight check real fast? Check? [01:01:01] Speaker C: What is my flight? Is that a twelve? Yay, I never get to roll these. Is that a d twelve? [01:01:08] Speaker B: Yeah, it is. I know. D twelve s are, like, the weird stepchild of the polyhedral die sets. I think. [01:01:16] Speaker C: I think I have a plus 1 minute. [01:01:19] Speaker B: You do? Because you're a kid. [01:01:21] Speaker C: I am a kid. Seven. [01:01:24] Speaker B: Seven. Ooh. So you had to beat an eight. Now, you do have three adversity tokens. If you want to pass this, you can spend one. [01:01:33] Speaker C: I'm afraid he's going to try to take the backpack and I want it, so, yeah, I'm going to. I'm going to spend an adversity token. [01:01:41] Speaker B: Absolutely. Well, your hunch is correct, because as he turns around and you think that you are safe, he's going to spin around very quickly and reach for the bag. But you're a little bit quicker. You are small, but you are squirrely, and you are able to. How exactly do you make it so that he does not grab this from your hands? [01:02:06] Speaker C: I sidestep and I watch him barrel full on into the wall. [01:02:10] Speaker B: Ooh. Ouch. I feel like this. Oh, well, here's the thing. As you do that, you know, he's actually gonna barrel not into the wall, but into the fireplace itself, and he's gonna hit it, and it. Oh, and it hurts. Luckily, it's his body and not his head, but as he does, there's a little bit of a rattle inside the, inside the chimney that you can hear, and he'll stand up, and he's a little dazed. [01:02:41] Speaker C: Oh, you're kind of clumsy, huh? I didn't know this about you. [01:02:45] Speaker B: Okay, all right. Okay. You know what? I don't want that stupid backpack, okay? I'm just. You take your little backpack, and you just. You're gonna need it for later, I'm sure. And he's gonna, he's gonna just kind of, like, rub his shoulder a little bit, and he's just gonna. I'm fine. Fine. Just, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna see what Brady's doing. Brady's way more fun to hang out with, and he's gonna, he's gonna leave the parlor. [01:03:16] Speaker C: I'm gonna shrug the backpack on. [01:03:19] Speaker B: Okay. It's useful. Great. So now you have that backpack, and you have everything that's in it, whether or not you tell anybody else about it. It's right around this time that you see a gray cat bolt out of the. I mean, it's just out of the corner of your. Actually, I mean, we can, we can, we can do a roll for this. Give me, give me a grit check. Just a, just a little one. I just want to see if you can catch it, if you can figure out what it is or not. Five. [01:03:49] Speaker C: Oh plus. Nope, just five. [01:03:51] Speaker B: Ooh. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know if it was because you're still, like, hopped up on the adrenaline, like, is that why you're able to see this cat dart from the other room and it's not just, like, a blur of silver? [01:04:05] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, I'm also, like, observant and stuff, so. [01:04:10] Speaker B: That is true. You are very observant. Intuitive, one would say. Okay, well, so that this cat darts out, you hear a little bit of noise coming from Dakota and Shawn, but no screaming, no yelling, so I'm sure everything's fine. Is there anything else you want to do in here? [01:04:32] Speaker E: Um. [01:04:36] Speaker C: I think I wanted to. I wanted to look at the paintings or, like, behind the paintings to see if there's a key attached to the back of one. I know that they're a little bit destroyed right now, so I might glance through them, but I'm more interested in what's behind them. [01:04:54] Speaker B: I mean, it is a fair guess of all the places that Roger could hide, hiding them in paintings or behind canvases. Totally choice location for this key to be hidden. But unfortunately, you don't find anything behind all the paintings, though there are places where you do see some holes chewed into the wood, just, you know, of the wall itself. Almost as if a small critter has been enjoying little bits of wood. And if you're observant enough, you can see little teeth marks on the canvases themselves. But unfortunately, no key here. [01:05:36] Speaker C: Yeah, Roger's not smart enough to hide it behind a painting. [01:05:41] Speaker B: He doesn't really strike me as the art kind of guy anyway. [01:05:44] Speaker C: Yeah. Can't appreciate the fine arts. [01:05:47] Speaker B: No. No, sadly. Well, if there's nothing else, I don't think so. [01:05:57] Speaker C: I did hear something weird when Roger ran into the fireplace, but I don't if nothing, like, fell or anything, that maybe it's not worth checking out. [01:06:06] Speaker B: Make me a brains check. [01:06:08] Speaker C: Sure. Oh, 19. [01:06:18] Speaker B: Okay. [01:06:22] Speaker A: Using all seven brain cells. [01:06:25] Speaker B: Yeah. So now that you've taken a moment and you've actually thought about the fireplace for the first time, you realize that there's a lingering smell in here. And that based on the soot that's kind of gathered at the bottom, that kind of made a little bit of movement when Roger knocked into the thing. Plus that smell, you're guessing that there's something blocking the flu. So the fireplace is currently closed. The way that old fireplaces worked is there's a metal. There's, like, a metal thing that you have to open and close so you can actually use it because you don't want, like, if it's raining outside, you don't want water to come into your house while you're using the fireplace to put the fire out. So you have to open up the flue to be able to let the smoke and stuff out so you also don't kill yourself. So, based on. Based on everything that, you know, being as smart as you are, you're guessing that the flu is closed and there's something blocking it. [01:07:28] Speaker C: That's interesting. Do I know where the. This is jasping a young. And do I know where the switch. [01:07:35] Speaker B: Is to open it? There's a little lever right on the inside. It's like a little. It's like a metal sort of. You have to. You have to turn it some. Sometimes they get a little stuck, but there's a. There is a metal lever on the inside. That's how you open it. [01:07:48] Speaker C: Well, it is raining, but the fireplace isn't lit, so I guess it's probably safe to open it and just see if there's something blocking it. Maybe if I open it, it'll. Something. The thing that's blocking it will fall down. [01:08:09] Speaker B: Sure. [01:08:10] Speaker A: Key. [01:08:11] Speaker C: We'll see. It could be the key. I feel like that's really smart for Roger. But just in case he might surprise me, I'm gonna go ahead and open it. [01:08:21] Speaker D: Roger might actually use those seven brain cells. [01:08:25] Speaker B: He might. He might. Well, as you go to open it, it's a little stuck. Cause again, old house, whatever's in there, maybe jamming it, I'll tell you. Now, I'm gonna need a brawn check. Oh, no. So you might want to call for some help if you want to open it. [01:08:49] Speaker C: 1 second. [01:08:50] Speaker B: I'm looking something up. [01:08:51] Speaker D: We all know who's the strongest one here. I'm Sean. [01:08:59] Speaker E: Hey, I'm not too bad. [01:09:01] Speaker C: Is it. [01:09:02] Speaker B: Okay, so is it. Is it like. [01:09:04] Speaker C: Is it like, rusted? Is it stuck? [01:09:07] Speaker B: Yeah, it's just like. It's very likely that it's just whatever is up there could be, like, blocking something, and it may just need a little bit of extra oomph to get closed. It's not like, supernaturally shut. It's not locked. It's just like. It's just a little old and just needs a little extra oomph. [01:09:30] Speaker C: I'm going to try something, and if this doesn't work out, I'll call Brady. I guess I'm going to reach into my pocket, and I'm going to pull out a little thing of vaseline. I'm going to lubricate it. [01:09:46] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. I like this. I like where this is going. Why don't you go ahead and give me that strength. Check. Check. But because of the vaseline, it'll be like two points easier than it would be before. [01:10:03] Speaker C: Okay, cool. [01:10:07] Speaker B: Still gonna have to explode, I think. [01:10:11] Speaker C: This is not my strong point. [01:10:14] Speaker B: Oh, I got a three. It's almost there. You feel it? You feel it wanting to give. You have a couple more adversity tokens if you wanted to spend them. [01:10:29] Speaker C: I'm so afraid I'm going to need them. [01:10:33] Speaker B: But, I mean, I'll tell you, you only need one adversity token spend to get this open. So you can spend it, or you can call Brady and have Brady come in and save the day. [01:10:47] Speaker C: I would rather die. Then call Brady. I think I'll spend it. [01:10:52] Speaker B: Great. That's kind of. Kind of what I expected you to say. All right, I have left. [01:11:00] Speaker C: Oh, man. [01:11:01] Speaker B: I mean, for now. Every time you fail a roll, you get another one. So it's okay. There's plenty of chances, I'm sure. So you have taken your vaseline and you have rubbed it over the places that need to be rubbed, and you're working at this, and you feel it gives, and you give it all you got because you have that thought in your head where you're like, no, I can't let Brady do this. He cannot come in and save the day. I am my own person. I don't. I am Cassidy Jones, and I don't need no man. Absolutely. You're wonder woman. Right now, I'm. Hell, yeah. Nubia. Nubia. [01:11:39] Speaker C: She's also Wonder Woman. [01:11:40] Speaker E: It's not. [01:11:41] Speaker C: Anyway, continue. [01:11:42] Speaker B: Can you go ahead and give me a flight check just real fast? [01:11:48] Speaker E: I'm gonna move these because I feel like they're moving. [01:11:54] Speaker B: Ooh, six. That is very, very good. As soon as you get it open, there is. You can. You can feel whatever has been blocking the flu start to move. Your brain tells you you need to get out of the way because you don't actually know what's blocking that. You think it might be the key, but you're not sure. And it's very, very good, because as you roll out of the way, the corpse of a dead raccoon falls from the flue and lands in the soot, sending a cloud of black smoke just erupting out. And you do get soot all over your body. But, yes, that smell, that. That sweet scent of decaying animal corpse along with that soot just fills the air, fills your nostrils. [01:12:51] Speaker C: Ah, I forgot one. Raccoons are also small. [01:12:59] Speaker B: Raccoons are also small. Yes, they are. Yes, they are. But, hey, good news. You can now safely use the fireplace. Yay. [01:13:13] Speaker C: I hope we don't have to. [01:13:16] Speaker B: I hope it gets out of here, too. [01:13:17] Speaker C: It's too cold, and I have to light a fire somehow. Oh, I have matches now. [01:13:23] Speaker B: Either way, perfect. We love this. We love this for you. We love. We love all of this for you. Maybe not the raccoon corpse. Maybe some of us love the raccoon corpse for you a little bit less. Mm hmm. [01:13:39] Speaker E: I think the house is probably pretty warm, the amount of candles currently lit across the pan in front of it. [01:13:47] Speaker B: Yeah, there are a lot of candles. That's fair. [01:13:49] Speaker C: I forgot about the candles. [01:13:50] Speaker B: There's a surprising number of candles. [01:13:53] Speaker A: It's also pretty warm because I'm so hot in it. [01:13:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:13:58] Speaker B: Brady Wells, everybody. Brady Wells. Speaking of Brady Wells, I did sit up this morning. Before or after breakfast? [01:14:10] Speaker A: Oh, before. [01:14:12] Speaker B: Okay. [01:14:12] Speaker A: You don't want to introduce, you know, don't want, you know, protein shake and then the raw eggs, you know, steps on that. No way. No. [01:14:18] Speaker E: Yeah, that's. [01:14:20] Speaker B: I love this for an eleven year old. [01:14:24] Speaker A: I read men's fitness for kids. Duh. [01:14:31] Speaker B: So, Brady, you turn around. Cassidy has left you alone in the kitchen. You don't know when she left. You just know that she left. Dakota has wandered off. Sean has wandered off. Where are you going? [01:14:54] Speaker A: I mean, I kind of trust them to do their own thing. Right? Like, when you're playing any sport, really, but like, especially soccer, you kind of have to trust the rest of your teammates are going to be in the right place to get the ball when you've got it. And like, I'm the guy with the ball because of course I am. And they're just in position, right, for the past, that's all. So from the kitchen, I think the move for me would be to go to the dining room, probably. [01:15:21] Speaker B: Okay. I mean, that makes logical sense to me. Also, just from a storytelling standpoint, the other rooms are taken. So totally love this. [01:15:31] Speaker A: So they call me Brady. Seven brain cells wells. [01:15:36] Speaker B: So I love this for you. So, connecting the kitchen and the dining room is this little pass through. At one point, it was probably used as like a, like a, like a holding quarter for food. It's where the help would be. They would store things for dinner. It would, you know, they'd come and get the drinks or they'd come and remove plates to this space. It was just a nice little separation from the dining room into the kitchen. But as you walk into the dining room, I'm gonna be honest, buddy. There's not a lot here, honestly. Like, if I had, if I had one word to describe this room, it's unremarkable. There's like a large oval table in the middle of the room. It's wood. It's been chewed because so much of this is wood and so much of it has been chewed. There are some wobbly wooden chairs around the table, and then there's like a broken mirror on the wall. But I mean, honestly, that's kind of it. [01:16:46] Speaker A: So let me get this straight. [01:16:48] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:16:49] Speaker A: Cassidy gets what is obviously like a drug dealer. Miscreants backpack. [01:16:54] Speaker B: Yep. [01:16:55] Speaker A: And Dakota and Sean get haunted. Cat. Surprised. Cat. I don't know. And creepy figurines. [01:17:03] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:17:04] Speaker A: And I get dining room. [01:17:10] Speaker B: You picked it. [01:17:13] Speaker A: Well, let's make the most of this first question that I would have. So I think Brady is mostly bored at this kind of point. Like, not knowing that the other people are having a lot more fun than he is. He's assuming that every room is kind of this boring. And since no one screamed and been like, oh, my God, a ghost. Or, like, oh, my God, a dead raccoon. He doesn't know. He and whatever. [01:17:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:17:34] Speaker A: So, uh, I think making a, like, a lazy kind of circuit around it. The broken mirror would be the first thing. Is this, like, a mirror, like, up on a wall, or is this, like, a mirror, like, the kind you. Oh, okay. [01:17:45] Speaker B: Yeah, so it's. It's actually like a. Like, there's a large, like, super ornate frame. Honestly, in, like, more modern, like, fancy houses, you'd probably expect, like, a painting of the family to be in here. But this is just a very ornate, intricate frame. And then shattered pieces of this mirror. There's some kind of. In all the corners. It kind of looks like somebody, maybe with a baseball bat, came in and smashed the mirror at some point. I'm not saying it's you. I'm just saying somebody, maybe with a. Maybe it's not even a baseball bat. I'm just saying I let the baseball bat really fast. You know what? I just. It came to me. But there are shattered pieces just kind of all around, but there are some, like, larger chunks still in there. Um, quick question, though. Did you see that? Are you sure? [01:18:46] Speaker A: Are you sure? Did I. [01:18:50] Speaker B: You're looking at the mirror, right? [01:18:54] Speaker A: That depends. Is something bad happening if I'm looking in the mirror? Because I gonna withhold my answer until I have some more information. [01:19:02] Speaker B: Well, at first, there's just. There's kind of a. I mean, it looks like somebody's behind you. Not, like. Not, like, directly behind you, but just like. Just like, standing in the doorway leading into the entryway. Did you. Do you see that? [01:19:22] Speaker A: It's gotta be Roger or Cassidy. It's not a problem. There's other people in the house. [01:19:27] Speaker B: I mean, turn around and see, I guess. [01:19:31] Speaker A: I don't want to look. [01:19:33] Speaker B: Okay, then don't kind of look. [01:19:36] Speaker A: I can see in the mirror, right? [01:19:38] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, you. You saw something kind of moving. [01:19:42] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Tell me what's back there. [01:19:45] Speaker B: Are you turning around? [01:19:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I want to see. [01:19:49] Speaker B: There's nothing. Why would there be anything there? Everybody else is busy. [01:19:54] Speaker A: You just said. [01:19:56] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:19:59] Speaker A: Are you turning back to the mirror? Yes, and I sort of got something in that mirror. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I have words for you. [01:20:06] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:20:07] Speaker A: Okay, so turn back to the mirror. [01:20:10] Speaker B: I have a question for you. What does your grandma look like? [01:20:17] Speaker A: She's, like, real short, like, five one. And she has the curly, cotton ball grandma hair. And then just, like, jowly, like, 90 years of gravity, lots of carbs. [01:20:39] Speaker B: Sure. Would it be. Would it be very strange for you then you think, based on where you are right now in your current situation, to see her in the mirror standing behind you? [01:20:55] Speaker A: Well, yeah. [01:20:57] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. Would it be weirder if she had a grin on her face? Not like a smile, but like, a grin. Like, her eyes were a little too wide, and the whites of her eyes were a little too big, and the corners of her mouth were just a little too curled, and she was showing just a little too much teeth. [01:21:23] Speaker A: Oh, my grandma doesn't smile for anything, not even wheel of fortune. So, like, any amount of grin, more than none, is creepy. And, like, this is extra creepy. [01:21:32] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. [01:21:33] Speaker A: I don't like this. [01:21:35] Speaker B: Can you make a grit check for me? [01:21:38] Speaker A: I'm pretty good at that. Is nine enough? [01:21:44] Speaker B: Ooh, yeah, it is, actually. So why. [01:21:48] Speaker A: Brady Wells, everybody. [01:21:50] Speaker B: So. So why, in this moment, Brady, seeing your grandmother behind you in a house with a wicked grin on her face, why does that not terrify you? [01:22:09] Speaker A: I think it's because I'm just. You need a certain amount of, like, creativity and imagination to reach for the paranormal and the weird, and it's just, like, fucking empty up here. So we don't. We don't go to like, oh, my God, it's a ghost. Or like, ah, I'm being haunted because of whatever. [01:22:31] Speaker D: It's like, oh, that's weird. [01:22:33] Speaker A: But, like, my grandma's not here. And I turn around, I'm like, yeah, she's not here. And I turn back, and she's like, oh, man. Brain's playing tricks on me, I guess, because the house is creepy. [01:22:45] Speaker B: Roger. [01:22:45] Speaker A: I see why you guys us to come here. [01:22:47] Speaker B: I am 100% willing to buy that Roger is just too dumb to be scared or Roger Brady. I know. Sorry, but either. Either, yeah, but no, yeah, I mean, you turn around, she's not there. You turn back, she's not there either. [01:23:05] Speaker A: It's got to be. So, wait, when you said, like, behind me, do you mean, like, like, hello, I'm your grandma, right behind you, or do you mean like that? Well, then, yeah, it's definitely like. [01:23:14] Speaker C: Like, right there. [01:23:16] Speaker B: Just face right there. Just. [01:23:22] Speaker A: That's a good grandma impression. [01:23:24] Speaker B: Thank you. Thank you. I am a spooky old woman. What can I say? [01:23:29] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I just like, that's my brain doing tricks on me. That's why. [01:23:33] Speaker B: Yeah, you know, what? It's. There have been a lot of advances in Halloween decorations, and it's probably just Roger, like, doing a really. Like, he probably had a picture of your grandma. Like, roger, you know, could be. Gotta be. [01:23:49] Speaker A: I mean, I don't mean to brag, but, like, my dad did take me to Disneyland, and I see what they did. Right? And, like, I'm not saying Roger's that smart, but, like, you know, like, they. Like the Walkman. Like, they can do anything with technology now. [01:24:02] Speaker B: It's true. It's kind of a miracle of science, truly. [01:24:07] Speaker A: That said, I'm gonna. Somebody with a baseball bat is gonna, like, just knock at that mirror a. [01:24:15] Speaker B: Little bit right now. [01:24:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:24:19] Speaker B: Great. Okay. [01:24:20] Speaker A: Not. [01:24:21] Speaker D: Not like. [01:24:21] Speaker A: Not like a. Like a Louisville slugger. [01:24:23] Speaker B: It. [01:24:23] Speaker A: But, you know, just like a poke at that mirror. [01:24:26] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, you can jab at it, and as you poke, some of the smaller shards will kind of fall off, and, you know, tink, tink, tink on the floor as it hits. But, I mean, the. The mirror is a mirror, and you're. It's not like your baseball bat goes through it. It's on a portal to another dimension or anything, because that would be ridiculous. [01:24:45] Speaker A: But that's some Sean shit right there. I'm not into that. [01:24:47] Speaker B: That's some Sean shit right there. So it is about this time that you hear a scattering. Some sort of animal running up the stairs. You think maybe grandma. Again, it's your fucking grandma. She. I didn't know that your grandmother could scatter like a cat, but she's pride for her age. Sure, sure. Great. And then, you know, not. Not too far later, if you're still kind of poking around the room, you'll hear the. You'll hear Roger, of course, tormenting Cassidy. You'll hear the raccoon fall out of the floor. Flu. But at that point, everybody's kind of explored all their rooms. And you're pretty sure, all of you, that there is no key on the first floor. [01:25:41] Speaker D: I mean, why make it so easy? [01:25:44] Speaker B: You know? Roger agrees with you. And as you all kind of reconvene in the entryway, he's standing at the stairs, kind of just leaning up against. With his foot up on the banister, and he just goes. I don't know why you guys wasted your time down here. Why in the world would I have put it down here? I would. That would have made it too easy. Ooh, Cassidy, you're looking a little, uh. Got a little on your face. [01:26:14] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I was being thorough. [01:26:20] Speaker B: He clearly does not. No, it means I was bit. [01:26:26] Speaker C: Yeah, I feel like. [01:26:28] Speaker B: I know. I know what the word means, but I can't imagine where you would have gotten any of. From crawling under the. Duh. You went in the fireplace. [01:26:41] Speaker C: Well, I gave you too much credit. I thought you might have hung it in there, but clearly, that's not one of your brightest ideas. Yeah, exactly. [01:26:50] Speaker B: No, it would have been a great idea, though. That's a really good hiding spot. I'm gonna remember that for next time. Thanks, Cassidy. [01:27:00] Speaker E: You're welcome. [01:27:02] Speaker A: He's so smart. [01:27:05] Speaker B: Thanks. But he'll point up the stairs and say there's a whole other level of house. Friends, are we ready to go? Because, of course, he's obviously not gonna let you go alone. [01:27:20] Speaker D: Yes. [01:27:23] Speaker B: So, just for my knowledge, what's our marching order? Going up the stairs. [01:27:30] Speaker C: Oh, terrible. [01:27:31] Speaker D: Oh, I'm not first. [01:27:33] Speaker B: Brady. Obviously first. [01:27:35] Speaker D: Yeah. Brady. Brady is just being, like, the brave man leads the way. [01:27:41] Speaker A: No question. [01:27:44] Speaker B: Who's behind Brady? [01:27:47] Speaker C: I'll be behind Brady. [01:27:50] Speaker B: Of course you will. Who's behind? Okay, Sean and then Dakota, you're bringing up the rear. [01:27:55] Speaker D: Yep. [01:27:56] Speaker B: Wonderful. And, I mean, of course, so am I, actually. Of course, Roger's actually behind Dakota because, you know, he wants to make sure that everybody's going upstairs. Cannot leave any of you downstairs to miss out on all of the fun walking up the stairs. They're. They're old. There used to be some sort of carpet runner going up these stairs, but it is. It has that mildew, and you step, and parts of it are squishy and other parts are not, and you don't really want to think about why some parts of it are squishy. It's probably better if you don't. But there is more of that kind of ammonia scent you're still not sure on the animal, but, like, I mean, if you put your mind to it, I'm sure you could figure it out, because, Cassidy, you're a very smart girl, but you get to the top of the stairs, and you're greeted with an area that, I mean, if it's possible, looks worse than the ground floor. There are leaks in the ceiling that have allowed water to kind of get into this hole. Whole space, which has left mildew and even more rot. So there's this. There's this smell of rotting wood just kind of emanating just from, like, the top down, and it's kind of made the whole space heavier. And really, now that the. As if you pay attention as you're walking up the stairs, because now, you know, you're kind of like in. In the middle of it. You hear that as the storm is picking up, you're experiencing these leaks in the ceiling a little more firsthand because some of the walls have water kind of dripping down and pooling in the carpet, running down the stairs, things like that. Watch where you're walking. The lower part of the outer roof definitely is not where you want to be. You're going to get wet. It's going to be disgusting. You might get an infection. Probably best to stay away from all of that. [01:29:59] Speaker A: But that's how you die of dysentery. [01:30:02] Speaker B: It kind of is, yeah. And the biggest thing that you notice, aside from the wet and the mildew and the rot, is a couple more scents. We've already been assaulted by quite a lot of smells, but there are two more. And right now, you can't quite place where they're coming from precisely. But there's one that smells very, very much like that ammonia scent, but slightly different. So, Cassidy, this is not the same animal that you've been smelling. It's clearly a different animal smell. So the other one, you're not sure. There's too much going on right at the top of these stairs. And at this point, there's a map in discord for the players. We'll get it up on twitch so everybody can kind of see what we're dealing with. But right now, there's a lot of rooms up here. It could be coming from anywhere. There's just too much going on, especially now that you're kind of getting that Petrichor smell from outside, all that rain, it's just too much right now. But who knows? Maybe in exploring, you can find some more fun stuff. So when you're at the top of the stairs, one thing to note, it is not on the map. So I will tell you, if you look up, you can see older homes tend to have entrances into the attic that have, like a little chain pulley sort of thing. This is very clearly supposed to be one of those, or like some sort of entrance into the attic, but there is no chain. You think that you could probably open it if you were able to get up there, but you'd have to figure out a way to get up there. But that's the one thing that's missing from this map currently. But other than that, there's a whole host of bedrooms. And Roger will stand there and he'll just swing his wallet on a chain that he definitely has, and he'll ask you, okay, let's go, fraidy. Cats. Where to next? [01:32:16] Speaker E: How old is Roger again? Who is this? [01:32:20] Speaker B: I mean, he's. He's in your grade, but he's about a year older. Don't ask why. [01:32:24] Speaker D: Yeah, I want to look for, like, a bathroom, see if maybe there's, like, a first aid kick, because I'm still thinking about the fact that Sean got the cut on his hand, so I want to help him out. That. [01:32:41] Speaker B: Absolutely. Luckily for you, as soon as you get to the top of the landing, you can see that bathroom. It's just to your left. And as you're looking and you see that claw foot tub, you're used to seeing these closet tubs and you obviously a bathroom. Are you going to go in by yourself? Are you going to make drag Sean with you so you don't have to, like, bring stuff with you? [01:33:05] Speaker D: Um, I will. I won't force Sean to come with me, but I will, like, gesture there and then maybe, like, gesture the hand or something. And if they follow me, sure. If not, you know, I'll bring it back. [01:33:27] Speaker E: I'll just sigh really heavily and be like, fine, you're fully. [01:33:36] Speaker B: Wonderful. [01:33:38] Speaker E: I'm pretending like it doesn't hurt, but it hurts. [01:33:40] Speaker B: But it hurts really, like, really bad. Like, really, really bad. Yeah, like, it's not gonna. Like, it's probably not gonna scar. Like, it's not a super deep cut, but, like, it's a shallow one. It's on the back of your hand. Like, it's stings. So you enter the bathroom, you see this claw foot tub just on the other side. On the. On the wall away from you, there's a medicine cabinet with a cracked mirror. Again, may or may not have been a baseball bat. Probably wasn't Brady because he hasn't been up here yet. And then there is a toilet. You're not sure it's functional. There's definitely no water in the bowl. I don't know. I mean, I guess if you really had to go there you go. At the very least, it would stop Roger from joking about how you peed your pants. But there you have it. That's the bathroom, obviously. There's also a little sink. I'm sorry, underneath the medicine cabinet, there's a sink. It'd be weird to have a bathroom without a sink. But I didn't think I had to say it, but I'm going to say it because some, I don't want. I don't want the apps on Twitter to be like, v designs bathrooms without sinks. [01:34:47] Speaker D: I gingerly will open up the medicine cabinet, see what's inside. [01:34:52] Speaker B: Can you make me a flight check? [01:34:54] Speaker D: Sure, yeah. That'll be an eleven. [01:35:02] Speaker B: Goodness gracious. [01:35:03] Speaker D: I'm ready for anything. [01:35:06] Speaker B: Great. [01:35:06] Speaker A: Is that your 20? [01:35:10] Speaker B: Is that what you roll a d 20 with, Aubrey? [01:35:12] Speaker D: Uh, no, I roll d twelve. [01:35:15] Speaker B: Jesus. Wow. Okay. I mean, that plus one doing work. [01:35:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:35:21] Speaker B: Wow. Okay. So, um, also, second question. On a scale of one to ten, how scared of rats are you? Just generally. [01:35:35] Speaker D: I want to say, like, a normal. Like, maybe, like, I'm less scared of rats and more of jump scare rats. Because sudden rats. Like, I don't know, maybe like, one of my teachers recently had, like, a rat in the classroom. And, you know, I kind of got used to rats in general, but, you know, it's suddenly rat. Do you know maybe there's, like, a suddenly rats? [01:35:59] Speaker B: That is the name of my next. My next campaign. Well, then. [01:36:07] Speaker E: Sounds like a musical. [01:36:09] Speaker B: Oh, God. It's like cats, but copyright. [01:36:11] Speaker D: Copyright. [01:36:12] Speaker B: It's copyright. So you're probably gonna keep it together, then, because with your eleven on your flight, check this rat as you open this medicine cabinet and startle this poor rat who was just taking a nap, and he kind of leaps from the medicine cabinet. You're easily able to sidestep him because he's actually really large. Like, weirdly large. You're not sure how he was laying in that medicine cabinet. He was probably curled up because he's weirdly large, but he'll jump, like, not at you, just kind of off and then land over by the claw foot tub and kind of scuttle behind it. And as you're kind of standing there trying to figure out exactly what happened, you do hear, like, a weird sort of crying, mewling. Sort of. It's not like a normal rat noise, that's for sure. Yeah, rats. [01:37:16] Speaker D: Just sort of. Rats don't make noises like that. Just being like, okay, that's weird. I'm so sorry. [01:37:28] Speaker E: Just a rat, right? [01:37:32] Speaker D: Big rat. [01:37:35] Speaker B: Big rat. [01:37:36] Speaker D: You can have your medicine cabinet back in a minute. [01:37:43] Speaker B: Yep. Yep. There is some stuff in the medicine cabinet. And, you know, I mean, you're lucky, mechanically. We don't need to have your lucky come into play right now. But you are lucky and lucky also in this instance, because. Yeah, you know what there is? There are some band Aids. A lot of them have been chewed, and I probably wouldn't use rat chewed band Aids on anybody, but, like, they're also 20 years old. So some of them, like, you're going to open one and it's not going to stick because, you know, like, that glue is just not going to hold. But if you want, there's a little bit of gauze. Again, it's kind of. But, I mean, there are band aids, no neosporin, nothing like that. But you got some band aids, and if nothing else, you know, it'll stop Shawn from having to wrap his hand in his shirt. [01:38:38] Speaker D: Yeah. And just be like. Well, they're. [01:38:40] Speaker E: Which is getting progressively dirtier. [01:38:43] Speaker D: There's some band aids. Um, you know, maybe a little bit of gauze so you can at least get it covered. Uh, so, you know, you don't have to worry. Like, there's a lot of. [01:38:55] Speaker E: Stick my hand out for you to do it. [01:38:57] Speaker D: Like, just gingerly. Uh, just be like, I have to. You know, I have an older brother. [01:39:08] Speaker E: Actually cleaning it because he's a teenage. [01:39:11] Speaker D: Boy, and they make stupid decisions. [01:39:15] Speaker B: Yeah, they really do, don't they? Not saying that Brady's gonna be that way. Obviously. Obviously. So. [01:39:29] Speaker D: Yeah. I will bandage up Sean's hand. [01:39:33] Speaker B: Awesome. [01:39:34] Speaker E: Thanks. [01:39:35] Speaker B: Anything else? I love shonda. Yeah, whatever, dukes. Wonderful. Anything else you want to do in here, or should we. Should we go check out another room? [01:39:50] Speaker E: I'm just gonna, like, be looking around. [01:39:53] Speaker D: Like, whilst my hand is getting bandaged, reenact the shining. Some weird naked lady gonna step out of the tub? [01:40:00] Speaker A: No, she already used plastic. [01:40:02] Speaker B: I used. Yeah, I used my grandma card. [01:40:06] Speaker A: So cheesy to have grandma and grandma again. [01:40:10] Speaker B: Oh, no, it's grandma. As you walk over to the bathtub. It's your average claw foot tub. It's incredibly stained. Definitely would ably. I mean, it would. It would need to be redone before anybody could use it for any purpose at all. But no, it's just a bathtub. There are some, like, rat droppings and some, like, small toys in there. But aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary. Yeah, toys like jacks, little bouncy ball, things like that. [01:40:49] Speaker E: I might pick one off and, like, bounce it against, like, the floor of the. The buffing. [01:40:56] Speaker B: Are you doing that near the bathtub? Yeah. As you do that, the very large rat that had crawled behind the tub will run out and will chase after the ball. [01:41:12] Speaker C: Oh. [01:41:15] Speaker E: Maybe not. We'll kind of take a step back. But it's like, cool. Let's go. [01:41:25] Speaker B: You're just gonna let. You're not gonna investigate this any further? You're just like, fuck it. No, the rat can have the ball. [01:41:31] Speaker E: It's like. I mean, I don't need a new ball. [01:41:34] Speaker B: It was just. [01:41:35] Speaker E: I was bored and I just wanted to. And, like. I mean, where. Where is the rat going? [01:41:44] Speaker B: I mean, that's unquestionable. Uh, well, so. So you. You kind of toss the ball at the, uh, at the wall, and then it bounced off, and then the rat appeared from underneath and went to go chase it. Uh, when the rat catches it, uh, if you don't stop them, they'll go back underneath the, uh, the tub where they were hiding out. [01:42:09] Speaker E: Why would I stop the rat, though? [01:42:11] Speaker D: Yeah, it's a rat. [01:42:12] Speaker B: Maybe you want the ball. I don't know. I'm just asking here. I am here to ask questions, to find out your story. That's all I'm here for. [01:42:23] Speaker E: I don't think I'm that pressed about. I'm not that pressed about this random ball that I just picked up, like, okay, is there. Are there other balls in the bathtub? Am I. [01:42:34] Speaker B: No, it's, um. It's one ball for the jacks. So you gotta, you know. Yeah, you can take the jacks if you want, but. [01:42:44] Speaker E: Yeah, why not? Like, I'm not. I'm gonna keep my. Just bandage hand slightly cleaner, and I'm gonna get the stuff in the other hand. [01:42:58] Speaker A: All right. [01:42:59] Speaker B: So if you want to mark down that you have a set of jacks, you can absolutely do that. Yes. [01:43:03] Speaker D: So watch this rat carry this ball. And just being like, do rats do that? [01:43:15] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:43:16] Speaker E: No. [01:43:16] Speaker B: Do they? [01:43:17] Speaker E: I don't either. [01:43:18] Speaker B: Can you. Can you make me a brains check? [01:43:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I got a detent on brains. [01:43:24] Speaker D: I'm pretty brainy. [01:43:26] Speaker A: Look, I'm an idiot, and I know rats don't play fetch. [01:43:30] Speaker B: That's not true. That's not true. You can absolutely play. You can absolutely train a rat to play fetch. [01:43:35] Speaker D: That's true. [01:43:36] Speaker A: Yeah. This is not like a nice, cute house rat. This is like a sewer rat that lives in the piss room. Like, no, that rat has not been. Okay, whatever. [01:43:45] Speaker D: I got. I got an eight. [01:43:48] Speaker B: Well, you do know that rats can carry balls and they can be taught to play fetch. You're pretty sure they don't carry them in their hands, though, when they run. [01:44:03] Speaker E: Wait, what? I thought it picked it up with its mouth. [01:44:07] Speaker B: I didn't say that. [01:44:09] Speaker E: Okay. [01:44:12] Speaker B: You didn't ask me how it carried it. I said it. I said it picked it up and carried it. Did not say it did it with its mouth. [01:44:23] Speaker D: And it goes under the tub. [01:44:25] Speaker B: Yeah. Back to where it was hiding when you scared it. [01:44:31] Speaker D: Hmm. [01:44:32] Speaker A: I'm like, what I do. [01:44:35] Speaker D: I was just, like, looking around, just, like, maybe, like, grimace slightly, and then I like, you know, like, I sort of, like, kneel down and, like, look under the tub. And. Do I see the rat just under there? [01:44:49] Speaker B: You do you see that? You see the backside of this rat? There's a nice, long, chunky tail. Rat tail. Not to be clear, not like a chunky, like squirrel tail or anything. Just like a nice, like. I mean, this is a. This is a big, beefy rat. But yeah, you see it. [01:45:04] Speaker A: It's just also that tail has bones. I learned that today. [01:45:10] Speaker D: I just, you know, I look at this rat and I don't know, maybe I always wanted to be a bit of a Disney princess. And you just go, hey, it's okay. We'll get out of your hair. [01:45:31] Speaker B: Let you play with the ball, I guess. [01:45:34] Speaker D: I don't know. It's fine. We won't bother you. [01:45:40] Speaker B: Are you gonna try and pet it? [01:45:42] Speaker D: No, cuz I'm. At least more. I don't want to, like, like, because it looks, like, scared, you know, I don't want to, like, try to. I don't, like, startle it and then have it, like, bite me or something, you know? [01:45:55] Speaker A: I just. [01:45:55] Speaker B: I mean, I think the time for not startling it has long passed. [01:45:59] Speaker D: To be clear, I am not going to try to pet it, but I'm going to, like, verbally, you know, just be like, hey, it's fine. We're not gonna hurt you. [01:46:09] Speaker B: Can you make me a charm check. [01:46:12] Speaker D: Yes, I can. [01:46:16] Speaker E: Is that your best girl? [01:46:18] Speaker D: That is my best. And my dice exploded. [01:46:23] Speaker E: Nice. [01:46:26] Speaker D: That'll be a 25. I'm about to get a pet rat. [01:46:36] Speaker E: A pet rat that walks on two legs. [01:46:38] Speaker C: Pretty sure that rats a person. [01:46:40] Speaker D: Yep. [01:46:42] Speaker B: So as you talk to this rat, you tell him, oh, it's okay. I'll get out of your hair. It's totally fine. It turns to look at you because you have done a fantastic job at soothing him. And perhaps looking at you was not the kindness that it thought that it was going to be. Because as this rat turns to look at you, you understand now why this rat is so large. Because, Cassidy, you were kind of right. This rat. Rat body, rat tail, little rat hands, very human face. And it stares at you, clutching this little bouncy ball, and cries out, Ma. Ma. And I think now is a great time for our second break of the night. So why don't we go and get some. Some drinks? We're gonna let DakOta sit with this for just a little bit. I think. I think five minutes, probably the correct amount of time to process what just happened. But we'll be back. Go hydrAte, get some more candy, and we'll see you back and see what happens after this. Stick around. Welcome back, friends. I hope you have refreshed your candy like we all have, and gotten your drinks like we all have, because we are back from our break, and we are ready to dive in now. Just before the break, DakOta and Sean befriended a wonderful little critter. But I think what we need to do right now is figure out what Cassidy and Brady are doing as they are befriending this rat thing. So, Brady, Cassidy, you see Dakota and Shawn head into the bathroom to look for bandages or whatever it is they said they were looking for. What are you doing? [01:49:03] Speaker A: You want to figure out where the bully hit the key, you gotta put yourself in their mindset, right? So, like, roger, he's a bully. And my parents tell me that bullies are just emotional children, and they have, like, stunted development, and they don't have the skills for, like, you know, an adult would use. So if I were an emotionally stunted child, where would I hide the key? Child room. [01:49:30] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Okay. You know what? I like this logic train. I think it makes sense now. The kids room is. You gotta walk a little ways to get to the kids room. Cassidy, are you going with Brady? [01:49:45] Speaker C: I think there was a moment where I was like, oh, that logic tracks. And then I saw the study on the way to the kids room and was like, ooh, I want to go in there. [01:49:56] Speaker B: Okay, okay. All right. We can handle both of these at the same time because here. Here's the thing, Cassidy, as you tear off into the study, Roger's gonna join you. [01:50:09] Speaker C: Oh, great. [01:50:10] Speaker B: Yeah, he's a little can do me a quick favor, actually, real fast, and make me a charm roll. And Brady, while Cassidy's making that charm roll for me, as you're walking past, can you just make me, like. I don't know, make me, like, a flight check? Just like, just a small one. Five. [01:50:31] Speaker A: Okay, I don't remember which dice that is. All right, eight. Oh, sorry. Nine, because I'm a kid. [01:50:42] Speaker B: Oh. Nine with your bonus. Fantastic. Then you see it as you walk past this floor length mirror. It's not. It's not your grandma, but there was something there as you walked past that mirror. [01:50:58] Speaker A: You know what? Let's rewind a little bit. Ray doesn't fuck with mirrors. Starting about 30 seconds ago. So I'm walking up and I'll see that mirror, and then can I just, while no one's looking, just like, with my nine on my flight check, which is really good, just have decided that, like, whatever mirror I see, like, bam. [01:51:16] Speaker C: It's on site. [01:51:19] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. You can do that. Why don't you actually go ahead and make me a brawn check with a plus two because of that nine that you got on your flight check. [01:51:26] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Well, plus one on the flight check. That's a 21. [01:51:36] Speaker B: Oh, that mirror did not stand a chance. And everybody's going to hear this as Brady just whips out his bat and. Well, Brady with a 21. I think you get to describe exactly how you smash this mirror. [01:51:53] Speaker A: It's two out in the bottom of the 9th, and the team is down three runs. But Brady Wells is up to bat. The races are loaded. Can he do it? [01:52:00] Speaker B: Oh. [01:52:00] Speaker A: First one goes by. It's a ball. This is Brady's actual monologue coming out of his mouth, the pitcher giving him a little bit of respect. And there he goes. He checks, gets the sign from the fastball down the middle. Oh, my God. You hear that? Right before the. Oh, my God. You just hear, like. Yeah. The shatter of so much glass. Yeah. [01:52:28] Speaker B: Now, it's. At this point, Roger's actually gonna poke his head out because he walked into the study right behind Cassidy, and he stares at the glass on the ground, stares up at you, and says, brady, what the hell, man? [01:52:43] Speaker A: At this point, Brady's doing the running man with his bat above his head, just like Brady. Brad. Oh, yeah, no, hey, hey, hey, Roger. Just, you know, how are you? [01:53:00] Speaker B: I mean, I'm fine, but, like, what did that mirror do to you? [01:53:04] Speaker A: Nothing. Sometimes, you know, like, when you're just brawny and cool, you want to hit a mirror. [01:53:11] Speaker B: Sick. Cool. And he'll just turn around and go back into the room with Cassidy. [01:53:20] Speaker A: Down the hall. [01:53:25] Speaker B: And, Cassidy, just because I'm curious, do you poke your head out? [01:53:29] Speaker C: Oh, I absolutely do. [01:53:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:53:31] Speaker C: That is a terrifying sound. [01:53:33] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:53:34] Speaker A: Same thing. Just. [01:53:39] Speaker C: He's kind of a dork, huh? [01:53:44] Speaker B: Who are you asking? [01:53:45] Speaker C: She was kind of asking. The air realizes that Roger's there and then goes, I mean, we should. [01:53:52] Speaker B: You'd know, wouldn't you, Cassidy? [01:53:55] Speaker C: Okay, well, I don't have to come back for that, so I'm just gonna. [01:53:59] Speaker B: Go into the study. Roger, like I said, roger follows you into the study, and you're actually met with a very, very interesting site inside the study, because you'd expect. Well, okay, you tell me. What would you expect walking into a study? [01:54:22] Speaker C: Books and a desk, maybe a globe. That makes sense. [01:54:28] Speaker B: Mm hmm. None of those things are here. None of them. What you do have is, like, a broken bed frame, drawers from, obviously, several different dressers. There was a desk, but it is smashed up into this pile. And there's a large board, like, propped up next to all of this trash and kind of like, up against the wall. And then there's like a singed curtain kind of underneath all of this. And as you kind of really get closer, you smell this. It smells like oil. Not like cooking oil, but like. I don't know, like, not like gasoline, but like a. Like a lamp oil you'd expect. And then there's like, a hint of wood smoke in the air. Huh. [01:55:33] Speaker C: Nice. Can I. Is there any evidence of, like, stuff having been burned? Like scorch marks or soot? Besides me? [01:55:50] Speaker B: So that's. So that's the weird thing, because. Yes, but also no. So the curtain is obviously singed. There's a scorch mark all on the floor. Some of the items have clearly been touched by fire, and based on the amount of oil, like, there is no reason that this should not have immediately gone up in flames. But it obviously didn't. Brady, how's the kid's room treating you? [01:56:30] Speaker A: That depends entirely on how many mirrors are in this room. [01:56:34] Speaker B: Luckily for you. Or perhaps luckily for the mirrors. There are no mirrors in this room. Uh, and that's probably. Yeah, yeah. [01:56:42] Speaker A: They know that they fucked off when they heard Brady coming. [01:56:45] Speaker B: Exactly 100%, yes. As you walk into this room, it's really obvious that this used to be like. Or that this. This is two rooms. Uh, there was a door that kind of connected the two at some point. Uh, but that door is gone. Uh, looks like the hinges broke. So maybe vandals came in at some point and got rid of it. Um, there is a bed frame. Part of a bed frame. There's a dresser with a bunch of drawers missing. There's kid sized toys and furniture, and it's all relatively boring looking in one corner, there is a little desk, and then there is a closet that you can't see into, but you're doing really, really well at picking very boring, mundane rooms. [01:57:33] Speaker A: Look, my brain is like a dowsing rod for things that knows it can handle. If I'd gone to the study and it was like, oh, my God, books. Since the brain had been like. But, like the dummy psychic energy, it's just. But here's the thing, and I'm gonna tell you a secret that I'm not gonna tell anybody else. [01:57:59] Speaker B: Just between us. Yeah. [01:58:00] Speaker A: Yeah. My mom doesn't know that. Like, in my bed, the posts are actually hollow. And you can pull the little top off, right? And then inside, you can hide whatever you want. Okay, so I think I'm first gonna look over my shoulder and make sure no one's seeing me reveal where my hiding spot is. But then I'm gonna go tap in looking for holo. [01:58:29] Speaker B: Sure. Absolutely. I'll let you do that. Why don't you go ahead and make me, like, a grit check? Just. Just for funsies. [01:58:42] Speaker A: Eight. [01:58:43] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. You find the hiding spot. It's super easy. These. You're eleven years old, and, like, you assume, like, you don't know exactly how old these kids are, but based on the stuff in here, they were probably about that age. So, like, you're all on that eleven year old wavelength, you see? Exactly. I don't know, like, where hiding spots are. [01:59:05] Speaker A: I invented this hiding spot. Like. [01:59:07] Speaker B: Oh, sure, yeah. [01:59:09] Speaker A: I mean, I thought of it. Nobody else has ever thought of this. [01:59:12] Speaker B: No, no. And it just is magically here 20 years in the past. [01:59:17] Speaker A: Technology is amazing. Like, the Walkmans, they're so small. [01:59:20] Speaker B: Sure. Absolutely. Well, inside this hiding place, as you pull open the top and you find this hollowed out post, there's a handful of things in there. At the very top, there's a little bag, and you can pick it up, and there's a little jingling noise as you kind of shake. It feels a little weighty. [01:59:42] Speaker A: Adventure's over. [01:59:44] Speaker D: Brady did it. [01:59:49] Speaker B: You might. You might want to actually open it before you jump there. [01:59:54] Speaker A: Okay. You know, because I respect you as a storyteller and I know you want to build the game, I will let you describe the rest of the things before I take this key to my friends and we. Peace out. [02:00:04] Speaker B: Sure. So you open this little bag, and it's a handful of coins. [02:00:14] Speaker A: Mother Hubbard. [02:00:15] Speaker B: Good news, though. They look valuable. And as you kind of, like, play with them, they're not. They're not like quarters or nickels or anything. Like, these are like. These are like old coins. They're like gold and silver. [02:00:27] Speaker D: Like pirate treasure. [02:00:29] Speaker B: Like pirate treasure. Exactly. [02:00:31] Speaker A: Obviously, that's why this house is haunted. It's because the kids were pirates and then the people they stole. Oh, God, that makes so much sense. [02:00:42] Speaker B: There is something else down there, if you want to just reach in and grab it. [02:00:48] Speaker A: I mean, you're making that face like you're trying to scare me, but. Brady Wells, straight down there, just. [02:00:55] Speaker B: Absolutely. Now, Cassidy, how's it going over there? Good. [02:01:01] Speaker C: I am about to check behind the big board thing. I'm getting bored. Bored with this room. But there, I mean, it feels like there's a mystery here that I kind of want to solve. I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten about the key. I don't think that Roger would stick anything in this room. I just don't think he would. [02:01:24] Speaker B: Roger. How's Roger doing? [02:01:28] Speaker C: I don't care. [02:01:30] Speaker B: Okay, great. So you go to the board, and you take this board. It's. It's plywood, right? It's not super heavy. Um, so it's. It's very easily moved. Uh, how are you? Are you just, like, pulling it down? Are you moving it to the side? [02:01:43] Speaker C: I'll move it to the side. [02:01:45] Speaker B: Move it to the side. To the left or to the right? [02:01:49] Speaker E: To the. [02:01:51] Speaker C: My right hand or left handed? To the right. [02:01:55] Speaker B: To the right. As you start to move this, you start to see in big red letters some graffiti on the wall. Roger. And as you keep going, washhe. And then the first line of an r, but then it ends. [02:02:36] Speaker C: It turned to Roger. You didn't spell here right? [02:02:40] Speaker B: I didn't get a chance to finish it. Okay, just saying you guys got here too early is all. [02:02:49] Speaker C: Spatial awareness is just off. Not really. Are you. [02:02:54] Speaker B: There was still space on the wall. Cassidy. You guys just got here too soon. [02:03:01] Speaker C: Okay, fine. But I do think that painting your name all over the wall in a place we're not supposed to be in is a little bit incriminating. [02:03:12] Speaker B: Okay, whatever. So what? I'm just saying, what do you care? [02:03:17] Speaker C: You're right. I don't care. [02:03:19] Speaker E: I. [02:03:20] Speaker B: Great. [02:03:21] Speaker E: March out of the room. [02:03:26] Speaker B: Now, Brady, as you reach in, and you grab this thing that's in that post and you pull it out. It's a doll. [02:03:39] Speaker A: A doll. [02:03:41] Speaker B: A dollar. But you made. [02:03:43] Speaker D: You made a face like it was gonna be, like, a slime mold or. [02:03:47] Speaker B: A vampire shrimp slime mold in a hiding place. What kind of storyteller do you think I am, Brady? [02:03:55] Speaker A: I don't know. It's a weird house. [02:03:56] Speaker B: Well, that's true. And honestly, though, this doll is actually weird, because the more that you look at it, the more that you recognize this doll. [02:04:07] Speaker A: My sister have one of these dolls? [02:04:10] Speaker B: No. [02:04:11] Speaker A: Is it one of those dolls that I keep seeing on the cartoon commercials? [02:04:14] Speaker B: No. This is a very unique doll. It was obviously handmade based on the stitching and the materials that was used. But it's weird. It's really weird because it has, like, a. Like, a hat on backwards, and it has a Cal Ripken baseball shirt on. [02:04:38] Speaker A: Dropping the doll? No. Back in the hidey hole. [02:04:43] Speaker B: So, Dakota and Sean, at this point, there's a couple things that I think we do need to handle, just, like, from a bookkeeping standpoint. First off, Sean, your fear. I think one could argue that when Brady smashed the mirror, that probably activated a fear response from you, correct? [02:05:07] Speaker E: Yeah, maybe a little bit. Maybe there's a bit of panicking. Looking around, trying to back into a corner. [02:05:20] Speaker B: Are you. [02:05:21] Speaker E: What was that? Did you hear that? What was that? What? [02:05:27] Speaker D: Sounded like something breaking. [02:05:30] Speaker B: Yeah, but you'll hear at this point, you'll hear Roger, and you'll hear Cassidy in there kind of talking to Brady about this. You can hear what's happening. [02:05:42] Speaker E: I think he's just kind of shoved himself into the space between the bath and the wall on the other side. And it's just kind of like, I'm trying to calm down a little bit because it's like this is nope, nope. It's a nope space. [02:06:07] Speaker B: So then we can say that. That this is happening. Sean is kind of having his little. His little panic freak out thing while Dakota is trying to befriend the rat thing. So, Dakota, just. Just out of curiosity, why are you choosing to befriend the rat thing instead of trying to console Sean at this moment? [02:06:28] Speaker D: Um. God, other than the fact that I am. I am a kid, and I don't know how to deal with somebody who's having a panic attack, so it easy. It seems easier to befriend the strange rat. [02:06:44] Speaker B: Valid. Wonderful. So now all the bookkeeping is handled. Dakota, this rat thing has just turned and has just spoken, said something. It sounded an awful lot like mama, twice. What's going through your head right now? How do you react to this? Because I can't imagine very well. [02:07:08] Speaker D: No, definitely. I don't react well. It's really like one of those. [02:07:17] Speaker B: Sean, you heard it, too, by the way. [02:07:22] Speaker D: Shawn. And I'm just like. And then it's probably, like, a slight, like, work up into screaming me down. We're both having a moment in this bathroom. [02:07:44] Speaker B: Dakota and Shawn are having a moment. Brady has just chucked this doll onto the ground. This doll of definitely not himself. Probably not him. I'm sure it's not himself. I'm sure it's fine. So Brady has just chucked this doll onto the ground and pocketed some gold and silver coins. Cassidy has found that Roger is more of a delinquent than they even thought possible. And then all of a sudden, blood curdling scream from the bathroom. [02:08:14] Speaker C: I ran into the bathroom. [02:08:17] Speaker A: Brady's a big damn hero. He's going to immediately run that direction, too. [02:08:22] Speaker D: I will be posted up in the opposite corner, like. Like pointing. Is the rat still under the. The tub? Because if it isn't pointing at it and just being like. It's just kind of like I'm speaking, but I'm babbling and it's just sort of something. Rat face. Mama. What? [02:08:44] Speaker B: What? You. You have. You rolled so well on that. That rat is not going anywhere unless you physically harm it. [02:08:53] Speaker A: I mean, Brady's running into the room, so we might be able to arrange that. I'm just, like, coming, like, what? [02:08:58] Speaker B: What? [02:08:59] Speaker D: What is it out from underneath the tub? [02:09:04] Speaker B: No, it hasn't. It hasn't really moved. If you like, as you've moved, it's probably gotten a little bit closer to you because it views you as a friend, as a safe person. [02:09:15] Speaker D: But I apologize to the rat out of character, because it's not probably gonna end well. [02:09:24] Speaker B: Know that. [02:09:29] Speaker C: Are you okay? Why'd you scream? [02:09:31] Speaker D: See, and I'm pointing and I'm just going Fred face right there. Did anyone else see that? [02:09:43] Speaker E: Sean's gonna get on the floor because he's. He's kind of caught up in the corner sitting down, but he's like, what is gonna get down and look like, holy fuck. Cripola. Oh, that's really cool. [02:10:02] Speaker B: What's cool? I wanna see. [02:10:04] Speaker E: It's a rat with a face. [02:10:07] Speaker C: But that's not a thing. [02:10:17] Speaker E: I mean, that's creepy, but it's a rat with a face. [02:10:21] Speaker C: It's gotta be just something that Roger put in a costume. [02:10:28] Speaker A: It's like one of those, like, um. Like when you. When you go to, like, ratty pizza arcade, land animal. [02:10:40] Speaker B: Uh huh. [02:10:41] Speaker E: Hey, rat puffs and thing. Hey. [02:10:48] Speaker B: Can you make me a charm roll? It'll be a little bit easier since it's already a friend. [02:10:52] Speaker E: But charm is not a thing. That charm is, uh, when you say a little bit easier, like, how much easier? Three. [02:11:06] Speaker D: Uh, no, plus one. [02:11:09] Speaker B: Yeah, not quite that easy. Unfortunately, it's. It's still a little. A little wary. Um, so far, the only person that it has deemed a friend is Dakota. [02:11:26] Speaker E: I'm still gonna, like, reach out for it. [02:11:29] Speaker C: It's really big. [02:11:32] Speaker B: Uh, as. As you reach out for it. Um hmm. Yeah. Because it hasn't decided that you're a friend yet. It's pretty. Probably going to jump and kind of, like, scurry out from underneath the bathtub and probably in the direction of Dakota. And as it does this, Brady and Cassidy, you see that this is. This rat is much larger than you would expect it to be. And it has pointy ears, which is weird. Because, like, it shouldn't have pointy ears, and it's also holding a ball, but, like, in its hand. And that is incredibly strange. And it's not facing you just yet, but, um. Give it time. [02:12:13] Speaker E: Huh? Hey, wait, wait. [02:12:18] Speaker C: I think. I think that might be. I really think that might be dangerous to befriend animals in creepy old houses. [02:12:26] Speaker D: Wait. [02:12:32] Speaker B: I mean, has anybody seen Roger? [02:12:36] Speaker A: No. I mean, haven't exactly been looking for him based on the animal electronics that we're seeing here. I'm like, roger, this is too much. And I would have been like, you all can try to play with the machine. This. This obvious, like, little. They haven't invented Furby's yet, but this is. This is it. And I'm gonna go, like, Roger, like, walking out into the hall. What the hell, man? [02:13:02] Speaker B: That's weird. He was with you, Cassidy, wasn't he? [02:13:06] Speaker C: I guess I left him in the study. Is he not there now? [02:13:13] Speaker B: I'm gonna go. [02:13:14] Speaker C: Gonna go peek. No, he's probably hiding somewhere so he can scare us again. [02:13:21] Speaker B: That's probably it. [02:13:27] Speaker C: Anyway. Nothing in that room. [02:13:32] Speaker E: Sorry. [02:13:32] Speaker B: Go ahead. [02:13:33] Speaker E: No, no. Like, Sean is now single mindedly. Like, his mind has been taken off. Like, so single minded. Like, is now crawling towards this, like, rat thing, being like, hey, no, it's like, I'm pretty sure it's real, guys. Like, it is just hands up, like, being, like, trying to touch it. So. I'm sorry, Dakota. It's. [02:14:02] Speaker B: The closer you get to it, the closer it gets to climbing up Dakota's pant leg. [02:14:13] Speaker E: It talks. [02:14:15] Speaker B: How far do you want to go? Do you want to. Do you want to go after this until it is in Dakota's arms? Because we can make those. We can make that happen. [02:14:23] Speaker E: I'm single minded. [02:14:27] Speaker B: It's real. [02:14:28] Speaker E: It's all real. So, like, of course I want to make sure that it's real. It's not animatronics. Like, stupid Brady keeps saying. [02:14:39] Speaker B: Absolutely, Dakota. [02:14:42] Speaker A: Animal atronics. [02:14:42] Speaker D: Yep. [02:14:43] Speaker B: Animal electronics. Yes. Dakota. Are you just going to let this happen? Are you going, like. I mean, it's. It's looking up at you with these big blue eyes, these big, blue, very human like eyes between, you know, it's just tiny, tiny pointed ears with its small, little pink lips and its weird, crooked nose. [02:15:11] Speaker D: I feel like I'm a little bit too. Just like, I backed myself into this corner. Like, you know, I don't know what to do. I am looking between it and Sean and Cassidy being like, please, somebody tell me this is, you know, not real. [02:15:29] Speaker B: Just seeing things. Pick it up. [02:15:31] Speaker E: Clearly, it likes you. [02:15:36] Speaker D: Yes, it is. It does. Um, can I make any kind of, like, uh, checks to, like, just see. [02:15:50] Speaker B: Roll flight or something? [02:15:51] Speaker D: See if I'm just gonna. I'm just gonna run or if. Yeah, maybe I can finally. [02:15:56] Speaker B: Maybe I could, like, pick it up if you. Here's. Here's the thing. If you want to pick it up, you can pick it up, because you. You've won so hard on your charm roll, but if you want to run away from it, you're going to have to make a flight check. Yeah. To see if you can, like, outmaneuver it and then book it. [02:16:19] Speaker D: I think I'm just having a moment, and it's just, like, reach out for. For it to just be like. It's just a very, very large rats. [02:16:36] Speaker B: I mean, and then you're gonna. You're gonna pick it up. [02:16:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:16:41] Speaker D: Got it. [02:16:43] Speaker B: I mean, it is. It is more than happy to just kind of let you hold it, and I assume you're kind of holding it a little like this, like, away from you with its back legs kind of dangling, and it's giant, really, like, really beefy tail, just kind of, like, hanging. And it'll just stare at you, and it. It's very happy that you're being so nice to it, but it is just staring at you. It doesn't have, like, hair, right, because it's definitely fur, and it's definitely wiry and poking out of the back of its head, like, kind of catchy, like, but it's soft ish. [02:17:26] Speaker D: I don't know. Just, like, maybe just slight disassociation for the moment of just being like, yeah, no, everything's fine. [02:17:36] Speaker E: Everything's fine. Like, a little, like, kind of. Almost like, it's almost kind of crawled to your feet. So he's also right there, and it's, like, kind of looking, like, not taking his eyes off this thing is, like, getting up from that kind of crawl. So it's, like, super awkwardly in your space as well. So, like, you have to bring it closer to you almost, for, like, oh. [02:18:12] Speaker B: Hey. [02:18:14] Speaker E: It can speak, right? [02:18:16] Speaker D: Like, you heard it say those words. [02:18:23] Speaker E: Is it gonna say anything? Hi. [02:18:30] Speaker B: Ma. It just looks up at you. [02:18:38] Speaker E: At me or Dakota? [02:18:41] Speaker B: Both. Either. You're not quite sure. [02:18:46] Speaker E: No, no. [02:18:46] Speaker B: You guys are a little walleyed sometimes. [02:18:49] Speaker E: No, no, no. Like, I'm not, but, like, you're real, right? Like, it's pretty real. Just gonna poke it really gently. [02:19:08] Speaker B: It clearly does not like that. And it'll kind of, like, hiss a little bit. As you do that, because that's rude. Who pokes another living creature? [02:19:18] Speaker E: That's rude. He's gonna jump. You have to bring it with us. We've gotta prove to everyone that it's real. [02:19:30] Speaker B: It's clear that it can understand you. The extent of its speech capabilities is so far pretty limited, but it's clear that he can at least it, because don't want to misgender it. That they can clearly understand you, which is curious. [02:19:55] Speaker E: Well, I. I'm Sean, right? And this is Dakota. And, like. [02:20:05] Speaker B: It'Ll kind of chirp at you a little bit in recognition. [02:20:11] Speaker E: I mean, I didn't, like. [02:20:14] Speaker B: Did you see. [02:20:18] Speaker E: There are, like, five of us here. Did you see, like, another. Did you see the other two? Maybe we should. We should take him. It to the other two, and then, like, maybe it can find Roger or maybe you can find the key. Maybe it saw Roger put the key somewhere. [02:20:47] Speaker D: Just, you know, feel like. Cassidy, you're really smart. Do you have any ideas? As I say, as I'm holding this. [02:21:02] Speaker A: Thing. [02:21:08] Speaker C: I was headed out the door, so I guess I kind of poke my head back in. Ideas for what? The robot thing. The animal tronic. [02:21:24] Speaker D: I'm pretty sure it's not a robot. [02:21:27] Speaker B: It's rare. Hmm. [02:21:34] Speaker C: It's gotta be. [02:21:35] Speaker D: And warm. [02:21:37] Speaker C: Warm? [02:21:39] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:21:40] Speaker C: I want to reach out to pet it. [02:21:44] Speaker B: It'll let you because it's in Dakota's arms and it trusts Dakota. What? [02:21:49] Speaker E: It doesn't like me, but it's fun with Cassidy. [02:21:53] Speaker B: You poked it, Sean. There's a difference between poking and petting. Eh. That's so weird. [02:22:03] Speaker C: It feels so alive. [02:22:08] Speaker B: It'll turn to face you and you can see it's very weird. Human face. And it's very obviously human features. Ew. I mean, it's gonna hiss at you when you say, ew. [02:22:30] Speaker C: Did you understand that? [02:22:34] Speaker B: Just kind of nods at you. Oh, wait. [02:22:38] Speaker C: That's amazing. [02:22:41] Speaker E: Yeah, it's pretty cool. [02:22:45] Speaker D: Oh, holding this like this. [02:22:47] Speaker A: I don't know. [02:22:48] Speaker D: I'm holding it like a. You would hold a rabbit or something. [02:22:51] Speaker C: How did you get. How. How are you. How do you exist. [02:23:01] Speaker B: Now while Cassidy, Dakota, and Sean are dealing with this rat thing and all of the weirdness that comes with it? Brady, have you ventured deeper into the second floor to try and find Roger? [02:23:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm just gonna be shouting his name. [02:23:23] Speaker B: Sure, sure. Well, I got some bad news. Unfortunately, the house does not shout back, and Roger doesn't seem to be anywhere. [02:23:32] Speaker A: Counterpoint house not talking to me is great news. [02:23:36] Speaker B: You know what? Fair point. Fair point. So, as you're heading down, there's, you know, there is that one room at the end of the hall that you. You haven't been in yet. He might be in there. [02:23:49] Speaker A: Well, yeah, we would have seen him go downstairs if. Cause, like, Dakota and Sean were in the bathroom, and, like, he couldn't have stopped by. [02:23:56] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [02:23:57] Speaker A: So, obviously, he had to go deeper. [02:23:58] Speaker B: In, obviously, because all of you were definitely paying attention 100% of the time and definitely would have noticed him and definitely not been paying attention to the rat thing 100% of the time. Absolutely. You're totally correct. [02:24:10] Speaker A: Doesn't take seven brains cells to figure that out, right? [02:24:12] Speaker B: No, no. Thank goodness. Thank goodness. So, you walk into what you'll realize upon entering is probably the parents bedroom. There's an old queen sized bed. It's torn, it's stained. Good news, bad news situation for you. There's a mirror. [02:24:37] Speaker A: Is there, though? [02:24:39] Speaker B: I mean, not for much longer, I'm guessing. [02:24:41] Speaker A: Is there, though? [02:24:42] Speaker B: Not for much longer. But, yes, it is a nice, fine mirror in a really pretty brass frame. It's right next to a window just across from the closet door. And then there's, like, a pile of boxes, like, cardboard boxes, that are just, like, full of papers and books and magazines and newspapers and things like that. [02:25:05] Speaker A: But none of it's a roger. [02:25:07] Speaker B: None of it's a roger. No. [02:25:09] Speaker A: All right, well, first things first. [02:25:11] Speaker B: It could be in the closet, but. [02:25:13] Speaker A: You know, we'll get there. Maybe he'll freak out when he hears me mess this mirror up. [02:25:17] Speaker B: Ah, he might. Yeah, that's. You know what? That's one way to bring him out. If he's hiding under the bed, hiding in the closet, who knows? [02:25:23] Speaker A: Exactly. I'm like, roger, are you behind the mirror smash? No. Are you in this empty cardboard box? Smash. And now he knows I'm serious, because then I'm like, roger, are you in the closet? And he's like, he's about to hit me. [02:25:38] Speaker B: Yep. Yep. Exactly. [02:25:41] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:25:42] Speaker B: Well, then why don't you go ahead and. I mean, you said. I assume you're going for the mirror first. [02:25:48] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, of course you are. [02:25:51] Speaker B: Go ahead and make me a brawn check just because I want to see how badly you smash this mirror up. [02:25:56] Speaker A: 15. [02:25:57] Speaker B: Oh, okay. All right. You did not need that much to smash this mirror. So this mirror is a little bit different than the one in the hallway. It is like, a large mirror in, like, a really pretty brass frame. And like I said, it is. It is hanging on the wall. It's not just, like, a freestanding mirror. So this thing is. It's going to be a glorious mess. So why don't you tell me exactly how, like, what. What happens when you smash this mirror? Because it is. It is obliterated. [02:26:34] Speaker A: I mean, I can't use the baseball thing again because, like, when I hit that grand slam in the bottom of the 9th, I was the last. And, like, that's the game over. And, like, we have to play baseball anymore. We just get to celebrate how incredibly good I am at this game. And also at this point, my patience is getting a little. Little, like. Because here's the thing, right? If I were, like, one dice size smarter, I might be able to be like, hmm, creepy Brady doll. Hmm, creepy Brady grandma. Hmm. Animal tronics. Like, that would be probably filling it up. So, um, like, I'm heroic and I'm tough, but also, there's nobody watching me right now, so I might be just kind of a little more on edge and just more interested in, like, bap, no, grandma's there today. Sorry. And then getting on with my Brady business. [02:27:24] Speaker B: Wonderful. I. You know what? I love the honesty here. I love it. Thank you. Appreciate that very, very much. You break the mirror, nothing. Nothing happens, right? It's not a magical mirror. There isn't a magical key hiding behind it. But you also don't hear a roger, as you do, and Cassidy Dakota Sean, as you're dealing with the rat, like, you'll hear the mirror break, but it's down the hall and around the corner, so it's not. It's not super, super loud, but you can all kind of figure out that Brady's just out smashing ears some more. [02:27:57] Speaker A: So, mirror one, singular. [02:28:02] Speaker B: Hey, they don't know how many mirrors are around. There might. This might be a room full of mirrors. They have no way of knowing. They haven't been down this far yet. [02:28:10] Speaker A: Shit. I'm gonna be here a while. [02:28:11] Speaker D: Yeah. You're gonna have so much bad luck after. [02:28:14] Speaker E: Yeah, I think Sean is just gonna get tense, but he's focusing on something. [02:28:20] Speaker D: Like Lucas on the rat thing, so. [02:28:23] Speaker B: Yeah, focus on the rat thing. So, Brady, what. What is. What is your next move after the mirror? Remind me. [02:28:33] Speaker A: Um, boxes, I guess. Like, I'm not. [02:28:37] Speaker D: No. [02:28:37] Speaker A: Here's the thing. I'm looking for Roger. So is he under the bed? [02:28:41] Speaker B: Not under the bed. [02:28:43] Speaker A: All right, so I'm gonna go up to the closet. I'm just gonna open the closet and be like, roger, come on. [02:28:49] Speaker B: So, Cassidy Dakota and Sean, we're gonna return briefly to you for a moment. How's it going? How's the rat thing? Do you have any more questions for it? [02:28:59] Speaker C: I have so many questions. Oh, my gosh. [02:29:02] Speaker B: Sure. But we do have a limited time, so. Yes, of course. [02:29:06] Speaker C: Rattling off do you speak? Do you live here? Are there more of you, like yes or no questions? [02:29:15] Speaker B: Noddings? [02:29:15] Speaker E: Yeah, there are more of them. [02:29:19] Speaker D: Do you know where Roger put the key? [02:29:24] Speaker B: It kind of, like, makes a weird, distorted face when you talk about Roger, as if like, it. Not that. Like, it doesn't, like, doesn't hate him, you know? But, like, yeah, yeah, no, we vibe. [02:29:45] Speaker D: With this rat thing. We all don't like Roger. We're like, okay. We're solidarity of being anti Roger with this rap. [02:29:52] Speaker E: Yeah, but. [02:29:54] Speaker B: But you say key, and it kind of looks at you, and it just. It kind of, like, tilts its head a little bit, and it just says, mama. [02:30:05] Speaker E: Okay, I guess I can only say that, but, like, maybe if you kind of. [02:30:13] Speaker B: Put it down, I'll draw the key. [02:30:16] Speaker E: Maybe this there. [02:30:19] Speaker B: It doesn't quite under. It doesn't have enough. It doesn't have seven brain cells, so it can't figure out that you're drawing a key in the air, unfortunately. Valid. Valid. [02:30:30] Speaker D: Yeah, that's okay. [02:30:32] Speaker C: Do you know another way out of here that isn't the front door? [02:30:37] Speaker B: And it kind of pricks up a little bit because it has an idea, but. And it kind of, like, starts to just, like, move its back feet a little bit. [02:30:50] Speaker D: Yeah. If it looks like. If it looks like it wants to get down and wants to show us something, you know, we're. We're going all in on the rat thing. Uh, so. [02:30:58] Speaker B: Wonderful. [02:30:58] Speaker D: Put the rat thing down and just be like, okay, show us. Show us what you want to show us. [02:31:03] Speaker C: I'll call for Brady. Brady. [02:31:04] Speaker D: Brady. [02:31:05] Speaker B: The rat thing is, like, totally alive. [02:31:07] Speaker C: And it, like, understands speech and stuff, and it's going to show us another way out. Did you find Roger? I don't care. [02:31:13] Speaker B: Come on. So as you set the rat thing down and you start to call out to Brady, Brady is in the master bedroom, which is weird, because that's actually where the rat thing starts to head. [02:31:29] Speaker D: We follow the rat thing to the master bedroom. [02:31:32] Speaker B: It has to avoid all the glass on the ground. You should, too. [02:31:35] Speaker D: Yeah. Luckily, we're all wearing shoes, hopefully. [02:31:38] Speaker B: Yeah, I hope so. I hope so. Is anybody, like, watching where they're stepping, like, taking a look at the glass as they pass by? [02:31:46] Speaker E: I would be. I hate that. I would be, but I would be. [02:31:50] Speaker C: I'm careful. [02:31:52] Speaker B: Can you make me a grit roll real fast. [02:31:53] Speaker C: Sure. [02:31:55] Speaker B: Yeah, that's my grit. [02:32:00] Speaker E: Six. [02:32:02] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, wait. [02:32:03] Speaker C: As you pass a nine. [02:32:05] Speaker B: That's. [02:32:06] Speaker C: I was looking at it upside down. I'm sorry. [02:32:09] Speaker B: Got it. Yeah, no, you're. You're fine. As you pass by, you'll take a look, and, you know, you'll make sure that you're stepping over the little pieces, stepping over the big pieces. You'll see a weird shadow as you pass over the mirrors. But it's. I mean, there's a lot of movement. It's probably nothing. And you're very focused on the rat thing, so. No, you're. You're probably fine. It's probably nothing. Trick of the light. [02:32:31] Speaker C: Trick of the light. [02:32:34] Speaker B: So it's right about the time that Brady is, would you say, opening the closet door, that the. The rest of your group hit the doorway? [02:32:45] Speaker A: It depends which is more cinematically interesting that, like, whatever's in the door, like, reaches out and grabs me and pulls me inside while they open the door, because in that case, I'll wait. But if it's just, like, some. Some moth closets or mothy clothes in my grandma, then, I mean, I can. [02:33:02] Speaker B: I mean, that's spoilers, isn't it? [02:33:08] Speaker A: I'm opening it either way. I am saying, you pick whichever is more fun for you. [02:33:14] Speaker B: Great. Well, I do want to bring to your attention. As you get close to the closet and you're reaching out for it, there is this weirdly sweet sort of scent that fills the air. It's very pungent. And, I mean, this place is already very aromatic. We'll say just generally. But this closet is definitely. There is a smell in here that you have not been able to smell nearly as strong anywhere else. But you're focused on finding Roger. [02:33:53] Speaker A: So I'm tough and heroic. [02:33:57] Speaker B: And heroic, of course. So you're going to reach out for that closet door. You have your hand on the doorknob, and you start to pull it open as the rat thing. And Cassidy and Dakota and Sean enter the doorway, and you'll all see this right about the same time that Brady does, just from a much farther distance. But as that door opens, the smell is definitely not stifled by the closed door anymore. And you are greeted with a man. He was a man of a human man, to be clear, it's who's been in this? Who's been in the city the longest? Who's lived here the longest? Have you all lived here pretty much your whole lives? With the exception of Sean, obviously. Okay, Dakota, I think you might have the best chance at this. Why don't you go ahead and, like, make me a. Make me a charm roll? Because I think that this will be the skill that would let you know this. [02:35:06] Speaker D: Apparently, whenever I roll charm, I now explore, because that is a 20. And then I'm gonna. That'll be a 35. [02:35:18] Speaker B: So Dakota Brady opens the door, and you see this man. And as Brady. Brady, do you reach in and turn on a light? I mean, there actually. No, there isn't a light. Do you shine your flashlight on this body? [02:35:30] Speaker A: I mean, I'm gonna have my flashlight out, right? I'm not gonna turn the closet into the dark. Right? [02:35:35] Speaker B: Sure. [02:35:36] Speaker A: Look, I'm dumb. I'm not that dumb. [02:35:39] Speaker B: Sure. [02:35:39] Speaker A: Fling open the door, man. I don't see shit in here. Close it. Because I didn't bring my. No, come on. [02:35:45] Speaker B: Hey, you know, I just. I just. I have to ask these questions. So I understand what you're picking on. [02:35:51] Speaker A: Me because I'm an idiot. [02:35:52] Speaker B: No, obviously not. [02:35:57] Speaker A: Mister D four brains over here. [02:36:01] Speaker B: Shines his flashlight on this body. This is Dakota. You would know this man. His name is old Danny, or that's what he goes by anyway. He's a local vagrant around town. There aren't that many people that live here, and even so, less people that are as down on their luck as Danny was. But he was a really nice guy. You know, everybody would see him around town, give him food, give him some extra cash. You know, he did have a taste for whiskey, but, I mean, what adult in this town doesn't? But to say that this is old Danny, I guess, isn't super factually correct. It was old Danny because this body, clad in a heavy jacket and trousers, is very much deceased. His face. His hand has been gnawed by rats. And, yes, I say hand because one of them is missing. And, Dakota, fun fact. Old Danny had two hands, last time you checked. There's a cord draped around his neck. And if you take a look, you probably guess that he was strangled. [02:37:29] Speaker D: Not that I'm gonna get that close. [02:37:31] Speaker B: Well, no. And if you looked a little closer, you'd be able to tell that all the bite marks on his face, on his clothes, on his body, all of those things happened while he was alive. And rats don't typically. I mean, they may have bones in their tails, but they don't typically attack healthy humans for no reason. And the last thing that you can piece together is that the hand was taken off after the fact. [02:38:16] Speaker D: With him. I think it's, uh. I don't know. [02:38:22] Speaker A: Think it's uh. [02:38:23] Speaker D: I'm gonna scream again, but that seems an appropriate, uh, response for a, uh, you know, eleven year old. [02:38:35] Speaker B: Totally valid. Totally valid. Sean, what's your intelligence? What do you roll for brains? [02:38:48] Speaker E: I roll an eight. [02:38:51] Speaker B: Okay. What do you roll for? Grit. [02:38:56] Speaker E: That is a 20. [02:38:59] Speaker B: I roll k. That's kind of what I thought. So I'm. I'm gonna say it's gonna be a little bit harder because you're using your grit instead of your brains, but I need you to make me a grit roll. Okay. [02:39:19] Speaker E: Well, that is an 18. [02:39:23] Speaker B: Okay. It was not. [02:39:24] Speaker E: I don't have this exploding look. [02:39:28] Speaker B: So as you're kind of piecing all of this together, and I assume you're all kind of, like, once the screaming stops and you're able to kind of piece all this information together about the rat bites and the hand being missing and poor old Danny being strangled. [02:39:45] Speaker E: That's so gross. [02:39:47] Speaker B: So cool. Is it gross or does it remind you of something? [02:39:53] Speaker E: Something. [02:39:56] Speaker B: Does it remind you of that book that you read that talked about all the different occult talismans that can be made in various different ways? One of them. [02:40:10] Speaker E: What? [02:40:11] Speaker B: Like. [02:40:12] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [02:40:14] Speaker B: Being called a hand of glory. [02:40:16] Speaker E: Yeah, I read. I read something that, like, it needs hands and. And, like, it's a. What? It's, like, for thieves or, like, oh, Hannah glory. Have you. Do you know what I'm like? Do you know what I mean? [02:40:42] Speaker D: No. [02:40:43] Speaker C: Do we know? [02:40:46] Speaker B: I know this is. This is a really, really specialized, sort of, like, a cult thing. It definitely is the kind of thing that, like, Sean reading up about it in any of his books totally makes sense. Cassidy, you don't believe in this stuff. There's no reason you ever would have heard of this. [02:41:07] Speaker E: Yeah, like, sorry. Like, it, like, thieves used to use it because it can, like, be used on locks and it, like, it's got, like, power over them, so it can, like, lock and unlock them even without a key. And, like, ah, it, like, it can put everyone in the house. It can put everyone in the house asleep. But, like, we're awake, so I guess no one has it right now. [02:41:40] Speaker C: Well, yeah. That stuff isn't real. [02:41:45] Speaker E: I'm sorry. There's a rat with a human face. [02:41:49] Speaker C: Yeah, but that can be explained by, like, evolution and, like, gene splicing. [02:41:59] Speaker A: What, right now? Evolution was definitely a thing in the eighties. [02:42:03] Speaker C: Thank you. [02:42:03] Speaker E: Yeah, totally. I have no idea what you're talking about. But, like, this just, like, oh. Will kind of ruffle around in his pockets and, like, pull out, like, these crumpled notes and be like, look, like I copied these down from my books just in case, like, anything came up. And like, kind of these little pieces of paper with like little scribbled sketches and stuff of like little symbols and like, maybe there's like a, like this clawed up hand sketch that, like, with a candle and it's palm. I'm like, oh, we should find that because like, well, I mean, I don't know where Roger is, but like, that will get us out of this house. [02:42:59] Speaker B: It's interesting that you mention Roger, actually, because it's right about this time that you hear a nice loud thud from behind you all. And Roger is standing in the doorway of the master bedroom with a very large kitchen knife in his hand. [02:43:25] Speaker C: That's not funny, Roger. [02:43:28] Speaker B: It's not supposed to be funny, Cassidy. But now I think we've had enough time exploring the house, and I think it's time for you fraidy cats to prove just how brave you all really are. So we're gonna go to the basement and I'm gonna lock you down there until morning. [02:43:54] Speaker C: That wasn't the deal. [02:43:56] Speaker D: Yeah, we were just supposed to stay in the house. [02:43:59] Speaker B: The basement is part of the house. Yeah, I lied. There is no key. [02:44:08] Speaker E: Right. [02:44:10] Speaker C: Just spent all of this time searching the house for nothing. [02:44:14] Speaker B: Yeah, and getting scared and making a really fun time for me. [02:44:20] Speaker C: But now scared Roger. [02:44:24] Speaker B: Uh, Dakota screaming would prove otherwise. [02:44:28] Speaker C: But nobody but Dakota is scared, Cassidy. [02:44:33] Speaker B: And he will point the knife at you. At this point, do you want me to scare you, Cassidy? [02:44:41] Speaker C: What are you gonna do? Murder us? [02:44:44] Speaker A: Brady's not having any of this shit. The second he starts pointing Ivy people, he's like, roger, that's enough help. And we're gonna. I will fucking bat up. I will take this clown to home run town. He fakes no. Like, look, whatever. Play the dumb game, fine. But when you start, like, I'm gonna knife you and I'm gonna lock you in the room murder basement. Like, no. What's he gonna do? Fucking stab me? I mean, if he is, so be it. But I'm not gonna let some psychopath, eleven year old lock me in a basement. [02:45:23] Speaker B: I mean, you're either going to go with him or he's going to fight you. [02:45:29] Speaker A: I'm not going with him. [02:45:31] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't really want to go with him either. [02:45:37] Speaker A: Because here's the thing. Roger's a lot of things, but if he's like, oh, spooky knife man, like, I don't think he's going to do it. That's. That's Brady's perspective is he's like, big man with a big knife, and, like, whatever. I'm a bigger man with a bigger bat, and I will. Whatever. I'm calling his bluff. [02:45:58] Speaker E: What's in the basement, butcher? What do you want us to see so badly? [02:46:05] Speaker B: It's a basement. It's gross. There are bugs and rats, and I just think it would be really funny to put you down there. [02:46:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:46:13] Speaker D: Is the rat thing still in here? [02:46:16] Speaker B: The rat thing disappeared. It ran into the closet. And then you haven't seen it since. [02:46:26] Speaker E: Realizing that I might actually. It's that weird thing of, like, kids can put the stupidest things, like, sort of out of their mind when they're like, I'm gonna go right into that closet, like, up next, and just be, like, gingerly stepping over all Danny and, like, trying to see where the rat has gone. [02:46:51] Speaker B: Can you. Can you make me a flight check real fast? Yeah. [02:47:01] Speaker E: Do not have that. [02:47:05] Speaker D: Remember, we got adversity tokens. [02:47:08] Speaker E: There is no way it's a one on the dice with a two. I am not good at fight rolls. This is my second. Like. [02:47:19] Speaker B: Let me see. You have. Oh, yo, fudge muffins. I mean, it's fine. You won't. You have four adversity tokens. But the difficulty was six. Because here's the problem. As you try and slide by old Danny, that floor is very slick with a lot of blood. And there's no major issues, except that you are going to slip, and you are going to land in old Danny's lap, and you are going to be covered in corpse and blood for a little bit. And this causes Roger to howl with absolute laughter. [02:47:56] Speaker E: Like, accidentally sweat. [02:48:01] Speaker B: And for whatever it's worth, Sean, you do see a hole in the wall big enough for the rat thing to have gone through, but it's not big enough for you. So now that you have entertained Roger, he will. He'll lower the knife a little bit, and he'll say, look, fine. If you babies won't go down there by yourself, I'll go with you. But I just think that being in the house isn't enough of a challenge. So either we all go down to the basement, or I'm going to have to call Ace, and then we're all gonna have a problem. [02:48:46] Speaker A: I'm still not going. [02:48:48] Speaker D: Like, just. [02:48:50] Speaker C: It'll be fine, Brady. If he comes with us, then he can see that we're not scared. [02:48:57] Speaker A: You can go and obviously go into creepy basement, whatever. That's fine. You're getting pushed around now, but there is a dead body in the closet, which you are all kind of sleeping on so far. You want to go into the basement, are concerned. [02:49:18] Speaker E: So I am apparently like lying on it. [02:49:21] Speaker A: Call Ace. And then we'll be like, yeah, and I'll call the newspaper and we'll talk about psychopath. Twelve year old tries to lure children into closet full of dead body. And like, fuck ace. He won't be able to do shit to me from prayer prison. [02:49:34] Speaker D: Like whatever. [02:49:35] Speaker A: No, I'm not going to let of all people in the world, Roger, who, by the way, the fact that he's like not even giving a shit, there's a dead body in there. Major red psychopath flags as well. So if I have to force you all back to not go do the dumb thing, I will. Because you know why? Brady Wells is a leader. And sometimes leaders have to make tough decisions. [02:49:57] Speaker E: Well, shut up, Brady. No one cares. Like I care fully. Like, like I'm gonna try and look in this hole. I want to see if this hand is in the hole. [02:50:12] Speaker B: No, it's not. You know that with the hand of glory, for it to be active and for it to be used, obviously the flame has to be lit. So you would have seen like, why would you go through the trouble of making a hand of glory in the not have it lit? No, there is no, there's no flame, natural or supernatural, to be found. So, no, but this is all. [02:50:36] Speaker E: Do you see a hand downstairs, Roger? [02:50:44] Speaker B: Like this one? And he holds up his own hand. [02:50:47] Speaker E: Clearly the one that's missing for like all kind of. I mean, he's covered in Gore at this point, so he's just gonna hold up the arm with the missing hand and like wave that around? Ew. [02:51:09] Speaker B: No, I can't say that I have seen a hand like that around. You know what, this is taking too long. And Roger will snap his fingers and from behind the bedroom door comes that slate gray cat. And he'll sit in the room and he'll look at all of you. [02:51:39] Speaker A: I want to point out, there's no way he got in the room. I am in the door. He can fucking stab me if he wants to get in the room. I don't trust Roger. And personally d four brains Brady thinks these people are all idiots for still. [02:51:52] Speaker B: Going along with this, and that's totally fair. But here's the thing. Poor brains Brady, along with Cassidy and Dakota and Sean, as this cat slinks into the room, you're not really going to be able to make that much of an argument anymore because I think it's nap time. Oh, no. And on that, we're going to take our final break. Everybody's going to go refresh their candy, refresh their drinks. We're going to have a little think about everything that just happened, and we'll be back. Call it five minutes. We'll see you soon. Welcome back, friends. I hope you have enough candy to get you through this last hour, because we are in the home stretch of the dare. I know that we have all refreshed, we've all got drinks. We are all so excited to see what happens to our poor little children. So let's dive in. Before the break, everybody thought it was nap time. Well, thought. Okay. Not the right word. Definitely mystical, magical sleep happened upon all of you at the same time. Probably not related to the hand of glory. I'm sure it's probably fine. I think you're all just tired, but you're all going to wake up just as quickly as you all fell asleep and all at the same time again, probably not mystical, magical at all. But you will all find yourselves in a room that you were not in before. And looking around, based on the damp stone walls, the little bits of moss kind of coming in from the very high windows, the rotted wood beams supporting the place, you're guessing that unfortunately, Roger got his way. And you are all now in the basement. You sit up, you look around. It's a pretty empty room, and there's only one door leading out. But I suppose you could just sit here if you wanted to. [02:54:08] Speaker D: Sit up, look around. Is everyone okay? [02:54:14] Speaker C: I think we just got drugged. My mom says not to do drugs. [02:54:20] Speaker E: We got hand of glory, clearly. [02:54:23] Speaker D: That's, like, worse. [02:54:26] Speaker C: I'm gonna. I'm gonna. There's no windows in here. [02:54:30] Speaker B: There are windows. They're up really, really high. So the way that it would be is the basement, obviously, is built into the ground. These little windows would have just been at, like, dirt level outside. So you could. There's a little light that comes in, but they're a little too tall for you to reach. Rip. [02:54:47] Speaker C: Okay. [02:54:47] Speaker A: What if someone really, really strong lifted you up? [02:54:53] Speaker C: I mean, uh, that would be. That would be that we could try. [02:54:58] Speaker D: It's a really great idea. Mm hmm. Maybe we can get out through one of those windows. [02:55:04] Speaker E: Um, didn't you hear me when I said that, like, it could lock things? Like, I'm gonna go over and, like, shake the door and feel like it's obviously locked? [02:55:16] Speaker A: Well, yeah, you can lock it with a key. You don't need glory hole hands to do that. [02:55:32] Speaker B: Sir. You are eleven years old. Can you please. [02:55:34] Speaker A: I don't know what it means. [02:55:36] Speaker B: I know you don't, and that's the only reason. [02:55:40] Speaker A: I don't know why you're all laughing. [02:55:41] Speaker D: Will you explain? [02:55:42] Speaker A: I have a d four. [02:55:43] Speaker E: Sorry. [02:55:48] Speaker B: Just lift me up and we're gonna. We're gonna. We're gonna check the window really fast. [02:55:53] Speaker A: I've got 20 brawn that says I can do this. [02:55:56] Speaker B: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. [02:55:57] Speaker A: Gonna limber up a little bit. 17. [02:56:04] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Cassidy weighs like, 80 pounds, sopping wet on, like, her worst day. So, yeah, like you, it's very, very easy to lift her up. Just hoist her up, get her perfectly in line with the. With the glass. [02:56:23] Speaker C: You're really strong. Yeah, I will see if it opens. [02:56:29] Speaker B: Are you just trying to, like, open it naturally? Are you trying to break it? What are you trying to do? [02:56:32] Speaker C: Try to open it naturally. I'm not strong enough to break it. [02:56:35] Speaker B: It's not really budging. [02:56:38] Speaker C: No, I think these are locked. [02:56:40] Speaker A: Did. I'm assuming they didn't bring my bat downstairs. [02:56:44] Speaker B: You know, again, Roger, not the smartest person. You all still have everything that you had before. [02:56:50] Speaker A: Then I'll. With my free hand, because I only need one point to the bat, like Dakota. Dakota. [02:56:58] Speaker D: Yeah. And I'll hand you the bat. [02:57:00] Speaker A: Pass it up to Cassidy. [02:57:03] Speaker B: Whack at the. [02:57:04] Speaker C: Whack at the window. [02:57:06] Speaker B: Can you make me a brawn check? Just because I'm curious. [02:57:09] Speaker A: Are you physically capable of brawn? [02:57:11] Speaker B: I don't think so. [02:57:13] Speaker C: That's my weakest stat. [02:57:16] Speaker B: It can still explode. [02:57:17] Speaker C: That's true. [02:57:19] Speaker A: Like the glass all over. [02:57:21] Speaker C: Brady, I got a one. [02:57:24] Speaker B: Perfect. Yeah. So, you know, Cassidy's trying to smash the glass with the butt of the. Of the bat. It's not really budging. And here's the weird thing, though, and Brady, you'll notice this because you've hit a lot of things with that bat. You know how bats should react, right? So when a bat hits something, there's. There's an interaction that happens between those two things. So it's really strange then, that it kind of seems like the bat doesn't actually make it to the window and kind of bounces off before it even gets to touch the window. And you're pretty sure that this is not because Cassidy's just doing it wrong. [02:58:09] Speaker A: I have a one on my intelligence. Die. So I am probably not the one who notices that. [02:58:16] Speaker B: But it's not an intelligence thing, though, because it's. It's you. It's your knowledge of the bat. So for me, I would call that grit. Yeah. [02:58:28] Speaker A: Okay. I'll figure that out. [02:58:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, you know what it's like when you hit something with that bat, and that's not like you don't know why it's doing that, but you know that. That's not what it should be doing. [02:58:40] Speaker A: No, it's gotta be that old, um. That old glass they used to use. And it has led in it, and it was really, really strong, but now you can't because, like, kids lick it and then they has lead in it. [02:58:49] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. Get me down. Get me down. [02:58:52] Speaker A: Uh, like, boom. Light bulb switch. I'll do the. The cheerleader dismount. Like, up and then catch and then set you down. Sean. [02:59:04] Speaker D: Sean, you know all of this stuff, like, if it is this hand of glory, like, what do. What do we do about it? [02:59:14] Speaker E: We have to get control of it. Like, we have to get control of it because then we can unlock the doors. We have. I guess. I mean, we have to find it first. And, like. I mean, there's another door. Like, there's another door. Like. Yeah. So we can go through there, and if we find it. Find it, then we need to, like, we need to put the fire out, or. Well, I mean, we could control it and then we could unlock the door. What? No, I mean, I'm sure it's fine if we just put the fire out. [02:59:50] Speaker B: Okay. [02:59:51] Speaker C: So we just have to find it. That's easy. [02:59:54] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. [02:59:56] Speaker B: Where could I handle. So is that Sean, are you gonna go through that door? The only door? [03:00:03] Speaker E: Yeah. I mean, there's nothing else in this room, right? [03:00:08] Speaker B: No, it's a pretty boring, empty room. Yeah. [03:00:12] Speaker E: So I'm. I'm like, everyone's looking to me and I'm like, even though I'm like, I hate all these people, I'm also kind of, like, I'm the expert here. This is cool. Like, so I'm gonna, like, stride over to the door. Yeah. And, like, try and throw it open and be like, yes, it's this way. [03:00:36] Speaker B: Where's everybody else right now? [03:00:39] Speaker D: I think I'm following Sean. [03:00:42] Speaker B: I'm next to Brady. [03:00:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:00:44] Speaker A: I don't think Cassie and I have made it that far from the window yet, because Sean seems like they were doing this while we were, like, idiots. I told you anyway, right? So I think we're probably further away. [03:00:55] Speaker B: Sure. Okay, great. So, Sean, as you kind of get closer to this door, as you're reaching for it, you notice the air is a little bit heavier down here. And you're kind of just chalking it up to the fact that it's a basement. And, you know, all of the air in here has been really, really heavy. But, you know, there's. There's something a little. A little different about this. It. This, like, the lights down here also feel a little bit dimmer. Like, there aren't any candles, but, like, you'd expect the lights that you could see outside to be a little bit brighter than they are shining in, and they're really not. And, like, as you use your flashlight to kind of get around, even that feels a little bit dimmer. So the air feels a little heavy. It feels a little muted. And you go. And you open that door, and as you do, you and Dakota are both gonna need to roll me a grit check. [03:01:48] Speaker E: I can do that. Maybe. [03:01:51] Speaker B: Maybe. [03:01:53] Speaker E: I mean, it's a five, so, no. [03:01:57] Speaker B: Both of you are going to let out a very, very loud. I'm not going to say that you scream, but you're both going to exclaim very, very loudly, which, again, weirdly, feels a little more muted than it should in this space. Because what you're going to see. See in front of you at this desk in a chair, an old, rotted chair in front of some rotted, ratty bookcases, is a corpse. It's not old, Danny, though. It's the corpse of a woman draped in a very old rat eaten dress. And there are some rats and rat things. Not your rat thing, but a few rat things kind of around the space curled up in the corpse's lap. And in front of this woman, there is a collection of items. But all you're going to see is this face that. Well, the lips are kind of frozen, curled up in some sort of way. And the eyes sockets feel a little wider than you'd expect them to. And the pose just feels a little evil and a little strange and a little warped and a little confused. And that's kind of how you're feeling right now, because you were not expecting to open this and find a corpse. So, since you both failed your grit checks, how do you react to this? [03:03:53] Speaker E: I think Shawn's confidence is a little bit knocked. It's like he was kind of motivated and, like, excited with the Hannah glory, not the corpse upstairs. But it wasn't really phasing him. But I think the whole it's a dead woman. And that kind of freaks him out a little bit more, because, I mean, there are a lot of. Well, there aren't a lot of dead women this past, but there is one notable. [03:04:26] Speaker D: And Sean leaving a trail of dead women behind him. [03:04:31] Speaker E: Wow. [03:04:33] Speaker D: Um. [03:04:34] Speaker E: And, I mean, I know you think he caused the accident, but Sean didn't. That's so cruel. It's a terrible thing that children say. And that's why Sean hates everyone at that stupid school. [03:04:48] Speaker D: Uh, I it's not as loud of scream as I've done before tonight, but it is definitely kind of a bit of a scream. And then, like, unable to just, like, help myself just to, like, grab Sean's arm. [03:05:09] Speaker E: Well, that's. This is, like, an audible swallow. That's gross. What's on the table? [03:05:22] Speaker B: Well, that's an interesting question. Brady and Cassidy, are you checking out what's happening right now? [03:05:29] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll rush forward. [03:05:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Following behind. [03:05:33] Speaker B: Yeah, go ahead and just make grit checks for me, just to see. Oh, boy. [03:05:40] Speaker A: Ten. So let's see if it gets any grittier. 18. [03:05:45] Speaker B: Oh, I dropped it. Ah. [03:05:51] Speaker C: No, I got a two. [03:05:55] Speaker B: Well, ten is it? So, Brady, heroic as ever with your 18. You're fine. You see this and whatever? It's just a body. Cassidy. Less so. So you're gonna handle that? Sean is very interested in what's on the desk. Brady, are you helping Cassidy? Are you interested as well? What? Sean is gonna go check a look at. [03:06:18] Speaker A: Oh, I have to help Cassidy? First of all, like, Sean's into some weird shit, and, like, I don't need to get close to bodies. Well, I mean, let's not say that this early in the game, but I don't need to get that close to dead bodies. So, as Cassidy starts. You know what? I got grit to spare. I'll lend. [03:06:35] Speaker C: Oh, there's a lot of dead bodies in this house. Why are there so many dead bodies in this house? [03:06:41] Speaker A: I don't know. I. I mean, I want to hope that Roger didn't know, but, like, his older brother, ace, like, I. Oh, my gosh. [03:06:47] Speaker C: Do you think Roger killed her? [03:06:50] Speaker A: No. I mean, like, don't think that. No. As he tries to generate an use from the seven brain cells, but, like, four. Really busy. And the third is, you know, Brady. [03:07:06] Speaker C: I think we might be in, like, actual danger. [03:07:11] Speaker A: I mean, you're probably. I mean, you would. You're. You're smarter than I am, but, like, first of all, we're not in that much danger because I'm here. And second, I. Sean says there's, like. I don't know. Maybe Sean's right. [03:07:26] Speaker D: Right about a hand, about a fire. [03:07:31] Speaker A: We put the fire out and something. [03:07:33] Speaker B: Look, I. [03:07:35] Speaker A: Reading books is my strong suit. Unless they're, like, stats books. But, like, this isn't a statistics book and not even, like, stats stats, but, like, baseball stats. You know what I mean? Anyway, getting distracted because sometimes I talk a lot when I'm nervous. But. No, I think. I think. No, we're gonna be fine. [03:07:52] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. [03:07:53] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [03:07:54] Speaker C: I mean, what else could possibly happen, right? [03:07:59] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, if we see another body, like, the worst thing that happens is we see another body, right? So that's already happened twice. [03:08:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:08:08] Speaker A: It can't get any worse, right? [03:08:09] Speaker C: Right. [03:08:10] Speaker B: Yeah, totally. [03:08:12] Speaker C: Uh huh. We should. We should find this stupid hand thing. [03:08:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:08:17] Speaker C: Okay. [03:08:20] Speaker B: While Cassidy and Brady are having a moment, Shawn has gone over to the desk, and on the desk in front of the woman, there are a few things to note. The first is a photo of a woman and a cat. And if you take a look long enough, you'll dumb cat to realize it's the. The same cat as the one upstairs. Just a little grayer than he is in the original photo. And if you were to pop open the picture frame, you would see that it was signed on the back. Evelyn Barnaker, which, of course, is the previous owner of the barnaker house. In addition to this photo, though, are a collection of newspaper clippings and magazines, things like that, and also a very large book. Some you, Sean, might call it a grimoire. Bound in moldy leather, cut with paper, cut irregularly, bound with nice string. It is old. Your guess? About 200 years old. And most of the pages are deteriorated, eaten by rats, falling apart. There's one. And it takes a little bit because the writing is very old and it is very, very faded. But translating it into a slightly more modern terms takes a hot second. But you can figure this out because you have read books like this before. [03:10:17] Speaker E: So Shauna slowly and gingerly gone over to the kind of like, pulled these things, like, gently away from it, away from in front of, like she'd been here the whole time. And kind of it, like, moldy letter, possibly vellum, I don't know, but kind of will kind of nervously, like, flick through the pages and. And be like, oh. Have made a pact with the gray man who has many faces and forms, but wisdom and life shall be sorry. It's yours beyond imaginings. The flesh of the immature is that which is most pure, for it is pure of the tans, tents of age, experience Carnegie and sins imparted on it. Said, they're talking about eating flesh or curt, though heated tends to reuse some of the sweetest flavors of innocence and incorruption. Such meals impart upon your flesh the vitality and potential within the. They're talking about 18 children. [03:12:03] Speaker D: Oh, God. [03:12:04] Speaker E: I don't like it. [03:12:05] Speaker D: Oh, God. [03:12:07] Speaker E: The tribute will be given to the grey man before each feast so he might gain benefit from it. His children shall you bear, as he did cast his most wondrous git. I don't like it. [03:12:18] Speaker D: I don't like it, either. [03:12:20] Speaker C: Okay. [03:12:22] Speaker E: That's pushed it away from himself. [03:12:27] Speaker B: Now, there is one thing, though, Sean. Don't push it too far away, because you have read that if. If this is an actual witch's grimoire and if this pact actually is a real thing that's happening right now, this grimoire is probably the connection between the witch and the gray man. [03:13:00] Speaker E: It's kind of. I've, like, pushed it, like, away, but I I don't like it. But we might need it. I'm gonna gingerly, like, pick it up. Like, he's gonna try and pick it up with just two fingers, but it's clearly far too heavy for that. This is gonna, like. Oh, hold, like, in, like, a weird copy of how Dakota was holding the rat earlier. It's like holding the book away from himself. [03:13:38] Speaker C: Use it. How are you? You a spell casting witch person? [03:13:45] Speaker E: I. No, but, like, I think that we should destroy it. [03:13:51] Speaker B: That's. [03:13:51] Speaker E: She needs it. [03:13:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:13:53] Speaker E: Yeah, no, I think definitely we should, but, like, before. First, we have to get it away from. I. I mean, it says that she's possibly. I mean, she's dead, though. But maybe I. We just need to get it away from her. So we. We need to find a way out. [03:14:17] Speaker D: Are there any other doors in here? [03:14:20] Speaker B: Yeah, there's a door. It's not the one that you just came through. It leads out into what looks like the rest of the rest of the basement. [03:14:33] Speaker D: Should we see what's through there? [03:14:37] Speaker C: I guess. I still think you should just start ripping pages out of that thing. I have some matches. We could set it on fire. [03:14:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:14:49] Speaker E: Yeah. Like, I'll kind of gingerly flick through the pages again. Do I see anything else in it? [03:15:02] Speaker B: Yeah, there are a few things that kind of catch your eye. Mostly things that talk about. Well, they. They talk about various methods for detecting and harming witches or other supernatural creatures. A lot of it, again, is really fated, but it does make specific mention of things made out of iron, things made out of silver, and, of course, fire. [03:15:38] Speaker E: Well, okay. Is there anything here that looks like it? Like. Wait, the frame. Silver? No. Did I misremember? Was there anything silver on this table? [03:15:58] Speaker B: There wasn't silver on this table, Brady, has some silver. [03:16:05] Speaker A: I have some coins. [03:16:10] Speaker E: What? [03:16:11] Speaker D: Where'd she get silver? [03:16:14] Speaker A: You know, just found it in, like, one of those secret spots you find things in. [03:16:22] Speaker E: Keeping that close to a chest. [03:16:24] Speaker B: That's cool. [03:16:27] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, because, you know. Um. Well, like. And then I will explain the super top secret hiding spot strategy. [03:16:36] Speaker C: It's really smart, Brady. [03:16:39] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, but I'm happy to give Sean the coins if it's. I'm. His position right now is that I don't know fucking anything. So, like, a, don't believe in this kind of stuff, and b, even if I did, Sean clear knows more than I do. So Sean says, need the coins to fight the ghost back. Whatever, man. Here you are. Take. No, I'm here to help. [03:17:05] Speaker E: I think you're better off doing the fighting. [03:17:10] Speaker A: Oh, wait, so I gotta, like, at this point, can I. Can I make, like, a studded bat out of, like, the coins or whatever? [03:17:23] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely you can. [03:17:25] Speaker D: Is that a real thing? [03:17:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:17:27] Speaker D: Can you do that? [03:17:28] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. [03:17:29] Speaker E: Don't know how you're gonna get them. [03:17:30] Speaker B: In, but I have a knife. [03:17:33] Speaker C: You can just kind of carve little slots. [03:17:40] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I mean, there's iron in steel, but I'm not a witchologist, so I don't know if that counts. [03:17:49] Speaker B: So Raider's gonna be a little busy fashioning a studded bat by cutting slots into his bat. And I'm assuming sticking the coins in them. [03:18:01] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I'm going, like, proper fallout raider this, like, above to. Yeah, I want a weapon that looks like Bethesda. Put it in some early loot chests. [03:18:09] Speaker B: Perfect. Love this energy. [03:18:11] Speaker E: Dawn is slightly awed at the ingenuity, but, like, if you look at him. No, he's just gonna look a little bit sullen. But, like, when you're not. [03:18:22] Speaker A: Oh, when I finish, I'm going to display it. Like, behold the glory of my craftsmanship. Like, is this not the greatest thing that ever existed? Like, mozzarella sticks, this bat, and then the pizza that has the cheese in the crust in addition to on. Like, those are the three coolest things invented so far. [03:18:41] Speaker B: Yep. Absolutely. [03:18:43] Speaker E: Yeah. Well, at this point, Shaun has kind of taken the gum out of his mouth and stuck it behind his ear. Like, just. Yeah, it's like. Okay. Right. Let's. Let's continue. But it's still kind of keeping an eye on that creepy dead witch person body. Probably dead as he goes through the door. I mean, could be dead, but also which that eats children's flesh to make her immortal. [03:19:25] Speaker B: I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about at all. But heading out of the study, you're greeted with just a workroom. It's a workbench. Some random odds and ends. Really nothing super important. But, Sean, since you're the first one in the room, I think you'll spot it first. And then Brady's a little busy, so Cassidy and Dakota, you'd be there. You'd be able to see this if Sean motions you over. But there's a metal grate on the ground in the workroom. [03:20:03] Speaker C: Wonder if that leads to, like, a sewer system or something. You know, like in teenage mutant ninja Turtles. [03:20:11] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah, like that. Yeah. We could try and get out, like, under the house. But how do we get it open? [03:20:22] Speaker C: Well, we need the strongest guy we know. [03:20:26] Speaker E: Do you think there's, like, a crowbar. [03:20:28] Speaker B: Or something around here? [03:20:30] Speaker D: It is a workshop. This would make sense if there was a crowbar, it'd be in here. [03:20:38] Speaker E: Kind of glances around and looks around the kind of side of the opening, because it sees like, this. So kind of so has come through. Looked at the grate and kind of pokes his head around the kind of gap between this room and the other one to like. [03:21:04] Speaker B: As you look around. Yeah, you'll see a crowbar. It's made of a dark metal. It may be iron. You don't know. You're not an ironologist. But it's a crowbar. [03:21:15] Speaker E: Look. Okay, we'll rush forward to get it. And then is kind of doing that with. My hands are kind of full. [03:21:24] Speaker D: I mean, if you. If you need me to hold something, I can. [03:21:27] Speaker B: Cassidy also has a backpack. [03:21:29] Speaker D: That too. [03:21:33] Speaker E: Okay, I will kind of solemnly hand over the book to Cassidy and pick up the crowbar and kind of offer it to Brady. And they're like, no, I can do it. [03:21:52] Speaker B: Okay, go ahead and make a brawn check. And Brady, we can say, like, cause you don't have that many coins, so it's not taking you that long to get all these in there. So whether or not Shawn passes will say that you are done making your bat after this roll. [03:22:14] Speaker E: Okay. I mean, by this point, I should have a ton of adversity tokens, because I just keep rolling ones. Yes, but I have a ten for this one. Is not terrible. [03:22:32] Speaker B: Okay, you need to retire your d ten. [03:22:34] Speaker A: Is it worth your pride to spend those adversity tokens, or you just want Brady to come do it? [03:22:40] Speaker E: I don't even think that, like, wait, it's Brady. [03:22:46] Speaker B: I think it's pretty heavy. [03:22:49] Speaker E: I think. I think it needs two of us to do it, like, for sure. Yeah. So if you. If you just kind of do the initial and I'll help. [03:23:02] Speaker A: I'm sure. Yeah. I mean. I mean, I'm not a leverageologist, but sounds like makes sense to me. [03:23:08] Speaker B: All right, so, Brady, go ahead and make your brawn check. Sean's assisting, so I'll give you a plus two. [03:23:15] Speaker A: Oh, well, 20 off the top. [03:23:19] Speaker E: And. [03:23:21] Speaker A: Then another 14 for 34, plus whatever Sean's got. [03:23:27] Speaker B: So. [03:23:30] Speaker E: Am I rolling again? Sorry. [03:23:31] Speaker B: No. Well, it does not matter because you're. If Brady lets you help, it's all for show because it's. It pretty much feels like this great was buttered. Like it was ready and waiting and, you know, I think Sean, what you could do from here is just say, well, I loosened. Ended up for him, obviously, because that is the only way that it was that easy for him. [03:23:58] Speaker A: Brady knows that sometimes you have to build up the team around you so they have confidence. Right? So I'm going to push, like, pretty hard against it, and then I can feel it kind of giving away, but I'm going to make, like, exaggerated straining noises and be like, sean, come on, get in there. And then as Sean, you know, pushes, then I'll let all Brady loose and pop that guy up. And then as it comes out, I'll turn him like, yeah, that's it. And then we'll do, like, the back to back hand slappy thing that kids did in the eighties. [03:24:27] Speaker B: Perfect. [03:24:28] Speaker E: We'll kind of get it wrong, but. Yeah. Yeah. [03:24:34] Speaker B: I love all of this. Sean is feeling great about himself. [03:24:43] Speaker E: Mean, I think I saw some coal, like, in case you wanted, like, I don't know, throw shit, like. Or just load up your pockets before we go down in case we need something else. [03:25:01] Speaker C: Is there a poker in there? [03:25:05] Speaker B: Fortunately, no. There is a shovel because obviously, you know, you wouldn't. You wouldn't shovel coal by hand, so there's a little shovel if you wanted to shovel. There are lots of pieces of coal down here because this is where the furnace would have been kept because obviously it's a basement. But you can have a shovel if you want. [03:25:24] Speaker C: I feel like shovel is a good fit. [03:25:26] Speaker B: Sure. It's probably not iron, just unfortunately, but it's okay. [03:25:33] Speaker E: It's gonna light up my music. [03:25:35] Speaker C: Any good on Roger? [03:25:39] Speaker B: Dakota, are you grabbing anything? [03:25:41] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, I guess I'll grab some coal as well. [03:25:44] Speaker B: Sure. [03:25:44] Speaker D: Yeah. AFC, you know, the big weapons look to be taken so you know, if we're collecting coal, I will grab some as well. [03:25:52] Speaker B: No idea what's in that sewer. There could be crocodiles down there. [03:25:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:25:58] Speaker B: So the unfortunate part is it's about a ten foot drop. There are little handholds you can go down. It's not like a full on ladder, but once the grade is open, you can look down and it just kind of looks like a dirty sort of hole, but there's a bottom and you can see it, so. And it's not filled with water, so that's good. [03:26:21] Speaker A: I mean, I am the brave one. So. Plus, batted down there. [03:26:28] Speaker D: But, like, first, and then, you know, you can help lift everyone or, like, catch everyone as we come down. [03:26:34] Speaker A: For sure. Yeah, I'm gonna jump. [03:26:37] Speaker E: If you were the ninja turtle, who would you be? Because I think I would be Raphael. And it's like taking the crowbar back and gone. This is like, really ineptly. I'm glad. [03:26:51] Speaker A: I think Leonardo's the bravest one, right. [03:26:54] Speaker D: That make me Michelangelo? [03:27:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [03:27:04] Speaker A: So I'm gonna jump. [03:27:08] Speaker B: Great. You land. It's dusty, it's kind of dirty. And as you're looking around, you realize you're not in a sewer. Everybody else at this point is starting to climb down, so you're kind of helping. And once everybody's down, you'll all turn around and take a look at what you see. And you realize that this is a small tunnel leading into what appears to be a slightly larger room. You can see a little bit of light just beyond, but not a ton. It's very, very dark down here, but the tunnels are no taller than about 5ft, so it's clear that this is not made for an adult. [03:27:51] Speaker D: Well, it's good that we're all children. [03:27:53] Speaker B: It is, yeah. Isn't it, though? As you walk away from the grate into the tunnel, you're kind of met with this large room. It's about 30 by 45ft long. And all the walls in here too, just like the walls in the tunnel, it's just packed dirt, maybe 10ft tall in the tallest parts. The ceiling is varying in height, so it's hard to get an exact measure on how tall all of this is. There's a small pile of bones in the corner, maybe don't. Don't pay too much attention to that. [03:28:34] Speaker D: Look too closely at that. [03:28:38] Speaker B: It's a mixture of different bones, so, you know, it's probably not all human. And there's a small little pool of water. It's. I wouldn't drink it. It's a fetid. Maybe not the right word, but it's. I again, Cassidy would tell you, definitely do not drink this. And much like in the basement, the air still very, very heavy. Everything still feels very muted and very, very dull. But aside from a few rats and a few rat things kind of scurrying along the ground, you don't see a ton until you pass about halfway through this open area. And, Brady, you're gonna notice it first. And it's. At this point, I need everybody to go ahead and make a grit check for me. [03:29:40] Speaker E: That is a 19. [03:29:42] Speaker D: There's a ten for me. [03:29:44] Speaker A: A typical. I rolled a three. But I have six adversity tokens, so. [03:29:51] Speaker B: Well, it is a DC twelve. [03:29:58] Speaker D: How many do I have? Because I got a ten. [03:30:00] Speaker B: Oh, Aubrey, you have three. [03:30:05] Speaker D: I'll keep them for. [03:30:06] Speaker E: I have seven. So, like, can I spend. Can I spend them for other people? [03:30:12] Speaker B: This is, unfortunately, a snap decision, so you cannot spend adversity tokens for other people on snap decisions. [03:30:20] Speaker E: Cool. [03:30:22] Speaker B: So, Sean, you're the only one who passed, right? [03:30:25] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [03:30:26] Speaker B: Okay, well, Brady, you're going to notice it first, because, of course, you are leading the pack. And also, you've seen this before. You see your grandmother sitting in the middle of this small alcove, cut into this dirty, dirt filled room. She's cross legged, smiling at you in that same wicked way that she was smiling at you upstairs. And what's weird, Cassidy and Dakota, you also see your grandmothers sitting cross legged with this very wicked smile. But the longer you stare, the longer you realize that. Or the more you realize. Excuse me, that something is very wrong, because you don't remember your grandmother looking so filthy, so pale, so bloated with all manner of rats, worms, insects of all types crawling across her body. Now, Sean, you don't see your grandmother. You see the woman in the. In the photo. [03:32:20] Speaker E: But from upstairs. [03:32:22] Speaker B: The woman from upstairs, but filthy, pale, bloated. It's. It's that woman, but so much worse. Her face has. Has rotted away, and it's glistening like some sort of hellish grub. And as you stare at this woman, you'll see her shift, her body kind of rippling as the bloat underneath. It has to shift as she does. And there's a sound of a straining sort of coming from somewhere. You can't quite place it. And with a pop and a splash, a rat thing is birthed from this woman onto the muddy floor below her. And this thing cries out in the same voice of the creature that you heard upstairs. As it is surrounded by other rat things who come and collect it and take it down one of the many rat sized tunnels that you're now able to realize are everywhere here. [03:33:57] Speaker E: In front of them, like, trying to ward it off. [03:34:01] Speaker B: And in a voice that is several octaves too deep to be your grandmother's voice, or any grandmother's voice, for that matter, she'll lean forward and say, now then, let's have a look at you sweet children. And can I have Brady, Cassidy, and Dakota roll me a d four, please? [03:34:36] Speaker A: There's a two, three. [03:34:39] Speaker B: Dakota. Brady, it's because she saw you. She saw you upstairs. She had that connection with you. And that must be why you're the one that she goes for. And, Sean, she goes faster than you would expect for somebody of this size. But as she lurches forward with far too much speed, Brady, Cassidy, and Dakota, frozen in place, believing they are seeing their grandmother, she runs forward and with a bloated sausage hand, picks Brady up, unhinges her jaw, and begins to devour him. [03:35:30] Speaker A: I don't like this. [03:35:31] Speaker E: I'm gonna swing. Like, in a. Like in a. [03:35:37] Speaker D: Like, oh, my God. [03:35:38] Speaker E: Like in a. [03:35:39] Speaker B: No. [03:35:42] Speaker E: It'S probably gonna be quite an apt. [03:35:44] Speaker B: But, I mean, here's the thing. While she's devouring Brady, she can't do anything else. So it's a completely uncontested role. So it's basically just gonna be, how hard do you do it? [03:35:58] Speaker E: Well, that is the clown face on my thing, which is on my detained. So that is a ten, which an explosion. [03:36:06] Speaker B: Yes. Record. [03:36:10] Speaker E: And that is an eight. So that's an 18. An eight suddenly got some bronze. [03:36:16] Speaker B: An uncontested 18. I love this. I love this for you. And remind me again what you are hitting our lovely Miss Barnacre with. [03:36:25] Speaker E: The crowbar. [03:36:26] Speaker B: The crow. [03:36:27] Speaker E: That bad? And I don't just. [03:36:29] Speaker B: Yeah, perfect as you. Where. Where are you hitting her? [03:36:37] Speaker E: How tall? When she's up, how tall is she? [03:36:40] Speaker B: Because it's, like, bigger than you'd expect. [03:36:44] Speaker E: It's probably, like, maximum stomach height. Like, I don't think Shaun is very tall. Like, let's be honest. They're kids. [03:36:52] Speaker B: And, I mean, keep in mind she is currently devouring Brady. So she definitely has her jaw unhinged. And she is kind of going from top down. So she's starting at Brady's head and working her way down. So currently, her head is Brady height. [03:37:10] Speaker A: Like, lean forward. [03:37:12] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [03:37:13] Speaker E: Okay, so I guess me up. [03:37:15] Speaker A: So it's like. [03:37:16] Speaker B: I mean, she kind of, like. She kind of like grabbed on to you. [03:37:19] Speaker E: You. [03:37:20] Speaker B: Right. But, like. [03:37:20] Speaker E: Oh, and a kind of. [03:37:22] Speaker B: But she's not. She's not, like, lifting you up to, like. Yeah, she's. She's doing a little bit of. [03:37:27] Speaker A: She made it, like, am I. Am I? Like, um. [03:37:31] Speaker B: If you had to put a mechanical number on it, she's probably about 33% of the way through, so you've probably got a couple rounds before she's done with you. [03:37:39] Speaker A: Okay, right. [03:37:40] Speaker E: But this is more of a. Just an unhinged jaw swallowing, whole time type thing. [03:37:45] Speaker B: She's. Yeah, she's. She's very snake like. It's kind of strange. You've never seen a snake eat a rat, unless you had a friend who had a rat snake eating, or a rat eating snake. But this is what you'd imagine it would look like. [03:37:59] Speaker E: Okay, I don't need to be alive. [03:38:02] Speaker A: In there for a while. [03:38:03] Speaker E: I guess I'm gonna try and catch the bottom of her jaw to, like, I don't know, like, snap it back or, like, break it some. So that Brady kind of. Well, it's either that or catch her arm to, like, make her drop him. I. [03:38:20] Speaker B: It's up to you. You tell me. You. You're the one with the 18. You tell me what happens. [03:38:26] Speaker E: Can I get both? [03:38:29] Speaker B: You rolled an 18. That's ridiculously impressive. So if you want, I'm gonna swing. [03:38:36] Speaker E: And, like, catch the arm. So if she's holding him, like, this kind of catch, this kind of clawed hand arm and, like, down to her jaw and, like, whack it against her face and bottom jaw with the crowbar. [03:38:58] Speaker B: Absolutely. And she will. I mean, she's. She's definitely. She's on a mission. She will let her hand go. She's still kind of supporting Brady with the other hand, and her bottom jaw is definitely in a very unfortunate sort of way, but she's. She's still going at it. Do me a quick favor, Sean. Make me a grit check. Actually, all of you make grit checks, because with this, there is a moment where all of you will be able to try and break the spell again. Again. Especially since she was just beat with iron. [03:39:34] Speaker D: It's a 15 for me. [03:39:36] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, Dakota, you're good. What was it, Cassidy? [03:39:40] Speaker C: Two. [03:39:42] Speaker A: I rolled a nine. Can I spend my three adversity tokens? [03:39:46] Speaker B: So, I was actually going to say, because she was hit with iron, it was actually easier. So, Brady, you pass, which means that you are currently aware that you are inside the jaw mouth of this creature. Dakota, you do not see your grandmother anymore. Cassidy, you definitely still see your grandmother. Unfortunately, this is very disturbing for you. Last time, you knew your grandmother did not do this. So, Sean, what was your grit check? [03:40:15] Speaker E: It was a two, I think, the. [03:40:20] Speaker B: Whole kind of spend two adversity tokens to get this. [03:40:25] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, absolutely. If it's only two. [03:40:29] Speaker B: Yes. Because what your grit check is, for once, once the illusion is broken, you don't have to worry about it anymore. She cannot trick you with that. Again, Sean, what your grit check was, was to see if you noticed that at the far end of the alcove where she had been sitting sits a shriveled hand with a large black candle and a purple flame. Do with that information what you will, Brady. You've just woken up inside the mouth of an evil woman. I feel so bad for our editor right now. [03:41:16] Speaker A: Oh, I'm so unhappy right now. [03:41:19] Speaker B: That tracks. That tracks. Are you just going to scream? Are you going to. [03:41:27] Speaker A: Is screaming a free action in this game? [03:41:31] Speaker B: Screaming is a free action, yes. Just like crying. Screaming is a free action. [03:41:36] Speaker A: Okay, um. The bat's probably gone. Yeah. [03:41:41] Speaker B: Why would it be gone? [03:41:43] Speaker A: Cause she picked me up and, like, at me. [03:41:47] Speaker B: So she didn't expect that you. She didn't expect to be hit with iron. So, I mean, if you had the bat in your hand, like, you're not gonna drop it, are you? [03:41:57] Speaker A: No. Well, I mean, I don't know. I've never really been swallowed whole before, so. Well, you never know. [03:42:03] Speaker B: You know what? Fair. [03:42:05] Speaker D: Well, we. [03:42:06] Speaker A: Why don't we resolve mechanically? What would I have to roll to keep the. I would say brawn, because I'm holding on to it instead of being pulled. [03:42:17] Speaker B: Away, also, because that's your best. Sure, I'll buy that. [03:42:22] Speaker A: 17. [03:42:23] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, you definitely. Like, here's the thing. So you saw her, and you were kind of frozen in fear because that was your grandmother, and again, you weren't expecting to see your grandmother here, so, um. Yeah, like, you were frozen in fear. And, I mean, if your bat did not have a grip before, it does now, because you have squeezed the bat so hard that there are definitely imprints of where your fingers currently are. But good news, you still have your bat. [03:42:52] Speaker D: Then. [03:42:52] Speaker A: Um, I want to use it. Like, I. You know, I'm not going to be able to swing right, like, with the jaw around me, but I want to take it. And, like, especially because I'm. Sean, having hit the jaw, I want to, like, leverage down. And, like, in Bradyland, I'm just going to be trying to push the jaw open so she can't close it around me. But in Erin land, I'm thinking it's going to be harder to eat me when your lower jaw is not on your body anymore, Grandma. [03:43:22] Speaker B: That's very, very true. Also, don't forget, she doesn't grandmother anymore. [03:43:28] Speaker A: Yeah, but it's easier this way. Like. [03:43:30] Speaker B: Sure, sure. All right, well, give me a brawn check. Let's see if that happens. [03:43:39] Speaker A: Ten. [03:43:40] Speaker B: Ooh, ten. You know what? Because, and only because you embedded those silver coins into it, I'm actually going to make it a ten instead of a twelve, which is what I had set it at before. [03:43:56] Speaker A: I can spend the two adversity tokens. [03:43:58] Speaker B: Well, my thought is that the silver definitely does more damage to her. So as soon as you kind of get it in there and pry it up against the roof of her mouth, there's this burning, howling pain. I mean, she would. How? It's also very loud because your. Your head is. [03:44:14] Speaker A: I'm in it. [03:44:15] Speaker B: Right where. Yeah, you're literally in it. So you do get this. But you know what? Because of the muted sound of the basement, it's not, again, as loud as you would expect it to be. But those coins touch the roof of her mouth and you're kind of trying to, like, keep it in there. And it is. It is easier for you than you'd expect. And because of those silver coins, good. [03:44:35] Speaker A: Job not getting eaten today. [03:44:38] Speaker B: Hell yeah. We love that for you. With that, we can say, Cassidy, you do get another chance, because she is kind of like, screaming out in pain right now. Dakota, what are you doing? [03:44:51] Speaker D: Can I grab Brady and try to pull him back out of the mouth? Because I got some coal, but I don't have a weapon like other people, and I haven't been made aware of the candle yet, so I am just going to, like, grab Brady around the waist and yank. [03:45:09] Speaker B: Absolutely. Can you give me a brawn check? Sure. [03:45:16] Speaker D: Um, that is a four. [03:45:20] Speaker B: Okay. All right. I. You're. You're kind of working at it. He's a little in there. [03:45:25] Speaker D: I spent some adversity tokens. If it's going to be like a six, I could spend two. [03:45:30] Speaker B: Okay, yeah, we'll do that. I'll let you spend two. I think that makes sense. Sure. So. Yeah. So you're able to get him out? It does take a little bit of time. It's not as fast as you like. And you know what, maybe it's because he's a little slimy now, but we're just not going to talk about that. [03:45:48] Speaker A: I'm also definitely. Because I can't see you. I am definitely kicking my legs around and shit. [03:45:52] Speaker B: Sure, he's making it very difficult for you, but eventually, you know, you are able to, whether it's by, you know, saying, oh, it's me, Brady, I'm trying to help you, or whatever it is, he'll eventually be able to get out. Brady, important question. Do you take the bat? [03:46:12] Speaker A: Well, so, like, in my head, I'm like, I want the bat. But also, like, if it's lodged in there, then is it lodged in there enough that, like, could she reach in and grab it? You know, Brady's not that smart. [03:46:25] Speaker B: So. [03:46:25] Speaker A: Brady's name. I saw. I saw Jaws once, right? And, like, what I remember from Jaws is they're like, oh, I can wedge the draw thing open and the fucking shark just. Anyway, so. No, a man is not a man without his bat. That's what my dad told me, obviously. [03:46:44] Speaker B: Sure. Make me a brawn check. See if you can actually. [03:46:49] Speaker A: 18. [03:46:51] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. So you and that bat are one in the same today. Like, you are very easily. Like, you're able to get out, and then you grab that bat. It's not even difficult. She's happy to have the relief of not having those silver coins touch the roof of her mouth anymore, but she's no less pissed than she was before. Cassidy, I saw your face earlier. You didn't seem to make that grit check. Right. Okay, cool. So. No. So at this point, you just see people beating on your grandma. You're not going to join in the fight because you're just very confused as to why Brady is, like, beating your grandmother with a bat with coins on it. But don't worry about it. I'm sure it's fine. [03:47:29] Speaker C: Sean, logic my way out of this. I know it's not my grandma. [03:47:33] Speaker B: It can't be. [03:47:34] Speaker C: She can't. She can't physically be here. [03:47:38] Speaker B: You know what? I will let you roll brains to see if you can get this. Okay? But it's going to be harder because it's brains. [03:47:49] Speaker A: But it's going to be easier because you got lots of brains. [03:47:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:47:53] Speaker C: Okay, so it is a ten, but I do have five adversity tokens. [03:48:00] Speaker E: Is this a snap decision? [03:48:02] Speaker B: It's a snap decision. Yep. Because. Yeah, because Cassidy is totally just, like, focused on what's happening right now. All right. You'd have to spend four, but you can get it. [03:48:13] Speaker C: I will spend fourth. [03:48:15] Speaker B: Okay, great. Then, yeah, you're able to break the spell. You see what's actually happening. It is not your grandmother. It is this bloated. Vile creature. So all of a sudden, all of this makes a lot more sense than it did, like, 10 seconds ago. Oh, my. Of course. [03:48:34] Speaker C: I'm so hallucinating. [03:48:38] Speaker E: I'm gonna. As. As, uh, Cass. Cassidy has snapped out of it. I'm gonna shout, Cassidy, the candle. Whilst I'm, like, wielding this, um, this crowbar, and, like, trying to bat at this thing whilst it. It looks kind of ineffectual. It might be doing more effect because it is iron, but I can't believe I'm doing this. [03:49:04] Speaker C: And I'm gonna go for the candle. [03:49:07] Speaker B: Okay, great. It's. Yeah, it's. It's up there. It's a little high. You're gonna have to either make. Ooh. You could throw something at it. If you wanted to throw something at it, that would probably be, like, a flat, actually, I guess it would be. Either way, it'd be a flight check. You could throw something at it, or you could try and climb the little, like, little things that are kind of carved out. [03:49:33] Speaker C: I do have a shovel. Is the shovel long enough for me to reach it? [03:49:37] Speaker B: Yeah, you might have to, like, get your foot in, like, the first or second, like, handhold, but, yeah, I mean, you could absolutely just, like, bat at it with the. With the shovel to get there. [03:49:46] Speaker C: It's a flight. [03:49:47] Speaker B: You have to stand on your tippy toes. But you could do it. [03:49:49] Speaker C: I'll do it. [03:49:51] Speaker B: I actually don't even think you need to make a check for that, because at that point, like, you're. You're just trying to do a thing, and there, it's not contested. It's just a hand with a candle. [03:50:00] Speaker C: I'm going to do my best brady impression. [03:50:05] Speaker B: Love that. Love that. So, yeah, so the hand of glory falls. Actually, do me a favor. Make a flight check for me. Just because I do want to see how hard you act or how hard or how fast it's going to fall. How hard it's going to fall. That makes sense. Explore. Exploded, twice. [03:50:24] Speaker E: Exploded. [03:50:27] Speaker C: Okay, so I have to do math now. [03:50:34] Speaker B: 30. Okay, so here's the thing. I was expecting the hand of glory to fall and to have the candle still. You know, maybe it's lit because it's magical, but at this point, like, the way that you hit the candle and the hand, you've kind of actually just split the candle in half. And the flame obviously has. I mean, as the top of it falls off, the flame definitely goes out, and the hand and the candle and the top of the candle, it all just kind of falls to the floor. As soon as this happens, everybody kind of feels this weight that they felt since they've been in the basement just kind of lift and that muted sort of feeling that they've had in their ears and just in all of their senses has just kind of lifted from the house. And if you had to guess, it's probably because with the hand of glory out, the spell has been broken. Whatever spell that you were kind of dealing with was broken. Home run. [03:51:48] Speaker C: Right? [03:51:51] Speaker E: Is this creature still trying to attack us and eat us? [03:51:56] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So here's the thing. As soon as she senses that her magic is gone or that the spell that this hand was putting out into the house is gone, she kind of lets out this dark, guttural moan, because it's not a shriek, because it's not shrill, but she lets out this deep, guttural sort of sound, and she's actually going to try and run off. Because here's the thing. Aside from eating people, she doesn't actually look like she could do a ton of damage with her hands. Again, she's kind of a witch, and witches aren't known for being strong. Cough cough, Ivy Larue. Cough cough. So she will run off. She's not looking to fight anybody at this point. And none of you are under her spell, which means that she cannot eat you. So she's going to try and run off and hopefully cast spells on all of you. [03:53:06] Speaker E: Not if I and my crowbar have anything to say about it. And then I'll roll a bun. No, I rolled a five. I have adversity tokens to spend, but I don't know whether I've got five. [03:53:26] Speaker B: Look, here's the thing. So she is very, very large. Come on. Okay, well, she ruled her flight. She exploded her flight. She rolls a d four on her flight, and it exploded, and she ended up with six. So, unfortunately, as you're swinging this crowbar, I don't know if. Cause again, do you remember when I said that she moves a lot faster than you were? Kind of expected, expecting her to. The same is true when she's retreating. So you're expecting this body to move in a very specific way, and you swing where you think the body's going to be. That's not where the body was. The body was definitely a little bit further away. But that's okay because, you know, it just means that you didn't quite land. But she's not fighting back right now. So. [03:54:21] Speaker E: Can I remember anything from, like, from my brief kind of extra fix through, like, how do we kill witches? [03:54:29] Speaker B: I mean, you know that her book is the thing that's tying her or the thing that connects her to the gray man. You can assume that the gray man is what gives her this power. Because of what you were able to kind of read from that one page that you. That you actually sat on for. For a while. Since the hand of glory is out now, it stands to reason that fire could actually work. You know that witches hate fire. The hand of glory is probably what stopped any potential fires from happening, which Cassidy would explain. What happened. What you found in the study upstairs, it's all kind of coming. If you were to really sit back and take a moment and think about it. But with the hand of glory out, there's nothing stopping fire from actually working in this house. [03:55:25] Speaker E: Like a fire. We need a fire. [03:55:29] Speaker B: Oh, I'm on it. [03:55:31] Speaker C: I got. I pull off my backpack. I take out the matches. I strike one. What do you want to do with this? [03:55:38] Speaker E: The book? [03:55:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [03:55:42] Speaker C: I set the book on fire. [03:55:46] Speaker B: As soon as that book catches on fire. I mean, it was. It was already. It was waiting for a spark to go up. This paper is so brittle and it is so old that as soon as that match hits, it is just. It erupts in a flame. And that leather takes a little bit because it is old and it is moldy and it's a little damp, but it, too, will eventually go. And as it starts to burn and continues to burn, it doesn't burn with the flame that you would expect. It's a little green. It's a little. A little dark. And you think that you hear the book sort of screaming and you hear Evelyn start to groan and to shriek as well. And you hear this chorus of rat things in the walls crying out in pain as they, too, have been severed from the gray man. And she will retreat. She will. She will keep running. She's not a fighter. And she will curl up. And eventually, if you were to watch for a while as the grimoire burns down into nothing, her bloated corpse will eventually melt into a puddle of disgusting slime. Very. Oh, it just. Touching it would be very ill advised. But you're not going to stick around to see this happen. You're not going to find out what happens to Evelyn. And as you leave, same way you came. Going up through the basement door that is now unlocked, passing over Roger's clothes. But it's. That's certainly not Roger, because it's a pile of insects wriggling in clothes that you. You know, Roger was wearing just outside the door to the basement. You'll step over it and you'll leave. That skeleton key is there, but you don't need it because you know that that skeleton key is not what actually kept you in here in the first place. Is there anything you want to do in the house before you leave? [03:58:26] Speaker D: Yeah, I think I'm just gonna get. Get the fuck out. [03:58:28] Speaker A: Get the fuck out of the house. [03:58:30] Speaker B: Sure. [03:58:32] Speaker E: I'm, like, set the whole thing on fire. Like, burn it down. [03:58:37] Speaker B: I mean, you do already have a room that's ready for that, don't you? [03:58:41] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [03:58:43] Speaker B: Upstairs in the study. Cassidy, did you take the extra matches? [03:58:49] Speaker C: I did. I did. [03:58:53] Speaker B: So you all gather at the front door, ready to leave, and Shawn says, wait. Reaches out, asks for the matches, will run upstairs, and because, you know, I mean, you. You could smell the oil. Cassidy talked to you about the oil. Of course, you know that this room is here. So you'll strike a mask and go. [03:59:21] Speaker E: Chuck it on the thing and run and kind of push them out the door. It's like, get back down. [03:59:29] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure that's considered arson. Okay. [03:59:33] Speaker E: Yeah. I think everything is real, and we've discovered that now. And I think it needs to die. [03:59:39] Speaker D: So I think often to argue with that. With you on that one. [03:59:44] Speaker A: Yeah. This. [03:59:44] Speaker B: This. [03:59:44] Speaker E: This austin is needed in this case. [03:59:47] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:59:49] Speaker C: I'm gonna have to reevaluate everything I've ever thought. [03:59:52] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [03:59:53] Speaker C: What about, like, vampires and, like, werewolves. [03:59:57] Speaker E: And, I mean, mummy, they're probably all real, like. And I don't know whether that's a good thing anymore. Like, let's just go. [04:00:12] Speaker C: Yeah, that sounds good. [04:00:13] Speaker D: And, yeah, let's get out of here. [04:00:15] Speaker E: Talk about this again. [04:00:18] Speaker B: So you all leave the barnacle house within an hour or two. It's very damp in that house. It'll be up in flames. There is no storm outside anymore. The storm that you all know was raging for a very long time. But if you'd been outside as the grimoire burned down, you would have seen the storm end. Right? Around the same time, the house will go up in flames, and the police will blame it on some Halloween prank. And as you all gather on the playground at school, the first time since two nights ago when you all experienced everything at the barnaker house. Sean, your hand is bandaged a little more professionally now. [04:01:20] Speaker E: Yeah, I think there was a lot of salve and a lot of cleaning that happened when we got back. Gore, blood, dead people stuff. [04:01:31] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, it was a lot. It was. It was gross. And Cassidy you took a shower as soon as you got home. I cried because. Oh, yeah, I think. I think you all cried. Brady, did you cry? You don't have to tell them. You can just tell me. But did you cry when you got home? [04:01:55] Speaker A: I, uh. I can't think of an answer. A little bit. It was sinfully sure. [04:02:02] Speaker B: Of course. You know what? It was probably all the dust in that damn house, wasn't it? [04:02:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. [04:02:10] Speaker B: But you all can't help but celebrate over everything that happened at the barnaker house. Beating this terrible, horrible, dreadful witch. And now that you've had this experience together, it's all kind of brought you together because it's forged a friendship and the terrors that you survived. But our camera is going to pull away from our heroes, making them shrink in the distance, lost among all of the other children. Children playing in the unexpectedly bright November day. A glorious last burst of warm weather before the chill of winter arrives. And then the camera pauses and slowly pans around to reveal the matted grey fur of a mangy cat who has been watching from afar. The cat turns to look at our camera, at our viewers this evening. His one good eye revealed to be a little too human. The creature hisses and runs out of sight. The previously happy music turns dark and ominous, and a faint, cruel laugh can be heard as the screen fades to black and our credits roll. And that's the dare, folks. [04:03:46] Speaker A: Cat. [04:03:48] Speaker B: The cat being the gray man, maybe? Oh, yeah. 100%. [04:03:54] Speaker C: 100%. [04:03:57] Speaker B: So this has been the dare, originally a call of Cthulhu campaign that we reworked to be to run in kids on bikes. I have had so much fun with this. I have been thrown for so many loops. I was so unprepared. But you guys absolutely knocked it out of the park. I hope you all enjoyed it. Everybody watching in twitch chat, everybody here that played it. Aaron, the disappearing man himself. [04:04:28] Speaker A: My cat was in my feet. [04:04:31] Speaker D: Oh, no. [04:04:35] Speaker B: But yeah. So happy Halloween. Thanks for tuning in for our Halloween special. This was so much fun. Thank you to my amazing cast for coming together so quickly, so last minute and with costumes, which was so much fun for me. Yeah, they've been amazing. You should all tell them in chat right now how amazing you think they are. So, Aubrey, Miss Dakota Murphy, Miss Popular girl herself. You are one of our favorite people here around the court. If people want to find more of you, where can they find you on the Internet? [04:05:12] Speaker D: Well, you can go pretty much anywhere, any social media. You can find me at Madqueen cosplay. And I usually gobbles and gays, bring your own mech, wayward arcadium, all that fun stuff. You can find me over there doing those things. [04:05:26] Speaker B: Awesome, awesome, awesome. Also here once in a while, more than once in a while, because we kind of pull you in a lot. [04:05:34] Speaker D: I always say yes. [04:05:35] Speaker B: It's true. You do. You don't know how to say no. It's very. [04:05:38] Speaker D: I don't. [04:05:39] Speaker B: But I mean, I love you for it. But good, good. I'm glad we have fun too, Jess. Miss Cassidy Jones, woman with a plan who didn't believe any of this and definitely turned into a believer at the end. And also the, the one with the matches at the very last moment. If people want to find more of you, where can they do it? [04:05:59] Speaker C: I usually hang out on Twitterinderskoria. That's where you can find me literally every day of the week. But if you are also looking for more TTRPG content, you can find merles run these worlds. We're doing the Arcane Corps right now, monster of the week podcast every Monday. And you can find me on Zealzaddy's channel. We're going to be starting up again in November, on Tuesdays. You can also find me. Oh, I forgot to mention this last time, you can also find me on ex row crows channel for off the vine. That will also be coming back soon. [04:06:33] Speaker B: I know. I'm so, so, so excited for the return of off the vine. It is such a good show. It may or may not have been one of the reasons that I was like kids on bikes, because it's kids on brooms, but it's basically the same thing. Just like magic versus. Yeah, spooky stuff. [04:06:50] Speaker C: So just the only reason why I felt comfortable coming into this, because I was like, I have some knowledge of that system. [04:06:58] Speaker B: Yeah, perfect. I mean, you have more knowledge than I did. And I think we all did lovely. [04:07:03] Speaker C: I think we did great. [04:07:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Lola. Mister Sean Whitaker, the man with the plan, who knows all about the occult. Weirdly, like, probably way more than an eleven year old should know about the occult, if I'm being honest. [04:07:21] Speaker E: What can I say? Sean did his research and it's maybe a little bit more morbid than an eleven year old should be. But like, sometimes life knocks you physics, feeds you lemons, puts you in car accidents with some of your family that don't make it out. Never mind. But me? Me. Lola. [04:07:44] Speaker B: Yes, Lola. If people want to find you anywhere on the Internet, where can they go? [04:07:51] Speaker E: So you can find me pretty much anywhere under third vault yarns. Because I make yarny things and for you to make things with yarn. But yeah. So third volt yarns, come find me. [04:08:06] Speaker B: Awesome. Wonderful. Are you doing any fun ttrpg stuff that we have to know about? Because obviously we're gonna check you out soon. [04:08:14] Speaker E: That would. That would be a thing that I should mention. [04:08:16] Speaker D: Yes. [04:08:16] Speaker E: So, yeah, so I'm in a kind of limited run campaign for hoard of tales with twelve occult eye, and we are basically, I'm playing this super fun demon Sutanzi. And yeah, we are, like, going around haunting our bonded witches, blah, blah. Come check it out. And there'll be more stuff that I'm in for a roll together and. Yeah, just kind of jumping around. Oh, yeah, come find me. [04:08:58] Speaker B: Perfect. And lastly, but not leastly, Erin Brady Wells, the one character that I think has made you say more about sports than you ever have in the entirety of our friendship, which is forever. If people want to find you, where can they do it? [04:09:21] Speaker A: I have to confess that I actually texted my friend Rob, who is a huge baseball fan and been like, baseball facts, like, super pronto. And he did get back to me in the game. So at one point, you will see me being like. And that was me getting the script. [04:09:36] Speaker B: Oh, what a good guy. Good on you, Rob. [04:09:40] Speaker A: Rob is a sir. And then, you know, hey, credit to stepping into the role, right? [04:09:45] Speaker B: Sure. No, absolutely. [04:09:47] Speaker A: But, yep. I'm Aaron. I'm normally sitting in that chair where v is right now, here at Queen's court games. You can find me on Twitter at Aaron in words. You can find my games at Queen's court rpg on Twitter. I don't do Instagram. I'm not cool enough. I think I'm too old for TikTok. But aside from that, I'm also currently cross pollinating in the rpg universe with multiple games over at Redmoon RPG. So if you like Warhammer fantasy roleplay, if you like unknown armies, or if you like cult, I have had games that are quite recently that you can go find. And these. In one of them, I'll let you go and figure it out. And first person to send me a DM, tell me which one will get a special prize. [04:10:27] Speaker B: Wait, I know. Can I get the prize? [04:10:30] Speaker A: Obviously not. That's insider trading. [04:10:32] Speaker B: Okay, well, I. Okay, well done. [04:10:37] Speaker A: Well done. And. [04:10:40] Speaker B: You'Re like, I. [04:10:41] Speaker A: Okay, we're done now. And I'm like, no, because there's one more person we have to talk about. Who's your favorite lady of the court over here at Queen's court games. It's v. V. People want to see you doing all kinds more stuff, sometimes running games by surprise, but also maybe just doing cool shit on the Internet. Where can they find you? [04:10:59] Speaker B: Oh, Aaron, everybody knows where they can find me. They can find me on Twitter versus four vampire because my name is Vy and I like vampires. But you can also find Queens court games. Like Erin said at Queens court rpg, we do have an Instagram account. It's court games. We also have a Facebook account, which is court games. We also have a TikTok, which is at Queen's court games. Queen's court games is everywhere, even if Aaron is not. But yes, you can find all of the stuff that I do there. Like Aaron said, I am in a red moon game, but apparently now I'm not allowed to tell you which one because that would be spoilers. So I also just recently finished the thing over with roll together. Not with Lola, but just pointing to Lola because we're all together. So I don't know. I do a bunch of stuff, but, you know, it's. Yeah, don't forget, you can also find art and stuff that I do, like. Like secret art over on our Patreon. Queens court games, where every month I release, like, two pieces that I don't put out anywhere else. So it's kind of a cool thing. They also relate to our campaigns. So, like, if you like our lore, that's always a good thing to check out. But this has been the dare. Thank you guys so much for joining us. Hope you're all having a wonderful, wonderful Halloween. I think we have to go and talk about.

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